0install-core / 0desktop(1)
0desktop add programs to the desktop environment
0install-core / 0install(1)
0install a decentralised software installation system
0install-core / 0launch(1)
0launch download and run programs by url
0install-core / 0store(1)
0store manage the implementation cache
0install-core / 0store-secure-add(1)
0store-secure-add add an implementation to the system cache
xml2 / 2csv(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
xml2 / 2html(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
lrslib / 2nash(1)
Find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
transtermhp / 2ndscore(1)
python2.7 / 2to3-2.7(1)
Python2 to python3 converter
python3.4 / 2to3-3.4(1)
Python2 to python3 converter
2vcard / 2vcard(1)
Convert addressbooks to vcard format
xml2 / 2xml(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
3depict / 3depict(1)
3d scalar point cloud visualization and analysis
survex / 3dtopos(1)
3dtopos produce a .pos file from a .3d file
ubuntu-dev-tools / 404main(1)
Check if all build dependencies of a package are in main
netpbm / 411toppm(1)
Convert sony mavica .411 image to ppm
4g8 / 4g8(1)
Packet capture and interception for switched networks
6tunnel / 6tunnel(1)
Tunnelling for application that don't speak ipv6
p7zip-full / 7z(1)
A file archiver with highest compression ratio
p7zip-full / 7za(1)
A file archiver with highest compression ratio
p7zip / 7zr(1)
A file archiver with highest compression ratio
9mount / 9bind(1)
Mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9menu / 9menu(1)
Create a menu to run commands
9mount / 9mount(1)
Mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9mount / 9umount(1)
Mount/unmount 9p filesystems
9wm / 9wm(1)
\*(85-like window manager for x
aclock.app / AClock(1)
Analog dockapp clock for gnustep
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-analyse(1)
Automatic data capture from scans for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-annote(1)
Completed answer sheets annotation after marking for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-association(1)
Manual association between students and answer sheets for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-association-auto(1)
Automatic association between students and answer sheets for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-export(1)
Exports marks for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-getimages(1)
Prepares scan images before sending them to amc-analyse(1) for analysis
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-imprime(1)
Prints amc multiple choice answer sheets to be distributed to the students
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-mailing(1)
Mail pdf annotated completed answer sheets to students
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-meptex(1)
Gets the layout information from the working document to the layout database
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-note(1)
Computes marks after scans data capture for amc multiple choice exams.
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-prepare(1)
Prepares working documents from latex source file
auto-multiple-choice-common / AMC-regroupe(1)
Merge jpeg annotated amc multiple choice answer sheets to get a pdf file per student.
ants / ANTS(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSIntegrateVectorField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSIntegrateVelocityField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSJacobian(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSUseDeformationFieldToGetAffineTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetAffineTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ANTSUseLandmarkImagesToGetBSplineDisplacementField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
axiom / AXIOMsys(1)
A general purpose computer algebra system
topp / AccurateMassSearch(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / AdditiveSeries(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
adun.app / AdunCore(1)
Core module of the adun molecular simulator
adun.app / AdunServer(1)
Server for the adun molecular simulator
affiche.app / Affiche(1)
An application to "stick" little notes on the desktop
ants / Atropos(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageAffineTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageAffineTransformNoRigid(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / AverageTensorImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ballview / BALLView(1)
A free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool
dirac / BMPtoRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
brp-pacu / BRP_PACU(1)
Dual fft live audio analysis program
topp / BaselineFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / BermudanSwaption(1)
Example of using quantlib
quantlib-examples / Bonds(1)
Example of bond pricing
quantlib-examples / CDS(1)
Example of credit-default swap pricing
topp / CVInspector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
gnustep-examples / Calculator(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
quantlib-examples / CallableBonds(1)
Example of callable-bond pricing
camera.app / Camera(1)
Downloads files from your digital camera
haxml / Canonicalise(1)
\(oqcat\(cq filters for xml documents
haxml / CanonicaliseLazy(1)
\(oqcat\(cq filters for xml documents
cenon.app / Cenon(1)
Vector graphics software for gnustep
charmap.app / Charmap(1)
A character map
cigi-ccl-examples / CigiDummyIG(1)
Sample cigi image generator
cigi-ccl-examples / CigiMiniHost(1)
Sample cigi host
clonalframe / ClonalFrame(1)
Inference of bacterial microevolution using multilocus sequence data
ants / ClusterImageStatistics(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ncbi-tools-x11 / Cn3D-3.0(1)
A 3-dimensional viewer for biological molecules
topp / CompNovo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / CompNovoCID(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ComposeMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CompositeTransformUtil(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ConsensusID(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ConsensusMapNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ConvertImagePixelType(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ConvertInputImagePixelTypeToFloat(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ConvertScalarImageToRGB(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ConvertTSVToTraML(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ConvertToJpg(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ConvertTraMLToTSV(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ConvertTransformFile(1)
Part of ants registration suite
quantlib-examples / ConvertibleBonds(1)
Example of using quantlib to value convertible bonds
ants / CopyImageHeaderInformation(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateDTICohort(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateDisplacementField(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
dbus-java-bin / CreateInterface(1)
Createinterface create a java interface definition from dbus introspection data.
ants / CreateJacobianDeterminantImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateTiledMosaic(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / CreateWarpedGridImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
cura-engine / CuraEngine(1)
Stl to gcode converter
gnustep-examples / CurrencyConverter(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
cutesdr / CuteSdr(1)
A simple demodulation and spectrum display program
cynthiune.app / Cynthiune(1)
Music player for gnustep
topp / DBExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DBImporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
dbus-java-bin / DBusCall(1)
Dbuscall calls methods on dbus
dbus-java-bin / DBusDaemon(1)
Dbusdaemon runs a d-bus daemon
dbus-java-bin / DBusViewer(1)
Dbusviewer show connections to the bus and introspect on them.
logcentral-tools / DIETtestTool(1)
Example of a tool that connects to the logcentral without any filter and that display all the messages published. it is used as an example for the diet program. all received published messages are also stored in a log file.
oce-draw / DRAWEXE(1)
Opencascade test harness
drawxtl / DRAWxtl55(1)
Display crystal structures on ordinary computer hardware
topp / DTAExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DeMeanderize(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / DeNrrd(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / Decharger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DecoyDatabase(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
pixelmed-apps / DicomSRValidator(1)
Works with dicom files
dictionaryreader.app / DictionaryReader(1)
Dict client for gnustep
topp / Digestor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / DigestorMotif(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / DiscreteHedging(1)
Example of using quantlib
haxml / DtdToHaskell(1)
A xml dtd to haskell translator
edtsurf / EDTSurf(1)
Quick and accurate construction of macromolecular surfaces
topp / EICExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ERPairFinder(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
etl-dev / ETL-config(1)
Get information about an etl installation
edenmath.app / EdenMath(1)
Scientific calculator for gnustep
emma / Emma(1)
Extendable mysql managing assistant
quantlib-examples / EquityOption(1)
Example of using quantlib to value equity options
eterm / Esetroot(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Etbg(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Etbg_update_list(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Etcolors(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Eterm(1)
The enlightened terminal emulator for the x window system
eterm / Etsearch(1)
Eterm accessory programs
eterm / Ettable(1)
Eterm accessory programs
topp / ExecutePipeline(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
uniutils / ExplicateUTF8(1)
Explain the status of a sequence of bytes as a utf8 encoding
ants / ExtractRegionFromImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ExtractRegionFromImageByMask(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ExtractSliceFromImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / FFEval(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
spass / FLOTTER(1)
Automated theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality
quantlib-examples / FRA(1)
Example of using quantlib
ftp.app / FTP(1)
File transfer protocol application
topp / FalseDiscoveryRate(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderCentroided(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderIsotopeWavelet(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderMRM(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderMetabo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderRaw(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureFinderSuperHirn(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureLinkerLabeled(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureLinkerUnlabeled(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FeatureLinkerUnlabeledQT(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
llvm-3.4 / FileCheck-3.4(1)
Flexible pattern matching file verifier
llvm-3.5 / FileCheck-3.5(1)
Flexible pattern matching file verifier
topp / FileConverter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FileFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FileInfo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / FileMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / FittedBondCurve(1)
Example of using quantlib to fit discount curves
freefem++ / FreeFem++(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-glx(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-mpi(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-nw(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
freefem++ / FreeFem++-x11(1)
Executes freefem++ scripts
fritzing / Fritzing(1)
From prototype to product
topp / FuzzyDiff(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
fvwm / FvwmAnimate(1)
The fvwm animate module
fvwm1 / FvwmAudio1(1)
The fvwm audio module
fvwm / FvwmAuto(1)
The fvwm auto-raise module
fvwm1 / FvwmAuto1(1)
The fvwm auto-raise module
fvwm / FvwmBacker(1)
The fvwm background changer module
fvwm1 / FvwmBacker1(1)
The fvwm background changer module
fvwm / FvwmBanner(1)
The fvwm banner module
fvwm1 / FvwmBanner1(1)
The fvwm banner
fvwm / FvwmButtons(1)
The fvwm buttonbox module
fvwm1 / FvwmClean1(1)
The fvwm desktop clutter reduction module
fvwm / FvwmCommand(1)
Fvwm command external interface
fvwm / FvwmConsole(1)
An fvwm command input interface
fvwm / FvwmConsoleC.pl(1)
Command editor for fvwm command input interface
fvwm / FvwmCpp(1)
The fvwm cpp pre-processor
fvwm / FvwmDebug(1)
The fvwm module debugger
fvwm1 / FvwmDebug1(1)
The fvwm module debugger
fvwm / FvwmDragWell(1)
A xdnd drag well
fvwm / FvwmForm(1)
Input form module for fvwm
fvwm / FvwmGtkDebug(1)
Graphical interactive fvwm module debugger
fvwm / FvwmIconBox(1)
The fvwm icon box module
fvwm1 / FvwmIconBox1(1)
The fvwm iconbox module
fvwm / FvwmIconMan(1)
An fvwm icon manager
fvwm / FvwmIdent(1)
The fvwm identify-window module
fvwm1 / FvwmIdent1(1)
The fvwm identify-window module
fvwm / FvwmM4(1)
The fvwm m4 pre-processor
fvwm / FvwmPager(1)
The fvwm pager module
fvwm1 / FvwmPager1(1)
The fvwm pager module
fvwm / FvwmPerl(1)
The fvwm perl manipulator and preprocessor
fvwm / FvwmProxy(1)
The fvwm proxy module
fvwm / FvwmRearrange(1)
Rearrange fvwm windows
fvwm / FvwmSave(1)
The fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm1 / FvwmSave1(1)
The fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm / FvwmSaveDesk(1)
Another fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm1 / FvwmSaveDesk1(1)
Another fvwm desktop-layout saving module
fvwm / FvwmScript(1)
Module to build graphic user interface
fvwm / FvwmScroll(1)
The fvwm scroll-bar module
fvwm1 / FvwmScroll1(1)
The fvwm scroll-bar module
fvwm / FvwmTabs(1)
A generic tabbing module for the fvwm window manager.
fvwm / FvwmTaskBar(1)
The fvwm taskbar module
fvwm / FvwmTheme(1)
An fvwm module for managing the appearance of fvwm and its modules
fvwm / FvwmWharf(1)
The afterstep application "dock" module ported to fvwm.
fvwm / FvwmWinList(1)
The fvwm window list module
fvwm1 / FvwmWinList1(1)
The fvwm window list module
fvwm / FvwmWindowMenu(1)
Open configurable fvwm menu listing current windows
gentle / GENtle(1)
Program to plan genetic cloning experiments
librenaissance0-dev / GSMarkupBrowser(1)
Gnustep development framework
librenaissance0-dev / GSMarkupLocalizableStrings(1)
Gnustep development framework
gnustep-gui-common / GSSpeechServer(1)
Gnustep speech server
gnustep-examples / GSTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gtamsanalyzer.app / GTAMSAnalyzer(1)
Qualitative research software
gworkspace.app / GWorkspace(1)
Gnustep workspace manager
nsis / GenPat(1)
A program to create patch files in vpatch format.
topp / GenericWrapper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / GetConnectedComponentsFeatureImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
goldencheetah / GoldenCheetah(1)
Cycling performance software
fvwm1 / GoodStuff1(1)
The fvwm button panel module
gorm.app / Gorm(1)
Graphical objects relationship modeler
libgraphicsmagick++1-dev / GraphicsMagick++-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of magick++
libgraphicsmagick1-dev / GraphicsMagick-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of graphicsmagick
libgraphicsmagick1-dev / GraphicsMagickWand-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of graphicsmagick
wcslib-tools / HPXcvt(1)
Reorganise healpix data into a 2-d fits image
gnustep-base-runtime / HTMLLinker(1)
Tool to fix up href references in html files
handbrake-cli / HandBrakeCLI(1)
Versatile dvd ripper and video transcoder (command line)
helpviewer.app / HelpViewer(1)
Online help viewer for gnustep programs
herculesstudio / HerculesStudio(1)
Hercules gui interface
herwig++ / Herwig++(1)
Multi-purpose monte-carlo event generator for particle physics.
topp / HighResPrecursorMassCorrector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
hscolour / HsColour(1)
Generate colourised output for haskell code
topp / IDConflictResolver(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDDecoyProbability(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDEvaluator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDEvaluatorGUI(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDFileConverter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDMapper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDMassAccuracy(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDPosteriorErrorProbability(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDRTCalibration(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDRipper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IDSplitter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-common / INIFILE(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource ini file editor
topp / INIFileEditor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / INIUpdater(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin / ISQL-VT(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource sql interface (unicode)
topp / ITRAQAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ImageCompare(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / ImageCreator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ImageMath(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ImageSetStatistics(1)
Part of ants registration suite
pixelmed-apps / ImageToDicom(1)
Works with dicom files
topp / InclusionExclusionListCreator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
gnustep-examples / Ink(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
topp / InspectAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / InternalCalibration(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / IsobaricAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
jfractionlab / JFractionLab(1)
Educative program to practice fractions
libjxr-tools / JxrDecApp(1)
Jpeg xr decoder utility
libjxr-tools / JxrEncApp(1)
Jpeg xr encoder utility
kwstyle / KWStyle(1)
Style checker for source code
libkate-tools / KateDJ(1)
Edits and remixes kate streams in ogg
ants / KellyKapowski(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / KellySlater(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / LabelClustersUniquely(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / LabelGeometryMeasures(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / LabelOverlapMeasures(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / LabeledEval(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / LaplacianThickness(1)
Part of ants registration suite
leaktracer / LeakCheck(1)
A memory-usage debugger for c++ programs
leaktracer / LeakTracer(1)
A memory-usage debugger for c++ programs
nsis / LibraryLocal(1)
A program to get version numbers from dll files for use with nsis.
dbus-java-bin / ListDBus(1)
Listdbus list the names on a dbus
logcentral / LogCentral(1)
Service using the publisher/subscriber model, where components publish tagged messages and tools get back appropriate messages .
logol / LogolExec(1)
Program to parse a logol grammar and search pattern in a sequence.
logol / LogolMultiExec(1)
Program to parse a logol grammar and search pattern in a sequence, it allows one to run the logolexec program on multi fasta input and to dispatch the treatements on a drmaa compliant grid or on multi-cpu servers.
lusernet.app / LuserNET(1)
News reader for gnustep
lynkeos.app / Lynkeos(1)
Application dedicated to the processing of astronomical (mainly planetary) images taken with a webcam through a telescope.
gpac / MP4Box(1)
Mpeg-4 systems toolbox
gpac / MP4Client(1)
Gpac mpeg-4 command-line player
mpdcon.app / MPDCon(1)
Music player daemon controller
mriconvert / MRIConvert(1)
Interactive mri conversion software
topp / MRMMapper(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MRMPairFinder(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MSSimulator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
pyfai / MX-calibrate(1)
python-sardana / MacroServer(1)
Manual page for macroserver 1.4.2
python-sardana / MacroServer.py(1)
Manual page for macroserver.py 1.4.2
topp / MapAlignerIdentification(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapAlignerPoseClustering(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapAlignerSpectrum(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapAlignmentEvaluation(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapRTTransformer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MapStatistics(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / MarketModels(1)
Example of monte carlo pricing with market models
topp / MascotAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MascotAdapterOnline(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MassCalculator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MassTraceExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / MeasureImageSimilarity(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / MeasureMinMaxMean(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / MemoryTest(1)
Part of ants registration suite
mixer.app / Mixer.app(1)
Mixer application designed for windowmaker
haxml / MkOneOf(1)
A helper program to use with dtdtohaskell
clam-networkeditor / MonoOfflinePlayer(1)
Plays clam networks off-line.
ants / MultiplyImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / MyriMatchAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / MzTabExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / N3BiasFieldCorrection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / N4BiasFieldCorrection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
byobu / NF(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
pixelmed-apps / NIfTI1ToDicom(1)
Works with dicom files
netpipe-lam / NPlam(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-lam / NPlam2(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-mpich2 / NPmpich2(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-openmpi / NPopenmpi(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-openmpi / NPopenmpi2(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-pvm / NPpvm(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
netpipe-tcp / NPtcp(1)
Network protocol independent performance evaluator
pixelmed-apps / NRRDToDicom(1)
Works with dicom files
gnustep-examples / NSBrowserTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gnustep-examples / NSImageTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gnustep-examples / NSPanelTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gnustep-examples / NSScreenTest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
netanim / NetAnim(1)
Network animator based on qt4 working with ns-3
clam-networkeditor / NetworkEditor(1)
Edits clam networks
topp / NoiseFilterGaussian(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / NoiseFilterSGolay(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OMSSAAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
clam-networkeditor / OfflinePlayer(1)
Plays clam networks off-line
ogre-1.8-tools / OgreMeshUpgrader(1)
Upgrades .mesh files to the latest version
ogre-1.9-tools / OgreMeshUpgrader(1)
Upgrades .mesh files to the latest version
ogre-1.8-tools / OgreXMLConverter(1)
Converts data between xml and ogre binary formats
ogre-1.9-tools / OgreXMLConverter(1)
Converts data between xml and ogre binary formats
topp / OpenMSInfo(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathChromatogramExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathConfidenceScoring(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathDIAPreScoring(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathDecoyGenerator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathFeatureXMLToTSV(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathMzMLFileCacher(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathRTNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / OpenSwathRewriteToFeatureXML(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
orthanc / Orthanc(1)
Lightweight, restful dicom server for healthcare and medical research
pcp / PCPIntro(1)
Introduction to the performance co-pilot (pcp)
pixelmed-apps / PDFToDicomImage(1)
Works with dicom files
pgapack / PGAEncodeIntegerAsBinary(1)
Encodes an integer value as a binary string
pgapack / PGAEncodeIntegerAsGrayCode(1)
Encodes a real value as a binary reflected gray code sequence
pgapack / PGAEncodeRealAsBinary(1)
Encodes a real value as a binary string
pgapack / PGAEncodeRealAsGrayCode(1)
Encodes a real value as a binary reflected gray code sequence
pgapack / PGAEvaluate(1)
Calls a user-specified function to return an evaluation of each string in the population.
pgapack / PGAFitness(1)
Maps the user's evaluation function value to a fitness value.
pgapack / PGAGetBinaryAllele(1)
Returns the value of a (binary) allele in a pga_datatype_binary string
pgapack / PGAGetCharacterAllele(1)
Returns the value of character allele in a pga_datatype_character string
pgapack / PGAGetEvaluation(1)
Returns the evaluation function value for string p in population pop
pgapack / PGAGetEvaluationUpToDateFlag(1)
Returns true/false to indicate whether the evaluate function value is up to date
pgapack / PGAGetFitness(1)
Returns the fitness value for a string
pgapack / PGAGetFitnessCmaxValue(1)
Returns the value of the multiplier used by pgafitnessmincmax.
pgapack / PGAGetFitnessMinType(1)
Returns the type of fitness transformation used for minimization problems.
pgapack / PGAGetFitnessType(1)
Returns the type of fitness transformation used.
pgapack / PGAGetIntegerAllele(1)
Returns the value of allele i of member p in population pop.
pgapack / PGAGetIntegerFromBinary(1)
Interpets a binary string as encoding an integer value and returns the integer value it represents.
pgapack / PGAGetIntegerFromGrayCode(1)
Interpets a binary reflected gray code sequence as encoding an integer value and returns the integer value it represents.
pgapack / PGAGetMaxFitnessRank(1)
Returns the maximum value used in rank-based fitness.
pgapack / PGAGetRealAllele(1)
Returns the value of real-valued allele i in string p in population pop
pgapack / PGAGetRealFromBinary(1)
Interpets a binary string as encoding a real value and returns the real value it represents.
pgapack / PGAGetRealFromGrayCode(1)
Interpets a binary reflected gray code sequence in a binary string as encoding a real value and returns the real value it represents.
pgapack / PGARank(1)
Returns the rank of a string in a population.
pgapack / PGASetBinaryAllele(1)
Sets a binary allele to the specified value.
pgapack / PGASetCharacterAllele(1)
Sets the value of an allele in a pga_datatype_character string.
pgapack / PGASetEvaluation(1)
Set the evaluation function value for a string to a specified value.
pgapack / PGASetEvaluationUpToDateFlag(1)
Sets the flag associated with a string to pga_true or pga_flase to indicate whether the evaluate function value is out-of-date or not.
pgapack / PGASetFitnessCmaxValue(1)
The value of the multiplier used by pgafitnessmincmax so that the worst string has a nonzero fitness.
pgapack / PGASetFitnessMinType(1)
Sets the type of algorithm used if a minimization problem is specified to determine how values are remapped for maximization.
pgapack / PGASetFitnessType(1)
Set the type of fitness algorithm to use.
pgapack / PGASetIntegerAllele(1)
Sets the value of a (integer) allele.
pgapack / PGASetMaxFitnessRank(1)
The value of the parameter max when using linear ranking for fitness determination.
pgapack / PGASetRealAllele(1)
Sets the value of real-valued allele i in string p in population pop
topp / PILISIdentification(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PILISModelCV(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PILISModelTrainer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PILISSpectraGenerator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
gettext-lint / POFileChecker(1)
Searches for common mistakes in po/pot files
gettext-lint / POFileClean(1)
Resets the msgstr for situations where it's just a copy of msgid
gettext-lint / POFileEquiv(1)
Glossary generator
gettext-lint / POFileFill(1)
Fill a file with entries already translated in other files
gettext-lint / POFileGlossary(1)
Checks a collection of po files against a glossary
gettext-lint / POFileStatus(1)
Validator and status reporting
ftools-pow / POWplot(1)
Vizualize fits data
price.app / PRICE(1)
Image filtering and manipulation
libpano13-bin / PTAInterpolate(1)
Interpolate intermediate images between stereo photos.
topp / PTModel(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PTPredict(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
libpano13-bin / PTblender(1)
Colour and brightness correction of panoramas
libpano13-bin / PTcrop(1)
Crop tiff images
libpano13-bin / PTmender(1)
Replacement for ptstitcher
libpano13-bin / PTroller(1)
Merge several images into a single one
libpano13-bin / PTtiff2psd(1)
Convert a set of tiff files into a photoshop psd file
libpano13-bin / PTtiffdump(1)
Compare two tiff images
paje.app / Paje(1)
Generic visualization tool (gantt chart and more)
ants / PasteImageIntoImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / PeakPickerHiRes(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PeakPickerWavelet(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PepNovoAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PeptideIndexer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / PermuteFlipImageOrientationAxes(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / PhosphoScoring(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
plopfolio.app / PlopFolio(1)
Personal dashboard for gnustep
poe.app / Poe(1)
A vorbis comment editor
polybori-gui / PolyGUI(1)
An graphical user interface for polybori's groebner_basis
polybori-gui / PolyGUI2(1)
An graphical user interface for polybori's groebner_basis
polybori-gui / PolyGUI2.7(1)
An graphical user interface for polybori's groebner_basis
python-sardana / Pool(1)
Manual page for pool 1.4.2
posterazor / PosteRazor(1)
Splits an image across multiple pages for assembly into a poster
topp / PrecursorIonSelector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / PrecursorMassCorrector(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
preview.app / Preview(1)
General purpose image viewer for gnustep
ants / PrintHeader(1)
Part of ants registration suite
projectcenter.app / ProjectCenter(1)
The official gnustep ide
topp / ProteinInference(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ProteinQuantifier(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / ProteinResolver(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
clam-networkeditor / Prototyper(1)
Runs clam networks with a qt interface
ncbi-tools-x11 / Psequin(1)
Submit sequences to genbank, embl, and ddbj
model-builder / PyMB(1)
Graphical ode simulator
python-nwsclient / PythonNWSSleighWorker(1)
Executes the python nws sleigh worker
qrisk2 / Q77_qrisk2_2013_0_commandLine(1)
Female version of 2013 risk analysis
qrisk2 / Q77_qrisk2_2013_1_commandLine(1)
Male version of 2013 risk analysis
topp / QCCalculator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCEmbedder(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCExtractor(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCImporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / QCShrinker(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
morse / QSO(1)
Morse-code trainer and qso generator for aspiring radio hams
r-base-core / R(1)
A language for data analysis and graphics
dirac / RGBtoBMP(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoUYVY(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV411(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV420(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV422(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / RGBtoYUV444(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
topp / RNPxl(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RNPxlXICFilter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RTEvaluation(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RTModel(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / RTPredict(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ray / Ray(1)
Assemble genomes in parallel using the message-passing interface
ants / RebaseTensorImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ReorientTensorImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
quantlib-examples / Replication(1)
Example of using quantlib
quantlib-examples / Repo(1)
Example of using quantlib
ants / ResampleImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / ResampleImageBySpacing(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / Resampler(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ResetDirection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
r-base-core / Rscript(1)
Front end for scripting with r
sibsim4 / SIBsim4(1)
Align rna sequences with a dna sequence, allowing for introns
topp / SILACAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
spass / SPASS(1)
Automated theorem prover for full first-order logic with equality
stk / STKDemo(1)
Sound synthesis toolkit demo application
swish-e / SWISH-CONFIG(1)
Configuration file directives
swish-e / SWISH-FAQ(1)
The swish-e faq. answers to common questions
swish-e / SWISH-LIBRARY(1)
Interface to the swish-e c library
swish-e / SWISH-RUN(1)
Running swish-e and command line switches
swarp / SWarp(1)
Resample and combine fits images
python-sardana / Sardana(1)
Manual page for sardana 1.4.2
atfs / Save(1)
Save revision of a file
inventor-clients / SceneViewer(1)
3d editor and viewer for inventor scenes
topp / SeedListGenerator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SemanticValidator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SequenceCoverageCalculator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / SetDirectionByMatrix(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SetOrigin(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SetSpacing(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SmoothImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / SpecLibCreator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpecLibSearcher(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterBernNorm(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterMarkerMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterNLargest(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterNormalizer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterParentPeakMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterScaler(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterSqrtMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterThresholdMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraFilterWindowMower(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / SpectraMerger(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / StackSlices(1)
Part of ants registration suite
pixelmed-apps / StructuredReport(1)
Works with dicom files
ants / SurfaceBasedSmoothing(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / SurfaceCurvature(1)
Part of ants registration suite
topp / SvmTheoreticalSpectrumGeneratorTrainer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
quantlib-examples / SwapValuation(1)
Example of using quantlib
systempreferences.app / SystemPreferences(1)
Edit your personal settings for gnustep
topp / TMTAnalyzer(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
tm-align / TMalign(1)
Protein structure alignment
tm-align / TMscore(1)
An algorithm to calculate the similarity of topologies of two protein structures
topp / TOFCalibration(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / TOPPAS(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / TOPPView(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
terminal.app / Terminal(1)
Gnustep terminal emulator
textedit.app / TextEdit(1)
Basic editor for gnustep
topp / TextExporter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
ants / ThresholdImage(1)
Part of ants registration suite
thunar / Thunar(1)
File manager for the xfce desktop environment
ants / TileImages(1)
Part of ants registration suite
timemon.app / TimeMon(1)
Cpu time usage monitor
ants / TimeSCCAN(1)
Part of ants registration suite
sumo / TraCITestClient(1)
Tracitestclient for the road traffic simulation sumo
topp / TransformationEvaluation(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
trimmomatic / TrimmomaticPE(1)
Flexible read trimming tool for illumina ngs data
trimmomatic / TrimmomaticSE(1)
Flexible read trimming tool for illumina ngs data
udj-desktop-client / UDJ(1)
A social music player
adun.app / UL(1)
Molecular simulator
dirac / UYVYtoRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / UYVYtoYUV422(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin / VIRTUOSO-T(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource server
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin / VIRT_MAIL(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource mail interface
haxml / Validate(1)
Simple validation tool for xml documents
pixelmed-apps / VerificationSOPClassSCU(1)
Works with dicom files
visualboyadvance / VisualBoyAdvance(1)
volumecontrol.app / VolumeControl(1)
Audio mixer for gnustep
surfraw / W(1)
Surfraw(1) search tools
ants / WarpImageMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / WarpTensorImageMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / WarpTimeSeriesImageMultiTransform(1)
Part of ants registration suite
wrapperfactory.app / WrapperFactory(1)
Application wrappers configuration tool
topp / XMLValidator(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
topp / XTandemAdapter(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
sloccount / X_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
xdmx / Xdmx(1)
Distributed multi-head x server
xserver-xephyr / Xephyr(1)
X server outputting to a window on a pre-existing x display
x11-apps / Xmark(1)
Summarize x11perf results
xnest / Xnest(1)
A nested x server
xserver-xorg-core / Xorg(1)
X11r7 x server
xserver-common / Xserver(1)
X window system display server
tightvncserver / Xtightvnc(1)
An x server providing vnc connectivity
haxml / Xtract(1)
Structured \(oqgrep\(cq-like programs for xml documents
haxml / XtractLazy(1)
Structured \(oqgrep\(cq-like programs for xml documents
xvfb / Xvfb(1)
Virtual framebuffer x server for x version 11
vnc4server / Xvnc4(1)
The x vnc server
dirac / YUV411toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420Down2x2(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420ItoYUV422I(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420pt75filter(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV420toYUV422(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422ItoYUV420I(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422toUYVY(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV422toYUV420(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
dirac / YUV444toRGB(1)
Converts bmp files to rgb to stdout rgbtobmp - converts rgb from stdin to bmp files rgbtouyvy - converts rgb to uyvy from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv411 - converts rgb to yuv411 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv420 - converts rgb to yuv420 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv422 - converts rgb to yuv422 from stdin to stdout rgbtoyuv444 - converts rgb to yuv444 from stdin to stdout uyvytorgb - converts uyvy to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv411torgb - converts yuv411 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420torgb - converts yuv420 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422torgb - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv444torgb - converts yuv444 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv420down2x2 - filters yuv420 frames to a single output file with half dimensions and subsampling yuv420pt75filter - filters yuv420 frames down to .75 yuv420toyuv422 - converts yuv420 to yuv422 from stdin to stdout yuv422touyvy - converts yuv422 to uyvy from stdin to stdout yuv422toyuv420 - converts yuv422 to yuv420 from stdin to stdout uyvytoyuv422 - converts uyvy to yuv422 from stdin to stdout
zipper.app / Zipper(1)
Inspect and extract compressed archives
coreutils / [(1)
Check file types and compare values
aplus-fsf / a+(1)
A+ interpreter
chordii / a2crd(1)
Attempts the conversion of lyrics file into chordii input
a2jmidid / a2j(1)
Wrapper script to simulate a2jmidid's non-dbus behaviour though a2jmidid actually being in dbus mode
a2jmidid / a2j_control(1)
Utility to control a2jmidid daemon
a2jmidid / a2jmidi_bridge(1)
Static bridge with one alsa playback port and one jack midi input port
a2jmidid / a2jmidid(1)
Jack midi daemon for alsa midi
a2ps / a2ps(1)
Format files for printing on a postscript printer
a2ps / a2ps-lpr-wrapper(1)
A2ps-lpr-wrapper lp/lpr wrapper script for gnu a2ps on debian
asciidoc / a2x(1)
A toolchain manager for asciidoc (converts asciidoc text files to other file formats)
liba52-0.7.4-dev / a52dec(1)
Decode atsc a/52 audio streams
a56 / a56(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler
a56 / a56-keybld(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler - build finite-state parser
a56 / a56-tobin(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler - convert to binary
a56 / a56-toomf(1)
Motorola dsp56001 assembler - convert to omf
astronomical-almanac / aa(1)
Astronomical almanac - calculate planet and star positions
aa3d / aa3d(1)
An ascii art stereogram generator
python-aafigure / aafigure(1)
Convert ascii art to an image
libaa-bin / aafire(1)
Aalib example programs
aview / aaflip(1)
An ascii art video player
libaa-bin / aainfo(1)
Aalib example programs
aajm / aajm(1)
Ascii art jugglemaster
libaa1-dev / aalib-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of aalib
aaphoto / aaphoto(1)
Automatic color correction of photos
aapt / aapt(1)
Android asset packaging tool
libaa-bin / aasavefont(1)
Aalib example programs
libaa-bin / aatest(1)
Aalib example programs
xine-console / aaxine(1)
An ascii art video player
apache2-utils / ab(1)
Apache http server benchmarking tool
abacas / abacas(1)
Algorithm based automatic contiguation of assembled sequences
abcmidi / abc2abc(1)
A simple abc checker/re-formatter/transposer
lilypond / abc2ly(1)
Manual page for abc2ly (lilypond) 2.18.2
abcmidi / abc2midi(1)
Converts abc file to midi file(s)
abcde / abcde(1)
Grab an entire cd and compress it to ogg/vorbis, mp3, flac, ogg/speex and/or mpp/mp+(musepack) format.
abcm2ps / abcm2ps(1)
Abcm2ps translate abc music notation to postscript
abcmidi / abcmatch(1)
Search for specific sequences of notes in an abc file composed of many tunes.
abi-compliance-checker / abi-compliance-checker(1)
Tool to compare abi compatibility of shared c/c++ library versions
abi-dumper / abi-dumper(1)
A tool to dump abi of an elf object containing dwarf debug info
abicheck / abicheck(1)
Check application binaries for calls to private or evolving symbols in libraries and for static linking of some system libraries.
abinit / abinit(1)
Ab initio atomic-scale simulation software
abiword / abiword(1)
Abiword flexible cross-platform word processor
abook / abook(1)
Text-based address book program
abootimg / abootimg(1)
Manipulate android boot images.
abr2gbr / abr2gbr(1)
Converts photoshop and paint shop pro brushes to gimp
abtransfers / abtransfers(1)
Online banking application
acct / ac(1)
Print statistics about users' connect time
aspectc++ / ac++(1)
Aspectc++ aspect weaver for c++
atool / acat(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
accerciser / accerciser(1)
An interactive accessibility explorer.
atfs / accs(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
libace-perl / ace(1)
Interactive perl client for acedb
ace-gperf / ace_gperf(1)
Generate a perfect hash function from a key set
ace-netsvcs / ace_netsvcs(1)
Ace_netsvcs ace network services driver.
achilles / achilles(1)
Opengl simulation of artificial life and evolution
xymon / ackinfo.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi script to acknowledge alerts
xymon / acknowledge.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi script to acknowledge alerts
cakephp-scripts / acl.php(1)
Manages access control lists (acls) for cakephp applications
acl2 / acl2(1)
A computational logic
direwolf-docs / aclients(1)
Compare aprs clients
automake1.11 / aclocal-1.11(1)
Manual page for aclocal 1.11.6
automake / aclocal-1.14(1)
Manual page for aclocal 1.14.1
alsa-utils / aconnect(1)
Alsa sequencer connection manager
aconnectgui / aconnectgui(1)
Aconnectgui fltk based frontend for aconnect
acoustid-fingerprinter / acoustid-fingerprinter(1)
Audio fingerprint submission tool
acpi / acpi(1)
Shows battery status and other acpi information
powermgmt-base / acpi_available(1)
Test whether acpi subsystem is available
acpica-tools / acpibin(1)
Acpi binary aml file utility
acpica-tools / acpidump-acpica(1)
Acpi table dump utility
acpica-tools / acpiexec(1)
Acpi aml execution and debug utility
acpica-tools / acpihelp(1)
Acpi help utility
acpica-tools / acpinames(1)
Acpi name space dump utility
acpica-tools / acpisrc(1)
Acpica source code conversion utility
acpitail / acpitail(1)
Show acpi information in a tail-like style
acpitool / acpitool(1)
A linux acpi client, allowing you to query or set acpi values
acpica-tools / acpixtract-acpica(1)
Acpica source code conversion utility
scotch / acpl(1)
Compile a target architectures
scotch / acpl-int32(1)
Compile a target architectures
scotch / acpl-int64(1)
Compile a target architectures
scotch / acpl-long(1)
Compile a target architectures
python-actdiag / actdiag(1)
Generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-actdiag / actdiag3(1)
Generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file.
actionaz / actexec(1)
Task automation
actionaz / actionaz(1)
Task automation
amanda-server / activate-devpay(1)
Create the token and certificate files for amazon s3
python-argcomplete / activate-global-python-argcomplete(1)
Activate-global-python-argcomplete - argcomplete utility script
activity-log-manager / activity-log-manager(1)
Configure activity logging behavior
sumo / activitygen(1)
Generates routes of persons throughout a day for the microscopic road traffic simulation sumo
graphviz / acyclic(1)
Make directed graph acyclic
libaws-bin / ada2wsdl(1)
Generate a wdsl document from an ada package specification
sloccount / ada_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
adabrowse / adabrowse(1)
Generate fully cross-referenced html rendering of ada 95 specs
adacontrol / adactl(1)
Ada rules controller
libadasockets5-dev / adasockets-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed adasockets library
android-tools-adb / adb(1)
Android debug bridge
mhc-utils / adb2mhc(1)
Convert adb db of hp200lx into mhc format
ctn / add-accession-numbers(1)
Generic ctn manual page
software-properties-common / add-apt-repository(1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d or removes an existing one
devscripts / add-patch(1)
Tool for preparing patches for debian source packages
flowscan / add_ds.pl(1)
Program to add datasources to an existing rrd
flowscan / add_txrx(1)
Add two new data sources called 'tx' and 'rx' to an rrd file
ucspi-tcp / addcr(1)
Inserts a cr (015) before each lf (012)
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / addcr(1)
Add a cr before each lf
kdesdk-scripts / adddebug(1)
Modifies makefile(s) to add debug info
groff / addftinfo(1)
Add information to troff font files for use with groff
wcstools / addpix(1)
ndisc6 / addr2name(1)
Perform dns lookups from scripts
ipv6toolkit / addr6(1)
An ipv6 address analysis and manipulation tool
sofia-sip-bin / addrinfo(1)
Resolve network services
canna-utils / addwords(1)
Adding words to specified dictionary collectively
cgns-convert / adf2hdf(1)
Convert from afd to hdf5
atool / adiff(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
admesh / admesh(1)
A program for processing triangulated solid meshes
afnix / adp(1)
Afnix documentation processor
adplay / adplay(1)
Adplay/unix console-based opl2 audio player
adplug-utils / adplugdb(1)
Adplug database maintenance utility
autopkgtest / adt-build-lxc(1)
Create or update autopkgtest container for adt-virt-lxc
autopkgtest / adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud(1)
Create ubuntu cloud image based vm for adt-virt-qemu
autopkgtest / adt-run(1)
Test an installed binary package using the source package's tests
autopkgtest / adt-virt-chroot(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using a chroot
autopkgtest / adt-virt-lxc(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using lxc
autopkgtest / adt-virt-null(1)
Autopkgtest null virtualisation server
autopkgtest / adt-virt-qemu(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using qemu
autopkgtest / adt-virt-schroot(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using a schroot
autopkgtest / adt-virt-ssh(1)
Autopkgtest virtualisation server using ssh
advancecomp / advdef(1)
Advancecomp deflate compression utility
advene / advene(1)
Annotate digital videos, exchange on the net
cloop-utils / advfs(1)
Convert and extract a filesystem to/from a cloop volume
advi / advi(1)
A dvi previewer and presenter with some eye candy effects for presentation.
advancecomp / advpng(1)
Advancecomp png compression utility
advancecomp / advzip(1)
Advancecomp zip compression utility
aewan / aecat(1)
Display an aewan document
aegisub / aegisub-3.1(1)
Advanced subtitle editor
aewan / aemakeflic(1)
Produce an animation from an aewan document
aeolus / aeolus(1)
Synthesised pipe organ emulator
aes2501-wy / aes2501(1)
Aes2501 program to acquire fingerprints from aes2501 scanner
aesfix / aesfix(1)
Correct bit errors in an aes key schedules
aeskeyfind / aeskeyfind(1)
Locates 128-bit and 256-bit aes keys in a captured memory image.
aeskulap / aeskulap(1)
Opensource dicom viewer
bwctl-server / aespasswd(1)
Used to create and manage an aes keyfile.
i2util-tools / aespasswd(1)
Used to create and manage an aes keyfile.
aespipe / aespipe(1)
Aes encrypting or decrypting pipe
aevol / aevol_create(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_ancstats(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_compute_pop_stats(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_create_eps(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_extract(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_fixed_mutations(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_gene_families(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_lineage(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_robustness(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_misc_view_generation(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_modify(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_propagate(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aevol / aevol_run(1)
An in silico experimental evolution platform
aewan / aewan(1)
An ascii-art editor
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_appbar(1)
A small application launcher
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_fspanel(1)
Small panel
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_setrootimage(1)
Puts a nice diagonal gradient image on the root window
aewm++-goodies / aewm++_xsession(1)
Keeps an xsession alive
apf-client / afclient(1)
Active port forwarder client
biosquid / afetch(1)
afflib-tools / affcat(1)
Output contents of an image file to stdout.
afflib-tools / affcompare(1)
Compare the contents of an iso file to an aff file
afflib-tools / affconvert(1)
Convert files between raw and aff formats
afflib-tools / affcopy(1)
Reorder and recompress aff files
afflib-tools / affcrypto(1)
Handle encryption issues
afflib-tools / affdiskprint(1)
Create a diskprint aff structure
afflib-tools / affinfo(1)
Print information about an aff file
afflib-tools / affix(1)
Fix a corrupted aff file
afflib-tools / affrecover(1)
Recover broken pages of an aff file
afflib-tools / affsegment(1)
Segment manipulation tool
afflib-tools / affsign(1)
Sign an existing aff file
afflib-tools / affstats(1)
Print specific statistics about one or more aff files
afflib-tools / affuse(1)
Provide access to aff containers
afflib-tools / affverify(1)
Verify the digital signature on a signed file
afflib-tools / affxml(1)
Print aff information as xml
texlive-binaries / afm2tfm(1)
Convert adobe font metrics to tex font metrics
groff / afmtodit(1)
Create font files for use with groff -tps and -tpdf
apf-server / afserver(1)
Active port forwarder server
ssh-agent-filter / afssh(1)
Wrapper around ssh-agent-filter and ssh
aft / aft(1)
"free form" document preparation system
libafterimage-dev / afterimage-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libafterimage
libafterimage-dev / afterimage-libs(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libafterimage
afuse / afuse(1)
Automounting file system implemented in user-space using fuse
silversearcher-ag / ag(1)
The silver searcher. like ack, but faster.
aspectc++ / ag++(1)
Ag++ a frontend to ac++ and g++
agave / agave(1)
Colorscheme designer for the gnome desktop
agedu / agedu(1)
Correlate disk usage with last-access times to identify large and disused data
multicat / aggregartp(1)
Splits a single rtp stream to several contribution links with load balancing.
aggregate / aggregate(1)
Optimise a list of route prefixes to help make nice short filters
aggregate / aggregate-ios(1)
Optimise a concatenated set of cisco/ios prefix filters to help make them nice and short.
aghermann / agh-profile-gen(1)
Sleep profile generator using various metrics.
aghermann / aghermann(1)
A sleep research experiment manager and achermann et al (1993) model simulator
agtl / agtl(1)
Tool for paperless geocaching
aha / aha(1)
Ansi html adapter
aiccu / aiccu(1)
Automatic ipv6 connectivity configuration utility
id-utils / aid(1)
Query id database and report results.
rivet / aida2flat(1)
Convert aida data files to a flat format
rivet-root-converter / aida2root(1)
Convert aida xml format to root tgraph object
aide / aide(1)
Advanced intrusion detection environment
aide-dynamic / aide(1)
Advanced intrusion detection environment
aide-xen / aide(1)
Advanced intrusion detection environment
aide-common / aide-attributes(1)
Decode and compare hex-encoded attribute numbers
aiksaurus / aiksaurus(1)
English-language thesaurus
fai-client / ainsl(1)
air-quality-sensor / air-quality-sensor(1)
User space driver for appliedsensor's indoor air monitor
aircrack-ng / aircrack-ng(1)
A 802.11 wep / wpa-psk key cracker
aircrack-ng / airdecap-ng(1)
Decrypt a wep/wpa crypted pcap file
aircrack-ng / airdecloak-ng(1)
Removes wep cloaked framed from a pcap file.
aircrack-ng / airolib-ng(1)
Manage and create a wpa/wpa2 pre-computed hashes tables
airport-utils / airport-config(1)
Configurator for the original apple airport base station ("graphite") and the lucent rg-1000 base station
airport-utils / airport-hostmon(1)
Host monitor for the original apple airport base station ("graphite"), the lucent rg-1000 base station and the apple airport extreme base station
airport-utils / airport-linkmon(1)
Wireless link quality monitor for the original apple airport base station ("graphite") and the lucent rg-1000 base station
airport-utils / airport-modem(1)
Modem monitoring and hangup utility for the original apple airport base station ("graphite"), the lucent rg-1000 base station and the apple airport extreme base station
airport-utils / airport2-config(1)
Configurator for the apple airport extreme base station ("snow")
airport-utils / airport2-ipinspector(1)
Wan monitoring utility for the apple airport extreme base station ("snow")
airport-utils / airport2-portinspector(1)
Port maps inspector for the apple airport extreme base station ("snow")
airspy / airspy_info(1)
Probe device and show configuration
airspy / airspy_r820t(1)
The airspy is a tiny and efficient software defined radio receiver. this application lets the user probe the device and show configuration.
airspy / airspy_rx(1)
Probe device and show configuration
airspy / airspy_si5351c(1)
Chip register read/write tool
airspy / airspy_spiflash(1)
Program flash
aspectj / aj(1)
Aj, aj5 command-line launchers for load-time weaving
aj-snapshot / aj-snapshot(1)
aspectj / aj5(1)
Aj, aj5 command-line launchers for load-time weaving
ajaxterm / ajaxterm(1)
Web based terminal written in python
aspectj / ajbrowser(1)
Ajbrowser gui to compile programs with ajc and navigate crosscutting structure
aspectj / ajdoc(1)
Ajdoc generate html api documentation, including crosscutting structure
mono-devel / al(1)
Mono assembly linker
mono-devel / al2(1)
Mono assembly linker
alacarte / alacarte(1)
Edit freedesktop.org menus
alarm-clock-applet / alarm-clock-applet(1)
Alarm clock for your notification area
alarm-clock / alarmclock(1)
Alarm clock for gtk+ environments
aldo / aldo(1)
A fully console morse code trainer written in iso c++.
ale / ale(1)
A synthetic capture engine and renderer
ale / ale-bin(1)
A synthetic capture engine and renderer
alembic / alembic(1)
Lightweight database migration tool for usage with the sqlalchemy
texlive-binaries / aleph(1)
Extended unicode tex
dvb-apps / alevt(1)
A teletext browser for analogue and dvb channels.
alevt / alevt-cap(1)
Simple capture of teletext pages
dvb-apps / alevt-cap(1)
Capture teletext windows.
alevt / alevt-date(1)
Display/set time received via teletext
dvb-apps / alevt-date(1)
Print out utc date.
alevtd / alevtd(1)
Webserver for videotext pages
alex / alex(1)
The lexical analyser generator for haskell
seqan-apps / alf(1)
Alignment free sequence comparison synopsis alf [options] -i in.fasta [-o out.txt] description compute pairwise similarity of sequences using alignment-free methods in in.fasta and write out tab-delimited matrix with pairwise scores to out.txt. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information -v, --verbose when given, details about the progress are printed to the screen. input / output: -i, --input-file file name of the multi-fasta input file. valid filetypes are: fa and fasta. -o, --output-file file name of the file to which the tab-delimtied matrix with pairwise scores will be written to. default is to write to stdout. valid filetype is: alf.tsv. general algorithm parameters: -m, --method method select method to use. one of n2, d2, d2star, and d2z. default: n2. -k, --k-mer-size k size of the k-mers. default: 4. -mo, --bg-model-order order order of background markov model. default: 1. n2 algorithm parameters: -rc, --reverse-complement mode which strand to score. use both_strands to score both strands simultaneously. one of input, both_strands, mean, min, and max. default: input. -mm, --mismatches mismatches number of mismatches, one of 0 and 1. when 1 is used, n2 uses the k-mer-neighbour with one mismatch. default: 0. -mmw, --mismatch-weight weight real-valued weight of counts for words with mismatches. default: 0.1. -kwf, --k-mer-weights-file file.txt print k-mer weights for every sequence to this file if given. valid filetype is: txt. contact and references for questions or comments, contact: jonathan goeke [email protected] please reference the following publication if you used alf or the n2 method for your analysis: jonathan goeke, marcel h. schulz, julia lasserre, and martin vingron. estimation of pairwise sequence similarity of mammalian enhancers with word neighbourhood counts. bioinformatics (2012). project homepage: http://www.seqan.de/projects/alf version alf version: 1.1 last update january 5, 2012
audiolink / alfilldb(1)
Add/update information of music files in the audiolink database
algobox / algobox(1)
Algorithmics introduction software
algotutor / algotutor(1)
An interactive program for observing the intermediate steps of algorithms.
gff2aplot / ali2gff(1)
Module to translate a mummer output files into gff formatted output.
alice / alice(1)
An altogether lovely internet chatting experience
alien-hunter / alien_hunter(1)
Interpolated variable order motifs for identification of horizontally acquired dna
aliki / aliki(1)
Measurement tool for impulse responses
aliki / aliki-rt(1)
Measurement tool for impulse responses
hmmer / alimask(1)
Add mask line to a multiple sequence alignment
biosquid / alistat(1)
texlive-base / allcm(1)
Force the most important computer-modern-fonts to be calculated
texlive-base / allec(1)
Force the most important ec-fonts to be calculated
liballegro4-dev / allegro-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of allegro
liballegro4-dev / allegro-dev-tools(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
alleyoop / alleyoop(1)
Valgrind memory checker front-end for gnome
texlive-base / allneeded(1)
Force the calculation of all fonts now needed
alltray / alltray(1)
Dock any program into the system tray.
almanah / almanah(1)
Small gtk+ diary application
alot / alot(1)
Mail user agent for the notmuch mail system
alpine / alpine(1)
An alternatively licensed program for internet news and email
alpine / alpinef(1)
An alternatively licensed program for internet news and email
atool / als(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
zita-alsa-pcmi-utils / alsa_delay(1)
Measure round-trip latency of a soundcard
jackd1 / alsa_in(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
jackd2 / alsa_in(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
zita-alsa-pcmi-utils / alsa_loopback(1)
Loop back the first two channels of a alsa device to another device
jackd1 / alsa_out(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
jackd2 / alsa_out(1)
Jack clients that perform i/o with an alternate audio interface
alsa-utils / alsactl(1)
Advanced controls for alsa soundcard driver
alsa-utils / alsaloop(1)
Command-line pcm loopback
alsa-utils / alsamixer(1)
Soundcard mixer for alsa soundcard driver, with ncurses interface
alsamixergui / alsamixergui(1)
Alsamixergui fltk based frontend for alsamixer
alsaplayer-common / alsaplayer(1)
Plays various sound files
audiolink / alsearch(1)
Search the audiolink database for music
alsoft-conf / alsoft-conf(1)
Openal-soft configuration utility
alt-ergo / alt-ergo(1)
An automatic theorem prover dedicated to program verification
alt-key / alt-key(1)
Generate keyboard accelerators
simh / altair(1)
Simulate an altair computer
simh / altairz80(1)
Simulate an altair z80 computer
altermime / altermime(1)
Mime encoded email pack alteration tool
altos / altosui(1)
Rocket flight monitor
alure-utils / alurecdplay(1)
Example program for playing cd tracks with alure
alure-utils / alureplay(1)
Example program for playing sounds with alure
alure-utils / alurestream(1)
Example program for sound streaming with alure
amap-align / amap(1)
Protein multiple alignment by sequence annealing
amarok / amarok(1)
The audio player for kde
amarok-utils / amarokcollectionscanner(1)
Collection scanner for amarok
amarok / amarokmp3tunesharmonydaemon(1)
Handles autosync for the mp3tunes service in amarok.
ambdec / ambdec(1)
Ambisonic decoder for first and second order
ambdec / ambdec_cli(1)
Ambisonic decoder for first and second order
tesseract-ocr / ambiguous_words(1)
Generate sets of words tesseract is likely to find ambiguous
slic3r / amf-to-stl(1)
Amf to stl converter
amide / amide(1)
Amide's a medical image data examiner
amideco / amideco(1)
Decompress flashfiles equipped with an ami bios
alsa-utils / amidi(1)
Read from and write to alsa rawmidi ports
amispammer / amispammer(1)
The way to know if your mx ips are blacklisted
alsa-utils / amixer(1)
Command-line mixer for alsa soundcard driver
scotch / amk_ccc(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_ccc-int32(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_ccc-int64(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_ccc-long(1)
Create target architectures
scotch / amk_grf(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
scotch / amk_grf-int32(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
scotch / amk_grf-int64(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
scotch / amk_grf-long(1)
Create target architecture from source graph
mozilla-devscripts / amo-changelog(1)
Fetch version history of an addon
ampache / ampache(1)
Is a web-based audio file manager.
ample / ample(1)
Ample mp3 server
amqp-tools / amqp-consume(1)
Amqp-consume consume messages from a queue on an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-declare-queue(1)
Amqp-declare-queue declare (create or assert the existence of) a queue on an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-delete-queue(1)
Amqp-delete-queue delete a queue from an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-get(1)
Amqp-get get a message from a queue on an amqp server
amqp-tools / amqp-publish(1)
Amqp-publish publish a message on an amqp server
ams / ams(1)
A software synthesizer modeled after modular patching synthesizers
amsn / amsn(1)
An msn messenger client written in tcl
amsn / amsn-remote(1)
Sever to connect to amsn remotely.
amsn / amsn-remote-CLI(1)
Program to connect to amsn remotely.
texlive-math-extra / amstex(1)
Structured text formatting and typesetting
amsynth / amsynth(1)
Amsynth program included in the demudi distribution
amtterm / amtterm(1)
Intel amt serial-over-lan (sol) client.
amtterm / amttool(1)
Remotely control intel amt managed machines.
amule-emc / amule-emc(1)
List links inside emulecollection files
analog / analog(1)
Web server logfile analyser
ladspa-sdk / analyseplugin(1)
Analyse plugin syntax
imms-common / analyzer(1)
Program to analyze the music file(s) and put the data into imms database
anfo / anfo(1)
Find best alignment of short reads to database
anfo / anfo-tool(1)
Process native anfo binary files
imagemagick / animate-im6(1)
Animates an image or image sequence on any x server.
anjuta / anjuta(1)
Gnome integrated development environment
anjuta / anjuta-launcher(1)
Gnome integrated development environment anjuta-launcher normally is not called directly by the user but invoked by anjuta
anki / anki(1)
Flexible, intelligent flashcard program
mace2 / anldp(1)
Implementation of davis-putnam propositional satisfiability procedure
libgd-tools / annotate(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
devscripts / annotate-output(1)
Annotate program output with time and stream
uima-utils / annotationViewer(1)
Tool for viewing analysis results that have been saved
anomaly / anomaly(1)
Anomalous data detection
kbtin / ansi2html(1)
Ansi to html converter
kbtin / ansi2txt(1)
Ansi to plain text converter
ansible / ansible(1)
Run a command somewhere else
ansible / ansible-doc(1)
Show documentation on ansible modules
ansible / ansible-galaxy(1)
Manage roles using galaxy.ansible.com
ansible / ansible-playbook(1)
Run an ansible playbook
ansible / ansible-pull(1)
Set up a remote copy of ansible on each managed node
ansible / ansible-vault(1)
Manage encrypted yaml data.
ant / ant(1)
A java based make tool.
antennavis / antennavis(1)
Antenna radiation pattern visualization software
antiword / antiword(1)
Show the text and images of ms word documents
pccts / antlr(1)
Another tool for language recognition
antpm / antpm-fit2gpx(1)
Console based fit to gpx converter
antpm / antpm-garmin-ant-downloader(1)
Console based ant+ information retrieval client for garmin gps products
antpm / antpm-usbmon2ant(1)
Tool to convert ant usb traffic traces
ants / antsAffineInitializer(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsAlignOrigin(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsApplyTransforms(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsApplyTransformsToPoints(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsMotionCorr(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsMotionCorrDiffusionDirection(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsMotionCorrStats(1)
Part of ants registration suite
ants / antsRegistration(1)
Part of ants registration suite
djvulibre-bin / any2djvu(1)
Convert .ps/.ps.gz/.pdf to .djvu
anypaper / anypaper(1)
Front-end for wallpapersetter
netpbm / anytopnm(1)
Attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
altos / ao-bitbang(1)
Low-level cc1111 interface diagnostic tool
altos / ao-cal-accel(1)
Calibrate altos flight computer accelerometers
altos / ao-dbg(1)
Hex debugger for cc1111 processors
altos / ao-dump-up(1)
Dump flight log from micropeak flight computer
altos / ao-dumpflash(1)
Fetch flash memory contents from altos device
altos / ao-edit-telem(1)
Edit telemetry file, creating new telemetry stream
altos / ao-eeprom(1)
Fetch eeprom contents from telemetrum device
altos / ao-ejection(1)
Compute rocket ejection charges
altos / ao-elftohex(1)
Convert a program to ihx format
altos / ao-flash-lpc(1)
Flash a program to an lpc11u14-based altos device using openocd
altos / ao-flash-stm(1)
Flash a program to an stm32-based altos device using st-flash
altos / ao-list(1)
List connected altos devices
altos / ao-load(1)
Flash a program to a altos device
altos / ao-rawload(1)
Flash a program to a altos device
altos / ao-send-telem(1)
Re-transmit stored telemetry file
altos / ao-sky-flash(1)
Flash gps firmware program to a skytraq gps chip
altos / ao-telem(1)
Analyse a flight log (either telemetry or eeprom)
altos / ao-test-baro(1)
Test altos flight computer barometric sensor
altos / ao-test-flash(1)
Test altos flight computer igniters
altos / ao-test-igniter(1)
Test altos flight computer igniters
altos / ao-usbload(1)
Flash a program to an arm-based altos device
aoeui / aoeui(1)
A lightweight visual editor optimized for the dvorak keyboard
alsa-oss / aoss(1)
Wrapper script to facilitate use of the alsa oss compatibility library.
apachetop / apachetop(1)
Display real-time web server statistics
atool / apack(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
apbs / apbs(1)
Adaptive poisson boltzmann solver
apcupsd / apcaccess(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
apcupsd / apcnisd(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
apcupsd / apctest(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
apertium / apertium(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.sf.net.
apertium / apertium-deshtml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-desodt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-despptx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-desrtf(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-destxt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-deswxml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-desxlsx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-filter-ambiguity(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-deformat(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-lextorbil(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-lextormono(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-modes(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-reformat(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-stopwords-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-wlist-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-gen-wlist-lextor-translation(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-interchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-multiple-translations(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-postchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-preprocess-corpus-lextor(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-preprocess-transfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the open-source apertium machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-pretransfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rehtml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-reodt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-repptx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rertf(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-retxt(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rewxml(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-rexlsx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-tagger(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-tagger-apply-new-rules(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium-tolk / apertium-tolk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-transfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-unformat(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.sf.net.
apertium / apertium-validate-acx(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-dictionary(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-interchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-modes(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-postchunk(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-tagger(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium / apertium-validate-transfer(1)
This application is part of ( apertium ) this tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation toolbox: http://www.apertium.org.
apf-firewall / apf(1)
Easy iptables based firewall system
apg / apg(1)
Generates several random passwords
apg / apgbfm(1)
Apg bloom filter management program
apgdiff / apgdiff(1)
Another postgresql diff tool
api-sanity-checker / api-sanity-checker(1)
An automatic generator of basic unit tests for a c/c++ library api.
php-apigen / apigen(1)
Api documentation generator
alsa-utils / aplay(1)
Command-line sound recorder and player for alsa soundcard driver
alsa-utils / aplaymidi(1)
Play standard midi files
apmd / apm(1)
Interface with the apm subsystem
powermgmt-base / apm_available(1)
Test whether apm subsystem is available
apmd / apmsleep(1)
Go into suspend or standby mode and wake-up later
apng2gif / apng2gif(1)
Convert apng animated images to gif files
apngasm / apngasm(1)
Assemble individual png files int to animated png file.
apngdis / apngdis(1)
Deconstruct apng file into a sequence of png frames
apngopt / apngopt(1)
Optimize animated png image files
setools-gui / apol(1)
Selinux policy analysis tool
apophenia-bin / apop_db_to_crosstab(1)
Command line utility to convert a three-column table to a crosstab
apophenia-bin / apop_plot_query(1)
Command line utility to take in a query and put out a gnuplot table file
apophenia-bin / apop_text_to_db(1)
Command line utility to convert a text file into a database table
listaller-devtools / appcompile(1)
Compile software automatically
apper / apper(1)
An application and package manager using packagekit
apper / apper-appsetup(1)
A listaller application installer kde gui
xymon / appfeed.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi feeder for smartphone apps
python-coherence / applet-coherence(1)
Is a python upnp framework which enabling your application to participate in digital living networks, at the moment primarily the upnp universe. its goal is to relieve your application from all the membership and upnp related tasks as much as possible. the core of coherence provides a (hopefully complete) implementation of:
mate-gnome-main-menu-applet / application-browser(1)
Application-browser browse installed applications
argyll / applycal(1)
Apply device calibration to an icc profile.
ladspa-sdk / applyplugin(1)
Apply ladspa plugin to an audio file
x11-utils / appres(1)
List x application resource database
appstream-index / appstream-index(1)
Manage the appstream component index
appstream-util / appstream-util(1)
Manipulate appstream, appdata and metainfo metadata
appstream-index / appstream-validate(1)
Validate appstream metadata
libapr1-dev / apr-1-config(1)
Return metainformation about apr library
libapr1-dev / apr-config(1)
Return metainformation about apr library
man-db / apropos(1)
Search the manual page names and descriptions
software-properties-common / apt-add-repository(1)
Adds a repository into the /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d or removes an existing one
apt-build / apt-build(1)
Fetch sources and build packages optimized for your architecture.
apt-dater-host / apt-dater-host(1)
Host helper application for apt-dater.
apt-utils / apt-extracttemplates(1)
Utility to extract debconf config and templates from debian packages
apt-file / apt-file(1)
Apt package searching utility -- command-line interface
apt-utils / apt-ftparchive(1)
Utility to generate index files
haskell-debian-utils / apt-get-build-depends(1)
Apt-get install build depends
emdebian-grip / apt-grip(1)
Extend emdebian grip to add debian packages on-the-fly
apt-listbugs / apt-listbugs(1)
Lists critical bugs before each apt installation/upgrade
apt-listchanges / apt-listchanges(1)
Apt-listchanges show new changelog entries from debian package archives
apt-listdifferences / apt-listdifferences(1)
Source differences notification tool
apt-rdepends / apt-rdepends(1)
Performs recursive dependency listings similar to apt-cache
apt-show-source / apt-show-source(1)
Lists source-packages.
apt-utils / apt-sortpkgs(1)
Utility to sort package index files
apt-venv / apt-venv(1)
Apt virtual environment
aptdaemon / aptd(1)
Package managing daemon proving a d-bus interface
aptdaemon / aptdcon(1)
Command line client for aptdaemon
apticron / apticron(1)
Generate a mail listing packages which are pending an upgrade
aptitude-common / aptitude-create-state-bundle(1)
Bundle the current aptitude state
aptitude-common / aptitude-run-state-bundle(1)
Unpack an aptitude state bundle and invoke aptitude on it
aptly / aptly(1)
Debian repository management tool
aptoncd / aptoncd(1)
Cd/dvd-based repository creator for debian packages
aptsh / aptsh(1)
Interactive apt shell
apwal / apwal(1)
Powerful application launcher
apache2-dev / apxs(1)
Apache extension tool
apache2-dev / apxs2(1)
Apache extension tool
libaqbanking34-dev / aqbanking-config(1)
A little program to output installation paths
aqemu / aqemu(1)
Qt4 front-end to qemu and kvm emulators
aqbanking-tools / aqhbci-tool4(1)
Command line tools for setup, modification and debugging of hbci settings.
aqsis / aqsis(1)
Renderer from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
aqsis / aqsl(1)
Shader compiler from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
aqsis / aqsltell(1)
Shader inspection tool from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
bin86 / ar86(1)
Create, modify, and extract from archive file
ara / ara(1)
A utility for doing boolean regexp queries on the the debian package database
aragorn / aragorn(1)
Detect trna genes in nucleotide sequences
arandr / arandr(1)
Visual front end for xrandr 1.2
aranym / aranym(1)
Atari running on any machine
aranym / aranym-jit(1)
Atari running on any machine - jit enabled
aranym / aranym-mmu(1)
Atari running on any machine with 68040 mmu enabled
aranym / aratapif(1)
Atari running on any machine - aratapif
arbtt / arbtt-capture(1)
Collect data samples for arbtt
arbtt / arbtt-dump(1)
Dumps arbtt data samples
arbtt / arbtt-import(1)
Imports dumped arbtt data samples
arbtt / arbtt-recover(1)
Tries to recover a broken arbtt data log
arbtt / arbtt-stats(1)
Generate statistics from the arbtt data samples
arc / arc(1)
Pc archive utility
nordugrid-arc-arex / arc-config-check(1)
Checks the arc.conf for inconsistencies, known problems or (in a future development) just general bad taste.
nordugrid-arc-client / arcacl(1)
Arc access control
nordugrid-arc-client / arccat(1)
Arc catenate
nordugrid-arc-client / arcclean(1)
Arc clean
nordugrid-arc-client / arccp(1)
Copy files
nordugrid-arc-client / arcecho(1)
Arc echo client
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils / arcemiestest(1)
Perform simple operations on emi es service
nordugrid-arc-client / arcget(1)
Arc get
coreutils / arch(1)
Print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)
rdiff-backup-fs / archfs(1)
Filesystem for accessing rdiff-backup archives.
ctn / archive_agent(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / archive_cleaner(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / archive_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
archivemail / archivemail(1)
Archive and compress your old email
archivemount / archivemount(1)
Mounts an archive for access as a file system
archmage / archmage(1)
Chm(compiled html) decompressor.
archmbox / archmbox(1)
A simple email archiver
devscripts / archpath(1)
Output arch (tla/bazaar) archive names, with support for branches
nordugrid-arc-client / arcinfo(1)
Arc info
nordugrid-arc-client / arckill(1)
Arc kill
nordugrid-arc-client / arcls(1)
List files or directories
nordugrid-arc-client / arcmigrate(1)
Arc migration
nordugrid-arc-client / arcmkdir(1)
Create directories
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils / arcperftest(1)
Arc service performance tester
nordugrid-arc-dev / arcplugin(1)
Arc plugin management utility
nordugrid-arc-client / arcproxy(1)
Arc credentials proxy generation utility
nordugrid-arc-client / arcrename(1)
Rename file or directory
nordugrid-arc-client / arcrenew(1)
Arc proxy renewal
nordugrid-arc-client / arcresub(1)
Arc resubmission
nordugrid-arc-client / arcresume(1)
Arc resume
nordugrid-arc-client / arcrm(1)
Delete files
nordugrid-arc-client / arcslcs(1)
Arc credentials short-lived credential generation utility
nordugrid-arc-client / arcstat(1)
Arc status
nordugrid-arc-client / arcsub(1)
Arc submission
nordugrid-arc-client / arcsync(1)
Arc synchronize
nordugrid-arc-client / arctest(1)
Arc test suite
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils / arcwsrf(1)
Run wsrf query against service
arduino-mk / ard-reset-arduino(1)
Reset arduino board
arden / arden-analyze(1)
Analyze the results of the artificial reference genome mapping
arden / arden-create(1)
Generate an artificial reference genome (ar) from a given input
arden / arden-filter(1)
Filter a sam file based on the analysis with arden
ardour / ardour2(1)
A digital audio workstation
ardour3 / ardour3(1)
A digital audio workstation
arduino / arduino(1)
An ide and uploader for arduino development boards.
arduino / arduino-add-groups(1)
Permission fixer for arduino development boards.
alsa-utils / arecord(1)
Command-line sound recorder and player for alsa soundcard driver
alsa-utils / arecordmidi(1)
Record standard midi files
arename / arename(1)
Automatically rename audio files by tagging information
atool / arepack(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
argonaut-client / argonaut-client(1)
Running actions given by the argonaut server
argonaut-fai-mirror / argonaut-debconf-crawler(1)
Extract debconf templates from packages
argonaut-fai-server / argonaut-fai-monitor(1)
Read status of installation from fai-monitor and send them to argonaut-server
argonaut-fuse / argonaut-fuse(1)
Fuse/tftp supplicant targeted to work with ldap entries written by fusiondirectory
argonaut-ldap2zone / argonaut-ldap2zone(1)
Creating bind zone files and refreshing the server
argonaut-quota / argonaut-quota(1)
Applying quota from data stored in the ldap server
argonaut-fai-mirror / argonaut-repository(1)
Creating debian repositories cronjob for the argonaut deployment system.
argonaut-server / argonaut-server(1)
Dispatching action received from fusiondirectory to the clients
ucommon-utils / args(1)
Manipulate and output command arguments.
ucspi-tcp / argv0(1)
Runs a program with a specified 0th argument.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / argv0(1)
Run a program with a specified 0th argument
libaria-demo / aria-demo(1)
Demonstration program for the aria library
aria2 / aria2c(1)
The ultra fast download utility
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_chk(1)
Aria table-maintenance utility
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_dump_log(1)
Dump content of aria log pages.
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_ftdump(1)
Display full-text index information
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_pack(1)
Generate compressed, read-only aria tables
mariadb-server-10.0 / aria_read_log(1)
Display aria log file contents
aribas / aribas(1)
Multiprecision arithmetic interpreter
ario / ario(1)
Graphical client for music player daemon
arista / arista-gtk(1)
Graphical interface for arista transcoder
arista / arista-transcode(1)
Multimedia transcoding tool for the gnome desktop
arj / arj(1)
Archiver for .arj files
arj / arj-register(1)
Register the arj archiver
arj / arjdisp(1)
Arj simple graphical interface
ark / ark(1)
Kde archiving tool
tor-arm / arm(1)
Terminal tor status monitor
gdb-arm-none-eabi / arm-none-eabi-run(1)
Manual page for simulator (7.7.1+dfsg-1+6) 7.7.1
armada-backlight / armada-backlight(1)
Adjust compaq armada backlight
arno-iptables-firewall / arno-fwfilter(1)
A filter script to make iptables firewall logs more readable for humans
arora / arora(1)
Lightweight web browser based on qt and webkit
arora / arora-cacheinfo(1)
A tool for extracting files and metadata out of arora cache files.
arora / arora-placesimport(1)
A tool for importing browser history from firefox 3 and up
arp-scan / arp-fingerprint(1)
Fingerprint a system using arp
arp-scan / arp-scan(1)
The arp scanner
bind9 / arpaname(1)
Translate ip addresses to the corresponding arpa names
array-info / array-info(1)
Check the status of a hp (compaq) smartarray controller
arriero / arriero(1)
Simplifies management of several debian packages
artha / artha(1)
An cross-platform thesaurus based on wordnet
alsa-tools / as10k1(1)
Assembler for the emu10k1(emu10k2) dsp
sdcc / as2gbmap(1)
Gameboy binary image file format utility.
swftools / as3compile(1)
Compile .as actionscript 3.0 files to swf.
bin86 / as86(1)
Assembler for 8086..80386 processors
code-aster-gui / as_client(1)
Launch the astk gui
code-aster-run / as_run(1)
As_run command
html-xml-utils / asc2xml(1)
Convert &#
ascd / ascd(1)
An afterstep and windowmaker cd player
ascdc / ascdc(1)
Afterstep cd changer
ascii / ascii(1)
Report character aliases
minicom / ascii-xfr(1)
Upload/download files using the ascii protocol
ascii2binary / ascii2binary(1)
Convert ascii numbers to binary
uni2ascii / ascii2uni(1)
Convert 7-bit ascii representations to utf-8 unicode
asciidoc / asciidoc(1)
Converts an asciidoc text file to html or docbook
asciidoctor / asciidoctor(1)
Converts asciidoc source files to html, docbook and other formats
asciinema / asciinema(1)
Record and share your terminal sessions
asciio / asciio(1)
Plain ascii diagram
netpbm / asciitopgm(1)
Convert ascii graphics into a portable graymap
aview / asciiview(1)
A high quality ascii art image viewer
aoeui / asdfg(1)
A lightweight visual editor optimized for the qwerty keyboard
aseprite / aseprite(1)
Sprite editor
alsa-utils / aseqdump(1)
Show the events received at an alsa sequencer port
alsa-utils / aseqnet(1)
Alsa sequencer connectors over network
asis-programs / asistant(1)
Interactive command-line asis tool
ask / ask(1)
Adaptive sampling kit, a toolkit for sampling big experimental spaces
ask / ask-compare-time-series(1)
Ask-compare-time-series- compares times series generated by ask
cc1111 / aslink(1)
Companion linker for the asxxxx assemblers.
sloccount / asm_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
asmail / asmail(1)
The afterstep e-mail monitor
asmix / asmix(1)
The afterstep volume control knob
asmixer / asmixer(1)
The afterstep mixer
asmon / asmon(1)
A system resource monitor dockapp for afterstep and windowmaker
ssmping / asmping(1)
Check if you can receive ipv4/ipv6 multicast data from an internet host
libtasn1-bin / asn1Coding(1)
Asn.1 der encoder
libtasn1-bin / asn1Decoding(1)
Asn.1 der decoder
libtasn1-bin / asn1Parser(1)
Asn.1 syntax tree generator for libtasn1
asn1c / asn1c(1)
Asn.1 compiler
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2all(1)
Generate reports from asn.1 biological data
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2asn(1)
Convert ncbi data between text and binary asn.1
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2ff(1)
Convert asn.1 biological data to a flat format (old version)
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2fsa(1)
Convert biological sequence data from asn.1 to fasta
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2gb(1)
Convert asn.1 biological data to a genbank-style flat format
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2idx(1)
Index asn.1 bioseq-sets for fast access to individual sequences
ncbi-tools-bin / asn2xml(1)
Translate biological data from asn.1 to xml
ncbi-tools-bin / asndhuff(1)
Decompress compressed asn.1 (casn) files
ncbi-tools-bin / asndisc(1)
Check asn.1 biological sequence records for discrepancies
ncbi-tools-bin / asnmacro(1)
Process asn.1 biological data per sequin macros
ncbi-tools-bin / asntool(1)
Process asn.1 module specifications
ncbi-tools-bin / asnval(1)
Validate asn.1 biological sequence records
asp / asp(1)
Find an host ip address by its name
mono-xsp2 / asp-state2(1)
Mono asp.net session state server
mono-xsp4 / asp-state4(1)
Mono asp.net session state server
aspcud / aspcud(1)
Solve dependencies between packages
aspell / aspell(1)
Interactive spell checker
aspell / aspell-import(1)
Import old personal dictionaries into gnu aspell
aspic / aspic(1)
A line-art processor
splash / asplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
spline / aspline(1)
Akima spline interpolation
libassa3.5-5-dev / assa-genesis-3.5(1)
Generates skeleton files for rad development with assa library
assimp-utils / assimp(1)
Open asset import library tool
qt4-dev-tools / assistant-qt4(1)
On-line documentation browser for qt4
assword / assword(1)
Simple and secure password database and retrieval system
asterisk-testsuite / asterisk-tests-run(1)
Run tests for the asterisk-testsuite
code-aster-gui / astk(1)
Launch the astk gui
asterisk / astman(1)
A client to asterisk's manager interface
astyle / astyle(1)
Multi-language indentation and reformatting filters
asunder / asunder(1)
Graphical audio cd ripper and encoder
cc1111 / asx8051(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
cc1111 / asxxxx(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
sdcc / asxxxx(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
asymptote / asy(1)
Asymptote: a script-based vector graphics language
at / at(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
arename / ataglist(1)
Print audio file metadata
hatari / atari-hd-image(1)
Tool for creating a harddisk image for use with hatari
libatd-ocaml-dev / atdcat(1)
Syntax check and transformations of atd files
libatdgen-ocaml-dev / atdgen(1)
Atd compiler and code generator
aterm / aterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
aterm-ml / aterm-ml(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
aterm / aterm-xterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
atfs / atfsit(1)
A program to prepare files for version control
atfs / atfsrepair(1)
Repair corrupted atfs repository, or convert old repository to new format.
atftp / atftp(1)
Tftp client (rfc1350).
atheist / atheist(1)
A general prupose test framework.
atig / atig(1)
Another twitter irc gateway
gatos / atisplit(1)
Conversion utility from the gatos package.
gatos / atitogif(1)
Yuv conversion program from the gatos package.
gatos / atitojpg(1)
Yuv conversion program from the gatos package.
gatos / atitoppm(1)
Yuv conversion program from the gatos package.
gatos / atitv(1)
Simple text-mode program from the gatos package.
atitvout / atitvout(1)
Ati rage/radeon tv out configuration program
netpbm / atktopbm(1)
Convert andrew toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
libatlas-cpp-0.6-dev / atlas_convert(1)
Convert atlas data files
fslview / atlasquery(1)
Commandline tool to query brain atlases about stereotaxic coordinates
atlc / atlc(1)
An arbitrary transmission line calculator
x11-apps / atobm(1)
Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the x window system
atool / atool(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
atop / atop(1)
At computing's system & process monitor
atop / atopsar(1)
At computing's system activity report (atop related)
atp / atp(1)
Convert an ascii or a text file to postscript format for printing
at / atq(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
atril / atril(1)
The mate document viewer
atril / atril-previewer(1)
Show print preview for a document
atril / atril-thumbnailer(1)
Create png thumbnails from atril supported documents
at / atrm(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
atsar / atsar(1)
Atsar system activity report
dvb-apps / atsc_epg(1)
An electronic program guide using atsc devices.
ats-lang-anairiats / atscc(1)
Ats compiler frontend
ats-lang-anairiats / atslex(1)
Lexer generator for ats
ats-lang-anairiats / atsopt(1)
Ats to c compiler
scotch / atst(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
scotch / atst-int32(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
scotch / atst-int64(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
scotch / atst-long(1)
Test the consistency of target architectures
ladr4-apps / attack(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
attr / attr(1)
Extended attributes on xfs filesystem objects
aubio-tools / aubiocut(1)
A command line tool to slice sound files at onset or beat timestamps
aubio-tools / aubiomfcc(1)
A command line tool to compute mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients
aubio-tools / aubionotes(1)
A command line tool to extract musical notes
aubio-tools / aubioonset(1)
A command line tool to extract musical onset times
aubio-tools / aubiopitch(1)
A command line tool to extract musical pitch
aubio-tools / aubioquiet(1)
A command line tool to extracts quiet and loud regions from a file
aubio-tools / aubiotrack(1)
A command line tool to extract musical beats from audio signals
audacious / audacious(1)
An advanced audio player.
audacity / audacity(1)
Graphical cross-platform audio editor
audex / audex(1)
Audio grabber tool for kde4
fuse-emulator-utils / audio2tape(1)
Audio2tape sinclair zx spectrum audio to tape file converter
audiolink / audiolink(1)
Create audiolink config file, databases and tables
audiopreview / audiopreview(1)
Play previews of your audio and video files, and also internet media streams.
libccaudio2-dev / audiotool(1)
Manipulate audio data files.
policycoreutils / audit2allow(1)
Generate selinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from logs of denied operations audit2why - translates selinux audit messages into a description of why the access was denied (audit2allow -w)
policycoreutils / audit2why(1)
Generate selinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from logs of denied operations audit2why - translates selinux audit messages into a description of why the access was denied (audit2allow -w)
audacious / audtool(1)
A small tool to modify behavior of a running audacious instance.
augeas-tools / augparse(1)
Execute an augeas module
augeas-tools / augtool(1)
Inspect and modify configuration files
atool / aunpack(1)
A script for managing file archives of various types
dsbltesters / auth-relaytest(1)
Attempt to use authenticated smtp to relay to a dsbl-compliant host
authbind / authbind(1)
Bind sockets to privileged ports without root
courier-authlib / authpasswd(1)
Generate login passwords
courier-authlib / authtest(1)
Test the courier authentication library
auto-07p / auto-07p(1)
The auto command line user interface
auto-apt / auto-apt(1)
On demand package installation tool
auto-multiple-choice-common / auto-multiple-choice(1)
Automated treatment of mcqs
autoclass / autoclass(1)
Automatically discover classes in data
autoconf / autoconf(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autoconf2.13 / autoconf(1)
Wrapper for distinguishing autoconf 2.13 and 2.50
autoconf-dickey / autoconf-dickey(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autoconf2.13 / autoconf2.13(1)
Creates scripts to configure source code packages using templates
autoconf2.59 / autoconf2.59(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autoconf2.64 / autoconf2.64(1)
Generate configuration scripts
autocutsel / autocutsel(1)
Keep the x clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync
autodns-dhcp / autodns-dhcp_cron(1)
A cron script to check for changes to the dhcp.leases file
autodns-dhcp / autodns-dhcp_ddns(1)
The script that updates the dns and settles the dhcp stuff
autodock / autodock4(1)
Docking of chemical ligands to protein receptors
expect / autoexpect(1)
Generate an expect script from watching a session
pcp / autofsd-probe(1)
Probe autofs mount/unmount daemon
autogrid / autogrid4(1)
Preparing protein and ligand for autodock analysis
gnustep-base-runtime / autogsdoc(1)
Gnustep api documentation generator and xml-html converter
autoconf / autoheader(1)
Create a template header for configure
autoconf2.13 / autoheader(1)
Wrapper for distinguishing autoconf 2.13 and 2.50
autoconf-dickey / autoheader-dickey(1)
Create a template header for configure
autoconf2.13 / autoheader2.13(1)
Creates a template file of c #define's for use by configure.
autoconf2.59 / autoheader2.59(1)
Create a template header for configure
autoconf2.64 / autoheader2.64(1)
Create a template header for configure
autojump / autojump(1)
A faster way to navigate your filesystem
autokey-gtk / autokey-gtk(1)
Keyboard automation utility for gnome and gtk
autokey-qt / autokey-qt(1)
Keyboard automation utility for kde and qt
autokey-common / autokey-run(1)
Command-line execution utility for autokey
autoconf / autom4te(1)
Generate files and scripts thanks to m4
autoconf2.59 / autom4te2.59(1)
Generate files and scripts thanks to m4
autoconf2.64 / autom4te2.64(1)
Generate files and scripts thanks to m4
automake1.11 / automake-1.11(1)
Manual page for automake 1.11.6
automake / automake-1.14(1)
Manual page for automake 1.14.1
tiled / automappingconverter(1)
A converter for old tiled automapping rules
automx / automx-test(1)
Automx command line client
autogen / autoopts-config(1)
Script to get information about installed version of autoopts
autoradio / autoplayerd(1)
Autoradio player daemon
autoradio / autoplayergui(1)
Autoradio player gui
autopoint / autopoint(1)
Copies standard gettext infrastructure
autoproject / autoproject(1)
Create a skeleton source package for a new program
autopsy / autopsy(1)
Autopsy forensic browser
mgetty-pvftools / autopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
autoradio / autoradioctrl(1)
Autoradio controller tool
autoradio / autoradiod(1)
Autoradiod daemon for autoradio suite
autoradio / autoradiodbusd(1)
Autoradio dbus daemon
autoradio / autoradioweb(1)
Autoradioweb daemon for autoradio suite
autoconf / autoreconf(1)
Update generated configuration files
autoconf2.13 / autoreconf(1)
Wrapper for distinguishing autoconf 2.13 and 2.50
autoconf-dickey / autoreconf-dickey(1)
Update generated configuration files
autoconf2.13 / autoreconf2.13(1)
Update configure scripts
autoconf2.59 / autoreconf2.59(1)
Update generated configuration files
autorenamer / autorenamer(1)
Program to rename files so they sort according to given ordering
autorevision / autorevision(1)
Extract current-revision metadata from version-control repositories
autoconf / autoscan(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
autoconf-dickey / autoscan-dickey(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
autoconf2.13 / autoscan2.13(1)
Help to create a configure.in file for a software package
autoconf2.59 / autoscan2.59(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
autoconf2.64 / autoscan2.64(1)
Generate a preliminary configure.in
ladr4-apps / autosketches4(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
autotrash / autotrash(1)
Autotrash program to automatically purge old files from the freedesktop.org trash
autoconf / autoupdate(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
autoconf-dickey / autoupdate-dickey(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
autoconf2.13 / autoupdate2.13(1)
Updates an old configure.in file to version 2
autoconf2.59 / autoupdate2.59(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
autoconf2.64 / autoupdate2.64(1)
Update a configure.in to a newer autoconf
isdnvboxclient / autovbox(1)
Isdn voice box (sound converter)
bibtex2html / aux2bib(1)
Extracts a bibtex database according to an aux file.
dvb-apps / av7110_loadkeys(1)
A program to load keymaps.
avahi-utils / avahi-browse(1)
Browse for mdns/dns-sd services using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-browse-domains(1)
Browse for mdns/dns-sd services using the avahi daemon
avahi-discover / avahi-discover(1)
Browse for mdns/dns-sd services using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-publish(1)
Register an mdns/dns-sd service or host name or address mapping using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-publish-address(1)
Register an mdns/dns-sd service or host name or address mapping using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-publish-service(1)
Register an mdns/dns-sd service or host name or address mapping using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-resolve(1)
Resolve one or more mdns/dns host name(s) to ip address(es) (and vice versa) using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-resolve-address(1)
Resolve one or more mdns/dns host name(s) to ip address(es) (and vice versa) using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-resolve-host-name(1)
Resolve one or more mdns/dns host name(s) to ip address(es) (and vice versa) using the avahi daemon
avahi-utils / avahi-set-host-name(1)
Change mdns host name
avarice / avarice(1)
Provides an interface from avr-gdb to atmel's jtagice box.
survex-aven / aven(1)
Aven sophisticated cave viewer for unix and ms windows
argyll / average(1)
Average or merge values in .ti3 like files.
grinder / average_genome_size(1)
Calculate the average genome size in grinder libraries
python-libavg / avg_audioplayer(1)
Audio player
python-libavg / avg_checktouch(1)
Test application for multitouch devices
python-libavg / avg_checkvsync(1)
Vsync test application
python-libavg / avg_chromakey(1)
Test application for libavg chromakey filter
python-libavg / avg_showcamera(1)
Camera discovery and display tool
python-libavg / avg_showfile(1)
Display an avg file
python-libavg / avg_showfont(1)
Font enumeration and preview tool
python-libavg / avg_showsvg(1)
Basic svg rasterizer
python-libavg / avg_videoinfo(1)
Video inspection tool
python-libavg / avg_videoplayer(1)
Video player
libavifile-0.7-bin / avibench(1)
Benchmarking tool
libavifile-0.7-bin / avicap(1)
V4l capturing and pvr tool
libavifile-0.7-bin / avicat(1)
Cat tool for joining files
aview / aview(1)
A high quality ascii art image viewer
libavifile-0.7-dev / avifile-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of avifile
transcode / avifix(1)
Fix header of avi-file
transcode / aviindex(1)
Write and read text files describing the index of an avi file
libavifile-0.7-bin / avimake(1)
Making tool
transcode / avimerge(1)
Merge several avi-files into one
libavifile-0.7-bin / aviplay(1)
Qt-based movie player
libavifile-0.7-bin / avirec(1)
Video recording tool
libavifile-0.7-bin / avirecompress(1)
Video recompression tool
transcode / avisplit(1)
Split avi-files into chunks of a maximum size
transcode / avisync(1)
Adjust audio synchronisation
libavifile-0.7-bin / avitype(1)
Show video info
binutils-avr / avr-gasp(1)
A preprocessor for assembly programs
avr-libc / avr-man(1)
A man(1) replacement to access the avr-libc manual pages
gdb-avr / avr-run(1)
Runsimulator front-end
avra / avra(1)
Assembler for the atmel avr microcontroller family
avrp / avrp(1)
Atmel avr programming software to use with atmel's serial-port programmers
avrprog / avrprog(1)
Programmer for atmel avr microcontrolers
raster3d / avs2ps(1)
Convert avs image input on stdin to monochrome postscript on stdout
awardeco / awardeco(1)
Decompress flashfiles equipped with an award bios
away / away(1)
Terminal locking program
aweather / aweather(1)
Advanced weather reporting program
awesome / awesome(1)
Awesome window manager
awesome / awesome-client(1)
Awesome window manager remote execution
awffull / awffull(1)
A webalizer fork, full o' features
awffull / awffull_history_regen(1)
sloccount / awk_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
ruby-aws-sdk / aws-rb(1)
Ruby repl interface to amazon web services api.
aws-status / aws-status(1)
Gui indicator/gtk status icon for monitoring ec2 instances.
libaws-bin / aws_password(1)
Create a password for the hotplug server authorization file
awesome / awsetbg(1)
Awesome wrapper tool to set background
libaws-bin / awsres(1)
Build resource files for ada web server applications
awstats / awstats(1)
A free web server logfile analyzer to show you advanced web statistics
afnix / axc(1)
Afnix cross compiler
ax25-apps / axcall(1)
Make an ax.25, net/rom or rose connection.
afnix / axd(1)
Afnix cross debugger
axel / axel(1)
A light download accelerator for linux.
axel-kapt / axel-kapt(1)
Axel front-end
ax25mail-utils / axgetlist(1)
Read the message list from the bbs
ax25mail-utils / axgetmail(1)
Automaticaly download messages from the f6fbb bbs
ax25mail-utils / axgetmsg(1)
Download selected messages from f6fbb bbs
ax25-tools / axgetput(1)
Upload or download files via ax.25 / axspawn linux login session.
afnix / axi(1)
Afnix cross interpreter
apt-xapian-index / axi-cache(1)
Query the apt xapian index
axiom / axiom(1)
A general purpose computer algebra system
axiom-test / axiom-test(1)
Run the axiom regression testsuite
python-axiom / axiomatic(1)
Command-line tool for creating, configuring, and inspecting an axiom database
afnix / axl(1)
Afnix cross librarian
ax25-apps / axlisten(1)
Monitor ax.25 traffic
ayttm / ayttm(1)
Universal instant messaging client
ayttm / ayttm_streamer_wrapper(1)
Universal instant messaging client
dvb-apps / azap(1)
A program to process channels.conf files.
azr3-jack / azr3(1)
Organ synth with distortion and rotating speakers
xemacs21-bin / b2m.xemacs21(1)
This program converts a babyl mailbox to a standard unix mailbox.
babeltrace / babeltrace(1)
Babeltrace babeltrace trace viewer and converter
babeltrace / babeltrace-log(1)
Babeltrace-log babeltrace log converter
babiloo / babiloo(1)
Dictionary viewer with multi-languages support
backintime-common / backintime(1)
A simple backup tool for linux. this is command line tool. the graphical tools are: backintime-gnome and backintime-kde4.
backintime-common / backintime-config(1)
Backintime configuration files.
backintime-gnome / backintime-gnome(1)
A simple backup tool for gnome.
backintime-kde / backintime-kde4(1)
A simple backup tool for kde4.
ubuntu-dev-tools / backportpackage(1)
Helper to test package backports
chiark-backup / backup-checkallused(1)
Check chiark-backup configuration
chiark-backup / backup-driver(1)
Entry point for cron or inittab to start backups
chiark-backup / backup-labeltape(1)
Display or change tape label
chiark-backup / backup-loaded(1)
Tell the chiark-backup system what to do with a new tape
chiark-backup / backup-takedown(1)
Bring some system services down for backups
chiark-backup / backup-whatsthis(1)
Read an id off a tape and display it
backupninja / backupninja(1)
A lightweight, extensible meta-backup system "a silent flower blossom death strike to lost data."
ruby-bacon / bacon(1)
Small rspec clone
bacula-console-qt / bacula-console-qt(1)
Bacula administration tool console
bacula-traymonitor / bacula-tray-monitor(1)
Bacula's 'system tray' monitor
bacula-traymonitor / bacula-traymonitor(1)
Bacula's 'system tray' monitor
cakephp-scripts / bake.php(1)
Generates skeleton cakephp applications
balance / balance(1)
A simple tcp proxy with load balancing and failover mechanisms.
raster3d / balls(1)
Preprocessor for space-filling models in raster3d molecular graphics package
bam / bam(1)
Fast and flexible build system
bamtools / bamtools(1)
Toolkit for manipulating bam (genome alignment) files
bangarang / bangarang(1)
Bangarang a kde media player
bangarang / bangarangnepomukwriter(1)
Manages bangarang's media metadata in the nepomuk store
sysvbanner / banner(1)
Print large banner
banshee / banshee(1)
Media management and playback application muinshee - media management and playback application
baobab / baobab(1)
A graphical tool to analyze disk usage
bar / bar(1)
Show information about a data transfer
barcode / barcode(1)
A stand alone program to run the barcode library
exactimage / bardecode(1)
Barcode recognition tool of the exactimage toolkit
bareftp / bareftp(1)
Graphical file transfer client
bareos-traymonitor / bareos-tray-monitor(1)
Bareos's 'system tray' monitor
barman / barman(1)
Backup and recovery manager for postgresql
barnowl / barnowl(1)
Tty\(hybased zephyr client
coreutils / base64(1)
Base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
coreutils / basename(1)
Strip directory and suffix from filenames
basex / basex(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (command line mode)
basex / basexclient(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (client mode)
basex / basexgui(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (graphical mode)
basex / basexserver(1)
Xml database system and xpath/xquery processor (server mode)
bash / bash(1)
Gnu bourne-again shell
bash-static / bash-static(1)
Gnu bourne-again shell
bash / bashbug(1)
Report a bug in bash
bashburn / bashburn(1)
A bash script cd burner writer
mgetty-pvftools / basictopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
basket / basket(1)
Note-taking application
bacula-console-qt / bat(1)
Bacula administration tool console
bareos-bat / bat(1)
Bareos administration tool console
gerris / bat2gts(1)
Takes a bathymetry file (three columns: longitude, latitude (degree), depth (meters)) and generates a gts depth file for the given domain.
gerris-mpi / bat2gts(1)
Takes a bathymetry file (three columns: longitude, latitude (degree), depth (meters)) and generates a gts depth file for the given domain.
at / batch(1)
Queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution
libvips-tools / batch_crop(1)
Crop a set of images
libvips-tools / batch_image_convert(1)
Use vips to convert a set of images to a new type
libvips-tools / batch_rubber_sheet(1)
Warp a set of images with a rubber-sheet transformation
batmon.app / batmon(1)
Battery monitor for gnustep
bauble / bauble(1)
Software application to manage a collection of botanical specimens
bauble / bauble-admin(1)
Create bauble's database and change some of its properties
dbacl / bayesol(1)
A bayes solution calculator for use with dbacl.
bb / bb(1)
An ascii-art demo
bbdb / bbdb-areacode-split(1)
Looks for phone numbers in your .bbdb
bbdb / bbdb-cid(1)
bbdb / bbdb-srv(1)
Converts mail-headers to an emacs-lisp string.
bbdb / bbdb-unlazy-lock(1)
Removes crap from lazy-lock from your .bbdb
bbe / bbe(1)
Binary block editor
bbmail / bbmail(1)
Mailbox flag for x
ps2eps / bbox(1)
Prints out the bounding box of a rawppm or rawpbm image
impose+ / bboxx(1)
The program outputs the page number and the bounding box parameters for every page in the file filename, by postprocessing the output from the gs bbox device.
bbpager / bbpager(1)
Pager for the blackbox window manager
bbrun / bbrun(1)
An elegant tool for the blackbox window manager that runs commands
bbtime / bbtime(1)
Display the time in a small blackbox style window
speech-tools / bcat(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
bcc / bcc(1)
Bruce's c compiler
bluez / bccmd(1)
Utility for the csr bccmd interface
bcfg2 / bcfg2(1)
Bcfg2 client tool
samtools / bcftools(1)
Utilities for the sequence alignment/map (sam) format bcftools - utilities for the binary call format (bcf) and vcf
bchunk / bchunk(1)
Cd image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr
graphviz / bcomps(1)
Biconnected components filter for graphs
bareos-bconsole / bconsole(1)
Bareos's management console
libboost1.55-tools-dev / bcp(1)
Extract subsets of boost
bcpp / bcpp(1)
Make c++ beautifier
bcron / bcrontab(1)
Manage users crontab files
bcrypt / bcrypt(1)
Blowfish file encryption
cbootimage / bct_dump(1)
Bct_dump tegra boot config table (bct) dumping utility
libbluray-bin / bd_info(1)
Show bd disc info
bdf2psf / bdf2psf(1)
Convert a bdf font to psf format for the linux console
unifont-bin / bdfimplode(1)
Convert a bdf font into gnu unifont .hex format
bdfresize / bdfresize(1)
Resize bdf format font
libbogl-dev / bdftobogl(1)
Bogl/bterm font convertor
libgd-tools / bdftogd(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
xfonts-utils / bdftopcf(1)
Convert x font from bitmap distribution format to portable compiled format
xfonts-utils / bdftruncate(1)
Generate truncated bdf font from iso 10646-1-encoded bdf font
macs / bdgbroadcall(1)
Fine-tuning script to call broad peaks from a single bedgraph track for scores
macs / bdgcmp(1)
Calculate scores using certain method by comparing a bedgraph file from treatment and a file from control representing local bias
macs / bdgdiff(1)
Naive call differential peaks from 4 bedgraph tracks for scores
macs / bdgpeakcall(1)
Naive call peaks from a single bedgraph track for scores
bdii / bdii-update(1)
The bdii update process
libbiniou-ocaml-dev / bdump(1)
Visualization of biniou data
bugs-everywhere / be(1)
Distributed bug tracking from the command line
beanstalkd / beanstalkd(1)
Simple, fast work queue
bear / bear(1)
Build ear
beav / beav(1)
Binary file editor and viewer
beef / beef(1)
Flexible brainfuck interpreter
beep / beep(1)
Beep the pc speaker any number of ways
gerstensaft / beer(1)
Graphical frontend to saft
beets / beet(1)
Music tagger and library organizer
belier / bel(1)
Open a shell or execute a command on a remote computer through several machines
acedb-other-belvu / belvu(1)
View multiple alignments in good-looking colours.
ben / ben(1)
Transition tracker manager
snacc / berdecode(1)
Decode ber encoded data
berkeley-abc / berkeley-abc(1)
A system for sequential synthesis and verification
db5.1-util / berkeley_db5.1_svc(1)
Berkeley db rpc server
db5.3-util / berkeley_db5.3_svc(1)
Berkeley db rpc server
mcrl2 / besinfo(1)
Display basic information about a bes
kde-style-bespin / bespin(1)
The bespin style configurator
mcrl2 / bespp(1)
Pretty print a bes
aircrack-ng / besside-ng-crawler(1)
Filter eapol frames from a directory of capture files.
betaradio / betaradio(1)
An easy way to listen to internet radio of taiwan.
bear-factory / bf-animation-editor(1)
Bf-animation-editor the animation editor for the bear engine.
bear-factory / bf-level-editor(1)
Bf-level-editor the level editor for the bear engine.
bear-factory / bf-model-editor(1)
Bf-model-editor the model editor for the bear engine.
bogofilter-common / bf_compact(1)
Shell script to compact a bogofilter directory
bogofilter-common / bf_copy(1)
Shell script to copy a bogofilter working directory
bogofilter-common / bf_tar(1)
Shell script to write a tar file of a bogofilter directory to stdout
bfbtester / bfbtester(1)
Brute force binary tester
bfgminer / bfgminer(1)
Multi-threaded multi-pool asic, fpga, gpu and cpu bitcoin miner.
ax25-tools / bget(1)
Upload or download files via ax.25 / axspawn linux login session.
tabix / bgzip(1)
Block compression/decompression utility tabix - generic indexer for tab-delimited genome position files
biabam / biabam(1)
Biabam is a bash attachment mailer
bibtex2html / bib2bib(1)
Filter bibtex data bases
cb2bib / bib2pdf(1)
Script to convert bibtex format files to pdf format files
bibutils / bib2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
bibclean / bibclean(1)
Prettyprint and syntax check bibtex and scribe bibliography data base files
texlive-bibtex-extra / bibdoiadd(1)
Add doi numbers to papers in a given bib file
hevea / bibhva(1)
A bibtex wrapper for use with hevea
bibutils / biblatex2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
bible-kjv / bible(1)
Lookup words and verses in the bible (king james version)
bibledit-bibletime / bibledit-bibletime(1)
Bibledit bibletime helper
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-git(1)
Internal command for bibledit, a bible editor
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-gtk(1)
A bible editor
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-rdwrt(1)
Read or writes data to or from a bibledit-gtk bible or project
bibledit-gtk / bibledit-shutdown(1)
Internal command for bibledit, a bible editor
bibledit-xiphos / bibledit-xiphos(1)
Bibledit xiphos helper
texlive-binaries / bibtex.original(1)
Make a bibliography for (la)tex
pybliographer / bibtex.pybliographer(1)
Use bibliographic databases in latex files
pybtex / bibtex.pybtex(1)
Bibtex-compatible bibliography processor in python
bibtex2html / bibtex2html(1)
A translator of bibliography databases into html
texlive-binaries / bibtex8(1)
8-bit big bibtex version 0.99c
bibtool / bibtool(1)
Bibtex file manipulation tool
bibus / bibus(1)
Bibus is a bibliographic database
bibutils / bibutils(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
texlive-bibtex-extra / bibzbladd(1)
Add zbl numbers to papers in a given bib file
bidiv / bidiv(1)
Bidirectional text filter
bijiben / bijiben(1)
An intuitive note editor integrated with gnome 3
a56 / bin2h(1)
Converter to header file
fp-utils-2.6.4 / bin2obj-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal binary to pascal include file converter.
ascii2binary / binary2ascii(1)
Convert binary numbers to textual representation
wcstools / bincat(1)
binclock / binclock(1)
Prints time in binary format
bind9 / bind9-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of isc bind
bindechexascii / bindechexascii(1)
Converts ascii, binary, decimal, hexadecimal and prints results on the in screen
bindfs / bindfs(1)
Bindfs \(hy mount --bind in user-space
binfmtc / binfmtasm-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc assembly handler
binfmtc / binfmtc-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc c handler
binfmtc / binfmtcxx-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc c++ handler
binfmtc / binfmtf-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc fortran handler
binfmtc / binfmtf95-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc fortran handler
binfmtc / binfmtgcj-interpreter(1)
Binfmt_misc gcj handler
macutils / binhex(1)
Hexifies a series of files
bino / bino(1)
A 3d video player with multi-display support.
bins / bins(1)
Bins generate a static html photo albums using xml and exif tags
bins / bins_cleanupgallery(1)
Remove any unused file in your html galleries
bins / bins_edit(1)
Bins_edit set fields in xml picture description files for bins
binstats / binstats(1)
Display statistics about programs and libraries
octomap-tools / binvox2bt(1)
Convert 3d mesh voxelizer meshes to a single bonsai tree file
binwalk / binwalk(1)
Tool for searching binary images for embedded files and executable code
libbio2jack0-dev / bio2jack-config(1)
Bio2jack build information script
rss-glx / biof(1)
Rotating stack of quads.
biogenesis / biogenesis(1)
Biogenesis, an artificial life program focused on evolution
biomaj / biomaj(1)
Downloads and transform remote biological data banks
netpbm / bioradtopgm(1)
Convert a biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bip / bip(1)
Bip irc proxy
bip / bipgenconfig(1)
Bip irc proxy configuration program
bip / bipmkpw(1)
Password hasher for bip
birthday / birthday(1)
Warn about upcoming birthdays and other events
bisho / bisho(1)
Bisho program to set the account information for meego web services
bison / bison(1)
Gnu project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bison++ / bison(1)
Gnu project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bison++ / bison++(1)
Generate a parser in c or c++.
bison++ / bison++.yacc(1)
Gnu project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bison / bison.yacc(1)
Gnu project parser generator
bist / bist(1)
A chemical drawing tool.
fpgatools / bit2fp(1)
Bitstream to floorplan
ubuntu-dev-tools / bitesize(1)
Add bitesize tag to bugs and add a comment.
bitpim / bitfling(1)
Secure remote access to bitfling
x11-apps / bitmap(1)
Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the x window system
bitpim / bitpim(1)
Utility to communicate with many cdma phones
bitstormlite / bitstormlite(1)
Bittorrent client based on c++/gtk+2.0
trac-bitten-slave / bitten-slave(1)
Performs a build and sends result to the bitten master.
bittornado / bittorrent-downloader.bittornado(1)
Bittorrent-downloader download files using a scatter-gather network
bittorrent / bittorrent-downloader.bittorrent(1)
Download files using a scatter-gather network
bittornado / bittorrent-multi-downloader.bittornado(1)
Bittorrent-multi-downloader download multiple files using a scatter-gather network
bittorrent / bittorrent-multi-downloader.bittorrent(1)
Multiple file clients for bittorrent
bittwist / bittwist(1)
Pcap based ethernet packet generator
bittwist / bittwiste(1)
Pcap capture file editor
xoscope / bitxoscope(1)
Configuration tool for xoscope
libboost1.55-tools-dev / bjam(1)
Software build tool
bkchem / bkchem(1)
A free chemical drawing program
ants / bl(1)
Part of ants registration suite
blast2 / bl2seq(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blackbox / blackbox(1)
A window manager for x11
bladerf / bladeRF-cli(1)
Command line interface and test utility
blahtexml / blahtexml(1)
Converts tex equations into mathml
blam / blam(1)
A nice rss aggregator for gnome
rcs-blame / blame(1)
Annotate rcs files
blast2 / blast(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blast2(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastall(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastall_old(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastcl3(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
blast2 / blastclust(1)
Blast score-based single-linkage clustering
blast2 / blastpgp(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
gff2aplot / blat2gff(1)
Converts blat output files to gff formatted files
blazeblogger / blaze(1)
Allows you to run blazeblogger utilities with a single command
blazeblogger / blaze-add(1)
Adds a blog post or a page to the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-config(1)
Displays or sets blazeblogger configuration options
blazeblogger / blaze-edit(1)
Edits a blog post or a page in the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-init(1)
Creates or recovers a blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-list(1)
Lists blog posts or pages in the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-log(1)
Displays the blazeblogger repository log
blazeblogger / blaze-make(1)
Generates a blog from the blazeblogger repository
blazeblogger / blaze-remove(1)
Removes a post or page from the blazeblogger repository
bleachbit / bleachbit(1)
Delete unnecessary files from the system
blender-data / blender(1)
A 3d modelling and rendering package
blender-data / blenderplayer(1)
The blender game engine runner
bless / bless(1)
Graphical hexadecimal gtk# editor
bley / bley(1)
Intelligent greylisting daemon for postfix
bley / bleygraph(1)
Stats plotter for bley
retty / blindtty(1)
Run command in a detached terminal
bliss / bliss(1)
Compute automorphism groups and canonical labelings of graphs
libqimageblitz-dev / blitztest(1)
Program to test blitz imaging filter library
sleuthkit / blkcalc(1)
Converts between unallocated disk unit numbers and regular disk unit numbers.
sleuthkit / blkcat(1)
Display the contents of file system data unit in a disk image.
sleuthkit / blkls(1)
List or output file system data units.
blktrace / blkparse(1)
Produce formatted output of event streams of block devices
blktrace / blkrawverify(1)
Verifies an output file produced by blkparse
sleuthkit / blkstat(1)
Display details of a file system data unit (i.e. block or sector)
python-blockdiag / blockdiag(1)
Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-blockdiag / blockdiag3(1)
Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file.
blockfinder / blockfinder(1)
Enumerates network information for countries
blogofile / blogofile(1)
Static website compiler and blog engine
ruby-bluecloth / bluecloth(1)
Convert markdown input to html
ruby-bluefeather / bluefeather(1)
bluefish / bluefish(1)
Editor for experienced web designers and programmers
blueman / blueman-adapters(1)
An utility to set adapter properties
blueman / blueman-applet(1)
A tray applet for managing bluetooth
blueman / blueman-assistant(1)
Application for configuring and pairing bluetooth devices
blueman / blueman-browse(1)
Helper application for launching an obex browser
blueman / blueman-manager(1)
Bluetooth device manager
blueman / blueman-sendto(1)
Application for sending files to bluetooth devices
blueman / blueman-services(1)
Configure local bluetooth services
bluemindo / bluemindo(1)
Simple yet powerful audio player
bluemon / bluemon(1)
Bluemon activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth link quality
bluemon / bluemon-client(1)
Bluemon-client activate or deactivate programs based on bluetooth link quality
bluemon / bluemon-query(1)
Bluemon-query query the state of and send commands to bluemon(1)
blueproximity / blueproximity(1)
Locks/unlocks your desktop tracking a bluetooth device
gnome-bluetooth / bluetooth-sendto(1)
Gtk application for transferring files over bluetooth
bluez / bluetoothctl(1)
Bluetooth control tool
bmap-tools / bmaptool(1)
Create block map (bmap) for a file or copy a file using bmap
bmf / bmf(1)
Efficient bayesian mail filter
bmf / bmfconv(1)
Database converter for bmf
bvi / bmore(1)
Browse through a binary file
ztex-bmp / bmp(1)
Babel universal macro processor
libtiff-tools / bmp2tiff(1)
Create a tiff file from a microsoft windows device independent bitmap image file
netpbm / bmptopnm(1)
Convert a bmp file into a portable anymap
netpbm / bmptoppm(1)
Convert a bmp file into a portable anymap
x11-apps / bmtoa(1)
Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the x window system
blktrace / bno_plot(1)
Generate interactive 3d plot of io blocks and sizes
boa-constructor / boa-constructor(1)
Rad tool for python and wxwindows
boats / boats(1)
A race scenario drawing tool
python-sponge / bob(1)
Utility script for the sponge web framework
bochs / bochs(1)
Portable x86 emulator.
bochs / bochs-bin(1)
Portable x86 emulator.
bogofilter-common / bogofilter(1)
Fast bayesian spam filter
bogofilter-common / bogolexer(1)
Utility program for separating email messages into tokens
bogofilter-common / bogotune(1)
Find optimum parameter settings for bogofilter
bogofilter-common / bogoupgrade(1)
Upgrades bogofilter database to current version
bogofilter-common / bogoutil(1)
Dumps, loads, and maintains bogofilter database files
boinc-client / boinc(1)
The boinc client program.
boinc-client / boinccmd(1)
The command line interface to the boinc client.
boinc-manager / boincmgr(1)
The graphical boinc manager for the client.
boinctui / boinctui(1)
Fullscreen text mode manager for boinc client
siege / bombardment(1)
Run siege with an ever-increasing number of users
bonnie++ / bon_csv2html(1)
Bon_csv2html program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to a html form using tables suitable for display on a web page. nb lynx can't display this properly, and due to the size it probably requires 1024x768 monitor to display properly. bon_csv2txt program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to plain-text format suitable for pasting into an email or reading on a braille display.
bonnie++ / bon_csv2txt(1)
Bon_csv2html program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to a html form using tables suitable for display on a web page. nb lynx can't display this properly, and due to the size it probably requires 1024x768 monitor to display properly. bon_csv2txt program to convert csv format bonnie++ data to plain-text format suitable for pasting into an email or reading on a braille display.
libteam-utils / bond2team(1)
Bond2team converts bonding configuration to team
hearse / bones-info(1)
Display information about a nethack bones file
libbonobo2-common / bonobo-activation-server(1)
Gnome component tracker
weboob / boobank(1)
Manage bank accounts
weboob / boobathon(1)
Participate in a boobathon
weboob / boobcoming(1)
See upcoming events
weboob / boobill(1)
Get and download bills
weboob / booblyrics(1)
Search and display song lyrics
weboob / boobmsg(1)
Send and receive message threads
weboob / boobooks(1)
Manage rented books
weboob / boobsize(1)
Display sensors and gauges values
weboob / boobtracker(1)
Manage bug tracking issues
boo / booc(1)
Boo compiler
boo / booi(1)
Boo interpreter
boo / booish(1)
Boo interactive shell
bookletimposer / bookletimposer(1)
An utility to reorganize pdf pages
txt2man / bookman(1)
Generate a book from man pages
bookview / bookview(1)
Ndtp (network dictionary transfer protocol) client written in tcl/tk
boolstuff / booldnf(1)
Converts a boolean expression to the dnf
boolector / boolector(1)
Smt solver for bit-vectors and arrays
bootcd / bootcd(1)
Utils to run diskless systems from cd
bootcd / bootcd2disk(1)
Copy a system running from bootcd to a disk
bootcd / bootcdbackup(1)
Create a bootable offline backup of a unix system
bootcd / bootcdflopcp(1)
Copy changes made after booting from bootcd to floppy
bootcd / bootcdwrite(1)
Build a bootcd image from a running system
bootchart2 / bootchart2(1)
Collects and analyses data from boot process
bootchart2 / bootchartd(1)
Collects and analyses data from boot process
bootstrap-vz / bootstrap-vz(1)
Program is creating debian images to be run in cloud environments like amazons ec2, openstack, google cloud compute and other which are sharing api with those
bopm / bopm(1)
Blitzed open proxy monitor
python-mlpy / borda(1)
Command line interface to borda in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
bosh / bosh(1)
Browsable output shell
bosixnet-daemon / bosixnet_daemon(1)
Shell script which periodically sends information about current ipv6 address to remote server and updates local /etc/hosts based on data received from that remote server. it is expected that bosixnet-webui is launched on that remote server.
bosixnet-webui / bosixnet_webui(1)
Fastcgi program which passively listens for incoming connections and generates list of hosts in your ipv6 network. this daemon prepares data which may be put directly into /etc/hosts.
bossa / bossa(1)
Gui programmer for atmel sam arm microcontrollers
bossa-cli / bossac(1)
Command line programmer for atmel sam arm microcontrollers
bossa-cli / bossash(1)
Interactive shell programmer for atmel sam arm microcontrollers
libbotan1.10-dev / botan-config-1.10(1)
Botan configuration query program
python-bottle-doc / bottle(1)
Command line interface starting with version 0.10 you can use bottle as a command-line tool:
qmail / bouncesaying(1)
Perhaps bounce each incoming message
boxes / boxes(1)
Text mode box and comment drawing filter
boxshade / boxshade(1)
Pretty-printing of multiple sequence alignments
bplay / bplay(1)
Buffered sound recording/playing
bpm-tools / bpm(1)
Calculate the tempo of music files
bpm-tools / bpm-graph(1)
Calculate the tempo of music files
bpm-tools / bpm-tag(1)
Calculate the tempo of music files
python-mygpoclient / bpsync(1)
Synchronize bashpodder subscriptions with gpodder.net
ax25-tools / bput(1)
Upload or download files via ax.25 / axspawn linux login session.
bpython / bpython(1)
A fancy {curses, gtk+, urwid} interface to the python interactive interpreter
bpython3 / bpython3(1)
A fancy {curses, gtk+, urwid} interface to the python interactive interpreter
bottlerocket / br(1)
Utility to interact with firecracker device
ruby-bio / br_biofetch(1)
Br_biofetch.rb biofetch client
ruby-bio / br_bioflat(1)
Br_bioflat.rb obda flat file indexer
ruby-bio / br_biogetseq(1)
Br_biogetseq odba sequence retrieval
ruby-bio / br_pmfetch(1)
Br_pmfetch pubmed client
brag / brag(1)
Grab multipart binaries from news server
brailleutils / brailleutils(1)
Convert and emboss pef documents
braindump / braindump(1)
Directly from your brain to the computer
brandy / brandy(1)
A portable bbc basic v interpreter
brasero / brasero(1)
Simple and easy to use cd/dvd burning application for the gnome desktop
python-breadability / breadability(1)
Readbility formatter for html
sloccount / break_filelist(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
brebis / brebis(1)
Check your backup for corruption or unexpected content
bplay / brec(1)
Buffered sound recording/playing
bareos-tools / bregex(1)
Bareos's 'regex' engine
brewtarget / brewtarget(1)
Helps you brew beer.
brightd / brightd(1)
A brightness control daemon
bristol / brighton(1)
A synthesiser emulation package.
bristol / bristol(1)
A synthesiser emulation package.
bristol / bristolengine(1)
A synthesiser emulation package.
bristol / bristoljackstats(1)
Ancillary program for bristol
brltty / brltty(1)
Refreshable braille display driver for linux/unix
libgtk-3-bin / broadwayd(1)
Broadway display server
browser-history / browser-history(1)
External history of web browsers, such as netscape
node-browserify-lite / browserify-lite(1)
Bundle client-side javascript using node.js-style module syntax
netpbm / brushtopbm(1)
Convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
brutefir / brutefir(1)
Brutefir program included in the demudi distribution
openwince-jtag / bsdl2jtag(1)
urjtag / bsdl2jtag(1)
Urjtag declaration file conversion
blackbox / bsetbg(1)
Utility to manipulate the appearance of the x11 desktop's root window.
blackbox / bsetroot(1)
Blackbox utility to change root window appearance
code-aster-gui / bsf(1)
Bsf command
bsfilter / bsfilter(1)
Bsfilter bayesian spam filter
bsh / bsh(1)
Beanshell: a java scripting environment (command-line version).
bsign / bsign(1)
Embed and verify secure hashes and digital signatures
ddskk / bskk(1)
Bayesian estimation for skk
bacula-common / bsmtp(1)
Bacula's smtp client (mail submission program)
bareos-common / bsmtp(1)
Bareos's smtp client (mail submission program)
mongodb-clients / bsondump(1)
Mongodb bson utility
freetds-bin / bsqldb(1)
Batch sql script processor using db-library
freetds-bin / bsqlodbc(1)
Batch sql script processor using odbc
avahi-ui-utils / bssh(1)
Browse for ssh/vnc servers on the local network
blackbox / bstyleconvert(1)
A blackbox style conversion utility
octomap-tools / bt2vrml(1)
Convert from voxels to vrml2.0
btag / btag(1)
A command line based multimedia tagger
bittornado / btcompletedir.bittornado(1)
Btcompletedir creates torrent meta-info files for all files/directories within a directory
bittorrent / btcompletedir.bittorrent(1)
Makes a .torrent file for every specified file
bittornado-gui / btcompletedirgui.bittornado(1)
Btcompletedirgui gui interface to create torrent meta-info files for all files/directories within a directory
bittorrent-gui / btcompletedirgui.bittorrent(1)
Gui tool for creating .torrent files
bittornado / btcopyannounce(1)
Btcopyannounce copy torrent announce information to other torrents
bittornado / btdownloadcurses.bittornado(1)
Btdownloadcurses curses bittornado download interface
bittorrent / btdownloadcurses.bittorrent(1)
Download files using a scatter-gather network
bittornado-gui / btdownloadgui.bittornado(1)
Btdownloadgui gui bittorrent download interface
bittornado / btdownloadheadless.bittornado(1)
Btdownloadheadless headless bittorrent download interface
bittorrent / btdownloadheadless.bittorrent(1)
Download files using a scatter-gather network
lifelines / btedit(1)
Direct editing of btree records
bogl-bterm / bterm(1)
Framebuffer terminal emulator
bti / bti(1)
Send a tweet to twitter.com from the command line
bti / bti-shrink-urls(1)
Convert urls to a shorter form using a web service
bittornado / btlaunchmany.bittornado(1)
Btlaunchmany launch multiple torrent downloads, using a text interface
bittorrent / btlaunchmany.bittorrent(1)
Multiple file clients for bittorrent
bittornado / btlaunchmanycurses.bittornado(1)
Btlaunchmanycurses launch multiple torrent downloads, using a curses interface
bittorrent / btlaunchmanycurses.bittorrent(1)
Multiple file clients for bittorrent
bittornado / btmakemetafile.bittornado(1)
Btmakemetafile generates torrent meta-info files for use with bittorrent
bittorrent / btmakemetafile.bittorrent(1)
Program to generate torrent info files for bittorrent
bittornado-gui / btmaketorrentgui(1)
Btmaketorrentgui gui program to generate torrent meta-info files for use with bittorrent
bluez / btmon(1)
Bluetooth monitor
bacula-common / btraceback(1)
Wrapper script around gdb and bsmtp
bittornado / btreannounce.bittornado(1)
Btreannounce change the announce address of a torrent file
bittorrent / btreannounce.bittorrent(1)
Change the announce address of a torrent file.
bittornado / btrename.bittornado(1)
Btrename change the suggested filename inside a bittorrent file
bittorrent / btrename.bittorrent(1)
Change the suggested filename inside a bittorrent file
btscanner / btscanner(1)
Ncurses-based scanner for bluetooth devices
bittornado / btsethttpseeds(1)
Btsethttpseeds sets http-seeds information in torrents
bittornado / btshowmetainfo.bittornado(1)
Btshowmetainfo display the meta-information in bittorrent files
bittorrent / btshowmetainfo.bittorrent(1)
Display information in bittorrent files
blktrace / btt(1)
Analyse block i/o traces produces by blktrace
bittornado / bttrack.bittornado(1)
Bttrack bittorrent tracker
bittorrent / bttrack.bittorrent(1)
Tracker for bittorrent
python-backup2swift / bu2sw(1)
Backup data to openstack swift
python3-backup2swift / bu2sw3(1)
Backup data to openstack swift
bubblefishymon / bubblefishymon(1)
System load meter with ducks and fish
aircrack-ng / buddy-ng(1)
A tool to work with easside-ng
buffer / buffer(1)
Very fast reblocking program
buffy / buffy(1)
Mail folder monitor. monitor new and unread messages in a collection of mail folders.
llvm-3.4 / bugpoint-3.4(1)
Automatic test case reduction tool
llvm-3.5 / bugpoint-3.5(1)
Automatic test case reduction tool
bugz / bugz(1)
Bugz command line interface to bugzilla
buici-clock / buici-clock(1)
Attractive x11 clock
lives-plugins / build-lives-rfx-plugin(1)
Builds rendered effects for lives
lives-plugins / build-lives-rfx-plugin-multi(1)
Builds rendered effects for lives
openstack-debian-images / build-openstack-debian-image(1)
Build a debian image to be used with openstack
kdesdk-scripts / build-progress.sh(1)
Show kde-build progress in your konsole/xterm title bar
python-pysnmp4 / build-pysnmp-mib(1)
Build pysnmp mib definitions from mib text files
simple-cdd / build-simple-cdd(1)
Create custom debian-installer cds
buildapp / buildapp(1)
Application to create common lisp images
buildbot / buildbot(1)
A tool for managing buildbot master instances
buildd / buildd(1)
Package autobuilder daemon
buildd / buildd-mail(1)
Mail answer processor for buildd
buildd / buildd-mail-wrapper(1)
Mail answer processor for buildd
buildd / buildd-uploader(1)
Upload built packages for buildd
buildd / buildd-vlog(1)
View current build log
buildd / buildd-watcher(1)
Watch buildd activity
golang-go.tools / builder(1)
Go continuous build client
pentium-builder / builder-c++(1)
G++ wrapper to facilitate pentium-optimizations
pentium-builder / builder-cc(1)
Gcc wrapper to facilitate pentium-optimizations
buildnotify / buildnotify(1)
Cruise control ci build monitor
buildbot-slave / buildslave(1)
A tool for managing buildbot slave instances
buildtorrent / buildtorrent(1)
A torrent file creation program.
bumblebee / bumblebeed(1)
Bumblebee daemon
bundler / bundle(1)
Ruby dependency management
bundler / bundle-config(1)
Set bundler configuration options
bundler / bundle-exec(1)
Execute a command in the context of the bundle
bundler / bundle-install(1)
Install the dependencies specified in your gemfile
bundler / bundle-package(1)
Package your needed .gem files into your application
bundler / bundle-update(1)
Update your gems to the latest available versions
bzip2 / bunzip2(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bup-doc / bup(1)
Backup program using rolling checksums and git file formats
bup-doc / bup-bloom(1)
Generates, regenerates, updates bloom filters
bup-doc / bup-cat-file(1)
Extract archive content (low-level)
bup-doc / bup-daemon(1)
Listens for connections and runs bupserver
bup-doc / bup-damage(1)
Randomly destroy blocks of a file
bup-doc / bup-drecurse(1)
Recursively list files in your filesystem
bup-doc / bup-fsck(1)
Verify or repair a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-ftp(1)
Ftp-like client for navigating bup repositories
bup-doc / bup-fuse(1)
Mount a bup repository as a filesystem
bup-doc / bup-help(1)
Open the documentation for a given bup command
bup-doc / bup-import-rdiff-backup(1)
Import a rdiff-backup archive
bup-doc / bup-import-rsnapshot(1)
Import a rsnapshot archive
bup-doc / bup-index(1)
Print and/or update the bup filesystem index
bup-doc / bup-init(1)
Initialize a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-join(1)
Concatenate files from a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-ls(1)
List the contents of a bup repository
bup-doc / bup-margin(1)
Figure out your deduplication safety margin
bup-doc / bup-memtest(1)
Test bup memory usage statistics
bup-doc / bup-meta(1)
Create or extract a metadata archive
bup-doc / bup-midx(1)
Create a multi-index (.midx) file from several .idx files
bup-doc / bup-mux(1)
Multiplexes data and error streams over a connection
bup-doc / bup-newliner(1)
Make sure progress messages don\[aq]t overlap with output
bup-doc / bup-on(1)
Run a bup server locally and client remotely
bup-doc / bup-random(1)
Generate a stream of random output
bup-doc / bup-restore(1)
Extract files from a backup set
bup-doc / bup-save(1)
Create a new bup backup set
bup-doc / bup-server(1)
The server side of the bup client-server relationship
bup-doc / bup-split(1)
Save individual files to bup backup sets
bup-doc / bup-tag(1)
Tag a commit in the bup repository
bup-doc / bup-tick(1)
Wait for up to one second
bup-doc / bup-web(1)
Start web server to browse bup repositiory
burn / burn(1)
Record from various sources to optical media (cd, dvd)
burn / burn-configure(1)
Create a configuration file for burn(1)
cpuburn / burnBX(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnK6(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnK7(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnMMX(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnP5(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpuburn / burnP6(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
systemd / busctl(1)
Introspect the bus
rss-glx / busyspheres(1)
Particle spheres.
buthead / buthead(1)
Copies all but the first few lines
buxon / buxon(1)
Rdf sioc:forum browser
avahi-ui-utils / bvnc(1)
Browse for ssh/vnc servers on the local network
bwbasic / bwbasic(1)
Bywater basic interpreter/shell
bwctl-client / bwctl(1)
Client application to request throughput tests.
bareos-tools / bwild(1)
Bareos's 'wildcard' engine
bwm-ng / bwm-ng(1)
Bandwidth monitor ng (next generation), a live bandwidth monitor for network and disk io.
bximage / bxcommit(1)
Interactive tool to commit redologs into flat disk images for bochs
bximage / bximage(1)
Interactive disk image creator for bochs
byacc / byacc(1)
An lalr(1) parser generator
byacc-j / byaccj(1)
An lalr(1) parser generator for java
byobu / byobu(1)
Wrapper script for seeding a user's byobu configuration and launching a text based window manager (either screen or tmux)
byobu / byobu-config(1)
Configuration utility for byobu
byobu / byobu-ctrl-a(1)
Configure byobu's ctrl-a behavior
byobu / byobu-disable(1)
Wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startup of byobu after login into text console
byobu / byobu-disable-prompt(1)
Add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell configuration
byobu / byobu-enable(1)
Wrapper script for enabling/disabling automatic startup of byobu after login into text console
byobu / byobu-enable-prompt(1)
Add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell configuration
byobu / byobu-export(1)
byobu / byobu-janitor(1)
Script for cleaning and upgrading environment after upgrades
byobu / byobu-keybindings(1)
Toggle on/off byobu's keybindings
byobu / byobu-launch(1)
Byobu launcher
byobu / byobu-launcher(1)
Byobu launcher
byobu / byobu-launcher-install(1)
Byobu launcher installation utility
byobu / byobu-launcher-uninstall(1)
Byobu launcher uninstallation utility
byobu / byobu-layout(1)
Save and restore byobu-tmux layouts
byobu / byobu-prompt(1)
Add and remove a nice color prompt to your shell configuration
byobu / byobu-quiet(1)
Silence all of byobu's status indicators and eliminate the hardstatus line
byobu / byobu-reconnect-sockets(1)
Sourcable script that updates gpg_agent_info and dbus_session_bus_address in the environment
byobu / byobu-screen(1)
Launch byobu with screen as the backend
byobu / byobu-select-backend(1)
Select your default byobu backend window manager
byobu / byobu-select-profile(1)
Select your byobu foreground and background colors
byobu / byobu-select-session(1)
Select and connect to a byobu session
byobu / byobu-shell(1)
Print the message of the day and launch a shell
byobu / byobu-silent(1)
Byobu-silent- silence all of byobu's status indicators, eliminate the hardstatus line, and the window list
byobu / byobu-status(1)
Displays status suitable for printing by the byobu_backend
byobu / byobu-status-detail(1)
Wrapper that uses a sensible pager
byobu / byobu-tmux(1)
Launch byobu with tmux as the backend
byobu / byobu-ugraph(1)
Helper script for notification history graphs
byobu / byobu-ulevel(1)
Helper script for notification level indicators
byzanz / byzanz(1)
Small screencast creator
byzanz / byzanz-playback(1)
Process a byzanz debug recording
byzanz / byzanz-record(1)
Record your desktop session to an animated gif
bzip2 / bzcat(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzip2 / bzcmp(1)
Compare bzip2 compressed files
bzip2 / bzdiff(1)
Compare bzip2 compressed files
bzip2 / bzegrep(1)
Search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2 / bzexe(1)
Compress executable files in place
bzip2 / bzfgrep(1)
Search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2 / bzgrep(1)
Search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression
bzip2 / bzip2(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzip2 / bzip2recover(1)
A block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6 bzcat - decompresses files to stdout bzip2recover - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzip2 / bzless(1)
File perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzip2 / bzmore(1)
File perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text
bzr / bzr(1)
Bazaar next-generation distributed version control
bzr-builddeb / bzr-buildpackage(1)
Build a debian package from a bazaar branch
djvulibre-bin / bzz(1)
Djvu general purpose compression utility.
cdecl / c++decl(1)
Compose c and c++ type declarations
printer-driver-c2050 / c2050(1)
Ghostscript bitcymk to lexmark 2050 series protocol translator
capi4hylafax / c2faxrecv(1)
Receive fax using hylafax to isdn using capi
capi4hylafax / c2faxsend(1)
Send fax using hylafax to isdn using capi
c2hs / c2hs(1)
C-haskell interface generator
djvulibre-bin / c44(1)
Djvuphoto encode.
gcc / c89-gcc(1)
Ansi (1989) c compiler
gcc / c99-gcc(1)
Ansi (1999) c compiler
sloccount / c_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
urg-utils / c_urg-config(1)
Compiler, linker flags for liburg
cabal-debian / cabal-debian(1)
Create debian package meta data from a haskell cabal file.
cabextract / cabextract(1)
Program to extract files from microsoft cabinet (.cab) archives
cableswig / cableidx(1)
Generate index files from gccxml xml files.
libcaca-dev / caca-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libcaca
caca-utils / cacademo(1)
Libcaca's demonstration applications
caca-utils / cacafire(1)
Libcaca's demonstration applications
caca-utils / cacaplay(1)
Play libcaca files
caca-utils / cacaserver(1)
Telnet server for libcaca
caca-utils / cacaview(1)
Ascii image browser
nordugrid-arc-arex / cache-clean(1)
Administration tool for the a-rex cache.
nordugrid-arc-arex / cache-list(1)
List contents of the a-rex cache.
atfs / cacheadm(1)
Administer and configure atfs derived object cache
nocache / cachedel(1)
Drop pagecache for a file
nocache / cachestats(1)
Print cache statistics for a file
survex / cad3d(1)
Cad3d convert a survex .3d file into formats which can be read by cad and drawing packages
cadabra / cadabra(1)
Field-theory motivated computer algebra system
cadaver / cadaver(1)
A command-line webdav client for unix.
cadubi / cadubi(1)
Creative ascii drawing utility by ian
why / caduceus(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
cafeobj / cafeobj(1)
Algebraic specification and programming language
cain / cain(1)
Stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions
cairo-clock / cairo-clock(1)
An analog clock drawn with vector-graphics
cairo-dock-core / cairo-dock(1)
A dock to launch your programs easily.
python-cairosvg / cairosvg-py2(1)
Cairosvg-py2 svg converter based on cairo
python3-cairosvg / cairosvg-py3(1)
Cairosvg-py3 svg converter based on cairo
caja / caja(1)
The mate file manager
caja / caja-autorun-software(1)
Autorun software in caja
caja / caja-connect-server(1)
Connect to server dialog for caja
caja / caja-file-management-properties(1)
Caja file management preferences
caja-sendto / caja-sendto(1)
Convenience application to send a file via email or instant messenger
cakephp-scripts / cake(1)
Cakephp application shell.
cakephp-instaweb / cakephp-instaweb(1)
Lightweight http server for developing cakephp applications
libcal3d12 / cal3d_converter(1)
Convert cal3d files from / to binary and xml (version 0.11.0)
calamaris / calamaris(1)
Generate text and graphical statistics out of log files from proxy-cache-servers
apcalc-common / calc(1)
Arbitrary precision calculator
calcoo / calcoo(1)
Scientific calculator (gtk+).
calcurse / calcurse(1)
Text-based organizer
calf-plugins / calfjackhost(1)
Jack wrapper for calf plugins
calibre / calibre(1)
Launch calibre graphical user interface
calibre / calibre-debug(1)
Run an embedded python interpreter for debug purposes
calibre / calibre-fontconfig(1)
Font configuration tool for calibre
calibre / calibre-parallel(1)
Parallel tool for calibre
valgrind / callgrind_annotate(1)
Post-processing tool for the callgrind
valgrind / callgrind_control(1)
Observe and control programs being run by callgrind
calligra-libs / calligra(1)
Calligra document opener
calligraactive / calligraactive(1)
Bring calligra to the smarphones and tablets
calligraauthor / calligraauthor(1)
Calligra word processor
calligra-libs / calligraconverter(1)
Calligra document converter
calligraflow / calligraflow(1)
Calligra flowchart and diagram tool
calligraplan / calligraplan(1)
Kde project planning and management tool
calligraplan / calligraplanwork(1)
Work package handler for the plan project planning tool
calligrasheets / calligrasheets(1)
Calligra spreadsheet application
calligrastage / calligrastage(1)
Calligra presentation tool
calligrawords / calligrawords(1)
Calligra word processor
xastir / callpass(1)
Generate pass-code associated with your callsign for authentication via xastir to aprs(tm) network.
calypso / calypso(1)
Caldav/carddav server with git storage
cam / cam(1)
Cpu's audio mixer for linux
gmerlin / camelot(1)
Gmerlin webcam application
camitk-actionstatemachine / camitk-actionstatemachine(1)
Camitk action state machine
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-cepgenerator(1)
Camitk extension project skeleton generator
libcamitk3 / camitk-config(1)
Camitk configuration utility
camitk-imp / camitk-imp(1)
Gui flagship application for camitk
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-testactions(1)
Camitk tests actions
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-testcomponents(1)
Camitk tests components
libcamitk3-dev / camitk-wizard(1)
Extension wizard for camitk developers
caml2html / caml2html(1)
Pretty print ocaml in html and latex
camlidl / camlidl(1)
A stub code generator for ocaml
camlmix / camlmix(1)
Preprocessor which converts text with embedded ocaml
camlp4 / camlp4(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4o(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4o.opt(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4r(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp4 / camlp4r.opt(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp5 / camlp5(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5o(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5o.opt(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5r(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5r.opt(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / camlp5sch(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilecharmap(1)
A charmap database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilecharmap.byte(1)
A charmap database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilecharmap.opt(1)
A charmap database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilelocaledef(1)
A localedef database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilelocaledef.byte(1)
A localedef database translators for camomile.
libcamomile-ocaml-dev / camomilelocaledef.opt(1)
A localedef database translators for camomile.
camorama / camorama(1)
Gnome2 video4linux viewer
camping / camping(1)
Small ruby web framework for mvc type applications
python-mlpy / canberra(1)
Command line interface to canberra in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
gnome-session-canberra / canberra-gtk-play(1)
Play a sound event
python-mlpy / canberraq(1)
Command line interface to canberraq in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
cups-client / cancel(1)
Cancel jobs
lprng / cancel(1)
Remove jobs from the line printer spooling queue
courier-mta / cancelmsg(1)
Cancel an e-mail message
canna / canlisp(1)
Parse canlisp commands
canna-utils / cannacheck(1)
Display information about japanese input system canna
canna / cannakill(1)
Terminate operation of the kana-kanji conversion server cannaserver
canna / cannaserver(1)
Kana-kanji conversion server
canna-utils / cannastat(1)
Display information about the kana-kanji conversion server
checkbox-ng / canonical-certification-server(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
checkbox-ng / canonical-driver-test-suite-cli(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
cantata / cantata(1)
A kde client for mpd
capistrano / cap(1)
Cap cap is an utlity to invoke capistrano tasks.
capi4hylafax / capi4hylafaxconfig(1)
Generate a configuration for capi4hylafax.
capiutils / capifax(1)
A fax send application for capi
capistrano / capify(1)
Capify stub out the files 'config/deploy.rb' and 'capifile' on rails application.
xviewg / capitalize(1)
Change case of text
cappuccino / cappuccino(1)
A small utility to let your boss think that you're working hard.
libcap2-bin / capsh(1)
Capability shell wrapper
ncurses-bin / captoinfo(1)
Convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
ucommon-utils / car(1)
Crytographic archiver.
graphite-carbon / carbon-aggregator(1)
Buffer metrics over time before reporting to carbon-cache
graphite-carbon / carbon-cache(1)
Accepts metrics over various protocols and writes them to disk
graphite-carbon / carbon-client(1)
Graphite client to reroute carbon data
graphite-carbon / carbon-relay(1)
Replication and sharding data
a2ps / card(1)
Print reference card of program options
libpam-pkcs11 / card_eventmgr(1)
Pcsc-lite event manager
opensc / cardos-tool(1)
Displays information about card os-based security tokens or format them
cardpeek / cardpeek(1)
A gui tool to explore the contents of iso 7816 smart cards.
caret / caret(1)
Interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface reconstructions of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex
caret / caret5(1)
Interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface reconstructions of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex
caret / caret_command(1)
Interactive viewing, manipulation and analysis of surface reconstructions of the cerebral and cerebellar cortex
carmetal / carmetal(1)
Carmetal dynamic geometry software
node-carto / carto(1)
Carto map stylesheet compiler
mono-devel / caspol(1)
No manpage for this program.
ruby-cassiopee / cassie(1)
Search a string in another string with errors allowed
cassiopee / cassiopee(1)
Manual page for cassiopee version 1.0
cassiopee / cassiopeeknife(1)
coreutils / cat(1)
Concatenate files and print on the standard output
canna-utils / catdic(1)
Download a dictionary
catdoc / catdoc(1)
Reads ms-word file and puts its content as plain text on standard output
catdvi / catdvi(1)
A dvi to plain text converter
aterm-ml / caterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
catfish / catfish(1)
File searching tool which is configurable via the command line
omniorb / catior(1)
Utility for viewing components of a stringified ior
freewnn-cserver / catod(1)
To convert the text format of a dictionary to binary
freewnn-cserver / catof(1)
To convert the text format of grammatical rules into
catdoc / catppt(1)
Reads ms-powerpoint file and puts its content on standard output
ruby-stomp / catstomp(1)
Send input to stomp destination
survex / cavern(1)
Cavern process raw survey data
cb2bib / cb2bib(1)
Software to extract bibliographic references from various sources
argyll / cb2ti3(1)
Convert colorblind raw device profile data to argyll data.
cedar-backup2 / cback(1)
Local and remote backups to cd-r/cd-rw media
cedar-backup2 / cback-amazons3-sync(1)
Synchronize a local directory with an amazon s3 bucket
cedar-backup2 / cback-span(1)
Span staged data among multiple discs
coinor-cbc / cbc(1)
Cbc mixed integer programming solver
qdbm-util / cbcodec(1)
Popular encoders and decoders
cbm / cbm(1)
Display the current traffic on all network devices
cbmc / cbmc(1)
Bounded model checker for c/c++ and java programs
cbootimage / cbootimage(1)
Cbootimage tegra bct and bootable flash image generator/compiler
cbp2make / cbp2make(1)
Code::blocks makefile generation tool
cbrpager / cbrpager(1)
Viewer for cbr and cbz (comic book archive) files
qdbm-util / cbtest(1)
Test cases for qdbm cabin
ccache / ccache(1)
A fast c/c++ compiler cache
shishi / ccache2shishi(1)
Shishi user ticket conversion tool
ccal / ccal(1)
Displays a calendar
ccrypt / ccat(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccbuild / ccbuild(1)
Ccbuild strict c++ developer's build utility
cccc / cccc(1)
C and c++ code counter, a software metrics tool
cccd / cccd(1)
Yet another cd player with cddb support
mono-devel / cccheck(1)
Perform static code contracts verification for clr assemblies.
ccd2iso / ccd2iso(1)
Convert img format to iso format
ccrypt / ccdecrypt(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
ccrypt / ccencrypt(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
psi3 / ccenergy(1)
Coupled cluster singles and doubles energy program
libcommoncpp2-dev / ccgnu2-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libcommoncpp2
ccrypt / ccguess(1)
Search for ccrypt encryption keys
hercules / cckd2ckd(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / cckdcdsk(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / cckdcomp(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / cckddiag(1)
Hercules cckd dasd diagnostic tool
hercules / cckdswap(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
cclive / ccl(1)
Media stream extraction tool
cclib / cclib-cda(1)
Command-line interface for charge decomposition analysis with cclib
cclib / cclib-get(1)
A command-line interface to cclib
cclive / cclive(1)
Media stream extraction tool
cmake-curses-gui / ccmake(1)
Cmake curses dialog command-line reference
liwc / ccmtcnvt(1)
Convert c++ comments to c comments
graphviz / ccomps(1)
Connected components filter for graphs
ccontrol / ccontrol(1)
Wrapper to control distcc, ccache and more
ccontrol / ccontrol-init(1)
Initialize ccontrol setup
cconv / cconv(1)
A iconv based simplified-traditional chinese conversion tool
ccrypt / ccrypt(1)
Encrypt and decrypt files and streams
libccss-tools / ccss-stylesheet-to-gtkrc(1)
Ccss-stylesheet-to-gtkrc program to dump css files to gtkrc format
argyll / cctiff(1)
Color correct a tiff file using any sequence of icc profiles or calibrations.
argyll / ccxxmake(1)
Create ccmx or ccss.
ccze / ccze(1)
A robust log colorizer
ccze / ccze-cssdump(1)
Dump ccze color setup into css format
cd-circleprint / cd-circleprint(1)
Create a round label for a cd
colord / cd-create-profile(1)
Color manager profile creation tool
cd-discid / cd-discid(1)
Read cd and get cddb discid information
libcdio-utils / cd-drive(1)
Manual page for cd-drive version 0.83 i686-pc-linux-gnu
colord / cd-fix-profile(1)
Color manager testing tool
cd-hit / cd-hit-2d-para(1)
Divide a big clustering job into pieces to run cd-hit-2d or cd-hit-est-2d jobs
cd-hit / cd-hit-para(1)
Divide a big clustering job into pieces to run cd-hit or cd-hit-est jobs
libcdio-utils / cd-info(1)
Manual page for cd-info version 0.83 i686-pc-linux-gnu
libcdio-utils / cd-paranoia(1)
An audio cd reading utility which includes extra data verification features
libcdio-utils / cd-read(1)
Manual page for cd-read version 0.83
tkdesk / cd-tkdesk(1)
Change directory of tkdesk's current file browser or list window
cd5 / cd5(1)
Compute checksum of individual track on cd-roms
cdtool / cdadd(1)
Add information for a new cd to .cdtooldb
cdargs / cdargs(1)
Bookmarks and browser for cd shell built-in
tinycdb / cdb(1)
Constant database manipulation tool
cdbackup / cdbackup(1)
Streaming backup to cd-r(w)/dvr-r(w)
freecdb / cdbdump(1)
Dump the contents of a constant database
cdbfasta / cdbfasta(1)
Creates an index file for records from a multi-fasta file.
freecdb / cdbget(1)
Search for a record in a constant database
freecdb / cdbmake(1)
Create a constant database
cdbs / cdbs-edit-patch(1)
Create or edit a cdbs simple-patchsys.mk patch
freecdb / cdbstats(1)
Print constant database statistics
cdbfasta / cdbyank(1)
Query an index file created with cdbfasta.
cdcat / cdcat(1)
Media catalog program
cdcd / cdcd(1)
Command driven cd player
cdck / cdck(1)
cdtool / cdclose(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdcover / cdcover(1)
Creating data-cd covers
cdtool / cdctrl(1)
Command line cdrom control
icedax / cdda2mp3(1)
Cdda2ogg, cdda2mp3 extract audio cd audio tracks and encode them
icedax / cdda2ogg(1)
Cdda2ogg, cdda2mp3 extract audio cd audio tracks and encode them
abcde / cddb-tool(1)
Get cddb information
libcddb-get-perl / cddbget(1)
Gets cddb info of a cd
cdde / cdde(1)
Compact disc detect & execute
cde / cde(1)
Package everything required to execute a linux command on another computer
cde / cde-exec(1)
Execute binary within a package generated by cde
cdebootstrap / cdebootstrap(1)
Bootstrap a debian system
cdebootstrap-static / cdebootstrap-static(1)
Bootstrap a debian system
cdecl / cdecl(1)
Compose c and c++ type declarations
cdtool / cdeject(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdftools / cdf16bit(1)
Convert 32-bit precision netcdf files to 16-bit
cd-hit / cdhit(1)
Quickly group sequences
cd-hit / cdhit-2d(1)
Quickly group sequences in db1 or db2 format
cd-hit / cdhit-454(1)
Quickly group sequences, optimised for 454 data
cd-hit / cdhit-est(1)
Run cd-hit algorithm on rna/dna sequences
cd-hit / cdhit-est-2d(1)
Run cd-hit algorithm on rna/dna sequences in db1 or db2 format
colordiff / cdiff(1)
A wrapper tool for colordiff
cdtool / cdinfo(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdir(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdlabelgen / cdlabelgen(1)
Cd/dvd labels, jewel case inserts, and envelopes creator. generates frontcards and traycards for cd cases, single-cd envelopes, dvd case inserts, as well as output suitable for direct printing on cd/dvd.
cdtool / cdloop(1)
Restart a cd when it ceases playing
cdtool / cdown(1)
Query cddb database for info on a disc
cdparanoia / cdparanoia(1)
An audio cd reading utility which includes extra data verification features
cdtool / cdpause(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdplay(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
gnome-applets / cdplayer_applet(1)
Cd player applet for the gnome panel.
cdrdao / cdrdao(1)
Reads and writes cds in disc-at-once mode
cdtool / cdreset(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdbackup / cdrestore(1)
Streaming restore from cd-r(w)/dvd-r(w)
cdrskin / cdrskin(1)
Burns preformatted data to cd, dvd, and bd via libburn.
udftools / cdrwtool(1)
Perform various actions on a cd-r, cd-rw, and dvd-r
cdtool / cdshuffle(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdstop(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
freewnn-cserver / cdtoa(1)
To convert the binary format of a dictionary back to
cdtool / cdtool(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdtool / cdtool2cddb(1)
Convert .cdtooldb file to set of cddb files
cduce / cduce(1)
Cduce the cduce compiler/interpreter/toplevel
cduce / cduce_mktop(1)
Cduce_mktop produce a customized cduce toplevel/compiler.
qpxtool / cdvdcontrol(1)
Tool to get full control on your plextor optical device
cdtool / cdvolume(1)
Play and catalog audio cdroms on cdrom drive(s)
cdw / cdw(1)
Front-end for cdrecord, mkisofs, growisofs, mkudffs and other tools
vcdimager / cdxa2mpeg(1)
Manual page for cdxa2mpeg 0.7.24
cec-utils / cec-client(1)
Cec connection client utility
cec-utils / cec-config(1)
Cec connection configuration utility
cecilia / cecilia(1)
Sound synthesis and audio signal processing environment
python-celery-common / celery(1)
Celery celery worker daemon
python-celery-common / celerybeat(1)
Celerybeat celery periodic task server
python-celery-common / celeryd(1)
Celeryd celery worker daemon
python-celery-common / celeryd-multi(1)
Camqadm tool for shell scripts to start multiple workers.
celestia-glut / celestia-glut(1)
A real-time visual space simulation
celestia-gnome / celestia-gnome(1)
A real-time visual space simulation
cellwriter / cellwriter(1)
Grid-entry handwriting recognition input panel
regina-normal / censuslookup(1)
Search for triangulations in regina's census databases
ceph-common / ceph-crush-location(1)
Get crush location
cereal / cereal(1)
Client program to attach to cereal session
cernlib-base-dev / cernlib(1)
Print cern library dependencies
mono-devel / cert2spc(1)
Transform multiple x.509 certificates to a software publisher certificate
certmonger / certmaster-getcert(1)
mono-devel / certmgr(1)
Mono certificate manager (cli version)
gnutls-bin / certtool(1)
Gnutls certificate tool
cervisia / cervisia(1)
Graphical cvs frontend
confluence / cf(1)
Confluence compiler
hercules / cfba2fba(1)
contextfree / cfdg(1)
Image generator based on context-free grammars
lcdf-typetools / cfftot1(1)
Convert postscript font from cff to type 1
cfget / cfget(1)
Get values from a config file
mrtg / cfgmaker(1)
Creates mrtg.cfg files (for mrtg-2.17.4)
fityk / cfityk(1)
Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
cflow / cflow(1)
Analyze control flow in c source files
heat-cfntools / cfn-create-aws-symlinks(1)
Creates symlinks for the cfn-* scripts in this directory to /opt/aws/bin
heat-cfntools / cfn-get-metadata(1)
Implements cfn-get-metadata cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-hup(1)
Implements cfn-hup cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-init(1)
Implements cfn-init cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-push-stats(1)
Implements cfn-push-stats cloudformation functionality
heat-cfntools / cfn-signal(1)
Implements cfn-signal cloudformation functionality
fte / cfte(1)
Compiles fte config files
cfv / cfv(1)
Verify file consistency with .sfv, .csv, .crc, .md5, md5sum, sha1sum, .torrent, par, or par2 files
cgvg / cg(1)
Recursively grep for a pattern and store it.
valgrind / cg_annotate(1)
Post-processing tool for cachegrind
valgrind / cg_diff(1)
Compares two cachegrind output files
valgrind / cg_merge(1)
Merges multiple cachegrind output files into one
libcgal-dev / cgal_create_cmake_script(1)
Create a cmake script for applications using cgal
cgroup-tools / cgclassify(1)
Move running task(s) to given cgroups
cgroup-tools / cgclear(1)
Unload the cgroup filesystem
cgroup-tools / cgcreate(1)
Create new cgroup(s)
cgdb / cgdb(1)
Curses based frontend to gdb
cgroup-tools / cgdelete(1)
Remove control group(s)
cgroup-tools / cgexec(1)
Run the task in given control groups
cgroup-tools / cgget(1)
Print parameter(s) of given group(s)
libfcgi0ldbl / cgi-fcgi(1)
Bridge from cgi to fastcgi
libcgicc5-dev / cgicc-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of cgicc
cgiemail / cgiecho(1)
Cgi form-to-mail conversion tools
cgiemail / cgiemail(1)
Cgi form-to-mail conversion tools
cgiemail / cgifile(1)
Cgi form-to-mail conversion tools
cgmanager / cgm(1)
A client script for cgmanager
cgminer / cgminer(1)
Multi-threaded multi-pool gpu, fpga and cpu bitcoin miner.
cgminer / cgminer-api(1)
Api access to cgminer.
cgns-convert / cgnames(1)
Manual page for axisymmetryangle a
cgns-convert / cgnscheck(1)
Check a cgns file
cgns-convert / cgnsconvert(1)
Convert a cgns file
cgns-convert / cgnsdiff(1)
Diff two cgns files
cgns-convert / cgnslist(1)
List the content of a cgns file
cgns-convert / cgnsversion(1)
Returns the cgns version of the file
gpsd-clients / cgps(1)
Test clients for gpsd
cgpt / cgpt(1)
Utility for chromeos-specific gpt partitions
codesearch / cgrep(1)
Like grep(1) over all indexed files
cgroup-tools / cgset(1)
Set the parameters of given cgroup(s)
cgroup-tools / cgsnapshot(1)
Generate the configuration file for given controllers
acl / chacl(1)
Change the access control list of a file or directory
passwd / chage(1)
Change user password expiry information
prime-phylo / chainsaw(1)
Cut a gene tree based on a reconciliation
potool / change-po-charset(1)
Change the charset value in content-type header of a gettext po file
grinder / change_paired_read_orientation(1)
Reverses the orientation of each paired-end fasta sequence
reprepro / changestool(1)
Verify, dump, modify, create or fix debian .changes files
changetrack / changetrack(1)
Track changes to files
chaosreader / chaosreader(1)
Trace network sessions and export it to html format
wcstools / char2sp(1)
charactermanaj / charactermanaj(1)
Program to edit character avatars
python-chardet / chardet(1)
Universal character encoding detector
python3-chardet / chardet3(1)
Universal character encoding detector
python-chardet / chardetect(1)
Universal character encoding detector
python3-chardet / chardetect3(1)
Universal character encoding detector
gucharmap / charmap(1)
Unicode character picker and font browser
gnome-applets / charpick_applet(1)
Character picker applet for the gnome panel.
argyll / chartread(1)
Read target test chart.
chase / chase(1)
Chase symbolic links
chasen / chasen(1)
Chasen \(hy japanese morphological analysis system
chasen-dictutils / chasen-config(1)
Japanese morphological analysis system
e2fsprogs / chattr(1)
Change file attributes on a linux file system
coreutils / chcon(1)
Change file security context
kdesdk-scripts / cheatmake(1)
Fool make into not rebuilding certain files
debian-goodies / check-enhancements(1)
Check-enhancements - show enhancement packages
ifupdown-scripts-zg2 / check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks(1)
Preliminary manpage dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks kill-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks
ubuntu-dev-tools / check-mir(1)
Check support status of dependencies
gnulib / check-module(1)
Program to check gnulib modules.
source-highlight / check-regexp(1)
Test regular expressions from the command line
sendfile / check-sendfile(1)
Check if some files have arrived
debian-security-support / check-support-status(1)
Check installed packages for security support
ubuntu-dev-tools / check-symbols(1)
Verify symbols exported by a new library version
trac-subtickets / check-trac-subtickets(1)
Checks consistency of subtickets in trac.
kdelibs5-dev / checkXML(1)
An xml lint tool for kde docbook xml documents.
pyfai / check_calib(1)
loki / check_het(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
nagios-plugins-contrib / check_ssl_cert(1)
Checks the validity of x.509 certificates
liburdfdom-tools / check_urdf(1)
Try parsing a urdf file to validate it
devscripts / checkbashisms(1)
Check for bashisms in /bin/sh scripts
checkbox-ng / checkbox(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
checkbox-ng / checkbox-cli(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
checkbox-ng / checkbox_ng(1)
Checkboxng documentation checkboxng is a hardware testing tool useful for certifying laptops, desktops and servers with ubuntu. it is a new version of checkbox that is built directly on top of plainbox checkboxng replaces checkbox, where applicable. warning: documentation is under development. some things are wrong, inaccurate or describe development goals rather than current state.
libgetdata-tools / checkdirfile(1)
Checkdirfile verify dirfile database metadata
din / checkdotdin(1)
Din this program's purpose is to be an audio synthesizer of a 3rd kind.
spark / checker(1)
Spark proof checker
flactag / checkflac(1)
A tagger for whole album flacs using data from the musicbrainz service
checkgmail / checkgmail(1)
System tray applet to check a gmail account for new mail
netdiag / checkint(1)
Show active network interfaces
isomd5sum / checkisomd5(1)
Checkisomd5 check an md5 checksum implanted by implantisomd5
check / checkmk(1)
Awk script for generating c unit tests for use with the check unit testing framework.
libxbase64-bin / checkndx(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
debian-goodies / checkrestart(1)
Check which processes need to be restarted after an upgrade
lksctp-tools / checksctp(1)
Check if kernel supports sctp
ncbi-tools-bin / checksub(1)
A validator for ncbi asn.1 seq-submit data
cheese / cheese(1)
Tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam
python-cheetah / cheetah(1)
Python template command-line tool
python-cheetah / cheetah-compile(1)
Python template command-line tool
chef / chef-shell(1)
The man page for the chef-shell command line tool. chef-shell is a recipe debugging tool that allows the use of breakpoints within recipes. chef-shell runs as an interactive ruby (irb) session. chef-shell supports both recipe and attribute file syntax, as well as interactive debugging features. chef-shell is the new name for shef as of chef 11.x. chef-shell is backwards compatible and aside from the name change, has the same set of functionality as with previous releases. the chef-shell executable can be run as a command-line tool.
indigo-utils / chemdiff(1)
Finding duplications and visual comparison of two files containing multiple structures
chemeq / chemeq(1)
Chemical equation parser and renderer
chemical-structures / chemstruc(1)
Calls a browser to view molecular structures
chemtool / chemtool(1)
Chemical structures editor
python-cherrypy3 / cherryd(1)
cherrytree / cherrytree(1)
A hierarchical note taking application
passwd / chfn(1)
Change real user name and information
coreutils / chgrp(1)
Change group ownership
chicken-bin / chicken(1)
A scheme-to-c translator
chicken-bin / chicken-bug(1)
Generates a bug report from user input
chicken-bin / chicken-install(1)
Download and install extension libraries for chicken scheme
chicken-bin / chicken-profile(1)
Generate a report from profile-information
chicken-bin / chicken-status(1)
List installed extension libraries
chicken-bin / chicken-uninstall(1)
Uninstall extension library
jmol-applet / chime2jmol(1)
Convert chime into jmol scripts
chimera2 / chimera2(1)
X/athena world-wide web client
chimeraslayer / chimeraslayer(1)
Detects likely chimeras in pcr amplified dna
libchipcard-tools / chipcard-tool(1)
A commandline client to access smart cards via libchipcard
chipw / chipw(1)
Editor for chip's challenge??? and tile world.
chirp / chirpw(1)
A tool for programming two-way radio equipment
canna-utils / chkconc(1)
List concatenation for hinshi
pcp / chkhelp(1)
Check performance metrics help text files
mpqc-support / chkmpqcval(1)
Run the mpqc validation suite chkmpqcval - check the .out files for correctness
chkrootkit / chkrootkit(1)
Determine whether the system is infected with a rootkit
liwc / chktri(1)
Check for trigraphs in c source code
mono-devel / chktrust(1)
Check the trust of a pe executable.
chm2pdf / chm2pdf(1)
A tool convert chm to pdf format
libchm-bin / chm_http(1)
Simplistic web server to allow browsing of chm files without extracting them.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / chmcmd-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal htmlhelp (chm) compiler
fp-utils-2.6.4 / chmls-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal chm utility
coreutils / chmod(1)
Change file mode bits
canna / chmoddic(1)
Change access rights for a directory
choosewm / choosewm(1)
Select a window manager to be used.
choqok / choqok(1)
Blogging client for kde4
chordii / chordii(1)
Produce a professional looking postscript sheet-music from an ascii file containing lyrics and chords information.
choreonoid / choreonoid(1)
An integrated robotics gui environment
coreutils / chown(1)
Change file owner and group
karma-tools / chprop(1)
Change file properties on the rio karma
chromium / chromium(1)
The web browser from google
chronicle / chronicle(1)
A simple blog compiler.
chronicle / chronicle-entry-filter(1)
Convert blog files to html, if required.
chronicle / chronicle-ping(1)
Send outgoing ping requests for new pages.
chronicle / chronicle-rss-importer(1)
Import entries from an rss feed to chronicle
chronicle / chronicle-spooler(1)
Automatically post pre-written entries.
chrony / chrony(1)
Programs for keeping computer clocks accurate
chrony / chronyc(1)
Command-line interface for chronyd
chrpath / chrpath(1)
Change the rpath or runpath in binaries
util-linux / chrt(1)
Manipulate the real-time attributes of a process
passwd / chsh(1)
Change login shell
nslcd-utils / chsh.ldap(1)
Change login shell in ldap
chemtool / cht(1)
Chemtool drawings analyzer
chuck / chuck(1)
Chuck audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance
chuck / chuck.alsa(1)
Chuck audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance
chuck / chuck.oss(1)
Chuck audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance
kbd / chvt(1)
Change foreground virtual terminal
rcs / ci(1)
Check in rcs revisions
cbflib-bin / cif2cbf(1)
Convert a cif to a cbf file
cifs-utils / cifscreds(1)
Manage ntlm credentials in kernel keyring
sysstat / cifsiostat(1)
Report cifs statistics.
mono-devel / cilc(1)
Mono cil-to-c binding generator
codesearch / cindex(1)
Prepares the trigram index for csearch(1)
weboob / cineoob(1)
Search movies and persons around cinema
cinnamon / cinnamon(1)
cinnamon-screensaver / cinnamon-screensaver(1)
Screen saver and locker
cinnamon-screensaver / cinnamon-screensaver-command(1)
Controls cinnamon screensaver
cinnamon-session / cinnamon-session(1)
Start the gnome desktop environment
cinnamon-session / cinnamon-session-properties(1)
Configure applications to start on login
cinnamon-session / cinnamon-session-quit(1)
End the current gnome session
cinnamon-settings-daemon / cinnamon-settings-daemon(1)
Cinnamon settings daemon
cinnamon / cinnamon2d(1)
bluez / ciptool(1)
Bluetooth common isdn access profile (cip)
graphviz / circo(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
python-circuits / circuits.bench(1)
Simple benchmaking of the circuits library
python3-circuits / circuits.bench3(1)
Simple benchmaking of the circuits library
python-circuits / circuits.web(1)
Web server and testing tool
python3-circuits / circuits.web3(1)
Web server and testing tool
vpnc / cisco-decrypt(1)
Decrypts an obfuscated cisco vpn client pre-shared key
citadel-mta / citmail(1)
Citadel /usr/sbin/sendmail replacement
libcitygml0-bin / citygml2vrml(1)
Convert citygml files to vrml
libcitygml0-bin / citygmltest(1)
Parsing citygml file
djvulibre-bin / cjb2(1)
Simple djvubitonal encoder.
