#include <Inventor/draggers/SoDragPointDragger.h>

Inherits SoDragger.

Public Member Functions

virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const

Returns the type identification of an object derived from a class inheriting SoBase. This is used for run-time type checking and 'downward' casting. virtual const SoNodekitCatalog * getNodekitCatalog (void) const

SoDragPointDragger (void)

void setJumpLimit (const float limit)

float getJumpLimit (void) const

void showNextDraggerSet (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId (void)

static const SoNodekitCatalog * getClassNodekitCatalog (void)

static void initClass (void)

Public Attributes

SoSFVec3f translation

Protected Member Functions

virtual const SoFieldData * getFieldData (void) const

virtual ~SoDragPointDragger (void)

virtual SbBool setUpConnections (SbBool onoff, SbBool doitalways=FALSE)

virtual void setDefaultOnNonWritingFields (void)

void dragStart (void)

void drag (void)

void dragFinish (void)

Static Protected Member Functions

static const SoFieldData ** getFieldDataPtr (void)

static const SoNodekitCatalog ** getClassNodekitCatalogPtr (void)

static void startCB (void *f, SoDragger *d)

static void motionCB (void *f, SoDragger *d)

static void finishCB (void *f, SoDragger *d)

static void metaKeyChangeCB (void *f, SoDragger *d)

static void fieldSensorCB (void *f, SoSensor *s)

static void valueChangedCB (void *f, SoDragger *d)

Protected Attributes

SoSFNode noRotSep

SoSFNode planeFeedbackSep

SoSFNode planeFeedbackSwitch

SoSFNode planeFeedbackTranslation

SoSFNode rotX

SoSFNode rotXSep

SoSFNode rotY

SoSFNode rotYSep

SoSFNode rotZ

SoSFNode rotZSep

SoSFNode xFeedback

SoSFNode xFeedbackSep

SoSFNode xFeedbackSwitch

SoSFNode xFeedbackTranslation

SoSFNode xTranslator

SoSFNode xTranslatorSwitch

SoSFNode xyFeedback

SoSFNode xyTranslator

SoSFNode xyTranslatorSwitch

SoSFNode xzFeedback

SoSFNode xzTranslator

SoSFNode xzTranslatorSwitch

SoSFNode yFeedback

SoSFNode yFeedbackSep

SoSFNode yFeedbackSwitch

SoSFNode yFeedbackTranslation

SoSFNode yTranslator

SoSFNode yTranslatorSwitch

SoSFNode yzFeedback

SoSFNode yzTranslator

SoSFNode yzTranslatorSwitch

SoSFNode zFeedback

SoSFNode zFeedbackSep

SoSFNode zFeedbackSwitch

SoSFNode zFeedbackTranslation

SoSFNode zTranslator

SoSFNode zTranslatorSwitch

SoFieldSensor * fieldSensor

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The SoDragPointDragger class provides mechanisms for moving a point in 3D.

Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state:

This dragger is convenient to use when it is desirable that the end-user should interact with points by positioning them freely in 3D space.

The dragger consists of a part for 2D motion in a plane (like the SoTranslate2Dragger) and another part on the axis normal to the plane.

While the dragger is inactive (ie the user is not currently grabbing and / or dragging it's parts), the CTRL keys on the keyboard can be used to switch the orientation of the 2D-plane part and the normal-axis part so the normal-axis part points along one of the other principal axes. This is done by position the mouse pointer over the dragger geometry and pressing and releasing a CTRL key.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoDragPointDragger::SoDragPointDragger (void)

Default constructor, sets up the dragger nodekit catalog with the interaction and feedback geometry.

