The soaccumulatedelement class is an abstract class for storing accumulated state. this is the superclass of elements where new element data accumulates with older data.
#include <Inventor/elements/SoAccumulatedElement.h>
Inherits SoElement.
Inherited by SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoClipPlaneElement, SoLightElement, SoModelMatrixElement, SoMultiTextureMatrixElement, SoProfileElement, and SoVertexAttributeElement.
virtual SbBool matches (const SoElement *element) const
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void initClass (void)
virtual void init (SoState *state)
virtual void push (SoState *state)
void clearNodeIds (void)
void addNodeId (const SoNode *const node)
void setNodeId (const SoNode *const node)
void copyNodeIds (const SoAccumulatedElement *copyfrom)
virtual SoElement * copyMatchInfo (void) const
virtual void captureThis (SoState *state) const
SbList< uint32_t > nodeIds
The SoAccumulatedElement class is an abstract class for storing accumulated state.
This is the superclass of elements where new element data accumulates with older data.
The element stores node id values for all nodes accumulated during traversal for the current state. These id values are used to determine when to invalidate caches.
See also:
SoReplacedElement, SoFloatElement, SoInt32Element
This function returns TRUE is the element matches another element (of the same class), with respect to cache validity.
If the application programmer's extension element has a matches() function, it should also have a copyMatchInfo() function.
Implements SoElement.
Reimplemented in SoModelMatrixElement.
This function initializes the element type in the given SoState. It is called for the first element of each enabled element type in SoState objects.
Reimplemented from SoElement.
Reimplemented in SoProfileElement, SoLightElement, SoMultiTextureMatrixElement, SoBBoxModelMatrixElement, SoClipPlaneElement, SoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement, SoModelMatrixElement, SoBumpMapMatrixElement, SoGLClipPlaneElement, and SoGLModelMatrixElement.
This method is called every time a new element is required in one of the stacks. This happens when a writable element is requested, using SoState::getElement() or indirectly SoElement::getElement(), and the depth of the current element is less than the state depth.
Override this method if your element needs to copy data from the previous top of stack. The push() method is called on the new element, and the previous element can be found using SoElement::getNextInStack().
Reimplemented from SoElement.
Reimplemented in SoProfileElement, SoLightElement, SoBBoxModelMatrixElement, SoMultiTextureMatrixElement, SoClipPlaneElement, SoGLMultiTextureMatrixElement, SoModelMatrixElement, SoBumpMapMatrixElement, and SoGLModelMatrixElement.
Empty the list of node ids.
Add the node id of node to the list of node ids.
Empty the list of node ids, and add the id of node.
Convenience method which copies the node ids from copyfrom to this element.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
This function creates a copy of the element that contains enough information to enable the matches() function to work.
Used to help with scenegraph traversal caching operations.
Implements SoElement.
Adds the element to the cache.
Reimplemented from SoElement.
Stores the internal list of node id values for nodes accumulated on the stack for the element.
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