printer-driver-cjet / cjet(1)
Converts hp pcl to canon capsl format
latex-cjk-common / cjklatex(1)
Use \*(lx directly on a big5 encoded .tex file bg5pdflatex - use pdf\*(lx directly on a big5 encoded .tex file bg5+latex - use \*(lx directly on a big5+ encoded .tex file bg5+pdflatex - use pdf\*(lx directly on a big5+ encoded .tex file cef5latex - use \*(lx directly on a big5 encoded .tex file
libjpeg-turbo-progs / cjpeg(1)
Compress an image file to a jpeg file
console-setup / ckbcomp(1)
Compile a xkb keyboard description to a keymap suitable for loadkeys or kbdcontrol
console-setup-mini / ckbcomp(1)
Compile a xkb keyboard description to a keymap suitable for loadkeys or kbdcontrol
console-setup-mini / ckbcomp-mini(1)
Compile a xkb keyboard description to a keymap suitable for loadkeys or kbdcontrol
hercules / ckd2cckd(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
python-twisted-conch / ckeygen(1)
Manipulate public/private keys
ckport / ckport(1)
Portability analysis and security checking tool
cksfv / cksfv(1)
Tests and creates simple file verification (sfv) listings
coreutils / cksum(1)
Checksum and count the bytes in a file
cl-launch / cl(1)
389-ds-base / cl-dump(1)
Dump and decode directory server replication change log
cl-launch / cl-launch(1)
heartbeat / cl_status(1)
Check status of the high-availability linux (linux-ha) subsystem
clamassassin / clamassassin(1)
Email virus filter wrapper for clamav for use in procmail and other applications
libclamav-dev / clamav-config(1)
Script to get information about libclamav
clamav / clambc(1)
Bytecode analysis and testing tool
clamav-daemon / clamconf(1)
Clam antivirus configuration utility
clamdscan / clamdscan(1)
Scan files and directories for viruses using clam antivirus daemon
clamav-daemon / clamdtop(1)
Monitor the clam antivirus daemon
clamfs / clamfs(1)
An anti-virus protected file system
clamav / clamscan(1)
Scan files and directories for viruses
clamav / clamsubmit(1)
File submission utility for clamav
clamtk / clamtk(1)
Graphical user interface (gui) for clam antivirus
clamz / clamz(1)
Download mp3 music files from amazon.com
clang-3.4 / clang-apply-replacements-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-apply-replacements 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-apply-replacements-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-apply-replacements 3.5
clang-3.4 / clang-check-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-check 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-check-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-check 3.5
clang-format-3.4 / clang-format-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-format 3.4
clang-format-3.5 / clang-format-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-format 3.5
clang-format-3.4 / clang-format-diff-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-format-diff.py 3.4
clang-format-3.5 / clang-format-diff-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-format-diff.py 3.5
clang-modernize-3.4 / clang-modernize-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-modernize 3.4
clang-modernize-3.5 / clang-modernize-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-modernize 3.5
clang-3.4 / clang-tblgen-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-tblgen 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-tblgen-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-tblgen 3.5
clang-3.4 / clang-tidy-3.4(1)
Manual page for clang-tidy 3.4
clang-3.5 / clang-tidy-3.5(1)
Manual page for clang-tidy 3.5
clasp / clasp(1)
A conflict-driven nogood learning answer set solver
palp / class-11d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class-4d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class-5d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class-6d.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
palp / class.x(1)
Classify reflexive polytopes
ladr4-apps / clausefilter(1)
Filter formulas with models
ladr4-apps / clausetester(1)
Check formulas in models
libclaw-dev / claw-config(1)
Claw-config show information about installed libclaw libraries
claws-mail / claws-mail(1)
A gtk+ based fast email and news client
claws-mail-acpi-notifier / claws-mail-acpi-notifier(1)
Mail notification using laptops mail led
claws-mail-address-keeper / claws-mail-address-keeper(1)
Keep unknown outgoing addresses in address book
claws-mail-archiver-plugin / claws-mail-archiver-plugin(1)
Archiver plugin for claws mail
claws-mail-attach-remover / claws-mail-attach-remover(1)
Attachments remover from mails
claws-mail-attach-warner / claws-mail-attach-warner(1)
Missing attachments warning before sending
claws-mail-bogofilter / claws-mail-bogofilter(1)
Scanning mails for spam with bogofilter.
claws-mail-bsfilter-plugin / claws-mail-bsfilter-plugin(1)
Spam filtering using the bsfilter program.
claws-mail-clamd-plugin / claws-mail-clamd-plugin(1)
Clamav plugin for claws mail
claws-mail-extra-plugins / claws-mail-extra-plugins(1)
Claws mail extra plugins meta-package.
claws-mail-fancy-plugin / claws-mail-fancy-plugin(1)
Html rendering of mails using webkit library.
claws-mail-feeds-reader / claws-mail-feeds-reader(1)
Feeds (rss/atom) reader plugin for claws mail mailer
claws-mail-fetchinfo-plugin / claws-mail-fetchinfo-plugin(1)
Inserts headers containing some download information.
claws-mail-gdata-plugin / claws-mail-gdata-plugin(1)
Access to gdata (google(tm) services) plugin.
claws-mail-libravatar / claws-mail-libravatar(1)
Display senders profile image from a libravatar server
claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin / claws-mail-mailmbox-plugin(1)
Mbox handling plugin for claws mail mailer
claws-mail-multi-notifier / claws-mail-multi-notifier(1)
Multiple notification modules for new mail.
claws-mail-newmail-plugin / claws-mail-newmail-plugin(1)
Message header summary to a log file.
claws-mail-pdf-viewer / claws-mail-pdf-viewer(1)
Display portable document format (pdf) and postscript\(rg attachments.
claws-mail-pgpinline / claws-mail-pgpinline(1)
Handling of pgp/inline signed and/or encrypted mails.
claws-mail-pgpmime / claws-mail-pgpmime(1)
Handling of pgp/mime signed and/or encrypted mails.
claws-mail-python-plugin / claws-mail-python-plugin(1)
Python scripting and console plugin.
claws-mail-smime-plugin / claws-mail-smime-plugin(1)
Handling of s/mime signed and/or encrypted mails.
claws-mail-spam-report / claws-mail-spam-report(1)
Report spam messages to various sites.
claws-mail-spamassassin / claws-mail-spamassassin(1)
Filtering messages through spamassassin.
claws-mail-tnef-parser / claws-mail-tnef-parser(1)
Tnef parser plugin for claws mail.
claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin / claws-mail-vcalendar-plugin(1)
Vcalendar plugin for claws mail
cldump / cldump(1)
Clarion database extractor
ncbi-tools-bin / cleanasn(1)
Clean up irregularities in ncbi asn.1 objects
cleancss / cleancss(1)
Css file minifyer
xutils-dev / cleanlinks(1)
Remove dangling symbolic links and empty directories
digikam / cleanup_digikamdb(1)
Cleanup the digikam databases to reduce their sizes and increase access speed
ncurses-bin / clear(1)
Clear the terminal screen
bash / clear_console(1)
Clear the console
clearcut / clearcut(1)
Relaxed neighbor joining
clementine / clementine(1)
Clementine a modern music player and library organizer
clex / clex(1)
File manager
logtools / clfmerge(1)
Merge common-log format web logs based on time-stamps
logtools / clfsplit(1)
Split common-log format web logs based on ip address
clfswm / clfswm(1)
A(nother) common lisp full screen window manager
libclhep-dev / clhep-config(1)
Script to return configuration of clhep
libbg1-dev / cli-generate(1)
Generate source and documentation from cli descriptions
mono-runtime-common / cli-wrapper(1)
No manpage for this program.
xymon-client / clientupdate(1)
Xymon client update utility
clif / clif(1)
C-like interpreter framework (v0.92)
gringo / clingo(1)
A combination of clasp and gringo
clinica / clinica(1)
Simple medical records manager
cliofetion / cliofetion(1)
Open source command line fetion protocol client
clipf / clipf(1)
Personal finance manager with command line interface
clipit / clipit(1)
Lightweight gtk+ clipboard manager
cliquer / cliquer(1)
Find cliques in weighted and unweighted graphs.
clirr / clirr(1)
Check source and binary compatibility of java libraries
convlit / clit(1)
Program to manipulate microsoft reader .lit files
colormake / clmake(1)
Color wrapper for make(1) and less(1)
colormake / clmake-short(1)
Color wrapper for make(1) and less(1)
cloc / cloc(1)
Count, and compute differences of, lines of source code and comments.
xview-clients / clock(1)
Display the time in an icon or window
xenomai-runtime / clocktest(1)
Xenomai clock test
clog / clog(1)
Colorized log tail
clojure1.2 / clojure1.2(1)
A jvm-based dynamic programming language
clojure1.4 / clojure1.4(1)
A jvm-based dynamic programming language
clojure1.6 / clojure1.6(1)
A jvm-based dynamic programming language
clojure1.2 / clojurec1.2(1)
Clojure compiler
clojure1.4 / clojurec1.4(1)
Clojure compiler
clojure1.6 / clojurec1.6(1)
Clojure compiler
ctn / clone_study(1)
Generic ctn manual page
cloog-isl / cloog-isl(1)
The chunky loop generator
cloog-ppl / cloog-ppl(1)
The chunky loop genertor
closure-compiler / closure-compiler(1)
Optimising compiler for ecmascript (javascript) programs
cloud-utils / cloud-publish-image(1)
Publish a cloud image
cloud-utils / cloud-publish-tarball(1)
Publish a cloud archive
cloud-utils / cloud-run-instances(1)
Wrapper for euca-run-instances that supports an option for injecting public ssh keys retrievable from launchpad.net
cloudprint / cloudprint(1)
Share cups printers with google cloud print
coinor-clp / clp(1)
Linear program solver
clsync / clsync(1)
Live sync tool, written in gnu c
clustershell / clubak(1)
Format output from clush/pdsh-like output and more
clustershell / clush(1)
Execute shell commands on a cluster
clustalo / clustalo(1)
General purpose multiple sequence alignment program for proteins
clustalw / clustalw(1)
Multiple alignment of nucleic acid and protein sequences
clustalx / clustalx(1)
A multiple sequence alignment program
graphviz / cluster(1)
Find clusters in a graph and augment the graph with this information.
postgresql-client-9.4 / clusterdb(1)
Cluster a postgresql database
libclutter-imcontext-0.1-bin / clutter-scan-immodules(1)
Clutter-scan-immodules program to scan immodules and generate configuration files
clzip / clzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
config-manager / cm(1)
Cm work with configs.
tkremind / cm2rem(1)
Convert sun's "cm" input file to remind format
wigeon / cm_to_wigeon(1)
Helper for wigeon (pintail 16s dna anomaly detection)
jbofihe / cmafihe(1)
Lojban word glosser
cmake / cmake(1)
Cmake command-line reference
cmake-qt-gui / cmake-gui(1)
Cmake gui command-line reference
infernal / cmalign(1)
Align sequences to a covariance model
cmatrix / cmatrix(1)
Simulates the display from "the matrix"
infernal / cmbuild(1)
Construct covariance model(s) from structurally annotated rna multiple sequence alignment(s)
infernal / cmcalibrate(1)
Fit exponential tails for covariance model e-value determination
infernal / cmconvert(1)
Convert infernal covariance model files
cmdtest / cmdtest(1)
Blackbox testing of unix command line tools
xview-clients / cmdtool(1)
Run a shell (or other program) in an openwindows enhanced terminal window
infernal / cmemit(1)
Sample sequences from a covariance model
mew-beta-bin / cmew(1)
Create mew's database file
mew-bin / cmew(1)
Create mew's database file
infernal / cmfetch(1)
Retrieve covariance model(s) from a file
cmigemo / cmigemo(1)
C/migemo library 1.3 driver
cmigrep / cmigrep(1)
Search in ocaml compiled interface files
diffutils / cmp(1)
Compare two files byte by byte
libcmph-tools / cmph(1)
Minimum perfect hashing tool
infernal / cmpress(1)
Prepare a covariance model database for cmscan
infernal / cmscan(1)
Search sequence(s) against a covariance model database
infernal / cmsearch(1)
Search covariance model(s) against a sequence database
infernal / cmstat(1)
Summary statistics for a covariance model file
cmtk / cmtk(1)
The computational morphometry toolkit
cmtk / cmtk-asegment(1)
Atlas-based segmentation
cmtk / cmtk-asegment_sri24(1)
Segmentation using sri24 atlas
cmtk / cmtk-average_affine(1)
Average affine transformations
cmtk / cmtk-average_images(1)
Average images
cmtk / cmtk-average_labels(1)
Label image averaging
cmtk / cmtk-avg_adm(1)
Average using adm
cmtk / cmtk-concat_affine(1)
Concatenate affine transformations
cmtk / cmtk-convert_warp(1)
Convert nonrigd transformations.
cmtk / cmtk-convertx(1)
Convert between image file formats and data types.
cmtk / cmtk-dbtool(1)
Image/transformation database maintenance and query tool
cmtk / cmtk-dcm2image(1)
Dicom to image
cmtk / cmtk-describe(1)
Describe image and transformation file formats and parameters
cmtk / cmtk-destripe(1)
Destripe volume image data.
cmtk / cmtk-detect_adni_phantom(1)
Detect adni phantom landmarks in phantom image
cmtk / cmtk-detect_spheres_matched_filter(1)
Detect spheres
cmtk / cmtk-dof2mat(1)
Degrees of freedom to matrix
cmtk / cmtk-dwi_mask_bad_slices(1)
Find bad slices in set of diffusion-weighted images.
cmtk / cmtk-epiunwarp(1)
Unwarp echo planar images
cmtk / cmtk-fib2image(1)
Draw image from point coordinates of fiber tracks from .fib file.
cmtk / cmtk-fibxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformations to point coordinates in .fib file.
cmtk / cmtk-film(1)
Fix interleaved motion using inverse interpolation
cmtk / cmtk-filter(1)
Filter a volume image
cmtk / cmtk-fit_affine_dfield(1)
Fit affine transformation to nonrigid transformation
cmtk / cmtk-fit_affine_xform(1)
Fit single affine transformation to concatenated list
cmtk / cmtk-fit_affine_xform_landmarks(1)
Fit affine transformation to landmarks
cmtk / cmtk-fit_spline_dfield(1)
Deformation field to transformation
cmtk / cmtk-fit_spline_xform(1)
Fit single b-spline transformation to concatenated transformation list
cmtk / cmtk-fview(1)
Fusion viewer.
cmtk / cmtk-geomatch(1)
Check whether the geometries (e.g., grid dimensions, pixel sizes, spatial coordinates) or two or more images match.
cmtk / cmtk-glm(1)
General linear model
cmtk / cmtk-gmm(1)
Gaussian mixture model segmentation
cmtk / cmtk-gregxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformations to lists of point coordinates
cmtk / cmtk-groupwise_affine(1)
Affine population registration
cmtk / cmtk-groupwise_init(1)
Affine initialization for groupwise registration
cmtk / cmtk-groupwise_warp(1)
Nonrigid population registration
cmtk / cmtk-hausdorff(1)
Hausdorff distance.
cmtk / cmtk-histogram(1)
Image histogram
cmtk / cmtk-imagemath(1)
Image operations
cmtk / cmtk-interleaved_bad_slices(1)
Find bad slices in a time series of interleaved images (e.g., a resting-state fmri series).
cmtk / cmtk-jidb(1)
Fix interleaved motion using joint iterative deblurring
cmtk / cmtk-levelset(1)
Levelset segmentation
cmtk / cmtk-lmsba(1)
Local voting.
cmtk / cmtk-lsba(1)
Local voting.
cmtk / cmtk-lvote(1)
Local voting.
cmtk / cmtk-make_initial_affine(1)
Initialize affine transformation
cmtk / cmtk-mat2dof(1)
Matrix to degrees of freedom
cmtk / cmtk-mcaffine(1)
Multi-channel affine registration
cmtk / cmtk-mcwarp(1)
Multi-channel nonrigid registration
cmtk / cmtk-mk_adni_phantom(1)
Generate adni phantom image
cmtk / cmtk-mk_analyze_hdr(1)
Make analyze header file
cmtk / cmtk-mk_nifti_hdr(1)
Make nifti header file
cmtk / cmtk-mk_phantom_3d(1)
Generate phantom image
cmtk / cmtk-mrbias(1)
Mr image intensity bias field correction
cmtk / cmtk-overlap(1)
Overlap computation
cmtk / cmtk-probe(1)
Probe image data.
cmtk / cmtk-pxsearch(1)
Search image neighborhoods for pixels.
cmtk / cmtk-reformatx(1)
Volume reformatter
cmtk / cmtk-registration(1)
Rigid and affine registration
cmtk / cmtk-registrationx(1)
Rigid and affine registration
cmtk / cmtk-regress(1)
cmtk / cmtk-reorient(1)
cmtk / cmtk-sba(1)
Shape-based averaging of label images
cmtk / cmtk-sbai(1)
Shape-based averaging and interpolation of label images
cmtk / cmtk-sequence(1)
Value sequence
cmtk / cmtk-similarity(1)
Image similarity
cmtk / cmtk-split(1)
Split images
cmtk / cmtk-statistics(1)
Image statistics
cmtk / cmtk-stream_pixels(1)
Stream pixel data from one or more images to standard output.
cmtk / cmtk-streamxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformation to point coordinates from text stream.
cmtk / cmtk-sympl(1)
Symmetry plane computation
cmtk / cmtk-symplx(1)
Symmetry plane computation
cmtk / cmtk-ttest(1)
cmtk / cmtk-unsplit(1)
Unsplit images
cmtk / cmtk-unwarp_image_phantom(1)
Create transformation to unwarp an image based on a phantom description
cmtk / cmtk-vol2csv(1)
Compute regional volumes and write to csv file.
cmtk / cmtk-volume_injection(1)
Volume injection
cmtk / cmtk-volume_reconstruction(1)
Volume reconstruction
cmtk / cmtk-vtkxform(1)
Apply coordinate transformation to point coordinates in vtk file.
cmtk / cmtk-warp(1)
B-spline nonrigid registration
cmtk / cmtk-warp2ps(1)
Deformation to postscript
cmtk / cmtk-warpx(1)
B-spline nonrigid registration
cmtk / cmtk-xform2dfield(1)
Transformation to deformation field
cmtk / cmtk-xform2itk(1)
Convert affine transformations to itk format.
cmtk / cmtk-xform2scalar(1)
Extract scalar measures from transformations and deformation fields
cmus / cmus(1)
C* music player
cmus / cmus-remote(1)
Control cmus
netpbm / cmuwmtopbm(1)
Convert a cmu window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
cnee / cnee(1)
Record, replays or distributes x11 data
cnrun / cnrun(1)
A neuronal network simulator
cntlm / cntlm(1)
Authenticating http(s) proxy with tcp/ip tunneling and acceleration
tesseract-ocr / cntraining(1)
Character normalization training for tesseract
python-grib-doc / cnvgrib1to2(1)
Convert a grib1 file to grib2 format
python-grib-doc / cnvgrib2to1(1)
Convert a grib2 file to grib1 format
rcs / co(1)
Check out rcs revisions
coala / coala(1)
A versatile compiler from action languages to answer set programs
coala / coala.bin(1)
A versatile compiler from action languages to answer set programs
atlc / coax(1)
Determine impedance of a coaxial structure, where the inner may be offset from the centre if necessary.
open-cobol / cobc(1)
Cobol compiler
open-cobol / cobcrun(1)
Cobol compiler
python-cobe / cobe(1)
Markov chain based text generator library and chatbot
cobertura / cobertura-check(1)
Cobertura-check show which classes do not have adequate test coverage
cobertura / cobertura-instrument(1)
Cobertura-instrument add coverage instrumentation to existing classes
cobertura / cobertura-merge(1)
Cobertura-merge merge multiple data files into a single data file
cobertura / cobertura-report(1)
Cobertura-report generate coverage reports
sloccount / cobol_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
coccinella / coccinella(1)
A jabber based im client with integrated whiteboard
coco-cpp / cococpp(1)
Coco/r compiler generator (c++ version)
coco-cs / cococs(1)
Coco/r compiler generator (c-sharp version)
coco-java / cocoj(1)
Coco/r compiler generator (java version)
code2html / code2html(1)
Converts a program source code to html
pythoncard-tools / codeEditor(1)
A python-aware code editor written using the pythoncard gui framework
code-saturne-bin / code_saturne(1)
Main user script of code_saturne.
code-aster-run / codeaster(1)
Codeaster command
code-aster-gui / codeaster-client(1)
Launch the astk gui
code-aster-run / codeaster-get(1)
Symbolic link to as_run command
code-aster-gui / codeaster-gui(1)
Launch the astk gui
code-aster-run / codeaster-parallel_cp(1)
Codeaster-parallel_cp command
pmccabe / codechanges(1)
Computes the amount of code changes between two code trees or single files
codegroup / codegroup(1)
Encode / decode binary file as five letter codegroups
codelite / codelite(1)
A lightweight and powerful c/c++ ide
codelite / codelite-make(1)
A makefile generator based on codelite's workspace
codelite / codelite_fix_files(1)
Convert a codelite project and workspace from the dos environment to the *nix environment
kbd / codepage(1)
Extract a codepage from an msdos codepage file
coderay / coderay(1)
Scans a file and generates syntax-highlighted html output
coderay / coderay_stylesheet(1)
Output the default cascading stylesheet used by coderay.
codfis / codfis(1)
Tool to generate italian fiscal codes
coffeescript / coffee(1)
Interpreter and compiler for the coffeescript language
python-coherence / coherence(1)
Is a python upnp framework which enabling your application to participate in digital living networks, at the moment primarily the upnp universe. its goal is to relieve your application from all the membership and upnp related tasks as much as possible. the core of coherence provides a (hopefully complete) implementation of:
python-springpython / coily(1)
Command-line management tool for spring python
libcoin80-dev / coin-config(1)
Display coin library configuration
coinst / coinst(1)
Computes the co-installability kernel of a package repostory
coinst / coinst-upgrades(1)
Finding upgrade issues between to versions of a debian distribution
coinst-viewer / coinst_viewer(1)
View co-installability kernel generated by coinst for x
byobu / col1(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col2(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col3(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col4(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col5(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col6(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col7(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col8(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
byobu / col9(1)
Awk and print a column (based on the name of the program, 1-9)
git-cola / cola(1)
The highly caffeinated git gui
coldfire / coldfire(1)
Coldfire a freescale coldfire 5206 emulator
docbook-dsssl / collateindex.pl(1)
Generate docbook index files
collatinus / collatinus(1)
Programma ad latinam morphologiam et lemmata extrahenda
python-rgain / collectiongain(1)
Large scale replay gain calculating tool
collectl / collectl(1)
Collects data that describes the current system status.
pcp-import-collectl2pcp / collectl2pcp(1)
Import collectl data to a pcp archive
argyll / collink(1)
Link icc profiles.
collectl-utils / colmux(1)
Multiplex communications to multiple systems running collectl from a single system
colordiff / colordiff(1)
A tool to colorize diff output
apt-listdifferences / colordiff-git(1)
A tool to colorize diff output
rss-glx / colorfire(1)
colorgcc / colorgcc(1)
Colorization wrapper for gcc
colorhug-client / colorhug-ccmx(1)
Ccmx loader for the colorhug colorimeter
colorhug-client / colorhug-cmd(1)
A command line utlity for the colorhug colorimeter
colorhug-client / colorhug-flash(1)
A firmware updater for the colorhug colorimeter
dict / colorit(1)
A script for markuping the text input
colormake / colormake(1)
Color wrapper for make(1)
colormake / colormake-short(1)
Color wrapper for make(1)
liballegro4-dev / colormap(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
colord / colormgr(1)
Color manager testing tool
colorname / colorname(1)
Utility to associate a name to a color
colortail / colortail(1)
Log colorizer that makes log checking easier
colortest-python / colortest-python(1)
Display color test chart and convert between color values
collectl-utils / colplot(1)
Plots collectl data using gnuplot
argyll / colprof(1)
Create icc profile.
colrconv / colrconv(1)
Hamradio convers client with sound and ncurses color support
autogen / columns(1)
Columnize input text
argyll / colverify(1)
Verify cie values.
mummer / combineMUMs(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
tesseract-ocr / combine_tessdata(1)
Combine/extract/overwrite tesseract data
patchutils / combinediff(1)
Create a cumulative unified patch from two incremental patches
xymon / combostatus(1)
Xymon combination test tool
ivtools-bin / comdraw(1)
Drawtool with distributed command interpreter
comgt / comgt(1)
Option globetrotter gprs/edge/3g/hsdpa and vodafone 3g/gprs datacard control tool
comix / comicthumb(1)
Thumbnailer for cbz, cbr and cbt archives.
coinst / comigrate(1)
Managing package migrations from debian unstable to testing
comix / comix(1)
Comic book viewer
coreutils / comm(1)
Compare two sorted files line by line
ruby-commander / commander(1)
commit-patch / commit-partial(1)
Commit patches to darcs, git, mercurial, bazaar, monotone, subversion, or cvs repositories
commit-patch / commit-patch(1)
Commit patches to darcs, git, mercurial, bazaar, monotone, subversion, or cvs repositories
ctn / commit_agent(1)
Generic ctn manual page
libucommon-dev / commoncpp-config(1)
Script to get information about common c++ library
biosquid / compalign(1)
Compare two multiple alignments
rivet / compare-histos(1)
Generate comparison histograms
imagemagick / compare-im6(1)
Mathematically and visually annotate the difference between an image and its reconstruction.
ants / compareTwoCompositeTransforms(1)
Part of ants registration suite
octomap-tools / compare_octrees(1)
Compare two octrees for accuracy / compression
comparepdf / comparepdf(1)
Compare two pdf files textually or visually
weboob / comparoob(1)
Compare products
compartment / compartment(1)
Secure program/service wrapper
ruby-compass / compass(1)
Stylesheet framework streamlining creation and maintenance of css
compface / compface(1)
Compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
comerr-dev / compile_et(1)
Error table compiler
ladr4-apps / complex(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
mime-support / compose(1)
Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
a2ps / composeglyphs(1)
Generate an encoding vector or new font for postscript
imagemagick / composite-im6(1)
Overlaps one image over another.
ncompress / compress(1)
Compress and expand data
comprez / comprez(1)
Safely (un)tar and (de)feather files and directories
biosquid / compstruct(1)
compton / compton(1)
A compositor for x11
compton / compton-trans(1)
An opacity setter tool
sloccount / compute_all(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
sloccount / compute_sloc_lang(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
ivtools-bin / comterp(1)
Distributed command interpreter demonstrator
fbset / con2fbmap(1)
Shows and sets mapping between consoles and framebuffer devices.
concalc / concalc(1)
Console calculator
concavity / concavity(1)
Predictor of protein ligand binding sites from structure and conservation
concordance / concordance(1)
For programming your logitech harmony remote control
htcondor / condor_advertise(1)
htcondor / condor_check_userlogs(1)
htcondor / condor_checkpoint(1)
htcondor / condor_chirp(1)
htcondor / condor_cod(1)
htcondor / condor_compile(1)
htcondor / condor_config_val(1)
htcondor / condor_configure(1)
htcondor / condor_continue(1)
htcondor / condor_dagman(1)
htcondor / condor_dagman_metrics_repor(1)
htcondor / condor_drain(1)
htcondor / condor_fetchlog(1)
htcondor / condor_findhost(1)
htcondor / condor_gather_info(1)
htcondor / condor_gpu_discovery(1)
htcondor / condor_history(1)
htcondor / condor_hold(1)
htcondor / condor_install(1)
htcondor / condor_master(1)
htcondor / condor_off(1)
htcondor / condor_on(1)
htcondor / condor_ping(1)
htcondor / condor_pool_job_report(1)
htcondor / condor_power(1)
htcondor / condor_preen(1)
htcondor / condor_prio(1)
htcondor / condor_procd(1)
htcondor / condor_q(1)
htcondor / condor_qedit(1)
htcondor / condor_qsub(1)
htcondor / condor_reconfig(1)
htcondor / condor_release(1)
htcondor / condor_reschedule(1)
htcondor / condor_restart(1)
htcondor / condor_rm(1)
htcondor / condor_rmdir(1)
htcondor / condor_router_history(1)
htcondor / condor_router_q(1)
htcondor / condor_router_rm(1)
htcondor / condor_run(1)
htcondor / condor_set_shutdown(1)
htcondor / condor_sos(1)
htcondor / condor_stats(1)
htcondor / condor_status(1)
htcondor / condor_store_cred(1)
htcondor / condor_submit(1)
htcondor / condor_submit_dag(1)
htcondor / condor_suspend(1)
htcondor / condor_tail(1)
htcondor / condor_transfer_data(1)
htcondor / condor_urlfetch(1)
htcondor / condor_userlog(1)
htcondor / condor_userprio(1)
htcondor / condor_vacate(1)
htcondor / condor_vacate_job(1)
htcondor / condor_version(1)
htcondor / condor_wait(1)
htcondor / condor_who(1)
qmail / condredirect(1)
Perhaps redirect mail to another address
cone / cone(1)
Read and send e-mail messages
confetti / confetti(1)
Configuration file parser generator
autoconf / config.guess(1)
Guess the build system triplet
autoconf2.59 / config.guess2.59(1)
Guess the build system triplet
autoconf2.64 / config.guess2.64(1)
Guess the build system triplet
autoconf / config.sub(1)
Validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
autoconf2.59 / config.sub2.59(1)
Validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
autoconf2.64 / config.sub2.64(1)
Validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
simh / config11(1)
Calculate the floating address space layout of a pdp-11 or vax
xymon / confreport.cgi(1)
Xymon configuration report
congruity / congruity(1)
A simple gui to program logitech(r) harmony(r) remotes
brazilian-conjugate / conjugue(1)
brazilian-conjugate / conjugue-ISO-8859-1(1)
brazilian-conjugate / conjugue-UTF-8(1)
astronomical-almanac / conjunct(1)
Find dates of equinox or new or full moon
imagemagick / conjure-im6(1)
Interprets and executes scripts written in the magick scripting language (msl).
connect-proxy / connect(1)
Connect-proxy connect over socks4/5 proxy
connect-proxy / connect-proxy(1)
Connect-proxy connect over socks4/5 proxy
connectagram / connectagram(1)
Word unscrambling game
connman-ui / connman-ui-gtk(1)
Gtk tray icon for connman
connman / connmanctl(1)
wcstools / conpix(1)
cons / cons(1)
A software construction system
geneweb / consang(1)
Computer genealogical consanguinities
conspy / conspy(1)
Virtual console spy tool
context / context(1)
debroster / control_roster(1)
Programs to gloat at expos.
grace / convcal(1)
Convert dates to different formats
inn / convdate(1)
Convert time/date strings and numbers
device-tree-compiler / convert-dtsv0(1)
Device tree compiler -- conversion to version 1
imagemagick / convert-im6(1)
Convert between image formats as well as resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more.
lilypond / convert-ly(1)
Manual page for convert-ly 2.18.2
foxtrotgps / convert2gpx(1)
Converts a foxtrotgps logfile to gpx
foxtrotgps / convert2osm(1)
Converts foxtrotgps logfiles into .osm files
syrthes-tools / convert2syrthes4(1)
Convert mesh files to syrthes format
ir.lv2 / convert4chan(1)
Is a utility for converting pairs of stereo impulse response files to to a single 'true stereo' 4-channel files. ir.lv2 - lv2 ir reverb plugin supports these so-called 'true stereo' impulses.
cbflib-bin / convert_image(1)
Convert images to cbf format using a template
octomap-tools / convert_octree(1)
Convert between octomap octree file formats
mira-assembler / convert_project(1)
Convert assembly and sequencing file types
profphd-utils / convert_seq(1)
Conversion of sequence and alignment formats
geda-utils / convert_sym(1)
Convert a viewlogic symbol/schematic to geda gschem format
ruby-shoulda-context / convert_to_should_syntax(1)
Converts a regular test::unit ruby source file into one that uses shoulda syntax.
convertall / convertall(1)
A very flexible unit converter
leptonica-progs / convertfilestopdf(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / convertfilestops(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / convertformat(1)
Image processing library
omniorb / convertior(1)
Utility for creating a new ior from existing. changing the hostname of an existing stringified ior
python-potr / convertkey(1)
Convert otr key file from old to new format
leptonica-progs / convertsegfilestopdf(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / convertsegfilestops(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / converttopdf(1)
Image processing library
leptonica-progs / converttops(1)
Image processing library
intercal / convickt(1)
Convert intercal files between formats
convmv / convmv(1)
Converts filenames from one encoding to another
fuse-convmvfs / convmvfs(1)
Utility that mirrors a whole filesystem tree from one charset to another.
weboob / cookboob(1)
Search and consult recipes
coolmail / coolmail(1)
3d animated mail notificaion utility
bibutils / copac2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
xapian-tools / copydatabase(1)
Perform a document-by-document copy of one or more xapian databases
libxbase64-bin / copydbf(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
copyfs / copyfs(1)
Versioning file system for fuse
copyfs / copyfs-daemon(1)
Copyfs daemon
copyfs / copyfs-fversion(1)
Manage file revisions
copyfs / copyfs-mount(1)
Mounts a versioned file system
blast2 / copymat(1)
Convert ascii matrices into a database suitable for quick reading
copyright-update / copyright-update(1)
Update copyright information in files
coq / coq-tex(1)
Process coq phrases embedded in latex files
coq / coq_makefile(1)
The coq proof assistant makefile generator
coq / coqc(1)
The coq proof assistant compiler
coq / coqchk(1)
The coq proof checker compiled libraries verifier
coq / coqchk.opt(1)
The coq proof checker compiled libraries verifier
coq / coqdep(1)
Compute inter-module dependencies for coq and caml programs
coq / coqdoc(1)
A documentation tool for the coq proof assistant
coqide / coqide(1)
The coq proof assistant graphical interface
coqide / coqide.byte(1)
The coq proof assistant graphical interface
coqide / coqide.opt(1)
The coq proof assistant graphical interface
libcoq-ocaml-dev / coqmktop(1)
The coq proof assistant user-tactics linker
coq / coqtop(1)
The coq proof assistant toplevel system
coq / coqtop.byte(1)
The bytecode coq toplevel
coq / coqtop.opt(1)
The native-code coq toplevel
coq / coqwc(1)
Print the number of specification, proof and comment lines in coq files
spambayes / core_server(1)
The primary server for spambayes.
coriander / coriander(1)
Control and display dc1394 camera images
corkscrew / corkscrew(1)
Tunnel tcp connections through http proxies
cortina / cortina(1)
A desktop wallpaper management application for the gnome desktop
python-couchdb / couchdb-dump(1)
A couchdb dump utility
python-couchdb / couchdb-load(1)
A couchdb load utility
python-couchdb / couchpy(1)
A couchdb python view server
sloccount / count_extensions(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
sloccount / count_unknown_ext(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
courier-authlib / courierlogger(1)
Courier syslog wrapper
courier-mlm / couriermlm(1)
The courier mailing list manager
courier-base / couriertcpd(1)
The courier mail server tcp server daemon
courier-ssl / couriertls(1)
The courier mail server tls/ssl protocol wrapper
ruby-coveralls / coveralls(1)
Coveralls api client utility
covered / covered(1)
Verilog code coverage analyzer
mgetty-fax / coverpg(1)
Create a fax coverpg on stdout
cowdancer / cow-shell(1)
Start a copy-on-write session and invoke a shell.
cowbell / cowbell(1)
An easy-to-use tag editor for your music files
ubuntu-dev-tools / cowbuilder-dist(1)
Multi-distribution pbuilder/cowbuilder wrapper
cowdancer / cowdancer-ilistcreate(1)
Create .ilist file for use with cowdancer.
cowdancer / cowdancer-ilistdump(1)
Dump contents of ilist file.
devscripts / cowpoke(1)
Build a debian source package in a remote cowbuilder instance
coreutils / cp(1)
Copy files and directories
cmake / cpack(1)
Cpack command-line reference
djvulibre-bin / cpaldjvu(1)
Djvudocument encoder for low-color images.
canna-utils / cpdic(1)
User dictionary copy tool
uima-utils / cpeGui(1)
Graphical tool that allows you to assemble and run cpe
wcstools / cphead(1)
atfs / cphist(1)
Copy an atfs history to another directory
noweb / cpif(1)
Selectively update files
cpio / cpio(1)
Copy files to and from archives
cpipe / cpipe(1)
Copy stdin to stdout while counting bytes and reporting progress
cplay / cplay(1)
A front-end for various audio players
cpm / cpm(1)
Console password manager
cpmtools / cpmchattr(1)
Change file attributes on cp/m files
cpmtools / cpmchmod(1)
Change file mode on cp/m files
cpmtools / cpmcp(1)
Copy files from and to cp/m disks
cpmtools / cpmls(1)
List sorted contents of directory
cpmtools / cpmrm(1)
Remove files on cp/m disks
cppcheck / cppcheck(1)
Tool for static c/c++ code analysis
cpphs / cpphs(1)
Liberalised cpp-a-like preprocessor for haskell
hugs / cpphs-hugs(1)
Liberalised cpp-a-like preprocessor for haskell
cppman / cppman(1)
C++ manual page viewer / fetcher
cppo / cppo(1)
Lightweight cpp-like preprocessor for ocaml
libcppunit-dev / cppunit-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of cppunit
cpqarrayd / cpqarrayd(1)
Arraycontoller monitoringdaemon
cproto / cproto(1)
Generate c function prototypes and convert function definitions
cpuburn / cpuburn(1)
A collection of programs to put heavy load on cpu
cpufrequtils / cpufreq-aperf(1)
Calculates the average frequency over a time period
cpufrequtils / cpufreq-info(1)
Utility to retrieve cpufreq kernel information
gnome-applets / cpufreq-selector(1)
Cpufreq-selector tool to set cpu frequency
cpufrequtils / cpufreq-set(1)
A small tool which allows to modify cpufreq settings.
cpufreqd / cpufreqd-get(1)
Issues "get" commands to cpufreqd.
cpufreqd / cpufreqd-set(1)
Issues "set" commands to cpufreqd.
cpuid / cpuid(1)
Dump cpuid information for each cpu
cpulimit / cpulimit(1)
Limits the cpu usage of a process
cqrlog / cqrlog(1)
Advanced logging program for hamradio operators
blcr-util / cr_checkpoint(1)
Checkpoints a process, process group, or session.
blcr-util / cr_restart(1)
Restarts a process, process group, or session from a checkpoint file.
blcr-util / cr_run(1)
Runs a subprocess with checkpoint library loaded.
cramfsswap / cramfsswap(1)
Swap endianess of a cram filesystem (cramfs)
crashmail / crashexport(1)
Export crashmail configuration
crashmail / crashgetnode(1)
Lookup node in crashmail nodelist
crashmail / crashlist(1)
Compile a crashmail nodelist
crashmail / crashlistout(1)
List the mail files waiting to go out in the specified directory.
crashmail / crashmail(1)
A fidonet *.jam and msg tosser
crashmail / crashmaint(1)
Do maintanence on crashmail message bases
crashme / crashme(1)
Test operating environment software robustness
crashmail / crashstats(1)
Display crashmail statistics
crashmail / crashwrite(1)
Creates pkt file from text file
libarchive-zip-perl / crc32(1)
Compute crc-32 checksums for the given files
cream / cream(1)
A set of macros that makes the vim easier to use for beginners
cpm / create-cpmdb(1)
Console password manager database creation
microhope / create-microhope-env(1)
Program to create a local copy of the development files and of the libraries of microhope for the end user.
mono-tools-devel / create-native-map(1)
C/c# mapping creator
fcitx-tools / createPYMB(1)
Fcitx pinyin related tools
atlc / create_bmp_for_circ_in_circ(1)
Bitmap generator for circular conductor inside circular conductor (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_circ_in_rect(1)
Bitmap generator for a circular conductor inside a rectangular conductor (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_microstrip_coupler(1)
Bitmap generator for microstrip coupler (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_rect_cen_in_rect(1)
Bitmap generator for rectangular conductor inside rectangular conductor (part of atlc)
atlc / create_bmp_for_rect_cen_in_rect_coupler(1)
Part of atlc
atlc / create_bmp_for_rect_in_circ(1)
Part of atlc
ctn / create_common(1)
Generic ctn manual page
cloop-utils / create_compressed_fs(1)
Convert and extract a filesystem to/from a cloop volume
kdesdk-scripts / create_cvsignore(1)
Create preliminary .cvsignore in the current directory
thuban / create_epsg(1)
Convert the epsg file of proj into a python .proj file
ctn / create_greyscale_module(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / create_icons(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / create_icons.94(1)
Generic ctn manual page
kdesdk-scripts / create_makefile(1)
Creates makefile.in and makefile from a makefile.am
kdesdk-scripts / create_makefiles(1)
Recreates all makefiles beneath a directory
ctn / create_print_entry(1)
Generic ctn manual page
postgresql-client-9.4 / createdb(1)
Create a new postgresql database
ctn / createdirectory(1)
Generic ctn manual page
fuse-emulator-utils / createhdf(1)
Createhdf create a blank ide hard disk image in .hdf format
postgresql-client-9.4 / createlang(1)
Install a postgresql procedural language
postgresql-client-9.4 / createuser(1)
Define a new postgresql user account
cricket / cricket(1)
A program to manage the collection and display of time-series data
cricket / cricket-compile(1)
A program to manage the collection and display of time-series data
crip / crip(1)
A terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool
xymon / criticaleditor.cgi(1)
Xymon critical systems view editor cgi
xymon / criticalview.cgi(1)
Xymon critical systems view cgi
critterding / critterding(1)
Evolving artificial life
wcstools / crlf(1)
mono-devel / crlupdate(1)
Mono certficate revocation list downloader and updater
qdbm-util / crmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm curia
cron-deja-vu / cron-deja-vu(1)
Is a mail filter designed to handle recurring cron mails
cronometer / cronometer(1)
Nutrient intake and exercise tracker
cron / crontab(1)
Maintain crontab files for individual users (vixie cron)
systemd-cron / crontab(1)
Maintain crontab files for individual users
crosshurd / crosshurd(1)
Cross-install a debian gnu/hurd system
crossroads / crossroads(1)
Crossroads load balancer & fail over utility
vboot-utils / crossystem(1)
Chrome os firmware/system interface utility
crrcsim / crrcsim(1)
A model-airplane flight simulation program
qdbm-util / crtest(1)
Test cases for qdbm curia
crtmpserver / crtmpserver(1)
Is a high performance streaming platform written on c++
qdbm-util / crtsv(1)
Mutual converter between tsv and qdbm curia database
crudini / crudini(1)
A utility for manipulating ini files
crunch / crunch(1)
Generate wordlists from a character set
rxvt-ml / crxvt(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
rxvt-ml / crxvt-big5(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
rxvt-ml / crxvt-gb(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
mcrypt / crypt(1)
Encrypt or decrypt files
cryptcat / cryptcat(1)
Twofish encryption enabled version of nc(1)
expect / cryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
libcrypto++-utils / cryptest(1)
Test driver for crypto++, a c++ class library of cryptographic primitives
cryptkeeper / cryptkeeper(1)
Encfs system tray applet for gnome
opensc / cryptoflex-tool(1)
Utility for manipulating schlumberger cryptoflex data structures
proj-bin / cs2cs(1)
Cartographic coordinate system filter
chicken-bin / csc(1)
Driver program for the chicken scheme compiler
cscope / cscope(1)
Interactively examine a c program
cscope / cscope-indexer(1)
Script to index files for cscope
coinor-csdp / csdp(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-complement(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-graphtoprob(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-randgraph(1)
Semidefinite program solver
coinor-csdp / csdp-theta(1)
Semidefinite program solver
codesearch / csearch(1)
Like grep(1) over all indexed files
djvulibre-bin / csepdjvu(1)
Djvu encoder for separated data files.
cpuset / cset(1)
Manage cpusets functions in the linux kernel
cpuset / cset-proc(1)
Manage processes running in cpusets
cpuset / cset-set(1)
Manage sets of cpus
cpuset / cset-shield(1)
Cpuset supercommand which implements cpu shielding
votca-csg / csg_boltzmann(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_call(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_density(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_dump(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_fmatch(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_gmxtopol(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_imcrepack(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_inverse(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_map(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_part_dist(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_property(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_resample(1)
Part of the votca package
votca-csg / csg_stat(1)
Part of the votca package
sloccount / csh_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
mono-csharp-shell / csharp(1)
Interactive c# shell
canna-utils / cshost(1)
Server access control program for canna
chicken-bin / csi(1)
The chicken scheme interpreter
csoundqt / csoundqt(1)
Gui interface and ide for the csound synthesis system
coreutils / csplit(1)
Split a file into sections determined by context lines
python-cssutils / csscapture_py2(1)
Downloads css stylesheets.
python3-cssutils / csscapture_py3(1)
Downloads css stylesheets.
python-cssutils / csscombine_py2(1)
Utility to combine several stylesheets into one.
python3-cssutils / csscombine_py3(1)
Utility to combine several stylesheets into one.
cssmin / cssmin(1)
Yui cascading style sheet (css) compressor
python-cssutils / cssparse_py2(1)
A css parser.
python3-cssutils / cssparse_py3(1)
A css parser.
csstidy / csstidy(1)
Css parser and optimiser
clearsilver-dev / cstest(1)
Render a clearsilver template combined with a dataset
liwc / cstr(1)
Print out string literals in c source code
xml2 / csv2(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
csv2latex / csv2latex(1)
Csv2latex convert a csv file into a latex document
mipe / csv2mipe(1)
Generates mipe file based on 3 tab-delimited files
python-odf / csv2ods(1)
Create opendocument spreadsheet from comma separated values
translate-toolkit / csv2po(1)
Convert comma-separated value (.csv) files to gettext po localization files.
python-rdflib-tools / csv2rdf(1)
Converts csv to rdf
recutils / csv2rec(1)
Csv to rec converter
translate-toolkit / csv2tbx(1)
Convert comma-separated value (.csv) files to a termbase exchange (.tbx) glossary file
csvimp / csvimp(1)
Import csv files to xtuple schema
xymon / csvinfo.cgi(1)
Cgi program to show host information from a csv file
csvtool / csvtool(1)
Tool for performing manipulations on csv files from shell scripts
cableswig / cswig(1)
Generate python and tcl wrappers from c++ code.
csync2 / csync2(1)
Cluster synchronization tool, 2nd generation
ctioga2 / ct2-make-movie(1)
Manual page for ct2-make-movie
erlang-common-test / ct_run(1)
Program used for starting common test from the
exuberant-ctags / ctags-exuberant(1)
Generate tag files for source code
emacs24-common / ctags.emacs24(1)
Generate tag file for emacs, vi
byobu / ctail(1)
Watch and colorize a logfile
texlive-binaries / ctangle(1)
Translate cweb to c and/or tex
cwebx / ctanglex(1)
Translate cweb(x) to c (or c++) and/or tex
texlive-extra-utils / ctanify(1)
Prepare a package for upload to ctan
ctdb / ctdb(1)
Ctdb management utility
ctdb / ctdbd(1)
The ctdb cluster daemon
ctdb / ctdbd_wrapper(1)
Wrapper for ctdbd
cmake / ctest(1)
Ctest command-line reference
texlive-binaries / ctie(1)
Merge or apply cweb change files
openctm-tools / ctmconv(1)
File format converter for 3d models
openctm-tools / ctmviewer(1)
3d viewer for models of various file formats
ctn / ctn_manpage(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ctn_version(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ctndisp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ctnnetwork(1)
Generic ctn manual page
styx / ctoh(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
ctorrent / ctorrent(1)
Download bittorrent files from command line
canna / ctow(1)
Convert canna text-form dictionary into wnn text-form dictionary
ctpl / ctpl(1)
Ctpl command-line template parsing tool
ctsim / ctsimtext(1)
A text-based computed tomography simulator
python-ctypeslib / ctypeslib(1)
Convert header files to xml intermediates xml2py - convert xml intermediates to python ctypes interface
cuba-partview / cuba-partview(1)
Partition viewer for the cuba library
cube2font / cube2font(1)
Utility program designed to create font bitmaps for cube engine games
cubemap / cubemap(1)
Scalable video reflector, designed to be used with vlc
yorick-cubeview / cubeview(1)
View 3d fits files
aspcud / cudf2lp(1)
A preprocessor for cudf documents
cue2toc / cue2toc(1)
Convert cue to toc format
cuetools / cuebreakpoints(1)
Report track breakpoints from a cue or toc file
cuetools / cueconvert(1)
Convert files between cue and toc formats
cuetools / cueprint(1)
Report disc and track information from a cue or toc file
cuetools / cuetag(1)
Tag files based on cue/toc file information
cup / cup(1)
Lalr parser generator for java(tm)
libcups2-dev / cups-config(1)
Get cups api, compiler, directory, and link information.
cups-client / cupstestdsc(1)
Test conformance of postscript files
cups-client / cupstestppd(1)
Test conformance of ppd files
curl / curl(1)
Transfer a url
libcurl4-gnutls-dev / curl-config(1)
Get information about a libcurl installation
libcurl4-nss-dev / curl-config(1)
Get information about a libcurl installation
libcurl4-openssl-dev / curl-config(1)
Get information about a libcurl installation
curlftpfs / curlftpfs(1)
Mount a ftp host as a local directory
nacl-tools / curvecpclient(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpmakekey(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpmessage(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpprintkey(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
nacl-tools / curvecpserver(1)
Curvecp message-handling programs
customdeb / customdeb(1)
Customizes a binary debian package
coreutils / cut(1)
Remove sections from each line of files
cutecom / cutecom(1)
Graphical serial terminal.
cutemaze / cutemaze(1)
A single player word finding game based on boggle
autocutsel / cutsel(1)
Show information about the x clipboard and the cutbuffer in sync
cutycapt / cutycapt(1)
Utility to capture webkit's rendering of a web page
freewnn-cserver / cuum(1)
To start the front-end processor.
cvc3 / cvc3(1)
Automatic smt theorem prover
gplcver / cver(1)
Verilog simulator
vlc-nox / cvlc(1)
The vlc media player
freefem++ / cvmsh2(1)
A 2d mesh converter
cvs / cvs(1)
Concurrent versions system
cvs-autoreleasedeb / cvs-autoreleasedeb(1)
Automatic release of debian packages from cvs
cvs-buildpackage / cvs-buildpackage(1)
Build debian packages from a cvs repository.
kdesdk-scripts / cvs-clean(1)
Delete all files and directories not registered with cvs
devscripts / cvs-debc(1)
View contents of a cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package
devscripts / cvs-debi(1)
Install cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package
devscripts / cvs-debrelease(1)
Upload a cvs-buildpackage/cvs-debuild generated package
devscripts / cvs-debuild(1)
Build a debian package using cvs-buildpackage and debuild
cvs-buildpackage / cvs-inject(1)
Inject a debian source package into a cvs repository
cvs-mailcommit / cvs-mailcommit(1)
Send cvs commitments via mail
cvs-buildpackage / cvs-upgrade(1)
Upgrade a debian source package kept in a cvs repository
cvs2svn / cvs2bzr(1)
Convert a cvs repository into a bazaar repository
cvs2cl / cvs2cl(1)
Convert cvs log messages to changelogs
cvs2svn / cvs2git(1)
Convert a cvs repository into a git repository
cvs2svn / cvs2svn(1)
Convert a cvs repository into a subversion repository
cvsservice / cvsaskpass(1)
Prompt for a password for the cvs dcop service
kdesdk-scripts / cvsbackport(1)
Backport the last change in head to a branch
cvschangelogbuilder / cvschangelogbuilder(1)
Cvschangelogbuilder build cvs changelogs and cvs html reports
kdesdk-scripts / cvscheck(1)
Offline status report for files in a checked-out cvs module.
cvsutils / cvschroot(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsco(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsdelta / cvsdelta(1)
Manage and summarize the differences between a cvs project and local files.
cvsutils / cvsdiscard(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsdo(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
kdesdk-scripts / cvsforwardport(1)
Forwardport the last change in a branch to head
cvsgraph / cvsgraph(1)
A cvs/rcs repository grapher
kdesdk-scripts / cvslastchange(1)
Display the last change committed to cvs for a file
kdesdk-scripts / cvslastlog(1)
Prints the log entry for the last commit for a file.
mgdiff / cvsmgdiff(1)
Uses mgdiff to display differences between any two cvs revisions.
cvsutils / cvsnotag(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvspurge(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
kdesdk-scripts / cvsrevertlast(1)
Revert files in cvs by one version
cvsservice / cvsservice(1)
A dcop service for accessing cvs repositories
gforge-common / cvssh(1)
Cvssh cvs shell for @forgename@ / general execution wrapper lite!
cvstrac / cvstrac(1)
Low-ceremony bug tracker for projects under cvs
cvsutils / cvstrim(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsu(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
cvsutils / cvsutils(1)
Cvs utilities for use in working directories
xserver-xorg-core / cvt(1)
Calculate vesa cvt mode lines
gnustep-base-runtime / cvtenc(1)
File encoding converter
cw / cw(1)
Sound characters as morse code on the soundcard or console speaker
cwcp / cwcp(1)
Curses-based morse tutor program
freewnn-cserver / cwddel(1)
To delete characters/words from the binary format
freewnn-cserver / cwdreg(1)
To register characters/words into the binary format
texlive-binaries / cweave(1)
Translate cweb to c and/or tex
cwebx / cweavex(1)
Translate cweb(x) to c (or c++) and/or tex
texlive-binaries / cweb(1)
Translate cweb to c and/or tex
webp / cwebp(1)
Compress an image file to a webp file
cwebx / cwebx(1)
Translate cweb(x) to c (or c++) and/or tex
cw / cwgen(1)
Generate groups of random characters for morse code practice
freewnn-cserver / cwnnstat(1)
To show the current status of cserver.
freewnn-cserver / cwnntouch(1)
To rewrite the header of the dictionary.
palp / cws-11d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws-4d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws-5d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws-6d.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
palp / cws.x(1)
Create weight systems and combined weight systems.
xpmutils / cxpm(1)
Check an xpm (x pixmap) file, versions xpm 1, 2, or 3.
cxref / cxref(1)
C cross referencing & documenting tool.
cxref / cxref-cc(1)
Compile and document/cross-reference a c source file
cxref / cxref-cpp(1)
A modified c preprocessor to use with cxref.
cxref / cxref-cpp-configure(1)
A program to generate the cxref-cpp.defines file for cxref-cpp.
cxref / cxref-cpp.upstream(1)
A modified c preprocessor to use with cxref.
cxref / cxref-query(1)
A program to query the cross reference database from cxref.
kdesdk-scripts / cxxmetric(1)
Simple source metrics for c and c++
cxxtest / cxxtestgen(1)
Performs test discovery to create a cxxtest test runner
libcxxtools-dev / cxxtools-config(1)
Output compiler flags for cxxflags usage
cycle / cycle(1)
A calendar for women
xenomai-runtime / cyclictest(1)
Xenomai high resolution timer test
cyclist / cyclist(1)
Convert max/msp binary files to text file format
cyclograph / cyclograph(1)
Route altimetry plotting application
rss-glx / cyclone(1)
Tornado screen saver.
console-cyrillic / cyr(1)
Setup cyrillic on linux console
cython / cython(1)
Compile cython code (.pyx) into c to build a python extension
dvb-apps / czap(1)
A program to process channels.conf files.
d-shlibs / d-devlibdeps(1)
Check and list dependencies of development library packages
d-feet / d-feet(1)
D-bus viewer and debugger
d-rats / d-rats(1)
A communication tool for d-star
d-rats / d-rats_mapdownloader(1)
The d-rats map download utility
d-rats / d-rats_repeater(1)
A data exchange gateway for d-rats
d-shlibs / d-shlibmove(1)
Move shared library files around in debian package creation process
daa2iso / daa2iso(1)
Converts daa and gbi files to iso format.
dacs / dacs(1)
A distributed access control system
dacs / dacsacl(1)
List, check, or re-index access control rules
dacs / dacsauth(1)
Authentication check
dacs / dacscheck(1)
Authorization check
dacs / dacsconf(1)
Display configuration directives
dacs / dacscookie(1)
Create dacs credentials and emit as a cookie
dacs / dacscred(1)
Acquire and manage dacs credentials
dacs / dacsemail(1)
Simple outgoing email agent
dacs / dacsexpr(1)
Dacs expression language shell and interpreter
dacs / dacsgrid(1)
Administer grid-based one-time passwords
dacs / dacshttp(1)
Perform an http/https request
dacs / dacsinfocard(1)
Manage infocard accounts
dacs / dacsinit(1)
Configure a minimal dacs federation interactively
dacs / dacskey(1)
Generate encryption keys for dacs
dacs / dacslist(1)
List jurisdictions
dacs / dacspasswd(1)
Manage dacs accounts
dacs / dacsrlink(1)
Create and administer rule links
dacs / dacssched(1)
Rule-based command scheduling
dacs / dacstoken(1)
Administer hash-based one-time passwords
dacs / dacstransform(1)
Rule-based document transformation
dacs / dacsversion(1)
Display version information
dacs / dacsvfs(1)
Access objects through the dacs virtual filestore
dact / dact(1)
Compress or expand a file or stream
dadadodo / dadadodo(1)
Exterminate all rational thought
daemon / daemon(1)
Turns other processes into daemons
daemonfs / daemonfs(1)
A real time file monitoring software
daemonlogger / daemonlogger(1)
Simple network logger and soft tap daemon
dailystrips / dailystrips(1)
View web comic strips more conveniently
dailystrips / dailystrips-clean(1)
Remove old downloaded dailystrips
dailystrips / dailystrips-update(1)
Download updated dailystrips definitions
daisy-player / daisy-player(1)
Player for daisy digital talking books or audio-cd's
sshfp / dane(1)
Generate tlsa/hastls dns records by scanning ssl/tls sites
dapl2-utils / dapltest(1)
Test for the direct access programming library (dapl)
dar / dar(1)
Create, test, list, extract, compare, merge, isolate dar archives
dar / dar_cp(1)
'cp' clone command that is able to copy data located after an i/o error
dar / dar_manager(1)
Compiles several archives contents in a database to ease file restoration
dar / dar_slave(1)
Disk archive slave for remote access to a dar archive
dar-static / dar_static(1)
Create, test, list, extract, compare, merge, isolate dar archives
dar / dar_xform(1)
Disk archive "re-slicer"
darcs / darcs(1)
An advanced revision control system
darcs-monitor / darcs-monitor(1)
Darcs add-on that sends mail about newly pushed changes
dares / dares(1)
Rescue files from damaged cds and dvds
darkice / darkice(1)
An icecast / shoutcast live audio streamer
darksnow / darksnow(1)
A simple frontend to darkice
darnwdl / darnwdl(1)
Program to view wdl files
darts / darts(1)
Program to do common prefix search interactively
hercules / dasdcat(1)
hercules / dasdconv(1)
hercules / dasdcopy(1)
hercules / dasdinit(1)
hercules / dasdisup(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdload(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdls(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdpdsu(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / dasdseq(1)
Hercules dsorg=ps retrieval command
cruft / dash-search(1)
Match arguments against cruft filter patterns
dasher / dasher(1)
Graphical predictive text entry system
liballegro4-dev / dat(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
liballegro4-dev / dat2c(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
liballegro4-dev / dat2s(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
fp-utils-2.6.4 / data2inc-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal binary to pascal include file converter.
freetds-bin / datacopy(1)
Move table data between two servers
datapacker / datapacker(1)
Tool to pack files into the minimum number of bins
datapm / datapm(1)
Data packaging system and utilities
coreutils / date(1)
Print or set the system date and time
ucspi-tcp / date@(1)
Prints the date on a remote host.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / date@(1)
Print the date on a host
datefudge / datefudge(1)
Pretend the system time is different
xymon / datepage.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi script to view pre-built reports by date
dateutils / dateutils.dadd(1)
Add duration to date/time and print the result.
dateutils / dateutils.dateutils(1)
Command line date and time utilities
dateutils / dateutils.dconv(1)
Convert date/times between calendrical systems.
dateutils / dateutils.ddiff(1)
Compute duration from date/time (the reference date/time) to the other
dateutils / dateutils.dround(1)
Round date/time to the next occurrence of rndspec.
dateutils / dateutils.dseq(1)
Generate a sequence of date/times from first to last, optionally in steps of
dateutils / dateutils.dsort(1)
Sort contents of file chronologically.
dateutils / dateutils.dtest(1)
Like test(1) but for dates.
dateutils / dateutils.dzone(1)
Convert date/times between timezones.
dateutils / dateutils.strptime(1)
Parse input from stdin according to one of the given formats formats.
libcarp-datum-perl / datum_strip(1)
Strips most carp::datum calls lexically
dav-text / dav(1)
A minimalist ncurses-based text editor.
davix / davix-get(1)
Download tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-http(1)
Http query tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-ls(1)
Listing tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-mkdir(1)
Directory creation tool based on libdavix.
davix / davix-put(1)
Upload tool based on libdavix
davix / davix-rm(1)
Deletion tool based on libdavix.
python-webdav / davserver(1)
Davserver -webdav server implementation in python
tesseract-ocr / dawg2wordlist(1)
Convert a tesseract dawg to a wordlist
dawgdic-tools / dawgdic-build(1)
Build a dawg-based dictionary
dawgdic-tools / dawgdic-find(1)
Find words in a dawg-based dictionary
docbook-utils / db2dvi(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2html(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2pdf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2ps(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / db2rtf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook2x / db2x_manxml(1)
Make man pages from man-xml
docbook2x / db2x_texixml(1)
Make texinfo files from texi-xml
docbook2x / db2x_xsltproc(1)
Xslt processor invocation wrapper
db5.1-util / db5.1_archive(1)
Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db5.1-util / db5.1_checkpoint(1)
Periodically checkpoint transactions
db5.1-util / db5.1_deadlock(1)
Detect and abort deadlocks
db5.1-util / db5.1_dump(1)
Write database to flat-text format
db5.1-util / db5.1_hotbackup(1)
Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db5.1-util / db5.1_load(1)
Load data from standard input
db5.1-util / db5.1_printlog(1)
Dumps berkeley db log files in a human-readable format
db5.1-util / db5.1_recover(1)
Restore the database to a consistent state
db5.1-util / db5.1_stat(1)
Display statistics for berkeley db environments
db5.1-util / db5.1_upgrade(1)
Upgrade the berkeley db version to the current release version.
db5.1-util / db5.1_verify(1)
Verifies the structure databases
db5.3-util / db5.3_archive(1)
Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db5.3-util / db5.3_checkpoint(1)
Periodically checkpoint transactions
db5.3-util / db5.3_deadlock(1)
Detect and abort deadlocks
db5.3-util / db5.3_dump(1)
Write database to flat-text format
db5.3-util / db5.3_hotbackup(1)
Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db5.3-util / db5.3_load(1)
Load data from standard input
db5.3-util / db5.3_printlog(1)
Dumps berkeley db log files in a human-readable format
db5.3-util / db5.3_recover(1)
Restore the database to a consistent state
db5.3-util / db5.3_stat(1)
Display statistics for berkeley db environments
db5.3-util / db5.3_upgrade(1)
Upgrade the berkeley db version to the current release version.
db5.3-util / db5.3_verify(1)
Verifies the structure databases
wise / dba(1)
Dba characterising shared regulatory regions of genomic dna
dbacl / dbacl(1)
A digramic bayesian classifier for text recognition.
dballe / dbadb(1)
Manage the db-alle database
dballe / dbaexport(1)
Export data from db-all.e
dballe / dbamsg(1)
Work with encoded meteorological data
dbar / dbar(1)
Ascii progresbar
dballe / dbatbl(1)
Manage on-disk reference tables for db-alle
dbmix / dbcat(1)
Send audio data to db fourier synthesis daemon
dropbear / dbclient(1)
Lightweight ssh client
dbconfig-common / dbconfig-generate-include(1)
Generate custom format db include files
dbconfig-common / dbconfig-load-include(1)
Parse custom format db config files
dbeacon / dbeacon(1)
Distributed ipv4/ipv6 multicast beacon
dbench / dbench(1)
Measure disk throughput for simulated netbench run
ruby-dbf / dbf-rb(1)
Command-line utility for the dbf library
dbf2mysql / dbf2mysql(1)
Convert between xbase and mysql databases
shapelib / dbfadd(1)
Add a row to an xbase dbf file
shapelib / dbfcreate(1)
Create an empty xbase dbf file
shapelib / dbfdump(1)
Dump xbase dbf files as text
dbmix / dbfsd(1)
Db fourier synthesis daemon
libxbase64-bin / dbfutil1(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
libxbase64-bin / dbfxtrct(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
389-ds-base / dbgen(1)
Random ldif database creator
dbmix / dbin(1)
Connect sound card input to db fourier synthesis daemon
dblatex / dblatex(1)
Convert docbook to latex, dvi, postscript, and pdf
dbmix / dbmixer(1)
Mixer application for the dbmix sound system
psi3 / dboc(1)
Diagonal born-oppenheimer correction using hf and ci wave functions.
pcp / dbpmda(1)
Debugger for performance co-pilot pmdas
389-ds-base / dbscan(1)
Scans a directory server database index file and dumps the contents
mono-xsp2 / dbsessmgr2(1)
Session state database manager
mono-xsp4 / dbsessmgr4(1)
Session state database manager
dbtoepub / dbtoepub(1)
Convert docbook xml to .epub
dbus / dbus-cleanup-sockets(1)
Clean up leftover sockets in a directory
dbus / dbus-daemon(1)
Message bus daemon
dbus-x11 / dbus-launch(1)
Utility to start a message bus from a shell script
dbus / dbus-monitor(1)
Debug probe to print message bus messages
dbus / dbus-run-session(1)
Start a process as a new d-bus session
dbus / dbus-send(1)
Send a message to a message bus
dbus / dbus-uuidgen(1)
Utility to generate uuids
libdbus-c++-bin / dbusxx-introspect(1)
Produce d-bus xml interface descriptions.
libdbus-c++-bin / dbusxx-xml2cpp(1)
Generate proxy and adapter interfaces.
lifelines / dbverify(1)
Check a lifelines database
dbview / dbview(1)
View dbase iii files
samba-common-bin / dbwrap_tool(1)
Low level tdb/ctdb manipulation tool using the dbwrap interface
dc / dc(1)
An arbitrary precision calculator
python-debiancontributors / dc-tool(1)
Manage contributions to contributors.debian.org
libdc1394-utils / dc1394_reset_bus(1)
Resets the ieee1394 bus
libdc1394-utils / dc1394_vloopback(1)
Send format0 video to v4l vloopback device
dc3dd / dc3dd(1)
Convert and copy a file
libdca-utils / dcadec(1)
Decode dts coherent acoustics audio streams
dcraw / dccleancrw(1)
Canon (crw) raw photo file recovery utility
dcap / dccp(1)
dcfldd / dcfldd(1)
Enhanced version of dd for forensics and security
dcraw / dcfujigreen(1)
Alternative processing for fuji raw images
dcraw / dcfujiturn(1)
Alternative rotation for dcraw processed images
dcraw / dcfujiturn16(1)
Alternative rotation for dcraw processed images
devscripts / dch(1)
Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a source package
ubuntu-dev-tools / dch-repeat(1)
Repeats a changelog entry into an older release
dchroot / dchroot(1)
Enter a chroot environment
dchroot-dsa / dchroot-dsa(1)
Enter a chroot environment
ftnchek / dcl2inc(1)
Postprocess ftnchek .dcl files to create separate include files
dclock / dclock(1)
Digital clock for x
ivtools-bin / dclock(1)
Digital clock
minc-tools / dcm2mnc(1)
Convert sets of dicom files to one or more minc format files.
mricron / dcm2nii(1)
Convert dicom or par/rec image into the nifti format
mricron / dcm2niigui(1)
Magnetic resonance image conversion, viewing and analysis
dcmtk / dcm2pdf(1)
Extract pdf file from dicom encapsulated pdf
dcmtk / dcm2pnm(1)
Convert dicom images to pgm/ppm, png, tiff or bmp
dcmtk / dcm2xml(1)
Convert dicom file and data set to xml
ctn / dcm_add_fragments(1)
Dump element from dicom file to another
ctn / dcm_create_object(1)
Create a object in a dicom file
ctn / dcm_ctnto10(1)
Convert a ctn dicom file to part 10 conforming format.
ctn / dcm_diff(1)
Compare the attributes in two dicom files.
ctn / dcm_dump_compressed(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_dump_element(1)
Dump element from a dicom file into to another
ctn / dcm_dump_file(1)
Dump the contents of a dicom file
ctn / dcm_make_object(1)
Make a dicom information object from an ascii description.
ctn / dcm_map_to_8(1)
Map original pixel data (10, 12 bit) to 8 bit
ctn / dcm_mask_image(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_modify_elements(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_modify_object(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_print_dictionary(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_resize(1)
Resize a dicom image
ctn / dcm_rm_element(1)
Remove an element from a dicom file
ctn / dcm_rm_group(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_snoop(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_strip_odd_groups(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_template(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_to_html(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_to_text(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_verify(1)
Verify dicom file
ctn / dcm_vr_patterns(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / dcm_x_disp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
dcmtk / dcmcjpeg(1)
Encode dicom file to jpeg transfer syntax
dcmtk / dcmcjpls(1)
Encode dicom file to jpeg-ls transfer syntax
dcmtk / dcmconv(1)
Convert dicom file encoding
dcmtk / dcmcrle(1)
Encode dicom file to rle transfer syntax
devscripts / dcmd(1)
Expand file lists of .dsc/.changes files in the command line
dcmtk / dcmdjpeg(1)
Decode jpeg-compressed dicom file
dcmtk / dcmdjpls(1)
Decode jpeg-ls compressed dicom file
dcmtk / dcmdrle(1)
Decode rle-compressed dicom file
dcmtk / dcmdspfn(1)
Export standard display curves to a text file
dcmtk / dcmdump(1)
Dump dicom file and data set
dcmtk / dcmftest(1)
Test if file uses dicom part 10 format
dcmtk / dcmgpdir(1)
Create a general purpose dicomdir
dcmtk / dcmj2pnm(1)
Convert dicom images to pgm/ppm, png, tiff, jpeg or bmp
dcmtk / dcml2pnm(1)
Convert dicom images to pgm/ppm, png, tiff or bmp
dcmtk / dcmmkcrv(1)
Add 2d curve data to image
dcmtk / dcmmkdir(1)
Create a dicomdir file
dcmtk / dcmmklut(1)
Create dicom look-up tables
dcmtk / dcmodify(1)
Modify dicom files
dcmtk / dcmp2pgm(1)
Read dicom image and presentation state and render bitmap
dcmtk / dcmprscp(1)
Dicom basic grayscale print management scp
dcmtk / dcmprscu(1)
Print spooler for presentation state viewer
dcmtk / dcmpschk(1)
Checking tool for presentation states
dcmtk / dcmpsmk(1)
Create dicom grayscale softcopy presentation state
dcmtk / dcmpsprt(1)
Read dicom images and presentation states and render print job
dcmtk / dcmpsrcv(1)
Network receive for presentation state viewer
dcmtk / dcmpssnd(1)
Network send for presentation state viewer
dcmtk / dcmqridx(1)
Register a dicom image file in an image database index file
dcmtk / dcmqrscp(1)
Dicom image archive (central test node)
dcmtk / dcmqrti(1)
The terminal initiator telnet client program
dcmtk / dcmquant(1)
Convert dicom color images to palette color
dcmtk / dcmscale(1)
Scale dicom images
dcmtk / dcmsign(1)
Sign and verify dicom files
voxbo / dcmsplit(1)
Remove identifying fields from dicom files
dcmtk / dcod2lum(1)
Convert hardcopy characteristic curve file to softcopy format
dconf-cli / dconf(1)
Simple tool for manipulating a dconf database
dconf-editor / dconf-editor(1)
Graphical editor for dconf
dconf-service / dconf-service(1)
D-bus service for writes to the dconf database
dcmtk / dconvlum(1)
Convert verilum files to dcmtk display files
dcraw / dcparse(1)
Extract embeded thumbnail image and print ciff/tiff data to screen
dcraw / dcraw(1)
Command-line decoder for raw digital photos
dctrl2xml / dctrl2xml(1)
Debian control data to xml converter
dicom3tools / dcunrgb(1)
Acr/nema dicom ps3 ... dicom ps3 - convert rgb to grayscale file
dput / dcut(1)
Debian archive .commands file upload tool
dput-ng / dcut(1)
Debian archive command file upload tool
coreutils / dd(1)
Convert and copy a file
devscripts / dd-list(1)
Nicely list .deb packages and their maintainers
ddate / ddate(1)
Convert gregorian dates to discordian dates
ddccontrol / ddccontrol(1)
A utility to control monitor parameters via software
ddd / ddd(1)
The data display debugger
ddir / ddir(1)
Display hierarchical directory tree
djvulibre-bin / ddjvu(1)
Command line djvu decoder.
ddns3-client / ddns3(1)
Ddns.nu remote update client
ddns3-client / ddns3-client(1)
Ddns.nu remote update client
gddrescue / ddrescue(1)
Data recovery tool
gddrescue / ddrescuelog(1)
Tool for ddrescue logfiles
dds2tar / dds-dd(1)
Tool to read a dds device.
dds2tar / ddstool(1)
Simple shell script to manage dds tapes
ncbi-tools-x11 / ddv(1)
Deuxd-viewer for multiple sequence alignment
kbd / deallocvt(1)
Deallocate unused virtual consoles
deb-gview / deb-gview(1)
Gnome viewer for .deb package files and contents
devscripts / deb-reversion(1)
Simple script to change the version of a .deb file
quilt / deb3(1)
Convert debian source package to new 3.0 (quilt) format
debarchiver / debarchiver(1)
Tool to sort debian packages into a package archive.
devscripts / debc(1)
View contents of a generated debian package
devscripts / debchange(1)
Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a source package
devscripts / debclean(1)
Clean up a sourcecode tree
debconf-kde-helper / debconf-kde-helper(1)
Provide kde debconf frontend
debdelta / debdelta(1)
Compute changes between debian packages
debdelta / debdelta-upgrade(1)
Downloads all deltas that may be used to 'apt-get upgrade', and apply them.
debdelta / debdeltas(1)
Compute deltas between debian packages
devscripts / debdiff(1)
Compare file lists in two debian packages
debdry / debdry(1)
Merge manually and automatically generated debian/ packaging.
debian-goodies / debget(1)
Fetch a .deb for a package in apt's database
devscripts / debi(1)
Install current version of generated debian package
debian-builder / debian-builder(1)
Rebuild a debian package from its source code.
distro-info / debian-distro-info(1)
Provides information about debian's distributions
debian-reference-common / debian-reference(1)
Post-installation user's guide
haskell-debian-utils / debian-report(1)
Report differences in packages referenced by two sources.list files.
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc-sgml(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2dbk(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2dvi(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2html(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2info(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latex(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latexdvi(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latexpdf(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2latexps(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2pdf(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2ps(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2texinfo(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2text(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2textov(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
debiandoc-sgml / debiandoc2wiki(1)
Overview of the debiandoc-sgml formatting tools
vdr-dev / debianize-vdrplugin(1)
Debianize a vdr plugin source archive
debirf / debirf(1)
Build an initrd to boot a full debian system entirely from ram
debian-goodies / debman(1)
Read man pages from uninstalled packages
debian-goodies / debmany(1)
Select manpages or documentation files from installed packages, packages from the repository or .deb-files for viewing using "man", "sensible-pager" or an alternative viewer.
debmirror / debmirror(1)
Debian partial mirror script, with ftp, http or rsync and package pool support
debomatic / debomatic(1)
Automatic build machine for debian source packages
deborphan / deborphan(1)
Orphaned package finder
debpartial-mirror / debpartial-mirror(1)
Debpartial-mirror debpartial-mirror is a program to generate partial debian packages archives mirrors.
debdelta / debpatch(1)
Applies a patch to recreate a debian package.
debpear / debpear(1)
Automatically builds and installs pear packages as debian packages
devscripts / debpkg(1)
Wrapper for dpkg
debram / debram(1)
Look .debs up in the debian ramification
devscripts / debrelease(1)
A wrapper around dupload or dput
debroster / debroster(1)
Programs to gloat at expos.
devscripts / debrsign(1)
Remotely sign a debian .changes and .dsc file pair using ssh
ncbi-tools-bin / debruijn(1)
De bruijn sequence generator
debsecan / debsecan(1)
Debian security analyzer
debsig-verify / debsig-verify(1)
Verify signatures for a debian format package
devscripts / debsign(1)
Sign a debian .changes and .dsc file pair using gpg
devscripts / debsnap(1)
Retrieve old snapshots of debian packages
debsums / debsums(1)
Check the md5 sums of installed debian packages
debtags / debtags(1)
Command line interface to access and manipulate debian package tags
debtags / debtags-submit-patch(1)
Submit tag patches to http://debtags.debian.net
debtree / debtree(1)
Show relationships between packages
gnustep-common / debugapp(1)
A wrapper for openapp.
devscripts / debuild(1)
Build a debian package
pbuilder / debuild-pbuilder(1)
A "debuild" wrapper to satisfy build-dependency before debuild
decibel-audio-player / decibel-audio-player(1)
A simple audio player
decibel-audio-player / decibel-audio-player-remote(1)
Control decibel audio player remotely
i2c-tools / decode-dimms(1)
Decode the information found in memory module spd eeproms
i2c-tools / decode-vaio(1)
Decode the information found in the sony vaio laptop identification eeproms
direwolf-docs / decode_aprs(1)
Decode arps messages
sugarplum / decode_teergrube(1)
Reveal the sender of a sugarplum teergrube address
pmccabe / decomment(1)
Remove comments from c and c++ files
expect / decryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
dee-tools / dee-tool(1)
Tool for introspecting dee data.
gnustep-base-runtime / defaults(1)
Read or modify gnustep user defaults
id-utils / defid(1)
ispell / defmt-c(1)
A sample ispell deformatter for c, c++, and shell sources
ispell / defmt-sh(1)
A sample ispell deformatter for c, c++, and shell sources
freetds-bin / defncopy(1)
Extract procedures and views from a microsoft server.
debian-goodies / degrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
patchutils / dehtmldiff(1)
Get usable diff from an html page
deja-dup / deja-dup(1)
Manual page for deja-dup 32.0
deja-dup / deja-dup-preferences(1)
Manual page for deja-dup-preferences 32.0
libgts-bin / delaunay(1)
Constructs the constrained delaunay triangulation of the input
ucspi-tcp / delcr(1)
Removes a cr (015) at the end of each line of input, if a cr is present.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / delcr(1)
Remove a cr before each lf
libxbase64-bin / deletall(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
trac-email2trac / delete_spam(1)
Deletes spam tickets from trac.
wcstools / delhead(1)
dovecot-core / deliver(1)
Dovecots local mail delivery agent
fp-utils-2.6.4 / delp-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal file deletion tool.
mummer / delta-filter(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
deluge / deluge(1)
A bittorrent client
deluge-console / deluge-console(1)
A bittorrent client curses interface
deluge-gtk / deluge-gtk(1)
A bittorrent client gtk interface
deluge-web / deluge-web(1)
A bittorrent client ajax web interface
deluged / deluged(1)
A bittorrent client daemon
xapian-tools / delve(1)
Inspect the contents of a xapian database
wcstools / delwcs(1)
canna-utils / delwords(1)
Deleting words from specified dictionary collectively
kmtrace / demangle(1)
Undo c++ name mangling for symbols
gromacs-data / demux(1)
Convert xplor distance restraints to gromacs format
denemo / denemo(1)
Gtk+ frontend to gnu lilypond
denemo-data / denemo_file_update(1)
File update tool for denemo.
devscripts / dep3changelog(1)
Generate a changelog entry from a dep3-style patch header
depqbf / depqbf(1)
A solver for quantified boolean formulae
listaller-devtools / depscan(1)
Detect binary dependencies
icu-devtools / derb(1)
Disassemble a resource bundle
haskell-derive-utils / derive(1)
Deriving instances for data types in haskell
libderiving-ocaml-dev / deriving(1)
Camlp4 with deriving syntax extension.
multicat / desaggregartp(1)
Reorders incoming packets and reconstitutes the original rtp stream.
atlc / design_coupler(1)
For designing directional couplers (part of the atlc package)
qt4-designer / designer-qt4(1)
Visual user interface designer for qt4.
desklaunch / desklaunch(1)
A small utility for creating desktop icons
deskmenu / deskmenu(1)
A root menu for x
gnome-pkg-tools / desktop-check-mime-types(1)
Compare mime types in installed .desktop files
desktop-file-utils / desktop-file-edit(1)
Installation and edition of desktop files
desktop-file-utils / desktop-file-install(1)
Installation and edition of desktop files
desktop-file-utils / desktop-file-validate(1)
Validate desktop entry files
desktopnova / desktopnova(1)
Change your desktop wallpaper automatically
desktopnova / desktopnova-daemon(1)
Daemon for desktopnova
desktopnova-tray / desktopnova-tray(1)
Control the desktopnova daemon
desmume / desmume(1)
Nintendo ds emulator
desmume / desmume-cli(1)
Nintendo ds emulator
desmume / desmume-glade(1)
Nintendo ds emulator
desproxy / desproxy(1)
A tcp tunnel for http proxies
desproxy / desproxy-dns(1)
Dns for dynamic connections
desproxy / desproxy-inetd(1)
Desproxy for inetd
desproxy / desproxy-socksserver(1)
Using desproxy with dynamic connections
psi3 / detcas(1)
Determinant configuration interaction / complete active
psi3 / detcasman(1)
Determinant configuration interaction /
pyfai / detector2nexus(1)
texlive-binaries / detex(1)
A filter to strip tex commands from a .tex file.
fcode-utils / detok(1)
Openbios detokenizer
renameutils / deurlname(1)
Remove url-encoded characters from file names.
genisoimage / devdump(1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
devede / devede(1)
A simple application to create video dvds
devhelp / devhelp(1)
A developers help program.
multistrap / device-table.pl(1)
devilspie / devilspie(1)
Perform actions on windows as they are created
devilspie2 / devilspie2(1)
Perform scripted actions on windows as they are created
devio / devio(1)
Program to read and write from block devices
udevil / devmon(1)
Automounts and unmounts optical and removable drives
texlive-binaries / devnag(1)
Devanagari for tex preprocessor
devscripts / devscripts(1)
Scripts to ease the lives of debian developers
coreutils / df(1)
Report file system disk space usage
freedink-dfarc / dfarc(1)
An integrated frontend and .dmod installer.
libdirectfb-bin / dfbg(1)
Directfb background configuration tool
dff / dff(1)
A powerful, efficient and modular digital forensics tool.
spass / dfg2ascii(1)
Transforms dfg files into pretty printed ascii files
spass / dfg2dfg(1)
Calculate approximations of problems
spass / dfg2otter(1)
Transforms dfg clause files into otter format
spass / dfg2otter.pl(1)
Transforms dfg clause files into otter format including otter options
spass / dfg2tptp(1)
Transforms dfg files into tptp files
debian-goodies / dfgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
qfits-tools / dfits(1)
Display fits file header information
fondu / dfont2res(1)
Convert macintosh dfont font file format to macintosh resource fork format
sumo / dfrouter(1)
Builds vehicle routes for sumo using detector values
dfu-util / dfu-util(1)
Device firmware update (dfu) usb programmer
conquest-dbase / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
conquest-mysql / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
conquest-postgres / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
conquest-sqlite / dgate(1)
Ucdmc/nki dicom server thread and pacs utility application
debian-goodies / dglob(1)
Expand package names or files matching a pattern
ptscotch / dgmap(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
ptscotch / dgmap-int32(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
ptscotch / dgmap-int64(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
ptscotch / dgmap-long(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions in parallel
simh / dgnova(1)
Simulate a data general nova computer
ptscotch / dgord(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgord-int32(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgord-int64(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgord-long(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs in parallel
debian-goodies / dgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
ptscotch / dgscat(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgscat-int32(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgscat-int64(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgscat-long(1)
Convert distributed source graphs to or from centralized ones
ptscotch / dgtst(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgtst-int32(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgtst-int64(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
ptscotch / dgtst-long(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs in parallel
dh-exec / dh-exec(1)
Debhelper executable file helpers
dh-exec / dh-exec-illiterate(1)
Write literate debhelper config files!
dh-exec / dh-exec-install(1)
Install (and possibly rename) files.
dh-exec / dh-exec-subst(1)
Debhelper executable file substition scripts
dh-make-drupal / dh-make-drupal(1)
Builds a debian package for the requested drupal project
gosa-dev / dh-make-gosa(1)
Debianizes the source of a given gosa plugin
dh-make-php / dh-make-pear(1)
Create debian source packages from pear modules
dh-make-php / dh-make-pecl(1)
Create debian source packages from pecl extensions
dh-ada-library / dh_ada_library(1)
Help packaging ada libraries for debian
bash-completion / dh_bash-completion(1)
Install bash completions for package
config-package-dev / dh_configpackage(1)
Add maintainer script rules to displace, hide, or transform files
dkms / dh_dkms(1)
Correctly handle dkms usage by a kernel module package
dpatch / dh_dpatch_patch(1)
Apply patches listed in debian/patches/00list
dpatch / dh_dpatch_unpatch(1)
Unapply patches listed in debian/patched
gnome-pkg-tools / dh_gnome(1)
Tools for the debian gnome packaging team
gnome-pkg-tools / dh_gnome_clean(1)
Tools for the debian gnome packaging team
dh-kpatches / dh_installkpatches(1)
Install kernel patch into package build directories
desktop-profiles / dh_installlisting(1)
Install .listing files to be used by desktop-profiles package
xml-core / dh_installxmlcatalogs(1)
Install and register xml catalog files
yorick-dev / dh_installyorick(1)
Install yorick add-on packages
zope-debhelper / dh_installzope(1)
Install zope product and extension files into package build directories
zope-debhelper / dh_installzopeinstance(1)
Install a zope instance into package build directories
dh-lisp / dh_lisp(1)
Register common lisp source and implementations
dh-lua / dh_lua(1)
Postprocess a lua package
dh-metainit / dh_metainit(1)
Install metainit files into package build directories
python-numpy / dh_numpy(1)
Adds numpy depends to python:depends substvar
dh-python / dh_pypy(1)
Calculates pypy dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.
python-support / dh_pysupport(1)
Use the python-support framework to handle python modules
python / dh_python2(1)
Calculates python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.
dh-python / dh_python3(1)
Calculates python dependencies, adds maintainer scripts to byte compile files, etc.
python-scour / dh_scour(1)
Run scour optimizer on shipped svg files
python-sip-dev / dh_sip(1)
Set the correct dependencies for python packages using sip
python3-sip-dev / dh_sip3(1)
Set the correct dependencies for python3 packages using sip
dh-virtualenv / dh_virtualenv(1)
Deploy a python package in a self-contained virtualenv
libxine2-dev / dh_xine(1)
Calculates xine-lib dependencies
mozilla-devscripts / dh_xul-ext(1)
Calculate xul extension dependencies
zathura-dev / dh_zathura(1)
Adds zathura depends to misc:depends substvar
display-dhammapada / dhamma(1)
Display a verse from the dhammapada
dnsmasq-utils / dhcp_lease_time(1)
Query remaining time of a lease on a the local dnsmasq dhcp server.
dnsmasq-utils / dhcp_release(1)
Release a dhcp lease on a the local dnsmasq dhcp server.
dhelp / dhelp(1)
Debian online help
debian-goodies / dhomepage(1)
Show the homepage of a package in a browser
di-netboot-assistant / di-netboot-assistant(1)
Debian-installer netboot assistant
dia-common / dia(1)
A diagram drawing program
dia2code / dia2code(1)
Generate code from dia files
mcrl2 / diagraphica(1)
Interactive visual analysis of an lts
gnuradio / dial_tone(1)
Dial tone example
dialign-tx / dialign-tx(1)
Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
dialign / dialign2-2(1)
Multiple alignment program using the segment-to-segment approach
dialog / dialog(1)
Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
erlang-dialyzer / dialyzer(1)
The dialyzer, a discrepancy analyzer for erlang programs
erlang-diameter / diameterc(1)
Diameterc [options] file
dianara / dianara(1)
A pump.io client for the desktop
diatheke / diatheke(1)
A command line bible reader
dvb-apps / dib3000-watch(1)
A program to check dvb cards.
canna / dicar(1)
Archive binary dictionary
dico / dico(1)
A dict client
le-dico-de-rene-cougnenc / dico(1)
Search a word in a french dictionary
ctn / dicom_echo(1)
Generic ctn manual page
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomdump(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomfind(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
dicomnifti / dicomhead(1)
Prints a dump of the header data in dicom images
pixelmed-apps / dicomimageviewer(1)
Dicom image viewer
voxbo / dicominfo(1)
Dump dicom header information
dicompyler / dicompyler(1)
Radiation therapy research platform
dicomscope / dicomscope(1)
Dicom viewer
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomtodicom(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
vtk-dicom-tools / dicomtonifti(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
dish / dicp(1)
Tool for parallel sysadmin of multiple hosts
dict / dict(1)
Dict protocol client
dict / dict_lookup(1)
Dict protocol client
dictconv / dictconv(1)
Dictionary file converter
dictfmt / dictfmt(1)
Formats a dict protocol dictionary database
dictfmt / dictfmt_index2suffix(1)
Creates a .suffix file from a dictd database .index file
dictfmt / dictfmt_index2word(1)
Creates a .word index file from a dictd database .index file
diction / diction(1)
Print wordy and commonly misused phrases in sentences
dict / dictl(1)
Wrapper script for dict that permits using utf-8 encoded dictionaries on a terminal that is not utf-8 aware.
dictfmt / dictunformat(1)
Create a raw database file from a .dict and .index file
dictzip / dictunzip(1)
Compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
dictzip / dictzcat(1)
Compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
dictzip / dictzip(1)
Compress (or expand) files, allowing random access
didiwiki / didiwiki(1)
Simple wiki implementation with built-in webserver
didjvu / didjvu(1)
Djvu encoder with foreground/background separation
dietlibc-dev / diet(1)
Mangle gcc command line arguments
diffutils / diff(1)
Compare files line by line
devscripts / diff2patches(1)
Extract non-debian/ patches from .diff.gz files
diffutils / diff3(1)
Compare three files line by line
pyfai / diff_tomo(1)
graphviz / diffimg(1)
Calculates intersection between two images
apt-file / diffindex-download(1)
Download utility for debian contents files
apt-file / diffindex-rred(1)
Restricted restricted ed
diffmon / diffmon(1)
Monitor files on your system.
diffpdf / diffpdf(1)
Compare two pdf files textually or visually
survex / diffpos(1)
Diffpos compare the contents of two .3d files
enscript / diffpp(1)
Pretty-print diff outputs with gnu enscript
diffstat / diffstat(1)
Make histogram from diff-output
diffuse / diffuse(1)
Graphical tool for merging and comparing text files
dnsutils / dig(1)
Dns lookup utility
knot-dnsutils / dig(1)
digikam / digikam(1)
Digital photo management application for kde
digikam / digitaglinktree(1)
Export tag structure of photos in digikam to the filesystem.
digitemp / digitemp(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
digitemp / digitemp_DS2490(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
digitemp / digitemp_DS9097(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
digitemp / digitemp_DS9097U(1)
Program to read from 1-wire temperature sensors.
engauge-digitizer / digitizer(1)
Interactively convert a bitmap graph or map into numbers
graphviz / dijkstra(1)
Single-source distance filter
dillo / dillo(1)
Web browser
dimbl / dimbl(1)
Distributed timbl
din / din(1)
Din this program's purpose is to be an audio synthesizer of a 3rd kind.
ding / ding(1)
Dictionary lookup program for unix
dicomnifti / dinifti(1)
Converts dicom files into the nifti format
diodon / diodon(1)
Gtk+ clipboard manager.
yagiuda / dipole(1)
Yagi-uda project file. computez z of a dipole
coreutils / dir(1)
List directory contents
dir2ogg / dir2ogg(1)
Convert mp3, wav, and m4a files to ogg format
dvd-slideshow / dir2slideshow(1)
Creates an input file for dvd-slideshow from pictures in a directory.
vclt-tools / dir2vclt(1)
Convert directory or file into vclt playlist
dirac / dirac_decoder(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
dirac / dirac_encoder(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
dirac / dirac_instrumentation(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
dirac / dirac_unittest(1)
Encodes video files to dirac dirac_decoder - decodes dirac video files dirac_instrumentation - displays instrumentation for dirac video files
coreutils / dircolors(1)
Color setup for ls
dircproxy / dircproxy-crypt(1)
Generate encrypted password for dircproxy
dirdiff / dirdiff(1)
Display differences and merge changes between directory trees
libdirectfb-dev / directfb-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of directfb
libdirectfb-dev / directfb-csource(1)
C code generation utility for directfb surfaces
foomatic-filters / directomatic(1)
Universal print filter/rip wrapper
directoryassistant / directoryassistant(1)
User friendly ldap addressbook frontend
ladr4-apps / directproof(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
directvnc / directvnc(1)
A vnc client for the linux framebuffer device
directvnc / directvnc-xmapconv(1)
Produce directvnc's xmodmap keyboard layout files
direnv / direnv(1)
Unclutter your .profile
direnv / direnv-stdlib(1)
The ".envrc" stdlib
direwolf-docs / direwolf(1)
Soundcard tnc for aprs
libgetdata-tools / dirfile2ascii(1)
Dirfile2ascii output dirfile database vectors as ascii text
dirmngr / dirmngr(1)
Crl and ocsp daemon
dirmngr / dirmngr-client(1)
Crl and ocsp daemon
coreutils / dirname(1)
Strip last component from file name
genisoimage / dirsplit(1)
Splits directory into multiple with equal size
dput-ng / dirt(1)
Dput information retrieval tool
dirvish / dirvish-locate(1)
Locate file versions in dirvish images
disc-cover / disc-cover(1)
Create front and back covers for audio cds
flactag / discid(1)
A tagger for whole album flacs using data from the musicbrainz service
mono-devel / disco(1)
Mono's web service discovery tool
grok / discogrok(1)
Discover grok patterns in input
discover / discover(1)
Discover hardware detection utility
discover / discover-config(1)
Discover-config config script
discus / discus(1)
Print a report of disk space usage
texlive-binaries / disdvi(1)
`disassemble' a (p)tex or xetex dvi file
dish / dish(1)
Tool for parallel sysadmin of multiple hosts
fdutils / diskd(1)
diskscan / diskscan(1)
Scan a disk for failed and near failure sectors
fdutils / diskseekd(1)
expect / dislocate(1)
Disconnect and reconnect processes
mknbi / disnbi(1)
Display etherboot image
argyll / dispcal(1)
Calibrate a display.
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI(1)
A graphical user interface for the argyll cms display calibration utilities
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-3DLUT-maker(1)
3d lut creator
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-VRML-to-X3D-converter(1)
Vrml to x3d converter
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-apply-profiles(1)
Icc profile loader
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-curve-viewer(1)
Icc profile information
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-profile-info(1)
Icc profile information
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-synthprofile(1)
Synthetic profile creator
dispcalgui / dispcalGUI-testchart-editor(1)
Testchart editor
disper / disper(1)
On-the-fly display switcher
display-dhammapada / display-dhammapada(1)
Display a verse from the dhammapada
imagemagick / display-im6(1)
Displays an image or image sequence on any x server.
console-cyrillic / displayfont(1)
Display linux console font
argyll / dispread(1)
Read a display.
argyll / dispwin(1)
Test display patch window, set video luts, install profiles.
dissy / dissy(1)
Graphical frontend for objdump
distcc / distcc(1)
Distributed c/c++/objc compiler with distcc-pump extensions
distcc-pump / distcc-pump(1)
Accelerate remote compilation with distcc
distcc / distccd(1)
Distributed c/c++ compiler server
distccmon-gnome / distccmon-gnome(1)
Gtk monitor for distcc a distributed client and server
distcc / distccmon-text(1)
Displays current compilation jobs in text form.
distro-info / distro-info(1)
Provides information about the distributions' releases
ditaa / ditaa(1)
Convert ascii diagrams into proper bitmap graphics
ditrack / ditrack(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
divxcomp / divxcomp(1)
Calculate approx. size for ripped avi movies
python-django-common / django-admin(1)
Utility script for the django web framework
python-django-celery / djcelerymon(1)
Djcelerymon django admin monitor
djinn / djinn(1)
Generate haskell expressions from types
djmount / djmount(1)
File system client for mounting network media servers
libjpeg-turbo-progs / djpeg(1)
Decompress a jpeg file to an image file
djtools / djscript(1)
A text formatter for the hp deskjet printer.
djview4 / djview4(1)
Standalone djvu viewer
djvulibre-bin / djvm(1)
Manipulate bundled multi-page djvu documents.
djvulibre-bin / djvmcvt(1)
Convert multi-page djvu documents.
djvulibre-bin / djvu(1)
Djvu and djvulibre.
ocrodjvu / djvu2hocr(1)
Djvu to hocr converter
djvubind / djvubind(1)
Create high-quality djvu files, including positional ocr, metadata, and bookmarks.
djvulibre-bin / djvudigital(1)
Creates djvu files from ps or pdf files.
djvulibre-bin / djvudump(1)
Display internal structure of djvu files.
djvulibre-bin / djvuextract(1)
Extract chunks from djvu image files.
djvulibre-bin / djvumake(1)
Assemble djvu image files.
djvulibre-bin / djvups(1)
Convert djvu documents to postscript.
djvulibre-bin / djvused(1)
Multi-purpose djvu document editor.
djvuserve / djvuserve(1)
Generate indirect djvu documents on the fly.
djvusmooth / djvusmooth(1)
Graphical editor for djvu
djvulibre-bin / djvutoxml(1)
Djvulibre xml tools.
djvulibre-bin / djvutxt(1)
Extract the hidden text from djvu documents.
djvulibre-bin / djvuxml(1)
Djvulibre xml tools.
djvulibre-bin / djvuxmlparser(1)
Djvulibre xml tools.
libdbuskit-dev / dk_make_protocol(1)
Tool to generate protocol declarations from d-bus introspection data
dkim-milter-python / dkim-milter(1)
Pure-python dkim milter
dkim-milter-python / dkim-milter.py(1)
Pure-python dkim milter
dkimproxy / dkim_responder(1)
Filters incoming email traffic according to the domain keys specifications
libmail-dkim-perl / dkimproxy-sign(1)
Computes a dkim signature for an email message
libmail-dkim-perl / dkimproxy-verify(1)
Insert here a description
python-dkim / dkimsign(1)
Script for dkim signing messages on stdin
python-dkim / dkimverify(1)
Script for dkim verifying messages on stdin
dkopp / dkopp(1)
python-mlpy / dlda-landscape(1)
Command line interface to dlda-landscape in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
pccts / dlg(1)
Dfa lexical analyzer generator
dlint / dlint(1)
Internet domain name system (dns) error checking utility
brickos / dll(1)
A user-program downloader for the rcx.
dlocate / dlocate(1)
Program to view debian package information
gigtools / dlsdump(1)
List informations about a dls (downloadable sound) file.
dlume / dlume(1)
Handy and easy to use addressbook.
lightdm / dm-tool(1)
A tool to control the display manager
uw-mailutils / dmail(1)
Procmail mail delivery module
libdmalloc-dev / dmalloc(1)
Program used to set the environment for debugging using the dmalloc debugging library.
hercules / dmap2hrc(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
ax25-tools / dmascc_cfg(1)
Configure dmascc devices
suckless-tools / dmenu.default(1)
Dynamic menu
suckless-tools / dmenu.xft(1)
Dynamic menu
util-linux / dmesg(1)
Print or control the kernel ring buffer
dmg2img / dmg2img(1)
Convert compressed dmg to standard (hfsplus) image disk files
dmitry / dmitry(1)
Deepmagic information gathering tool
dmtcp / dmtcp(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_checkpoint(1)
Start a process under dmtcp control.
dmtcp / dmtcp_command(1)
Send a command to the dmtcp_coordinator remotely.
dmtcp / dmtcp_coordinator(1)
Coordinates checkpoints between multiple processes.
dmtcp / dmtcp_discover_rm(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_launch(1)
Start a process under dmtcp control.
dmtcp / dmtcp_nocheckpoint(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_restart(1)
Restart processes from given checkpoint images.
dmtcp / dmtcp_rm_loclaunch(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_ssh(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtcp / dmtcp_sshd(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
dmtx-utils / dmtxquery(1)
Extract information from dmtxread output
dmtx-utils / dmtxread(1)
Scan data matrix barcodes
dmtx-utils / dmtxwrite(1)
Create data matrix barcodes
xdmx-tools / dmxtodmx(1)
Dmx configuration file parser and printer
dnaclust / dnaclust(1)
Program to cluster large number of short dna sequences
mummer / dnadiff(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
anfo / dnaindex(1)
Index dna file for use with anfo
wise / dnal(1)
Dnal ...
dnet-progs / dncopy(1)
Copy files to/from a vms system
dnet-progs / dndel(1)
Delete a file on a vms system
dnet-progs / dndir(1)
Display vms directories
libdumbnet-dev / dnet-config(1)
Provide compiler and linker information for libdumbnet
dnet-progs / dnetcat(1)
Opens a decnet connection
dnet-progs / dnetstat(1)
Lists decnet connections
dnet-progs / dnlogin(1)
Connect as a terminal to a decnet system
dnet-progs / dnping(1)
Loopbacks diagnostic packets through a remote node
dnet-progs / dnprint(1)
Submit a batch job on a vms system dnprint - print a file on a vms system
dns2tcp / dns2tcpc(1)
A tunneling tool that encapsulate tcp traffic over dns.
dns2tcp / dns2tcpd(1)
A tunneling tool that encapsulate tcp traffic over dns.
dns-browse / dns_browse(1)
Dns_browse gui front-end to dns_tree
dns-browse / dns_tree(1)
Dns_tree command-line frontend to dig
hostname / dnsdomainname(1)
Show or set the system's host name domainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name dnsdomainname - show the system's dns domain name
udns-utils / dnsget(1)
Dns lookup utility
dnshistory / dnshistory(1)
Processes various log file formats doing dns ip address lookups. store these pairs in a database for later retrieval.
ndisc6 / dnssort(1)
Sort dns hostnames
dnet-progs / dnsubmit(1)
Submit a batch job on a vms system dnprint - print a file on a vms system
dnswalk / dnswalk(1)
A dns database debugger
dnet-progs / dntask(1)
Execute vms command procedures
dnet-progs / dntype(1)
Copy files to/from a vms system
gromacs-data / do_dssp(1)
Assign secondary structure and calculate solvent accessible surface area
gromacs-data / do_dssp_d(1)
Assign secondary structure and calculate solvent accessible surface area
unoconv / doc2odt(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / doc2pdf(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
sgml2x / docbook-2-fot(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-html(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-mif(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-pdf(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-ps(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sgml2x / docbook-2-rtf(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
docbook-to-man / docbook-to-man(1)
Docbook-to-man convert docbook sgml into roff -man macros
docbook-utils / docbook2dvi(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
gjots2 / docbook2gjots(1)
Convert a docbook file to gjots format (on stdout)
docbook-utils / docbook2html(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2man(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2man-spec.pl(1)
Convert docbook refentries to man pages
docbook2odf / docbook2odf(1)
Convert docbook document to oasis open document
docbook-utils / docbook2pdf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2ps(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2rtf(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2tex(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2texi(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook-utils / docbook2texi-spec.pl(1)
Convert docbook booksto texinfo documents
docbook-utils / docbook2txt(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
docbook2x / docbook2x-man(1)
Convert docbook to man pages
docbook2x / docbook2x-texi(1)
Convert docbook to texinfo
doc-central / doccentral(1)
Web-based documentation browser
docdiff / docdiff(1)
Docdiff character/word-oriented diff
docky / docky(1)
A full fledged dock application that makes opening common applications and managing windows easier and quicker. docky is fully integrated into the gnome desktop and features a no non-sense approach to configuration and usage. it just works.
doclifter / doclifter(1)
Translate troff requests into docbook
doconce / doconce(1)
Run a doconce command
doctorj / doctorj(1)
Javadoc analyzer and spell-checker
php-doctrine-orm / doctrine(1)
Doctrine command line interface
php-doctrine-dbal / doctrine-dbal(1)
Doctrine command line interface
php-doctrine-dbal / doctrine-dbal.php(1)
Doctrine command line interface
uima-utils / documentAnalyzer(1)
Tool for testing annotators and aes
ecere-dev / documentor(1)
Ecere api reference tool
docx2txt / docx2txt(1)
Convert microsoft ooxml files to plain text.
xenomai-runtime / dohell(1)
Generate load, in parallel of the latency test
python-doit / doit(1)
Automation tool
python3-doit / doit3(1)
Automation tool
dokuwiki / dokuwiki-addsite(1)
Create a new site driven by dokuwiki
dokuwiki / dokuwiki-delsite(1)
Remove and existing site driven by dokuwiki
dolfin-bin / dolfin-convert(1)
Convert to dolfin xml format
dolfin-bin / dolfin-get-demos(1)
Install dolfin demos in user's home direcotry
dolfin-bin / dolfin-order(1)
Order a dolfin mesh according to the ufc ordering scheme
dolfin-bin / dolfin-plot(1)
Simple command-line plotting
dolfin-bin / dolfin-version(1)
Display the dolfin version number
dh-ocaml / dom-apply-patches(1)
Applies all patches found in debian/patches/series in a new local branch patch-queue
dh-ocaml / dom-git-checkout(1)
Checkout the git repository of a pkg-ocaml-maint package
dh-ocaml / dom-mrconfig(1)
Generates a config file for mr
dh-ocaml / dom-new-git-repo(1)
Creates a new git repository in pkg-ocaml-maint space
dh-ocaml / dom-safe-pull(1)
Safely pull changes from git remote
dh-ocaml / dom-save-patches(1)
Creates a patch for each commit in branch patch-queue
hostname / domainname(1)
Show or set the system's host name domainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name dnsdomainname - show the system's dns domain name
doodle / doodle(1)
A tool to search the meta-data in your files
doodled / doodled(1)
A daemon to keep your doodle database up-to-date
golang-doozer-bin / doozer(1)
Doozer lock service command line client
dosage / dosage(1)
A comic strip downloader and archiver
dosbox / dosbox(1)
An x86/dos emulator with sound/graphics
doscan / doscan(1)
Denial of service capable auditing of networks
doschk / doschk(1)
Checks filenames for sysv and dos compatibility
texlive-font-utils / dosepsbin(1)
Extract ps/wmf/tiff sections from dos eps binary files
pixelmed-apps / doseutility(1)
Dose utility viewer
graphviz / dot(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
graphviz / dot2gxl(1)
Gxl-gv converters
ruby-graphviz / dot2ruby(1)
Create a ruby script from a graphviz script
dot2tex / dot2tex(1)
Graphviz to latex converter
dotmcp / dot_mcp(1)
Mcp for s3d
libtextwrap-dev / dotextwrap(1)
Line-folding (text-wrapping) filter program with i18n support
mailutils / dotlock.mailutils(1)
Lock mail spool files.
liblockfile-bin / dotlockfile(1)
Utility to manage lockfiles
dots / dots(1)
A braille typesetting program for gnome
acedb-other-dotter / dotter(1)
Sequence dotplots with image enhancement tools.
graphviz / dotty(1)
A customizable graph editor
plotutils / double(1)
The gnu plotting utilities.
doublecmd-common / doublecmd(1)
Twin-panel (commander-style) file manager.
dov4l / dov4l(1)
Set parameters on a video4linux device
dovecot-core / doveadm(1)
Dovecots administration utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-altmove(1)
Move matching mails to the alternative storage (dbox-only)
dovecot-core / doveadm-auth(1)
Test authentication for a user
dovecot-core / doveadm-batch(1)
Execute multiple commands for multiple users
dovecot-core / doveadm-config(1)
Dovecots configuration dumping utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-copy(1)
Move messages matching the given search query into another mailbox doveadm-copy - copy messages matching the given search query into another mailbox
dovecot-core / doveadm-deduplicate(1)
Expunge duplicate messages
dovecot-core / doveadm-director(1)
Manage dovecot directors
dovecot-core / doveadm-dump(1)
Dump the content of dovecots binary mailbox index/log
dovecot-core / doveadm-exec(1)
Easily execute commands from dovecots libexec_dir
dovecot-core / doveadm-expunge(1)
Expunge messages matching given search query
dovecot-core / doveadm-fetch(1)
Fetch partial/full messages or message information
dovecot-core / doveadm-flags(1)
Add, remove or replace messages flags
dovecot-core / doveadm-force-resync(1)
Repair broken mailboxes
dovecot-core / doveadm-help(1)
Show information about doveadm commands
dovecot-core / doveadm-import(1)
Import messages matching given search query
dovecot-core / doveadm-index(1)
Index mailboxes
dovecot-core / doveadm-instance(1)
Manage the list of running dovecot instances
dovecot-core / doveadm-kick(1)
Disconnect users by user name and/or ip address
dovecot-core / doveadm-log(1)
Locate, test or reopen dovecots log files
dovecot-core / doveadm-mailbox(1)
Commands related to handling mailboxes
dovecot-core / doveadm-mount(1)
Manage the list of mountpoints where mails are stored
dovecot-core / doveadm-move(1)
Move messages matching the given search query into another mailbox doveadm-copy - copy messages matching the given search query into another mailbox
dovecot-core / doveadm-penalty(1)
Show current penalties
dovecot-core / doveadm-purge(1)
Remove messages with refcount=0 from mdbox files
dovecot-core / doveadm-pw(1)
Dovecots password hash generator
dovecot-core / doveadm-quota(1)
Initialize/recalculate or show current quota usage
dovecot-core / doveadm-reload(1)
Dovecots administration utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-search(1)
Show a list of mailbox guids and message uids matching given search query.
dovecot-core / doveadm-stop(1)
Dovecots administration utility
dovecot-core / doveadm-user(1)
Perform a user lookup in dovecots userdbs
dovecot-core / doveadm-who(1)
Show who is logged in to the dovecot server
dovecot-core / doveconf(1)
Dovecots configuration dumping utility
dovecot-core / dovecot(1)
A secure and highly configurable imap and pop3 server
dovecot-core / dovecot-lda(1)
Dovecots local mail delivery agent
downtimed / downtime(1)
Display system downtime records made by downtimed(8)
downtimed / downtimes(1)
Display system downtime records made by downtimed(8)
doxygen / doxygen(1)
Documentation system for various programming languages
doxygen / doxyindexer(1)
Creates a search index from raw search data
doxypy / doxypy(1)
Python input filter for doxygen
doxygen / doxysearch(1)
Search engine used for searching in doxygen documentation.
doxygen-gui / doxywizard(1)
A tool to configure and run doxygen on your source files
dozzaqueux / dozzaqueux(1)
Chemical simulator for aqueous mixtures
speech-tools / dp(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
dpatch / dpatch(1)
Patch maintenance system for debian
dpatch / dpatch-convert-diffgz(1)
Convert a debian .diff.gz to a dpatch file
dpatch / dpatch-edit-patch(1)
Maintain dpatch patches for a debian source package
dpatch / dpatch-list-patch(1)
List available patches
canna / dpbindic(1)
Convert a binary-form dictionary into a text-form dictionary
dphys-config / dphys-config(1)
Daily auto-install/update and/or remove config files
debian-goodies / dpigs(1)
Show which installed packages occupy the most space
vde2 / dpipe(1)
Bi-directional pipe command
dpkg / dpkg(1)
Package manager for debian
dpkg-dev / dpkg-architecture(1)
Set and determine the architecture for package building
dpkg-awk / dpkg-awk(1)
Utility to read a dpkg style db file
dpkg-dev / dpkg-buildflags(1)
Returns build flags to use during package build
dpkg-dev / dpkg-buildpackage(1)
Build binary or source packages from sources
dpkg-dev / dpkg-checkbuilddeps(1)
Check build dependencies and conflicts
ruby-debian / dpkg-checkdeps(1)
Utility to check deb dependency
dpkg / dpkg-deb(1)
Debian package archive (.deb) manipulation tool
devscripts / dpkg-depcheck(1)
Determine packages used to execute a command
dpkg-dev / dpkg-distaddfile(1)
Add entries to debian/files
devscripts / dpkg-genbuilddeps(1)
Generate a list of packages used to build this package
dpkg-dev / dpkg-genchanges(1)
Generate debian .changes files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-gencontrol(1)
Generate debian control files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-gensymbols(1)
Generate symbols files (shared library dependency information)
dpkg / dpkg-maintscript-helper(1)
Works around known dpkg limitations in maintainer scripts
dpkg-dev / dpkg-mergechangelogs(1)
3-way merge of debian/changelog files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-name(1)
Rename debian packages to full package names
dpkg-dev / dpkg-parsechangelog(1)
Parse debian changelog files
dpkg / dpkg-query(1)
A tool to query the dpkg database
dpkg-repack / dpkg-repack(1)
Put an unpacked .deb file back together
ruby-debian / dpkg-ruby(1)
Utility to read a dpkg style db file, dpkg-awk clone
dpkg-dev / dpkg-scanpackages(1)
Create packages index files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-scansources(1)
Create sources index files
dpkg-dev / dpkg-shlibdeps(1)
Generate shared library substvar dependencies
dpkg-dev / dpkg-source(1)
Debian source package (.dsc) manipulation tool
dpkg / dpkg-split(1)
Debian package archive split/join tool
dpkg / dpkg-trigger(1)
A package trigger utility
dpkg-dev / dpkg-vendor(1)
Queries information about distribution vendors
dpkg-www / dpkg-www(1)
Program to remotely open a www debian package browser
hydra / dpl4hydra(1)
Generates a (d)efault (p)assword (l)ist as input for thc hydra
dpm / dpm-addfs(1)
Add a filesystem to a disk pool
dpm / dpm-addpool(1)
Define a new disk pool
dpm / dpm-drain(1)
Drain a component of the light weight disk pool manager
dpm / dpm-getspacemd(1)
Get space metadata
dpm / dpm-getspacetokens(1)
Get list of space tokens
python-dpm / dpm-listspaces(1)
Display disk pool manager pools and space reservations
dpm / dpm-modifyfs(1)
Modify the parameters of a disk pool filesystem
dpm / dpm-modifypool(1)
Modify a disk pool definition
dpm / dpm-ping(1)
Check if disk pool manager is alive and print its version number
dpm / dpm-qryconf(1)
Display the disk pool manager configuration
dpm / dpm-register(1)
Register external files in dpns
dpm / dpm-releasespace(1)
Release space
dpm / dpm-replicate(1)
Replicate a file given the surl or the pfn
dpm / dpm-reservespace(1)
Reserve space
dpm / dpm-rmfs(1)
Remove a filesystem from a disk pool definition
dpm / dpm-rmpool(1)
Remove a disk pool definition
dpm / dpm-updatespace(1)
Update space
qdbm-util / dpmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm depot
dpm / dpns-chgrp(1)
Change group ownership of a dpns directory/file in the name server
dpm / dpns-chmod(1)
Change access mode of a dpns directory/file in the name server
dpm / dpns-chown(1)
Change owner and group of a dpns directory/file in the name server
dpm / dpns-entergrpmap(1)
Define a new group entry in virtual id table
dpm / dpns-enterusrmap(1)
Define a new user entry in virtual id table
dpm / dpns-getacl(1)
Get dpns directory/file access control lists
dpm / dpns-listgrpmap(1)
Query about a given group or list all existing groups in virtual gid table
dpm / dpns-listusrmap(1)
Query about a given user or list all existing users in virtual uid table
dpm / dpns-ln(1)
Make a symbolic link to a file or a directory in the dpns name server
dpm / dpns-ls(1)
List dpns name server directory/file entries
dpm / dpns-mkdir(1)
Make dpns directory in the name server
dpm / dpns-modifygrpmap(1)
Modify group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid
dpm / dpns-modifyusrmap(1)
Modify user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid
dpm / dpns-ping(1)
Check if name server is alive and print its version number
dpm / dpns-rename(1)
Rename a dpns file or directory in the name server
dpm / dpns-rm(1)
Remove dpns files or directories in the name server
dpm / dpns-rmgrpmap(1)
Suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid or group name
dpm / dpns-rmusrmap(1)
Suppress user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid or user name
dpm / dpns-setacl(1)
Set dpns directory/file access control lists
kcachegrind-converters / dprof2calltree(1)
Convert perl's dprof profiling data to kcachegrind calltree format
ladr4-apps / dprofiles(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
canna / dpromdic(1)
Convert the binary-form romaji-to-kana conversion table into the text-form table
qdbm-util / dptest(1)
Test cases for qdbm depot
qdbm-util / dptsv(1)
Mutual converter between tsv and qdbm depot database
dput / dput(1)
Package upload tool for debian
dput-ng / dput(1)
Debian package upload tool
dradio / dradio(1)
Danmarks radio netradio player
dradio / dradio-config(1)
Generate dradio configuration
dragbox / dragbox(1)
Command line drag-and-drop tool for gnome.
dragonplayer / dragon(1)
A video player that has a usability focus
pyfai / drawMask_pymca(1)
freefem++ / drawbdmesh(1)
A two - dimensional mesh viewer
drawterm / drawterm(1)
Connect to plan 9 cpu servers from other operating systems
ivtools-bin / drawtool(1)
Idraw with extensions
drawxtl / drawxtl(1)
Display crystal structures on ordinary computer hardware
drc / drc(1)
A program for acoustic compensation of audio systems
dreampie / dreampie(1)
An interactive python shell
rss-glx / drempels(1)
Hallucinatory desktop enhancer.
driconf / driconf(1)
Dri configuration gui
driftnet / driftnet(1)
Capture images from network traffic and display them in an x window; optionally, capture audio streams and play them.
ldnsutils / drill(1)
Get (debug) information out of dns(sec)
bilibop-common / drivemap(1)
Show block devices in a tree of dependencies
gnome-applets / drivemount_applet(1)
Drive mount applet for the gnome panel.
drmips / drmips(1)
Educational mips simulator
ostinato / drone(1)
Starts server component of ostinato.
droopy / droopy(1)
Mini web server to let others upload files to your computer.
dropbear / dropbearconvert(1)
Convert between dropbear and openssh private key formats
dropbear / dropbearkey(1)
Create private keys for the use with dropbear(8) or dbclient(1)
postgresql-client-9.4 / dropdb(1)
Remove a postgresql database
postgresql-client-9.4 / droplang(1)
Remove a postgresql procedural language
postgresql-client-9.4 / dropuser(1)
Remove a postgresql user account
drpython / drpython(1)
Simple and customizable editor for the python language
plastimatch / drr(1)
Create a digitally reconstructed radiograph
drslib / drs_checkthredds(1)
drslib / drs_tool(1)
Command-line interface to drslib
drumkv1 / drumkv1(1)
An old-school drum-kit sampler
drumstick-tools / drumstick-buildsmf(1)
A drumstick command line utility for building a simple smf (standard midi file).
drumstick-tools / drumstick-drumgrid(1)
A drumstick utility emulating a drum box.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpmid(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding midi events.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpove(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding ove (overture) files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpsmf(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding standard midi files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-dumpwrk(1)
A drumstick command line utility for decoding wrk (cakewalk) files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-guiplayer(1)
A drumstick gui utility for playing midi files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-metronome(1)
A drumstick command line utility for playing a metronome pattern.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-playsmf(1)
A drumstick command line utility for playing standard midi files.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-sysinfo(1)
A drumstick command line utility to get information about the alsa sequencer.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-testevents(1)
A drumstick command line utility for testing alsa sequencer events.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-timertest(1)
A drumstick command line utility for testing alsa timers.
drumstick-tools / drumstick-vpiano(1)
A drumstick gui virtual piano utility.
drush / drush(1)
Shell scripting interface for drupal
389-ds-base / ds-logpipe(1)
Create and read from a named pipe instead of a log file
saods9 / ds9(1)
Image tool for astronomy
devscripts / dscextract(1)
Extract a single file from a debian source package
devscripts / dscverify(1)
Verify the validity of a debian package
dsdp / dsdp5(1)
Semidefinite program solver
dselect / dselect(1)
Debian package management frontend
dsh / dsh(1)
Distributed shell, or dancer's shell
pdsh / dshbak(1)
Format output from pdsh command
389-ds-base / dsktune(1)
Reports memory, network, and file system tuning settings which can affect the performance of the directory server
opencaster / dsmcc-receive(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
splash / dsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
dcmtk / dsr2html(1)
Render dicom sr file and data set to html/xhtml
dcmtk / dsr2xml(1)
Convert dicom sr file and data set to xml
dcmtk / dsrdump(1)
Dump dicom sr file and data set
dssi-utils / dssi_analyse_plugin(1)
Describe a dssi plugin
dssi-utils / dssi_list_plugins(1)
List available dssi plugins
dssi-utils / dssi_osc_send(1)
Send osc messages to dssi applications.
dssi-utils / dssi_osc_update(1)
Send a dssi `update' osc request
dvb-apps / dst_test(1)
A twinhan dst and clones test utility.
dstat / dstat(1)
Versatile tool for generating system resource statistics
dovecot-core / dsync(1)
Dovecots mailbox synchronization utility
ditrack / dt(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
ditrack / dt-createdb(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
ditrack / dt-upgrade-0.7-db(1)
Ditrack command line client tool
texlive-binaries / dt2dv(1)
Convert a dtl text representation of a tex dvi file to a binary dvi file
dtach / dtach(1)
Simple program that emulates the detach feature of screen.
dtaus / dtaus(1)
Converter for dtaus files
device-tree-compiler / dtc(1)
Device tree compiler
dtc-xen / dtc-xen_userconsole(1)
Helps to have a user connect to a xen physical console
vim-scripts / dtd2vim(1)
Creates xml data file for vim7 omni completion from dtds
mono-devel / dtd2xsd(1)
Xml schema generator from xml document that contains dtd.
device-tree-compiler / dtdiff(1)
Compare two different device-tree
dtdinst / dtdinst(1)
Xml dtd to xml instance format converter
gnuserv / dtemacs(1)
Contact emacs with gnuclient, starting emacs if no answer.
dapl2-utils / dtest(1)
Simple udapl send/receive and rdma test
qfits-tools / dtfits(1)
Display fits table
vpb-utils / dtmfcheck(1)
Scan a wav file for dtmf tones
simh / dtos8cvt(1)
Tape conversion utility
systemtap-sdt-dev / dtrace(1)
Dtrace compatibile user application static probe generation tool.
dtrx / dtrx(1)
Cleanly extract many archive types
libdca-utils / dtsdec(1)
Decode dts coherent acoustics audio streams
coreutils / du(1)
Estimate file space usage
atlc / dualcoax(1)
Determine impedance of a coaxial structure with two concentric dielectrics.
sumo / duarouter(1)
Shortest path router and due computer for the microscopic road traffic simulation sumo
libdv-bin / dubdv(1)
Insert audio into a digital video stream
duck / duck(1)
The debian url checker
libdumbnet-dev / dumbnet-config(1)
Provide compiler and linker information for libdumbnet
ifupdown-scripts-zg2 / dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks(1)
Preliminary manpage dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks kill-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks
xawtv-tools / dump-mixers(1)
Dump oss mixer settings to standard output
slic3r / dump-stl(1)
Dump stl into perl syntax for writing slic3r tests
dcmtk / dump2dcm(1)
Convert ascii dump to dicom file
ctn / dump_commit_requests(1)
Generic ctn manual page
pyliblo-utils / dump_osc(1)
Prints incoming osc messages
xsettingsd / dump_xsettings(1)
Prints x11 application settings from an xsettings provider
dumpasn1 / dumpasn1(1)
Asn.1 object dump/syntax check program
ice35-services / dumpdb(1)
Examine a freeze database
pax-utils / dumpelf(1)
Dump internal elf structure
libxbase64-bin / dumphdr(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
libraw1394-tools / dumpiso(1)
Dump ieee 1394 isochronous channel packets
kbd / dumpkeys(1)
Dump keyboard translation tables
python-pdfminer / dumppdf(1)
Dumps internal contents of a pdf files
console-cyrillic / dumppsf(1)
libxbase64-bin / dumprecs(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
dvbstream / dumprtp(1)
Get an rtp unicast/multicast/broadcast stream and output it
libgcrypt20-dev / dumpsexp(1)
Debug tool for s-expressions
whitedune / dune(1)
Graphical vrml97 editor and animation tool
libdune-common-dev / dunecontrol(1)
Control program for the dune build system
pescetti / dup2dds(1)
Dup2dds converts duplimate (dup) format to dds
magicrescue / dupemap(1)
Creates a database of file checksums and uses it to eliminate duplicates
duplicity / duplicity(1)
Encrypted incremental backup to local or remote storage.
dupload / dupload(1)
Utility to upload debian packages
duply / duply(1)
A shell frontend to duplicity for simplified backups
vserver-debiantools / dupvserver(1)
Creates a new debian vserver by copying an other one.
texlive-binaries / dv2dt(1)
Convert a binary tex dvi file to dtl text representation
dv4l / dv4l(1)
Make a dv1394 camcorder available for video4linux programs
dv4l / dv4lstart(1)
Redirect v4l api to access a camcorder from a v4l program
dvb-tools / dvb-fe-tool(1)
Dvbv5 tool for frontend settings inspect/change
dvb-tools / dvb-format-convert(1)
Dvbv5 tool for file format conversions
dvbackup / dvbackup(1)
Dvbackup converter from arbitrary data to a dv stream
dvbcut / dvbcut(1)
Qt application for cutting parts out of dvb streams
dvb-apps / dvbdate(1)
A program to show the actual time.
dvblast / dvblast(1)
Simple and powerful dvb streaming application
dvb-apps / dvbnet(1)
A dvb network interface manager.
dvb-apps / dvbscan(1)
A program to produce dvb-t channels.conf files.
dvbsnoop / dvbsnoop(1)
dvbstream / dvbstream(1)
Transmit a dvb transport stream via rtp
dvb-apps / dvbtraffic(1)
A program to show satellite traffic.
dvbtune / dvbtune(1)
Dvbtune command-line tuning application for dvb cards
libdv-bin / dvconnect(1)
Receive or transmit raw dv using the video1394 device
libavc1394-tools / dvcont(1)
Send control commands to dv cameras
dvd+rw-tools / dvd+rw-booktype(1)
Format dvd+-rw/-ram disk with a logical format
growisofs / dvd+rw-format(1)
Format dvd+-rw/-ram disk
dvd+rw-tools / dvd+rw-mediainfo(1)
Display information about dvd drive and disk
dvd-slideshow / dvd-menu(1)
Creates a dvd navigation menu with buttons.
dvd+rw-tools / dvd-ram-control(1)
Checks features of dvd-ram discs
dvd-slideshow / dvd-slideshow(1)
Creates a slideshow movie in dvd video format from a list of pictures and effects.
dvdauthor / dvdauthor(1)
Assembles multiple mpeg program streams into a suitable dvd filesystem
dvdbackup / dvdbackup(1)
Tool to backup dvds
dvdauthor / dvddirdel(1)
Dvddirdel deletes a previously authored dvd directory structure in dir
dvdisaster / dvdisaster(1)
Data loss/scratch/aging protection for cd/dvd media
dvdtape / dvdtape(1)
Write a dlt tape for manufacturing a digital versatile disc.
dvdauthor / dvdunauthor(1)
Dvdunauthor removes dvd-video file structure
dvdwizard / dvdwizard(1)
Dvdwizard automated creation of dvd structure
ogmtools / dvdxchap(1)
Extract chapter information from dvds
dvi2dvi / dvi2dvi(1)
Tweaks dvi files
texlive-base / dvi2fax(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to g3 fax format
dvi2ps / dvi2ps(1)
Convert a dvi file to postscript
texlive-binaries / dvi2tty(1)
Preview a tex dvi-file on an ordinary ascii terminal
texlive-binaries / dvibook(1)
Rearrange pages in dvi file into signatures
texlive-binaries / dviconcat(1)
Concatenate dvi files
texlive-binaries / dvicopy(1)
Produce modified copy of dvi file
dvidvi / dvidvi(1)
Selects and/or re-arranges pages in a tex dvi file
dvipng / dvigif(1)
A dvi-to-png translator
texlive-binaries / dvihp(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to hewlett-packard pcl
ghostscript / dvipdf(1)
Convert tex dvi file to pdf using ghostscript and dvips
texlive-binaries / dvipdfm(1)
Produce pdf files directly from dvi files
texlive-binaries / dvipdfmx(1)
Produce pdf files directly from dvi files
dvipng / dvipng(1)
A dvi-to-png translator
texlive-binaries / dvipos(1)
Compute positions in a dvi file
dvipsk-ja / dvips(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to postscript
texlive-binaries / dvips(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to postscript
texlive-base / dvired(1)
Print dvi-files
texlive-binaries / dviselect(1)
Extract pages from dvi files
texlive-binaries / dvisvgm(1)
Converts dvi files to the xml-based svg format
texlive-binaries / dvitodvi(1)
Rearrange pages in a dvi file
texlive-binaries / dvitomp(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to a metapost mpxfile
texlive-binaries / dvitype(1)
Translate a dvi file for humans
dvtm / dvtm(1)
Dynamic virtual terminal manager
dwarfdump / dwarfdump(1)
Dumps dwarf debug information of an elf object
dwb / dwbem(1)
Dwb extension manager
dwb / dwbremote(1)
Dwb remote control
webp / dwebp(1)
Decompress a webp file to an image file
dwm / dwm(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.default(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.maintainer(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.web(1)
Dynamic window manager
dwm / dwm.winkey(1)
Dynamic window manager
binutils / dwp(1)
The dwarf packaging utility
dwww / dwww(1)
Access documentation via www
dwz / dwz(1)
Dwarf optimization and duplicate removal tool
dx / dx(1)
Start the data explorer visualization system. optionally directly start the user interface (dxui), the executive (dxexec), the data prompter, the module builder or the tutorial.
dime / dxf2vrml(1)
Program to convert .dxf formatted 3-d datasets to .vrml format.
dime / dxfsphere(1)
Generate a triangle mesh approximating a sphere by recursive subdivision in .dxf format using libdime
dancer-xml / dxml-db2html(1)
Obtain html output from docbook xml document
dancer-xml / dxml-db2latex(1)
Obtain latex output from docbook xml document
dancer-xml / dxml-getelement(1)
Obtain element from xml file using dancer-xml parser
dxpc / dxpc(1)
Differential x protocol compressor
dynalogin-server / dynalogind(1)
Dynalogin server daemon
dynamite / dynamite(1)
Pkware data compression decompressor
dynare / dynare++(1)
Compute higher order approximations of dsge models
dzedit / dzeX11(1)
The cern zebra documentation editor
dzedit / dzedit(1)
The cern zebra documentation editor
debian-goodies / dzegrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
dzen2 / dzen2(1)
General-purpose messaging and notification for x11
dzen2 / dzen2-dbar(1)
Simple gadget that you can use in combination with dzen to display a progressbar.
dzen2 / dzen2-gcpubar(1)
Graphical cpu usage meter
dzen2 / dzen2-gdbar(1)
Generates fully graphical progress meters
dzen2 / dzen2-textwidth(1)
Calculate the width in pixels of text for a given font.
debian-goodies / dzfgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
debian-goodies / dzgrep(1)
Grep through files belonging to an installed debian package
zope-common / dzhandle(1)
Dzhandle debian/ubuntu zope packages handling command line utility
ncbi-epcr / e-PCR(1)
E-pcr find sequence tagged sites (sts) in dna sequences
e00compr / e00conv(1)
Converts arc/info e00 files from one level of compression to another.
e2tools / e2cp(1)
Copies files from/to an e2fs filesystem
e2tools / e2ln(1)
Create hard links on an ext2 filesystem
e2ps / e2lpr(1)
Converts plain text into postscript
e2tools / e2ls(1)
List files and directories on an ext2 filesystem
e2tools / e2mkdir(1)
Creates a directory on an ext2 filesystem
exactimage / e2mtiff(1)
Any to multi-page tiff converter of the exactimage toolkit
e2tools / e2mv(1)
Moves or renames files on an ext2fs filesystem
e2ps / e2ps(1)
Converts plain text into postscript
e2tools / e2rm(1)
Removes files and directories on an ext2 filesystem
e2tools / e2tail(1)
A basic version of the tail command for an ext2 filesystem
e3 / e3(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3em(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3ne(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3pi(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3vi(1)
A mini text editor
e3 / e3ws(1)
A mini text editor
ebook-speaker / eBook-speaker(1)
Read aloud ebooks and other text formats using a software speech-synthesizer
etktab / eTktab(1)
Tk based ascii guitar tab editor
eancheck / eancheck(1)
Check digit validator for ean, plu and upc barcode numbers
ecere-dev / ear(1)
Ecere archiver
predict / earthtrack(1)
Combine xplanet and predict
tempest-for-eliza / easy_eliza(1)
Wrapper around tempest_for_eliza
qtoctave / easy_plot(1)
A qt front-end for octave plotting
easychem / easychem(1)
Draw high-quality molecules and chemical 2d formulas
easyh10 / easyh10(1)
Manage the iriver h10 mp3 player
easymp3gain-gtk / easymp3gain-gtk(1)
Gtk+ gui frontend for mp3gain
easymp3gain-qt / easymp3gain-qt(1)
Qt gui frontend for mp3gain
easytag / easytag(1)
Tag editor for mp3, ogg vorbis files and more
eatmydata / eatmydata(1)
Transparently disable fsync() and other data-to-disk synchronization calls
eb-utils / ebappendix(1)
Format appendix file for a cd-rom book
eb-utils / ebfont(1)
Get font data of local defined characters in cd-rom books
ebhttpd / ebhtcheck(1)
A lint for ebhttpd configuration
ebhttpd / ebhtcontrol(1)
A controller for ebhttpd
ebhttpd / ebhttpd(1)
A specialized http server for cd-rom books
bibutils / ebi2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
eb-utils / ebinfo(1)
List information about a cd-rom book
eblook / eblook(1)
Look in an electronic dictionary
ebnetd / ebncheck(1)
A lint for ebnetd configuration
ebnetd / ebncontrol(1)
A controller for ebnetd
ebnetd-common / ebndaily(1)
Get stats for ebnetd and send it to admins
ebnetd / ebnetd(1)
The ebnet server
ebnetd-common / ebnupgrade(1)
Smooths transition from old ndtpd
eboard / eboard-addtheme(1)
A program to easily install new eboard board and sound themes.
eboard / eboard-config(1)
Program to get information about the installed eboard.
calibre / ebook-viewer(1)
View ebook
ebook2cw / ebook2cw(1)
Convert ebooks to morse code audio files (mp3/ogg)
ebook2cwgui / ebook2cwgui(1)
Graphical user interface for ebook2cw (text to morse converter)
eb-utils / ebrefile(1)
Refile a catalog file in a cd-rom book
emacs24-common / ebrowse.emacs24(1)
Create a class hierarchy database
eb-utils / ebstopcode(1)
Analyze a text stop code of a cd-rom book
ebumeter / ebumeter(1)
A audio loudness meter for jack audio connection kit
eb-utils / ebunzip(1)
Compress a cd-rom book
ebumeter / ebur128(1)
A command line app measuring loudness on audio files.
eb-utils / ebzip(1)
Compress a cd-rom book
eb-utils / ebzipinfo(1)
Compress a cd-rom book
minc-tools / ecattominc(1)
Convert an ecat format file (version 6.x or 7.x) to a minc format file
ecere-dev / ecc(1)
Ec compiler
pixelmed-apps / ecgviewer(1)
Ecg viewer
coreutils / echo(1)
Display a line of text
echoping / echoping(1)
Tests a remote host with tcp or udp
echoping / echoping_dns(1)
Echoping plugin which queries a dns server
echoping / echoping_ldap(1)
Echoping plugin which connects to a ldap server
echoping / echoping_postgresql(1)
Echoping plugin which connects to a postgresql rdbms server
echoping / echoping_random(1)
Echoping plugin which just sleeps a random time
echoping / echoping_whois(1)
Echoping plugin which connects to a whois server
dcmtk / echoscu(1)
Dicom verification (c-echo) scu
ecj / ecj(1)
Manual page for eclipse jdt compiler
ecl / ecl(1)
Embeddable common lisp
ecl / ecl-config(1)
Embeddable common lisp configuration query
eclipse-platform / eclipse(1)
Extensible tool platform and java ide
simh / eclipseemu(1)
Simulate a eclipse computer
gmp-ecm / ecm(1)
Integer factorization using ecm, p-1 or p+1
ecm / ecm-compress(1)
Selectively strips error correction codes from cd images
ecm / ecm-uncompress(1)
Regenerate error correction codes from ecm files
exactimage / econvert(1)
Image converter of the exactimage toolkit
ecere-dev / ecp(1)
Ec precompiler (symbol file generator)
libecpg-dev / ecpg(1)
Embedded sql c preprocessor
libtntnet-dev / ecppc(1)
Compiler for ecpp(7)
libtntnet-dev / ecppl(1)
Language-extractor for ecpp(7)
libtntnet-dev / ecppll(1)
Language-linker for ecpp
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-add-passphrase(1)
Add an ecryptfs mount passphrase to the kernel keyring.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-find(1)
Use inode numbers to match encrypted/decrypted filenames
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-generate-tpm-key(1)
Generate an ecryptfs key for tpm hardware.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-insert-wrapped-passphrase-into-keyring(1)
Unwrap a wrapped passphrase from file and insert into the kernel keyring.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-mount-private(1)
Interactive ecryptfs private mount wrapper script.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-recover-private(1)
Find and mount any encrypted private directories
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase(1)
Unwrap an ecryptfs wrapped passphrase, rewrap it with a new passphrase, and write it back to file.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-rewrite-file(1)
Force a file to be rewritten (reencrypted) in the lower filesystem
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-setup-private(1)
Setup an ecryptfs private directory.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-setup-swap(1)
Ensure that any swap space is encrypted
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-stat(1)
Present statistics on encrypted ecryptfs file attributes
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-umount-private(1)
Ecryptfs private unmount wrapper script.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase(1)
Unwrap an ecryptfs mount passphrase from file.
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-verify(1)
Validate an ecryptfs encrypted home or encrypted private configuration
ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase(1)
Wrap an ecryptfs mount passphrase.
ecere-dev / ecs(1)
Ec symbol loader generator
ed / ed(1)
Line-oriented text editor
tkdesk / ed-tkdesk(1)
Edit a file using tkdesk's editor
rhash / ed2k-link(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
ed2k-hash / ed2k_hash(1)
A tool for generating ed2k-links
edac-utils / edac-util(1)
Edac error reporting utility.
edbrowse / edbrowse(1)
Text editor and web browser
exactimage / edentify(1)
Image indentifiction tool of the exactimage toolkit
edfbrowser / edfbrowser(1)
Graphical program to set up you freesci configuration
aghermann / edfcat(1)
Edf file channel mixer/converter.
aghermann / edfhed(1)
Edf header dumper/editor.
aghermann / edfhed-gtk(1)
A simple edf header editor
pymca / edfviewer(1)
Simple edf file viewer
graphviz / edgepaint(1)
Edge coloring to disambiguate crossing edges
wcstools / edhead(1)
edisplay / edisplay(1)
Fast image viewer
mime-support / edit(1)
Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
hylafax-client / edit-faxcover(1)
Edit faxcover.ps
devscripts / edit-patch(1)
Tool for preparing patches for debian source packages
gnats-user / edit-pr(1)
Edit a problem report in the gnats database
octomap-tools / edit_octree(1)
Octree editor
crip / editcomment(1)
Program to edit comments of ogg vorbis files
gromacs-data / editconf(1)
Convert and manipulates structure files
gromacs-data / editconf_d(1)
Convert and manipulates structure files
crip / editfilenames(1)
Filename editor for crip
editmoin / editmoin(1)
Edit moinmoin wiki pages in your favourite editor
editorconfig / editorconfig(1)
Editorconfig command
editorconfig / editorconfig-0.11.5(1)
Editorconfig command
editra / editra(1)
Simple multi-platform text editor
libedje-bin / edje_cc(1)
An edje compiler
libedje-bin / edje_decc(1)
An edje decompiler
libedje-bin / edje_recc(1)
An edje recompiler
mailagent / edusers(1)
Edit users list created by package
refdb-clients / eenc(1)
Perform password encryption for refdb clients
eep24c / eep24c(1)
Read and write 24cxxx eeprom devices
libeet-bin / eet(1)
Small tool to handle eet files.
efax / efax(1)
Send/receive faxes with class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem (please read the fax man page first.)
efax-gtk / efax-0.9a(1)
Send/receive faxes with class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem (please read the fax man page first.)
efax-gtk / efax-gtk(1)
Gui front end for efax program
efax-gtk / efax-gtk-faxfilter(1)
Wrapper around efax-gtk-socket-client
efax-gtk / efax-gtk-socket-client(1)
A client of efax-gtk to work with lpd/lprng
acedb-other / efetch(1)
Retrieve entries from sequence databases.
eficas / eficas(1)
Eficas command
eficas / eficasQt(1)
Eficasqt command
efivar / efivar(1)
Tool to manipulate uefi variables
efax / efix(1)
Convert between fax, text, bit-map and gray-scale formats
efax-gtk / efix-0.9a(1)
Convert between fax, text, bit-map and gray-scale formats
eflite / eflite(1)
A speech server for festival lite
efte / efte(1)
Text editor
easygit / eg(1)
Git for mere mortals
python-wheel-common / egg2wheel(1)
Convert eggs to pep 427 format binary wheels.
eggdrop / eggdrop(1)
An irc bot
gcpegg / eggsh(1)
Global consciousness project reg software
grep / egrep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
eiciel / eiciel(1)
Gnome acl file permissions editor
id-utils / eid(1)
Query id database and report results.
opensc / eidenv(1)
Utility for accessing visible data from electronic identity cards
epub-utils / einfo(1)
Shows information of an epub document
mafft / einsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
eiskaltdcpp-cli / eiskaltdcpp-cli-jsonrpc(1)
Simple command line interface for eiskaltdc++ daemon written on perl
eiskaltdcpp-daemon / eiskaltdcpp-daemon(1)
Simple daemon controllable via xmlrpc or jsonrpc
eiskaltdcpp-gtk / eiskaltdcpp-gtk(1)
Gui based on gtk (based on freedc++ and linuxdc++)
eiskaltdcpp-gtk3 / eiskaltdcpp-gtk3(1)
Gui based on gtk (based on freedc++ and linuxdc++)
eiskaltdcpp-qt / eiskaltdcpp-qt(1)
Gui based on qt
eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini / eiskaltdcpp-qt-mini(1)
Gui based on qt
opencaster / eitsecactualtoanother(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / eitsecfilter(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / eitsecmapper(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
eject / eject(1)
Eject removable media
ekg / ekg(1)
A gadu-gadu compatible client.
ekg / ekg-ncurses(1)
A gadu-gadu compatible client.
ekg2-core / ekg2(1)
Opensource im client for unix systems
ekg / ekglogs(1)
A logs lister for ekg
ekiga / ekiga(1)
Sip and h.323 voice over ip and videoconferencing for un*x
ekiga / ekiga-config-tool(1)
Ekiga gconf setup configuration assistant.
ekg / ekl2(1)
Ekg history viewer.
elastix / elastix(1)
Perform image registration
elog / elconv(1)
Conversion program for elog messages
electric / electric(1)
A vlsi design system
electrum / electrum(1)
Lightweight bitcoin client
pymca / elementsinfo(1)
Periodic table with atomic constants used by pymca
elfrc / elfrc(1)
Elfrc a resource compiler for elf systems
elida / elida(1)
Process source package in mail request
elida / elidad(1)
Builds packages using pbuilder and runs piuparts and lintian
elinks-data / elinks(1)
Lynx-like alternative character mode www browser
eliom / eliom-distillery(1)
Scaffolding for your eliom-projects.
eliom / eliomc(1)
The eliom build tools
eliom / eliomcp(1)
The eliom build tools
eliom / eliomdep(1)
The eliom build tools
eliom / eliomopt(1)
The eliom build tools
elk-lapw / elk-bands(1)
Plotting program for elk band structures
elk-lapw / elk-lapw(1)
All-electron full-potential linearised augmented-plane wave code
elki / elki(1)
Elki: data mining framework
elki / elki-cli(1)
Elki: data mining framework
bcc / elksemu(1)
Embedded linux kernel subset emulator
xemacs21-bin / ellcc.xemacs21(1)
Program to compile an emacs dynamic module
elog / elog(1)
Utility program for electronic logbook elog
elvis-tiny / elvis-tiny(1)
Tiny vi-compatible editor
elyxer / elyxer(1)
Convert lyx files to html
elza / elza(1)
Elza script language for automating http requests
emacs24-common / emacs.emacs24(1)
Gnu project emacs
emacs24-common / emacsclient.emacs24(1)
Tells a running emacs to visit a file
emacspeak / emacspeak(1)
Speech output interface to emacs
trac-email2trac / email2trac(1)
Creates and amends trac tickets from e-mail.
ember / ember(1)
3d client for the worldforge project.
ember / ember.bin(1)
3d client for the worldforge project.
libembryo-bin / embryo_cc(1)
A small compiler
emerillon / emerillon(1)
Map viewer for gnome
emesene / emesene(1)
An instant messaging client
emdebian-grip / emgrip(1)
Converts a .deb to emdebian grip on-the-fly
emdebian-grip / emgrip-build(1)
Build wrapper script for emdebian grip
emms / emms-print-metadata(1)
Print information about music files
empathy / empathy(1)
Gnome multi-protocol chat and call client
empathy / empathy-accounts(1)
Accounts configuration dialog for empathy instant messaging client
empty-expect / empty(1)
Run processes under pseudo-terminal sessions
exactimage / empty-page(1)
Empty page detector of the exactimage toolkit
python-empy / empy(1)
A powerful and robust templating system for python
python3-empy / empy3(1)
A powerful and robust templating system for python
emu8051 / emu8051(1)
Simulator/emulator for the intel 8051 family of microcontrollers
emu8051 / emu8051-cli(1)
Simulator/emulator for the intel 8051 family of microcontrollers
emu8051 / emu8051-gtk(1)
Simulator/emulator for the intel 8051 family of microcontrollers
asn1c / enber(1)
Convert the unber xml output back into ber
enblend / enblend(1)
Combine images using a multiresolution spline
enblend / enblend-mp(1)
Combine images using a multiresolution spline
enca / enca(1)
Detect and convert encoding of text files
netpipes / encapsulate(1)
Multiplex several channels over a single socket with sampling of remote process exit status, and provide conversation termination without closing the socket. netpipes 4.2
encfs / encfs(1)
Mounts or creates an encrypted virtual filesystem
encfs / encfsctl(1)
Administrative tool for working with encfs filesystems
enchant / enchant(1)
A spellchecker
enchant / enchant-lsmod(1)
Show information about available spell-checking modules and dictionaries.
snmp / encode_keychange(1)
Produce the keychange string for snmpv3
libdv-bin / encodedv(1)
Encode a series of images to a digital video stream
enca / enconv(1)
Detect and convert encoding of text files
encuentro / encuentro(1)
Busque, descargue, y vea el maravilloso contenido ofrecido por el canal encuentro, paka paka, bacua, educ.ar y otros. note: this program is strongly oriented to spanish speaking people, as the content of canal encuentro and the other channels is only in spanish.
bibutils / end2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
libbiblio-endnotestyle-perl / endnote-format(1)
Frontend to the biblio::endnotestyle perl package
bibutils / endx2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
gromacs-data / eneconv(1)
Convert energy files
gromacs-data / eneconv_d(1)
Convert energy files
enemies-of-carlotta / enemies-of-carlotta(1)
A simple mailing list manager
enfuse / enfuse(1)
Poor man's hdr
enfuse / enfuse-mp(1)
Poor man's hdr
engauge-digitizer / engauge(1)
Interactively convert a bitmap graph or map into numbers
engrampa / engrampa(1)
Archive manager for mate
e17 / enlightenment(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
e17 / enlightenment_imc(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
e17 / enlightenment_remote(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
e17 / enlightenment_start(1)
This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
ctn / enq_ctndisp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / enq_ctnnetwork(1)
Generic ctn manual page
enscribe / enscribe(1)
Enscribe convert images to sound
enscript / enscript(1)
Convert text files to postscript, html, rtf, ansi, and overstrikes
ensymble / ensymble(1)
Ensymble developer utilities for symbian os
ent / ent(1)
entagged / entagged(1)
Java audio file tagger
ncbi-tools-x11 / entrez(1)
A graphical client for the ncbi entrez retrieval system
ncbi-tools-x11 / entrez2(1)
A graphical client for the ncbi entrez retrieval system
liwc / entrigraph(1)
Convert c source code to use trigraphs
enum / enum(1)
Seq- and jot-like enumerator
libchm-bin / enum_chmLib(1)
Lists the contents of a chm file.
libchm-bin / enumdir_chmLib(1)
Lists the contents of chm file(s).
coreutils / env(1)
Run a program in a modified environment
python-srs / envfrom2srs(1)
Rewrites the envelope sender address in view of remailing it
gettext-base / envsubst(1)
Substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
alsa-tools-gui / envy24control(1)
Gui control tool for envy24 (ice1712) based soundcards, under alsa.
eog / eog(1)
A gnome image viewer
eom / eom(1)
The eye of mate image viewer
eot-utils / eotinfo(1)
Display data from an eot file in a readable way
epigrass / epgeditor(1)
Graphical editor of .epg models for epigrass
epigrass / epigrass(1)
Scientific tool for simulations and scenario analysis in network epidemiology
photopc / epinfo(1)
Extract technical information from digital camera generated files
epiphany-browser / epiphany(1)
Simple to use web browser for gnome
epiphany-browser / epiphany-browser(1)
Simple to use web browser for gnome
epigrass / epirunner(1)
Command line version of epigrass
episoder / episoder(1)
Tv show episode reminder.
ecere-dev / epj2make(1)
Cross-platform makefile generator for ecere ide project files (.epj)
texlive-formats-extra / eplain(1)
Expanded plain tex
epm / epm(1)
Create software packages.
erlang-base / epmd(1)
Erlang port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [dbgextra...] [-port no] [-daemon] [-relaxed_command_check]starts the port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [-port no] [-names|-kill|-stop name]communicates with a running port mapper daemon
erlang-base-hipe / epmd(1)
Erlang port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [dbgextra...] [-port no] [-daemon] [-relaxed_command_check]starts the port mapper daemonepmd [-d|-debug] [-port no] [-names|-kill|-stop name]communicates with a running port mapper daemon
epm / epminstall(1)
Add a directory, file, or symlink to a list file.
epoptes / epoptes(1)
A computer lab administration tool
ghostscript / eps2eps(1)
Ghostscript postscript "distiller"
psutils / epsffit(1)
Fit encapsulated postscript file (epsf) into constrained size
epsilon-bin / epsilon(1)
Powerful open source wavelet image compressor
python-epsilon / epsilon-benchmark(1)
Python script statistics collector
epstool / epstool(1)
Edit preview images and fix bounding boxes in eps files.
texlive-font-utils / epstopdf(1)
Convert an eps file to pdf
calibre / epub-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from an epub ebook file
epubcheck / epubcheck(1)
Validation tool for epub
python-epydoc / epydoc(1)
Generate api documentation from python docstrings
python-epydoc / epydocgui(1)
Graphical interface to epydoc
pylint / epylint(1)
Emacs and flymake compatible pylint
groff / eqn2graph(1)
Convert an eqn equation into a cropped image
gladtex / eqn2img(1)
eqonomize / eqonomize(1)
A personal finances program
aqsis / eqsl(1)
Gui frontend for command line tools from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard"
equalx / equalx(1)
A feature rich equations editor
equivs / equivs-build(1)
Make a debian package to register local software
equivs / equivs-control(1)
Create a configuration file for equivs-build
eric / eric(1)
A full-fledged python ide and debugger
eric / eric5(1)
A full-fledged python ide and debugger
eric / eric5_api(1)
Eric5 api generator
eric / eric5_compare(1)
Simple graphical compare tool
eric / eric5_configure(1)
Configuration editor for eric5
eric / eric5_diff(1)
Simple graphical diff tool
eric / eric5_doc(1)
Eric5 documentation generator
eric / eric5_editor(1)
Simplified version of the eric4 editor
eric / eric5_helpviewer(1)
Eric5 and qt help browser
eric / eric5_iconeditor(1)
Icon editor for eric5
eric / eric5_plugininstall(1)
Plugin installation utility for eric5
eric / eric5_pluginrepository(1)
Utility to show the contents of the eric5 plugin repository
eric / eric5_pluginuninstall(1)
Plugin uninstallation utility for eric5
eric / eric5_qregexp(1)
A gui editor for qt style regular expressions
eric / eric5_qregularexpression(1)
A gui editor for qt style regular expressions
eric / eric5_re(1)
A gui editor for python style regular expressions
eric / eric5_snap(1)
Simple utility to do snapshots of the screen.
eric / eric5_sqlbrowser(1)
Eric5 sql browser
eric / eric5_tray(1)
Traystarter for eric5
eric / eric5_trpreviewer(1)
Previewer for ui translations
eric / eric5_uipreviewer(1)
Previever for qt designer *.ui files
eric / eric5_unittest(1)
A gui for displaying python unit test results
eric / eric5_webbrowser(1)
Eric5 web browser
erlang-base / erl(1)
The erlang emulator
erlang-base-hipe / erl(1)
The erlang emulator
erlang-base / erl_call(1)
Call/start a distributed erlang node
erlang-base-hipe / erl_call(1)
Call/start a distributed erlang node
erlang-dev / erlang-depends(1)
Calculates erlang dependencies
sloccount / erlang_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
erlang-base / erlc(1)
erlang-base-hipe / erlc(1)
ncbi-tools-bin / errhdr(1)
Produce a c header file from a set of messages
moreutils / errno(1)
Look up errno names and descriptions
ruby-erubis / erubis(1)
Eruby style template engine for multiple languages
mesa-utils-extra / es2_info(1)
List opengl es extensions
mesa-utils-extra / es2gears(1)
``gears'' demo for gles2
mesa-utils-extra / es2gears_screen(1)
``gears'' demo for gles2
mesa-utils-extra / es2gears_x11(1)
``gears'' demo for gles2
mesa-utils-extra / es2tri(1)
A draw demonstration using x/egl and opengl es 2.x
tstools / es2ts(1)
Convert es to ts
esajpip / esa_jpip_server(1)
Start esa jpip server
opencaster / esaudio2pes(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / esaudioinfo(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
printer-driver-min12xxw / esc-m(1)
Ease viewing output of driver data
escputil / escputil(1)
Maintain epson stylus inkjet printers
erlang-base / escript(1)
Erlang scripting support
erlang-base-hipe / escript(1)
Erlang scripting support
pulseaudio-esound-compat / esd(1)
Pulseaudio esd wrapper script
libesd0-dev / esd-config(1)
The enlightened sound daemon
pulseaudio-esound-compat / esdcompat(1)
Pulseaudio esd wrapper script
tstools / esdots(1)
Analyze the video items contained in an elementary stream
esekeyd / esekeyd(1)
Ese key daemon is a multimedia keyboard driver for linux
tstools / esfilter(1)
Output a filtered or truncated version of a es
tstools / esmerge(1)
Merge audio and video es into a ts
esmtp / esmtp(1)
Libesmtp to sendmail compatibility interface
esniper / esniper(1)
A lightweight ebay sniping tool
esorex / esorex(1)
Eso recipe execution tool
espctag / espctag(1)
Edit tags of spc files (id666)
espeak / espeak(1)
A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer.
espeakedit / espeakedit(1)
Espeak voice editor
esperanza / esperanza(1)
A xmms2 client.
hevea / esponja(1)
Optimize html code.
tstools / esreport(1)
Report the content of a video es
tstools / esreverse(1)
Reverse an es stream
hyperestraier / estcall(1)
Command line interface of the node api
hyperestraier / estcmd(1)
Command line interface of the core api
libestraier-dev / estconfig(1)
Configuration utility of hyper estraier
hyperestraier / estfxasis(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxfilter(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxmantotxt(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxmsotohtml(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estfxpdftohtml(1)
Hyperestraier filter programs
hyperestraier / estload(1)
Stresser for web applications
hyperestraier / estmaster(1)
Master process of node servers
hyperestraier / estwaver(1)
Command line interface of web crawler
wise / estwise(1)
Estwise comparison of a related protein to cdna (or ests)
wise / estwisedb(1)
Estwisedb a database of proteins vs a database of est/cdna sequences
hyperestraier / estwolefind(1)
Listing wwwoffle cache for hyper estraier
opencaster / esvideompeg2info(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / esvideompeg2pes(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
emacs24-common / etags.emacs24(1)
Generate tag file for emacs, vi
xemacs21-bin / etags.xemacs21(1)
Generate tag file for emacs, vi
eterm / eterm-utils(1)
Eterm accessory programs
texlive-binaries / etex(1)
Extended (plain) tex
lilypond / etf2ly(1)
Manual page for etf2ly (lilypond) 2.18.2
ethstats / ethstats(1)
Ethstats quickly display statistics of network interfaces
ethstatus / ethstatus(1)
Console-based ethernet statistics monitor
etm / etm(1)
Manage events and tasks using simple text files
etsf-io / etsf_io(1)
Manual page for etsf_io
euca2ools / euare-accountaliascreate(1)
Create an alias for an account, a.k.a. an account name
euca2ools / euare-accountaliasdelete(1)
Delete an account's alias, a.k.a. its account name
euca2ools / euare-accountaliaslist(1)
List your account's aliases
euca2ools / euare-accountcreate(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] create a new account
euca2ools / euare-accountdel(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] delete an account
euca2ools / euare-accountdelpolicy(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] remove a policy from an account
euca2ools / euare-accountgetpolicy(1)
Display an account's policy
euca2ools / euare-accountgetsummary(1)
Display account-level information about account entity usage and iam quotas
euca2ools / euare-accountlist(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] list all of the cloud's accounts
euca2ools / euare-accountlistpolicies(1)
[eucalyptus only] list one specific policy or all policies attached to an account. if no policies are attached to the account, the action still succeeds.
euca2ools / euare-accountuploadpolicy(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] attach a policy to an account
euca2ools / euare-getldapsyncstatus(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] show the status of the cloud's ldap synchronization
euca2ools / euare-groupaddpolicy(1)
Add a new policy to a group. to add more complex policies than this tool supports, see euare-groupuploadpolicy.
euca2ools / euare-groupadduser(1)
Add a user to a group
euca2ools / euare-groupcreate(1)
Create a new group
euca2ools / euare-groupdel(1)
Delete a group
euca2ools / euare-groupdelpolicy(1)
Remove a policy from a group
euca2ools / euare-groupgetpolicy(1)
Display a group's policy
euca2ools / euare-grouplistbypath(1)
List your account's groups
euca2ools / euare-grouplistpolicies(1)
List one specific policy or all policies attached to a group. if no policies are attached to the group, the command still succeeds.
euca2ools / euare-grouplistusers(1)
List all the users in a group
euca2ools / euare-groupmod(1)
Change the name and/or path of a group
euca2ools / euare-groupremoveuser(1)
Remove a user from a group
euca2ools / euare-groupuploadpolicy(1)
Attach a policy to a group
euca2ools / euare-servercertdel(1)
Delete a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-servercertgetattributes(1)
Show the arn and guid of a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-servercertlistbypath(1)
List your account's server certificates
euca2ools / euare-servercertmod(1)
Change the name and/or path of a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-servercertupload(1)
Upload a server certificate
euca2ools / euare-useraddcert(1)
Upload a signing certificate
euca2ools / euare-useraddkey(1)
Create a new access key for a user
euca2ools / euare-useraddloginprofile(1)
Create a password for the specified user
euca2ools / euare-useraddpolicy(1)
Add a new policy to a user. to add more complex policies than this tool supports, see euare-useruploadpolicy.
euca2ools / euare-usercreate(1)
Create a new user and optionally add the user to a group or generate an access key for the user
euca2ools / euare-usercreatecert(1)
[eucalyptus only] create a new signing certificate
euca2ools / euare-userdeactivatemfadevice(1)
Deactivate an mfa device
euca2ools / euare-userdel(1)
Delete a user
euca2ools / euare-userdelcert(1)
Delete a signing certificate
euca2ools / euare-userdelkey(1)
Delete an access key
euca2ools / euare-userdelloginprofile(1)
Delete a user's password
euca2ools / euare-userdelpolicy(1)
Remove a policy from a user
euca2ools / euare-userenablemfadevice(1)
Enable an mfa device
euca2ools / euare-usergetattributes(1)
Display a user's arn and guid
euca2ools / euare-usergetinfo(1)
[eucalyptus only] display information about a user
euca2ools / euare-usergetloginprofile(1)
Verify that a user has a password
euca2ools / euare-usergetpolicy(1)
Display a user's policy
euca2ools / euare-userlistbypath(1)
List your account's users
euca2ools / euare-userlistcerts(1)
List a user's signing certificates
euca2ools / euare-userlistgroups(1)
List all groups a user is a member of
euca2ools / euare-userlistkeys(1)
List a user's access keys
euca2ools / euare-userlistmfadevices(1)
List a user's mfa devices
euca2ools / euare-userlistpolicies(1)
List one specific policy or all policies attached to a user. if no policies are attached to the user, the action still succeeds.
euca2ools / euare-usermod(1)
Change the name and/or path of a user
euca2ools / euare-usermodcert(1)
Change the status of a signing certificate from active to inactive, or vice versa
euca2ools / euare-usermodkey(1)
Change the status of an access key from active to inactive, or vice versa
euca2ools / euare-usermodloginprofile(1)
Update a user's password
euca2ools / euare-userresyncmfadevice(1)
Re-synchronize an mfa device with the server
euca2ools / euare-userupdateinfo(1)
[eucalyptus only] update a user's information
euca2ools / euare-useruploadpolicy(1)
Attach a policy to a user
euca2ools / euca-allocate-address(1)
Allocate a public ip address
euca2ools / euca-associate-address(1)
Associate an elastic ip address with a running instance
euca2ools / euca-attach-volume(1)
Attach an ebs volume to an instance
euca2ools / euca-authorize(1)
Add a rule to a security group that allows traffic to pass
euca2ools / euca-bundle-image(1)
Prepare an image for uploading to a cloud
euca2ools / euca-bundle-instance(1)
Bundle an s3-backed windows instance
euca2ools / euca-bundle-vol(1)
Create a bundled iamge based on the running machine's filesystem
euca2ools / euca-cancel-bundle-task(1)
Cancel an instance bundling operation
euca2ools / euca-confirm-product-instance(1)
Verify if a product code is associated with an instance
euca2ools / euca-copy-image(1)
Copy an image from another region
euca2ools / euca-create-group(1)
Create a new security group
euca2ools / euca-create-image(1)
Create an ebs image from a running or stopped ebs instance
euca2ools / euca-create-keypair(1)
Create a new ssh key pair for use with instances
euca2ools / euca-create-snapshot(1)
Create a snapshot of a volume
euca2ools / euca-create-tags(1)
Add or overwrite tags for one or more resources
euca2ools / euca-create-volume(1)
Create a new volume
euca2ools / euca-delete-bundle(1)
Delete a previously-uploaded bundle
euca2ools / euca-delete-group(1)
Delete a security group
euca2ools / euca-delete-keypair(1)
Delete a key pair
euca2ools / euca-delete-snapshot(1)
Delete a snapshot
euca2ools / euca-delete-tags(1)
Delete tags from one or more resources
euca2ools / euca-delete-volume(1)
Delete a volume
euca2ools / euca-deregister(1)
De-register an image. after you de-register an image it cannot be used to launch new instances.
euca2ools / euca-describe-addresses(1)
Show information about elastic ip addresses
euca2ools / euca-describe-availability-zones(1)
Display availability zones within the current region
euca2ools / euca-describe-bundle-tasks(1)
Describe current instance-bundling tasks
euca2ools / euca-describe-group(1)
Show information about security groups
euca2ools / euca-describe-groups(1)
Display information about regions
euca2ools / euca-describe-image-attribute(1)
Show information about an attribute of an image
euca2ools / euca-describe-images(1)
Show information about images
euca2ools / euca-describe-instance-attribute(1)
Show one of an instance's attributes.
euca2ools / euca-describe-instance-types(1)
[eucalyptus only] show information about instance types
euca2ools / euca-describe-instances(1)
Show information about instances
euca2ools / euca-describe-keypairs(1)
Display information about available key pairs
euca2ools / euca-describe-regions(1)
Display information about regions
euca2ools / euca-describe-snapshots(1)
Show information about snapshots
euca2ools / euca-describe-tags(1)
List tags associated with your account's resources
euca2ools / euca-describe-volumes(1)
Display information about volumes
euca2ools / euca-detach-volume(1)
Detach a volume from an instance
euca2ools / euca-disassociate-address(1)
Disassociate an elastic ip address from an instance
euca2ools / euca-download-bundle(1)
Download a bundled image from the cloud
euca2ools / euca-get-console-output(1)
Retrieve console output for the specified instance
euca2ools / euca-get-password(1)
Retrieve the administrator password for an instance running windows
euca2ools / euca-get-password-data(1)
Retrieve the encrypted administrator password for an instance running windows. the encrypted password may be decrypted using the private key of the key pair given when launching the instance.
euca2ools / euca-import-keypair(1)
Import a public rsa key as a new key pair
euca2ools / euca-modify-image-attribute(1)
Modify an attribute of an image
euca2ools / euca-modify-instance-type(1)
[eucalyptus cloud admin only] modify an instance type
euca2ools / euca-modify-snapshot-attribute(1)
Modify an attribute of a snapshot
euca2ools / euca-monitor-instances(1)
Enable monitoring for one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-reboot-instances(1)
Reboot one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-register(1)
Register a new image
euca2ools / euca-release-address(1)
Release an elastic ip address
euca2ools / euca-reset-image-attribute(1)
Reset an attribute of an image to its default value
euca2ools / euca-revoke(1)
Remove a rule from a security group
euca2ools / euca-run-instances(1)
Launch instances of a machine image
euca2ools / euca-start-instances(1)
Start one or more stopped instances
euca2ools / euca-stop-instances(1)
Stop one or more running instances
euca2ools / euca-terminate-instances(1)
Terminate one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-unbundle(1)
Recreate an image from its bundled parts
euca2ools / euca-unmonitor-instances(1)
Disable monitoring for one or more instances
euca2ools / euca-upload-bundle(1)
Upload a bundle prepared by euca-bundle-image to the cloud
euca2ools / euca-version(1)
Display the euca2ools suite's version
mpdcron / eugene(1)
Mpdcron statistics client
eukleides / eukleides(1)
Eukleides interpreter to postscript
eukleides / euktoeps(1)
Eukleides to encapsulated postscript converter
eukleides / euktopdf(1)
Eukleides to pdf converter
eukleides / euktopst(1)
Eukleides interpreter to pstricks
eukleides / euktotex(1)
Eukleides to pstricks converter
euca2ools / eulb-apply-security-groups-to-lb(1)
[vpc only] associate one or more security groups with a load balancer. all previous associations with security groups will be replaced.
euca2ools / eulb-attach-lb-to-subnets(1)
[vpc only] add a load balancer to one or more subnets
euca2ools / eulb-configure-healthcheck(1)
Configure health checking for instance registerd with a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy(1)
Create a new stickiness policy for a load balancer, whereby the server application generates a cookie and adds it to its responses. the load balancer will then use this cookie to route requests from each user to the same back end instance. this type of policy can only be associated with http or https listeners,
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb(1)
Create a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb-cookie-stickiness-policy(1)
Create a new stickiness policy for a load balancer, whereby the load balancer automatically generates cookies that it uses to route requests from each user to the same back end instance. this type of policy can only be associated with http or https listeners.