Node kit structure (new entries versus parent class marked with arrow prefix):

CLASS SoDragPointDragger
-->      "noRotSep"
-->         "xTranslatorSwitch"
-->            "xTranslator"
-->         "xyTranslatorSwitch"
-->            "xyTranslator"
-->      "rotXSep"
-->         "rotX"
-->         "xzTranslatorSwitch"
-->            "xzTranslator"
-->      "rotYSep"
-->         "rotY"
-->         "zTranslatorSwitch"
-->            "zTranslator"
-->         "yzTranslatorSwitch"
-->            "yzTranslator"
-->      "rotZSep"
-->         "rotZ"
-->         "yTranslatorSwitch"
-->            "yTranslator"
-->      "xFeedbackSwitch"
-->         "xFeedbackSep"
-->            "xFeedbackTranslation"
-->            "xFeedback"
-->      "yFeedbackSwitch"
-->         "yFeedbackSep"
-->            "yFeedbackTranslation"
-->            "yFeedback"
-->      "zFeedbackSwitch"
-->         "zFeedbackSep"
-->            "zFeedbackTranslation"
-->            "zFeedback"
-->      "planeFeedbackSep"
-->         "planeFeedbackTranslation"
-->         "planeFeedbackSwitch"
-->            "yzFeedback"
-->            "xzFeedback"
-->            "xyFeedback"

(See SoBaseKit::printDiagram() for information about the output formatting.)

Detailed information on catalog parts:

CLASS SoDragPointDragger
PVT   "this",  SoDragPointDragger  ---
      "callbackList",  SoNodeKitListPart [ SoCallback, SoEventCallback ]
PVT   "topSeparator",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "motionMatrix",  SoMatrixTransform  ---
PVT   "noRotSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "xTranslatorSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
      "xTranslator",  SoTranslate1Dragger  ---
PVT   "xyTranslatorSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
      "xyTranslator",  SoTranslate2Dragger  ---
PVT   "rotXSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "rotX",  SoRotation  ---
PVT   "xzTranslatorSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
      "xzTranslator",  SoTranslate2Dragger  ---
PVT   "rotYSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "rotY",  SoRotation  ---
PVT   "zTranslatorSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
      "zTranslator",  SoTranslate1Dragger  ---
PVT   "yzTranslatorSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
      "yzTranslator",  SoTranslate2Dragger  ---
PVT   "rotZSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "rotZ",  SoRotation  ---
PVT   "yTranslatorSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
      "yTranslator",  SoTranslate1Dragger  ---
PVT   "xFeedbackSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
PVT   "xFeedbackSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "xFeedbackTranslation",  SoTranslation  ---
      "xFeedback",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "yFeedbackSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
PVT   "yFeedbackSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "yFeedbackTranslation",  SoTranslation  ---
      "yFeedback",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "zFeedbackSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
PVT   "zFeedbackSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "zFeedbackTranslation",  SoTranslation  ---
      "zFeedback",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "planeFeedbackSep",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "planeFeedbackTranslation",  SoTranslation  ---
PVT   "planeFeedbackSwitch",  SoSwitch  ---
      "yzFeedback",  SoSeparator  ---
      "xzFeedback",  SoSeparator  ---
      "xyFeedback",  SoSeparator  ---
PVT   "geomSeparator",  SoSeparator  ---

(See SoBaseKit::printTable() for information about the output formatting.)

SoDragPointDragger::~SoDragPointDragger (void)\fC [protected]\fP, \fC [virtual]\fP

Protected destructor.

(Dragger classes are derived from SoBase, so they are reference counted and automatically destroyed when their reference count goes to 0.)

Member Function Documentation

\fBSoType\fP SoDragPointDragger::getTypeId (void) const\fC [virtual]\fP

Returns the type identification of an object derived from a class inheriting SoBase. This is used for run-time type checking and 'downward' casting. Usage example:

void foo(SoNode * node)
  if (node->getTypeId() == SoFile::getClassTypeId()) {
    SoFile * filenode = (SoFile *)node;  // safe downward cast, knows the type

For application programmers wanting to extend the library with new nodes, engines, nodekits, draggers or others: this method needs to be overridden in all subclasses. This is typically done as part of setting up the full type system for extension classes, which is usually accomplished by using the pre-defined macros available through for instance Inventor/nodes/SoSubNode.h (SO_NODE_INIT_CLASS and SO_NODE_CONSTRUCTOR for node classes), Inventor/engines/SoSubEngine.h (for engine classes) and so on.