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb-listeners(1)
Add one or more listeners to a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-create-lb-policy(1)
Add a new policy to a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-delete-lb(1)
Delete a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-delete-lb-listeners(1)
Delete one or more listeners from a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-delete-lb-policy(1)
Delete a policy from a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-deregister-instances-from-lb(1)
Remove one or more instances from a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-describe-instance-health(1)
Show the state of instances registered with a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-describe-lb-policies(1)
Show information about load balancer policies
euca2ools / eulb-describe-lb-policy-types(1)
Show information about load balancer policy types
euca2ools / eulb-describe-lbs(1)
Show information about load balancers
euca2ools / eulb-detach-lb-from-subnets(1)
[vpc only] remove a load balancer from one or more subnets
euca2ools / eulb-disable-zones-for-lb(1)
Remove a load balancer from one or more availability zones
euca2ools / eulb-enable-zones-for-lb(1)
Add a load balancer to one or more availability zones
euca2ools / eulb-register-instances-with-lb(1)
Add one or more instances to a load balancer
euca2ools / eulb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert(1)
Change the certificate that terminates a load balancer'slistener's ssl connections
euca2ools / eulb-set-lb-policies-for-backend-server(1)
Change the policies associated with a port on which load-balanced back end servers listen.
euca2ools / eulb-set-lb-policies-of-listener(1)
Change the policy associated with a load balancer listener
euler / euler(1)
Interactive mathematical program
rss-glx / euphoria(1)
Floating wisps.
eureka / eureka(1)
Doom editor
euca2ools / euscale-create-auto-scaling-group(1)
Create a new auto-scaling group
euca2ools / euscale-create-launch-config(1)
Create a new auto-scaling instance launch configuration
euca2ools / euscale-create-or-update-tags(1)
Create or update one or more resource tags
euca2ools / euscale-delete-auto-scaling-group(1)
Delete an auto-scaling group
euca2ools / euscale-delete-launch-config(1)
Delete an auto-scaling instance launch configuration
euca2ools / euscale-delete-notification-configuration(1)
Delete an auto-scaling group's notification configuration
euca2ools / euscale-delete-policy(1)
Delete a scaling policy
euca2ools / euscale-delete-scheduled-action(1)
Delete a scheduled action
euca2ools / euscale-delete-tags(1)
Delete one or more resource tags
euca2ools / euscale-describe-adjustment-types(1)
Describe policy adjustment types usable with scaling policies
euca2ools / euscale-describe-auto-scaling-groups(1)
Describe auto-scaling groups
euca2ools / euscale-describe-auto-scaling-instances(1)
Describe instances in auto-scaling groups
euca2ools / euscale-describe-auto-scaling-notification-types(1)
List all notification types supported by the service
euca2ools / euscale-describe-launch-configs(1)
Describe auto-scaling instance launch configurations
euca2ools / euscale-describe-metric-collection-types(1)
Describe auto-scaling metrics and granularities
euca2ools / euscale-describe-notification-configurations(1)
Describe notification actions associated with auto-scaling groups
euca2ools / euscale-describe-policies(1)
Describe auto-scaling policies
euca2ools / euscale-describe-process-types(1)
List all types of scaling processes
euca2ools / euscale-describe-scaling-activities(1)
Describe past and current auto-scaling activities
euca2ools / euscale-describe-scheduled-actions(1)
Describe scheduled auto-scaling group actions
euca2ools / euscale-describe-tags(1)
Describe auto-scaling tags
euca2ools / euscale-describe-termination-policy-types(1)
List all termination policies supported by the service
euca2ools / euscale-disable-metrics-collection(1)
Disable monitoring of an auto-scaling group's group metrics
euca2ools / euscale-enable-metrics-collection(1)
Enable monitoring of an auto-scaling group's group metrics
euca2ools / euscale-execute-policy(1)
Manually set an auto-scaling instance's health status
euca2ools / euscale-put-notification-configuration(1)
Create or replace an auto-scaling group's notification configuration
euca2ools / euscale-put-scaling-policy(1)
Create or update an auto-scaling group's scaling policy
euca2ools / euscale-put-scheduled-update-group-action(1)
Schedule a scaling action for an auto-scaling group
euca2ools / euscale-resume-processes(1)
Resume an auto-scaling group's auto-scaling processes
euca2ools / euscale-set-desired-capacity(1)
Set an auto-scaling group's desired capacity
euca2ools / euscale-set-instance-health(1)
Manually set an auto-scaling instance's health status
euca2ools / euscale-suspend-processes(1)
Suspend an auto-scaling group's auto-scaling processes
euca2ools / euscale-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group(1)
Manually terminate an auto-scaling instance
euca2ools / euscale-update-auto-scaling-group(1)
Update an auto-scaling group's parameters
brltty / eutp(1)
Eurobraille file transferring
euca2ools / euwatch-delete-alarms(1)
Delete alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-describe-alarm-history(1)
Retrieve history for one alarm or all alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-describe-alarms(1)
Describe alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-describe-alarms-for-metric(1)
Describe alarms for a single metric.
euca2ools / euwatch-disable-alarm-actions(1)
Disable all actions for one or more alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-enable-alarm-actions(1)
Enable all actions for one or more alarms
euca2ools / euwatch-get-stats(1)
Show a metric's statistics
euca2ools / euwatch-list-metrics(1)
Show a list of monitoring metrics
euca2ools / euwatch-put-data(1)
Add data points or statistics to a metric
euca2ools / euwatch-put-metric-alarm(1)
Create or update an alarm
euca2ools / euwatch-set-alarm-state(1)
Temporarily set the state of an alarm
octomap-tools / eval_octree_accuracy(1)
Evaluates the statistical accuracy
gtkwave / evcd2vcd(1)
Converts evcd files to vcd files
evemu-tools / evemu-describe(1)
Print information and events from an input device
evemu-tools / evemu-device(1)
Create a virtual input device and replay an event sequence
evemu-tools / evemu-event(1)
Create a virtual input device and replay an event sequence
evemu-tools / evemu-play(1)
Create a virtual input device and replay an event sequence
evemu-tools / evemu-record(1)
Print information and events from an input device
flowscan / event2vrule(1)
Adds 'events' to rrdtool graphs
omnievents / eventc(1)
Create a corba eventchannel and register it in the naming service
music-bin / eventcounter(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
omnievents / eventf(1)
Connect (federate) two corba eventchannels
music-bin / eventgenerator(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
xymon / eventlog.cgi(1)
Cgi program to report the xymon eventlog
music-bin / eventlogger(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
omnievents / events(1)
Stream events from or to a corba eventchannel
music-bin / eventselect(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
music-bin / eventsink(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
music-bin / eventsource(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
vim-gui-common / eview(1)
Easy vim, edit a file with vim and setup for modeless editing
evilvte / evilvte(1)
Highly customizable terminal emulator based on vte
evilwm / evilwm(1)
Minimalist window manager for x
vim-gui-common / evim(1)
Easy vim, edit a file with vim and setup for modeless editing
evince-common / evince(1)
Gnome document viewer the evince document viewer application for the gnome desktop environment
evince-common / evince-thumbnailer(1)
Create png thumbnails from postscript and pdf documents
evolution / evolution(1)
Groupware suite for gnome containing e-mail, calendar, addressbook, to-do list and memo tools
evolvotron / evolvotron(1)
Creates generative art by an interactive evolutionary process.
evolvotron / evolvotron_mutate(1)
Render an evolvotron function tree to an image.
evolvotron / evolvotron_render(1)
Render an evolvotron function tree to an image.
evtest / evtest(1)
Input device event monitor and query tool
ctn / ex1_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex2_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex3_acceptor(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex3_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex4_acceptor(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ex4_initiator(1)
Generic ctn manual page
mummer / exact-tandems(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
exaile / exaile(1)
Music manager and player
qmail / except(1)
Reverse the exit code of a program
openchangeclient / exchange2mbox(1)
Convert exchange mailbox to mbox file
liballegro4-dev / exedat(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
exempi / exempi(1)
Command line tool to manipulate xmp metadata
exfalso / exfalso(1)
Audio tag editor
exif / exif(1)
Shows exif information in jpeg files
spatialite-bin / exif_loader(1)
Upload jpeg/exif photos into a db
libjpeg-turbo-progs / exifautotran(1)
Transforms exif files so that orientation becomes 1
exiftags / exifcom(1)
Display or set the usercomment tag contained in a jpeg exif section
exifprobe / exifgrep(1)
Select and reformat the output of exifprobe
exifprobe / exifprobe(1)
Probe and report structure and metadata content of camera image files
exiftags / exiftags(1)
Output the properties contained in a jpeg exif section
exiftags / exiftime(1)
Display or adjust date & time exif tags; list files ordered by their exif date & time tags
exiftran / exiftran(1)
Transform digital camera jpeg images \# \#
exim4-dev / exim4-localscan-plugin-config(1)
Get information necessary to build and package exim4 plugins
exiv2 / exiv2(1)
Image metadata manipulation tool
xjdic / exjdxgen(1)
An electronic japanese-english dictionary program (v2.4) nb: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.
extra-xdg-menus / exmendis(1)
Enable or disable extra menus for gnome, kde and other xdg menu-spec compliant desktops
extra-xdg-menus / exmenen(1)
Enable or disable extra menus for gnome, kde and other xdg menu-spec compliant desktops
exmh / exmh(1)
An introduction to the exmh mail user interface.
exo-utils / exo-csource(1)
C code generation utility for arbitrary data
exo-utils / exo-desktop-item-edit(1)
Create icons on the desktop
exo-utils / exo-open(1)
Open urls and launch preferred applications
exo-utils / exo-preferred-applications(1)
Xfce preferred applications framework
exonerate / exonerate-client(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
snap / exonpairs(1)
Snap module exonpairs
sloccount / exp_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
coreutils / expand(1)
Convert tabs to spaces
expect / expect(1)
Programmed dialogue with interactive programs, version 5
expect / expect_autoexpect(1)
Generate an expect script from watching a session
expect / expect_cryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
expect / expect_decryptdir(1)
Encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
expect / expect_dislocate(1)
Disconnect and reconnect processes
expect / expect_kibitz(1)
Allow two people to interact with one shell
expect / expect_mkpasswd(1)
Generate new password, optionally apply it to a user
expect / expect_multixterm(1)
Drive multiple xterms separately or together
expect / expect_passmass(1)
Change password on multiple machines
expect / expect_tknewsbiff(1)
Pop up a window when news appears
expect / expect_unbuffer(1)
Unbuffer output
expect / expect_xkibitz(1)
Allow multiple people to interact in an xterm
expeyes / expeyes(1)
An interactive board to control the expeyes box
expeyes-doc-common / expeyes-doc(1)
Program to display the user manual of expeyes and expeyes-junior.
expeyes / expeyes-junior(1)
An interactive board to control the expeyes-junior box
expeyes-doc-common / expeyes-junior-doc(1)
Program to display the user manual of expeyes and expeyes-junior.
expeyes-doc-common / expeyes-progman-jr-doc(1)
Program to display the user manual of expeyes and expeyes-junior.
gitit / expireGititCache(1)
Requests cache expiration for gitit pages
s3ql / expire_backups(1)
Intelligently expire old backups
passwd / expiry(1)
Check and enforce password expiration policy
coreutils / expr(1)
Evaluate expressions
node-express-generator / express(1)
The quickest way to start using express framework
rlplot / exprlp(1)
Generate publication quality graphs exprlp - convert rlplot files to vector based graphic files
python-expyriment / expyriment-cli(1)
Command line interface for expyriment, a python library for cognitive and neuroscientific experiments
exrtools / exrblur(1)
Perform a gaussian blur on an openexr image
exrtools / exrchr(1)
Apply chromatic adaptation to an openexr image
openexr-viewers / exrdisplay(1)
Displays an exr image on the screen
openexr / exrenvmap(1)
For creating openexr environment maps.
openexr / exrheader(1)
Utility to print an openexr image file's header
exrtools / exricamtm(1)
Performs tone mapping on an openexr image (icam)
openexr / exrmakepreview(1)
For creating preview images for openexr files.
openexr / exrmaketiled(1)
For generating tiled and rip/mipmapped images.
exrtools / exrnlm(1)
Perform non-linear masking correction on an openexr image
exrtools / exrnormalize(1)
Normalize an openexr image
exrtools / exrpptm(1)
Performs tone mapping on an openexr image (photoreceptor)
exrtools / exrstats(1)
Display statistics about the contents of an openexr image
openexr / exrstdattr(1)
A utility for modifying openexr standard attributes.
exrtools / exrtools(1)
A collection of utilities for manipulating openexr images
exrtools / exrtopng(1)
Convert an openexr image to png format
magic / ext2sim(1)
Convert hierarchical ext\|(5) extracted-circuit files to flat sim\|(5) files
magic / ext2spice(1)
Convert hierarchical ext\|(5) extracted-circuit files to flat spice\| files
extace / extace(1)
Waveform viewer
magic / extcheck(1)
Check hierarchical ext\|(5) files for global node connectivity and summarize number of fets, nodes, etc.
survex / extend(1)
Extend produce an extended elevation from a .3d file
kdesdk-scripts / extend_dmalloc(1)
Analyze return-addresses from dmalloc logfiles.
miniupnpc / external-ip(1)
Finds the external ip of your gateway
extlinux / extlinux(1)
Install the \s-1syslinux\s+1 bootloader on a ext2/ext3/ext4/btrfs filesystem
puppet-common / extlookup2hiera(1)
A 'puppet extlookup'-csv converter
extract / extract(1)
Determine meta-information about a file
liba52-0.7.4-dev / extract_a52(1)
Extract atsc a/52 audio from a mpeg stream.
libchm-bin / extract_chmLib(1)
Extracts a chm file into a directory.
cloop-utils / extract_compressed_fs(1)
Convert and extract a filesystem to/from a cloop volume
libdca-utils / extract_dca(1)
Extract dts coherent acoustics audio from a mpeg stream.
libdca-utils / extract_dts(1)
Extract dts coherent acoustics audio from a mpeg stream.
mpeg2dec / extract_mpeg2(1)
Extract mpeg video streams from a multiplexed stream.
stx2any / extract_usage_from_stx(1)
Extract usage: messages from manpages written in stx
kdesdk-scripts / extractattr(1)
Extract element attributes from ui and xml gui files
argyll / extracticc(1)
Extract an icc profile from a tiff file.
kdesdk-scripts / extractrc(1)
Extract message strings from ui and gui-rc files
psutils / extractres(1)
Filter to extract resources from a postscript document
argyll / extractttag(1)
Extract a text tag from an icc profile.
icoutils / extresso(1)
Wrapper for wrestool and icotool
extundelete / extundelete(1)
Utility to undelete files from an ext3 or ext4 partition.
eyed3 / eyeD3(1)
Displays and manipulates id3-tags on mp3 files
netpbm / eyuvtoppm(1)
Convert a berkeley yuv file to a portable pixmap file
ezstream / ezstream(1)
Ezstream easy media streaming client for icecast servers
eztrace / eztrace(1)
Performance analysis tool
eztrace / eztrace.old(1)
Performance analysis tool
eztrace / eztrace_avail(1)
Print the list of available eztrace modules
eztrace / eztrace_cc(1)
Compile an openmp application for eztrace
eztrace / eztrace_convert(1)
Create paje/otf traces
eztrace / eztrace_create_plugin(1)
Creates an eztrace plugin
eztrace / eztrace_loaded(1)
Print the list of selected eztrace modules
eztrace / eztrace_stats(1)
Compute statistics from execution traces
f-irc / f-irc(1)
A user friendly irc client for a terminal/command-line/console
qpxtool / f1tattoo(1)
Disc t@2 feature for yamaha f1 cd-rw devices
f2c / f2c(1)
Convert fortran 77 to c or c++
python-numpy / f2py(1)
Fortran to python interface generator
python-numpy / f2py2.7(1)
Fortran to python interface generator
python3-numpy / f2py3(1)
Fortran to python interface generator
python3-numpy / f2py3.4(1)
Fortran to python interface generator
f3 / f3read(1)
Test real flash memory capacity
f3 / f3write(1)
Test real flash memory capacity
sloccount / f90_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
anfo / fa2dna(1)
Format fasta database for use with anfo
ncbi-tools-bin / fa2htgs(1)
Formatter for high throughput genome sequencing project submissions
faad / faad(1)
Faad process an advanced audio codec stream
fabric / fab(1)
Simple pythonic remote deployment tool
python-fabio / fabio_viewer(1)
coreutils / factor(1)
Factor numbers
libmath-prime-util-perl / factor.pl(1)
Print prime factors
fadecut / fadecut(1)
Toolset to rip audiostreams, cut, fade in/out and tag the resulting audiofiles
ncbi-epcr / fahash(1)
Sequence hash builder for reverse e-pcr
fai-client / fai-class(1)
Define classes using files and scripts.
fai-client / fai-debconf(1)
Set debconf values using classes
fai-client / fai-do-scripts(1)
Call configuration scripts
fai-server / fai-mirror(1)
Create and manage a partial mirror for fai
fai-server / fai-monitor-gui(1)
Fai monitor daemon, graphical interface
argonaut-fai-server / fai2ldif(1)
Read fai classes and create an ldif file to be imported into an ldap server
fail2ban / fail2ban(1)
A set of server and client programs to limit brute force authentication attempts.
fail2ban / fail2ban-client(1)
Configure and control the server
fail2ban / fail2ban-regex(1)
Test fail2ban "failregex" option
fail2ban / fail2ban-server(1)
Start the server
fai-server / faimond-gui(1)
Fai monitor daemon, graphical interface
argyll / fakeCMY(1)
Create a fake cmy data file from a cmyk profile.
haskell-debian-utils / fakechanges(1)
Reverse engineer a debian .changes file.
fakeroot / faked-sysv(1)
Daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of files manipulated by fakeroot processes.
fakeroot / faked-tcp(1)
Daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of files manipulated by fakeroot processes.
argyll / fakeread(1)
Fake test chart reader - lookup values in icc/mpp profile.
fakeroot-ng / fakeroot-ng(1)
Run a command while making it believe it is running as root
fakeroot / fakeroot-sysv(1)
Run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation
fakeroot / fakeroot-tcp(1)
Run a command in an environment faking root privileges for file manipulation
faketime / faketime(1)
Manipulate the system time for a given command
falconpl / falcon(1)
The falcon programming language command line interpreter
falconpl-dev / falcon-conf(1)
Falcon makefile settings helper
falconpl-dev / falconeer.fal(1)
Falcon skeleton module startup configurator script
falconpl / faldisass(1)
The falcon disassembler
falconpl-dev / fallc.fal(1)
Falcon language table compiler
util-linux / fallocate(1)
Preallocate or deallocate space to a file
falconpl-dev / falpack(1)
The falcon application packaging tool
falconpl / falrun(1)
The falcon command line execution tool
coreutils / false(1)
Do nothing, unsuccessfully
falselogin / falselogin(1)
A false login shell
falconpl-dev / faltest(1)
Falcon unit test interface.
ncbi-epcr / famap(1)
Prepare fasta sequence database for re-pcr searches
fapg / fapg(1)
Fast audio playlist generator
fastdnaml / fastDNAml(1)
Dna maximum likelihood program
fastdnaml / fastDNAml-util(1)
Dna maximum likelihood program
exonerate / fasta2esd(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
mira-assembler / fasta2frag(1)
Splits a single fasta sequence into several overlapping fragments.
fastx-toolkit / fasta_clipping_histogram.pl(1)
Create a linker clipping information histogram
fastx-toolkit / fasta_formatter(1)
Changes the width of sequences line in a fasta file
fastx-toolkit / fasta_nucleotide_changer(1)
Convets fasta sequences from/to rna/dna
exonerate / fastaannotatecdna(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastachecksum(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastaclean(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastaclip(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
blast2 / fastacmd(1)
Retrieve fasta sequences from a blast database
exonerate / fastacomposition(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastadiff(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastaexplode(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastafetch(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastahardmask(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastaindex(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastalength(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastanrdb(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastaoverlap(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
fastaq / fastaq_capillary_to_pairs(1)
fastaq / fastaq_chunker(1)
fastaq / fastaq_count_sequences(1)
fastaq / fastaq_deinterleave(1)
fastaq / fastaq_enumerate_names(1)
fastaq / fastaq_expand_nucleotides(1)
fastaq / fastaq_extend_gaps(1)
fastaq / fastaq_fasta_to_fastq(1)
fastaq / fastaq_filter(1)
fastaq / fastaq_get_ids(1)
fastaq / fastaq_get_seq_flanking_gaps(1)
fastaq / fastaq_insert_or_delete_bases(1)
fastaq / fastaq_interleave(1)
fastaq / fastaq_long_read_simulate(1)
fastaq / fastaq_make_random_contigs(1)
fastaq / fastaq_merge(1)
fastaq / fastaq_replace_bases(1)
fastaq / fastaq_reverse_complement(1)
fastaq / fastaq_scaffolds_to_contigs(1)
fastaq / fastaq_search_for_seq(1)
fastaq / fastaq_sequence_trim(1)
fastaq / fastaq_split_by_base_count(1)
fastaq / fastaq_strip_illumina_suffix(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_fake_qual(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_fasta(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_mira_xml(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_orfs_gff(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_perfect_reads(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_quasr_primers_file(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_random_subset(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_tiling_bam(1)
fastaq / fastaq_to_unique_by_id(1)
fastaq / fastaq_translate(1)
fastaq / fastaq_trim_Ns_at_end(1)
fastaq / fastaq_trim_ends(1)
exonerate / fastareformat(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastaremove(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastarevcomp(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
mira-assembler / fastaselect(1)
Select fasta sequences in a file
exonerate / fastasoftmask(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastasort(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastasplit(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastasubseq(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
mira-assembler / fastatool(1)
Provides a set of tools useful when working with fasta files.
exonerate / fastatranslate(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
exonerate / fastautils(1)
Fasta format file manipulation utilities
exonerate / fastavalidcds(1)
Suite for investigating dna and rna sequence similarities
android-tools-fastboot / fastboot(1)
Manipulate the non-volatile flash partitions
mono-fastcgi-server2 / fastcgi-mono-server2(1)
Mono asp.net web server (xsp and xsp2)
mono-fastcgi-server4 / fastcgi-mono-server4(1)
Mono asp.net web server (xsp and xsp2)
fastdep / fastdep(1)
Fastdep fast dependency generator for c/c++
fastforward / fastforward(1)
Forward mail according to a cdb database
fastjar / fastjar(1)
Archive tool for java archives
libfastjet-dev / fastjet-config(1)
fastx-toolkit / fastq_masker(1)
Masks nucleotides with 'n' (or other character) based on quality
fastx-toolkit / fastq_quality_boxplot_graph.sh(1)
Solexa-quality boxplot plotter
fastx-toolkit / fastq_quality_converter(1)
Converts sequences based on quality
fastx-toolkit / fastq_quality_filter(1)
Filters sequences based on quality
fastx-toolkit / fastq_quality_trimmer(1)
Filters sequences based on quality
fastx-toolkit / fastq_to_fasta(1)
Convert fastq files to fasta files
fastqc / fastqc(1)
High throughput sequence qc analysis tool synopsis fastqc seqfile1 seqfile2 .. seqfilen fastqc [-o output dir] [--(no)extract] [-f fastq|bam|sam] [-c contaminant file] seqfile1 .. seqfilen
mira-assembler / fastqselect(1)
Select fastq sequences in a file
fasttree / fasttree(1)
Create phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences
fasttree / fasttreeMP(1)
Create phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences (openmp version)
fastx-toolkit / fastx_artifacts_filter(1)
Fastq/a artifacts filter
fastx-toolkit / fastx_barcode_splitter.pl(1)
Fastx barcode splitter
fastx-toolkit / fastx_clipper(1)
Fasta/q clipper
fastx-toolkit / fastx_collapser(1)
Fasta/q collapser
fastx-toolkit / fastx_nucleotide_distribution_graph.sh(1)
Fasta/q nucleotide distribution plotter
fastx-toolkit / fastx_nucleotide_distribution_line_graph.sh(1)
Fasta/q nucleotide distribution plotter
fastx-toolkit / fastx_quality_stats(1)
Fastx statistics
fastx-toolkit / fastx_renamer(1)
Fasta/q renamer
fastx-toolkit / fastx_reverse_complement(1)
Fastq/a reverse complement
fastx-toolkit / fastx_trimmer(1)
Fasta/q trimmer
fastx-toolkit / fastx_uncollapser(1)
Fasta/q uncollapser
fatattr / fatattr(1)
Display or change attributes on a fat filesystem
fatcat / fatcat(1)
Fat filesystem explore, extract, repair, and forensic tool
snap / fathom(1)
Sequence and annotation tool
fatrace / fatrace(1)
Report system wide file access events
fatresize / fatresize(1)
Fatresize resize an fat16/fat32 volume non-destructively
fatsort / fatsort(1)
Fat filesystem sorting utility
faucc / faucc(1)
C compiler generating intel code for 16 bit/32 bit cpus.
netpipes / faucet(1)
A fixture for a bsd network pipe netpipes 4.2
fauhdlc / fauhdlc(1)
Compile vhdl files to intermediate code.
fauhdlc / fauhdli(1)
Interprete intermediate code that was generated from fauhdlc.
efax / fax(1)
Make, send, receive, view or print a fax
libtiff-tools / fax2ps(1)
Convert a tiff facsimile to compressed \*(ps\(tm
libtiff-tools / fax2tiff(1)
Create a tiff class f fax file from raw fax data
hylafax-client / faxalter(1)
Alter parameters of a \*(fx job queued for transmission
hylafax-client / faxcover(1)
Generate a \*(ps cover page for an outgoing facsimile
hylafax-client / faxmail(1)
\*(fx mail-to-fax gateway application
mgetty-fax / faxq(1)
Display fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
hylafax-client / faxrm(1)
Remove a \*(fx job or document from a server
mgetty-fax / faxrm(1)
Remove fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
mgetty-fax / faxrunq(1)
Send fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
capi4hylafax / faxsend(1)
Send fax using hylafax about modem or capi
mgetty-fax / faxspool(1)
Queue and convert files for faxing with sendfax(8)
hylafax-client / faxstat(1)
Display \*(fx status
findbugs / fb(1)
Static java code analyzer
calibre / fb2-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from fb2 file
firebird-dev / fb_config(1)
Information about firebird configuration
hercules / fba2cfba(1)
fbautostart / fbautostart(1)
Autostart all xdg applications
fbb / fbbgetconf(1)
Returns values from the fbb configuration
fbcat / fbcat(1)
Takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device
fbcat / fbgrab(1)
Takes a screenshot using the framebuffer device
fbi / fbgs(1)
Poor man's postscript/pdf viewer for the linux framebuffer console. \# \#
fbpager / fbpager(1)
Pager application for the fluxbox window manager
fbpanel / fbpanel(1)
A netwm compliant lightweight gtk2-based panel for unix desktop.
fbreader / fbreader(1)
E-book reader
fluxbox / fbrun(1)
Display run dialog window
fbset / fbset(1)
Show and modify frame buffer device settings
fluxbox / fbsetbg(1)
Set a background wallpaper or pattern
fluxbox / fbsetroot(1)
A simple background utility used by the fluxbox(1) window manager, originally written for and by the original blackbox(1) window manager.
firebird2.5-server-common / fbstat(1)
Gstat tool for retrieving and reporting database statistics.
fbterm / fbterm(1)
A fast frame buffer based terminal emulator for linux
fbterm-ucimf / fbterm_ucimf(1)
Ucimf input method interface for fbterm
fbtv / fbtv(1)
A console program for watching tv
fbx-playlist / fbx-playlist(1)
Create playlists for the freebox
freeplayer / fbx-playlist-cmd(1)
Create playlists for the freebox
fbxkb / fbxkb(1)
A lightweight x11 keyboard switcher.
f2c / fc(1)
Frontend script to the f2c fortran compiler
fontconfig / fc-cache(1)
Build font information cache files
fontconfig / fc-cat(1)
Read font information cache files
fontconfig / fc-list(1)
List available fonts
fontconfig / fc-match(1)
Match available fonts
fontconfig / fc-pattern(1)
Parse and show pattern
fontconfig / fc-query(1)
Query font files
fontconfig / fc-scan(1)
Scan font files or directories
fontconfig / fc-validate(1)
Validate font files
nypatchy / fcasplit(1)
Tool to split source code into separate per-routine files
sleuthkit / fcat(1)
Output the contents of a file based on its name.
fccexam / fccexam(1)
gnuradio / fcd_nfm_rx(1)
Narrow band fm receiver example
fcitx-bin / fcitx(1)
Free chinese input toy of x - a chinese ime for xim
fcitx-bin / fcitx-remote(1)
Tool for control fcitx state via console
fhist / fcomp(1)
File compare
jconvolver / fconvolver(1)
Is a convolution engine for jack using fft-based partitioned convolution with multiple partition sizes.
fcrackzip / fcrackzip(1)
A free/fast zip password cracker
fcrackzip / fcrackzipinfo(1)
Display zip information
fdclone / fd(1)
File & directory maintenance tool
gprolog / fd2c(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
fp-utils-2.6.4 / fd2pascal-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal forms description to pascal program converter
python-mlpy / fda-landscape(1)
Command line interface to fda-landscape in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
grace / fdf2fit(1)
Fdf2fit script to convert origin-4 .fdf fit parameter files to grace format
plastimatch / fdk(1)
Cone-beam reconstruction from projections using the fdk algorithm the term fdk refers to the authors feldkamp, davis, and kress who wrote the seminal paper "practical cone-beam algorithm" in 1984. their paper describes a filtered back-projection reconstruction algorithm for cone-beam geometries. the fdk program in plastimatch is an implmenetation of the fdk algorithm.
fdutils / fdlist(1)
fdutils / fdmount(1)
fdutils / fdmountd(1)
firedns / fdnscname(1)
Resolve the canonical name of a host
firedns / fdnsip(1)
Resolve a hostname to an ipv4 address
firedns / fdnsip6(1)
Resolve a hostname to an ipv6 address
firedns / fdnsip6list(1)
Resolve a hostname to a list of ipv6 addresses
firedns / fdnsiplist(1)
Resolve a hostname to a list of ipv4 addresses
firedns / fdnsmx(1)
Resolve an mx record of a hostname
firedns / fdnsmxalist(1)
Resolve a list of mx records and their corresponding a records for hostname
firedns / fdnsmxlist(1)
Resolve a list of mx records for hostname
firedns / fdnsname(1)
Resolve an ipv4 or ipv6 address to a hostname
firedns / fdnsnamep(1)
Resolve an ipv4 or ipv6 address to a hostname with paranoid checking
firedns / fdnsspf1(1)
Resolve an spf version 1 record of a hostname
firedns / fdnstxt(1)
Resolve a txt record of a hostname
firedns / fdnstxtlist(1)
Resolve a list of txt records for a hostname
graphviz / fdp(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
fdutils / fdrawcmd(1)
fdclone / fdsh(1)
Simple shell for fdclone
device-tree-compiler / fdtdump(1)
Prints a readable version of a flat device-tree file.
device-tree-compiler / fdtget(1)
Read values from device-tree
device-tree-compiler / fdtput(1)
Write a property value to a device-tree
fdutils / fdumount(1)
fdupes / fdupes(1)
Finds duplicate files in a given set of directories
fedmsg / fedmsg-announce(1)
Send an announcement to the fedmsg bus
fedmsg / fedmsg-collectd(1)
Collectd plugin for monitoring the fedmsg bus
fedmsg / fedmsg-config(1)
Query or print the parsed fedmsg configuration
fedmsg / fedmsg-dg-replay(1)
Replay a message from the datagrepper history on your local bus
fedmsg-gateway / fedmsg-gateway(1)
Rebroadcast messages to a special fedmsg bus endpoint
fedmsg-hub / fedmsg-hub(1)
All-purpose fedmsg consuming daemon
fedmsg-irc / fedmsg-irc(1)
Relay messages from the fedmsg bus to any number of irc channels
fedmsg / fedmsg-logger(1)
Simply emit messages from the command-line to the fedmsg bus
fedmsg-relay / fedmsg-relay(1)
Relay connections from active loggers to the fedmsg bus
fedmsg / fedmsg-tail(1)
Listen to the fedmsg bus and print the received messages
fedmsg / fedmsg-trigger(1)
Run a command when messages arrive on the fedmsg bug
feed2imap / feed2imap(1)
Clever rss/atom feed aggregator
feed2imap / feed2imap-cleaner(1)
Removes old items from imap folders
feed2imap / feed2imap-dumpconfig(1)
Dump feed2imap config
feed2imap / feed2imap-opmlimport(1)
Convert an opml subscription list to a feed2imap config file
rss-glx / feedback(1)
Stirring colors with a jiggling warp.
python-feedvalidator / feedvalidator(1)
A tool for validating syndication feeds
feh / feh-cam(1)
A utility for viewing live webcam images gen_cam_menu.sh - a utility for updating enlightenment user menus for feh-cam.
felix-latin / felix(1)
A browser for a latin-french dictionary
felix-main / felix-framework(1)
Command line felix osgi framework launcher
dvb-apps / femon(1)
A program to monitor dvb frontend signal input.
fenix / fenix(1)
Development environment for making 2d games
fenix / fenix-fpg(1)
Create packages of multiple images for fenix
fenix / fenix-fxc(1)
Fenix compiler
fenix / fenix-fxi(1)
Fenix interpreter
fenix / fenix-map(1)
Convert images to fenix native format (map)
ferm / ferm(1)
A firewall rule parser for linux
ferret / ferret(1)
Case tool for edit data models
ruby-ferret / ferret-browser(1)
Lets you browse ferret indexes
festival / festival(1)
A text-to-speech system.
festival / festival_client(1)
Client access to festiva; text-to-speech server mode
fet / fet(1)
Free timetabling
sendfile / fetchfile(1)
Fetch file(s) via o-saft protocol
fetchyahoo / fetchyahoo(1)
Retrieve mail from yahoo!'s webmail service
freefem++ / ff-c++(1)
Tool for automatic compilation with freefem++ library
freefem++ / ff-get-dep(1)
Tool to retreive dependence for compilation with freefem++ library
freefem++ / ff-mpirun(1)
A tool for running jobs in parallel within freefem++
freefem++ / ff-pkg-download(1)
Tool to download package for building freefem++ loadable modules
freefem3d / ff3d(1)
Freefem3d is a general pde solver
ffdiaporama / ffDiaporama(1)
Movie creator
ffado-tools / ffado-bridgeco-downloader(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-dbus-server / ffado-dbus-server(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-tools / ffado-diag(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-tools / ffado-fireworks-downloader(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-mixer-qt4 / ffado-mixer(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-tools / ffado-test(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-tools / ffado-test-isorecv(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-tools / ffado-test-isoxmit(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-tools / ffado-test-streaming(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
ffado-tools / ffado-tools(1)
Free firewire audio drivers
freefem++ / ffbamg(1)
A two - dimensional anisotropic mesh generator and interpolator
python-ffc / ffc(1)
The fenics form compiler
joystick / ffcfstress(1)
Constant force stress test for force-feedback devices
ffe / ffe(1)
Flat file extractor
freefem++ / ffglut(1)
A visualisation tool, based on the glut library, used for viewing meshes and results within freefem++
hugs / ffihugs(1)
Hugs 98, functional programming system
sleuthkit / ffind(1)
Finds the name of the file or directory using a given inode
ffindex / ffindex_apply(1)
Apply a program to each ffindex entry
ffindex / ffindex_build(1)
Build file index from files in directories
ffindex / ffindex_from_fasta(1)
Populate index from fasta file
ffindex / ffindex_get(1)
Retrieve entries from file index
ffindex / ffindex_modify(1)
Modify file index entries
ffindex / ffindex_unpack(1)
Unpack file index entries
fflas-ffpack / fflas-ffpack-config(1)
Configuration tool for fflas-ffpack
freefem++ / ffmedit(1)
A tool that runs medit adapted to freefem++
ffmpeg2theora / ffmpeg2theora(1)
Command-line converter to create ogg theora and ogg vorbis files.
ffmpegthumbnailer / ffmpegthumbnailer(1)
Fast and lightweight video thumbnailer
ffmsindex / ffmsindex(1)
Ffmpegsource2 indexing app
joystick / ffmvforce(1)
Force orientation test for force-feedback devices
joystick / ffset(1)
Set force-feedback device parameters
joystick / fftest(1)
Tests force-feedback devices.
mafft / fftns(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mafft / fftnsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
libfftw3-bin / fftw-wisdom(1)
Create wisdom (pre-optimized ffts)
libfftw3-bin / fftw-wisdom-to-conf(1)
Generate fftw wisdom (pre-planned transforms)
libfftw3-bin / fftwf-wisdom(1)
Create wisdom (pre-optimized ffts)
libfftw3-bin / fftwl-wisdom(1)
Create wisdom (pre-optimized ffts)
libfftw3-bin / fftwq-wisdom(1)
Create wisdom (pre-optimized ffts)
kbd / fgconsole(1)
Print the number of the active vt.
flightgear / fgfs(1)
Flightgear flight simulator
flightgear / fgjs(1)
Flightgear joystick utility
flightgear / fgpanel(1)
Flightgear flight simulator panel rendering engine
grep / fgrep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
fgrun / fgrun(1)
Flightgear flight simulatior graphical launcher:
fhist / fhist(1)
File history
netpbm / fiascotopnm(1)
Convert compressed fiasco image to pgm, or ppm
id-utils / fid(1)
List identifiers that occur in filename
rss-glx / fieldlines(1)
Simulation of the electric field lines between charged particles.
transfig / fig2dev(1)
Translates fig code to various graphics languages
fig2ps / fig2eps(1)
Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all the text marked as special with latex.
transfig / fig2mpdf(1)
Creation of multilayer pdf or eps figures from fig files using latex for typesetting
fig2ps / fig2pdf(1)
Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all the text marked as special with latex.
fig2ps / fig2ps(1)
Convert xfig files in ps|pdf, processing all the text marked as special with latex.
transfig / fig2ps2tex(1)
Generate a tex file for including a postscript file
fig2sxd / fig2sxd(1)
Utility to convert .fig to .sxd
toilet / figlet-toilet(1)
Display large colourful characters
figtoipe / figtoipe(1)
Convert fig figures into ipe format
figtree / figtree(1)
Graphical phylogenetic tree viewer
anfo / file-info(1)
Format fasta database for use with anfo
file-roller / file-roller(1)
Archive manager for gnome
file-kanji / file2(1)
Kanji code checker.
liblouisutdml-bin / file2brl(1)
Manual page for file2brl (liblouisutdml) 2.5.0
opencaster / file2mod(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
ndoutils-common / file2sock(1)
Sends the contents of a file to a tcp or unix domain socket.
xa65 / file65(1)
Print information for o65 object files
gnuradio / file_rx_hrpt(1)
Usrp hrpt receiver
etktab / fileconvert-v1-to-v2(1)
Converts etktab saved files from v1 to v2
leptonica-progs / fileinfo(1)
Image processing library
wcstools / filename(1)
filepp / filepp(1)
A generic file preprocessor
wcstools / fileroot(1)
fileschanged / fileschanged(1)
Displays altered files
wcstools / filext(1)
filezilla / filezilla(1)
Ftp client
vcftools / fill-aa(1)
Fill in ancestral alleles
vcftools / fill-an-ac(1)
Fill or recalculate an and ac info fields.
vcftools / fill-fs(1)
Annotate vcf with flanking sequence
vcftools / fill-ref-md5(1)
Computes md5 sum of the reference sequence
vcftools / fill-rsIDs(1)
Fill missing rsids
ctn / fillImageDB(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / fillImageDBScript(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / fillRSA(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / fillRSAImpInterp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
filter / filter(1)
Filter incoming messages before adding to mailbox
profphd-utils / filter_hssp(1)
Filters an hssp file
patchutils / filterdiff(1)
Extract or exclude diffs from a diff file
macs / filterdup(1)
Filter duplicate reads depending on sequencing depth
konwert / filterm(1)
Filter terminal input and/or output
finch / finch(1)
A pimpin' penguin console frontend to libpurple. instant messaging client.
findutils / find(1)
Search for files in a directory hierarchy
findbugs / findbugs(1)
Static java code analyzer
setools / findcon(1)
Selinux file context search tool
perforate / finddup(1)
Find identical files and do something with them
pythoncard-tools / findfiles(1)
Utility to locate files containing specific content
xymon / findhost.cgi(1)
Xymon cgi script to find hosts
texlive-extra-utils / findhyph(1)
Find words hyphenated by tex in a document
kdesdk-scripts / findmissingcrystal(1)
Determine which kde crystal icons are the same as the kde classic hicolor icons
gridsite-clients / findproxyfile(1)
Returns full path to gsi proxy file
dcmtk / findscu(1)
Dicom query (c-find) scu
smbclient / findsmb(1)
List info about machines that respond to smb name queries on a subnet
ncbi-tools-bin / findspl(1)
Find protein splice sites
perforate / findstrip(1)
Find programs that are not stripped
ucspi-tcp / finger@(1)
Gets user information from a remote host.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / finger@(1)
Get user information from a host
fio / fio(1)
Flexible i/o tester
fio / fio2gnuplot(1)
Render fio's output files with gnuplot
fio / fio_generate_plots(1)
Generate plots for flexible i/o tester
firehol / firehol(1)
An easy to use but powerful iptables stateful firewall
firewalld / firewall-applet(1)
Firewalld applet
firewalld / firewall-config(1)
Firewalld gui configuration tool
firewalld / firewall-offline-cmd(1)
Firewalld offline command line client
firewalld / firewalld(1)
Dynamic firewall manager
brickos / firmdl3(1)
A firmware downloader for the rcx. version 3.0.
yagiuda / first(1)
Yagi-uda project quick antenna builder
ctn / fis_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
fische / fische(1)
Standalone sound visualisation
fishpoke / fishpoke(1)
Trigger a poll immediately instead of waiting for the configured polling interval.
fishpolld / fishpolld(1)
Daemon that allows remote script's execution when triggered from the network
freetds-bin / fisql(1)
Interactive sql shell
fitgcp / fitgcp(1)
Fit mixtures of probability distributions to genome coverage profiles
pyfits-utils / fitscheck(1)
Script to detect and fix fits standards violations
libcfitsio-bin / fitscopy(1)
Copy fits files with optional filtering
pyfits-utils / fitsdiff(1)
Compare two fits image files and report the differences in header keywords and data.
wcslib-tools / fitshdr(1)
List headers from a fits file
qfits-tools / fitsmd5(1)
Compute/update the datamd5 keyword/value
qfits-tools / fitsort(1)
Sort fits header information from a list of files
netpbm / fitstopnm(1)
Convert a fits file into a portable anymap
fitsverify / fitsverify(1)
Test if the input file(s) conform to the fits format
fityk / fityk(1)
Non-linear curve fitting and data analysis
fiu-utils / fiu-ctrl(1)
A script to remote control programs using libfiu
fiu-utils / fiu-ls(1)
List processes available for libfiu remote control
fiu-utils / fiu-run(1)
A script to launch programs using libfiu
sleuthkit / fiwalk(1)
Print the filesystem statistics and exit
qpdf / fix-qdf(1)
Repair pdf files in qdf form after editing
mira-assembler / fixACE4consed(1)
Workaround to allow consed loading the ace generated by mira
iwyu / fix_include(1)
Update the source code with iwyu output
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / fixcr(1)
Make sure that there is a cr before each lf
ucspi-tcp / fixcrio(1)
Inserts missing crs at the ends of lines.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / fixcrio(1)
Inserts missing crs at the ends of lines.
patchutils / fixcvsdiff(1)
Fix problematic diff files
psutils / fixdlsrps(1)
Filter to fix dvilaser/ps documents to work with psutils
psutils / fixfmps(1)
Filter to fix framemaker documents so psutils work
a2ps / fixnt(1)
Filter for the windows nt postscript printer driver.
wcstools / fixpix(1)
snmp / fixproc(1)
Fixes a process by performing the specified action.
a2ps / fixps(1)
Sanitize postscript files
psutils / fixpsditps(1)
Filter to fix transcript psdit documents so psutils work
psutils / fixpspps(1)
Filter to fix psprint postscript so psutils work
psutils / fixscribeps(1)
Filter to fix scribe documents so psutils work
impose+ / fixtd(1)
Insert tumble and duplex directives in a postscript file
psutils / fixtpps(1)
Filter to fix tpscript documents to work with psutils
kdesdk-scripts / fixuifiles(1)
Remove undesirable features from qt/kde .ui files
psutils / fixwfwps(1)
Filter to fix word for windows documents so psutils work
psutils / fixwpps(1)
Filter to fix wp documents so psutils work
psutils / fixwwps(1)
Filter to fix windows write documents so psutils work
zoo / fiz(1)
Analyze damaged zoo archive for data recovery
funkload / fl-build-report(1)
Generate a report from a funkload bench result file
funkload / fl-credential-ctl(1)
Xml-rpc credential server for funkload
funkload / fl-install-demo(1)
Installs funkload demonstration files
funkload / fl-monitor-ctl(1)
Monitors server health during funkload benchs
funkload / fl-record(1)
Records a live funkload test using tcpwatch
funkload / fl-run-bench(1)
Runs a funkload test
funkload / fl-run-test(1)
Runs a funkload test file
flac / flac(1)
Flac free lossless audio codec
flactag / flactag(1)
A tagger for whole album flacs using data from the musicbrainz service
flake / flake(1)
Alternative free lossless audio codec encoder
python-flake8 / flake8(1)
Code checker using pep8 and pyflakes
flam3 / flam3-animate(1)
Render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-render - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-genome - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-convert - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes
flam3 / flam3-convert(1)
Render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-render - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-genome - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-convert - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes
flam3 / flam3-genome(1)
Render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-render - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-genome - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-convert - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes
flam3 / flam3-render(1)
Render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-render - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-genome - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes flam3-convert - render and animate flam3s and manipulate their genomes
python-foolscap / flappclient(1)
Foolscap client
python-foolscap / flappserver(1)
Foolscap server
flare-engine / flare(1)
Action role-playing engine
fldigi / flarq(1)
Arq data transfer utility for fldigi
flashbake / flashbake(1)
Automated snapshots with git
flashbake / flashbakeall(1)
Runs flashbake recursively
node-flashproxy / flashproxy(1)
The flashproxy standalone nodejs proxy
flashproxy-client / flashproxy-client(1)
The flash proxy client transport plugin
flashproxy-client / flashproxy-reg-appspot(1)
Register with a facilitator through google app engine.
flashproxy-client / flashproxy-reg-email(1)
Register with a facilitator using the email method
flashproxy-client / flashproxy-reg-http(1)
Register with a facilitator using the http method
flashproxy-client / flashproxy-reg-url(1)
Register with a facilitator using an indirect url
python-flask-httpauth / flask-httpauth(1)
Flask-httpauth documentation flask-httpauth is a simple extension that provides basic and digest http authentication for flask routes.
flasm / flasm(1)
A flash (swf) bytecode assembler/disassembler.
rivet / flat2aida(1)
Convert make-plots data files to aida xml format.
alliance / flatbeh(1)
Synthetize a behavioral description from a structural description
weboob / flatboob(1)
Search for housing
flawfinder / flawfinder(1)
Lexically find potential security flaws ("hits") in source code
fldiff / fldiff(1)
Compare files and directories graphically
fldigi / fldigi(1)
Digital modem program for hamradio operators
fldigi / fldigi-shell(1)
Program for controlling fldigi
flex / flex(1)
The fast lexical analyser generator
flex-old / flex(1)
Fast lexical analyzer generator
flex / flex++(1)
The fast lexical analyser generator
flex-old / flex++(1)
Fast lexical analyzer generator
flexbackup / flexbackup(1)
A flexible backup/archiving tool
flexbar / flexbar(1)
Flexible barcode and adapter removal for sequencing platforms
flexloader / flexloader(1)
Gpl utility to configure sram based altera devices via the altera byteblaster
flexml / flexml(1)
Generate validating xml processor and applications from dtd
flickcurl-utils / flickcurl(1)
Call flickr api
libflickcurl-dev / flickcurl-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of flickcurl
flickrbackup / flickrbackup(1)
Backup your flickr photos
flickcurl-utils / flickrdf(1)
Call flickr api
flip / flip(1)
Do newline conversions between **ix and ms-dos
ivtools-bin / flipbook(1)
Multi-frame editor and viewer derived from drawtool
patchutils / flipdiff(1)
Exchange the order of two incremental patches
qfits-tools / flipx(1)
Flip x axis in a fits image
flite / flite(1)
A small simple speech synthesizer
flite / flite_time(1)
A talking clock based on a limited-domain voice
util-linux / flock(1)
Manage locks from shell scripts
rss-glx / flocks(1)
Floating wisps.
flog / flog(1)
Dump stdin to file and reopen on sighup
python-foolscap / flogtool(1)
Foolscap log tool
fdutils / floppycontrol(1)
floppyd / floppyd(1)
floppyd / floppyd_installtest(1)
fdutils / floppymeter(1)
florence / florence(1)
Extensible and scalable virtual keyboard for gnome
flow-tools / flow-receive(1)
Flow-receive receive flow data with the netflow protocol.
ipv6toolkit / flow6(1)
A security assessment tool for the ipv6 flow label field
flowblade / flowblade(1)
Non-linear video editor
python-flower / flower(1)
Flower documentation
flowgrind / flowgrind-stop(1)
Helper tool for the advanced tcp traffic generator flowgrind
flowgrind / flowgrindd(1)
Advanced tcp traffic generator for linux, freebsd, and mac os x
flowscan / flowscan(1)
Flow-based ip traffic analysis and visualization tool
sleuthkit / fls(1)
List file and directory names in a disk image.
libfltk1.1-dev / fltk-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of fltk.
libfltk1.3-dev / fltk-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of fltk.
fluid / fluid(1)
The fast light user-interface designer
fluidsynth / fluidsynth(1)
A soundfont synthesizer
flush / flush(1)
Gtk-based bittorrent client
rss-glx / flux(1)
Flux fields and stuff.
fluxbox / fluxbox(1)
A lightweight window manager for the x windowing system
fluxbox / fluxbox-remote(1)
Command line access to key commands for fluxbox(1)
fluxbox / fluxbox-update_configs(1)
A lightweight window manager for the x windowing system
flvmeta / flvmeta(1)
Manipulate or extract metadata in adobe flash video files
flwm / flwm(1)
The fast light window manager
flydraw / flydraw(1)
An inline drawing tool
fmtools / fm(1)
Control frequency, volume, mute/unmute of fm radio card
python-fmcs / fmcs(1)
fhist / fmerge(1)
Merge files
fuse-emulator-utils / fmfconv(1)
Fmfconv fuse movie file converter
fmit / fmit(1)
Free music instrument tuner
fmtools / fmscan(1)
Scan fm band for radio stations
coreutils / fmt(1)
Simple optimal text formatter
texlive-base / fmtutil(1)
Utility for maintaining tex format files fmtutil-sys - utility for maintaining tex format files system-wide
texlive-base / fmtutil-sys(1)
Utility for maintaining tex format files fmtutil-sys - utility for maintaining tex format files system-wide
confluence / fnf(1)
Translate from fnf format to other formats
fnfx-client / fnfx-client(1)
A client for customize fnfx hot-keys
id-utils / fnid(1)
Print constituent file names that match pattern
fntsample / fntsample(1)
Pdf and postscript font samples generator
focuswriter / focuswriter(1)
Fullscreen word processor
ladr4-apps / fof-prover9(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
coreutils / fold(1)
Wrap each input line to fit in specified width
fondu / fondu(1)
Convert macintosh font files to unix font format
font-manager / font-manager(1)
Font management application for the gnome desktop
font-manager / font-sampler(1)
Font management application for the gnome desktop
ghostscript / font2c(1)
Write postscript type 0 or type 1 font as c code
swftools / font2swf(1)
Converts a font to swf.
fontforge-common / fontforge(1)
Create and modify postscript, truetype and svg fonts
fontforge-common / fontimage(1)
Produce a font thumbnail image
fontforge-common / fontlint(1)
Check a font
xfonts-utils / fonttosfnt(1)
Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (truetype) wrapper
fontypython / fontypython(1)
Find, view and manage font files of all kinds.
foo-yc20 / foo-yc20(1)
Yc-20 organ emulation
foodcritic / foodcritic(1)
Lint tool for chef cookbooks
fookb-plainx / fookb-plainx(1)
Xkb state indicator without window maker support
fookb-wmaker / fookb-wmaker(1)
Xkb state indicator with window maker support
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-combo-xml(1)
Put a short description here
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-compiledb(1)
Compile the foomatic printer/driver database
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-configure(1)
The main configuration program of the foomatic printing system.
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-datafile(1)
Generate a ppd file for a given printer/driver combo
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-perl-data(1)
Generate perl data structures from xml
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-ppd-options(1)
Show the ppd options
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-ppdfile(1)
Generate a ppd file for a given printer/driver combo
foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-printjob(1)
Manage printer jobs in a spooler-independent fashion
foomatic-filters / foomatic-rip(1)
Universal print filter/rip wrapper
fop / fop(1)
Command line wrapper for the java version of fop.
foremancli / foremancli(1)
Comandline search interface to foreman
snap / forge(1)
Training program for snap
python-ufl / form2ufl(1)
Convert from old ffc .form format to ufl format.
blast2 / formatdb(1)
Format protein or nucleotide databases for blast
blast2 / formatrpsdb(1)
Build databases for rps blast
formed / formed(1)
Formula editor for first-order logic formulas
dsbltesters / formmailtest(1)
Attempt to use formmail to relay to a dsbl-complaint host
canna / forsort(1)
Protect text from 7-bit only sort command.
sloccount / fortran_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
qmail / forward(1)
Forward new mail to one or more addresses
fosfat / fosmount(1)
Fos mounter for fuse
fosfat / fosread(1)
Fos reader
fosfat / fosrec(1)
Fos recovery
fossil / fossil(1)
Distributed version control system
fotowall / fotowall(1)
Wallpaper generator for high resolution composition.
fotoxx-common / fotoxx(1)
Photo/image editor and collection manager
objcryst-fox / fox(1)
Ab-initio structure determination from diffraction data
libfox-1.6-dev / fox-config-1.6(1)
Wrapper around pkg-config
foxtrotgps / foxtrotgps(1)
Gtk+ mapping and gps application
fp-ide-2.6.4 / fp-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal compiler (fpc) integrated development environment
flashproxy-facilitator / fp-facilitator(1)
The flashproxy facilitator.
flashproxy-facilitator / fp-reg-decrypt(1)
Forwards encrypted client registrations to a running fp-reg-decryptd.
flashproxy-facilitator / fp-reg-decryptd(1)
Accepts encrypted client registrations and forwards them to the facilitator.
flashproxy-facilitator / fp-registrar-email(1)
Polls a mailbox for new registrations and forwards them using fp-reg-decrypt.
fpgatools / fp2bit(1)
Floorplan to bitstream
hdf4-tools / fp2hdf(1)
Convert floating point data to hdf
libcfitsio-bin / fpack(1)
Fits image compression program
fp-compiler-2.6.4 / fpc-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal compiler (fpc) binary
libchromaprint-tools / fpcalc(1)
Audio fingerprint calculator
fp-utils-2.6.4 / fpclasschart-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal class tree generator.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / fpcmake-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal makefile constructor program.
fp-compiler-2.6.4 / fpcmkcfg-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal configuration program.
fp-compiler-2.6.4 / fpcres-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal resource compiler program.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / fpcsubst-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal macro processing program.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / fpdoc-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal unit documentation generator.
fped / fped(1)
Footprint editor
fplll-tools / fplll(1)
Fplll applies lll, bkz or svp on a given set of row vectors (either from stdin or in a file given as parameter)
fpm2 / fpm2(1)
Figaro\'s password manager 2
fp-utils-2.6.4 / fppkg-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal packages download program.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / fprcp-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal windres preprocessor program.
freepwing / fpwmake(1)
A wrapper for freepwing
fqterm / fqterm(1)
Bbs client for x window system written in qt
fqterm / fqterm.bin(1)
Bbs client for x window system written in qt
fracplanet / fracplanet(1)
Create and view random fractal terrain and planets.
fractalnow / fractalnow(1)
Generate fractal images.
ipv6toolkit / frag6(1)
A security assessment tool for ipv6 fragmentation
frama-c-base / frama-c(1)
A static analyzer for c programs frama-c-gui[.byte] - the graphical interface of frama-c
frama-c-base / frama-c.byte(1)
A static analyzer for c programs frama-c-gui[.byte] - the graphical interface of frama-c
frame-tools / frame-test-x11(1)
Report touch frame events from x.org input devices
qfits-tools / frameq(1)
Classify frames from a directory
fraqtive / fraqtive(1)
Draws mandelbrot and julia fractals
procps / free(1)
Display amount of free and used memory in the system
free42-nologo / free42bin(1)
Program to calculate the cool way
freealchemist / freealchemist(1)
Simpler figure block game freealchemist is a figure block game written in python where you have to connect blocks. the three blocks connected with the same shape will be replaced by a block with a different shape.
libalut-dev / freealut-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of freealut
freetds-bin / freebcp(1)
Bulk loading utility for sybase and microsoft databases
freecad / freecad(1)
An extensible open source cax program for unix/x11
freecad / freecadcmd(1)
An extensible open source cax program for unix/x11
freediams / freediams(1)
Pharmaceutical drugs prescriptor
freedink-dfarc / freedink-dfarc(1)
An integrated frontend and .dmod installer.
freedv / freedv(1)
Digital voice for hf
freefem / freefem(1)
A language for the finite element method (fem)
freefoam / freefoam(1)
The cross-platform cfd toolkit
freefoam / freefoam-Co(1)
Calculates and writes the co number as a surfacescalarfield obtained from field phi.
freefoam / freefoam-IFCLookUpTableGen(1)
Calculate the the infinitely-fast chemistry relationships in function of ft. for a given fuel.
freefoam / freefoam-Lambda2(1)
Calculates and writes the second largest eigenvalue of the sum of the square of the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical parts of the velocity gradient tensor.
freefoam / freefoam-MRFInter(1)
Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids.
freefoam / freefoam-MRFMultiphaseInter(1)
Solver for n incompressible fluids which captures the interfaces and includes surface-tension and contact-angle effects for each phase.
freefoam / freefoam-Mach(1)
Calculates and optionally writes the local mach number from the velocity field u at each time.
freefoam / freefoam-PDR(1)
Solver for compressible premixed/partially-premixed combustion with turbulence modelling.
freefoam / freefoam-PDRAutoRefine(1)
Solver for compressible premixed/partially-premixed combustion with turbulence modelling.
freefoam / freefoam-Pe(1)
Calculates and writes the pe number as a surfacescalarfield obtained from field phi.
freefoam / freefoam-Q(1)
Calculates and writes the second invariant of the velocity gradient tensor.
freefoam / freefoam-R(1)
Calculates and writes the reynolds stress r for the current time step.
freefoam / freefoam-Xi(1)
Solver for compressible premixed/partially-premixed combustion with turbulence modelling.
freefoam / freefoam-adiabaticFlameT(1)
Calculates the adiabatic flame temperature for a given fuel over a range of unburnt temperatures and equivalence ratios.
freefoam / freefoam-ansysToFoam(1)
Converts an ansys input mesh file, exported from i-deas, to foam format.
freefoam / freefoam-applyBoundaryLayer(1)
Apply a simplified boundary-layer model to the velocity and turbulence fields based on the 1/7th power-law.
freefoam / freefoam-applyWallFunctionBoundaryConditions(1)
Updates openfoam ras cases to use the new (v1.6) wall function framework
freefoam / freefoam-attachMesh(1)
Attach topologically detached mesh using prescribed mesh modifiers.
freefoam / freefoam-autoPatch(1)
Divides external faces into patches based on (user supplied) feature angle.
freefoam / freefoam-autoRefineMesh(1)
Utility to refine cells near to a surface.
freefoam / freefoam-blockMesh(1)
A multi-block mesh generator.
freefoam / freefoam-boundary(1)
Steady-state solver for 1d turbulent flow, typically to generate boundary layer conditions at an inlet, for use in a simulation.
freefoam / freefoam-boxTurb(1)
Makes a box of turbulence which conforms to a given energy spectrum and is divergence free.
freefoam / freefoam-bubble(1)
Solver for a system of 2 incompressible fluid phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. gas bubbles in a liquid.
freefoam / freefoam-buoyantBoussinesqPimple(1)
Transient solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of incompressible fluids
freefoam / freefoam-buoyantBoussinesqSimple(1)
Steady-state solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of incompressible fluids
freefoam / freefoam-buoyantPimple(1)
Transient solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids for ventilation and heat-transfer.
freefoam / freefoam-buoyantSimple(1)
Steady-state solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids
freefoam / freefoam-buoyantSimpleRadiation(1)
Steady-state solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids, including radiation, for ventilation and heat-transfer.
freefoam / freefoam-calc(1)
Generic wrapper for calculating a quantity at each time.
freefoam / freefoam-cavitating(1)
Transient cavitation code based on the homogeneous equilibrium model from which the compressibility of the liquid/vapour "mixture" is obtained.
freefoam / freefoam-cellSet(1)
Selects a cell set through a dictionary.
freefoam / freefoam-cfx4ToFoam(1)
Converts a cfx 4 mesh to foam format
freefoam / freefoam-changeDictionary(1)
Utility to change dictionary entries.
freefoam / freefoam-channel(1)
Incompressible les solver for flow in a channel.
freefoam / freefoam-checkMesh(1)
Checks validity of a mesh
freefoam / freefoam-chemkinToFoam(1)
Converts chemkiniii thermodynamics and reaction data files into foam format
freefoam / freefoam-chtMultiRegion(1)
Combination of heatconductionfoam and buoyantfoam for conjugate heat transfer between a solid region and fluid region
freefoam / freefoam-chtMultiRegionSimple(1)
Steady-state version of chtmultiregionfoam
freefoam / freefoam-clearPolyMesh(1)
Remove the contents of the constant/polymesh directory as per the +foam::polymesh::removefiles()+ method.
freefoam / freefoam-coalChemistry(1)
Transient solver for compressible, turbulent flow with coal and limestone parcel injections, and combustion.
freefoam / freefoam-coldEngine(1)
Solver for cold-flow in internal combustion engines.
freefoam / freefoam-collapseEdges(1)
Collapse short edges and combines edges that are in line.
freefoam / freefoam-combinePatchFaces(1)
Checks for multiple patch faces on same cell and combines them.
freefoam / freefoam-compressibleInter(1)
Solver for 2 compressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a vof (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach.
freefoam / freefoam-compressibleInterDyM(1)
Solver for 2 compressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a vof (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing.
freefoam / freefoam-copySettings(1)
Copy settings from one case directory to another, without copying the mesh or results.
freefoam / freefoam-createBaffles(1)
Makes internal faces into boundary faces.
freefoam / freefoam-createPatch(1)
Utility to create patches out of selected boundary faces.
freefoam / freefoam-createTurbulenceFields(1)
Creates a full set of turbulence fields.
freefoam / freefoam-debugSwitches(1)
Write out all library debug switches
freefoam / freefoam-decomposePar(1)
Automatically decomposes a mesh and fields of a case for parallel execution of openfoam.
freefoam / freefoam-deformedGeom(1)
Deforms a polymesh using a displacement field u and a scaling factor supplied as an argument.
freefoam / freefoam-diesel(1)
Solver for diesel spray and combustion.
freefoam / freefoam-dieselEngine(1)
Solver for diesel engine spray and combustion.
freefoam / freefoam-dns(1)
Direct numerical simulation solver for boxes of isotropic turbulence
freefoam / freefoam-dsmc(1)
Direct simulation monte carlo (dsmc) solver for 3d, transient, multi- species flows
freefoam / freefoam-dsmcFieldsCalc(1)
Calculate intensive fields (u and t) from averaged extensive fields from a dsmc calculation.
freefoam / freefoam-dsmcInitialise(1)
Initialise a case for dsmcfoam by reading the initialisation dictionary system/dsmcinitialise
freefoam / freefoam-electrostatic(1)
Solver for electrostatics.
freefoam / freefoam-engine(1)
Solver for internal combustion engines.
freefoam / freefoam-engineCompRatio(1)
Calculate the geometric compression ratio. note that if you have valves and/or extra volumes it will not work, since it calculates the volume at bdc and tcd.
freefoam / freefoam-engineSwirl(1)
Generates a swirling flow for engine calulations
freefoam / freefoam-enstrophy(1)
Calculates and writes the enstrophy of the velocity field u.
freefoam / freefoam-equilibriumCO(1)
Calculates the equilibrium level of carbon monoxide
freefoam / freefoam-equilibriumFlameT(1)
Calculates the equilibrium flame temperature.
freefoam / freefoam-estimateScalarError(1)
Estimates the error in the solution for a scalar transport equation in the standard form
freefoam / freefoam-execFlowFunctionObjects(1)
Execute the set of functionobjects specified in the selected dictionary (which defaults to system/controldict) for the selected set of times.
freefoam / freefoam-expandDictionary(1)
Read the dictionary provided as an argument, expand the macros etc. and write the resulting dictionary to standard output.
freefoam / freefoam-extrude2DMesh(1)
Takes 2d mesh (all faces 2 points only, no front and back faces) and creates a 3d mesh by extruding with specified thickness.
freefoam / freefoam-extrudeMesh(1)
Extrude mesh from existing patch or from patch read from file.
freefoam / freefoam-faceSet(1)
Selects a face set through a dictionary.
freefoam / freefoam-financial(1)
Solves the black-scholes equation to price commodities.
freefoam / freefoam-fire(1)
Transient solver for fires and turbulent diffusion flames
freefoam / freefoam-flattenMesh(1)
Flattens the front and back planes of a 2d cartesian mesh.
freefoam / freefoam-flowType(1)
Calculates and writes the flowtype of velocity field u.
freefoam / freefoam-fluent3DMeshToFoam(1)
Converts a fluent mesh to openfoam format.
freefoam / freefoam-fluentMeshToFoam(1)
Converts a fluent mesh to foam format including multiple region and region boundary handling.
freefoam / freefoam-foamDataToFluent(1)
Translates foam data to fluent format.
freefoam / freefoam-foamMeshToFluent(1)
Writes out the foam mesh in fluent mesh format.
freefoam / freefoam-foamToEnsight(1)
Translates foam data to ensight format.
freefoam / freefoam-foamToEnsightParts(1)
Translates openfoam data to ensight format. an ensight part is created for each cellzone and patch.
freefoam / freefoam-foamToFieldview9(1)
Write out the openfoam mesh in version 3.0 fieldview-uns format (binary).
freefoam / freefoam-foamToGMV(1)
Translates foam output to gmv readable files.
freefoam / freefoam-foamToStarMesh(1)
Reads an openfoam mesh and writes a pro-star (v4) bnd/cel/vrt format.
freefoam / freefoam-foamToVTK(1)
Legacy vtk file format writer.
freefoam / freefoam-formatConvert(1)
Converts all ioobjects associated with a case into the format specified in the controldict.
freefoam / freefoam-gambitToFoam(1)
Converts a gambit mesh to foam format.
freefoam / freefoam-gmshToFoam(1)
Reads .msh file as written by gmsh.
freefoam / freefoam-graphExecTime(1)
Computes the time used per iteration
freefoam / freefoam-graphResKE(1)
Extract the residuals of k and epsilon at each time step
freefoam / freefoam-graphResUVWP(1)
Extract the residuals of u, v, w and p at each time step
freefoam / freefoam-ico(1)
Transient solver for incompressible, laminar flow of newtonian fluids.
freefoam / freefoam-icoErrorEstimate(1)
Estimates error for the incompressible laminar cfd application icofoam.
freefoam / freefoam-icoMomentError(1)
Estimates error for the incompressible laminar cfd application icofoam.
freefoam / freefoam-ideasUnvToFoam(1)
I-deas unv format mesh conversion.
freefoam / freefoam-infoExec(1)
Interrogates a case and prints information to screen
freefoam / freefoam-insideCells(1)
Picks up cells with cell centre inside of surface.
freefoam / freefoam-inter(1)
Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a vof (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach.
freefoam / freefoam-interDyM(1)
Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a vof (volume of fluid) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with optional mesh motion and mesh topology changes including adaptive re-meshing.
freefoam / freefoam-interMixing(1)
Solver for 3 incompressible fluids, two of which are miscible, using a vof method to capture the interface.
freefoam / freefoam-interPhaseChange(1)
Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids with phase-change (e.g. cavitation).
freefoam / freefoam-job(1)
Runs a freefoam job in the background
freefoam / freefoam-kivaToFoam(1)
Converts a kiva3v grid to foam format
freefoam / freefoam-laplacian(1)
Solves a simple laplace equation, e.g. for thermal diffusion in a solid.
freefoam / freefoam-log(1)
Extracts xy files from foam logs
freefoam / freefoam-mapFields(1)
Maps volume fields from one mesh to another.
freefoam / freefoam-md(1)
Molecular dynamics solver for fluid dynamics
freefoam / freefoam-mdEquilibration(1)
Equilibrates and/or preconditions molecular dynamics systems
freefoam / freefoam-mdInitialise(1)
Initialises fields for a molecular dynamics (md) simulation.
freefoam / freefoam-mergeMeshes(1)
Merge two meshes.
freefoam / freefoam-mergeOrSplitBaffles(1)
Detects faces that share points (baffles). either merge them or duplicate the points.
freefoam / freefoam-mhd(1)
Solver for magnetohydrodynamics (mhd): incompressible, laminar flow of a conducting fluid under the influence of a magnetic field.
freefoam / freefoam-mirrorMesh(1)
Mirrors a mesh around a given plane.
freefoam / freefoam-mixtureAdiabaticFlameT(1)
Calculates the adiabatic flame temperature for a given mixture at a given temperature.
freefoam / freefoam-modifyMesh(1)
Manipulates mesh elements.
freefoam / freefoam-momentScalarError(1)
Estimates the error in the solution for a scalar transport equation in the standard form
freefoam / freefoam-moveDynamicMesh(1)
Mesh motion and topological mesh changes utility.
freefoam / freefoam-moveEngineMesh(1)
Solver for moving meshes for engine calculations.
freefoam / freefoam-moveMesh(1)
Solver for moving meshes
freefoam / freefoam-mshToFoam(1)
Converts .msh file generated by the adventure system.
freefoam / freefoam-multiphaseInter(1)
Solver for n incompressible fluids which captures the interfaces and includes surface-tension and contact-angle effects for each phase.
freefoam / freefoam-netgenNeutralToFoam(1)
Converts neutral file format as written by netgen v4.4.
freefoam / freefoam-nonNewtonianIco(1)
Transient solver for incompressible, laminar flow of non-newtonian fluids.
freefoam / freefoam-objToVTK(1)
Read obj line (not surface!) file and convert into vtk.
freefoam / freefoam-pPrime2(1)
Calculates and writes the scalar field of pprime2 (sqr(p - pmean)) at each time
freefoam / freefoam-para(1)
Start paraview3 to visualize a case
freefoam / freefoam-particleTracks(1)
Generates a vtk file of particle tracks for cases that were computed using a tracked-parcel-type cloud.
freefoam / freefoam-patchAverage(1)
Calculates the average of the specified field over the specified patch.
freefoam / freefoam-patchIntegrate(1)
Calculates the integral of the specified field over the specified patch.
freefoam / freefoam-patchSummary(1)
Writes fields and boundary condition info for each patch at each requested time instance.
freefoam / freefoam-pdfPlot(1)
Generates an .obj file to plot a probability distribution function
freefoam / freefoam-pimple(1)
Large time-step transient solver for incompressible, flow using the pimple (merged piso-simple) algorithm.
freefoam / freefoam-pimpleDyM(1)
Transient solver for incompressible, flow of newtonian fluids on a moving mesh using the pimple (merged piso-simple) algorithm.
freefoam / freefoam-piso(1)
Transient solver for incompressible flow.
freefoam / freefoam-plot3dToFoam(1)
Plot3d mesh (ascii/formatted format) converter.
freefoam / freefoam-pointSet(1)
Selects a point set through a dictionary.
freefoam / freefoam-polyDualMesh(1)
Calculate the dual of a polymesh. adheres to all the feature and patch edges.
freefoam / freefoam-porousExplicitSourceReactingParcel(1)
Transient piso solver for compressible, laminar or turbulent flow with reacting multiphase lagrangian parcels for porous media, including explicit sources for mass, momentum and energy
freefoam / freefoam-porousInter(1)
Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids.
freefoam / freefoam-porousSimple(1)
Steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow with implicit or explicit porosity treatment
freefoam / freefoam-postChannel(1)
Post-processes data from channel flow calculations
freefoam / freefoam-potential(1)
Simple potential flow solver which can be used to generate starting fields for full navier-stokes codes.
freefoam / freefoam-probeLocations(1)
Probe locations.
freefoam / freefoam-ptot(1)
For each time: calculate the total pressure.
freefoam / freefoam-reacting(1)
Solver for combustion with chemical reactions.
freefoam / freefoam-reactingParcel(1)
Transient piso solver for compressible, laminar or turbulent flow with reacting lagrangian parcels.
freefoam / freefoam-reconstructPar(1)
Reconstructs a mesh and fields of a case that is decomposed for parallel execution of openfoam.
freefoam / freefoam-reconstructParMesh(1)
Reconstructs a mesh using geometric information only.
freefoam / freefoam-redistributeMeshPar(1)
Redistributes existing decomposed mesh and fields according to the current settings in the decomposepardict file.
freefoam / freefoam-refineHexMesh(1)
Refines a hex mesh by 2x2x2 cell splitting.
freefoam / freefoam-refineMesh(1)
Utility to refine cells in multiple directions.
freefoam / freefoam-refineWallLayer(1)
Utility to refine cells next to patches.
freefoam / freefoam-refinementLevel(1)
Tries to figure out what the refinement level is on refined cartesian meshes. run before snapping.
freefoam / freefoam-removeFaces(1)
Utility to remove faces (combines cells on both sides).
freefoam / freefoam-renumberMesh(1)
Renumbers the cell list in order to reduce the bandwidth, reading and renumbering all fields from all the time directories.
freefoam / freefoam-rhoCentral(1)
Density-based compressible flow solver based on central-upwind schemes of kurganov and tadmor
freefoam / freefoam-rhoCentralDyM(1)
Density-based compressible flow solver based on central-upwind schemes of kurganov and tadmor
freefoam / freefoam-rhoPimple(1)
Transient solver for laminar or turbulent flow of compressible fluids for hvac and similar applications.
freefoam / freefoam-rhoPiso(1)
Transient piso solver for compressible, laminar or turbulent flow.
freefoam / freefoam-rhoPorousMRFPimple(1)
Transient solver for laminar or turbulent flow of compressible fluids with support for porous media and mrf for hvac and similar applications.
freefoam / freefoam-rhoPorousSimple(1)
Steady-state solver for turbulent flow of compressible fluids with rans turbulence modelling, and implicit or explicit porosity treatment
freefoam / freefoam-rhoReacting(1)
Solver for combustion with chemical reactions using density based thermodynamics package.
freefoam / freefoam-rhoSimple(1)
Steady-state simple solver for laminar or turbulent rans flow of compressible fluids.
freefoam / freefoam-rotateMesh(1)
Rotates the mesh and fields from the direcion n1 to the direction n2.
freefoam / freefoam-sammToFoam(1)
Converts a star-cd samm mesh to foam format
freefoam / freefoam-sample(1)
Sample field data with a choice of interpolation schemes, sampling options and write formats.
freefoam / freefoam-scalarTransport(1)
Solves a transport equation for a passive scalar
freefoam / freefoam-selectCells(1)
Select cells in relation to surface.
freefoam / freefoam-setFields(1)
Selects a cell set through a dictionary.
freefoam / freefoam-setSet(1)
Manipulate a cell/face/point/ set or zone interactively.
freefoam / freefoam-setsToZones(1)
Add pointzones/facezones/cellzones to the mesh from similar named pointsets/facesets/cellsets.
freefoam / freefoam-settling(1)
Solver for 2 incompressible fluids for simulating the settling of the dispersed phase.
freefoam / freefoam-shallowWater(1)
Transient solver for inviscid shallow-water equations with rotation.
freefoam / freefoam-simple(1)
Steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow
freefoam / freefoam-smapToFoam(1)
Translates a star-cd smap data file into foam field format.
freefoam / freefoam-snappyHexMesh(1)
Automatic split hex mesher. refines and snaps to surface.
freefoam / freefoam-solidDisplacement(1)
Transient segregated finite-volume solver of linear-elastic, small-strain deformation of a solid body, with optional thermal diffusion and thermal stresses.
freefoam / freefoam-solidEquilibriumDisplacement(1)
Steady-state segregated finite-volume solver of linear-elastic, small-strain deformation of a solid body, with optional thermal diffusion and thermal stresses.
freefoam / freefoam-solverSweeps(1)
Extract solver statistics from a log file
freefoam / freefoam-sonic(1)
Transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, laminar or turbulent flow of a compressible gas.
freefoam / freefoam-sonicDyM(1)
Transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, laminar or turbulent flow of a compressible gas with mesh motion.
freefoam / freefoam-sonicLiquid(1)
Transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, laminar flow of a compressible liquid.
freefoam / freefoam-splitCells(1)
Utility to split cells with flat faces.
freefoam / freefoam-splitMesh(1)
Splits mesh by making internal faces external.
freefoam / freefoam-splitMeshRegions(1)
Splits mesh into multiple regions.
freefoam / freefoam-star4ToFoam(1)
Converts a star-cd (v4) pro-star mesh into openfoam format.
freefoam / freefoam-starToFoam(1)
Converts a star-cd prostar mesh into foam format.
freefoam / freefoam-stitchMesh(1)
Stitches a mesh.
freefoam / freefoam-streamFunction(1)
Calculates and writes the stream function of velocity field u at each time
freefoam / freefoam-stressComponents(1)
Calculates and writes the scalar fields of the six components of the stress tensor sigma for each time.
freefoam / freefoam-subsetMesh(1)
Selects a section of mesh based on a cellset.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceAdd(1)
Add two surfaces. does geometric merge on points. does not check for overlapping/intersecting triangles.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceAutoPatch(1)
Patches surface according to feature angle. like autopatch.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceCheck(1)
Performs various checks on surface.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceClean(1)
Collapses small edges, removing triangles and converts sliver triangles into split edges by projecting point onto base of triangle.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceCoarsen(1)
Surface coarsening using bunnylod.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceConvert(1)
Converts from one surface mesh format to another
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceFeatureConvert(1)
Extracts and writes surface features to file
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceFeatureExtract(1)
Extracts and writes surface features to file
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceFind(1)
Finds nearest triangle and vertex.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceMeshConvert(1)
Convert between surface formats with optional scaling or transformations (rotate/translate) on a coordinatesystem.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceMeshConvertTesting(1)
Converts from one surface mesh format to another, but primarily used for testing functionality.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceMeshExport(1)
Export from surfmesh to various third-party surface formats with optional scaling or transformations (rotate/translate) on a coordinatesystem.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceMeshImport(1)
Import from various third-party surface formats into surfmesh with optional scaling or transformations (rotate/translate) on a coordinatesystem.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceMeshTriangulate(1)
Extracts trisurface from a polymesh.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceOrient(1)
Set normal consistent with respect to a user provided outside point.
freefoam / freefoam-surfacePointMerge(1)
Merges points on surface if they are within absolute distance.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceRedistributePar(1)
(re)distribution of trisurface. either takes an undecomposed surface or an already decomposed surface and redistribute it so each processor has all triangles that overlap its mesh.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceRefineRedGreen(1)
Refine by splitting all three edges of triangle (red refinement). neighbouring triangles (which are not marked for refinement get split in half (green) refinement.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceSmooth(1)
Example of simple laplacian smoother
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceSplitByPatch(1)
Writes regions of trisurface to separate files.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceSplitNonManifolds(1)
Takes multiply connected surface and tries to split surface at multiply connected edges by duplicating points.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceSubset(1)
A surface analysis tool which sub-sets the trisurface to choose only a part of interest.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceToPatch(1)
Reads surface and applies surface regioning to a mesh.
freefoam / freefoam-surfaceTransformPoints(1)
Transform (scale/rotate) a surface.
freefoam / freefoam-tetgenToFoam(1)
Converts .ele and .node and .face files, written by tetgen.
freefoam / freefoam-transformPoints(1)
Transforms the mesh points in the polymesh directory according to the translate, rotate and scale options.
freefoam / freefoam-twoLiquidMixing(1)
Solver for mixing 2 incompressible fluids.
freefoam / freefoam-twoPhaseEuler(1)
Solver for a system of 2 incompressible fluid phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. gas bubbles in a liquid.
freefoam / freefoam-uncoupledKinematicParcel(1)
Transient solver for the passive transport of a single kinematic particle cloud.
freefoam / freefoam-upgradeFvSolution(1)
Simple tool to upgrade the syntax of system/fvsolution::solvers
freefoam / freefoam-uprime(1)
Calculates and writes the scalar field of uprime (sqrt(2/3 k)).
freefoam / freefoam-vorticity(1)
Calculates and writes the vorticity of velocity field u.
freefoam / freefoam-wallGradU(1)
Calculates and writes the gradient of u at the wall
freefoam / freefoam-wallHeatFlux(1)
Calculates and writes the heat flux for all patches as the boundary field of a volscalarfield and also prints the integrated flux for all wall patches.
freefoam / freefoam-wallShearStress(1)
Calculates and writes the wall shear stress, for the specified times.
freefoam / freefoam-wdot(1)
Calculates and writes wdot for each time.
freefoam / freefoam-writeCellCentres(1)
Write the three components of the cell centres as volscalarfields so they can be used in postprocessing in thresholding.
freefoam / freefoam-writeMeshObj(1)
For mesh debugging: writes mesh as three separate obj files which can be viewed with e.g. javaview.
freefoam / freefoam-yPlusLES(1)
Calculates and reports yplus for all wall patches, for the specified times.
freefoam / freefoam-yPlusRAS(1)
Calculates and reports yplus for all wall patches, for the specified times when using ras turbulence models.
freefoam / freefoam-zipUpMesh(1)
Reads in a mesh with hanging vertices and zips up the cells to guarantee that all polyhedral cells of valid shape are closed.
freehdl / freehdl-config(1)
The freehdl configuration script.
freehdl / freehdl-gennodes(1)
Abstract syntax tree generator used by the vhdl compiler/simulator freehdl.
freehdl / freehdl-v2cc(1)
A vhdl to c++ converter.
freemat / freemat(1)
Mathematics framework
freemedforms-emr / freemedforms(1)
Electronic medical record manager
freemind / freemind(1)
Freemind a java program for creating and viewing mindmaps.
libfreenect-bin / freenect-glpclview(1)
Manual page for freenect camera test
freeplane / freeplane(1)
Program for working with mind maps.
freeplayer / freeplayer(1)
Invoke vlc with correct options for the freebox
freetuxtv / freetuxtv(1)
Internet television and radio player
libfreetype6-dev / freetype-config(1)
Freetype-config show information about installed freetype2 libraries
freevo / freevo(1)
A python based pvr/dvr framework for music and movies.
freewheeling / freewheeling(1)
Freewheeling live looping musical instrument
verbiste / french-conjugator(1)
Conjugate french verbs
verbiste / french-deconjugator(1)
Analyze conjugated french verbs
frescobaldi / frescobaldi(1)
Lilypond music editor
clamav-freshclam / freshclam(1)
Update virus databases
libfribidi-bin / fribidi(1)
A command line interface for the fribidi library, converts a logical string to visual
mailutils / frm.mailutils(1)
Display from: lines.
frog / frog(1)
Dutch morpho-syntactic analyzer, iob chunker and dependency parser
frogr / frogr(1)
A flickr remote organizer for gnome
mailutils / from.mailutils(1)
Display from and subject.
fondu / frombin(1)
Convert macbinary files into normal files
tofrodos / fromdos(1)
Converts text files between dos and unix formats.
macutils / frommac(1)
Receive files from the macintosh
frown / frown(1)
An lalr(k) parser generator for haskell 98
atfs / frze(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
fsmark / fs_mark(1)
Benchmark synchronous/async file creation
scala / fsc(1)
Fast offline compiler for the scala 2 language
python-fs / fscat(1)
Concetanate file(s)
python-larch / fsck-larch(1)
Verify that a larch b-tree is internally consistent
cpmtools / fsck.cpm(1)
Check a cp/m file system
s3ql / fsck.s3ql(1)
Check an s3ql file system for errors
python-fs / fscp(1)
Copy source to destination
cpmtools / fsed.cpm(1)
Edit a cp/m file system
fsgateway / fsgateway(1)
Fuse module to browse database's metadata, sugar datastores and xml files
fsharp / fsharpc(1)
Manual page for f# 3.0 compiler (open source edition)
fsharp / fsharpi(1)
Manual page for f# 3.0 interactive repl (open source edition)
python-fs / fsinfo(1)
Display information regarding an fs resource
fslint / fslint(1)
A gui wrapper for the individual fslint command line tools
fslint / fslint-gui(1)
A gui wrapper for the individual fslint command line tools
python-fs / fsls(1)
List contents of [path]
x11-xfs-utils / fslsfonts(1)
List fonts served by x font server
fslview / fslview(1)
Viewer for 3d and 4d mri data and dti images
python-fs / fsmkdir(1)
Make a directory
python-fs / fsmount(1)
Mounts a file system on a system path
python-fs / fsmv(1)
Move files from source to destination
fso-gpsd / fso-gpsd(1)
Gpsd compatibility daemon for the freesmarpthone.org frameworkd
fso-deviced / fsodeviced(1)
Fso device daemon
fso-gsmd / fsogsmd(1)
Fso gsm daemon
fso-usaged / fsousaged(1)
Fso usage daemon
fspanel / fspanel(1)
A minimalist panel for x
fspy / fspy(1)
Filesystem activity monitoring tool
python-fs / fsrm(1)
Remove a file or directory at path
python-fs / fsserve(1)
Serves the contents of path with one of a number of methods
sleuthkit / fsstat(1)
Display general details of a file system
sfst / fst-compact(1)
Transforms transducers to the compact format
sfst / fst-compare(1)
Checks whether two transducers are equivalent
sfst / fst-compiler(1)
Two compilers for sfst programs
sfst / fst-compiler-utf8(1)
Two compilers for sfst programs
sfst / fst-generate(1)
Randomly generate strings of character pairs from a transducer
sfst / fst-infl(1)
Morphological analysers
sfst / fst-infl2(1)
Morphological analysers
sfst / fst-infl2-daemon(1)
Morphological analysers
sfst / fst-infl3(1)
Morphological analysers
sfst / fst-lattice(1)
Analyzes the input printing a transducer rather than a set of strings
sfst / fst-lowmem(1)
Transforms transducers to the lowmem format
sfst / fst-match(1)
Longest match analyser
sfst / fst-mor(1)
Interactive morphological analyser and generator
sfst / fst-parse(1)
Analyzes input with a pipeline of transducers
sfst / fst-parse2(1)
Analyses input with a pipeline of transducers
sfst / fst-print(1)
Prints transducers in text form
sfst / fst-text2bin(1)
Converts a transducer from its text form to binary format
sfst / fst-train(1)
Learning transducer weights
gtkwave / fst2vcd(1)
Converts fst files to vcd
gtkwave / fstminer(1)
Data mining of fst files
x11-xfs-utils / fstobdf(1)
Generate bdf font from x font server
netpbm / fstopgm(1)
Convert a usenix facesaver(tm) file into a portable graymap
fstrcmp / fstrcmp(1)
Fuzzy comparison of strings
python-fs / fstree(1)
Recursively display the contents of path in an ascii tree
fsvs / fsvs(1)
Fsvs is a client for subversion repositories; it is designed for fast versioning of big directory trees. fsvs is a client for subversion repositories; it is designed for fast versioning of big directory trees.
fswebcam / fswebcam(1)
Small and simple webcam for *nix.
siggen / fsynth(1)
An ncurses based signal generator program
fweb / ftangle(1)
Web processors for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and tex
ftdi-eeprom / ftdi_eeprom(1)
Tool for reading/erasing/flashing ftdi usb chip eeproms
fte / fte(1)
Text editor
fteqcc / fteqcc(1)
Fte quakec compiler
whichman / ftff(1)
Fault tolerant file find utility
ftjam / ftjam(1)
Jam/mr make(1) redux
ftpcopy / ftpcopy(1)
Create and maintain a ftp mirror.
proftpd-basic / ftpcount(1)
Show current number of connections for each proftpd server configuration
ftpgrab / ftpgrab(1)
A file mirroring utility
ftpcopy / ftpls(1)
Generate a ftp directory listing.
proftpd-basic / ftpmail(1)
Fifo-based perl script for sending email based on proftpd transferlog
proftpd-basic / ftpquota(1)
Perl script for managing limit/tally files for mod_quotatab
proftpd-basic / ftptop(1)
Display running status on proftpd server connections
proftpd-basic / ftpwho(1)
Show current process information for each ftp session
whichman / ftwhich(1)
Fault tolerant search for a command name
fullquottel / fullquottel(1)
Tool for detecting full quotes in mails or postings
funtools / funcalc(1)
Funtools calculator (for binary tables)
funtools / funcen(1)
Find centroid (for binary tables)
funtools / funcnts(1)
Count photons in specified regions, with bkgd subtraction
funcoeszz / funcoeszz(1)
Script with 65 useful mini applications
funtools / funcone(1)
Cone search of a binary table containing ra, dec columns
funtools / fundisp(1)
Display data in a funtools data file
funtools / funds9(1)
Funtools and ds9 image display
funtools / funhead(1)
Display a header in a funtools file
funtools / funhist(1)
Create a 1d histogram of a column (from a fits binary table or raw event file) or an image
funtools / funimage(1)
Create a fits image from a funtools data file
funtools / funindex(1)
Create an index for a column of a fits binary table
funtools / funjoin(1)
Join two or more fits binary tables on specified columns
funtools / funmerge(1)
Merge one or more funtools table files
logtools / funnel(1)
Split one pipe stream to one or more files or programs
libcfitsio-bin / funpack(1)
Fits image decompression program
funtools / funsky(1)
Convert between image and sky coordinates
funtools / funtable(1)
Copy selected rows from a funtools file to a fits binary table
funtools / funtbl(1)
Extract a table from funtools ascii output
unzip / funzip(1)
Filter for extracting from a zip archive in a pipe
fuseext2 / fuse-ext2(1)
Fuse module for second extended file system
fuse-emulator-utils / fuse-utils(1)
Fuse-utils various zx spectrum related utilities
fuse-zip / fuse-zip(1)
A fuse filesystem for zip archives with write support
fusedav / fusedav(1)
Mount webdav shares
fuseext2 / fuseext2(1)
Fuse module for second extended file system
fusefat / fusefat(1)
Fuse module for fat
fuseiso9660 / fuseiso9660(1)
Fuse module for iso 9660 file system
psmisc / fuser(1)
Identify processes using files or sockets
fuse / fusermount(1)
Unmount fuse filesystems
fusesmb / fusesmb(1)
Mount network neighbourhood
fusesmb / fusesmb.cache(1)
Mount network neighbourhood
fusiondirectory-schema / fusiondirectory-insert-schema(1)
Insert schema needed by fusiondirectory into the ldap server
fusiondirectory / fusiondirectory-setup(1)
Fusiondirectory setup script
fusiondirectory-webservice-shell / fusiondirectory-shell(1)
A shell to act on fusiondirectory handled objects
fusiondirectory / fusiondirectory.conf(1)
Fusiondirectory configuration file
fuzz / fuzz(1)
Stress test programs
ftools-fv / fv(1)
A tool for viewing and editing fits format files
fvwm / fvwm-bug(1)
Report a bug in fvwm
fvwm / fvwm-config(1)
Query an existing fvwm installation
fvwm / fvwm-convert-2.4(1)
Convert fvwm 2.2.x configuration file to fvwm 2.4 syntax
fvwm / fvwm-convert-2.6(1)
Convert fvwm 2.4.x configuration file to fvwm 2.6 style
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal(1)
Desktop environment based on fvwm2
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.apps(1)
Fvwm-crystal panels and menus generator
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.generate-menu(1)
Generate fvwm-crystal menu
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.infoline(1)
Gather various information about system
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.mplayer-wrapper(1)
Mplayer wrapper for fvwm-crystal
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.play-movies(1)
Mplayer wrapper for fvwm-crystal
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.videomodeswitch+(1)
Xrandr wrapper for fvwm-crystal
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.videomodeswitch-(1)
Xrandr wrapper for fvwm-crystal
fvwm-crystal / fvwm-crystal.wallpaper(1)
Random wallpaper selector
fvwm / fvwm-menu-desktop(1)
Builds gnome and kde menus and style commands for fvwm
fvwm / fvwm-menu-directory(1)
Builds a directory browsing menu for fvwm
fvwm / fvwm-menu-headlines(1)
Builds headlines menu definition for fvwm
fvwm / fvwm-menu-xlock(1)
Builds xlock menu definition for fvwm
fvwm / fvwm-perllib(1)
Shows the documentation of the fvwm perl library
fvwm / fvwm-root(1)
Sets the root window of the current x display to image
fvwm1 / fvwm1(1)
F(?) virtual window manager for x11, version 1.x
fvwm / fvwm2(1)
F? virtual window manager for x11
fwanalog / fwanalog(1)
Iptables log-file analyzer
fwbuilder / fwb_compile_all(1)
Wrapper script that compiles policies for multiple firewall objects
fwbuilder / fwb_iosacl(1)
Policy compiler for cisco ios acl
fwbuilder / fwb_ipf(1)
Policy compiler for ipfilter
fwbuilder / fwb_ipfw(1)
Policy compiler for ipfw
fwbuilder / fwb_ipt(1)
Policy compiler for iptables
fwbuilder / fwb_pf(1)
Policy compiler for openbsd packet filter "pf"
fwbuilder / fwb_pix(1)
Policy compiler for cisco pix
fwbuilder / fwbedit(1)
General purpose object tree editing tool
fwbuilder / fwbuilder(1)
Multiplatform firewall configuration tool
fweb / fweave(1)
Web processors for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and tex
fweb / fweb(1)
Web processors for c, c++, fortran, ratfor, and tex
freewheeling / fweelin(1)
Freewheeling live looping musical instrument
libnxt / fwexec(1)
Program to upload and rexecute image file to a connected nxt device
libnxt / fwflash(1)
Program to flash image file to a connected nxt device
fyre / fyre(1)
Interactively renders peter de jong maps
filezilla / fzputtygen(1)
Sftp private key converter of filezilla
filezilla / fzsftp(1)
Sftp connection handler of filezilla
gobject-introspection / g-ir-compiler(1)
Typelib compiler.
gobject-introspection / g-ir-generate(1)
Typelib generator
gobject-introspection / g-ir-scanner(1)
Extracting c metadata from sources and headers
g15composer / g15composer(1)
Scriptable command interface to libg15render(3) drawing functions
g15daemon / g15daemon(1)
Provides access to extra keys and the lcd available on the logitech g15 keyboard.
laditools / g15ladi(1)
Tools to control and monitor ladi (jack and ladish) systems
g15macro / g15macro(1)
A simple macro recording/playback application for g15daemon
g15mpd / g15mpd(1)
A simple frontend for the mpd media player daemon, for use with g15daemon
g15stats / g15stats(1)
A cpu/memory/swap usage meter for g15daemon
goo / g2c(1)
Generic object-orientator (programming language)
g2ipmsg / g2ipmsg(1)
Ip messenger clone for gnome2 environments.
g2ipmsg / g2ipmsg_applet(1)
Ip messenger clone for gnome2 panel applet
g2p-sk / g2p-sk(1)
Phonetic transcription for slovak
root-plugin-hist-hbook / g2root(1)
Convert geant geomtry files to root files
mgetty-fax / g32pbm(1)
Convert a group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
mgetty-fax / g3cat(1)
Concatenate multiple g3 documents
g3data / g3data(1)
G3data a tool for extracting data from graphs.
g3dviewer / g3dviewer(1)
A program to display and inspect 3d models
mgetty-fax / g3tolj(1)
Converts a group 3 fax file into a printable hp-pcl file
netpbm / g3topbm(1)
Convert a group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
mgetty-fax / g3toxwd(1)
Converts a group 3 fax file into a displayable xwd file
gromacs-data / g_anadock(1)
Cluster structures from autodock runs
gromacs-data / g_anadock_d(1)
Cluster structures from autodock runs
gromacs-data / g_anaeig(1)
Analyze eigenvectors/normal modes
gromacs-data / g_anaeig_d(1)
Analyze eigenvectors/normal modes
gromacs-data / g_analyze(1)
Analyze data sets
gromacs-data / g_analyze_d(1)
Analyze data sets
gromacs-data / g_angle(1)
Calculate distributions and correlations for angles and dihedrals
gromacs-data / g_angle_d(1)
Calculate distributions and correlations for angles and dihedrals
gromacs-data / g_bar(1)
Calculate free energy difference estimates through bennett's acceptance ratio
gromacs-data / g_bar_d(1)
Calculate free energy difference estimates through bennett's acceptance ratio
gromacs-data / g_bundle(1)
Analyze bundles of axes, e.g., helices
gromacs-data / g_bundle_d(1)
Analyze bundles of axes, e.g., helices
gromacs-data / g_chi(1)
Calculate everything you want to know about chi and other dihedrals
gromacs-data / g_chi_d(1)
Calculate everything you want to know about chi and other dihedrals
gromacs-data / g_cluster(1)
Cluster structures
gromacs-data / g_cluster_d(1)
Cluster structures
gromacs-data / g_clustsize(1)
Calculate size distributions of atomic clusters
gromacs-data / g_clustsize_d(1)
Calculate size distributions of atomic clusters
gromacs-data / g_confrms(1)
Fit two structures and calculates the rmsd
gromacs-data / g_confrms_d(1)
Fit two structures and calculates the rmsd
gromacs-data / g_covar(1)
Calculate and diagonalize the covariance matrix
gromacs-data / g_covar_d(1)
Calculate and diagonalize the covariance matrix
gromacs-data / g_current(1)
Calculate dielectric constants and current autocorrelation function
gromacs-data / g_current_d(1)
Calculate dielectric constants and current autocorrelation function
gromacs-data / g_density(1)
Calculate the density of the system
gromacs-data / g_density_d(1)
Calculate the density of the system
gromacs-data / g_densmap(1)
Calculate 2d planar or axial-radial density maps
gromacs-data / g_densmap_d(1)
Calculate 2d planar or axial-radial density maps
gromacs-data / g_densorder(1)
Calculate surface fluctuations
gromacs-data / g_densorder_d(1)
Calculate surface fluctuations
gromacs-data / g_dielectric(1)
Calculate frequency dependent dielectric constants
gromacs-data / g_dielectric_d(1)
Calculate frequency dependent dielectric constants
gromacs-data / g_dipoles(1)
Compute the total dipole plus fluctuations
gromacs-data / g_dipoles_d(1)
Compute the total dipole plus fluctuations
gromacs-data / g_disre(1)
Analyze distance restraints
gromacs-data / g_disre_d(1)
Analyze distance restraints
gromacs-data / g_dist(1)
Calculate distances between pairs of positions
gromacs-data / g_dist_d(1)
Calculate distances between pairs of positions
gromacs-data / g_dos(1)
Analyze density of states and properties based on that
gromacs-data / g_dos_d(1)
Analyze density of states and properties based on that
gromacs-data / g_dyecoupl(1)
Extract dye dynamics from trajectories
gromacs-data / g_dyecoupl_d(1)
Extract dye dynamics from trajectories
gromacs-data / g_dyndom(1)
Interpolate and extrapolate structure rotations
gromacs-data / g_dyndom_d(1)
Interpolate and extrapolate structure rotations
gromacs-data / g_enemat(1)
Extract an energy matrix from an energy file
gromacs-data / g_enemat_d(1)
Extract an energy matrix from an energy file
gromacs-data / g_energy(1)
Writes energies to xvg files and display averages
gromacs-data / g_energy_d(1)
Writes energies to xvg files and display averages
gromacs-data / g_filter(1)
Frequency filter trajectories, useful for making smooth movies
gromacs-data / g_filter_d(1)
Frequency filter trajectories, useful for making smooth movies
gromacs-data / g_gyrate(1)
Calculate the radius of gyration
gromacs-data / g_gyrate_d(1)
Calculate the radius of gyration
gromacs-data / g_h2order(1)
Compute the orientation of water molecules
gromacs-data / g_h2order_d(1)
Compute the orientation of water molecules
gromacs-data / g_hbond(1)
Compute and analyze hydrogen bonds
gromacs-data / g_hbond_d(1)
Compute and analyze hydrogen bonds
gromacs-data / g_helix(1)
Calculate basic properties of alpha helices
gromacs-data / g_helix_d(1)
Calculate basic properties of alpha helices
gromacs-data / g_helixorient(1)
Calculate local pitch/bending/rotation/orientation inside helices
gromacs-data / g_helixorient_d(1)
Calculate local pitch/bending/rotation/orientation inside helices
gromacs-data / g_hydorder(1)
Compute tetrahedrality parameters around a given atom
gromacs-data / g_hydorder_d(1)
Compute tetrahedrality parameters around a given atom
gromacs-data / g_lie(1)
Estimate free energy from linear combinations
gromacs-data / g_lie_d(1)
Estimate free energy from linear combinations
gromacs-data / g_mdmat(1)
Calculate residue contact maps
gromacs-data / g_mdmat_d(1)
Calculate residue contact maps
gromacs-data / g_mindist(1)
Calculate the minimum distance between two groups
gromacs-data / g_mindist_d(1)
Calculate the minimum distance between two groups
gromacs-data / g_morph(1)
Interpolate linearly between conformations
gromacs-data / g_morph_d(1)
Interpolate linearly between conformations
gromacs-data / g_msd(1)
Calculates mean square displacements
gromacs-data / g_msd_d(1)
Calculates mean square displacements
gromacs-data / g_nmeig(1)
Diagonalize the hessian for normal mode analysis
gromacs-data / g_nmeig_d(1)
Diagonalize the hessian for normal mode analysis
gromacs-data / g_nmens(1)
Generate an ensemble of structures from the normal modes
gromacs-data / g_nmens_d(1)
Generate an ensemble of structures from the normal modes
gromacs-data / g_nmtraj(1)
Generate a virtual oscillating trajectory from an eigenvector
gromacs-data / g_nmtraj_d(1)
Generate a virtual oscillating trajectory from an eigenvector
gromacs-data / g_options(1)
Utility program for generating gromacs documentation version 4.5.4
gromacs-data / g_options_d(1)
Utility program for generating gromacs documentation version 4.5.4
gromacs-data / g_order(1)
Compute the order parameter per atom for carbon tails
gromacs-data / g_order_d(1)
Compute the order parameter per atom for carbon tails
gromacs-data / g_pme_error(1)
Estimate the error of using pme with a given input file
gromacs-data / g_pme_error_d(1)
Estimate the error of using pme with a given input file
gromacs-data / g_polystat(1)
Calculate static properties of polymers
gromacs-data / g_polystat_d(1)
Calculate static properties of polymers
gromacs-data / g_potential(1)
Calculate the electrostatic potential across the box
gromacs-data / g_potential_d(1)
Calculate the electrostatic potential across the box
gromacs-data / g_principal(1)
Calculate principal axes of inertia for a group of atoms
gromacs-data / g_principal_d(1)
Calculate principal axes of inertia for a group of atoms
gromacs-data / g_protonate(1)
Protonate structures
gromacs-data / g_protonate_d(1)
Protonate structures
gromacs-data / g_rama(1)
Compute ramachandran plots
gromacs-data / g_rama_d(1)
Compute ramachandran plots
gromacs-data / g_rdf(1)
Calculate radial distribution functions
gromacs-data / g_rdf_d(1)
Calculate radial distribution functions
gromacs-data / g_rms(1)
Calculate rmsds with a reference structure and rmsd matrices
gromacs-data / g_rms_d(1)
Calculate rmsds with a reference structure and rmsd matrices
gromacs-data / g_rmsdist(1)
Calculate atom pair distances averaged with power -2, -3 or -6
gromacs-data / g_rmsdist_d(1)
Calculate atom pair distances averaged with power -2, -3 or -6
gromacs-data / g_rmsf(1)
Calculate atomic fluctuations
gromacs-data / g_rmsf_d(1)
Calculate atomic fluctuations
gromacs-data / g_rotacf(1)
Calculate the rotational correlation function for molecules
gromacs-data / g_rotacf_d(1)
Calculate the rotational correlation function for molecules
gromacs-data / g_rotmat(1)
Plot the rotation matrix for fitting to a reference structure
gromacs-data / g_rotmat_d(1)
Plot the rotation matrix for fitting to a reference structure
gromacs-data / g_saltbr(1)
Compute salt bridges
gromacs-data / g_saltbr_d(1)
Compute salt bridges
gromacs-data / g_sans(1)
Compute small angle neutron scattering spectra
gromacs-data / g_sans_d(1)
Compute small angle neutron scattering spectra
gromacs-data / g_sas(1)
Compute solvent accessible surface area
gromacs-data / g_sas_d(1)
Compute solvent accessible surface area
gromacs-data / g_saxs(1)
Compute small angle x-ray scattering spectra
gromacs-data / g_saxs_d(1)
Compute small angle x-ray scattering spectra
gromacs-data / g_select(1)
Print general information about selections
gromacs-data / g_select_d(1)
Print general information about selections
gromacs-data / g_sham(1)
Compute free energies or other histograms from histograms
gromacs-data / g_sham_d(1)
Compute free energies or other histograms from histograms
gromacs-data / g_sigeps(1)
Convert c6/12 or c6/cn combinations to and from sigma/epsilon
gromacs-data / g_sigeps_d(1)
Convert c6/12 or c6/cn combinations to and from sigma/epsilon
gromacs-data / g_sorient(1)
Analyze solvent orientation around solutes
gromacs-data / g_sorient_d(1)
Analyze solvent orientation around solutes
gromacs-data / g_spatial(1)
Calculate the spatial distribution function
gromacs-data / g_spatial_d(1)
Calculate the spatial distribution function
gromacs-data / g_spol(1)
Analyze solvent dipole orientation and polarization around solutes
gromacs-data / g_spol_d(1)
Analyze solvent dipole orientation and polarization around solutes
gromacs-data / g_tcaf(1)
Calculate viscosities of liquids
gromacs-data / g_tcaf_d(1)
Calculate viscosities of liquids
gromacs-data / g_traj(1)
Plot x, v, f, box, temperature and rotational energy from trajectories
gromacs-data / g_traj_d(1)
Plot x, v, f, box, temperature and rotational energy from trajectories
gromacs-data / g_tune_pme(1)
Time mdrun as a function of pme ranks to optimize settings
gromacs-data / g_tune_pme_d(1)
Time mdrun as a function of pme ranks to optimize settings
gromacs-data / g_vanhove(1)
Compute van hove displacement and correlation functions
gromacs-data / g_vanhove_d(1)
Compute van hove displacement and correlation functions
gromacs-data / g_velacc(1)
Calculate velocity autocorrelation functions
gromacs-data / g_velacc_d(1)
Calculate velocity autocorrelation functions
gromacs-data / g_view(1)
View a trajectory on an x-windows terminal
gromacs-data / g_view_d(1)
View a trajectory on an x-windows terminal
gromacs-data / g_wham(1)
Perform weighted histogram analysis after umbrella sampling
gromacs-data / g_wham_d(1)
Perform weighted histogram analysis after umbrella sampling
gromacs-data / g_wheel(1)
Plot helical wheels
gromacs-data / g_wheel_d(1)
Plot helical wheels
gromacs-data / g_x2top(1)
Generate a primitive topology from coordinates
gromacs-data / g_x2top_d(1)
Generate a primitive topology from coordinates
gabedit / gabedit(1)
Graphical user interface (gui) to computational chemistry packages
gap-dev / gac(1)
The gap compiler
libgadap-dev / gadap-config(1)
Return metainformation about installed libraries
gaduhistory / gaduhistory(1)
Ekg history viewer
gaffitter / gaffitter(1)
File subsets extractor based on genetic algorithms
galculator / galculator(1)
A gtk 2 / gtk 3 based scientific calculator
weboob / galleroob(1)
Browse and download web image galleries
gallery-uploader / gallery-uploader(1)
Program to upload pictures and video to gallery
dvd-slideshow / gallery1-to-slideshow(1)
Creates an input file for dvd-slideshow from pictures in gallery online photo album.
galleta / galleta(1)
Tool to extract informations from ms ie cookie files
coq / gallina(1)
Extracts specification from coq vernacular files
galternatives / galternatives(1)
A front-end to the update-alternatives
gambas3-ide / gambas3(1)
Integrated development environment.
gameconqueror / gameconqueror(1)
A gui for scanmem, a game hacking tool.
gamera-gui / gamera_gui(1)
Gui for the gamera framework
gamgi / gamgi(1)
General atomistic modelling graphic interface
gamgi / gamgi.real(1)
General atomistic modelling graphic interface
sane-utils / gamma4scanimage(1)
Create a gamma table for scanimage
gammu / gammu(1)
Does some neat things with your cellular phone or modem.
gammu / gammu-config(1)
Gammu configurator
gammu / gammu-detect(1)
Gammu device detection new in version 1.28.95.
gammu-smsd / gammu-smsd(1)
Sms daemon for gammu
gammu-smsd / gammu-smsd-inject(1)
Inject messages into queue of sms daemon for gammu
gammu-smsd / gammu-smsd-monitor(1)
Monitor state of sms daemon for gammu
gamt / gamt(1)
Intel amt serial-over-lan (sol) client.
gant / gant(1)
Groovy build framework based on scripting ant tasks
gap-core / gap(1)
Groups, algorithms and programming
gap-core / gap.real(1)
Groups, algorithms and programming
staden / gap4(1)
Genome assembly program (part of staden package)
staden / gap5(1)
Genome assembly program (part of staden package)
gaphor / gaphor(1)
Uml modeling tool
gaphor / gaphorconvert(1)
Gaphor uml diagram conversion tool
gtk-sharp2-gapi / gapi2-codegen(1)
No manpage for this program.
gtk-sharp2-gapi / gapi2-fixup(1)
No manpage for this program.
gtk-sharp2-gapi / gapi2-parser(1)
No manpage for this program.
mummer / gaps(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
geda-utils / garchive(1)
Create and extract geda design archives
garlic / garlic(1)
Molecular visualization program
garmin-forerunner-tools / garmin_dump(1)
Convert .gmn files into xml data
garmin-forerunner-tools / garmin_get_info(1)
Retrieve basic information from a forerunner device.
garmin-forerunner-tools / garmin_gmap(1)
Convert .gmn files into xml data for use with goole maps
garmin-forerunner-tools / garmin_gpx(1)
Convert .gmn files into xml data for use with openstreetmap
garmin-forerunner-tools / garmin_save_runs(1)
Retrieve track logs from a forerunner device.
gastables / gastables(1)
Graphical user interface for compressible flow gas table modules
aterm-ml / gaterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
stx2any / gather_stx_titles(1)
Gather title declarations from stx documents
gatling / gatling(1)
High performance file server
gatling / gatling-bench(1)
Http benchmark
gatling / gatling-dl(1)
Download utility
gatos / gatos(1)
Ati-tv for gnu/linux
gatos / gatos-conf(1)
Gui gatos configuration application.
gatos / gatos.conf(1)
Configuration file of the gatos package.
geda-gattrib / gattrib(1)
Geda/gaf schematic attribute editor
gauche / gauche-cesconv(1)
Convert text from one character encoding scheme to another
gauche-dev / gauche-config(1)
Retrieve configuration parameters of gauche
gauche-dev / gauche-install(1)
Install files and set attributes
gauche-dev / gauche-package(1)
Gauche package builder/manager
gaupol / gaupol(1)
Editor for text-based subtitle files
gausssum / gausssum(1)
Parses the output of a gaussian, gamess or hyperchem job
gawk / gawk(1)
Pattern scanning and processing language
gambas3-dev / gba3(1)
Gambas archiver
gbackground / gbackground(1)
Interval-based gnome background changer
firebird2.5-server-common / gbak(1)
Gbak backup/restore firebird database
gbase / gbase(1)
Small numeric base converter
gambas3-dev / gbc3(1)
Gambas compiler
gbemol / gbemol(1)
Gbemol graphical frontend for the music player daemon (mpd)
gbgoffice / gbgoffice(1)
Gtk bg office assistant
gambas3-dev / gbi3(1)
Gambas component informer
gbirthday / gbirthday(1)
A birthday reminder application that helps you to remember your contacts' birthdays
gbonds / gbonds(1)
U.s. savings bond inventory program for gnome
git-buildpackage / gbp(1)
Maintain debian packages in git
git-buildpackage / gbp-buildpackage(1)
Build debian packages from a git repository
git-buildpackage / gbp-clone(1)
Clone a repository from remote
git-buildpackage / gbp-config(1)
Query configuration values
git-buildpackage / gbp-create-remote-repo(1)
Create remote repositories
git-buildpackage / gbp-dch(1)
Generate the debian changelog from git commit messages
git-buildpackage / gbp-import-dsc(1)
Import debian packages into a git repository
git-buildpackage / gbp-import-dscs(1)
Import multiple versions of a debian source packages into a git repository
git-buildpackage / gbp-import-orig(1)
Import an upstream source into a git repository
git-buildpackage / gbp-pq(1)
Manage quilt patches on patch queue branches in git
git-buildpackage / gbp-pull(1)
Safely update a repository from remote
gambas3-runtime / gbr3(1)
Gambas interpreter
gbrowse / gbrowse(1)
The generic genome browser
gbrowse / gbrowse_change_passwd(1)
Modify a gbrowse user password
gbrowse / gbrowse_create_account(1)
Creates an account for gbrowse
gbrowse / gbrowse_import_ucsc_db(1)
Creates a framework data source
gbrowse / gbrowse_metadb_config(1)
Initializes an empty gbrowse user accounts and uploads metadata database
gbrowse / gbrowse_set_admin_passwd(1)
Sets the adminstrator password for the gbrowse admin
gbrowse / gbrowse_slave(1)
Creates an account for gbrowse
gbrowse / gbrowse_syn_load_alignment_database(1)
Script to load the database for gbrowse_syn
gbrowse / gbrowse_syn_load_alignments_msa(1)
Script to load the database for gbrowse_syn from alignement file
gambas3-script / gbs3(1)
Gambas scripter
ncbi-tools-bin / gbseqget(1)
Format sequences from genbank as an xml gbset
gbsplay / gbsinfo(1)
Display gameboy sound file information
gbsplay / gbsplay(1)
Gameboy sound player
gambas3-script / gbw3(1)
Gambas web page interpeter
gambas3-runtime / gbx3(1)
Gambas interpreter
graphviz / gc(1)
Count graph components
gnome-calculator / gcalccmd(1)
A console calculator
onioncat / gcat(1)
Onioncat creates a transparent ipv6 layer on top of tor's hidden services. gcat - garlicat is like onioncat but it works with i2p instead of tor.
gcb / gcb(1)
Calculate long and short path to a location
gcc-4.8 / gcc-ar-4.8(1)
A wrapper around ar adding the --plugin option
gcc-4.9 / gcc-ar-4.9(1)
A wrapper around ar adding the --plugin option
gcc-4.8 / gcc-nm-4.8(1)
A wrapper around nm adding the --plugin option
gcc-4.9 / gcc-nm-4.9(1)
A wrapper around nm adding the --plugin option
gcc-4.8 / gcc-ranlib-4.8(1)
A wrapper around ranlib adding the --plugin option
gcc-4.9 / gcc-ranlib-4.9(1)
A wrapper around ranlib adding the --plugin option
xutils-dev / gccmakedep(1)
Create dependencies in makefiles using 'gcc -m'
ccontrol / gccontrol(1)
Gui for ccontrol
gccxml / gccxml(1)
gccxml / gccxml_cc1plus(1)
gcu-bin / gchem3d(1)
A small chemical viewer application
gcu-bin / gchem3d-0.14(1)
A small chemical viewer application
gcu-bin / gchemcalc(1)
Simple calculator for chemists
gcu-bin / gchemcalc-0.14(1)
Simple calculator for chemists
gchempaint / gchempaint(1)
2d chemical structures editor for the gnome2 desktop
gchempaint / gchempaint-0.14(1)
2d chemical structures editor for the gnome2 desktop
gcu-bin / gchemtable(1)
Periodic table of the elements
gcu-bin / gchemtable-0.14(1)
Periodic table of the elements
gcin / gcin(1)
An input method server
gcin / gcin-exit(1)
Send quit message to gcin
gcin / gcin-gb-toggle(1)
Gcin's chinese conversion toggle tool
gcin / gcin-kbm-toggle(1)
Gcin's virtual keyboard toggle tool
gcin / gcin-message(1)
Gcin's notification tool
gcin / gcin-tools(1)
Configuration tools of gcin
gcin / gcin2tab(1)
Converts text input method table to gcin's .gtab format
gcj-4.8-jdk / gcj-wrapper-4.8(1)
A wrapper around gcj
gcj-4.9-jdk / gcj-wrapper-4.9(1)
A wrapper around gcj
gnustep-gui-common / gclose(1)
This tool terminates an application
gnustep-gui-common / gcloseall(1)
This tool terminates all applications
gnome-color-manager / gcm-calibrate(1)
Gnome color manager calibrator tool
gnome-color-manager / gcm-import(1)
Gnome color manager import tool
gnome-color-manager / gcm-inspect(1)
Gnome color manager inspect tool
gnome-color-manager / gcm-picker(1)
Gnome color manager color picker tool
gnome-color-manager / gcm-viewer(1)
Gnome color manager profile viewer tool
gco / gco(1)
The gnome comics organizer
slic3r / gcode_sectioncut(1)
Generate section cuts from a gcode file
gcolor2 / gcolor2(1)
Gcolor2 is a simple gtk2 color selector.
gconf-editor / gconf-editor(1)
An editor for the gconf configuration system
gconf2 / gconftool(1)
Gnome configuration tool
gconf2 / gconftool-2(1)
Gnome configuration tool
gconjugue / gconjugue(1)
Conjugator of brazilian portuguese verbs
gdb / gcore(1)
Generate a core file for a running process
gcovr / gcovr(1)
Generate simple coverage reports
gcp / gcp(1)
Advanced command-line file copier
gcpegg / gcpbasket(1)
Global consciousness project reg software
gcpegg / gcpegg(1)
Global consciousness project reg software
gcrystal / gcrystal(1)
Light model visualizer for crystal structures
gcrystal / gcrystal-0.14(1)
Light model visualizer for crystal structures
gcstar / gcstar(1)
Personal collection manager
gwenhywfar-tools / gct-tool(1)
Command line tool for manipulation of gwenhywfar crypttokens.
scotch / gcv(1)
Graph file converter
scotch / gcv-int32(1)
Graph file converter
scotch / gcv-int64(1)
Graph file converter
scotch / gcv-long(1)
Graph file converter
gcx / gcx(1)
Astronomical image processing and photometry
libgd-tools / gd2copypal(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
gendarme / gd2i(1)
Gendarme defect to ignore list
libgd-tools / gd2topng(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
libgda-5.0-bin / gda-sql-5.0(1)
An sql console based on libgda
libgdal-dev / gdal-config(1)
Gdal-config determines various information about a gdal installation
python-gdal / gdal2tiles(1)
Gdal2tiles.py generates directory with tms tiles, kmls and simple web viewers
gdal-bin / gdal_contour(1)
Gdal_contour builds vector contour lines from a raster elevation model
python-gdal / gdal_edit(1)
Gdal_edit.py edit in place various information of an existing gdal dataset
python-gdal / gdal_fillnodata(1)
Gdal_fillnodata.py fill raster regions by interpolation from edges
python-gdal / gdal_merge(1)
Gdal_merge.py mosaics a set of images
python-gdal / gdal_polygonize(1)
Gdal_polygonize.py produces a polygon feature layer from a raster
python-gdal / gdal_proximity(1)
Gdal_proximity.py produces a raster proximity map
gdal-bin / gdal_rasterize(1)
Gdal_rasterize burns vector geometries into a raster
python-gdal / gdal_retile(1)
Gdal_retile.py gdal_retile.py retiles a set of tiles and/or build tiled pyramid levels
python-gdal / gdal_sieve(1)
Gdal_sieve.py removes small raster polygons
gdal-bin / gdal_translate(1)
Gdal_translate converts raster data between different formats
gdal-bin / gdal_utilities(1)
Gdal utilities a collection of gdal related programs. the following utility programs are distributed with gdal. gdalinfo - report information about a file. gdal_translate - copy a raster file, with control of output format. gdaladdo - add overviews to a file. gdalwarp - warp an image into a new coordinate system. gdaltindex - build a mapserver raster tileindex. gdalbuildvrt - build a vrt from a list of datasets. gdal_contour - contours from dem. gdaldem - tools to analyze and visualize dems. rgb2pct.py - convert a 24bit rgb image to 8bit paletted. pct2rgb.py - convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit rgb. gdal_merge.py - build a quick mosaic from a set of images. gdal2tiles.py - create a tms tile structure, kml and simple web viewer. gdal_rasterize - rasterize vectors into raster file. gdaltransform - transform coordinates. nearblack - convert nearly black/white borders to exact value. gdal_retile.py - retiles a set of tiles and/or build tiled pyramid levels. gdal_grid - create raster from the scattered data. gdal_proximity.py - compute a raster proximity map. gdal_polygonize.py - generate polygons from raster. gdal_sieve.py - raster sieve filter. gdal_fillnodata.py - interpolate in nodata regions. gdallocationinfo - query raster at a location. gdalsrsinfo - report a given srs in different formats. (gdal = 1.9.0) gdalmove.py - transform the coordinate system of a file (gdal = 1.10) gdal_edit.py - edit in place various information of an existing gdal dataset (projection, geotransform, nodata, metadata) gdal-config - get options required to build software using gdal. gdalmanage - identify, copy, rename and delete raster.
gdal-bin / gdaladdo(1)
Gdaladdo builds or rebuilds overview images
gdal-bin / gdalbuildvrt(1)
Gdalbuildvrt builds a vrt from a list of datasets. (compiled by default since gdal 1.6.1)
gdal-bin / gdaldem(1)
Gdaldem tools to analyze and visualize dems. (since gdal 1.7.0)
gdal-bin / gdalinfo(1)
Gdalinfo lists information about a raster dataset
gdal-bin / gdallocationinfo(1)
Gdallocationinfo raster query tool
gdal-bin / gdalmanage(1)
Gdalmanage identify, delete, rename and copy raster data files
python-gdal / gdalmove(1)
Gdalmove.py transform georeferencing of raster file in place
gdal-bin / gdaltindex(1)
Gdaltindex builds a shapefile as a raster tileindex
gdal-bin / gdaltransform(1)
Gdaltransform transforms coordinates
gdal-bin / gdalwarp(1)
Gdalwarp image reprojection and warping utility
lx-gdb / gdbdump(1)
Dump hp 100lx database into ascii format
lx-gdb / gdbload(1)
Load ascii formatted data into an hp 100lx database
libglib2.0-bin / gdbus(1)
Tool for working with d-bus objects
libvtkgdcm-tools / gdcm2pnm(1)
Off-screen rendering of dicom images
libvtkgdcm-tools / gdcm2vtk(1)
Convert a file supported by vtk into dicom.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmanon(1)
Tool to anonymize a dicom file.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmconv(1)
Tool to convert dicom to dicom.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmdiff(1)
Dumps differences of two dicom files
libgdcm-tools / gdcmdump(1)
Dumps a dicom file, it will display the structure and values contained in the specified dicom file.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmgendir(1)
Tool to generate a dicomdir file from a file-set.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmimg(1)
Manipulate dicom image file. gdcmimg is a low level tool to allow de-/encapsulation from/to dicom image. this tool does not understand transfer syntax conversion. it will encapsulate the raw data as-is. this has some impact in some cases, see special warnings below. it is important to note that gdcmimg can only encapsulate proper input file, for instance jpg and or jp2 are accepted since an associated dicom transfer syntax can be found. however input such as tiff and/or png are not, since dicom does not support those. see instead a tool such as gdcm2vtk.
libgdcm-tools / gdcminfo(1)
Display meta info about the input dicom file.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmpap3(1)
Tool to convert papyrus 3.0 to dicom.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmpdf(1)
Tool to convert pdf to pdf/dicom.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmraw(1)
Extract data element value field.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmscanner(1)
Scan a directory containing dicom files.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmscu(1)
Tool to execute a dicom query/retrieve operation
libgdcm-tools / gdcmtar(1)
Concatenate/extract dicom files.
libvtkgdcm-tools / gdcmviewer(1)
Simple dicom viewer.
libgdcm-tools / gdcmxml(1)
Provides a tool to convert a dicom file into a xml infoset and vice-versa.
gddccontrol / gddccontrol(1)
A graphical utility to control monitor parameters via software
gdebi-core / gdebi(1)
Simple tool to install deb files
gdebi / gdebi-gtk(1)
Simple tool to install deb files
gdebi-kde / gdebi-kde(1)
Simple tool to install deb files
gdeskcal / gdeskcal(1)
A cute little eye-candy calendar for your desktop.
gdesklets / gdesklets(1)
Provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets
gdf-tools / gdf_merger(1)
Merge multiple gdf files
groff / gdiffmk(1)
Mark differences between groff/nroff/troff files
gdigi / gdigi(1)
Utility to control digitech effect pedals
gdis / gdis(1)
Molecules and periodic systems manipulator
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev / gdk-pixbuf-csource(1)
C code generation utility for gdkpixbuf images
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev / gdk-pixbuf-pixdata(1)
Gdk pixbuf library
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev / gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders(1)
Gdkpixbuf loader registration utility
gnudatalanguage / gdl(1)
Gnu data language incremental compiler
libgd-dev / gdlib-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of gd
grcompiler / gdlpp(1)
Gdl (graphite description language) preprocessor
gdmap / gdmap(1)
Gdmap -graphical disk map
kdm-gdmcompat / gdmflexiserver(1)
Starts a new kdm session
gnustep-base-runtime / gdnc(1)
Gnustep distributed notification center
libgdome2-dev / gdome-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of gdome2
libgd-tools / gdparttopng(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
gdpc / gdpc(1)
Program for visualising molecular dynamic simulations
libgd-tools / gdtopng(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
geany / geany(1)
Geany a small and lightweight ide
gearman-tools / gearadmin(1)
Gearmand documentation, http://gearman.info/ run administrative commands against a server.
gearman-tools / gearman(1)
Gearmand documentation, http://gearman.info/ command line client for gearmand
geary / geary(1)
Lightweight email client designed for the gnome desktop
geneweb / ged2gwb(1)
Create a geneweb database from a gedcom file
gedit-common / gedit(1)
Text editor for the gnome desktop
geekcode / geekcode(1)
Generate geek code block
geeqie-common / geeqie(1)
Gtk based multiformat image viewer
gpsd-clients / gegps(1)
Test clients for gpsd
geis-tools / geistest(1)
Test operation of the geis api
geis-tools / geisview(1)
View operation of the geis api
gelemental / gelemental(1)
Periodic table viewer
ruby2.1 / gem2.1(1)
Frontend to rubygems, the ruby package manager
ruby-graphviz / gem2gv(1)
Create a dependency graph between gems
gemanx-gtk2 / gemanx(1)
Term bbs client beyond pcman x
mhc-utils / gemcal(1)
Ruby/gtk base calendar
gems / gems-client(1)
Show data transmitted by gems-server (1)
gems / gems-server(1)
Transmit a shell session in real time.
netpbm / gemtopbm(1)
Convert a gem .img file into a portable anymap
netpbm / gemtopnm(1)
Convert a gem .img file into a portable anymap
multimon / gen(1)
Program to generate test files of radio transmission modulation
libctl-dev / gen-ctl-io(1)
Generate c interface code for libctl control files
algotutor / gen_at_graph(1)
Generates a random graph for use in algotutor.
libpinyin-utils / gen_binary_files(1)
Library to deal with pinyin
feh / gen_cam_menu(1)
A utility for viewing live webcam images gen_cam_menu.sh - a utility for updating enlightenment user menus for feh-cam.
libpinyin-utils / gen_unigram(1)
Library to deal with pinyin
genbackupdata / genbackupdata(1)
Generate backup test data
gromacs-data / genbox(1)
Solvate a system
gromacs-data / genbox_d(1)
Solvate a system
icu-devtools / genbrk(1)
Compiles icu break iteration rules source files into binary data files
z8530-utils2 / gencfg(1)
Generate z8530drv.conf from xnos data
icu-devtools / gencfu(1)
Generates unicode confusable data files
icu-devtools / gencnval(1)
Compile the converters aliases file
odin / gencoil(1)
Generates a virtual coil suitable for sequence simulation in odin
gromacs-data / genconf(1)
Multiply a conformation in 'random' orientations
gromacs-data / genconf_d(1)
Multiply a conformation in 'random' orientations
gendarme / gendarme(1)
Rule-based code analysis for mono.
mingw-w64-tools / gendef(1)
Dll export extractor
lcov / gendesc(1)
Generate a test case description file
icu-devtools / gendict(1)
Compiles word list into icu string trie dictionary
rpm / gendiff(1)
Utility to aid in error-free diff file generation
ncbi-tools-bin / gene2xml(1)
Convert ncbi entrez gene asn.1 into xml
slurm-wlm-torque / generate_pbs_nodefile(1)
Generate a $pbs_nodefile style file with the list of nodes used by a job
bonnie++ / generate_randfile(1)
A program to generate a file of random data
sloccount / generic_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
wise / genewise(1)
Genewise comparison of a related protein to genomic dna
wise / genewisedb(1)
Genewise a database of proteins vs a database of genomic dna sequences
keepalived / genhash(1)
Md5 hash generation tool for remote web pages
lcov / genhtml(1)
Generate html view from lcov coverage data files
mingw-w64-tools / genidl(1)
Windows typelib information extractor
lcov / geninfo(1)
Generate tracefiles from .da files
gromacs-data / genion(1)
Generate monoatomic ions on energetically favorable positions
gromacs-data / genion_d(1)
Generate monoatomic ions on energetically favorable positions
omniorb / genior(1)
Utility for creating a stringified ior
genisoimage / genisoimage(1)
Create iso9660/joliet/hfs filesystem with optional rock ridge attributes
genisovh / genisovh(1)
Make cd-roms bootable for sgi mips machines
kdm / genkdmconf(1)
Generate configuration files for kdm
alliance / genlib(1)
Procedural design language based upon c.
odin / genmakefile(1)
Generates a makefile for odin methods
libgenome-perl / genome(1)
Bioinformatics tools for genomics
wise / genomewise(1)
Genomewise a tool for combining disparate evidence strands
mipe / genotype2mipe(1)
Inserts snp data into mipe file
genparse / genparse(1)
Command line parser generator
pcp / genpmda(1)
Performance co-pilot pmda generator
lcov / genpng(1)
Generate an overview image from a source file
icu-devtools / genrb(1)
Compile a resource bundle
libroot-core-dev / genreflex(1)
Generates the lcg dictionary file for each header file
libroot-core-dev / genreflex-rootcint(1)
Root dictionary generator using reflex/gccxml
icoutils / genresscript(1)
Generate resource script from pe and ne binaries
gromacs-data / genrestr(1)
Generate position restraints or distance restraints for index groups
gromacs-data / genrestr_d(1)
Generate position restraints or distance restraints for index groups
odin / gensample(1)
Generates a virtual sample suitable for sequence simulation in odin
sgmltools-lite / gensgmlenv(1)
Generate /etc/sgml/sgml.env and /etc/sgml/sgml.cenv
samba-testsuite / gentest(1)
Run random generic smb operations against two smb servers and show the differences in behavior
mono-devel / genxs(1)
Mono's xml serializer generator
proj-bin / geod(1)
Direct geodesic computations invgeod - inverse geodesic computations
odin / geoedit(1)
Geometry editor of odin
geogebra / geogebra(1)
Dynamic mathematics software for education
geoip-bin / geoiplookup(1)
Look up country using ip address or hostname
geoip-bin / geoiplookup6(1)
Look up country using ip address or hostname
weboob / geolooc(1)
Geolocalize ip addresses
geophar / geophar(1)
Swiss army knife for the math teacher
libgeos-dev / geos-config(1)
Returns information about installed geos libraries and binaries
predict / geosat(1)
Calculate az and el to geostationary satellites
geotranz / geotranz(1)
Geographic coordinates translator
gerbv / gerbv(1)
Gerber viewer
gerris / gerris2D(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
gerris-mpi / gerris2D(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
gerris / gerris3D(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
gerris-mpi / gerris3D(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
gertty / gertty(1)
Console client for gerrit code review.
gespeaker / gespeaker(1)
A gtk+ frontend for espeak and mbrola
read-edid / get-edid(1)
Read-edid tools to retrieve and interpret monitor specifications using the vesa vbe ddc protocol
arp-scan / get-iab(1)
Fetch the arp-scan iab file from the ieee website
arp-scan / get-oui(1)
Fetch the arp-scan oui file from the ieee website
libwings-dev / get-wings-flags(1)
Output libwings compile and linker flags
libwraster3-dev / get-wraster-flags(1)
Output libwraster compile and linker flags
libwings-dev / get-wutil-flags(1)
Output libwutil compile and linker flags
ladr4-apps / get_givens(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
ladr4-apps / get_interps(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
ladr4-apps / get_kept(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
sloccount / get_sloc(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
sloccount / get_sloc_details(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
psutils / getafm(1)
Create an afm file for a postscript font.
devscripts / getbuildlog(1)
Download build logs from debian auto-builders
certmonger / getcert(1)
certmonger / getcert-list(1)
certmonger / getcert-list-cas(1)
certmonger / getcert-refresh(1)
certmonger / getcert-refresh-ca(1)
certmonger / getcert-request(1)
certmonger / getcert-resubmit(1)
certmonger / getcert-start-tracking(1)
certmonger / getcert-status(1)
certmonger / getcert-stop-tracking(1)
cifs-utils / getcifsacl(1)
Userspace helper to display an acl in a security descriptor for common internet file system (cifs)
wcstools / getcol(1)
dsbltesters / getcookie(1)
Get a cookie from the dsbl server for batch testing
wcstools / getdate(1)
autogen / getdefs(1)
Autogen definition extraction tool
genisoimage / geteltorito(1)
An el torito boot image extractor
manpages / getent(1)
Get entries from name service switch libraries
nslcd-utils / getent.ldap(1)
Query information from ldap
acl / getfacl(1)
Get file access control lists
attr / getfattr(1)
Get extended attributes of filesystem objects
fdutils / getfdprm(1)
wcstools / getfits(1)
wcstools / gethead(1)
syslinux-utils / gethostip(1)
Gethostip convert an ip address into various formats
xgridfit / getinstrs(1)
Extracts truetype instructions for one or more glyphs from a font.
inn / getlist(1)
Get a list from an nntp server
getlive / getlive(1)
Fetch mail from your hotmail live account
ltsp-client-core / getltscfg(1)
Get ltsp configuration variables
getmail4 / getmail(1)
Retrieve messages from one or more pop3, imap4, or sdps mailboxes and deliver to a maildir, mboxrd-format mbox file, or external mda
getmail4 / getmail_fetch(1)
Retrieve messages from one or more pop3 or pop3-over-ssl mailboxes and deliver to a maildir, mboxrd-format mbox file, or external mda
getmail4 / getmail_maildir(1)
Read a message from stdin and deliver to a named maildir
getmail4 / getmail_mbox(1)
Read a message from stdin and deliver to a named mboxrd-format mbox file with fcntl-style locking.
getmail4 / getmails(1)
Wrapper for getmail to access multiple mailboxes
ncbi-tools-bin / getmesh(1)
Get mesh terms from a medline entry
util-linux / getopt(1)
Parse command options (enhanced)
libcap2-bin / getpcaps(1)
List process capabilities
tcputils / getpeername(1)
Get name of connected tcp/ip peer
wcstools / getpix(1)
ncbi-tools-bin / getpub(1)
Look up medline entries by uid
netpipes / getsockname(1)
Get information about this or that end of the socket's connection netpipes 4.2
wcstools / gettab(1)
gettext-base / gettext(1)
Translate message
gettext / gettextize(1)
Install or upgrade gettext infrastructure
gexec / gexec(1)
Interactive run dialog
gextractwinicons / gextractwinicons(1)
Extract cursors and icons from ms windows compatible resource files
gnome-applets / geyes_applet(1)
Geyes applet for the gnome panel.
mftrace / gf2pbm(1)
Convert a character from a gf font file to pbm format
gfal2 / gfal2_version(1)
Version tool for gfal2
gfan / gfan(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_bases(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_buchberger(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_combinerays(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_doesidealcontain(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_fancommonrefinement(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_fanhomology(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_fanlink(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_fanproduct(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_fansubfan(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_genericlinearchange(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_groebnercone(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_groebnerfan(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_homogeneityspace(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_homogenize(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_initialforms(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_interactive(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_ismarkedgroebnerbasis(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_krulldimension(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_latticeideal(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_leadingterms(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_list(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_markpolynomialset(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_minkowskisum(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_minors(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_mixedvolume(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_overintegers(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_padic(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_polynomialsetunion(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_render(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_renderstaircase(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_saturation(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_secondaryfan(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_stats(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_substitute(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_symmetries(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tolatex(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_topolyhedralfan(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalbasis(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalbruteforce(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalevaluation(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalfunction(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalhypersurface(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalintersection(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicallifting(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicallinearspace(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalmultiplicity(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalrank(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalstartingcone(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicaltraverse(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_tropicalweildivisor(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfan / gfan_version(1)
Tool to compute gröbner fans and tropical varieties
gfax / gfax(1)
Gnome frontend for fax programs
gfax / gfaxlpr(1)
Postscript printer fronted for fax programs
libgfshare-bin / gfcombine(1)
Combine a number of shares to form the original file
gff2aplot / gff2aplot(1)
Converting gff files for pairwise alignments to postscript.
gff2ps / gff2ps(1)
Produces postscript graphical output from gff-files.
firebird2.5-server-common / gfix(1)
Firebird command-line tool
gfm / gfm(1)
A program to manipulate files for ti's handhelds
gforth / gforth(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gforth / gforth-0.7.2(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gforth / gforth-fast(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gforth / gforth-fast-0.7.2(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gforth / gforth-itc(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gforth / gforth-itc-0.7.2(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gforth / gforthmi(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gforth / gforthmi-0.7.2(1)
A fast and portable forth system
gerris / gfs-config(1)
Defines values for programs using gts.
gerris-mpi / gfs-config(1)
Defines values for programs using gts.
gerris / gfs-highlight(1)
Syntax highlighting/hypertext linking of gerris simulation files.
gerris-mpi / gfs-highlight(1)
Syntax highlighting/hypertext linking of gerris simulation files.
gerris / gfs2gfs(1)
Converts old gerris simulation files to the current format.
gerris-mpi / gfs2gfs(1)
Converts old gerris simulation files to the current format.
gerris / gfs2oogl2D(1)
Converts a gerris simulation file to other (graphical) formats.
gerris-mpi / gfs2oogl2D(1)
Converts a gerris simulation file to other (graphical) formats.
gerris / gfs2oogl3D(1)
Converts a gerris simulation file to other (graphical) formats.
gerris-mpi / gfs2oogl3D(1)
Converts a gerris simulation file to other (graphical) formats.
gerris / gfscompare2D(1)
Computes the difference between the solutions in file1 and file2 for variable var.
gerris-mpi / gfscompare2D(1)
Computes the difference between the solutions in file1 and file2 for variable var.
gerris / gfscompare3D(1)
Computes the difference between the solutions in file1 and file2 for variable var.
gerris-mpi / gfscompare3D(1)
Computes the difference between the solutions in file1 and file2 for variable var.
gerris / gfsjoin(1)
Joins gerris files.
gerris-mpi / gfsjoin(1)
Joins gerris files.
gerris / gfsjoin2D(1)
Joins several parallel gerris simulation files
gerris-mpi / gfsjoin2D(1)
Joins several parallel gerris simulation files
gerris / gfsjoin3D(1)
Joins several parallel gerris simulation files
gerris-mpi / gfsjoin3D(1)
Joins several parallel gerris simulation files
libgfshare-bin / gfsplit(1)
Split a file into a number of shares
gfsview / gfsview(1)
Manual page for gfsview: version 20121130
gfsview / gfsview-batch2D(1)
Manual page for gfsview-batch2d: 2d-batch version 20121130
gfsview / gfsview-batch3D(1)
Manual page for gfsview-batch3d: 3d-batch version 20121130
gfsview / gfsview2D(1)
Manual page for gfsview2d: 2d version 20121130
gfsview / gfsview3D(1)
Manual page for gfsview3d: 3d version 20121130
gerris / gfsxref(1)
Creates cross-references for occurences of keyword in input.gfs
gerris-mpi / gfsxref(1)
Creates cross-references for occurences of keyword in input.gfs
texlive-binaries / gftodvi(1)
Make proof sheets from generic font files
texlive-binaries / gftopk(1)
Convert generic font files to packed font files
texlive-binaries / gftype(1)
Translate a generic font file for humans to read
gfxboot / gfxboot(1)
Graphical boot screen test and config tool
ggcov / ggcov(1)
A gnome frontend for exploring gcov coverage data
ggcov / ggcov-run(1)
Run an instrumented test program
ggcov / ggcov-webdb(1)
Generate intermediate database for ggcov web interface
ggobi / ggobi(1)
Visualization system for high-dimensional data
ggobi / ggobi-config(1)
Ggobi compile flags and library information retrieval
geogebra-gnome / ggthumb(1)
Thumbnail creator for geogebra files
performous-tools / gh_fsb_decrypt(1)
Tool for decoding fmod sample bank (fsb) files
performous-tools / gh_xen_decrypt(1)
Tool for decrypting guitar hero xen files
handbrake / ghb(1)
Versatile dvd ripper and video transcoder
ghc / ghc(1)
The glasgow haskell compiler
ghc / ghc-7.6.3(1)
The glasgow haskell compiler
ghc / ghc-pkg(1)
Ghc haskell cabal package manager
ghc / ghc-pkg-7.6.3(1)
Ghc haskell cabal package manager
ghc / ghci(1)
The glasgow haskell compiler
ghc / ghci-7.6.3(1)
The glasgow haskell compiler
ghex / ghex(1)
A gnome hex editor
ghkl / ghkl(1)
Program to do diffractometer computation
ghostess / ghostess(1)
Graphical dssi plugin host
ghostess / ghostess_universal_gui(1)
Graphical dssi plugin host
xymon / ghostlist.cgi(1)
Cgi program to view ghost clients
ghostscript / ghostscript(1)
Ghostscript (postscript and pdf language interpreter and previewer)
ghp-import / ghp-import(1)
Easily import docs to your gh-pages branch
gtkwave / ghwdump(1)
Dumps info contained in ghw files
giblib-dev / giblib-config(1)
Giblib build information script
id-utils / gid(1)
Query id database and report results.
gif2apng / gif2apng(1)
Convert animated gif to animated png files
giflib-tools / gif2epsn(1)
A program to dump images saved as gif files on epson type printers.
hdf5-tools / gif2h5(1)
Converts a gif file to an hdf5 file.
hdf4-tools / gif2hdf(1)
Convert a gif image to a hdf file
gif2png / gif2png(1)
Convert gifs to pngs
giflib-tools / gif2ps(1)
Gif-to-postscript conversion.
giflib-tools / gif2rgb(1)
A program to convert images saved as gif to 24-bit rgb image(s).
swftools / gif2swf(1)
Takes a number of gif files and converts them to a swf movie, one picture per frame.
libtiff-tools / gif2tiff(1)
Create a tiff file from a gif87 format image file
webp / gif2webp(1)
Convert a gif image to webp
giflib-tools / gifasm(1)
A program to assemble multiple gif files into one, or disassemble a single gif file with multiple images into single image files.
giflib-tools / gifbg(1)
A program to generate a single-color test pattern gif with gradually changing intensity in any of the basic 8 directions.
giflib-tools / gifburst(1)
The gifburst program takes a named gif file and breaks it into equal-sized tiles. this is useful if a gif is too large for your viewer, so you have to look at it in sections.
giflib-tools / gifclip(1)
A program to clip images in gif files. only one image in a gif file can be modified at a time. neither the image position on screen nor the screen size is modified (use a href="gifpos.html"gifpos
giflib-tools / gifclrmp(1)
A program to modify gif image colormaps. any local colormap in a gif file can be modified at a time, or the global screen one.
giflib-tools / gifcolor(1)
A program to generate color test patterns. feed it a color map file (as generated, say, by the -s otion of gifclrmp) and it will generate a gif containing lines of the form color %-3d: [%-3d, %-3d, %-3d]: where the first number is the zero-based color index, and the triple is the index's [red, green, blue] value. there will be one such line for each color. each line will be set in a simple 8x8 font in the color it describes; thus, any lines corresponding to the gif's background color will be blank.
giflib-tools / gifcomb(1)
A program to combine 2 gif images of exactly the same size into one. the color maps are merged, but the result may not exceed 256 colors. a boolean mask gif file can be used to set which pixel from two images to use at each location. otherwise any background color from first image is converted to second image color at that point. only the first image of each file is combined; again, all files' first images must be of exactly the same size.
giflib-tools / gifcompose(1)
The gifcompose program uses the giflib utility tools to support a minilanguage for describing gif pasteup sequences.
gifsicle / gifdiff(1)
Compares gif images
giflib-tools / giffiltr(1)
This is an expensive way to copy a gif. the source is included as a skeleton for more sophisticated filters. see the source in the util directory for details. i suppose this does have some utility as a test of the sequential gif record i/o routines. the output should be bytewise identical to the input.
giflib-tools / giffix(1)
A program that attempts to fix broken gif images. currently will "fix" images terminated prematurely by filling the rest of the image with the darkest color found in image.
giflib-tools / gifflip(1)
A program to flip (mirror) gif file along x or y axes, or rotate the gif file 90 degrees to the left or to the right.
giflib-tools / gifhisto(1)
A program to create histogram of number of pixels using each color. the output can be formatted into a gif histogram file, or as text file - both go to stdout.
giflib-tools / gifinfo(1)
Program to display information (size and comments) in gif file
giflib-tools / gifinter(1)
A program to convert between interlaced and non-interlaced gif images.
giflib-tools / gifinto(1)
A program to save stdin into a file with given name, iff the result file has size bigger than specified (see below). this can be used to save result in same files name we started a chain of pipes.
giflib-tools / gifovly(1)
This program takes a multi-image gif file and generates a single gif consisting of all the images overlayed. each image's screen position is used. thus, you can use this together with a href="gifpos.html"gifpos to paste together images.
giflib-tools / gifpos(1)
A program to change gif screen size and/or reposition images. no test is made to make sure changes will generate valid gif files (i.e. images are still confined to screen etc.)
giflib-tools / gifrotat(1)
A program to rotate a gif image by a specified angle.
giflib-tools / gifrsize(1)
A program to resize image size by an integer factor, deleting bits when scaling down and duplicating bits when scaling up.
gifsicle / gifsicle(1)
Manipulates gif images and animations
giflib-tools / gifspnge(1)
This is an expensive way to copy a gif. the source is included as a skeleton for more sophisticated filters using dgifslurp() and egifspew(). see the source in the util directory for details. i suppose this does have some utility as a test of dgifslurp() and egifspew(). the output should be bytewise identical to the input.
gnuift / gift(1)
Index and search images by content
gnuift / gift-endianize(1)
Index and search images by content
gnuift / gift-extract-features(1)
Index and search images by content
gnuift / gift-generate-inverted-file(1)
Index and search images by content
gnuift / gift-modify-distance-matrix(1)
Index and search images by content
gnuift / gift-one-minus(1)
Index and search images by content
gnuift / gift-write-feature-descs(1)
Index and search images by content
giflib-tools / giftext(1)
A program to dump (text only) general information about gif file.
gifti-bin / gifti_test(1)
Test reading/writing a gifti dataset
netpbm / giftopnm(1)
Convert a gif file into a portable anymap
giftrans / giftrans(1)
Transform gif from gif87 to gif89, making one color transparent
gifsicle / gifview(1)
Displays gif images and animations on the x window system
giflib-tools / gifwedge(1)
A program to create a test gif image with intensity levels of the rgb colors ycm colors and white.
gigtools / gigdump(1)
List informations about a gigasampler (.gig) file.
gigtools / gigextract(1)
Extract samples from gigasampler (.gig) files.
giggle / giggle(1)
Gtk+ interface to git trees
gigolo / gigolo(1)
Gigolo a simple frontend to easily connect to remote filesystems with gio/gvfs
ncbi-tools-bin / gil2bin(1)
Convert geninfo integrated ids to or from binary
gimagereader / gimagereader(1)
Graphical gtk+ front-end to tesseract-ocr
gimmix / gimmix(1)
A graphical music player daemon (mpd) client
gimp / gimp(1)
An image manipulation and paint program.
gimp / gimp-2.8(1)
An image manipulation and paint program.
gimp / gimp-console(1)
An image manipulation and paint program.
gimp / gimp-console-2.8(1)
An image manipulation and paint program.
libgimp2.0-dev / gimptool-2.0(1)
Script to perform various gimpy functions
ginac-tools / ginac-excompiler(1)
Ginac expression compiler launcher
ginkgocadx / ginkgocadx(1)
A medical image (dicom) viewer
ginac-tools / ginsh(1)
Ginac interactive shell
mafft / ginsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
install-info / ginstall-info(1)
Update info/dir entries
libglib2.0-bin / gio-querymodules(1)
Gio module cache creation
gip / gip(1)
Ip calculator for gnome desktop environment.
yorick / gist(1)
Browse binary cgm graphics files
gist / gist-paste(1)
Upload code to https://gist.github.com
git-man / git(1)
The stupid content tracker
git-man / git-add(1)
Add file contents to the index
git-extras / git-alias(1)
Define, search and show aliases
git-man / git-am(1)
Apply a series of patches from a mailbox
git-annex / git-annex(1)
Manage files with git, without checking their contents in
git-annex / git-annex-shell(1)
Restricted login shell for git-annex only ssh access
git-man / git-annotate(1)
Annotate file lines with commit information
git-man / git-apply(1)
Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
git-arch / git-archimport(1)
Import an arch repository into git
git-man / git-archive(1)
Create an archive of files from a named tree
git-extras / git-archive-file(1)
Export the current head of the git repository to a archive
git-extras / git-back(1)
Undo and stage latest commits
git-man / git-bisect(1)
Find by binary search the change that introduced a bug
git-man / git-blame(1)
Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file
git-man / git-branch(1)
List, create, or delete branches
git-extras / git-bug(1)
Create bug branch
git-buildpackage / git-buildpackage(1)
Build debian packages from a git repository
git-man / git-bundle(1)
Move objects and refs by archive
git-man / git-cat-file(1)
Provide content or type and size information for repository objects
git-extras / git-changelog(1)
Generate the changelog report
git-man / git-check-attr(1)
Display gitattributes information
git-man / git-check-ignore(1)
Debug gitignore / exclude files
git-man / git-check-mailmap(1)
Show canonical names and email addresses of contacts
git-man / git-check-ref-format(1)
Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-man / git-checkout(1)
Checkout a branch or paths to the working tree
git-man / git-checkout-index(1)
Copy files from the index to the working tree
git-man / git-cherry(1)
Find commits yet to be applied to upstream
git-man / git-cherry-pick(1)
Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
git-gui / git-citool(1)
Graphical alternative to git-commit
git-man / git-clean(1)
Remove untracked files from the working tree
git-man / git-clone(1)
Clone a repository into a new directory
git-cola / git-cola(1)
The highly caffeinated git gui
git-man / git-column(1)
Display data in columns
git-man / git-commit(1)
Record changes to the repository
git-man / git-commit-tree(1)
Create a new commit object
git-extras / git-commits-since(1)
Show commit logs since some date
git-man / git-config(1)
Get and set repository or global options
git-extras / git-contrib(1)
Show user\'s contributions
git-extras / git-count(1)
Show commit count
git-man / git-count-objects(1)
Count unpacked number of objects and their disk consumption
git-extras / git-create-branch(1)
Create branches
git-man / git-credential(1)
Retrieve and store user credentials
git-man / git-credential-cache(1)
Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory
git-man / git-credential-cache--daemon(1)
Temporarily store user credentials in memory
git-man / git-credential-store(1)
Helper to store credentials on disk
git-cvs / git-cvsexportcommit(1)
Export a single commit to a cvs checkout
git-cvs / git-cvsimport(1)
Salvage your data out of another scm people love to hate
git-cvs / git-cvsserver(1)
A cvs server emulator for git
git-man / git-daemon(1)
A really simple server for git repositories
git-cola / git-dag(1)
The sleek and powerful git history browser
git-buildpackage / git-dch(1)
Generate the debian changelog from git commit messages
gitpkg / git-debcherry(1)
Export commits touching upstream source as patches
debdry / git-debdry-build(1)
Simple wrapper around debdry and git-buildpackage
gitpkg / git-debimport(1)
Create a git repository from a set of existing debian packages
git-extras / git-delete-branch(1)
Delete branches
git-extras / git-delete-merged-branches(1)
Delete merged branches
git-extras / git-delete-submodule(1)
Delete submodules
git-extras / git-delete-tag(1)
Delete tags
git-man / git-describe(1)
Show the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit
git-man / git-diff(1)
Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
git-man / git-diff-files(1)
Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-man / git-diff-index(1)
Compare a tree to the working tree or index
git-man / git-diff-tree(1)
Compares the content and mode of blobs found via two tree objects
git-man / git-difftool(1)
Show changes using common diff tools
git-cola / git-difftool--helper(1)
The highly caffeinated git gui
git-extras / git-effort(1)
Show effort statistics on file(s)
git-extras / git-extras(1)
Awesome git utilities
git-man / git-fast-export(1)
Git data exporter
git-man / git-fast-import(1)
Backend for fast git data importers
git-extras / git-feature(1)
Create feature branch
git-man / git-fetch(1)
Download objects and refs from another repository
git-man / git-fetch-pack(1)
Receive missing objects from another repository
git-man / git-filter-branch(1)
Rewrite branches
git-man / git-fmt-merge-msg(1)
Produce a merge commit message
git-man / git-for-each-ref(1)
Output information on each ref
git-man / git-format-patch(1)
Prepare patches for e-mail submission
git-extras / git-fresh-branch(1)
Create fresh branches
git-man / git-fsck(1)
Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
git-man / git-fsck-objects(1)
Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects in the database
git-ftp / git-ftp(1)
Git powered ftp client written as shell script.
git-man / git-gc(1)
Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repository
git-man / git-get-tar-commit-id(1)
Extract commit id from an archive created using git-archive
git-extras / git-gh-pages(1)
Create the github pages branch
git-extras / git-graft(1)
Merge and destroy a given branch
git-man / git-grep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
git-gui / git-gui(1)
A portable graphical interface to git
git-man / git-hash-object(1)
Compute object id and optionally creates a blob from a file
git-man / git-help(1)
Display help information about git
hg-fast-export / git-hg(1)
Tool for tracking hg repos in git
ggcov / git-history-coverage(1)
Summarise test coverage for recent git commits
git-man / git-http-backend(1)
Server side implementation of git over http
git-man / git-http-fetch(1)
Download from a remote git repository via http
git-man / git-http-push(1)
Push objects over http/dav to another repository
git-extras / git-ignore(1)
Add .gitignore patterns
git-man / git-imap-send(1)
Send a collection of patches from stdin to an imap folder
git-buildpackage / git-import-dsc(1)
Import debian packages into a git repository
git-buildpackage / git-import-dscs(1)
Import multiple versions of a debian source packages into a git repository
git-buildpackage / git-import-orig(1)
Import an upstream source into a git repository
git-man / git-index-pack(1)
Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-extras / git-info(1)
Returns information on current repository
git-man / git-init(1)
Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing one
git-man / git-init-db(1)
Creates an empty git repository
git-man / git-instaweb(1)
Instantly browse your working repository in gitweb
git-extras / git-local-commits(1)
List local commits
git-man / git-log(1)
Show commit logs
git-man / git-ls-files(1)
Show information about files in the index and the working tree
git-man / git-ls-remote(1)
List references in a remote repository
git-man / git-ls-tree(1)
List the contents of a tree object
git-man / git-mailinfo(1)
Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail message
git-man / git-mailsplit(1)
Simple unix mbox splitter program
git-man / git-merge(1)
Join two or more development histories together
git-man / git-merge-base(1)
Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
git-man / git-merge-file(1)
Run a three-way file merge
git-man / git-merge-index(1)
Run a merge for files needing merging
git-man / git-merge-one-file(1)
The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index
git-man / git-merge-tree(1)
Show three-way merge without touching index
git-man / git-mergetool(1)
Run merge conflict resolution tools to resolve merge conflicts
git-man / git-mergetool--lib(1)
Common git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-man / git-mktag(1)
Creates a tag object
git-man / git-mktree(1)
Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
git-man / git-mv(1)
Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-man / git-name-rev(1)
Find symbolic names for given revs
git-man / git-notes(1)
Add or inspect object notes
git-man / git-pack-objects(1)
Create a packed archive of objects
git-man / git-pack-redundant(1)
Find redundant pack files
git-man / git-pack-refs(1)
Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-man / git-parse-remote(1)
Routines to help parsing remote repository access parameters
git-man / git-patch-id(1)
Compute unique id for a patch
git-man / git-prune(1)
Prune all unreachable objects from the object database
git-man / git-prune-packed(1)
Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-man / git-pull(1)
Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
git-man / git-push(1)
Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-man / git-quiltimport(1)
Applies a quilt patchset onto the current branch
git-man / git-read-tree(1)
Reads tree information into the index
git-man / git-rebase(1)
Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
git-man / git-receive-pack(1)
Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-extras / git-refactor(1)
Create refactor branch
git-man / git-reflog(1)
Manage reflog information
git-reintegrate / git-reintegrate(1)
Manage integration branches in git
git-extras / git-release(1)
Commit, tag and push changes to the repository
git-man / git-relink(1)
Hardlink common objects in local repositories
git-man / git-remote(1)
Manage set of tracked repositories
git-remote-bzr / git-remote-bzr(1)
Bidirectional bridge between git and bazaar
git-man / git-remote-ext(1)
Bridge smart transport to external command.
git-man / git-remote-fd(1)
Reflect smart transport stream back to caller
git-remote-hg / git-remote-hg(1)
Bidirectional bridge between git and mercurial
git-man / git-remote-testgit(1)
Example remote-helper
git-extras / git-rename-tag(1)
Rename a tag
git-man / git-repack(1)
Pack unpacked objects in a repository
git-repair / git-repair(1)
Fix a broken git repository
git-extras / git-repl(1)
Git read-eval-print-loop
git-man / git-replace(1)
Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-man / git-request-pull(1)
Generates a summary of pending changes
git-man / git-rerere(1)
Reuse recorded resolution of conflicted merges
git-man / git-reset(1)
Reset current head to the specified state
git-man / git-rev-list(1)
Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
git-man / git-rev-parse(1)
Pick out and massage parameters
git-man / git-revert(1)
Revert some existing commits
git-man / git-rm(1)
Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-email / git-send-email(1)
Send a collection of patches as emails
git-man / git-send-pack(1)
Push objects over git protocol to another repository
git-extras / git-setup(1)
Set up a git repository
git-sh / git-sh(1)
A git shell
git-man / git-sh-i18n(1)
Gits i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-man / git-sh-i18n--envsubst(1)
Gits own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
git-man / git-sh-setup(1)
Common git shell script setup code
git-man / git-shell(1)
Restricted login shell for git-only ssh access
git-man / git-shortlog(1)
Summarize git log output
git-man / git-show(1)
Show various types of objects
git-man / git-show-branch(1)
Show branches and their commits
git-man / git-show-index(1)
Show packed archive index
git-man / git-show-ref(1)
List references in a local repository
git-extras / git-show-tree(1)
Show branch tree of commit history
git-extras / git-squash(1)
Import changes form a branch
git-man / git-stage(1)
Add file contents to the staging area
git-man / git-stash(1)
Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
git-man / git-status(1)
Show the working tree status
git-man / git-stripspace(1)
Remove unnecessary whitespace
git-man / git-submodule(1)
Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-man / git-subtree(1)
Merge subtrees together and split repository into subtrees
git-extras / git-summary(1)
Show repository summary
git-svn / git-svn(1)
Bidirectional operation between a subversion repository and git
git-man / git-symbolic-ref(1)
Read, modify and delete symbolic refs
git-man / git-tag(1)
Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed with gpg
git-extras / git-touch(1)
Touch and add file to the index
git-extras / git-undo(1)
Remove latest commits
git-man / git-unpack-file(1)
Creates a temporary file with a blobs contents
git-man / git-unpack-objects(1)
Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-man / git-update-index(1)
Register file contents in the working tree to the index
git-man / git-update-ref(1)
Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-man / git-update-server-info(1)
Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
git-man / git-upload-archive(1)
Send archive back to git-archive
git-man / git-upload-pack(1)
Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
git-man / git-var(1)
Show a git logical variable
git-man / git-verify-commit(1)
Check the gpg signature of commits
git-man / git-verify-pack(1)
Validate packed git archive files
git-man / git-verify-tag(1)
Check the gpg signature of tags
git-man / git-web--browse(1)
Git helper script to launch a web browser
git-man / git-whatchanged(1)
Show logs with difference each commit introduces
git-man / git-write-tree(1)
Create a tree object from the current index
git2cl / git2cl(1)
Tool to convert git logs to gnu changelog
ruby-graphviz / git2gv(1)
Show your git commits graphically
gnuit / gitaction(1)
Gnu interactive tools - per file type action script
gnuit / gitdpkgname(1)
Gnu interactive tools - gitdpkgname helper script
gnuit / gitfm(1)
Gnu interactive tools file manager
gitg / gitg(1)
Git repository viewer
github-backup / github-backup(1)
Backs up data from github
ruby-github-markup / github-markup(1)
Github markup rendering.
gnuit / gitinternal(1)
Helper programs for gnuit
gitit / gitit(1)
Wiki engine backed by a git or darcs filestore
gitk / gitk(1)
The git repository browser
gnuit / gitkeys(1)
Gnu interactive tools - display key sequence utility
gnuit / gitmkdirs(1)
Helper programs for gnuit
gnuit / gitmount(1)
Gnu interactive tools - auto-mount script
gitpkg / gitpkg(1)
Export a debian source package from nominated git revisions
gnuit / gitps(1)
A process viewer/killer
gnuit / gitregrep(1)
Gnu interactive tools - recursive grep
git-man / gitremote-helpers(1)
Helper programs to interact with remote repositories
gnuit / gitrfgrep(1)
Gnu interactive tools - recursive grep
gnuit / gitrgrep(1)
Gnu interactive tools - recursive grep
gitso / gitso(1)
Gitso is to support others
cvstrac / gittrac(1)
Low-ceremony bug tracker for projects under cvs
gnuit / gitunpack(1)
Gnu interactive tools - unified archive unpacking
gnuit / gitview(1)
An ascii/hex file viewer
git-man / gitweb(1)
Git web interface (web frontend to git repositories)
gnuit / gitwhich(1)
Helper programs for gnuit
gnuit / gitwipe(1)
An utility for wiping files
gnuit / gitxgrep(1)
Helper programs for gnuit
libgivaro-dev / givaro-config(1)
Tool for linking against givaro
giws / giws(1)
Giws generate c++ class wrappers to call java methods/objects
gjacktransport / gjackclock(1)
Jack transport "big clock"
gjacktransport / gjacktransport(1)
Jack transport control application
gjay / gjay(1)
Organizes music collections
gjiten / gjiten(1)
Japanese dictionary for gnome
gjots2 / gjots2(1)
A gnome-2/x11 jotter
gjots2 / gjots2docbook(1)
Convert a gjotsfile to docbook (on stdout)
gjots2 / gjots2html(1)
Convert a gjotsfile to html (on stdout)
gjots2 / gjots2lpr(1)
Export gjots2 or other txt files to pdf or ps
gnome-applets / gkb_applet(1)
Gnome keyboard applet for the gnome panel.
gnome-applets / gkb_xmmap(1)
Set your keyboard map with the gnome keyboard applet.
gkrellm / gkrellm(1)
The gnu krell monitors
gkrellmd / gkrellmd(1)
The gnu krell monitors server
gksu / gksu(1)
Gtk+ frontend for su and sudo
libgksu2-0 / gksu-properties(1)
Configure the behaviour of gksu
gksu / gksudo(1)
Gtk+ frontend for su and sudo
glabels / glabels-3(1)
Label and business card creation program for gnome
ice35-services / glacier2router(1)
Firewall solution for ice applications
glade / glade(1)
Create gtk+ user interfaces
glade / glade-previewer(1)
Preview glade user interface definitions
glam2 / glam2(1)
Gapped local alignment of motifs
glam2 / glam2-purge(1)
Removes redundant sequences from a fasta file
glam2 / glam2format(1)
Converts glam2 motifs to fasta or msf format
glam2 / glam2mask(1)
Masks a glam2 motif in sequences
glam2 / glam2scan(1)
Finds a glam2 motif in a database
python-glanceclient / glance(1)
Client for openstack images api
glance-api / glance-api(1)
Glance api server
glance-api / glance-cache-cleaner(1)
Glance cache cleaner
glance-api / glance-cache-manage(1)
Glance cache manager
glance-api / glance-cache-prefetcher(1)
Glance cache pre-fetcher
glance-api / glance-cache-pruner(1)
Glance cache pruner
glance-common / glance-control(1)
Glance daemon control helper
glance-common / glance-manage(1)
Glance management utility
glance-registry / glance-registry(1)
Glance registry server
glance-api / glance-scrubber(1)
Glance scrubber service
glances / glances(1)
A cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool
glbsp / glbsp(1)
Gl nodes builder for doom ports
gle-graphics / gle(1)
Graphics layout engine
glfer / glfer(1)
Spectrogram display and qrss keyer
libglib2.0-bin / glib-compile-resources(1)
Glib resource compiler
libglib2.0-bin / glib-compile-schemas(1)
Gsettings schema compiler
libglib2.0-dev / glib-genmarshal(1)
C code marshaller generation utility for glib closures
libglib2.0-dev / glib-gettextize(1)
Gettext internationalization utility
libglib2.0-dev / glib-mkenums(1)
C language enum description generation utility
glibc-source / glibcbug(1)
Report a bug to the glibc developers
glipper / glipper(1)
Clipboard manager for gnome
gliv / gliv(1)
An opengl image viewer
global / global(1)
Print the locations of specified object.
orage / globaltime(1)
International multiclock timeconverter for the xfce desktop environment. it is part of orage
global / globash(1)
Invoke a global shell environment.
globus-common-progs / globus-domainname(1)
Print the local system\'s dns domain name
globus-common-progs / globus-hostname(1)
Globus-hostname returns the system host name
globus-gram-client-tools / globus-job-cancel(1)
Cancel a gram batch job
globus-gram-client-tools / globus-job-clean(1)
Cancel and clean up a gram batch job
globus-gram-client-tools / globus-job-get-output(1)
Retrieve the output and error streams from a gram job
globus-gram-client-tools / globus-job-run(1)
Execute a job using gram
globus-gram-client-tools / globus-job-status(1)
Check the status of a gram5 job
globus-gram-client-tools / globus-job-submit(1)
Submit a batch job using gram
globus-gram-job-manager / globus-personal-gatekeeper(1)
Manage a users personal gatekeeper daemon
globus-common-progs / globus-sh-exec(1)
Defines a set of globus_sh_ variables.
globus-gass-copy-progs / globus-url-copy(1)
globus-common-progs / globus-version(1)
Display the globus toolkit version.
globus-gram-client-tools / globusrun(1)
Execute and manage jobs via gram
glogg / glogg(1)
Glogg interactively browses and searches through a file
glogic / glogic(1)
Glogic logic circuit simulator
glosstex / glosstex(1)
Prepare glossaries and lists of acronyms
glpk-utils / glpsol(1)
Large-scale linear and mixed integer programming solver
drc / glsweep(1)
A program generating log sweep and inverse filter.
glurp / glurp(1)
Gtk+ frontend for controlling music player daemon (mpd)
mesa-utils / glxdemo(1)
A demonstration of the glx functions
mesa-utils / glxgears(1)
``gears'' demo for glx
mesa-utils / glxheads(1)
Exercise multiple glx connections
mesa-utils / glxinfo(1)
Show information about the glx implementation
glyrc / glyrc(1)
Search engine for music-related metadata
gnumed-client / gm-convert_file(1)
Converts files from within gnumed
gnumed-client / gm-print_doc(1)
Prints documents from within gnumed
gnumed-server / gm-remove_person(1)
Gnumed server remove person from database
gnumed-client / gm_ctl_client(1)
Gnumed xml-rpc connector for legacy applications
tkgate / gmac(1)
Microcode and macrocode compiler for tkgate
gmail-notify / gmail-notify(1)
A gmail notifier
gmanedit / gmanedit(1)
Gtk+ program for editing manual pages.
mdbtools-gmdb / gmdb2(1)
Gnome ui for mdb tools
gmediarender / gmediarender(1)
Upnp-av renderer daemon
gmediaserver / gmediaserver(1)
A upnp compatible media server
gmemusage / gmemusage(1)
Graphically display memory used by running processes.
gmerlin / gmerlin(1)
Gmerlin gui player
gmerlin / gmerlin-record(1)
Commandline audio/video recorder
gmerlin / gmerlin-video-thumbnailer(1)
Video thumbnailer
gmerlin / gmerlin_alsamixer(1)
Graphical soundcard mixer from the gmerlin project
gmerlin / gmerlin_imgconvert(1)
Image converter
gmerlin / gmerlin_imgdiff(1)
Compare two images
gmerlin / gmerlin_kbd(1)
Keyboard shortcut daemon
gmerlin / gmerlin_kbd_config(1)
Keyboard shortcut daemon
gmerlin / gmerlin_launcher(1)
Remote control command for the gmerlin gui player
gmerlin / gmerlin_play(1)
Commandline multimedia player
gmerlin / gmerlin_plugincfg(1)
Gmerlin plugin configurator
gmerlin / gmerlin_psnr(1)
Compare two images
gmerlin / gmerlin_recorder(1)
Gmerlin recording application
gmerlin / gmerlin_remote(1)
Remote control command for the gmerlin gui player
gmerlin / gmerlin_ssim(1)
Compare two images
gmerlin / gmerlin_transcoder(1)
Gtk multimedia transcoder
gmerlin / gmerlin_transcoder_remote(1)
Remote control command for the gmerlin gui transcoder
gmerlin / gmerlin_vanalyze(1)
Compare two videos
gmerlin / gmerlin_visualize(1)
Visualize audio files and save as a/v files
gmerlin / gmerlin_visualizer(1)
Soundcard input visualization program
gmerlin / gmerlin_vpsnr(1)
Compare two images
gxmessage / gmessage(1)
A gtk-based xmessage clone
gmetad / gmetad(1)
Manual page for ganglia meta daemon
ganglia-monitor / gmetric(1)
Manual page for ganglia custom metric utility
gmfsk / gmfsk(1)
Mfsk terminal for gnome
gmic / gmic(1)
Perform generic image processing operations, through the g'mic language interpreter.
gmidimonitor / gmidimonitor(1)
Midi controlled sampler
gmime-bin / gmime-uudecode(1)
Decode a uuencoded stream to its binary form
gmime-bin / gmime-uuencode(1)
Encode a binary file to a text stream
scotch / gmk_hy(1)
Create source graphs
scotch / gmk_hy-int32(1)
Create source graphs
scotch / gmk_hy-int64(1)
Create source graphs
scotch / gmk_hy-long(1)
Create source graphs
scotch / gmk_msh(1)
Create source graph from source mesh
scotch / gmk_msh-int32(1)
Create source graph from source mesh
scotch / gmk_msh-int64(1)
Create source graph from source mesh
scotch / gmk_msh-long(1)
Create source graph from source mesh
geda-utils / gmk_sym(1)
Create rectangular symbols for gschem from a text file
graphviz / gml2gv(1)
Gml-dot converters
gmlive / gmlive(1)
Live video frontend for mplayer
gmobilemedia / gmobilemedia(1)
Program to manipulate filesystem on mobile phone
google-mock / gmock_gen(1)
Program to generate gmock header files
gmod / gmod(1)
Play music modules
ganglia-monitor / gmond(1)
Manual page for ganglia monitor daemon
gmotionlive / gmotionlive(1)
Simple multipart/x-mixed-replace viewer
gmp-ecm / gmp-ecm(1)
Integer factorization using ecm, p-1 or p+1
gmpc / gmpc(1)
Gnome music player client
gmpc / gmpc-remote(1)
A remote control for gmpc.
gmpc / gmpc-remote-stream(1)
A remote control for gmpc.
gmrun / gmrun(1)
Featureful cli-like gtk+ application launcher
gmsh / gmsh(1)
3d finite element mesh generator with built-in cad engine and post-processor
libgenome-perl / gmt(1)
Bioinformatics tools for genomics
gmtkbabel / gmtkbabel(1)
Zenity gui to mtkbabel
gmtp / gmtp(1)
Simple mp3 player client for mtp based devices
scotch / gmtst(1)
Compute statistics on mappings
scotch / gmtst-int32(1)
Compute statistics on mappings
scotch / gmtst-int64(1)
Compute statistics on mappings
scotch / gmtst-long(1)
Compute statistics on mappings
gmusicbrowser / gmusicbrowser(1)
Jukebox for large collections of music files
gromacs-data / gmx(1)
Master command for gromacs suite
gromacs-data / gmx-anadock(1)
Cluster structures from autodock runs
gromacs-data / gmx-anaeig(1)
Analyze eigenvectors/normal modes
gromacs-data / gmx-analyze(1)
Analyze data sets
gromacs-data / gmx-angle(1)
Calculate distributions and correlations for angles and dihedrals
gromacs-data / gmx-bar(1)
Calculate free energy difference estimates through bennett's acceptance ratio
gromacs-data / gmx-bundle(1)
Analyze bundles of axes, e.g., helices
gromacs-data / gmx-check(1)
Check and compare files
gromacs-data / gmx-chi(1)
Calculate everything you want to know about chi and other dihedrals
gromacs-data / gmx-cluster(1)
Cluster structures
gromacs-data / gmx-clustsize(1)
Calculate size distributions of atomic clusters
gromacs-data / gmx-confrms(1)
Fit two structures and calculates the rmsd
gromacs-data / gmx-convert-tpr(1)
Make a modifed run-input file
gromacs-data / gmx-covar(1)
Calculate and diagonalize the covariance matrix
gromacs-data / gmx-current(1)
Calculate dielectric constants and current autocorrelation function
gromacs-data / gmx-density(1)
Calculate the density of the system
gromacs-data / gmx-densmap(1)
Calculate 2d planar or axial-radial density maps
gromacs-data / gmx-densorder(1)
Calculate surface fluctuations
gromacs-data / gmx-dielectric(1)
Calculate frequency dependent dielectric constants
gromacs-data / gmx-dipoles(1)
Compute the total dipole plus fluctuations
gromacs-data / gmx-disre(1)
Analyze distance restraints
gromacs-data / gmx-distance(1)
Calculate distances between pairs of positions
gromacs-data / gmx-do_dssp(1)
Assign secondary structure and calculate solvent accessible surface area
gromacs-data / gmx-dos(1)
Analyze density of states and properties based on that
gromacs-data / gmx-dump(1)
Make binary files human readable
gromacs-data / gmx-dyecoupl(1)
Extract dye dynamics from trajectories
gromacs-data / gmx-dyndom(1)
Interpolate and extrapolate structure rotations
gromacs-data / gmx-editconf(1)
Convert and manipulates structure files
gromacs-data / gmx-eneconv(1)
Convert energy files
gromacs-data / gmx-enemat(1)
Extract an energy matrix from an energy file
gromacs-data / gmx-energy(1)
Writes energies to xvg files and display averages
gromacs-data / gmx-filter(1)
Frequency filter trajectories, useful for making smooth movies
gromacs-data / gmx-freevolume(1)
Calculate free volume
gromacs-data / gmx-gangle(1)
Calculate angles
gromacs-data / gmx-genconf(1)
Multiply a conformation in 'random' orientations
gromacs-data / gmx-genion(1)
Generate monoatomic ions on energetically favorable positions
gromacs-data / gmx-genrestr(1)
Generate position restraints or distance restraints for index groups
gromacs-data / gmx-grompp(1)
Make a run input file
gromacs-data / gmx-gyrate(1)
Calculate the radius of gyration
gromacs-data / gmx-h2order(1)
Compute the orientation of water molecules
gromacs-data / gmx-hbond(1)
Compute and analyze hydrogen bonds
gromacs-data / gmx-helix(1)
Calculate basic properties of alpha helices
gromacs-data / gmx-helixorient(1)
Calculate local pitch/bending/rotation/orientation inside helices
gromacs-data / gmx-help(1)
Print help information
gromacs-data / gmx-hydorder(1)
Compute tetrahedrality parameters around a given atom
gromacs-data / gmx-insert-molecules(1)
Insert molecules into existing vacancies
gromacs-data / gmx-lie(1)
Estimate free energy from linear combinations
gromacs-data / gmx-make_edi(1)
Generate input files for essential dynamics sampling
gromacs-data / gmx-make_ndx(1)
Make index files
gromacs-data / gmx-mdmat(1)
Calculate residue contact maps
gromacs-data / gmx-mdrun(1)
Perform a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy minimization
gromacs-data / gmx-mindist(1)
Calculate the minimum distance between two groups
gromacs-data / gmx-mk_angndx(1)
Generate index files for 'gmx angle'
gromacs-data / gmx-morph(1)
Interpolate linearly between conformations
gromacs-data / gmx-msd(1)
Calculates mean square displacements
gromacs-data / gmx-nmeig(1)
Diagonalize the hessian for normal mode analysis
gromacs-data / gmx-nmens(1)
Generate an ensemble of structures from the normal modes
gromacs-data / gmx-nmtraj(1)
Generate a virtual oscillating trajectory from an eigenvector
gromacs-data / gmx-order(1)
Compute the order parameter per atom for carbon tails
gromacs-data / gmx-pdb2gmx(1)
Convert coordinate files to topology and ff-compliant coordinate files
gromacs-data / gmx-pme_error(1)
Estimate the error of using pme with a given input file
gromacs-data / gmx-polystat(1)
Calculate static properties of polymers
gromacs-data / gmx-potential(1)
Calculate the electrostatic potential across the box
gromacs-data / gmx-principal(1)
Calculate principal axes of inertia for a group of atoms
gromacs-data / gmx-protonate(1)
Protonate structures
gromacs-data / gmx-rama(1)
Compute ramachandran plots
gromacs-data / gmx-rdf(1)
Calculate radial distribution functions
gromacs-data / gmx-rms(1)
Calculate rmsds with a reference structure and rmsd matrices
gromacs-data / gmx-rmsdist(1)
Calculate atom pair distances averaged with power -2, -3 or -6
gromacs-data / gmx-rmsf(1)
Calculate atomic fluctuations
gromacs-data / gmx-rotacf(1)
Calculate the rotational correlation function for molecules
gromacs-data / gmx-rotmat(1)
Plot the rotation matrix for fitting to a reference structure
gromacs-data / gmx-saltbr(1)
Compute salt bridges
gromacs-data / gmx-sans(1)
Compute small angle neutron scattering spectra
gromacs-data / gmx-sasa(1)
Compute solvent accessible surface area
gromacs-data / gmx-saxs(1)
Compute small angle x-ray scattering spectra
gromacs-data / gmx-select(1)
Print general information about selections
gromacs-data / gmx-sham(1)
Compute free energies or other histograms from histograms
gromacs-data / gmx-sigeps(1)
Convert c6/12 or c6/cn combinations to and from sigma/epsilon
gromacs-data / gmx-solvate(1)
Solvate a system
gromacs-data / gmx-sorient(1)
Analyze solvent orientation around solutes
gromacs-data / gmx-spatial(1)
Calculate the spatial distribution function
gromacs-data / gmx-spol(1)
Analyze solvent dipole orientation and polarization around solutes
gromacs-data / gmx-tcaf(1)
Calculate viscosities of liquids
gromacs-data / gmx-traj(1)
Plot x, v, f, box, temperature and rotational energy from trajectories
gromacs-data / gmx-trjcat(1)
Concatenate trajectory files
gromacs-data / gmx-trjconv(1)
Convert and manipulates trajectory files
gromacs-data / gmx-trjorder(1)
Order molecules according to their distance to a group
gromacs-data / gmx-tune_pme(1)
Time mdrun as a function of pme ranks to optimize settings
gromacs-data / gmx-vanhove(1)
Compute van hove displacement and correlation functions
gromacs-data / gmx-velacc(1)
Calculate velocity autocorrelation functions
gromacs-data / gmx-view(1)
View a trajectory on an x-windows terminal
gromacs-data / gmx-wham(1)
Perform weighted histogram analysis after umbrella sampling
gromacs-data / gmx-wheel(1)
Plot helical wheels
gromacs-data / gmx-x2top(1)
Generate a primitive topology from coordinates
gromacs-data / gmx-xpm2ps(1)
Convert xpm (xpixelmap) matrices to postscript or xpm
gromacs-data / gmx_d(1)
Master command for gromacs suite
gromacs-data / gmxcheck(1)
Check and compare files
gromacs-data / gmxcheck_d(1)
Check and compare files
gromacs-data / gmxdump(1)
Make binary files human readable
gromacs-data / gmxdump_d(1)
Make binary files human readable
gmysqlcc / gmysqlcc(1)
A gtk+ client for mysql databases.
gnac / gnac(1)
Audio converter for gnome
gnat-4.9 / gnat(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnat-gps / gnat-gps(1)
The gnat programming system
asis-programs / gnat2xml(1)
Produces an xml representation of ada sources
gnat-4.9 / gnatbind(1)
Gnat toolbox
asis-programs / gnatcheck(1)
Gnat rule checking tool
gnat-4.9 / gnatchop(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnat-4.9 / gnatclean(1)
Gnat toolbox
libgnatcoll-sqlite-bin / gnatcoll_db2ada(1)
Generate an ada package from a sql schema
asis-programs / gnatelim(1)
Eliminate dead code from ada programs
gnat-4.9 / gnatfind(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnat-4.9 / gnatgcc(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnat-4.9 / gnathtml(1)
Gnat toolbox
libgnatcoll-sqlite-bin / gnatinspect(1)
Query cross-references on source code
gnat-4.9 / gnatkr(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnat-4.9 / gnatlink(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnat-4.9 / gnatls(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnat-4.9 / gnatmake(1)
Gnat toolbox
asis-programs / gnatmetric(1)
Ada metrics tool
gnat-4.9 / gnatname(1)
Gnat toolbox
asis-programs / gnatpp(1)
Ada pretty-printer
gnat-4.9 / gnatprep(1)
Gnat toolbox
python-gnatpython / gnatpython-mainloop(1)
Command line interface for testsuite mainloop (in the acats/fixed bugs style)
python-gnatpython / gnatpython-opt-parser(1)
Program to parser options.
python-gnatpython / gnatpython-rlimit(1)
Program to limit the execution time of a command
asis-programs / gnatstub(1)
Generate skeletons for ada package bodies
asis-programs / gnattest(1)
Create aunit test skeletons and harness for a project
gnat-4.9 / gnatxref(1)
Gnat toolbox
gnucash / gnc-fq-dump(1)
Gnc-fq-dump - print out data from the f::q module
gnucash / gnc-fq-helper(1)
Allows gnucash to communicate with finance::quote
gnee / gnee(1)
Record, replays or distributes x11 data
geda-gnetlist / gnetlist(1)
Geda/gaf netlist extraction and generation
gngb / gngb(1)
Emulate various nintendo game boy handheld systems
gniall / gniall(1)
A language learning program
gnoemoe / gnoemoe(1)
A gnome moo client
gnokii-cli / gnokii(1)
Modem/fax driver for the mobile phones
gnomad2 / gnomad2(1)
Transfer files between a host and a creative labs nomad jukebox, zen jukebox or dell digital jukebox (dj).
gnome-activity-journal / gnome-activity-journal(1)
Browse and search a chronological log of your activities
gnome-btdownload / gnome-btdownload(1)
Download files using a scatter-gather network
gnome-calculator / gnome-calculator(1)
A desktop calculator
gucharmap / gnome-character-map(1)
Unicode character picker and font browser
gnome-color-chooser / gnome-color-chooser(1)
Gtk\+/gnome desktop appearance customization tool
gnome-commander-data / gnome-commander(1)
A gnome file manager
gnome-control-center / gnome-control-center(1)
Configure gnome settings
gnome-panel / gnome-desktop-item-edit(1)
Gnome-desktop-item-edit tool to edit .desktop file
gnome-dictionary / gnome-dictionary(1)
Look up words on dictionaries
gnome-disk-utility / gnome-disk-image-mounter(1)
Attach and mount disk images
gnome-disk-utility / gnome-disks(1)
The gnome disks application
gnome-do / gnome-do(1)
Launcher application in the spirit of quicksilver
gnome-documents / gnome-documents(1)
A document manager application for gnome
yelp / gnome-help(1)
Yelp browse system documentation
gnome-mplayer / gnome-mplayer(1)
A simple gui for mplayer
gnome-music / gnome-music(1)
An elegant music player for gnome.
gnome-nds-thumbnailer / gnome-nds-thumbnailer(1)
Create thumbnails for nintendo ds roms
libgnome2-bin / gnome-open(1)
Open files and urls using the gnome file handlers
gnome-osd / gnome-osd-client(1)
A gnome osd shell interface
gnome-osd / gnome-osd-event-bridge(1)
Gnome-osd-event-bridge gnome osd event bridge daemon
gnome-osd / gnome-osd-properties(1)
Gnome-osd-properties gnome osd properties configuration
gnome-paint / gnome-paint(1)
Simple, easy-to-use paint program for gnome
gnome-panel / gnome-panel(1)
Display the gnome panel
gnome-phone-manager / gnome-phone-manager(1)
Manage your mobile phone
gnome-shell-pomodoro-data / gnome-pomodoro(1)
A simple time management utility
gnome-power-manager / gnome-power-statistics(1)
Gnome power statistics gui
gnome-ppp / gnome-ppp(1)
Gnome-ppp a ppp account configurer and dialup tool for gnome
gnome-schedule / gnome-schedule(1)
Gnome gui for users' crontabs
gnome-screensaver / gnome-screensaver(1)
Screen saver and locker
gnome-screensaver / gnome-screensaver-command(1)
Controls gnome screensaver
gnome-screenshot / gnome-screenshot(1)
Capture the screen, a window, or an user-defined area and save the snapshot image to a file.
gnome-search-tool / gnome-search-tool(1)
The gnome search tool
gnome-session-bin / gnome-session(1)
Start the gnome desktop environment
gnome-session-bin / gnome-session-inhibit(1)
Inhibit gnome-session functionality
gnome-session-bin / gnome-session-quit(1)
End the current gnome session
gnome-settings-daemon / gnome-settings-daemon(1)
Handles the gnome session settings
gnome-shell / gnome-shell(1)
Graphical shell for the gnome desktop
gnome-specimen / gnome-specimen(1)
Simple font preview and compare application for gnome.
gnome-split / gnome-split(1)
File splitter for gnome desktop
ssh-askpass-gnome / gnome-ssh-askpass(1)
Prompts a user for a passphrase using gnome
gnome-subtitles / gnome-subtitles(1)
Video subtitling for the gnome desktop
gnome-system-log / gnome-system-log(1)
The gnome system log viewer
gnome-system-monitor / gnome-system-monitor(1)
Gnome-system-monitor view and control processes
gnome-terminal / gnome-terminal(1)
Gnome-terminal is a terminal emulation application.
gnome-terminal / gnome-terminal.wrapper(1)
Gnome-terminal is a terminal emulation application.
gwc / gnome_wave_cleaner(1)
Gnome wave cleaner, audio file denoiser
gnomecatalog / gnomecatalog(1)
Cd cataloguing
gnomekiss / gnomekiss(1)
A kiss paper doll viewer for gnome
gnomeradio / gnomeradio(1)
Gnomeradio fm-radio tuner for the gnome desktop
gnomint / gnomint(1)
X.509 certification authority management tool for gnome
gnomint / gnomint-cli(1)
X.509 certification authority management tool for gnome
gnomint / gnomint-upgrade-db(1)
X.509 certification authority management tool for gnome
gnote / gnote(1)
A simple note-taking application for gnome
gnotime / gnotime(1)
Gnotime - a time tracker
gnotime / gnotime-remote(1)
The gnotime remote control
gnuais / gnuais(1)
Gnu automatic identification system receiver
gnuaisgui / gnuaisgui(1)
Gui for gnuais
gnuserv / gnuattach.emacs(1)
Server and clients for emacs and xemacs
gnubiff / gnubiff(1)
A mail notification program supporting gtk+ and gnome
gnucap / gnucap(1)
Gnu circuit analysis package
gnucap / gnucap-ibis(1)
Gnu circuit analysis package ibis translator
gnucash / gnucash(1)
Personal finance manager
gnuserv / gnuclient.emacs(1)
Server and clients for emacs and xemacs
gnuserv / gnudoit.emacs(1)
Server and clients for emacs and xemacs
gnuhtml2latex / gnuhtml2latex(1)
Html to latex converter
gnuift / gnuift(1)
Index and search images by content
gnulib / gnulib-tool(1)
Program for authors or maintainers which want to import modules from gnulib into their packages.
gnumed-client / gnumed(1)
An electronic medical record software for gp offices this is not fully featured yet. use at your own risk. you have been warned.
gnumeric / gnumeric(1)
A gnome spreadsheet application.
gnunet / gnunet-arm(1)
Control gnunet services
gnunet / gnunet-ats(1)
Display information about transport resource allocation
gnunet / gnunet-auto-share(1)
A command line tool to automatically share an entire directory with other users
gnunet / gnunet-bcd(1)
Gnunet http server to create business cards.
gnunet / gnunet-config(1)
Manipulate gnunet configuration files
gnunet / gnunet-conversation(1)
Have a conversation with your peers
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-conversation-gtk(1)
A gtk interface for gnunet-conversation
gnunet / gnunet-conversation-test(1)
Check your speaker and microphone settings
gnunet / gnunet-core(1)
Measure and control the core subsystem
gnunet / gnunet-datastore(1)
Merge or convert gnunet datastore databases
gnunet / gnunet-directory(1)
Display directories
gnunet / gnunet-dns2gns(1)
Run a dns-to-gns proxy
gnunet / gnunet-download(1)
A command line interface for downloading files from gnunet
gnunet / gnunet-download-manager(1)
Manage downloads across sessions
gnunet / gnunet-ecc(1)
Manipulate gnunet ecc key files
gnunet / gnunet-fs(1)
Measure and control the fs subsystem
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-fs-gtk(1)
A gtk interface for accessing gnunet
gnunet-fuse / gnunet-fuse(1)
Mount directories shared on gnunet
gnunet / gnunet-gns(1)
Access to gnunet name service
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-gns-gtk(1)
A gtk interface to manipulate gnunet gns zones
gnunet / gnunet-gns-import(1)
Import some gns authorities into your gns namestore
gnunet / gnunet-gns-proxy(1)
Run a client side gns socks proxy
gnunet / gnunet-gns-proxy-setup-ca(1)
Run a client side gns socks proxy
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-gtk(1)
A gtk interface for gnunet
gnunet / gnunet-identity(1)
Create, delete or list egos
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-identity-gtk(1)
A gtk interface for managing egos
gnunet / gnunet-mesh(1)
Print information about mesh tunnels and peers
gnunet / gnunet-namecache(1)
Inspect namecache
gnunet / gnunet-namestore(1)
Manipulate gnunet zones
gnunet / gnunet-namestore-fcfsd(1)
Http server for gnu name system first-come-first-served name registration
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-namestore-gtk(1)
A gtk interface for editing gns zones
gnunet / gnunet-nat-server(1)
Help gnunet setup test network setup with nat
gnunet / gnunet-nse(1)
Show network size estimates from nse service.
gnunet / gnunet-peerinfo(1)
Display information about other peers.
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-peerinfo-gtk(1)
A gtk interface for showing peer information
gnunet / gnunet-publish(1)
A command line interface for publishing new content into gnunet
gnunet / gnunet-qr(1)
Scan a qr code using a video device and import.
gnunet / gnunet-resolver(1)
Build-in gnunet stub resolver
gnunet / gnunet-revocation(1)
Revoke private keys (of egos) in gnunet
gnunet / gnunet-scalarproduct(1)
Compute a vectorproduct
gnunet / gnunet-scrypt(1)
Manipulate gnunet proof of work files.
gnunet / gnunet-search(1)
A command line interface to search for content on gnunet
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-setup(1)
A gtk interface for configuring gnunet
gnunet / gnunet-statistics(1)
Display statistics about your gnunet system
gnunet-gtk / gnunet-statistics-gtk(1)
A gtk interface for showing peer statistics
gnunet / gnunet-testbed-profiler(1)
Profiling driver for the testbed.
gnunet / gnunet-testing(1)
Command line tool to access the testing library.
gnunet / gnunet-testing-run-service(1)
Command line tool to start a service for testing.
gnunet / gnunet-transport(1)
Measure and control the transport subsystem
gnunet / gnunet-transport-certificate-creation(1)
Create certificate for https transport
gnunet / gnunet-unindex(1)
A command line interface for deleting indexed files from gnunet
gnunet / gnunet-uri(1)
Invoke default handler for gnunet uris
gnunet / gnunet-vpn(1)
Manually setup a gnunet vpn tunnel
gnuplot-nox / gnuplot4-nox(1)
An interactive plotting program (no-x version)
gnuplot-qt / gnuplot4-qt(1)
An interactive plotting program
gnuplot-x11 / gnuplot4-x11(1)
An interactive plotting program
gnuplot5-nox / gnuplot5-nox(1)
An interactive plotting program (no-x version)
gnuplot5-qt / gnuplot5-qt(1)
An interactive plotting program
gnuplot5-x11 / gnuplot5-x11(1)
An interactive plotting program
gnupod-tools / gnupod_INIT(1)
Prepares a 'virgin' ipod for gnupod
gnupod-tools / gnupod_addsong(1)
Upload music to the ipod
gnupod-tools / gnupod_check(1)
Check for lost/zombie files on the ipod
gnupod-tools / gnupod_convert_APE(1)
Gnupod_convert_* convert files to your desired audio file format
gnupod-tools / gnupod_convert_FLAC(1)
Gnupod_convert_* convert files to your desired audio file format
gnupod-tools / gnupod_convert_MIDI(1)
Gnupod_convert_* convert files to your desired audio file format
gnupod-tools / gnupod_convert_OGG(1)
Gnupod_convert_* convert files to your desired audio file format
gnupod-tools / gnupod_convert_RIFF(1)
Gnupod_convert_* convert files to your desired audio file format
gnupod-tools / gnupod_otgsync(1)
Helper script for on-the-go stuff
gnupod-tools / gnupod_search(1)
Search and remove files
gnuradio / gnuradio-companion(1)
Gnu radio companion (grc) is a graphical tool for creating signal flow graphs and generating flow-graph source code.
gnuradio / gnuradio-config-info(1)
Show details on installed gnu radio
gnuserv / gnuserv(1)
Server and clients for emacs and xemacs
xemacs21-bin / gnuserv.xemacs21(1)
Server and clients for xemacs
gnusim8085 / gnusim8085(1)
Graphical intel 8085 simulator, assembler and debugger
gnustep-common / gnustep-config(1)
Prints information about the current gnustep installation.
gnustep-examples / gnustep-examples(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
gnustep-make / gnustep-tests(1)
Script to run a gnustep testsuite
gnutls-bin / gnutls-cli(1)
Gnutls client
gnutls-bin / gnutls-cli-debug(1)
Gnutls debug client
dvb-apps / gnutv(1)
A digital tv utility.
golang-go / go(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-build(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-clean(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-env(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-fix(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-fmt(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-get(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-install(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-list(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-run(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-test(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-tool(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-version(1)
Tool for managing go source code
golang-go / go-vet(1)
Tool for managing go source code
go2 / go2(1)
Directory finder
goaccess / goaccess(1)
Fast web log analyzer and interactive viewer.
goplay / goadmin(1)
Debian game browser
goattracker / goattracker(1)
C64 music editor
gob2 / gob2(1)
The gobject builder
goban-ss / goban(1)
Goban screensaver
gobby / gobby(1)
A collaborative text editor
gobby / gobby-0.5(1)
A collaborative text editor
gobby / gobby-infinote(1)
A collaborative text editor
libglib2.0-dev / gobject-query(1)
Display a tree of types
gocode / gocode(1)
Autocompletion daemon for the go programming language
gocr / gocr(1)
Command line text recognition tool
golang-go.tools / godoc(1)
Extracts and generates documentation for go programs
gofigure2 / gofigure(1)
Tool for visualizing, processing and analysing of bioimages
golang-go / gofmt(1)
Formats go programs
gogglesmm / gogglesmm(1)
Goggles music manager
binutils / gold(1)
The gnu elf linker
goldeneye / goldeneye(1)
Http dos test tool
goplay / golearn(1)
Debian game browser
gom / gom(1)
A generic audio mixer (supports: oss and derivatives)
eso-midas / gomidas(1)
Resume a midas session.
goplay / gonet(1)
Debian game browser
goo / goo(1)
Generic object-orientator (programming language)
goobox / goobox(1)
Goobox graphical cd player and ripper for gnome
goplay / gooffice(1)
Debian game browser
libpam-google-authenticator / google-authenticator(1)
Two-step verification
google-perftools / google-pprof(1)
Manual page for google-pprof (part of gperftools)
google-sitemapgen / google-sitemapgen(1)
Google-sitemapgen simple script to automate production of sitemaps for a webserver
gopchop / gopchop(1)
Fast, lossless cuts-only editor for mpeg2 video files
gnustep-gui-common / gopen(1)
Open files
gopher / gophfilt(1)
Oneshot connection to gopher document server
goplay / goplay(1)
Debian game browser
scotch / gord(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs
scotch / gord-int32(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs
scotch / gord-int64(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs
scotch / gord-long(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of graphs
spew / gorge(1)
Measures i/o performance and/or generates i/o load
gosa-desktop / gosa(1)
Start script for the gosa web interface
gosa / gosa-encrypt-passwords(1)
Encrypt your gosa.conf passwords with a master password
goplay / gosafe(1)
Debian game browser
goplay / goscience(1)
Debian game browser
gauche / gosh(1)
A scheme script interpreter
gosmore / gosmore(1)
Viewer for openstreetmap data, with routing and searching
rhash / gost-hash(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
cbmc / goto-cc(1)
Bounded model checker for c/c++ and java programs
cbmc / goto-instrument(1)
Bounded model checker for c/c++ and java programs
dvb-apps / gotox(1)
A program to operate a rotor of a satellite dish.
scotch / gotst(1)
Compute statistics on sparse matrix orderings
scotch / gotst-int32(1)
Compute statistics on sparse matrix orderings
scotch / gotst-int64(1)
Compute statistics on sparse matrix orderings
scotch / gotst-long(1)
Compute statistics on sparse matrix orderings
golang-go.tools / gotype(1)
Syntatic and semantic analysis of go files
netpbm / gouldtoppm(1)
Convert gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
gource / gource(1)
A software version control visualization
gourmet / gourmet(1)
A gtk-based recipe organizer and shopping list generator
scotch / gout(1)
Output graphics from matrices and graphs
scotch / gout-int32(1)
Output graphics from matrices and graphs
scotch / gout-int64(1)
Output graphics from matrices and graphs
scotch / gout-long(1)
Output graphics from matrices and graphs
goplay / goweb(1)
Debian game browser
gozer / gozer(1)
A commandline text renderer
gozerbot / gozerbot(1)
An irc and jabber bot written in python
gozerbot / gozerbot-init(1)
An irc and jabber bot written in python
gozerbot / gozerbot-install(1)
An irc and jabber bot written in python
gozerbot / gozerbot-start(1)
An irc and jabber bot written in python
gozerbot / gozerbot-stop(1)
An irc and jabber bot written in python
gozerbot / gozerbot-udp(1)
An irc and jabber bot written in python
gozerbot / gozerbot-upgrade(1)
An irc and jabber bot written in python
global / gozilla(1)
Force mozilla to display specified source file.
pari-gp / gp(1)
The pari calculator
pari-gp / gp-2.7(1)
The pari calculator
pari-gp2c / gp2c(1)
The gp to c compiler
pari-gp2c / gp2c-dbg(1)
The gp to c debugger driver
pari-gp2c / gp2c-run(1)
The gp to c compiler driver
gpa / gpa(1)
Graphical frontend for the gnu privacy guard
gpac / gpac(1)
Gpac - mpeg-4 systems framework and software development kit
gpaint / gpaint(1)
A small easy to use paint program for gnome
gputils / gpasm(1)
Gnu pic assembler
passwd / gpasswd(1)
Administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
gpaste / gpaste(1)
A lightweight clipboard manager for the gnome desktop
gpaste-applet / gpaste-applet(1)
An applet for the gpaste clipboard manager
gnustep-back-common / gpbs(1)
Gnustep pasteboard server
gputils / gpdasm(1)
Gnu pic disassembler
gpdftext / gpdftext(1)
Is a gtk+ text editor for ebook pdf files.
gperf / gperf(1)
Generate a perfect hash function from a key set
gperiodic / gperiodic(1)
Periodic table application
gnupg / gpg(1)
Openpgp encryption and signing tool
gnupg-agent / gpg-agent(1)
Secret key management for gnupg
gnupg-agent / gpg-connect-agent(1)
Communicate with a running agent
libgpg-error-dev / gpg-error(1)
Program to convert gnupg error numbers to text
libgpg-error-dev / gpg-error-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libgpg-error
signing-party / gpg-mailkeys(1)
Sends emails containing keys to their owners
gnupg-agent / gpg-preset-passphrase(1)
Put a passphrase into gpg-agent's cache
gnupg / gpg-zip(1)
Encrypt or sign files into an archive
gnupg2 / gpg2(1)
Openpgp encryption and signing tool
gnupg2 / gpgconf(1)
Modify .gnupg home directories
signing-party / gpgdir(1)
Recursive directory encryption with gnupg
libgpgme11-dev / gpgme-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of gpgme
gnupg2 / gpgparsemail(1)
Parse a mail message into an annotated format
signing-party / gpgparticipants(1)
Generate paper list for keysigning party
signing-party / gpgparticipants-prefill(1)
Insert checksum-digits in a gpgparticicpants' form
gpgsm / gpgsm(1)
Cms encryption and signing tool
gpgsm / gpgsm-gencert.sh(1)
Generate an x.509 certificate request
gnupg / gpgsplit(1)
Split an openpgp message into packets
gpgv / gpgv(1)
Verify openpgp signatures
gpgv2 / gpgv2(1)
Verify openpgp signatures
signing-party / gpgwrap(1)
A small wrapper for gpg
pari-doc / gphelp(1)
Gp-pari online help script
gphoto2 / gphoto2(1)
Command-line gphoto2 client
groff-base / gpic(1)
Compile pictures for troff or tex
gpick / gpick(1)
Advanced color picker written in c++ using gtk+ toolkit
gpicview / gpicview(1)
Lightweight image viewer
gpiv / gpiv(1)
Analyzes images obtained from a fluid flow by particle image velocimetry.
gpiv-mpi / gpiv(1)
Analyzes images obtained from a fluid flow by particle image velocimetry.
gpivtools / gpiv_aint(1)
Calculates mean image intensity at each interrogation area.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_aint(1)
Calculates mean image intensity at each interrogation area.
gpivtools / gpiv_clip(1)
Image clipping program for piv images.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_clip(1)
Image clipping program for piv images.
gpivtools / gpiv_combing(1)
Combines two single-exposed images into one image file for cross-correlation.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_combing(1)
Combines two single-exposed images into one image file for cross-correlation.
gpivtools / gpiv_errvec(1)
Searches erroneous vectors in a piv data file and substitutes with new values.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_errvec(1)
Searches erroneous vectors in a piv data file and substitutes with new values.
gpivtools / gpiv_fasty(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_fasty(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_fft(1)
Fast fourier transformation of image .
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_fft(1)
Fast fourier transformation of image .
gpivtools / gpiv_fi-keyline(1)
Filters each line that starts with a keyword.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_fi-keyline(1)
Filters each line that starts with a keyword.
gpivtools / gpiv_flipx(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_flipx(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_flipy(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_flipy(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_getbit(1)
Image processing program for piv images.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_getbit(1)
Image processing program for piv images.
gpivtools / gpiv_hdf2piv(1)
Converts hdf5 piv-data to ascii data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_hdf2piv(1)
Converts hdf5 piv-data to ascii data.
gpivtools / gpiv_highpass(1)
Image low-pass filtering program.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_highpass(1)
Image low-pass filtering program.
gpivtools / gpiv_hilo(1)
High-low filtering for piv images.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_hilo(1)
High-low filtering for piv images.
gpivtools / gpiv_img2gpiv(1)
Converts images into raw data (extension .r) format with the belonging ascii header file (extension .h) or into the hdf format (extension .hdf).
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_img2gpiv(1)
Converts images into raw data (extension .r) format with the belonging ascii header file (extension .h) or into the hdf format (extension .hdf).
gpivtools / gpiv_imgproc(1)
Image processing program for (piv) images.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_imgproc(1)
Image processing program for (piv) images.
gpivtools / gpiv_manipiv(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_manipiv(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_mktestimg(1)
Generates a simplified image for image processing.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_mktestimg(1)
Generates a simplified image for image processing.
gpivtools / gpiv_nstrain(1)
Calculates normal strain from piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_nstrain(1)
Calculates normal strain from piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_peaklck(1)
Tests piv data on the so-called peak-locking effect by printing/displaying an histogram of the particle displacements at sub-pixel level.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_peaklck(1)
Tests piv data on the so-called peak-locking effect by printing/displaying an histogram of the particle displacements at sub-pixel level.
gpivtools / gpiv_piv2gnuplt(1)
Converts piv data gnuplot data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_piv2gnuplt(1)
Converts piv data gnuplot data.
gpivtools / gpiv_piv2grid(1)
Converts piv data to grid data for generating contour plots with plotmtv.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_piv2grid(1)
Converts piv data to grid data for generating contour plots with plotmtv.
gpivtools / gpiv_piv2hdf(1)
Converts piv-data hdf5 format.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_piv2hdf(1)
Converts piv-data hdf5 format.
gpivtools / gpiv_piv2vec(1)
Converting of piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_piv2vec(1)
Converting of piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_process-chain(1)
Processes a pipe of gpiv-tool command's.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_process-chain(1)
Processes a pipe of gpiv-tool command's.
gpivtools / gpiv_recimg(1)
Captures images from a iidc-compliant camera with iee1394 connection.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_recimg(1)
Captures images from a iidc-compliant camera with iee1394 connection.
gpivtools / gpiv_revert(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_revert(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_rot180(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_rot180(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_rot90(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_rot90(1)
Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_rr(1)
Interrogates an image (pair) in order to obtain displacements of particles for (digital) particle image velocimetry (piv)
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_rr(1)
Interrogates an image (pair) in order to obtain displacements of particles for (digital) particle image velocimetry (piv)
gpivtools / gpiv_s-avg(1)
Spatial statistics of piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_s-avg(1)
Spatial statistics of piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_sca2gri(1)
Converts scalar data from gpiv to grid data for contour plotting with plotmtv.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_sca2gri(1)
Converts scalar data from gpiv to grid data for contour plotting with plotmtv.
gpivtools / gpiv_scale(1)
Scaling of piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_scale(1)
Scaling of piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_series(1)
Script for (parallel) processing a series of numbered files.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_series(1)
Script for (parallel) processing a series of numbered files.
gpivtools / gpiv_smooth(1)
Image smoothing program for piv images.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_smooth(1)
Image smoothing program for piv images.
gpivtools / gpiv_sstrain(1)
Calculates the shear strain from piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_sstrain(1)
Calculates the shear strain from piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_suta(1)
Subtracts time-avaraged velocities (local mean) from the piv estimators.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_suta(1)
Subtracts time-avaraged velocities (local mean) from the piv estimators.
gpivtools / gpiv_t-avg(1)
Calculates time-averaged mean and variances of piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_t-avg(1)
Calculates time-averaged mean and variances of piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_t-avg-img(1)
Calculates time-averaged intensities from a series of images at each pixel.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_t-avg-img(1)
Calculates time-averaged intensities from a series of images at each pixel.
gpivtools / gpiv_t-corr(1)
Calculates the eulerian correlation from a series of piv data sets
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_t-corr(1)
Calculates the eulerian correlation from a series of piv data sets
gpivtools / gpiv_trig(1)
Triggers a (double nd_yagg) laser with a ccd camera.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_trig(1)
Triggers a (double nd_yagg) laser with a ccd camera.
gpivtools / gpiv_uhisto(1)
Tests piv data by printing/displaying an histogram of the horizontal particle displacements.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_uhisto(1)
Tests piv data by printing/displaying an histogram of the horizontal particle displacements.
gpivtools / gpiv_vhisto(1)
Tests piv data by printing/displaying an histogram of the vertical particle displacements.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_vhisto(1)
Tests piv data by printing/displaying an histogram of the vertical particle displacements.
gpivtools / gpiv_vorstra(1)
Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear strain and normal strain from piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_vorstra(1)
Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear strain and normal strain from piv data.
gpivtools / gpiv_vorty(1)
Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear strain and normal strain from piv data.
gpivtools-mpi / gpiv_vorty(1)
Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear strain and normal strain from piv data.
gpivtools / gpivtools(1)
The piv tool suite.
gpivtools-mpi / gpivtools(1)
The piv tool suite.
gnome-packagekit / gpk-application(1)
Gnome packagekit package application
gnome-packagekit-session / gpk-dbus-service(1)
Gnome packagekit session service
gnome-packagekit / gpk-install-local-file(1)
Gnome packagekit local file helper
gnome-packagekit-session / gpk-log(1)
Gnome packagekit software log viewer
gnome-packagekit-session / gpk-prefs(1)
Gnome packagekit update preferences
gnome-packagekit / gpk-update-viewer(1)
Gnome packagekit update viewer
gprolog / gplc(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
gprolog / gplc-iso(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
gputils / gplib(1)
Gnu pic librarian
gputils / gplink(1)
Gnu pic linker
metis / gpmetis(1)
Manual page for gpmetis 5.1.0
gpodder / gpo(1)
Text mode interface of gpodder
gpodder / gpodder(1)
Media aggregator and podcast client
gpodder / gpodder-migrate2tres(1)
Gpodder 2.x to 3.x profile migrator
gpomme / gpomme(1)
Gtk+ graphical client for use with pommed
gpp / gpp(1)
Generic preprocessor
gpr / gpr(1)
A graphical frontend for lpr.
gprbuild / gprbuild(1)
Multi-language extensible build tool
gprbuild / gprclean(1)
Multi-language extensible build tool
gprbuild / gprconfig(1)
Multi-language extensible build tool
gpredict / gpredict(1)
Satellite tracker for gnome
gprename / gprename(1)
Complete batch renamer for linux
gprbuild / gprinstall(1)
Multi-language extensible build tool
procmeter3 / gprocmeter3(1)
A user friendly system monitoring program.
gprolog / gprolog(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
gprolog / gprolog-iso(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
gprompter / gprompter(1)
The intelligent predictive gtk+ text editor
gprbuild / gprslave(1)
Multi-language extensible build tool
gpsd-clients / gps(1)
Test clients for gpsd
gpsd-clients / gps2udp(1)
Feed the take from gpsd to one or more aggregation sites
gpsbabel / gpsbabel(1)
Gps route and waypoint data converter
python-gps / gpscat(1)
Dump the output from a gps
gpscorrelate / gpscorrelate(1)
Correlates digital images with gps data filling exif fields
gpsd-clients / gpsctl(1)
Control the modes of a gps
gpsd-clients / gpsdecode(1)
Decode gps, rtcm or ais streams into a readable format
python-gps / gpsfake(1)
Test harness for gpsd, simulating a gps
gpsk31 / gpsk31(1)
A psk31 mode communications program
gpsman / gpsman(1)
A (graphical) manager of gps data
gpsd-clients / gpsmon(1)
Real-time gps packet monitor and control utility
gpsd-clients / gpspipe(1)
Tool to connect to gpsd and retrieve sentences
python-gps / gpsprof(1)
Profile a gps and gpsd, plotting latency information
gpsprune / gpsprune(1)
Visualize, edit, convert and prune gps data
gpstrans / gpstrans(1)
Communicate with garmin gps receiver
gputils / gpstrip(1)
Discard symbols from object file
gpt / gpt(1)
Compiler, interpreter and translator for the g-portugol programming language
gputils / gputils(1)
Gnu pic utilities
gputils / gpvc(1)
Gnu pic cod file viewer
gputils / gpvo(1)
Gnu pic object file viewer
gpw / gpw(1)
Program to generate pronounceable passwords
gpx2shp / gpx2shp(1)
Convert gpx files to esri shape file
gpsd-clients / gpxlogger(1)
Test clients for gpsd
ctn / gqinitq(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / gqkillq(1)
Generic ctn manual page
gqrx-sdr / gqrx(1)
Software defined radio graphical user interface application.
gquilt / gquilt(1)
Patch series manager
gnuradio / gr-ctrlport-curses(1)
Gnuradio control port gui
gnuradio / gr-ctrlport-monitor(1)
Gnuradio control port gui
gnuradio / gr-perf-monitorx(1)
Gnuradio control port gui
gnuradio / gr_constellation_plot(1)
Gnuradio time domain pltting applications
gnuradio / gr_filter_design(1)
Gui for creating filters for gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_modtool(1)
The swiss army knife of module editing
gnuradio / gr_plot_char(1)
Plot samples versus time for byte/char data
gnuradio / gr_plot_const(1)
Constellation plot of i data using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_fft(1)
Frequency domain gnu radio plotting
gnuradio / gr_plot_fft_c(1)
Plot complex binary data using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_fft_f(1)
Plot complex binary data using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_float(1)
Plot floating point binary date using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_int(1)
Plot integer binary data using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_iq(1)
Plot complex binary i data versus time using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_psd(1)
Gnu radio power spectrum plotting
gnuradio / gr_plot_psd_c(1)
Plot power spectral density using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_psd_f(1)
Plot power spectral density using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_qt(1)
Plot data using qt graphics and gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_plot_short(1)
Plot short integer binary samples versus time using gnu radio
gnuradio / gr_psd_plot_b(1)
Gnuradio power specral density viewer.
gnuradio / gr_psd_plot_c(1)
Gnuradio power specral density viewer.
gnuradio / gr_psd_plot_f(1)
Gnuradio power specral density viewer.
gnuradio / gr_psd_plot_i(1)
Gnuradio power specral density viewer.
gnuradio / gr_psd_plot_s(1)
Gnuradio power specral density viewer.
gnuradio / gr_read_file_metadata(1)
A gnu radio utility
gnuradio / gr_spectrogram_plot_b(1)
Gnuradio spectrogram plotting application
gnuradio / gr_spectrogram_plot_c(1)
Gnuradio spectrogram plotting application
gnuradio / gr_spectrogram_plot_f(1)
Gnuradio spectrogram plotting application
gnuradio / gr_spectrogram_plot_i(1)
Gnuradio spectrogram plotting application
gnuradio / gr_spectrogram_plot_s(1)
Gnuradio spectrogram plotting application
gnuradio / gr_time_plot_b(1)
Gnuradio time domain pltting applications
gnuradio / gr_time_plot_c(1)
Gnuradio time domain pltting applications
gnuradio / gr_time_plot_f(1)
Gnuradio time domain pltting applications
gnuradio / gr_time_plot_i(1)
Gnuradio time domain pltting applications
gnuradio / gr_time_plot_s(1)
Gnuradio time domain pltting applications
gnuradio / gr_time_raster_b(1)
Gnuradio time domain plotting tool
gnuradio / gr_time_raster_f(1)
Gnuradio time domain plotting tool
ubuntu-dev-tools / grab-merge(1)
Grabs a merge's files from merges.ubuntu.com.
fp-compiler-2.6.4 / grab_vcsa-2.6.4(1)
Linux console vcsa grabber
liballegro4-dev / grabber(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
grabc / grabc(1)
Identifies an onscreen colour using a crosshair cursor.
grace / grace(1)
Command line interface xmgrace - full-featured gui mode gracebat - batch mode - print and exit
grace / grace-thumbnailer(1)
Command line interface xmgrace - full-featured gui mode gracebat - batch mode - print and exit
grace / gracebat(1)
Command line interface xmgrace - full-featured gui mode gracebat - batch mode - print and exit
grafx2 / grafx2(1)
Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
grail-tools / grail-test-3-1(1)
Dump grail v3 events
grail-tools / grail-test-atomic(1)
Dump grail v3 atomic gesture events
grail-tools / grail-test-edge(1)
Test edge swipes
grail-tools / grail-test-propagation(1)
Test driver tool for gesture accept/reject
gramofile / gramofile(1)
Sample and process analog recordings
gramophone2 / gramophone2(1)
Gramophone is an algorithmic generator of music composition.
gramps / gramps(1)
Genealogical research and analysis management programming system.
groff / grap2graph(1)
Convert a grap diagram into a cropped bitmap image
groovy / grape(1)
Inspection and management of the local grape cache used by groovy
groovy2 / grape(1)
Inspection and management of the local grape cache used by groovy
plotutils / graph(1)
The gnu plotting utilities.
octomap-tools / graph2tree(1)
Insert the data of a scan graph file
ivtools-bin / graphdraw(1)
Directed graph editor derived from drawtool
graphite-web / graphite-build-search-index(1)
Create search index for graphite webapp
graphite-web / graphite-manage(1)
Manage.py wrapper for the graphite webapp
graphviz / graphml2gv(1)
Graphml-dot converter
graphmonkey / graphmonkey(1)
Mono based graph drawing application
gravit / gravit(1)
Visually stunning gravity simulator
grc / grc(1)
Frontend for generic colouriser grcat(1)
grc / grcat(1)
Read from standard input, colourise it and write to standard output
gnuradio / grcc(1)
Gnu radio companion compiler
grcm / grcm(1)
Gnome remove connection manager
grcompiler / grcompiler(1)
Compile gdl into a truetype font
grace / grconvert(1)
Convert xmgr 4.0 files to grace 5.x format
grdesktop / grdesktop(1)
Grdesktop gnome frontend for the rdesktop client
routeplanner-gnome / gredit(1)
Gredit highway map editor for routeplanner
python-gamera.toolkits.greekocr / greekocr4gamera(1)
Ocr system using the gamera framework for polytonal greek
greenwich / greenwich(1)
Graphical whois client for gnome.
geda-utils / grenum(1)
An advanced refdes renumber utility
grep / grep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
dctrl-tools / grep-aptavail(1)
Grep debian control files
dctrl-tools / grep-available(1)
Grep debian control files
emacs24-common / grep-changelog.emacs24(1)
Print changelog entries matching criteria
dctrl-tools / grep-dctrl(1)
Grep debian control files
dctrl-tools / grep-debtags(1)
Grep debian control files
devscripts / grep-excuses(1)
Search the testing excuses files for a specific maintainer
ubuntu-dev-tools / grep-merges(1)
Search for outstanding merges from debian
dctrl-tools / grep-status(1)
Grep debian control files
grepcidr / grepcidr(1)
Grepcidr filter ip addresses matching ipv4 cidr/network specification
patchutils / grepdiff(1)
Show files modified by a diff containing a regex
inn / grephistory(1)
Display file names from usenet history file
fastjar / grepjar(1)
Search files in a jar file for a pattern
muse / grepmidi(1)
Display structure of midi files
gresolver / gresolver(1)
Graphical tool for performing dns queries
libglib2.0-bin / gresource(1)
Gresource tool
gretl / gretl(1)
Gnu regression, econometrics and time-series library
gretl / gretl_x11(1)
Gnu regression, econometrics and time-series library
gretl / gretlcli(1)
Gnu regression, econometrics and time-series library
greylistd / greylist(1)
Command line interface to greylistd(8)
argyll / greytiff(1)
Convert a tiff file to monochrome using an icc device profile.
gri / gri(1)
Scientific graphics language
gri / gri-2.12.23(1)
Scientific graphics language
simh / gri909(1)
Simulate a gri-909 computer
gri / gri_merge(1)
Merge multiple gri output files into a single postscript file.
gri / gri_unpage(1)
Split a multi-page gri output file into separate files.
libgrib-api-tools / grib_compare(1)
Compares the grib messages contained in two files.
libgrib-api-tools / grib_convert(1)
Converts grib messages applying the rules from a conversion_rules file.
libgrib-api-tools / grib_copy(1)
Copies the content of grib files printing values of some keys.
libgrib-api-tools / grib_debug(1)
Dump the content of a grib file in debug mode.
libgrib-api-tools / grib_dump(1)
Dump the content of a grib file in different formats.
libgrib-api-tools / grib_filter(1)
Apply the rules defined in rules_file to each grib message
libgrib-api-tools / grib_get(1)
Get values of some keys from a grib file.
libgrib-api-tools / grib_get_data(1)
Print a latitude, longitude, data values list
python-grib-doc / grib_list(1)
List the contents of a grib or grib2 file
libgrib-api-tools / grib_ls(1)
List content of grib files printing values of some keys.
python-grib-doc / grib_repack(1)
Change the packing scheme in a grib2 file
libgrib-api-tools / grib_set(1)
Sets key/value pairs in gribs.
globus-simple-ca / grid-ca-create(1)
Create a ca to sign certificates for use on a grid
globus-simple-ca / grid-ca-package(1)
Prepare a ca certificate, configuration, and policy for distribution
globus-simple-ca / grid-ca-sign(1)
Sign a certificate with a simpleca for use on a grid
globus-proxy-utils / grid-cert-diagnostics(1)
Print diagnostic information about certificates and keys
globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs / grid-cert-info(1)
Display information about a certificate
globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs / grid-cert-request(1)
Generate a x.509 certificate request and corresponding private key
globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs / grid-change-pass-phrase(1)
Change the pass phrase of a private key
globus-proxy-utils / grid-proxy-destroy(1)
Destroy the default proxy certificate
globus-proxy-utils / grid-proxy-info(1)
Display information about a proxy certificate
globus-proxy-utils / grid-proxy-init(1)
Generate a new proxy certificate
griffith / griffith(1)
Film collection manager
grig / grig(1)
Graphical user interface for the ham radio control libraries (hamlib)
libgrilo-0.2-bin / grilo-test-ui-0.2(1)
Grilo test ui
wordnet-grind / grind(1)
Process wordnet lexicographer files
grinder / grinder(1)
Versatile omics shotgun and amplicon sequencing read simulator
gringo / gringo(1)
A grounder for non-ground logic programs
gringotts / gringotts(1)
Secure password and data storage manager
grisbi / grisbi(1)
Personal finance tracking program based on gtk
grive / grive(1)
A google drive (online storage service) client.
libgrilo-0.2-bin / grl-inspect-0.2(1)
Show information about grilo sources and keys
libgrilo-0.2-bin / grl-launch-0.2(1)
Run grilo operations from the command line
groff / grohtml(1)
Html driver for groff
grok / grok(1)
Parse logs, handle events, and make your unstructured text structured.
grokmirror / grok-dumb-pull(1)
Update git repositories not managed by grokmirror
grokmirror / grok-fsck(1)
Check mirrored repositories for corruption
grokmirror / grok-manifest(1)
Create manifest for use with grokmirror
grokmirror / grok-pull(1)
Clone or update local git repositories
grokevt / grokevt-addlog(1)
A tool for adding a raw event log to an existing grokevt database.
grokevt / grokevt-builddb(1)
Builds a database tree based on a single windows system for the purpose of event log conversion.
grokevt / grokevt-dumpmsgs(1)
A tool for dumping the contents of message databases built previously by grokevt-ripdll(1).
grokevt / grokevt-findlogs(1)
Attempts to find log file fragments in raw binary files, such as memory dumps and disk images.
grokevt / grokevt-parselog(1)
Parse a windows event log and generate human-readable output based on message resources stored in a database.
grokevt / grokevt-ripdll(1)
A tool for extracting message resources from a pe-formatted file.
groff / grolbp(1)
Groff driver for canon capsl printers (lbp-4 and lbp-8 series laser printers).
groff / grolj4(1)
Groff driver for hp laserjet 4 family
gromit / gromit(1)
Presentation helper to make annotations on screen
gromit-mpx / gromit-mpx(1)
Presentation helper to make annotations on screen
gromacs-data / grompp(1)
Make a run input file
gromacs-data / grompp_d(1)
Make a run input file
groovebasin / groovebasin(1)
Music player server with a web-based user interface
groovy / groovy(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy2 / groovy(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy / groovyConsole(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy2 / groovyConsole(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy / groovyc(1)
Compiler for groovy source files
groovy2 / groovyc(1)
Compiler for groovy source files
groovy / groovydoc(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy2 / groovydoc(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy / groovysh(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy2 / groovysh(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
coreutils / groups(1)
Print the groups a user is in
growisofs / growisofs(1)
Combined genisoimage frontend/dvd recording program.
cloud-utils / growpart(1)
Extend a partition in a partition table to fill available space
grpn / grpn(1)
Gtk+ reverse polish notation calculator
grsync / grsync(1)
Gtk+ frontend for rsync
grsync / grsync-batch(1)
Grsync batch session runner
grub-common / grub-editenv(1)
Edit grub environment block
grub-emu / grub-emu(1)
Grub emulator
grub-common / grub-file(1)
Check file type
grub-common / grub-fstest(1)
Debug tool for grub filesystem drivers
grub-common / grub-glue-efi(1)
Generate a fat binary for efi
grub-common / grub-kbdcomp(1)
Generate a grub keyboard layout file
grub-common / grub-menulst2cfg(1)
Transform legacy menu.lst into grub.cfg
grub-common / grub-mkfont(1)
Make grub font files
grub-common / grub-mkimage(1)
Make a bootable image of grub
grub-common / grub-mklayout(1)
Generate a grub keyboard layout file
grub-common / grub-mknetdir(1)
Prepare a grub netboot directory.
grub-common / grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2(1)
Generate hashed password for grub
grub-common / grub-mkrelpath(1)
Make a system path relative to its root
grub-common / grub-mkrescue(1)
Make a grub rescue image
grub-common / grub-mkstandalone(1)
Make a memdisk-based grub image
grub-common / grub-mount(1)
Export grub filesystem with fuse
grub-common / grub-render-label(1)
Generate a .disk_label for apple macs.
grub-common / grub-script-check(1)
Check grub.cfg for syntax errors
grub-legacy / grub-set-default(1)
Set the default boot entry for grub
grub-common / grub-syslinux2cfg(1)
Transform syslinux config into grub.cfg
rxvt-ml / grxvt(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
ghostscript / gs(1)
Ghostscript (postscript and pdf language interpreter and previewer)
gnustep-make / gs_make(1)
Wrapper for gnustep make.
gsalliere / gsalliere(1)
Gsalliere duplicate bridge scorer
gsasl / gsasl(1)
Sasl library command line interface
predict-gsat / gsat(1)
Graphical predict client
ghostscript / gsbj(1)
Format and print text using ghostscript gsbj - format and print text for bubblejet printer using ghostscript gsdj - format and print text for deskjet printer using ghostscript gsdj500 - format and print text for deskjet 500 bubblejet using ghostscript gslj - format and print text for laserjet printer using ghostscript
gambc / gsc(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
gambc / gsc-cc-o.bat(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
gambc / gsc-script(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
geda-utils / gsch2pcb(1)
Update pcb layouts from geda/gaf schematics
geda-gschem / gschem(1)
Geda/gaf schematic capture
geda-utils / gschlas(1)
Geda schematic load and save
ghostscript / gsdj(1)
Format and print text using ghostscript gsbj - format and print text for bubblejet printer using ghostscript gsdj - format and print text for deskjet printer using ghostscript gsdj500 - format and print text for deskjet 500 bubblejet using ghostscript gslj - format and print text for laserjet printer using ghostscript
ghostscript / gsdj500(1)
Format and print text using ghostscript gsbj - format and print text for bubblejet printer using ghostscript gsdj - format and print text for deskjet printer using ghostscript gsdj500 - format and print text for deskjet 500 bubblejet using ghostscript gslj - format and print text for laserjet printer using ghostscript
gnustep-base-runtime / gsdoc(1)
Gnustep xml documentation format
firebird2.5-server-common / gsec(1)
Gsec firebird command-line security utility
gsetroot / gsetroot(1)
Gsetroot -a c/gtk-based front-end for esetroot.
libglib2.0-bin / gsettings(1)
Gsettings configuration tool
gconf2 / gsettings-data-convert(1)
Gconf to gsettings data migration
gconf2 / gsettings-schema-convert(1)
Gconf to gsettings schema conversion
libgsf-bin / gsf(1)
Archiving utility using the g structured file library
libgsf-bin / gsf-office-thumbnailer(1)
Office files thumbnailer for the gnome desktop
libgsf-bin / gsf-vba-dump(1)
Extract visual basic for applications macros
texlive-binaries / gsftopk(1)
Render a ghostscript font in tex pk form
gambc / gsi(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
gambc / gsi-script(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
gsimplecal / gsimplecal(1)
Lightweight calendar applet
libgsl0-dev / gsl-config(1)
Script to get version number and compiler flags of the installed gsl library
gsl-bin / gsl-histogram(1)
Compute histogram of data on stdin
gsl-bin / gsl-randist(1)
Generate random samples from various distributions
ghostscript / gslj(1)
Format and print text using ghostscript gsbj - format and print text for bubblejet printer using ghostscript gsdj - format and print text for deskjet printer using ghostscript gsdj500 - format and print text for deskjet 500 bubblejet using ghostscript gslj - format and print text for laserjet printer using ghostscript
ghostscript / gslp(1)
Format and print text using ghostscript gsbj - format and print text for bubblejet printer using ghostscript gsdj - format and print text for deskjet printer using ghostscript gsdj500 - format and print text for deskjet 500 bubblejet using ghostscript gslj - format and print text for laserjet printer using ghostscript
fso-gsm0710muxd / gsm0710muxd(1)
Gsm 07.10 multiplexer (freesmartphone.org version)
gsmartcontrol / gsmartcontrol(1)
Hard disk drive health inspection tool
gsmartcontrol / gsmartcontrol-root(1)
Hard disk drive health inspection tool
gsm-utils / gsmsiexfer(1)
Siemens me file transfer program for siemens phones s25, s35, s45, me45, sl45
ghostscript / gsnd(1)
Run ghostscript (postscript and pdf engine) without display
gnustep-base-runtime / gspath(1)
Utility to display standard directory/path information
gcu-bin / gspectrum(1)
A small spectrum viewer application
gcu-bin / gspectrum-0.14(1)
A small spectrum viewer application
splash / gsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
libgss-dev / gss(1)
Generic security service command line interface
gnu-smalltalk / gst(1)
The gnu smalltalk virtual machine
libgst-dev / gst-config(1)
Configuration for libgst
gnu-smalltalk / gst-convert(1)
Smalltalk syntax converter and beautifier
gnu-smalltalk / gst-doc(1)
Gnu smalltalk documentation generator
gstreamer0.10-tools / gst-feedback-0.10(1)
Generate debug info for gstreamer bug reports
gnu-smalltalk / gst-load(1)
Test and load packages into a gnu smalltalk image
gnu-smalltalk / gst-package(1)
Create and install gnu smalltalk .star package files
gnu-smalltalk / gst-profile(1)
Gnu smalltalk profiler
gnu-smalltalk / gst-reload(1)
Test and load packages into a gnu smalltalk image
gnu-smalltalk / gst-sunit(1)
Unit testing tool for gnu smalltalk
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps / gst-visualise-0.10(1)
Run a gstreamer pipeline to display an audio visualisation
gst123 / gst123(1)
A gstreamer based command line media player
hatari / gst2ascii(1)
Output atari program dri/gst format symbol table
ganglia-monitor / gstat(1)
Manual page for ganglia status tool
gstm / gstm(1)
Gnome ssh tunnel manager
gnome-media / gstreamer-properties(1)
Multimedia systems selector
geda-gsymcheck / gsymcheck(1)
Geda/gaf symbol checker
geda-utils / gsymfix(1)
Automatically fix common issues with geda symbols
genometools / gt(1)
The genometools genome analysis system.
genometools / gt-bed_to_gff3(1)
Parse bed file and convert it to gff3.
genometools / gt-cds(1)
Add cds (coding sequence) features to exon features given in gff3 file.
genometools / gt-chain2dim(1)
Chain pairwise matches.
genometools / gt-chseqids(1)
Change sequence ids by the mapping given in a mapping file.
genometools / gt-clean(1)
Remove all files in the current directory which are automatically created by gt.
genometools / gt-compreads(1)
Call a fastq file compression tool.
genometools / gt-compreads-compress(1)
Generates compact encoding for fastq data.
genometools / gt-compreads-decompress(1)
Decodes a file of compressed reads.
genometools / gt-compreads-refcompress(1)
Generates compact encoding for fastq data using reference compressed reads (rcr).
genometools / gt-compreads-refdecompress(1)
Decodes a given rcr (reference compressed reads).
genometools / gt-condenser(1)
Call one of the condenser tools to prepare or manipulate redundancie compressed genomic data.
genometools / gt-congruence(1)
Call a congruence subtool and pass argument(s) to it.
genometools / gt-congruence-spacedseed(1)
Match spaced seeds.
genometools / gt-convertseq(1)
Parse and convert sequence file formats.
genometools / gt-csa(1)
Transform spliced alignments from gff3 file into consensus spliced alignments.
genometools / gt-dot(1)
Prints feature graphs in dotfile format.
genometools / gt-dupfeat(1)
Duplicate internal feature nodes in given gff3 files.
genometools / gt-encseq(1)
Call an encoded sequence manipulation tool and pass argument(s) to it.
genometools / gt-encseq-bench(1)
Perform benchmark on extractions from encseq.
genometools / gt-encseq-bitextract(1)
Extracts internal data from encoded sequences.
genometools / gt-encseq-check(1)
Check the consistency of an encoded sequence file.
genometools / gt-encseq-decode(1)
Decode/extract encoded sequences.
genometools / gt-encseq-encode(1)
Encode sequence files efficiently.
genometools / gt-encseq-info(1)
Display meta-information about an encoded sequence.
genometools / gt-encseq-md5(1)
Display md5 sums for an encoded sequence.
genometools / gt-encseq-sample(1)
Decode/extract encoded sequences by random choice.
genometools / gt-encseq2spm(1)
Compute suffix prefix matches from encoded sequence.
genometools / gt-eval(1)
Compare annotation files and show accuracy measures (prediction vs. reference).
genometools / gt-extractfeat(1)
Extract features given in gff3 file from sequence file.
genometools / gt-extractseq(1)
Extract sequences from given sequence file(s) or fastaindex.
genometools / gt-fastq_sample(1)
Print samples by random choice from given fastq files using at least n sequence-chars. output is fastq/fasta format depending on whether qualities are available.
genometools / gt-featureindex(1)
Retrieve annotations from a persistent feature index as gff3 output.
genometools / gt-fingerprint(1)
Compute md5 fingerprints for each sequence given in a set of sequence files.
genometools / gt-genomediff(1)
Calculates kr: pairwise distances between genomes.
genometools / gt-gff3(1)
Parse, possibly transform, and output gff3 files.
genometools / gt-gff3_to_gtf(1)
Parse gff3 file(s) and show them as gtf2.2.
genometools / gt-gff3validator(1)
Strictly validate given gff3 files.
genometools / gt-gtf_to_gff3(1)
Parse gtf2.2 file and convert it to gff3.
genometools / gt-hop(1)
Cognate sequence-based homopolymer error correction.
genometools / gt-id_to_md5(1)
Change sequence ids in given gff3 files to md5 fingerprints of the corresponding sequences.
genometools / gt-interfeat(1)
Add intermediary features between outside features in given gff3 file(s).
genometools / gt-loccheck(1)
Checks parent-child containment in gff3 input.
genometools / gt-ltrclustering(1)
Cluster features of ltrs.
genometools / gt-ltrdigest(1)
Identifies and annotates sequence features in ltr retrotransposon candidates.
genometools / gt-ltrharvest(1)
Predict ltr retrotransposons.
genometools / gt-matchtool(1)
Parse match formats and/or invoke matching tools.
genometools / gt-matstat(1)
Compute matching statistics.
genometools / gt-md5_to_id(1)
Change md5 fingerprints used as sequence ids in given gff3 files to ``regular ones.
genometools / gt-merge(1)
Merge sorted gff3 files in sorted fashion.
genometools / gt-mergefeat(1)
Merge adjacent features without children of the same type in given gff3 file(s).
genometools / gt-mkfeatureindex(1)
Creates a new featureindex from annotation data.
genometools / gt-mmapandread(1)
Map the supplied files into memory and read them once.
genometools / gt-orffinder(1)
Identifies orfs (open reading frames) in sequences.
genometools / gt-packedindex(1)
Call apacked index subtool and pass argument(s) to it.
genometools / gt-prebwt(1)
Precompute bwt-bounds for some prefix length.
genometools / gt-readjoiner(1)
Readjoiner: a string graph-based sequence assembler.
genometools / gt-readjoiner-assembly(1)
Construct string graph and output contigs.
genometools / gt-readjoiner-overlap(1)
Compute suffix prefix matches from encoded sequence.
genometools / gt-readjoiner-prefilter(1)
Remove contained and low-quality reads and encode read set in gtencseq format.
genometools / gt-repfind(1)
Compute maximal repeats.
genometools / gt-scriptfilter(1)
Get info about and validate lua script filters.
genometools / gt-select(1)
Select certain features (specified by the used options) from given gff3 file(s).
genometools / gt-seq(1)
Parse the given sequence file(s) and construct the corresponding index files.
genometools / gt-seqfilter(1)
Filter the given sequence file(s) and show the results on stdout.
genometools / gt-seqids(1)
Show sequence ids from annotation file.
genometools / gt-seqmutate(1)
Mutate the sequences of the given sequence file(s).
genometools / gt-seqorder(1)
Output sequences as multifasta in specified order.
genometools / gt-seqstat(1)
Calculate statistics for fasta file(s).
genometools / gt-seqtransform(1)
Perform simple transformations on the given sequence file(s).
genometools / gt-seqtranslate(1)
Translates a nucleotide sequence into a protein sequence.
genometools / gt-sequniq(1)
Filter out repeated sequences in given sequence files.
genometools / gt-shredder(1)
Shredder sequence file(s) into consecutive pieces of random length.
genometools / gt-shulengthdist(1)
Compute distribution of pairwise shustring lengths.
genometools / gt-simreads(1)
Simulate sequencing reads from random positions in the input sequence(s).
genometools / gt-sketch(1)
Create graphical representation of gff3 annotation files.
genometools / gt-sketch_page(1)
Draw a multi-page pdf/ps representation of an annotation file.
genometools / gt-snpper(1)
Annotates snps according to their effect on the genome as given by a genomic annotation.
genometools / gt-speck(1)
Checks spec definition compliance in gff3 input.
genometools / gt-splicesiteinfo(1)
Show information about splice sites given in gff3 files.
genometools / gt-splitfasta(1)
Split the supplied fasta file.
genometools / gt-stat(1)
Show statistics about features contained in gff3 files.
genometools / gt-tagerator(1)
Map short sequence tags in given index.
genometools / gt-tallymer(1)
Call a tallymer subtool and pass argument(s) to it.
genometools / gt-tallymer-mkindex(1)
Count and index k-mers in the given enhanced suffix array for a fixed value of k.
genometools / gt-tallymer-occratio(1)
Compute occurrence ratio for a set of sequences represented by an enhanced suffix array.
genometools / gt-tallymer-search(1)
Search a set of k-mers in an index constructed by ``gt tallymer mkindex.
genometools / gt-tirvish(1)
Identify terminal inverted repeat (tir) elements,such as dna transposons.
genometools / gt-uniq(1)
Filter out repeated feature node graphs in a sorted gff3 file.
genometools / gt-uniquesub(1)
Compute length of minimum unique prefixes.
genometools / gt-wtree(1)
Call an wtree manipulation tool and pass argument(s) to it.
gt5 / gt5(1)
A diff-capable 'du-browser'
simh / gt7cvt(1)
Tape conversion utility
gcin / gtab-merge(1)
Gcin's .gtab data merging tool
global / gtags(1)
Create tag files for global.
global / gtags-parser(1)
Print cross reference list for gtags.
gtg / gtcli(1)
Command-line interface for getting things gnome!
libglib2.0-dev / gtester(1)
Test running utility
libglib2.0-dev / gtester-report(1)
Test report formatting utility
xserver-xorg-core / gtf(1)
Calculate vesa gtf mode lines
gtg / gtg(1)
Getting things gnome!, a personal tasks and todo-list items organizer for the gnome desktop environment
gtg / gtg_new_task(1)
Adds a task to the getting things gnome! organizer
gthumb / gthumb(1)
An image viewer and browser for gnome
gtick / gtick(1)
A gtk+ metronome
gtimelog / gtimelog(1)
Minimal time logging application
gtimer / gtimer(1)
An application for recording time spent on user-defined tasks.
libgtk2.0-dev / gtk-builder-convert(1)
Glade file conversion utility
gtk-chtheme / gtk-chtheme(1)
Gtk+ 2.0 theme preview and selection made slick.
gtk-gnutella / gtk-gnutella(1)
A gnutella client for gtk+
libgtk-3-bin / gtk-launch(1)
Launch an application
libgtk2.0-bin / gtk-query-immodules-2.0(1)
Input method module registration utility
libgtk-3-bin / gtk-query-immodules-3.0(1)
Input method module registration utility
gtk-recordmydesktop / gtk-recordmydesktop(1)
Graphical gtk frontend for recordmydestkop
gtk-sharp2-examples / gtk-sharp2-examples-list(1)
No manpage for this program.
gtk-theme-switch / gtk-theme-switch2(1)
Gtk-theme-switch2 program to preview and adjust your gtk+ 2.x theme
libgtk2.0-bin / gtk-update-icon-cache(1)
Icon theme caching utility
libgtk-3-bin / gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0(1)
Icon theme caching utility
gtk2hs-buildtools / gtk2hsC2hs(1)
C-haskell interface generator
gtk2hs-buildtools / gtk2hsHookGenerator(1)
Program to generate callback hook for gtk signals
gtk2hs-buildtools / gtk2hsTypeGen(1)
Program to generate gtk's object hierarchy in haskell
libgtkada-bin / gtkada-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of gtkada
libgtkada-bin / gtkada-dialog(1)
Display a gtk+ dialog box from the command line.
gtkam / gtkam(1)
Graphical front end for gphoto2
gtkcookie / gtkcookie(1)
Edit netscape cookie file
gtk-doc-tools / gtkdocize(1)
Install or upgrade gtk-doc infrastructure
gtkguitune / gtkguitune(1)
gtkhash / gtkhash(1)
A gtk+ utility for computing checksums and more
gtklick / gtklick(1)
A simple metronome gui for jack
gtkmorph / gtkmorph(1)
Image warping and dissolving (morphing) for gtk toolkit
gtkperf / gtkperf(1)
Gtk+ performance benchmark
gtkpod / gtkpod(1)
Gtk2 based software for managing songs and playlists on an apple ipod
gopchop / gtkspu(1)
Decodes and displays mpeg2 sub picture unit (spu) streams
gtkterm / gtkterm(1)
A simple gtk+ serial port terminal
gtkwave / gtkwave(1)
Visualization tool for vcd, lxt, lxt2, vzt, fst, and ghw files
gtranslator / gtranslator(1)
A comfortable gettext po file editor with many bells and whistles.
gtrayicon / gtrayicon(1)
Generic tray icon for gnome
libgts-bin / gts-config(1)
Defines values for programs using gts.
libgts-bin / gts2dxf(1)
Converts a gts file to dxf format.
libgts-bin / gts2oogl(1)
Converts a gts file to oogl file format (geomview).
libgts-bin / gts2stl(1)
Converts a gts file to stl format
libgts-bin / gts2xyz(1)
Samples a gts file on a regular grid at intervals dx.
libgts-bin / gtscheck(1)
Checks that a surface defines a closed, orientable non self-intersecting manifold.
libgts-bin / gtscompare(1)
Compare two gts files.
scotch / gtst(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs
scotch / gtst-int32(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs
scotch / gtst-int64(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs
scotch / gtst-long(1)
Test the consistency of source graphs
libgts-bin / gtstemplate(1)
Generates of a template used to create new object classes.
smpeg-gtv / gtv(1)
Mpeg audio (mp3) and video (mpeg-1) player with gtk+ gui
gtypist / gtypist(1)
A typing tutor with lessons for different keyboards and languages
guake / guake(1)
Guake a drop-down terminal for gnome environment.
guake-indicator / guake-indicator(1)
Guake-indicator a simple guake indicator that lets you ssh into your favourite hosts.
guayadeque / guayadeque(1)
Lightweight music player
gucharmap / gucharmap(1)
Unicode character picker and font browser
python3-guessit / guessit(1)
Guess information from video filenames
guile-1.8 / guile-1.8(1)
A scheme interpreter
guile-2.0 / guile-2.0(1)
The gnu project extension language
guilt / guilt-add(1)
Add a file to git and guilt
guilt / guilt-applied(1)
List applied patches
guilt / guilt-branch(1)
Branch the entire patch series
guilt / guilt-commit(1)
Commit specified number of patches
guilt / guilt-delete(1)
Delete a patch
guilt / guilt-diff(1)
Outputs various diffs
guilt / guilt-export(1)
Export a patch series (to be used by quilt)
guilt / guilt-files(1)
Print the list of files that the topmost patch changes
guilt / guilt-fold(1)
Fold a specified patch into the topmost applied patch
guilt / guilt-fork(1)
Fork the topmost applied patch
guilt / guilt-graph(1)
Create a patch dependency graph
guilt / guilt-guard(1)
Assign guards to patches
guilt / guilt-header(1)
Print a patch header
guilt / guilt-help(1)
Open man page of a guilt command
guilt / guilt-import(1)
Import specified patch file
guilt / guilt-import-commit(1)
Import one or more commits as patches
guilt / guilt-init(1)
Initialize guilt for use in a git repository
guilt / guilt-new(1)
Create a new patch
guilt / guilt-next(1)
Output the name of next patch to be pushed
guilt / guilt-patchbomb(1)
Email a series of commits interactively
guilt / guilt-pop(1)
Pop patches from the tree
guilt / guilt-prev(1)
Output name of second topmost applied patch
guilt / guilt-push(1)
Push patches onto the tree
guilt / guilt-rebase(1)
Rebase pushed patches
guilt / guilt-refresh(1)
Refresh topmost applied patch
guilt / guilt-repair(1)
Repair the repository state
guilt / guilt-rm(1)
Remove a file from the git tree and guilt
guilt / guilt-select(1)
Select guards to apply when pushing patches
guilt / guilt-series(1)
Print the stack of patches
guilt / guilt-status(1)
Print the status of files since the last refresh
guilt / guilt-top(1)
Output name of topmost applied patch
guilt / guilt-unapplied(1)
List all unapplied patches
guitarix / guitarix(1)
A rock guitar amplifier for jack
gummi / gummi(1)
Latex editor
gzip / gunzip(1)
Compress or expand files
gup / gup(1)
A group update program that accepts commands by mail to edit a newsgroup subscription file for subsequent use by news systems such as inn and c-news.
libgupnp-1.0-dev / gupnp-binding-tool(1)
Creates c convenience wrappers for upnp services
gurgitate-mail / gurgitate-mail(1)
An easy-to-use mail filter
gurlchecker / gurlchecker(1)
A graphical web link checker that works on a whole site, a single local page or a browser bookmarks file.
awesfx / gusload(1)
Load a gus-format patch file into the awe32 ram
seqan-apps / gustaf(1)
Gustaf - generic multi-split alignment finder: tool for split-read mapping allowing multiple splits. synopsis gustaf [options] genome fasta file read fasta file description gustaf uses seqans stellar to find splits as local matches on different strands or chromosomes. criteria and penalties to chain these matches can be specified. output file contains the breakpoints along the best chain. the genome file is used as database input, the read file as query input. all stellar options are supported. see stellar documentation for stellar parameters and options. (c) 2011-2012 by kathrin trappe -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information gustaf options: main options: -tp, --transpen int interchromosomal translocation penalty default: 5. -ip, --invpen int inversion penalty default: 5. -op, --orderpen int intrachromosomal order change penalty default: 0. -oth, --overlapthresh double allowed overlap between matches default: 0.5. -gth, --gapthresh int allowed gap length between matches default: 10. -ith, --initgapthresh int allowed initial or ending gap length at begin and end of read default: 15. -st, --support int number of supporting reads default: 2. input options: -m, --matchfile file file of (stellar) matches valid filetypes are: gff and gff. output options: -bpo, --breakpointout file name of breakpoint output file. valid filetypes are: gff and txt. default: breakpoints.gff. -j, --jobname str job/queue name default: . -do, --dots enable graph output in dot format stellar options: main options: -e, --epsilon num maximal error rate (max 0.25). in range [0.0000001..0.25]. default: 0.05. -l, --minlength num minimal length of epsilon-matches. in range [0..inf]. default: 100. -f, --forward search only in forward strand of database. -r, --reverse search only in reverse complement of database. -a, --alphabet str alphabet type of input sequences (dna, rna, dna5, rna5, protein, char). one of dna, dna5, rna, rna5, protein, and char. -v, --verbose set verbosity mode. filtering options: -k, --kmer num length of the q-grams (max 32). in range [1..32]. -rp, --repeatperiod num maximal period of low complexity repeats to be filtered. default: 1. -rl, --repeatlength num minimal length of low complexity repeats to be filtered. default: 1000. -c, --abundancecut num k-mer overabundance cut ratio. in range [0..1]. default: 1. verification options: -x, --xdrop num maximal x-drop for extension. default: 5. -vs, --verification str verification strategy: exact or bestlocal or bandedglobal one of exact, bestlocal, and bandedglobal. default: exact. -dt, --disablethresh num maximal number of verified matches before disabling verification for one query sequence (default infinity). in range [0..inf]. -n, --nummatches num maximal number of kept matches per query and database. if stellar finds more matches, only the longest ones are kept. default: 50. -s, --sortthresh num number of matches triggering removal of duplicates. choose a smaller value for saving space. default: 500. version gustaf version: 1.0 last update july 2012
guvcview / guvcview(1)
Gtk+ base uvc viewer
gv / gv(1)
Postscript and pdf viewer
gv / gv-update-userconfig(1)
Update ~/.gv config file
graphviz / gv2gml(1)
Gml-dot converters
graphviz / gv2gxl(1)
Gxl-gv converters
gvb / gvb(1)
Simulate 1 and 2-dimensional vibrations in a nice gui
visualboyadvance-gtk / gvba(1)
graphviz / gvcolor(1)
Flow colors through a ranked digraph ( previously known as colorize )
gvfs-common / gvfs-cat(1)
Concatenate files
gvfs-common / gvfs-copy(1)
Copy files
gvfs-common / gvfs-info(1)
Show information about files
gvfs-common / gvfs-less(1)
Execute less on the output of gvfs-cat
gvfs-common / gvfs-ls(1)
List files
gvfs-common / gvfs-mime(1)
Get or set mime handlers
gvfs-common / gvfs-mkdir(1)
Create directories
gvfs-common / gvfs-monitor-dir(1)
Monitor directories for changes
gvfs-common / gvfs-monitor-file(1)
Monitor files for changes
gvfs-common / gvfs-mount(1)
Mounts the locations
gvfs-common / gvfs-move(1)
Copy files
gvfs-common / gvfs-open(1)
Open files with the default handler
gvfs-common / gvfs-rename(1)
Rename a file
gvfs-common / gvfs-rm(1)
Delete files
gvfs-common / gvfs-save(1)
Save standard input
gvfs-common / gvfs-set-attribute(1)
Set file attributes
gvfs-common / gvfs-trash(1)
Move files or directories to the trash
gvfs-common / gvfs-tree(1)
List contents of directories in a tree-like format
gvfs-common / gvfsd(1)
Main daemon for gvfs
gvfs-common / gvfsd-fuse(1)
Fuse daemon for gvfs
gvfs-common / gvfsd-metadata(1)
Metadata daemon for gvfs
graphviz / gvgen(1)
Generate graphs
freehdl / gvhdl(1)
Frontend to the vhdl compiler/simulator freehdl.
gvidm / gvidm(1)
Gtk+ app to quickly and easily change video resolutions in x
vim-gui-common / gview(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
vim-gui-common / gvim(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
vim-gui-common / gvimdiff(1)
Edit two, three or four versions of a file with vim and show differences
vim-gui-common / gvimtutor(1)
The vim tutor
ladr4-apps / gvizify(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
graphviz / gvmap(1)
Find clusters and create a geographical map highlighting clusters.
graphviz / gvmap.sh(1)
Pipeline for running gvmap
graphviz / gvpack(1)
Merge and pack disjoint graphs
graphviz / gvpr(1)
Graph pattern scanning and processing language
gvrng / gvrng(1)
An interactive, introductory programming language.
kannel-dev / gw-config(1)
Script to get information about installed version of kannel
gwaei / gwaei(1)
Japanese-english dictionary
gwakeonlan / gwakeonlan(1)
Wake up your machines using wake on lan.
geneweb / gwb2ged(1)
Dump a geneweb database to a gedcom file
geneweb / gwc(1)
Create a geneweb database
geneweb / gwd(1)
Launches the geneweb process
gnome-applets / gweather(1)
Weather applet for the gnome panel.
libgwenhywfar60-dev / gwenhywfar-config(1)
A little program to output installation paths
gwhois / gwhois(1)
Generic whois client / server
why / gwhy(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why / gwhy-bin(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
gworldclock / gworldclock(1)
Displays time and date in specified time zones.
gwsetup / gwsetup(1)
Interactive interface to geneweb databases management
geneweb / gwu(1)
Dump a geneweb database
gwyddion / gwyddion(1)
Spm data visualization and analysis
gwyddion / gwyddion-thumbnailer(1)
Create thumbnails of spm data files
groff / gxditview(1)
Display groff intermediate output files
gxine / gxine(1)
A gtk/gnome frontend to the xine video player
gxine / gxine_client(1)
The gxine video player command line client
geant321 / gxint(1)
Load and run an interactive geant application
gxkb / gxkb(1)
X11 keyboard indicator and switcher.
graphviz / gxl2dot(1)
Gxl-gv converters
graphviz / gxl2gv(1)
Gxl-gv converters
gxmessage / gxmessage(1)
A gtk-based xmessage clone
gxmms2 / gxmms2(1)
Xmms2 client for the gnome desktop
gxneur / gxneur(1)
Gxneur gtk frontend for xneur keyboard layout switcher
gxtuner / gxtuner(1)
A tuner for jackd
geda-utils / gxyrs(1)
Is a program to batch process xyrs files.
gyoto / gyoto(1)
The general relativity orbit tracer of observatoire de paris
yorick-gyoto / gyotoy(1)
Visualize one geodesic in kerr metric
gyp / gyp(1)
Cross-platform makefile generator for chromium
gzip / gzexe(1)
Compress executable files in place
gzip / gzip(1)
Compress or expand files
gzrt / gzrecover(1)
Gzip recovery toolkit
fp-utils-2.6.4 / h2pas-2.6.4(1)
The c header to pascal unit conversion program.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / h2paspp-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal h2pas preprocessor program.
root-plugin-hist-hbook / h2root(1)
Convert paw hbook files to root files
python-ctypeslib / h2xml(1)
Convert header files to xml intermediates xml2py - convert xml intermediates to python ctypes interface
simh / h316(1)
Simulate a honeywell h316/h516 computer
hdf5-tools / h52gif(1)
Converts an hdf5 file to a gif file.
hdf5-helpers / h5c++(1)
Helper script to compile hdf5 c++ applications.
hdf5-helpers / h5cc(1)
Helper script to compile hdf5 applications.
hdf5-tools / h5copy(1)
Copies hdf5 objects from a file to a new file
hdf5-tools / h5debug(1)
Debugs an existing hdf5 file at a low level
hdf5-tools / h5diff(1)
Compares two hdf5 files and reports the differences.
hdf5-tools / h5dump(1)
Displays hdf5 file contents.
hdf5-helpers / h5fc(1)
Reports statistics regarding an hdf5 file and the objects in the file.
h5utils / h5fromh4(1)
Convert hdf4 scientific datasets to an hdf5 file
h5utils / h5fromtxt(1)
Convert text input to an hdf5 file
hdf5-tools / h5import(1)
Imports data into an existing or new hdf5 file.
hdf5-tools / h5jam(1)
Add a user block to a hdf5 file
hdf5-tools / h5ls(1)
Prints information about a file or dataset.
h5utils / h5math(1)
Combine/create hdf5 files with math expressions
hdf5-tools / h5mkgrp(1)
Creates a new hdf5 group in a file
libhdf5-mpich-dev / h5pcc.mpich(1)
Helper script to compile hdf5 c applications
libhdf5-openmpi-dev / h5pcc.openmpi(1)
Helper script to compile hdf5 c applications
hdf5-tools / h5perf_serial(1)
Measures hdf5 serial performance.
libhdf5-mpich-dev / h5pfc.mpich(1)
Helper script to compile hdf5 fortran applications
libhdf5-openmpi-dev / h5pfc.openmpi(1)
Helper script to compile hdf5 fortran applications
hdf5-tools / h5redeploy(1)
Updates hdf5 compiler tools after an hdf5 software installation in a new location.
hdf5-tools / h5repack(1)
Copy an hdf5 file to a new file with or without compression/chunking
hdf5-tools / h5repart(1)
Repartitions a file or family of files.
hdf5-tools / h5stat(1)
Reports statistics regarding an hdf5 file and the objects in the file.
h5utils / h5topng(1)
Generate png images from 2d slices of hdf5 files
h5utils / h5totxt(1)
Generate comma-delimited text from 2d slices of hdf5 files
h5utils / h5tovtk(1)
Convert datasets in hdf5 files to vtk format
hdf5-tools / h5unjam(1)
Extract the user block from a hdf5 file
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-addr2line(1)
Convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-ar(1)
Create, modify, and extract from archives
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-as(1)
The portable gnu assembler.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-c++filt(1)
Demangle c++ and java symbols.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-dlltool(1)
Create files needed to build and use dlls.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-ld(1)
Using ld, the gnu linker
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-nlmconv(1)
Converts object code into an nlm.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-nm(1)
List symbols from object files
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-objcopy(1)
Copy and translate object files
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-objdump(1)
Display information from object files.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-ranlib(1)
Generate index to archive.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-readelf(1)
Displays information about elf files.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-size(1)
List section sizes and total size.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-strings(1)
Print the strings of printable characters in files.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-strip(1)
Discard symbols from object files.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hitachi-coff-windres(1)
Manipulate windows resources.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-addr2line(1)
Convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-ar(1)
Create, modify, and extract from archives
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-as(1)
The portable gnu assembler.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-c++filt(1)
Demangle c++ and java symbols.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-ld(1)
Using ld, the gnu linker
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-nm(1)
List symbols from object files
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-objcopy(1)
Copy and translate object files
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-objdump(1)
Display information from object files.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-ranlib(1)
Generate index to archive.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-readelf(1)
Displays information about elf files.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-size(1)
List section sizes and total size.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-strings(1)
Print the strings of printable characters in files.
binutils-h8300-hms / h8300-hms-strip(1)
Discard symbols from object files.
cluster-glue / ha_logger(1)
Log a message to files and/or syslog through the ha logging daemon
hevea / hacha(1)
Chop hevea output files
python-hachoir-metadata / hachoir-metadata(1)
Extract meta-datas from a file
python-hachoir-metadata / hachoir-metadata-gtk(1)
Extract meta-datas from a file
python-hachoir-metadata / hachoir-metadata-qt(1)
Extract meta-datas from a file
python-hachoir-subfile / hachoir-subfile(1)
A tool based on hachoir-parser to find subfiles in any binary stream
python-hachoir-urwid / hachoir-urwid(1)
Interactive file explorer using urwid (ncurses)
python-hachoir-wx / hachoir-wx(1)
A wxwidgets-based gui for hachoir
hackrf / hackrf_cpldjtag(1)
Program cpld
hackrf / hackrf_info(1)
Probe device and show configuration
hackrf / hackrf_max2837(1)
Chip register read/write tool
hackrf / hackrf_rffc5071(1)
Chip register read/write tool
hackrf / hackrf_si5351c(1)
Chip register read/write tool
hackrf / hackrf_spiflash(1)
Program flash
hackrf / hackrf_transfer(1)
File based transmit and receive sdr
ghc-haddock / haddock(1)
Documentation tool for annotated haskell source code
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hail(1)
Ganeti iallocator plugin
halibut / halibut(1)
Multi-format documentation formatting tool
haproxy / halog(1)
Haproxy log statistics reporter
hama-slide-mouse-control / hama-slide-mouse-control(1)
Control settings of the hama slide s1 usb gaming mouse
hamexam / hamexam(1)
hamfax / hamfax(1)
Qt based shortwave fax
ruby-haml / haml(1)
Translates haml markup into its html equivalent
handbrake / handbrake(1)
Versatile dvd ripper and video transcoder
handbrake / handbrake-gtk(1)
Versatile dvd ripper and video transcoder
weboob / handjoob(1)
Search for a job
libgts-bin / happrox(1)
Returns a simplified triangulation of a set of points using algorithm iii of garland and heckbert (1995).
happy / happy(1)
The parser generator for haskell
haproxy / haproxy(1)
Fast and reliable http reverse proxy and load balancer
haproxyctl / haproxyctl(1)
Utility to manage haproxy
hardening-wrapper / hardened-c++(1)
G++ wrapper to enforce hardening toolchain improvements
hardening-wrapper / hardened-cc(1)
Gcc wrapper to enforce hardening toolchain improvements
hardening-wrapper / hardened-ld(1)
Linker wrapper to enforce hardening toolchain improvements
hardening-wrapper / hardening-wrapper(1)
Gcc wrapper to enforce hardening toolchain improvements
hardinfo / hardinfo(1)
Shows hardware information in a gtk+ window
hardlink / hardlink(1)
Link multiple copies of a file
ganeti-htools-2.12 / harep(1)
Ganeti auto-repair tool
harminv / harminv(1)
Extract mode frequencies from time-series data
ubuntu-dev-tools / harvest(1)
Grabs information about a given source package from harvest.ubuntu.com.
harvid / harvid(1)
Video server
rhash / has160-hash(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
hasciicam / hasciicam(1)
(h)ascii for the masses!
hashalot / hashalot(1)
Read a passphrase and print a hash
hashcash / hashcash(1)
Hashcash anti-spam / denial of service counter-measure tool
md5deep / hashdeep(1)
Compute, compare, or audit multiple message digests
sloccount / haskell_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
hatari / hatari(1)
Atari st/ste/tt/falcon emulator
hatari / hatari-winuae(1)
Atari st/ste/tt/falcon emulator
hatari / hatari_profile(1)
Post-processor for hatari profiler data
hatari / hatariui(1)
Python/gtk ui for hatari
hatop / hatop(1)
Interactive ncurses client for haproxy
hfsutils / hattrib(1)
Change hfs file or directory attributes
weboob / havedate(1)
Interact with dating websites
havp / havp(1)
Havp havp (http antivirus proxy) is a proxy with a clamav anti-virus scanner.
heartbeat / hb_addnode(1)
Sends a message to a heartbeat cluster to add new nodes
heartbeat / hb_delnode(1)
Sends a message to a heartbeat cluster to remove one or more nodes
heartbeat / hb_standby(1)
Issues a failover request to the cluster manager
heartbeat / hb_takeover(1)
Issues a failover request to the cluster manager
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hbal(1)
Cluster balancer for ganeti
aqbanking-tools / hbcixml3(1)
Command line tool to work on data in a hbci xml file.
lam-runtime / hboot(1)
Start lam on the local node.
httpcode / hc(1)
Explains the meaning of an http status code on the command line
hdate / hcal(1)
Displays a hebrew / gregorian calendar
lam4-dev / hcc(1)
Compile lam/mpi c/c++ programs.
hfsutils / hcd(1)
Change working hfs directory
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hcheck(1)
Cluster checker
bluez / hciattach(1)
Attach serial devices via uart hci to bluez stack
bluez / hciconfig(1)
Configure bluetooth devices
bluez-hcidump / hcidump(1)
Parse hci data
bluez / hcitool(1)
Configure bluetooth connections
hatari / hconsole(1)
Interactive python console for using hatari's remote api
hfsutils / hcopy(1)
Copy files from or to an hfs volume
lam4-dev / hcp(1)
Compile lam/mpi c/c++ programs.
hdate / hdate(1)
Displays hebrew date information for a given gregorian/julian date
hfsutils / hdel(1)
Delete both forks of an hfs file
hdevtools / hdevtools(1)
Ghc powered daemon for fast haskell development
hdf4-tools / hdf24to8(1)
Convert an 24-bit image in an hdf file to a 8-bit image in another hdf file
cgns-convert / hdf2adf(1)
Convert hdf5/adf files
hdf4-tools / hdf2gif(1)
Convert a hdf file to a gif image
hdf4-tools / hdf2jpeg(1)
Convert hdf images to jpeg
hdf4-tools / hdf8to24(1)
Convert an 8-bit image in an hdf file to a 24-bit image in another hdf file
hdf4-tools / hdfcomp(1)
Compress 8-bit raster images in an hdf file
hdf4-tools / hdfed(1)
Edit the contents of an hdf file
hdf4-tools / hdfls(1)
List basic information about an hdf file
hdf4-tools / hdfpack(1)
Compress an hdf file
hdf4-tools / hdftopal(1)
Convert between a palette in an hdf file and a raw palett e in a non-hdf file
hdf4-tools / hdftor8(1)
Extract 8-bit raster images and palettes from hdf file
hdhomerun-config / hdhomerun_config(1)
A utility used for maintaining and controlling a silicon dust hdhomerun
hfsutils / hdir(1)
Display an hfs directory in long format
hdf4-tools / hdp(1)
Display general information about the contents of an hdf file
hdup / hdup(1)
Harddisk duplicator/harddisk backupper - backup to harddisk
coreutils / head(1)
Output the first part of files
headache / headache(1)
A program to manage the license of your source file.
hearse / hearse(1)
Exchange nethack bones files with other players
heartbleeder / heartbleeder(1)
Test servers for openssl cve-2014-0160, aka heartbleed
heat-api / heat-api(1)
Rest api service to the heat project.
heat-api-cfn / heat-api-cfn(1)
Cloudformation compatible api service to the heat project.
heat-api-cloudwatch / heat-api-cloudwatch(1)
Cloudwatch alike api service to the heat project
heat-engine / heat-engine(1)
Service which performs the actions from the api calls made by the user
hebcal / hebcal(1)
A jewish calendar generator
heirloom-mailx / heirloom-mailx(1)
Send and receive internet mail
biosig-tools / heka2itx(1)
Converts different biomedical signal file formats.
python-transmissionrpc / helical(1)
Control bittorrent client transmission from command line
rss-glx / helios(1)
Attraction/repulsion particle effects and some smooth surfaces.
hello / hello(1)
Friendly greeting program
hello-traditional / hello(1)
Friendly greeting program
help2man / help2man(1)
Generate a simple manual page
eso-midas / helpmidas(1)
Standalone gui help for midas.
herbstluftwm / herbstclient(1)
Sends commands to a running herbstluftwm instance via x
herbstluftwm / herbstluftwm(1)
A manual tiling window manager for x
hercules / hercifc(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / hercules(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
herold / herold(1)
Html to docbook converter
hershey-font-gnuplot / hershey-font-gnuplot(1)
Hershey vector fonts renderer for gnuplot
plotutils / hersheydemo(1)
The gnu plotting utilities.
herwig++-dev / herwig-config(1)
Configuration tool for the herwig++ event generator
hesiod / hesinfo(1)
Find out what is stored in the hesiod database
hercules / hetget(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / hetinit(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / hetmap(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / hetupd(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hevea / hevea(1)
A fast latex to html translator
unifont-bin / hex2bdf(1)
Convert a gnu unifont .hex file into a bdf font
unifont-bin / hex2sfd(1)
Convert a gnu unifont .hex file into a fontforge .sfd format
macutils / hexbin(1)
Macintosh file de-binhexer
unifont-bin / hexbraille(1)
Algorithmically generate the unicode braille range (u+28xx)
hexchat-common / hexchat(1)
Irc client
hexcurse / hexcurse(1)
An ncurses-based hex editor
unifont-bin / hexdraw(1)
Convert a gnu unifont .hex file to and from an ascii text file
hexec / hexec(1)
A process execution hooking tool
hexedit / hexedit(1)
View and edit files in hexadecimal or in ascii
ncurses-hexedit / hexeditor(1)
Full screen curses hex editor
hexer / hexer(1)
Binary file editor
gprolog / hexgplc(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
gprolog / hexgplc-iso(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
unifont-bin / hexkinya(1)
Create the private use area kinya syllables
unifont-bin / hexmerge(1)
Merge two or more gnu unifont .hex font files into one
hexxagon / hexxagon(1)
Hexagonal ataxx-style game
lam4-dev / hf77(1)
Compile lam fortran programs.
sleuthkit / hfind(1)
Lookup a hash value in a hash database
hfsutils / hformat(1)
Create a new hfs filesystem and make it current
hfsutils-tcltk / hfs(1)
Shell for manipulating hfs volumes
hfsutils-tcltk / hfssh(1)
Tcl interpreter with hfs extensions
hfsutils / hfsutils(1)
Tools for reading and writing macintosh hfs volumes
mercurial-common / hg(1)
Mercurial source code management system
hg-fast-export / hg-fast-export(1)
Import hg repository into git
hg-fast-export / hg-reset(1)
Print info for hg-fast-export restart
hgsvn / hgimportsvn(1)
Import a subversion (svn) repository into a mercurial (hg) one
hgsvn / hgpullsvn(1)
Pull new svn revisions in a subversion/mercurial repository
hgsvn / hgpushsvn(1)
Push mercurial changesets back into svn
tortoisehg / hgtk(1)
Tortoisehgs gui tools for mercurial scm (hg)
hgview-common / hgview(1)
Qt based mercurial repository browser
bluez / hid2hci(1)
Bluetooth hid to hci mode switching utility
hiera / hiera(1)
Lightweight pluggable hierarchical database
qfits-tools / hierarch28(1)
Header conversion from eso to standard fits
highlight / highlight(1)
A universal sourcecode to formatted text converter
ruby-hikidoc / hikidoc(1)
A text-to-html conversion tool for web writers
hiki / hikisetup(1)
Hiki setup utility for debian
minidisc-utils / himdcli(1)
Command line interface for accessing himd walkman
hime-data / hime(1)
An input method server
hime-data / hime-cin2gtab(1)
Converts text input method table to hime's .gtab format
hime-data / hime-env(1)
Hime's environment checking tool
hime-data / hime-exit(1)
Send quit message to hime
hime-data / hime-gb-toggle(1)
Hime's chinese conversion toggle tool
hime-data / hime-gtab-merge(1)
Hime's .gtab data merging tool
hime-data / hime-gtab2cin(1)
Converts gtab input method table to cin table
hime-data / hime-juyin-learn(1)
Show chinese characters' phonations
hime-data / hime-kbm-toggle(1)
Hime's virtual keyboard toggle tool
hime-data / hime-message(1)
Hime's notification tool
hime-data / hime-phoa2d(1)
Hime's bopomofo tools
hime-data / hime-phod2a(1)
Hime's bopomofo tools
hime-data / hime-setup(1)
Configuration tools of hime
hime-data / hime-sim(1)
Hime's chinese conversion toggle tool
hime-data / hime-sim2trad(1)
Clipboard data conversion for traditional chinese and simplified chinese
hime-data / hime-trad(1)
Hime's chinese conversion toggle tool
hime-data / hime-trad2sim(1)
Clipboard data conversion for traditional chinese and simplified chinese
hime-data / hime-ts-edit(1)
Tsin vocabulary database editor for hime
hime-data / hime-tsa2d32(1)
Hime's tsin tools
hime-data / hime-tsd2a32(1)
Hime's tsin tools
hime-data / hime-tsin2gtab-phrase(1)
Hime's tsin tools
hime-data / hime-tslearn(1)
Learns user's personal phrase data
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hinfo(1)
Cluster information printer
netpbm / hipstopgm(1)
Convert a hips file into a portable graymap
ctn / his_layout(1)
Generic ctn manual page
loki / hist(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
libroot-roofit5.34 / hist2workspace(1)
Utility to create roofit/roostats workspace from histograms
xymon / history.cgi(1)
Cgi program to display service history
hlins / hlins(1)
Insert url's into html documents
hlint / hlint(1)
Haskell source code suggestions
hfsutils / hls(1)
List files in an hfs directory
libgcrypt20-dev / hmac256(1)
Compute an hmac-sha-256 mac
man2html / hman(1)
Browse the on-line manual pages
dbacl / hmine(1)
A mail message header analyzer.
hfsutils / hmkdir(1)
Create a new hfs directory
snap / hmm-assembler.pl(1)
Snap module hmm-assembler.pl
snap / hmm-info(1)
Snap module hmm-info
hmmer2 / hmm2align(1)
hmmer2 / hmm2build(1)
hmmer2 / hmm2calibrate(1)
hmmer2-pvm / hmm2calibrate-pvm(1)
Hmmer utilities for pvm clusters
hmmer2 / hmm2convert(1)
hmmer2 / hmm2emit(1)
hmmer2 / hmm2fetch(1)
hmmer2 / hmm2index(1)
hmmer2 / hmm2pfam(1)
hmmer2-pvm / hmm2pfam-pvm(1)
Hmmer utilities for pvm clusters
hmmer2 / hmm2search(1)
hmmer2-pvm / hmm2search-pvm(1)
Hmmer utilities for pvm clusters
hmmer / hmmalign(1)
Align sequences to a profile hmm
hmmer / hmmbuild(1)
Construct profile hmm(s) from multiple sequence alignment(s)
hmmer / hmmconvert(1)
Convert profile file to a hmmer format
hmmer / hmmemit(1)
Sample sequences from a profile hmm
hmmer / hmmer(1)
Profile hmms for biological sequence analysis
hmmer2 / hmmer2(1)
hmmer2-pvm / hmmer2-pvm(1)
Hmmer utilities for pvm clusters
hmmer / hmmfetch(1)
Retrieve profile hmm(s) from a file
hmmer / hmmpgmd(1)
Daemon for searching a protein query against a protein database
hmmer / hmmpress(1)
Prepare an hmm database for hmmscan
hmmer / hmmscan(1)
Search protein sequence(s) against a protein profile database
hmmer / hmmsearch(1)
Search profile(s) against a sequence database
hmmer / hmmstat(1)
Display summary statistics for a profile file
hfsutils / hmount(1)
Introduce a new hfs volume and make it current
hatari / hmsa(1)
Atari msa / st disk image creator and converter
hnb / hnb(1)
Hierarchical notebook
ho22bus / ho22bus(1)
An education software to help people to study english, reciting english words.
libhocr0 / hocr(1)
Hebrew ocr utility
ocrodjvu / hocr2djvused(1)
Hocr to djvused script converter
exactimage / hocr2pdf(1)
Hocr to pdf converter of the exactimage toolkit
hodie / hodie(1)
Print current date and time... in latin
hol-light / hol-light(1)
Hol light interactive theorem prover
hol88 / hol88(1)
Higher order logic
ax25mail-utils / home_bbs(1)
Find home bbs or force a home bbs for the callsign
homebank / homebank(1)
Manage your personal accounts at home
hoogle / hoogle(1)
A haskell api search engine.
horgand / horgand(1)
netpipes / hose(1)
The client end of a bsd network pipe netpipes 4.2
bind9-host / host(1)
Dns lookup utility
knot-host / host(1)
hostapd / hostapd_cli(1)
Hostapd command-line interface
squidguard / hostbyname(1)
Expand domain or urls list with ip addresses
xymon / hostgraphs.cgi(1)
Cgi program to show multiple graphs
coreutils / hostid(1)
Print the numeric identifier for the current host
hostname / hostname(1)
Show or set the system's host name domainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name dnsdomainname - show the system's dns domain name
systemd / hostnamectl(1)
Control the system hostname
hoteldruid / hoteldruid-launcher(1)
Launcher to open hoteldruid in a browser
hothasktags / hothasktags(1)
Generate ctags files for haskell
kcachegrind-converters / hotshot2calltree(1)
Convert hotshot profiling data to kcachegrind calltree format
hotssh / hotssh(1)
A graphical interface to secure shell.
hotswap-text / hotswap(1)
Register and unregister hotswappable ide hardware
how-can-i-help / how-can-i-help(1)
Show opportunities for contributing to debian
hoz / hoz(1)
File splitter that uses the hacha file format
hplip / hp-align(1)
Printer cartridge alignment utility
hplip / hp-check(1)
Dependency/version check utility
hplip / hp-clean(1)
Printer cartridge cleaning utility
hplip / hp-colorcal(1)
Printer cartridge color calibration utility
hplip-gui / hp-devicesettings(1)
Device setup utility
hplip-gui / hp-fab(1)
Fax address book
hplip-gui / hp-faxsetup(1)
Fax device setup utility
hplip / hp-firmware(1)
Firmware download utility
hplip / hp-info(1)
Device information utility
hplip / hp-levels(1)
Supply levels utility
hplip-gui / hp-linefeedcal(1)
Printer line feed calibration utility
hplip-gui / hp-makecopies(1)
Make copies utility
hplip / hp-makeuri(1)
Device uri creation utility
hplip / hp-pkservice(1)
Policy kit service
hplip / hp-plugin(1)
Plugin download and install utility
hplip-gui / hp-pqdiag(1)
Print quality diagnostic utility
hplip-gui / hp-print(1)
Print utility
hplip-gui / hp-printsettings(1)
Printer settings utility
hplip / hp-probe(1)
Printer discovery utility
hplip / hp-query(1)
Model query utility
hp-search-mac / hp-search-mac(1)
Hp switch search tool.
hplip-gui / hp-sendfax(1)
Pc sendfax utility
hplip / hp-setup(1)
Printer/fax setup utility
hplip-gui / hp-systray(1)
System tray status service
hplip / hp-testpage(1)
Testpage print utility
hplip / hp-timedate(1)
Time/date utility
hplip-gui / hp-toolbox(1)
Hp device manager
hplip / hp-unload(1)
Photo card access utility
hplip-gui / hp-wificonfig(1)
Wifi configuration utility
simh / hp2100(1)
Simulate a hp2100 computer
ghc / hp2ps(1)
Convert a heap profile to a \*(ps graph
hp2xx / hp2xx(1)
A hpgl converter into some vector- and raster formats
hpanel / hpanel(1)
A minimalist panel for x
hfsplus / hpcd(1)
Hpcd change directory on an hfs+ volume
hfsplus / hpcopy(1)
Hpcopy copy files from an hfs+ volume
hfsplus / hpfsck(1)
Hpfsck check integrity of an hfs+ volume
groff / hpftodit(1)
Create font description files for use with groff -tlj4
printer-driver-hpijs / hpijs(1)
Hp ijs server for the ghostscript ijs client driver
hfsplus / hpls(1)
Hpls list the contents of a directory on an hfs+ volume
hfsplus / hpmkdir(1)
Hpmkdir create a directory on an hfs+ volume
hfsplus / hpmount(1)
Hpmount change directory on an hfs+ volume
hfsplus / hppwd(1)
Hppwd print the current working directory on an hfs+ volume
hfsplus / hprm(1)
Hprm remove a file or directory on an hfs+ volume
hfsplus / hpumount(1)
Hpumount unmount an hfs+ volume
hfsutils / hpwd(1)
Print the full path to the current hfs working directory
hfsutils / hrename(1)
Rename or move an hfs file or directory
hfsutils / hrmdir(1)
Remove an empty hfs directory
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hroller(1)
Cluster rolling maintenance scheduler for ganeti
gnuradio / hrpt_decode(1)
Decode noaa high rate picture transmission
gnuradio / hrpt_demod(1)
Demodulate noaa high rate picture transmission
hsbrainfuck / hsbrainfuck(1)
A brainfuck programming language interpreter
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hscan(1)
Scan clusters via rapi and save node/instance data
hsetroot / hsetroot(1)
Yet another wallpaper application
pandoc / hsmarkdown(1)
Convert markdown-formatted text to html
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hspace(1)
Cluster space analyzer for ganeti
hspell / hspell(1)
Hebrew spellchecker
hspell-gui / hspell-gui(1)
Hspell gui front-end
hspell-gui / hspell-gui-heb(1)
Hspell gui front-end
hsqldb-utils / hsqldb-databasemanager(1)
Gui database management tool
hsqldb-utils / hsqldb-databasemanagerswing(1)
Gui database management tool
hsqldb-utils / hsqldb-querytool(1)
Gui database management tool
hsqldb-utils / hsqldb-sqltool(1)
Jdbc database console frontend
hsqldb-utils / hsqldb-transfer(1)
Transfers data from one jdbc database to another
ganeti-htools-2.12 / hsqueeze(1)
Dynamic power management
tex4ht / ht(1)
A system for authoring hypertext with tex and friends
htag / htag(1)
Add taglines and sigs to email, news and fidonet messages.
global / htags(1)
Generate hypertext from source code.
httptunnel / htc(1)
Httptunnel client
htcheck / htcheck(1)
Web site checker for dead/external links 2.0.0
global / htconfig(1)
Create/update global gsearch.cgi files
gridsite-clients / htcp(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
apache2-utils / htdbm(1)
Manipulate dbm password databases
htdig / htdig(1)
Retrieve html documents for ht://dig search engine
htdig / htdig-pdfparser(1)
Parse a pdf document (wrapper script for htdig)
apache2-utils / htdigest(1)
Manage user files for digest authentication
htdig / htdump(1)
Write out an ascii-text version of the document database
ht / hte(1)
Executable's editor
gridsite-clients / htfind(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
htdig / htfuzzy(1)
Fuzzy command-line search utility for the ht://dig search engine
tex4ht / htlatex(1)
A system for authoring hypertext with tex and friends
gridsite-clients / htll(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
htdig / htload(1)
Reads in an ascii-text version of the document database
gridsite-clients / htls(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
global / htmake(1)
Create global hypertext source searchable by gsearch.cgi
htdig / htmerge(1)
Create document index and word database for the ht://dig search engine
gridsite-clients / htmkdir(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
xml2 / html2(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
golang-go.tools / html2article(1)
Converts an html file to an article in present format
ruby-html2haml / html2haml(1)
Transforms an html file into corresponding haml code.
python-html2text / html2markdown.py2(1)
Converts a page of html into markdown.
python3-html2text / html2markdown.py3(1)
Converts a page of html into markdown.
txt2pdbdoc / html2pdbtxt(1)
Html to doc text converter for palm pilots
translate-toolkit / html2po(1)
Convert html files to gettext po localization files.
html2ps / html2ps(1)
Convert html to postscript
stx2any / html2stx(1)
Convert html documents into stx
html2text / html2text(1)
An advanced html-to-text converter
html2wml / html2wml(1)
Html2wml \*(-- program that can convert \s-1html\s0 pages to \s-1wml\s0 pages
arora / htmlToXBel(1)
A tool to convert bookmarks stored in the html format into the xbel format.
libhtmlcxx-dev / htmlcxx(1)
Simple html and css parser
htmldoc-common / htmldoc(1)
Convert html source files into html, postscript, or pdf.
noweb / htmltoc(1)
Add table of contents to html document
gridsite-clients / htmv(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
htdig / htnotify(1)
Sends email notifications about out-dated web pages discovered by htmerge
httest / htntlm(1)
Read/write ntlm message
ganeti-htools-2.12 / htools(1)
Cluster allocation and placement tools for ganeti
htop / htop(1)
Interactive process viewer
htp / htp(1)
Html preprocessor
apache2-utils / htpasswd(1)
Manage user files for basic authentication
gridsite-clients / htping(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
httest / htproxy(1)
Record a http session
gridsite-clients / htproxydestroy(1)
Gsi proxy delegations and querying, using gridsite/glite delegation api
gridsite-clients / htproxyinfo(1)
Gsi proxy delegations and querying, using gridsite/glite delegation api
gridsite-clients / htproxyput(1)
Gsi proxy delegations and querying, using gridsite/glite delegation api
gridsite-clients / htproxyrenew(1)
Gsi proxy delegations and querying, using gridsite/glite delegation api
gridsite-clients / htproxytime(1)
Gsi proxy delegations and querying, using gridsite/glite delegation api
gridsite-clients / htproxyunixtime(1)
Gsi proxy delegations and querying, using gridsite/glite delegation api
htdig / htpurge(1)
Remove unused documents from the database (general maintenance script)
httest / htremote(1)
Record a http session
gridsite-clients / htrm(1)
File transfers and queries via http/https/sitecast
httptunnel / hts(1)
Httptunnel server
htsengine / hts_engine(1)
Hts_engine hmm-based speech synthesis engine
htdig / htsearch(1)
Create document index and word database for the ht://dig search engine
python-htseq / htseq-count(1)
Count the number of reads in a sam alignment file that map to gff features given a file with aligned sequencing reads and a list of genomic features, a common task is to count how many reads map to each feature. a feature is here an interval (i.e., a range of positions) on a chromosome or a union of such intervals. in the case of rna-seq, the features are typically genes, where each gene is considered here as the union of all its exons. one may also consider each exon as a feature, e.g., in order to check for alternative splicing. for comparative chip-seq, the features might be binding region from a pre-determined list. special care must be taken to decide how to deal with reads that overlap more than one feature. the htseq-count script allows to choose between three modes. of course, if none of these fits your needs, you can write your own script with htseq. see the chapter tour for a step-by-step guide on how to do so. the three overlap resolution modes of htseq-count work as follows. for each position i in the read, a set s(i) is defined as the set of all features overlapping position i. then, consider the set s, which is (with i running through all position within the read) the union of all the sets s(i) for mode union. the intersection of all the sets s(i) for mode intersection-strict. the intersection of all non-empty sets s(i) for mode intersection-nonempty. if s contains precisely one feature, the read is counted for this feature. if it contains more than one feature, the read is counted as ambiguous (and not counted for any features), and if s is empty, the read is counted as no_feature. the following figure illustrates the effect of these three modes: [image]
python-htseq / htseq-qa(1)
Perform simple quality assesment of high-throughput sequencing reads the python script htseq-qa takes a file with sequencing reads (either raw or aligned reads) and produces a pdf file with useful plots to assess the technical quality of a run.
webhttrack / htsserver(1)
Offline browser server : copy websites to a local directory
htdig / htstat(1)
Returns statistics on the document and word databases, much like the -s option to htdig or htmerge.
httest / httest(1)
Test http driven application
tex4ht / httex(1)
A system for authoring hypertext with tex and friends
tex4ht / httexi(1)
A system for authoring hypertext with tex and friends
httpie / http(1)
Cli, curl-like tool for humans
ucspi-tcp / http@(1)
Gets a web page from a remote host.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / http@(1)
Get a web page from a host through http
ruby-httparty / httparty(1)
Query web services and examine the resulting output
mono-devel / httpcfg(1)
Mono certificate management for httplistener
ruby-httpclient / httpclient(1)
Shell command for performing http requests using ruby httpclient
httperf / httperf(1)
Http performance measurement tool
httpfs2 / httpfs2(1)
Mount a file from a http server into the filesystem
swish++ / httpindex(1)
Http front-end for swish++ indexer
httping / httping(1)
Measure the lateceny and throughput of a webserver
httpry / httpry(1)
Http logging and information retrieval tool
libruli-bin / httpsearch(1)
Sample programs for ruli library (rfc 2782)
dsbltesters / httptest(1)
Attempt to use an http proxy to relay to a dsbl-complaint host
httrack / httrack(1)
Offline browser : copy websites to a local directory
apache2-utils / httxt2dbm(1)
Generate dbm files for use with rewritemap
rss-glx / hufo_smoke(1)
Particle smoke effect.
rss-glx / hufo_tunnel(1)
Tunnel saver.
ubuntu-dev-tools / hugdaylist(1)
Produce moinmoin wiki formatted tables based on a launchpad bug list
hugs / hugs(1)
Hugs 98, functional programming system
hfsutils / humount(1)
Remove an hfs volume from the list of known volumes
hv3 / hv3(1)
Powerful yet minimalist web browser
qdbm-util / hvmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm hovel
hfsutils / hvol(1)
Display or change the current hfs volume
qdbm-util / hvtest(1)
Test cases for qdbm hovel
hwloc / hwloc-annotate(1)
Add info attributes to a xml topology
hwloc-nox / hwloc-annotate(1)
Add info attributes to a xml topology
hwloc / hwloc-assembler(1)
Assemble multiple xml topologies
hwloc-nox / hwloc-assembler(1)
Assemble multiple xml topologies
hwloc / hwloc-assembler-remote(1)
Assemble multiple remote host topologies
hwloc-nox / hwloc-assembler-remote(1)
Assemble multiple remote host topologies
hwloc / hwloc-bind(1)
Launch a command that is bound to specific processors and/or memory, or consult the binding of an existing program
hwloc-nox / hwloc-bind(1)
Launch a command that is bound to specific processors and/or memory, or consult the binding of an existing program
hwloc / hwloc-calc(1)
Operate on cpu mask strings and objects
hwloc-nox / hwloc-calc(1)
Operate on cpu mask strings and objects
hwloc / hwloc-compress-dir(1)
Compress a directory of xml topologies
hwloc-nox / hwloc-compress-dir(1)
Compress a directory of xml topologies
hwloc / hwloc-diff(1)
Compute differences between two xml topologies
hwloc-nox / hwloc-diff(1)
Compute differences between two xml topologies
hwloc / hwloc-distances(1)
Displays distance matrices
hwloc-nox / hwloc-distances(1)
Displays distance matrices
hwloc / hwloc-distrib(1)
Build a number of cpu masks distributed on the system
hwloc-nox / hwloc-distrib(1)
Build a number of cpu masks distributed on the system
hwloc / hwloc-gather-topology(1)
Saves the relevant linux topology files and the lstopo output for later (possibly offline) usage
hwloc-nox / hwloc-gather-topology(1)
Saves the relevant linux topology files and the lstopo output for later (possibly offline) usage
hwloc / hwloc-info(1)
Show some information about some objects or about a topology
hwloc-nox / hwloc-info(1)
Show some information about some objects or about a topology
hwloc / hwloc-ls(1)
Show the topology of the system
hwloc-nox / hwloc-ls(1)
Show the topology of the system
hwloc / hwloc-patch(1)
Apply a topology difference to an existing xml topology
hwloc-nox / hwloc-patch(1)
Apply a topology difference to an existing xml topology
hwloc / hwloc-ps(1)
List currently-running processes or threads that are bound
hwloc-nox / hwloc-ps(1)
List currently-running processes or threads that are bound
html-xml-utils / hxaddid(1)
Add ids to selected elements
html-xml-utils / hxcite(1)
Replace bibliographic references by hyperlinks
html-xml-utils / hxcite-mkbib(1)
Expand references and create bibliography
html-xml-utils / hxclean(1)
Apply heuristics to correct an html file
html-xml-utils / hxcopy(1)
Copy an html file and update its relative links
html-xml-utils / hxcount(1)
Count elements and attributes in html or xml files
html-xml-utils / hxextract(1)
Extract selected elements from a html or xml file
html-xml-utils / hxincl(1)
Expand included html or xml files
html-xml-utils / hxindex(1)
Insert an index into an html document
html-xml-utils / hxmkbib(1)
Create bibliography from a template
html-xml-utils / hxmultitoc(1)
Create a table of content for a set of html files
html-xml-utils / hxname2id(1)
Move some name and id attributes from an a to its parent
html-xml-utils / hxnormalize(1)
Pretty-print an html file
html-xml-utils / hxnsxml(1)
Convert output of hxxmlns back to xml
html-xml-utils / hxnum(1)
Number section headings in an html file
html-xml-utils / hxpipe(1)
Convert xml file to a format easier to parse with perl or awk
html-xml-utils / hxprintlinks(1)
Number links and add a table of urls at the end of an html file
html-xml-utils / hxprune(1)
Remove marked elements from an html file
html-xml-utils / hxref(1)
Generate cross-references inside and between html files
html-xml-utils / hxremove(1)
Remove elements from an xml file by means of a css selector
html-xml-utils / hxselect(1)
Extract elements that match a (css) selector
html-xml-utils / hxtabletrans(1)
Transpose an html or xhtml table
html-xml-utils / hxtoc(1)
Insert a table of contents in an html file
html-xml-utils / hxuncdata(1)
Replace cdata sections by character entities
html-xml-utils / hxunent(1)
Replace html predefined character entities by utf-8
html-xml-utils / hxunpipe(1)
Convert output of hxpipe back to xml format
html-xml-utils / hxunxmlns(1)
Replace xml "global names" by namespace prefixes
html-xml-utils / hxwls(1)
List links in an html file
html-xml-utils / hxxmlns(1)
Replace xml namespace prefixes by "global names"
python3-hy / hy(1)
Hy documentation [image: hy] [image]
hyantesite / hyantesite(1)
Hyantesite - software client of libhyantes
hydra / hydra(1)
A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services
hydra / hydra-wizard(1)
Wizard to use hydra from command line
hydrogen / hydrogen(1)
Simple drum machine/step sequencer
hylafax-client / hylafax-client(1)
Introduction to \*(fx client applications and usage
rss-glx / hyperspace(1)
Flying through hyper space.
dbacl / hypex(1)
Computes the chernoff exponent between two simple categories.
hyphen-show / hyphen_show(1)
A program to look for hyphenations in a .dvi-file created by tex/latex
iprint / i(1)
Trivial integer print utility
integrit / i-ls(1)
Display file stat and checksum information for files
integrit / i-viewdb(1)
View the information stored in integrit databases
opencaster / i13942ts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
simh / i1401(1)
Simulate an ibm 1401 computer
simh / i1620(1)
Simulate an ibm 1620 computer
i18nspector / i18nspector(1)
Checking tool for gettext pot, po and mo files
wcstools / i2f(1)
i3-wm / i3(1)
An improved dynamic, tiling window manager
i3-wm / i3-config-wizard(1)
Creates a keysym based config based on your layout
i3-wm / i3-dump-log(1)
Dumps the i3 shm log
i3-wm / i3-input(1)
Interactively take a command for i3 window manager
i3-wm / i3-migrate-config-to-v4(1)
Migrates your i3 config file
i3-wm / i3-msg(1)
Send messages to i3 window manager
i3-wm / i3-nagbar(1)
Displays an error bar on top of your screen
i3-wm / i3-sensible-editor(1)
Launches $editor with fallbacks
i3-wm / i3-sensible-pager(1)
Launches $pager with fallbacks
i3-wm / i3-sensible-terminal(1)
Launches $terminal with fallbacks
i3-wm / i3-with-shmlog(1)
An improved dynamic, tiling window manager
libpython2.7-dev / i386-linux-gnu-python2.7-config(1)
Output build options for python c/c++ extensions or embedding
libpython3.4-dev / i386-linux-gnu-python3.4-config(1)
Output build options for python c/c++ extensions or embedding
libpython3.4-dev / i386-linux-gnu-python3.4m-config(1)
Output build options for python c/c++ extensions or embedding
i3-wm / i3bar(1)
Xcb-based status- and workspace-bar
i3blocks / i3blocks(1)
A flexible scheduler for i3bar
i3lock / i3lock(1)
Improved screen locker
i3status / i3status(1)
Generates a status line for i3bar, dzen2 or xmobar
binutils / i486-linux-gnu-dwp(1)
The dwarf packaging utility
binutils / i486-linux-gnu-ld.gold(1)
The gnu elf linker
binutils / i586-linux-gnu-dwp(1)
The dwarf packaging utility
binutils / i586-linux-gnu-ld.gold(1)
The gnu elf linker
libpython2.7-dev / i586-linux-gnu-python2.7-config(1)
Output build options for python c/c++ extensions or embedding
libpython3.4-dev / i586-linux-gnu-python3.4-config(1)
Output build options for python c/c++ extensions or embedding
libpython3.4-dev / i586-linux-gnu-python3.4m-config(1)
Output build options for python c/c++ extensions or embedding
binutils-mingw-w64-i686 / i686-w64-mingw32-dllwrap(1)
Ancient tool for generating pe style dll's.
mingw-w64-tools / i686-w64-mingw32-widl(1)
Wine interface definition language (idl) compiler
simh / i7094(1)
Simulate an ibm 7090/7094 computer
i7z / i7z(1)
A better i7 (and now i3, i5) reporting tool for linux.
i810switch / i810rotate(1)
Toggle the video output on i810 hardware using i810switch(1)
i810switch / i810switch(1)
Enable/disable screen output on i810 video hardware
i8kutils / i8kbuttons(1)
Monitor the status of fn-buttons on dell inspiron laptops.
i8kutils / i8kctl(1)
Utility to access smm bios and dmi table information from dell laptops
i8kutils / i8kfan(1)
Utility to access smm bios and dmi table information from dell laptops
i8kutils / i8kmon(1)
Monitor the cpu temperature and fan status on dell laptops
libpolyorb3-dev / iac(1)
Polyorb's idl-to-ada compiler
opensc / iasecc-tool(1)
Displays information about ias/ecc card
acpica-tools / iasl(1)
Acpi source language compiler/decompiler
iat / iat(1)
Converts many cd-rom image formats to iso9660.
iaxmodem / iaxmodem(1)
Software modem with iax2 connectivity
ibacm / ib_acme(1)
Test and configuration utility for the ib acm
perftest / ib_read_bw(1)
Rdma read bandwidth test
perftest / ib_read_lat(1)
Rdma write latency test
perftest / ib_send_bw(1)
Rdma send bandwidth test
perftest / ib_send_lat(1)
Rdma send latency test
perftest / ib_write_bw(1)
Rdma write bandwidth test
perftest / ib_write_lat(1)
Rdma write latency test
ibacm / ibacm(1)
Address and route resolution services for infiniband.
ibam / ibam(1)
The intelligent battery monitor
ibutils / ibdm-ibnl-file(1)
A generic ib netlist format
ibutils / ibdm-topo-file(1)
Ibdm topology file the topology file describes the ib connectivity and systems included in the network. it serves two purposes: the topology file is composed "system" sections. each such section describes the connectivity of one system to other systems in the network. the first line of each section is a declaration of the system composed of a system-type, its system-name section, and optional configuration details. the lines to follow until the next empty line describe the connections between this system ports to the other systems. the following is a formal definition of a system section syntax. an example is listed afterwards. system-type system-name [cfg: b1=modifier, [b2=modifier]...]
ibutils / ibdmchk(1)
Network checker and attributes analyzer
ibutils / ibdmsh(1)
Extentended tcl shell
ibutils / ibdmtr(1)
Fabric trace route
ibid / ibid(1)
Run an ibid bot
ibid / ibid-db(1)
Database management utility for ibid
ibid / ibid-factpack(1)
Factoid-package management utility for ibid
ibid / ibid-knab-import(1)
Knab-ibid import utility
ibid / ibid-memgraph(1)
Memory usage graph generation utility for ibid
ibid / ibid-objgraph(1)
Memory usage graph generation utility for ibid
ibid / ibid-pb-client(1)
Rpc client for ibid
ibid / ibid-plugin(1)
Plugin testing developer environment for ibid
ibid / ibid-setup(1)
Create a basic configuration file and database for an ibid bot
ibutils / ibis(1)
Ib management inband services - an extended tcl shell
ibniz / ibniz(1)
Virtual machine for compact low-level audiovisual programs
ibod / ibod(1)
Isdn mppp bandwidth on demand daemon
srptools / ibsrpdm(1)
Discover srp targets on an infiniband fabric
ibutils / ibtopodiff(1)
Fabric topology matcher
ibus / ibus(1)
Command line utility for ibus
ibus / ibus-daemon(1)
Daemon program for ibus
ibus / ibus-setup(1)
Configuration program for ibus
ibus-table / ibus-table-createdb(1)
Create ibus-table database from table source
ibverbs-utils / ibv_asyncwatch(1)
Display asynchronous events
ibverbs-utils / ibv_devices(1)
List rdma devices
ibverbs-utils / ibv_devinfo(1)
Query rdma devices
ibverbs-utils / ibv_rc_pingpong(1)
Simple infiniband rc transport test
ibverbs-utils / ibv_srq_pingpong(1)
Simple infiniband shared receive queue test
ibverbs-utils / ibv_uc_pingpong(1)
Simple infiniband uc transport test
ibverbs-utils / ibv_ud_pingpong(1)
Simple infiniband ud transport test
italc-client / ica(1)
Italc client application
itools / ical(1)
A hijri/islamic calendar (and converter)
ical2html / ical2html(1)
Create an html table from icalendar data
translate-toolkit / ical2po(1)
Convert ical files to gettext po localization files.
ical2html / icalfilter(1)
Filter an icalendar file based on class and/or category
ical2html / icalmerge(1)
Merge icalendar files, keeping only the most recent version of each event
sleuthkit / icat(1)
Output the contents of a file based on its inode number.
argyll / iccdump(1)
Dump an icc file in human readable form.
argyll / iccgamut(1)
Create lab/jab gamut plot.
argyll / icclu(1)
Translate colors through an icc profile.
x11-xserver-utils / iceauth(1)
Ice authority file utility
icebox / icebox(1)
Application server for ice services
icebox / iceboxadmin(1)
Firewall solution for ice applications
libzeroc-ice3.5-cil / iceboxnet-3.5(1)
Cli implementation of icebox
libicessl35 / iceca(1)
Establish a certificate authority and generate certificates
icecast2 / icecast2(1)
An mp3/ogg vorbis broadcast streaming media server
icecc / icecc(1)
Icecream compiler stub
icecc / icecc-create-env(1)
Create a tar for icecream distributed compiler to use
icecc / icecc-scheduler(1)
Icecream scheduler
icecc / iceccd(1)
Icecream daemon
icee-translators / icecpp(1)
Slice preprocessor
icecream / icecream(1)
Download icecast and shoutcast streams, redirecting all fetched content to stdout and/or to disk at the same time
icedove / icedove(1)
Mail user agent (mua) and newsgroup/rss client for x11 derived from the mozilla thunderbird.
icegrid-gui / icegrid-gui(1)
Graphical user interface to icegrid
ice35-services / icegridadmin(1)
Icegrid administration tool
ice35-services / icegridnode(1)
Icegrid node server
ice35-services / icegridregistry(1)
Icegrid centralized name server
icecc-monitor / icemon(1)
Icecream network monitor
ice35-services / icepatch2calc(1)
Compress files and calculate checksums
ice35-services / icepatch2client(1)
Replicate the data directory of an icepatch2 server
ice35-services / icepatch2server(1)
Icepatch2 file server
icecc / icerun(1)
Icecream compiler stub
ices2 / ices2(1)
An ogg vorbis broadcast streaming source client
ice35-services / icestormadmin(1)
Administrative control of an icestorm server
iceweasel / iceweasel(1)
A web browser for x11 derived from the mozilla browser
icheck / icheck(1)
C interface abi/api checker
intercal / ick(1)
Intercal compiler
ivtools-bin / iclass(1)
Class browser
gringo / iclingo(1)
A combination of clasp and gringo
renameutils / icmd(1)
Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using gnu readline.
ipv6toolkit / icmp6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on icmpv6 packets
icmptx / icmptx(1)
Tunnel ip over icmp
icnsutils / icns2png(1)
Convert mac os icns files to png images
x11-apps / ico(1)
Animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron
icom / icom(1)
Remote control for icom transceivers and receivers
icon-slicer / icon-slicer(1)
Utility for generating icon themes and libxcursor cursor themes
giflib-tools / icon2gif(1)
A program to convert a series of editable text gif icon specifications and named gif files into a multi-image gif, usable as a graphic resource file. it can also dump existing gifs in this format.
ctn / icon_append_file(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / icon_append_index(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / icon_dump_file(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / icon_dump_index(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / icon_script(1)
Generic ctn manual page
icnsutils / icontainer2icns(1)
Extract icns files from icontainers
netpbm / icontopbm(1)
Convert a sun icon into a portable bitmap
manpages / iconv(1)
Convert text from one character encoding to another
openimageio-tools / iconvert(1)
Copy images with format conversions and other alterations
icoutils / icotool(1)
Convert and create win32 icon and cursor files
renameutils / icp(1)
Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using gnu readline.
icu-devtools / icu-config(1)
Output icu build options
icu-devtools / icuinfo(1)
Shows some basic info about the current icu
coreutils / id(1)
Print real and effective user and group ids
simh / id16(1)
Simulate an interdata 16b computer
id3 / id3(1)
An id3 tag editor.
simh / id32(1)
Simulate an interdata 32b computer
libid3-tools / id3convert(1)
Converts between id3v1 and id3v2 tags of an mp3 file.
libid3-tools / id3cp(1)
Copies tags from one file to another.
libid3-tools / id3info(1)
Display id3 tag information.
libid3-tools / id3tag(1)
Tags an mp3 file with id3v1 and/or id3v2 tags.
id3tool / id3tool(1)
A command line editor for id3 tags.
id3v2 / id3v2(1)
Adds/modifies/removes/views id3v2 tags, converts/lists id3v1 tags
itools / idate(1)
A gregorian/meladi to/from hijri/islamic date converter
idba / idba(1)
Iterative de bruijn graph assembler for hybrid sequencing data
idba / idba_hybrid(1)
Iterative de bruijn graph assembler for hybrid sequencing data
libpwiz-tools / idconvert(1)
Idconvert convert mass spectrometry identification file formats.
ecere-dev / ide(1)
Ecere ide
rcs / ident(1)
Identify rcs keyword strings in files
identicurse / identicurse(1)
Identi.ca client with a curses-based ui
imagemagick / identify-im6(1)
Describes the format and characteristics of one or more image files.
idesk / idesk(1)
Display program shortcuts as icons on desktop
libimobiledevice-utils / idevice_id(1)
Prints device name or a list of attached devices.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicebackup(1)
Create or restore backup for devices.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicebackup2(1)
Create or restore backups for devices running ios 4 or later.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicecrashreport(1)
Retrieve crash reports from a device.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicedate(1)
Display the current date or set it on a device.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicedebugserverproxy(1)
Remote debugging proxy.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicediagnostics(1)
Interact with the diagnostics interface of a device.
libimobiledevice-utils / ideviceenterrecovery(1)
Make a device enter recovery mode.
libimobiledevice-utils / ideviceimagemounter(1)
Mount disk images on the device.
libimobiledevice-utils / ideviceinfo(1)
Show information about the first connected device.
ideviceinstaller / ideviceinstaller(1)
Manage idevice apps
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicename(1)
Display the device name or set it to name if specified.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicepair(1)
Manage host pairings with devices and usbmuxd.
libimobiledevice-utils / ideviceprovision(1)
Manage provisioning profiles on a device.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicescreenshot(1)
Gets a screenshot from the connected device.
libimobiledevice-utils / idevicesyslog(1)
Relay syslog of a connected device.
ncbi-tools-bin / idfetch(1)
Retrieve biological data from the ncbi id1 server
ladr4-apps / idfilter(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
openimageio-tools / idiff(1)
Compare two images
idjc / idjc(1)
Be a dj on the internet
idjc / idjc-auto(1)
Make a profile be automatic
idjc / idjc-ls(1)
Display information relating to the profiles
idjc / idjc-new(1)
Create a new profile
idjc / idjc-noauto(1)
No automatic profile
idjc / idjc-rm(1)
Remove a profile
idjc / idjc-run(1)
Launch the idjc main application
libpolyorb3-dev / idlac(1)
Polyorb's idl-to-ada compiler
idle / idle(1)
An integrated development environment for python
idle-python2.7 / idle-python2.7(1)
An integrated development environment for python
idle-python3.4 / idle-python3.4(1)
An integrated development environment for python
idle3 / idle3(1)
An integrated development environment for python
idn / idn(1)
Internationalized domain names command line tool
idn2 / idn2(1)
Libidn2 internationalized domain names (idna2008) conversion
ivtools-bin / idraw(1)
Drawing editor
fweb / idxmerge(1)
Merge fweb-produced index files.
libidzebra-2.0-dev / idzebra-config-2.0(1)
Script to get information about idzebra
iec16022 / iec16022(1)
Program to generate 2d barcodes
alsa-utils / iecset(1)
Set or dump iec958 status bits
latex-mk / ieee-copyout(1)
Creates archive in ieee publication format.
ctsim / if1(1)
Single if (image file) transformation
ctsim / if2(1)
Binary operations between two image (if) files.
moreutils / ifdata(1)
Get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output
ifetch-tools / ifetch(1)
Image collection tool for ip cameras of ifetch-tools
ifile / ifile(1)
Core executable for the ifile mail filtering system
sleuthkit / ifind(1)
Find the meta-data structure that has allocated a given disk unit or file name.
autoconf / ifnames(1)
Extract cpp conditionals from a set of files
autoconf-dickey / ifnames-dickey(1)
Extract cpp conditionals from a set of files
autoconf2.13 / ifnames2.13(1)
Print identifiers that a package uses in c preprocessor conditionals
autoconf2.59 / ifnames2.59(1)
Extract cpp conditionals from a set of files
autoconf2.64 / ifnames2.64(1)
Extract cpp conditionals from a set of files
moreutils / ifne(1)
Run command if the standard input is not empty
ifp-line-libifp / ifp(1)
Access iriver ifp audio devices
fp-utils-2.6.4 / ifpc-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal interpreter.
ifpgui / ifpgui(1)
Open source gui for iriver's ifp flash player
ifrit / ifrit(1)
A powerful tool that can be used to visualize 3-dimensional data sets
ifstat / ifstat(1)
Report interface statistics
igal2 / igal2(1)
Online image gallery generator
gawk / igawk(1)
Gawk with include files
openimageio-tools / igrep(1)
Search images for matching metadata
eep24c / ihex2txt(1)
Converts intelhex format to a simple text format txt2ihex - converts simple text format to intelhex
ii / ii(1)
Irc it or irc improved
openimageio-tools / iinfo(1)
Print information about images
libijs-dev / ijs-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of ijs
ijsgutenprint / ijsgutenprint(1)
Ghostscript driver for gutenprint
ijsgutenprint / ijsgutenprint.5.2(1)
Ghostscript driver for gutenprint
ikarus / ikarus(1)
Scheme programming language
ike-scan / ike-scan(1)
Discover and fingerprint ike hosts (ipsec vpn servers)
ikiwiki-hosting-web / iki-git-hook-update(1)
Ikiwiki-hosting git update hook
ikiwiki-hosting-web / iki-git-shell(1)
Ikiwiki-hosting helper
ikiwiki-hosting-web / iki-ssh-unsafe(1)
Ikiwiki-hosting helper
ikiwiki-hosting-dns / ikidns(1)
Ikiwiki-hosting dns helper
ikiwiki-hosting-web / ikisite(1)
Ikiwiki-hosting site helper
ikiwiki-hosting-web / ikisite-delete-unfinished-site(1)
Ikiwiki-hosting helper
ikiwiki-hosting-web / ikisite-wrapper(1)
Suid wrapper for ikisite
ikiwiki / ikiwiki(1)
A wiki compiler
ikiwiki / ikiwiki-calendar(1)
Create calendar archive pages
ikiwiki-hosting-web / ikiwiki-hosting-web-backup(1)
Backup sites
ikiwiki-hosting-web / ikiwiki-hosting-web-daily(1)
Compact and maintain all sites
ikiwiki / ikiwiki-makerepo(1)
Check an ikiwiki srcdir into revision control
ikiwiki / ikiwiki-transition(1)
Transition ikiwiki pages to new syntaxes, etc
ikiwiki / ikiwiki-update-wikilist(1)
Add or remove user from /etc/ikiwiki/wikilist
libiksemel-utils / ikslint(1)
Checks for well-formedness of an xml document
libiksemel-utils / iksperf(1)
Measures the performance of the iksemel library
libiksemel-utils / iksroster(1)
A backup tool for your jabber roster
ikvm / ikvm(1)
Java virtual machine executable using the cli runtime
ikvm / ikvmc(1)
Compile java classes and jars into cil assemblies
ikvm / ikvmstub(1)
Generate java stub class files from a cil assembly
mono-devel / ilasm(1)
Mono il assembler
netpbm / ilbmtoppm(1)
Convert an ilbm file into a portable pixmap
fastlink / ilink(1)
Gemini optimization procedure to find a locally optimal value of the theta vector of recombination fractions
argyll / illumread(1)
Measure an illuminant.
sleuthkit / ils(1)
List inode information
im-config / im-launch(1)
Launch input method end execute session program
ctn / image_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
imageindex / imageindex(1)
A digital photo gallery tool
imagej / imagej(1)
A java image processing program inspired by nih image.
hevea / imagen(1)
Translate latex documents to gif images.
imagetooth / imagetooth(1)
Paints the faces of the tooth
netpbm / imagetops(1)
Generic image to ps filter
imagevis3d / imagevis3d(1)
Desktop out of core volume rendering application.
imagination / imagination(1)
Dvd slide show maker
xutils-dev / imake(1)
C preprocessor interface to the make utility
imapcopy / imapcopy(1)
Imap backup, copy and migration tool
imaprowl / imaprowl(1)
Imap new mail notification utility for iphone using prowl public api
imaptool / imaptool(1)
Tool for creating client-side image maps
italc-management-console / imc(1)
Is the italc management console to setup italc.
italc-management-console / imc-pkexec(1)
Is the italc management console to setup italc.
wcstools / imcatalog(1)
imediff2 / imediff2(1)
An interactive fullscreen 2-way merge tool
wcstools / imextract(1)
wcstools / imfill(1)
cbflib-bin / img2cif(1)
Filter to convert detector images to cbf format
dcmtk / img2dcm(1)
Convert standard image formats into dicom format
libsixel-bin / img2sixel(1)
Image converter to dec sixel graphics
caca-utils / img2txt(1)
Convert images to various text-based coloured files
sleuthkit / img_cat(1)
Output contents of an image file.
ctn / img_layout(1)
Generic ctn manual page
sleuthkit / img_stat(1)
Display details of an image file
libjasper-runtime / imgcmp(1)
Image comparison utility
libjasper-runtime / imginfo(1)
Image information utility
xpaint / imgmerge(1)
Script to concatenate several images into a pdf file.
wcstools / imgsc(1)
imgsizer / imgsizer(1)
Automatically splice in height and width params for html img tags
netpbm / imgtoppm(1)
Convert an img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
imgvtopgm / imgvinfo(1)
Extract and display interesting things from a pilot image viewer pdb header, version 2.0.
imgvtopgm / imgvtopnm(1)
Pilot image viewer pdb to pgm/pbm converter, version 2.0.
imgvtopgm / imgvview(1)
Tool for viewing pilot image viewer files, version 2.0.
wcstools / imhead(1)
libimlib2-dev / imlib2-config(1)
Imlib2 build information script
wcstools / immatch(1)
imms-common / immsd(1)
Core of imms functionality
imms-common / immstool(1)
Debugging tool for imms
isdnutils-base / imon(1)
Watch isdn activities
isdnutils-base / imontty(1)
Display status of all isdn lines
calibre / imp-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from imp file
blast2 / impala(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
isomd5sum / implantisomd5(1)
Implantisomd5 implant an md5 checksum in an iso9660 image
ubuntu-dev-tools / import-bug-from-debian(1)
Import bugs from debian's bts, and file them against ubuntu in lp.
ferm / import-ferm(1)
Import existing firewall rules into ferm
imagemagick / import-im6(1)
Saves any visible window on an x server and outputs it as an image file. you can capture a single window, the entire screen, or any rectangular portion of the screen.
libpinyin-utils / import_interpolation(1)
Library to deal with pinyin
impose+ / impose(1)
Impose is used for two-up printing of dsc complient postscript. it makes an effort to remove white space from the printout by probing the original postscript for the bounding box of the printed area. this makes the output much more esthetic than does a simplistic layout of non-cropped original papers.
impressive / impressive(1)
Presentation tool with eye candy
wcstools / imresize(1)
wcstools / imrot(1)
wcstools / imsize(1)
wcstools / imsmooth(1)
wcstools / imstack(1)
wcstools / imstar(1)
cyrus-clients / imtest(1)
Interactive imap test program
wcstools / imua2(1)
wcstools / imusa2(1)
renameutils / imv(1)
Rename or copy a file by editing the destination name using gnu readline.
imview / imview(1)
Displays and interactively analyses images
imvirt / imvirt(1)
Detects several virtualizations
imvirt-helper / imvirt-report(1)
System reporting to improve detection
wcstools / imwcs(1)
imwheel / imwheel(1)
A mouse wheel and button interpreter for x windows
iwyu / include-what-you-use(1)
Analyze #includes in c and c++ source files
distcc-pump / include_server(1)
Conservative approximation of include dependencies for c/c++
psutils / includeres(1)
Filter to include resources in a postscript document
mew-beta-bin / incm(1)
Incorporating new mails for mew
mew-bin / incm(1)
Incorporating new mails for mew
incron / incrontab(1)
Table manipulator for inotify cron (incron)
indent / indent(1)
Changes the appearance of a c program by inserting or deleting whitespace.
setools / indexcon(1)
Selinux file context indexing tool
mrtg / indexmaker(1)
Creates index files for mrtg web sites (mrtg-2.17.4)
ncbi-tools-bin / indexpub(1)
Index an asn.1 pub-set by medline uid
indigo-utils / indigo-cano(1)
Produce canonical smiles or layered code for molecules in mol or sdf format
indigo-utils / indigo-deco(1)
Molecule scaffold detection and r-group deconvolution
indigo-utils / indigo-depict(1)
Molecule and reaction rendering utility
groff / indxbib(1)
Make inverted index for bibliographic databases
inetutils-tools / inetutils-ifconfig(1)
Configure network interfaces
inetutils-traceroute / inetutils-traceroute(1)
Trace the route to a host
inn / inews(1)
Send a usenet article to the local news server for distribution
389-ds-base / infadd(1)
Infinite additions to ldap server
infernal / infernal(1)
Sequence analysis using profiles of rna sequence and secondary structure consensus
infinoted / infinoted(1)
Dedicated server for the infinote protocol (e.g. gobby)
infinoted / infinoted-0.6(1)
Dedicated server for the infinote protocol (e.g. gobby)
info / info(1)
Read info documents
info2man / info2man(1)
Generate man pages from info documents
info2man / info2pod(1)
Generate pod files from info documents
info2www / info2www(1)
Read info files with a www browser
ncurses-bin / infocmp(1)
Compare or print out terminfo descriptions
info / infokey(1)
Compile customizations for info
infon-devel / infon-devel(1)
Write bots for the game infon
ncurses-bin / infotocap(1)
Convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
multicat / ingests(1)
Build an auxiliary file for multicat
translate-toolkit / ini2po(1)
Convert .ini files to gettext po localization files.
init-select / init-select(1)
Choose an init system selection and format it for use as a kernel boot argument
postgresql-9.4 / initdb(1)
Create a new postgresql database cluster
ink / ink(1)
A command line tool for checking the ink level of your printers.
inkscape / inkview(1)
Slideshow program which uses svg files
eso-midas / inmidas(1)
Midas start-up procedure for users.
inn / innconfval(1)
Get an internetnews configuration parameter
ng-utils / innetgr(1)
Check netgroup membership
mariadb-server-core-10.0 / innochecksum(1)
Offline innodb file checksum utility
mysql-server-5.5 / innochecksum(1)
Offline innodb file checksum utility
innoextract / innoextract(1)
Tool to extract installers created by inno setup
mariadb-client-10.0 / innotop(1)
Mysql and innodb transaction/status monitor.
mysql-client-5.5 / innotop(1)
Mysql and innodb transaction/status monitor.
inosync / inosync(1)
Notification-based directory synchronization daemon
inotail / inotail(1)
A fast and lightweight version of tail using inotify
inoticoming / inoticoming(1)
Trigger actions when files hit an incoming directory
inotify-tools / inotifywait(1)
Wait for changes to files using inotify
inotify-tools / inotifywatch(1)
Gather filesystem access statistics using inotify
yagiuda / input(1)
Yagi-uda project antenna defining program
input-pad / input-pad(1)
On-screen input pad to send characters with mouse
inputattach / inputattach(1)
Attach a serial line to an input-layer device
ncbi-tools-bin / insdseqget(1)
Format sequences from genbank as an xml insdset
seqan-apps / insegt(1)
Intersecting second generation sequencing data with annotation synopsis insegt [options] aligments-file annotations-file description insegt is a tool to analyze alignments of rna-seq reads (single-end or paired-end) by using gene-annotations. input to insegt is a sam file containing the alignments and a file containing the annotations of the reference genome, either in gff or gtf format. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information options: : -ro, --read-output file output filename for read-output, which contains the mapped annotations followed by their parent annotation. valid filetype is: gff. -ao, --anno-output file output filename for anno-output, which contains the annotations similar to the gff input and additionally the counts of the mapped reads and the normalized expression levels in rpkm. valid filetype is: gff. -to, --tuple-output file output filename for tuple-output, which contains exon tuples connected by reads or matepairs. valid filetype is: gff. -fo, --fusion-output str output filename for fusion-output, which contains exon tuple of gene fusions (advanced option, currently no output port for knime). one of gff. -n, --ntuple int ntuple default: 2. -o, --offset-interval int offset to short alignment-intervals for search. default: 5. -t, --threshold-gaps int threshold for allowed gaps in alignment (not introns). default: 5. -c, --threshold-count int threshold for min. count of tuple for output. default: 1. -r, --threshold-rpkm double threshold for min. rpkm of tuple for output. default: 0.0. -m, --max-tuple create only maxtuple (which are spanned by the whole read). -e, --exact-ntuple create only tuple of exact length n. by default all tuple up to the given length are computed (if -m is set, -e will be ignored). -u, --unknown-orientation orientation of reads is unknown. examples
xviewg / insert_brackets(1)
Add delimiters before/after text
libboost1.55-tools-dev / inspect(1)
Boost code inspection tool
inspircd / inspircd(1)
A modular c++ irc daemon
coreutils / install(1)
Copy files and set attributes
install-info / install-info(1)
Update info/dir entries
menu / install-menu(1)
Process a menu method and generate the menu files for a window manager or a menu-aware application.
mozilla-devscripts / install-xpi(1)
Installs a xpi file into a debian package
inn / installit(1)
File/directory installation tool
cyrus-admin / installsieve(1)
User utility for managing sieve scripts
checkinstall / installwatch(1)
Installwatch track installation of software
docbook-to-man / instant(1)
python-instant / instant-clean(1)
Clean up the instant cache
python-instant / instant-showcache(1)
Prints modules found in instant cache
integrit / integrit(1)
File integrity verification system this manpage is a brief reference and may be out of date. the definitive texinfo documentation should be viewable by running "info integrit".
intel2gas / intel2gas(1)
Convert between nasm assembly and gas assembly language
intel-gpu-tools / intel_audio_dump(1)
Dumps the intel gpu registers for hdmi audio setup.
intel-gpu-tools / intel_bios_dumper(1)
Saves the intel video bios contents to a file.
intel-gpu-tools / intel_bios_reader(1)
Parses an intel bios and displays many of its tables
intel-gpu-tools / intel_error_decode(1)
Decodes an intel gpu dump automatically captured by the kernel at the time of an error.
intel-gpu-tools / intel_gpu_top(1)
Display a top-like summary of intel gpu usage
intel-gpu-tools / intel_gtt(1)
Dump the contents of an intel gpu's gtt
intel-gpu-tools / intel_infoframes(1)
View and change hdmi infoframes
intel-gpu-tools / intel_lid(1)
Polls the values of different reports about laptop lid state.
intel-gpu-tools / intel_panel_fitter(1)
Change the panel fitter settings
intel-gpu-tools / intel_reg_dumper(1)
Decode a bunch of intel gpu registers for debugging
intel-gpu-tools / intel_reg_read(1)
Reads an intel gpu register value
intel-gpu-tools / intel_reg_write(1)
Set an intel gpu register to a value
intel-gpu-tools / intel_stepping(1)
Display the stepping information for an intel gpu
intel-gpu-tools / intel_upload_blit_large(1)
Microbenchmark of intel gpu performance
intel-gpu-tools / intel_upload_blit_large_gtt(1)
Microbenchmark of intel gpu performance
intel-gpu-tools / intel_upload_blit_large_map(1)
Microbenchmark of intel gpu performance
intel-gpu-tools / intel_upload_blit_small(1)
Microbenchmark of intel gpu performance
tcpcopy / intercept(1)
Online request replication tool, receiving server
patchutils / interdiff(1)
Show differences between two diff files
ladr4-apps / interpfilter(1)
Filter models with formulas
prover9 / interpformat(1)
Tool for transforming mace4(1) models
scilab-full-bin / intersci(1)
Intersci is a program for building an interface file between scilab and c/fortran functions/subroutines.
intone / intone(1)
Elementary audio player
manpages / intro(1)
Introduction to user commands
lam4-dev / introu(1)
Introduction to lam user interface commands
inventor-clients / inventor(1)
A toolkit for writing 3d programs
minc-tools / invert_raw_image(1)
Invert 2d image along either or both axes
invesalius / invesalius-3.0(1)
3d medical imaging reconstruction software
proj-bin / invgeod(1)
Direct geodesic computations invgeod - inverse geodesic computations
argyll / invprofcheck(1)
Check fwd to bwd relative transfer of an icc file.
proj-bin / invproj(1)
Forward cartographic projection filter invproj - inverse cartographic projection filter
inxi / inxi(1)
Command line system information script for console and irc
libiodbc2-dev / iodbc-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of iodbc
iodbc / iodbcadm-gtk(1)
Iodbc administration program.
iodbc / iodbctest(1)
Iodbc demonstration programs
qfits-tools / iofits(1)
Fits data format conversion (pixel depth)
iok / iok(1)
Iok- indic onscreen keyboard
util-linux / ionice(1)
Set or get process i/o scheduling class and priority
orbit2 / ior-decode-2(1)
Print human-readable info from ior string
ioapps / ioreplay(1)
Io traces replayer
sysstat / iostat(1)
Report central processing unit (cpu) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions.