For more information on writing Coin extensions, see the class documentation of the toplevel superclasses for the various class groups.

Reimplemented from SoDragger.

const \fBSoFieldData\fP * SoDragPointDragger::getFieldData (void) const\fC [protected]\fP, \fC [virtual]\fP

Returns a pointer to the class-wide field data storage object for this instance. If no fields are present, returns NULL.

Reimplemented from SoDragger.

const \fBSoNodekitCatalog\fP * SoDragPointDragger::getNodekitCatalog (void) const\fC [virtual]\fP

Returns the nodekit catalog which defines the layout of this class' kit.

Reimplemented from SoDragger.

void SoDragPointDragger::setJumpLimit (const floatlimit)

The dragger plane jump limit is ignored in Coin, as we use a continuous moving plane.

This method still included for API compatibility with the original SGI Inventor API.

float SoDragPointDragger::getJumpLimit (void) const

The dragger plane jump limit is ignored in Coin, as we use a continuous moving plane.

This method still included for API compatibility with the original SGI Inventor API.

void SoDragPointDragger::showNextDraggerSet (void)

Circulate the dragger's three different sets of geometry, to circulate the orientation of the translation axis and translation plane through the three principal axes.

This function is triggered when the user taps the CTRL key.

SbBool SoDragPointDragger::setUpConnections (SbBoolonoff, SbBooldoitalways = \fCFALSE\fP)\fC [protected]\fP, \fC [virtual]\fP

Sets up all internal connections for instances of this class.

(This method will usually not be of interest to the application programmer, unless you want to extend the library with new custom nodekits or dragger classes. If so, see the SoBaseKit class documentation.)

Reimplemented from SoInteractionKit.

void SoDragPointDragger::setDefaultOnNonWritingFields (void)\fC [protected]\fP, \fC [virtual]\fP

(Be aware that this method is unlikely to be of interest to the application programmer who does not want to extend the library with new custom nodekits or draggers. If you indeed are writing extensions, see the information in the SoBaseKit class documentation.)

This is a virtual method, and the code in it should call SoField::setDefault() with argument TRUE on part fields that should not be written upon scenegraph export operations.

This is typically done when:


field value is NULL and part is NULL by default


it is a leaf SoGroup or SoSeparator node with no children


it is a leaf listpart with no children and an SoGroup or SoSeparator container


it is a non-leaf part and it's of SoGroup type and all fields are at their default values

Subclasses should usually override this to do additional settings for new member fields. From the subclass, do remember to call 'upwards' to your superclass' setDefaultOnNonWritingFields() method.

Reimplemented from SoDragger.

void SoDragPointDragger::dragStart (void)\fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer. Called when dragger is selected (picked) by the user.

void SoDragPointDragger::drag (void)\fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer. Called when user drags the mouse after picking the dragger.

void SoDragPointDragger::dragFinish (void)\fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer. Called when mouse button is released after picking and interacting with the dragger.

void SoDragPointDragger::startCB (void *d, \fBSoDragger\fP *d)\fC [static]\fP, \fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

void SoDragPointDragger::motionCB (void *d, \fBSoDragger\fP *d)\fC [static]\fP, \fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

void SoDragPointDragger::finishCB (void *d, \fBSoDragger\fP *d)\fC [static]\fP, \fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

void SoDragPointDragger::metaKeyChangeCB (void *d, \fBSoDragger\fP *d)\fC [static]\fP, \fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

void SoDragPointDragger::fieldSensorCB (void *d, \fBSoSensor\fP *s)\fC [static]\fP, \fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

void SoDragPointDragger::valueChangedCB (void *f, \fBSoDragger\fP *d)\fC [static]\fP, \fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

Member Data Documentation

\fBSoSFVec3f\fP SoDragPointDragger::translation

Continuously updated to contain the current translation from the dragger's local origo position.

The application programmer applying this dragger in his code should connect the relevant node fields in the scene to this field to make it follow the dragger.

\fBSoFieldSensor\fP * SoDragPointDragger::fieldSensor\fC [protected]\fP

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.


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