ip2host / ip2host(1)
flowscan / ip2hostname(1)
Converts ip addresses to their respective hostnames
certmonger / ipa-getcert(1)
polybori / ipbori(1)
An interactive polybori shell
polybori / ipbori2(1)
An interactive polybori shell
polybori / ipbori2.7(1)
An interactive polybori shell
ipcalc / ipcalc(1)
An ipv4 netmask/broadcast/etc calculator
ipcalc / ipcalc_cgi(1)
An ipv4 netmask/broadcast/etc cgi calculator
ipython / ipcluster(1)
Start a cluster for ipython parallel computing
ipython3 / ipcluster3(1)
Start a cluster for ipython parallel computing
util-linux / ipcmk(1)
Make various ipc resources
ipython / ipcontroller(1)
Start a controller for ipython parallel computing
ipython3 / ipcontroller3(1)
Start a controller for ipython parallel computing
util-linux / ipcrm(1)
Remove certain ipc resources
util-linux / ipcs(1)
Show information on ipc facilities
python-ipdb / ipdb(1)
Standalone ipython-based python debugger
python3-ipdb / ipdb3(1)
Standalone ipython-based python 3 debugger
ipe / ipe(1)
Drawing editor for creating figures in pdf or eps formats
ipe5toxml / ipe5toxml(1)
Convert ipe 5 file to ipe 6 format
ipe / ipe6upgrade(1)
Convert ipe 6 file format to ipe 7 file format
ipe / ipeextract(1)
Extract ipe xml stream from ipe pdf or eps files
ipython / ipengine(1)
Ipython parallel computing engine
ipython3 / ipengine3(1)
Ipython parallel computing engine
ipe / iperender(1)
Export ipe document as bitmap or svg
iperf / iperf(1)
Perform network throughput tests
iperf3 / iperf3(1)
Perform network throughput tests
ipe / ipescript(1)
Run an ipe script (written in lua)
ipe / ipetoipe(1)
Convert between ipe file formats
ipig / ipig(1)
Integrating psms into genome browser visualizations
ipip / ipip(1)
An ip over ip encapsulation daemon
openipmi / ipmi_ui(1)
Crude interface to an ipmi system
openipmi / ipmicmd(1)
An ipmi command interface
openipmi / ipmish(1)
Shell interface to an ipmi system
ipmitool / ipmitool(1)
Utility for controlling ipmi-enabled devices
cups-client / ippfind(1)
Find internet printing protocol printers
cups-client / ipptool(1)
Perform internet printing protocol requests
iprint / iprint(1)
Trivial integer print utility
openimageio-tools / iprocess(1)
Simple image processing operations
libusbmuxd-tools / iproxy(1)
Proxy that enables tcp service access to iphone/ipod
ips / ips(1)
Intelligent process status
pnscan / ipsort(1)
Sort a file using ipv4 addresses at the beginning of each line.
iptables / iptables-xml(1)
Iptables-xml convert iptables-save format to xml
libiptcdata-bin / iptc(1)
Utility for viewing and modifying the contents of iptc metadata in images.
iptux / iptux(1)
Ip messanger client
ipwatchd-gnotify / ipwatchd-gnotify(1)
Notification tool for gnome environment
ipwatchd / ipwatchd-script(1)
User-defined script called by ipwatchd daemon when ip conflict occurs
ipython / ipython(1)
Tools for interactive computing in python.
ipython3 / ipython3(1)
Tools for interactive computing in python.
ir-keytable / ir-keytable(1)
A swiss-knife tool to handle remote controllers.
polyorb-servers / ir_ab_names(1)
A standalone server that supports the corba cos interface specification.
ircii / ircII(1)
Interface to the internet relay chat system
lirc / ircat(1)
Print strings when pressing buttons
openobex-apps / ircp(1)
Send or receive files via infrared connection
ircp-tray / ircp-tray(1)
Irda and obex wireless file transfer ircp-tray is a wireless file transfer program for linux. it stays inside your system tray, listening for incoming obex file transfer request, as well as sending file out to remote devices via irda.
python-mlpy / irelief-sigma(1)
Command line interface to irelief-sigma in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
itools / ireminder(1)
Prayer time reminder
lirc / irexec(1)
Run programs with one button press
iripdb / iripdb(1)
Allows generating the db files necessary for the iriver ihp-1xx series.
irker / irk(1)
Test program for irkerd
irker / irkerhook(1)
Repository hook script issuing irker notifications
irker / irkerhook-git(1)
Repository hook script issuing irker notifications
lirc / irman2lirc(1)
Converts irman.conf to lirc config file
openobex-apps / irobex_palm3(1)
Send to or receive files from a palm handheld device
iroffer / iroffer(1)
Dcc file server bot
lirc / irpty(1)
Pseudo tty driver
irqbalance / irqbalance(1)
Distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a multiprocessor system
xenomai-runtime / irqbench(1)
Xenomai irq benchmark, host control
xenomai-runtime / irqloop(1)
Xenomai irq benchmark, target program
lirc / irrecord(1)
Application for recording ir-codes for usage with lirc
lirc / irsend(1)
Basic lirc program to send infra-red commands
irsim / irsim(1)
An event-driven logic-level simulator for mos circuits
irssi / irssi(1)
A modular irc client for unix
lirc / irw(1)
Sends data from unix domain socket to stdout
lirc-x / irxevent(1)
Infrared x-event sender
openobex-apps / irxfer(1)
Send to or receive files from a palm handheld device
fsprotect / is_aufs(1)
Program to check whether a filesystem is an aufs filesystem
isag / isag(1)
Interactive system activity grapher
bind9 / isc-config.sh(1)
Get information about the installed version of isc bind
debianutils / ischroot(1)
Detect if running in a chroot
libiscsi-bin / iscsi-inq(1)
Utility to request inquiry data from an iscsi lun
libiscsi-bin / iscsi-ls(1)
Utility to list iscsi targets and luns
libiscsi-bin / iscsi-swp(1)
Utility to get/set software write protect on an iscsi lun
libiscsi-bin / iscsi-test-cu(1)
Iscsi/scsi test suite
isdnlog / isdnbill(1)
Report isdn costs
isdnutils-base / isdncause(1)
Description of isdn cause messages.
isdnlog / isdnconf(1)
Manipulate or read isdn phone number config files.
isdnlog / isdnrate(1)
Print telefon rates and various info from rate-files(5).
iselect / iselect(1)
Interactive selection tool
wcstools / isfile(1)
wcstools / isfits(1)
cb2bib / isi2bib(1)
Script to convert isi format files to bibtex format files
bibutils / isi2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
wcstools / isnum(1)
fonty-rg / iso(1)
Quickly change console font and application character map into specified iso-8859 encoding
libcdio-utils / iso-info(1)
Manual page for iso-info version 0.83 i686-pc-linux-gnu
libcdio-utils / iso-read(1)
Manual page for iso-read version 0.83 i686-pc-linux-gnu
genisoimage / isodump(1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
prover9 / isofilter(1)
Removes isomorphic structures from mace4(1) models
prover9 / isofilter0(1)
Removes isomorphic structures from mace4(1) models
prover9 / isofilter2(1)
Removes isomorphic structures from mace4(1) models
syslinux-utils / isohybrid(1)
Isohybrid post-process an iso 9660 image for booting as a hard disk.
syslinux-utils / isohybrid.pl(1)
Postprocess iso images for hybrid mode (perl)
genisoimage / isoinfo(1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
aboot-cross / isomarkboot(1)
Create bootable cd-roms for linux/alpha systems.
isomaster / isomaster(1)
An iso image editor
isoqlog / isoqlog(1)
Multi-mta log file analyzer
isoquery / isoquery(1)
Search and display various iso codes (country, language, ...)
genisoimage / isovfy(1)
Utility programs for dumping and verifying iso9660 images.
unixodbc / isql(1)
Utility to submit sql queries to a data source. iusql - unicode version of isql.
firebird2.5-server-common / isql-fb(1)
Isql firebird interactive sql shell
virtuoso-opensource-6.1-bin / isqlw-vt(1)
Openlink virtuoso opensource sql interface (unicode)
wcstools / isrange(1)
isrcsubmit / isrcsubmit(1)
Isrcsubmit documentation
istanbul / istanbul(1)
A desktop session recorder
sleuthkit / istat(1)
Display details of a meta-data structure (i.e. inode)
istgt / istgt(1)
Iscsi target
istgt / istgtcontrol(1)
Istgt iscsi target command utility
moreutils / isutf8(1)
Check whether files are valid utf-8
python-sympy / isympy(1)
Interactive shell for sympy
italc-master / italc(1)
Italc master application
python-pytango / itango(1)
Manual page for itango 8.0.0
performous-tools / itg_pck(1)
Tools for performous karaoke game
itksnap / itksnap(1)
Semi-automatic segmentation of structures in 3d images
itop / itop(1)
Simple top-like interrupt load monitor
libitpp-dev / itpp-config(1)
Script to get information about intalled it++ library prefix, compiler flags and its version
itstool / itstool(1)
Convert between xml and po using its
icedtea-netx / itweb-settings(1)
Manual page for unknown command --version
unixodbc / iusql(1)
Utility to submit sql queries to a data source. iusql - unicode version of isql.
openimageio-tools / iv(1)
Image viewer
inventor-clients / iv2toiv1(1)
Converts inventor 2.0 files to the inventor 1.0 format
inventor-clients / ivcat(1)
Concatenates and converts inventor files
inventor-clients / ivdowngrade(1)
Converts inventor 2.1 files to the inventor 2.0 and 1.0 formats
iverilog / iverilog(1)
Icarus verilog compiler
iverilog / iverilog-vpi(1)
Compile front end for vpi modules
inventor-clients / ivfix(1)
Restructures an inventor object for improved rendering performance
inventor-clients / ivinfo(1)
Prints information about inventor files
aircrack-ng / ivstools(1)
Extract ivs from a pcap file or merges several .ivs files into one
inventor-clients / ivview(1)
Fast, interactive 3d viewer of inventor files
iwatch / iwatch(1)
Realtime filesystem monitoring program using inotify
iwyu / iwyu(1)
Analyze #includes in c and c++ source files
libixp-dev / ixpc(1)
Ixp client
lowpan-tools / izchat(1)
Simple chat program using ieee 802.15.4
a2jmidid / j2amidi_bridge(1)
Static bridge with one alsa input port and one jack midi output port
jaaa / jaaa(1)
Jaaa jack and alsa audio analyser
jablicator / jablicator(1)
Share package collection choice across machines
jabref / jabref(1)
Graphical frontend to manage bibtex databases
jacal / jacal(1)
Symbolic mathematics system
jack / jack(1)
Rip and encode cds with one command
jack-tools / jack-dl(1)
Jack shared library dsp loader
dssi-host-jack / jack-dssi-host(1)
A simple jack host for dssi plugins
jack-keyboard / jack-keyboard(1)
A virtual keyboard for jack midi
jack-tools / jack-osc(1)
Jack transport publication daemon
jack-tools / jack-play(1)
Jack sound file player
jack-tools / jack-plumbing(1)
Jack plumbing daemon
jack-tools / jack-record(1)
Jack capture client
jack-tools / jack-scope(1)
Jack oscilloscope
jack-stdio / jack-stdin(1)
Write jack audio data to stdin
jack-stdio / jack-stdout(1)
Write jack audio data to stdout
jack-tools / jack-transport(1)
Minimalist jack transport interface
jack-tools / jack-udp(1)
Jack udp transport client
jackd1 / jack_bufsize(1)
Jack toolkit client to change the jack buffer size
jackd2 / jack_bufsize(1)
Jack toolkit client to change the jack buffer size
jack-capture / jack_capture(1)
A program for recording anything from jack
jack-capture / jack_capture_gui(1)
A script for using a graphical dialog to jack_capture
jackd1 / jack_connect(1)
Jack toolkit clients for connecting & disconnecting ports
jackd2 / jack_connect(1)
Jack toolkit clients for connecting & disconnecting ports
jackd1 / jack_disconnect(1)
Jack toolkit clients for connecting & disconnecting ports
jackd2 / jack_disconnect(1)
Jack toolkit clients for connecting & disconnecting ports
jackd1 / jack_freewheel(1)
Jack toolkit client to control freewheeling mode
jackd2 / jack_freewheel(1)
Jack toolkit client to control freewheeling mode
jackd1 / jack_impulse_grabber(1)
Jack toolkit client to grab an impulse (response)
jackd2 / jack_impulse_grabber(1)
Jack toolkit client to grab an impulse (response)
jackd1 / jack_iodelay(1)
Jack toolkit client to measure roundtrip latency
jackd2 / jack_iodelay(1)
Jack toolkit client to measure roundtrip latency
jackd1 / jack_load(1)
Jack toolkit client for loading in-process clients
jackd2 / jack_load(1)
Jack toolkit client for loading in-process clients
jackd1 / jack_load_test(1)
Jack toolkit client which occupies the cpu for some time in process.
jackd1 / jack_lsp(1)
Jack toolkit client to list informtion on ports
jackd2 / jack_lsp(1)
Jack toolkit client to list informtion on ports
jack-midi-clock / jack_mclk_dump(1)
Jack midi beat clock decoder
jackmeter / jack_meter(1)
Console based digital peak meter for jack
jackd1 / jack_metro(1)
Jack toolkit metronome
jackd2 / jack_metro(1)
Jack toolkit metronome
jack-midi-clock / jack_midi_clock(1)
Jack midi beat clock generator
jack-mixer / jack_mixer(1)
Jack audio mixer
jackd1 / jack_monitor_client(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd2 / jack_monitor_client(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd1 / jack_netsource(1)
Netjack master client for one slave
jackd2 / jack_netsource(1)
Netjack master client for one slave
jackd1 / jack_property(1)
Jack client to list, set and delete metadata information
jackd1 / jack_samplerate(1)
Jack toolkit client to print current samplerate
jackd2 / jack_samplerate(1)
Jack toolkit client to print current samplerate
jackd1 / jack_showtime(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd2 / jack_showtime(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd1 / jack_simple_client(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd2 / jack_simple_client(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd1 / jack_transport(1)
Jack toolkit client for transport control
jackd2 / jack_transport(1)
Jack toolkit client for transport control
jackd1 / jack_unload(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd2 / jack_unload(1)
The jack audio connection kit example client
jackd1 / jack_wait(1)
Jack toolkit client to check and wait for existence/exit of jackd.
jackd2 / jack_wait(1)
Jack toolkit client to check and wait for existence/exit of jackd.
jackd1 / jackd(1)
Jack audio connection kit sound server
jackd2 / jackd(1)
Jack audio connection kit sound server
autoradio / jackdaemon(1)
Autoradio jack daemon
hmmer / jackhmmer(1)
Iteratively search sequence(s) against a protein database
jackd1 / jackrec(1)
Jack toolkit client for recording audio
jackd2 / jackrec(1)
Jack toolkit client for recording audio
jacksum / jacksum(1)
Computes checksums, crcs and message digests
jacktrip / jacktrip(1)
High-quality system for audio network performances
jacktrip / jacktrip_debug(1)
High-quality system for audio network performances
jade / jade(1)
James' dsssl engine
node-jade / jadejs(1)
High performance template engine
jadetex / jadetex(1)
Processing tex files produced by the \*(tx backend of jade.
gammu / jadmaker(1)
Jad file generator
jags / jags(1)
Just another gibbs sampler
uml-utilities / jail_uml(1)
Jail_uml run uml in a chroot-jail
jailtool / jailtool(1)
Jailtool tool to build chroot-jails for daemons.
jajuk / jajuk(1)
Advanced jukebox and music organizer
jalv / jalv(1)
Run an lv2 plugin as a jack application (console version).
jalv / jalv.gtk(1)
Run an lv2 plugin as a jack application (gtk version).
jalv / jalv.gtkmm(1)
Run an lv2 plugin as a jack application (gtkmm version).
jalv / jalv.qt(1)
Run an lv2 plugin as a jack application (qt version).
jalview / jalview(1)
Sequence alignement viewer
jam / jam.perforce(1)
Jam/mr make(1) redux
jamin / jamin(1)
Jack audio mastering interface
jamin / jamin-scene(1)
Jack audio mastering interface
jamnntpd / jamnntpd(1)
An nntp server that allows newsreaders to access a jam messagebase.
libjana-test / jana-ecal-event(1)
Program to test if basic event functions work for janaecalevent.
libjana-test / jana-ecal-store-view(1)
Program to test if basic functions work for janaecalstore and janaecalstoreview.
libjana-test / jana-ecal-time(1)
Program to test if dst auto-adjust works.
libjana-test / jana-ecal-time-2(1)
Program to test if dst+zone auto-adjust works
janino / janinoc(1)
A runtime java compiler.
japa / japa(1)
Jack or alsa perceptual analyser
japi-compliance-checker / japi-compliance-checker(1)
Check backward compatibility of a java library api
japitools / japicompat(1)
Test java apis for binary backwards compatibility.
japitools / japilist(1)
List the contents of japi files.
japitools / japiohtml(1)
Convert japicompat output to pretty html format.
japitools / japiotext(1)
Convert japicompat output to readable plain text format.
japitools / japize(1)
Produce a listing of an api in a machine-readable format.
jardiff / jardiff(1)
Tool to visualise api differences between two jar files
jargon / jargon(1)
Find an entry in the jargon file
jasmin-sable / jasmin(1)
Java assembler compiler
libjasper-runtime / jasper(1)
File format converter specialized in jpeg-2000 encoding
java-propose-classpath / java-propose-classpath(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools. refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
groovy / java2groovy(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy2 / java2groovy(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
java2html / java2html(1)
Generates highlighted html-files from java or c++ source
sloccount / java_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
javacc / javacc(1)
Javacc a java compiler compiler
javamorph / javamorph(1)
Make a morphing film between two pictures of human faces (gui).
icedtea-netx / javaws(1)
A java web start client
jaxe / jaxe(1)
Java xml editor
jaxe / jaxe-editeurconfig(1)
Java xml editor configuration editor
mono-jay / jay(1)
An lalr(1) parser generator for java and c#
jazip / jazip(1)
X tool to easily mount and unmount iomega zip and/or jaz drives.
jbigkit-bin / jbgtopbm(1)
Jbig1 to portable bitmap file converter
jbigkit-bin / jbgtopbm85(1)
Reads a bi-level image entity (bie) as input file
jbig2dec / jbig2dec(1)
File format converter specialized in jbig2 decoding
setbfree / jboverdrive(1)
The b preamp/overdrive emulator
jcadencii / jcadencii(1)
Program to bring up the cadencii editor
uima-utils / jcasgen(1)
Create java source files for classes that enable jcas access to the cas
sleuthkit / jcat(1)
Show the contents of a block in the file system journal.
jclassinfo / jclassinfo(1)
Provides information for java class files.
jclic / jclic(1)
Standalone player of multimedia educational activities
jclic / jclicauthor(1)
Editor of multimedia educational activities
jclic / jclicreports(1)
Management of a database to track students work and results on jclic activities.
jconvolver / jconvolver(1)
Is a convolution engine for jack using fft-based partitioned convolution with multiple partition sizes.
jd / jd(1)
Gtk+ based 2ch browser for linux
jed / jed(1)
Programmers editor
jedit / jedit(1)
Programmer's text editor written in java
jeex / jeex(1)
Gtk+ hexadecimal editor
jekyll / jekyll(1)
Is a blogaware, static site generator.
why / jessie(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
jetring / jetring-accept(1)
Accept a changeset
jetring / jetring-apply(1)
Apply a changeset to a keyring
jetring / jetring-build(1)
Applies changesets to produce a keyring
jetring / jetring-checksum(1)
Manage checksums in jetring index file
jetring / jetring-diff(1)
Shows the differences between two keyrings
jetring / jetring-explode(1)
Generate changesets for a keyring
jetring / jetring-gen(1)
Generates changesets for changes between two keyrings
jetring / jetring-review(1)
Review a changeset to a keyring
jetring / jetring-signindex(1)
Gpg sign an index file
jets3t / jets3t-cockpit(1)
Transfer files, view and manage the contents of an amazon s3 account
jets3t / jets3t-cockpitlite(1)
Provide access to clients without amazon s3 accounts
jets3t / jets3t-synchronize(1)
Synchronize local directories with an amazon s3 account
jets3t / jets3t-uploader(1)
Provide upload access to clients without amazon s3 accounts
jeuclid-cli / jeuclid-cli(1)
Manual page for usage: jeuclid-cli source file(s) target file/directory [options]
jflex / jflex(1)
A lexical analyzer generator (also known as scanner generator) for java
jftp / jftp(1)
A java based gui file transfer client
jgit-cli / jgit(1)
Pure java git version control system implementation
jgraph / jgraph(1)
Filter for graph plotting to postscript
javahelper / jh_build(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_classpath(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_depends(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_exec(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_installjavadoc(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_installlibs(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_linkjars(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_makepkg(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
javahelper / jh_repack(1)
Part of the java helper packaging tools refer to the tutorials in /usr/share/doc/javahelper for more detail
jhead / jhead(1)
Digicam jpeg exif header manipulation tool
jigdo-file / jigdo-file(1)
Prepare files for jigsaw download (distribution of huge files, e.g. cd images).
jigit / jigdo-gen-md5-list(1)
Create a list of md5sums encoded in hexidecimal format and print to standard output
jigdo-file / jigdo-lite(1)
Download jigdo files using wget
jigdo-file / jigdo-mirror(1)
Maintain a mirror of images offered with jigdo
jigit / jigdump(1)
Dump the contents of a template file
jigit / jigit-mkimage(1)
Create an iso image from jigdo files
jigl / jigl(1)
Generates a static html photo gallery from one or more directories of images
dvd-slideshow / jigl2slideshow(1)
Creates an input file for dvd-slideshow from pictures in a jigl online photo album.
jigit / jigsum(1)
List md5 sums of files in jigdo's bas64-alike format
jikespg / jikespg(1)
Creates grammar parsers in java, c, or c++.
jing / jing(1)
Validate an xml document using a relax ng schema
jruby / jirb(1)
Interactive jruby
libjasper-runtime / jiv(1)
Image display utility
javacc / jjdoc(1)
Javacc a java compiler compiler
javacc / jjtree(1)
Javacc a java compiler compiler
jkmeter / jkmeter(1)
Jkmeter is a horizontal or vertical bargraph audio level meter for jack audio connection kit
jless / jless(1)
Opposite of more
jless / jlessecho(1)
Expand metacharacters
jless / jlesskey(1)
Specify key bindings for less
jlex / jlex(1)
Lexical analyser generator for java(tm)
jlha-utils / jlha(1)
Jlha lzh decompressor/compressor
sleuthkit / jls(1)
List the contents of a file system journal
joe / jmacs(1)
dist / jmake(1)
A generic makefile builder
jmapviewer / jmapviewer(1)
Jmapviewer is a java component which allows one to easily integrate an osm map view into your java application, including demo program jmapviewer.
jmdlx / jmdlx(1)
Wxwidgets jugglemaster
jmeter / jmeter(1)
Apache jmeter - load testing tool
jmeters / jmeters(1)
Multichannel audio level meters for jack audio connection kit.
dist / jmkmf(1)
Runs jmake with the correct options
jmol / jmol(1)
3d molecule and crystal viewer
jmtpfs / jmtpfs(1)
Fuse based filesystem for accessing mtp devices
jnoise / jnoise(1)
Pink and white noise generator for jack audio connection kit
jnoisemeter / jnoisemeter(1)
Jnoisemeter is a small app which measure audio test signals.
nyquist / jny(1)
An ide for nyquist
jocaml / jocaml(1)
The jocaml interactive toplevel
jocaml / jocamlc(1)
The jocaml bytecode compiler
jocaml / jocamlc.opt(1)
The jocaml bytecode compiler
jocaml / jocamlcp(1)
The jocaml profiling compiler
jocaml / jocamldep(1)
Dependency generator for jocaml
jocaml / jocamldep.opt(1)
Dependency generator for jocaml
jocaml / jocamllex(1)
The jocaml lexer generator
jocaml / jocamllex.opt(1)
The jocaml lexer generator
jocaml / jocamlmklib(1)
Generate libraries with mixed c / caml code.
jocaml / jocamlmktop(1)
Building custom toplevel systems
jocaml / jocamlopt(1)
The jocaml native-code compiler
jocaml / jocamlopt.opt(1)
The jocaml native-code compiler
jocaml / jocamlprof(1)
The jocaml profiler
jocaml-base / jocamlrun(1)
The jocaml bytecode interpreter
jocaml / jocamlyacc(1)
The jocaml parser generator
jodconverter / jodconverter(1)
Office documents converter
jodreports-cli / jodreports(1)
Use libjodreports-java directly from the command line to merge opendocument text with data
joe / joe(1)
unifont-bin / johab2ucs2(1)
Convert a johab bdf font into gnu unifont hangul syllables
coreutils / join(1)
Join lines of two files on a common field
dctrl-tools / join-dctrl(1)
Perform relational join on data in dctrl format
ants / jointfusion(1)
Part of ants registration suite
josm / josm(1)
Java openstreetmap editor
systemd / journalctl(1)
Query the systemd journal
jove / jove(1)
An interactive display-oriented text editor
joy2key / joy2key(1)
Emulate keyboard events using a joystick
sat-xmpp-jp / jp(1)
Salut à toi's command-line interface
jp2a / jp2a(1)
Convert jpeg images to ascii
pirl-image-tools / jp2info(1)
Dump meta information of jpeg 2000 codestream / jp2 file
hdf4-tools / jpeg2hdf(1)
Convert jpeg images to hdf
swftools / jpeg2swf(1)
Converts jpeg images to swf.
mjpegtools / jpeg2yuv(1)
Convert jpeg images to the yuv format.
sleuthkit / jpeg_extract(1)
Jpeg extractor
dicom3tools / jpegdump(1)
Manual page for jpegdump
libjpeg-turbo-progs / jpegexiforient(1)
Reads or writes the exif orientation tag
jpegpixi / jpeghotp(1)
Find hot or dead pixels in otherwise black or white jpeg images
jpeginfo / jpeginfo(1)
Prints information and tests integrity of jpeg/jfif files.
jpegjudge / jpegjudge(1)
Guess jpeg picture quality
jpegoptim / jpegoptim(1)
Utility to optimize/compress jpeg/jfif files.
jpegpixi / jpegpixi(1)
Interpolate pixels in jfif (jpeg) image files
exrtools / jpegtoexr(1)
Convert a jpeg image to openexr format
netpbm / jpegtopnm(1)
Convert jpeg/jfif file to portable pixmap or graymap
libjpeg-turbo-progs / jpegtran(1)
Lossless transformation of jpeg files
liblcms2-utils / jpgicc(1)
Little cms icc profile applier for jpeg.
joe / jpico(1)
jpilot / jpilot(1)
A palm pilot desktop for linux/unix
jpilot / jpilot-dial(1)
Generates the dtmf tone signals used for telephone dialing
jpilot / jpilot-dump(1)
A command line tool for dumping jpilot databases.
jpilot / jpilot-merge(1)
Merge an unsynced records file (pc3) into the corresponding palm database (pdb) file
jpilot / jpilot-sync(1)
A command line tool for syncing jpilot databases to a palm os device.
jpnevulator / jpnevulator(1)
Just another serial sniffer
jq / jq(1)
Command-line json processor
remotetea / jrpcgen(1)
An rpc protocol compiler
flightgear / js_demo(1)
Joystick test program for flightgear
eliom / js_of_eliom(1)
The eliom build tools
js-of-ocaml / js_of_ocaml(1)
Ocaml bytecode to javascript compiler
libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-bin / jsc(1)
Command-line javascript interpreter.
libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-bin / jsc(1)
Command-line javascript interpreter.
joystick / jscal(1)
Joystick calibration and remapping program
joystick / jscal-restore(1)
Restores joystick calibration
joystick / jscal-store(1)
Stores joystick calibration
jscribble / jscribble(1)
Infinite notepad written in java
jsdoc-toolkit / jsdoc(1)
Automatic generator for html documentation of javascript sources
json-glib-tools / json-glib-format(1)
Json-glib formatting tool
json-glib-tools / json-glib-validate(1)
Json-glib validation tool
translate-toolkit / json2po(1)
Convert json files to gettext po localization files.
yajl-tools / json_reformat(1)
A simple json reformatting tool
yajl-tools / json_verify(1)
A simple json verification tool.
libjson-wheel-ocaml-dev / jsoncat(1)
Display json data
python-demjson / jsonlint(1)
A json syntax validator and formatter tool
sloccount / jsp_count(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
joe / jstar(1)
joystick / jstest(1)
Joystick test program
jstest-gtk / jstest-gtk(1)
Joystick testing and configuration tool
jsvc / jsvc(1)
Application to launch java daemon
jsymphonic / jsymphonic(1)
File manager for sony's mp3 players
openwince-jtag / jtag(1)
Jtag manipulation tool
urjtag / jtag(1)
Urjtag command shell
jtb / jtb(1)
Syntax tree builder for javacc
jtreg / jtdiff(1)
Regression test harness
jtreg / jtreg(1)
Regression test harness
sumo / jtrrouter(1)
Router for the microscopic road traffic simulation sumo based on junction turning ratios
juke / juke(1)
A full screen jukebox
julia / julia(1)
High-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing
juman / juman(1)
A morphological analysys system
ipv6toolkit / jumbo6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on ipv6 jumbograms
junit / junit(1)
Automated testing framework for java
jupp / jupp(1)
nordugrid-arc-arex / jura(1)
Job usage reporter of arc
gcin / juyin-learn(1)
Show chinese characters' phonations
jvim-canna / jvim(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
jbofihe / jvocuhadju(1)
Lujvo picker (based on the rules in the reference grammar.)
docbook-utils / jw(1)
(jade wrapper) converts sgml files to other formats
jwchat / jwchat(1)
Jabber web chat
jwm / jwm(1)
Joe's window manager
python-jwt / jwt(1)
Python implementation of json web token
python3-jwt / jwt3(1)
Python implementation of json web token
jxplorer / jxplorer(1)
A java ldap browser
jython / jython(1)
Python seamlessly integrated with java
k3b / k3b(1)
Kde cd burning program
k3d-data / k3d(1)
3d modeling and animation system.
k3d-data / k3d-renderframe(1)
Part of a simple system for queueing k-3d render jobs on the local host
k3d-data / k3d-renderjob(1)
Part of a simple system for queueing k-3d render jobs on the local host
k3d-data / k3d-sl2xml(1)
Parses a renderman shader to create a shader meta file used by the k-3d user interface.
k3d-data / k3d-uuidgen(1)
Generates a unique identifier.
k4dirstat / k4dirstat(1)
Directory statistics
krb5-user / k5srvutil(1)
Host key table (keytab) manipulation utility
kstart / k5start(1)
Obtain and optionally keep active a kerberos ticket
kbuild / kDepIDB(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kDepObj(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kDepPre(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
eterm / kEsetroot(1)
Eterm accessory programs
kbuild / kObjCache(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kaddressbook / kabcclient(1)
Commandline client for the kde addressbook
kabikaboo / kabikaboo(1)
Recursive writing assistant
krb5-user / kadmin(1)
Kerberos v5 database administration program
kadu / kadu(1)
Kadu- instant messenger for gadu-gadu protocol
kadu-dev / kadu-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of kadu
kakasi / kakasi(1)
Kanji kana simple inverter (between kanji, both kana and romaji)
libkakasi2-dev / kakasi-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of kakasi
kali / kali(1)
Draw tilings, frieze patterns, etc.
kalign / kalign(1)
Performs multiple alignment of biological sequences.
kali / kaliprint(1)
Draw tilings, frieze patterns, etc.
kalzium-data / kalzium(1)
A kde based chemistry teaching tool
kamerka / kamerka(1)
Take photos using your webcam and shiny animated qml interface
kamoso / kamoso(1)
Webcam picture retriever
kanatest / kanatest(1)
A beginner's drill game to learn japanese kana characters
kanjipad / kanjipad(1)
Handwriting recognition for kanji
antiword / kantiword(1)
Installs desktop icon for d'n'd function of antiword
kapptemplate / kapptemplate(1)
Creates a framework to develop a kde application
kaptain / kaptain(1)
Universal graphical front-end for command-line programs.
karbon / karbon(1)
A vector graphics drawing application.
karlyriceditor / karlyriceditor(1)
Karlyriceditor graphical karaoke lyrics editor
karma-tools / karma_helper(1)
Adjusts the state of the rio karma
kasumi / kasumi(1)
A personal dictionary manager for anthy
libkate-tools / katalyzer(1)
Analyzes kate streams and displays various information about them.
katarakt / katarakt(1)
A simple pdf viewer with two layouts
kate-data / kate(1)
Advanced text editor for kde
libkate-tools / katedec(1)
Decodes kate streams to a textual description
libkate-tools / kateenc(1)
Create kate streams from text input
aterm-ml / katerm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
kaya / kaya(1)
Top-level interpreter for the kaya language
kaya / kaya-rekey(1)
Binary key regeneration for kaya web applications
kaya / kayac(1)
Compiler for the kaya language
kaya / kayadoc2man(1)
Automatic man pages for kaya modules
kazam / kazam(1)
Screen recording and capturing program.
kbackup / kbackup(1)
An easy to use backup program
kbd / kbd_mode(1)
Report or set the keyboard mode
kbdd / kbdd(1)
Simple per-window keyboard layout switching daemon
kbd / kbdinfo(1)
Obtain information about the status of a console
kbibtex / kbibtex(1)
A bibtex editor for kde
konqueror / kbookmarkmerger(1)
A program for merging a given set of bookmarks into the users list of bookmarks.
kbruch / kbruch(1)
Learn calculating with fractions
gnupg2 / kbxutil(1)
List, export, import keybox data
kimwitu / kc(1)
Generate c code from kimwitu input
kimwitu++ / kc++(1)
Generate c++ code from kimwitu++ input
kcachegrind / kcachegrind(1)
A visualisation tool for valgrind profiling output
kcc / kcc(1)
Kanji code coverter with encoding auto detection
kyotocabinet-utils / kccachetest(1)
Command line interface to test the cache hash database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcdirmgr(1)
Command line interface to manage the directory hash database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcdirtest(1)
Command line interface to test the directory hash database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcforestmgr(1)
Command line interface to manage the directory tree database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcforesttest(1)
Command line interface to test the directory tree database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcgrasstest(1)
Command line interface to test the cache tree database
kyotocabinet-utils / kchashmgr(1)
Command line interface to manage the file hash database
kyotocabinet-utils / kchashtest(1)
Command line interface to test the file hash database
kchmviewer / kchmviewer(1)
Windows chm viewer for kde
kyotocabinet-utils / kclangctest(1)
Command line interface to test the c language binding
kcollectd / kcollectd(1)
View collectd datacollections
kcometen4 / kcometen4.kss(1)
An opengl screensaver with exploding comets.
kdelibs5-dev / kconfig_compiler(1)
Kde configuration compiler
kcov / kcov(1)
Code coverage analysis using dwarf debugging information
kyotocabinet-utils / kcpolymgr(1)
Command line interface to manage the polymorphic database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcpolytest(1)
Command line interface to test the polymorphic database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcprototest(1)
Command line interface to test the prototype database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcstashtest(1)
Command line interface to test the stash database
kyotocabinet-utils / kctreemgr(1)
Command line interface to manage the file tree database
kyotocabinet-utils / kctreetest(1)
Command line interface to test the file tree database
kyotocabinet-utils / kcutilmgr(1)
Command line interface of miscellaneous utilities
kyotocabinet-utils / kcutiltest(1)
Command line interface to test the utility functions
kdbg / kdbg(1)
A graphical debugger interface
kdc2tiff / kdc2jpeg(1)
Convert kodac kdc files to jpeg
kdc2tiff / kdc2tiff(1)
Convert kodac kdc files to tiff
kdelibs-bin / kde4-config(1)
Prints kde installation paths
kdelibs5-dev / kdecmake(1)
Cmake --help-custom-modules no longer supported
kdeconnect / kdeconnect-cli(1)
Kde connect cli tool
kdesdk-scripts / kdelnk2desktop.py(1)
Converts .kdelnk to .desktop
kdesdk-scripts / kdemangen.pl(1)
Automatically create a draft manpage for a kde app
kdenlive / kdenlive(1)
An open source non-linear video editor.
kdenlive / kdenlive_render(1)
Render program for kdenlive.
kdesrc-build / kdesrc-build(1)
Downloads, builds and installs kde software.
kdesrc-build / kdesrc-build-setup(1)
Creates a ~/.kdesrc-buildrc configuration file for kdesrc-build(1).
krb5-user / kdestroy(1)
Destroy kerberos tickets
kde-runtime-data / kdesu(1)
Runs a program with elevated privileges
kdesudo / kdesudo(1)
A sudo frontend for kde
kdesvn / kdesvn(1)
A subversion client for kde (standalone application)
kdesvn / kdesvnaskpass(1)
Ssh-askpass for kdesvn
kdevelop / kdevelop(1)
Integrated development environment for kde
kdiff3 / kdiff3(1)
Kdiff3 compares two or three input files or directories
kdiff3-qt / kdiff3(1)
Kdiff3 compares two or three input files or directories
knot-dnsutils / kdig(1)
kdm / kdm(1)
Kde display manager
kdm / kdmctl(1)
Kdm remote control application
kdocker / kdocker(1)
Puts everything to traybar
konqueror / keditbookmarks(1)
Bookmark organizer and editor
kedpm / kedpm(1)
Kedpm ked password manager
keepass2 / keepass2(1)
Password manager
keepassx / keepassx(1)
Password manager
keepnote / keepnote(1)
Cross-platform note-taking and organization application
kelbt / kelbt(1)
Generate backtracking lr parsers
predict / kep_reload(1)
Update predict's keplerian elements
ckermit / kermit(1)
C\(hykermit 9.0: transport\(hy and platform\(hyindependent interactive and scriptable communications software. this document is intended to give the beginner sufficient information to make basic (if not advanced) use of c\(hykermit 9.0. although it might be rather long for a unix manual page, it's still far shorter than the c\(hykermit manual, which should be consulted for advanced topics such as customization, character\(hysets, scripting, etc. we also attempt to provide a clear structural overview of c\(hykermit's many capabilities, functional areas, states, and modes and their interrelation, that should be helpful to beginners and veterans alike, as well as to those upgrading to version 9.0 from earlier releases. this document is also available as a web page at: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckututor.html
ckermit / kermit-sshsub(1)
C\(hykermit 9.0: transport\(hy and platform\(hyindependent interactive and scriptable communications software. this document is intended to give the beginner sufficient information to make basic (if not advanced) use of c\(hykermit 9.0. although it might be rather long for a unix manual page, it's still far shorter than the c\(hykermit manual, which should be consulted for advanced topics such as customization, character\(hysets, scripting, etc. we also attempt to provide a clear structural overview of c\(hykermit's many capabilities, functional areas, states, and modes and their interrelation, that should be helpful to beginners and veterans alike, as well as to those upgrading to version 9.0 from earlier releases. this document is also available as a web page at: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckututor.html
ckermit / kermrc(1)
C\(hykermit 9.0: transport\(hy and platform\(hyindependent interactive and scriptable communications software. this document is intended to give the beginner sufficient information to make basic (if not advanced) use of c\(hykermit 9.0. although it might be rather long for a unix manual page, it's still far shorter than the c\(hykermit manual, which should be consulted for advanced topics such as customization, character\(hysets, scripting, etc. we also attempt to provide a clear structural overview of c\(hykermit's many capabilities, functional areas, states, and modes and their interrelation, that should be helpful to beginners and veterans alike, as well as to those upgrading to version 9.0 from earlier releases. this document is also available as a web page at: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckututor.html
kernel-wedge / kernel-wedge(1)
Industrial stength kernel splitter
kernelshark / kernelshark(1)
Graphical reader for trace-cmd(1) output
kerneltop / kerneltop(1)
Shows kernel function usage in an interactive style like 'top'
ketchup / ketchup(1)
Utility to update the kernel source
keurocalc / keurocalc(1)
Keurocalc a kde-based universal currency converter and calculator.
kexi / kexi(1)
Database creation for everyone
calligra-libs / kexi_sqlite3_dump(1)
key-mon / key-mon(1)
Keyboard and mouse monitor window for gtk.
signing-party / keyanalyze(1)
Web of trust analysis
signing-party / keyart(1)
Create ascii art of an openpgp key.
keychain / keychain(1)
Re-use ssh-agent and/or gpg-agent between logins
keyutils / keyctl(1)
Key management facility control
python-keyczar / keyczart(1)
Asymmetric key management tool
wcstools / keyhead(1)
keylaunch / keylaunch(1)
A utility for binding commands to a hot key.
signing-party / keylookup(1)
Fetch and import gnupg keys from keyservers.
keynav / keynav(1)
A keyboard-driven mouse cursor mover
keyringer / keyringer(1)
Encrypted and distributed secret sharing software
python-keystoneclient / keystone(1)
Client for openstack identity api
keystone / keystone-all(1)
Keystone startup command
keystone / keystone-manage(1)
Keystone management utility
keysync / keysync(1)
Convert otr key info between different formats
shishi / keytab2shishi(1)
Shishi host key conversion tool
esekeyd / keytest(1)
Reports names of pressed keys
ucommon-utils / keywait(1)
Pause and wait for input.
kfind / kfind(1)
File find utility for kde
konqueror / kfmclient(1)
Kde tool for opening urls from the command line
kftpgrabber / kftpgrabber(1)
Ftp client for kde
kgb / kgb(1)
.kgb files archiver
khmerconverter / khmerconverter(1)
Convert between legacy khmer encodings and unicode
knot-host / khost(1)
expect / kibitz(1)
Allow two people to interact with one shell
python-kid / kid(1)
Manual page for kid 0.7a
kid3-core / kid3-core(1)
Kid3 id3 tagger
python-kid / kidc(1)
Manual page for option --version not recognized
kig / kig(1)
An interactive geometry program for kde
kile / kile(1)
The kde integrated latex environment
procps / kill(1)
Send a signal to a process
ifupdown-scripts-zg2 / kill-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks(1)
Preliminary manpage dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks kill-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks
ctn / kill_ctndisp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / kill_ctnnetwork(1)
Generic ctn manual page
psmisc / killall(1)
Kill processes by name
killer / killer(1)
Background job killer
le-dico-de-rene-cougnenc / killposte(1)
Delete the names and the postal codes of the cities from the dictionary
kindleclip / kindleclip(1)
User interface for managing amazon kindle's my clippings.txt file
kinfocenter / kinfocenter(1)
Kde info center
king / king(1)
Interactive system for three-dimensional vector graphics
krb5-user / kinit(1)
Obtain and cache kerberos ticket-granting ticket
kino / kino(1)
Non-linear editing of digital video data
kino / kino2raw(1)
Output a kino smil as raw dv to stdout
kism3d / kism3d(1)
802.11 visualizer for s3d
kismet / kismet_drone(1)
Wireless sniffing and monitoring remote drone
discosnp / kissnp2(1)
Manual page for kissnp2 1.2.5
discosnp / kissreads(1)
Manual page for kissreads 1.2.5
dist / kitpost(1)
Posts distribution kits
dist / kitsend(1)
Sends distribution kits
kdelibs-bin / kjs(1)
Kde ecmascript compatible interpreter
kdelibs-bin / kjscmd(1)
Kde kjsembed interpreter
libkkc-utils / kkc(1)
A simple kana kanji converter
xenomai-runtime / klatency(1)
Xenomai kernel latency test
klatexformula / klatexformula(1)
Klatexformula gui to generate pictures from latex formulas.
klatexformula / klatexformula_cmdl(1)
Klatexformula gui to generate pictures from latex formulas.
klavaro / klavaro(1)
Flexible touch typing tutor using gtk+3
libklibc-dev / klcc(1)
Compile a program against klibc
klick / klick(1)
An advanced metronome for jack
krb5-user / klist(1)
List cached kerberos tickets
klog / klog(1)
The kde ham radio logging program
klone / klone(1)
Klone swiss army knife
kluppe / kluppe(1)
Loop-player and recorder designed for live use
kmag / kmag(1)
Screen magnifier
kmenuedit / kmenuedit(1)
Kde menu editor
kmess / kmess(1)
Msn messenger for kde
kmetronome / kmetronome(1)
Midi metronome using alsa sequencer and kde user interface
kmflcomp / kmflcomp(1)
Keyboard mapping for linux compiler
kmidimon / kmidimon(1)
Midi monitor using alsa sequencer and kde user interface
kbuild / kmk(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_append(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_ash(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_cat(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_chmod(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_cmp(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_cp(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_echo(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_expr(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_fgmake(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_gmake(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_install(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_ln(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_md5sum(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_mkdir(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_mv(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_printf(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_redirect(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_rm(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_rmdir(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_sed(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_sleep(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_test(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kbuild / kmk_time(1)
Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks
kmldonkey / kmldonkey(1)
An mldonkey frontend for the kde desktop.
kmousetool / kmousetool(1)
Accessibility tool to help click the mouse
kmouth / kmouth(1)
A type-and-say front end for speech synthesizers
kmplot / kmplot(1)
Mathematical function plotter
umview / kmview(1)
Kernel mode implementation of view-os
kmymoney / kmymoney(1)
The personal finances manager for kde
knews / knews(1)
Karl's threaded newsreader for x
knews / knewsd(1)
A tiny nntp demon
chef / knife(1)
The man page for the knife command line tool. knife is a command-line tool that provides an interface between a local chef-repo and the server. knife helps users to manage: nodes cookbooks and recipes roles stores of json data (data bags), including encrypted data environments cloud resources, including provisioning the installation of the chef-client on management workstations searching of indexed data on the server knife subcommands: knife bootstrap knife client knife configure knife cookbook knife cookbook site knife data bag knife delete knife deps knife diff knife download knife edit knife environment knife exec knife list knife node knife raw knife recipe list knife role knife search knife show knife ssh knife status knife tag knife upload knife user knife xargs
chef / knife-bootstrap(1)
The man page for the knife bootstrap subcommand. a bootstrap is a process that installs the chef-client on a target system so that it can run as a chef-client and communicate with a server. the knife bootstrap subcommand is used run a bootstrap operation that installs the chef-client on the target system. the bootstrap operation must specify the ip address or fqdn of the target system. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-client(1)
The man page for the knife client subcommand. when a node runs the chef-client for the first time, it generally does not yet have an api client identity, and so it cannot make authenticated requests to the server. this is where the validation client---known as the chef-validator---comes in. when the chef-client runs, it checks if it has a client key. if the client key does not exist, it then attempts to borrow the identity of the chef-validator to register itself with the server. in order to register with the server, the private key for the chef-validator needs to be copied to the host and placed in /etc/chef/validation.pem. once the chef-client has registered itself with the server, it no longer uses the validation client for anything. it is recommended that you delete the private key for the chef-validator from the host after the host has registered or use the delete_validation recipe that can be found in the chef-client cookbook (https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/chef-client). the knife client subcommand is used to manage an api client list and their associated rsa public key-pairs. this allows authentication requests to be made to the server by any entity that uses the chef server api, such as the chef-client and knife.
chef / knife-configure(1)
The man page for the knife configure subcommand. the knife configure subcommand is used to create the knife.rb and client.rb files so that they can be distributed to workstations and nodes. syntax this argument has the following syntax when creating a knife.rb file:
chef / knife-cookbook(1)
The man page for the knife cookbook subcommand. a cookbook is the fundamental unit of configuration and policy distribution. each cookbook defines a scenario, such as everything needed to install and configure mysql, and then it contains all of the components that are required to support that scenario, including: attribute values that are set on nodes definitions that allow the creation of reusable collections of resources file distributions libraries that extend the chef-client and/or provide helpers to ruby code recipes that specify which resources to manage and the order in which those resources will be applied custom resources and providers templates versions metadata about recipes (including dependencies), version constraints, supported platforms, and so on the knife cookbook subcommand is used to interact with cookbooks that are located on the server or the local chef-repo.
chef / knife-cookbook-site(1)
The man page for the knife cookbook site subcommand. the cookbooks site api is used to provide access to the cookbooks community hosted at https://cookbooks.opscode.com. all of the cookbooks in the community are accessible through a rest api located at https://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/ by using any of the supported endpoints. in most cases, using knife and the knife cookbook site sub-command (and any of its arguments) is the recommended method of interacting with these cookbooks, but in some cases, using the rest api directly may make sense. the knife cookbook site subcommand is used to interact with cookbooks that are located at https://cookbooks.opscode.com. a user account is required for any community actions that write data to this site. the following arguments do not require a user account: download, search, install, and list.
chef / knife-data-bag(1)
The man page for the knife data bag subcommand. a data bag is a global variable that is stored as json data and is accessible from a server. a data bag is indexed for searching and can be loaded by a recipe or accessed during a search. the contents of a data bag can vary, but they often include sensitive information (such as database passwords). a data bag item may be encrypted using shared secret encryption. this allows each data bag item to store confidential information (such as a database password) or to be managed in a source control system (without plain-text data appearing in revision history). each data bag item may be encrypted individually; if a data bag contains multiple encrypted data bag items, these data bag items are not required to share the same encryption keys. the knife data bag subcommand is used to manage arbitrary stores of globally available json data.
chef / knife-delete(1)
The man page for the knife delete subcommand. the knife delete subcommand is used to delete an object from a server. this subcommand works similar to knife cookbook delete, knife data bag delete, knife environment delete, knife node delete, and knife role delete, but with a single verb (and a single action). syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-deps(1)
The man page for the knife deps subcommand. the knife deps subcommand is used to identify dependencies for a node, role, or cookbook. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-diff(1)
The man page for the knife diff subcommand. the knife diff subcommand is used to compare the differences between files and directories on the server and in the chef-repo. for example, to compare files on the server prior to an uploading or downloading files using the knife download and knife upload subcommands, or to ensure that certain files in multiple production environments are the same. this subcommand is similar to the git diff command that can be used to diff what is in the chef-repo with what is synced to a git repository. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-download(1)
The man page for the knife download subcommand. the knife download subcommand is used to download roles, cookbooks, environments, nodes, and data bags from the server to the current working directory. it can be used to back up data on the server, inspect the state of one or more files, or to extract out-of-process changes users may have made to files on the server, such as if a user made a change that bypassed version source control. this subcommand is often used in conjunction with knife diff, which can be used to see exactly what changes will be downloaded, and then knife upload, which does the opposite of knife download. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-edit(1)
The man page for the knife edit subcommand. the knife edit subcommand is used to edit objects on the server. this subcommand works similar to knife cookbook edit, knife data bag edit, knife environment edit, knife node edit, and knife role edit, but with a single verb (and a single action). syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-environment(1)
The man page for the knife environment subcommand. an environment is a way to map an organizations real-life workflow to what can be configured and managed when using server. every organization begins with a single environment called the _default environment, which cannot be modified (or deleted). additional environments can be created to reflect each organizations patterns and workflow. for example, creating production, staging, testing, and development environments. generally, an environment is also associated with one (or more) cookbook versions. the knife environment subcommand is used to manage environments within a single organization on the server.
chef / knife-exec(1)
The man page for the knife exec subcommand. the knife exec subcommand uses the knife configuration file to execute ruby scripts in the context of a fully configured chef-client. this subcommand is most often used to run scripts that will only access server one time (or otherwise very infrequently). use this subcommand any time that an operation does not warrant full usage of the knife subcommand library. authenticated api requests the knife exec subcommand can be used to make authenticated api requests to the server using the following methods:
chef / knife-index-rebuild(1)
The man page for the knife index rebuild subcommand. the knife index rebuild subcommand is used to rebuild the search indexes for the open source server. this operation is destructive and may take some time. this subcommand only works when run against the open source server version 10.x. this subcommand will not run against open source server 11, enterprise chef (including hosted enterprise chef), or private chef. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-list(1)
The man page for the knife list subcommand. the knife list subcommand is used to view a list of objects on the server. this subcommand works similar to knife cookbook list, knife data bag list, knife environment list, knife node list, and knife role list, but with a single verb (and a single action). syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-node(1)
The man page for the knife node subcommand. a node is any physical, virtual, or cloud machine that is configured to be maintained by a chef-client. the knife node subcommand is used to manage the nodes that exist on a server.
chef / knife-raw(1)
The man page for the knife raw subcommand. the knife raw subcommand is used to send a rest request to a specified path using the chef server api. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-recipe-list(1)
The man page for the knife recipe list subcommand. the knife recipe list subcommand is used to view all of the recipes that are on a server. a regular expression can be used to limit the results to recipes that match a specific pattern. the regular expression must be within quotes and not be surrounded by forward slashes (/). syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-role(1)
The man page for the knife role subcommand. a role is a way to define certain patterns and processes that exist across nodes in an organization as belonging to a single job function. each role consists of zero (or more) attributes and a run list. each node can have zero (or more) roles assigned to it. when a role is run against a node, the configuration details of that node are compared against the attributes of the role, and then the contents of that roles run list are applied to the nodes configuration details. when a chef-client runs, it merges its own attributes and run lists with those contained within each assigned role. the knife role subcommand is used to manage the roles that are associated with one or more nodes on a server.
chef / knife-search(1)
The man page for the knife search subcommand. search indexes allow queries to be made for any type of data that is indexed by the server, including data bags (and data bag items), environments, nodes, and roles. a defined query syntax is used to support search patterns like exact, wildcard, range, and fuzzy. a search is a full-text query that can be done from several locations, including from within a recipe, by using the search subcommand in knife, by using the search functionality in the chef manage, or by using the /search or /search/index endpoints in the chef server api. the search engine is based on apache solr and is run from the server. the knife search subcommand is used run a search query for information that is indexed on a server. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-show(1)
The man page for the knife show subcommand. the knife show subcommand is used to view the details of one (or more) objects on the server. this subcommand works similar to knife cookbook show, knife data bag show, knife environment show, knife node show, and knife role show, but with a single verb (and a single action). syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-ssh(1)
The man page for the knife ssh subcommand. the knife ssh subcommand is used to invoke ssh commands (in parallel) on a subset of nodes within an organization, based on the results of a search query. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-status(1)
The man page for the knife status subcommand. the knife status subcommand is used to display a brief summary of the nodes on a server, including the time of the most recent successful chef-client run. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-tag(1)
The man page for the knife tag subcommand. a tag is a custom description that is applied to a node. a tag, once applied, can be helpful when managing nodes using knife or when building recipes by providing alternate methods of grouping similar types of information. the knife tag subcommand is used to apply tags to nodes on a server.
chef / knife-upload(1)
The man page for the knife upload subcommand. the knife upload subcommand is used to upload roles, cookbooks, environments, and data bags to the server from the current working directory in the chef-repo. this subcommand is often used in conjunction with knife diff, which can be used to see exactly what changes will be uploaded, and then knife download, which does the opposite of knife upload. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
chef / knife-user(1)
The man page for the knife user subcommand. the knife user subcommand is used to manage the list of users and their associated rsa public key-pairs. this subcommand only works when run against the open source server version 10.x. this subcommand will not run against open source server 11, enterprise chef (including hosted enterprise chef), or private chef.
chef / knife-xargs(1)
The man page for the knife xargs subcommand. the knife xargs subcommand is used to build and execute command lines against objects on a server using standard input. syntax this argument has the following syntax:
python-mlpy / knn-landscape(1)
Command line interface to knn-landscape in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
knockd / knock(1)
Port-knock client
knockd / knockd(1)
Port-knock server
knocker / knocker(1)
An easy to use network security port scanner
knot / knsec3hash(1)
Simple utility to compute nsec3 hash (libknot equivalent of isc nsec3hash)
knot-dnsutils / knsupdate(1)
knutclient / knutclient(1)
A kde gui that displays ups statistics from nut's upsd
argyll / kodak2ti3(1)
Convert kodak raw printer profile data to argyll print data.
xterm / koi8rxterm(1)
X terminal emulator for koi8-r environments
kolabadmin / kolabadmin(1)
Kolab administration tool
komparator / komparator4(1)
Searches and synchronizes two directories.
kompare / kompare(1)
A kde gui for viewing differences between files
kon2 / kon(1)
Kanji console emulator
konqueror / konqueror(1)
Web browser, file manager and document viewer.
konwert / konwert(1)
Interface for various character encoding conversions
kover / kover(1)
Cd cover printer
krb5-user / kpasswd(1)
Change a user's kerberos password
kanjipad / kpengine(1)
Helper program for kanjipad
kphotoalbum / kphotoalbum(1)
Kphotoalbum kde tool for indexing, searching and viewing images by keywords.
kplayer / kplayer(1)
Multimedia player
texlive-binaries / kpseaccess(1)
Determine whether a file can be accessed
texlive-binaries / kpsereadlink(1)
Print contents of symbolic link
texlive-binaries / kpsestat(1)
Compute octal mode from mode of existing file
texlive-binaries / kpsewhich(1)
Standalone path lookup and and expansion for kpathsea
kradio4 / kradio4(1)
A versatile kde am/fm/internet radio application
kradio4 / kradio4-convert-presets(1)
kraft / kraft(1)
Business documents for the small enterprise
why / krakatoa(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
ruby-kramdown / kramdown(1)
A fast, pure-ruby markdown-superset converter
ruby-kramdown-rfc2629 / kramdown-rfc2629(1)
Tool to generate xml2rfc xml from markdown
krb5-auth-dialog / krb5-auth-dialog(1)
Kerberos 5 credential checking
krb5-multidev / krb5-config.mit(1)
Tool for linking against mit kerberos libraries
krecipes-data / krecipes(1)
The kde cookbook
kredentials / kredentials(1)
Kde system tray applet to monitor and update authentication tokens
kstart / krenew(1)
Renew a kerberos ticket
krita / krita(1)
Digital painting for artists
kdelibs-bin / kross(1)
Kde application to run kross scripts.
ruby-kde4 / krubyapplication(1)
A kde ruby application loader
rxvt-ml / krxvt(1)
A multi-lingual vt102 emulator for the x window system
libksba-dev / ksba-config(1)
Print libksba library configuration information
kscreen / kscreen-console(1)
Lists monitor and screen configuration and their changes
python-pykickstart / ksflatten(1)
Take a kickstart config to write out a flattened config
kshutdown / kshutdown(1)
A shut down utility for kde
ksshaskpass / ksshaskpass(1)
Prompts a user for a passphrase using kde
kst / kst2(1)
Kst plots scientific data
kstars / kstars(1)
Kde desktop planetarium
aircrack-ng / kstats(1)
Show statistical fms algorithm votes for an ivs dump and a specified wep key
krb5-user / ksu(1)
Kerberized super-user
python-pykickstart / ksvalidator(1)
Validate a kickstart configuration
python-pykickstart / ksverdiff(1)
Spot the differences between two syntax versions
krb5-user / kswitch(1)
Switch primary ticket cache
ksysguard / ksysguard(1)
Kde system monitor
ksysguardd / ksysguardd(1)
Kde system monitor daemon
ktikz / ktikz(1)
Editor for the tikz language
ktoblzcheck / ktoblzcheck(1)
Check account and blz (bank routing code)
ktorrent / ktorrent(1)
A bittorrent program for kde.
ktouch-data / ktouch(1)
A typing tutor for kde
kyototycoon / ktremotemgr(1)
Command line interface to manage the remote database
kyototycoon / ktremotetest(1)
Command line interface to test the remote database
kyototycoon / ktserver(1)
A lightweight database server
kyototycoon / kttimedmgr(1)
Command line interface to manage the timed database
kyototycoon / kttimedtest(1)
Command line interface to test the timed database
ktorrent / ktupnptest(1)
Ktorrent's upnp test application.
krb5-user / ktutil(1)
Kerberos keytab file maintenance utility
kyototycoon / ktutilmgr(1)
Command line interface of miscellaneous utilities
kyototycoon / ktutilserv(1)
Server implementations to test miscellaneous utilities
kyototycoon / ktutiltest(1)
Command line interface to test the utility functions
kuipc / kuipc(1)
The cern kuip compiler
kuiviewer / kuiviewer(1)
A viewer for qt designer user interface files
kumofs / kumo-gateway(1)
Kumofs gateway daemon
kumofs / kumo-manager(1)
Kumofs manager daemon
kumofs / kumo-server(1)
Kumofs server daemon
kumofs / kumoctl(1)
Show kumofs status
kumofs / kumohash(1)
Kumofs hashing simulator
kumofs / kumolog(1)
Convert kumofs binary log
kumofs / kumomergedb(1)
Merge kumofs database files
kumofs / kumostat(1)
Get kumofs status
kumofs / kumotop(1)
Show kumofs status continuously
kup-client / kup(1)
Kernel.org upload utility
kup-server / kup-server(1)
Kernel.org upload server utility
kupfer / kupfer(1)
Convenient command and access tool for applications and documents
kupfer / kupfer-exec(1)
Convenient command and access tool for applications and documents
libavifile-0.7-bin / kv4lsetup(1)
Setup grabbing card
kvirc / kvirc(1)
An internet relay chat client.
kvkbd / kvkbd(1)
A virtual keyboard for kde
libchipcard-tools / kvkcard(1)
A commandline tool to read information from a german medical card
qemu-kvm / kvm(1)
Kvm-enabling wrapper for qemu-system-x86_64
krb5-user / kvno(1)
Print key version numbers of kerberos principals
kvpm / kvpm(1)
Graphical user interface for lvm based on kde
kvpnc / kvpnc(1)
Kde frontend for various vpn clients
paraview-dev / kwProcessXML(1)
kwalify / kwalify(1)
Tiny schema validator for yaml and json
kwave / kwave(1)
A sound editor for kde
kxc / kxc(1)
Key exchange client
kxc / kxc-cryptsetup(1)
Cryptsetup helper to kxc
kxd / kxd(1)
Key exchange daemon
kxterm / kxterm(1)
The cern kuip terminal emulator
kytea / kytea(1)
Kytea a word segmentation/pronunciation estimation tool
bluez / l2ping(1)
Send l2cap echo request and receive answer
bluez / l2test(1)
L2cap testing
raster3d / label3d(1)
Process a raster3d scene containing labels
liblablgl-ocaml-dev / lablgl(1)
Ocaml toplevel with labgl support.
liblablgl-ocaml-dev / lablglut(1)
Ocaml toplevel with labgl support.
labrea / labrea(1)
Honeypot for incoming ip connection attempts
lacheck / lacheck(1)
A consistency checker for latex documents.
laditools / ladi-control-center(1)
Tools to control and monitor ladi (jack and ladish) systems
laditools / ladi-player(1)
Tools to control and monitor ladi (jack and ladish) systems
laditools / ladi-system-log(1)
Tools to control and monitor ladi (jack and ladish) systems
laditools / ladi-system-tray(1)
Tools to control and monitor ladi (jack and ladish) systems
laditools / laditools(1)
Tools to control and monitor ladi (jack and ladish) systems
ladr4-apps / ladr4-apps(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
ladr4-apps / ladr_to_tptp(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
lam-runtime / lamboot(1)
Start a lam multicomputer.
lam-runtime / lamclean(1)
Attempt to clean entire lam system.
lam-runtime / lamd(1)
Introduction to local area multicomputer (lam)
lame / lame(1)
Create mp3 audio files
lam-runtime / lamexec(1)
Run non-mpi programs on lam nodes.
lam-runtime / lamgrow(1)
Extend a lam multicomputer.
lam-runtime / lamhalt(1)
Shutdown the lam/mpi run-time environment.
lam-runtime / laminfo(1)
Display configuration information about lam/mpi
lam-runtime / lamnodes(1)
Resolve lam node/cpu notation to unix hostnames.
lam-runtime / lamshrink(1)
Shrink a lam universe.
python-lamson / lamson(1)
Lamson is a modern pythonic mail server built like a web application server.
lam-runtime / lamtrace(1)
Unload lam trace data.
lam-runtime / lamwipe(1)
Shutdown lam.
plastimatch / landmark_warp(1)
Warp an image using point landmarks
python-landslide / landslide(1)
Html5 slideshow generator
langdrill / langdrill(1)
Simple program to test your vocabulary in foreign languages
pagekite / lapcat(1)
Location aware proxy chooser and tunneler
larch / larch(1)
Copy messages from one imap server to another
liblas-bin / las2las(1)
Advanced las filtering and manipulation
liblas-bin / las2ogr(1)
Convert las file to data source using ogr
liblas-bin / las2txt(1)
Output asrps las files into ascii text
liblas-bin / lasblock(1)
Pre-process las files into blocks
liblas-bin / lasinfo(1)
Display las file details
sysvinit-utils / last(1)
Show listing of last logged in users
last-align / last-dotplot(1)
Make a dotplot, a.k.a. oxford grid, of alignments in last tabular format
last-align / last-map-probs(1)
Add extra column with mapping probabilities
last-align / last-pair-probs(1)
Read alignments of paired dna reads to a genome
last-align / last-split(1)
Estimates "split" or "spliced" alignments.
last-align / lastal(1)
Genome-scale comparison of biological sequences
sysvinit-utils / lastb(1)
Show listing of last logged in users
ears / lastcd(1)
Interface to the musicbrainz database
acct / lastcomm(1)
Print out information about previously executed commands.
last-align / lastdb(1)
Genome-scale comparison of biological sequences
last-align / lastex(1)
Calculate expected numbers of alignments for random sequences.
shapetools / lastrelease(1)
Print information about last release of a system managed withs shapetools
multicat / lasts(1)
Indicate duration of file based on multicat's auxiliary file
lat / lat(1)
Ldap administration tool
xenomai-runtime / latency(1)
Xenomai timer latency benchmark
texlive-latex-base / latex(1)
Structured text formatting and typesetting
texlive-extra-utils / latex-git-log(1)
Generates the version history of a git project as latex source code.
latex-mk / latex-mk(1)
Automate compilation of latex files.
latex209-bin / latex209(1)
Structured text formatting and typesetting
tth-common / latex2gif(1)
Convert latex files to bit map images
latex2html / latex2html(1)
Translate latex files to html (hypertext markup language)
texlive-extra-utils / latex2man(1)
Latex2man is a tool to translate unix manual pages written with latexinto a format understood by the unix man(1)-command. alternatively html, texinfo, or latex code can be produced too. output of parts of the text may be suppressed using the conditional text feature (for this, latex generation may be used).
latex2rtf / latex2png(1)
Convert a latex file to a png image
latex2rtf / latex2rtf(1)
Convert a latex file to an rtf file
latexdraw / latexdraw(1)
Vector drawing program for latex using pstricks
latexila-data / latexila(1)
Integrated latex environment for the gnome desktop
ladr4-apps / latfilter(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
ocaml-melt / latop(1)
Filter the output messages of latex
latrace / latrace(1)
Ld_audit 2.4+ libc frontend
rss-glx / lattice(1)
Linked rings.
fplll-tools / latticegen(1)
Latticegen generates matrices whose rows form input lattice bases
launchtool / launchtool(1)
Run a command supervising its execution.
mjpegtools / lav2mpeg(1)
Easy conversion of lav files to mpeg
mjpegtools / lav2wav(1)
Extract the audio out of mjpeg container files to stdout
mjpegtools / lav2yuv(1)
Convert a mjpeg file to raw yuv
lava-server / lava-daemon(1)
Run the lava scheduler as a daemon
lava-dispatcher / lava-dispatch(1)
Dispatch jobs to lava devices
lava-server / lava-server(1)
Lava-server command line support
lava-tool / lava-tool(1)
Lava tool command line support
mjpegtools / lavpipe(1)
Creates raw yuv streams from pipe list scripts
mjpegtools / lavplay(1)
Playback and edit mjpeg video
mjpegtools / lavrec(1)
Record mjpeg-video from a zoran/video4linux-device
mjpegtools / lavtrans(1)
Convert mjpeg videos to other mjpeg video formats
lazarus-ide-1.2.4 / lazarus-ide-1.2.4(1)
Is a rapid application development (rad) for the free pascal compiler (fpc) including an integrated development environment (ide).
lcl-utils-1.2.4 / lazbuild-1.2.4(1)
The lazarus project and package build program.
lcl-utils-1.2.4 / lazres-1.2.4(1)
The lazarus resource builder.
lazygal / lazygal(1)
Static web gallery generator
live-build / lb(1)
Wrapper for live-build programs
live-build / lb_binary(1)
Complete the binary stage
live-build / lb_bootstrap(1)
Complete the bootstrap stage
live-build / lb_build(1)
Complete the bootstrap, chroot, binary, and source stages
live-build / lb_chroot(1)
Complete the chroot stage
live-build / lb_clean(1)
Clean build directory
live-build / lb_config(1)
Create config directory
live-build / lb_source(1)
Complete the source stage
lbdb / lbdb-fetchaddr(1)
Grab addresses from mails add append them to lbdb database
lbdb / lbdb_dotlock(1)
Lock mail spool files.
lbdb / lbdbq(1)
Query program for the little brother's database
ltspfs / lbmount(1)
Lbmount mount ltspfs based filesystems to a user owned subdir in /media
lbt / lbt(1)
Ltl to b\(:uchi translator
lbt / lbt2dot(1)
Ltl to b\(:uchi translator
lbzip2 / lbunzip2(1)
Parallel bzip2 utility
lbzip2 / lbzcat(1)
Parallel bzip2 utility
lbzip2 / lbzip2(1)
Parallel bzip2 utility
mono-devel / lc(1)
Mono license compiler
lcab / lcab(1)
Create cabinet (.cab) archives
lcalc / lcalc(1)
Program for calculating with l-functions
gpsd-clients / lcdgps(1)
Test clients for gpsd
lcdproc / lcdproc(1)
System status information client
lcdproc / lcdvc(1)
Lcdproc virtual console
ucf / lcf(1)
Determine which of the historical versions of a config is installed
libuser / lchage(1)
Display or change user password policy
libuser / lchfn(1)
Change finger information
libuser / lchsh(1)
Change login shell
moreutils / lckdo(1)
Run a program with a lock held
lcov / lcov(1)
A graphical gcov front-end
lcrt / lcrt(1)
Lcrt a linux remote login tool
binutils / ld.gold(1)
The gnu elf linker
bin86 / ld86(1)
Linker for as86(1)
sextractor / ldactoasc(1)
Convert ldac binary format to ascii
389-ds-base / ldap-agent(1)
Snmp agent for directory server
ldap2zone / ldap2bind(1)
Update bind's dns zones from ldap
argonaut-fai-nfsroot / ldap2fai(1)
Read fai config from ldap and create config space.
goto-fai / ldap2fai(1)
Read fai config from ldap and create config space.
goto-fai-backend / ldap2repository(1)
Creating debian repositories cronjob for the gosa fai plugin.
ldap2dns / ldap2tinydns-conf(1)
Part of the ldap2dns dns management system
ldap2zone / ldap2zone(1)
Convert zones saved inside the ldap to bind9 zone files
ldap-utils / ldapadd(1)
Ldap modify entry and ldap add entry tools
ldapscripts / ldapaddgroup(1)
Adds a posix group entry to ldap.
ldapscripts / ldapaddmachine(1)
Adds a posix machine (user$) account to ldap.
ldapscripts / ldapadduser(1)
Adds a posix user account to ldap.
ldapscripts / ldapaddusertogroup(1)
Adds a member to a group in ldap.
ldap-utils / ldapcompare(1)
Ldap compare tool
ldap-utils / ldapdelete(1)
Ldap delete entry tool
ldapscripts / ldapdeletegroup(1)
Deletes a posix group account from ldap.
ldapscripts / ldapdeletemachine(1)
Deletes a posix machine (user$) account from ldap.
ldapscripts / ldapdeleteuser(1)
Deletes a posix user account from ldap.
ldapscripts / ldapdeleteuserfromgroup(1)
Deletes a member from a group in ldap.
ldap-utils / ldapexop(1)
Issue ldap extended operations
ldapscripts / ldapfinger(1)
Displays a user/machine/group posix account's details.
ldapscripts / ldapgid(1)
Displays a group's list of ids the way ldapid(1) does.
ldapscripts / ldapid(1)
Displays a user's list of ids the way 'id' does.
ldapscripts / ldapinit(1)
Initializes the ldap directory with a minimal tree.
ldap-utils / ldapmodify(1)
Ldap modify entry and ldap add entry tools
ldapscripts / ldapmodifygroup(1)
Modifies a posix group account in ldap interactively
ldapscripts / ldapmodifymachine(1)
Modifies a posix machine account in ldap interactively
ldapscripts / ldapmodifyuser(1)
Modifies a posix user account in ldap interactively
ldap-utils / ldapmodrdn(1)
Ldap rename entry tool
ldap-utils / ldappasswd(1)
Change the password of an ldap entry
ldapscripts / ldaprenamegroup(1)
Renames a posix group in ldap.
ldapscripts / ldaprenamemachine(1)
Renames a posix machine account in ldap.
ldapscripts / ldaprenameuser(1)
Renames a posix user account in ldap.
ldap-utils / ldapsearch(1)
Ldap search tool
ldapscripts / ldapsetpasswd(1)
Modifies a posix user account's password in ldap.
ldapscripts / ldapsetprimarygroup(1)
Modifies the gidnumber of a posix user or machine account in ldap (sets a user's primary group in ldap).
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-fetchschema(1)
Command line ldap schema fetcher
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-find-server(1)
Find ldap servers for a given list of distinguished names
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-getfreenumber(1)
Get the first free uidnumber from an ldap server
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-ldap2dhcpconf(1)
Ldaptor dhcpd config file exporter
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-ldap2dnszones(1)
Ldaptor dns zone file exporter
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-ldap2maradns(1)
Ldaptor maradns zone file exporter
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-ldap2passwd(1)
Export user account data from ldap to passwd format
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-ldap2pdns(1)
Ldaptor dns pipe backend
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-namingcontexts(1)
Get the ldap naming contexts of an ldap server
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-passwd(1)
Set a new ldap password
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-rename(1)
Ldaptor object rename utility.
ldaptor-utils / ldaptor-search(1)
Search ldap entries
ldap-utils / ldapurl(1)
Ldap url formatting tool
ldapvi / ldapvi(1)
Ldap client
ldap-utils / ldapwhoami(1)
Ldap who am i? tool
ldb-tools / ldbadd(1)
Command-line utility for adding records to an ldb
ldb-tools / ldbdel(1)
Command-line program for deleting ldb records
ldb-tools / ldbedit(1)
Edit ldb databases using your preferred editor
ldb-tools / ldbmodify(1)
Modify records in a ldb database
ldb-tools / ldbrename(1)
Edit ldb databases using your favorite editor
ldb-tools / ldbsearch(1)
Search for records in a ldb database
ldc / ldc2(1)
Manual page for the llvm d compiler
389-ds-base / ldclt(1)
Load test program for ldap
glibc-source / ldd(1)
Print shared library dependencies
manpages / ldd(1)
Print shared library dependencies
389-ds-base / ldif(1)
Manipulates an ldif stream by adding a column with the defined attribute type
ldm / ldm(1)
A display manager for ltsp
ldm / ldm-dialog(1)
Ldm-dialog simple dialog implementation for ldm
ldc / ldmd2(1)
Manual page for llvm d compiler
ldmtool / ldmtool(1)
A tool to manage microsoft windows dynamic disks
ldnsutils / ldns-chaos(1)
Give some information about a nameserver
ldnsutils / ldns-compare-zones(1)
Read and compare two zonefiles and print differences
libldns-dev / ldns-config(1)
Show compiler and linker flags for ldns usage.
ldnsutils / ldns-dane(1)
Verify or create tls authentication with dane (rfc6698)
ldnsutils / ldns-dpa(1)
Dns packet analyzer. analyze dns packets in ip trace files
ldnsutils / ldns-gen-zone(1)
Read a zonefile and print it while adding ds records and extra rr's
ldnsutils / ldns-key2ds(1)
Transform a dnskey rr to a ds rr
ldnsutils / ldns-keyfetcher(1)
Retrieve the dnssec dnskeys for a zone
ldnsutils / ldns-keygen(1)
Generate a dnssec key pair
ldnsutils / ldns-mx(1)
Print out the mx record(s) for a domain
ldnsutils / ldns-notify(1)
Notify dns servers that updates are available
ldnsutils / ldns-nsec3-hash(1)
Print out the nsec3 hash for a domain name
ldnsutils / ldns-read-zone(1)
Read a zonefile and print it
ldnsutils / ldns-resolver(1)
Tries to create a resolver from a resolv.conf file.
ldnsutils / ldns-revoke(1)
Sets the revoke bit of a dnskey
ldnsutils / ldns-rrsig(1)
Print out the inception and expiration dates in human readable form
ldnsutils / ldns-signzone(1)
Sign a zonefile with dnssec data
ldnsutils / ldns-test-edns(1)
Test if dns cache supports edns and dnssec.
ldnsutils / ldns-testns(1)
Simple fake nameserver tool
ldnsutils / ldns-update(1)
Send a dynamic update packet
ldnsutils / ldns-verify-zone(1)
Read a dnssec signed zone and verify it.
ldnsutils / ldns-version(1)
Print out the version of the ldns-library and tools on this system
ldnsutils / ldns-walk(1)
Retrieve the contents of a dnssec signed zone
ldnsutils / ldns-zcat(1)
Reunite (z)split up a zone files
ldnsutils / ldns-zsplit(1)
Split up a zone file
ldnsutils / ldnsd(1)
Simple daemon example code
xa65 / ldo65(1)
Linker for o65 object files
lua-ldoc / ldoc(1)
A luadoc-compatible documentation generation system
nasm / ldrdf(1)
Link rdoff objects and libraries produced by rdflib(1)
ldtp / ldtp(1)
Linux desktop testing project engine
le / le(1)
Full screen text editor
cone / leaf(1)
Lightweight editor of ascii(and more) files
leafnode / leafnode-version(1)
Print the leafnode version
netpbm / leaftoppm(1)
Convert interleaf image format to a portable anymap
leaktracer / leak-analyze(1)
A memory-usage debugger for c++ programs
esekeyd / learnkeys(1)
Config file generator
ledit / ledit(1)
Line editor, version 2.03
graphviz / lefty(1)
A programmable graphics editor
peg / leg(1)
Parser generators
mapserver-bin / legend(1)
Create a legend image from a mapfile
legit / legit(1)
Inspired by github for mac.
lekhonee-gnome / lekhonee-gnome(1)
Lekhonee is a desktop client for publishing to wordpress blogs
leocad / leocad(1)
Cad program for lego models.
less / less(1)
Opposite of more
less / lessecho(1)
Expand metacharacters
less / lesskey(1)
Specify key bindings for less
letodms / letodms(1)
Document management system
letterize / letterize(1)
Phone-number to letter-mnemonic generator
levee / levee(1)
A screen oriented editor.
flex / lex(1)
The fast lexical analyser generator
flex-old / lex(1)
Fast lexical analyzer generator
sloccount / lex_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
sloccount / lexcount1(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
man-db / lexgrog(1)
Parse header information in man pages
lfc / lfc-chgrp(1)
Change group ownership of a lfc directory/file in the name server
lfc / lfc-chmod(1)
Change access mode of a lfc directory/file in the name server
lfc / lfc-chown(1)
Change owner and group of a lfc directory/file in the name server
lfc / lfc-delcomment(1)
Delete the comment associated with a file/directory
lfc / lfc-dli-client(1)
Lists the replicas for a given lfn, guid via the dli interface
lfc / lfc-entergrpmap(1)
Define a new group entry in virtual id table
lfc / lfc-enterusrmap(1)
Define a new user entry in virtual id table
lfc / lfc-getacl(1)
Get lfc directory/file access control lists
lfc / lfc-listgrpmap(1)
Query about a given group or list all existing groups in virtual gid table
lfc / lfc-listusrmap(1)
Query about a given user or list all existing users in virtual uid table
lfc / lfc-ln(1)
Make a symbolic link to a file or a directory in the lfc name server
lfc / lfc-ls(1)
List lfc name server directory/file entries
lfc / lfc-mkdir(1)
Make lfc directory in the name server
lfc / lfc-modifygrpmap(1)
Modify group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid
lfc / lfc-modifyusrmap(1)
Modify user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid
lfc / lfc-ping(1)
Check if name server is alive and print its version number
lfc / lfc-rename(1)
Rename a lfc file or directory in the name server
lfc / lfc-rm(1)
Remove lfc files or directories in the name server
lfc / lfc-rmgrpmap(1)
Suppress group entry corresponding to a given virtual gid or group name
lfc / lfc-rmusrmap(1)
Suppress user entry corresponding to a given virtual uid or user name
lfc / lfc-setacl(1)
Set lfc directory/file access control lists
lfc / lfc-setcomment(1)
Add/replace a comment associated with a file/directory
lfhex / lfhex(1)
Large file hex editor
lfm / lfm(1)
A powerful file manager for the unix console
traceroute / lft.db(1)
Print the route packets trace to network host
lftp / lftpget(1)
Get a file with lftp(1)
lgc-pg / lgc-pg(1)
Converter tool for original panzer general\*r data files
lgogdownloader / lgogdownloader(1)
Downloader for gog.com games and other files
simh / lgp(1)
Simulate a lgp 30 computer
lv / lgrep(1)
A powerful multilingual file viewer / grep
libuser / lgroupadd(1)
Add an user group
libuser / lgroupdel(1)
Delete an user group
libuser / lgroupmod(1)
Modify an user group
liblhapdf-dev / lhapdf-config(1)
Script to get version number and compiler flags of the installed lhapdf library
python-lhapdf / lhapdf-getdata(1)
Get pdf sets from the lhapdf repository
python-lhapdf / lhapdf-query(1)
Query pdf values from lhapdf
lhasa / lhasa(1)
Compression tool for .lzh archive files.
lhs2tex / lhs2TeX(1)
A literate haskell to (la)tex code translator
libidl-dev / libIDL-config-2(1)
Helper script for building with libidl-2
libart-2.0-dev / libart2-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libart 2.x
libassuan-dev / libassuan-config(1)
Libassuan build information script
libblas-test / libblas-test(1)
Testing programs for blas
libcdaudio-dev / libcdaudio-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libcdaudio
libdecodeqr-examples / libdecodeqr-simpletest(1)
Libdecodeqr library's simple test program
libdecodeqr-examples / libdecodeqr-webcam(1)
Libdecodeqr library's simple test program
libecasoundc-dev / libecasoundc-config(1)
Get information about installed ecasoundc library
libesmtp-dev / libesmtp-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libgcrypt
libetpan-dev / libetpan-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of libetpan! mail library.
libfm-tools / libfm-pref-apps(1)
Sets preferred applications for programs based on libfm
libftdi-dev / libftdi-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libftdi
libgcrypt20-dev / libgcrypt-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libgcrypt.
libgd-tools / libgd-tools(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
libglade2-dev / libglade-convert(1)
Utility to convert old .glade files into new ones.
libifstat-dev / libifstat-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of libifstat
liblas-dev / liblas-config(1)
Query liblas build options
liblinear-tools / liblinear-predict(1)
Make predictions based on a trained linear classifier model
liblinear-tools / liblinear-train(1)
Train a linear classifier and produce a model
libmcrypt-dev / libmcrypt-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libmcrypt.
libmikmod-config / libmikmod-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libmikmod.
libnet1-dev / libnet-config(1)
Get information about a libnet installation
libnifti-doc / libnifti(1)
Io libraries and tools for the nifti-1 data format
libnova-dev / libnovaconfig(1)
Config helper for libnova development
libotf-dev / libotf-config(1)
Print compile and link options of the otf library
libow-dev / libowcapi(1)
Easy c-language 1-wire interface
libownet-dev / libownet(1)
Easy c-language 1-wire interface to the owserver protocol
libpinyin-utils / libpinyin(1)
Library to deal with pinyin
libplayer-bin / libplayer-test(1)
A test media player utility which uses libplayer
libplayer-bin / libplayer-testvdr(1)
An utility to test the vdr-xine libplayer interface
libpng12-dev / libpng-config(1)
Get information about installed libpng library
libpng12-dev / libpng12-config(1)
Get information about installed libpng library
libquazip-qt5-1 / libquazip-qt5-1(1)
C++/qt wrapper for unzip/zip
libquazip1 / libquazip1(1)
C++/qt wrapper for unzip/zip
librarian-puppet / librarian-puppet(1)
Bundler for your puppet infrastructure
librecad / librecad(1)
A professional cad system.
libreoffice-common / libreoffice(1)
python-pysnmp4 / libsmi2pysnmp(1)
Libsmi-to-pysnmp mib converter
libtool-bin / libtool(1)
Provide generalized library-building support services
libtool / libtoolize(1)
Prepare a package to use libtool
libusb-dev / libusb-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libusb
libuser / libuser-lid(1)
Display user's groups or group's users
libvncserver-config / libvncserver-config(1)
Get information about a libvncserver installation
liblicense-cli / license(1)
Program to specify and modify media file licenses
licenseutils / licensing(1)
A program for adding license notices to files
licq / licq(1)
Icq client
id-utils / lid(1)
Query id database and report results
lie / lie(1)
A computer algebra package for lie group computations
lifeograph / lifeograph(1)
Private digital diary
liferea / liferea(1)
Gtk desktop news aggregator
liferea / liferea-add-feed(1)
Gtk desktop news aggregator
listaller-libuild / lig++(1)
Wrapper around g++ to create more portable apps
listaller-libuild / ligcc(1)
Wrapper around gcc to create more portable apps
light-locker / light-locker(1)
Screen locker
light-locker / light-locker-command(1)
Controls light-locker
libvips-tools / light_correct(1)
Correct illumination errors on set of images
lightdm / lightdm(1)
A display manager
lightspark / lightspark(1)
A free flash player
lightspeed / lightspeed(1)
Shows how objects moving at speeds near the speed of light look like.
lighttpd / lighttpd-disable-mod(1)
Enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighttpd / lighttpd-enable-mod(1)
Enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighttpd / lighty-disable-mod(1)
Enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
lighttpd / lighty-enable-mod(1)
Enable or disable configuration in lighttpd server
liguidsoap / liguidsoap(1)
Control gui for liquidsoap
listaller / likey(1)
Manage listallers key database
lilypond / lilymidi(1)
Manual page for lilymidi 2.18.2
lilypond / lilypond(1)
Manual page for lilypond 2.18.2
lilypond / lilypond-book(1)
Manual page for lilypond-book 2.18.2
lilypond / lilypond-invoke-editor(1)
Manual page for lilypond-invoke-editor 2.18.2
lilypond / lilysong(1)
Manual page for lilysong 2.18.2
lilyterm / lilyterm(1)
A light and eazy-to-use terminal emulator for x.
styx / lim_test(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
liblinbox-dev / linbox-config(1)
Tool for linking against linbox
orbit2 / linc-cleanup-sockets(1)
Removes leftover orbit files from /tmp
libocas-tools / linclassif(1)
Predict labels by a linear classification rule
lincredits / lincredits(1)
Generate beautified versions of the linux credits file
util-linux / line(1)
Read one line
lingot / lingot(1)
Accurate and easy to use musical instrument tuner
qt4-dev-tools / linguist-qt4(1)
Translation tool for qt4.
coreutils / link(1)
Call the link function to create a link to a file
link-grammar / link-parser(1)
Parses natural language sentences
linkchecker / linkchecker(1)
Command line client to check html documents and websites for broken links
linkchecker-gui / linkchecker-gui(1)
Gui client to check links of websites and html documents
liblcms2-utils / linkicc(1)
Little cms device link generator.
linklint / linklint(1)
Fast link checker and website maintenance tool
fastlink / linkmap(1)
Calculates location scores of one locus against a fixed map of other loci
links / links(1)
Lynx-like alternative character mode www browser
links2 / links2(1)
Lynx-like alternative character mode www browser
ctsim / linogram(1)
Linogram gribddisplay for ctsim
linphone-nogtk / linphonecsh(1)
Sends a command to a linphonec running in daemon mode, and exits.
linpsk / linpsk(1)
Amateur radio psk31/rtty program via soundcard
mafft / linsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
linsmith / linsmith(1)
Smith charting program, designed for educational use.
lintex / lintex(1)
Removes tex-related garbage files
mgetty-pvftools / lintopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
linux-base / linux-version(1)
Operate on linux kernel version strings
util-linux / linux32(1)
Change reported architecture in new program environment and set personality flags
util-linux / linux64(1)
Change reported architecture in new program environment and set personality flags
linuxlogo / linux_logo(1)
Color ansi penguin logo w/ system information.
linuxdcpp / linuxdcpp(1)
File-sharing client for the direct connect network
linuxdoc-tools / linuxdoc(1)
Linuxdoc dtd sgml converter to other output format
linuxinfo / linuxinfo(1)
Displays system information about system.
linuxlogo / linuxlogo(1)
Color ansi penguin logo w/ system information.
linuxvnc / linuxvnc(1)
Export a tty to any vnc client
listaller / lipa(1)
Listaller command-line tool
listaller-devtools / lipkgen(1)
Listaller package builder
liquidsoap / liquidsoap(1)
A multimedia streaming language
lirc / lircrcd(1)
Daemon to handle consistent .lircrc state among client applications
lisaac / lisaac(1)
Lisaac compiler
sloccount / lisp_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
netpbm / lispmtopgm(1)
Convert a lisp machine bitmap file into pgm format
desktop-profiles / list-desktop-profiles(1)
List known profiles that meet given criteria
devscripts / list-unreleased(1)
Display unreleased packages
listadmin / listadmin(1)
Process messages held by mailman for approval
fuse-emulator-utils / listbasic(1)
Listbasic extract the basic from a zx spectrum file
geotiff-bin / listgeo(1)
Dump geotiff metadata
ladspa-sdk / listplugins(1)
List available ladspa plugins
x11-utils / listres(1)
List resources in widgets
llvm-3.4 / lit-3.4(1)
Llvm integrated tester
llvm-3.5 / lit-3.5(1)
Llvm integrated tester
calibre / lit-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from a lit ebook file
epub-utils / lit2epub(1)
Simple lit to epub conversion
ruby-literati / literati(1)
Render literate haskell into html
literki / literki(1)
On-screen keyboard
tilelite / liteserv(1)
Serve tiles using tilelite
simh / littcvt(1)
Magtape conversion utility
live-tools / live-system(1)
System support scripts
live-tools / live-toram(1)
System support scripts
mididings / livedings(1)
Graphical frontend for mididings
python3-livereload / livereload(1)
Automatic browser refresher
lives / lives(1)
Lives is a video editing system
lives-plugins / lives_avi_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
lives-plugins / lives_dirac_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
lives-plugins / lives_gif_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
lives-plugins / lives_mkv_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
lives-plugins / lives_mng_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
lives-plugins / lives_mpeg_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
lives-plugins / lives_ogm_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
lives-plugins / lives_theora_encoder3(1)
Video encoder as part of lives
livestreamer / livestreamer(1)
Extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice
liwc / liwc(1)
Collection of programs to manipulate c source code
groff / lkbib(1)
Search bibliographic databases
llvm-3.4 / llc-3.4(1)
Llvm static compiler
llvm-3.5 / llc-3.5(1)
Llvm static compiler
lifelines / llexec(1)
llgal / llgal(1)
On-line gallery generator
llvm-3.4-runtime / lli-3.4(1)
Directly execute programs from llvm bitcode
llvm-3.5-runtime / lli-3.5(1)
Directly execute programs from llvm bitcode
lifelines / llines(1)
Lifelines genealogy program
latd / llogin(1)
Connect to a lat service
storebackup / llt(1)
List create, access and modification times of files
lltag / lltag(1)
Tag and rename mp3/ogg/flac music files automagically
llvm-3.4 / llvm-ar-3.4(1)
Llvm archiver
llvm-3.5 / llvm-ar-3.5(1)
Llvm archiver
llvm-3.4 / llvm-as-3.4(1)
Llvm assembler
llvm-3.5 / llvm-as-3.5(1)
Llvm assembler
llvm-3.4 / llvm-bcanalyzer-3.4(1)
Llvm bitcode analyzer
llvm-3.5 / llvm-bcanalyzer-3.5(1)
Llvm bitcode analyzer
llvm-3.4 / llvm-build-3.4(1)
Llvm project build utility
llvm-3.5 / llvm-build-3.5(1)
Llvm project build utility
llvm-3.4 / llvm-config-3.4(1)
Print llvm compilation options
llvm-3.5 / llvm-config-3.5(1)
Print llvm compilation options
llvm-3.4 / llvm-cov-3.4(1)
Emit coverage information
llvm-3.5 / llvm-cov-3.5(1)
Emit coverage information
llvm-3.4 / llvm-diff-3.4(1)
Llvm structural 'diff'
llvm-3.5 / llvm-diff-3.5(1)
Llvm structural 'diff'
llvm-3.4 / llvm-dis-3.4(1)
Llvm disassembler
llvm-3.5 / llvm-dis-3.5(1)
Llvm disassembler
llvm-3.4 / llvm-dwarfdump-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-dwarfdump 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-dwarfdump-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-dwarfdump 3.5
llvm-3.4 / llvm-extract-3.4(1)
Extract a function from an llvm module
llvm-3.5 / llvm-extract-3.5(1)
Extract a function from an llvm module
llvm-3.4 / llvm-link-3.4(1)
Llvm bitcode linker
llvm-3.5 / llvm-link-3.5(1)
Llvm bitcode linker
llvm-3.4 / llvm-mc-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-mc 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-mc-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-mc 3.5
llvm-3.4 / llvm-mcmarkup-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-mcmarkup 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-mcmarkup-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-mcmarkup 3.5
llvm-3.4 / llvm-nm-3.4(1)
List llvm bitcode and object file's symbol table
llvm-3.5 / llvm-nm-3.5(1)
List llvm bitcode and object file's symbol table
llvm-3.4 / llvm-objdump-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-objdump 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-objdump-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-objdump 3.5
llvm-3.4 / llvm-prof-3.4(1)
Print execution profile of llvm program
llvm-3.5 / llvm-profdata-3.5(1)
Profile data tool
llvm-3.4 / llvm-ranlib-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-ranlib 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-ranlib-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-ranlib 3.5
llvm-3.4 / llvm-readobj-3.4(1)
Llvm object reader
llvm-3.5 / llvm-readobj-3.5(1)
Llvm object reader
llvm-3.4 / llvm-rtdyld-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-rtdyld 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-rtdyld-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-rtdyld 3.5
llvm-3.4 / llvm-size-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-size 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-size-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-size 3.5
llvm-3.4 / llvm-stress-3.4(1)
Generate random .ll files
llvm-3.5 / llvm-stress-3.5(1)
Generate random .ll files
llvm-3.4 / llvm-symbolizer-3.4(1)
Convert addresses into source code locations
llvm-3.5 / llvm-symbolizer-3.5(1)
Convert addresses into source code locations
llvm-3.4 / llvm-tblgen-3.4(1)
Manual page for llvm-tblgen 3.4
llvm-3.5 / llvm-tblgen-3.5(1)
Manual page for llvm-tblgen 3.5
lm4flash / lm4flash(1)
Command-line firmware flashing tool to communicate with the stellaris launchpad
lmms / lmms(1)
Software for easy music production
suck / lmove(1)
Move articles into /news/group/number directories
cyrus-clients / lmtptest(1)
Interactive lmtp test program
coreutils / ln(1)
Make links between files
lnav / lnav(1)
Ncurses-based log file viewer
xutils-dev / lndir(1)
Create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree
graphviz / lneato(1)
A customizable graph editor
libuser / lnewusers(1)
Create new user accounts
lnpd / lnpdll(1)
Brickos rcx downloader communicating through the lnp daemon
lnpd / lnpdllx(1)
Brickos rcx downloader communicating through the lnp daemon
lnpd / lnptest(1)
Lnp client test application
lnpd / lnptest2(1)
Lnp client test application #2 (shorter test)
ld10k1 / lo10k1(1)
Emu10k1(emu10k2) patch loader client
ctn / load_control(1)
Generic ctn manual page
mtx / loaderinfo(1)
Report scsi tape device info
kbd / loadkeys(1)
Load keyboard translation tables
loadmeter / loadmeter(1)
System load/resource monitor for x
loadwatch / loadwatch(1)
Run a program when machine is idle
xmds / loadxsil(1)
Load simulation data into matlab
certmonger / local-getcert(1)
manpages / locale(1)
Get locale-specific information
systemd / localectl(1)
Control the system locale and keyboard layout settings
manpages / localedef(1)
Compile locale definition files
sofia-sip-bin / localinfo(1)
List local network addresses
locate / locate.findutils(1)
List files in databases that match a pattern
therion-viewer / loch(1)
Loch therion model viewer
flowscan / locker(1)
Locks a file
lockfile-progs / lockfile-check(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-progs / lockfile-create(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-progs / lockfile-progs(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-progs / lockfile-remove(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-progs / lockfile-touch(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
bilibop-lockfs / lockfs-notify(1)
Notify user about temporary or permanent changes on fs
courier-mta / lockmail.courier(1)
Create mail lock files
maildrop / lockmail.maildrop(1)
Create mail lock files
lockout / lockout(1)
Avoid slacking and impose productivity and discipline on yourself
samba-testsuite / locktest(1)
Find differences in locking between two smb servers
fastlink / lodscore(1)
Compares likelihoods at locally optimal theta
libreoffice-common / loffice(1)
libreoffice-common / lofromtemplate(1)
octomap-tools / log2graph(1)
Plain text log file into a binary scangraph
ndoutils-common / log2ndo(1)
Sends the contents of an archived nagios or netsaint log file.
samba / log2pcap(1)
Extract network traces from samba log files
liblog4shib-dev / log4shib-config(1)
Flags for linking with the log4shib library
logcentral-tools / logForwarder(1)
Tools for creating and maintaining ssh tunnels between log components in complex topologies
logcheck / logcheck-test(1)
Test new logcheck rules easily
389-ds-base / logconv(1)
Analyzes directory server access log files
xymon-client / logfetch(1)
Xymon client data collector
syslog-ng-core / loggen(1)
Generate syslog messages at a specified rate
bsdutils / logger(1)
A shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
ola / logic_rdm_sniffer(1)
Decode dmx/rdm data from a saleae logic device.
login / login(1)
Begin session on the system
systemd / loginctl(1)
Control the systemd login manager
logisim / logisim(1)
A graphical tool for designing and simulating logic circuits
logjam / logjam(1)
Gtk+ client for livejournal
coreutils / logname(1)
Print user\'s login name
ucblogo / logo(1)
A dialect of lisp using turtle graphics famous for teaching kids.
logtools / logprn(1)
Merge common-log format web logs based on time-stamps
apache2-utils / logresolve(1)
Resolve ip-addresses to hostnames in apache log files
logstalgia / logstalgia(1)
A web server access log visualization tool
logster / logster(1)
Generate metrics from logfiles
logtool / logtool(1)
Parse and filter syslog files
logtop / logtop(1)
Realtime log line rate analyser
loki / loki(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki / loki_count(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki / loki_dist(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki / loki_ext(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki / loki_freq(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
loki / loki_sort_error(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
lomoco / lomoco(1)
Logitech mouse control for usb mice
skytools3 / londiste3(1)
Tool for managing trigger-based replication for postgresql.
longrun / longrun(1)
Transmeta(tm) crusoe(tm) longrun(tm) utility
openvrml-lookat / lookat(1)
X11 vrml viewer
groff / lookbib(1)
Search bibliographic databases
lookup / lookup(1)
Interactive file search and display
loook / loook(1)
Search in openoffice files
ladr4-apps / looper(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
elyxer / loremipsumize(1)
Lorem-ipsumize a lyx document
rss-glx / lorenz(1)
Lorenz attractor.
lostirc / lostirc(1)
A simple irc client for x11.
lottanzb / lottanzb(1)
Usenet downloader
liblouis-bin / lou_allround(1)
Test every capability of the liblouis library
liblouis-bin / lou_checkhyphens(1)
Check the accuracy of hyphenation in liblouis braille translation tables
liblouis-bin / lou_checktable(1)
Test a liblouis braille translation table
liblouis-bin / lou_debug(1)
A debugger for liblouis braille translation tables
liblouis-bin / lou_trace(1)
A tool to list all the rules that were used for a braille translation
liblouis-bin / lou_translate(1)
A braille translator for large scale testing of liblouis braille translation tables
lout / lout(1)
Prepare lout document for printing
love / love-0.9(1)
2d game development framework
cups-client / lp(1)
Print files
lprng / lp(1)
Compatibility way to feed print jobs to the print daemon.
lptools / lp-attach(1)
Attach a file to a launchpad bug
lptools / lp-bug-dupe-properties(1)
Find duplicate launchpad bug reports
lptools / lp-capture-bug-counts(1)
View summary of number of bugs for a launchpad project
lptools / lp-check-membership(1)
Check if a launchpad user is a member of a group
lptools / lp-force-branch-mirror(1)
Force a new import
lptools / lp-get-branches(1)
Downloads all branches related to a launchpad team or person
lptools / lp-grab-attachments(1)
Downloads attachments from a launchpad bug
lptools / lp-list-bugs(1)
Briefly list status of launchpad bugs
lptools / lp-milestone2ical(1)
Convert project milestones to icalendar
lptools / lp-milestones(1)
Work with milestones in launchpad
lptools / lp-project(1)
Work with projects in launchpad
lptools / lp-project-upload(1)
Upload a release tarball to a launchpad project.
lptools / lp-recipe-status(1)
Show the status of the recipes owned by a particular user
lptools / lp-remove-team-members(1)
Remove members from a launchpad team
lptools / lp-review-list(1)
List reviews for a project
lptools / lp-review-notifier(1)
Desktop notifier about reviews that can be done
lptools / lp-set-dup(1)
Mark one or more bugs as duplicate of another bug
lptools / lp-shell(1)
Open an interactive launchpadlib shell.
lastpass-cli / lpass(1)
Command line interface for lastpass
libuser / lpasswd(1)
Change group or user password
lprng / lpbanner(1)
Printer banners in text, pcl and postscript
lpctools / lpcprog(1)
Nxp's lpc micro-controllers flasher
lpe / lpe(1)
Lightweight programmer's editor
lprng / lpf(1)
General printer filter
cups-client / lpoptions(1)
Display or set printer options and defaults
cups-client / lppasswd(1)
Add, change, or delete digest passwords.
cups-bsd / lpq(1)
Show printer queue status
lprng / lpq(1)
Spool queue examination program
cups-bsd / lpr(1)
Print files
lprng / lpr(1)
Off line print
dvi2ps / lprdvi(1)
Send output of dvi2ps to a printer.
cups-bsd / lprm(1)
Cancel print jobs
lprng / lprm(1)
Remove jobs from the line printer spooling queue
lprng / lprng_certs(1)
Lprng ssl certificate management
lprng / lprng_index_certs(1)
Lprng ssl certificate management
mcrl2 / lps2lts(1)
Generate an lts from an lps
mcrl2 / lps2pbes(1)
Generate a pbes from an lps and a state formula
mcrl2 / lps2torx(1)
Provide torx explorer interface to an lps
mcrl2 / lpsactionrename(1)
Rename actions of an lps
mcrl2 / lpsbinary(1)
Replace finite sort variables by vectors of boolean variables in an lps
mcrl2 / lpsconfcheck(1)
Mark confluent tau-summands of an lps
mcrl2 / lpsconstelm(1)
Removes constant parameters from an lps
mcrl2 / lpsinfo(1)
Display basic information about an lps
mcrl2 / lpsinvelm(1)
Check invariants and use these to simplify or eliminate summands of an lps
mcrl2 / lpsparelm(1)
Remove unused parameters from an lps
mcrl2 / lpsparunfold(1)
Unfolds process parameter of an lps
mcrl2 / lpspp(1)
Pretty print an lps
mcrl2 / lpsrewr(1)
Rewrite data expressions in an lps
mcrl2 / lpssim(1)
Command-line simulation of an lps
mcrl2 / lpssumelm(1)
Remove superfluous summations from an lps
mcrl2 / lpssuminst(1)
Instantiate summation variables of an lps
cups-client / lpstat(1)
Print cups status information
lprng / lpstat(1)
Compatibility program to get information about printers
mcrl2 / lpsuntime(1)
Remove time from an lps
mcrl2 / lpsxsim(1)
Graphical simulation of an lps
quicktime-x11utils / lqtplay(1)
Simple quicktime movie player for x11.
lrcalc / lrcalc(1)
Calculate with littlewood-richardson coefficients
qt4-linguist-tools / lrelease-qt4(1)
Generate qt message files from qt linguist translation files
calibre / lrfviewer(1)
View lrf ebook
lrslib / lrs(1)
Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lrslib / lrsbuffer(1)
Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lrslib / lrsfourier(1)
Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lrslib / lrslib(1)
Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
lcl-utils-1.2.4 / lrstolfm-1.2.4(1)
The lazarus resource translator.
lrzip / lrzip(1)
A large-file compression program
coreutils / ls(1)
List directory contents
unar / lsar(1)
List archive file contents
lsat / lsat(1)
A security auditing tool
e2fsprogs / lsattr(1)
List file attributes on a linux second extended file system
lsb-release / lsb_release(1)
Print distribution-specific information
cgroup-tools / lscgroup(1)
List all cgroups
drc / lsconv(1)
A program does log sweep convolution.
nilfs-tools / lscp(1)
List nilfs2 checkpoints
util-linux / lscpu(1)
Display information about the cpu architecture
canna-utils / lsdic(1)
Display the user dictionary list
patchutils / lsdiff(1)
Show which files are modified by a patch
distcc / lsdistcc(1)
Simple distcc server discovery
dvb-apps / lsdvb(1)
A simple utility to list pci/pcie dvb devices
lsdvd / lsdvd(1)
Read the content info of a dvd
lsh-client / lsftp(1)
Client for the sftp subsystem
lsh-client / lsh(1)
Secsh (ssh2) client
lsh-utils / lsh-authorize(1)
Secsh (ssh2) client
lsh-utils / lsh-decode-key(1)
Convert a raw openssh/ssh2 (ietf style) public key to sexp format.
lsh-utils / lsh-decrypt-key(1)
Decrypts the given key and outputs it in unecrypted form.
lsh-utils / lsh-export-key(1)
Reads the key on stdin and output in openssh/ssh2 format.
lsh-utils / lsh-keygen(1)
Generates a keypair and write it on stdout.
lsh-utils / lsh-make-seed(1)
Creates random seed file for the yarrow pseudorandomnessgenerator.
lsh-utils / lsh-upgrade(1)
Script for easy upgrade to lsh 2.0
lsh-utils / lsh-upgrade-key(1)
Script for key conversion to lsh 2.0 format
lsh-utils / lsh-writekey(1)
Keypair split/store handler.
lshell / lshell(1)
Limited shell
lsh-client / lshg(1)
Secsh (ssh2) client
lshw / lshw(1)
List hardware
lshw-gtk / lshw-gtk(1)
List hardware (gtk version)
dracut / lsinitrd(1)
Tool to show the contents of an initramfs image
kernel-patch-scripts / lskpatches(1)
List installed kernel patches
ldapscripts / lsldap(1)
Performs a *big* query on the ldap directory.
lsmbox / lsmbox(1)
List number of total, old unread, and new messages for the specified mailbox(es)
libstoragemgmt-tools / lsmcli(1)
Libstoragemgmt command line interface
libstoragemgmtd / lsmd(1)
gnupg / lspgpot(1)
Extracts the ownertrust values from pgp keyrings and list them in gnupg ownertrust format.
pst-utils / lspst(1)
List pst (ms outlook personal folders) file data
syslinux-utils / lss16toppm(1)
Lss16toppm convert an lss-16 image to ppm
nilfs-tools / lssu(1)
List usage state of nilfs2 segments
cgroup-tools / lssubsys(1)
List hierarchies containing given subsystem
hwloc / lstopo(1)
Show the topology of the system
hwloc-nox / lstopo(1)
Show the topology of the system
hwloc / lstopo-no-graphics(1)
Show the topology of the system
hwloc-nox / lstopo-no-graphics(1)
Show the topology of the system
suckless-tools / lsw(1)
List window titles
lswm / lswm(1)
Discover new wiimotes
suckless-tools / lsx(1)
List executables
lsyncd / lsyncd(1)
A daemon to continuously synchronize directory trees
lttoolbox / lt-comp(1)
This application is part of the lexical processing modules and tools ( lttoolbox ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
lttoolbox / lt-expand(1)
This application is part of the lexical processing modules and tools ( lttoolbox ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
lttoolbox / lt-tmxcomp(1)
This application is part of the lexical processing modules and tools ( lttoolbox ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.sf.net.
lttoolbox / lt-tmxproc(1)
This application is part of the lexical processing modules and tools ( lttoolbox ) this tool is part of the apertium machine translation architecture: http://apertium.sf.net.
ctdb / ltdbtool(1)
Manipulate ctdbs local tdb files
ltpanel / ltpanel(1)
Shows a tasklist in x until killed.
ltrace / ltrace(1)
A library call tracer
ltrsift / ltrsift(1)
A graphical interface for postprocessing and classification of ltr retrotransposon candidates
ltrsift / ltrsift_encode(1)
Encode sequences into a ltrsift-compatible format
mcrl2 / lts2lps(1)
Translates an lts into an lps
mcrl2 / lts2pbes(1)
Translates an lts into an pbes
mcrl2 / ltscompare(1)
Compare two ltss
mcrl2 / ltsconvert(1)
Convert and optionally minimise an lts
mcrl2 / ltsgraph(1)
Visualise an lts as a graph and manipulate its layout in 2d and 3d
mcrl2 / ltsinfo(1)
Display basic information about an lts
ltsp-client-core / ltsp-genmenu(1)
Ltsp-genmenu generate menu for ltsp local applications
ltsp-server / ltsp-info(1)
Display troubleshooting information about ltsp server and chroots
ltsp-server / ltsp-localapps(1)
Ltsp-localapps start local application on the ltsp thin client
ltsp-client-core / ltsp-localappsd(1)
Ltsp-localappsd start local applications on the ltsp thin client
ltsp-client-core / ltsp-remoteapps(1)
Ltsp-remoteapps start remote application on an ltsp server
ltspfs / ltspfs(1)
Ltspfs mount fuse based filesystems
ltspfsd-core / ltspfs_mount(1)
Ltspfs_mount mounts local filesystem exported over ltspfs
ltspfsd-core / ltspfs_umount(1)
Ltspfs_umount unmounts local filesystem exported over ltspfs
ltspfsd-core / ltspfsd(1)
Ltspfsd daemon to serve fuse based filesystems over the network
ltspfs / ltspfsmounter(1)
Ltspfsmounter mount fuse based filesystems
mcrl2 / ltsview(1)
3d interactive visualization of a labelled transition system
lttng-tools / lttng(1)
Lttng lttng 2.x tracer control command line tool
liblttng-ust-dev / lttng-gen-tp(1)
Lttng-gen-tp lttng ust 2.x tracepoint code generator
lttngtop / lttngtop(1)
Lttngtop lttng trace viewer
lttv / lttv(1)
The linux trace toolkit viewer
lttv / lttv-gui(1)
The linux trace toolkit viewer
lttv / lttv.real(1)
The linux trace toolkit viewer
texlive-bibtex-extra / ltx2crossrefxml(1)
A tool for creation of xml files for submitting to crossref.
licenseutils / lu-sh(1)
A license utility shell
liblua50-dev / lua-config50(1)
Lua configuration information
dh-lua / lua-create-gitbuildpackage-layout(1)
Program to create an git-buildpackage compliat repository for a lua package.
dh-lua / lua-create-svnbuildpackage-layout(1)
Program to create an svn-buildpackage compliat repository for a lua package.
lua5.1 / lua5.1(1)
Lua interpreter
lua5.1-policy-dev / lua5.1-policy-create-svnbuildpackage-layout(1)
Program to create an svn-buildpackage compliat repository for a lua package.
lua5.2 / lua5.2(1)
Lua interpreter
lua50 / lua50(1)
Lua interpreter
lua5.1 / luac5.1(1)
Lua compiler
lua5.2 / luac5.2(1)
Lua compiler
lua50 / luac50(1)
Lua compiler
luadoc / luadoc(1)
Generate documentation from files
luajit / luajit(1)
Just-in-time compiler for the lua language
texlive-luatex / luaotfload-tool(1)
Generate and query the luaotfload font names database
luarocks / luarocks(1)
Module deployment system for lua
luarocks / luarocks-admin(1)
Luarocks repository administration interface
texlive-binaries / luatex(1)
An extended version of pdftex using lua as an embedded scripting language
context / luatools(1)
deets / luau(1)
Manual page for deets luau
ludevit / ludevit(1)
Converter from standard slovak into l. st\('ur version
ludevit / ludevit_tk(1)
Gui frontend to the converter from standard slovak into l. st\('ur version
x11-utils / luit(1)
Locale and iso2022 support for unicode terminals
luminance-hdr / luminance-hdr-cli(1)
Luminance hdr command line version
fondu / lumper(1)
Lump a bunch of mac font resources into the same file
python-lunch / lunch(1)
Distributed process launcher
python-lunch / lunch-slave(1)
Process launcher
lunzip / lunzip(1)
Decompressor for lzip files
qt4-linguist-tools / lupdate-qt4(1)
Update qt linguist translation files
lurker / lurker-index(1)
Lurker-index imports messages into the archive
lurker / lurker-index-lc(1)
Lurker-index-lc wrapper for lurker-index to lowercase mailing list names
lurker / lurker-list(1)
Lurker-list parses lists from the config file
lurker / lurker-params(1)
Lurker-params parses parameters from the config file
lurker / lurker-prune(1)
Lurker-prune prunes the web-server cache
lurker / lurker-regenerate(1)
Lurker-regenerate imports messages into the archive
lurker / lurker-search(1)
Lurker-search searches for messages in a lurker database
libuser / luseradd(1)
Add an user
libuser / luserdel(1)
Delete an user
libuser / lusermod(1)
Modify an user
lutefisk / lutefisk(1)
Software for the de novo interpretation of peptide cid spectra
lv / lv(1)
A powerful multilingual file viewer / grep
slv2-jack / lv2_inspect(1)
Lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and lv2_simple_jack_host are collection of programs which caring for connecting lv2 plugins (http://lv2plug.in) to jackd.
slv2-jack / lv2_jack_host(1)
Lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and lv2_simple_jack_host are collection of programs which caring for connecting lv2 plugins (http://lv2plug.in) to jackd.
slv2-jack / lv2_list(1)
Lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and lv2_simple_jack_host are collection of programs which caring for connecting lv2 plugins (http://lv2plug.in) to jackd.
slv2-jack / lv2_simple_jack_host(1)
Lv2_inspect, lv2_jack_host, lv2_list and lv2_simple_jack_host are collection of programs which caring for connecting lv2 plugins (http://lv2plug.in) to jackd.
lv2file / lv2file(1)
Apply lv2 effects to audio files
lilv-utils / lv2info(1)
Print information about an installed lv2 plugin.
lilv-utils / lv2ls(1)
List all installed lv2 plugins.
lv2-c++-tools / lv2peg(1)
Program that generates c header files from turtle files containing lv2 plugin data.
lv2proc / lv2proc(1)
A simple command line effect processor using lv2 plugins
lv2-c++-tools / lv2soname(1)
Script which can be used in your build system to translate a linker option into the soname
loadwatch / lw-ctl(1)
Send commands to a running loadwatch
lwatch / lwatch(1)
Lwatch syntax highlighting for syslog/syslog-ng file
lwm / lwm(1)
Lightweight window manager for the x window system
lxappearance / lxappearance(1)
Gtk+ theme switcher
lxc / lxc-attach(1)
Start a process inside a running container.
lxc / lxc-autostart(1)
Start/stop/kill auto-started containers
lxc / lxc-cgroup(1)
Manage the control group associated with a container
lxc / lxc-checkconfig(1)
Check the current kernel for lxc support
lxc / lxc-clone(1)
Clone a new container from an existing one.
lxc / lxc-config(1)
Query lxc system configuration
lxc / lxc-console(1)
Launch a console for the specified container
lxc / lxc-create(1)
Creates a container
lxc / lxc-destroy(1)
Destroy a container.
lxc / lxc-device(1)
Manage devices of running containers
lxc / lxc-execute(1)
Run an application inside a container.
lxc / lxc-freeze(1)
Freeze all the container's processes
lxc / lxc-info(1)
Query information about a container
lxc / lxc-ls(1)
List the containers existing on the system
lxc / lxc-monitor(1)
Monitor the container state
lxc / lxc-snapshot(1)
Snapshot an existing container.
lxc / lxc-start(1)
Run an application inside a container.
lxc / lxc-start-ephemeral(1)
Start an ephemeral copy of an existing container
lxc / lxc-stop(1)
Stop the application running inside a container
lxc / lxc-unfreeze(1)
Thaw all the container's processes
lxc / lxc-unshare(1)
Run a task in a new set of namespaces.
lxc / lxc-user-nic(1)
Create and attach a nic to another network namespace.
lxc / lxc-usernsexec(1)
Run a task as root in a new user namespace.
lxc / lxc-wait(1)
Wait for a specific container state
lxsession / lxclipboard(1)
Clipboard utility for lxsession and lxde
lxde-common / lxde-logout(1)
Lxde-logout -program for...
lxinput / lxinput(1)
A light-weight program to configure keyboard and mouse
lxlauncher / lxlauncher(1)
Launcher for applications optimized for the 7-10.2" screens
lxsession / lxlock(1)
Locking utility for lxde
lxmms2 / lxmms2(1)
Control xmms2 with a lirc compatible remote control
lxmusic / lxmusic(1)
Lightweight music player
lxpanel / lxpanel(1)
A lightweight gtk2-based panel for the lxde desktop.
lxpanel / lxpanelctl(1)
Controller for lxpanel.
lxrandr / lxrandr(1)
A gtk+2 interface to xrandr for lxde desktop.
lxsession / lxsession(1)
A lightweight x session manager
lxsession / lxsession-default(1)
Launching default applications set by lxsession
lxsession / lxsession-default-apps(1)
Configure default applications for lxsession
lxsession / lxsession-default-terminal(1)
Launching default terminal set by lxsession
lxsession / lxsession-logout(1)
Program to logout from lxsession
libfm-tools / lxshortcut(1)
Desktop entry file editor
gtkwave / lxt2miner(1)
Data mining of lxt2 files
gtkwave / lxt2vcd(1)
Converts lxt2 files to vcd
lxtask / lxtask(1)
A lightweight gtk+ task manager.
xterm / lxterm(1)
Locale-sensitive wrapper for xterm
lxterminal / lxterminal(1)
A lightweight terminal emulator based on gtk+ for the lxde desktop.
lybniz / lybniz(1)
Mathematical function graph plotter
lynx-cur / lynx(1)
A general purpose distributed information browser for the world wide web
lysdr / lysdr(1)
Simple software-defined radio
lyx / lyx(1)
A document processor
lyx / lyxclient(1)
Send commands to a running lyx editor
mtools / lz(1)
Gunzips and shows a listing of a gzip'd tar'd archive
liblz4-tool / lz4(1)
Extremely fast compression algorithm
liblz4-tool / lz4c(1)
Extremely fast compression algorithm
liblz4-tool / lz4cat(1)
Utility based on lz4
clzip / lzip.clzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
lunzip / lzip.lunzip(1)
Decompressor for lzip files
lzip / lzip.lzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
lziprecover / lzip.lziprecover(1)
Recovers data from damaged lzip files
minilzip / lzip.minilzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
pdlzip / lzip.pdlzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
plzip / lzip.plzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
lziprecover / lziprecover(1)
Recovers data from damaged lzip files
lzma-alone / lzma_alone(1)
A compression algorithm, based on lempel ziv's compression method.
xzdec / lzmadec(1)
Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
xz-utils / lzmainfo(1)
Show information stored in the .lzma file header
lzma / lzmp(1)
Lzma compression and decompression tool
lzop / lzop(1)
Compress or expand files
m-tx / m-tx(1)
This script processes mtx files then deletes intermediate files
m16c-flash / m16c-flash(1)
Flash programmer for renesas m16c and r8c microcontrollers
m17n-docs / m17n-config(1)
Print compile/link options of the m17n library
m17n-docs / m17n-conv(1)
Convert file code
m17n-docs / m17n-date(1)
Display date and time
m17n-docs / m17n-db(1)
Print information about the m17n database
m17n-docs / m17n-dump(1)
Dump text image
m17n-docs / m17n-edit(1)
Edit multilingual text
m17n-im-config / m17n-im-config(1)
An input method configuration utility for m17n-lib
m17n-docs / m17n-view(1)
View file
pushpin / m2adapter(1)
Adapter between mongrel2 and zmq-http (part of pushpin)
metis / m2gmetis(1)
Manual page for m2gmetis 5.1.0
mongrel2-core / m2sh(1)
Configuration tool for mongrel2
opencaster / m2ts2cbrts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
tstools / m2ts2ts(1)
Convert m2ts to ts
m4 / m4(1)
Macro processor
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-addr2line(1)
Convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-ar(1)
Create, modify, and extract from archives
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-as(1)
The portable gnu assembler.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-c++filt(1)
Demangle c++ and java symbols.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-dlltool(1)
Create files needed to build and use dlls.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-gasp(1)
A preprocessor for assembly programs
gcc-m68hc1x / m68hc11-gccbug(1)
Report a bug to the gcc developers
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-gprof(1)
Display call graph profile data
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-ld(1)
The gnu linker
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-nlmconv(1)
Converts object code into an nlm.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-nm(1)
List symbols from object files
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-objcopy(1)
Copy and translate object files
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-objdump(1)
Display information from object files.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-ranlib(1)
Generate index to archive.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-readelf(1)
Displays information about elf files.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-size(1)
List section sizes and total size.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-strings(1)
Print the strings of printable characters in files.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-strip(1)
Discard symbols from object files.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-windmc(1)
Generates windows message resources.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc11-windres(1)
Manipulate windows resources.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-addr2line(1)
Convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-ar(1)
Create, modify, and extract from archives
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-as(1)
The portable gnu assembler.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-c++filt(1)
Demangle c++ and java symbols.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-gasp(1)
A preprocessor for assembly programs
gcc-m68hc1x / m68hc12-gccbug(1)
Report a bug to the gcc developers
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-ld(1)
The gnu linker
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-nm(1)
List symbols from object files
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-objcopy(1)
Copy and translate object files
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-objdump(1)
Display information from object files.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-ranlib(1)
Generate index to archive.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-readelf(1)
Displays information about elf files.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-size(1)
List section sizes and total size.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-strings(1)
Print the strings of printable characters in files.
binutils-m68hc1x / m68hc12-strip(1)
Discard symbols from object files.
gprolog / ma2asm(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
mac-robber / mac-robber(1)
Collects data about allocated files in mounted filesystems
macchanger / macchanger(1)
Mac changer
macchanger-gtk / macchanger-gtk(1)
A gtk+ interface for gnu/macchanger.
mace2 / mace2(1)
Searches for finite countermodels of first-order statements
prover9 / mace4(1)
Searches for finite countermodels of first-order statements
macfanctld / macfanctld(1)
Fan control for macbook
systemd / machinectl(1)
Control the systemd machine manager
llvm-3.4 / macho-dump-3.4(1)
Manual page for macho-dump 3.4
llvm-3.5 / macho-dump-3.5(1)
Manual page for macho-dump 3.5
mactelnet-client / macping(1)
A tool for pinging other routeros or mactelnetd devices
netpbm / macptopbm(1)
Convert a macpaint file into a portable bitmap
simh / macro1(1)
Pdp1 macro assembler
simh / macro7(1)
Pdp7 macro assembler
simh / macro8x(1)
Pdp8 macro assembler
python-sardana / macroexecutor(1)
Manual page for macroexecutor 3.3.1
macs / macs2(1)
Model-based analysis for chip-sequencing
macs / macs2diff(1)
Differential analysis for chip-sequencing
macutils / macsave(1)
Save mac files read from standard input
macutils / macstream(1)
Convert a series of files to a macbinary stream
mactelnet-client / mactelnet(1)
A tool for telneting via mac addresses
mactelnet-server / mactelnetd(1)
Telnet daemon for mac-address connections
sleuthkit / mactime(1)
Create an ascii time line of file activity
macutils / macunpack(1)
Macintosh file de-archiver
macutils / macutil(1)
A package that deals with macintosh files on a unix system
mmv / mad(1)
madplay / madplay(1)
Decode and play mpeg audio stream(s)
last-align / maf-convert(1)
Convert maf-format alignments to tabular format
last-align / maf-cull(1)
Cull alignments whose top-sequence coordinates are contained in limit or more
last-align / maf-join(1)
Join two or more sets of maf-format multiple alignments
last-align / maf-sort(1)
Sort maf-format alignments by sequence name
last-align / maf-swap(1)
Changes the order of the sequences in maf-format alignments
mafft / mafft(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mafft / mafft-einsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mafft / mafft-fftns(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mafft / mafft-fftnsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mafft / mafft-ginsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mafft / mafft-homologs(1)
Aligns sequences together with homologues automatically collected from swissprot via ncbi blast
mafft / mafft-linsi(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
mafft / mafft-profile(1)
Multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences
magic / magic(1)
Vlsi layout editor
magicrescue / magicrescue(1)
Scans a block device and extracts known file types by looking at magic bytes.
magicrescue / magicsort(1)
Categorize files by their file(1) magic
rhash / magnet-link(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
lockfile-progs / mail-lock(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
mail-notification / mail-notification(1)
A mail notification system tray icon
lockfile-progs / mail-touchlock(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
lockfile-progs / mail-unlock(1)
Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).
mailutils / mail.mailutils(1)
Process mail messages
mailagent / mailagent(1)
An automatic mail-processing tool
courier-maildrop / mailbot(1)
A mime-aware autoresponder utility
maildrop / mailbot(1)
A mime-aware autoresponder utility
mailcheck / mailcheck(1)
Check multiple mailboxes and/or maildirs for new mail
dbacl / mailcross(1)
A cross-validation simulator for use with dbacl.
maildir-filter / maildir-filter(1)
Program to filter mail in maildir folders.
qmail / maildir2mbox(1)
Move mail from a maildir to an mbox
courier-base / maildiracl(1)
Manage access control lists
courier-base / maildirkw(1)
Set maildir message keywords
qmail / maildirmake(1)
Create a maildir for incoming mail
courier-base / maildirmake.courier(1)
Create maildirs and maildir folders
dovecot-core / maildirmake.dovecot(1)
Creates maildirs and maildir subfolders
maildrop / maildirmake.maildrop(1)
Create maildirs and maildir folders
qmail / maildirwatch(1)
Look for new mail in a maildir
mailagent / maildist(1)
Mailagent's commands
courier-maildrop / maildrop(1)
Mail delivery filter/agent
maildrop / maildrop(1)
Mail delivery filter/agent
mailfilter / mailfilter(1)
Filters e-mail, gets rid of spam
dbacl / mailfoot(1)
A full-online-ordered-training simulator for use with dbacl.
mailagent / mailhelp(1)
Mailagent's commands
dbacl / mailinspect(1)
Sort an mbox by category and pipe emails to a command.
mailagent / maillist(1)
Mailagent's commands
python-twisted-mail / mailmail(1)
Twisted sendmail compatibility script
mailman-api / mailman-api(1)
Mailman-api documentation release v0.2.9 mailman-api provides a daemon that will listen to http requests, providing access to a rest api that can be used to interact with a locally-installed mailman (version 2) instance. mailman-api is tested with python 2.7 and depends on: paste = 1.7 bottle = 0.11.6 mailman-api is a work in progress. contributions are welcome. feel free to fork and contribute!
mailnag / mailnag-config(1)
Mailnag setup utility
mailnag / mailnagd(1)
An extendable mail notification daemon
python-odf / mailodf(1)
Email odf file as html archive
mailagent / mailpatch(1)
Mailagent's commands
mailping / mailping-cron(1)
Run periodic processing to test email service availability and functioning
mailping / mailping-latency(1)
Munin plugin to graph latency of mail deliveries
mailping / mailping-store(1)
Store email from stdin to a mailping incoming maildir
mailping / mailping-success(1)
Munin plugin to graph time since last mail delivery
mailplate / mailplate(1)
Reformat mail drafts according to templates
courier-mta / mailq(1)
Display the mail queue
nullmailer / mailq(1)
Overview of nullmailer documentation
sendmail-bin / mailq.sendmail(1)
Print the mail queue
rplay-contrib / mailsound(1)
Play sounds when mail is received
procmail / mailstat(1)
Shows mail-arrival statistics
qmail / mailsubj(1)
Send a mail message with a subject line
mailsync / mailsync(1)
Synchronize imap mailboxes
mailtextbody / mailtextbody(1)
Returns the body of an email message
dbacl / mailtoe(1)
A train-on-error simulator for use with dbacl.
cone / mailtool(1)
Process mailboxes
uw-mailutils / mailutil(1)
Mail utility program
maitreya / maitreya7.bin(1)
Internal maitreya implementation program.
maitreya / maitreya_textclient(1)
List astrological information in text mode
make / make(1)
Gnu make utility to maintain groups of programs
make-guile / make(1)
Gnu make utility to maintain groups of programs
easy-rsa / make-cadir(1)
Create certificates dir
klone-package / make-klone-project(1)
Manage a klone based custom debian package
kernel-package / make-kpkg(1)
Build debian kernel packages from linux kernel sources
memtest86 / make-memtest86-boot-floppy(1)
Create a memtest86 boot-floppy using grub.
rivet / make-plots(1)
Plots histograms in flat format
dist / makeSH(1)
A .sh script maker
libapache2-mod-log-sql / make_combined_log2(1)
Make combined logfile from sql database
pixelize / make_db(1)
Create the image database needed by pixelize
gromacs-data / make_edi(1)
Generate input files for essential dynamics sampling
gromacs-data / make_edi_d(1)
Generate input files for essential dynamics sampling
sloccount / make_filelists(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
gromacs-data / make_ndx(1)
Make index files
gromacs-data / make_ndx_d(1)
Make index files
gnustep-gui-common / make_services(1)
Generate gnustep services info
gnustep-base-runtime / make_strings(1)
Tool to build lists of localizable strings from objective-c files
speech-tools / make_wagon_desc(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
console-cyrillic / makeacm(1)
perdition / makebdb(1)
Make a berkeleydb database from stdin
cc1111 / makebin(1)
Convert a intel ihx file to binary
sdcc / makebin(1)
Convert a intel ihx file to binary
makebootfat / makebootfat(1)
Makebootfat \(hy makebootfat bootable fat disk creation
cbflib-bin / makecbf(1)
Convert detector images to cbf format
mono-devel / makecert(1)
Create x.509 certificates for test purposes
jamnntpd / makechs(1)
A program that can be used to create additional translation tables for use by jamnntpd.
icu-devtools / makeconv(1)
Compile a converter table
courier-base / makedat.courier(1)
Create gdbm/db files for maildrop
maildrop / makedat.maildrop(1)
Create gdbm/db files for maildrop
xutils-dev / makedepend(1)
Create dependencies in makefiles
makedepf90 / makedepf90(1)
Creates makefile dependency list for fortran source files.
makedic / makedic(1)
Utility program for generating your own "kanjidic" style dictionaries
makedic / makeedict(1)
Utility program for generating your own "edict" style dictionaries
sloccount / makefile_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
xutils-dev / makeg(1)
Make a debuggable executable
perdition / makegdbm(1)
Make a gdbm database from stdin
makehrtf / makehrtf(1)
Hrtf processing and composition utility
texlive-binaries / makeindex(1)
A general purpose, formatter-independent index processor
texinfo / makeinfo(1)
Translate texinfo documents
aircrack-ng / makeivs-ng(1)
Generate a dummy ivs dump file with a specific wep key
kdelibs5-dev / makekdewidgets(1)
Builds qt(tm) widget plugins from an ini style description file.
blast2 / makemat(1)
Convert binary profiles into portable ascii form
courier-maildrop / makemime(1)
Create mime-formatted messages
maildrop / makemime(1)
Create mime-formatted messages
jconvolver / makemulti(1)
Is a convolution engine for jack using fft-based partitioned convolution with multiple partition sizes.
nsis / makensis(1)
A program to create windows installers.
kdesdk-scripts / makeobj(1)
Run make from the correct directory
makepasswd / makepasswd(1)
Generate and/or encrypt passwords
makeself / makeself(1)
An utility to generate self-extractable archives.
ncbi-tools-bin / makeset(1)
Build a bioseq-set from seq-entries
fp-utils-2.6.4 / makeskel-2.6.4(1)
Generate description file for fpdoc.
dbskkd-cdb / makeskkcdbdic(1)
Skk dictionary file to cdb converter
openimageio-tools / maketx(1)
Convert images to tiled, mip-mapped textures
makexvpics / makexvpics(1)
Create xv-compatible thumbnails
maki / maki(1)
Irc daemon
maki / maki-remote(1)
Remote irc clients
python-mako / mako-render(1)
Renders mako templates
malaga-bin / malaga(1)
Natural-language word and sentence analysis
malaga-bin / mallex(1)
Generate a malaga run-time lexicon
malaga-bin / malmake(1)
Compile a malaga project
malaga-bin / malrul(1)
Compile a malaga rule file
malaga-bin / malshow(1)
Show malaga's results and/or debugging state
malaga-bin / malsym(1)
Compile a malaga symbol file
man-db / man(1)
An interface to the on-line reference manuals
man2html-base / man2html(1)
Format a manual page in html
man-db / manconv(1)
Convert manual page from one encoding to another
manderlbot / manderlbot(1)
An erlang irc bot
mangler / mangler(1)
A ventrilo compatible client for linux
mango-lassi / mango-lassi(1)
Share mouse and pointer with other computers.
python-twisted-core / manhole(1)
Connect to a twisted manhole service
dist / manicheck(1)
Check manifest accuracy
dist / manifake(1)
Creates a manifest.new out of a manifest file
dist / manilist(1)
Report status of files in a source directory
gle-graphics / manip(1)
Manip manip
doclifter / manlifter(1)
Mass-conversion script and test harness for doclifter
devscripts / manpage-alert(1)
Check for binaries without corresponding manpages
man-db / manpath(1)
Determine search path for manual pages
neverball / mapc(1)
A map compiler for neverball and neverputt
mapcache-tools / mapcache_seed(1)
Generate tiles to seed mapcache
stda / maphimbu(1)
Histogram builder for 1-d numerical and text data
openchangeclient / mapiprofile(1)
Administer openchange mapi profiles databases
libmapnik-dev / mapnik-config(1)
Return meta-information about mapnik
node-mapnik / mapnik-inspect(1)
Print information about mapnik datasource
libmapnik-dev / mapnik-plugin-base(1)
Determine path to mapnik plugins
node-mapnik / mapnik-render(1)
Render image tiles from mapnik stylesheets
mapnik-utils / mapnik-speed-check(1)
Program to check the speed of mapnik rendering engine
mapsembler2 / mapsembler(1)
Manual page for mapsembler 2.1.6+dfsg
mapserver-bin / mapserv(1)
Mapserver cgi interface
maptool / maptool(1)
Parse osm textfile and convert to navit binfile format
maptransfer / maptransfer(1)
Allows easy up- and downloading of maps for a game server.
maptransfer-server / maptransfer-server(1)
Allows easy up- and downloading of maps for a game server.
mummer / mapview(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
maq / maq(1)
Mapping and assembly with qualities
maqview / maqview(1)
Maq alignment indexer and viewer
arc / marc(1)
Archive merger
marco / marco(1)
The mate window manager
marco / marco-message(1)
A command to send messages to marco.
marco / marco-theme-viewer(1)
Marco theme previewer
marco / marco-window-demo(1)
Demo of window features
maria / maria(1)
Modular reachability analyzer for high-level petri nets
maria / maria-cso(1)
Shared library generator for maria
maria / maria-vis(1)
Graph visualization script for maria
libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev / mariadb_config(1)
Get compiler flags for using the mariadb client library
marisa / marisa-benchmark(1)
A tool to benchmark libmarisa
marisa / marisa-build(1)
A tool to build a dictionary from a set of key
marisa / marisa-common-prefix-search(1)
A tool to test common prefix search.
marisa / marisa-dump(1)
A tool to dump a dictionary
marisa / marisa-lookup(1)
A tool to test exact match lookup
marisa / marisa-predictive-search(1)
A tool to test predictive search
marisa / marisa-reverse-lookup(1)
A :wq
libtext-markdown-perl / markdown(1)
Convert markdown syntax to (x)html
markdown / markdown(1)
Convert text to html
calibre / markdown-calibre(1)
Markdown tool for calibre
python-markdown / markdown_py(1)
A python implementation of john gruber's markdown.
node-marked / marked(1)
A javascript markdown parser
ruby-maruku / maruku(1)
Converts markdown files to various output
ruby-maruku / marutex(1)
Converts markdown files to pdf using pdflatex
seqan-apps / masai_indexer(1)
Masai indexer synopsis masai_indexer [options] genome file description masai is a fast and accurate read mapper based on approximate seeds and multiple backtracking. see http://www.seqan.de/projects/masai for more information. (c) copyright 2011-2012 by enrico siragusa. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information genome index options: -x, --index str select the genome index type. one of esa, sa, qgram, and fm. default: sa. -xp, --index-prefix str specify an genome index prefix name. default: use the genome filename prefix. output options: -t, --tmp-folder str specify a huge temporary folder. default: use the genome folder. version masai_indexer version: 0.7.1 [14053] last update 2013-05-16
seqan-apps / masai_mapper(1)
Masai mapper synopsis masai_mapper [options] genome file reads file description masai is a fast and accurate read mapper based on approximate seeds and multiple backtracking. see http://www.seqan.de/projects/masai for more information. (c) copyright 2011-2012 by enrico siragusa. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information mapping options: -mm, --mapping-mode str select mapping mode. one of all, all-best, and any-best. default: any-best. -mb, --mapping-block num maximum number of reads to be mapped at once. in range [10000..inf]. default: 2147483647. -e, --errors num maximum number of errors per read. in range [0..32]. default: 5. -sl, --seed-length num minimum seed length. in range [10..100]. default: 33. -ng, --no-gaps do not align reads with gaps. genome index options: -x, --index str select the genome index type. one of esa, sa, qgram, and fm. default: sa. -xp, --index-prefix str specify an genome index prefix name. default: use the genome filename prefix. output options: -o, --output-file file specify an output file. default: use the reads filename prefix. valid filetypes are: raw and sam. -nc, --no-cigar do not output cigar string. this only affects sam output. debug options: -nv, --no-verify do not verify seed hits. -nd, --no-dump do not dump results. -nm, --no-multiple disable multiple backtracking. version masai_mapper version: 0.7.1 [14053] last update 2013-05-16
seqan-apps / masai_output_pe(1)
Masai output - paired end mode synopsis masai_output_pe [options] genome file reads file l reads file r raw file l raw file r description masai is a fast and accurate read mapper based on approximate seeds and multiple backtracking. see http://www.seqan.de/projects/masai for more information. (c) copyright 2011-2012 by enrico siragusa. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information pairing options: -ng, --no-gaps do not align reads with gaps. -ll, --library-length num library length. default: 220. -le, --library-error num library length tolerance. default: 50. output options: -t, --tmp-folder str specify a huge temporary folder. default: use the genome folder. -o, --output-file file specify an output file. default: use the reads filename prefix. valid filetypes are: raw and sam. -nc, --no-cigar do not output cigar string. this only affects sam output. debug options: -nd, --no-dump do not dump results. version masai_output_pe version: 0.7.1 [14053] last update 2013-05-16
seqan-apps / masai_output_se(1)
Masai output - single end mode synopsis masai_output_se [options] genome file reads file raw file description masai is a fast and accurate read mapper based on approximate seeds and multiple backtracking. see http://www.seqan.de/projects/masai for more information. (c) copyright 2011-2012 by enrico siragusa. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information mapping options: -ng, --no-gaps do not align reads with gaps. -m, --matches num maximum number of matches per read. output options: -t, --tmp-folder str specify a huge temporary folder. default: use the genome folder. -o, --output-file file specify an output file. default: use the reads filename prefix. valid filetypes are: raw and sam. -nc, --no-cigar do not output cigar string. this only affects sam output. debug options: -nd, --no-dump do not dump results. version masai_output_se version: 0.7.1 [14053] last update 2013-05-16
samba-testsuite / masktest(1)
Find differences in wildcard matching between sambas implementation and that of a remote server.
mason / mason(1)
Interactively create a firewall
mason / mason-gui-text(1)
Front end to mason
massxpert / massxpert(1)
Massxpert mass spectrometry software package (binary files)
mat / mat(1)
Metadata anonymisation toolkit
mat / mat-gui(1)
Metadata anonymisation toolkit
matchbox-desktop / matchbox-desktop(1)
A desktop application launcher for resource-limited systems
matchbox-keyboard / matchbox-keyboard(1)
On-screen keyboard
matchbox-panel / matchbox-panel(1)
A desktop panel for resource-limited systems
matchbox-panel-manager / matchbox-panel-manager(1)
Configure matchbox panel
matchbox-window-manager / matchbox-remote(1)
Communicate with matchbox-window-manager process
matchbox-common / matchbox-session(1)
Matchbox session manager
matchbox-window-manager / matchbox-window-manager(1)
Window manager for resource-limited systems
claws-mail-perl-filter / matcherrc2perlfilter(1)
Conversion of matcherrc rules to perl
mate-desktop / mate-about(1)
Learn more about mate
mate-control-center / mate-about-me(1)
Mate-about-me is a control center applet.
mate-control-center / mate-appearance-properties(1)
Mate-appearance-properties is a control center applet.
mate-control-center / mate-at-properties(1)
Configure mate assistive technologies
mate-common / mate-autogen(1)
Generates all makefiles for mate packages
mate-control-center / mate-control-center(1)
Configure mate settings
mate-applets / mate-cpufreq-selector(1)
Mate-cpufreq-selector tool to set cpu frequency
mate-control-center / mate-default-applications-properties(1)
Mate-default-applications-properties is a control center applet.
mate-panel / mate-desktop-item-edit(1)
A small tool to edit .desktop files.
mate-utils / mate-dictionary(1)
Look up words on dictionaries
mate-utils / mate-disk-usage-analyzer(1)
A graphical tool to analyse disk usage
mate-control-center / mate-display-properties(1)
Customize mate display behavor
mate-control-center / mate-display-properties-install-systemwide(1)
Customize mate display behavor
mate-common / mate-doc-common(1)
Include the standard user documentation build files
mate-user-share / mate-file-share-properties(1)
Edit mate file sharing properties.
mate-control-center / mate-font-viewer(1)
Preview fonts
mate-desktop / mate-gsettings-toggle(1)
Wrapper for mate gsettings keys
mate-applets / mate-invest-chart(1)
Mate-invest-chart tool to set cpu frequency
mate-control-center / mate-keybinding-properties(1)
Configure mate keybindings
mate-control-center / mate-keyboard-properties(1)
Manage keyboard behaviour in mate
mate-netbook / mate-maximus(1)
Force all windows to be full-screen
mate-control-center / mate-mouse-properties(1)
Configure mate mouse preferences
mate-system-tools / mate-network-admin(1)
Network administration tool
mate-system-tools / mate-network-admin-pkexec(1)
Network administration tool
mate-control-center / mate-network-properties(1)
Configure mate network proxy
mate-notification-daemon / mate-notification-properties(1)
Set up the options for desktop notifications
mate-panel / mate-panel(1)
The panel for the mate desktop environment
mate-utils / mate-panel-screenshot(1)
Capture the screen, a window, or an user-defined area and save the snapshot image to a file.
mate-panel / mate-panel-test-applets(1)
Display and test installed applets
mate-power-manager / mate-power-backlight-helper(1)
Helper application for mate's power management backlight control
mate-power-manager / mate-power-manager(1)
Mate power manager userspace daemon
mate-power-manager / mate-power-manager-bugreport(1)
Collect system information for mate power manager bugreports
mate-power-manager / mate-power-preferences(1)
Mate power preferences gui
mate-power-manager / mate-power-statistics(1)
Mate power statistics gui
mate-screensaver-common / mate-screensaver(1)
The mate desktop screensaver and locker
mate-screensaver-common / mate-screensaver-command(1)
The mate desktop screensaver and locker
mate-screensaver-common / mate-screensaver-preferences(1)
Configure mate screensaver
mate-utils / mate-screenshot(1)
Capture the screen, a window, or an user-defined area and save the snapshot image to a file.
mate-utils / mate-search-tool(1)
The mate search tool
mate-system-tools / mate-services-admin(1)
Services administration tool
mate-system-tools / mate-services-admin-pkexec(1)
Services administration tool
mate-session-manager / mate-session(1)
Start the mate desktop environment.
mate-session-manager / mate-session-properties(1)
Configure applications to start on login.
mate-session-manager / mate-session-save(1)
End or save the current mate session
mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer / mate-settings-daemon(1)
Handles the mate session settings
mate-settings-daemon-pulse / mate-settings-daemon(1)
Handles the mate session settings
mate-system-tools / mate-shares-admin(1)
Shared folders administration tool
mate-system-tools / mate-shares-admin-pkexec(1)
Shared folders administration tool
mate-utils / mate-system-log(1)
The mate system log viewer
mate-system-monitor / mate-system-monitor(1)
View and control processes
mate-terminal / mate-terminal(1)
The mate terminal emulator
mate-terminal / mate-terminal.wrapper(1)
The mate terminal emulator
mate-control-center / mate-thumbnail-font(1)
Configure mate network proxy
mate-system-tools / mate-time-admin(1)
Time administration tool
mate-system-tools / mate-time-admin-pkexec(1)
Time administration tool
mate-control-center / mate-typing-monitor(1)
Configure mate network proxy
mate-system-tools / mate-users-admin(1)
Users administration tool
mate-media-gstreamer / mate-volume-control(1)
The mate volume controller
mate-media-pulse / mate-volume-control(1)
The mate volume controller
mate-media-pulse / mate-volume-control-applet(1)
The mate volume applet
mate-control-center / mate-window-properties(1)
Configure mate network proxy
mate-session-manager / mate-wm(1)
Start the window manager configured by the user
libgtkmathview-bin / mathmlsvg(1)
Mathml to svg conversion utility
mathomatic / matho(1)
A computer algebra system with functions and readline matho - a computer algebra system with functions
mathomatic-primes / matho-mult(1)
Multiply large integers
mathomatic-primes / matho-pascal(1)
Display pascal's triangle
mathomatic-primes / matho-primes(1)
Generate consecutive prime numbers
mathomatic-primes / matho-sum(1)
Sum large integers
mathomatic-primes / matho-sumsq(1)
Find the minimum sum of the squares for integers
mathomatic / mathomatic(1)
A computer algebra system
mathtex / mathtex(1)
Mathtex this program generas a png-file from a latex expression
matita / matitac(1)
Matita interative theorem prover - batch compiler
matita / matitac.opt(1)
Matita interative theorem prover - batch compiler
matita / matitaclean(1)
Matita interative theorem prover - cleanup tool
rss-glx / matrixview(1)
Seeing images in the matrix.
matroxset / matroxset(1)
Switch the output mode of matrox video cards
mtools / mattrib(1)
maude / maude(1)
A high-performance logical framework
mono-addins-utils / mautil(1)
Mono.addins setup utility
dsdp / maxcut(1)
Semidefinite program solver
maxima / maxima(1)
Common lisp version of macsyma symbolic mathematics package released under the gnu public license xmaxima - a graphical version of maxima
maximus / maximus(1)
Force all windows to be full-screen
mayavi2 / mayavi2(1)
A scientific visualization package for 2-d and 3-d data
mrbayes / mb(1)
A program for the bayesian estimation
matchbox-panel / mb-applet-battery(1)
A battery status panel applet
matchbox-panel / mb-applet-clock(1)
A clock panel applet
matchbox-panel / mb-applet-launcher(1)
An application launcher panel applet
matchbox-panel / mb-applet-menu-launcher(1)
A launcher menu panel applet
matchbox-panel / mb-applet-system-monitor(1)
A system monitor panel applet
matchbox-panel / mb-applet-wireless(1)
A wireless monitor panel applet
mrbayes-mpi / mb-mpi(1)
A program for the bayesian estimation (parallel version)
gpsman / mb2gmn(1)
Convert mapblast files into gpsmanager files
mb2md / mb2md(1)
Mb2md converts mbox mailboxes to maildir format.
fcitx-tools / mb2org(1)
Fcitx pinyin related tools
fcitx-tools / mb2txt(1)
Fcitx table related tools
mtools / mbadblocks(1)
grub-legacy / mbchk(1)
Check the format of a multiboot kernel
libmoe1.5 / mbconv(1)
Character encoding scheme converter
ears / mbfind(1)
Interface to the musicbrainz database
ears / mbget(1)
Interface to the musicbrainz database
libmbim-utils / mbim-network(1)
Simple network management of mbim devices
libmbim-utils / mbimcli(1)
Control mbim devices
frog / mblem(1)
Dutch lemmatizer
frog / mbma(1)
Dutch morphological analyzer
mbmon / mbmon(1)
Motherboard monitor
mbmon / mbmon-rrd(1)
Motherboard monitor
mboxcheck / mboxcheck(1)
Mbox mail checking program.
ears / mbsubmit(1)
Interface to the musicbrainz database
mbt / mbt(1)
Memory based tagger
mbt / mbtg(1)
Memory based tagger generator
mbtserver / mbtserver(1)
Tilburg memory based tagger server
mbuffer / mbuffer(1)
Measuring buffer
hybrid-dev / mbuild-hybrid(1)
Mbuild-hybrid easily build ircd-hybrid v7 modules from source
mbw / mbw(1)
Memory bandwidth benchmark
mc-data / mc(1)
Visual shell for unix-like systems.
telepathy-mission-control-5 / mc-tool(1)
Manipulate mission control accounts from the command line
telepathy-mission-control-5 / mc-wait-for-name(1)
Run until a d-bus name appears on the session bus
pymca / mca2edf(1)
Convert spec file format files to edf format
mcabber / mcabber(1)
A simple jabber (xmpp) console client
mtools / mcat(1)
mccs / mccs(1)
Package dependency solver
mtools / mcd(1)
mc-data / mcdiff(1)
Visual shell for unix-like systems.
mc-data / mcedit(1)
Internal file editor of gnu midnight commander.
ssmping / mcfirst(1)
Check if you can receive ipv4/ipv6 multicast
mtools / mcheck(1)
Verify all files on an ms-dos formatted disk
rdmacm-utils / mckey(1)
Rdma cm multicast setup and simple data transfer test.
prime-phylo / mcmc_analysis(1)
Analysis of the mcmc
mcomix / mcomix(1)
Gtk comic book viewer
mtools / mcomp(1)
Compares two files using mtools
mono-devel / mconfig(1)
Utility for modifying .net configuration files
ucspi-tcp / mconnect(1)
Connects to a remote smtp server.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / mconnect(1)
Connect to the smtp server on a host
util-linux / mcookie(1)
Generate magic cookies for xauth
mtools / mcopy(1)
mmv / mcp(1)
mrename / mcpmv(1)
Program to rename files
mcpp / mcpp(1)
Matsui cpp, an alternative c preprocessor
mcrl2 / mcrl2-gui(1)
Graphical front-end for mcrl2 tools
mcrl2 / mcrl22lps(1)
Translate an mcrl2 specification to an lps
mcrl2 / mcrl2compilerewriter(1)
Compile a rewriter for an mcrl2 tool
mcrl2 / mcrl2i(1)
Interpreter for the mcrl2 data language
mcrl2 / mcrl2xi(1)
Graphical mcrl2 data specification editor
mcron / mcron(1)
A program to run tasks at regular (or not) intervals
mcrypt / mcrypt(1)
Encrypt or decrypt files
mcu8051ide / mcu8051ide(1)
scotch / mcv(1)
Mesh file converter
scotch / mcv-int32(1)
Mesh file converter
scotch / mcv-int64(1)
Mesh file converter
scotch / mcv-long(1)
Mesh file converter
mriconvert / mcverter(1)
Non-interactive mri conversion software
mc-data / mcview(1)
Internal file viewer of gnu midnight commander.
gnustep-examples / md5Digest(1)
Various example gnustep tools/applications
md5deep / md5deep(1)
Compute and compare md5 message digests sha1deep - compute and compare sha-1 message digests sha256deep - compute and compare sha-256 message digests tigerdeep - compute and compare tiger message digests whirlpooldeep - compute and compare whirlpool message digests
syslinux-utils / md5pass(1)
Create an md5 password hash
coreutils / md5sum(1)
Compute and check md5 message digest
coreutils / md5sum.textutils(1)
Compute and check md5 message digest
monodoc-base / mdassembler(1)
Compile documentation for use in monodoc browser
netpbm / mdatopbm(1)
Convert a microdesign .mda or .mdp file into a portable bitmap
mdbtools / mdb-array(1)
Export data in an mdb database table to a c array.
mdbtools / mdb-export(1)
Export data in an mdb database table to csv format.
mdbtools / mdb-header(1)
Write header file from an mdb database
mdbtools / mdb-hexdump(1)
Hexdump utility from mdb tools
mdbtools / mdb-parsecsv(1)
Convert csv table dump into c file.
mdbtools / mdb-prop(1)
Get properties list from mdb database
mdbtools / mdb-schema(1)
Generate schema creation ddl
mdbtools / mdb-sql(1)
Sql interface to mdb tools
mdbtools / mdb-tables(1)
Get listing of tables in an mdb database
mdbtools / mdb-ver(1)
Return the format of a given mdb database.
recutils / mdb2rec(1)
Mdb to rec converter
lmdb-utils / mdb_copy(1)
Lmdb environment copy tool
lmdb-utils / mdb_dump(1)
Lmdb environment export tool
lmdb-utils / mdb_load(1)
Lmdb environment import tool
lmdb-utils / mdb_stat(1)
Lmdb environment status tool
mdbus2 / mdbus2(1)
Mickey's dbus introspection and interaction utility
syncmaildir / mddiff(1)
Computes diff for maildirs
mcrypt / mdecrypt(1)
Encrypt or decrypt files
mtools / mdel(1)
mtools / mdeltree(1)
mdetect / mdetect(1)
Mouse device autodetection tool
mdf2iso / mdf2iso(1)
Mdf to iso / cue / toc image converter
mtools / mdir(1)
mdm / mdm-run(1)
Run a command in parallel with mdm-master
mdm / mdm-sync(1)
Run a command in parallel with mdm-master
mdm / mdm.screen(1)
Run a command under mdm-master
mdns-scan / mdns-scan(1)
Scan for mdns/dns-sd services published on the local network
monodoc-base / mdoc(1)
Mono documentation management tool
monodoc-base / mdoc-assemble(1)
Compile documentation for use in monodoc(1)
monodoc-base / mdoc-export-html(1)
Convert mdoc(5) xml to html.
monodoc-base / mdoc-export-msxdoc(1)
Convert mdoc(5) xml to microsoft xml documentation
monodoc-base / mdoc-update(1)
Mdoc(5) documentation format support
monodoc-base / mdoc-validate(1)
Validate xml documents against a schema
gromacs-data / mdrun(1)
Perform a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy minimization
gromacs-data / mdrun_d(1)
Perform a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy minimization
gromacs-mpich / mdrun_mpi.mpich(1)
Perform a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy minimization
gromacs-openmpi / mdrun_mpi.openmpi(1)
Perform a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy minimization
gromacs-mpich / mdrun_mpi_d.mpich(1)
Perform a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy minimization
gromacs-openmpi / mdrun_mpi_d.openmpi(1)
Perform a simulation, do a normal mode analysis or an energy minimization
ucommon-utils / mdsum(1)
Compute file digests using any supported algorithms.
mtools / mdu(1)
monodoc-base / mdvalidater(1)
Validate xml documents against the ecma documentation schema
me-tv / me-tv(1)
A digital television (dvb) viewer for gnome
me-tv / me-tv-player(1)
A digital television (dvb) viewer for gnome
vpb-utils / measerl(1)
Measure the echo-return loss on voicetronix telephony hardware
mecab / mecab(1)
Yet another part-of-speech and morphological analyzer
libmecab-dev / mecab-config(1)
Get command-line flags for building stuff using mecab
med-config / med-config(1)
General debian-med package information and auto-apt helper med-meta_package_name - debian-med package information and auto-apt helper
cb2bib / med2bib(1)
Script to convert pubmed format files to bibtex format files
bibutils / med2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
medcon / medcon(1)
Medcon conversion of medical image formats
mediathekview / mediathekview(1)
A media center video browser
medit / medit(1)
Text editor
medusa / medusa(1)
Parallel network login auditor
meep / meep(1)
Finite-difference time-domain simulations
meep-lam4 / meep-lam4(1)
Finite-difference time-domain simulations
meep-mpi-default / meep-mpi-default(1)
Finite-difference time-domain simulations
meep-mpich2 / meep-mpich2(1)
Finite-difference time-domain simulations
meep-openmpi / meep-openmpi(1)
Finite-difference time-domain simulations
blast2 / megablast(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
meld / meld(1)
Visual diff and merge tool for the gnome desktop
melt / melt(1)
Author, play, and encode multitrack audio/video compositions
ocaml-melt / meltbuild(1)
Compiles melt sources into dvi, postscript or pdf files
melting / melting(1)
Nearest-neighbor computation of nucleic acid hybridation
ocaml-melt / meltpp(1)
The melt pre-processor
members / members(1)
Outputs members of a group
memcached / memcached(1)
High-performance memory object caching system
ruby-memcache-client / memcached_top(1)
Display statistics about a memcached server
memcachedb / memcachedb(1)
Persistence-enabled variant of memcached
libmemcached-tools / memcaslap(1)
Libmemcached documentation
libmemcached-tools / memccapable(1)
Libmemcached documentation
libmemcached-tools / memccat(1)
Libmemcached documentation
libmemcached-tools / memccp(1)
Libmemcached documentation copies files to a collection of memcached servers
libmemcached-tools / memcdump(1)
Libmemcached documentation dump a list of keys from a server.
libmemcached-tools / memcerror(1)
Libmemcached documentation translates a memcached error code into a string
libmemcached-tools / memcexist(1)
Libmemcached documentation
libmemcached-tools / memcflush(1)
Libmemcached documentation reset a server or list of servers
libmemcached-tools / memcparse(1)
Libmemcached documentation copies files to a collection of memcached servers
libmemcached-tools / memcping(1)
Libmemcached documentation
libmemcached-tools / memcrm(1)
Libmemcached documentation memrm - remove a key(s) from a collection of memcached servers
libmemcached-tools / memcslap(1)
Libmemcached documentation
libmemcached-tools / memcstat(1)
Libmemcached documentation memstat - display the operating status of a single or group of memcached servers
libmemcached-tools / memctouch(1)
Libmemcached documentation
syslinux-utils / memdiskfind(1)
Memdiskfind simple utility to find a resident memdisk instance.
libroot-core-dev / memprobe(1)
Root utility to examine memory usage
kcachegrind-converters / memprof2calltree(1)
Convert memprof profiling data to kcachegrind calltree format
memstat / memstat(1)
Identify what's using up virtual memory.
manpages / memusage(1)
Profile memory usage of a program
manpages / memusagestat(1)
Generate graphic from memory profiling data
mencal / mencal(1)
Menstruation calendar
mendexk / mendex(1)
Programs to do something
texlive-binaries / mendex(1)
menhir / menhir(1)
Parser generator for ocaml
mensis / mensis(1)
To or for, by with or from truetype tables
mknbi / menuc(1)
Compile a menu description into a binary file
menulibre / menulibre(1)
Advanced fd.o compliant menu editor
rcs / merge(1)
Three-way file merge
ubuntu-dev-tools / merge-changelog(1)
Merges two changelogs with a common base
libbogl-dev / mergebdf(1)
Merge bdf fonts
devscripts / mergechanges(1)
Merge multiple changes files
xutils-dev / mergelib(1)
Merge one library into another
mergelog / mergelog(1)
A fast tool to merge http log files by date
pen / mergelogs(1)
Merge and consolidate web server logs
createrepo / mergerepo(1)
Merge multiple repositories together
canna / mergeword(1)
Merge words in canna dictionary files
merkaartor / merkaartor(1)
Map editor for openstreetmap.org
sysvinit-utils / mesg(1)
Control write access to your terminal
meshs3d / meshs3d(1)
Olsr/batman topology visualizer for s3d
meson / meson(1)
A high productivity build system
meson / mesonconf(1)
A tool to configure meson builds
meson-gui / mesongui(1)
A gui for the meson build system
mailutils / messages.mailutils(1)
Count the number of messages in a mailbox
metacam / metacam(1)
Extract exif information from digital camera files
metacity-common / metacity(1)
Minimal gtk3 window manager
metacity-common / metacity-message(1)
A command to send a message to metacity
metacity-common / metacity-theme-viewer(1)
View metacity themes
metacity-common / metacity-window-demo(1)
Demo of window features
dist / metaconfig(1)
A configure script generator
flac / metaflac(1)
Metaflac program to list, add, remove, or edit metadata in one or more flac files.
vclt-tools / metaflac2time(1)
Extract time information from metaflac output
dist / metalint(1)
A metaconfig unit consistency checker
metapixel / metapixel(1)
Generator for photomosaics
metapixel / metapixel-imagesize(1)
Generator for photomosaics
metapixel / metapixel-prepare(1)
Generator for photomosaics
metapixel / metapixel-sizesort(1)
Generator for photomosaics
metar / metar(1)
A metar downloader/decoder
metastore / metastore(1)
Stores and restores filesystem metadata
dist / metaxref(1)
Builds cross-reference file/unit/item information
meterbridge / meterbridge(1)
Meterbridge for jack audio connection kit
meterec / meterec(1)
Console multitrack audio recorder
meterec / meterec-init-conf(1)
Session-file creation for meterec.
gpm / mev(1)
A program to report mouse events
mew-beta-bin / mew-pinentry(1)
Simple pinentry for gpg-agent
mew-bin / mew-pinentry(1)
Simple pinentry for gpg-agent
mew-beta-bin / mewcat(1)
Mime encoder/decoder
mew-bin / mewcat(1)
Mime encoder/decoder
mew-beta-bin / mewdecode(1)
Mime encoder/decoder
mew-bin / mewdecode(1)
Mime encoder/decoder
mew-beta-bin / mewencode(1)
Mime encoder/decoder
mew-bin / mewencode(1)
Mime encoder/decoder
mew-beta-bin / mewest(1)
Register messages into an index for hyper estraier
mew-bin / mewest(1)
Register messages into an index for hyper estraier
mew-beta-bin / mewl(1)
Message scanner for mew 4 or later
mew-bin / mewl(1)
Message scanner for mew 4 or later
mew-beta-bin / mewstunnel(1)
Stunnel wrapper for mew
mew-bin / mewstunnel(1)
Stunnel wrapper for mew
texlive-binaries / mf(1)
Metafont, a language for font and logo design
texlive-binaries / mf-nowin(1)
Metafont, a language for font and logo design
mffm-timecode-dev / mffm-timecode(1)
Header files to handle multimedia data and time code
mtools / mformat(1)
texlive-binaries / mft(1)
Translate metafont or metapost code to tex code for prettyprinting
abcmidi / mftext(1)
Dump a midi file as text
tesseract-ocr / mftraining(1)
Feature training for tesseract
mummer / mgaps(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mgen / mgen(1)
The multi-generator for ip network performance tests
mathgl / mgl.cgi(1)
Execute mathgl scripts to produce png image.
mathgl / mglconv(1)
Execute mathgl scripts to generate graphical output.
mathgl / mglview(1)
Execute mathgl scripts and show in an window
mgm / mgm(1)
Mgm a gaudy system load meter
netpbm / mgrtopbm(1)
Convert a mgr bitmap into a portable bitmap
maven-repo-helper / mh_checkrepo(1)
Checks the maven repository.
maven-repo-helper / mh_clean(1)
Cleans the temporary files created by the other mh_* utilities.
maven-repo-helper / mh_cleanpom(1)
Cleans a pom file.
maven-debian-helper / mh_genrules(1)
Manual page for maven repo helper version 1.7.1
maven-repo-helper / mh_install(1)
Installs the pom files and the artifacts into /usr/share/maven-repo.
maven-repo-helper / mh_installjar(1)
Installs a jar into /usr/share/maven-repo.
maven-repo-helper / mh_installpom(1)
Installs a pom file into /usr/share/maven-repo.
maven-repo-helper / mh_installpoms(1)
Installs all poms for the package into /usr/share/maven-repo.
maven-repo-helper / mh_installsite(1)
Installs site.xml into /usr/share/maven-repo.
maven-repo-helper / mh_linkjar(1)
Creates a link in /usr/share/maven-repo for an existing jar.
maven-repo-helper / mh_linkjars(1)
Creates links in /usr/share/maven-repo for all jars.
maven-repo-helper / mh_linkrepojar(1)
Creates a link from a jar already installed in /usr/share/maven-repo.
maven-debian-helper / mh_lspoms(1)
Manual page for maven repo helper version 1.7.1
maven-debian-helper / mh_make(1)
Manual page for maven repo helper version 1.7.1
maven-repo-helper / mh_patchpom(1)
Patches one pom file using the maven dependency rules.
maven-repo-helper / mh_patchpoms(1)
Patches the pom files using the maven dependency rules.
maven-debian-helper / mh_resolve_dependencies(1)
Manual page for maven repo helper version 1.7.1
maven-repo-helper / mh_unpatchpoms(1)
Undo the patches on the pom files.
mhonarc / mha-dbedit(1)
Make database edits to a mhonarc archive
mhonarc / mha-dbrecover(1)
Rebuild a mhonarc archive database
mhonarc / mha-decode(1)
Decode mime messages
mhc-utils / mhc-sync(1)
Data synchronization tool for mhc
mhc-utils / mhc2palm(1)
Add/copy articles from mhc to palmos.
mhddfs / mhddfs(1)
The driver combines a several mount points into the single one.
ax25-tools / mheard(1)
Display ax.25 calls recently heard.
congruity / mhgui(1)
A gui to access the myharmony.com web service
mhonarc / mhonarc(1)
Convert mail/news messages to html
mhwaveedit / mhwaveedit(1)
A simple and fast gtk2 sound editor
mia-tools / mia-2davgmasked(1)
Evaluate average intensities of an image series.
mia-tools / mia-2dbinarycombine(1)
Combine two binary images.
mia-tools / mia-2dcost(1)
Evaluate the similarity between two 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2ddeform(1)
Transform a 2d image by means of a vector field.
mia-tools / mia-2ddistance(1)
Distance between binary masks.
mia-tools / mia-2deval-transformquantity(1)
Evaluate derivative of a transformation
mia-tools / mia-2dfluid(1)
Fluid dynamic 2d registration
mia-tools / mia-2dforce(1)
Registering force between two 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dfuzzysegment(1)
A fuzzy c-means segmentation of a 2d image
mia-tools / mia-2dgrayimage-combine-to-rgb(1)
Combine gray scale images to an rgb image.
mia-tools / mia-2dgroundtruthreg(1)
Registration of a series of 2d images
mia-tools / mia-2dimagecombine-dice(1)
Evaluate the dice index between two binary 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dimagecombiner(1)
Combine two 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dimagecreator(1)
Create a synthetic 2d image.
mia-tools / mia-2dimagefilter(1)
Run filters on a 2d image.
mia-tools / mia-2dimagefilterstack(1)
Run filters on a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dimagefullstats(1)
Evaluate some stats over an image.
mia-tools / mia-2dimageregistration(1)
Run a 2d image registration.
mia-tools / mia-2dimageselect(1)
Select one image from a multi-record file.
mia-tools / mia-2dimageseries-maximum-intensity-projection(1)
Evaluate maximum per-pixel intensities of an image series.
mia-tools / mia-2dimagestats(1)
Evaluate some statistics of a 2d image.
mia-tools / mia-2dlerp(1)
Linearly combine two 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmany2one-nonrigid(1)
Registration of a series of 2d images
mia-tools / mia-2dmultiimageto3d(1)
Convert a 2d multi-record image to a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-2dmultiimagevar(1)
Evaluate the intensity variation of pixels in a series of images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyocard-ica(1)
Run an ica analysis on a series of 2d images
mia-tools / mia-2dmyocard-icaseries(1)
Run an ica analysis on a series of 2d images
mia-tools / mia-2dmyocard-segment(1)
Work in progress
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoica-full(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoica-nonrigid(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoica-nonrigid-parallel(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoica-nonrigid2(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoicapgt(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyomilles(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoperiodic-nonrigid(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyopgt-nonrigid(1)
Run a registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoserial-nonrigid(1)
Run a serial registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoseries-compdice(1)
Evaluate the dice index between segmentations.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoseries-dice(1)
Evaluate the dice index between segmentations.
mia-tools / mia-2dmyoset-all2one-nonrigid(1)
Non-linear registration of a series of 2d images.
mia-tools / mia-2dsegcompare(1)
Evaluate the hausdorff distance between segmentations.
mia-tools / mia-2dseghausdorff(1)
Evaluate the hausdorff distance between segmentations.
mia-tools / mia-2dsegment-ahmed(1)
Run a fuzzy c-means segmentation of a 2d image.
mia-tools / mia-2dsegment-fuzzyw(1)
Run a fuzzy c-means segmentation of a 2d image.
mia-tools / mia-2dsegmentcropbox(1)
Evaluate a crop-box around a manual segmentation.
mia-tools / mia-2dsegseriesstats(1)
Evaluate time-intensity curves in masked regions of image series.
mia-tools / mia-2dsegshift(1)
Translate a segmentation by the given amount.
mia-tools / mia-2dsegshiftperslice(1)
Translate a segmentation by the given amount.
mia-tools / mia-2dseries-mincorr(1)
Evaluate minimal correlation of time-intensity curves.
mia-tools / mia-2dseries-sectionmask(1)
Evaluate masks from a segmentation.
mia-tools / mia-2dseries-segdistance(1)
Evaluate mean distance between segmentations.
mia-tools / mia-2dseries2dordermedian(1)
Evaluate time-intensity median 2nd order derivative of a series.
mia-tools / mia-2dseries2sets(1)
Combine images of a series to sets.
mia-tools / mia-2dseriescorr(1)
Evaluate the time-intensity correlation in a series of images.
mia-tools / mia-2dseriesgradMAD(1)
Evaluate the time-intensity gradient mad in a series of images.
mia-tools / mia-2dseriesgradvariation(1)
Evaluate the time-intensity gradient variation in a series of images.
mia-tools / mia-2dserieshausdorff(1)
Evaluate hausdorff distance between segmentation sets.
mia-tools / mia-2dseriessmoothgradMAD(1)
Evaluate pixel-wise time-intensity gradient of a 2d image series.
mia-tools / mia-2dseriestovolume(1)
Create a 3d volume from a segmentation series.
mia-tools / mia-2dstackfilter(1)
Filter a series of 2d images in a 3d fashion.
mia-tools / mia-2dto3dimage(1)
Combine a series of 2d images to a volume.
mia-tools / mia-2dto3dimageb(1)
Combine a series of 2d images to a volume.
mia-tools / mia-2dtrackpixelmovement(1)
Track positions in 2d
mia-tools / mia-2dtransform(1)
Transform a 2d image.
mia-tools / mia-2dtransformation-to-strain(1)
Green strain tensor.
mia-tools / mia-3dbinarycombine(1)
Combine two binary images.
mia-tools / mia-3dbrainextractT1(1)
Extract the brain from a 3d t1 mri head image.
mia-tools / mia-3dcombine-mr-segmentations(1)
Combine segmentations.
mia-tools / mia-3dcost(1)
Evaluate similarity of two 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dcost-translatedgrad(1)
Evaluate the cost gradient between two images and convert it to a spline representation.
mia-tools / mia-3dcrispsegment(1)
Label segmentation according to probabilities.
mia-tools / mia-3ddeform(1)
Transform a 3d image by means of a vector field.
mia-tools / mia-3ddistance(1)
Evaluate the distance between two binary shapes.
mia-tools / mia-3ddistance-stats(1)
Evaluate distance statistics for two labeled images.
mia-tools / mia-3deval-transformquantity(1)
Evaluate derivative of a transformation
mia-tools / mia-3dfield2norm(1)
Evaluate the norm image of a 3d vector field.
mia-tools / mia-3dfluid(1)
Fluid dynamic 3d registration
mia-tools / mia-3dforce(1)
Evaluate the registration force between two 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dfuzzysegment(1)
Fuzzy c-means segmentation of a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dgetsize(1)
Print the dimensions of a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dgetslice(1)
Extract slices from a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dimageaddattributes(1)
Add attributes to the meta data of a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dimagecombine(1)
Combine two 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dimagecreator(1)
Create a synthetic 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dimagefilter(1)
Filter a 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dimagefilterstack(1)
Filter a series of 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dimageselect(1)
Select one image from multi-image file.
mia-tools / mia-3dimagestats(1)
Evaluate some image statistics.
mia-tools / mia-3disosurface-from-stack(1)
Extract an ist-surface froma a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3disosurface-from-volume(1)
Extract an ist-surface froma a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dlandmarks-distances(1)
Evaluate per landmark distances between 3d landmark sets.
mia-tools / mia-3dlandmarks-transform(1)
Transform 3d landmark positions.
mia-tools / mia-3dlerp(1)
Linearly combine two 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dmany2one-nonrigid(1)
Registration of series of 3d images
mia-tools / mia-3dmaskseeded(1)
Mask an area by seeded region growing
mia-tools / mia-3dmotioncompica-nonrigid(1)
Non-linear registration of a series of 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dnonrigidreg(1)
Non-linear registration of 3d images
mia-tools / mia-3dnonrigidreg-alt(1)
Non-linear registration of 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dprealign-nonrigid(1)
Registration of a series of 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3drigidreg(1)
Linear registration of 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dsegment-ahmed(1)
Run a fuzzy c-means segmentation of a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dserial-nonrigid(1)
Serial registration of 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dseries-track-intensity(1)
Track intensities of pixels in series of 3d images.
mia-tools / mia-3dtrackpixelmovement(1)
Track positions in 3d
mia-tools / mia-3dtransform(1)
Transform a 3d image.
mia-tools / mia-3dtransform2vf(1)
Create vectorfield from a transformation.
mia-tools / mia-3dvectorfieldcreate(1)
3d vector field creation.
mia-tools / mia-3dvf2transform(1)
Convert a 3d vectorfield from a 3d transformation.
mia-tools / mia-3dvfcompare(1)
Compare two vectorfields.
mia-tools / mia-cmeans(1)
C-means classification of a histogram.
mia-tools / mia-filenumberpattern(1)
File name number pattern analysis
mia-tools / mia-labelsort(1)
Create sorted histogram mapping
mialmpick / mia-lmpick(1)
3d volume visualization and landmark picking
mia-tools / mia-meshdistance-to-stackmask(1)
Evaluate the distance between a binary shape given as reference and a mesh.
mia-tools / mia-meshfilter(1)
Run filters on a 3d mesh.
mia-tools / mia-multihist(1)
Histogram of a series of 2d images
mia-tools / mia-myowavelettest(1)
Wavelet based curve analysis
mia-tools / mia-plugin-help(1)
Print help about plug-in groups
mia-tools / mia-raw2image(1)
Convert raw data into a 2d image
mia-tools / mia-raw2volume(1)
Convert raw data into a 3d image
mia-viewit / mia-viewitgui(1)
Visualization of 3d data
mia-tools / mia-wavelettrans(1)
Column wise wavelet transform
libsnmp-dev / mib2c(1)
Generate template code for extending the agent
libsnmp-dev / mib2c-update(1)
Script to merge custom code into updated mib2c code
mitools / micalc(1)
Performs basic mathematics with data sets
mitools / miconv(1)
Converts medical image data between formats.
micro-inetd / micro-inetd(1)
Simple network service spawner
seqan-apps / micro_razers(1)
Micro_razers synopsis micro_razers [options] genome file reads file description microrazers uses a prefix-based mapping strategy to map small rna reads possibly containing 3' adapter sequence. (c) copyright 2009 by anne-katrin emde. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information main options:: -o, --output file change output filename. default: reads file.result. -rr, --recognition-rate num set the percent recognition rate in range [80..100]. default: 100. -sl, --seed-length num seed length in range [10..inf]. default: 16. -se, --seed-error allow for one error in the seed -f, --forward map reads only to forward strands. -r, --reverse map reads only to reverse strands. -mn, --match-n 'n' matches with all other characters -m, --max-hits num output only num of the best hits in range [1..inf]. default: 100. -pa, --purge-ambiguous purge reads with more than max-hits best matches -lm, --low-memory decrease memory usage at the expense of runtime -v, --verbose verbose mode -vv, --vverbose very verbose mode output format options:: -of, --output-format num set output format. 0 = microrazers format, 1 = sam. in range [0..1]. -a, --alignment dump the alignment for each match -gn, --genome-naming num select how genomes are named. 0 = use fasta id, 1 = enumerate beginning with 1. in range [0..1]. default: 0. -rn, --read-naming num select how reads are named. 0 = use fasta id, 1 = enumerate beginning with 1. in range [0..1]. default: 0. -so, --sort-order num select how matches are sorted. 0 = read number, 1 = genome position. in range [0..1]. default: 0. -pf, --position-format num select begin/end position numbering (see coordinate section below). 0 = gap space, 1 = position space. in range [0..1]. default: 0. version micro_razers version: 1.0.1 last update jul 2009
microcom / microcom(1)
A minimalistic terminal program
microdc2 / microdc2(1)
A command-line based direct connect client
microhope / microhope(1)
Interactive program to learn microcontroller programming.
microhope / microhope-doc(1)
Documentation for the program microhope.
altos / micropeak(1)
Micropeak logging altimeter download and analysis
python-mutagen / mid3cp(1)
Copy id3 tags
python-mutagen / mid3iconv(1)
Convert id3 tag encodings
python-mutagen / mid3v2(1)
Audio tag editor similar to 'id3v2'
midge / midge(1)
Generate midi file from text description of music
abcmidi / midi2abc(1)
Program to convert midi format files to abc notation
lilypond / midi2ly(1)
Manual page for midi2ly (lilypond) 2.18.2
midge / midi2mg(1)
Convert a midi file into midge(1) text format.
abcmidi / midicopy(1)
Copy selected track, channel, time interval of a midi file to another midi file
mididings / mididings(1)
Midi router and processor
midisnoop / midisnoop(1)
Midi monitor and prober for jack audio connection kit.
mig / mig(1)
Mach interface generator
tinyos-tools / mig(1)
Message interface generator for tinyos
python-migrate / migrate(1)
Database schema migration for sqlalchemy
python-migrate / migrate-repository(1)
Migration of pre 0.4.5 sqlalchemy migrate repositories
389-ds-base / migratecred(1)
Migrate credentials from one instance of directory server to another
libmikmatch-ocaml-dev / mikmatch_pcre(1)
Ocaml toplevels with mikmatch loaded
libmikmatch-ocaml-dev / mikmatch_str(1)
Ocaml toplevels with mikmatch loaded
mikmod / mikmod(1)
Play soundtracker etc. modules on a unix machine.
mikutter / mikutter(1)
Simple, powerful and moeful twitter client
milkytracker / milkyplay(1)
Module player
milkytracker / milkytracker(1)
Music creation tool inspired by fast tracker 2
node-millstone / millstone(1)
Localize carto mml project files
topal / mime-tool(1)
A simple program to construct mime messages with attached files
mimefilter / mimefilter(1)
Filter a mime message stripping unwanted mime parts
sqwebmail / mimegpg(1)
Mime-gpg utility
mimetex / mimetex(1)
Latex math expressions to anti-aliased gif images converter
mailutils / mimeview(1)
Display files, using mailcap mechanism.
mimms / mimms(1)
Mms (e.g. mms://) stream downloader
printer-driver-min12xxw / min12xxw(1)
Convert pbmraw streams to minolta pagepro 12xxw languages
minc-tools / minc_modify_header(1)
Modify the attributes in the header of a minc file
minc-tools / mincaverage(1)
Average minc files
minc-tools / mincblob(1)
Calculate blobs from minc deformation grids
minc-tools / minccalc(1)
Perform complex math operations on minc files
minc-tools / minccmp(1)
Compare one or more minc file using comparator operators
minc-tools / mincconcat(1)
Concatenate minc files along a specific dimension
minc-tools / mincconvert(1)
Convert between minc 1 to minc 2 format.
minc-tools / minccopy(1)
Copy minc image values from one minc file to another
minc-tools / mincdiff(1)
Report differences between minc files
minc-tools / mincedit(1)
Edit a minc file header
minc-tools / mincexpand(1)
Expands a compressed minc file, if necessary.
minc-tools / mincextract(1)
Dump a hyperslab of minc file data
minc-tools / mincgen(1)
Generate a minc file from a cdl file.
minc-tools / mincheader(1)
Prints out header information for a minc file
minc-tools / mincinfo(1)
Print out specified information about a minc file
minc-tools / minclookup(1)
Perform lookup table conversions on minc files
minc-tools / mincmakescalar(1)
Convert vector minc files to scalar
minc-tools / mincmakevector(1)
Convert a list of scalar minc files into one vector file
minc-tools / mincmath(1)
Perform simple math operations on minc files
minc-tools / mincresample(1)
Resamples a minc file along new spatial dimensions
minc-tools / mincreshape(1)
Cuts a hyperslab out of a minc file (with dimension re-ordering)
minc-tools / mincstats(1)
Calculate simple statistics across voxels of a minc file
minc-tools / minctoecat(1)
Convert a minc format file to an ecat7 format file
minc-tools / minctoraw(1)
Copy data from a minc file.
minc-tools / mincview(1)
View a minc file
minc-tools / mincwindow(1)
Limit voxel values to a given range
mtools / minfo(1)
python-mini-buildd / mini-buildd-tool(1)
Mini-buildd-tool - user/client tool box for mini-buildd instances.
mini-dinstall / mini-dinstall(1)
Daemon for updating debian packages in a repository
tcputils / mini-inetd(1)
Small tcp/ip connection dispatcher
gnome-applets / mini_commander_applet(1)
Mini-commander applet for the gnome panel.
minicom / minicom(1)
Friendly serial communication program
minidjvu / minidjvu(1)
Encode/decode black-and-white djvu pages
minilzip / minilzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
minimodem / minimodem(1)
General-purpose software audio fsk modem
minirok / minirok(1)
A small music player written in python
minisat / minisat(1)
Fast and lightweight sat solver
minisat+ / minisat+(1)
A solver for pseudo-boolean constraints
ladr4-apps / miniscope(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
minissdpd / minissdpd(1)
Daemon keeping track of upnp devices up
minitube / minitube(1)
Native youtube client
minizip / miniunzip(1)
Uncompress and examine zip archives
minizip / minizip(1)
Create zip archives
minlog / minlog(1)
Starts emacs and runs minlog in it.
stda / mintegrate(1)
Evaluate average/sum/integral/derivative of 1-d numerical data
mipe / mipe06to07(1)
Reads a mipe file version 0.6 and prints it in version 0.7
mipe / mipe08to09(1)
Reads a mipe file version 0.8 and prints it in version 0.9
mipe / mipe0_9to1_0(1)
Reads a mipe file version 0.9 and prints it in version 1.0
mipe / mipe2dbSTS(1)
Generates input file for submission to dbsts
mipe / mipe2fas(1)
Generates fasta file
mipe / mipe2genotypes(1)
Generates list of genotypes from a mipe file
mipe / mipe2html(1)
Generates html page based on mipe file
mipe / mipe2pcroverview(1)
Generates overview of pcrs from a mipe file
mipe / mipe2pcrprimers(1)
Generates list of pcrprimers from a mipe file
mipe / mipe2putativesbeprimers(1)
Generates list of putative sbe primers from a mipe file
mipe / mipe2sbeprimers(1)
Generates list of sbe primers from a mipe file
mipe / mipe2snps(1)
Generates list of snps from a mipe file
mipe / mipeCheckSanity(1)
Check sanity of mipe file, focussing on contents (vs 'form', that can be checked using xmllint)
aqsis / miqser(1)
Rib processor from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
mira-assembler / mira(1)
The genome and est sequence assembly system
mira-assembler / miraSearchESTSNPs(1)
Pipeline to discover snps in ests from different strains
mira-assembler / mirabait(1)
Select reads from a read collection
mira-assembler / miradiff(1)
Diff two data sets of mira(1)
mirage / mirage(1)
A fast and simple gtk+ image viewer
mira-assembler / miramem(1)
Estimating needed memory for a mira assembly project
mira-assembler / miramer(1)
Handle k-mer statistics of a data set
mruby / mirb(1)
Embeddable interactive ruby shell
miri-sdr / miri_sdr(1)
An i/q recorder for mirics sdr devices
ladr4-apps / mirror-flip(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
omt / mirrortool(1)
Opal mirror tool (omt)
moreutils / mispipe(1)
Pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first
missidentify / missidentify(1)
Find executable files without an executable extension
mit-scheme / mit-scheme(1)
Scheme development environment
mit-scheme / mit-scheme-i486(1)
Scheme development environment
mitmproxy / mitmproxy(1)
A man-in-the-middle proxy
mitools / miview(1)
Viewer for medical image files
miwm / miwm(1)
A minimal appearance, full-function window manager
miwm / miwm-session(1)
Start up the miwm window manager
gnome-applets / mixer_applet(1)
Mixer applet for the gnome panel.
mixmaster / mixmaster(1)
Anonymous remailer software
mixmaster / mixmaster-filter(1)
Wrapper around mixmaster that removes unwanted header lines
mixmaster / mixmaster-update(1)
Fetch new reliability stats and keyrings for mixmaster
mixxx / mixxx(1)
Mixxx a digital disc jockey interface
ubuntu-dev-tools / mk-sbuild(1)
Creates chroots via schroot and sbuild
tex4ht / mk4ht(1)
A system for authoring hypertext with tex and friends
oggvideotools / mkThumbs(1)
Script to create thumbnails from an ogg video file
gromacs-data / mk_angndx(1)
Generate index files for 'gmx angle'
gromacs-data / mk_angndx_d(1)
Generate index files for 'gmx angle'
ss-dev / mk_cmds(1)
Error table compiler
dvdwizard / mk_vmgm(1)
Mk_vmgm automated creation of main menu of the dvd (vmgm)
dvdwizard / mk_vtsm(1)
Mk_vmgm automated creation of titleset menus of the dvd (vtsm)
pcp / mkaf(1)
Create a performance co-pilot archive folio
enscript / mkafmmap(1)
Creates font map for afm files
atfs / mkatfs(1)
Create and configure atfs object repository and derived object cache
canna / mkbindic(1)
Convert a text-form dictionary into a binary-form dictionary
potrace / mkbitmap(1)
Transform images into bitmaps with scaling and filtering
mono-devel / mkbundle(1)
Creates a bundled executable.
mk-configure / mkc_check_custom(1)
Run user's custom checks.
mk-configure / mkc_check_decl(1)
Checks for define, function, variable, type or function prototype.
mk-configure / mkc_check_funclib(1)
Detects presense of function in a library.
mk-configure / mkc_check_header(1)
Detects presense of header file.
mk-configure / mkc_check_prog(1)
Detects presense of header file.
mk-configure / mkc_check_sizeof(1)
Detects a sizeof(type).
camlp4 / mkcamlp4(1)
Pre-processor-pretty-printer for objective caml
camlp5 / mkcamlp5(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
camlp5 / mkcamlp5.opt(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
snacc / mkchdr(1)
Creates a c header file from a type table
mk-configure / mkcmake(1)
Wrapper for bmake using mk-configure's mk files and sys.mk
mkcue / mkcue(1)
Mkcue generates a cue sheet from a cd
darts / mkdarts(1)
Convert sorted dictionary data to doublearray file
canna-utils / mkdic(1)
Tool for creating a user dictionary
coreutils / mkdir(1)
Make directories
xutils-dev / mkdirhier(1)
Makes a directory hierarchy
syslinux-utils / mkdiskimage(1)
Create a blank ms-dos formatted hard disk image
dns323-firmware-tools / mkdns323fw(1)
Build firmware images for the dns-323 from a kernel and initrd
mknbi / mkelf-linux(1)
Make network bootable image
mknbi / mkelf-menu(1)
Make network bootable image
eot-utils / mkeot(1)
Generate embedded opentype
epm / mkepmlist(1)
Make an epm list file from a directory.
coreutils / mkfifo(1)
Make fifos (named pipes)
xfonts-utils / mkfontdir(1)
Create an index of x font files in a directory
xfonts-utils / mkfontscale(1)
Create an index of scalable font files for x
cpmtools / mkfs.cpm(1)
Make a cp/m file system
mtd-utils / mkfs.jffs2(1)
Create a jffs2 file system image from directory
s3ql / mkfs.s3ql(1)
Create an s3ql file system
mkgmap / mkgmap(1)
Generate garmin maps from openstreetmap data
mkgmapgui / mkgmapgui(1)
Graphical user interface for mkgmap
xutils-dev / mkhtmlindex(1)
Generate index files for html man pages
id-utils / mkid(1)
Build an identifier database
u-boot-tools / mkimage(1)
Generate image for u-boot
texlive-extra-utils / mkjobtexmf(1)
Generate a texmf tree for a particular job
mklibs / mklibs(1)
Make a minimal set of libraries
mklibs-copy / mklibs-copy(1)
Make a minimal set of libraries
mklibs-copy / mklibs-readelf(1)
Prints informations about elf shared objects and executables
mknbi / mklnim(1)
Make linux netinstall image
mtools / mkmanifest(1)
mknbi / mknbi(1)
Make network bootable image
mknbi / mknbi-dos(1)
Make network bootable image
mknbi / mknbi-fdos(1)
Make network bootable image
mknbi / mknbi-linux(1)
Make network bootable image
mknbi / mknbi-menu(1)
Make network bootable image
mknbi / mknbi-rom(1)
Make network bootable image
mknfonts.tool / mknfonts(1)
Create nfont packages
namazu2-index-tools / mknmz(1)
An indexer of namazu
coreutils / mknod(1)
Make block or character special files
liboctave-dev / mkoctfile(1)
Compile dynamic-load modules for gnu octave
whois / mkpasswd(1)
Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)
libavc1394-tools / mkrfc2734(1)
Make linux 2.4 ip over ieee 1394 capable.
canna-utils / mkromdic(1)
To compile romaji-kana conversion table
squashfs-tools / mksquashfs(1)
Tool to create and append to squashfs filesystems
coreutils / mktemp(1)
Create a temporary file or directory
texlive-base / mktexfmt(1)
Utility for maintaining tex format files fmtutil-sys - utility for maintaining tex format files system-wide
texlive-binaries / mktexlsr(1)
Create ls-r databases
texlive-binaries / mktexmf(1)
Create a metafont source file
texlive-binaries / mktexpk(1)
Create a pk file for a font
texlive-binaries / mktextfm(1)
Create a tfm file for a font
mktorrent / mktorrent(1)
Simple bittorrent metainfo file creator
gnupod-tools / mktunes(1)
Convert gnutunesdb's xml into itunesdb format
udftools / mkudffs(1)
Create an udf filesystem
mkvtoolnix / mkvextract(1)
Extract tracks from matroska(tm) files into other files
console-cyrillic / mkvgafont(1)
Produces fonts for x servers from a raw-console font.
mkvtoolnix / mkvinfo(1)
Print information about elements in matroska(tm) files
mkvtoolnix / mkvinfo-text(1)
Print information about elements in matroska(tm) files
mkvtoolnix / mkvmerge(1)
Merge multimedia streams into a matroska(tm) file
mkvtoolnix / mkvpropedit(1)
Modify properties of existing matroska(tm) files without a complete remux
genisoimage / mkzftree(1)
Create a zisofs/rockridge compressed file tree
ml-lpt / ml-antlr(1)
Parser generator for standard ml
smlnj / ml-build(1)
For generating standalone programs
ml-burg / ml-burg(1)
A tree parser generator for standard ml
ml-lex / ml-lex(1)
A parser generator for ml
smlnj / ml-makedepend(1)
List files a ml program depends upon
ml-nlffigen / ml-nlffigen(1)
Sml no longer foreign function interface tool
ml-lpt / ml-ulex(1)
Lexer generator for standard ml
ml-yacc / ml-yacc(1)
A parser generator for ml
sloccount / ml_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
mtools / mlabel(1)
svtools / mlcat(1)
Cat frontend for multilog files
mlterm-tools / mlcc(1)
Simple configurator for mlterm
mlterm-tools / mlclient(1)
Client for mlterm
mldonkey-server / mldonkey(1)
Your door to edonkey, directconnect, gnutella, bittorent, overnet, opennap networks
mldonkey-server / mldonkey_command(1)
A wrapper to send command to a mlnet server.
mldonkey-server / mldonkey_files(1)
A files source filter for mlnet init file.
mldonkey-server / mldonkey_options(1)
A configuration editor for mlnet init file.
mldonkey-server / mldonkey_submit(1)
A wrapper to send ed2k link to a mlnet server.
mldonkey-gui / mlgui(1)
The client of the mldonkey server.
mldonkey-gui / mlguistarter(1)
A simple wrapper of mlnet to ask if mlgui need to be started.
svtools / mlhead(1)
Head frontend for multilog files
fastlink / mlink(1)
Calculates lod scores and risk with two of more loci
mlton-tools / mllex(1)
Lexer generator for use with standard ml and mlton
python-hl7 / mllp_send(1)
Mllp network client python-hl7 features a simple network client, mllp_send, which reads hl7 messages from a file or sys.stdin and posts them to an mllp server. mllp_send is a command-line wrapper around hl7.client.mllpclient. mllp_send is a useful tool for testing hl7 interfaces or resending logged messages:
mlmmj / mlmmj-bounce(1)
Bounce handling utility for mlmmj
mlmmj / mlmmj-list(1)
List people / subscribers associated with a list
mlmmj / mlmmj-maintd(1)
Maintenance for mlmmj maintained lists
mlmmj / mlmmj-make-ml(1)
Create a mailing list for mlmmj
mlmmj / mlmmj-process(1)
Process mail for an mlmmj managed mailinglist
mlmmj / mlmmj-receive(1)
Receive mails for an mlmmj managed mailinglist
mlmmj / mlmmj-send(1)
Send mail to a mailinglist or similar
mlmmj / mlmmj-sub(1)
Subscribe address to a mailinglist run by mlmmj
mlmmj / mlmmj-unsub(1)
Unsubscribe address from a mailinglist run by mlmmj
mmv / mln(1)
mldonkey-server / mlnet(1)
Your door to edonkey, directconnect, gnutella, bittorent, overnet, opennap networks
mlton-tools / mlnlffigen(1)
Glue-code generator for use with the new "nlffi" foreign function interface for standard ml and mlton
mlocate / mlocate(1)
Find files by name
mlpack-bin / mlpack_allkfn(1)
All k-furthest-neighbors
mlpack-bin / mlpack_allknn(1)
All k-nearest-neighbors
mlpack-bin / mlpack_allkrann(1)
All k-rank-approximate-nearest-neighbors
mlpack-bin / mlpack_cf(1)
Collaborating filtering
mlpack-bin / mlpack_decision_stump(1)
Decision stump
mlpack-bin / mlpack_det(1)
Density estimation with density estimation trees
mlpack-bin / mlpack_emst(1)
Fast euclidean minimum spanning tree
mlpack-bin / mlpack_fastmks(1)
Fastmks (fast max-kernel search)
mlpack-bin / mlpack_gmm(1)
Gaussian mixture model (gmm) training
mlpack-bin / mlpack_hmm_generate(1)
Hidden markov model (hmm) sequence generator
mlpack-bin / mlpack_hmm_loglik(1)
Hidden markov model (hmm) sequence log-likelihood
mlpack-bin / mlpack_hmm_train(1)
Hidden markov model (hmm) training
mlpack-bin / mlpack_hmm_viterbi(1)
Hidden markov model (hmm) viterbi state prediction
mlpack-bin / mlpack_kernel_pca(1)
Kernel principal components analysis
mlpack-bin / mlpack_kmeans(1)
K-means clustering
mlpack-bin / mlpack_lars(1)
mlpack-bin / mlpack_linear_regression(1)
Simple linear regression and prediction
mlpack-bin / mlpack_local_coordinate_coding(1)
Local coordinate coding
mlpack-bin / mlpack_logistic_regression(1)
L2-regularized logistic regression and prediction
mlpack-bin / mlpack_lsh(1)
All k-approximate-nearest-neighbor search with lsh
mlpack-bin / mlpack_nbc(1)
Parametric naive bayes classifier
mlpack-bin / mlpack_nca(1)
Neighborhood components analysis (nca)
mlpack-bin / mlpack_nmf(1)
Non-negative matrix factorization
mlpack-bin / mlpack_pca(1)
Principal components analysis
mlpack-bin / mlpack_perceptron(1)
mlpack-bin / mlpack_radical(1)
mlpack-bin / mlpack_range_search(1)
Range search
mlpack-bin / mlpack_sparse_coding(1)
Sparse coding
mlpost / mlpost(1)
Wrapper around ocaml and metapost for the mlpost library
mlton-tools / mlprof(1)
Display profiling information for a mlton-compiled executable
svtools / mltac(1)
Tac frontend for multilog files
svtools / mltail(1)
Tail frontend for multilog files
mlterm / mlterm(1)
Multi lingual terminal emulator on x
mlterm-tiny / mlterm(1)
Multi lingual terminal emulator on x
mlton-compiler / mlton(1)
Whole-program compiler for the standard ml (sml) programming language
mlv-smile / mlv-smile(1)
Inference of structured signals in multiple sequences
mlton-tools / mlyacc(1)
Parser generator for use with standard ml and mlton
mm-common / mm-common-prepare(1)
Prepare a c++ binding module to use mm-common
libmm-dev / mm-config(1)
Ossp mm library configuration/build utility
mm3d / mm3d(1)
Misfit model 3d
lcdf-typetools / mmafm(1)
Creates afm font metrics for multiple master fonts
mmake / mmake(1)
mmass / mmass(1)
A free mass spectrometry tool for proteomics
sleuthkit / mmcat(1)
Output the contents of a partition to stdout
mtools / mmd(1)
simh / mmdir(1)
Dumps the directory of a simulated interdata mdm tape
python-kaa-metadata / mminfo(1)
Kaa metadata media info.
scotch / mmk_m2(1)
Create source meshes
scotch / mmk_m2-int32(1)
Create source meshes
scotch / mmk_m2-int64(1)
Create source meshes
scotch / mmk_m2-long(1)
Create source meshes
node-carto / mml2json(1)
Cascadenik map definition xml to json converter
389-ds-base / mmldif(1)
Mmldif util
sleuthkit / mmls(1)
Display the partition layout of a volume system (partition tables)
mmorph / mmorph(1)
Multext morphology tool
mtools / mmount(1)
mtools / mmove(1)
lcdf-typetools / mmpfb(1)
Creates single-master fonts from multiple master fonts
groff / mmroff(1)
Cross reference preprocessor
sleuthkit / mmstat(1)
Display details about the volume system (partition tables)
mmv / mmv(1)
stda / mmval(1)
Find minimum and maximum value in a data set
minc-tools / mnc2nii(1)
Convert a minc format file to a nifti-1 or analyze format file.
mactelnet-client / mndp(1)
A tool for discovering other routeros or mactelnetd devices
python-mne / mne(1)
Meg and eeg data analysis
mnemosyne / mnemosyne(1)
Spaced repetition flash-card program
mnemosyne-blog / mnemosyne-blog(1)
Weblog compiler
moap / moap(1)
Moap helps you maintain projects.
mobile-atlas-creator / mobile-atlas-creator(1)
Program to create atlas archive for mobile devices
mobyle / mobyle(1)
Framework and web portal specifically aimed at the integration of bioinformatics software and databanks.
libqt4-dev-bin / moc-qt4(1)
Generate qt meta object support code
qtbase5-dev-tools / moc-qt5(1)
Generate qt meta object support code
mocha / mocha(1)
Simple, flexible, fun test framework
mock / mock(1)
Build srpms in a chroot
mock / mockchain(1)
Chain package builder.
moc / mocp(1)
Console audio player
mono-apache-server2 / mod-mono-server2(1)
Mono asp.net web server (xsp and xsp2)
mono-apache-server4 / mod-mono-server4(1)
Mono asp.net web server (xsp and xsp2)
opencaster / mod2sec(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
lirc / mode2(1)
Shows the pulse/space length of infrared signals
scilab-full-bin / modelicac(1)
Modelicac is a compiler for a subset of the modelica language including parts of the 'equation' subset that can express relations between real variable.
fbset / modeline2fb(1)
Simple modeline to fb.modes translator
modem-manager-gui / modem-manager-gui(1)
Simple graphical interface for modem manager daemon.
gnome-applets / modemlights_applet(1)
Modem lights applet for the gnome panel.
gr-air-modes / modes_gui(1)
Gnuradio mode-s/ads-b receiver
gr-air-modes / modes_rx(1)
Gnuradio mode-s/ads-b receiver
libyubikey-dev / modhex(1)
Convert data to/from modhex encoding
createrepo / modifyrepo(1)
Modify a repomd (xml-rpm-metadata) repository
modplug-tools / modplug123(1)
A commandline music mod player using libmodplug
modplug-tools / modplugplay(1)
A commandline music mod player using libmodplug
bibutils / modsclean(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
sloccount / modula3_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
environment-modules / module(1)
Command interface to the modules package
python-mutagen / moggsplit(1)
Split ogg logical streams
imagemagick / mogrify-im6(1)
Resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw on, flip, join, re-sample, and much more. mogrify overwrites the original image file, whereas, convert(1) writes to a different image file.
python-moinmoin / moin(1)
Moinmoin wiki management command-line interface
python-moinmoin / moin-update-wikilist(1)
Add or remove user from /etc/moin/wikilist
python-moksha.hub / moksha-hub(1)
Moksha hub cli
mpqc-support / molrender(1)
Render a molecule input file in a variety of ways
mona / mona(1)
A decision procedure for the logics ws1s and ws2s
monajat-applet / monajat-applet(1)
Islamic supplications tray applet
monajat-mod / monajat-mod(1)
Islamic supplications console utility
weboob / monboob(1)
Daemon to send and check messages
mon / moncmd(1)
Send commands to mon daemon and show the results.
mon / monfailures(1)
Lists mon failures
mongodb-clients / mongo(1)
Mongodb shell
mongodb-server / mongod(1)
Mongodb server
mongodb-clients / mongodump(1)
mongodb-clients / mongoexport(1)
mongodb-clients / mongofiles(1)
mongodb-clients / mongoimport(1)
mongodb-clients / mongooplog(1)
Mongodb new in version 2.2.
mongodb-clients / mongoperf(1)
mongodb-clients / mongorestore(1)
mongodb-server / mongos(1)
Mongodb shard utility
mongodb-clients / mongosniff(1)
mongodb-clients / mongostat(1)
mongodb-clients / mongotop(1)
mongrel2-core / mongrel2(1)
Mongrel2 web server
lprng / monitor(1)
Receive logging information from lpd
monkeysign / monkeyscan(1)
Sign a key in a safe fashion using a webcam to scan for qr-codes
monkeysign / monkeysign(1)
Sign a key in a safe fashion.
monkeysphere / monkeysphere(1)
Monkeysphere client user interface
monkeystudio / monkeystudio(1)
Qt 4 integrated development environment (ide)
mono-devel / mono-cil-strip(1)
Mono cil strip
mono-utils / mono-find-provides(1)
No manpage for this program.
mono-utils / mono-find-requires(1)
No manpage for this program.
mono-2.0-service / mono-service2(1)
Mono serviceprocess host
mono-devel / mono-shlib-cop(1)
Shared library usage checker
mono-devel / mono-xmltool(1)
Mono xml validation and transformation tool.
monobristol / monobristol(1)
Simple gui for bristol.
monodevelop / monodevelop(1)
No manpage for this program.
mono-utils / monodis(1)
Cil image content dumper and disassembler.
monodoc-browser / monodoc(1)
Gui mono documentation browser
monodoc-http / monodoc-http(1)
No manpage for this program.
monodoc-base / monodocer(1)
Ecma documentation format support
monodoc-base / monodocs2html(1)
Translate monodoc xml to html
mono-utils / monograph(1)
No manpage for this program.
mono-devel / monop(1)
Mono class outline viewer
mono-devel / monop2(1)
Mono class outline viewer
monotone-viz / monotone-viz(1)
Visualize a monotone repository
mon / monshow(1)
Show operational status of mon server.
imagemagick / montage-im6(1)
Create a composite image by combining several separate images. the images are tiled on the composite image optionally adorned with a border, frame, image name, and more.
moodbar / moodbar(1)
Program to compute mood bars for audio files
predict / moontracker(1)
Calculate az and el to the moon
mooproxy / mooproxy(1)
A buffering proxy for moo connections
moosic / moosic(1)
A command-line client for the moosic jukebox system.
moosic / moosicd(1)
The server for the moosic jukebox system.
mopidy / mopidy(1)
Music server
scotch / mord(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of meshes
scotch / mord-int32(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of meshes
scotch / mord-int64(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of meshes
scotch / mord-long(1)
Compute sparse matrix orderings of meshes
util-linux / more(1)
File perusal filter for crt viewing
palp / mori-11d.x(1)
Star triangulations of a polytope p* in n
palp / mori-4d.x(1)
Star triangulations of a polytope p* in n
palp / mori-5d.x(1)
Star triangulations of a polytope p* in n
palp / mori-6d.x(1)
Star triangulations of a polytope p* in n
palp / mori.x(1)
Star triangulations of a polytope p* in n
morla / morla(1)
Editor and browser of rdf document 0.16.1
morse / morse(1)
Morse-code trainer and qso generator for aspiring radio hams
morse-simulator / morse(1)
A robotics simulator based upon the blender game engine
morse-simulator / morse-add(1)
Adds a component to a morse simulation environment
morse-simulator / morse-check(1)
Checks the morse configuration
morse-simulator / morse-create(1)
Creates a morse simulation environment
morse-simulator / morse-edit(1)
Loads a morse simulation for further edition
morse-simulator / morse-import(1)
Imports a morse simulation environment
morse-simulator / morse-rm(1)
Removes a morse simulation environment
morse-simulator / morse-run(1)
Runs a morse simulation
morse2ascii / morse2ascii(1)
Tool for decoding the morse codes from a pcm wav file
morse / morseALSA(1)
Morse-code trainer and qso generator for aspiring radio hams
morse / morseLinux(1)
Morse-code trainer and qso generator for aspiring radio hams
morse / morseOSS(1)
Morse-code trainer and qso generator for aspiring radio hams
morse / morseX11(1)
Morse-code trainer and qso generator for aspiring radio hams
morse-simulator / morseexec(1)
Run a python script with the default scene
morsegen / morsegen(1)
Convert file to ascii morse code
mosh / mosh(1)
Mobile shell with roaming and intelligent local echo
mosh / mosh-client(1)
Client-side helper for mosh
mosh / mosh-server(1)
Server-side helper for mosh
mosquitto / mosquitto_passwd(1)
Manage password files for mosquitto
mosquitto-clients / mosquitto_pub(1)
An mqtt version 3.1 client for publishing simple messages
mosquitto-clients / mosquitto_sub(1)
An mqtt version 3.1 client for subscribing to topics
most / most(1)
Browse or page through a text file
tinyos-tools / motelist(1)
Locate connected usb devices
mothur / mothur(1)
Sequence analysis suite for research on microbiota
motion / motion(1)
Detect motion using a video4linux device
gpsman / mou2gmn(1)
Convert mapsonus files into gpsmanager files
aptfs / mount.aptfs(1)
A fuse filesystem that displays unpacked sources packages from apt
ecryptfs-utils / mount.ecryptfs_private(1)
Ecryptfs private mount helper.
fuse-posixovl / mount.posixovl(1)
Fuse file system that provides posix functionality
s3ql / mount.s3ql(1)
Mount an s3ql file system
wikipediafs / mount.wikipediafs(1)
Mount.wikipediafs a program to mount wikipediafs, a filesystem that allows one to view and edit wikipedia articles as if they were real files.
initscripts / mountpoint(1)
See if a directory is a mountpoint
mountpy / mountpy(1)
Program for quick automatic mounting and umounting of external filesystems, especially suited for usb removable devices.
mousepad / mousepad(1)
Mousepad simple text editor for xfce
mousetweaks / mousetweaks(1)
Accessibility enhancements for pointing devices
mailutils / movemail.mailutils(1)
Move messages across mailboxes.
dcmtk / movescu(1)
Dicom retrieve (c-move) scu
videotrans / movie-compare-dvd(1)
Test whether a burn was successful
videotrans / movie-fakewavspeed(1)
Internal videotrans commands
videotrans / movie-make-title(1)
Creates a title sequence that can be used to create a menu with movie-title
videotrans / movie-make-title-simple(1)
Creates a simple title sequence that can be used to create a menu with movie-title
videotrans / movie-progress(1)
Internal videotrans commands
videotrans / movie-rip-epg.data(1)
Gathers information from vdr's epg.data file
videotrans / movie-title(1)
Creates a menu for a set of movies on a dvd
videotrans / movie-to-dvd(1)
Convert a movie into a dvd compatible format
videotrans / movie-zoomcalc(1)
Internal videotrans commands
mozilla-devscripts / moz-version(1)
Version format handling tool
translate-toolkit / moz2po(1)
Convert mozilla .dtd and .properties files to gettext po localization files.
mozo / mozo(1)
Mate menu editor
mozplugger / mozplugger-controller(1)
A helper application to mozplugger
mozplugger / mozplugger-helper(1)
A helper application to mozplugger
mozplugger / mozplugger-linker(1)
A helper application to mozplugger
mono-devel / mozroots(1)
Download and import trusted root certificates from mozilla's lxr into mono's certificate store
psi3 / mp2(1)
Moller-plesset perburbation theory
mjpegtools / mp2enc(1)
Simple mpeg-1 layer-ii audio encoder
vclt-tools / mp32vclt(1)
Extract time and signal information from id3/mp3 files
mp3blaster / mp3blaster(1)
An interactive text-console based mp3 player.
mp3burn / mp3burn(1)
Burn audio cds from mp3, ogg vorbis, or flac files
mp3check / mp3check(1)
Check mp3 files for consistency
poc-streamer / mp3cue(1)
Cut a mp3 file according to a cue file
poc-streamer / mp3cut(1)
Cut and assemble mp3 files
mp3diags / mp3diags(1)
Find issues in mp3 files
mp3fs / mp3fs(1)
Mounts and transcodes flacs to mp3s on the fly
mp3info / mp3info(1)
Mp3 technical info viewer and id3 tag editor
poc-streamer / mp3length(1)
Show the length of a mp3 file
mp3rename / mp3rename(1)
Rename mp3 files based on id3tags
mp3roaster / mp3roaster(1)
A perl hack for burning audio cds out of mp3/ogg/flac/wavs
mp3splt / mp3splt(1)
Utility for mp3/ogg vorbis splitting without decoding
mp3blaster / mp3tag(1)
View and manipulate id3v1 tags.
mp3val / mp3val(1)
A program for mpeg audio stream validation
mp4v2-utils / mp4art(1)
Manual page for mp4art - mp4v2 -r
mp4v2-utils / mp4file(1)
Manual page for mp4file - mp4v2 -r
mp4v2-utils / mp4subtitle(1)
Manual page for mp4subtitle - mp4v2 -r
mp4v2-utils / mp4track(1)
Manual page for mp4track - mp4v2 -r
mpdris2 / mpDris2(1)
Media player interface (mpris2) bridge for mpd
python-memprof / mp_plot(1)
mpack / mpack(1)
Pack a file in mime format
mpage / mpage(1)
Print multiple pages per sheet on postscript printer
mtools / mpartition(1)
mpb / mpb(1)
Compute eigenmodes of periodic dielectric structures
mpb / mpb-data(1)
Transformations of hdf5 files output by mpb
mpb-mpi / mpb-mpi(1)
Parallel (mpi) version of mpb mpbi-mpi - parallel (mpi) version of mpbi
mpb / mpb-split(1)
Compute eigenmodes with mpb using multiple processes
mpb / mpbi(1)
Mpb with inversion symmetry mpbi-split - mpb-split with inversion symmetry
mpb / mpbi-data(1)
Transformations of hdf5 files output by mpb
mpb-mpi / mpbi-mpi(1)
Parallel (mpi) version of mpb mpbi-mpi - parallel (mpi) version of mpbi
mpb / mpbi-split(1)
Mpb with inversion symmetry mpbi-split - mpb-split with inversion symmetry
mpc / mpc(1)
Program for controlling music player daemon (mpd)
mpc-ace / mpc-ace(1)
Mpc-ace, mwc-ace generate project and workspace files
mpc123 / mpc123(1)
Your handy musepack audio player
mpdtoys / mpcp(1)
Store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mpd / mpd(1)
A daemon for playing music
mpd-sima / mpd-sima(1)
Mpd-sima will try to maintain some titles ahead in your play list following different policies.
mpdcron / mpdcron(1)
Cron like daemon for mpd
mpdscribble / mpdscribble(1)
A music player daemon (mpd) client which submits information about tracks being played to a scrobbler (e.g. last.fm).
opencaster / mpe2sec(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
mpeg2dec / mpeg2dec(1)
Decode mpeg and mpeg2 video streams
dvdauthor / mpeg2desc(1)
Mpeg2desc multiplex audio/video streams
mjpegtools / mpeg2enc(1)
Mpeg-1/2 encoder
gopchop / mpegcat(1)
Extracts structural information and pes streams from an mpeg2 video file
mpegdemux / mpegdemux(1)
Mpeg1/2 system stream demultiplexer
mono-tools-gui / mperfmon(1)
Mono performance counter monitor
mpdtoys / mpfade(1)
Fade mpd volume in or out
mpg123 / mpg123-alsa(1)
Play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 / mpg123-jack(1)
Play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 / mpg123-nas(1)
Play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 / mpg123-openal(1)
Play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 / mpg123-oss(1)
Play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 / mpg123-portaudio(1)
Play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg123 / mpg123.bin(1)
Play audio mpeg 1.0/2.0/2.5 stream (layers 1, 2 and 3)
mpg321 / mpg321(1)
Mpg321 simple and lightweight command line mp3 player
mpgtx / mpgcat(1)
Manipulate mpeg files
mpgtx / mpgdemux(1)
Manipulate mpeg files
mpdtoys / mpgenplaylists(1)
Generate mpd playlists for each subdirectory of music
mpgtx / mpginfo(1)
Manipulate mpeg files
mpgtx / mpgjoin(1)
Manipulate mpeg files
mpgtx / mpgsplit(1)
Manipulate mpeg files
mpgtx / mpgtx(1)
Manipulate mpeg files
lam4-dev / mpiCC.lam(1)
Compile lam/mpi c/c++ programs.
mpikmeans-tools / mpi_assign(1)
Assign points to cluster centers produced by mpi_kmeans
mpikmeans-tools / mpi_kmeans(1)
K-means clustering tool
zalign / mpialign(1)
Parallel local alignment of biological sequences
lam4-dev / mpic++.lam(1)
Compile lam/mpi c/c++ programs.
libmpich-dev / mpic++.mpich(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in c++
libopenmpi-dev / mpic++.openmpi(1)
Open mpi c++ wrapper compiler
libmpich-dev / mpicc.mpich(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in c
libmpich-dev / mpicc.mpich2(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in c
libopenmpi-dev / mpicc.openmpi(1)
Open mpi c wrapper compiler
libmpich-dev / mpichversion(1)
Report on the mpich version.
libmpich-dev / mpicxx.mpich(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in c++
libmpich-dev / mpicxx.mpich2(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in c++
libopenmpi-dev / mpicxx.openmpi(1)
Open mpi c++ wrapper compiler
mpich / mpiexec.hydra(1)
Run an mpi program
lam-runtime / mpiexec.lam(1)
Run mpi programs on lam nodes.
mpich / mpiexec.mpich(1)
Run an mpi program
openmpi-bin / mpiexec.openmpi(1)
Execute serial and parallel jobs in open mpi. note: mpirun, mpiexec, and orterun are all synonyms for each other. using any of the names will produce the same behavior.
lam4-dev / mpif77.lam(1)
Compile lam fortran programs.
libmpich-dev / mpif77.mpich(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in fortran 77
libmpich-dev / mpif77.mpich2(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in fortran 77
libopenmpi-dev / mpif77.openmpi(1)
Open mpi fortran 77 wrapper compiler
libmpich-dev / mpif90.mpich(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in fortran 90
libmpich-dev / mpif90.mpich2(1)
Compiles and links mpi programs written in fortran 90
libopenmpi-dev / mpif90.openmpi(1)
Open mpi fortran 90 wrapper compiler
lam-runtime / mpimsg(1)
Monitor mpi message buffers under lam.
mpdtoys / mpinsert(1)
Insert song after currently playing song
mpich2python / mpipython.mpich2(1)
Python interpreter with mpi support
openmpipython / mpipython.openmpi(1)
Python interpreter with mpi support
lam-runtime / mpirun.lam(1)
Run mpi programs on lam nodes.
mpich / mpirun.mpich(1)
Run an mpi program
openmpi-bin / mpirun.openmpi(1)
Execute serial and parallel jobs in open mpi. note: mpirun, mpiexec, and orterun are all synonyms for each other. using any of the names will produce the same behavior.
lam-runtime / mpitask(1)
Monitor mpi processes under lam.
mplayer2 / mplayer(1)
Movie player
mpdtoys / mplength(1)
Calculates length of mpd playlist
mjpegtools / mplex(1)
Mpeg 1/2 program/system stream multiplexer
mpdtoys / mpload(1)
Store and transfer mpd state between daemons
metis / mpmetis(1)
Manual page for mpmetis 5.1.0
mpdtoys / mpmv(1)
Store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mpop / mpop(1)
A pop3 client
texlive-binaries / mpost(1)
Metapost, a system for creating graphics
argyll / mppcheck(1)
Check model printer profile.
mppenc / mppenc(1)
Musepack lossy audio codec encoder
argyll / mpplu(1)
Translate colors through an mpp profile.
argyll / mppprof(1)
Create model printer profile.
mpqc / mpqc(1)
The massively parallel quantum chemistry program (mpqc)
mpqc-support / mpqcval(1)
Run the mpqc validation suite chkmpqcval - check the .out files for correctness
mpdtoys / mprand(1)
Play a random playlist
mpdtoys / mprandomwalk(1)
Play random bits of all queued songs
mpdtoys / mprev(1)
Reverse the mpd playlist
mpris-remote / mpris-remote(1)
Control mpris compatible audio players
mono-profiler / mprof-decoder(1)
Console decoder for the logging profiler output files
mono-profiler / mprof-heap-viewer(1)
Gui viewer for the logging profiler heap snapshots
mpdtoys / mprompt(1)
Simple prompt-based control for mpd
mpdtoys / mpskip(1)
Emulate a skipping record
sysstat / mpstat(1)
Report processors related statistics.
mpdtoys / mpstore(1)
Store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mpdtoys / mpswap(1)
Store and transfer mpd state between daemons
mps-youtube / mpsyt(1)
Terminal based youtube jukebox with playlist management
mpdtoys / mptoggle(1)
Single button control for mpd
texlive-latex-base / mptopdf(1)
Convert metapost figures to pdf
mpv / mpv(1)
A media player
yorick-mpy-common / mpy(1)
Message passing yorick
mruby / mrbc(1)
Mruby compiler
mtools / mrd(1)
mrd6 / mrd6sh(1)
An ipv6 multicast routing daemon and framework
mtools / mren(1)
mrename / mrename(1)
Program to rename files
mricron / mricron(1)
Magnetic resonance image conversion, viewing and analysis
mricron / mricron-npm(1)
Magnetic resonance image conversion, viewing and analysis
mrtg / mrtg(1)
What is mrtg ?
mrtgutils / mrtg-apache(1)
Returns the number of hits to a apache web site
mrtg / mrtg-contrib(1)
Contribution guidelines for mrtg
mrtg / mrtg-faq(1)
How to get help if you have problems with mrtg
mrtg / mrtg-forum(1)
Interactive help for mrtg users
mrtgutils / mrtg-ip-acct(1)
Returns the number of ip packets that have traversed a network interface
mrtg / mrtg-ipv6(1)
Ipv6 support in mrtg
mrtgutils / mrtg-load(1)
Returns the current load average (5-minute average)
mrtg / mrtg-logfile(1)
Description of the mrtg-2 logfile format
mrtg / mrtg-mibhelp(1)
A table of some interesting oids
mrtg-ping-probe / mrtg-ping-probe(1)
Ping probe module for multi router traffic grapher
mrtg / mrtg-reference(1)
Mrtg 2.17.4 configuration reference
mrtg / mrtg-rrd(1)
How to use rrdtool with mrtg
mrtgutils-sensors / mrtg-sensors(1)
Returns data from lm-sensors
mrtg / mrtg-squid(1)
Using mrtg to monitor squid
mrtg / mrtg-unix-guide(1)
The mrtg 2.17.4 linux/unix installation guide
mrtg / mrtg-webserver(1)
Hints for web server configuration
mrtg / mrtglib(1)
Library for mrtg and support scripts
mrtrix / mrtrix(1)
Diffusion-weighted mri white matter tractography
mruby / mruby(1)
Lightweight implementation of the ruby language
mrtrix / mrview(1)
Diffusion-weighted mri white matter tractography
valgrind / ms_print(1)
Post-processing tool for massif
libpwiz-tools / mscat(1)
Mscat write spectrum data as simple text to the console.
mscgen / mscgen(1)
Message sequence chart renderer
mscompress / mscompress(1)
Compress data using lz77 algorithm
libpwiz-tools / msconvert(1)
Msconvert convert mass spectrometry data file formats.
musescore / mscore(1)
Full featured wysiwyg score editor
mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer / msd-datetime-mechanism(1)
Set system time via d-bus
mate-settings-daemon-pulse / msd-datetime-mechanism(1)
Set system time via d-bus
mate-settings-daemon-gstreamer / msd-locate-pointer(1)
Create ripples around mouse pointer
mate-settings-daemon-pulse / msd-locate-pointer(1)
Create ripples around mouse pointer
mapserver-bin / msencrypt(1)
Create an encryption key or encrypt portions of connection strings for use in mapfiles
masqmail / mservdetect(1)
Helper for masqmail and masqdialer
mscompress / msexpand(1)
Decompress data compressed using mscompress(1) or compress.exe
gettext / msgattrib(1)
Attribute matching and manipulation on message catalog
gettext / msgcat(1)
Combines several message catalogs
ax25mail-utils / msgcleanup(1)
Delete the messages with their lifetime exceeded
gettext / msgcmp(1)
Compare message catalog and template
gettext / msgcomm(1)
Match two message catalogs
gettext / msgconv(1)
Character set conversion for message catalog
gettext / msgen(1)
Create english message catalog
gettext / msgexec(1)
Process translations of message catalog
gettext / msgfilter(1)
Edit translations of message catalog
gettext / msgfmt(1)
Compile message catalog to binary format
gettext / msggrep(1)
Pattern matching on message catalog
translate-toolkit / msghack(1)
Alter .po files in ways no sane mind would think about
gettext / msginit(1)
Initialize a message catalog
gettext / msgmerge(1)
Merge message catalog and template
gettext / msgunfmt(1)
Uncompile message catalog from binary format
gettext / msguniq(1)
Unify duplicate translations in message catalog
mtools / mshowfat(1)
msktutil / msktutil(1)
Fetches and manages kerberos keytabs in an active directory environment
msmtp / msmtp(1)
An smtp client
msort / msort(1)
Sort records in complex ways
msort-gui / msort-gui(1)
Frontend for msort utility
binutils-msp430 / msp430-addr2line(1)
Convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-ar(1)
Create, modify, and extract from archives
binutils-msp430 / msp430-c++filt(1)
Demangle c++ and java symbols.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-dlltool(1)
Create files needed to build and use dlls.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-elfedit(1)
Update the elf header of elf files.
gdb-msp430 / msp430-gdb(1)
The gnu debugger
binutils-msp430 / msp430-gprof(1)
Display call graph profile data
binutils-msp430 / msp430-ld(1)
The gnu linker
binutils-msp430 / msp430-nlmconv(1)
Converts object code into an nlm.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-nm(1)
List symbols from object files
binutils-msp430 / msp430-objcopy(1)
Copy and translate object files
binutils-msp430 / msp430-objdump(1)
Display information from object files.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-ranlib(1)
Generate index to archive.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-readelf(1)
Displays information about elf files.
gdb-msp430 / msp430-run(1)
Runsimulator front-end
binutils-msp430 / msp430-size(1)
List section sizes and total size.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-strings(1)
Print the strings of printable characters in files.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-strip(1)
Discard symbols from object files.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-windmc(1)
Generates windows message resources.
binutils-msp430 / msp430-windres(1)
Manipulate windows resources.
mspdebug / mspdebug(1)
Debugging tool for msp430 mcus
mariadb-server-10.0 / msql2mysql(1)
Convert msql programs for use with mysql
mysql-server-5.5 / msql2mysql(1)
Convert msql programs for use with mysql
mssh / mssh(1)
Tool to administrate multiple servers at once
umview / mstack(1)
Networking stack selection
libocas-tools / msvmocas(1)
Train a multi-class linear svm classifier
liblouisxml-bin / msword2brl(1)
Translate an ms word file into an embosser-ready braille file.
dds2tar / mt-dds(1)
Tool to control a dds device.
cpio / mt-gnu(1)
Control magnetic tape drive operation
mt-st / mt-st(1)
Control magnetic tape drive operation
monkeytail / mtail(1)
Tail variant designed for web developers monitoring logfiles
mtasc / mtasc(1)
Actionscript 2 to flash (swf) compiler
kannel / mtbatch(1)
Sends sms in batch mode
mtbl-bin / mtbl_dump(1)
Print key-value entries from an mtbl file
mtbl-bin / mtbl_info(1)
Display information about an mtbl file
mtbl-bin / mtbl_merge(1)
Merge mtbl data from multiple input files into a single output file
dmtcp / mtcp_restart(1)
Distributed multithreaded checkpointing
simh / mtcvtfix(1)
Magtape conversion utility
simh / mtcvtodd(1)
Magtape conversion utility
simh / mtcvtv23(1)
Magtape conversion utility
mtdev-tools / mtdev-test(1)
Tool to test libmtdev library
simh / mtdump(1)
Magtape conversion utility
mtink / mtink(1)
Program to control your epson printer
mtink / mtinkc(1)
Program to choose which epson printers to control
mtkbabel / mtkbabel(1)
Tool for managing gps data loggers based on the mtk chip
monotone / mtn(1)
A distributed version control system
monotone-extras / mtn-cleanup(1)
Generate shell variables from monotone workspace options
monotone / mtnopt(1)
Generate shell variables from monotone workspace options
mtools / mtools(1)
mtools / mtoolstest(1)
mtp-tools / mtp-albumart(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-albums(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-connect(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-delfile(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-detect(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-emptyfolders(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-files(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-filetree(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-folders(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-format(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-getfile(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-getplaylist(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-hotplug(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-newfolder(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-newplaylist(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-playlists(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-reset(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-sendfile(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-sendtr(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-thumb(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-tools(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-tracks(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtp-tools / mtp-trexist(1)
Tools for communicating with media transfer protocol (mtp) devices
mtpaint / mtpaint(1)
A pixel based painting program
manpages / mtrace(1)
Interpret the malloc trace log
scotch / mtst(1)
Test the consistency of source meshes
scotch / mtst-int32(1)
Test the consistency of source meshes
scotch / mtst-int64(1)
Test the consistency of source meshes
scotch / mtst-long(1)
Test the consistency of source meshes
xawtv / mtt(1)
Teletext browser for x11 and console.
netpbm / mtvtoppm(1)
Convert output from the mtv or prt ray tracers into a portable pixmap
mtx / mtx(1)
Control scsi media changer devices
context / mtx-babel(1)
context / mtx-base(1)
context / mtx-bibtex(1)
context / mtx-cache(1)
context / mtx-chars(1)
context / mtx-check(1)
context / mtx-colors(1)
context / mtx-context(1)
context / mtx-epub(1)
context / mtx-fcd(1)
context / mtx-flac(1)
context / mtx-fonts(1)
context / mtx-grep(1)
context / mtx-interface(1)
context / mtx-metapost(1)
context / mtx-metatex(1)
context / mtx-modules(1)
context / mtx-package(1)
context / mtx-patterns(1)
context / mtx-pdf(1)
context / mtx-plain(1)
context / mtx-profile(1)
context / mtx-rsync(1)
context / mtx-scite(1)
context / mtx-server(1)
context / mtx-texworks(1)
context / mtx-timing(1)
context / mtx-tools(1)
context / mtx-unzip(1)
context / mtx-update(1)
context / mtx-watch(1)
context / mtx-youless(1)
context / mtxrun(1)
mtools / mtype(1)
maildir-utils / mu(1)
A set of tools to deal with maildirs and message files, in particular to index and search e-mail messages.
maildir-utils / mu-add(1)
Add one or more messages to the database
maildir-utils / mu-cfind(1)
Find and export contacts in the mu database
jabber-muc / mu-conference(1)
A component for a jabber server.
maildir-utils / mu-easy(1)
A quick introduction to mu
maildir-utils / mu-extract(1)
Display and save message parts (attachments), and open them with other tools.
maildir-utils / mu-find(1)
Find e-mail messages in the mu database.
maildir-utils / mu-help(1)
Help information about mu commands.
maildir-utils / mu-index(1)
Index e-mail messages stored in maildirs
maildir-utils / mu-mkdir(1)
Create a new maildir
maildir-utils / mu-remove(1)
Remove messages from the database.
maildir-utils / mu-script(1)
Show the available mu scripts, and run them.
maildir-utils / mu-server(1)
The mu backend for the mu4e e-mail client
mailutils / mu-tool(1)
Gnu mailutils multi-purpose tool.
maildir-utils / mu-verify(1)
Verify message signatures and display information about them
maildir-utils / mu-view(1)
Display an e-mail message file
mucous / mucous(1)
Python / curses client for museek
mudlet / mudlet(1)
Graphical multi user dungeon (mud) client
muddleftpd / mudlogd(1)
Log manager for muddleftpd(1)
mupdf-tools / mudraw(1)
Render pdf/xps/cbz documents
muffin-common / muffin(1)
Clutter based compositing gtk2 window manager
muffin-common / muffin-message(1)
A command to send a message to muffin
muffin-common / muffin-theme-viewer(1)
View muffin themes
muffin-common / muffin-window-demo(1)
Demo of window features
maildir-utils / mug(1)
A graphical user interface for mu mail searches
mugshot / mugshot(1)
Lightweight user configuration utility
banshee / muinshee(1)
Media management and playback application muinshee - media management and playback application
museekd-tools / mulog(1)
Chat logging script for museekd
votca-csg / multi_g_rdf(1)
Part of the votca package
multicat / multicat(1)
Multicast equivalent of netcat
gnome-applets / multiload_applet(1)
Multiload (cpu, load average, memory, net, swap) applet for the gnome panel.
multimon / multimon(1)
Program to decode radio transmissions
morse-simulator / multinode_server(1)
Server program to synchronise several instances of morse
multistrap / multistrap(1)
multitail / multitail(1)
Browse through several files at once
multitee / multitee(1)
Send multiple inputs to multiple outputs
multiwatch / multiwatch(1)
Forks and watches multiple instances of a program in the same environment
expect / multixterm(1)
Drive multiple xterms separately or together
mumble / mumble(1)
A low-latency, high quality voice chat program for gaming.
mumble-django / mumble-django-configure(1)
Helper script to configure various aspects of mumble-django.
mumble / mumble-overlay(1)
Load opengl overlay for mumble.
python-django-mumble / mumble-server-cli(1)
Allows calling methods of mumble-server from the shell
mummer / mummer(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer / mummer-annotate(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer / mummerplot(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummy / mummy(1)
Generate c# wrappers from c++ code.
munge / munge(1)
Munge credential encoder
mpack / munpack(1)
Unpack messages in mime or split-uuencode format
cyrus-clients / mupdatetest(1)
Interactive mupdate test program
mupdf / mupdf(1)
Mupdf is a lightweight pdf viewer written in portable c
mupdf / mupdf-x11(1)
Mupdf is a lightweight pdf viewer written in portable c
stda / muplot(1)
Plot a multi-curve figure from multiple data by using gnuplot
murmur / murmur(1)
Pygtk2 client for museek
mumble-server / murmur-user-wrapper(1)
User wrapper for murmurd.
mumble-server / murmurd(1)
Voip server.
muroard / muroard(1)
Minimalist sound server for the roaraudio protocol
libmuroar0 / muroarstream(1)
Simple roaraudio client
museekd / muscan(1)
File scanner for museek
museekd / muscand(1)
File scanner daemon for museek
muscle / muscle(1)
Multiple protein sequence alignment
muse / muse(1)
Midi/audio sequencer
muse / muse-song-convert(1)
Convert between muse songfile formats
museekd-tools / museekcontrol(1)
Command-line control python script for museekd
museekd / museekd(1)
C++ daemon/client for soulseek
museeq / museeq(1)
Qt gui for the museek daemon
musescore / musescore(1)
Full featured wysiwyg score editor
museekd / musetup(1)
Configuration script for museekd
musetup-gtk / musetup-gtk(1)
Pygtk2 configuration app for museekd
music-bin / music(1)
Launch a multi-simulation using music
musiclibrarian / music-librarian(1)
Organize music files on your hard drive
music123 / music123(1)
Plays various sound files (usually including mp3, ogg and wav).
lilypond / musicxml2ly(1)
Manual page for musicxml2ly (lilypond) 2.18.2
musique / musique(1)
Small but sophisticated graphical music player
musixtex / musixflx(1)
Process mx1 files (the second pass of 3-pass musixtex typesetting)
musixtex / musixtex(1)
Processes musixtex files, deleting intermediate files
musl-tools / musl-gcc(1)
Musl wrapper for gcc
musl / musl-ldd(1)
Print musl shared library depencies
mussh / mussh(1)
Multihost ssh
ruby-mustache / mustache(1)
Mustache processor
mustang / mustang(1)
A multiple structural alignment algorithm
python-mutagen / mutagen-inspect(1)
View mutagen-supported audio tags
python-mutagen / mutagen-pony(1)
Scan a collection of mp3 files
mupdf-tools / mutool(1)
All purpose tool for dealing with pdf files
mutt / mutt-org(1)
The mutt mail user agent
mutt-patched / mutt-patched(1)
The mutt mail user agent
mutt / mutt_dotlock(1)
Lock mail spool files.
mutter-common / mutter(1)
Clutter based compositing gtk2 window manager
muttprofile / muttprofile(1)
Choose a mutt profile
coreutils / mv(1)
Move (rename) files
canna-utils / mvdic(1)
Tool for renaming a user dictionary
maven / mvn(1)
Command to start the maven system
maven2 / mvn(1)
Command to start the maven system
maven / mvnDebug(1)
Command to start the maven system in debug mode
maven2 / mvnDebug(1)
Command to start the maven system in debug mode
mwc / mwc(1)
Program for monitoring changes of websites
mpc-ace / mwc-ace(1)
Mpc-ace, mwc-ace generate project and workspace files
mwc / mwcfeedserver(1)
Program for monitoring changes of websites
ctn / mwlQuery(1)
Generic ctn manual page
mwm / mwm(1)
Mwm the motif window manager
eclib-tools / mwrank(1)
Determines the rank of an elliptic curve e over q by 2-descent and generating points for e(q) modulo torsion
libmx-bin / mx-create-image-cache(1)
Mx-create-image-cache program to make a cache of a directory
mxallowd / mxallowd(1)
Dynamically whitelist your mail exchanger
libmxml-dev / mxmldoc(1)
Mini-xml documentation generator
mtools / mxtar(1)
Wrapper for using gnu tar directly from a floppy disk
mariadb-server-10.0 / my_print_defaults(1)
Display options from option files
mysql-server-core-5.5 / my_print_defaults(1)
Display options from option files
mydumper / mydumper(1)
Multi-threaded mysql dumping
mariadb-server-10.0 / myisam_ftdump(1)
Display full-text index information
mysql-client-5.5 / myisam_ftdump(1)
Display full-text index information
mariadb-server-10.0 / myisamchk(1)
Myisam table-maintenance utility
mariadb-server-10.0 / myisamlog(1)
Display myisam log file contents
mysql-server-5.5 / myisamlog(1)
Display myisam log file contents
mariadb-server-10.0 / myisampack(1)
Generate compressed, read-only myisam tables
mysql-server-5.5 / myisampack(1)
Generate compressed, read-only myisam tables
mydumper / myloader(1)
Multi-threaded mysql loader
mypaint / mypaint(1)
Painting program for wacom tablet users
myproxy / myproxy-change-pass-phrase(1)
Change myproxy passphrase
myproxy / myproxy-destroy(1)
Remove a credential from the repository
myproxy / myproxy-get-delegation(1)
Retrieve a credential
myproxy / myproxy-info(1)
Display information about myproxy credentials
myproxy / myproxy-init(1)
Store a credential for later retrieval
myproxy / myproxy-logon(1)
Retrieve a credential
myproxy / myproxy-retrieve(1)
Retrieve an end-entity credential
myproxy / myproxy-store(1)
Store end-entity credential for later retrieval
mariadb-client-core-10.0 / mysql(1)
The mariadb command-line tool
mysql-workbench-data / mysql-workbench(1)
Mysql database design, administration and development tool
mysql-workbench-data / mysql-workbench-bin(1)
Mysql database design, administration and development tool
dbf2mysql / mysql2dbf(1)
Convert between xbase and mysql databases
mariadb-test-10.0 / mysql_client_test(1)
Test client api mysql_client_test_embedded - test client api for embedded server
mysql-client-5.5 / mysql_client_test(1)
Test client api mysql_client_test_embedded - test client api for embedded server
mariadb-test-10.0 / mysql_client_test_embedded(1)
Test client api mysql_client_test_embedded - test client api for embedded server
libmysqlclient-dev / mysql_config(1)
Display options for compiling clients
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_convert_table_format(1)
Convert tables to use a given storage engine
mysql-server-5.5 / mysql_convert_table_format(1)
Convert tables to use a given storage engine
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysql_find_rows(1)
Extract sql statements from files
mysql-client-5.5 / mysql_find_rows(1)
Extract sql statements from files
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysql_fix_extensions(1)
Normalize table file name extensions
mysql-client-5.5 / mysql_fix_extensions(1)
Normalize table file name extensions
libapache2-mod-log-sql / mysql_import_combined_log2(1)
Imports an apache combined log into a mysql database.
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_install_db(1)
Initialize mariadb data directory
mysql-server-core-5.5 / mysql_install_db(1)
Initialize mysql data directory
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_plugin(1)
Configure mariadb server plugins
mysql-client-5.5 / mysql_plugin(1)
Configure mysql server plugins
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_secure_installation(1)
Improve mariadb installation security
mysql-server-5.5 / mysql_secure_installation(1)
Improve mysql installation security
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_setpermission(1)
Interactively set permissions in grant tables
mysql-server-5.5 / mysql_setpermission(1)
Interactively set permissions in grant tables
mysql-client-5.5 / mysql_tableinfo(1)
Creates and populates information tables with the output of show databases, show tables (or show table status), show columns and show index. this is version 1.1.
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_tzinfo_to_sql(1)
Load the time zone tables
mysql-server-5.5 / mysql_tzinfo_to_sql(1)
Load the time zone tables
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_upgrade(1)
Check tables for mariadb upgrade
mysql-server-core-5.5 / mysql_upgrade(1)
Check and upgrade mysql tables
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysql_waitpid(1)
Kill process and wait for its termination
mysql-client-5.5 / mysql_waitpid(1)
Kill process and wait for its termination
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysql_zap(1)
Kill processes that match a pattern
mysql-server-5.5 / mysql_zap(1)
Kill processes that match a pattern
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqlaccess(1)
Client for checking access privileges
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqlaccess(1)
Client for checking access privileges
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqladmin(1)
Client for administering a mariab server
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqladmin(1)
Client for administering a mysql server
mysql-utilities / mysqlauditadmin(1)
Maintain the audit log
mysql-utilities / mysqlauditgrep(1)
Search an audit log
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysqlbinlog(1)
Utility for processing binary log files
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqlbug(1)
Generate bug report
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqlbug(1)
Generate bug report
mariadb-client-core-10.0 / mysqlcheck(1)
A table maintenance program
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysqld_multi(1)
Manage multiple mariadb servers
mysql-server-5.5 / mysqld_multi(1)
Manage multiple mysql servers
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysqld_safe(1)
Mariadb server startup script
mysql-server-5.5 / mysqld_safe(1)
Mysql server startup script
mysql-utilities / mysqldbcompare(1)
Compare two databases and identify differences
mysql-utilities / mysqldbcopy(1)
Copy database objects between servers
mysql-utilities / mysqldbexport(1)
Export object definitions or data from a database
mysql-utilities / mysqldbimport(1)
Import object definitions or data into a databases
mysql-utilities / mysqldiff(1)
Identify differences among database objects
mysql-utilities / mysqldiskusage(1)
Show database disk usage
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqldump(1)
A database backup program
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqldumpslow(1)
Summarize slow query log files
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqldumpslow(1)
Summarize slow query log files
mysql-utilities / mysqlfailover(1)
Automatic replication failover
mysql-utilities / mysqlfrm(1)
Show create table from .frm files
mariadb-server-10.0 / mysqlhotcopy(1)
A database backup program
mysql-server-5.5 / mysqlhotcopy(1)
A database backup program
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqlimport(1)
A data import program
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqlimport(1)
A data import program
mysql-utilities / mysqlindexcheck(1)
Identify potentially redundant table indexes
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqlman(1)
Default man page for mysql
mysql-utilities / mysqlmetagrep(1)
Search database object definitions
mysql-utilities / mysqlprocgrep(1)
Search server process lists
mysql-utilities / mysqlreplicate(1)
Set up and start replication between two servers
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqlreport(1)
Makes a friendly report of important mysql status values
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqlreport(1)
Makes a friendly report of important mysql status values
mysql-utilities / mysqlrpladmin(1)
Administration utility for mysql replication
mysql-utilities / mysqlrplcheck(1)
Check replication prerequisitiess
mysql-utilities / mysqlrplshow(1)
Show slaves for master server
mysql-utilities / mysqlserverclone(1)
Clone existing server to create new server
mysql-utilities / mysqlserverinfo(1)
Display common diagnostic information from a server
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqlshow(1)
Display database, table, and column information
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqlshow(1)
Display database, table, and column information
mariadb-client-10.0 / mysqlslap(1)
Load emulation client
mysql-client-5.5 / mysqlslap(1)
Load emulation client
mariadb-test-10.0 / mysqltest(1)
Program to run test cases mysqltest_embedded - program to run embedded test cases
mysql-server-5.5 / mysqltest(1)
Program to run test cases mysqltest_embedded - program to run embedded test cases
mariadb-test-10.0 / mysqltest_embedded(1)
Program to run test cases mysqltest_embedded - program to run embedded test cases
mysqltuner / mysqltuner(1)
High-performance mysql tuning script
mysql-utilities / mysqluc(1)
Command line client for running mysql utilities
mysql-utilities / mysqluserclone(1)
Clone existing user to create new user
mythtv-status / mythtv_recording_now(1)
Test whether a mythtv backend is recording now
mythtv-status / mythtv_recording_soon(1)
Test whether a mythtv backend will be recording soon
mythtvfs / mythtvfs(1)
A fuse filesystem for accessing and managing mythtv recordings
yudit / mytool(1)
Manipulate map files for yudit, uniconv and uniprint
mz / mz(1)
A fast versatile packet generator
mz / mz.cfg(1)
A fast versatile packet generator
mtools / mzip(1)
ipv6toolkit / na6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on icmpv6 neighbor advertisement messages
nabi / nabi(1)
X input method server for korean text input
nacl-tools / nacl-sha256(1)
Nacl-sha256 program to calculate the sha256 hash
nacl-tools / nacl-sha512(1)
Nacl-sha512 program to calculate the sha512 hash
proj-bin / nad2bin(1)
Convert nad ascii files into binary format usable by nad2nad
nadoka / nadoka(1)
Irc client server program
nagios2mantis / nagios2mantis(1)
nagstamon / nagstamon(1)
Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop
nagzilla / nagzillac(1)
Jabber relay bot client
nagzilla / nagzillad(1)
Jabber relay bot daemon
nam / nam(1)
Vint/lbl network animator
namazu2 / namazu(1)
A search program of namazu
orbit2-nameserver / name-client-2(1)
Corba naming service client
ndisc6 / name2addr(1)
Perform dns lookups from scripts
namebench / namebench(1)
Open-source dns benchmark utility
omniorb / nameclt(1)
Naming service client
util-linux / namei(1)
Follow a pathname until a terminal point is found
nano / nano(1)
Nano's another editor, an enhanced free pico clone
nano-tiny / nano-tiny(1)
Nano's another editor, an enhanced free pico clone
nap / nap(1)
Linux napster client
nap / napping(1)
Linux napster client
lrslib / nash(1)
Find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
nasm / nasm(1)
The netwide assembler, a portable 80x86 assembler
nast-ier / nast-ier(1)
Nast-based dna alignment tool
nasty / nasty(1)
A tool which helps you to recover your gpg passphrase
nat-traverse / nat-traverse(1)
Use of udp to traverse nat gateways
natbraille / natbraille(1)
French braille typesetting
natpmp-utils / natpmpc(1)
Nat-pmp library test client and mapping setter.
python3-natsort / natsort(1)
Natural sorting for shell
naturaldocs / naturaldocs(1)
An extensible, multi-language documentation generator
nautic / nautic(1)
A program to find observer position
nautilus / nautilus(1)
The gnome file manager
nautilus-actions / nautilus-actions-config-tool(1)
Configure programs to launch from the nautilus file manager
nautilus-actions / nautilus-actions-new(1)
Create new nautilus actions
nautilus-actions / nautilus-actions-print(1)
Print a menu or an action to stdout.
nautilus-actions / nautilus-actions-run(1)
Execute an action on the specified target
nautilus-actions / nautilus-actions-schemas(1)
Deprecated for now that program is not available as gconf2 is to be deprecated. it may come back when nautilus-actions will use gsettings.
nautilus-compare / nautilus-compare-preferences(1)
Nautilus compare preferences dialog
nautilus / nautilus-connect-server(1)
To access a remote server
nautilus-image-manipulator / nautilus-image-manipulator(1)
Resize and send images from nautilus
nautilus-scripts-manager / nautilus-scripts-manager(1)
Easy tool for nautilus scripts management
nautilus-sendto / nautilus-sendto(1)
Convenience application to send a file via email
navit / navit(1)
The modular touchscreen-friendly vector based navigation software.
nanoblogger / nb(1)
Small weblog engine for the unix command line
nbc / nbc(1)
Compiler for lego mindstorms nxt
ltsp-client-core / nbd-proxy(1)
A proxy for reliable nbd mounts
nbd-server / nbd-server(1)
Serve a file as a block device to other computers running the gnu/linux(tm) or gnu/hurd operating system
nbd-server / nbd-trdump(1)
Translate an nbd transaction log into human readable form
nbibtex / nbibfind(1)
Find bibliography entries for bibtex or nbibtex
nbibtex / nbibtex(1)
Make a bibliography for latex
nbtscan / nbtscan(1)
Nbtscan program for scanning networks for netbios name information
netcat-traditional / nc.traditional(1)
Tcp/ip swiss army knife
netcat6 / nc6(1)
Network swiss army knife
nco / ncap(1)
Netcdf arithmetic processor
nco / ncap2(1)
Netcdf arithmetic processor, next generation
nmap / ncat(1)
Concatenate and redirect sockets
nco / ncatted(1)
Netcdf attribute editor
ncbi-blast+ / ncbi-blast+(1)
Ncbi command tools for blast+
nco / ncbo(1)
Netcdf binary operator
tinyos-tools / ncc(1)
Nesc compiler for tinyos
ncc / nccar(1)
Source code analysis
ncc / nccc++(1)
Source code analysis
ncc / nccg++(1)
Source code analysis
ncc / nccgen(1)
Source code analysis
ncc / nccld(1)
Source code analysis
ncc / nccnav(1)
Explore the output of nccgen on a text-mode console
ncc / nccnavi(1)
Explore the output of nccgen on a text-mode console
nco / ncdiff(1)
Netcdf differencer
ncdt / ncdt(1)
Directory tree printer with extended capabilities
ncdu / ncdu(1)
Ncurses disk usage
netcdf-bin / ncdump(1)
Convert netcdf file to text form (cdl)
hdf4-tools / ncdump-hdf(1)
Convert netcdf files to ascii form (cdl)
nco / ncea(1)
Netcdf ensemble averager
nco / ncecat(1)
Netcdf ensemble concatenator
nco / nces(1)
Netcdf ensemble statistics
nco / ncflint(1)
Netcdf file interpolator
netcf / ncftool(1)
Network configuration tool
ncftp / ncftpbatch(1)
Individual batch ftp job processor
ncftp / ncftpbookmarks(1)
Full screen bookmarks editor for ncftp
ncftp / ncftpget(1)
Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftp / ncftpls(1)
Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftp / ncftpput(1)
Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftp / ncftpspooler(1)
Global batch ftp job processor daemon
tinyos-tools / ncg(1)
Extract constants from tinyos files
nco / ncks(1)
Netcdf kitchen sink
ncmpc / ncmpc(1)
Curses music player daemon (mpd) client.
ncmpcpp / ncmpcpp(1)
An ncurses music player daemon (mpd) client.
nco / nco(1)
Netcdf operators
nco / ncpdq(1)
Netcdf permute dimensions quickly, pack data quietly...
mdm / ncpus(1)
Print the number of virtual cpus
nco / ncra(1)
Netcdf record averager
nco / ncrcat(1)
Netcdf record concatenator
nco / ncrename(1)
Netcdf renamer
python-tables / nctoh5(1)
Convert a netcdf file into a pytables (hdf5 format) file
ncurses-bin / ncurses5-config(1)
Helper script for ncurses libraries
ncurses-bin / ncursesw5-config(1)
Helper script for ncurses libraries
nco / ncwa(1)
Netcdf weighted averager
nd / nd(1)
Tiny little command line webdav interface
ndiff / ndiff(1)
Utility to compare the results of nmap scans
nasm / ndisasm(1)
The netwide disassembler, an 80x86 binary file disassembler
metis / ndmetis(1)
Manual page for ndmetis 5.1.0
ndoutils-nagios3-mysql / ndo2db-3x(1)
Stores nagios event and configuration data to a database.
libndpi-bin / ndpiReader(1)
Example tool for libndpi
samba-testsuite / ndrdump(1)
Dce/rpc packet parser and dumper
numdiff / ndselect(1)
Select lines and fields for numdiff
ndtpd / ndtpcheck(1)
A lint for ndtpd configuration
ndtpd / ndtpcontrol(1)
A controller for ndtpd
ndtpd / ndtpd(1)
The network dictionary transfer protocol server
ne / ne(1)
A nice editor
gdal-bin / nearblack(1)
Nearblack convert nearly black/white borders to black
graphviz / neato(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
nec / nec2(1)
Numerical electromagnetics code (antenna modelling program)
wcstools / nedpos(1)
needrestart / needrestart(1)
palp / nef-11d.x(1)
Compute hodge numbers of nef-partitions
palp / nef-4d.x(1)
Compute hodge numbers of nef-partitions
palp / nef-5d.x(1)
Compute hodge numbers of nef-partitions
palp / nef-6d.x(1)
Compute hodge numbers of nef-partitions
palp / nef.x(1)
Compute hodge numbers of nef-partitions
efte / nefte(1)
Text editor
neko / neko(1)
Neko virtual machine.
neko / nekoc(1)
Compile neko programs to neko bytecode.
neko / nekotools(1)
Tools for running neko programs.
nemiver / nemiver(1)
Graphical debugger for gnome
nemo / nemo(1)
The cinnamon file manager
nemo / nemo-connect-server(1)
To access a remote server
neobio / neobio(1)
Pairwise amino acid sequence and nucleotide sequence alignment in java
libneon27-dev / neon-config(1)
Script providing information about installed copy of neon library
libneon27-gnutls-dev / neon-config(1)
Script providing information about installed copy of neon library
neopi / neopi(1)
Web shell code detection
netpbm / neotoppm(1)
Convert an atari neochrome .neo into a portable pixmap
groff-base / neqn(1)
Format equations for ascii output
nescc / nescc(1)
Nesc compiler
nescc / nescc-mig(1)
Message interface generator for nesc
nescc / nescc-ncg(1)
Extract constants from nesc files
nescc / nescc-wiring(1)
Check wiring of nesc program
tinyos-tools / nesdoc(1)
Generate tinyos documentation
tryton-neso / neso(1)
Tryton application platform (standalone client/server)
libsnmp-dev / net-snmp-config(1)
Returns information about installed net-snmp libraries and binaries
libsnmp-dev / net-snmp-create-v3-user(1)
Create a snmpv3 user in net-snmp configuration file
python-netaddr / netaddr(1)
Interactive shell for netaddr python library
sumo / netconvert(1)
Road network importer / builder for the road traffic simulation sumo
netemul / netemul(1)
Computer network simulator.
sumo / netgenerate(1)
Road network generator for the microscopic road traffic simulation sumo
ng-utils / netgroup(1)
List netgroup members
opensc / netkey-tool(1)
Administrative utility for netkey e4 cards
netdiag / netload(1)
Network device load monitor
netmask / netmask(1)
A netmask generation and conversion program
netmate / netmate(1)
Displays network protocol headers in uniform rfc like format
minidisc-utils / netmdcli(1)
Command line interface for accessing netmd walkman
netmrg / netmrg-gatherer(1)
Gathers data from devices.
netpbm / netpbm(1)
Package of graphics manipulation programs and libraries
netpipes / netpipes(1)
A package to manipulate bsd tcp/ip stream sockets version 4.2
netrw / netread(1)
Read data transported over network using netwrite
netrik / netrik(1)
The antrik internet browser
wodim / netscsid(1)
Write data to optical disk media
netsed / netsed(1)
A network stream editor.
netselect / netselect(1)
Choose the fastest server automatically
netselect-apt / netselect-apt(1)
Create sources.list for the fastest debian mirrors
netsend / netsend(1)
A speedy filetransfer and network diagnostic program
netspeed / netspeed_applet2(1)
Traffic monitor applet for gnome2
netstat-nat / netstat-nat(1)
Show the natted connections on a linux iptable firewall
netsurf-fb / netsurf-fb(1)
A small fast web browser
netsurf-gtk / netsurf-gtk(1)
A small fast web browser
nettle-bin / nettle-hash(1)
Compute message digests
nettle-bin / nettle-lfib-stream(1)
Pseudorandom generator
netwag / netwag(1)
Graphical front end for netwox
netdiag / netwatch(1)
Ethernet internet protocol monitor
gnome-system-tools / network-admin(1)
Network administration tool
ifupdown-extra / network-test(1)
Check the network and test if everything is fine
netwox / netwox(1)
Examples/tools of the network library netwib
netrw / netwrite(1)
Write data transported over network for reading using netread
python-nevow / nevow-xmlgettext(1)
Extract translatable strings
nullmailer / newaliases(1)
Pseudo newaliases command for nullmailer
ladr4-apps / newauto(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
newbiedoc / newbiedoc(1)
Debian documentation for newbies by newbies.
wcstools / newfits(1)
uidmap / newgidmap(1)
Set the gid mapping of a user namespace
login / newgrp(1)
Log in to a new group
pcp / newhelp(1)
Generate a performance metrics help database
njplot / newicktops(1)
A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists newicktops - draw phylogenetic trees into postscript file
njplot / newicktotxt(1)
A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists newicktops - draw phylogenetic trees into postscript file
fastforward / newinclude(1)
Create a binary mailing list from an :include: file
newmail / newmail(1)
Biff like tool for the terminal
vserver-debiantools / newnfsvserver(1)
Creates a new debian vserver by downloading packages via http/ftp
policycoreutils / newrole(1)
Run a shell with a new selinux role
sysnews / news(1)
Display system news
ladr4-apps / newsax(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
newsbeuter / newsbeuter(1)
An rss feed reader for text terminals
spellutils / newsbody(1)
Run a program on the body of a mail or news message
mgetty-fax / newslock(1)
Create atomic hard links
leafnode / newsq(1)
View the leafnode news queue
uidmap / newuidmap(1)
Set the uid mapping of a user namespace
vserver-debiantools / newvserver(1)
Creates a new debian vserver by calling vserver ... build
nvi / nex(1)
Text editors
netexpect / nexp(1)
A framework for crafting network packets and processing responses
psad / nf2csv(1)
Iptables to csv data
libnfc-examples / nfc-anticol(1)
Demonstration of nfc anti-collision command line tool based on libnfc
libnfc-examples / nfc-dep-initiator(1)
Demonstration tool to send/received data as d.e.p. initiator
libnfc-examples / nfc-dep-target(1)
Demonstration tool to send/received data as d.e.p. target
libnfc-examples / nfc-emulate-tag(1)
Simple tag emulation command line demonstration tool
libnfc-examples / nfc-emulate-uid(1)
Nfc target emulation command line tool based on libnfc
libnfc-bin / nfc-list(1)
List nfc targets
libnfc-bin / nfc-mfclassic(1)
Mifare classic command line tool
libnfc-examples / nfc-mfsetuid(1)
Mifare 1k special card uid setting and recovery tool
libnfc-bin / nfc-mfultralight(1)
Mifare ultralight command line tool
libnfc-examples / nfc-poll(1)
Poll first available nfc target
libnfc-bin / nfc-read-forum-tag3(1)
Extract ndef message from a nfc forum tag type 3
libnfc-examples / nfc-relay(1)
Relay attack command line tool based on libnfc
libnfc-bin / nfc-relay-picc(1)
Relay demonstration tool for iso14443-4
libnfc-bin / nfc-scan-device(1)
Scan nfc devices
neard-tools / nfctool(1)
A nfc toolbox
nfoview / nfoview(1)
Viewer for nfo files
nfs4-acl-tools / nfs4_editfacl(1)
Manipulate nfsv4 file/directory access control lists
nfs4-acl-tools / nfs4_getfacl(1)
Get nfsv4 file/directory access control lists
nfs4-acl-tools / nfs4_setfacl(1)
Manipulate nfsv4 file/directory access control lists
sysstat / nfsiostat-sysstat(1)
(the nfsiostat command from the sysstat package) report input/output statistics for network filesystems (nfs).
gettext-base / ngettext(1)
Translate message and choose plural form
nghttp2 / nghttp(1)
Http/2 experimental client
nghttp2 / nghttpd(1)
Http/2 experimental server
nghttp2 / nghttpx(1)
Http/2 experimental proxy
nginx-common / nginx(1)
Small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server
nglister / nglister(1)
Tool to download newsgroup information from news servers
ngraph-gtk / ngp2(1)
Convert ngp files to image
speech-tools / ngram_build(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / ngram_test(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
ngraph-gtk / ngraph(1)
Creating scientific 2-dimensional graphs
hmmer / nhmmer(1)
Search dna/rna queries against a dna/rna sequence database
hmmer / nhmmscan(1)
Search nucleotide sequence(s) against a nucleotide profile database
ipv6toolkit / ni6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on icmpv6 node information messages
openni-utils / niLicense(1)
Register a license key for openni middleware modules
openni-utils / niReg(1)
Register/unregister an openni hardware or middleware driver
python-nibabel / nib-dicomfs(1)
Fuse filesystem on top of a directory with dicoms
python-nibabel / nib-ls(1)
'ls' for neuroimaging files
python-nibabel / nib-nifti-dx(1)
Header diagnostic tool
coreutils / nice(1)
Run a program with modified scheduling priority
nickle / nickle(1)
A desk calculator language
nicotine / nicotine(1)
Client for the soulseek peer-to-peer sharing system
nicotine / nicotine-import-winconfig(1)
Import configuration from the windows soulseek client
nicovideo-dl / nicovideo-dl(1)
Nicovideo-dl download a video file from www.nicovideo.jp
nicstat / nicstat(1)
Print network traffic statistics
nifti-bin / nifti1_test(1)
Nifti file conversion
nifti2dicom-data / nifti2dicom(1)
Convert 3d medical images to dicom 2d series
nifti-bin / nifti_stats(1)
Compute nifti statistical functions
nifti-bin / nifti_tool(1)
Multipurpose manipulation tool for nifti files
vtk-dicom-tools / niftidump(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
vtk-dicom-tools / niftitodicom(1)
Vtk-dicom cli
nigiri / nigiri(1)
Terminal irc client
nih-dbus-tool / nih-dbus-tool(1)
D-bus binding code generator
minc-tools / nii2mnc(1)
Convert a nifti-1 or analyze 7.5 format file to a minc format file.
nikola / nikola(1)
Manual page for nikola 7.1.0
ufraw / nikon-curve(1)
Generate interpolation data from nikon tone curves
ninja-build / ninja(1)
Small build system closest in spirit to make
ninja-ide / ninja-ide(1)
Integrated development environment (ide) for python
backupninja / ninjahelper(1)
A menu driven curses-based interface to walk you through backupninja configuration.
nip2 / nip2(1)
Image processing with the vips library
uhd-host / nirio_programmer(1)
National instruments reconfigurable i/o tool
hostname / nisdomainname(1)
Show or set the system's host name domainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name dnsdomainname - show the system's dns domain name
slapi-nis / nisserver-plugin-defs(1)
Print default settings for the nis server plugin
nitpic / nitpic(1)
A microchip pic simulator
nitrogen / nitrogen(1)
X11 background previewer and setter
njplot / njplot(1)
A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists newicktops - draw phylogenetic trees into postscript file
nkf / nkf(1)
Network kanji filter
coreutils / nl(1)
Number lines of files
nlkt / nlkt(1)
Program that trains human to touch the keyboard quickly.
nload / nload(1)
Displays the current network usage
network-manager-gnome / nm-applet(1)
Network monitor and control gui applet
network-manager-gnome / nm-connection-editor(1)
Network connection editor for networkmanager
network-manager / nm-online(1)
Ask networkmanager whether the network is connected
bin86 / nm86(1)
Examine object, archive or executable files
nmap / nmap(1)
Network exploration tool and security / port scanner
nmapsi4 / nmapsi4(1)
A qt4 interface for nmap
nmapsi4 / nmapsi4-logr(1)
Nmapsi4 log reader
samba-common-bin / nmblookup(1)
Netbios over tcp/ip client used to lookup netbios names
network-manager / nmcli(1)
Command\(hyline tool for controlling networkmanager
mp3blaster / nmixer(1)
An interactive text-based sound-mixer control program
nmon / nmon(1)
Systems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool.
devscripts / nmudiff(1)
Email an nmu diff to the debian bts
nmzmail / nmzmail(1)
A tool to use the namazu2 search engine from within mutt
nn / nn(1)
Efficient net news interface (no news is good news)
nn / nnbatch(1)
Nn in batch mode.
nn / nncheck(1)
Check for unread articles
nn / nngoback(1)
Make news articles unread on a day-by-day basis (nn)
nn / nngrab(1)
News retrieval by keyword (nn)
nn / nngrep(1)
Grep for news group names (nn)
nn / nnpost(1)
Post news articles (nn)
nn / nntidy(1)
Tidy your personal .newsrc file
sinntp / nntp-get(1)
Print out a single article
sinntp / nntp-list(1)
Print a list of available newsgroups
sinntp / nntp-pull(1)
Fetch articles from the server to the mbox
sinntp / nntp-push(1)
Send an article to the server
inn / nntpget(1)
Get usenet articles from a remote nntp server
inn2 / nntpget(1)
Get usenet articles from a remote nntp server
cyrus-clients / nntptest(1)
Interactive nntp test program
stda / nnum(1)
Print a series of integers, floats, or function values
nn / nnview(1)
Invokes nn on a folder
nocache / nocache(1)
Don't use linux page cache on given command
nodau / nodau(1)
Simple console notetaking program
node-gyp / node-gyp(1)
Native addon build tool for node
node-static / node-static(1)
Rfc 2616 compliant streaming file server
genders / nodeattr(1)
Query genders file
osm2pgsql / nodecachefilereader(1)
Utility to inspect osm2pgsql's node cache.
noweb / nodefs(1)
Find definitions in noweb file
nodejs / nodejs(1)
Server-side javascript
lbdb / nodelist2lbdb(1)
Convert fido nodelist and pointlist to lbdb format
clustershell / nodeset(1)
Compute advanced nodeset operations
ax25-node / nodeusers(1)
Linuxnode user information lookup program
perforate / nodup(1)
Find identical files and do something with them
coreutils / nohup(1)
Run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
noweb / noindex(1)
Build external index for noweb document
nomnom / nomnom(1)
The graphical media download tool
graphviz / nop(1)
Pretty-print graph file
pnopaste-cli / nopaste-it(1)
Nopaste software written in perl (cli tool).
raster3d / normal3d(1)
Apply transformation matrix in raster3d input file
normalize-audio / normalize-audio(1)
Adjusts volume levels of audio files.
normalize-audio / normalize-mp3(1)
Adjust levels of mp3 or ogg files by running normalize-audio(1), then re-encoding
normalize-audio / normalize-ogg(1)
Adjust levels of mp3 or ogg files by running normalize-audio(1), then re-encoding
noweb / noroff(1)
Format woven troff documentation
noweb / noroots(1)
Print roots of a noweb file
python-nose2 / nose2(1)
python-nose2 / nose2-2.7(1)
python3-nose2 / nose2-3(1)
python3-nose2 / nose2-3.4(1)
python-nose / nosetests(1)
Nicer testing for python
python-nose / nosetests-2.7(1)
Nicer testing for python
python3-nose / nosetests3(1)
Nicer testing for python
noweb / notangle(1)
Noweb, a literate-programming tool
notebook-gtk2 / notebook-gtk2(1)
A gtk+ logbook editor
licenseutils / notice(1)
A utility for writing license notices to source files.
ruby-notify / notify(1)
Desktop notification on cross platforms
libnotify-bin / notify-send(1)
A program to send desktop notifications
notmuch / notmuch(1)
Thread-based email index, search, and tagging
notmuch / notmuch-compact(1)
Compact the notmuch database
notmuch / notmuch-config(1)
Access notmuch configuration file
notmuch / notmuch-count(1)
Count messages matching the given search terms
notmuch / notmuch-dump(1)
Creates a plain-text dump of the tags of each message
notmuch / notmuch-insert(1)
Add a message to the maildir and notmuch database
notmuch / notmuch-new(1)
Incorporate new mail into the notmuch database
notmuch / notmuch-reply(1)
Constructs a reply template for a set of messages
notmuch / notmuch-restore(1)
Restores the tags from the given file (see notmuch dump)
notmuch / notmuch-search(1)
Search for messages matching the given search terms
notmuch / notmuch-setup(1)
Thread-based email index, search, and tagging
notmuch / notmuch-show(1)
Show messages matching the given search terms
notmuch / notmuch-tag(1)
Add/remove tags for all messages matching the search terms
noweb / nountangle(1)
Noweb, a literate-programming tool
python-novaclient / nova(1)
Command-line interface to the openstack compute api.
nova-api / nova-api(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-cert / nova-cert(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-compute / nova-compute(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-conductor / nova-conductor(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-console / nova-console(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-consoleauth / nova-consoleauth(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-network / nova-dhcpbridge(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-common / nova-manage(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-network / nova-network(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-consoleproxy / nova-novncproxy(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-common / nova-rootwrap(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-scheduler / nova-rpc-zmq-receiver(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-scheduler / nova-scheduler(1)
Cloud controller fabric
nova-consoleproxy / nova-xvpvncproxy(1)
Cloud controller fabric
noweb / noweave(1)
Noweb, a literate-programming tool
noweb / noweb(1)
A simple literate-programming tool
nowhere / nowhere(1)
A tree parser generator for standard ml
nmap / nping(1)
Network packet generation tool / ping utility
npm / npm(1)
Node package manager
npm / npm-README(1)
Node package manager build status https://travis-ci.org/npm/npm
npm / npm-adduser(1)
Add a registry user account
npm / npm-bin(1)
Display npm bin folder
npm / npm-bugs(1)
Bugs for a package in a web browser maybe
npm / npm-build(1)
Build a package
npm / npm-bundle(1)
npm / npm-cache(1)
Manipulates packages cache
npm / npm-completion(1)
Tab completion for npm
npm / npm-config(1)
Manage the npm configuration files
npm / npm-dedupe(1)
Reduce duplication
npm / npm-deprecate(1)
Deprecate a version of a package
npm / npm-docs(1)
Docs for a package in a web browser maybe
npm / npm-edit(1)
Edit an installed package
npm / npm-explore(1)
Browse an installed package
npm / npm-help(1)
Get help on npm
npm / npm-help-search(1)
Search npm help documentation
npm / npm-init(1)
Interactively create a package.json file
npm / npm-install(1)
Install a package
npm / npm-link(1)
Symlink a package folder
npm / npm-ls(1)
List installed packages
npm / npm-outdated(1)
Check for outdated packages
npm / npm-owner(1)
Manage package owners
npm / npm-pack(1)
Create a tarball from a package
npm / npm-prefix(1)
Display prefix
npm / npm-prune(1)
Remove extraneous packages
npm / npm-publish(1)
Publish a package
npm / npm-rebuild(1)
Rebuild a package
npm / npm-repo(1)
Open package repository page in the browser
npm / npm-restart(1)
Start a package
npm / npm-rm(1)
Remove a package
npm / npm-root(1)
Display npm root
npm / npm-run-script(1)
Run arbitrary package scripts
npm / npm-search(1)
Search for packages
npm / npm-shrinkwrap(1)
Lock down dependency versions
npm / npm-star(1)
Mark your favorite packages
npm / npm-stars(1)
View packages marked as favorites
npm / npm-start(1)
Start a package
npm / npm-stop(1)
Stop a package
npm / npm-submodule(1)
Add a package as a git submodule
npm / npm-tag(1)
Tag a published version
npm / npm-test(1)
Test a package
npm / npm-uninstall(1)
Remove a package
npm / npm-unpublish(1)
Remove a package from the registry
npm / npm-update(1)
Update a package
npm / npm-version(1)
Bump a package version
npm / npm-view(1)
View registry info
npm / npm-whoami(1)
Display npm username
npm2deb / npm2deb(1)
Debianize nodejs modules available via npm
coreutils / nproc(1)
Print the number of processing units available
ncbi-tools-bin / nps2gps(1)
Convert nucleotide-protein sets to asn.1 genomic product sets
libnpth0-dev / npth-config(1)
Tool for linking against npth
nqc / nqc(1)
A simple c-like language for lego's rcx programmable brick
netrw / nr(1)
Read data transported over network using netwrite
nrg2iso / nrg2iso(1)
Extract iso9660 data from nero ".nrg" files
nrss / nrss(1)
An ncurses rss reader
ns2 / ns(1)
Network simulator (version 2)
ns3-doc / ns-3-manual(1)
Ns-3 manual this is the ns-3 manual. primary documentation for the ns-3 project is available in five forms: ns-3 doxygen: documentation of the public apis of the simulator tutorial, manual (this document), and model library for the latest release and development tree ns-3 wiki this document is written in restructuredtext for sphinx and is maintained in the doc/manual directory of ns-3s source code.
ns3-doc / ns-3-tutorial(1)
Ns-3 tutorial this is the ns-3 tutorial. primary documentation for the ns-3 project is available in five forms: ns-3 doxygen: documentation of the public apis of the simulator tutorial (this document), manual, and model library for the latest release and development tree ns-3 wiki this document is written in restructuredtext for sphinx and is maintained in the doc/tutorial directory of ns-3s source code.
ipv6toolkit / ns6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on icmpv6 neighbor solicitation messages
djview-plugin / nsdejavu(1)
Djvu browser plugin
ns2 / nse(1)
Ns in emulation mode to emulate real network
util-linux / nsenter(1)
Run program with namespaces of other processes
dnsutils / nslookup(1)
Query internet name servers interactively
splash / nsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
nss-passwords / nss-passwords(1)
Read passwords from mozilla keyrings from command line
nsscache / nsscache(1)
Synchronise a local nss cache with an upstream data source
ns2 / nstk(1)
Ns with tk support
nstreams / nstreams(1)
A tcpdump output analyzer
dnsutils / nsupdate(1)
Dynamic dns update utility
knot-dnsutils / nsupdate(1)
primer3 / ntdpal(1)
Provides primer3s alignment functionality
nted / nted(1)
A wysiwyg musical score editor
winbind / ntlm_auth(1)
Tool to allow external access to winbinds ntlm authentication function
ntp / ntpdc(1)
Special ntp query program
ntp / ntpq(1)
Standard ntp query program
ntpstat / ntpstat(1)
Show network time synchronisation status
ntp / ntpsweep(1)
Sweep ntp servers and report relationships
ntp / ntptrace(1)
Trace a chain of ntp servers back to the primary source
xawtv / ntsc-cc(1)
Closed caption decoder
primer3 / ntthal(1)
Provides primer3's alignment functionality based on nearest-neighbor thermodynamical approach
nuapplet / nuapplet2(1)
Graphical client for nufw
mummer / nucmer(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer / nucmer2xfig(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
nuitka / nuitka(1)
The python compiler
nuitka / nuitka-run(1)
The python compiler
nullmailer / nullmailer-inject(1)
Reformat and inject a message into the queue.
num-utils / numaverage(1)
Find the average of a set of numbers.
num-utils / numbound(1)
Find boundary numbers in files or stdin.
numconv / numconv(1)
Convert numbers from one number system to another
numdiff / numdiff(1)
Compare similar files with numeric fields
coreutils / numfmt(1)
Convert numbers from/to human-readable strings
num-utils / numgrep(1)
This program is the numeric equivilent of the grep utility.
num-utils / numinterval(1)
Show the numeric intervals between each line in a file.
numlockx / numlockx(1)
Control the state of numlock
python-numm / numm-run(1)
Run a numm program
num-utils / numnormalize(1)
Normalize a set of numbers. by default between 0 and 1.
num-utils / numprocess(1)
This program mutates numbers as it encounters them.
num-utils / numrandom(1)
Print out a random number.
num-utils / numrange(1)
Print out a range of numbers for use in for loops and such.
num-utils / numround(1)
A program that rounds off numbers it encounters.
num-utils / numsum(1)
Numsum program file
nunit-console / nunit-console(1)
Test-based front-end to nunit
dvi2ps / nup(1)
Multiple pages per sheet with dvi2ps
nut-nutrition / nut-nutrition(1)
Analyze meals with the usda nutrient database
nutcpc / nutcpc(1)
Nufw console-mode client for gnu/linux and bsd systems
noweb / nuweb2noweb(1)
Convert nuweb files to noweb form
libnvtt-bin / nvassemble(1)
Create cubemap dds files from multiple images.
libnvtt-bin / nvcompress(1)
Compresses the given image and produces a dds file.
libnvtt-bin / nvddsinfo(1)
Nvddsinfo -outputs information about the given dds file.
libnvtt-bin / nvdecompress(1)
Decompresses the given dds file.
nvi / nvi(1)
Text editors
nvi / nview(1)
Text editors
libnvtt-bin / nvimgdiff(1)
Creates a diff for the two provided images
vlc-nox / nvlc(1)
The vlc media player
nvramtool / nvramtool(1)
Read/write coreboot-related information
libnvtt-bin / nvzoom(1)
Scales the given image.
netrw / nw(1)
Write data transported over network for reading using netread
nwall / nwall(1)
Chat friendly wall program
nwchem / nwchem(1)
High-performance computational chemistry software
python-nwdiag / nwdiag(1)
Generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-nwdiag / nwdiag3(1)
Generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file.
nwipe / nwipe(1)
Securely erase disks
nwrite / nwrite(1)
Enhanced write
nexus-tools / nxbrowse(1)
Browse a nexus file
nexus-tools / nxconvert(1)
Convert a nexus file between different on disk file formats
nexus-tools / nxdir(1)
Inspect a nexus file non interactively
nxproxy / nxproxy(1)
Nx proxy tool
nexus-tools / nxsummary(1)
Generate summary of a nexus file
python-nxt-filer / nxt_filer(1)
Nxt file management progream
python-nxt / nxt_push(1)
Pushes a file to a mindstorm nxt
python-nxt / nxt_server(1)
Command server for mindstorm nxt
python-nxt / nxt_test(1)
Nxt test script
nexus-tools / nxtranslate(1)
Convert anything into a nexus file
nyquist / ny(1)
A computer programming language for software sound synthesis and music composition
nyancat / nyancat(1)
Terminal-based pop tart cat animation
nypatchy / nycheck(1)
Tool to check syntax of specialized-format patches
nypatchy / nydiff(1)
Tool to compare two versions of a specialized-format patch
nypatchy / nyindex(1)
Tool to print index of specialized-format patches
nypatchy / nylist(1)
Tool to list contents of specialized-format patches
nypatchy / nymerge(1)
Tool to update and merge specialized-format patches
nypatchy / nypatchy(1)
Tool to work with specialized-format patches
nypatchy / nyshell(1)
Tool to generate shell scripts to build nypatchy output
nypatchy / nysynopt(1)
Tool to list contents of specialized-format patches
nypatchy / nytidy(1)
Tool to clean up specialized-format patches
nzb / nzb(1)
Nzb nzb based usenet binary grabber
nzbget / nzbget(1)
Binary news file grabber
ocfs2-tools / o2info(1)
Dump ocfs2 file system information on disk.
samba / oLschema2ldif(1)
Converts ldap schemas to ldb-compatible ldif
oaklisp / oaklisp(1)
An implementation of the oaklisp language
oasis / oasis(1)
Generates a complete build system for ocaml libraries and applications.
oathtool / oathtool(1)
Oath one-time password tool
ruby-oauth / oauth(1)
Oauth command-line client
python-chemfp / ob2fps(1)
obconf / obconf(1)
Configuration utility for openbox
obdgpslogger / obd2csv(1)
Convert obdgpslogger(1) logs to csv files
obdgpslogger / obd2gpx(1)
Convert obdgpslogger(1) logs to gpx files
obdgpslogger / obd2kml(1)
Convert obdgpslogger(1) logs to google earth kml files
obdgpslogger / obdgpslogger(1)
Log obd and gps data to sqlite
obdgpslogger / obdgui(1)
Interactive ui for obdgpslogger
obdgpslogger / obdlogrepair(1)
Attempt to repair a disfunctional logfile
obdgpslogger / obdsim(1)
Simulate an elm327 device
obex-data-server / obex-data-server(1)
D-bus service providing obex functionality
obexpushd / obex-folder-listing(1)
Create an obex folder-listing object
openobex-apps / obex_tcp(1)
Send or receive files via tcp
openobex-apps / obex_test(1)
Interactive test application for the openobex library
obexfs / obexautofs(1)
Search, display and mount obexftp capabable devices
obexfs / obexfs(1)
Mount filesystem of obexftp capabable devices
obexftp / obexftp(1)
Mobile equipment file transfer tool
obexftp / obexftpd(1)
Mobile equipment file transfer server
obexftp / obexget(1)
Mobile equipment file transfer tool
obexftp / obexls(1)
Mobile equipment file transfer tool
obexpushd / obexpush_atd(1)
Simulate an at modem to use obexpushd with serial lines
obexpushd / obexpushd(1)
Receive files with obex protocol via bluetooth, irda or network connection
obexftp / obexput(1)
Mobile equipment file transfer tool
obexftp / obexrm(1)
Mobile equipment file transfer tool
obfs4proxy / obfs4proxy(1)
Pluggable transport proxy for tor, implementing obfs4
obfsproxy / obfsproxy(1)
A pluggable transports proxy
sloccount / objc_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
bin86 / objdump86(1)
Examine object, archive or executable files
obmenu / obm-dir(1)
A pipe-menu for openbox
obmenu / obm-moz(1)
A pipe-menu for openbox
obmenu / obm-nav(1)
A pipe-menu for openbox
obmenu / obm-xdg(1)
A pipe-menu for openbox
obmenu / obmenu(1)
A menu editor for openbox
obnam / obnam-viewprof(1)
Show python profiler output
oboinus / oboinus(1)
X11 background previewer and setter
obs-build / obs-build(1)
Build suse linux rpms in a chroot environment
obs-build / obs-buildvc(1)
Create a suse stype changes entry
obsession / obsession-exit(1)
Command-line session management helper for lightweight environments
obsession / obsession-logout(1)
Graphical session management helper for lightweight environments
libobus-ocaml-bin / obus-dump(1)
A d-bus message dumper
libobus-ocaml-bin / obus-gen-client(1)
Generate client-side ocaml bindings from d-bus introspection files
libobus-ocaml-bin / obus-gen-interface(1)
Convert d-bus introspection files to ocaml code
libobus-ocaml-bin / obus-gen-server(1)
Generate server-side ocaml bindings from d-bus introspection files
libobus-ocaml-bin / obus-idl2xml(1)
Convert an obus idl file into a d-bus introspection one
libobus-ocaml-bin / obus-introspect(1)
A d-bus introspecter
libobus-ocaml-bin / obus-xml2idl(1)
Convert a d-bus introspection file into an obus idl one
openbox / obxprop(1)
Openbox a minimalistic, highly configurable, next generation window manager with extensive standards support.
opencaster / oc-update(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
ocaml-interp / ocaml(1)
The ocaml interactive toplevel
libgettext-ocaml-dev / ocaml-gettext(1)
Program to manage po and mo files for ocaml source files.
libgettext-ocaml-dev / ocaml-xgettext(1)
Program to extract translatable strings from ocaml source file.
ocaml-nox / ocamlbuild(1)
The ocaml project compilation tool
ocaml-nox / ocamlbuild.byte(1)
The ocaml project compilation tool
ocaml-nox / ocamlbuild.native(1)
The ocaml project compilation tool
ocaml-nox / ocamlc(1)
The ocaml bytecode compiler
ocaml-nox / ocamlcp(1)
The ocaml profiling compilers
ocaml-nox / ocamldebug(1)
The ocaml source-level replay debugger.
ocaml-nox / ocamldep(1)
Dependency generator for ocaml
ocaml-nox / ocamldoc(1)
The ocaml documentation generator
ocaml-tools / ocamldot(1)
Generate dependency graphs of ocaml programs
ocaml-nox / ocamldumpobj(1)
Disassembler for ocaml executable and .cmo object files
ocaml-findlib / ocamlfind(1)
[command-line interface of the package manager] .sh "synopsis"
ocamlgraph-editor / ocamlgraph-editor(1)
Gtk-based graph editor based on hyperbolic geometry.
ocamlgraph-editor / ocamlgraph-editor.byte(1)
Gtk-based graph editor based on hyperbolic geometry.
ocamlgraph-editor / ocamlgraph-viewer(1)
Gtk-based graph viewer.
ocamlgraph-editor / ocamlgraph-viewer.byte(1)
Gtk-based graph viewer.
ocamlify / ocamlify(1)
Create an ocaml file including other files.
ocaml-nox / ocamllex(1)
The ocaml lexer generator
ocaml-nox / ocamlmklib(1)
Generate libraries with mixed c / caml code.
ocaml-nox / ocamlmktop(1)
Building custom toplevel systems
ocamlmod / ocamlmod(1)
Generate ocaml modules from source files
ocaml-nox / ocamlobjinfo(1)
Dump information about ocaml compiled objects
ocaml-nox / ocamlopt(1)
The ocaml native-code compiler
ocaml-nox / ocamloptp(1)
The ocaml profiling compilers
ocaml-nox / ocamlprof(1)
The ocaml profiler
ocaml-base-nox / ocamlrun(1)
The ocaml bytecode interpreter
ocamlviz / ocamlviz(1)
Monitoring tools for objective caml
ocamlviz / ocamlviz-ascii(1)
Monitoring tools for objective caml
ocamlviz / ocamlviz-gui(1)
Monitoring tools for objective caml
ocamlwc / ocamlwc(1)
Count the lines of code and comments in ocaml sources
ocamlweb / ocamlweb(1)
A literate programming tool for objective caml
ocaml-nox / ocamlyacc(1)
The ocaml parser generator
onioncat / ocat(1)
Onioncat creates a transparent ipv6 layer on top of tor's hidden services. gcat - garlicat is like onioncat but it works with i2p instead of tor.
opencolorio-tools / ociobakelut(1)
Create a new lut or icc profile from an ocio config or lut file(s)
opencolorio-tools / ociocheck(1)
Validate an opencolorio configuration
opencolorio-tools / ocioconvert(1)
Apply colorspace transform to an image
opencolorio-tools / ociolutimage(1)
Convert a 3dlut to or from an image
gringo / oclingo(1)
A combination of clasp and gringo
x11-apps / oclock(1)
Round x clock
opencubicplayer / ocp(1)
Music player
opencubicplayer / ocp-curses(1)
Music player
ocp-indent / ocp-indent(1)
Automatic indentation of ocaml source files
opencubicplayer / ocp-sdl(1)
Music player
opencubicplayer / ocp-vcsa(1)
Music player
opencubicplayer / ocp-x11(1)
Music player
camlp5 / ocpp5(1)
Pre-precessor-pretty-printer for ocaml mkcamlp5 - create custom camlp5 mkcamlp5.opt - create custom camlp5 (native code) ocpp5 - universal preprocessor
ocproxy / ocproxy(1)
Lwip based proxy for openconnect
python-gamera.toolkits.ocr / ocr4gamera(1)
Ocr system using the gamera framework
ocrad / ocrad(1)
Command line text recognition tool
ocrfeeder / ocrfeeder(1)
Document layout analysis and optical character recognition system.
ocrfeeder / ocrfeeder-cli(1)
Command line interface for ocrfeeder, a document layout analysis and optical character recognition system.
ocrodjvu / ocrodjvu(1)
Ocr for djvu files
cscope / ocs(1)
Creates and maintains the database for cscope on a recursive directory set
ocsigenserver / ocsigenserver(1)
Web programming framework in ocaml
ocsigenserver / ocsigenserver.opt(1)
Web programming framework in ocaml
gnutls-bin / ocsptool(1)
Gnutls ocsp tool
octave / octave(1)
A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
octave / octave-cli(1)
A high-level interactive language for numerical computations.
liboctave-dev / octave-config(1)
Gnu octave component and library information retrieval
octovis / octovis(1)
Octomap 3d viewer
coreutils / od(1)
Dump files in octal and other formats
tkdesk / od-tkdesk(1)
Remotely open a directory using tkdesk
sumo / od2trips(1)
Importer of o/d-matrices for the road traffic simulation sumo
odbcinst / odbcinst(1)
Command line tool for batch odbc configuration
opendbx-utils / odbx-sql(1)
Swiss army knife for communicating with databases and interactive sql shell
plotutils / ode(1)
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations
libode-dev / ode-config(1)
Libode-dev show information about installed ode libraries
libode-sp-dev / ode-config(1)
Libode-dev show information about installed ode libraries
python-odf / odf2mht(1)
Convert odf to html archive
python-odf / odf2xhtml(1)
Convert odf to html
translate-toolkit / odf2xliff(1)
Convert opendocument (odf) files to xliff localization files.
python-odf / odf2xml(1)
Create opendocument xml file from od? package
python-odf / odfimgimport(1)
Import external images
python-odf / odflint(1)
Check odf file for problems
python-odf / odfmeta(1)
List or change the metadata of an odf file
python-odf / odfoutline(1)
Show outline of opendocument
python-odf / odfuserfield(1)
List or change the user-field declarations in an odf file
qdbm-util / odidx(1)
Indexer of document files
odin / odin(1)
Graphical user interface of odin
odin / odinreco(1)
Automatic reconstruction for odin sequences
qdbm-util / odmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm odeum
odot / odot(1)
A task list manager
unoconv / odp2pdf(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odp2ppt(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
odt2txt / odp2txt(1)
A simple converter from opendocument text to plain text
libhsm-bin / ods-hsmspeed(1)
Opendnssec hsm speed tester
libhsm-bin / ods-hsmutil(1)
Opendnssec hsm utility
opendnssec-enforcer-mysql / ods-kaspcheck(1)
Performs a sanity check of the policy for opendnssec
opendnssec-enforcer-sqlite3 / ods-kaspcheck(1)
Performs a sanity check of the policy for opendnssec
opendnssec-enforcer-mysql / ods-ksmutil(1)
Opendnssec zone and key management
opendnssec-enforcer-sqlite3 / ods-ksmutil(1)
Opendnssec zone and key management
obex-data-server / ods-server(1)
Minimal obex server based on obex-data-server
unoconv / ods2pdf(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
odt2txt / ods2txt(1)
A simple converter from opendocument text to plain text
calibre / odt-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from an odt file
unoconv / odt2bib(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2doc(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2docbook(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2html(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2lt(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2pdf(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2rtf(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2sdw(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2sxw(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
odt2txt / odt2txt.odt2txt(1)
A simple converter from opendocument text to plain text
unoconv / odt2txt.unoconv(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2xhtml(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / odt2xml(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
qdbm-util / odtest(1)
Test cases for qdbm odeum
texlive-binaries / odvicopy(1)
Produce modified copy of dvi file
texlive-binaries / odvitype(1)
Translate a dvi file for humans
argyll / oeminst(1)
List information about the files.
psi3 / oeprop(1)
One-electron property program
offlineimap / offlineimap(1)
Powerful imap/maildir synchronization and reader support
multicat / offsets(1)
Manipulate auxiliary files created by ingests
ofx / ofxconnect(1)
Create a statement request file
ofx / ofxdump(1)
Dump content of ofx files as human-readable text
vorbis-tools / ogg123(1)
Plays ogg vorbis files
oggvideotools / oggCat(1)
Concatenates two ogg video files (.ogv, .ogg or oga)
oggvideotools / oggCut(1)
Extracts parts of an ogg file (.ogv, .ogg and .oga)
oggvideotools / oggDump(1)
Prints out information of ogg video files (.ogv, .ogg or oga)
oggvideotools / oggJoin(1)
Multiplexes ogg streams (.ogv, .ogg or oga)
oggvideotools / oggLength(1)
Gives the length of an ogg video/audio file
oggvideotools / oggSilence(1)
Creates a silence period in vorbis format
oggvideotools / oggSlideshow(1)
Creates slideshows from pictures
oggvideotools / oggSplit(1)
Demultiplexes ogv files
oggvideotools / oggThumb(1)
Creates thumbnails from an ogg video file
oggvideotools / oggTranscode(1)
Transcodes ogg files in multiple ways
oggconvert / oggconvert(1)
Converts media files to free formats
vorbis-tools / oggdec(1)
Simple decoder, ogg vorbis file to pcm audio file (wave or raw).
vorbis-tools / oggenc(1)
Encode audio into the ogg vorbis format
vorbis-tools / ogginfo(1)
Gives information about ogg files, and does extensive validity checking
mp3splt / oggsplt(1)
Utility for mp3/ogg vorbis splitting without decoding
oggz-tools / oggz(1)
Oggz inspect and manipulate ogg multimedia files
oggz-tools / oggz-chop(1)
Oggz-chop extract the part of an ogg file between given start and/or end times.
oggz-tools / oggz-codecs(1)
Oggz-codecs list codecs in one or more ogg files and their bitstreams.
oggz-tools / oggz-comment(1)
Oggz-comment list or edit comments in an ogg file.
oggz-tools / oggz-diff(1)
Oggz-diff hexdump the packets of two ogg files and output differences
oggz-tools / oggz-dump(1)
Oggz-dump hexdump packets of an ogg file, or revert an ogg file from such a hexdump
oggz-tools / oggz-info(1)
Oggz-info display information about one or more ogg files and their bitstreams.
oggz-tools / oggz-known-codecs(1)
Oggz-known-codecs list codecs known by this version of oggz
oggz-tools / oggz-merge(1)
Oggz-merge merge ogg files together, interleaving pages in order of presentation time.
oggz-tools / oggz-rip(1)
Oggz-rip extract one or more logical bitstreams from an ogg file.
oggz-tools / oggz-scan(1)
Oggz-scan scan an ogg file and output characteristic landmarks
oggz-tools / oggz-sort(1)
Oggz-sort sort the pages of an ogg file in order of presentation time.
oggz-tools / oggz-validate(1)
Oggz-validate validate the ogg framing of one or more files
ogmtools / ogmcat(1)
Concatenate several ogg/ogm files into one big ogg/ogm file
ogmtools / ogmdemux(1)
Extract streams from ogg/ogm files into separate files
ogmtools / ogminfo(1)
Print information about streams in ogg/ogm files
ogmtools / ogmmerge(1)
Merge multimedia streams into an ogg/ogm file
ogmtools / ogmsplit(1)
Split ogg/ogm files into several smaller ogg/ogm files
a2ps / ogonkify(1)
International support for postscript
gdal-bin / ogr2ogr(1)
Ogr2ogr converts simple features data between file formats
gdal-bin / ogr_utilities(1)
Ogr utility programs a collection of ogr related programs. the following utilities are distributed as part of the ogr simple features toolkit: ogrinfo - lists information about an ogr supported data source ogr2ogr - converts simple features data between file formats ogrtindex - creates a tileindex
gdal-bin / ogrinfo(1)
Ogrinfo lists information about an ogr supported data source
gdal-bin / ogrtindex(1)
Ogrtindex creates a tileindex
ohai / ohai(1)
Collect system information
ohcount / ohcount(1)
Manual page for ohcount 3.0.0
postgresql-contrib-9.4 / oid2name(1)
Resolve oids and file nodes in a postgresql data directory
oidua / oidua(1)
Audio file metadata lister
openimageio-tools / oiiotool(1)
The oiio swiss army knife
oinkmaster / oinkmaster(1)
Update snort signatures
okular / okular(1)
A universal document viewer
ola / ola_artnet(1)
Configure artnet devices managed by ola.
ola / ola_dev_info(1)
Display olad devices and ports.
ola / ola_dmxconsole(1)
Send dmx512 information to olad
ola / ola_dmxmonitor(1)
Monitor the dmx512 values on an ola universe.
ola / ola_e131(1)
Configure e1.31 devices managed by ola.
ola / ola_patch(1)
Control ola port bindings.
ola / ola_recorder(1)
Record to, or playback from, a file a number of universes for a show
ola / ola_set_priority(1)
Set an olad port's priority.
ola / ola_streaming_client(1)
Stream data to the ola server.
ola / ola_uni_info(1)
Display the active universes in ola.
ola / ola_usbpro(1)
Configure enttec usb pro devices managed by ola.
ola / olad(1)
The open lighting architecture daemon
findutils / oldfind(1)
Search for files in a directory hierarchy
ooo2dbk / ole2img(1)
Programe to convert all ole objects of a .sxw openoffice.org document as images in a target directory
ladr4-apps / olfilter(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
geda-utils / olib(1)
Orcad(tm) library part to geda .sym converter
primer3 / oligotm(1)
Prints oligos melting temperature on stdout
olive / olive(1)
Console rss reader
speech-tools / ols(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / ols_test(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
olsrd / olsrd-adhoc-setup(1)
Setup the wifi interface for meshing with olsrd
olsrd-gui / olsrd-gui(1)
Control and view status of olsrd routing daemon
olvwm / olvwm(1)
Open look virtual window manager for x11 and openwindows
olwm / olwm(1)
Open look window manager for openwindows
olwm / olwmslave(1)
Helper program for olwm
omhacks / om(1)
Control openmoko phone hardware
omhacks / om-led(1)
Control openmoko phone leds
omegat / omegat(1)
Omegat computer assisted translation (cat) tool
xapian-omega / omindex(1)
Index static website data via the filesystem
omniidl / omnicpp(1)
Omniorb cpp preprocessor for idl compiler
omniidl / omniidl(1)
Omniorb idl compiler
openmpi-checkpoint / ompi-checkpoint(1)
Checkpoint a running parallel process using the open mpi checkpoint/restart service (crs) note: ompi-checkpoint, and orte-checkpoint are all exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-bin / ompi-clean(1)
Cleans up any stale processes and files leftover from open mpi jobs.
openmpi-bin / ompi-iof(1)
Displays a copy of the output streams from a process. note: ompi-iof, and orte-iof are exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-bin / ompi-probe(1)
Server for supporting name publish/lookup operations.
openmpi-bin / ompi-profiler(1)
Server for supporting name publish/lookup operations.
openmpi-bin / ompi-ps(1)
Displays information about the active jobs and processes in open mpi. note: ompi-ps, and orte-ps are exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-checkpoint / ompi-restart(1)
Restart a previously checkpointed parallel job using the open pal checkpoint/restart service (crs) note: ompi-restart, and orte-restart are all exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-bin / ompi-server(1)
Server for supporting name publish/lookup operations.
openmpi-bin / ompi-top(1)
Diagnostic to provide process info similar to the popular "top" program. note: ompi-top, and orte-top are exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-bin / ompi_info(1)
Display information about the open mpi installation
ompl-demos / ompl_benchmark_statistics(1)
Parser for log files from ompl planners
isc-dhcp-common / omshell(1)
Omapi command shell
libomxil-bellagio0 / omxregister-bellagio(1)
Register openmax/bellagio components
libomxil-bellagio0 / omxregister-bellagio-0(1)
Register openmax/bellagio components
powermgmt-base / on_ac_power(1)
Test whether computer is running on ac power
onak / onak(1)
An openpgp compatible keyserver
onesixtyone / onesixtyone(1)
Onesixtyone easy snmp scanner
onetime / onetime(1)
Command-line encryption program using the "one-time pad" method
libonig-dev / onig-config(1)
Provide information about the installed version of libonig
ctdb / onnode(1)
Run commands on ctdb cluster nodes
opensp / onsgmls(1)
An sgml/xml parser and validator
translate-toolkit / oo2po(1)
Convert an openoffice.org (sdf) localization file to gettext po localization files.
translate-toolkit / oo2xliff(1)
Convert an openoffice.org (sdf) localization file to xliff localization files.
ooo-thumbnailer / ooo-thumbnailer(1)
Create nautilus thumbnails for openoffice.org documents, spreadsheets, presentations and drawings.
ooo2dbk / ooo2dbk(1)
Program to convert openoffice.org-writer (odt and sxw) files to docbook xml documents.
unoconv / ooxml2doc(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / ooxml2odt(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
unoconv / ooxml2pdf(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
kcachegrind-converters / op2calltree(1)
Convert oprofile profiling data to kcachegrind calltree format
openmpi-checkpoint / opal-checkpoint(1)
Checkpoint a running sequential process using the open pal checkpoint/restart service (crs). note: this should only be used by the user if the application being checkpointed is an opal-only application. if it is an open rte or open mpi program their respective tools should be used.
openmpi-checkpoint / opal-restart(1)
Restart a previously checkpointed sequential process using the open pal checkpoint/restart service (crs) note: this should only be used by the user if the application being restarted is an opal-only application. if it is an open rte or open mpi program their respective tools should be used.
libopenmpi-dev / opal_wrapper(1)
Back-end open mpi wrapper command
libopenmpi-dev / opalc++(1)
Back-end open mpi wrapper command
libopenmpi-dev / opalcc(1)
Open pal c wrapper compiler
opam-docs / opam(1)
Source-based ocaml package management
opam-docs / opam-admin(1)
Administration tool for local repositories.
opam-docs / opam-admin-check(1)
Check a local repo for errors.
opam-docs / opam-admin-depexts(1)
Add external dependencies.
opam-docs / opam-admin-findlib(1)
Add findlib information.
opam-docs / opam-admin-make(1)
Initialize a repo for serving files.
opam-docs / opam-admin-rename(1)
Rename a package.
opam-docs / opam-admin-stats(1)
Compute statistics.
opam-docs / opam-config(1)
Display configuration options for packages.
opam-docs / opam-help(1)
Display help about opam and opam commands.
opam-docs / opam-info(1)
An alias for show.
opam-docs / opam-init(1)
Initialize opam state.
opam-docs / opam-install(1)
Install a list of packages.
opam-docs / opam-installer(1)
Handles (un)installation of package files following instructions from opam *.install files.
opam-docs / opam-lint(1)
Checks and validate package description ('opam') files.
opam-docs / opam-list(1)
Display the list of available packages.
opam-docs / opam-pin(1)
Pin a given package to a specific version or source.
opam-docs / opam-reinstall(1)
Reinstall a list of packages.
opam-docs / opam-remote(1)
An alias for repository.
opam-docs / opam-remove(1)
Remove a list of packages.
opam-docs / opam-repository(1)
Manage opam repositories.
opam-docs / opam-search(1)
Search into the package list.
opam-docs / opam-show(1)
Display information about specific packages.
opam-docs / opam-source(1)
Get the source of an opam package.
opam-docs / opam-switch(1)
Manage multiple installation of compilers.
opam-docs / opam-uninstall(1)
An alias for remove.
opam-docs / opam-unpin(1)
An alias for pin remove.
opam-docs / opam-update(1)
Update the list of available packages.
opam-docs / opam-upgrade(1)
Upgrade the installed package to latest version.
opari / opari(1)
Source to source openmp program instrumentor
opari2 / opari2(1)
Source to source openmp program instrumentor
kbd / open(1)
Start a program on a new virtual terminal (vt).
open-axiom / open-axiom(1)
Open source platform for symbolic, algebraic, and numerical computations
open-cobol / open-cobol(1)
Cobol compiler
openbmap-logger / openBmapGTK(1)
Program to log gsm/gps data for openbmap
open-jtalk / open_jtalk(1)
Open_jtalk japanese tts system
openal-info / openal-info(1)
Useful openal information
gnustep-common / openapp(1)
Launch applications from the command line
openbox-gnome-session / openbox-gnome-session(1)
Openbox-gnome-session run a gnome session with openbox as the window manager
openbox-kde-session / openbox-kde-session(1)
Openbox-kde-session run a kde session with openbox as the window manager
lxde-common / openbox-lxde(1)
Wrapper to run openbox for lxde
openbox-menu / openbox-menu(1)
Openbox pipe-menu to display entries in *.desktop files
openbox / openbox-session(1)
Openbox-session runs an openbox session without any session manager.
opencc / opencc(1)
Simplified-traditional chinese conversion tool
opencc / opencc_dict(1)
Open chinese convert dictionary tool
openchangeclient / openchangeclient(1)
Mapi command line messaging tool
openchangeclient / openchangepfadmin(1)
Exchange users and public folder administration tool
libopencsg-example / opencsgexample(1)
Demo program for the opencsg library
libopencv-dev / opencv_createsamples(1)
Create training and testing samples
libopencv-dev / opencv_haartraining(1)
Train classifier
libopencv-dev / opencv_performance(1)
Evaluate the performance of the classifier
libopencv-dev / opencv_traincascade(1)
Transcascade application
opendict / opendict(1)
Computer dictionary with several dictionary format support
opendkim-tools / opendkim-spam(1)
Dkim filter spam correlation tool
openfetion / openfetion(1)
Open source implementation of fetion protocol client
openguides / openguides-setup-db(1)
Script to set up openguides database
openipmi / openipmicmd(1)
An ipmi command interface
openipmi / openipmish(1)
Shell interface to an ipmi system
openjade / openjade-1.4devel(1)
Apply a dsssl stylesheet to an sgml or xml document
openjade1.3 / openjade1.3(1)
Applies a dsssl stylesheet to an sgml or xml document
libopenlayer-dev / openlayer-config(1)
- script to get information about the installed version of libopenlayer.
openload / openload(1)
Tool for load testing of web applications
openlp / openlp(1)
Church worship presentation software
openmolar / openmolar(1)
Dental practice management software.
openmsx / openmsx(1)
Openmsx perfectly emulate the msx standard and more
openmsx-catapult / openmsx-catapult(1)
Openmsx-catapult perfectly emulate the msx standard and more
openmsx-debugger / openmsx-debugger(1)
Graphical debugger for openmsx
openmx / openmx(1)
Package for nano-scale material simulations
openocd / openocd(1)
A free and open on-chip debugging, in-system programming and boundary-scan testing tool for arm and mips systems
opensc / openpgp-tool(1)
Utility for accessing visible data openpgp smart cards and compatible tokens
hash-slinger / openpgpkey(1)
Create and verify rfc-tbd openpgpkey dns records
openpref / openpref(1)
Card game against two virtual players
opensc / opensc-explorer(1)
Generic interactive utility for accessing smart card and similar security token functions
opensc / opensc-tool(1)
Generic smart card utility
openscad / openscad(1)
Script file based graphical cad environment
openscad-testing / openscad-testrun(1)
Set up and run the openscad test suite
opensesame / opensesame(1)
Graphical experiment builder for the social sciences
opensesame / opensesamerun(1)
Graphical experiment builder for the social sciences (runtime)
openshot / openshot(1)
Non-linear video editor
openshot / openshot-render(1)
Openshot command line renderer
python-openstackclient / openstack(1)
Openstack command line client openstack command line
python-openstack-doc-tools / openstack-doc-test(1)
Openstack documentation tools
openstv / openstv(1)
Single transferable vote and instant runoff voting software
openstv / openstv-run-election(1)
Single transferable vote and instant runoff voting software
openteacher / openteacher(1)
Learn words in a foreign language
gnustep-common / opentool(1)
Command line tool for starting tools
openuniverse / openuniverse(1)
3d space simulation
libopenvrml9 / openvrml-player(1)
Vrml/x3d player
kbd / openvt(1)
Start a program on a new virtual terminal (vt).
exfalso / operon(1)
Command line music tagger
ophcrack / ophcrack(1)
A microsoft windows password cracker using rainbow tables.
ophcrack-cli / ophcrack-cli(1)
A microsoft windows password cracker using rainbow tables.
opj2dat / opj2dat(1)
Converts origin project files to dat files
libopenjp3d7 / opj_jp3d_compress(1)
Works with jpeg2000 files
libopenjp3d7 / opj_jp3d_decompress(1)
Works with jpeg2000 files
libopenjpip-dec-server / opj_jpip_addxml(1)
Works with jpeg2000 files
libopenjpip-dec-server / opj_jpip_test(1)
Works with jpeg2000 files
libopenjpip-dec-server / opj_jpip_transcode(1)
Works with jpeg2000 files
llvm-3.4 / opt-3.4(1)
Llvm optimizer
llvm-3.5 / opt-3.5(1)
Llvm optimizer
optgeo / optgeo(1)
Simulator for geometrical optics
opticalraytracer / opticalraytracer(1)
A virtual lens design workshop
yagiuda / optimise(1)
Yagi-uda project antenna optimiser
exactimage / optimize2bw(1)
Automatic thresholder of the exactimage toolkit
optipng / optipng(1)
Optimize portable network graphics files
bumblebee / optirun(1)
Run programs on the discrete video card
opus-tools / opusdec(1)
Decode audio from opus format to wav (or simple audio output)
opus-tools / opusenc(1)
Encode audio into the opus format
opus-tools / opusinfo(1)
Gives information about opus files and does extensive validity checking
opus-tools / opusrtp(1)
Encapsulate opus audio in rtp
golang-go.tools / oracle(1)
A tool for answering questions about go source code
orage / orage(1)
Calendar for the xfce desktop environment
orbit2 / orbit-idl-2(1)
Idl compiler for orbit2
orbit2-nameserver / orbit-name-server-2(1)
Corba naming server
liborbit2-dev / orbit2-config(1)
Helper script for building with orbit2
gnome-orca / orca(1)
A scriptable screen reader
xymon-client / orcaxymon(1)
Xymon client utility to grab data from orca
oregano / oregano(1)
Gnome application for schematic capture of electrical circuits
ruby-org / org-ruby(1)
origami / origami(1)
Command-line management tool for folding @ home clients.
oroborus / oroborus(1)
Lightweight themeable window manager for x.
orpie / orpie(1)
Orpie is a console-based rpn calculator with an interactive visual stack.
orpie / orpie-curses-keys(1)
Orpie-curses-keys is a small utility designed to assist in the creation of an orpierc(5) file.
openmpi-checkpoint / orte-checkpoint(1)
Checkpoint a running parallel process using the open mpi checkpoint/restart service (crs) note: ompi-checkpoint, and orte-checkpoint are all exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-bin / orte-clean(1)
Cleans up any stale processes and files leftover from open mpi jobs.
openmpi-bin / orte-iof(1)
Displays a copy of the output streams from a process. note: ompi-iof, and orte-iof are exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-bin / orte-ps(1)
Displays information about the active jobs and processes in open mpi. note: ompi-ps, and orte-ps are exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-checkpoint / orte-restart(1)
Restart a previously checkpointed parallel job using the open pal checkpoint/restart service (crs) note: ompi-restart, and orte-restart are all exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
openmpi-bin / orte-top(1)
Diagnostic to provide process info similar to the popular "top" program. note: ompi-top, and orte-top are exact synonyms for each other. using any of the names will result in exactly identical behavior.
libopenmpi-dev / ortec++(1)
Back-end open mpi wrapper command
libopenmpi-dev / ortecc(1)
Back-end open mpi wrapper command
openmpi-bin / orted(1)
Start an open rte user-level daemon
openmpi-bin / orterun(1)
Execute serial and parallel jobs in open mpi. note: mpirun, mpiexec, and orterun are all synonyms for each other. using any of the names will produce the same behavior.
graphviz / osage(1)
Filter for drawing clustered graphs
osc / osc(1)
Opensuse build service command-line tool.
python-txosc / osc-receive(1)
Receives osc messages
python-txosc / osc-send(1)
Sends an osc message
xosd-bin / osd_cat(1)
X on-screen file displayer
osdclock / osd_clock(1)
X on-screen clock displayer
osdsh / osdctl(1)
Controls osdsh via the command line
osdsh / osdsh(1)
Overlays your screen with various system informations
osdsh / osdshconfig(1)
Create themefiles for osdsh
openscenegraph / osg2cpp(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgQtBrowser(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgQtWidgets(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganalysis(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimate(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationeasemotion(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationhardware(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationmakepath(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationmorph(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationnode(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationskinning(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationsolid(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationtimeline(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osganimationviewer(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgarchive(1)
Set of applications program
openscenegraph / osgatomiccounter(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgautocapture(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgautotransform(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgbillboard(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgblendequation(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgbrowser(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgcallback(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgcamera(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgcatch(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgclip(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgcluster(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgcompositeviewer(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgcomputeshaders(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgconv(1)
Set of applications program
openscenegraph / osgcopy(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgcubemap(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgdatabaserevisions(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgdelaunay(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgdepthpartition(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgdepthpeeling(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgdistortion(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgdrawinstanced(1)
Set of examples program
osgearth / osgearth_backfill(1)
Specialty tool for post-processing tms datasets
osgearth / osgearth_boundarygen(1)
Generate boundary geometry
osgearth / osgearth_cache(1)
Manage osgearth's cache
osgearth / osgearth_demo(1)
Demo application
osgearth / osgearth_overlayviewer(1)
Debug the overlay decorator capability in osgearth
osgearth / osgearth_package(1)
Create a redistributable tms based package
osgearth / osgearth_sharedlayer(1)
Demonstration of shared layers
osgearth / osgearth_terraineffects(1)
Tests built-in terraineffect classes
osgearth / osgearth_tfs(1)
Generate a tfs dataset from a feature source
osgearth / osgearth_tileindex(1)
Build a tile index
osgearth / osgearth_version(1)
Display osgearth version
osgearth / osgearth_viewer(1)
Load and display a map
openscenegraph / osgfadetext(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgfilecache(1)
Set of applications program
openscenegraph / osgfont(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgforest(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgfpdepth(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgframerenderer(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgfxbrowser(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osggameoflife(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osggeometry(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osggeometryshaders(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osggpx(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osggraphicscost(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osghangglide(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osghud(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgimagesequence(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgimpostor(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgintersection(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgkdtree(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgkeyboard(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgkeyboardmouse(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgkeystone(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osglauncher(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osglight(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osglightpoint(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osglogicop(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osglogo(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmanipulator(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmemorytest(1)
Set of examples program
opensp / osgmlnorm(1)
An sgml/xml document normalizer
openscenegraph / osgmotionblur(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmovie(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmultiplemovies(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmultiplerendertargets(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmultitexture(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmultitexturecontrol(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmultitouch(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgmultiviewpaging(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgoccluder(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgocclusionquery(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgoit(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgoscdevice(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgoutline(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgpackeddepthstencil(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgpagedlod(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgparametric(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgparticle(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgparticleeffects(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgparticleshader(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgpdf(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgphotoalbum(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgpick(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgplanets(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgpoints(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgpointsprite(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgposter(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgprecipitation(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgprerender(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgprerendercubemap(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgqfont(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgreflect(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgrobot(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgscalarbar(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgscreencapture(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgscribe(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgsequence(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgshadercomposition(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgshadergen(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgshaders(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgshaderterrain(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgshadow(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgshape(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgsharedarray(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgsidebyside(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgsimplegl3(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgsimpleshaders(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgsimplifier(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgsimulation(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgslice(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgspacewarp(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgspheresegment(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgspotlight(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgstereoimage(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgstereomatch(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgteapot(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgterrain(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtessellate(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtessellationshaders(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtext(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtext3D(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtexture1D(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtexture2D(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtexture3D(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtexturecompression(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgtexturerectangle(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgthirdpersonview(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgthreadedterrain(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osguniformbuffer(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgunittests(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osguserdata(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osguserstats(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgversion(1)
Set of applications program
openscenegraph / osgvertexattributes(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgvertexprogram(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgviewer(1)
Set of applications program
openscenegraph / osgviewerGLUT(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgviewerGTK(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgviewerQt(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgviewerQtContext(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgviewerSDL(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgviewerWX(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgvirtualprogram(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgvolume(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetaddremove(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetbox(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetcanvas(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetframe(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetinput(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetlabel(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetmenu(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetmessagebox(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetnotebook(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetperformance(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetscrolled(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetshader(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetstyled(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgettable(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwidgetwindow(1)
Set of examples program
openscenegraph / osgwindows(1)
Set of examples program
libosip2-dev / osip(1)
Libosip2 the gnu osip library is a low layer sip implementation.
xorriso / osirrox(1)
Creates, loads, manipulates and writes iso 9660 filesystem images with rock ridge extensions.
osm2pgsql / osm2pgsql(1)
Openstreetmap data to postgresql converter.
osmctools / osmconvert(1)
Converter of osm files
osmctools / osmfilter(1)
The experimental osm filters data
osmjs / osmjs(1)
Javascript interpreter for the osmium framework
osmo / osmo(1)
A handy personal organizer
osmo-sdr / osmo_sdr(1)
An i/q recorder for rtl2832 based dvb-t receivers
gr-osmosdr / osmocom_fft(1)
Spectrum browser
gr-osmosdr / osmocom_siggen(1)
Signal generator application with gui controls
gr-osmosdr / osmocom_siggen_nogui(1)
Signal generator application
gr-osmosdr / osmocom_spectrum_sense(1)
Gnu radio application from osmosdr
osmosis / osmosis(1)
Command line openstreetmap data processor
osmpbf-bin / osmpbf-outline(1)
Outline the content of an .osm.pbf or .osh.pbf file
osmctools / osmupdate(1)
Update osm files
opensp / ospam(1)
An sgml/xml markup stream editor
opensp / ospcat(1)
Sgml print catalog
osptoolkit / ospenroll(1)
Ospenroll osp enroll script
opensp / ospent(1)
Concatenates entities in an sgml/xml document
osptoolkit / osptest(1)
Osptest osp test application
freetds-bin / osql(1)
Utility to test freetds connections and queries
oss4-base / ossinfo(1)
Open sound system information/status program
oss4-base / ossplay(1)
Open sound system playback program.
oss4-base / ossrecord(1)
Open sound system recording program.
oss4-base / osstest(1)
Open sound system audio self test applet.
oss4-gtk / ossxmix(1)
Open sound system gtk based gui mixer program.
ostinato / ostinato(1)
Starts a ostinato client.
opensp / osx(1)
An sgml to xml converter
otags / otags(1)
Generate tags files for emacs and vi/vim from ocaml sources
texlive-binaries / otangle(1)
Translate web to pascal
tclcl / otcldoc(1)
Simple script for translating otcl classes into an html hyperlinked document
otcl-shells / otclsh(1)
Tcl shell containing object-oriented scripting language otcl
otf2bdf / otf2bdf(1)
Opentype to bdf font converter
otf-trace / otfaux(1)
otf-trace / otfcompress(1)
libopen-trace-format-dev / otfconfig(1)
otf-trace / otfdecompress(1)
lcdf-typetools / otfinfo(1)
Report information about opentype fonts
otf-trace / otfinfo(1)
otf-trace / otfmerge(1)
otf-trace / otfmerge-mpi(1)
otf-trace / otfprint(1)
otf-trace / otfprofile(1)
otf-trace / otfprofile-mpi(1)
otf-trace / otfshrink(1)
lcdf-typetools / otftotfm(1)
Create tex font metrics from opentype fonts
vim-vimoutliner / otl2docbook(1)
Converts vimoutliner outline to docbook
vim-vimoutliner / otl2html(1)
Converts vimoutliner outline to html
vim-vimoutliner / otl2pdb(1)
Converts vimoutliner outline to addressdb palm file.
otp / otp(1)
Generate one-time key pads or password lists
otpw-bin / otpw-gen(1)
One-time password generator
libotr5-bin / otr_mackey(1)
Process off-the-record messaging transcripts
libotr5-bin / otr_modify(1)
Process off-the-record messaging transcripts
libotr5-bin / otr_parse(1)
Process off-the-record messaging transcripts
libotr5-bin / otr_readforge(1)
Process off-the-record messaging transcripts
libotr5-bin / otr_remac(1)
Process off-the-record messaging transcripts
libotr5-bin / otr_sesskeys(1)
Process off-the-record messaging transcripts
libotr5-bin / otr_toolkit(1)
Process off-the-record messaging transcripts
otter / otter(1)
Resolution-style theorem prover
mpg123 / out123(1)
Play raw pcm audio to an output device
outguess / outguess(1)
Universal steganographic tool
outguess / outguess-extract(1)
Universal steganographic tool
yagiuda / output(1)
Yagi-uda project antenna display program
enscript / over(1)
Pretty print and scroll source code on terminal
ovito / ovito(1)
(the open visualization tool) is a scientific visualization and analysis software for atomistic simulation data.
openvswitch-common / ovs-benchmark(1)
Flow setup benchmark utility for open vswitch
openvswitch-test / ovs-l3ping(1)
Check network deployment for l3 tunneling problems
openvswitch-switch / ovs-pcap(1)
Print packets from a pcap file as hex
openvswitch-switch / ovs-tcpundump(1)
Convert ``tcpdump -xx'' output to hex strings
openvswitch-test / ovs-test(1)
Check linux drivers for performance, vlan and l3 tunneling problems
openvswitch-switch / ovs-vlan-test(1)
Check linux drivers for problems with vlan traffic
openvswitch-common / ovsdb-client(1)
Command-line interface to ovsdb-server(1)
openvswitch-switch / ovsdb-server(1)
Open vswitch database server
openvswitch-common / ovsdb-tool(1)
Open vswitch database management utility
libow-dev / owcapi(1)
Easy c-language 1-wire interface
ow-shell / owdir(1)
Lightweight owserver access
ow-shell / owexist(1)
Lightweight owserver access
owfs-fuse / owfs(1)
1-wire filesystem
owftpd / owftpd(1)
Anoymous ftp server for 1-wire access
ow-shell / owget(1)
Lightweight owserver access
owhttpd / owhttpd(1)
Tiny webserver for 1-wire control
otcl-shells / owish(1)
Graphical shell containing object-oriented scripting language otcl
owl / owl(1)
Tty based zephyr client
ow-tools / owmon(1)
Monitor for owserver settings and statistics
owncloud-client / owncloud(1)
File synchronisation desktop utility.
owncloud-client-cmd / owncloudcmd(1)
Command line owncloud client tool.
libownet-dev / ownet(1)
Easy c-language 1-wire interface to the owserver protocol
libownet-dev / ownetapi(1)
Easy c-language 1-wire interface to the owserver protocol
libownet-dev / ownetlib(1)
Easy c-language 1-wire interface to the owserver protocol
ow-shell / owpresent(1)
Lightweight owserver access
ow-shell / owread(1)
Lightweight owserver access
owserver / owserver(1)
Backend server (daemon) for 1-wire control
ow-shell / owshell(1)
Lightweight owserver access
ow-tools / owtap(1)
Packet sniffer for the owserver protocol
ow-shell / owwrite(1)
Lightweight owserver access
owx / owx(1)
Utility to program wouxun dual-band handheld radios
owx / owx-check(1)
Utility to program wouxun dual-band handheld radios
owx / owx-export(1)
Utility to program wouxun dual-band handheld radios
owx / owx-get(1)
Utility to program wouxun dual-band handheld radios
owx / owx-import(1)
Utility to program wouxun dual-band handheld radios
owx / owx-put(1)
Utility to program wouxun dual-band handheld radios
plink / p-link(1)
Whole genome snp analysis
p11-kit / p11-kit(1)
List the pkcs#11 modules provided on the system
gnutls-bin / p11tool(1)
Gnutls pkcs #11 tool
pgn2web / p2wgui(1)
Program to convert pgn chess files to webpages
p4vasp / p4v(1)
A visualization suite for the vienna ab-initio simulation package (vasp)
p7zip / p7zip(1)
Wrapper on 7zr, a 7-zip file archiver with high compression ratio
pulseaudio-utils / pacat(1)
Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a pulseaudio sound server
liballegro4-dev / pack(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
mailagent / package(1)
Register package user via mailagent
kdesdk-scripts / package_crystalsvg(1)
Bundle up crystal svg sources from a kde checkout
packagesearch / packagesearch(1)
Packagesearch program to search for debian packages
libxbase64-bin / packdbf(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
python-nwdiag / packetdiag(1)
Generate packet-header-structure-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-nwdiag / packetdiag3(1)
Generate packet-header-structure-diagram image file from spec-text file.
aircrack-ng / packetforge-ng(1)
Forge packets: arp, udp, icmp or custom packets.
packeth / packeth(1)
Ethernet packet generator
cc1111 / packihx(1)
A tool to pack intel hex files for sdcc
sdcc / packihx(1)
A tool to pack intel hex files for sdcc
dist / packinit(1)
Initialize or update your .package file
packup / packup(1)
Package upgradability problem solver
rabbitsign / packxxk(1)
Pack ti graphing calculator software files
pacman4console / pacman4consoleedit(1)
Editor to make pacman4console mazes
pulseaudio-utils / pacmd(1)
Reconfigure a pulseaudio sound server during runtime
probabel / pacoxph(1)
Perform genome-wide association analysis using a linear model
pacpl / pacpl(1)
Perl audio converter, a multi purpose converter/ripper/tagger
ctn / pacs_layout(1)
Generic ctn manual page
libpacparser1 / pactester(1)
Tool to test proxy auto-config (pac) files.
pulseaudio-utils / pactl(1)
Control a running pulseaudio sound server
padevchooser / padevchooser(1)
Pulseaudio device chooser
geda-utils / pads_backannotate(1)
Backannotates changes from a pads engineering change order (eco) file to schematic
pulseaudio-utils / padsp(1)
Pulseaudio oss wrapper
page-crunch / page-crunch(1)
Frontend to psutil programs, useful to manipulate postscript and pdf files.
pagekite / pagekite(1)
Make localhost servers publicly visible
dwarves / pahole(1)
Shows and manipulates data structure layout.
seqan-apps / pair_align(1)
Pairwise alignment synopsis pair_align [options] -s in.fa description the program allows to align two sequences using dyamic programming alignment algorithms while tweaking various parameters. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information main options: -s, --seq in.fa fasta file with two sequences. valid filetypes are: fasta and fa. -a, --alphabet alphabet sequence alphabet. one of protein, dna, rna, and text. default: protein. -m, --method method dp alignment method: needleman-wunsch, gotoh, smith-waterman, longest common subsequence one of nw, gotoh, sw, and lcs. default: gotoh. -o, --outfile out output filename. valid filetypes are: fa, fasta, and msf. default: out.fasta. scoring options: -g, --gop int gap open penalty. default: -11. -e, --gex int gap extension penalty. default: -1. -ma, --matrix matrix_file score matrix. -ms, --msc int match score. default: 5. -mm, --mmsc int mismatch penalty. default: -4. banded alignment options: -lo, --low int lower diagonal. -hi, --high int upper diagonal. dp matrix configuration options: -c, --config conf alignment configuration. one of ffff, ffft, fftf, fftt, ftff, ftft, fttf, fttt, tfff, tfft, tftf, tftt, ttff, ttft, tttf, and tttt. alignment configuration the alignment configuration is a string of four characters, each being either t or f. all combinations are allowed. the meaning is as follows.
opencubicplayer / pak(1)
Quake world/extension pak tool
pal / pal(1)
Calendar with events
libtiff-tools / pal2rgb(1)
Convert a palette color tiff image to a full color image
palbart / palbart(1)
Bart enhanced pdp8 crossassembler
probabel / palinear(1)
Perform genome-wide association analysis using a linear model
chiark-scripts / palm-datebook-reminders(1)
Generate simple report from palm datebook db
mhc-utils / palm2mhc(1)
Add palm articles to a mhc repository
netpbm / palmtopnm(1)
Convert a palm pixmap into a portable anymap
probabel / palogist(1)
Perform genome-wide association analysis using a linear model
hdf4-tools / paltohdf(1)
Convert between a palette in an hdf file and a raw palett e in a non-hdf file
usermode / pam-panel-icon(1)
A notification area indicator of pam_timestamp status
libpam-abl / pam_abl(1)
Query or purge the databases used by the pam_abl module.
paman / paman(1)
Pulseaudio manager
netpbm / pamcut(1)
Cut a rectangle out of a pam, pbm, pgm, or ppm image
netpbm / pamdeinterlace(1)
Remove ever other row from a pam/pnm image
netpbm / pamdice(1)
Slice a netpbm image into many horizontally and/or vertically
netpbm / pamfile(1)
Describe a netpbm (pam or pnm) file
netpbm / pamoil(1)
Turn a pam image into an oil painting
pulseaudio-utils / pamon(1)
Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a pulseaudio sound server
netpbm / pamstack(1)
Stack planes of multiple pam images into one pam image
netpbm / pamstretch(1)
Scale up a pnm or pam image by interpolating between pixels
netpbm / pamstretch-gen(1)
Use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer values
pamtester / pamtester(1)
Test pluggable authentication module (pam) facility
pamusb-common / pamusb-agent(1)
Pam_usb event handler
pamusb-common / pamusb-check(1)
Simulates pam_usb authentication
pamusb-common / pamusb-conf(1)
Pam_usb configuration tool
pan / pan(1)
A gtk+ based news reader
pandoc / pandoc(1)
General markup converter
pandoc-citeproc / pandoc-citeproc(1)
Filter to resolve citations in a pandoc document.
pandorafms-agent / pandora_agent(1)
Pandora fms software agent
gnome-panel / panel-test-applets(1)
Panel-test-applets display installed applets
libavc1394-tools / panelctl(1)
Remote control for set-top boxes
libpango1.0-dev / pango-querymodules(1)
Module registration utility
libpaper-utils / paperconf(1)
Print paper configuration information
papercut / papercut(1)
Simple and extensible nntp server
paperkey / paperkey(1)
Extract secret information out of openpgp secret keys
papi-tools / papi_avail(1)
Papi_avail utility. file avail.c
papi-tools / papi_clockres(1)
The papi_clockres utility. file clockres.c
papi-tools / papi_command_line(1)
Executes papi preset or native events from the command line.
papi-tools / papi_component_avail(1)
Provides detailed information for papi native events.
papi-tools / papi_cost(1)
Computes execution time costs for basic papi operations.
papi-tools / papi_decode(1)
Provides availability and detail information for papi preset events.
papi-tools / papi_error_codes(1)
Lists all currently defined papi error codes.
papi-tools / papi_event_chooser(1)
Given a list of named events, lists other events that can be counted with them.
papi-tools / papi_hybrid_native_avail(1)
Provides detailed information for papi native events.
papi-tools / papi_mem_info(1)
Provides information on the memory architecture of the current processor.
papi-tools / papi_multiplex_cost(1)
Computes execution time costs for basic papi operations on multiplexed eventsets.
papi-tools / papi_native_avail(1)
Provides detailed information for papi native events.
papi-tools / papi_version(1)
Papi_version utility. file version.c
papi-tools / papi_xml_event_info(1)
Provides detailed information for papi events in xml format
pulseaudio-utils / paplay(1)
Play back audio files on a pulseaudio sound server
paprass / paprass(1)
Manager of electronic documents
paprefs / paprefs(1)
Pulseaudio preferences dialog
paps / paps(1)
Utf-8 to postscript converter using pango
par2 / par2(1)
Par 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
par2 / par2create(1)
Par 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
par2 / par2repair(1)
Par 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
par2 / par2verify(1)
Par 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool.
unicode / paracode(1)
Command line unicode conversion tool
moreutils / parallel(1)
Run programs in parallel
s3ql / parallel-cp(1)
Recursive, parallel copy of directory trees
pssh / parallel-nuke(1)
Parallel-nuke parallel process kill program
pssh / parallel-rsync(1)
Parallel-rsync parallel process kill program
pssh / parallel-scp(1)
Parallel-scp parallel process kill program
pssh / parallel-slurp(1)
Parallel-slurp parallel process kill program
pssh / parallel-ssh(1)
Paralllel-ssh parallel ssh program
tau / paraprof(1)
Opens tau's performance data viewer.
paraview / paraview(1)
Rendering and displaying program for small and large, three dimensional datasets.
parcellite / parcellite(1)
Lightweight gtk+ clipboard manager
weboob / parceloob(1)
Manage your parcels
parcimonie / parcimonie-torified-gpg(1)
Torified gpg wrapper for parcimonie
pulseaudio-utils / parec(1)
Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a pulseaudio sound server
pulseaudio-utils / parecord(1)
Play back or record raw or encoded audio streams on a pulseaudio sound server
pari-gp / pari(1)
The pari calculator
parole / parole(1)
Gstreamer-based media player
python-nibabel / parrec2nii(1)
Convert parrec image to nifti
read-edid / parse-edid(1)
Read-edid tools to retrieve and interpret monitor specifications using the vesa vbe ddc protocol
gff2aplot / parseblast(1)
Filtering high-scoring segment pairs (hsps) from wu/ncbi blast.
parser3-cgi / parser(1)
Command line and cgi interface for parser 3 language.
parser3-cgi / parser3(1)
Command line and cgi interface for parser 3 language.
parsewiki / parsewiki(1)
Transform marked text into html, xhtml, docbook or latex
parsinsert / parsinsert(1)
Parsimonious insertion of unclassified sequences into phylogenetic tree
partimage / partimage(1)
Back up and restore disk partitions
sloccount / pascal_count(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
pasco / pasco(1)
Tool to extract informations from ms ie cache files
pasdoc / pasdoc(1)
Documentation tool for pascal source code
pasmo / pasmo(1)
Pasmo z80 assembler
pass / pass(1)
Stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely
expect / passmass(1)
Change password on multiple machines
passwd / passwd(1)
Change user password
password-gorilla / password-gorilla(1)
Password-gorilla a password manager
passwordmaker-cli / passwordmaker(1)
Generates and manages passwords.
coreutils / paste(1)
Merge lines of files
pastebinit / pastebinit(1)
Command-line pastebin client
python-pastescript / paster(1)
Pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts
python-pastescript / paster2.7(1)
Pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts
weboob / pastoob(1)
Post and get pastes from pastebins
pulseaudio-utils / pasuspender(1)
Temporarily suspend pulseaudio
pasystray / pasystray(1)
Pulseaudio controller for the system tray
liballegro4-dev / pat2dat(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
xautomation / pat2ppm(1)
Converts an image file from pat to ppm format.
patch / patch(1)
Apply a diff file to an original
snap / patch-hmm.pl(1)
Snap module patch-hmm.pl
patchage / patchage(1)
Graphically connect jack and alsa audio/midi ports
patchelf / patchelf(1)
Modify elf files
patcher / patcher(1)
A patch maintenance tool
graphviz / patchwork(1)
Filter for drawing clustered graphs as treemaps
xautomation / patextract(1)
Extract a part of a png image file
texlive-binaries / patgen(1)
Generate patterns for tex hyphenation
desktop-profiles / path2listing(1)
Script facilitating the conversion to managing gconf configuration sources with desktop-profiles
coreutils / pathchk(1)
Check whether file names are valid or portable
patool / patool(1)
Portable archive file manager
ats2-lang / patscc(1)
Ats2 compiler frontend
ats2-lang / patsopt(1)
Ats2 to c compiler
pauker / pauker(1)
A generic card based learning program.
paulstretch / paulstretch(1)
Extreme sound time-stretch
tkdesk / pauseme(1)
Execute a command a pause afterwards
python-paver / paver(1)
Easy scripting for software projects
pavucontrol / pavucontrol(1)
A volume control for the pulseaudio sound server
pavumeter / pavumeter(1)
A volume meter for the pulseaudio sound server
paw-common / paw(1)
Invoke the "physics analysis workstation" package
paw-demos / paw-demos(1)
Run paw demonstrations
am-utils / pawd(1)
Print automounter working directory
pulseaudio-utils / pax11publish(1)
Pulseaudio x11 credential utility
paxctl / paxctl(1)
User-space utility to control pax flags
paxtest / paxtest(1)
Paxtest program to test buffer overflow protection
mcrl2 / pbes2bes(1)
Generate a bes from a pbes.
mcrl2 / pbes2bool(1)
Generate a bes from a pbes and solve it.
mcrl2 / pbesconstelm(1)
Remove constant parameters from a pbes
mcrl2 / pbesinfo(1)
Display basic information about a pbes
mcrl2 / pbesparelm(1)
Remove unused parameters from a pbes
mcrl2 / pbespgsolve(1)
Solve a (p)bes or parity game using a parity game solver
mcrl2 / pbespp(1)
Pretty print a pbes
mcrl2 / pbesrewr(1)
Rewrite and simplify a pbes
pastebinit / pbget(1)
Compress and encode arbitrary files to pastebin.com pbputs - compress, encrypt, encode arbitrary files to pastebin.com pbget - decode and decompress arbitrary files from pastebin.com
mgetty-fax / pbm2g3(1)
Convert portable bitmaps (pbm) into g3 fax files
netpbm / pbmclean(1)
Flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap
netpbm / pbmfilters(1)
List of all programs in the netpbm package
netpbm / pbmlife(1)
Apply conway's rules of life to a portable bitmap
netpbm / pbmmake(1)
Create a blank bitmap of a specified size
netpbm / pbmmask(1)
Create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
netpbm / pbmpage(1)
Create a one page test pattern for printing
netpbm / pbmpscale(1)
Enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
netpbm / pbmreduce(1)
Read a portable bitmap and reduce it n times
netpbm / pbmtext(1)
Render text into a bitmap
netpbm / pbmtextps(1)
Render text into a bitmap via postscript
netpbm / pbmto10x(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into gemini 10x printer graphics
netpbm / pbmtoascii(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into ascii graphics
netpbm / pbmtoatk(1)
Convert portable bitmap to andrew toolkit raster object
netpbm / pbmtobbnbg(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into bitgraph graphics
netpbm / pbmtocmuwm(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a cmu window manager bitmap
netpbm / pbmtoepsi(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated postscript style preview bitmap
netpbm / pbmtoepson(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into epson printer graphics
netpbm / pbmtog3(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a group 3 fax file
netpbm / pbmtogem(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a gem .img file
netpbm / pbmtogo(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into compressed graphon graphics
netpbm / pbmtoicon(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a sun icon
imgvtopgm / pbmtoimgv(1)
Portable bitmap to pilot image viewer converter, version 2.0.
jbigkit-bin / pbmtojbg(1)
Portable bitmap to jbig1 file converter
jbigkit-bin / pbmtojbg85(1)
Creates bi-level image entity (bie) as output file
netpbm / pbmtolj(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into hp laserjet format
netpbm / pbmtomacp(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a macpaint file
netpbm / pbmtomda(1)
Convert a portable bitmap to a microdesign .mda
netpbm / pbmtomgr(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a mgr bitmap
netpbm / pbmtonokia(1)
Convert a portable bitmap to nokia smart messaging formats
netpbm / pbmtopgm(1)
Convert portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
netpbm / pbmtopi3(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into an atari degas .pi3 file
netpbm / pbmtoplot(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a unix plot(5) file
netpbm / pbmtoppa(1)
Convert pbm image to hp printer performance architecture (ppa)
netpbm / pbmtopsg3(1)
Convert pbm images to postscript with g3 fax compression
netpbm / pbmtoptx(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into printronix printer graphics
netpbm / pbmtowbmp(1)
Convert a portable bitmap to a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file
netpbm / pbmtox10bm(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into an x10 bitmap
netpbm / pbmtoxbm(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into an x11 bitmap
netpbm / pbmtoybm(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a bennet yee "face" file
netpbm / pbmtozinc(1)
Convert a portable bitmap into a zinc bitmap
netpbm / pbmupc(1)
Create a universal product code bitmap
pastebinit / pbput(1)
Compress and encode arbitrary files to pastebin.com pbputs - compress, encrypt, encode arbitrary files to pastebin.com pbget - decode and decompress arbitrary files from pastebin.com
pastebinit / pbputs(1)
Compress and encode arbitrary files to pastebin.com pbputs - compress, encrypt, encode arbitrary files to pastebin.com pbget - decode and decompress arbitrary files from pastebin.com
ubuntu-dev-tools / pbuilder-dist(1)
Multi-distribution pbuilder/cowbuilder wrapper
ubuntu-dev-tools / pbuilder-dist-simple(1)
Simple multi-release pbuilder wrapper
pbuilder-uml / pbuilder-user-mode-linux(1)
Personal package builder in uml
perl-byacc / pbyacc(1)
An lalr(1) parser generator
pbzip2 / pbzip2(1)
Parallel bzip2 file compressor, v1.1.9
probcons-extra / pc-compare(1)
Program for scoring alignments according to a reference alignment with respect to sum-of-pairs and column scores.
probcons-extra / pc-makegnuplot(1)
Utility to plot annotation scores.
probcons-extra / pc-project(1)
Program to project multiple alignment to pairwise alignments.
pycarddav / pc_query(1)
Query the local address book
pcal / pcal(1)
Generate postscript (or html) calendars
pcalendar / pcalendar(1)
Utility for tracking menstrual cycles and predicting fertility periods
libpcap0.8-dev / pcap-config(1)
Write libpcap compiler and linker flags to standard output
pcaputils / pcapdump(1)
Dedicated packet capture utility
pcapfix / pcapfix(1)
Repair pcap and pcapng files
pcaputils / pcapip(1)
Filter a pcap for ip addresses
pcaputils / pcappick(1)
Pick specific frames out of a pcap file by number
tstools / pcapreport(1)
Report on network captures
pcaputils / pcapuc(1)
Filter a pcap for ip addresses
pcb-common / pcb(1)
Printed circuit board layout tool
pcb2gcode / pcb2gcode(1)
Command-line tool for engraving pcbs using cncs
geda-utils / pcb_backannotate(1)
Backannotates changes from a pcb annotation file to schematic
pcf2bdf / pcf2bdf(1)
Convert x font from portable compiled format to bitmap distribution format
vpnc / pcf2vpnc(1)
Converts vpn-config files from pcf to vpnc-format
pcl-tools / pcl_add_gaussian_noise(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_boundary_estimation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_cluster_extraction(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_compute_cloud_error(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_compute_hausdorff(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_compute_hull(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_concatenate_points_pcd(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_convert_pcd_ascii_binary(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_convolve(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_crop_to_hull(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_demean_cloud(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_dinast_grabber(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_elch(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_extract_feature(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_fast_bilateral_filter(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_feature_matching(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_fpfh_estimation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_generate(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_gp3_surface(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_grabcut_2d(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_grid_min(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_ground_based_rgbd_people_detector(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_hdl_grabber(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_hdl_viewer_simple(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_icp(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_icp2d(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_image_grabber_saver(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_image_grabber_viewer(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_in_hand_scanner(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_linemod_detection(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_local_max(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_lum(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_manual_registration(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_marching_cubes_reconstruction(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_match_linemod_template(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_mesh2pcd(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_mesh_sampling(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_mls_smoothing(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_modeler(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_morph(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_multiscale_feature_persistence_example(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_ndt2d(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_ndt3d(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_ni_agast(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_ni_linemod(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_ni_susan(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_ni_trajkovic(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_nn_classification_example(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_normal_estimation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_obj2pcd(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_obj2vtk(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_obj_rec_ransac_accepted_hypotheses(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_obj_rec_ransac_hash_table(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_obj_rec_ransac_model_opps(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_obj_rec_ransac_orr_octree(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_obj_rec_ransac_orr_octree_zprojection(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_obj_rec_ransac_result(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_obj_rec_ransac_scene_opps(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_octree_viewer(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_offline_integration(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_oni2pcd(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_oni_viewer(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_3d_concave_hull(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_3d_convex_hull(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_boundary_estimation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_change_viewer(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_fast_mesh(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_feature_persistence(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_floodfill_planar_segmentation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_grab_frame(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_grabber_depth_example(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_grabber_example(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_ii_normal_estimation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_image(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_io(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_klt(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_mls_smoothing(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_mobile_server(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_octree_compression(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_organized_compression(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_organized_multi_plane_segmentation(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_passthrough(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_pcd_recorder(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_planar_convex_hull(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_planar_segmentation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_save_image(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_shift_to_depth_conversion(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_stream_compression(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_tracking(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_uniform_sampling(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_viewer(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_openni_voxel_grid(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_organized_pcd_to_png(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_organized_segmentation_demo(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_outlier_removal(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_outofcore_print(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_outofcore_process(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_passthrough_filter(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd2ply(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd2png(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd2vtk(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_change_viewpoint(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_convert_NaN_nan(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_grabber_viewer(1)
Grab point cloud data from pcd file.
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_image_viewer(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_organized_multi_plane_segmentation(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_select_object_plane(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_video_player(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_pcd_viewer(1)
Display point clouds.
pcl-tools / pcl_pclzf2pcd(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_plane_projection(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_ply2obj(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_ply2pcd(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_ply2ply(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_ply2raw(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_ply2vtk(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_plyheader(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_png2pcd(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_point_cloud_editor(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_pointclouds(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_poisson_reconstruction(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_ppf_object_recognition(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_progressive_morphological_filter(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_pyramid_surface_matching(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_radius_filter(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_registration_visualizer(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_sac_segmentation_plane(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_spin_estimation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_statistical_multiscale_interest_region_extraction_example(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_surfel_smoothing_test(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_test_search_speed(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_tiff2pcd(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_timed_trigger_test(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_train_linemod_template(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_transform_from_viewpoint(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_transform_point_cloud(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_uniform_sampling(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_vfh_estimation(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_viewer(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_virtual_scanner(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_voxel_grid(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_voxel_grid_occlusion_estimation(1)
Pcl_* tool that do something interesting with a pointcloud
pcl-tools / pcl_vtk2obj(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_vtk2pcd(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_vtk2ply(1)
pcl-tools / pcl_xyz2pcd(1)
lprng / pclbanner(1)
Printer banners in text, pcl and postscript
pcmanfm / pcmanfm(1)
A lightweight gtk+ based file manager for x window.
pcmanx-gtk2 / pcmanx(1)
A bbs client
pconsole / pconsole(1)
Parallel console shell for administering clusters.
pcp / pcp(1)
Run a command or summarize an installation
pcp / pcp-dmcache(1)
Report on device mapper cache devices
pcp / pcp-free(1)
Report on free and used memory in the system
pcp / pcp-numastat(1)
Report on numa memory allocation
pcp / pcp-uptime(1)
Tell how long the system has been running
libpcre3-dev / pcre-config(1)
Program to return pcre configuration
python-pyramid / pcreate(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / pcreate3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
pcredz / pcredz(1)
Extracts authentication credentials from network captures
pcregrep / pcregrep(1)
A grep with perl-compatible regular expressions.
pcsc-tools / pcsc_scan(1)
Regularly scans every pc/sc readers connected to the host
pcsxr / pcsx(1)
Playstation emulator
pct-scanner-scripts / pct-scanner-script(1)
Easy scan and create merged djvu and pdf documents for archiving
python-gdal / pct2rgb(1)
Pct2rgb.py convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit rgb
picviz / pcv(1)
Picviz console veritable tool
netpbm / pcxtoppm(1)
Convert a pcx file into a portable pixmap
gem / pd-gem(1)
Graphical environment for multimedia - pure data external
puredata-gui / pd-gui(1)
User interface for pure data
speech-tools / pda(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
python-mlpy / pda-landscape(1)
Command line interface to pda-landscape in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
python2.7 / pdb2.7(1)
The python debugger
gromacs-data / pdb2gmx(1)
Convert coordinate files to topology and ff-compliant coordinate files
gromacs-data / pdb2gmx_d(1)
Convert coordinate files to topology and ff-compliant coordinate files
pdb2pqr / pdb2pqr(1)
Generate pqr files for use in electrostatics calculations
python3.4 / pdb3.4(1)
The python debugger
syslog-ng-core / pdbtool(1)
An application to test and convert syslog-ng pattern database rules
txt2pdbdoc / pdbtxt2html(1)
Doc text to html converter for palm pilots
pdsh / pdcp(1)
Copy files to groups of hosts in parallel rpdcp - (reverse pdcp) copy files from a group of hosts in parallel
crashme / pddet(1)
Tool to survey of procedure and descriptor usage
pbuilder / pdebuild(1)
Pbuilder way of doing debuild
pbuilder-uml / pdebuild-user-mode-linux(1)
Pbuilder-user-mode-linux way of doing debuild
pdepend / pdepend(1)
Php_depend command line interface
ucommon-utils / pdetach(1)
Execute detached processes
calibre / pdf-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from a pdf file
pdf-presenter-console / pdf-presenter-console(1)
Pdf presentater console with multi-monitor support
slic3r / pdf-slices(1)
Export model slices to a pdf file as solid infills, one per page
texlive-extra-utils / pdf180(1)
Rotate the pages of pdf files
texlive-extra-utils / pdf270(1)
Rotate the pages of pdf files
liblouisxml-bin / pdf2brl(1)
Translate a pdf file into an embosser-ready braille file.
dcmtk / pdf2dcm(1)
Convert pdf file to dicom
pdf2djvu / pdf2djvu(1)
Creates djvu files from pdf files
ghostscript / pdf2dsc(1)
Generate a postscript page list of a pdf document
pdf2htmlex / pdf2htmlEX(1)
ghostscript / pdf2ps(1)
Ghostscript pdf to postscript translator
pdf2svg / pdf2svg(1)
Pdf to svg convertor
python-pdfminer / pdf2txt(1)
Extracts text contents of pdf files
texlive-extra-utils / pdf90(1)
Rotate the pages of pdf files
pdf-presenter-console / pdf_presenter_console(1)
Pdf presentater console with multi-monitor support
texlive-extra-utils / pdfbook(1)
Put the pages of pdf files into 2-up signatures
pdfchain / pdfchain(1)
Graphical user interface for the pdf tool kit
texlive-binaries / pdfclose(1)
Open or close a pdf file viewer
xpaint / pdfconcat(1)
Program to concatenate several pdf files.
pdfcrack / pdfcrack(1)
Password recovery tool for pdf-files
pdfcube / pdfcube(1)
A pdf presentation viewer with 3d effects.
poppler-utils / pdfdetach(1)
Portable document format (pdf) document embedded file extractor (version 3.03)
texlive-binaries / pdfetex(1)
Pdf output from e-tex
texlive-extra-utils / pdfflip(1)
Rotate the pages of pdf files
poppler-utils / pdffonts(1)
Portable document format (pdf) font analyzer (version 3.03)
pdfgrep / pdfgrep(1)
Search pdf files for a regular expression
poppler-utils / pdfimages(1)
Portable document format (pdf) image extractor (version 3.03)
poppler-utils / pdfinfo(1)
Portable document format (pdf) document information extractor (version 3.03)
texlive-extra-utils / pdfjam(1)
A shell script for manipulating pdf files
texlive-extra-utils / pdfjam-pocketmod(1)
Make an 8-page pdf document into a pocket-sized booklet
texlive-extra-utils / pdfjam-slides3up(1)
Put presentation slides onto 3-up pages
texlive-extra-utils / pdfjam-slides6up(1)
Put presentation slides onto 6-up pages
texlive-extra-utils / pdfjoin(1)
Join together pages from multiple pdf files
texlive-extra-utils / pdfnup(1)
N-up the pages of pdf files
texlive-binaries / pdfopen(1)
Open or close a pdf file viewer
ghostscript / pdfopt(1)
Ghostscript pdf optimizer
fntsample / pdfoutline(1)
Add outlines (aka bookmarks) to pdf files
pdf-presenter-console / pdfpc(1)
Pdf presentater console with multi-monitor support
pdfposter / pdfposter(1)
Scale and tile pdf images/pages to print on multiple pages.
texlive-extra-utils / pdfpun(1)
N-up the pages of a pdf file, with right-to-left ordering
pdfresurrect / pdfresurrect(1)
Tool for extracting versioning data from pdf documents
poppler-utils / pdfseparate(1)
Portable document format (pdf) page extractor
pdfshuffler / pdfshuffler(1)
Application for pdf merging, rearranging, and splitting
texlive-binaries / pdftex(1)
Pdf output from tex
pdftk / pdftk(1)
A handy tool for manipulating pdf
poppler-utils / pdftocairo(1)
Portable document format (pdf) to png/jpeg/tiff/pdf/ps/eps/svg using cairo
poppler-utils / pdftohtml(1)
Program to convert pdf files into html, xml and png images
pdftoipe / pdftoipe(1)
Convert pdf files into editable ipe format
poppler-utils / pdftoppm(1)
Portable document format (pdf) to portable pixmap (ppm) converter (version 3.03)
poppler-utils / pdftops(1)
Portable document format (pdf) to postscript converter (version 3.03)
texlive-binaries / pdftosrc(1)
Extract source file or stream from pdf file
poppler-utils / pdftotext(1)
Portable document format (pdf) to text converter (version 3.03)
poppler-utils / pdfunite(1)
Portable document format (pdf) page merger
xmltex / pdfxmltex(1)
Xml non-validating parser in tex
a2ps / pdiff(1)
Produce a pretty comparison between files
python-pyramid / pdistreport(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / pdistreport3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
pdlzip / pdlzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
pdmenu / pdmenu(1)
Simple full screen menu program
pdns-recursor / pdns_recursor(1)
High-performance, simple and secure recursing nameserver
pd-pdp / pdp-config(1)
Pdp-config script to get information about the installed version of pdp
simh / pdp1(1)
Simulate a pdp1 computer
simh / pdp10(1)
Simulate a pdp10 computer
simh / pdp11(1)
Simulate a pdp11 computer
simh / pdp15(1)
Simulate a pdp15 computer
simh / pdp4(1)
Simulate a pdp4 computer
simh / pdp7(1)
Simulate a pdp7 computer
simh / pdp8(1)
Simulate a pdp8 computer
simh / pdp9(1)
Simulate a pdp9 computer
puredata-utils / pdreceive(1)
Receive messages from pd on this or a remote machine
puredata-utils / pdsend(1)
Send messages to pd on this or a remote machine
lavapdu-client / pduclient(1)
Program to automate power control of a device
dvipsk-ja / pdvips(1)
Convert a tex dvi file to postscript
pymca / peakidentifier(1)
Given a photon energy, list the possible elements.
python-pebl / pebl(1)
Python environment for bayesian learning
pecomato / pecomato(1)
A portable picture-embedded metadata processor
texlive-pstricks / pedigree(1)
Create a tex file for pedigree from a csv file
mono-utils / pedump(1)
No manpage for this program.
moreutils / pee(1)
Tee standard input to pipes
psmisc / peekfd(1)
Peek at file descriptors of running processes
ears / peel(1)
Cd ripper
peg / peg(1)
Parser generators
pegasus-wms / pegasus-analyzer(1)
Debugs a workflow.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-archive(1)
Compresses a workflow submit directory in a way that allows pegasus-dashboard, pegasus-statistics, pegasus-plots, and pegasus-analyzer to keep working.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-cleanup(1)
Removes files during pegasus workflows enactment.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-cluster(1)
Run a list of applications
pegasus-wms / pegasus-config(1)
The authority for where parts of the pegasus system exists on the filesystem. pegasus-config can be used to find libraries such as the dax generators.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-create-dir(1)
Creates work directories in pegasus workflows.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-dagman(1)
Wrapper around *condor_dagman*. not to be run by user.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-dashboard(1)
Starts the pegasus monitoring dashboard.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-dax-validator(1)
Determines if a given dax file is valid.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-exitcode(1)
Checks the stdout/stderr files of a workflow job for any indication that an error occurred in the job. this script is intended to be invoked automatically by dagman as the post script of a job.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-gridftp(1)
Perform file and directory operations on remote gridftp servers
pegasus-wms / pegasus-invoke(1)
Invokes a command from a file
pegasus-wms / pegasus-keg(1)
Kanonical executable for grids
pegasus-wms / pegasus-kickstart(1)
Remote job wrapper
pegasus-wms / pegasus-monitord(1)
Tracks a workflow progress, mining information
pegasus-wms / pegasus-mpi-cluster(1)
A tool for running computational workflows expressed as dags (directed acyclic graphs) on computational clusters using mpi.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-plan(1)
Runs pegasus to generate the executable workflow
pegasus-wms / pegasus-plots(1)
A tool to generate graphs and charts to visualize workflow run.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-rc-client(1)
Shell client for replica implementations
pegasus-wms / pegasus-remove(1)
Removes a workflow that has been planned and submitted using pegasus-plan and pegasus-run
pegasus-wms / pegasus-run(1)
Executes a workflow that has been planned using *pegasus-plan*.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-s3(1)
Upload, download, delete objects in amazon s3
pegasus-wms / pegasus-sc-client(1)
Generates a site catalog by querying sources.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-sc-converter(1)
A client to convert site catalog from one format to another format.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-statistics(1)
A tool to generate statistics about the workflow run.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-status(1)
Pegasus workflow- and run-time status
pegasus-wms / pegasus-submit-dag(1)
Wrapper around *condor_submit_dag*. not to be run by user.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-tc-client(1)
A full featured generic client to handle adds, deletes and queries to the transformation catalog (tc).
pegasus-wms / pegasus-tc-converter(1)
A client to convert transformation catalog from one format to another format.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-transfer(1)
Handles data transfers in pegasus workflows.
pegasus-wms / pegasus-version(1)
Print or match the version of the toolkit.
node-pegjs / pegjs(1)
A javascript parser generator
pekwm / pekwm(1)
A tabbed window manager
python-pelican / pelican(1)
Tool to generate a static blog
python-pelican / pelican-import(1)
Import from a feed, wordpress, or dotclear files
python-pelican / pelican-quickstart(1)
Kickstart a pelican blog
python-pelican / pelican-themes(1)
Install themes for pelican
pen / pen(1)
Load balancer for "simple" tcp based protocols
pen / penctl(1)
Control a running pen load balancer
pen / penlog(1)
Pipe apache logs to penlogd
pen / penlogd(1)
Consolidate web server logs
pennmush-common / penn-install(1)
Installer for the pennmush flavor mush server
pep8 / pep8(1)
A tool to check your python code against some of the style conventions in pep 8.
pepper / pepper(1)
Repository statistics and report tool
perceptualdiff / perceptualdiff(1)
Compare images using a perceptually based image metric
linux-base / perf(1)
Performance analysis tools for linux
tau / perf2tau(1)
Converts perflib profiles to tau profile files
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16(1)
Performance analysis tools for linux
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-annotate(1)
Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display annotated code
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-archive(1)
Create archive with object files with build-ids found in perf.data file
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-bench(1)
General framework for benchmark suites
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-buildid-cache(1)
Manage build-id cache.
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-buildid-list(1)
List the buildids in a perf.data file
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-diff(1)
Read perf.data files and display the differential profile
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-evlist(1)
List the event names in a perf.data file
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-help(1)
Display help information about perf
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-inject(1)
Filter to augment the events stream with additional information
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-kmem(1)
Tool to trace/measure kernel memory(slab) properties
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-kvm(1)
Tool to trace/measure kvm guest os
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-list(1)
List all symbolic event types
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-lock(1)
Analyze lock events
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-mem(1)
Profile memory accesses
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-probe(1)
Define new dynamic tracepoints
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-record(1)
Run a command and record its profile into perf.data
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-report(1)
Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display the profile
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-sched(1)
Tool to trace/measure scheduler properties (latencies)
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-script(1)
Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display trace output
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-script-perl(1)
Process trace data with a perl script
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-script-python(1)
Process trace data with a python script
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-stat(1)
Run a command and gather performance counter statistics
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-test(1)
Runs sanity tests.
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-timechart(1)
Tool to visualize total system behavior during a workload
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-top(1)
System profiling tool.
linux-tools-3.16 / perf_3.16-trace(1)
Strace inspired tool
tau / perfexplorer(1)
Open tau's performance data mining/analyzer.
tau / perfexplorer_configure(1)
Links perfexplorer to your perfdmf database.
perl-cross-debian / perl-cross-debian(1)
Long term maintenance of cross-build support for the debian configuration of perl
perl-cross-debian / perl-cross-staging(1)
Long term maintenance of cross-build support for the debian configuration of perl
perl-depends / perl-depends(1)
Rough indicator of perl module dependencies
sloccount / perl_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
perlpanel / perlpanel(1)
Lean menu and launcher panel written in perl and gtk2
perlpanel / perlpanel-applet-howto(1)
Explains how to write applets for the perlpanel
perlpanel / perlpanel-item-edit(1)
perlpanel / perlpanel-run-dialog(1)
perlprimer / perlprimer(1)
Graphically specify amplicon of dna or mrna sequences and design primers
texlive-latex-extra / perltex(1)
Enable latex macros to be defined in terms of perl code
perm / perm(1)
Efficient mapping of short reads with periodic spaced seeds if you have any usage questions, please email "yanghoch at usc dot edu".
ladr4-apps / perm3(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
mono-devel / permview(1)
Viewer for declarative security permission sets inside assemblies.
perroquet / perroquet(1)
A program to train your oral skills in foreign languages
mariadb-server-10.0 / perror(1)
Explain error codes
mysql-server-5.5 / perror(1)
Explain error codes
opencaster / pes2es(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / pes2txt(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / pesaudio2ts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
pescetti / pescetti(1)
Pescetti pseudo-duplimate generator
opencaster / pesdata2ts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / pesinfo(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / pesvideo2ts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
petit / petit(1)
Log analysis tool for systems administrators
petri-foo / petri-foo(1)
Midi controlled sampler
pev / pev(1)
Show information about ms-windows excutables files
pexec / pexec(1)
Executing commands in parallel
ghostscript / pf2afm(1)
Make an afm file from postscript (pfb/pfa/pfm) font files using ghostscript
texlive-binaries / pfb2pfa(1)
Convert a type1 pfb file (binary msdos) into a pfa (ascii)
ghostscript / pfbtopfa(1)
Convert postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using ghostscript
groff / pfbtops(1)
Translate a postscript font in .pfb format to ascii
xl2tpd / pfc(1)
Active precompiled filters generator
pflogsumm / pflogsumm(1)
Produce postfix mta logfile summary copyright (c) 1998-2010 by james s. seymour, release 1.1.5
pfm / pfm(1)
Graphical postgresql client using tcl/tk
adacontrol / pfni(1)
Print full name image of an ada entity
pforth / pforth(1)
An ans forth interpreter written in ansi 'c'
pfstools / pfsabsolute(1)
Convert luminance in images to absolute measure
pfstools / pfscat(1)
Concatenate frames in pfs stream
pfstools / pfsclamp(1)
Clamp color and luminance channel values to be within the specified range
pfstools / pfscut(1)
Extract a rectangle out of a frame in pfs stream
pfstools / pfsdisplayfunction(1)
Apply display function to color or gray-scale images
pfstools / pfsextractchannels(1)
Extract selected channels from the stream
pfstools / pfsflip(1)
Flip images horizontally and/or vertically.
pfstools / pfsgamma(1)
Apply gamma correction to color or gray-scale images
pfsglview / pfsglview(1)
Viewer for high-dynamic range images in pfs format
pfstools / pfsin(1)
Read an image in one of the several formats and write pfs stream to the standard output
pfstools / pfsindcraw(1)
Read an image in a camera raw file format supported by dcraw and write pfs stream to the standard output
pfstools / pfsinexr(1)
Load images or frames in openexr format
pfstools / pfsinimgmagick(1)
Load images or frames using imagemagick++ library
pfstools / pfsinmulti(1)
Read several streams of frames and write pfs streams to named pipes
pfstools / pfsinpfm(1)
Load images or frames in pfm format
pfstools / pfsinppm(1)
Load images or frames in pbm formats
pfstools / pfsinrgbe(1)
Load images or frames in radiance rgbe format
pfstools / pfsintiff(1)
Load images or frames in several variants of tiff format (both ldr and hdr)
pfstools / pfsoctavelum(1)
Process luminance in pfs stream using octave
pfstools / pfsoctavergb(1)
Process red, green and blue channels in pfs stream using octave
pfstools / pfsout(1)
Read pfs frames from stdin and write them in the format determined by the extension of the file name
pfstools / pfsoutexr(1)
Write images or frames in openexr format
pfstools / pfsoutffmpeg(1)
Read pfs frames from stdin and forward them to ffmpeg program
pfstools / pfsouthdrhtml(1)
Create a web page with an hdr viewer
pfstools / pfsoutimgmagick(1)
Write images or frames using image magick library
pfstools / pfsoutpfm(1)
Write images or frames in openexr format
pfstools / pfsoutppm(1)
Write images or frames in one of the several formats
pfstools / pfsoutrgbe(1)
Write images or frames in one of the several formats
pfstools / pfsouttiff(1)
Write images or frames in one of the several formats
pfstools / pfspad(1)
Add borders to a frame in pfs stream
pfstools / pfspanoramic(1)
Perform projective transformations of spherical images
pfstools / pfsrotate(1)
Rotate images 90 degrees.
pfstools / pfssize(1)
Resize frames
pfstools / pfsstat(1)
Show frame / image statistics
pfstools / pfstag(1)
Set or remove tags to/from pfs stream
pfstmo / pfstmo_drago03(1)
Adaptive logarithmic tone mapping operator
pfstmo / pfstmo_durand02(1)
Fast bilateral filtering for the display of hdr images
pfstmo / pfstmo_fattal02(1)
Gradient domain high dynamic range compression
pfstmo / pfstmo_mantiuk06(1)
Tone mapping in the contrast domain
pfstmo / pfstmo_mantiuk08(1)
Display adaptive tone mapping
pfstmo / pfstmo_pattanaik00(1)
Time-dependent visual adaptation model
pfstmo / pfstmo_reinhard02(1)
Photographic tone reproduction for digital images
pfstmo / pfstmo_reinhard05(1)
Photoreceptor based dynamic range reduction
pfsview / pfsv(1)
Viewer for high-dynamic range images
pfsview / pfsview(1)
Viewer for high-dynamic range images in pfs format
util-linux / pg(1)
Browse pagewise through text files
pg-activity / pg_activity(1)
Realtime postgresql database server monitoring tool
postgresql-contrib-9.4 / pg_archivecleanup(1)
Clean up postgresql wal archive files
postgresql-client-9.4 / pg_basebackup(1)
Take a base backup of a postgresql cluster
libpq-dev / pg_config(1)
Retrieve information about the installed version of postgresql
postgresql-9.4 / pg_controldata(1)
Display control information of a postgresql database cluster
postgresql-9.4 / pg_ctl(1)
Initialize, start, stop, or control a postgresql server
postgresql-client-9.4 / pg_dump(1)
Extract a postgresql database into a script file or other archive file
postgresql-client-9.4 / pg_dumpall(1)
Extract a postgresql database cluster into a script file
postgresql-client-9.4 / pg_isready(1)
Check the connection status of a postgresql server
postgresql-client-9.4 / pg_receivexlog(1)
Stream transaction logs from a postgresql server
postgresql-client-9.4 / pg_recvlogical(1)
Control postgresql logical decoding streams
postgresql-9.4 / pg_resetxlog(1)
Reset the write-ahead log and other control information of a postgresql database cluster
postgresql-client-9.4 / pg_restore(1)
Restore a postgresql database from an archive file created by pg_dump
postgresql-contrib-9.4 / pg_standby(1)
Supports the creation of a postgresql warm standby server
postgresql-contrib-9.4 / pg_test_fsync(1)
Determine fastest wal_sync_method for postgresql
postgresql-contrib-9.4 / pg_test_timing(1)
Measure timing overhead
pgtop / pg_top(1)
Display and update information about the top cpu postgresql processes
postgresql-9.4 / pg_upgrade(1)
Upgrade a postgresql server instance
postgresql-9.4 / pg_xlogdump(1)
Display a human-readable rendering of the write-ahead log of a postgresql database cluster
pgagent / pgagent(1)
A job scheduler for postgresql.
pgbouncer / pgbouncer(1)
Lightweight connection pooler for postgresql.
pgdbf / pgdbf(1)
Convert xbase / foxpro tables to postgresql
pgfouine / pgfouine(1)
Postgresql log analyzer
pgfouine / pgfouine_vacuum(1)
Postgresql vacuum log analyzer
pgloader / pgloader(1)
Postgresql data loader
netpbm / pgmbentley(1)
Bentleyize a portable graymap
netpbm / pgmedge(1)
Edge-detect a portable graymap
netpbm / pgmenhance(1)
Edge-enhance a portable graymap
netpbm / pgmhist(1)
Print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
netpbm / pgmkernel(1)
Generate a convolution kernel
netpbm / pgmnoise(1)
Create a graymap made up of white noise
netpbm / pgmnorm(1)
Normalize the contrast in a netbpm image
netpbm / pgmoil(1)
Turn a pam image into an oil painting
netpbm / pgmramp(1)
Generate a grayscale ramp
netpbm / pgmslice(1)
Extract one line of pixel values out of a portable graymap
netpbm / pgmtexture(1)
Calculate textural features on a portable graymap
netpbm / pgmtofs(1)
Convert portable graymap to usenix facesaver(tm) format
imgvtopgm / pgmtoimgv(1)
Portable graymap to pilot image viewer converter, version 2.0.
netpbm / pgmtolispm(1)
Convert a portable graymap into lisp machine format
netpbm / pgmtopbm(1)
Convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
netpbm / pgmtoppm(1)
Colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
mjpegtools / pgmtoy4m(1)
Convert mpeg2dec pgm and pgmpipe output to yuv4mpeg2
pgn-extract / pgn-extract(1)
A portable game notation (pgn) extractor
pgn2web / pgn2web(1)
Program to convert pgn chess files to webpages
pgpdump / pgpdump(1)
A pgp packet visualizer
signing-party / pgpring(1)
Key ring dumper
inn2 / pgpverify(1)
Cryptographically verify usenet control messages
skytools3-ticker / pgqd(1)
Pgq ticker daemon
procps / pgrep(1)
Look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
pgreplay / pgreplay(1)
Postgresql log file replayer for performance tests
pgsnap / pgsnap(1)
Postgresql report tool
postgis / pgsql2shp(1)
Postgis to shapefile dumper
php5-cli / phar5(1)
Phar (php archive) command line tool
phatch-cli / phatch(1)
Photo batch processor
phenny / phenny(1)
An extensible irc bot written in python
phing / phing(1)
Phing command line interface
ctsim / phm2helix(1)
Calculate projections through a time varying phantom object.
ctsim / phm2pj(1)
Calculate projections through a phantom object.
hmmer / phmmer(1)
Search protein sequence(s) against a protein sequence database
phnxdeco / phnxdeco(1)
Decompress flashfiles equipped with a phoenix bios
gcin / phoa2d(1)
Gcin's bopomofo tools
gcin / phod2a(1)
Gcin's bopomofo tools
dnet-progs / phone(1)
Phone utility for decnet
phonefsod / phonefsod(1)
Shr's daemon for fso interaction
photo-uploader / photo-upload(1)
Tool for uploading photos
photon / photon(1)
Generates photo albums
photopc / photopc(1)
Utility to control digital cameras based on sierra imaging firmware
photoprint / photoprint(1)
A utility to print images using gutenprint.
php5-dev / php-config5(1)
Get information about php configuration and compile options
php-parser / php-parse(1)
Command line interface for php parser
translate-toolkit / php2po(1)
Convert php localization files to gettext po localization files.
php5-cli / php5(1)
Php command line interface 'cli' php-cgi - php common gateway interface 'cgi' command
php5-cgi / php5-cgi(1)
Php command line interface 'cli' php-cgi - php common gateway interface 'cgi' command
php5-phpdbg / php5dbg(1)
The interactive php debugger
sloccount / php_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
phpab / phpab(1)
Phpab command line interface
phpcpd / phpcpd(1)
Phpcpd command line interface
php-codesniffer / phpcs(1)
Php code sniffer cli tool
phpdox / phpdox(1)
Phpdox command line interface
php5-dev / phpize5(1)
Prepare a php extension for compiling
phploc / phploc(1)
Phploc command line interface
phpmd / phpmd(1)
Phpmd command line interface
phpunit / phpunit(1)
Phpunit command line interface
phylip / phylip(1)
Runs various phylogenies programs
phyml / phytime(1)
Bayesian estimation of divergence times from large sequence alignments
phyutility / phyutility(1)
Tools for manipulating sequences and phylogenies
bppphyview / phyview(1)
Phylogenetic viewer and editor written with bio++
pi / pi(1)
Compute decimal archimedes' constant pi to arbitrary accuracy.
netpbm / pi1toppm(1)
Convert an atari degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
netpbm / pi3topbm(1)
Convert an atari degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
pia / pia(1)
Play media files
pianobar / pianobar(1)
Console pandora.com music player
groff-base / pic(1)
Compile pictures for troff or tex
groff / pic2graph(1)
Convert a pic diagram into a cropped image
plotutils / pic2plot(1)
The gnu plotting utilities.
transfig / pic2tpic(1)
Convert pic files to tpic format
picard / picard(1)
Next generation musicbrainz tagging application (written in pyqt4)
picard-tools / picard-tools(1)
Manipulate sam and bam files
alpine-pico / pico.alpine(1)
picolisp / picolisp(1)
A fast, lightweight lisp interpreter
picosat / picomus(1)
Simple minimal unsatisfiable core extractor
picosat / picosat(1)
Sat solver with proof and core support
picosat / picosat.trace(1)
Sat solver with proof and core support
picprog / picprog(1)
Microchip pic programmer for the serial port device
pida / pida(1)
Starts up the python integrated development application
pidgin / pidgin(1)
Instant messaging client
sysstat / pidstat(1)
Report statistics for linux tasks.
piespy / piespy(1)
Bot to visualize irc social networks
pigz / pigz(1)
Compress or expand files
pike7.8-core / pike7.8(1)
Pike compiler and interpreter
picolisp / pil(1)
A fast, lightweight lisp interpreter
pilot-link / pilot-addresses(1)
Read and write address book databases to and from a palm handheld.
pilot-link / pilot-clip(1)
Get or set the palm clipboard contents from stdout/stdin.
pilot-link / pilot-csd(1)
Connection service daemon for palm devices
pilot-link / pilot-debugsh(1)
Simple debugging console for a palm handheld device [deprecated].
pilot-link / pilot-dedupe(1)
Removes duplicate records from any palm database.
pilot-link / pilot-dlpsh(1)
An interactive desktop link protocol (dlp) shell for your palm device.
pilot-link / pilot-file(1)
Dump application and header information from your local prc/pdb files.
pilot-link / pilot-foto(1)
Palm 'foto' image installer/remover/fetcher/converter
pilot-link / pilot-foto-treo600(1)
Copies treo "foto" databases to current directory and extracts image files from within them.
pilot-link / pilot-foto-treo650(1)
Copies treo "foto" databases and videos to the current directory
pilot-link / pilot-getram(1)
Retrieves the ram image from your palm device for use in debugging.
pilot-link / pilot-getrom(1)
Retrieves the rom image from your palm device for use in debugging.
pilot-link / pilot-getromtoken(1)
Reads a rom token from a palm handheld device.
pilot-link / pilot-hinotes(1)
Synchronize your hi-notes database with your desktop machine.
pilot-link / pilot-ietf2datebook(1)
Converts ietf agenda format to install-datebook format
pilot-link / pilot-install-datebook(1)
Installs one or more new datebook entries onto your palm handheld.
pilot-link / pilot-install-expenses(1)
Install an expense record entries onto your palm handheld device.
pilot-link / pilot-install-hinote(1)
Install local files into your hi-note database on your palm handheld.
pilot-link / pilot-install-memo(1)
Installs a new memo pad entry onto your palm handheld.
pilot-link / pilot-install-netsync(1)
Reads or sets the network preferences information on a palm device.
pilot-link / pilot-install-todo(1)
Updates the palm todo list with one new entry.
pilot-link / pilot-install-todos(1)
Updates the palm todo list with entries from a local file.
pilot-link / pilot-install-user(1)
Reads or sets a palm user and userid on a palm device.
pilot-link / pilot-memos(1)
Manipulate memo entries from a file or your palm device.
pilot-link / pilot-nredir(1)
Accept connection and redirect via network hotsync protocol.
pilot-link / pilot-read-expenses(1)
Export palm expense application data in a text format.
pilot-link / pilot-read-notepad(1)
List the record information found in the palm notepad
pilot-link / pilot-read-palmpix(1)
Convert all pictures in the files given or found on a palm handheld.
pilot-link / pilot-read-screenshot(1)
Read screenshots from palm (screenshotdb).
pilot-link / pilot-read-todos(1)
Synchronize your palm todo application's database with your desktop machine.
pilot-link / pilot-read-veo(1)
Synchronize your veo traveler databases
pilot-link / pilot-reminders(1)
Exports your palm datebook database into a remind(1) data file format.
pilot-link / pilot-schlep(1)
Pack an arbitrary file and install it on your palm or unpack a file from your palm.
pilot-link / pilot-sync-plan(1)
Synchronize plan databases
pilot-link / pilot-undelete(1)
Scan through dbname on your pilot and turn all archived records into normal records
pilot-link / pilot-wav(1)
Decodes palm voice memo files to wav files you can read on your desktop
pilot-link / pilot-xfer(1)
Backup, sync, and restore databases from a palm handheld device.
styx / pim_test(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
pinentry-curses / pinentry-curses(1)
Pin or pass-phrase entry dialog for gnupg
pinentry-gtk2 / pinentry-gtk-2(1)
Pin or pass-phrase entry dialog for gnupg
pinentry-qt4 / pinentry-qt4(1)
Pin or pass-phrase entry dialog for gnupg
pinentry-x2go / pinentry-x2go(1)
Pin or pass-phrase add-on for x2go client
pinfo / pinfo(1)
Curses based lynx-style info browser
inetutils-ping / ping6(1)
Packets to network hosts
ctdb / ping_pong(1)
Measures the ping-pong byte range lock latency
coreutils / pinky(1)
Lightweight finger
pinot / pinot(1)
A metasearch tool for the free desktop
pinot / pinot-dbus-daemon(1)
D-bus search and index daemon
pinot / pinot-index(1)
Index documents from the command-line
pinot / pinot-label(1)
Label files from the command-line
pinot / pinot-prefs(1)
A metasearch tool for the free desktop
pinot / pinot-search(1)
Query search engines from the command-line
pinta / pinta(1)
Simple image editor
python-pip / pip(1)
A tool for installing and managing python packages
python-pip / pip2(1)
A tool for installing and managing python packages
python3-pip / pip3(1)
A tool for installing and managing python packages
pipemeter / pipemeter(1)
Measure speed of data going through a pipe/redirection
aqsis / piqsl(1)
Advanced framebuffer from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
pisg / pisg(1)
Perl irc statistics generator
speech-tools / pitchmark(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
pithos / pithos(1)
Pandora radio client for the gnome desktop
pitivi / pitivi(1)
Non-linear video editor
piuparts / piuparts(1)
.deb installation, upgrade, and removal testing suite
pius / pius(1)
Pgp individual uid signer
opensc / piv-tool(1)
Smart card utility for hspd-12 piv cards
rss-glx / pixelcity(1)
Procedural city fly through.
pixelize / pixelize(1)
Create an image consisting of many small images
pixmap / pixmap(1)
Xpm pixmap editor for x
pixz / pixz(1)
Parallel, indexed xz compressor
ctsim / pj2if(1)
Convert a projecttion file into an image (if) file
ctsim / pjHinterp(1)
Interpolate helical data in projection space.
pajeng / pj_dump(1)
Dumps a paje trace file in a csv-like textual format
pajeng / pj_validate(1)
Checks a file strictly follows the paje file format
ctsim / pjinfo(1)
Projection file information
ctsim / pjrec(1)
Reconstruction from projections
netpbm / pjtoppm(1)
Convert an hp paintjet file to a portable pixmap
texlive-binaries / pk2bm(1)
Create a bitmap from a tex pkfont
policykit-1 / pkaction(1)
Get details about a registered action
policykit-1 / pkcheck(1)
Check whether a process is authorized
packagekit-tools / pkcon(1)
Packagekit console client
nettle-bin / pkcs1-conv(1)
Convert keys from pkcs#1 format to s-expression format
pkcs11-dump / pkcs11-dump(1)
Dump pkcs#11 token content
opensc / pkcs11-tool(1)
Utility for managing and using pkcs #11 security tokens
libpam-pkcs11 / pkcs11_eventmgr(1)
Smartcard pkcs#11 event manager
libpam-pkcs11 / pkcs11_inspect(1)
Print certificate contents
libpam-pkcs11 / pkcs11_listcerts(1)
Smartcard pkcs#11 certificates listing
libpam-pkcs11 / pkcs11_make_hash_link(1)
Smartcard pkcs#11 create a ca certificate link
libpam-pkcs11 / pkcs11_setup(1)
Smartcard pkcs#11 setup
opencryptoki / pkcs11_startup(1)
Extract tokens from shared object libraries
opensc / pkcs15-crypt(1)
Perform crypto operations using pkcs#15 smart cards
opensc / pkcs15-init(1)
Smart card personalization utility
opensc / pkcs15-tool(1)
Utility for manipulating pkcs #15 data structures on smart cards and similar security tokens
opencryptoki / pkcs_slot(1)
Configuration program for opencryptoki
opencryptoki / pkcsconf(1)
Configuration utility for the pkcsslotd daemon
policykit-1 / pkexec(1)
Execute a command as another user
texlive-extra-utils / pkfix-helper(1)
Preprocess dvips-produced postscript documents before passing them to pkfix
pkg-config / pkg-config(1)
Return metainformation about installed libraries
pkgconf / pkg-config(1)
A system for configuring build dependency information
pkgconf / pkgconf(1)
A system for configuring build dependency information
icu-devtools / pkgdata(1)
Package data for use by icu
python3-pkginfo / pkginfo(1)
Print metadata for one or more python package distributions
pkg-kde-tools / pkgkde-git(1)
A helper tool for debian pkg-kde vcs repositories.
pkg-kde-tools / pkgkde-vcs(1)
A helper tool for debian pkg-kde vcs repositories.
procps / pkill(1)
Look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
libpam-pkcs11 / pklogin_finder(1)
Maps certificates into a user
packagekit-tools / pkmon(1)
Packagekit console client
pkpgcounter / pkpgcounter(1)
Count number of pages required to print various types of documents
texlive-binaries / pktogf(1)
Convert packed font files to generic font files
policykit-1 / pkttyagent(1)
Textual authentication helper
texlive-binaries / pktype(1)
Verify and translate a packed font bitmap file to plain text
gnustep-base-runtime / pl2link(1)
Plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
gprolog / pl2wam(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
plainbox / plainbox(1)
Toolkit for software and hardware integration testing
python3-plainbox / plainbox-trusted-launcher-1(1)
Execute job command as another user
plait / plait(1)
Command-line jukebox.
plait / plaiter(1)
Command-line front-end to command-line music players.
plan / plan(1)
Interactive x/motif calendar and day planner pland - daemon for plan notifier - x/motif text displayer for
plan / pland(1)
Interactive x/motif calendar and day planner pland - daemon for plan notifier - x/motif text displayer for
planet-venus / planet(1)
An aggregate feed generator
planets / planets(1)
Gravitational simulation of planetary bodies
planner / planner(1)
Project management application for gnome
rss-glx / plasma(1)
Oozing plasma.
kde-runtime-data / plasmapkg(1)
Install, list, remove plasma packages
plasmidomics / plasmid(1)
Draw plasmids and vector maps with postscript export
python-plastex / plastex(1)
A collection of python frameworks that allow you to process latex documents
plastimatch / plastimatch(1)
Register, convert, warp, or manipulate images
sox / play(1)
Sound exchange, the swiss army knife of audio manipulation
vamps / play_cell(1)
Dvd cell player for vamps
libdv-bin / playdv(1)
Display digital video streams on screen
smpeg-plaympeg / plaympeg(1)
Mpeg audio (mp3) and video (mpeg-1) player
vpb-utils / playwav(1)
Play an audio file to a voicetronix hardware port
manpages / pldd(1)
Display dynamic shared objects linked into a process
gnustep-base-runtime / pldes(1)
Plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
code-saturne-bin / ple-config(1)
Returns ple config arguments
fp-utils-2.6.4 / plex-2.6.4(1)
The pascal lex lexical analyzer generator.
gnustep-base-runtime / plget(1)
Plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
putty-tools / plink(1)
Putty link, command line network connection tool
gnustep-base-runtime / plio(1)
Plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
libplist-utils / plistutil(1)
A converter tool for binary or xml apple property lists
libplist-utils / plistutil-1.11(1)
A converter tool for binary or xml apple property lists
plm / plm(1)
Cross-platform programming exerciser
gnustep-base-runtime / plmerge(1)
Plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
ppp / plog(1)
Starts up, shuts down or lists the log of ppp connections
plotutils / plot(1)
Translate gnu metafiles to other graphics formats
rdd / plot-entropy(1)
Part of the rdd toolkit
rdd / plot-md5(1)
Part of the rdd toolkit
devscripts / plotchangelog(1)
Graph debian changelogs
plotdrop / plotdrop(1)
Plotdrop is designed for quick simple visualisation of 2d data series. it is a minimal gnome frontend.
plotutils / plotfont(1)
Produce character maps of fonts supported by the plotting utilities
ploticus / ploticus(1)
python-wxmpl / plotit(1)
Experiment data visualization
plotutils / plotutils(1)
The gnu plotting utilities.
plowshare4 / plowdel(1)
Delete files from file sharing websites links
plowshare4 / plowdown(1)
Simple download manager for file sharing websites
plowshare4 / plowlist(1)
List links from shared folders websites
plowshare4 / plowprobe(1)
Gather information from file sharing download links
plowshare4 / plowup(1)
Simple upload manager for file sharing websites
gnustep-base-runtime / plparse(1)
Plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
plptools / plpftp(1)
Ftp-like program for manipulating files on the psion.
plsense / plsense(1)
Omni completion tool for perl
gnustep-base-runtime / plser(1)
Plio, pldes, plser, plmerge, plparse, pl2link - property list tools
plplot-tcl / plserver(1)
Plplot graphics server
plplot-tcl / pltcl(1)
Tcl interface to plplot
texlive-binaries / pltotf(1)
Convert property list files to tex font metric (tfm) format
pluma / pluma(1)
The mate text editor
plume-creator / plume-creator(1)
Open-source tool for novelists
plymouth / plymouth(1)
Send commands to plymouthd
plymouth / plymouth-set-default-theme(1)
Set the plymouth theme
plzip / plzip(1)
Reduces the size of files
powerman / pm(1)
Power on/off nodes
pm-utils / pm-is-supported(1)
Test whether suspend or hibernate is supported.
pmacct / pmacct(1)
Frontend to pmacctd.
pcp / pmafm(1)
Performance co-pilot archive folio manager
procps / pmap(1)
Report memory map of a process
pcp / pmatop(1)
System & process monitor
pmccabe / pmccabe(1)
Calculate mccabe cyclomatic complexity or non-commented line counts for c and c++ programs
pcp / pmcd(1)
Performance metrics collector daemon
pcp / pmcd_wait(1)
Wait for pmcd to accept client connections
pcp-gui / pmchart(1)
Strip chart tool for performance co-pilot
pcp / pmclient(1)
A simple performance metrics client
pcp / pmcollectl(1)
Collect data that describes the current system status
pcp / pmconfig(1)
Performance co-pilot configuration parameters
pcp-gui / pmconfirm(1)
General purpose dialog box
pcp / pmcpp(1)
Simple preprocessor for the performance co-pilot
pcp / pmdaaix(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdaapache(1)
Apache2 web server performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdabash(1)
Bourne-again shell trace performance metrics domain agent
pcp / pmdacisco(1)
Cisco router performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdadarwin(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdadmcache(1)
Device mapper cache pmda
pcp / pmdafreebsd(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdagfs2(1)
Global filesystem v2 (gfs2) pmda
pcp / pmdagluster(1)
Gluster filesystem pmda
pcp / pmdajbd2(1)
Journal block device (jbd) performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdakernel(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdalinux(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdalmsensors(1)
Linux hardware monitoring performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdalogger(1)
Log file performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdalustrecomm(1)
Lustre filesystem comms performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdamailq(1)
Mail queue performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdammv(1)
Memory mapped values performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdamounts(1)
Filesystem mounts performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdanetbsd(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdanvidia(1)
Nvidia gpu metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdaproc(1)
Process performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdaroomtemp(1)
Room temperature performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdasample(1)
\*(ia performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdasendmail(1)
\*(ia performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdashping(1)
"shell-ping" performance metrics domain agent
pcp / pmdasimple(1)
\*(ia performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdasolaris(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdasummary(1)
Summary performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdate(1)
Display an offset date
pcp / pmdatrace(1)
Application-level transaction performance metrics domain agent
pcp / pmdatrivial(1)
\*(ia performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdatxmon(1)
\*(ia performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdaweblog(1)
Performance metrics domain agent (pmda) for web server logs
pcp / pmdawindows(1)
Operating system kernel performance metrics domain agents
pcp / pmdaxfs(1)
Xfs filesystem performance metrics domain agent (pmda)
pcp / pmdazswap(1)
Zswap (compressed swap) pmda
pcp / pmdbg(1)
Translate performance co-pilot debug control flags
pcp / pmdiff(1)
Compares archives and report significant differences
pcp / pmdumplog(1)
Dump internal details of a performance metrics archive log
pcp-gui / pmdumptext(1)
Dump performance metrics to an ascii table
pcp / pmerr(1)
Translate performance co-pilot error codes into error messages
pcp / pmevent(1)
Report event record details
pcp / pmfind(1)
Find pcp services on the network
pcp / pmgenmap(1)
Generate c code to simplify handling of performance metrics
pcp / pmhostname(1)
Report hostname
pmidi / pmidi(1)
A midi file player for alsa.
pcp / pmie(1)
Inference engine for performance metrics
pcp / pmie2col(1)
Convert pmie output to multi-column format
pcp / pmie_check(1)
Administration of the performance co-pilot inference engine
pcp / pmie_daily(1)
Administration of the performance co-pilot inference engine
pcp / pmiestatus(1)
Display information from pmie stats file
pcp / pminfo(1)
Display information about performance metrics
pcp / pmiostat(1)
Performance metrics value dumper
pcp / pmlc(1)
Configure active performance co-pilot pmlogger(s) interactively
pcp / pmlock(1)
Simple file-based mutex
pcp / pmlogcheck(1)
Checks for invalid data in a pcp archive
pcp / pmlogconf(1)
Create/edit a pmlogger configuration file
pcp / pmlogextract(1)
Reduce, extract, concatenate and merge performance co-pilot archives
pcp / pmlogger(1)
Create archive log for performance metrics
pcp / pmlogger_check(1)
Administration of performance co-pilot archive log files
pcp / pmlogger_daily(1)
Administration of performance co-pilot archive log files
pcp / pmlogger_merge(1)
Administration of performance co-pilot archive log files
pcp / pmloglabel(1)
Check and repair a performance metrics archive label
pcp / pmlogmv(1)
Move (rename) performance co-pilot archive files
pcp / pmlogreduce(1)
Temporal reduction of performance co-pilot archives
pcp / pmlogrewrite(1)
Rewrite performance co-pilot archives
pcp / pmlogsummary(1)
Calculate averages of metrics stored in a pcp archive
pcp-gui / pmmessage(1)
General purpose dialog box
pcp-manager / pmmgr(1)
Pcp daemon manager
pcp / pmnewlog(1)
Stop and restart archive logging for pcp performance metrics
pcp / pmnsadd(1)
Add new names to the performance co-pilot pmns
pcp / pmnsdel(1)
Delete a subtree of names from the performance co-pilot pmns
pcp / pmnsmerge(1)
Merge multiple versions of a performance co-pilot pmns
pmount / pmount(1)
Mount arbitrary hotpluggable devices as normal user
pcp / pmpost(1)
Append messages to the performance co-pilot notice board
pcp / pmprobe(1)
Lightweight probe for performance metrics
pcp / pmproxy(1)
Proxy for performance metrics collector daemon
pcp-gui / pmquery(1)
General purpose dialog box
pms / pms(1)
Practical music search, an ncurses-based mpd client
pcp / pmsignal(1)
Send a signal to one or more processes
pcp / pmsleep(1)
Portable subsecond-capable sleep
pcp-gui / pmsnap(1)
Generate performance summary snapshot images
pcp / pmsocks(1)
Shell wrapper for performance monitoring across firewalls
pcp / pmstat(1)
High-level system performance overview
pcp / pmstore(1)
Modify performance metric values
libpam-mount / pmt-fd0ssh(1)
libpam-mount / pmt-ofl(1)
pcp-gui / pmtime(1)
Time control server for performance co-pilot
pcp / pmtrace(1)
Command line performance instrumentation
pcp / pmval(1)
Performance metrics value dumper
pmw / pmw(1)
A program for typesetting music
pcp-webapi / pmwebd(1)
Bridge client pmapi to http
pmx / pmx2pdf(1)
This script processes pmx files and then deletes intermediate files
pmx / pmxab(1)
A musixtex preprocessor
texlive-music / pmxchords(1)
This script processes pmx files with chord symbols, allowing for key transpositions
libnfc-pn53x-examples / pn53x-diagnose(1)
Pn53x diagnose tool
libnfc-pn53x-examples / pn53x-sam(1)
Pn53x sam communication demonstration tool
libnfc-pn53x-examples / pn53x-tamashell(1)
Pn53x tama communication demonstration shell
png23d / png23d(1)
Png to 3d file conversion
png2html / png2html(1)
Transforms a png image to a web page
icnsutils / png2icns(1)
Convert png images to mac os icns files
kdesdk-scripts / png2mng.pl(1)
Combine a set of png images into an animated mng image
xautomation / png2pat(1)
Converts an image file from png to pat format.
swftools / png2swf(1)
Takes a number of png files and converts them to a swf movie, one picture per frame.
mjpegtools / png2yuv(1)
Convert png images to the yuv4mpeg stream format.
pngcheck / pngcheck(1)
Test png image files for corruption, display size, type, compression info
pngtools / pngchunkdesc(1)
Decode information embedded into a png chunk name
pngtools / pngchunks(1)
Print information embedded into a png file
pngnq / pngcomp(1)
Png (portable network graphics) comparison tool
pngtools / pngcp(1)
Create a new png file, having changed some attributes
pngcrush / pngcrush(1)
Pngcrush optimizes (or modifies) png (portable network graphics) files.
pngtools / pnginfo(1)
Display information on the png files named
pngmeta / pngmeta(1)
Extract metadata from portable network graphics (png) image files
pngnq / pngnq(1)
Quantize png images
pngphoon / pngphoon(1)
Pngphoon creates a png file with the current phase of the moon
pngcheck / pngsplit(1)
Split a png file into individual chunk-files (and check crcs)
libbogl-dev / pngtobogl(1)
Convert png image to bogl c file
exrtools / pngtoexr(1)
Convert a png image to openexr format
libgd-tools / pngtogd(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
libgd-tools / pngtogd2(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
netpbm / pngtopnm(1)
Convert a portable network graphics file into portable anymap
printer-driver-pnm2ppa / pnm2ppa(1)
Convert portable anymap (pnm) images to hp's ppa printer format.
netpbm / pnmalias(1)
Antialias a portable anyumap.
netpbm / pnmarith(1)
Perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
netpbm / pnmcat(1)
Concatenate portable anymaps
netpbm / pnmcolormap(1)
Create quantization color map for a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmcomp(1)
Composite (overlay) two portable anymap files together
netpbm / pnmconvol(1)
General mxn convolution on a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmcrop(1)
Crop a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmcut(1)
Cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmdepth(1)
Change the maxval in a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmenlarge(1)
Read a portable anymap and enlarge it n times
netpbm / pnmfile(1)
Describe a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmflip(1)
Perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmgamma(1)
Perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmhistmap(1)
Draw a histogram for a pgm or ppm file
netpbm / pnmindex(1)
Build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
netpbm / pnminterp(1)
Scale up a pnm or pam image by interpolating between pixels
netpbm / pnminterp-gen(1)
Use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer values
netpbm / pnminvert(1)
Invert a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmmargin(1)
Add a border to a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmmontage(1)
Create a montage of portable anymaps
netpbm / pnmnlfilt(1)
Non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal estimation smoothing, edge enhancement.
netpbm / pnmnoraw(1)
Convert portable any map to plain (ascii) anymap format
netpbm / pnmnorm(1)
Normalize the contrast in a netbpm image
netpbm / pnmpad(1)
Add borders to portable anymap
netpbm / pnmpsnr(1)
Compute the difference between two portable anymaps
netpbm / pnmquant(1)
Quantize the colors in a netpbm image to a smaller set
netpbm / pnmremap(1)
Replace colors in a ppm image with colors from another set
netpbm / pnmrotate(1)
Rotate a portable anymap by some angle
netpbm / pnmscale(1)
Scale a portable anymap
netpbm / pnmscalefixed(1)
Scale a portable anymap quickly, but less accurate
netpbm / pnmshear(1)
Shear a portable anymap by some angle
netpbm / pnmsmooth(1)
Smooth out an image
netpbm / pnmsplit(1)
Split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-image files
netpbm / pnmtile(1)
Replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
netpbm / pnmtoddif(1)
netpbm / pnmtofiasco(1)
Convert a portable anymap to fiasco compressed file
netpbm / pnmtofits(1)
Convert a portable anymap into fits format
netpbm / pnmtojpeg(1)
Convert pnm image to a jfif ("jpeg") image
netpbm / pnmtopalm(1)
Convert a portable anymap into a palm pixmap
netpbm / pnmtoplainpnm(1)
Convert portable any map to plain (ascii) anymap format
netpbm / pnmtopng(1)
Convert a portable anymap into a portable network graphics file
netpbm / pnmtops(1)
Convert portable anymap to postscript
netpbm / pnmtorast(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a sun rasterfile
netpbm / pnmtorle(1)
Convert a netpbm image file into an rle image file.
netpbm / pnmtosgi(1)
Convert a portable anymap to a sgi image file
netpbm / pnmtosir(1)
Convert a portable anymap into a solitaire format
netpbm / pnmtotiff(1)
Convert a portable anymap into a tiff file
netpbm / pnmtotiffcmyk(1)
Convert a portable anymap into a cmyk encoded tiff file
netpbm / pnmtoxwd(1)
Convert a portable anymap into an x11 window dump
pnscan / pnscan(1)
Multi threaded port scanning tool
translate-toolkit / po2csv(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to comma-separated value (.csv) files.
translate-toolkit / po2html(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to html files.
translate-toolkit / po2ical(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to ical files.
translate-toolkit / po2ini(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to .ini files.
translate-toolkit / po2json(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to json files.
translate-toolkit / po2moz(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to mozilla .dtd and .properties files.
translate-toolkit / po2oo(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to an openoffice.org (sdf) localization file.
translate-toolkit / po2php(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to php localization files.
translate-toolkit / po2prop(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to java/mozilla .properties files.
translate-toolkit / po2rc(1)
Convert gettext po localization files back to windows resource (.rc) files.
translate-toolkit / po2sub(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to subtitle files.
translate-toolkit / po2symb(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to symbian translation files.
translate-toolkit / po2tiki(1)
Convert gettext po files to tikiwiki's language.php files.
translate-toolkit / po2tmx(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to a tmx (translation memory exchange) file.
translate-toolkit / po2ts(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to qt linguist (.ts) files.
translate-toolkit / po2txt(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to plain text (.txt) files.
translate-toolkit / po2wordfast(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to a wordfast translation memory file.
translate-toolkit / po2xliff(1)
Convert gettext po localization files to xliff localization files.
poxml / po2xml(1)
Translates an docbook xml file using a po file
po4a / po4a-build(1)
Build translated documentation
po4a / po4aman-display-po(1)
Display a translated man page according to a po
po4a / po4apod-display-po(1)
Man display of a translated pod file according to a po
polyorb-servers / po_catref(1)
View the components of a stringified reference
polyorb-servers / po_cos_naming(1)
A standalone server that supports the corba cos naming specification.
polyorb-servers / po_cos_naming_shell(1)
Navigate and interact with the corba cos naming implementation.
polyorb-servers / po_createref(1)
Create ior stringified references
polyorb-servers / po_dumpir(1)
The corba interface repository content dumper
libpolyorb3-dev / po_gnatdist(1)
A tool to build a dsa application with polyorb
polyorb-servers / po_ir(1)
Standalone corba interface repository server
polyorb-servers / po_names(1)
Polyorb name server
poa / poa(1)
Align a set of sequences or alignments.
poc-streamer / pob-2250(1)
Receive rtp rfc 2250 mp3 streams
poc-streamer / pob-3119(1)
Receive rtp rfc 3119 mp3 streams
poc-streamer / pob-fec(1)
Receive fec mp3 streams
poc-streamer / poc-2250(1)
Send rtp rfc 2250 mp3 streams
poc-streamer / poc-3119(1)
Send rtp rfc 3119 mp3 streams
poc-streamer / poc-fec(1)
Send fec mp3 streams
poc-streamer / poc-http(1)
Send http mp3 streams
pocketsphinx / pocketsphinx_batch(1)
Run speech recognition in batch mode
pocketsphinx / pocketsphinx_continuous(1)
Run speech recognition in continuous listening mode
pocketsphinx / pocketsphinx_mdef_convert(1)
Convert text-format model definition files to and from pocketsphinx format
libpocl1-common / pocl-standalone(1)
Program to compile opencl c kernels to work group functions
translate-toolkit / poclean(1)
Produces a clean file from an unclean file (trados/wordfast) by stripping out the tw4win indicators.
translate-toolkit / pocommentclean(1)
Remove all translator comments from po files.
translate-toolkit / pocompendium(1)
Create a po compendium from a directory of po files.
translate-toolkit / pocompile(1)
Compile xliff and gettext po localization files into gettext mo (machine object) files.
translate-toolkit / poconflicts(1)
Conflict finder for gettext po localization files.
translate-toolkit / pocount(1)
Produces word counts and other statistics from a po file.
newsbeuter / podbeuter(1)
A podcast download manage for text terminals
podbrowser / podbrowser(1)
A perl documentation browser for gnome podbrowser is a more feature-complete version of podviewer, which comes with gtk2::ex::podviewer.
translate-toolkit / podebug(1)
Insert debug messages into xliff and gettext po localization files.
podracer / podracer(1)
A podcast aggregator with bittorrent support
poedit / poeditor(1)
Gettext catalogs editor
ppp / poff(1)
Starts up, shuts down or lists the log of ppp connections
wvdial / poff.wvdial(1)
A pon replacement. poff.wvdial - a poff replacement.
translate-toolkit / pofilter(1)
Perform quality checks on gettext po, xliff and tmx localization files.
poc-streamer / pogg-http(1)
Send http ogg streams
translate-toolkit / pogrep(1)
Grep xliff, gettext po and tmx localization files.
spark / pogs(1)
Summarises completed and outstanding proof obligations
sugarplum / poison(1)
The main cgi script for sugarplum
pokerth / pokerth(1)
Texas hold'em game
pokerth-server / pokerth_server(1)
Multiplayer and multigame server for pokerth
libpam-poldi / poldi-ctrl(1)
Pam_poldi utility
postfix-policyd-spf-python / policyd-spf(1)
Pure-python postfix policy daemon for spf checking
icedtea-netx / policyeditor(1)
View and modify security policy settings for javaws and the browser plugin
polipo / polipo(1)
A caching web proxy
polyml / poly(1)
The poly/ml standard ml implementation
palp / poly-11d.x(1)
Computes data of a polytope
palp / poly-4d.x(1)
Computes data of a polytope
palp / poly-5d.x(1)
Computes data of a polytope
palp / poly-6d.x(1)
Computes data of a polytope
palp / poly.x(1)
Computes data of a polytope
sumo / polyconvert(1)
Importer of polygons and pois for the road traffic simulation sumo
polygen-data / polyfind(1)
Find polygen grammars and run polygen
polygen / polygen(1)
Polygen is an innovative system for generating improvised sentences according to a grammar definition, that is following custom syntactical and lexical rules.
polygraph / polygraph-aka(1)
Ip aliases manipulation tool
polygraph / polygraph-beepmon(1)
Forwards beep messages to an external program
polygraph / polygraph-cdb(1)
Content database manipulation tool
polygraph / polygraph-client(1)
Web polygraph client simulator
polygraph / polygraph-cmp-lx(1)
Log comparison tool
polygraph / polygraph-distr-test(1)
Distribution test
polygraph / polygraph-dns-cfg(1)
Dns server configuration tool
polygraph / polygraph-lr(1)
Console log extractor
polygraph / polygraph-ltrace(1)
Trace extractor
polygraph / polygraph-lx(1)
Stats extractor
polygraph / polygraph-pgl-test(1)
Pgl validator
polygraph / polygraph-pgl2acl(1)
Translates pgl access rules into squid proxy acls
polygraph / polygraph-pgl2eng(1)
Pgl to english converter
polygraph / polygraph-pgl2ips(1)
Pgl ip addresses calculator
polygraph / polygraph-pgl2ldif(1)
Ldif (and other text-based) configuration generator
polygraph / polygraph-pmix2-ips(1)
Polymix-2 address calculator
polygraph / polygraph-pmix3-ips(1)
Polymix-3 address calculator
polygraph / polygraph-polymon(1)
Interactive test monitoring tool
polygraph / polygraph-polyprobe(1)
Tests tcp throughput in a full client/server mesh
polygraph / polygraph-polyrrd(1)
Supplies run-time polygraph stats to rrdtool
polygraph / polygraph-pop-test(1)
Predicts cache hit ratios for a given workload
polygraph / polygraph-reporter(1)
Html report generator
polygraph / polygraph-rng-test(1)
Random number generator test
polygraph / polygraph-server(1)
Web polygraph server simulator
polygraph / polygraph-udp2tcpd(1)
Converts udp monitoring messages into a tcp stream read by polymon
polygraph / polygraph-webaxe4-ips(1)
Webaxe-4 address calculator
polyml / polyimport(1)
The poly/ml import program
libpolyorb3-dev / polyorb-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of polyorb.
polygen-data / polyrun(1)
Find polygen grammars and run polygen
translate-toolkit / pomerge(1)
Merges xliff and gettext po localization files.
translate-toolkit / pomigrate2(1)
Migrates po files from an old version using new pot files.
pommed / pommed(1)
Apple laptops hotkeys event handler
ppp / pon(1)
Starts up, shuts down or lists the log of ppp connections
wvdial / pon.wvdial(1)
A pon replacement. poff.wvdial - a poff replacement.
pondus / pondus(1)
Personal weight manager for gtk+2
texlive-binaries / pooltype(1)
Display a web pool file
pop3browser / pop3browser(1)
Small perl script to access pop3 mail accounts
cyrus-clients / pop3test(1)
Interactive pop3 test program
solid-pop3d / pop_auth(1)
Set an user's apop secret
mailutils-pop3d / popauth(1)
Manage pop3 authentication database
debian-goodies / popbugs(1)
Find rc bugs in packages you commonly use
populations / populations(1)
Population genetic software
translate-toolkit / popuretext(1)
Extracts all the source text from a directory of pot files, removes po headers and optionally the accelerator keys.
translate-toolkit / poreencode(1)
Re-encode all files of a po directory to the specified encoding.
translate-toolkit / porestructure(1)
Restructure gettxt po files produced by :doc:`poconflicts /commands/poconflicts` into the original directory tree for merging using :doc:`pomerge /commands/pomerge`.
pork / pork(1)
An aol instant messenger client for the unix console.
portabase / portabase(1)
An easy-to-use personal database application
portreserve / portrelease(1)
Release previously-reserved ports
portreserve / portreserve(1)
Reserve ports to prevent portmap mapping them
translate-toolkit / posegment(1)
Segment gettext po, xliff and tmx localization files at the sentence level.
spellutils / pospell(1)
Run a program on the translation strings of a .po-file
translate-toolkit / posplit(1)
Split a po file into a translated, fuzzy, and untranslated po file.
groff / post-grohtml(1)
Html driver for groff
post-faq / post_faq(1)
Post a usenet periodic posting
postal / postal-list(1)
Program to show how postal expands user names
potool / postats(1)
Summarize translation progress of gettext po files
postbooks / postbooks(1)
Qt-based gui for postbooks accounting / crm suite
postbooks-updater / postbooks-update-builder(1)
Qt-based gui for building postbooks schema updates
postbooks-updater / postbooks-updater(1)
Qt-based gui for updating the postbooks schema
postfix-policyd-spf-perl / postfix-policyd-spf-perl(1)
Pure-perl postfix policy server for spf checking
postfwd / postfwd1(1)
Postfix firewall daemon
postfwd / postfwd2(1)
Postfix firewall daemon
postgresql-9.4 / postgres(1)
Postgresql database server
postgresql-autodoc / postgresql_autodoc(1)
Creates postgresql tables overview
postmark / postmark(1)
File system benchmark program by netapp.
postgresql-9.4 / postmaster(1)
Postgresql database server
postnews / postnews(1)
Post a usenet article to a server
fp-utils-2.6.4 / postw32-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal windows 32-bit executable post processor.
translate-toolkit / poswap(1)
Builds a new translation file with the target of the input language as source language.
translate-toolkit / pot2po(1)
Convert template files (like .pot or template .xlf files) to translation files, preserving existing translations.
translate-toolkit / poterminology(1)
Create a terminology file by reading a set of .po or .pot files to produce a pootle-terminology.pot.
potool / potool(1)
Program for manipulating gettext po files
potool / potooledit(1)
Program to aid editing gettext po files
potrace / potrace(1)
Transform bitmaps into vector graphics.
povray / povray(1)
Pov-ray: the persistence of vision ray tracer
apcupsd / powerflute(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
powerline / powerline(1)
Powerline prompt and statusline script
powerline / powerline-config(1)
Script used to obtain powerline configuration
powerline / powerline-daemon(1)
Daemon to improve the performance of powerline
powerline / powerline-lint(1)
Powerline configuration checker
powerline / powerline-render(1)
Powerline prompt and statusline script
powerman / powerman(1)
Power on/off nodes
clang-3.4 / pp-trace-3.4(1)
Manual page for pp-trace 3.4
clang-3.5 / pp-trace-3.5(1)
Manual page for pp-trace 3.5
fp-compiler-2.6.4 / ppc386-2.6.4(1)
Free pascal compiler (fpc) binary, name derived from portable pascal compiler
cups-ppdc / ppdc(1)
Cups ppd compiler
fp-utils-2.6.4 / ppdep-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal unit dependency tracking program.
ppdfilt / ppdfilt(1)
Insert printer specific code into a ps job.
cups-ppdc / ppdhtml(1)
Cups html summary generator
cups-ppdc / ppdi(1)
Import ppd files
cups-ppdc / ppdmerge(1)
Merge ppd files
cups-ppdc / ppdpo(1)
Ppd message catalog generator
libppi-html-perl / ppi2html(1)
Generate syntax-hightlighted html for perl using ppi
ppl-dev / ppl-config(1)
Obtain information about an installation of the parma polyhedra library
gerris / ppm2mpeg(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
gerris-mpi / ppm2mpeg(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
libtiff-tools / ppm2tiff(1)
Create a tiff file from ppm, pgm and pbm image files
netpbm / ppm3d(1)
Convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3d glasses pixmap
netpbm / ppmbrighten(1)
Change an images saturation and value from an hsv map
netpbm / ppmchange(1)
Change all pixels of one color to another in a portable pixmap
netpbm / ppmcie(1)
Draw a cie color chart as a ppm image
netpbm / ppmcolormask(1)
Produce mask of areas of a certain color in a ppm file
netpbm / ppmcolors(1)
Generate a color map of all colors of a certain maxval
gerris / ppmcombine(1)
Combines several ppm files produced by a parallel run of gerris.
gerris-mpi / ppmcombine(1)
Combines several ppm files produced by a parallel run of gerris.
netpbm / ppmdim(1)
Dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
netpbm / ppmdist(1)
Simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
netpbm / ppmdither(1)
Ordered dither for color images
netpbm / ppmfade(1)
Generate a transition between two image files using special effects.
netpbm / ppmflash(1)
Brighten a picture up to complete white-out
netpbm / ppmforge(1)
Fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
netpbm / ppmhist(1)
Print a histogram of a portable pixmap
imgvtopgm / ppmimgvquant(1)
Palette quantifier for pilot image viewer pgm files, version 2.0.
netpbm / ppmlabel(1)
Add text to a portable pixmap
netpbm / ppmmake(1)
Create a pixmap of a specified size and color
netpbm / ppmmix(1)
Blend together two portable pixmaps
netpbm / ppmnorm(1)
Normalize the contrast in a netbpm image
netpbm / ppmntsc(1)
Make a portable pixmap look like taken from an american tv
netpbm / ppmpat(1)
Make a pretty pixmap
netpbm / ppmquant(1)
Quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number
netpbm / ppmquantall(1)
Run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
netpbm / ppmqvga(1)
8 plane quantization
netpbm / ppmrainbow(1)
Generate a rainbow
netpbm / ppmrelief(1)
Run a laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
netpbm / ppmshadow(1)
Add simulated shadows to a portable pixmap image
netpbm / ppmshift(1)
Shift lines of a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
netpbm / ppmspread(1)
Displace a portable pixmap's pixels by a random amount
netpbm / ppmtoacad(1)
Convert portable pixmap to autocad database or slide
netpbm / ppmtobmp(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a bmp file
exrtools / ppmtoexr(1)
Convert a ppm image to openexr format
netpbm / ppmtoeyuv(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a berkeley yuv file
netpbm / ppmtogif(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a gif file
netpbm / ppmtoicr(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into ncsa icr format
netpbm / ppmtoilbm(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into an ilbm file
netpbm / ppmtojpeg(1)
Convert pnm image to a jfif ("jpeg") image
netpbm / ppmtoleaf(1)
Convert portable pixmap to interleaf image format
netpbm / ppmtolj(1)
Convert a portable pixmap to an hp laserjet pcl 5 color file
syslinux-utils / ppmtolss16(1)
Ppmtolss16 convert a ppm to an lss16 image
netpbm / ppmtomap(1)
Extract all colors from a portable pixmap
netpbm / ppmtomitsu(1)
Convert a portable pixmap to a mitsubishi s340-10 file
netpbm / ppmtompeg(1)
Encodes mpeg-1 bitstreams
netpbm / ppmtoneo(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into an atari neochrome .neo file
netpbm / ppmtopcx(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a pcx file
netpbm / ppmtopgm(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
netpbm / ppmtopi1(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into an atari degas .pi1 file
netpbm / ppmtopict(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a macintosh pict file
netpbm / ppmtopj(1)
Convert a portable pixmap to an hp paintjet file
netpbm / ppmtopuzz(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into an x11 "puzzle" file
netpbm / ppmtorgb3(1)
Separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
netpbm / ppmtosixel(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into dec sixel format
netpbm / ppmtotga(1)
Convert portable pixmap into a truevision targa file
netpbm / ppmtouil(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into a motif uil icon file
netpbm / ppmtowinicon(1)
Convert 1 or more portable pixmaps into a windows .ico file
netpbm / ppmtoxpm(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into an x11 pixmap
makexvpics / ppmtoxvmini(1)
Convert a raw ppm file to .xvpics format
netpbm / ppmtoyuv(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into an abekas yuv file
netpbm / ppmtoyuvsplit(1)
Convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw yuv files
netpbm / ppmtv(1)
Make a portable pixmap look like taken from an american tv
tau / pprof(1)
Quickly diplays profile data.
kcachegrind-converters / pprof2calltree(1)
Convert apd profiling data to kcachegrind calltree format
python-pp / ppserver(1)
Manual page for parallel python network server
ppsh / ppsh(1)
Parse and pretty print arbitrary haskell show output
unoconv / ppt2odp(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
fp-utils-2.6.4 / ppudump-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal unit dump program.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / ppufiles-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal unit object file lister.
fp-utils-2.6.4 / ppumove-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal unit mover.
ctn / pq_ctndisp(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / pq_ctnnetwork(1)
Generic ctn manual page
coreutils / pr(1)
Convert text files for printing
praat / praat(1)
Doing phonetics by computer
praat / praat-open-files(1)
Open sound files with praat
prads / prads(1)
Passive real-time asset detection system
prads / prads-asset-report(1)
Prads text reporting module
prads / prads2snort(1)
Snort autotuning of frag3 and stream5
groff / pre-grohtml(1)
Html driver for groff
aspell / precat(1)
Prefix delta compressor for aspell
predict / predict(1)
Track and predict passes of satellites in earth orbit
predict / predict-g1yyh(1)
Satellite tracking program
predict-gsat / predict-map(1)
Gui for predict
predictnls / predictnls(1)
Prediction and analysis of nuclear localization signals
stda / prefield(1)
Prepare input file for 'muplot' to plot 2-d fields by arrows
libapp-options-perl / prefix(1)
Script that allows you to reconfigure environment variables for multiple installations of a set of software installed on the same machine
libapp-options-perl / prefixadmin(1)
Administer prefix's to work with app::options
staden / pregap4(1)
Prepare raw data from sequencing instruments for usage with gap4 (part of staden package)
qmail / preline(1)
Prepend lines to message
courier-mta / preline.courier(1)
Prepend legacy mbox headers
prelude-manager / prelude-manager(1)
Collects and normalize events.
libpreludedb0 / preludedb-admin(1)
Tool to copy, move, delete, save or restore a prelude database
premake4 / premake4(1)
Cross-platform build script generator
loki / prep(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
kdelibs5-dev / preparetips(1)
Extract text from tips file
m-tx / prepmx(1)
Preprocessor for pmx, easy music typesetting program
preprocess / preprocess(1)
Preprocess a file.
python-pyramid / prequest(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / prequest3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
prerex / prerex(1)
Interactive editor of prerequisite-chart descriptions
presage-dbus / presage_dbus_python_demo(1)
Presage dbus demo program
presage-dbus / presage_dbus_service(1)
Presage dbus service
presage / presage_demo(1)
Presage demo program (ncurses)
presage / presage_demo_text(1)
Presage demo program (text)
python-presage / presage_python_demo(1)
Presage demo program (python)
presage / presage_simulator(1)
Presage simulator program
openscenegraph / present3D(1)
Set of examples program
translate-toolkit / pretranslate(1)
Fill localization files with suggested translations based on translation memory and existing translations.
pretzel / pretzel-it(1)
Use pretzel to build a prettyprinter
aspell / preunzip(1)
Prefix delta compressor for aspell
aspell / prezip(1)
Prefix delta compressor for aspell
aspell / prezip-bin(1)
Prefix zip delta word list compressor/decompressor
lout / prg2lout(1)
Convert computer program text into lout
prime-phylo / primeDLRS(1)
Guest-in-host tree reconciliation tool
prime-phylo / primeDTLSR(1)
Guest-in-host tree inference tool
prime-phylo / primeGEM(1)
Guest-in-host tree reconciliation tool
prime-phylo / primeGSRf(1)
Guest-in-host tree reconciliation tool
primer3 / primer3_core(1)
Designs primers for pcr
libmath-prime-util-perl / primes(1)
Display all primes
sat-xmpp-primitivus / primitivus(1)
Salut à toi's console interface
mathomatic-primes / primorial(1)
Calculate large primorials
primus / primusrun(1)
Run an application on a discrete nvidia video card
mime-support / print(1)
Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
ctn / print_client(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / print_layout(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / print_mgr(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / print_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / print_server_display(1)
Generic ctn manual page
sloccount / print_sum(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
ghostscript / printafm(1)
Print the metrics from a postscript font in afm format using ghostscript
argyll / printcal(1)
Create printer calibration.
xa65 / printcbm(1)
List a commodore basic file
coreutils / printenv(1)
Print all or part of environment
coreutils / printf(1)
Format and print data
fastforward / printforward(1)
Print the instructions in a forwarding database
leptonica-progs / printimage(1)
Image processing library
fastforward / printmaillist(1)
Print the contents of a binary mailing list
leptonica-progs / printsplitimage(1)
Image processing library
argyll / printtarg(1)
Generate target postscrip file.
leptonica-progs / printtiff(1)
Image processing library
privbind / privbind(1)
Allow an unprivileged application to bind with reserved ports.
util-linux / prlimit(1)
Get and set process resource limits
proalign / proalign(1)
A probabilistic multiple alignment program
probabel / probabel(1)
Wrapper around the three probabel binaries, simplifying their use
probabel / probabel.pl(1)
Wrapper around the three probabel binaries, simplifying their use
probalign / probalign(1)
Align sequences in mfafile(s) and print result to standard output
probcons / probcons(1)
Align multiple protein sequences and print to standard output
probcons / probcons-RNA(1)
An experimental version of probcons compiled with parameters estimated via unsupervised training on bralibase.
procserv / procServ(1)
Process server with telnet console and log access
procenv / procenv(1)
Display process environment details
signing-party / process_keys(1)
Web of trust analysis
procmail-lib / proclint(1)
Lint procmail rc files for proper syntax
procmeter3 / procmeter3(1)
A user friendly system monitoring program.
procmeter3 / procmeter3-gtk2(1)
A user friendly system monitoring program.
procmeter3 / procmeter3-gtk3(1)
A user friendly system monitoring program.
procmeter3 / procmeter3-lcd(1)
A system monitoring program with lcdproc display.
procmeter3 / procmeter3-log(1)
A system monitoring / logging program.
procmeter3 / procmeter3-xaw(1)
A user friendly system monitoring program.
procmeter3 / procmeter3_modules(1)
The modules that are used by the procmeter3, procmeter3-xaw, gprocmeter3, procmeter3-gtk1, procmeter3-gtk2, procmeter3-gtk3, procmeter3-log and procmeter3-lcd programs.
proda / proda(1)
Multiple alignment of protein sequences with repeats and rearrangements
prodigal / prodigal(1)
Microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program
profphd / prof(1)
Secondary structure and solvent accessibility predictor
profanity / profanity(1)
A simple console based xmpp chat client.
profbval / profbval(1)
Predicts flexibile/rigid residues from sequence
argyll / profcheck(1)
Check accuracy of icc profile.
desktop-profiles / profile-manager(1)
Starts the gui for configuring the metadata used by desktop-profiles
fuse-emulator-utils / profile2map(1)
Profile2map fuse profiler output converter
samba / profiles(1)
A utility to report and change sids in registry files
profisis / profisis(1)
Protein-protein interaction sites identified from sequence
python-profitbricks-client / profitbricks-client(1)
Profitbricks client
proftmb / proftmb(1)
Per-residue prediction of bacterial transmembrane beta barrels
tmake / progen(1)
Create project files for tmake(1)
proj-bin / proj(1)
Forward cartographic projection filter invproj - inverse cartographic projection filter
turnin-ng / project(1)
Manage assignments submitted with turnin
projectm-jack / projectM-jack(1)
Projectm module for jackaudio
projectm-pulseaudio / projectM-pulseaudio(1)
Projectm module for pulseaudio
mummer / promer(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
promoe / promoe(1)
Gui client for xmms2
wise / promoterwise(1)
Promoterwise comparison between two promoter sequences
libmodglue1 / prompt(1)
Give any program command-line editing facilities
root-system-proofd / proofd(1)
Proof (the parallel root facility)
proofgeneral / proofgeneral(1)
Start emacs with the proof general splash screen
root-system-proofd / proofserv(1)
Proof (the parallel root facility)
root-system-proofd / proofserv.bin(1)
Proof (the parallel root facility)
root-system-proofd / proofserv.exe(1)
Proof (the parallel root facility)
libroot-static / proofserva(1)
Proof (the parallel root facility)
prover9 / prooftrans(1)
Tool for transforming prover9 proofs
prooftree / prooftree(1)
Proof-tree display for proof general
proot / proot(1)
Chroot, mount --bind, and binfmt_misc without privilege/setup
translate-toolkit / prop2po(1)
Convert java/mozilla .properties files to gettext po localization files.
propellor / propellor(1)
Property-based host configuration management in haskell
pdb2pqr / propka(1)
Protonate pdb files based on pka
xview-clients / props(1)
Change openwindows settings
xawtv-tools / propwatch(1)
A tool to monitor x11 properties
vpb-utils / proslicerl(1)
Measure the echo-return loss on voicetronix fxs telephony modules
prosody / prosodyctl(1)
Manage a prosody xmpp server
tryton-proteus / proteus(1)
Tryton application platform (proteus)
protobuf-compiler / protoc(1)
Compile protocol buffer description files
ruby-beefcake / protoc-gen-beefcake(1)
Generate code from .proto files
golang-goprotobuf-dev / protoc-gen-go(1)
Go compiler output filter for the protocol buffer compiler
golang-gogoprotobuf-dev / protoc-gen-gogo(1)
Go compiler output filter for the protocol buffer compiler
python-pyramid / proutes(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / proutes3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
prover9 / prover9(1)
Resolution/paramodulation theorem prover
prover9-mace4 / prover9-mace4(1)
Graphical theorem prover interface for prover9 and mace4
libproxy-tools / proxy(1)
Display the proxy server that should be used to reach a given a network resource
proxychains / proxychains(1)
Redirect connections through proxy servers
proxycheck / proxycheck(1)
Proxycheck open proxy server checker
proxytrack / proxytrack(1)
Proxy to serve content archived by httrack website copier
proxytunnel / proxytunnel(1)
Program to tunnel a connection through a standard https proxy
calibre / prs500(1)
Control prs 500 devices
psmisc / prtstat(1)
Print statistics of a process
graphviz / prune(1)
Prune directed graphs
kdesdk-scripts / pruneemptydirs(1)
Detects stale source directories in a cvs tree
pry / pry(1)
A reference to the pry repl.
procps / ps(1)
Report a snapshot of the current processes.
ghostscript / ps2ascii(1)
Ghostscript translator from postscript or pdf to ascii
ps2eps / ps2eps(1)
Convert postscript to eps (encapsulated postscript) files
ghostscript / ps2epsi(1)
Generate conforming encapsulated postscript
texlive-font-utils / ps2frag(1)
Obsolete shell script for the psfrag system.
tth-common / ps2gif(1)
Convert latex files to bit map images
printer-driver-c2050 / ps2lexmark(1)
Postscript to lexmark 2050 series protocol translator
ghostscript / ps2pdf(1)
Convert postscript to pdf using ghostscript ps2pdf12 - convert postscript to pdf1.2 (acrobat3-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf13 - convert postscript to pdf1.3 (acrobat4-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf14 - convert postscript to pdf1.4 (acrobat5-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ghostscript / ps2pdf12(1)
Convert postscript to pdf using ghostscript ps2pdf12 - convert postscript to pdf1.2 (acrobat3-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf13 - convert postscript to pdf1.3 (acrobat4-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf14 - convert postscript to pdf1.4 (acrobat5-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ghostscript / ps2pdf13(1)
Convert postscript to pdf using ghostscript ps2pdf12 - convert postscript to pdf1.2 (acrobat3-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf13 - convert postscript to pdf1.3 (acrobat4-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf14 - convert postscript to pdf1.4 (acrobat5-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ghostscript / ps2pdf14(1)
Convert postscript to pdf using ghostscript ps2pdf12 - convert postscript to pdf1.2 (acrobat3-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf13 - convert postscript to pdf1.3 (acrobat4-and-later compatible) using ghostscript ps2pdf14 - convert postscript to pdf1.4 (acrobat5-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ghostscript / ps2pdfwr(1)
Convert postscript to pdf without specifying compatibilitylevel, using ghostscript
texlive-binaries / ps2pk(1)
Creates a tex pkfont from a type1 postscript font
tth-common / ps2png(1)
Convert latex files to bit map images
ghostscript / ps2ps(1)
Ghostscript postscript "distiller"
tstools / ps2ts(1)
Convert an h.222 program stream to h.222 transport stream
lprng / psbanner(1)
Printer banners in text, pcl and postscript
impose+ / psbl(1)
A program for automatic booklet formatting of postscript files
psutils / psbook(1)
Rearrange pages in postscript file into signatures
sc / psc(1)
Prepare sc files
xcal / pscal(1)
Generates postscript showing your calendar for given year and month
pscan / pscan(1)
Format string security checker for c source code
putty-tools / pscp(1)
Command-line scp (secure copy) / sftp client
tstools / psdots(1)
Present the packets of a program stream
psensor / psensor(1)
Temperature monitoring application
psensor-server / psensor-server(1)
Temperature and system monitoring web server
python-pyramid / pserve(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / pserve3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
kbd / psfaddtable(1)
Add a unicode character table to a console font
kbd / psfgettable(1)
Extract the embedded unicode character table from a console font
kbd / psfstriptable(1)
Remove the embedded unicode character table from a console font
putty-tools / psftp(1)
Interactive sftp (secure file transfer protocol) client
kbd / psfxtable(1)
Handle unicode character tables for console fonts
python-pyramid / pshell(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / pshell3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
psi / psi(1)
Jabber client
cd-hit / psi-cd-hit(1)
Runs similar algorithm like cd-hit but using blast to calculate similarities
cd-hit / psi-cd-hit-2d(1)
Runs similar algorithm like cd-hit but using blast to calculate similarities in db1 or db2 format
cd-hit / psi-cd-hit-2d-g1(1)
Runs similar algorithm like cd-hit but using blast to calculate similarities in db1 or db2 format
psi-plus / psi-plus(1)
Jabber client
psi-plus-webkit / psi-plus-webkit(1)
Jabber client
liblcms2-utils / psicc(1)
Little cms postscript converter.
psi3 / psiclean(1)
Delete files in the psi temporary directories
netpbm / psidtopgm(1)
Convert postscript "image" data into a portable graymap
psignifit / psignifit(1)
A program for fitting and testing hypotheses about psychometric functions.
pdb2pqr / psize(1)
Get dimensions and other information from pqr files
psutils / psjoin(1)
ike-scan / psk-crack(1)
Crack ike aggressive mode pre-shared keys
gnutls-bin / psktool(1)
Gnutls psk tool
psl / psl(1)
Explore the public suffix list
a2ps / psmandup(1)
Print duplex on non duplex printers
psutils / psmerge(1)
Filter to merge several postscript files into one
psutils / psnup(1)
Multiple pages per sheet
pax-utils / pspax(1)
List elf/pax information about running processes
libpspell-dev / pspell-config(1)
Prints information about a libpspell installation
pspp / pspp(1)
A system for statistical analysis
pspp / pspp-convert(1)
Convert spss system and portable files to other formats
pspp / pspp-dump-sav(1)
Dissect spss system file
pspp / psppire(1)
Graphical interface to pspp
pspresent / pspresent(1)
Fullscreen postscript presentation tool
postgresql-client-9.4 / psql(1)
Postgresql interactive terminal
tstools / psreport(1)
Report on the packets in a program stream
psutils / psresize(1)
Rescales and centers a document for new output paper size
psutils / psselect(1)
Select pages from a postscript file
a2ps / psset(1)
Insert page device request in postscript files
pst-utils / pst2dii(1)
Extract email messages from a ms outlook .pst file in dii load format
pst-utils / pst2ldif(1)
Extract contacts from a ms outlook .pst file in .ldif format
pstack / pstack(1)
Print a stack trace of running processes
pstoedit / pstoedit(1)
A tool converting postscript and pdf files into various vector graphic formats
latex2html / pstoimg(1)
Convert a postscript file to a bitmap image using ghostscript and the netpbm utilities
netpbm / pstopnm(1)
Convert a postscript file into a portable anymap
psutils / pstops(1)
Shuffle pages in a postscript file
pstotext / pstotext(1)
Extract ascii text from a postscript or pdf file
psmisc / pstree(1)
Display a tree of processes
psmisc / pstree.x11(1)
Display a tree of processes
wise / psw(1)
Psw protein smith-waterman and other comparisons
wise / pswdb(1)
Pswdb protein smith waterman database
pt-websocket / pt-websocket-server(1)
Websocket server pluggable transport
python-tables / pt2to3(1)
Pytables 2.x - 3.x api transition tool.
xcrysden / ptable(1)
A simple periodic table of elements
snacc / ptbl(1)
Print a type table
python-tables / ptdump(1)
Let's you dig into the contents of a pytables file.
pterm / pterm(1)
Pterm \(hy yet another x terminal emulator
ptex2tex / ptex2tex(1)
Executable script associated with ptex2tex module.
libpth-dev / pth-config(1)
Pth library build utility
tiptop / ptiptop(1)
Display hardware performance counters for linux tasks
gatling / ptlsgatling(1)
High performance file server
styx / ptm_img(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
fp-utils-2.6.4 / ptop-2.6.4(1)
The fpc pascal configurable source beautifier. origin probably pascal-to-pascal.
adacontrol / ptree(1)
Prints a graphic representation of an asis tree with corresponding source
python-tables / ptrepack(1)
Copy any pytables leaf, group or complete subtree into another file.
devscripts / pts-subscribe(1)
Time-limited subscription to the pts
devscripts / pts-unsubscribe(1)
Time-limited subscription to the pts
ptscotch / ptscotch_esmumps(1)
Ptscotch command
ptscotch / ptscotch_esmumps-int32(1)
Ptscotch command
ptscotch / ptscotch_esmumps-int64(1)
Ptscotch command
ptscotch / ptscotch_esmumps-long(1)
Ptscotch command
aqsis / ptview(1)
Point cloud viewer from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
python-pyramid / ptweens(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / ptweens3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
coreutils / ptx(1)
Produce a permuted index of file contents
libmodglue1 / ptywrap(1)
Fool programs into thinking they are talking to a pseudo-tty
atfs / publ(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
python-pudb / pudb(1)
Full-screen, console-based python debugger
python3-pudb / pudb3(1)
Full-screen, console-based python3 debugger
puddletag / puddletag(1)
puf / puf(1)
Http client for parallel downloading
ubuntu-dev-tools / pull-debian-debdiff(1)
Find, download, and generate a debdiff
ubuntu-dev-tools / pull-debian-source(1)
Download and extract a source package from debian
ubuntu-dev-tools / pull-lp-source(1)
Download a source package from launchpad
ubuntu-dev-tools / pull-revu-source(1)
Download a source package from revu
odin / pulsar(1)
Pulse editor of odin
pulseaudio / pulseaudio(1)
The pulseaudio sound system
pulseview / pulseview(1)
Qt-based la/scope/mso gui for sigrok
pmount / pumount(1)
Umount arbitrary hotpluggable devices as normal user
puppet-lint / puppet-lint(1)
Check puppet manifests for style guide conformity
puredata-core / puredata(1)
Pure data
purifyeps / purifyeps(1)
Make an encapsulated postscript file work with both dvips and pdflatex
libpurple-bin / purple-remote(1)
Send remote commands to pidgin/finch
pushpin / pushpin(1)
Http reverse proxy server supporting streaming and long-polling services.
pushpin / pushpin-handler(1)
Handles incoming publish requests (part of pushpin)
pushpin / pushpin-proxy(1)
Forwards zmq-http requests to application server (part of pushpin)
sendfile / pussy(1)
Perl user saft server yin
putty / putty(1)
Gui ssh, telnet and rlogin client for x
putty-tools / puttygen(1)
Public-key generator for the putty tools
pv / pv(1)
Monitor the progress of data through a pipe
snacc / pval(1)
Print ber values in asn.1 value notation
paraview / pvbatch(1)
paraview / pvblot(1)
paraview / pvdataserver(1)
mgetty-pvftools / pvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfamp(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfcut(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfecho(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvffft(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvffile(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvffilter(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfmix(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfnoise(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfreverse(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfsine(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvfspeed(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvftoau(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvftobasic(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvftolin(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvftormd(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvftovoc(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
mgetty-pvftools / pvftowav(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
python-pyramid / pviews(1)
Python 2 pyramid command
python3-pyramid / pviews3(1)
Python 3 pyramid command
pvm / pvmgetarch(1)
Print pvm architecture string
pvm-dev / pvmgroups(1)
Print list of current pvm groups
pvm / pvmgs(1)
Pvm group server
paraview-python / pvpython(1)
paraview / pvrenderserver(1)
pvrg-jpeg / pvrg-jpeg(1)
Jpeg compression and decompression
paraview / pvserver(1)
python-vtk / pvtk(1)
Visualization tool kit
python-vtk / pvtkpython(1)
Visualization tool kit
hydra / pw-inspector(1)
A tool to reduce the password list
coreutils / pwd(1)
Print name of current/working directory
389-ds-base / pwdhash(1)
Generator of password hashes
procps / pwdx(1)
Report current working directory of a process
pwgen / pwgen(1)
Generate pronounceable passwords
pwget / pwget(1)
Perl web url fetch program
xcrysden / pwi2xsf(1)
Convert the pw.x input file to xsf format
libpwquality-tools / pwmake(1)
Simple tool for generating random relatively easily pronounceable passwords
xcrysden / pwo2xsf(1)
Convert the pw.x output file to xsf format
pwrkap / pwrkap_cli(1)
Command line monitor and control program for pwrkap
pwrkap-gui / pwrkap_gtk(1)
Graphical monitor and control program for pwrkap
libpwquality-tools / pwscore(1)
Simple configurable tool for checking quality of a password
xdvik-ja / pxdvi-xaw(1)
Dvi previewer for the x window system
syslinux-utils / pxelinux-options(1)
Utility to set pxelinux hard-coded options.
pxsl-tools / pxslcc(1)
Pxsl to xml converter
pxz / pxz(1)
Parallel lzma compressor compatible with xz.
python-pytest / py.test(1)
Pytest usage
python3-pytest / py.test-3(1)
Pytest usage
python-stdeb / py2dsc(1)
Creates debian source package from python package
python-stdeb / py2dsc-deb(1)
Dpkg-buildpackage wrapper that integrates with py2dsc and build binary package
python3-minimal / py3clean(1)
Removes .pyc and .pyo files
python3-minimal / py3compile(1)
Byte compile python 3 source files
python3-minimal / py3versions(1)
Print python3 version information
pyfai / pyFAI-average(1)
pyfai / pyFAI-calib(1)
pyfai / pyFAI-integrate(1)
pyfai / pyFAI-recalib(1)
pyfai / pyFAI-saxs(1)
pyfai / pyFAI-waxs(1)
pyneighborhood / pyNeighborhood(1)
Pygtk2 samba browser
python-excelerator / py_xls2csv(1)
Convert an excel xls file to a comma separated value csv file
python-excelerator / py_xls2html(1)
Convert an excel xls file to a html formatted file
python-excelerator / py_xls2txt(1)
Convert an excel xls file to a plain text file
fp-utils-2.6.4 / pyacc-2.6.4(1)
Pascal yacc compiler compiler.
python-acidobasic / pyacidobasic(1)
Program to plot simulated curves for acido-basic titrations
python-babel / pybabel(1)
Command line tool for working with message catalogs
python-nwsclient / pybabelfish(1)
Convert python objects into human-readable strings
python-nwsclient / pybabelfishd(1)
Convert python objects into human-readable strings
pybliographer / pybcheck(1)
Check bibliographic databases
pybliographer / pybcompact(1)
Produce compact bibliographic databases
pybliographer / pybconvert(1)
Convert bibliographic databases
pybliographer / pybformat(1)
Format a bibliography from a bibliographic databases
pybit-client / pybit-client(1)
Buildd client script to perform build jobs using pybit queues.
pybit-watcher / pybit-watcher(1)
Watches incoming directories for reprepro
pybit-web / pybit-web(1)
Buildd server to isuse build jobs to pybit clients.
pybliographer / pybliographer(1)
Manage bibliographic databases
pybliographer / pybliographic(1)
Manage bibliographic databases (gui)
pyblosxom / pyblosxom-cmd(1)
Lightweight file-based weblog system written in python
pybootchartgui / pybootchartgui(1)
Viewer for boot process performance analysis results
pybtex / pybtex-convert(1)
Convert between bibliography database formats
pybtex / pybtex-format(1)
Format bibliography database as human-readable text
pybliographer / pybtext(1)
Use bibliographic databases in text files
dh-python / pybuild(1)
Invokes various build systems for requested python versions in order to build modules and extensions
python-pycallgraph / pycallgraph(1)
Python call graph
pycarddav / pycard-import(1)
Import email addresses from mails from stdin
pycarddav / pycardsyncer(1)
Synchronizes carddav resources to local db
python-pycassa / pycassaShell(1)
Interactive cassandra python shell
pychecker / pychecker(1)
Program to check python scripts for common mistakes
pychess / pychess(1)
Chess graphical user interface for several chess engines
python-minimal / pyclean(1)
Removes .pyc and .pyo files
pycmail / pycmail(1)
Mail sorter
pycode-browser / pycode-browser(1)
Environment to teach with python code snippets
pycode-browser / pycode-browser-book(1)
Opens the pdf book for pycode-browser
python-minimal / pycompile(1)
Byte compile python source files
pycorrfit / pycorrfit(1)
A scientific tool for fitting correlation curves on a logarithmic plot
pydb / pydb(1)
Pydb enhanced python debugger
pydf / pydf(1)
Report colourised filesystem disk space usage
python2.7 / pydoc2.7(1)
The python documentation tool
python3.4 / pydoc3.4(1)
The python documentation tool
python-pydoctor / pydoctor(1)
Api documentation generator for python
pyecm / pyecm(1)
Number factorization with the elliptic curve method
python-pyevolve / pyevolve-graph(1)
Graphical plotting tool for pyevolve
python-excelerator / pyexcelerator(1)
A module for reading/writing excel spreadsheet files
python3-pyfiglet / pyfiglet(1)
Display text in large ascii art fonts.
pyflakes / pyflakes(1)
Simple python 2 source checker
pyflakes / pyflakes3(1)
Simple python 2 source checker
geis-tools / pygeis(1)
Test operation of the geis api python bindings
python2.7 / pygettext2.7(1)
Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
python3.4 / pygettext3.4(1)
Python equivalent of xgettext(1)
python-pygments / pygmentize(1)
Highlights the input file
pyhoca-cli / pyhoca-cli(1)
X2go command line client written in python
pyhoca-gui / pyhoca-gui(1)
Graphical x2go client applet written in python
python-twisted-core / pyhtmlizer(1)
Pretty-print python source as html
pylint / pylint(1)
Python code static checker
pylint / pylint-gui(1)
Tkinker gui for pylint
pyqt4-dev-tools / pylupdate4(1)
Create or update qt linguist translation files for pyqt4 applications
pyqt5-dev-tools / pylupdate5(1)
Create or update qt linguist translation files for pyqt5 applications
pymca / pymca(1)
Pymca x-ray fluorescence toolkit main application
pymca / pymcabatch(1)
Batch fitting of x-ray fluorescence spectra
pymca / pymcapostbatch(1)
Pymca batch result analysis application
pymca / pymcaroitool(1)
Pymca region-of-interest imaging x application
python-mecavideo / pymecavideo(1)
Pedagogical program to teach mechanics
python-pymetar / pymetar(1)
Query metar information and display it in a user-friendly way
pymetrics / pymetrics(1)
Python source code metrics
pymol / pymol(1)
Free and flexible molecular graphics and modelling package
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2(1)
Command line interface for pymvpa
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-atlaslabeler(1)
Query stereotaxic atlases
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-crossval(1)
Cross-validation of a learner's performance
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-describe(1)
Describe a dataset's content
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-dump(1)
Export dataset components into other (file) formats
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-exec(1)
Evaluate arbitrary python expressions for tests and assertions
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-info(1)
Query various information about a pymvpa installation
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-mkds(1)
Create a pymvpa dataset from various sources
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-mkevds(1)
Extract (multi-sample) events from a dataset
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-prep-afni-surf(1)
Preprocess freesurfer surfaces for afni/suma
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-prep-fmri(1)
Preprocess fmri data for pymvpa
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-preproc(1)
Apply preprocessing steps to a pymvpa dataset
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-searchlight(1)
Traveling roi analysis
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-select(1)
Select a subset of samples and/or features from a dataset
python-mvpa2 / pymvpa2-tutorial(1)
Start a pymvpa tutorial session
pynast / pynast(1)
Alignment of short dna sequences
python-nifti / pynifti_pst(1)
Compute peristimulus timeseries of fmri data
pyntor / pyntor(1)
Modular slides viewer and presentation tool
pyntor / pyntor-components(1)
Manage components for the presentation program pyntor
pyntor / pyntor-selfrun(1)
Creation of self-extracting presentation archives
python-pyoptical / pyoptical(1)
Query the crs 'optical' photometer
pyp / pyp(1)
The pyed piper: a modern python alternative to awk, sed and other unix text manipulation utilities
pypar2 / pypar2(1)
Graphical frontend for the par2 command line utility
pype / pype(1)
Python programmers editor
python-stdeb / pypi-download(1)
Downloads tarballs from pypi
python-stdeb / pypi-install(1)
Downloads python package from pypi, creates debian package and then installs it
pypibrowser / pypibrowser(1)
Graphical interface for browsing the python package index
pyppd / pyppd(1)
A cups postscript printer driver's compressor and generator
pyprompter / pyprompter(1)
The intelligent predictive wxpython text editor
pypy / pypy(1)
Fast, compliant alternative implementation of the python language
python-pypy.sandbox / pypy-sandbox(1)
Interact with a sandboxed pypy subprocess
pyqi / pyqi(1)
Pyqi documentation
pyragua / pyragua(1)
A pythonic development environment for python
pyqt4-dev-tools / pyrcc4(1)
Compile qt resource files for pyqt4 applications
pyqt5-dev-tools / pyrcc5(1)
Compile qt resource files for pyqt5 applications
pyrenamer / pyrenamer(1)
Mass file renamer
pylint / pyreverse(1)
Parse python sources files and extract diagrams from them.
python-pyrex / pyrexc(1)
Compile python-like .pyx file to c for use as python module
pyrit / pyrit(1)
A gpgpu-driven wpa/wpa2-psk key cracker
pyroom / pyroom(1)
Distraction-free writing
pyrite-publisher / pyrpub(1)
Convert content to palm-compatible format
python-satellites / pysatellites(1)
Simulates the launching of satellites
pyscanfcs / pyscanfcs(1)
Data processing for perpendicular line scanning fcs.
python-pyscript / pyscript(1)
python3.4 / pysetup3.4(1)
Pysetup tool
pyside-tools / pyside-lupdate(1)
Extracts translatable messages from qt ui files and python source code.
pyside-tools / pyside-rcc(1)
Pyside resource compiler
pyside-tools / pyside-uic(1)
python-pysnmp4-apps / pysnmpbulkwalk(1)
Options and behaviour common to most of the pysnmp command-line tools
python-pysnmp4-apps / pysnmpcmd(1)
Options and behaviour common to most of the pysnmp command-line tools
python-pysnmp4-apps / pysnmpget(1)
Options and behaviour common to most of the pysnmp command-line tools
python-pysnmp4-apps / pysnmpset(1)
Options and behaviour common to most of the pysnmp command-line tools
python-pysnmp4-apps / pysnmptranslate(1)
Options and behaviour common to most of the pysnmp command-line tools
python-pysnmp4-apps / pysnmpwalk(1)
Options and behaviour common to most of the pysnmp command-line tools
spf-tools-python / pyspf(1)
Pure-python spf library
spf-tools-python / pyspf-type99(1)
Python type txt to type 99/spf conversion script
pyspread / pyspread(1)
Non-traditional python spreadsheet application
python-pystache / pystache(1)
Render a mustache template with the given context.
python3-pystache / pystache3(1)
Render a mustache template with the given context.
libboost-python1.55-dev / pyste(1)
Boost.python code generator
python-surfer / pysurfer(1)
Visualize cortical surface reconstruction from freesurfer
pysycache / pysycache(1)
Educational software to learn to manipulate the mouse with pleasant activities.
pytagsfs / pytags(1)
Set and remove tags on media files from filename and options
pytagsfs / pytagsfs(1)
Filesystem mapping media files to an arbitrary directory structure
python-logilab-common / pytest(1)
Run python unit tests
python3-logilab-common / pytest3(1)
Run python unit tests
python-argcomplete / python-argcomplete-check-easy-install-script(1)
Python-argcomplete-check-easy-install-script - argcomplete utility script
python-bcrypt / python-bcrypt(1)
A module to implement openbsd's blowfish password hash algorithm this manual page was written for the debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. python-bcrypt is a python module implementating the openbsd blowfish password hashing algorithm, as described in "a future-adaptable password scheme" by niels provos and david mazieres: http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bcrypt-paper.ps this system hashes passwords using a version of bruce schneier's blowfish block cipher with modifications designed to raise the cost of off-line password cracking. the computation cost of the algorithm is parametrised, so it can be increased as computers get faster. a simple example demonstrates most of the features: import bcrypt # hash a password for the first time hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt()) # gensalt's log_rounds parameter determines the complexity # the work factor is 2**log_rounds, and the default is 12 hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt(10)) # check that an unencrypted password matches one that has # previously been hashed if bcrypt.hashpw(plaintext, hashed) == hashed: print "it matches" else: print "it does not match"
python-coverage / python-coverage(1)
Measure code coverage of python program execution
python-distutils-extra / python-mkdebian(1)
Generate a suitable debian source package for a standard distutils application
python-whiteboard / python-whiteboard(1)
Make your own electronic whiteboard
python-coverage / python2-coverage(1)
Measure code coverage of python program execution
python-gflags / python2-gflags2man(1)
Gflags2man runs a google flags base program and generates a man page.
python2.7-minimal / python2.7(1)
An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python-coverage / python2.7-coverage(1)
Measure code coverage of python program execution
python-pyrex / python2.7-pyrexc(1)
Compile python-like .pyx file to c for use as python module
python3-coverage / python3-coverage(1)
Measure code coverage of python program execution
python3-gflags / python3-gflags2man(1)
B'gflags2man runs a google flags base program and generates a man page.'
python3.4-minimal / python3.4(1)
An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python3-coverage / python3.4-coverage(1)
Measure code coverage of python program execution
python3.4-minimal / python3.4m(1)
An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
sloccount / python_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
pythoncad / pythoncad(1)
Computer aided drafting (cad) program
pytone / pytone(1)
Music jukebox for your audio files
pytone / pytonectl(1)
Remote control for pytone
pyqt4-dev-tools / pyuic4(1)
Compile qt4 user interfaces to python code
pyqt5-dev-tools / pyuic5(1)
Compile qt5 user interfaces to python code
python3.4-venv / pyvenv-3.4(1)
Create virtual python environments
python-minimal / pyversions(1)
Print python version information
lfm / pyview(1)
A simple pager (viewer) to be used with last file manager.
python-pyxb / pyxbdump(1)
Pyxbdump python xml schema bindings namespace dump
python-pyxb / pyxbgen(1)
Pyxbgen python xml schema bindings generator
python-pyxb / pyxbwsdl(1)
Pyxbwsdl python xml schema bindings wsdl introspection
pyxplot / pyxplot(1)
A multi-purpose command-line data processing, vector graphics and graph-plotting tool.
pyxplot / pyxplot_watch(1)
A tool which monitors a collection of pyxplot command scripts and executes them whenever they are modified.
pyzor / pyzor(1)
Spam-catcher using a collaborative filtering network
pyzor / pyzord(1)
Spam-catching server
q4wine / q4wine(1)
Runs gui utility for wine applications and prefixes management.
q4wine / q4wine-cli(1)
Console utility for wine applications and prefixes management.
q4wine / q4wine-helper(1)
Run windows program in q4wine helper enveropment.
qrfcview / qRFCView(1)
Rfc viewer
skytools3 / qadmin(1)
Easy to use admin console to examine and administer pgq queues.
qalc / qalc(1)
Powerful and easy to use command line calculator
qalculate-gtk / qalculate-gtk(1)
Powerful and easy to use desktop calculator
qasconfig / qasconfig(1)
Alsa configuration tree browser
qashctl / qashctl(1)
Desktop mixer for alsa's "high level control interface"
qasmixer / qasmixer(1)
Desktop sound mixer for alsa
loki / qavg(1)
Reversible jump mcmc linkage analysis in general pedigrees
qmail / qbiff(1)
Announce new mail the moment it arrives
qbittorrent / qbittorrent(1)
A bittorrent client written in c++ / qt4
qbittorrent-nox / qbittorrent-nox(1)
A command line bittorrent client written in c++ / qt4
weboob-qt / qboobmsg(1)
Send and receive message threads
qbrew / qbrew(1)
Homebrewer's recipe calculator (uses qt)
qgis / qbrowser(1)
Qgis geographic information system browser
qca2-utils / qcatool2(1)
Command line tool for the qt cryptographic architecture
weboob-qt / qcineoob(1)
Search movies, people, torrent and subtitles
renameutils / qcmd(1)
Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a text editor
qcomicbook / qcomicbook(1)
Qt viewer for comic book archives (cbr/cbz)
qhull-bin / qconvex(1)
Compute the convex hull
weboob-qt / qcookboob(1)
Search recipes
renameutils / qcp(1)
Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a text editor
qct / qct(1)
Qt commit tool
libqd-dev / qd-config(1)
Determine flags for compilation and linking
qdacco / qdacco(1)
Qdacco dacco english-catalan dictionary frontend
qdbus / qdbus(1)
A communication-interface for qt-based applications
qhull-bin / qdelaunay(1)
Compute the delaunay triangulation
qelectrotech / qelectrotech(1)
Electric diagrams editor
qemu-user / qemu-aarch64(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-aarch64-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-alpha(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-alpha-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-arm(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-arm-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-armeb(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-armeb-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-cris(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-cris-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user-static / qemu-debootstrap(1)
Qemu debootstrap wrapper
qemu-user / qemu-i386(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-i386-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-utils / qemu-io(1)
Qemu disk exerciser
qemu-user / qemu-m68k(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-m68k-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-microblaze(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-microblaze-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-microblazeel(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-microblazeel-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-mips(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-mips-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-mips64(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-mips64-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-mips64el(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-mips64el-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-mipsel(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-mipsel-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-mipsn32(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-mipsn32-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-mipsn32el(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-mipsn32el-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-or32(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-or32-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-ppc(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-ppc-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-ppc64(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-ppc64-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-ppc64abi32(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-ppc64abi32-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-ppc64le(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-ppc64le-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-s390x(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-s390x-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-sh4(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-sh4-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-sh4eb(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-sh4eb-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-sparc(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-sparc-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-sparc32plus(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-sparc32plus-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-sparc64(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-sparc64-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-unicore32(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-unicore32-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-user(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-user-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qemu-user / qemu-x86_64(1)
Qemu user emulator
qemu-user-static / qemu-x86_64-static(1)
Qemu user emulator (static version)
qfits-tools / qextract(1)
Extract an wriions from fits files
weboob-qt / qflatboob(1)
Search for housing
fractalnow / qfractalnow(1)
Explore fractals and generate fractal images.
qgis / qgis(1)
Qgis geographic information system
qgit / qgit(1)
Qt interface to git trees, with stgit support.
gle-graphics / qgle(1)
Qgle a graphical interface to gle
qhull-bin / qhalf(1)
Halfspace intersection about a point
weboob-qt / qhandjoob(1)
Search for job
weboob-qt / qhavedate(1)
Interact with dating websites
qhimdtransfer / qhimdtransfer(1)
Transfer software for minidisc devices
qhull-bin / qhull(1)
Convex hull, delaunay triangulation, voronoi diagram, halfspace intersection about a point, hull volume, facet area
qink / qink(1)
A simple printer ink level monitor based on libinklevel and qt4
qiv / qiv(1)
A fast gdk/imlib image viewer for x. version: 2.3.1, released on 2013-12-20 by andy spiegl - http://qiv.spiegl.de/ - [email protected] originally by adam kopacz / klografx.de network http://www.klografx.net/qiv/ - [email protected]
qjackctl / qjackctl(1)
User interface for controlling jack (jack audio connection kit)
qjoypad / qjoypad(1)
Program for mapping gamepad/joystick events to mouse/keyboard events
qlandkartegt / qlandkartegt(1)
Gps mapping (geotiff and vector) and gpsr management
firebird2.5-server-common / qli(1)
Qli query language interpreter
qliss3d / qliss3d(1)
Demonstration tool for lissajous physiques
fastforward / qmail-newaliases(1)
Create a forwarding database from /etc/aliases
qt4-qmake / qmake-qt4(1)
Cross-platform makefile generator for qt
qt5-qmake / qmake-qt5(1)
Cross-platform makefile generator for qt
qmapshack / qmapshack(1)
Gps mapping (geotiff and vector) and gpsr management
qmc / qmc(1)
Simplification tool (by using the quine - mcclusky process)
qmc / qmc-gui(1)
Simplification tool (by using the quine - mcclusky process)
libqmi-utils / qmi-network(1)
Simple network management of qmi devices
libqmi-utils / qmicli(1)
Control qmi devices
qmidiarp / qmidiarp(1)
Midi arpeggiator and lfo
qmidinet / qmidinet(1)
Midi network gateway via udp/ip multicast
qmidiroute / qmidiroute(1)
Midi event processor and router
qmmp / qmmp(1)
Program to play audio files
quelcom / qmp3check(1)
Check and clean mp3 streams
quelcom / qmp3cut(1)
Extract and/or delete parts of a mp3 file
quelcom / qmp3info(1)
Show info from mp3 files
quelcom / qmp3join(1)
Join mp3 files
quelcom / qmp3report(1)
Report mp3 files and directories
qmpdclient / qmpdclient(1)
Qt4 client for the music player daemon (mpd)
qmtest / qmtest(1)
Access qmtest's functionality from the command line.
qdbm-util / qmttest(1)
Test cases for thread-safety
renameutils / qmv(1)
Rename or copy files quickly, editing the file names in a text editor
qnapi / qnapi(1)
nifti2dicom-data / qnifti2dicom(1)
Convert 3d medical images to dicom 2d series (gui)
qpdf / qpdf(1)
Pdf transformation software
qpdfview / qpdfview(1)
Tabbed document viewer
python-qpid / qpid-python-test(1)
Run tests of the python qpid library for a broker
qprint / qprint(1)
Encode / decode file as rfc 1521 mime quoted-printable
qprogram-starter / qprogram-starter(1)
A program starter tool
qpxtool / qpxtool(1)
A gui to control qpxtool command line interfaces (cli).
qqwing / qqwing(1)
A tool for generating and solving sudoku puzzles
python-qrcode / qr(1)
Script to create qr codes at the command line
qmail / qreceipt(1)
Respond to delivery notice requests
qrencode / qrencode(1)
Encode input data in a qr code and save as a png or eps image.
qrouter / qrouter(1)
Multi-level, over-the-cell maze router
qrq / qrq(1)
High speed morse telegraphy trainer
qrq / qrqscore(1)
High speed morse telegraphy trainer
netpbm / qrttoppm(1)
Convert output from the qrt ray tracer into a portable pixmap
qtscript-tools / qs_eval(1)
A simple qt script interpreter / launcher
qsampler / qsampler(1)
Linuxsampler gui frontend based on the qt toolkit
qpxtool / qscan(1)
Console tool for quality measurement of optical media
qpxtool / qscand(1)
Network wrapper for qscan
libapache2-mod-qos / qsexec(1)
Parses the data received via stdin and executes the defined command on a pattern match.
qsf / qsf(1)
Quick spam filter
libapache2-mod-qos / qsfilter2(1)
An utility to generate mod_qos request line rules out from existing access/audit log data.
libapache2-mod-qos / qsgrep(1)
Prints matching patterns within a file.
libapache2-mod-qos / qslog(1)
Collects request statistics from access log data.
libapache2-mod-qos / qslogger(1)
Another shell command interface to the system log module (syslog).
libapache2-mod-qos / qspng(1)
An utility to draw a png graph from qslog(1) output data.
libapache2-mod-qos / qsrotate(1)
A log rotation tool (similar to apache's rotatelogs).
libapache2-mod-qos / qssign(1)
An utility to sign and verify the integrity of log data.
qsstv / qsstv(1)
Qt based slow scan television and fax
libapache2-mod-qos / qstail(1)
An utility printing the end of a log file starting at the specified pattern.
qstardict / qstardict(1)
A qt4 dictionary
qsynth / qsynth(1)
A fluidsynth qt gui interface
libav-tools / qt-faststart(1)
Utility for quicktime files
qconf / qt-qconf(1)
Program generated configure from qc file
qtchooser / qtchooser(1)
A wrapper used to select between qt development binary versions
qt4-qtconfig / qtconfig-qt4(1)
Configuration tool for qt
qtcreator / qtcreator(1)
Integrated development environment for qt
kdesdk-scripts / qtdoc(1)
Open a qt(tm) help page in konqueror
qterm / qterm(1)
Bbs client for x window system written in qt
qthid-fcd-controller / qthid(1)
Simple controller for the funcube dongle sdr
qthid-fcd-controller / qthid-2.2(1)
Simple controller for the funcube dongle sdr
qtikz / qtikz(1)
Editor for the tikz language
qtiplot / qtiplot(1)
Data analysis and scientific plotting
qtoctave / qtjs(1)
Implement qtoctave interfaces in javascript
qtm / qtm(1)
Desktop client for content management systems
qtoctave / qtoctave(1)
A qt front-end for octave
qtoctave / qtoctave-info-reader(1)
A simple texinfo browser in qt
qtoctave / qtoctave_pkg(1)
A qt front-end for octave's user-contributed packages
qtop / qtop(1)
A graphical alternative to show the running processes.
qtqr / qtqr(1)
qtractor / qtractor(1)
An audio/midi multi-track sequencer
qtscrob / qtscrob(1)
A scrobbler.log-file audio scrobbler
quakespasm / quakespasm(1)
An engine for id software's quake
qstat / quakestat(1)
Tool for querying gaming servers
libquantlib0-dev / quantlib-benchmark(1)
Performance benchmark executable for quantlib
libquantlib0-dev / quantlib-config(1)
Compiler / linker flags for quantlib
libquantlib0-dev / quantlib-test-suite(1)
Test executable for quantlib
quassel / quassel(1)
Quassel a modern, cross-platform and distributed irc client.
quassel-kde4 / quassel(1)
Quassel a modern, cross-platform and distributed irc client.
quassel-client / quasselclient(1)
Quasselclient the gui of the quassel irc client, needs to connect to a quasselcore.
quassel-client-kde4 / quasselclient(1)
Quasselclient the gui of the quassel irc client, needs to connect to a quasselcore.
quassel-core / quasselcore(1)
Quasselcore the daemon process for the quassel irc client.
quelcom / quelcom(1)
Frontend to the quelcom audio utilities
gnats-user / query-pr(1)
Query problem reports in the gnats database
reportbug / querybts(1)
View outstanding bug reports on a debbugs server
xapian-tools / quest(1)
Xapian command line search tool
skytools3 / queue_mover3(1)
Pgq consumer that copies data from one queue to another.
skytools3 / queue_splitter3(1)
Pgq consumer that transports events from one queue into several target queues
libboost1.55-tools-dev / quickbook(1)
Wikiwiki style documentation tool geared towards c++ documentation
quickplot / quickplot(1)
A fast interactive 2d plotter
quickplot / quickplot_shell(1)
A remote command line shell for quickplot
quicksynergy / quicksynergy(1)
Gui for easily configuring synergy.
quilt / quilt(1)
Tool to manage series of patches
quisk / quisk(1)
A software defined radio (sdr)
quitcount / quitcount(1)
Graphic counter which may help yourself quit smoking
quiterss / quiterss(1)
Rss/atom news feeds reader.
quodlibet / quodlibet(1)
Audio library manager and player
quota / quota(1)
Display disk usage and limits
qupzilla / qupzilla(1)
Lightweight web browser
qutecom / qutecom(1)
Sip-based software telephone with video and chat features internet phone.
qutemol / qutemol(1)
Interactive visualization of macromolecules
quvi / quvi(1)
Query media tool
qv4l2 / qv4l2(1)
A test bench application for video4linux devices
weboob-qt / qvideoob(1)
Search and play videos
qhull-bin / qvoronoi(1)
Compute the voronoi diagram
quelcom / qwavcut(1)
Extract and/or delete parts of a wav file
quelcom / qwavfade(1)
Fade in/out wav files
quelcom / qwavheaderdump(1)
Dump (and fix) wav headers
quelcom / qwavinfo(1)
Show info from wav files
quelcom / qwavjoin(1)
Join wav files
quelcom / qwavsilence(1)
Detect and shrink silence sequences in wav files
weboob-qt / qwebcontentedit(1)
Manage websites content
qweborf / qweborf(1)
Qweborf shares files using the http protocol.
qwo / qwo(1)
An input method for touchscreen
littler / r(1)
Provides hash-bang (#!) capability for r (www.r-project.org)
r10k / r10k(1)
Puppet environment and module deployment
r10k / r10k-deploy(1)
Puppet dynamic environment deployment
r10k / r10k-puppetfile(1)
Perform operations on a puppetfile
rss2email / r2e(1)
Receive rss feeds by email
rss2email / r2e-migrate(1)
Migrate your data from rss2email 2.x to rss2email 3.x.
rest2web / r2w(1)
Build websites with python and docutils
raster3d / r3d_objects(1)
Object types used by the raster3d package
raster3d / r3dtops(1)
Raster3d to postscript label conversion
hdf4-tools / r8tohdf(1)
Convert 8-bit raster images to hdf format
remembrance-agent / ra-index(1)
Index files for use with remembrance agent software
remembrance-agent / ra-retrieve(1)
Retrieve files that match a query for use with remembrance agent software
ipv6toolkit / ra6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on icmpv6 router advertisement messages
rabbit / rabbirc(1)
Irc interface for rabbit
rabbit / rabbit(1)
Presentation tool using rd, simple text format
rabbit / rabbit-command(1)
Commandline utility for rabbit
rabbit / rabbit-slide(1)
Template generator for rabbit
rabbit / rabbit-theme(1)
Theme generator for rabbit
rabbiter / rabbiter(1)
Twitter clients for rabbit
rabbitmq-server / rabbitmq-plugins(1)
Command line tool for managing rabbitmq broker plugins
rabbitmq-server / rabbitmq-server(1)
Start rabbitmq amqp server
rabbitmq-server / rabbitmqctl(1)
Command line tool for managing a rabbitmq broker
rabbitsign / rabbitsign(1)
Sign applications for ti graphing calculators
rabbitvcs-cli / rabbitvcs(1)
Integrated version control for nautilus
seqan-apps / rabema_build_gold_standard(1)
Rabema gold standard builder synopsis rabema_build_gold_standard [options] --out-gsi out.gsi --reference ref.fa --in-sam perfect.sam rabema_build_gold_standard [options] --out-gsi out.gsi --reference ref.fa --in-bam perfect.bam description this program allows to build a rabema gold standard. the input is a reference fasta file and a perfect sam/bam map (e.g. created using razers 3 in full-sensitivity mode). the input sam/bam file must be sorted by coordinate. the program will create a fasta index file ref.fa.fai for fast random access to the reference. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information -v, --verbose enable verbose output. -vv, --very-verbose enable even more verbose output. input / output: -o, --out-gsi gsi path to write the resulting gsi file to. valid filetypes are: gsi and gsi.gz. -r, --reference fasta path to load reference fasta from. valid filetypes are: fa and fasta. -s, --in-sam sam path to load the "perfect" sam file from. valid filetype is: sam. -b, --in-bam bam path to load the "perfect" bam file from. valid filetype is: bam. gold standard parameters: --oracle-mode enable oracle mode. this is used for simulated data when the input sam/bam file gives exactly one position that is considered as the true sample position. --match-n when set, n matches all characters without penalty. --distance-metric metric set distance metric. valid values: hamming, edit. default: edit. one of hamming and edit. default: edit. -e, --max-error rate maximal error rate to build gold standard for in percent. this parameter is an integer and relative to the read length. in case of oracle mode, the error rate for the read at the sampling position is used and rate is used as a cutoff threshold. default: 0. return values a return value of 0 indicates success, any other value indicates an error. examples rabema_build_gold_standard -e 4 -o out.gsi -s in.sam -r ref.fa build gold standard from a sam file in.sam with all mapping locations and a fasta reference ref.fa to gsi file out.gsi with a maximal error rate of 4. rabema_build_gold_standard --distance-metric edit -e 4 -o out.gsi -b in.bam -r ref.fa same as above, but using hamming instead of edit distance and bam as the input. rabema_build_gold_standard --oracle-mode -o out.gsi -s in.sam -r ref.fa build gold standard from a sam file in.sam with the original sample position, e.g. as exported by read simulator mason. memory requirements from version 1.1, great care has been taken to keep the memory requirements as low as possible. there memory required is two times the size of the largest chromosome plus some constant memory for each match. for example, the memory usage for 100bp human genome reads at 5% error rate was 1.7gb. of this, roughly 400gb came from the chromosome and 1.3gb from the matches. references m. holtgrewe, a.-k. emde, d. weese and k. reinert. a novel and well-defined benchmarking method for second generation read mapping, bmc bioinformatics 2011, 12:210. http://www.seqan.de/rabema rabema homepage http://www.seqan.de/mason mason homepage version rabema_build_gold_standard version: 1.2.0 last update march 14, 2013
seqan-apps / rabema_evaluate(1)
Rabema evaluation synopsis rabema_evaluate [options] --reference ref.fa --in-gsi in.gsi --in-sam mapping.sam rabema_evaluate [options] --reference ref.fa --in-gsi in.gsi --in-bam mapping.bam description compare the sam/bam output mapping.sam/mapping.bam of any read mapper against the rabema gold standard previously built with rabema_build_gold_standard. the input is a reference fasta file, a gold standard interval (gsi) file and the sam/bam input to evaluate. the input sam/bam file must be sorted by queryname. the program will create a fasta index file ref.fa.fai for fast random access to the reference. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information -v, --verbose enable verbose output. -vv, --very-verbose enable even more verbose output. input / output: -r, --reference fasta path to load reference fasta from. valid filetypes are: fa and fasta. -g, --in-gsi gsi path to load gold standard intervals from. if compressed using gzip, the file will be decompressed on the fly. valid filetypes are: gsi and gsi.gz. -s, --in-sam sam path to load the read mapper sam output from. valid filetype is: sam. -b, --in-bam bam path to load the read mapper bam output from. valid filetype is: bam. --out-tsv tsv path to write the statistics to as tsv. valid filetype is: tsv. benchmark parameters: --oracle-mode enable oracle mode. this is used for simulated data when the input gsi file gives exactly one position that is considered as the true sample position. for simulated data. --only-unique-reads consider only reads that a single alignment in the mapping result file. usefull for precision computation. --match-n when set, n matches all characters without penalty. --distance-metric metric set distance metric. valid values: hamming, edit. default: edit. one of hamming and edit. default: edit. -e, --max-error rate maximal error rate to build gold standard for in percent. this parameter is an integer and relative to the read length. the error rate is ignored in oracle mode, here the distance of the read at the sample position is taken, individually for each read. default: 0 default: 0. -c, --benchmark-category cat set benchmark category. one of {all, all-best, any-best. default: all one of all, all-best, and any-best. default: all. --trust-nm when set, we trust the alignment and distance from sam/bam file and no realignment is performed. off by default. --ignore-paired-flags when set, we ignore all sam/bam flags related to pairing. this is necessary when analyzing sam from soap's soap2sam.pl script. --dont-panic do not stop program execution if an additional hit was found that indicates that the gold standard is incorrect. logging: --show-missed-intervals show details for each missed interval from the gsi. --show-invalid-hits show details for invalid hits (with too high error rate). --show-additional-hits show details for additional hits (low enough error rate but not in gold standard. --show-hits show details for hit intervals. --show-try-hit show details for each alignment in sam/bam input. the occurrence of "invalid" hits in the read mapper's output is not an error. if there are additional hits, however, this shows an error in the gold standard. return values a return value of 0 indicates success, any other value indicates an error. memory requirements from version 1.1, great care has been taken to keep the memory requirements as low as possible. the evaluation step needs to store the whole reference sequence in memory but little more memory. so, for the human genome, the memory requirements are below 4 gb, regardless of the size of the gsi or sam/bam file. references m. holtgrewe, a.-k. emde, d. weese and k. reinert. a novel and well-defined benchmarking method for second generation read mapping, bmc bioinformatics 2011, 12:210. http://www.seqan.de/rabema rabema homepage http://www.seqan.de/mason mason homepage version rabema_evaluate version: 1.2.0 last update march 14, 2013
seqan-apps / rabema_prepare_sam(1)
Prepare sam for rabema synopsis rabema_prepare_sam -i in.sam -o out.sam description prepare sam file for usage with rabema. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information -i, --in-file in.sam path to the input file. valid filetype is: sam. -o, --out-file out.sam path to the output file. valid filetype is: sam. --dont-check-sorting do not check sortedness. version rabema_prepare_sam version: 1.2.0 last update march 14, 2013
racc / racc(1)
Ruby lalr parser generator
racc / racc2y(1)
Racc grammar to yacc grammar
python-nwdiag / rackdiag(1)
Generate rack-structure-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-nwdiag / rackdiag3(1)
Generate rack-structure-diagram image file from spec-text file.
ruby-rack / rackup(1)
An utility for run rack-based applications
argus-client / racount(1)
Count things from an argus(8) data file/stream.
freeradius-common / radclient(1)
Send packets to a radius server, show reply
freeradius-common / radeapclient(1)
Send eap packets to a radius server, calculate responses
radeontop / radeontop(1)
Tool to show gpu utilization
radicale / radicale(1)
A simple calendar server
radio / radio(1)
Console radio application
radioclk / radioclkd(1)
Decode time from radio clock(s) attached to serial port
weboob / radioob(1)
Search, show or listen to radio stations
radiotray / radiotray(1)
A simple streaming music player.
freeradius-common / radlast(1)
Show "last" info from the radwtmp file
radsecproxy / radsecproxy(1)
A generic radius proxy that provides both radius udp and tcp/tls (radsec) transport.
radsecproxy / radsecproxy-hash(1)
Print digests of ethernet mac addresses
freeradius-common / radtest(1)
Send packets to a radius server, show reply
radiusd-livingston / radtest(1)
Example radius client program
freeradius-common / radwho(1)
Show online users
freeradius-common / radzap(1)
Remove rogue entries from the active sessions database
argus-client / ragator(1)
Aggregate argus(8) data file entries.
ragel / ragel(1)
Compile regular languages into executable state machines
argus-client / ragraph(1)
Graph argus(8) data.
argus-client / rahosts(1)
Report network addresses in argus(8) data.
rainbow / rainbow-easy(1)
Wrapper of rainbow-run for the secure execution of untrusted programs
rainbow / rainbow-resume(1)
Wrapper of rainbow-run for the secure execution of untrusted programs
rainbows / rainbows(1)
Rackup-like command to launch rainbows!
rakarrack / rakarrack(1)
Guitar effects processor for gnu/linux
rake / rake(1)
A make-like build utility for ruby
rake-compiler / rake-compiler(1)
Rake-based ruby extension (c, java) task generator
ruby-ramaze / ramaze(1)
Create ramaze web applications.
argus-client / ramon(1)
Provide rmon2 style reports from argus(8) data.
randomplay / randomplay(1)
Command-line based shuffle music player that remembers songs between sessions
macs / randsample(1)
Random sample certain number/percentage of tags
randtype / randtype(1)
Output characters or lines at random intervals
bible-kjv / randverse(1)
Displays a randomly selected verse from scripture
ranger / ranger(1)
Visual file manager
argus-client / ranonymize(1)
Anonymize argus(8) data fields.
rant / rant(1)
A flexible and portable build tool.
rant / rant-import(1)
Flexible, ruby based make
rapidsvn / rapidsvn(1)
Application providing a gui frontend for the subversion version control system
argus-client / rapolicy(1)
Compare a argus(8) data file/stream against a cisco access control list.
raptor-utils / rapper(1)
Raptor rdf parsing and serializing utility
raptor2-utils / rapper(1)
Raptor rdf parsing and serializing utility
libraptor1-dev / raptor-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of raptor
libtiff-tools / ras2tiff(1)
Create a tiff file from a sun rasterfile
rasmol / rasmol(1)
Molecular graphics visualisation tool v2.7.5
rasmol / rasmol-classic(1)
Molecular graphics visualisation tool v2.7.5
rasmol / rasmol-gtk(1)
Molecular graphics visualisation tool v2.7.5
argus-client / rasort(1)
Sort argus(8) data file.
librasqal3-dev / rasqal-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of the rdf query library
raster3d / rastep(1)
(raster3d thermal ellipsoid program)
postgis / raster2pgsql(1)
Loads gdal supported raster formats into a postgis raster table
raster3d / raster3d(1)
Molecular graphics package
libbatik-java / rasterizer(1)
Svg conversion
rasterlite-bin / rasterlite_grid(1)
Generate a geotiff from am ascii or binary grid
rasterlite-bin / rasterlite_load(1)
Upload geotiff rasters into a spatialite db
rasterlite-bin / rasterlite_pyramid(1)
Build raster pyramids into a spatialite db
rasterlite-bin / rasterlite_tool(1)
Generate rasters from a spatialite db
rasterlite-bin / rasterlite_topmost(1)
Build raster topmost pyramids levels into a spatialite db
argus-client / rastrip(1)
Strip argus(8) data file.
netpbm / rasttopnm(1)
Convert a sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
rat / rat(1)
Unicast and multicast audio conferencing tool
ratbox-services-mysql / ratbox-services(1)
Ratbox irc services.
ratbox-services-pgsql / ratbox-services(1)
Ratbox irc services.
ratbox-services-sqlite / ratbox-services(1)
Ratbox irc services.
mrtg / rateup(1)
Backend tool used by mrtg
ratfor / ratfor(1)
Ratfor preprocessor for fortran 77
ratmenu / ratmenu(1)
Create a menu to run commands
ratpoints / ratpoints(1)
A program to find rational points on hyperelliptic curves
ratpoints / ratpoints-debug(1)
A program to find rational points on hyperelliptic curves
ratproxy / ratproxy(1)
A passive web application security assessment tool
ratproxy / ratproxy-report(1)
Report generator for the ratproxy tool
giflib-tools / raw2gif(1)
A program to convert raw image data into gif files. only one image can be handled. the raw image file is assumed to hold one pixel color in one byte, and therefore the file size must be width times height as specified by the -s option below.
fuse-emulator-utils / raw2hdf(1)
Raw2hdf create an .hdf hard disk image from a raw data file
console-cyrillic / raw2psf(1)
libtiff-tools / raw2tiff(1)
Create a tiff file from a raw data
vpb-utils / raw2wav(1)
Convert a file of raw audio samples to a wav format file
speech-tools / raw_to_xgraph(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
rawdog / rawdog(1)
An rss aggregator without delusions of grandeur
rawtherapee / rawtherapee(1)
An advanced cross-platform program for developing raw photos.
minc-tools / rawtominc(1)
Converts a stream of binary image data to a minc format file
netpbm / rawtopgm(1)
Convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
netpbm / rawtoppm(1)
Convert raw rgb bytes into a portable pixmap
argus-client / raxml(1)
Convert argus(8) data to xml.
raxml / raxmlHPC(1)
Randomized axelerated maximum likelihood
raxml / raxmlHPC-PTHREADS(1)
Randomized axelerated maximum likelihood
raxml / raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-AVX(1)
Randomized axelerated maximum likelihood
raxml / raxmlHPC-PTHREADS-SSE3(1)
Randomized axelerated maximum likelihood
seqan-apps / razers(1)
Fast read mapping with sensitivity control synopsis razers [options] genome file reads file razers [options] genome file mp-reads file1 mp-reads file2 description razers is a versatile full-sensitive read mapper based on a k-mer counting filter. it supports single and paired-end mapping, and optimally parametrizes the filter based on a user-defined minimal sensitivity. see http://www.seqan.de/projects/razers for more information. input to razers is a reference genome file and either one file with single-end reads or two files containing left or right mates of paired-end reads. (c) copyright 2009 by david weese. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information main options: -f, --forward map reads only to forward strands. -r, --reverse map reads only to reverse strands. -i, --percent-identity num percent identity threshold. in range [50..100]. default: 92. -rr, --recognition-rate num percent recognition rate. in range [80..100]. default: 99. -pd, --param-dir dir read user-computed parameter files in the directory dir. -id, --indels allow indels. default: mismatches only. -ll, --library-length num paired-end library length. in range [1..inf]. default: 220. -le, --library-error num paired-end library length tolerance. in range [0..inf]. default: 50. -m, --max-hits num output only num of the best hits. in range [1..inf]. default: 100. --unique output only unique best matches (-m 1 -dr 0 -pa). -tr, --trim-reads num trim reads to given length. default: off. in range [14..inf]. -o, --output file change output filename. default: reads file.razers. valid filetypes are: razers, eland, fa, fasta, and gff. -v, --verbose verbose mode. -vv, --vverbose very verbose mode. output format options: -a, --alignment dump the alignment for each match (only razer or fasta format). -pa, --purge-ambiguous purge reads with more than max-hits best matches. -dr, --distance-range num only consider matches with at most num more errors compared to the best. default: output all. -gn, --genome-naming num select how genomes are named (see naming section below). in range [0..1]. default: 0. -rn, --read-naming num select how reads are named (see naming section below). in range [0..2]. default: 0. -so, --sort-order num select how matches are sorted (see sorting section below). in range [0..1]. default: 0. -pf, --position-format num select begin/end position numbering (see coordinate section below). in range [0..1]. default: 0. filtration options: -s, --shape bitstring manually set k-mer shape. default: 11111111111. -t, --threshold num manually set minimum k-mer count threshold. in range [1..inf]. -oc, --overabundance-cut num set k-mer overabundance cut ratio. in range [0..1]. -rl, --repeat-length num skip simple-repeats of length num. in range [1..inf]. default: 1000. -tl, --taboo-length num set taboo length. in range [1..inf]. default: 1. -lm, --low-memory decrease memory usage at the expense of runtime. verification options: -mn, --match-n n matches all other characters. default: n matches nothing. -ed, --error-distr file write error distribution to file. -mcl, --min-clipped-len num set minimal read length for read clipping. in range [0..inf]. default: 0. -qih, --quality-in-header quality string in fasta header. formats, naming, sorting, and coordinate schemes razers supports various output formats. the output format is detected automatically from the file name suffix. .razers razer format .fa, .fasta enhanced fasta format .eland eland format
seqan-apps / razers3(1)
Faster, fully sensitive read mapping synopsis razers3 [options] genome file reads file razers3 [options] genome file pe-reads file1 pe-reads file2 description razers 3 is a versatile full-sensitive read mapper based on k-mer counting and seeding filters. it supports single and paired-end mapping, shared-memory parallelism, and optimally parametrizes the filter based on a user-defined minimal sensitivity. see http://www.seqan.de/projects/razers for more information. input to razers 3 is a reference genome file and either one file with single-end reads or two files containing left or right mates of paired-end reads. (c) copyright 2009-2013 by david weese. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information main options: -i, --percent-identity num percent identity threshold. in range [50..100]. default: 95. -rr, --recognition-rate num percent recognition rate. in range [80..100]. default: 99. -ng, --no-gaps allow only mismatches, no indels. default: allow both. -f, --forward map reads only to forward strands. -r, --reverse map reads only to reverse strands. -m, --max-hits num output only num of the best hits. in range [1..inf]. default: 100. --unique output only unique best matches (-m 1 -dr 0 -pa). -tr, --trim-reads num trim reads to given length. default: off. in range [14..inf]. -o, --output file mapping result filename. default: reads file.razers. valid filetypes are: .razers, .eland, .fa, .fasta, .gff, .sam, and .afg. -v, --verbose verbose mode. -vv, --vverbose very verbose mode. paired-end options: -ll, --library-length num paired-end library length. in range [1..inf]. default: 220. -le, --library-error num paired-end library length tolerance. in range [0..inf]. default: 50. output format options: -a, --alignment dump the alignment for each match (only razer or fasta format). -pa, --purge-ambiguous purge reads with more than max-hits best matches. -dr, --distance-range num only consider matches with at most num more errors compared to the best. default: output all. -gn, --genome-naming num select how genomes are named (see naming section below). in range [0..1]. default: 0. -rn, --read-naming num select how reads are named (see naming section below). in range [0..3]. default: 0. --full-readid use the whole read id (don't clip after whitespace). -so, --sort-order num select how matches are sorted (see sorting section below). in range [0..1]. default: 0. -pf, --position-format num select begin/end position numbering (see coordinate section below). in range [0..1]. default: 0. -ds, --dont-shrink-alignments disable alignment shrinking in sam. this is required for generating a gold mapping for rabema. filtration options: -fl, --filter str select k-mer filter. one of pigeonhole and swift. default: pigeonhole. -mr, --mutation-rate num set the percent mutation rate (pigeonhole). in range [0..20]. default: 5. -ol, --overlap-length num manually set the overlap length of adjacent k-mers (pigeonhole). in range [0..inf]. -pd, --param-dir dir read user-computed parameter files in the directory dir (swift). -t, --threshold num manually set minimum k-mer count threshold (swift). in range [1..inf]. -tl, --taboo-length num set taboo length (swift). in range [1..inf]. default: 1. -s, --shape bitstring manually set k-mer shape. -oc, --overabundance-cut num set k-mer overabundance cut ratio. in range [0..1]. default: 1. -rl, --repeat-length num skip simple-repeats of length num. in range [1..inf]. default: 1000. -lf, --load-factor num set the load factor for the open addressing k-mer index. in range [1..inf]. default: 1.6. verification options: -mn, --match-n n matches all other characters. default: n matches nothing. -ed, --error-distr file write error distribution to file. -mf, --mismatch-file file write mismatch patterns to file. misc options: -cm, --compact-mult num multiply compaction treshold by this value after reaching and compacting. in range [0..inf]. default: 2.2. -ncf, --no-compact-frac num don't compact if in this last fraction of genome. in range [0..1]. default: 0.05. parallelism options: -pws, --parallel-window-size num collect candidates in windows of this length. in range [1..inf]. default: 500000. -pvs, --parallel-verification-size num verify candidates in packages of this size. in range [1..inf]. default: 100. -pvmpc, --parallel-verification-max-package-count num largest number of packages to create for verification per thread-1. in range [1..inf]. default: 100. -amms, --available-matches-memory-size num bytes of main memory available for storing matches. in range [-1..inf]. default: 0. -mhst, --match-histo-start-threshold num when to start histogram. in range [1..inf]. default: 5. formats, naming, sorting, and coordinate schemes razers 3 supports various output formats. the output format is detected automatically from the file name suffix. .razers razer format .fa, .fasta enhanced fasta format .eland eland format
samtools / razip(1)
Compress and decompress files in razip format
razorqt-session / razor-about(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-appswitcher / razor-appswitcher(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-autosuspend / razor-autosuspend(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-config / razor-config(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-config / razor-config-appearance(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-config / razor-config-autosuspend(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-desktop / razor-config-desktop(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-config / razor-config-globalkeyshortcuts(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-config / razor-config-mouse(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-config / razor-config-notificationd(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-session / razor-config-session(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-confupdate / razor-confupdate(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-desktop / razor-desktop(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-globalkeyshortcuts / razor-globalkeyshortcuts(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-lightdm-greeter / razor-lightdm-greeter(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-notificationd / razor-notificationd(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-openssh-askpass / razor-openssh-askpass(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-panel / razor-panel(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-policykit-agent / razor-policykit-agent(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-power / razor-power(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-runner / razor-runner(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-session / razor-session(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
librazorqt0-dev / razor-x11info(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
razorqt-data / razorqt-undocumented(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
lrzsz / rb(1)
Xmodem, ymodem, zmodem (batch) file receive
calibre / rb-meta(1)
Read and write metadata from an rb file
ruby-beautify / rbeautify(1)
Cli binary that will pretty up ruby code
ruby-build / rbenv-install(1)
Compile and install rubies
ruby-build / rbenv-uninstall(1)
Compile and install rubies
ruby-kde4 / rbkconfig_compiler4(1)
Kde config resource compiler
rblcheck / rblcheck(1)
Check if an ip address is blacklisted
udns-utils / rblcheck(1)
Dnsbl lookup utility
ucspi-tcp / rblsmtpd(1)
Blocks mail from rbl-listed sites. it works with any smtp server that can run under tcpserver(1)
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / rblsmtpd(1)
Blocks mail from rbl-listed sites. it works with any smtp server that can run under tcpserver(1)
qhull-bin / rbox(1)
Generate point distributions for qhull
ruby-qt4 / rbqt4api(1)
A qtruby introspection tool
ruby-qt4 / rbqtapi(1)
A qtruby introspection tool
ruby-qt4 / rbrcc(1)
Qt/ruby resource compiler
ruby-qt4 / rbuic4(1)
Qt/ruby user interface compiler.
rc / rc(1)
devscripts / rc-alert(1)
Check for installed packages with release-critical bugs
translate-toolkit / rc2po(1)
Convert windows rc files to gettext po localization files.
rxvt / rclock(1)
Clock and appointment reminder for x11
remote-tty / rconsole(1)
Attach to a specified remote-tty console
remote-tty / rconsole-user(1)
Attach to the remote-tty console equal to the current username
rdmacm-utils / rcopy(1)
Simple file copy over rdma.
rcs / rcs(1)
Change \*o attributes
xemacs21-bin / rcs-checkin.xemacs21(1)
Accepts any number of file arguments and checks them into rcs
atfs / rcs2atfs(1)
Convert rcs archives to atfs format
rcs / rcsclean(1)
Clean up working files
rcs / rcsdiff(1)
Compare rcs revisions
rcs / rcsmerge(1)
Merge rcs revisions
bluez / rctest(1)
Rfcomm testing
rdtool / rd2(1)
Converter from rd to other mark-up language.
ipv6toolkit / rd6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on icmpv6 redirect messages
rdd / rdd-copy(1)
Copy a file, even if read errors occur
rdd / rdd-verify(1)
Verifies checksums and hash values generated by rdd-copy(1)
rdd / rddi(1)
Interactive shell, part of the rdd toolkit
debsums / rdebsums(1)
A recursive debsums
rdesktop / rdesktop(1)
Remote desktop protocol client
nasm / rdf2bin(1)
Convert an rdoff object file to flat binary
nasm / rdf2com(1)
Convert an rdoff object file to flat binary
python-rdflib-tools / rdf2dot(1)
A commandline tool for drawing rdf graphs in graphviz dot format
nasm / rdf2ihx(1)
Convert an rdoff object file to flat binary
nasm / rdf2ith(1)
Convert an rdoff object file to flat binary
nasm / rdf2srec(1)
Convert an rdoff object file to flat binary
nasm / rdfdump(1)
Dumps an rdoff object in human-readable form
python-rdflib-tools / rdfgraphisomorphism(1)
A commandline tool for testing if rdf graphs are isomorpic
rdfind / rdfind(1)
Finds duplicate files
nasm / rdflib(1)
Manage a library file for use with ldrdf(1)
python-rdflib-tools / rdfpipe(1)
Parsing rdf in different formats and serializing the resulting graph to a chosen format
redland-utils / rdfproc(1)
Redland rdf processor utility
python-rdflib-tools / rdfs2dot(1)
A commandline tool for drawing rdfs class diagrams in graphviz dot format
rdiff / rdiff(1)
Compute and apply signature-based file differences
rdiff-backup / rdiff-backup(1)
Local/remote mirror and incremental backup
rdiff-backup-fs / rdiff-backup-fs(1)
Filesystem for accessing rdiff-backup archives.
rdiff-backup / rdiff-backup-statistics(1)
Summarize rdiff-backup statistics files
duplicity / rdiffdir(1)
Compute and apply signatures and diffs to directories
ruby-rdiscount / rdiscount(1)
Humane markup to html conversion tool
rdist / rdist(1)
Remote file distribution client program
rdist / rdistd(1)
Remote file distribution server program
libjpeg-turbo-progs / rdjpgcom(1)
Display text comments from a jpeg file
python-chemfp / rdkit2fps(1)
rdmacm-utils / rdma_client(1)
Simple rdma cm connection and ping-pong test.
rdmacm-utils / rdma_server(1)
Simple rdma cm connection and ping-pong test.
rdmacm-utils / rdma_xclient(1)
Rdma cm communication client test program
rdmacm-utils / rdma_xserver(1)
Rdma cm communication server test program
ola / rdmpro_sniffer(1)
Sniffer tool for use with the enttec rdm pro
msr-tools / rdmsr(1)
Tool for reading cpu machine specific registers (msr)
rdtool / rdswap(1)
A multi-language rd documents support tool
rdup / rdup(1)
Generate a file list suitable for making backups
rdup / rdup-tr(1)
Transform rdup output
rdup / rdup-up(1)
Update a directory tree with a rdup archive
nasm / rdx(1)
Load and execute an rdoff object
re / re(1)
Programm to conver russian texts between different encodings
ncbi-epcr / re-PCR(1)
Re-pcr find sequence tagged sites (sts) in dna sequences
fcitx-tools / readPYBase(1)
Fcitx pinyin related tools
fcitx-tools / readPYMB(1)
Fcitx pinyin related tools
atlc / readbin(1)
Atlc's binary file information provider
chiark-rwbuffer / readbuffer(1)
Read input from devices which don't like constant stopping and starting
qpxtool / readdvd(1)
Is creating an image of your source dvd media or medias even if it has / they have corrupted blocks
coreutils / readlink(1)
Print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names
mailutils / readmsg.mailutils(1)
Print messages.
wodim / readom(1)
Read or write data compact discs
pst-utils / readpst(1)
Convert pst (ms outlook personal folders) files to mbox and other formats
readseq / readseq(1)
Reads and writes nucleic/protein sequences in various formats
binfmtc / realcsh.c(1)
A shell for running c code
binfmtc / realcxxsh.cc(1)
A shell for running c++ code
coreutils / realpath(1)
Print the resolved path
arj / rearj(1)
Converts other archive formats to .arj files
reaver / reaver(1)
Wps cracker
rebar / rebar(1)
Sophisticated build-tool for erlang projects that follows otp principles
python-pysnmp4-mibs / rebuild-pysnmp-mibs(1)
Rebuilds the mib modules for pysnmp from the original mib definitions.
rebuildd / rebuildd(1)
Rebuild daemon
rebuildd / rebuildd-job(1)
Rebuildd job database management
sox / rec(1)
Sound exchange, the swiss army knife of audio manipulation
recutils / rec2csv(1)
Rec to csv converter
pdns-recursor / rec_control(1)
Control pdns_recursor
recutils / recdel(1)
Remove records from a recfile
sendfile / receive(1)
Receive files from the sendfile spool
recutils / recfix(1)
Check a recfile for errors
recutils / recfmt(1)
Apply a template to records
recutils / recinf(1)
Print information about a recfile
recutils / recins(1)
Insert records in a recfile
recite / recite(1)
English text speech synthesizer
reclass / reclass(1)
Command-line interface
recode / recode(1)
Converts files between character sets
gettext / recode-sr-latin(1)
Convert serbian text from cyrillic to latin script
recoll / recoll(1)
User interface for the recoll full text search system
recoll / recollindex(1)
Indexing command for the recoll full text search system
lam-runtime / recon(1)
Check if lam can be started.
prime-phylo / reconcile(1)
This program outputs the reconciliation that minimizes the number of duplications
xawtv-tools / record(1)
Records *.wav files
ucspi-tcp / recordio(1)
Records the input and output of a program.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / recordio(1)
Record the input and output of a program
recordmydesktop / recordmydesktop(1)
Record desktop sessions to an ogg-theora-vorbis file.
patchutils / recountdiff(1)
Recompute patch counts and offsets
recoverdm / recoverdm(1)
Recover files\/disks with damaged sectors
recoverjpeg / recoverjpeg(1)
Recover jpeg pictures from a filesystem image
recoverjpeg / recovermov(1)
Recover movies from a filesystem image
recutils / recsel(1)
Print records from a recfile
recutils / recset(1)
Manipulate fields in a recfile
vpb-utils / recwav(1)
Record an audio file from a voicetronix hardware port
ed / red(1)
Line-oriented text editor
ruby-redcarpet / redcarpet(1)
Markdown prosessing like butterflies and popcorn
ruby-redcloth / redcloth(1)
Ruby textile formatter
redet / redet(1)
Regular expression development and execution tool
patchutils / rediff(1)
Fix offsets and counts of a hand-edited diff
redir / redir(1)
Redirect tcp connections
redis-tools / redis-benchmark(1)
Benechmark a redis instance
redis-tools / redis-cli(1)
Command-line client to redis-server
redis-server / redis-server(1)
Persistent key-value database
librdf0-dev / redland-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of redland
redland-utils / redland-db-upgrade(1)
Upgrade older redland databases to 0.9.12 format
rednotebook / rednotebook(1)
Daily journal with calendar, templates and keyword searching
redshift / redshift(1)
Set color temperature of display according to time of day.
gtk-redshift / redshift-gtk(1)
Set color temperature of display according to time of day (gtk-frontend).
libbogl-dev / reduce-font(1)
Reduce a font to a set of glyphs
lrslib / redund(1)
Convert between represetations of convex polyhedra.
refdb-clients / refdb-backup(1)
Refdb tool: back up refdb references, notes and styles
refdb-clients / refdb-bug(1)
Refdb tool: writes text file containing summary of refdbs configuration
refdb-clients / refdb-ms(1)
A console-based style generator for refdb
refdb-clients / refdb-restore(1)
Refdb tool: restore refdb references, notes and styles
refdb-clients / refdb_dos2unix(1)
Refdb tool: convert file formats from dos to unix
refdb-clients / refdb_latex2utf8txt(1)
Converts bibtex bibliographic data to utf-8 plain text
refdb-server / refdbctl(1)
Refdbd startup script
refdb-clients / refdbnd(1)
Creates a skeleton document and a makefile for refdb
refdb-clients / refdbxp(1)
Converts short and full citation formats in sgml and xml documents containing refdb citations.
geda-utils / refdes_renum(1)
Geda/gaf refdes renumbering utility
groff / refer(1)
Preprocess bibliographic references for groff
argyll / refine(1)
Create abstract correction profile given table of absolute cie correction values.
pyfai / refine_wavelength(1)
courier-maildrop / reformail(1)
E-mail reformatting tool
maildrop / reformail(1)
E-mail reformatting tool
courier-maildrop / reformime(1)
Mime e-mail reformatting tool
maildrop / reformime(1)
Mime e-mail reformatting tool
regina-normal / regconcat(1)
Combine several regina data files
regina-normal / regconvert(1)
Convert between different regina file formats
registry-tools / regdiff(1)
Diff program for windows registry files
wine / regedit(1)
Wine registry editor
wine-development / regedit-development(1)
Wine registry editor
regexxer / regexxer(1)
Visual regular expression search and replace
regina-normal / regfiledump(1)
Dump the contents of a regina data file
regina-normal / regfiletype(1)
Identify the formats of regina data files
regina-rexx / regina(1)
libregina3-dev / regina-config(1)
regina-normal / regina-engine-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of regina
regina-normal / regina-gui(1)
Regina's graphical user interface
regina-normal / regina-python(1)
Regina's command-line python interface
python-argcomplete / register-python-argcomplete(1)
Register-python-argcomplete - argcomplete utility script
reglookup / reglookup(1)
Windows nt+ registry reader/lookup tool
reglookup / reglookup-recover(1)
Windows nt+ registry deleted data recovery tool
reglookup / reglookup-timeline(1)
Windows nt+ registry mtime timeline generator
spew / regorge(1)
Measures i/o performance and/or generates i/o load
registry-tools / regpatch(1)
Applies registry patches to registry files
registry-tools / regshell(1)
Windows registry file browser using readline
wine / regsvr32(1)
Wine dll registration server
wine-development / regsvr32-development(1)
Wine dll registration server
gcpegg / regtest(1)
Global consciousness project reg software
registry-tools / regtree(1)
Text-mode registry viewer
libxbase64-bin / reindex(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
postgresql-client-9.4 / reindexdb(1)
Reindex a postgresql database
reinteract / reinteract(1)
Worksheet-based graphical python shell
rel2gpx / rel2gpx(1)
Create gpx-tracks from osm relation
relational / relational(1)
Relational python implementation of relational algebra.
relational-cli / relational-cli(1)
Relational-cli python implementation of relational algebra.
dsbltesters / relaytest(1)
Attempt to use smtp to relay to a dsbl-compliant host
listaller-libuild / relaytool(1)
Generate a file that can be used instead of linking directly against a library
xa65 / reloc65(1)
Relocator for o65 object files
fp-utils-2.6.4 / relpath-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal file deletion tool.
remind / rem(1)
Invoke remind with a default filename
remind / rem2ps(1)
Draw a postscript calendar from remind output
remake / remake(1)
Gnu make utility with enhanced debugger
remind / remind(1)
A sophisticated reminder service
remmina / remmina(1)
Remote desktop client for gnome desktop environment
remote-tty / remote-tty(1)
Connect to a ttysrv serial console instance
recoverjpeg / remove-duplicates(1)
Remove duplicates of the same file in the current directory
mipe / removePcrFromMipe(1)
Removes pcr data from mipe file
mipe / removeSbeFromMipe(1)
Removes sbe data from mipe file
mipe / removeSnpFromMipe(1)
Removes snp data from mipe file
xviewg / remove_brackets(1)
Remove delimiters from text
npm / removing-npm(1)
Cleaning the slate
remuco-amarok / remuco-amarok(1)
A daemon which allows control to amarok via bluetooth
remuco-audacious / remuco-audacious(1)
A daemon which allows control to audacious via bluetooth
remuco-banshee / remuco-banshee(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
remuco-clementine / remuco-clementine(1)
A daemon which allows control to clementine via bluetooth
remuco-gmusicbrowser / remuco-gmusicbrowser(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
remuco-mpd / remuco-mpd(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
remuco-mplayer / remuco-mplayer(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
remuco-okular / remuco-okular(1)
A daemon which allows control to okular via bluetooth
remuco-quodlibet / remuco-quodlibet(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
remuco-base / remuco-report(1)
Report remuco client device information
remuco-tvtime / remuco-tvtime(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
remuco-vlc / remuco-vlc(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
remuco-xmms2 / remuco-xmms2(1)
A daemon which allows control to banshee via bluetooth
munge / remunge(1)
Munge credential benchmark
util-linux / rename.ul(1)
Rename files
ladr4-apps / renamer(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
renattach / renattach(1)
Rename/delete dangerous email attachments
raster3d / render(1)
Raster3d molecular graphics package rendering program
x11-apps / rendercheck(1)
Simple tests of the x render extension.
bsdutils / renice(1)
Alter priority of running processes
reniced / reniced(1)
Renice running processes based on regular expressions
bwbasic / renum(1)
Bywater basic interpreter/shell
multicat / reordertp(1)
Reorders incoming packets and reconstitutes the original rtp stream.
rep / rep(1)
Read, eval, print interpreter
librep-dev / rep-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of librep
rep / rep-remote(1)
Provides a protocol for executing all of librep's file operations on that host
librep-dev / rep-xgettext(1)
Extract i18n strings from lisp scripts.
librep-dev / repdoc(1)
Strip doc-strings from c source.
mummer / repeat-match(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
rephrase / rephrase(1)
Specialized passphrase recovery tool for gnupg
389-ds-base / repl-monitor(1)
Directory server replication monitor
mariadb-server-10.0 / replace(1)
A string-replacement utility
mysql-server-5.5 / replace(1)
A string-replacement utility
qfits-tools / replacekey(1)
Replace keywords in a fits header
python-rgain / replaygain(1)
Single file replay gain editor
setools / replcon(1)
Selinux file context replacement tool
repmgr / repmgr(1)
Postgresql replication manager
yum-utils / repo-graph(1)
Output a full package dependency graph in dot format
yum-utils / repo-rss(1)
Generates an rss feed from one or more yum repositories
yum-utils / repoclosure(1)
Display a list of unresolved dependencies for a yum repository
yum-utils / repodiff(1)
List differences between two or more yum repositories
yum-utils / repomanage(1)
List the newest or oldest rpm packages in a directory
yum-utils / repoquery(1)
Query information from yum repositories
installation-report / report-hw(1)
Dump information on the system's hardware
xymon / report.cgi(1)
Cgi front-end to xymongen reporting
reportbug / reportbug(1)
Reports a bug to a debbugs server
reportbug-ng / reportbug-ng(1)
An easy to use alternative to reportbug
xymon / reportlog.cgi(1)
Cgi program to report service availability log
yum-utils / reposync(1)
Synchronize yum repositories to a local directory
yum-utils / repotrack(1)
Track a package and its dependencies and download them
reprof / reprof(1)
Predict protein secondary structure and solvent accessibility
repsnapper / repsnapper(1)
Program to operate reprap 3d printer
texlive-font-utils / repstopdf(1)
Convert an eps file to pdf
ubuntu-dev-tools / requestbackport(1)
File a backport request bug
ubuntu-dev-tools / requestsync(1)
Helper to file sync requests for ubuntu
prime-phylo / reroot(1)
Compute a (new) root for the tree.
resample / resample(1)
Resample a 16-bit mono or stereo sound file by an arbitrary factor
teseq / reseq(1)
Reverse the translations made by teseq.
ncurses-bin / reset(1)
Terminal initialization
xterm / resize(1)
Set environment and terminal settings to current xterm window size
cloud-utils / resize-part-image(1)
Resize a partition image
mariadb-server-10.0 / resolve_stack_dump(1)
Resolve numeric stack trace dump to symbols
mysql-server-5.5 / resolve_stack_dump(1)
Resolve numeric stack trace dump to symbols
mariadb-server-10.0 / resolveip(1)
Resolve host name to ip address or vice versa
mysql-server-5.5 / resolveip(1)
Resolve host name to ip address or vice versa
pythoncard-tools / resourceEditor(1)
Resource editor used as part of the pythoncard gui framework
ruby-rest-client / restclient(1)
Simple rest client for ruby
trash-cli / restore-trash(1)
Restore for command line trash utility.
libfox-1.6-dev / reswrap-1.6(1)
Wrap icon resources into c code
speech-tools / resynth(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
retext / retext(1)
Text editor for markdown and restructuredtext
atfs / retrv(1)
Retrieve a revision of a file
retty / retty(1)
Attach process running on another terminal
util-linux / rev(1)
Reverse lines characterwise
biosquid / revcomp(1)
Reverse complement a nucleic acid sequence
revelation / revelation(1)
Gnome2 password manager
ubuntu-dev-tools / reverse-build-depends(1)
Find packages that depend on a specific package to build (reverse build depends)
ubuntu-dev-tools / reverse-depends(1)
List the reverse-dependencies (or build-dependencies) of a package
argyll / revfix(1)
Invert atob1 to make btoa1 for cmyk profiles.
xutils-dev / revpath(1)
Generate a relative path that can be used to undo a change-directory
ladr4-apps / rewriter(1)
Demodulate terms
regina-rexx / rexx(1)
dpm / rfcat(1)
Remote file concatenation to standard output
dpm / rfchmod(1)
Change file access permission
bluez / rfcomm(1)
Rfcomm configuration utility
dpm / rfcp(1)
Remote file copy
dpm / rfdf(1)
Print information about a mounted filesystem
dpm / rfdir(1)
Remote directory list
rfdump / rfdump(1)
Rfdump tool to detect rfid-tags and show their meta information
dpm / rfmkdir(1)
Make remote directories
python-rfoo / rfoo-rconsole(1)
Remote python console with auto completion, which can be used to inspect and modify the namespace of a running script.
dpm / rfrename(1)
Rename remote file
dpm / rfrm(1)
Remove remote files and directories
dpm / rfstat(1)
Get information about a file or directory
giflib-tools / rgb2gif(1)
A program to convert 24 bit images to a gif image using color quantization.
xautomation / rgb2pat(1)
Converts an image file from 24-bit rgb to pat format.
python-gdal / rgb2pct(1)
Rgb2pct.py convert a 24bit rgb image to 8bit paletted
libtiff-tools / rgb2ycbcr(1)
Convert non-ycbcr tiff images to a ycbcr tiff image
netpbm / rgb3toppm(1)
Combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
pymca / rgbcorrelator(1)
Pymca image correlation analysis application
liballegro4-dev / rgbmap(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
rgbpaint / rgbpaint(1)
A simple pixel-based painting program.
grep / rgrep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
vim-gui-common / rgview(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
vim-gui-common / rgvim(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
rgxg / rgxg(1)
Regular expression generator
rhash / rhash(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
rhc / rhc(1)
Command line tool for performing operations related to your openshift account
rhino / rhino(1)
Invokes the javascript shell for running scripts in batch mode or interactive
rhino / rhino-debugger(1)
Invokes the rhino javascript debugger gui
rhino / rhino-jsc(1)
Invokes the rhino javascript compiler
rhinote / rhinote(1)
Virtual sticky-notes for your desktop
jdresolve / rhost(1)
Resolve a single ip address
rhythmbox / rhythmbox(1)
Music player and library for tagged files using gstreamer
rhythmbox / rhythmbox-client(1)
Controls a running instance of rhythmbox
raster3d / ribbon(1)
Raster3d molecular graphics package ribbon-drawer
riemann-c-client / riemann-client(1)
Riemann communication tool
gigtools / rifftree(1)
Print riff tree structure of an arbitrary riff file.
rifiuti / rifiuti(1)
Tool to extract informations from ms recycle bins info2 files.
rifiuti2 / rifiuti-vista(1)
A ms windows recycle bin analysis tool
rifiuti2 / rifiuti2(1)
A ms windows recycle bin analysis tool
ranger / rifle(1)
Ranger's file opener
libhamlib-utils / rigctl(1)
Control radio transceivers and receivers
libhamlib-utils / rigmem(1)
Backup and restore memory of radio transceivers and receivers
libhamlib-utils / rigsmtr(1)
Measure s-meter vs azimuth using hamlib
libhamlib-utils / rigswr(1)
Measure vswr vs frequency using hamlib.
node-rimraf / rimraf(1)
Fast deep deletion (like rm -rf)
raster3d / rings3d(1)
Produces a file of ring-filling triangles from a pdb file
vpb-utils / ringstat(1)
Perform a simple test of fxs (station) port ring and audio paths.
rio / rio(1)
Program to control a diamond rio mp3 player
karma-tools / riocp(1)
Program to transfer files to and from the rio karma
rdmacm-utils / riostream(1)
Zero-copy streaming over rdma ping-pong test.
morituri / rip(1)
flactag / ripdataflac(1)
A tagger for whole album flacs using data from the musicbrainz service
flactag / ripflac(1)
A tagger for whole album flacs using data from the musicbrainz service
ripit / ripit(1)
ripmime / ripmime(1)
Email attachment / decomposition tool.
ripole / ripole(1)
Extracts attachments from ole2 data files (ie, ms office docs).
ripperx / ripperx(1)
Ripperx graphical (gtk) frontend for ripping and ogg/flac/mp3 encoding cd tracks
cb2bib / ris2bib(1)
Script to convert ris format files to bibtex format files
bibutils / ris2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
ctn / ris_gateway(1)
Generic ctn manual page
hdf4-tools / ristosds(1)
Convert several ris8 images to one 3d sds
ristretto / ristretto(1)
Lightweight picture-viewer for the xfce desktop environment
rivet / rivet(1)
Robust independent validation of experiment and theory
rivet-plugins-dev / rivet-buildplugin(1)
Compilation helper for rivet analysis plugins
rivet / rivet-chopbins(1)
Strip specified bins from data sets.
librivet-dev / rivet-config(1)
Configuration tool for rivet
rivet / rivet-mergeruns(1)
Merge rivet histo files into one
rivet-plugins-dev / rivet-mkanalysis(1)
Make templates of analysis source files for rivet
rivet / rivet-mkhtml(1)
Make web pages from histogram files written out by rivet
rivet / rivet-rescale(1)
Rescale histos in observable-file of aidafile to the area of the corresponding histos in refdatapath
rivet / rivet-rmgaps(1)
Remove binnning gaps in rivet-generated mc aida files.
joe / rjoe(1)
rkward / rkward(1)
A kde frontend to r
randomize-lines / rl(1)
Randomize lines.
sgml2x / rlatex(1)
Rlatex wrapper to run latex/jadetex multiple times as needed
netpbm / rletopnm(1)
Convert a utah raster tools rle image file into a pnm image file.
rlfe / rlfe(1)
"cook" input lines for other programs using readline
libroot-core-dev / rlibmap(1)
Root utility to create class to library maps
qdbm-util / rlmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm relic
ruby-lockfile / rlock(1)
Run program with a lockfile
rcs / rlog(1)
Print log messages and other information about \*os
rlplot / rlplot(1)
Generate publication quality graphs exprlp - convert rlplot files to vector based graphic files
rlpr / rlpq(1)
Remote line printer queue examination program
rlpr / rlprm(1)
Remove jobs from a remote line printer spooling queue
qdbm-util / rltest(1)
Test cases for qdbm relic
rlwrap / rlwrap(1)
Readline wrapper
coreutils / rm(1)
Remove files or directories
rmagic / rmagic(1)
Report magic for analog
courier-mta / rmail(1)
Send an e-mail message
rman / rman(1)
mathomatic / rmath(1)
A computer algebra system with functions and readline matho - a computer algebra system with functions
liwc / rmccmt(1)
Remove comments from c and c++ programs
openipmi / rmcp_ping(1)
Ipmi rmcp ping program
fp-utils-2.6.4 / rmcvsdir-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal cvs tree cleaner program.
hashalot / rmd160(1)
Read a passphrase and print a hash
mgetty-pvftools / rmdfile(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
canna-utils / rmdic(1)
Tool for deleting a user dictionary
coreutils / rmdir(1)
Remove empty directories
mgetty-pvftools / rmdtopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
isdnvboxclient / rmdtovbox(1)
Isdn voice box (sound converter)
omnievents / rmeventc(1)
Destroy a corba eventchannel
atfs / rmhist(1)
Remove an atfs history
libroot-core-dev / rmkdepend(1)
Create dependencies in makefiles (root version)
rmligs-german / rmligs-german(1)
Remove incorrectly used ligatures from german latex documents
ruby-gettext / rmsgcat(1)
Concatenates and merges po files
ruby-gettext / rmsgfmt(1)
Compile message catalog to binary format
ruby-gettext / rmsginit(1)
Create a new .po file with user's environment and input
ruby-gettext / rmsgmerge(1)
Extract translatable string from given input ruby script files.
nano / rnano(1)
Restricted mode for nano's another editor, an enhanced free pico clone
inn / rnews(1)
Receive news from a uucp connection
reportbug-ng / rng(1)
An easy to use alternative to reportbug
rng-tools / rngtest(1)
Check the randomness of data using fips 140-2 tests
libroar-dev / roar-config(1)
Get information of installed roaraudio libraries
roarclients / roarbaseclients(1)
Roaraudio sound server base clients
roarclients / roarbidir(1)
Opens a bidirectional stream to roaraudio's sound server
roarclients / roarcat(1)
Roaraudio sound server base clients
roarclients / roarcatplay(1)
Play files via roaraudio
roarclients / roarclientpass(1)
Passing clients to and creating new listen sockets on roaraudio sound server
roarclients / roarctl(1)
Roaraudio sound server controll tool
roaraudio / roard(1)
Roaraudio sound server
roarclients / roardtmf(1)
Generate dtmf (telephone touch tones) for roaraudio
roarclients / roarfilt(1)
Roaraudio sound server audio filter client
libroar-compat2 / roarify(1)
Roarify an application that does not have roaraudio support
roarclients / roarinterconnect(1)
Interconnect two audio servers
roarclients / roarlight(1)
Controls the light control subsystem of roaraudio
roarclients / roarmon(1)
Roaraudio sound server base clients
roarclients / roarmonhttp(1)
Cgi and inetd based streaming server emulation for roaraudio
roarclients / roarphone(1)
Roar over network (ron) voip like application
roarplaylistd / roarplaylistd(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon
roarclients / roarpluginapplication(1)
Run plugins like applications
roarclients / roarpluginrunner(1)
Run roaraudio plugins
roarclients / roarradio(1)
Program to play web radio streams in background with roaraudio
roarclients / roarshout(1)
Stream data to streaming server
roarclients / roarsin(1)
Roaraudio sound server test clients
libroar-dev / roarsockconnect(1)
Roaraudio sound server test clients
roarclients / roartestclients(1)
Roaraudio sound server test clients
libroar-dev / roartypes(1)
List sizes of well known roaraudio c types
roarclients / roarvio(1)
roarclients / roarvorbis(1)
Ogg vorbis player for roaraudio
roarclients / roarvumeter(1)
Display current audio level of roaraudio's waveform mixer
robocode / robocode(1)
Java programming game based on battle tanks.
robocut / robocut(1)
Is used with cutting plotters.
bottlerocket / rocket_launcher(1)
Graphical front end for bottlerocket
raster3d / rods(1)
Raster3d preprocessor for ball-and-stick models
roffit / roffit(1)
Convert nroff to html
rofs / rofs(1)
Mounts directories as read-only
roger-router / roger(1)
Router manager
roger-router-cli / roger_cli(1)
Command line router manager
fcode-utils / romheaders(1)
Pci rom header utility
ruby-ronn / ronn(1)
Convert markdown files to manpages
roodi / roodi(1)
Roodi stands for ruby object oriented design inferometer.
roodi / roodi-describe(1)
Roodi stands for ruby object oriented design inferometer.
libroot-core-dev / root-config(1)
Root utility for your makefiles
root-tail / root-tail(1)
Print text directly to x11 root window
root-system-bin / root.exe(1)
Root interpretor backend
rivet-root-converter / root2flat(1)
Read in .root files and write out the histograms in flat format
libroot-static / roota(1)
Interpretor of c++ for the root framework
libroot-core-dev / rootcint(1)
Root dictionary generator
root-system-rootd / rootd(1)
The root file server daemon
root-system-bin / rootn.exe(1)
Root interpretor memory managed backend
root-system-bin / roots.exe(1)
Remote root interpretor server
rootstrap / rootstrap(1)
Rootstrap construct a root filesystem image in a file
xawtv / rootv(1)
Display tv using the xvideo extension
rasqal-utils / roqet(1)
Rasqal rdf query utility
rosegarden / rosegarden(1)
Midi and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
jigl / rotate(1)
Rotate, mirror, and transpose jpeg images (losslessly whenever possible)
libhamlib-utils / rotctl(1)
Control antenna rotators
rotix / rotix(1)
A program to generate rotational obfuscations
rotter / rotter(1)
A recording of transmission / audio logger for jack
ruby-rouge / rougify(1)
Rouge is a pure-ruby syntax highlighter
roundup / roundup-admin(1)
Administrate roundup trackers
roundup / roundup-ctl(1)
Roundup server control interface
roundup / roundup-demo(1)
Create a roundup "demo" tracker and launch its web interface
roundup / roundup-gettext(1)
Extract translatable strings from tracker templates
roundup / roundup-mailgw(1)
Mail gateway for roundup
roundup / roundup-server(1)
Start roundup web server
roundup / roundup-xmlrpc-server(1)
Roundup xml-rpc server
rox-filer / rox(1)
A simple graphical file manager
roxterm-common / roxterm(1)
Terminal emulator
roxterm-common / roxterm-config(1)
Terminal emulator
smbclient / rpcclient(1)
Tool for executing client side ms-rpc functions
glibc-source / rpcgen(1)
An rpc protocol compiler
libc-dev-bin / rpcgen(1)
An rpc protocol compiler
routeplanner / rpcli(1)
Rplan a highway trip planner
winpdb / rpdb2(1)
Winpdb, rpdb2 platform independent python debugger
pdsh / rpdcp(1)
Copy files to groups of hosts in parallel rpdcp - (reverse pdcp) copy files from a group of hosts in parallel
alpine / rpdump(1)
Alpine remote data utility
rdmacm-utils / rping(1)
Rdma cm connection and rdma ping-pong test.
routeplanner / rplan(1)
Rplan a highway trip planner
rplay-client / rplay(1)
Play, pause, continue, and stop sounds
rplay-client / rplaydsp(1)
Intercept data bound for /dev/dsp and route it to rplayd
roarplaylistd-codechelper-gst / rpld-codec-helper(1)
Codec helper script for roaraudio playlist daemon
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-ctl(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-import(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-listplaylists(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-listq(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-next(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-queueple(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-setpointer(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-showplaying(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-storemgr(1)
Offline store manager for the roaraudio playlist daemon
roarplaylistd-tools / rpld-tools(1)
Roaraudio playlist daemon control programs
alpine / rpload(1)
Alpine remote data utility
rpm2html / rpm2html(1)
Make an html database from rpm repository
rpmlint / rpmdiff(1)
Search for differences between two rpm packages
rpmlint / rpmlint(1)
Check common problems in rpm packages
suck / rpost(1)
Post an article to an nntp news server
blast2 / rpsblast(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
rplay-client / rptp(1)
Communicate with rplayd using rptp
rr / rr(1)
Record and replay application execution
python-whisper / rrd2whisper(1)
Convert an rrd database to a whisper database
netmrg / rrdedit(1)
Program to edit rrd files
reprepro / rredtool(1)
Merge or apply a very restricted subset of ed patches
rrep / rrep(1)
Replace patterns in files.
ipv6toolkit / rs6(1)
A security assessment tool for attack vectors based on icmpv6 router solicitation messages
rsakeyfind / rsakeyfind(1)
Locates ber-encoded rsa private keys in memory images.
rsbackup / rsbackup(1)
Rsync-based backup utility
rsbackup / rsbackup-mount(1)
Mount encrypted or unencrypted disks used by rsbackup
rsbackup / rsbackup-snapshot-hook(1)
Rsync-based backup utility
rsbackup / rsbackup.cron(1)
Cron script for rsbackup
389-ds-base / rsearch(1)
Stress test an ldap server with search operations
rsibreak / rsibreak(1)
Try to prevent repetitive strain injury by reminding a user to rest.
rabbitsign / rskeygen(1)
Generate private key pairs for ti graphing calculators
rspamd / rspamc(1)
Rspamd command line client
splash / rsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
rsrce / rsrce(1)
Editor for raw macos resource forks
rssh / rssh(1)
Restricted secure shell allowing only scp and/or sftp
rsstail / rsstail(1)
A console based rss news reader
docutils-common / rst-buildhtml(1)
Convert many rest documents to html
docutils-common / rst2html(1)
Convert rest documents to xhtml
docutils-common / rst2latex(1)
Convert rest documents to latex
docutils-common / rst2man(1)
Generate unix manpages from restructured text
docutils-common / rst2odt(1)
Convert rest documents to opendocument text (odt)
docutils-common / rst2odt_prepstyles(1)
Strip paper size specifications off of rst2odt stylesheets
rst2pdf / rst2pdf(1)
Convert restructuredtext documents to pdf
docutils-common / rst2pseudoxml(1)
Convert rest documents to pseudo-xml
docutils-common / rst2s5(1)
Convert rest documents to s5 slides
docutils-common / rst2xetex(1)
Convert rest documents to xelatex
docutils-common / rst2xml(1)
Convert rest documents to xml
x11-session-utils / rstart(1)
A sample implementation of a remote start client
x11-session-utils / rstartd(1)
A sample implementation of a remote start rsh helper
fp-utils-2.6.4 / rstconv-2.6.4(1)
The free pascal resource string converter tool.
docutils-common / rstpep2html(1)
Convert rest python enhancement proposals to html
rdmacm-utils / rstream(1)
Streaming over rdma ping-pong test.
gerris / rsurfaceinfo(1)
Displays info on a gerris terrain database.
gerris-mpi / rsurfaceinfo(1)
Displays info on a gerris terrain database.
gerris / rsurfacequery(1)
Queries a gerris terrain database.
gerris-mpi / rsurfacequery(1)
Queries a gerris terrain database.
librsvg2-bin / rsvg-convert(1)
Turn svg files into raster images.
librsvg2-bin / rsvg-view(1)
Display svg files
rsync / rsync(1)
A fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
rsyncrypto / rsyncrypto(1)
Rsync friendly encryption
rsyncrypto / rsyncrypto_recover(1)
Recover all usable data from corrupted rsyncrypto filemaps
rstat-client / rsysinfo(1)
Remote system information display
rt-app / rt-app(1)
Test application for simulating a real-time periodic load
rttool / rt2(1)
Converter from rt to other mark-up language.
rtax / rtax(1)
Rapid and accurate taxonomic classification of short paired-end sequence reads from the 16s ribosomal rna gene
xenomai-runtime / rtcanconfig(1)
Xenomai tool for configuring the can controller
xenomai-runtime / rtcanrecv(1)
Xenomai tool for receiving can messages
xenomai-runtime / rtcansend(1)
Xenomai tool for sending can messages
skycat / rtd(1)
Real-time image display application
skycat / rtdClient(1)
Image event client for rtd
skycat / rtdCubeDisplay(1)
Simple fits cube display program
skycat / rtdServer(1)
Image event dispatcher for rtd
liblouisxml-bin / rtf2brl(1)
Translate an rtf file into an embosser-ready braille file.
linuxdoc-tools / rtf2rtf(1)
Programs to postprocess the raw rtf generated by the mapping files
tin / rtin(1)
A usenet newsreader
rtl-sdr / rtl_adsb(1)
A simple ads-b decoder
rtl-sdr / rtl_eeprom(1)
Eeprom programming tool for rtl2832 based dvb-t receivers
rtl-sdr / rtl_fm(1)
A simple fm demodulator for rtl2832 based dvb-t receivers
rtl-sdr / rtl_power(1)
Wideband spectrum monitor utility
rtl-sdr / rtl_sdr(1)
An i/q recorder for rtl2832 based dvb-t receivers
rtl-sdr / rtl_tcp(1)
An i/q spectrum server for rtl2832 based dvb-t receivers
rtl-sdr / rtl_test(1)
A benchmark tool for rtl2832 based dvb-t receivers
gtkwave / rtlbrowse(1)
Allows hierarchical browsing of verilog hdl source code and library design files.
rtmpdump / rtmpdump(1)
Rtmp streaming media client
rtorrent / rtorrent(1)
A bittorrent client for ncurses
dvbstream / rtpfeed(1)
Feed a dvb-s card with an rtp unicast/multicast/broacast stream
rubber / rubber(1)
A building system for latex documents
rubber / rubber-info(1)
Extract information from latex documents
rubber / rubber-pipe(1)
A building system for latex documents
rubberband-cli / rubberband(1)
Rubberband an audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting utility program
ruby-benchmark-suite / ruby-benchmark-suite(1)
Run multiple benchmarks against multiple rubies.
ruby-build / ruby-build(1)
Compile and install rubies
ruby-standalone / ruby-standalone(1)
Use (only) the ruby interpreter from debian
ruby-graphviz / ruby2gv(1)
Create a dependency graph from a ruby script
sloccount / ruby_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
libruli-bin / ruli-getaddrinfo(1)
Sample programs for ruli library (rfc 2782)
rumor / rumor(1)
Program for transcripting simple music played on (midi) keyboard to lilypond text notation.
ulatency / run-game(1)
Executes program under game scheduler config
mime-support / run-mailcap(1)
Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
mummer / run-mummer1(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer / run-mummer3(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
ulatency / run-single-task(1)
Executes program under single_task scheduler config
aspell / run-with-aspell(1)
Script to help use gnu aspell as an ispell replacement
uima-utils / runAE(1)
Launcher for an uima analyze engine
uima-utils / runPearInstaller(1)
Gui based java application that helps installing uima compliant components
uima-utils / runPearMerger(1)
Takes two or more pear files and merges their contents
uima-utils / runPearPackager(1)
Takes some pear settings to create an uima pear file
erlang-base / run_erl(1)
Redirect erlang input and output streams on solaris(r)
erlang-base-hipe / run_erl(1)
Redirect erlang input and output streams on solaris(r)
mopac7-bin / run_mopac7(1)
Invoke mopac7 program
cronutils / runalarm(1)
Enforce a time limit on execution of a process
antlr / runantlr(1)
Another tool for language recognition
listaller / runapp(1)
Run an application
coreutils / runcon(1)
Run command with specified security context
htdig / rundig(1)
Sample script to create a search database for ht://dig
ghc / runghc(1)
Program to run haskell programs without first having to compile them.
hugs / runhugs(1)
Hugs 98, functional programming system
sgml2x / runjade(1)
Runjade wraps call to openjade to catch errors
runlim / runlim(1)
A program to run benchmarks
cronutils / runlock(1)
Prevent concurrent execution of a process
minicom / runscript(1)
Script interpreter for minicom
runsnakerun / runsnake(1)
Gui utility for python profiling
runsnakerun / runsnakemem(1)
Gui utility for python memory profiling
cronutils / runstat(1)
Collect statistics about execution of a process
dejagnu / runtest(1)
Dejagnu test driver
util-linux / runuser(1)
Run a command with substitute user and group id
rzip / runzip(1)
A large-file compression program
rstat-client / rup(1)
Remote uptime display
rurple-ng / rurple-ng(1)
Learn programming in python with a robot
rush / rushlast(1)
Retrieve information of previous uses of rush
rush / rushwho(1)
Show users logged in using gnu rush
why / rv_merge(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
vim-common / rview(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
vim-common / rvim(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
vlc-nox / rvlc(1)
The vlc media player
lrzsz / rx(1)
Xmodem, ymodem, zmodem (batch) file receive
ruby-gettext / rxgettext(1)
Tool to extract translatable messages from ruby scripts.
rxp / rxp(1)
Xml parser program
regina-rexx / rxqueue(1)
regina-rexx / rxstack(1)
rxvt / rxvt-xpm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
rxvt / rxvt-xterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
rygel / rygel(1)
A collection of dlna/upnp av services
lrzsz / rz(1)
Xmodem, ymodem, zmodem (batch) file receive
rzip / rzip(1)
A large-file compression program
fuse-emulator-utils / rzxcheck(1)
Rzxcheck check the signature in a zx spectrum rzx file
fuse-emulator-utils / rzxdump(1)
Rzxdump list contents of sinclair zx spectrum input recording files
fuse-emulator-utils / rzxtool(1)
Rzxtool modify sinclair zx spectrum input recording files
scheme2c / s2cc(1)
Scheme to c compiler
scheme2c / s2ci(1)
Scheme interpreter
libtxc-dxtn-s2tc-bin / s2tc_compress(1)
Compress the image into a s2tc format texture.
libtxc-dxtn-s2tc-bin / s2tc_decompress(1)
Decompresses the texture into an image
libtxc-dxtn-s2tc-bin / s2tc_from_s3tc(1)
Convert a s3tc format texture into s2tc format one.
s3cmd / s3cmd(1)
Tool for managing amazon s3 storage space and amazon cloudfront content delivery network
s3d / s3d(1)
Network display server
s3dx11gate / s3d_x11gate(1)
3d gateway for x11 desktops
s3dfm / s3dfm(1)
S3d file manager
s3dosm / s3dosm(1)
Gps card application for s3d
s3dvt / s3dvt(1)
3d terminal emulator for s3d
s3ql / s3ql_oauth_client(1)
Obtain google storage oauth2 tokens
s3ql / s3ql_verify(1)
Verify data in an s3ql file system
s3ql / s3qladm(1)
Manage s3ql file systems
s3ql / s3qlcp(1)
Copy-on-write replication on s3ql file systems
s3ql / s3qlctrl(1)
Control a mounted s3ql file system
s3ql / s3qllock(1)
Make trees on an s3ql file system immutable
s3ql / s3qlrm(1)
Fast tree removal on s3ql file systems
s3ql / s3qlstat(1)
Gather s3ql file system statistics
cc1111 / s51(1)
8051, avr and z80 microcontrollers simulator for sdcc.
sdcc-ucsim / s51(1)
8051, avr and z80 microcontrollers simulator for sdcc.
s51dude / s51dude(1)
In-system programmer for 8051 mcus using usbtiny
ants / sa(1)
Part of ants registration suite
spamassassin-heatu / sa-heatu(1)
Spamasassin heuristic email address tracker utility
slurm-client / sacct(1)
Displays accounting data for all jobs and job steps in the slurm job accounting log or slurm database
sysstat / sadf(1)
Display data collected by sar in multiple formats.
safecat / safecat(1)
Safely write data to a file
safecopy / safecopy(1)
A data recovery tool
libsaga-dev / saga-depends(1)
Calculates saga gis dependencies
saga / saga_cmd(1)
Command-line interface to the system for automated geoscientific analyses
saga / saga_gui(1)
Graphical user interface to the system for automated geoscientific analyses
sagasu / sagasu(1)
Gnome tool to find strings in multiple files
python-saharaclient / sahara(1)
Sahara client this is a client for openstack sahara api. theres a python api (the saharaclient module), and a command-line script (installed as sahara). each implements the entire openstack sahara api. youll need credentials for an openstack cloud that implements the data processing api, in order to use the sahara client. you may want to read the openstack sahara docs -- the overview, at least -- to get an idea of the concepts. by understanding the concepts this library should make more sense. contents:
saidar / saidar(1)
A curses-based tool for viewing system statistics
sailcut / sailcut(1)
A sail design and plotting package
saint / saint-int-ctrl(1)
Support continuous measurements in saint
saint / saint-reformat(1)
Imputs missing data and cleans up duplicate entries
saint / saint-spc-ctrl(1)
Run saint with control data
saint / saint-spc-noctrl(1)
Run saint scoring algorithm for protein-protein interaction data using label free quantitative proteomics data
saint / saint-spc-noctrl-matrix(1)
Run saint for a (large-scale, matrix-formatted) dataset without control purification
seqan-apps / sak(1)
Slicing and dicing of fasta/fastq files.. synopsis sak [options] [b-o out.{fa,fq}] in.{fa,fq} description "it slices, it dices and it makes the laundry!" rewrite of the original sak tool by manuel holtgrewe. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information output options: -o, --out-path fastx path to the resulting file. if omitted, result is printed to stdout. use files ending in .fq or . to write out fastq. valid filetypes are: .fq, .fastq, .fa, .fasta, .faa, .ffn, .fna, and .frn. -rc, --revcomp reverse-complement output. -l, --max-length len maximal number of sequence characters to write out. filter options: -s, --sequence num select the given sequence for extraction by 0-based index. -sn, --sequence-name name select sequence with name prefix being name. -ss, --sequences range select sequences from-to where from and to are 0-based indices. -i, --infix range select characters from-to where from and to are 0-based indices. -ll, --line-length len set line length in output file. see section line length for details. in range [-1..inf]. line length you can use the setting --line-length for setting the resulting line length. by default, sequences in fasta files are written with at most 70 characters per line and sequences in fastq files are written without any line breaks. the quality sequence in fastq file is written in the same way as the residue sequence. the default is selected with a --line-length value of -1 and line breaks can be disabled with a value of 0. usage examples sak -s 10 in.fa cut out 11th sequence from in.fa and write to stdout as fasta. sak -ss 10-12 -ss 100-200 in.fq cut out 11th up to and including 12th and 101th up to and including 199th sequence from in.fq and write to stdout as fasta. version sak version: 0.2 last update november 2012
salliere / salliere(1)
Salliere duplicate bridge scorer
slurm-client / salloc(1)
Obtain a slurm job allocation (a set of nodes), execute a command, and then release the allocation when the command is finished.
salt-master / salt(1)
salt-common / salt-call(1)
Salt-call documentation
salt-cloud / salt-cloud(1)
Salt cloud command provision virtual machines in the cloud with salt
salt-master / salt-cp(1)
Salt-cp documentation copy a file to a set of systems
salt-master / salt-key(1)
Salt-key documentation
salt-master / salt-master(1)
Salt-master documentation the salt master daemon, used to control the salt minions
salt-minion / salt-minion(1)
Salt-minion documentation the salt minion daemon, receives commands from a remote salt master.
salt-master / salt-run(1)
Salt-run documentation execute a salt runner
salt-ssh / salt-ssh(1)
Salt-ssh documentation
salt-syndic / salt-syndic(1)
Salt-syndic documentation the salt syndic daemon, a special minion that passes through commands from a higher master
sam2p / sam2p(1)
Program to convert raster images to postscript, pdf, and other formats
sam2p / sam2p_pdf_scale(1)
Scale a pdf file from sam2p to a given page size
samdump2 / samdump2(1)
Retrieves syskey and extract hashes from windows 2k/nt/xp/vista sam.
samizdat / samizdat-create-database(1)
Samizdat database generation script
samizdat / samizdat-import-feeds(1)
Update rss feeds imported by hosted samizdat sites
samizdat / samizdat-role(1)
Samizdat role management
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils / saml_assertion_init(1)
Arc client to voms saml service, or arc aa service
opensaml2-tools / samlsign(1)
Sign and verify xml documents
samplv1 / samplv1(1)
An old-school polyphonic sampler synthesizer
samtools / samtools(1)
Utilities for the sequence alignment/map (sam) format bcftools - utilities for the binary call format (bcf) and vcf
sanduhr / sanduhr(1)
An alarm clock, which is designed as a sand-glass
libsane-dev / sane-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of libsane
sane-utils / sane-find-scanner(1)
Find scsi and usb scanners and their device files
sanitizer / sanitizer(1)
An email virus scanner
sapphire / sapphire(1)
Sapphire minimal but configurable window manager
minisapserver / sapserver(1)
Sap and slp announcment for the vlc media player
sysstat / sar.sysstat(1)
Collect, report, or save system activity information.
sarg / sarg(1)
Squid analysis report generator
sarg / sarg-reports(1)
Daily/weekly/monthly squid usage reports creation tool
geda-utils / sarlacc_schem(1)
Convert orcad sdt iv files to geda format.
geda-utils / sarlacc_sym(1)
Convert orcad text libraries to geda components
sash / sash(1)
Stand-alone shell with built-in commands
sasl2-bin / saslfinger(1)
A utility to collect smtp auth relevant configuration for postfix
ruby-sass / sass(1)
Sass compiles css from sass or scss files
ruby-sass / sass-convert(1)
Sass compiles css from sass or scss files
sat-xmpp-core / sat(1)
Salut à toi's backend manager
sat4j / sat4j(1)
Efficient library of sat solvers in java
mpdtoys / sats(1)
Mpd stop after this song
slurm-client / sattach(1)
Attach to a slurm job step.
biosig-tools / save2aecg(1)
Converts different biomedical signal file formats.
biosig-tools / save2gdf(1)
Converts different biomedical signal file formats.
biosig-tools / save2scp(1)
Converts different biomedical signal file formats.
savi / savi(1)
Satellite constellation visualisation
sdcc-ucsim / savr(1)
8051, avr and z80 microcontrollers simulator for sdcc.
sawfish / sawfish(1)
Sawfish sawfish window manager.
sawfish / sawfish-client(1)
Sawfish-client evaluate arbitrary lisp forms with sawfish.
sawfish / sawfish-ui(1)
Sawfish-ui the sawfish configurator.
libsaxon-java / saxon-xslt(1)
Apply a given style sheet to a given source xml document
libsaxonb-java / saxonb-xquery(1)
Command line xquery processor
libsaxonb-java / saxonb-xslt(1)
Command line xslt 2.0 processor
gnustep-gui-common / say(1)
Convert text to audible speech using the gnustep speech engine
saytime / saytime(1)
Audio time check
lrzsz / sb(1)
Xmodem, ymodem, zmodem file send
sb16ctrl-bochs / sb16ctrl(1)
Soundblaster16 emulator control program for bochs
scratchbox2 / sb2(1)
Crosscompiling environment
scratchbox2 / sb2-config(1)
Scratchbox2 configuration tool
scratchbox2 / sb2-init(1)
Initialize a target for scratchbox2
scratchbox2 / sb2-logz(1)
Sb2 log postprocessing tool
scratchbox2 / sb2-session(1)
Manage scratchbox2 sessions
scratchbox2 / sb2-show(1)
Sb2 diagnostics tool
spambayes / sb_bnfilter(1)
A similar interface and purpose to sb_filter
spambayes / sb_bnserver(1)
Another server version of hammie.py
spambayes / sb_chkopts(1)
Trivial script to check that the user's options file doesn't contain any old-style option names.
spambayes / sb_client(1)
A client for sb_xmlrpcserver.py.
spambayes / sb_dbexpimp(1)
Bayes database export/import
spambayes / sb_evoscore(1)
A shim for integrating spambayes and ximian evolution.
spambayes / sb_filter(1)
A hammie front-end to make the simple stuff simple.
spambayes / sb_imapfilter(1)
An imap filter
spambayes / sb_mailsort(1)
An email sorter
spambayes / sb_mboxtrain(1)
Train spambayes on all previously-untrained messages in a mailbox.
spambayes / sb_server(1)
The primary server for spambayes.
spambayes / sb_unheader(1)
Cleans headers from email messages.
spambayes / sb_upload(1)
Read a message or a mailbox file, upload it to a web server and write it
spambayes / sb_xmlrpcserver(1)
A server version of hammie.py.
slurm-client / sbatch(1)
Submit a batch script to slurm.
slurm-client / sbcast(1)
Transmit a file to the nodes allocated to a slurm job.
sbc-tools / sbcdec(1)
Sbc decoder utility
sbc-tools / sbcenc(1)
Sbc encoder utility
sbc-tools / sbcinfo(1)
Subband codec (sbc) analyzer
mipe / sbe2mipe(1)
Inserts sbe data into mipe file
netpbm / sbigtopgm(1)
Convert an sbig ccdops file into a portable graymap
atfs / sbmt(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
sbnc / sbnc(1)
An modular irc proxy.
ncbi-tools-x11 / sbtedit(1)
Genbank submission template editor
sbuild / sbuild(1)
Build debian packages from source
sbuild / sbuild-abort(1)
Abort the current sbuild build
sbuild / sbuild-apt(1)
Run apt-get or apt-cache in an sbuild chroot
sbuild / sbuild-checkpackages(1)
Check the package list in a sbuild chroot against a reference list
sbuild / sbuild-clean(1)
Update, upgrade, and clean an sbuild chroot with apt-get
sbuild / sbuild-distupgrade(1)
Update, upgrade, and clean an sbuild chroot with apt-get
sbuild / sbuild-hold(1)
Hold packages in an sbuild chroot
sbuild / sbuild-shell(1)
Run a shell in an sbuild chroot
sbuild / sbuild-unhold(1)
Hold packages in an sbuild chroot
sbuild / sbuild-update(1)
Update, upgrade, and clean an sbuild chroot with apt-get
sbuild / sbuild-upgrade(1)
Update, upgrade, and clean an sbuild chroot with apt-get
libsc-dev / sc-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of sc
opensc / sc-hsm-tool(1)
Smart card utility for smartcard-hsm
pd-scaf / scafc(1)
Compile simple cellular automaton forth
scala / scala(1)
Run code in the scala 2 language
scala / scalac(1)
Compiler for the scala 2 language
scala / scaladoc(1)
Documentation generator for the scala 2 language
scala / scalap(1)
Scala class file decoder for the scala 2 language
mapserver-bin / scalebar(1)
Create a scalebar image from a mapfile
scalpel / scalpel(1)
Recover files using a header/footer database
dvb-apps / scan(1)
A program to produce channel.conf files.
clang-3.4 / scan-view-3.4(1)
Manual page for scan-view 3.4
clang-3.5 / scan-view-3.5(1)
Manual page for scan-view 3.5
ipv6toolkit / scan6(1)
An ipv6 host scanner
gbrowse / scan_gbrowse(1)
Scan the gbrowse2 instance for discoverable tracks
sane / scanadf(1)
Acquire multiple images from a scanner equipped with an adf
slurm-client / scancel(1)
Used to signal jobs or job steps that are under the control of slurm.
pax-utils / scanelf(1)
User-space utility to scan elf files
sane-utils / scanimage(1)
Scan an image
argyll / scanin(1)
pax-utils / scanmacho(1)
User-space utility to scan mach-o files
scanmem / scanmem(1)
Locate and modify a variable in an executing process.
gatos / scanpci.gatos(1)
Pci bus utility from the gatos package.
scantailor / scantailor(1)
An interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
scantailor / scantailor-cli(1)
Command line interface of scan tailor
scantool / scantool(1)
Odb-ii vehicle diagnostic scanner
scantv / scantv(1)
Scan a v4l device for tv stations.
wise / scanwise(1)
Scanwise fast but sensitive search method for biopolymers
wise / scanwise_server(1)
Scanwise_server server for scanwise
python-scapy / scapy(1)
Interactive packet manipulation tool
wcstools / scat(1)
scheme2c / scc(1)
Scheme to c compiler
ants / sccan(1)
Part of ants registration suite
graphviz / sccmap(1)
Extract strongly connected components of directed graphs
z8530-utils2 / sccstat(1)
List statistics of a scc radio port
scdaemon / scdaemon(1)
Smartcard daemon for the gnupg system
fcitx-tools / scel2org(1)
Fcitx pinyin related tools
speech-tools / scfg_make(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / scfg_parse(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / scfg_test(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / scfg_train(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
mira-assembler / scftool(1)
Provides a set of tools useful when working with scf trace files.
geda-utils / schdiff(1)
Graphical diff tool for schematics
schema2ldif / schema2ldif(1)
Tool for converting openldap-style schemas to the ldif format
gambc / scheme-ieee-1178-1990(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
gambc / scheme-r4rs(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
scheme48 / scheme-r5rs.scheme48(1)
Run a scheme script in an r5rs environment
ikarus / scheme-script(1)
Wrapper for ikarus scheme programming language
gambc / scheme-srfi-0(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
scheme48 / scheme-srfi-7.scheme48(1)
Run a scheme script in an srfi 7 environment
scheme48 / scheme48(1)
A scheme interpreter
scheme48 / scheme48-config(1)
Tool to list compile-time options of scheme48
schism / schism(1)
Music editor
schroot / schroot(1)
Securely enter a chroot environment
lrcalc / schubmult(1)
Expand a product of two schubert polynomials in the basis of schubert polynomials
libtheschwartz-perl / schwartzmon(1)
Monitors theschwartz job queues
scheme2c / sci(1)
Scheme interpreter
supercollider-ide / scide(1)
Supercollider ide
science-config / science-config(1)
Debian science common metapackage helper science-metapackage_name - package information and auto-apt helper
scilab / scilab(1)
Manual page for unknown argument: --version
scilab / scilab-adv-cli(1)
Manual page for unknown argument: --version
scilab-cli / scilab-cli(1)
Manual page for unknown argument: --version
scim / scim(1)
Scim smart common input method
scim / scim-config-agent(1)
Configuration manager for scim
scim-im-agent / scim-im-agent(1)
Scim-im-agent scim-im-agent was previously known as scim-bridge and is yet another im client of scim. the im-module of scim-im-agent communicates with scim via socket.
scim-modules-table / scim-make-table(1)
Scim-make-table generate data file for scim generic table module
scim / scim-setup(1)
Scim setup
scite / scite(1)
A programmers text editor
sciteproj / sciteproj(1)
A project manager for the scite editor
python-scitools / scitools(1)
Run a scitools command
fuse-emulator-utils / scl2trd(1)
Scl2trd convert .scl disk images to .trd.
supercollider-language / sclang(1)
A real time audio synthesis programming language
supercollider-vim / sclangpipe_app(1)
A wrapper to invoke sclang for scvim
libsc-dev / scls(1)
List objects in checkpoint files
scm / scm(1)
A scheme language interpreter
seccomp / scmp_sys_resolver(1)
Resolve system calls
scmxx / scmxx(1)
Exchange data with your siemens mobile phone
scolasync / scolasync(1)
A file manager dedicated to dealing with a collection of removable media, like music mobile players. it makes easier to copy files to a set of removable media, and to copy files from them.
scons / scons(1)
A software construction tool
scons / sconsign(1)
Print scons .sconsign file information
pmx / scor2prt(1)
Source-parts separation program for pmx, a musixtex preprocessor
conservation-code / score_conservation(1)
Score protein sequence conservation
scotch / scotch_esmumps(1)
Scotch command
scotch / scotch_esmumps-int32(1)
Scotch command
scotch / scotch_esmumps-int64(1)
Scotch command
scotch / scotch_esmumps-long(1)
Scotch command
scotch / scotch_gbase(1)
Sets the base value of a source graph
scotch / scotch_gbase-int32(1)
Sets the base value of a source graph
scotch / scotch_gbase-int64(1)
Sets the base value of a source graph
scotch / scotch_gbase-long(1)
Sets the base value of a source graph
scotch / scotch_gmap(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions sequentially
scotch / scotch_gmap-int32(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions sequentially
scotch / scotch_gmap-int64(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions sequentially
scotch / scotch_gmap-long(1)
Compute static mappings and partitions sequentially
libsc-dev / scpr(1)
Print out objects in checkpoint files
staden-io-lib-utils / scramble(1)
Converts between the sam, bam and cram file formats.
python-scrapy / scrapy(1)
The scrapy command-line tool
python-scrapy / scrapy-ws(1)
Python scrapy web service control script
scratch / scratch(1)
An easy to use interactive programming environment for ages 8 and up.
screen / screen(1)
Screen manager with vt100/ansi terminal emulation
iselect / screen-ir(1)
Interactively reattach to gnu screen sessions
kbd / screendump(1)
Dump the contents of a virtual console to stdout
screenfetch / screenfetch(1)
The bash screenshot information tool
screenie-qt / screenie-qt(1)
Fancy screenshot composer
screenkey / screenkey(1)
Screencast tool to display your keystrokes
screenlets / screenlets(1)
Widget-like mini-applications for gnome
screenlets / screenlets-daemon(1)
An application to track activity of screenlets
screenlets / screenlets-manager(1)
An application to manage screenlets
screenlets / screenlets-packager(1)
An application to package screenlets
screenlets / screenletsd(1)
A command line interface for screenlets
screenruler / screenruler(1)
A graphical ruler to measure objects on screen
gnome-applets / screenshooter_applet(1)
Screen-shooter applet for the gnome panel.
screentest / screentest(1)
Utility for testing the quality of crt screens.
scribus / scribus(1)
Cross platform wysiwyg desktop publishing app
bsdutils / script(1)
Make typescript of terminal session
xapian-omega / scriptindex(1)
Index arbitrary data as described by an index script
skytools3 / scriptmgr3(1)
Utility for controlling other skytools scripts.
bsdutils / scriptreplay(1)
Play back typescripts, using timing information
scrobbler / scrobbler(1)
A last.fm and libre.fm submitter for portable devices
scrollz / scrollz(1)
An advanced ircii-based irc client
scrollz / scrollz-2.1(1)
An advanced ircii-based irc client
scrot / scrot(1)
Capture a screenshot using imlib2
scrub / scrub(1)
Write patterns on disk/file
ucommon-utils / scrub-files(1)
Securely erase files by filling with random data first.
scsh-0.6 / scsh-0.6(1)
A scheme shell
scsh-install-lib / scsh-install-pkg(1)
Scsh-install-pkg scsh package installer
dds2tar / scsi_vendor(1)
Script displays scsi vendors
mtx / scsieject(1)
Control scsi tape devices
mtx / scsitape(1)
Control scsi tape devices
ruby-sass / scss(1)
Sass compiles css from sass or scss files
supercollider-server / scsynth(1)
Supercollider audio synthesis server
lksctp-tools / sctp_darn(1)
Send and receive messages via sctp
lksctp-tools / sctp_test(1)
Send and receive messages via sctp
supercollider-vim / scvim(1)
Run vim with supercollider mode
snowdrop / sd-c(1)
Text watermarking and watermark recovery
snowdrop / sd-eng(1)
Text watermarking and watermark recovery
snowdrop / sd-engf(1)
Text watermarking and watermark recovery
sdcc / sdas6808(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
sdcc / sdas8051(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
sdcc / sdasgb(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
sdcc / sdasz80(1)
Series of microprocessor cross assemblers for sdcc.
sdate / sdate(1)
Never ending september date
cc1111 / sdcc(1)
Small device c compiler
sdcc / sdcc(1)
Small device c compiler
cc1111 / sdcclib(1)
Sdcc librarian
sdcc / sdcclib(1)
Sdcc librarian
cc1111 / sdcdb(1)
Source debugger for sdcc
sdcc-ucsim / sdcdb(1)
Source debugger for sdcc
cc1111 / sdcpp(1)
C preprocessor for sdcc
sdcc / sdcpp(1)
C preprocessor for sdcc
sdcv / sdcv(1)
Console version of stardict program
python-chemfp / sdf2fps(1)
slurm-client / sdiag(1)
Scheduling diagnostic tool for slurm
diffutils / sdiff(1)
Side-by-side merge of file differences
libsdl1.2-dev / sdl-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of sdl
libsdl2-dev / sdl2-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of sdl
sdlbasic / sdlBasic(1)
Sdlbasic program editor
sdlbrt / sdlBrt(1)
Sdlbasic runtime
sdcc / sdld(1)
Companion linker for the asxxxx assemblers.
secure-delete / sdmem(1)
Secure memory wiper (secure_deletion toolkit)
sdop / sdop(1)
A simple docbook processor
sdpa / sdpa(1)
High-performance software package for semidefinite programs
bluez / sdptool(1)
Sdptool control and interrogate sdp servers
sdrangelove / sdrangelove(1)
A qt software defined radio application
sdcc / sdranlib(1)
Generate an index to speed access to archives
simh / sds(1)
Simulate a sds 940 computer
simh / sdsdump(1)
Magtape conversion utility
unoconv / sdw2odt(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
seahorse / seahorse(1)
Passwords and keys
seahorse-daemon / seahorse-daemon(1)
Seahorse pass phrase caching agent
seahorse-nautilus / seahorse-tool(1)
Pgp/gnupg file encryption for the gnome desktop
search-ccsb / search-ccsb(1)
search-citeseer / search-citeseer(1)
searchmonkey / searchmonkey(1)
Search files using regular expressions aiming to replace find/grep tools
seaview / seaview(1)
A multiplatform, graphical user interface for multiple sequence alignment and molecular phylogeny.
sec / sec(1)
Simple event correlator
opencaster / sec2ts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
seccure / seccure(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-decrypt(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-dh(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-encrypt(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-key(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-sign(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-signcrypt(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-veridec(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
seccure / seccure-verify(1)
Seccure elliptic curve crypto utility for reliable encryption
setools / sechecker(1)
Selinux policy checking tool
policycoreutils / secon(1)
See an selinux context, from a file, program or user input.
secpanel / secpanel(1)
A tcl/tk front-end to ssh and scp
libsecret-tools / secret-tool(1)
Store and retrieve passwords
mono-devel / secutil(1)
Extract x.509 certificates and strongnames from assemblies.
sed / sed(1)
Stream editor for filtering and transforming text
sloccount / sed_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
setools / sediff(1)
Selinux policy difference tool
setools-gui / sediffx(1)
Graphical selinux policy difference tool
mime-support / see(1)
Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
ubuntu-dev-tools / seeded-in-ubuntu(1)
Determine whether a package is safe to upload during a freeze
blast2 / seedtop(1)
Basic local alignment search tool
seekwatcher / seekwatcher(1)
Utility to visualize block i/o patterns
seetxt / seeman(1)
Seetxt/seeman \(hy\(hy gui text file and manual page ("manpage") viewer for x windows.
seetxt / seetxt(1)
Seetxt/seeman \(hy\(hy gui text file and manual page ("manpage") viewer for x windows.
kannel / seewbmp(1)
Convert a wbmp wireless bitmap to textual format
setools / seinfo(1)
Selinux policy query tool
sensible-utils / select-editor(1)
Select your default sensible-editor from all installed editors
certmonger / selfsign-getcert(1)
node-semver / semver(1)
The semantic versioner for npm
gnats-user / send-pr(1)
Submit a gnats problem report (pr) to a support site
ctn / send_image(1)
Generic ctn manual page
pyliblo-utils / send_osc(1)
Sends a single osc message
ctn / send_results(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / send_study(1)
Generic ctn manual page
sendemail / sendemail(1)
Lightweight, command line smtp email client
hylafax-client / sendfax(1)
Submit a facsimile job for transmission
sendip / sendip(1)
Send arbitrary ip packets
libraw1394-tools / sendiso(1)
Send ieee 1394 isochronous packets from dump file
citadel-mta / sendmail(1)
Citadel /usr/sbin/sendmail replacement
courier-mta / sendmail(1)
Send an e-mail message
nullmailer / sendmail(1)
Sendmail emulator interface for nullmailer
hylafax-client / sendpage(1)
Submit a pager job for transmission
praat / sendpraat(1)
Doing phonetics by computer
gnokii-cli / sendsms(1)
Command line tool to send smses using gnokii
sensible-utils / sensible-browser(1)
Sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
sensible-utils / sensible-editor(1)
Sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
sensible-utils / sensible-pager(1)
Sensible editing, paging, and web browsing
lm-sensors / sensors(1)
Print sensors information
sentinella / sentinella(1)
System monitor that can react to user chosen conditions
coreutils / seq(1)
Print a sequence of numbers
seq24 / seq24(1)
Real time midi sequencer
seqan-apps / seqan_mason(1)
seqan-apps / seqan_tcoffee(1)
Multiple sequence alignment synopsis seqan_tcoffee -s fasta file [options] description seqan::t-coffee is a multiple sequence alignment tool. (c) copyright 2009 by tobias rausch -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information main options:: -s, --seq file name of multi-fasta input file. valid filetypes are: fa, fa, fa, fasta, fasta, and fasta. -a, --alphabet str the used sequence alphabet. one of protein, dna, and rna. default: protein. -o, --outfile file name of the output file. valid filetypes are: fasta and msf. default: out.fasta. segment match generation options:: -m, --method str defines the generation method for matches. to select multiple generation methods recall this option with different arguments. one of global, local, overlap, and lcs. default: global and local. -l, --libraries file name of match file. to select multiple files recall this option with different arguments. valid filetypes are: blast, mums, aln, and lib. scoring options:: -g, --gop num gap open penalty default: -13. -e, --gex num gap extension penalty default: -1. -ma, --matrix str score matrix default: blosum62. -ms, --msc num match score default: 5. -mm, --mmsc num mismatch penalty default: -4. guide tree options:: -u, --usetree str name of the file containing the newick guide tree. -b, --build str method to build the tree. following methods are provided: neighbor-joining (nj), upgma single linkage (min), upgma complete linkage (max), upgma average linkage (avg), upgma weighted average linkage (wavg). neighbor-joining creates an unrooted tree, which we root at the last joined pair. one of nj, min, max, avg, and wavg. default: nj. alignment evaluation options:: -i, --infile file name of the alignment file fasta file valid filetypes are: fa, fa, fa, fasta, and fasta. version seqan_tcoffee version: version 1.11 (30. july 2009) revision: 4637 last update july 2012
python-seqdiag / seqdiag(1)
Generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file.
python3-seqdiag / seqdiag3(1)
Generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file.
biosquid / seqsplit(1)
Split seqs into chunks of defined size and overlap
biosquid / seqstat(1)
seqtk / seqtk(1)
Sampling, trimming, fastq2fasta, subsequence, reverse complement
ruby-sequel / sequel(1)
The database toolkit for ruby
python-sardana / sequencer(1)
Manual page for sequencer 3.3.1
ncbi-tools-x11 / sequin(1)
Submit sequences to genbank, embl, and ddbj
serdi / serdi(1)
Read and write rdf syntax
minit / serdo(1)
Run commands serially
loggerhead / serve-branches(1)
Run a loggerhead server
servefile / servefile(1)
Small http-server for temporary file transfer
ruby-serverspec / serverspec-init(1)
Cycling performance software
serverspec-runner / serverspec-runner(1)
Simple execution framework for serverspec
gnome-system-tools / services-admin(1)
Services administration tool
setools / sesearch(1)
Selinux policy query tool
x11-xserver-utils / sessreg(1)
Manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients
setbfree / setBfree(1)
Dsp tonewheel organ
setbfree / setBfree-start(1)
Wrapper-script to start setbfree and vb3kb
gnustep-gui-common / set_show_service(1)
Enable or disable a service for the current user
console-braille / setbrlkeys(1)
Setup a braille keymap
cifs-utils / setcifsacl(1)
Userspace helper to alter an acl in a security descriptor for common internet file system (cifs)
acl / setfacl(1)
Set file access control lists
attr / setfattr(1)
Set extended attributes of filesystem objects
fdutils / setfdprm(1)
fondu / setfondname(1)
Sets fond name
fastforward / setforward(1)
Create a forwarding database
wcstools / sethead(1)
dnet-progs / sethost(1)
Emulates a dec vt100 terminal
kbd / setleds(1)
Set the keyboard leds
fastforward / setmaillist(1)
Create a binary mailing list
kbd / setmetamode(1)
Define the keyboard meta key handling
wcstools / setpix(1)
mono-devel / setreg(1)
Change settings for public key cryptography
util-linux / setsid(1)
Run a program in a new session
util-linux / setterm(1)
Set terminal attributes
super / setuid(1)
Run a command with a different uid.
epm / setup(1)
Graphical setup program for the esp package manager
logidee-tools / setup-logidee-tools(1)
Setup a directory to support a tree of xml documents
ubuntu-dev-tools / setup-packaging-environment(1)
Helps one to get started with ubuntu development
console-setup / setupcon(1)
Sets up the font and the keyboard on the console
console-setup-mini / setupcon(1)
Sets up the font and the keyboard on the console
lrslib / setupnash(1)
Find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
lrslib / setupnash2(1)
Find nash equilibria of two person noncooperative games
kbd / setvtrgb(1)
Customize the console color map
x11-xkb-utils / setxkbmap(1)
Set the keyboard using the x keyboard extension
nettle-bin / sexp-conv(1)
Convert s-expression to a different encoding
sextractor / sextractor(1)
Extract a source catalogue from an astronomical fits image
seyon / seyon-emu(1)
X11 telecommunications package.
awesfx / sf2text(1)
Program to convert sbk or sf2 (soundfont) files to text format
sfc / sfc(1)
The syfi form compiler
sendfile / sfconf(1)
Sendfile user configuration helper
audiofile-tools / sfconvert(1)
Convert between various audio formats
fontforge-common / sfddiff(1)
Compare two font files
graphviz / sfdp(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
biosquid / sfetch(1)
mgetty-fax / sff2g3(1)
Convert capi sff fax files into g3 fax files
sfftobmp / sfftobmp(1)
Sff (structured fax file) converter
sffview / sffview(1)
Sffview x11 viewer for structured fax files (sff)
secure-delete / sfill(1)
Secure free disk and inode space wiper (secure_deletion toolkit)
shapetools / sfind(1)
Shapetools rms recursively descend a system hierarchy
audiofile-tools / sfinfo(1)
Display information about audio files
sflphone-kde / sflphone-client-kde(1)
Sip and iax2 compatible voice over ip softphone client for kde.
simh / sfmtcvt(1)
Eprom conversion utility
woff-tools / sfnt2woff(1)
Covert otf file to woff file
snakefood / sfood(1)
Detect import statements using the ast parser
snakefood / sfood-checker(1)
Check for superfluous import statements in python source code
snakefood / sfood-cluster(1)
Read snakefood dependencies from stdin and cluster according to filenames
snakefood / sfood-copy(1)
Read a snakefood dependencies file and flatten and output the list of all files
snakefood / sfood-flatten(1)
Read a snakefood dependencies file and flatten and output the list of all files
snakefood / sfood-graph(1)
Read snakefood dependencies from stdin and output a visual graph.
snakefood / sfood-imports(1)
Parse python files and output a unified list of imported symbols
gnustep-base-runtime / sfparse(1)
String file parse
sfront / sfront(1)
Mpeg 4 structured audio decoder.
vkeybd / sftovkb(1)
Vkeybd program included in the demudi distribution
rhash / sfv-hash(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
login / sg(1)
Execute command as different group id
squidguard / sgclean(1)
Removing redundant entries in blacklists
mono-devel / sgen(1)
Mono xml serializer generator
libtiff-tools / sgi2tiff(1)
Create a tiff file from an sgi image file
netpbm / sgitopnm(1)
Convert a sgi image file to a portable anymap
sgml-spell-checker / sgml-spell-checker(1)
Sgml spell checker
linuxdoc-tools / sgml2html(1)
Create html output from a linuxdoc dtd sgml source file
linuxdoc-tools / sgml2info(1)
Create gnu info output from a linuxdoc dtd sgml source file
linuxdoc-tools / sgml2latex(1)
Create latex, dvi, postscript or pdf output from a linuxdoc dtd sgml source file
linuxdoc-tools / sgml2lyx(1)
Create lyx output from a linuxdoc dtd sgml source file
linuxdoc-tools / sgml2rtf(1)
Create rtf output from a linuxdoc dtd sgml source file
linuxdoc-tools / sgml2txt(1)
Create plain text output from a linuxdoc dtd sgml source file
sgml2x / sgml2x(1)
Sgml2x easily formats sgml/xml documents using dsssl style-sheets
sp / sgml2xml(1)
Convert sgml to xml an sgml system conforming to international standard iso 8879 standard generalized markup language
docbook2x / sgml2xml-isoent(1)
Convert sgml to xml with support for iso entities
linuxdoc-tools / sgmlcheck(1)
Check the syntax of an linuxdoc dtd sgml source file
docbook-utils / sgmldiff(1)
Find differences in the markup of two sgml files
sp / sgmlnorm(1)
Normalize sgml documents an sgml system conforming to international standard iso 8879 -- standard generalized markup language
linuxdoc-tools / sgmlpre(1)
Handle sgml conditionalization for sgml-tools
linuxdoc-tools / sgmlsasp(1)
Translate output of sgmls using asp replacement files
sgmlspl / sgmlspl(1)
A simple post-processor for nsgmls
sgmltools-lite / sgmltools(1)
Process sgml files.
sgmltools-lite / sgmlwhich(1)
Outputs system sgml catalog path
wcstools / sgsc(1)
slurm-client / sh5util(1)
Tool for merging hdf5 files from the acct_gather_profile plugin that gathers detailed data for jobs running under slurm
sloccount / sh_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
md5deep / sha1deep(1)
Compute and compare md5 message digests sha1deep - compute and compare sha-1 message digests sha256deep - compute and compare sha-256 message digests tigerdeep - compute and compare tiger message digests whirlpooldeep - compute and compare whirlpool message digests
syslinux-utils / sha1pass(1)
Create a sha1 password hash
coreutils / sha1sum(1)
Compute and check sha1 message digest
coreutils / sha224sum(1)
Compute and check sha224 message digest
hashalot / sha256(1)
Read a passphrase and print a hash
md5deep / sha256deep(1)
Compute and compare md5 message digests sha1deep - compute and compare sha-1 message digests sha256deep - compute and compare sha-256 message digests tigerdeep - compute and compare tiger message digests whirlpooldeep - compute and compare whirlpool message digests
coreutils / sha256sum(1)
Compute and check sha256 message digest
hashalot / sha384(1)
Read a passphrase and print a hash
coreutils / sha384sum(1)
Compute and check sha384 message digest
hashalot / sha512(1)
Read a passphrase and print a hash
coreutils / sha512sum(1)
Compute and check sha512 message digest
shake / shake(1)
Testing engine for lua
shanty / shanty(1)
Makes a postscript file from an image and some text.
shapetools / shape(1)
Identify and build program configurations from versions of source objects
shapetools / shape_RMS(1)
Introduction to the shapetools release management system
shapetools / shape_build(1)
Shapetools rms system building and installation
shapetools / shape_depend(1)
Shapetools rms determine source-include dependencies
shapetools / shape_patch(1)
Shapetools rms generate patch file
shapetools / shape_releas(1)
Shapetools rms construction of releases and prereleases
shapetools / shape_tar(1)
Shapetools rms bundle up subsystem in a tar or shar archive
tesseract-ocr / shapeclustering(1)
Shape clustering training for tesseract
mapnik-utils / shapeindex(1)
Program to creates file system based index for esri shapefiles
gerris / shapes(1)
Generates various shapes for gerris.
gerris-mpi / shapes(1)
Generates various shapes for gerris.
sharutils / shar(1)
Create a shell archive
gnome-system-tools / shares-admin(1)
Shared folders administration tool
samba / sharesec(1)
Set or get share acls
shatag / shatag(1)
Tag files with their sha-256 checksums
shatag / shatag-add(1)
Add checksums to the local database for further procressing.
shatag / shatagd(1)
Automatically maintain hash tags for files in a given directory
shc / shc(1)
Generic shell script compiler
sdcc-ucsim / shc08(1)
8051, avr and z80 microcontrollers simulator for sdcc.
ksh / shcomp(1)
Compile a ksh93 shell script
shed / shed(1)
(simple hex editor)
shedskin / shedskin(1)
An experimental (restricted) python-to-c++ compiler
shell-fm / shell-fm(1)
Lightweight, console-based player for last.fm radio streams.
shellcheck / shellcheck(1)
Analyse shell scripts
shellex / shellex(1)
Shell-based launcher
shellinabox / shellinaboxd(1)
Publish command line shell through ajax interface
shelltestrunner / shelltest(1)
Test command-line programs or arbitrary shell commands
xview-clients / shelltool(1)
Run a shell (or other program) in an openwindows terminal window
shelr / shelr(1)
Screencasting for shell ninjas
shelxle / shelxle(1)
Graphical user interface for shelxl
shiboken / shiboken(1)
Cpython bindings generator for c++ libraries
xviewg / shift_lines(1)
Add or remove indentation to/from lines
shineenc / shineenc(1)
Create mp3 audio files
shisa / shisa(1)
Shishi database interface
shishi / shishi(1)
Shishi client tool
shishi-kdc / shishid(1)
Shishi kdc server
inn / shlock(1)
Create lock files for use in shell scripts
libpam-sshauth / shm_askpass(1)
An ssh-askpass compliant helper for use with pam_sshauth
gtkwave / shmidcat(1)
Copies stdin/file to a shared memory block for gtkwave(1)
shntool / shncat(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shncmp(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnconv(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shncue(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnfix(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shninfo(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnjoin(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnlen(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnmd5(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnpad(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnsplit(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shnstrip(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
shntool / shntool(1)
A multi\(hypurpose wave data processing and reporting utility
lisaac / shorter(1)
Lisaac documentation generation
shotdetect / shotdetect(1)
Scene change detector
shotwell / shotwell(1)
A digital photo organizer
mummer / show-aligns(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer / show-coords(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer / show-snps(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
mummer / show-tiling(1)
Package for sequence alignment of multiple genomes
sloccount / show_filecount(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
psutils / showchar(1)
Show character with information
fondu / showfond(1)
Display information about macintosh font resources
x11-xfs-utils / showfont(1)
Font dumper for x font server
showfoto / showfoto(1)
Digikam photo viewer
xymon / showgraph.cgi(1)
Cgi to generate xymon trend graphs
kbd / showkey(1)
Examine the codes sent by the keyboard
showq / showq(1)
Midi controlled theatre cue player
x11-xserver-utils / showrgb(1)
Display an rgb color-name database
xawtv-tools / showriff(1)
Show structure of riff files (wav, avi, ...)
prime-phylo / showtree(1)
View and/or convert phylogenetic trees in the terminal.
fontforge-extras / showttf(1)
Decompose a font file into its various tables and display it
evilvte / showvte(1)
Show build-time configuration of evilvte
mapserver-bin / shp2img(1)
Create a map image from a mapfile
postgis / shp2pgsql(1)
Shapefile to postgis loader
postgis / shp2pgsql-gui(1)
Graphical user interface for shp2pgsql
spatialite-bin / shp_doctor(1)
Analysis/sanitizing tool for shapefiles
shapelib / shpadd(1)
Append a shape to an esri shapefile
shapelib / shpcreate(1)
Create an empty esri shapefile
shapelib / shpdump(1)
Dump an esri shapefile as text
shapelib / shprewind(1)
Fix polygon ring orientations in esri shapefiles
shapelib / shptest(1)
Create some shapefiles for testing
mapserver-bin / shptree(1)
Create a quadtree-based spatial index for a shape data set
mapserver-bin / shptreetst(1)
Execute a spatial query on an existing spatial index
mapserver-bin / shptreevis(1)
View the quadtree quadrants of a .qix file
coreutils / shred(1)
Overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
inn / shrinkfile(1)
Shrink a file on a line boundary
inn2 / shrinkfile(1)
Shrink a file on a line boundary
shrinksafe / shrinksafe(1)
Javascript "compression" system
shtool / shtool(1)
The \s-1gnu\s0 portable shell tool
shtool / shtool-arx(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool ar\|(1) extensional command
shtool / shtool-echo(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool echo\|(1) extensional command
shtool / shtool-fixperm(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool file permission fixing command
shtool / shtool-install(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool install\|(1) command
shtool / shtool-mdate(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool pretty-print last modification time
shtool / shtool-mkdir(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool mkdir\|(1) style command
shtool / shtool-mkln(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool enhanced ln\|(1) replacement
shtool / shtool-mkshadow(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool create shadow tree using symlinks
shtool / shtool-move(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool enhanced mv\|(1) replacement
shtool / shtool-path(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool command dealing with shell path variables
shtool / shtool-platform(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool unix platform identification
shtool / shtool-prop(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool propeller processing indication
shtool / shtool-rotate(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool log file rotation
shtool / shtool-scpp(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool c source file pre-processor
shtool / shtool-slo(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool separate linker options by library class
shtool / shtool-subst(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool sed\|(1) substitution operations
shtool / shtool-table(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool pretty-print a field-separated list
shtool / shtool-tarball(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool command for rolling standardized tarballs
shtool / shtool-version(1)
\s-1gnu\s0 shtool maintain version information file
shtool / shtoolize(1)
Build individual \s-1gnu\s0 shtool scripts
coreutils / shuf(1)
Generate random permutations
biosquid / shuffle(1)
shunit2 / shunit2(1)
A unit test framework for shell scripts
shutter / shutter(1)
Feature-rich screenshot tool
sic / sic(1)
Simple irc client
sidplay-base / sid2wav(1)
Output wav files out of sid files
sidplay-base / sidcon(1)
A sidtune format converter
sidplay-base / sidplay(1)
Sidplay music player and c64 sid chip emulator
sidplay / sidplay2(1)
Sidplay is sid-chip emulator for playing commodore 64 music.
sidplayfp / sidplayfp(1)
Sidplayfp is a sid-chip emulator for playing commodore 64 music.
siege / siege(1)
An http/https stress tester
siege / siege.config(1)
Builds a .siegerc template in the user's home directory.
siege / siege2csv(1)
Convert output from bombardment(1) to comma separated values (csv)
mailutils / sieve(1)
A mail filtering tool.
sieve-connect / sieve-connect(1)
Managesieve command-line client
dovecot-sieve / sieve-dump(1)
Pigeonholes sieve script binary dump tool
dovecot-sieve / sieve-filter(1)
Pigeonholes sieve mailbox filter tool warning: this tool is still experimental. read this manual carefully, and backup any important mail before using this tool. also note that some of the features documented here are not actually implemented yet; this is clearly indicated where applicable.
dovecot-sieve / sieve-test(1)
Pigeonholes sieve script tester
dovecot-sieve / sievec(1)
Pigeonholes sieve script compiler
dovecot-sieve / sieved(1)
Pigeonholes sieve script binary dump tool
signing-party / sig2dot(1)
Creates a .dot file from a gpg signature listing
speech-tools / sig2fv(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
regina-normal / sigcensus(1)
Form a census of splitting surface signatures
speech-tools / sigfilter(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
sleuthkit / sigfind(1)
Find a binary signature in a file
siggen / siggen(1)
An ncurses based signal generator program
sigma-align / sigma(1)
Simple greedy multiple alignment of non-coding dna sequences
comgt / sigmon(1)
Vodafone 3g/gprs datacard signal strength monitor
siggen / signalgen(1)
A simple signal generator program
mono-devel / signcode(1)
Digitally sign an pe executable using an x.509 certificate.
signify / signify(1)
Program to generate semi-random signatures
sigrok-cli / sigrok-cli(1)
Command-line client for the sigrok software
ladr4-apps / sigtest(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
clamav / sigtool(1)
Signature and database management tool
libsikuli-script-java / sikuli(1)
Run sikuli scripts
sikuli-ide / sikuli-ide(1)
Integrated development environment for the sikuli visual script jython api
silan / silan(1)
Soundfile silence analyzer
silentjack / silentjack(1)
Silence detector for the jack audio system
gff2aplot / sim2gff(1)
Converts sim file into gff formatted records
gcin / sim2trad(1)
Clipboard data conversion for traditional chinese and simplified chinese
sim4 / sim4(1)
Align an expressed dna sequence with a genomic sequence
similarity-tester / sim_c(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
similarity-tester / sim_java(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
similarity-tester / sim_lisp(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
similarity-tester / sim_m2(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
similarity-tester / sim_mira(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
similarity-tester / sim_pasc(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
similarity-tester / sim_text(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
mpd-sima / simadb_cli(1)
Simadb_cli is a command line interface editor for the sima user db.
libsimage-dev / simage-config(1)
Display simage library configuration
simhash / simhash(1)
File similarity hash tool
similarity-tester / similarity-tester(1)
Find similarities in c, java, pascal, modula-2, lisp, miranda, or text files
simple-cdd / simple-cdd(1)
Create custom debian-installer cds
speech-tools / simple-pitchmark(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
simple-scan / simple-scan(1)
Scanning utility
ants / simpleSynRegistration(1)
Part of ants registration suite
skytools3 / simple_consumer3(1)
Pgq consumer that executes query for each event
skytools3 / simple_local_consumer3(1)
Pgq consumer that executes query for each row
ctn / simple_pacs(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / simple_storage(1)
Generic ctn manual page
simpleopal / simpleopal(1)
Manual page for simpleopal version 3.8.2 by open phone abstraction library on unix linux (2.6.32-5-amd64-x86_64)
simpleproxy / simpleproxy(1)
Simple tcp socket proxy
qtoctave / simplercs(1)
A simple vcs in the spirit of rcs
sanitizer / simplify(1)
A script to simplify a mime message
why / simplify2why(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
simplyhtml / simplyhtml(1)
Simplyhtml a java editor based on html and css.
wcstools / simpos(1)
python-chemfp / simsearch(1)
simulavr / simulavr(1)
Atmel avr simulator
simulavr / simulavr-disp(1)
Atmel avr simulator display
simulavr / simulavr-vcd(1)
Simulate an atmel avr and output vcd (value change dump)
simulpic / simulpic(1)
Microchip pic 16f84 simulator
since / since(1)
Display content of a file since the last time
biosquid / sindex(1)
sineshaper / sineshaper(1)
Monophonic synth dssi plugin with two oscillators and waveshapers
sinfo / sinfo(1)
A monitoring tool for networked computers
sinntp / sinntp(1)
Tiny non-interactive nntp client
sip-dev / sip(1)
Generates c++/python bindings
sofia-sip-bin / sip-date(1)
Print or parse sip date
sofia-sip-bin / sip-dig(1)
Resolve sip uris. this is an example program for sresolv library in synchronous mode. author: pekka pessi [email protected] date: original created: tue jul 16 18:50:14 2002 ppessi
sofia-sip-bin / sip-options(1)
Query sip options
libexosip2-11 / sip_reg-4.1.0(1)
Sip registration agent
sipcalc / sipcalc(1)
Ip subnet calculator
sipcrack / sipcrack(1)
A suite of tools to sniff and crack the digest authentications within the sip protocol.
sipdialer / sipdialer(1)
Initiate phone call (click-to-call)
sipcrack / sipdump(1)
Part of sipcrack, a suite of tools to sniff and crack the digest authentications within the sip protocol.
sip-tester / sipp(1)
Session initiation protol (sip) performance testing tool
sipwitch / sippasswd(1)
Update user's sip digest
sipwitch / sipquery(1)
Register and report sip contact details
sipsak / sipsak(1)
A utility for various tests on sip servers and user agents
sipwitch / sipwitch(1)
Script control and manage gnu sipwitch server.
libsipwitch-dev / sipwitch-config(1)
Script to get information about sipwitch library
netpbm / sirtopnm(1)
Convert a solitaire file into a portable anymap
sisc / sisc(1)
Second interpreter of scheme code
plptools / sisinstall(1)
Simple command line program for installing packaged programs or libraries on the psion.
sispmctl / sispmctl(1)
Gembird silver shield pm control program
sisu / sisu-concordance(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-epub(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-harvest(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-html(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-html-scroll(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-html-seg(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-odf(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu-pdf / sisu-pdf(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu-pdf / sisu-pdf-landscape(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu-pdf / sisu-pdf-portrait(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu-postgresql / sisu-pg(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu-sqlite / sisu-sqlite(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-txt(1)
Structured information, serialized units - a document publishing system
sisu / sisu-webrick(1)
Documents: structuring, publishing in multiple formats, and search
sisu / sisu_vim(1)
Vim syntax and folds file for sisu: markup, structuring, publishing in multiple standard formats, and search
sitecopy / sitecopy(1)
Maintain remote copies of web sites
cyrus-clients / sivtest(1)
Interactive managesieve test program
gambc / six(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
gambc / six-script(1)
Gambit-c scheme interpreter and compiler
libsixel-bin / sixel2png(1)
Convert dec sixel images into png format images
bin86 / size86(1)
Examine object, archive or executable files
skanlite / skanlite(1)
Kde 4 image scanning program based on ksane
sketch / sketch(1)
Produce 3d line drawings from scene description language
procps / skill(1)
Send a signal or report process status
tiemu-skinedit / skinedit(1)
A skin editor for tiemu and vti (ti's hand-helds emulators)
python-skimage / skivi(1)
A scikit-image viewer
libskk-dev / skk(1)
Program that emulates japanese skk input method
skktools / skk2cdb(1)
Convert skk dictionary file to cdb
skktools / skkdic-count(1)
Count entries in skk dictionary files
skktools / skkdic-expr(1)
Manipulate skk dictionaries
skktools / skkdic-expr2(1)
Manipulate skk dictionaries
skktools / skkdic-sort(1)
Sort skk dictionary
sks-ecc / sks-ecc(1)
Provides public key encryption/authentication
wcstools / sky2xy(1)
skycat / skycat(1)
A tool for displaying astronomical images and catalogs
wcstools / skycoor(1)
mon / skymon(1)
"moncmd" interface to a skytel 2-way pager
rss-glx / skyrocket(1)
Fireworks show.
noweb / sl2h(1)
Simple latex to html converter
procps / slabtop(1)
Display kernel slab cache information in real time
slack / slack-diff(1)
Compare file contents, modes, etc
slashtime / slashtime(1)
Display the time in various places.
slay / slay(1)
Kill all processes belonging to a user
sooperlooper / slconsole(1)
Utility to connect to a sooperlooper engine
netpbm / sldtoppm(1)
Convert an autocad slide file into a portable pixmap
coreutils / sleep(1)
Delay for a specified amount of time
sleepd / sleepctl(1)
Enable/disable sleepd
sleepenh / sleepenh(1)
An enhanced sleep program.
sooperlooper / slgui(1)
Sooperlooper user interface
slib / slib(1)
Scheme library
slic3r / slic3r(1)
Slice 3d models into g-code for 3d-printing
slice / slice(1)
Extract pre-defined slices from an ascii file
ice35-translators / slice2cpp(1)
Translate slice to ice for c++
icee-translators / slice2cppe(1)
Translate slice to icee for c++ (embedded edition)
ice35-translators / slice2cs(1)
Translate slice to ice for c#
ice35-translators / slice2freeze(1)
Translate slice to ice persistence framework for c++
ice35-translators / slice2freezej(1)
Translate slice to ice persistence framework for java
ice35-translators / slice2html(1)
Translate slice to html
ice35-translators / slice2java(1)
Translate slice to ice for java
icee-translators / slice2javae(1)
Translate slice to icee for java (embedded edition)
ice35-translators / slice2php(1)
Translate slice to ice for php
ice35-translators / slice2py(1)
Translate slice to ice for python
ice35-translators / slice2rb(1)
Translate slice to ice for ruby
enscript / sliceprint(1)
Slice documents with long lines.
slim / slim(1)
Simple login manager
slim / slimlock(1)
Unholy screen locker
slingshot / slingshot(1)
Simple 2d shooting strategy game set in space, with gravity
slirp / slirp(1)
Tcp/ip emulator
slirp / slirp-fullbolt(1)
Fast slirp for non interactive sessions
vde2 / slirpvde(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet-slirp interface
sloccount / sloccount(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
suckless-tools / slock(1)
Simple screen locker
slony1-2-bin / slon(1)
Slony-i daemon
slony1-2-bin / slon_kill(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slon_start(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slon_status(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slon_watchdog(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slon_watchdog2(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik(1)
Slony-i command processor
slony1-2-bin / slonik_add_node(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_build_env(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_create_set(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_drop_node(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_drop_sequence(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_drop_set(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_drop_table(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_execute_script(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_failover(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_init_cluster(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_merge_sets(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_move_set(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_print_preamble(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_restart_node(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_store_node(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_subscribe_set(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_uninstall_nodes(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_unsubscribe_set(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slonik_update_nodes(1)
Slony-i administration script
slony1-2-bin / slony_logshipping(1)
Slony_logshippping daemon
slony1-2-bin / slony_show_configuration(1)
Slony-i administration script
slptool / slptool(1)
Slp command line tool
sooperlooper / slregister(1)
Receive status updates from a sooperlooper engine
slrn / slrn(1)
An easy to use nntp / spool based newsreader.
slrnpull / slrnpull(1)
Pull a small newsfeed for offline reading.
slsh / slsh(1)
Slsh interperter for s-lang scripts
sludge-compiler / sludge-compiler(1)
Compile sludge games
sludge-devkit / sludge-devkit(1)
Development tools for sludge games
sludge-engine / sludge-engine(1)
Runtime engine for sludge games
sludge-devkit / sludge-floormaker(1)
Edit sludge floor plans
sludge-devkit / sludge-projectmanager(1)
Manage and compile sludge games
sludge-devkit / sludge-spritebankeditor(1)
Edit sludge sprite banks
sludge-devkit / sludge-translationeditor(1)
Edit sludge translation files
sludge-devkit / sludge-zbuffermaker(1)
Edit sludge z-buffer files
slugimage / slugimage(1)
Manipulate nslu2 firmware images
slurm-client / slurm-wlm(1)
Slurm system overview.
sm-archive / sm-archive(1)
A sendmail milter to add recipients to messages
paraview-dev / smTestDriver(1)
smalt / smalt(1)
Sequence mapping and alignment tool
slurm-client / smap(1)
Graphically view information about slurm jobs, partitions, and set configurations parameters.
smart-notifier / smart-notifier(1)
Dbus service and graphical disk health notifier
fosfat / smascii(1)
geda-utils / smash_megafile(1)
Break a viewlogic megafile into a million little pieces
smb-nat / smb-nat(1)
Netbios auditing tool
smbc / smbc(1)
Text mode smb network commander.
smbclient / smbcacls(1)
Set or get acls on an nt file or directory names
smbclient / smbclient(1)
Ftp-like client to access smb/cifs resources on servers
samba / smbcontrol(1)
Send messages to smbd, nmbd or winbindd processes
smbclient / smbcquotas(1)
Set or get quotas of ntfs 5 shares
freeradius-common / smbencrypt(1)
Produce lm & nt password hashes from cleartext passwords
smbclient / smbget(1)
Wget-like utility for download files over smb
smbnetfs / smbnetfs(1)
User-space filesystem for smb/nmb (windows) network servers and shares
samba / smbstatus(1)
Report on current samba connections
smbclient / smbtar(1)
Shell script for backing up smb/cifs shares directly to unix tape drives
samba-testsuite / smbtorture(1)
Run a series of tests against a smb server
smbclient / smbtree(1)
A text based smb network browser
syncmaildir-applet / smd-applet(1)
Graphical interface for smd-pull
syncmaildir / smd-check-conf(1)
Checks smd configuration file
syncmaildir / smd-client(1)
Receives diffs and performs actions
syncmaildir / smd-loop(1)
Iterates smd-pull and smd-push
syncmaildir / smd-pull(1)
Syncs the local mail dir letting the remote one untouched
syncmaildir / smd-push(1)
Syncs the remote mail dir letting the local one untouched
syncmaildir / smd-restricted-shell(1)
Restricted shell for smd
syncmaildir / smd-server(1)
Sends diffs and mails to smd-client
syncmaildir / smd-translate(1)
Translates mailbox names according to predefined patterns
syncmaildir / smd-uniform-names(1)
Renames local mails as on the remote host
mew-beta-bin / smew(1)
Search related messages from mew's database file
mew-bin / smew(1)
Search related messages from mew's database file
smf-utils / smfsh(1)
Smf shell
smitools / smicache(1)
Caching method for use with libsmi
smitools / smidiff(1)
Check differences between a pair of smi or sppi modules
smitools / smidump(1)
Dump smi or sppi modules in various formats
smitools / smilint(1)
Syntax and semantic checks of smiv1/v2 and sppi modules
mutt / smime_keys(1)
Utility to add s/mime certificate to the internal database used by mutt
smitools / smiquery(1)
Query single information from smi mib modules
smistrip / smistrip(1)
Extract mib or pib modules from text files, like rfcs or i-ds
siggen / smix(1)
A simple linux mixer program
smitools / smixlate(1)
Translate smi/sppi identifiers
smlnj / sml(1)
Sml compiler
smlsharp / smlsharp(1)
Standard ml compiler with practical extensions
lives / smogrify(1)
Video editing command for lives
libsmpeg-dev / smpeg-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of smpeg
libsimgrid-dev / smpicc(1)
Smpi c wrapper compiler
libsimgrid-dev / smpirun(1)
Allow the configuration and the execution of mpi programs with simgrid and smpi
smplayer / smplayer(1)
The best gui frontend for mplayer
x11-session-utils / smproxy(1)
Session manager proxy
smsclient / sms_address(1)
Lookup and expand an sms_client address.
smsclient / sms_client(1)
Send messages to mobiles and pagers.
python-smstrade / smstrade_balance(1)
python-smstrade / smstrade_send(1)
apcupsd / smtp(1)
Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
smtpprox / smtpprox(1)
Trivial transparent smtp proxy
smtpprox-loopprevent / smtpprox-loopprevent(1)
Transparent smtp proxy to prevent mail forwarding loops
libruli-bin / smtpsearch(1)
Sample programs for ruli library (rfc 2782)
cyrus-clients / smtptest(1)
Interactive smtp test program
mono-devel / sn(1)
Digitally sign/verify/compare strongnames on clr assemblies.
snacc / snacc(1)
Asn.1 to c, c++ or type table compiler
snacc / snacc-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of snacc
snap / snap(1)
Semi-hmm-based nucleic acid parser
fuse-emulator-utils / snap2tzx(1)
Snap2tzx convert zx spectrum snapshot to .tzx tape images
fuse-emulator-utils / snapconv(1)
Snapconv sinclair zx spectrum snapshot converter
snappea / snappea(1)
For creating and studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds
snappea / snappea-console(1)
For creating and studying hyperbolic 3-manifolds
xymon / snapshot.cgi(1)
Cgi program to rebuild the xymon webpages for a specific point in time.
snarf / snarf(1)
Simple non-interactive all-purpose resource fetcher
snd-gtk-jack / snd(1)
A sound editor
snd-gtk-pulse / snd(1)
A sound editor
snd-nox / snd(1)
A sound editor
sndfile-programs / sndfile-cmp(1)
Compares two audio files
sndfile-programs / sndfile-concat(1)
Concatenates two or more audio files
sndfile-programs / sndfile-convert(1)
Convert a sound files from one format to another
sndfile-programs / sndfile-deinterleave(1)
Convert multiple single channel files into a multi-channel file sndfile-deinterleave - split a multi-channel into multiple single channel files
sndfile-tools / sndfile-generate-chirp(1)
Generate a sound file containing a chirp
sndfile-programs / sndfile-info(1)
Display information about a sound file
sndfile-programs / sndfile-interleave(1)
Convert multiple single channel files into a multi-channel file sndfile-deinterleave - split a multi-channel into multiple single channel files
sndfile-tools / sndfile-jackplay(1)
Play a sound file via the jack sound server
sndfile-programs / sndfile-metadata-get(1)
Retrieve metadata from a sound file sndfile-metadata-set - set metadata in a sound file
sndfile-programs / sndfile-metadata-set(1)
Retrieve metadata from a sound file sndfile-metadata-set - set metadata in a sound file
sndfile-tools / sndfile-mix-to-mono(1)
Mix a multi-channel sound file to mono
sndfile-programs / sndfile-play(1)
Play a sound file
samplerate-programs / sndfile-resample(1)
Convert an audio file from one sample rate to another
sndfile-tools / sndfile-spectrogram(1)
Generate a spectrogram from an input sound file
sng / sng(1)
Compiler/decompiler for scriptable network graphics
procps / snice(1)
Send a signal or report process status
snimpy / snimpy(1)
Interactive snmp tool with python
snmp / snmp-bridge-mib(1)
Provide linux bridge information via snmp
snmp / snmpbulkget(1)
Communicates with a network entity using snmp getbulk requests.
snmp / snmpbulkwalk(1)
Retrieve a subtree of management values using snmp getbulk requests
erlang-snmp / snmpc(1)
Snmp mib compiler frontend
snmp / snmpcmd(1)
Options and behaviour common to most of the net-snmp command-line tools
snmp / snmpconf(1)
Creates and modifies snmp configuration files
snmp / snmpdelta(1)
Monitor delta differences in snmp counter values
snmp / snmpdf(1)
Display disk space usage on a network entity via snmp
snmp / snmpget(1)
Communicates with a network entity using snmp get requests
snmp / snmpgetnext(1)
Communicates with a network entity using snmp getnext requests
snmp / snmpinform(1)
Sends an snmp notification to a manager
snmp / snmpnetstat(1)
Display networking status and configuration information from a network entity via snmp
snmp / snmpset(1)
Communicates with a network entity using snmp set requests
snmp / snmpstatus(1)
Retrieves a fixed set of management information from a network entity
snmp / snmptable(1)
Retrieve an snmp table and display it in tabular form
snmp / snmptest(1)
Communicates with a network entity using snmp requests
snmp / snmptranslate(1)
Translate mib oid names between numeric and textual forms
snmp / snmptrap(1)
Sends an snmp notification to a manager
snmp / snmpusm(1)
Creates and maintains snmpv3 users on a network entity
snmp / snmpvacm(1)
Creates and maintains snmpv3 view-based access control entries on a network entity
snmp / snmpwalk(1)
Retrieve a subtree of management values using snmp getnext requests
snowdrop / snowdrop(1)
Text watermarking and watermark recovery
snp-sites / snp-sites(1)
Finds snp sites from a multi fasta alignment file
mipe / snp2mipe(1)
Inserts snp data into mipe file
mipe / snpPosOnDesign(1)
Adds pos_design to snp
mipe / snpPosOnSource(1)
Adds pos_source to snp
seqan-apps / snp_store(1)
Snpstore synopsis snp_store [options] "genome file" "mapped read file(s)" description snp and indel calling in mapped read data. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information options: : -o, --output file output file for snps (must be set, no default construction). -if, --input-format num set input format: 0 for gff format and 1 for sam format (both must be sorted according to genome positions). default: 0. -of, --output-format num set output format: 0 to output all candidate snps amd 1 to output successful candidate snps only. default: 0. -dc, --dont-clip ignore clip tags in gff. default: off. -mu, --multi keep non-unique fragmentstore.alignedreadstore. default: off. -hq, --hide-qualities only show coverage (no qualities) in snp output file. default: off. -sqo, --solexa-qual-offset base qualities are encoded as ascii value - 64 (instead of ascii - 33). -id, --indel-file file output file for called indels in gff format. default: off. -m, --method num set method used for snp calling: 0 for threshold method and 1 for maq method. default: 1. -mp, --max-pile num maximal number of matches allowed to pile up at the same genome position. -mmp, --merged-max-pile do pile up correction on merged lanes. default: off. -mc, --min-coverage num minimal required number of reads covering a candidate position. -fc, --force-call num always call base if count is = fc, ignore other parameters. default: off. in range [1..inf]. -oa, --orientation-aware distinguish between forward and reverse reads. default: off. -mpr, --max-polymer-run num discard indels in homopolymer runs longer than mpr. -dp, --diff-pos num minimal number of different read positions supporting the mutation. -eb, --exclude-border num exclude read positions within eb base pairs of read borders for snv calling. -su, --suboptimal keep suboptimal reads. -re, --realign realign reads around indel candidates. -pws, --parse-window-size num genomic window size for parsing reads (concerns memory consumption, choose smaller windows for higher coverage). in range [1..100000]. snp calling options: : threshold method related: : -mm, --min-mutations num minimal number of observed mutations for mutation to be called. -pt, --perc-threshold num minimal percentage of mutational base for mutation to be called. -mq, --min-quality num minimal average quality of mutational base for mutation to be called. maq method related: : -th, --theta num dependency coefficient. -hr, --hetero-rate num heterozygote rate. -mmq, --min-map-quality num minimum base call (mapping) quality for a match to be considered. -ch, --corrected-het use amplification bias corrected distribution for heterozygotes. default: off. -maf, --mean-allelefreq num mean ref allele frequency in heterozygotes. -ac, --amp-cycles num number of amplification cycles. -ae, --amp-efficiency num polymerase efficiency, probability of amplification. -in, --initial-n num initial allele population size. -mec, --min-explained-column num minimum fraction of alignment column reads explained by genotype call. indel calling options: : -it, --indel-threshold num minimal number of indel-supporting reads required for indel calling. -ipt, --indel-perc-threshold num minimal ratio of indel-supporting/covering reads for indel to be called. -iqt, --indel-quality-thresh num minimal average quality of inserted base/deletion-neighboring bases for indel to be called. -bsi, --both-strands-indel both strands need to be observed for indel to be called. default: off. -ebi, --exclude-border-indel num same as option -eb but for indel candidates. other options: : -lf, --log-file file write log file to file. -v, --verbose enable verbose output. -vv, --very-verbose enable very verbose output. -q, --quiet set verbosity to a minimum. version snp_store version: 1.0.1 last update march 14, 2013
ctn / snp_to_files(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ntp / sntp(1)
Standard simple network time protocol program
gsoap / soapcpp2(1)
The gsoap stub and skeleton compiler for c and c++
mono-devel / soapsuds(1)
Mono's remoting proxy generator
ucommon-utils / sockaddr(1)
List address resolution.
ndoutils-common / sockdebug(1)
Creates a unix domain socket prints all received data to stdout.
netpipes / sockdown(1)
Shutdown(2) a socket netpipes 4.2
socket / socket(1)
Create a tcp or a unix domain socket and connect to stdin/out
desproxy / socket2socket(1)
Useful tiny application to connect two sockets
dsbltesters / socks4test(1)
Attempt to use socks 4 to relay to a dsbl-complaint host
dsbltesters / socks5test(1)
Attempt to use socks 5 to relay to a dsbl-complaint host
socnetv / socnetv(1)
Visualize and analyze social networks
sofa-apps / sofa(1)
Sofa gui
softhsm / softhsm(1)
Support tool for libsofthsm
softhsm / softhsm-keyconv(1)
Converting between bind and pkcs#8 key file formats
software-properties-gtk / software-properties-gtk(1)
Software sources list editor
software-properties-kde / software-properties-kde(1)
Software sources list editor
solaar / solaar(1)
Wireless logitech device manager
solaar / solaar-cli(1)
Wireless logitech device manager
solarpowerlog / solarpowerlog(1)
Queries data from a photovoltaic inverter
rss-glx / solarwinds(1)
Mesmerizing particle effects saver.
solfege / solfege(1)
Gpl'ed ear training software
openipmi / solterm(1)
An ipmi serial over lan program
videogen / some_modes(1)
Generate common modelines for xorg and fbset
nec / somnec(1)
Compute sommerfield-norton ground grids
sonata / sonata(1)
Gtk+ client for the music player daemon
songwrite / songwrite(1)
A tablature editor
sonic / sonic(1)
Speech speed manipulator
sonic-visualiser / sonic-visualiser(1)
Viewing and analysing the contents of music audio files
sooperlooper / sooperlooper(1)
Looping sampler
libsoqt-dev-common / soqt-config(1)
Display soqt library configuration
sordi / sord_validate(1)
Validate rdf data
sordi / sordi(1)
Load and re-serialise rdf data
coreutils / sort(1)
Sort lines of text files
dctrl-tools / sort-dctrl(1)
Sort debian control files
recoverjpeg / sort-pictures(1)
Sort pictures according to exif date
ncbi-tools-bin / sortbyquote(1)
Sort c/c++ code by quoted regions
sleuthkit / sorter(1)
Sort files in an image into categories based on file type
survex / sorterr(1)
Sorterr re-sort .err file by various criteria
sortmail / sortmail(1)
Classify incoming mail
mapserver-bin / sortshp(1)
Sort a shape data set
sosi2osm / sosi2osm(1)
Sosi to osm converter
sosreport / sosreport(1)
Collect and package diagnostic and support data
glibc-source / sotruss(1)
Trace shared library calls through plt
libc-dev-bin / sotruss(1)
Trace shared library calls through plt
sound-juicer / sound-juicer(1)
Gnome-desktop cd ripper and player using gstreamer
gnome-applets / sound-monitor_applet(1)
Sound monitor applet for the gnome panel.
soundconverter / soundconverter(1)
Convert sound files to other formats
siggen / soundinfo(1)
Describes parts of the linux sound system support
soundstretch / soundstretch(1)
Audio processing utility
tucnak2 / soundwrapper(1)
Wrapper for tucnak to provide access to pc speaker
source-highlight / source-highlight(1)
Convert source code to syntax highlighted document
source-highlight / source-highlight-settings(1)
Utility that can be used to write a configuration file for gnu source-highlight (and its library)
ruby-hoe / sow(1)
Command line interface for the hoe gem creation helper library
sox / sox(1)
Sound exchange, the swiss army knife of audio manipulation
sox / soxi(1)
Sound exchange information, display sound file metadata
python-soya / soya_editor(1)
Small 3d editor for soya
libsp-gxmlcpp1 / sp-gxmlcpp-test(1)
Run unit tests on libsp-gxmlcpp functionality.
libsp-gxmlcpp1 / sp-gxmlcpp-xsltproc(1)
Example program to demonstrate libsp-gxmlcpp xsl transformation.
wcstools / sp2char(1)
spacefm / spacefm(1)
Multi-panel tabbed file manager.
spacefm-gtk3 / spacefm(1)
Multi-panel tabbed file manager.
spacefm / spacefm-auth(1)
This script is used internally by spacefm and is not designed to be run directly.
spacefm-gtk3 / spacefm-auth(1)
This script is used internally by spacefm and is not designed to be run directly.
spark / spadesimp(1)
Simplifies spark verification conditions
sp / spam(1)
An sgml markup stream editor an \*s system conforming to international standard iso 8879 standard generalized markup language
spamoracle / spamoracle(1)
A spam classification tool
spamprobe / spamprobe(1)
A bayesian spam filter
dsbltesters / spamtrap(1)
Read mail from stdin and test
spark / spark(1)
Examines spark programs and generates verification conditions
spark / sparkformat(1)
Pretty-prints spark annotations
spark / sparkmake(1)
Generates spark index and metafiles
spark / sparksimp(1)
Analyses all generated spark proof artifacts (in parallel)
coccinelle / spatch(1)
Apply a semantic patch file to a set of c files
spatialite-bin / spatialite(1)
Cli backend for spatialite
spatialite-bin / spatialite_convert(1)
Converting between versions
spatialite-bin / spatialite_dxf(1)
An utility for dxf import
spatialite-bin / spatialite_gml(1)
Load gml into a spatialite db
spatialite-bin / spatialite_network(1)
Analysis/validation tool for topological networks
spatialite-bin / spatialite_osm_filter(1)
Loading osm-xml maps into a spatialite db
spatialite-bin / spatialite_osm_map(1)
Load osm-xml maps into a spatialite db
spatialite-bin / spatialite_osm_net(1)
Load osm-xml roads into a spatialite db
spatialite-bin / spatialite_osm_raw(1)
Load "raw" osm maps into a spatialite db
spatialite-bin / spatialite_tool(1)
Cli tool for shapefile import/export
spawn-fcgi / spawn-fcgi(1)
Spawns fastcgi processes
supercat / spc(1)
Colorize and print to standard output
netpbm / spctoppm(1)
Convert an atari compressed spectrum file into a portable pixmap
spd / spd(1)
Spatial distortion program
python3-speechd / spd-conf(1)
A simple tool for basic configuration of speech dispatcher and problem diagnostics
speech-dispatcher / spd-say(1)
Send text-to-speech output request to speech-dispatcher
spe / spe(1)
Spe platform independent pluggable python ide
alsa-utils / speaker-test(1)
Command-line speaker test tone generator for alsa
speakup-tools / speakupconf(1)
Script to load/save all the vars in speakup
argyll / spec2cie(1)
Convert spectral .ti3 file.
argyll / specplot(1)
Plot spectrum and calculate cct and vct.
ruby-test-spec / specrb(1)
Standalone test runner for test/spec and test::unit test suites
speech-tools / spectgen(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
specto / specto(1)
An unobtrusive event notification system
spectools / spectool_curses(1)
Spectool_curses utility for developing other tools using the wi-spy
spectools / spectool_gtk(1)
Spectool_gtk 2.4 ghz spectrum analysis using the wi-spy
spectools / spectool_net(1)
Spectool_net network server for the spectool_gtk program
spectools / spectool_raw(1)
Spectool_raw utility for developing other tools using the wi-spy
speech-dispatcher / speech-dispatcher(1)
Server process managing speech requests in speech dispatcher
speech-tools / speech-tools(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speedcrunch / speedcrunch(1)
A speed calculator in qt.
speedometer / speedometer(1)
Measure and display the rate of data across a network connection
speedtest-cli / speedtest(1)
Test your bandwidth througput using speedtest.net
speedtest-cli / speedtest-cli(1)
Test your bandwidth througput using speedtest.net
speex / speexdec(1)
The reference implementation speex decoder.
speex / speexenc(1)
The reference implementation speex encoder.
spek / spek(1)
Acoustic spectrum analyser
spell / spell(1)
Gnu spell, a unix spell emulator
sp / spent(1)
Print sgml entity on the standard output
spew / spew(1)
Measures i/o performance and/or generates i/o load
spf-milter-python / spfmilter(1)
Pure-python spf milter
spf-milter-python / spfmilter.py(1)
Pure-python spf milter
spfquery / spfquery.libspf2(1)
Checks if an ip address is an spf-authorized smtp sender for a domain.
spf-tools-python / spfquery.pyspf(1)
Pure-python spfquery script
sphinx-common / sphinx-apidoc(1)
Sphinx api doc generator tool
sphinx-common / sphinx-build(1)
Sphinx documentation generator tool
sphinx-common / sphinx-quickstart(1)
Sphinx documentation template generator
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_cepview.1(1)
View acoustic feature files
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_cont_adseg(1)
Read audio from the audio device and segment it
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_cont_fileseg(1)
Segment a waveform file into non-silence regions
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_fe.1(1)
Convert audio files to acoustic feature files
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_jsgf2fsg(1)
Convert jsgf grammar to sphinx fsg file
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_lm_eval(1)
Evaluate perplexity of a transcription
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_lm_sort(1)
Order n-grams in a language model for sphinx
sphinxbase-utils / sphinx_pitch.1(1)
Extract pitch from audio files
spice-vdagent / spice-vdagent(1)
Spice guest agent x11 session agent
spice-vdagent / spice-vdagentd(1)
Spice guest agent daemon
spice-client / spicec(1)
Spice client
spice-client-gtk / spicy(1)
Spice client test application
spice-client-gtk / spicy-screenshot(1)
Spice screen-shot capture tool
spice-client-gtk / spicy-stats(1)
Spice client used for testing and measurements
ncbi-tools-bin / spidey(1)
Align mrna sequences to a genome
spikeproxy / spikeproxy(1)
Web application auditing tool
spim / spim(1)
A mips32 simulator
staden / spin(1)
Dna editing and analysis tool (part of staden package)
cacti-spine / spine(1)
Poller for cacti
spinner / spinner(1)
Sends small packets over a idle link
spip / spip_add_site(1)
Commands for creating/removing spip sites
spip / spip_debian(1)
Commands for creating/removing spip sites
spip / spip_rm_site(1)
Commands for creating/removing spip sites
spiped / spipe(1)
Spiped client utility
spiped / spiped(1)
Secure pipe daemon
rss-glx / spirographx(1)
Animated spirographs
splash / splash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
splay / splay(1)
Mpeg-1,2 audio layer 1,2,3 file player
seqan-apps / splazers(1)
Splazers ======== synopsis splazers [options] genome file reads file splazers [options] genome file reads file 1 reads file 2 description splazers uses a prefix-suffix mapping strategy to split-map read sequences.if a sam file of mapped reads is given as input, all unmapped but anchoredreads are split-mapped onto anchoring target regions (specify option -an),if a fasta/q file of reads is given, reads are split-mapped onto the wholereference sequence. (c) copyright 2010 by anne-katrin emde. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information main options:: -o, --output file change output filename. default: reads file.result. -f, --forward only compute forward matches -r, --reverse only compute reverse complement matches -i, --percent-identity num percent identity threshold. in range [50..100]. default: 92. -rr, --recognition-rate num set the percent recognition rate in range [80..100]. default: 99. -pd, --param-dir dir read user-computed parameter files in the directory dir. -id, --indels allow indels. default: mismatches only. -ll, --library-length num paired-end library length. in range [1..inf]. default: 220. -le, --library-error num paired-end library length tolerance. in range [0..inf]. default: 50. -m, --max-hits num output only num of the best hits. in range [1..inf]. default: 100. --unique output only unique best matches (-m 1 -dr 0 -pa). -tr, --trim-reads num trim reads to given length. default: off. in range [14..inf]. -mcl, --min-clipped-len num min. read length for read clipping in range [1..inf]. default: 0. -qih, --quality-in-header quality string in fasta header -ou, --outputunmapped file output filename for unmapped reads -v, --verbose verbose mode -vv, --vverbose very verbose mode output format options:: -a, --alignment dump the alignment for each match -pa, --purge-ambiguous purge reads with more than max-hits best matches -dr, --distance-range num only consider matches with at most num more errors compared to the best (default output all) -of, --output-format num set output format. 0 = razers, 1 = enhanced fasta, 2 = eland, 3 = gff, 4 = sam. in range [0..4]. -gn, --genome-naming num select how genomes are named. 0 = use fasta id, 1 = enumerate beginning with 1. in range [0..1]. default: 0. -rn, --read-naming num select how reads are named. 0 = use fasta id, 1 = enumerate beginning with 1. in range [0..1]. default: 0. -so, --sort-order num select how matches are sorted. 0 = read number, 1 = genome position. in range [0..1]. default: 0. -pf, --position-format num select begin/end position numbering (see coordinate section below). 0 = gap space, 1 = position space. in range [0..1]. default: 0. split mapping options:: -sm, --split-mapping num min. match length for prefix/suffix mapping (to disable split mapping, set to 0) default: 18. -maxg, --max-gap num max. length of middle gap default: 10000. -ming, --min-gap num min. length of middle gap (for edit distance mapping about 10% of read length is recommended) default: 0. -ep, --errors-prefix num max. number of errors in prefix match default: 1. -es, --errors-suffix num max. number of errors in suffix match default: 1. -gl, --genome-len num genome length in mb, for computation of expected number of random matches in range [-inf..10000]. default: 3000. -an, --anchored anchored split mapping, only unmapped reads with mapped mates will be considered, requires the reads to be given in sam format -pc, --penalty-c num percent of read length, used as penalty for split-gap default: 2. filtration options:: -oc, --overabundance-cut num set k-mer overabundance cut ratio. in range [0..1]. -rl, --repeat-length num skip simple-repeats of length num. in range [1..inf]. default: 1000. -tl, --taboo-length num set taboo length. in range [1..inf]. default: 1. -lm, --low-memory decrease memory usage at the expense of runtime verification options: -mn, --match-n n matches all other characters. default: n matches nothing. -ed, --error-distr file write error distribution to file. version splazers version: 1.1 last update apr 2011
plotutils / spline(1)
Interpolate datasets using splines under tension
splint-data / splint(1)
A tool for statically checking c programs
coreutils / split(1)
Split a file into pieces
poxml / split2po(1)
Creates a po file from two docbook xml files
slic3r / split_stl(1)
Split stl plate into multiple files
patchutils / splitdiff(1)
Separate out incremental patches
dns323-firmware-tools / splitdns323fw(1)
Extract data from dns-323 (and other) firmware images
leptonica-progs / splitimage2pdf(1)
Image processing library
texlive-latex-extra / splitindex(1)
Manual page for splitindex 0.2a
onak / splitkeys(1)
Split an openpgp keyring
wwwstat / splitlog(1)
Split www server (httpd) access logfiles
swish++ / splitmail++(1)
Split mailbox files prior to indexing
argyll / splitti3(1)
Split a .ti3 into two.
canna / splitword(1)
Collect several text-form dictionary files into a single file to make a 1 line / 1 word type / 1 candidate format.
python-sardana / spock(1)
Manual page for spock 1.4.2
moreutils / sponge(1)
Soak up standard input and write to a file
ubuntu-dev-tools / sponsor-patch(1)
Prepare, test-build, and sponsor an upload.
spotlighter / spotlighter(1)
Gtk interface to make annotations on the screen
spotlighter / spotlighter.1(1)
Gtk interface to make annotations on the screen
argyll / spotread(1)
Read print spot values.
signing-party / springgraph(1)
Renders a graph from a .dot file
ruby-sprockets / sprockets(1)
Command line tool for sprockets library. sprockets is a ruby library for compiling and serving web assets. it features declarative dependency management for javascript and css assets, as well as a powerful preprocessor pipeline that allows you to write assets in languages like coffeescript, sass, scss and less.
manpages / sprof(1)
Read and display shared object profiling data
suckless-tools / sprop(1)
Simple x property utility
dvdauthor / spumux(1)
Generates and multiplexes subtitles into an existing mpeg2 program stream
sputnik / sputnik(1)
Utility to create sputnik based cgi or wsapi files
netpbm / sputoppm(1)
Convert an atari uncompressed spectrum file into a portable pixmap
dvdauthor / spuunmux(1)
Spuunmux demultiplexes subtitles from an existing mpeg2 program stream
spyder / spyder(1)
Spyder is an integrated development environment integrating python, numpy, scipy, and matplotlib.
spyder3 / spyder3(1)
Spyder is an integrated development environment integrating python, numpy, scipy, and matplotlib.
yorick-spydr / spydr(1)
Gui for image display and analysis with yorick
python-spykeutils / spykeplugin(1)
Start a spyke plugin
spykeviewer / spykeviewer(1)
Start spyke viewer
ispell / sq(1)
Squeeze or unsqueeze a sorted word list
sloccount / sql_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, in each input file
sqlformat / sqlformat(1)
Reformat sql
sqlgrey / sqlgrey(1)
Postfix greylisting policy server
sqlgrey / sqlgrey-logstats(1)
Sqlgrey log parser
sqlitebrowser / sqlitebrowser(1)
Light gui editor for sqlite databases
sqlline / sqlline(1)
Jdbc command-line utility for issuing sql
python-sqlobject / sqlobject-admin(1)
Manage your database as defined with sqlobject classes
python-sqlobject / sqlobject-convertOldURI(1)
Convert a old-style sqlobject db uri to the correctly quoted version.
sqsh / sqsh(1)
Interactive database shell (version 2.1.7)
squeak-vm / squeak(1)
Unix squeak virtual machine launcher
squeezelite / squeezelite(1)
Lightweight headless squeezebox emulator
squeezelite-pa / squeezelite(1)
Lightweight headless squeezebox emulator
squeezelite-pa / squeezelite-pa(1)
Lightweight headless squeezebox emulator
squidguard / squidGuard(1)
Filter and redirector plugin for squid and squid3
squidview / squidview(1)
Program to monitor your squid's access.log
libbatik-java / squiggle(1)
Browser for svg files
squishyball / squishyball(1)
Perform sample comparison testing on the command line
squizz / squizz(1)
surfraw / sr(1)
A fast unix command line interface to www services
src2tex / src2latex(1)
A converter from source program files to tex format files
txt2man / src2man(1)
Extract man pages from source files.
src2tex / src2tex(1)
A converter from source program files to tex format files
sleuthkit / srch_strings(1)
Display printable strings in files
python-mlpy / srda-landscape(1)
Command line interface to srda-landscape in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
srecord / srec_cat(1)
Manipulate eprom load files
srecord / srec_cmp(1)
Compare two eprom load files for equality
srecord / srec_examples(1)
Examples of how to use srecord
srecord / srec_info(1)
Information about eprom load files
srecord / srec_input(1)
Input file specifications
biosquid / sreformat(1)
slurm-client / sreport(1)
Generate reports from the slurm accounting data.
staden-io-lib-utils / srf2fasta(1)
Converts srf files to fasta format
staden-io-lib-utils / srf2fastq(1)
Converts srf files to sanger fastq format
staden-io-lib-utils / srf_dump_all(1)
Dump data of srf files
staden-io-lib-utils / srf_filter(1)
Filter srf files for various purposes
staden-io-lib-utils / srf_index_hash(1)
Adds a hash-table index to an srf file.
staden-io-lib-utils / srf_info(1)
Lists information about the contents of an srf file
staden-io-lib-utils / srf_list(1)
Lists and/or counts the contents of an srf file
srg / srg(1)
A fast and flexible log analyser for the squid proxy
secure-delete / srm(1)
Secure remove (secure_deletion toolkit)
aboot-cross / srmbootfat(1)
Linux/alpha srm boot block composer
lsh-utils / srp-gen(1)
Generate a password verifier for the srp protocol.
srptools / srp_daemon(1)
Discovers srp targets in an infiniband fabric
gnutls-bin / srptool(1)
Gnutls srp tool
python-srs / srs2envtol(1)
Translate a srs encoded email address back
splash / srsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
python-pysrt / srt(1)
Srt subtitle editor
slurm-client / srun(1)
Run parallel jobs
slurm-client / srun_cr(1)
Run parallel jobs with checkpoint/restart support
libruli-bin / srvsearch(1)
Sample programs for ruli library (rfc 2782)
performous-tools / ss_adpcm_decode(1)
Tool for converting adpcm singstar audio format to wav
performous-tools / ss_archive_extract(1)
Tools for performous karaoke game
performous-tools / ss_chc_decode(1)
Tool for decoding singstar chc (melody cache) files
performous-tools / ss_cover_conv(1)
Tool for converting singstar song cover
performous-tools / ss_extract(1)
Tool for converting singstar dvds to ultrastar format
performous-tools / ss_ipu_conv(1)
Tool for converting singstar videos
performous-tools / ss_pak_extract(1)
Tool for reading general pak files (used by singstar)
golang-go.tools / ssadump(1)
A tool for displaying and interpreting the ssa form of go programs
ssake / ssake(1)
Assembling millions of very short dna sequences
sigscheme / sscm(1)
A scheme interpreter
gnumeric / ssconvert(1)
A command line spreadsheet format converter
ssdeep / ssdeep(1)
Computes context triggered piecewise hashes (fuzzy hashes)
gnumeric / ssdiff(1)
Compare two spreadsheets
ssed / ssed(1)
Super sed stream editor version 3.61
suckless-tools / sselp(1)
Simple x selection printer
ssft / ssft.sh(1)
Library of shell script frontend functions
gnumeric / ssgrep(1)
Search spreadsheets for strings
ssh-agent-filter / ssh-agent-filter(1)
ssh-askpass-fullscreen / ssh-askpass-fullscreen(1)
A simple replacement for ssh-askpass written with gtk2
ssh-agent-filter / ssh-askpass-noinput(1)
An ssh-askpass implementation for asking allow/deny questions
lsh-utils / ssh-conv(1)
Script to convert openssh/ssh2 keys to lsh format
ssh-import-id / ssh-import-id(1)
Retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserver and append them to the current user's authorized_keys file (or some other specified file)
ssh-import-id / ssh-import-id-gh(1)
Retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserver and append them to the current user's authorized_keys file (or some other specified file)
ssh-import-id / ssh-import-id-lp(1)
Retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserver and append them to the current user's authorized_keys file (or some other specified file)
root-system-bin / ssh2rpd(1)
Root utility to help in authentication
hash-slinger / sshfp(1)
Generate sshfp dns records from knownhosts files or ssh-keyscan
sshfp / sshfp(1)
Generate sshfp dns records from knownhosts files or ssh-keyscan
sshfs / sshfs(1)
Filesystem client based on ssh
sshpass / sshpass(1)
Noninteractive ssh password provider
ssvnc / sshvnc(1)
A gui wrapper for ssl and ssh vnc connections.
suckless-tools / ssid(1)
Simple setsid
gnumeric / ssindex(1)
Generate index data for spreadsheet files
dacs / sslclient(1)
An ssl client
ssldump / ssldump(1)
Dump ssl traffic on a network
shadowsocks / sslocal(1)
Fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
sslscan / sslscan(1)
Fast ssl scanner
sslsniff / sslsniff(1)
Ssl/tls man-in-the-middle attack tool
sslstrip / sslstrip(1)
Ssl/tls man-in-the-middle attack tool
ssmping / ssmping(1)
Check if you can receive ipv4/ipv6 multicast data from an internet host
ssmping / ssmpingd(1)
Check if you can receive ipv4/ipv6 multicast data from an internet host
splash / ssplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
soundscaperenderer-common / ssr(1)
Soundscape renderer
soundscaperenderer-nox / ssr-aap.nox(1)
Soundscape renderer (ambisonics amplitude panning)
soundscaperenderer / ssr-aap.qt(1)
Soundscape renderer (ambisonics amplitude panning)
soundscaperenderer-nox / ssr-binaural.nox(1)
Soundscape renderer (binaural)
soundscaperenderer / ssr-binaural.qt(1)
Soundscape renderer (binaural)
soundscaperenderer-nox / ssr-brs.nox(1)
Soundscape renderer (binaural room synthesis)
soundscaperenderer / ssr-brs.qt(1)
Soundscape renderer (binaural room synthesis)
soundscaperenderer-nox / ssr-generic.nox(1)
Soundscape renderer (generic renderer)
soundscaperenderer / ssr-generic.qt(1)
Soundscape renderer (generic renderer)
soundscaperenderer-nox / ssr-nfc-hoa.nox(1)
Soundscape renderer (near-field compensated higher-order-ambisonics)
soundscaperenderer / ssr-nfc-hoa.qt(1)
Soundscape renderer (near-field compensated higher-order-ambisonics)
soundscaperenderer-nox / ssr-vbap.nox(1)
Soundscape renderer (vector-based amplitude panning)
soundscaperenderer / ssr-vbap.qt(1)
Soundscape renderer (vector-based amplitude panning)
soundscaperenderer-nox / ssr-wfs.nox(1)
Soundscape renderer (wave field synthesis)
soundscaperenderer / ssr-wfs.qt(1)
Soundscape renderer (wave field synthesis)
sssd-common / sss_ssh_authorizedkeys(1)
Get openssh authorized keys
sssd-common / sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy(1)
Get openssh host keys
shadowsocks / ssserver(1)
Fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
ssss / ssss(1)
Split and combine secrets using shamir's secret sharing scheme.
ssss / ssss-combine(1)
Split and combine secrets using shamir's secret sharing scheme.
ssss / ssss-split(1)
Split and combine secrets using shamir's secret sharing scheme.
slurm-client / sstat(1)
Display various status information of a running job/step.
ssvnc / ssvnc(1)
A gui wrapper for ssl and ssh vnc connections.
ssvnc / ssvncviewer(1)
An x viewer client for vnc
secure-delete / sswap(1)
Secure swap wiper (secure_deletion toolkit)
netpbm / st4topgm(1)
Convert an sbig st4 format file into a portable graymap
systraq / st_snapshot.hourly(1)
Wrapper for st_snapshot
stalin / stalin(1)
A global optimizing compiler for scheme
stalonetray / stalonetray(1)
Stand-alone system tray (notification area) implementation. this document covers 0.8 version of stalonetray.
systemtap / stap(1)
Systemtap script translator/driver
systemtap-runtime / stap-merge(1)
Systemtap per-cpu binary merger
systemtap / stap-prep(1)
Prepare system for systemtap use
starplot / starconvert(1)
Convert text data files to starplot format
stardict-gnome / stardict(1)
A cross-platform and international dictionary written in gtk2
stardict-gtk / stardict(1)
A cross-platform and international dictionary written in gtk2
stardict-tools / stardict-editor(1)
Program to edit, compile and decompile stardict dictionaries
starplot / starpkg(1)
Convert a starplot data set to starplot file format
starplot / starplot(1)
View 3d perspective maps of stars
starpu-tools / starpu_calibrate_bus(1)
Manual page for starpu_calibrate_bus (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_codelet_histo_profile(1)
Manual page for starpu_codelet_histo_profile (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_codelet_profile(1)
Manual page for starpu_codelet_profile (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_lp2paje(1)
Manual page for starpu_lp2paje (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_machine_display(1)
Manual page for starpu_machine_display (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_paje_draw_histogram(1)
Manual page for starpu_paje_draw_histogram (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_paje_state_stats(1)
Manual page for starpu_paje_state_stats (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_perfmodel_display(1)
Manual page for starpu_perfmodel_display (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_perfmodel_plot(1)
Manual page for starpu_perfmodel_plot (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-top / starpu_top(1)
Manual page for starpu_top (starpu) 1.1.3
starpu-tools / starpu_workers_activity(1)
Manual page for starpu_workers_activity (starpu) 1.1.3
pulseaudio / start-pulseaudio-kde(1)
Pulseaudio sound server kde startup script
pulseaudio / start-pulseaudio-x11(1)
Pulseaudio sound server x11 startup script
bristol / startBristol(1)
A synthesiser emulation package.
groovy / startGroovy(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
groovy2 / startGroovy(1)
Agile dynamic language for the java virtual machine
ctn / start_clients(1)
Generic ctn manual page
erlang-base / start_embedded(1)
Otp start script example for unix
erlang-base-hipe / start_embedded(1)
Otp start script example for unix
epsilon-bin / start_epsilon_nodes(1)
Start epsilon nodes using dsh
fontypython / start_fontypython(1)
Find, view and manage font files of all kinds.
ctn / start_his_client(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / start_his_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / start_img_client(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / start_img_displays(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / start_img_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / start_pacs_client(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / start_pacs_server(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / start_print_client(1)
Generic ctn manual page
erlang-webtool / start_webtool(1)
Webtool start script
fluxbox / startfluxbox(1)
Start a fluxbox session
kde-workspace-bin / startkde(1)
Starts up the kde desktop environment
lazarus-ide-1.2.4 / startlazarus-1.2.4(1)
Starts lazarus program. fpdoc.
lxde-common / startlxde(1)
Startlxde -program for...
razorqt-session / startrazor(1)
Component of razor-qt, an advanced, easy-to-use, and fast desktop environment based on qt technologies
startupmanager / startupmanager(1)
Grub, usplash and splash screen configuration
xfce4-session / startxfce4(1)
Initialize an xfce session
coreutils / stat(1)
Display file or file system status
statcvs / statcvs(1)
Cvs repository statistic analysis tool, written in java
enscript / states(1)
Awk alike text processing tool
statgrab / statgrab(1)
Sysctl-style interface to system statistics
statgrab / statgrab-make-mrtg-config(1)
Generates mrtg configuration
statgrab / statgrab-make-mrtg-index(1)
Generates mrtg configuration
netdiag / statnet(1)
Views the statistics of ethernet and plip/ppp/slip for tcp, ip, ipx, appletalk, etc
netdiag / statnetd(1)
Views the statistics of ethernet and plip/ppp/slip for tcp, ip, ipx, appletalk, etc
statnews / statnews(1)
Generate some useful statistics out of a newsgroup
statserial / statserial(1)
Display serial port modem status lines
statsvn / statsvn(1)
Svn repository statistic analysis tool
xymon / statusreport.cgi(1)
Cgi program to report a status for a group of servers
stda / stda(1)
Simple tools for data analysis (stda)
coreutils / stdbuf(1)
Run command, with modified buffering operations for its standard streams.
steadyflow / steadyflow(1)
Gtk+ download manager
steghide / steghide(1)
A steganography program
stegsnow / stegsnow(1)
Whitespace steganography program
seqan-apps / stellar(1)
The swift exact local aligner synopsis stellar [options] fasta file 1 fasta file 2 description stellar implements the swift filter algorithm (rasmussen et al., 2006) and a verification step for the swift hits that applies local alignment, gapped x-drop extension, and extraction of the longest epsilon-match. input to stellar are two files, each containing one or more sequences in fasta format. each sequence from file 1 will be compared to each sequence in file 2. the sequences from file 1 are used as database, the sequences from file 2 as queries. (c) 2010-2012 by birte kehr -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information main options: -e, --epsilon num maximal error rate (max 0.25). in range [0.0000001..0.25]. default: 0.05. -l, --minlength num minimal length of epsilon-matches. in range [0..inf]. default: 100. -f, --forward search only in forward strand of database. -r, --reverse search only in reverse complement of database. -a, --alphabet str alphabet type of input sequences (dna, rna, dna5, rna5, protein, char). one of dna, dna5, rna, rna5, protein, and char. -v, --verbose set verbosity mode. filtering options: -k, --kmer num length of the q-grams (max 32). in range [1..32]. -rp, --repeatperiod num maximal period of low complexity repeats to be filtered. default: 1. -rl, --repeatlength num minimal length of low complexity repeats to be filtered. default: 1000. -c, --abundancecut num k-mer overabundance cut ratio. in range [0..1]. default: 1. verification options: -x, --xdrop num maximal x-drop for extension. default: 5. -vs, --verification str verification strategy: exact or bestlocal or bandedglobal one of exact, bestlocal, and bandedglobal. default: exact. -dt, --disablethresh num maximal number of verified matches before disabling verification for one query sequence (default infinity). in range [0..inf]. -n, --nummatches num maximal number of kept matches per query and database. if stellar finds more matches, only the longest ones are kept. default: 50. -s, --sortthresh num number of matches triggering removal of duplicates. choose a smaller value for saving space. default: 500. output options: -o, --out file name of output file. valid filetypes are: gff and txt. default: stellar.gff. -od, --outdisabled file name of output file for disabled query sequences. valid filetypes are: fa and fasta. default: stellar.disabled.fasta. references kehr, b., weese, d., reinert, k.: stellar: fast and exact local alignments. bmc bioinformatics, 12(suppl 9):s15, 2011. version stellar version: 1.3 last update october 2012
libstemmer-tools / stemwords(1)
Snowball word stemming utility
python-stepic / stepic(1)
Python image steganography
raster3d / stereo3d(1)
Render a raster3d scene as a side-by-side stereo pair
suckless-tools / stest(1)
Filter a list of files by properties
stgit / stg(1)
Manage stacks of patches using the git content tracker
stgit / stg-branch(1)
Branch operations: switch, list, create, rename, delete, ...
stgit / stg-clean(1)
Delete the empty patches in the series
stgit / stg-clone(1)
Make a local clone of a remote repository
stgit / stg-commit(1)
Permanently store the applied patches into the stack base
stgit / stg-delete(1)
Delete patches
stgit / stg-diff(1)
Show the tree diff
stgit / stg-edit(1)
Edit a patch description or diff
stgit / stg-export(1)
Export patches to a directory
stgit / stg-files(1)
Show the files modified by a patch (or the current patch)
stgit / stg-float(1)
Push patches to the top, even if applied
stgit / stg-fold(1)
Integrate a gnu diff patch into the current patch
stgit / stg-goto(1)
Push or pop patches to the given one
stgit / stg-hide(1)
Hide a patch in the series
stgit / stg-id(1)
Print the git hash value of a stgit reference
stgit / stg-import(1)
Import a gnu diff file as a new patch
stgit / stg-init(1)
Initialise the current branch for use with stgit
stgit / stg-log(1)
Display the patch changelog
stgit / stg-mail(1)
Send a patch or series of patches by e-mail
stgit / stg-new(1)
Create a new, empty patch
stgit / stg-next(1)
Print the name of the next patch
stgit / stg-patches(1)
Show the applied patches modifying a file
stgit / stg-pick(1)
Import a patch from a different branch or a commit object
stgit / stg-pop(1)
Pop one or more patches from the stack
stgit / stg-prev(1)
Print the name of the previous patch
stgit / stg-publish(1)
Push the stack changes to a merge-friendly branch
stgit / stg-pull(1)
Pull changes from a remote repository
stgit / stg-push(1)
Push one or more patches onto the stack
stgit / stg-rebase(1)
Move the stack base to another point in history
stgit / stg-redo(1)
Undo the last undo operation
stgit / stg-refresh(1)
Generate a new commit for the current patch
stgit / stg-rename(1)
Rename a patch
stgit / stg-repair(1)
Fix stgit metadata if branch was modified with git commands
stgit / stg-reset(1)
Reset the patch stack to an earlier state
stgit / stg-series(1)
Print the patch series
stgit / stg-show(1)
Show the commit corresponding to a patch
stgit / stg-sink(1)
Send patches deeper down the stack
stgit / stg-squash(1)
Squash two or more patches into one
stgit / stg-sync(1)
Synchronise patches with a branch or a series
stgit / stg-top(1)
Print the name of the top patch
stgit / stg-uncommit(1)
Turn regular git commits into stgit patches
stgit / stg-undo(1)
Undo the last operation
stgit / stg-unhide(1)
Unhide a hidden patch
sidplayfp / stilview(1)
Command-line program to help you retrieve the entries stored in stil
stimfit / stimfit(1)
stk / stk-demo(1)
Sound synthesis toolkit demo application
slic3r / stl-to-amf(1)
Combine multiple stl files into one amf file
libgts-bin / stl2gts(1)
Convert an stl file to gts format.
stm32flash / stm32flash(1)
Flashing utility for stm32 and stm32w through uart or i2c
stoken / stoken(1)
Software token for cryptographic authentication
stoken / stoken-gui(1)
Gtk+ software token
ruby-stomp / stompcat(1)
Display output from an stomp destination
stompserver / stompserver(1)
Stomp protocol messaging server
stone / stone(1)
A simple tcp/ip packet repeater
epsilon-bin / stop_epsilon_nodes(1)
Stop epsilon nodes using dsh
ctn / stop_img_displays(1)
Generic ctn manual page
stopmotion / stopmotion(1)
A program for creating stop-motion animations
ctn / storage_classes(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / storage_commit(1)
Generic ctn manual page
storebackup / storeBackup(1)
Fancy compressing managing checksumming hard-linking cp -ua
storebackup / storeBackupCheckBackup(1)
Checks if a file in the backup is missing or corrupted
storebackup / storeBackupConvertBackup(1)
Converts old backups created with storebackup.pl to the newest version,
storebackup / storeBackupDel(1)
This program deletes backups created by storebackup
storebackup / storeBackupMount(1)
Runs storebackup backing up to an nfs mount
storebackup / storeBackupRecover(1)
Recovers files saved with storebackup.pl.
storebackup / storeBackupSearch(1)
Locates different versions of a file saved with storebackup.pl.
storebackup / storeBackupUpdateBackup(1)
Updates / finalizes backups created by storebackup.pl with option --latelink, --latecompress
storebackup / storeBackupVersions(1)
Locates different versions of a file saved with storebackup.pl.
storebackup / storeBackup_du(1)
Evaluates the disk usage in one or more backup directories.
storebackup / storeBackupls(1)
Lists backup directories generated with storebackup.pl with week day.
dcmtk / storescp(1)
Dicom storage (c-store) scp
dcmtk / storescu(1)
Dicom storage (c-store) scu
storymaps / storymaps(1)
Storymaps free story planning and writing application for children
simple-tpm-pk11 / stpm-exfiltrate(1)
Extract key from tpm chip
simple-tpm-pk11 / stpm-keygen(1)
Generate key pair for use with simple-tpm-pk11
simple-tpm-pk11 / stpm-sign(1)
Sign data using the tpm chip
strace / strace(1)
Trace system calls and signals
strace64 / strace64(1)
Trace system calls and signals
biosquid / stranslate(1)
Translate a nucleic acid sequence to protein orfs
imagemagick / stream-im6(1)
A lightweight tool to stream one or more pixel components of the image or portion of the image to your choice of storage formats.
tstools / stream_type(1)
Attempt to determine if an input stream is ts, ps, or es
gerris / streamanime(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
gerris-mpi / streamanime(1)
The gerris flow solver simulation engine.
streamer / streamer(1)
Record audio and/or video
streamripper / streamripper(1)
Rip shoutcast radio streams to mp3 files
streamtuner2 / streamtuner2(1)
Browser for internet radio stations
stress / stress(1)
Tool to impose load on and stress test systems
stress-ng / stress-ng(1)
A tool to load and stress a computer system.
stressapptest / stressapptest(1)
Stress test application for simulating high load situations
stretchplayer / stretchplayer(1)
Audio player with time stretch and pitch shift
fortune-mod / strfile(1)
Create a random access file for storing strings unstr - dump strings in pointer order
stx2any / strip_stx(1)
A simple literate programming tool
vserver-debiantools / stripserver(1)
Strip a server from hardware related packages and files
structure-synth / structure-synth(1)
Application for creating 3d structures
openmcdf / structuredstorageexplorer(1)
No manpage for this program.
coreutils / stty(1)
Change and print terminal line settings
stumpwm / stumpish(1)
The stumpwm interactive shell
stumpwm / stumpwm(1)
A common lisp window manager
stun / stun(1)
Test client for stun
sofia-sip-bin / stunc(1)
Stun test client. stun test client author: pekka pessi [email protected] martti mela [email protected] kai vehmanen [email protected] date: created: thu jul 24 17:21:00 2003 ppessi
stx2any / stx2any(1)
Converter from structured text to multiple formats
libstxxl1-bin / stxxl_tool(1)
Stxxl scratch file administration, and performance testing tool
texlive-extra-utils / sty2dtx(1)
Converts a latex .sty file to a documented .dtx file
styx / stydoc(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
diction / style(1)
Analyse surface characteristics of a document
node-stylus / stylus(1)
Expressive, robust, feature-rich css language compiler
styx / stypp(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
styx / styx(1)
Styx a combined parser and scanner generator
login / su(1)
Change user id or become superuser
menu / su-to-root(1)
A simple script to give an `interactive' front-end to su. it can be used in menu entry commands to ask for the root password
wcstools / sua2(1)
translate-toolkit / sub2po(1)
Convert subtitle files to gettext po localization files.
subcommander / subcommander(1)
Graphical subversion client.
subdownloader / subdownloader(1)
The subtitle downloader
ncbi-tools-bin / subfuse(1)
Merge genbank submissions
subliminal / subliminal(1)
Tool to search and download subtitles
subcommander / submerge(1)
Graphical merge tool for text files.
ubuntu-dev-tools / submittodebian(1)
Submit changes in debian source tree to debian
weboob / suboob(1)
Search and download subtitles
wcstools / subpix(1)
inn / subst(1)
Substitute definitions into file(s)
subsurface / subsurface(1)
A logbook program for scuba divers
subtitlecomposer / subtitlecomposer(1)
A kde subtitle editor.
subtitleeditor / subtitleeditor(1)
Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves representation
xawtv / subtitles(1)
Display subtitles within xawtv.
subtle / subtle(1)
A grid-based manual tiling window manager
subtle / subtler(1)
A commandline interface for subtle
subtle / subtlext(1)
A ruby extension for subtle
python-subvertpy / subvertpy-fast-export(1)
Generate fastexport stream from a subversion repository
suck / suck(1)
Pull a small newsfeed from an nntp server, avoiding the newnews command.
sucrack / sucrack(1)
Is a multithreaded linux/unix tool for brute-force cracking of local user accounts via su.
vdr-plugin-sudoku / sudoku_generator(1)
Generate and solve sudoku puzzles
coreutils / sum(1)
Checksum and count the blocks in a file
summain / summain(1)
Gather file checksums and metadata
sumo / sumo(1)
A microscopic road traffic simulation
sumo / sumo-gui(1)
A microscopic road traffic simulation
wcstools / sumpix(1)
sunclock / sunclock(1)
A fancy clock for the x window system, providing local time (legal time and solar time), sunrise, sunset and various geographical data through a point and click interface.
rss-glx / sundancer2(1)
Rotating stack of quads.
libsundials-serial-dev / sundials-config(1)
Returns required flags for linking to sundials libraries
sup / sup(1)
Software upgrade protocol
sup-mail / sup-add(1)
Add a source to the sup source list
sup-mail / sup-config(1)
Interactive configuration tool for sup
sup-mail / sup-dump(1)
Dumps message state from sup index
sup-mail / sup-import-dump(1)
Import message state dump to sup index
sup-mail / sup-mail(1)
A curses-based email client
sup-mail / sup-psych-ify-config-files(1)
Migrate sup configuration
sup-mail / sup-recover-sources(1)
Rebuild a lost sup source configuration file
sup-mail / sup-sync(1)
Sychronize the sup index with message sources
sup-mail / sup-sync-back-maildir(1)
Export xapian entries to maildir sources on disk
sup-mail / sup-tweak-labels(1)
Batch modification of message state already in index
super / super(1)
Execute commands setuid root.
fdutils / superformat(1)
n2n / supernode(1)
N2n supernode daemon
supercollider-supernova / supernova(1)
Supercollider audio synthesis server
supybot / supybot(1)
A robust and user friendly python irc bot
supybot / supybot-adduser(1)
Adds a user to a supybot users.conf file
supybot / supybot-botchk(1)
A script to start supybot if it's not already running.
supybot / supybot-plugin-create(1)
A wizard for creating supybot plugins
supybot / supybot-plugin-doc(1)
Generates the documentation for a supybot plugin
supybot / supybot-test(1)
Runs the test suite for a supybot plugin
supybot / supybot-wizard(1)
A wizard for creating supybot configuration files
subtle / sur(1)
Subtle user repository
surf / surf(1)
Simple webkit-based browser
surfraw / surfraw(1)
A fast unix command line interface to www services
subtle / surserver(1)
Subtle user repository
wcstools / susa2(1)
devscripts / suspicious-source(1)
Search for files that are not the gpl's "preferred form of modification"
xymon / svcstatus.cgi(1)
Cgi program to view xymon status logs
svtools / svdir(1)
Find daemontools service directory
vdr / svdrpsend(1)
Sends commands to vdr
libbatik-java / svgpp(1)
Pretty-printer for svg files
sview / sview(1)
Graphical user interface to view and modify slurm state.
svtools / svinfo(1)
Get infos about a supervised process
svtools / svinitd(1)
Init.d wrapper for daemontools services
svtools / svinitd-create(1)
Create an init.d-script for a supervised process
libsvm-tools / svm-checkdata(1)
A libsvm format checking tool
libsvm-tools / svm-easy(1)
An automatic script for libsvm
libsvm-tools / svm-grid(1)
A parameter selection tool for libsvm
python-mlpy / svm-landscape(1)
Command line interface to svm-landscape in mlpy (version 2.2.0)
libsvm-tools / svm-predict(1)
Make predictions based on a trained svm model file and test data
libsvm-tools / svm-scale(1)
Scale data to a restricted range as preprocessing for svm training
libsvm-tools / svm-subset(1)
A subset selection tool for libsvm
libsvm-tools / svm-train(1)
Train one or more svm instance(s) on a given data set to produce a model file
libocas-tools / svmocas(1)
Train a binary linear svm classifier
subversion / svn(1)
Subversion command line client tool
svn-all-fast-export / svn-all-fast-export(1)
Tool to convert svn repositories into git
svn-autoreleasedeb / svn-autoreleasedeb(1)
Automatic release of debian packages from
subversion-tools / svn-backup-dumps(1)
Create dumpfiles to backup a subversion repository.
subversion-tools / svn-bisect(1)
Bisect subversion revisions to find a regression
svn-buildpackage / svn-buildpackage(1)
Build debian packages from svn repository
svn-buildpackage / svn-do(1)
Export a source and run a command inside the source.
subversion-tools / svn-fast-backup(1)
Very fast backup for subversion fsfs repositories.
xxdiff-scripts / svn-foreign(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
subversion-tools / svn-hot-backup(1)
Perform a "hot" backup of a berkeley db repository.
svn-buildpackage / svn-inject(1)
Puts a debian source package into subversion repository
svn-load / svn-load(1)
An enhanced import facility for subversion
svnmailer / svn-mailer(1)
A feature rich subversion commit notification tool
svn-buildpackage / svn-upgrade(1)
Upgrade source package from a new upstream revision
svn2cl / svn2cl(1)
Create a changelog from a subversion log.
lcl-utils-1.2.4 / svn2revisioninc-1.2.4(1)
The lazarus utility to create revision.inc file from svn repository.
subversion-tools / svn_load_dirs(1)
Load directories into a subversion repository
subversion / svnadmin(1)
Subversion repository administration tool
subversion / svndumpfilter(1)
Filter a subversion repository 'dumpfile'.
subversion / svnlook(1)
Subversion repository examination tool
subversion / svnmucc(1)
Multiple url command client for subversion
subversion / svnrdump(1)
Subversion remote repository dumper and loader
subversion / svnsync(1)
Subversion repository synchronization tool
cvstrac / svntrac(1)
Low-ceremony bug tracker for projects under cvs
subversion / svnversion(1)
Produce a compact version identifier for a working copy.
subversion-tools / svnwrap(1)
Umask wrapper for subversion client commands
svtools / svsetup(1)
Service setup tool for daemontools
survex-svxedit / svxedit(1)
Svxedit enter survey data
geda-utils / sw2asc(1)
Converts a switcap2 output file into ascii data files that other tools can read
odin / swab(1)
Mirrors word-size bytes, in the case of 2, it swaps adjacent bytes
swac-explore / swac-explore(1)
Audio collections of words (swac) explorer
swac-get / swac-get(1)
Audio collections of words (swac) manager
swaks / swaks(1)
Swiss army knife smtp, the all-purpose smtp transaction tester
swami / swami(1)
(sampled waveforms and musical instruments) is an application for editing and managing midi instruments, such as soundfont files. an programming api is also provided for integration with other applications. more information can be found on the project swami website http://swami.sourceforge.net.
swaml / swaml(1)
Semantic web archive of mailing lists
poxml / swappo(1)
Swap msgid and msgstr fields in a po file
suckless-tools / swarp(1)
Simple pointer warp
swath / swath(1)
General-purpose thai word segmentation utility
sweep / sweep(1)
A sound wave editor
siggen / sweepgen(1)
An ncurses based sweep generator program
sweethome3d / sweethome3d(1)
Interior 2d design application with 3d preview
swftools / swfbbox(1)
Tool for playing around with swf bounding boxes.
swftools / swfc(1)
Compile .sc files to swf.
swftools / swfcombine(1)
A tool for combining swf (flash) files
swftools / swfdump(1)
Display an swf file's content.
swftools / swfextract(1)
A tool for extracting data out of swf files.
swfmill / swfmill(1)
Xml-based swf (shockwave flash) processing tool
swftools / swfrender(1)
Creates bitmaps from swf.
swftools / swfstrings(1)
Extracts strings from swf files.
siggen / swgen(1)
A simple swept frequency signal generator
python-swiftclient / swift(1)
Openstack swift client tool
swift-account / swift-account-auditor(1)
Openstack-swift account auditor
swift-account / swift-account-reaper(1)
Openstack-swift account reaper
swift-account / swift-account-replicator(1)
Openstack-swift account replicator
swift-account / swift-account-server(1)
Openstack-swift account server
swift-container / swift-container-auditor(1)
Openstack-swift container auditor
swift-container / swift-container-replicator(1)
Openstack-swift container replicator
swift-container / swift-container-server(1)
Openstack-swift container server
swift-container / swift-container-sync(1)
Openstack-swift container sync
swift-container / swift-container-updater(1)
Openstack-swift container updater
swift / swift-dispersion-populate(1)
Openstack-swift dispersion populate
swift / swift-dispersion-report(1)
Openstack-swift dispersion report
swift / swift-get-nodes(1)
Openstack-swift get-nodes tool
swift-im / swift-im(1)
python-swift / swift-init(1)
Openstack-swift swift-init tool
swift-object / swift-object-auditor(1)
Openstack-swift object auditor
swift-object / swift-object-expirer(1)
Openstack-swift object expirer
swift-object / swift-object-info(1)
Openstack-swift object-info tool
swift-object / swift-object-server(1)
Openstack-swift object server.
swift-object / swift-object-updater(1)
Openstack-swift object updater
swift / swift-orphans(1)
Openstack-swift orphans tool
swift-proxy / swift-proxy-server(1)
Openstack-swift proxy server.
swift-object / swift-recon(1)
Openstack-swift recon middleware cli tool
swift / swift-ring-builder(1)
Openstack-swift ring builder
libswiften-dev / swiften-config(1)
swig2.0 / swig2.0(1)
Simplified wrapper and interface generator
swig3.0 / swig3.0(1)
Simplified wrapper and interface generator
swi-prolog-nox / swipl(1)
Swi-prolog 6.6.6
swi-prolog-nox / swipl-ld(1)
Create a swi-prolog embedded executable
swi-prolog-nox / swipl-rc(1)
Swi-prolog resource archiver
swish-e / swish-e(1)
A search engine
swish-e / swish-search(1)
A search engine
swisswatch / swisswatch(1)
The mother of all x toolkit clocks
xenomai-runtime / switchbench(1)
Xenomai latency test for task switches
switchsh / switchsh(1)
Wrapper bind-mount'ing bash as /bin/sh
xenomai-runtime / switchtest(1)
Xenomai context switch test
lrzsz / sx(1)
Xmodem, ymodem, zmodem file send
sxiv / sxiv(1)
Simple x image viewer
xpmutils / sxpm(1)
Show an xpm (x pixmap) file and/or convert xpm 1 or 2 files to xpm 3.
synopsis / sxr-server(1)
The synopsis cross-reference http server. allows users to query and browse cross-referenced source code.
unoconv / sxw2odt(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
odt2txt / sxw2txt(1)
A simple converter from opendocument text to plain text
sylph-searcher / syldbimport(1)
Command to import messages to database for sylph-searcher
sylph-searcher / syldbquery(1)
Command to query messages from database
sylfilter / sylfilter(1)
sylph-searcher / sylph-searcher(1)
Full-text search program for sylpheed
sylseg-sk / sylseg-sk(1)
Segments a slovak words in to the sylables
sylseg-sk / sylseg-sk-training(1)
Train the statistic for the syllabic segmentation
translate-toolkit / symb2po(1)
Convert symbian localisation files to gettext po localization files.
gnupg-agent / symcryptrun(1)
Call a simple symmetric encryption tool
pylint / symilar(1)
Tool for checking similarities in different files
symlinks / symlinks(1)
Symbolic link maintenance utility
coinor-symphony / symphony(1)
Mixed-integer linear program (milp) solver
synaesthesia / synaesthesia(1)
Visual sound display
coreutils / sync(1)
Flush file system buffers
sync-ui / sync-ui(1)
Graphical interface to syncevolution syncml client
libruli-bin / sync_httpsearch(1)
Sample programs for ruli library (rfc 2782)
libruli-bin / sync_smtpsearch(1)
Sample programs for ruli library (rfc 2782)
libruli-bin / sync_srvsearch(1)
Sample programs for ruli library (rfc 2782)
libvm-ec2-perl / sync_to_snapshot(1)
Rsync files to amazon ec2
syncache / syncache-drb(1)
Syncache druby object cache server
syncevolution-common / synccompare(1)
Normalize or compare addressbook files
syncevolution / syncevolution(1)
Synchronize personal information management data
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics / synclient(1)
Commandline utility to query and modify synaptics driver options.
ubuntu-dev-tools / syncpackage(1)
Copy source packages from debian to ubuntu
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics / syndaemon(1)
A program that monitors keyboard activity and disables the touchpad when the keyboard is being used.
synergy / synergy(1)
Synergy setup gui
synergy / synergyc(1)
Synergy client
synergy / synergyd(1)
Synergy daemon
synergy / synergys(1)
Synergy server
synfig / synfig(1)
2d vector animation package
libsynfig-dev / synfig-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of synfig
synfigstudio / synfigstudio(1)
Launch the synfig animation studio
synopsis / synopsis(1)
Simple frontend to the synopsis framework, a multi-language source code introspection tool that provides a variety of representations for the parsed code, to enable further processing such as documentation extraction, reverse engineering, and source-to-source translation.
argyll / synthcal(1)
Create a synthetic calibration file.
argyll / synthread(1)
Synthetic device model test chart reader.
synthv1 / synthv1(1)
An old-school polyphonic synthesizer
syrep / syrep(1)
A file repository synchronization tool
syrthes-gui / syrthes-gui(1)
Gui for syrthes
syrthes-tools / syrthes-post(1)
Post-processor for the parallel version of syrthes
syrthes-tools / syrthes-pp(1)
Pre-processor for syrthes parallel version
syrthes-tools / syrthes-ppfunc(1)
Preliminary traitement of data file functions for syrthes
syrthes / syrthes4_create_case(1)
Create a new syrthes case
syrthes-tools / syrthes4ensight(1)
Convert syrthes geometry and result files to ensight format
syrthes-tools / syrthes4med30(1)
Transform results from syrthes 4.x to med format 3.0
sysbench / sysbench(1)
A modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool.
sysconftool / sysconftool(1)
Install configuration files
sysconftool / sysconftoolcheck(1)
Check a sysconftool configuration file
sysconftool / sysconftoolize(1)
Add sysconftool support to your package
atlc / sysdata(1)
Find basic hardware system data
syslinux-utils / syslinux2ansi(1)
Converts a syslinux-format screen to pc-ansi
syslog-ng-core / syslog-ng-ctl(1)
Display message statistics and enable verbose, debug and trace modes in syslog-ng open source edition
syslog-summary / syslog-summary(1)
Summarize the contents of a syslog log file
sysprof / sysprof(1)
System-wide linux profiler
sysprof / sysprof-cli(1)
System-wide linux profiler
system-config-printer / system-config-printer(1)
Configure a cups server
system-config-printer / system-config-printer-applet(1)
Print job manager
system-tools-backends / system-tools-backends(1)
Message dispatcher for system-tools-backends
root-system-common / system.rootdaemonrc(1)
Access control directives for root daemons
simh / system3(1)
Simulate a s3 computer
systemd-ui / systemadm(1)
Graphical frontend for the systemd system and service manager
systemd / systemd(1)
Systemd system and service manager
systemd / systemd-analyze(1)
Analyze system boot-up performance
systemd / systemd-ask-password(1)
Query the user for a system password
systemd / systemd-bootchart(1)
Boot performance graphing tool
systemd / systemd-cat(1)
Connect a pipeline or programs output with the journal
systemd / systemd-cgls(1)
Recursively show control group contents
systemd / systemd-cgtop(1)
Show top control groups by their resource usage
systemd / systemd-delta(1)
Find overridden configuration files
systemd / systemd-detect-virt(1)
Detect execution in a virtualized environment
systemd / systemd-escape(1)
Escape strings for usage in system unit names
systemd / systemd-inhibit(1)
Execute a program with an inhibition lock taken
systemd / systemd-machine-id-setup(1)
Initialize the machine id in /etc/machine-id
systemd / systemd-notify(1)
Notify service manager about start-up completion and other daemon status changes
systemd / systemd-nspawn(1)
Spawn a namespace container for debugging, testing and building
systemd / systemd-path(1)
List and query system and user paths
systemd / systemd-run(1)
Run programs in transient scope or service units
systemd / systemd-tty-ask-password-agent(1)
List or process pending systemd password requests
sysfsutils / systool(1)
View system device information by bus, class, and topology
lrzsz / sz(1)
Xmodem, ymodem, zmodem file send
sdcc-ucsim / sz80(1)
8051, avr and z80 microcontrollers simulator for sdcc.
dvb-apps / szap(1)
A program to process channels.conf files.
t-prot / t-prot(1)
Tofu protection - display filter for rfc 5322 messages
t1utils / t1ascii(1)
Convert postscript type 1 font from binary to ascii
t1utils / t1asm(1)
Assemble postscript type 1 font
t1utils / t1binary(1)
Convert postscript type 1 font from ascii to binary
t1utils / t1disasm(1)
Disassemble postscript type 1 font
lcdf-typetools / t1dotlessj(1)
Create a dotless-j postscript type 1 font
lcdf-typetools / t1lint(1)
Check a postscript type 1 font for correctness
t1utils / t1mac(1)
Translate a pfa or pfb postscript type 1 font into macintosh format
lcdf-typetools / t1rawafm(1)
Produce raw afm metrics from a postscript type 1 font
lcdf-typetools / t1reencode(1)
Re-encode a postscript type 1 font
lcdf-typetools / t1testpage(1)
Create a postscript proof for a type 1 font
t1utils / t1unmac(1)
Translate a mac postscript type 1 font into pfa or pfb format
t2html / t2html(1)
Simple text to html converter. relies on text indentation rules.
t2n / t2n(1)
Simple command-line tool for nxt
flite / t2p(1)
A text to phoneme converter
tex4ht / t4ht(1)
A system for authoring hypertext with tex and friends
t-coffee / t_coffee(1)
Multiple sequence alignment
suckless-tools / tabbed.default(1)
Generic tabbed interface
suckless-tools / tabbed.meta(1)
Generic tabbed interface
tabble / tabble(1)
Program launcher with tabs for x
tabble / tabble-wrapper(1)
Restart tabble for $logname
tabix / tabix(1)
Block compression/decompression utility tabix - generic indexer for tab-delimited genome position files
tableau-parm / tableau-parm(1)
Tableau write-blocking bridge query/command utility
tablix2 / tablix2(1)
General timetable solver
tablix2 / tablix2_kernel(1)
General timetable solver
ncurses-bin / tabs(1)
Set tabs on a terminal
coreutils / tac(1)
Concatenate and print files in reverse
tachyon / tachyon(1)
Parallel ray-tracer
tack / tack(1)
Terminfo action checker
tagainijisho / tagainijisho(1)
Japanese dictionary and learning assistant
tagcloud / tagcloud(1)
Visualize notes as a tagcloud
tagcoll / tagcoll(1)
Perform various operations on a tagged collection
taggrepper / taggrepper(1)
Search and match tags of media file for regular expressions
taglog / taglog(1)
Time management and recording system
mpgtx / tagmp3(1)
Manipulate id3v1 tags
gnuradio / tags_demo(1)
Gnuradio and uhd tags example
libtagsoup-java / tagsoup(1)
Convert nasty, ugly html to clean xhtml
tagtool / tagtool(1)
A tool to tag and rename mp3 and ogg vorbis files.
tahoe-lafs / tahoe(1)
Secure distributed filesystem.
coreutils / tail(1)
Output the last part of files
util-linux / tailf(1)
Follow the growth of a log file
tailor / tailor(1)
Tool to keep in sync various kinds of repository
speakup-tools / talkwith(1)
Script to easily switch speakup speech synthesizer
tandem-mass / tandem(1)
X!tandem mass spectrometry software for peptide sequencing
texlive-binaries / tangle(1)
Translate web to pascal
tanglet / tanglet(1)
A single player word finding game based on boggle
node-tap / tap(1)
Test-anything-protocol module for node.js
python-twisted-core / tap2deb(1)
Create debian packages which wrap .tap files
python-twisted-core / tap2rpm(1)
Create rpm packages which wrap .tap files
python-twisted-core / tapconvert(1)
Convert twisted configurations from one format to another
fuse-emulator-utils / tape2wav(1)
Tape2wav sinclair zx spectrum tape to wav audio file converter
tapecalc / tapecalc(1)
Full-screen editing calculator
fuse-emulator-utils / tapeconv(1)
Tapeconv sinclair zx spectrum tape file converter
hercules / tapecopy(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
mtx / tapeinfo(1)
Report scsi tape device info
hercules / tapelist(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / tapemap(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / tapesplit(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
hercules / tapesplt(1)
Hercules system/370, esa/390 and z/architecture emulator
tar / tarcat(1)
Concatenates the pieces of a gnu tar multi-volume archive
tardiff / tardiff(1)
Compare two tarballs and report differences
argyll / targen(1)
Generate target deviceb test chart color values.
tart / tart(1)
Generates email signatures
taskwarrior / task(1)
A command line todo manager.
taskcoach / taskcoach(1)
A friendly and simple task manager
util-linux / taskset(1)
Retrieve or set a process's cpu affinity
taskwarrior / tasksh(1)
Interactive taskwarrior shell
yasm / tasm(1)
Tasm frontend for the yasm modular assembler
tcm / tatd(1)
Tool for uml activity diagrams
aterm-ml / taterm(1)
A vt102 emulator for the x window system
tau / tau2otf(1)
Convert tau tracefiles to otf tracefiles for vampir/vng
tau / tau2profile(1)
Convert tau tracefiles to tau profile files
tau / tau2slog2(1)
Convert tau tracefiles to slog2 tracefiles
python-taurus / tau2taurus(1)
Manual page for tau2taurus 3.3.1
tau / tau2vtf(1)
Convert tau tracefiles to vampir tracefiles
tau / tau_compiler.sh(1)
Instrumenting source files.
tau / tau_convert(1)
Convert tau tracefiles into various alternative trace formats
tau / tau_instrumentor(1)
Automaticly instruments a source basied on information provided by pdt.
tau / tau_merge(1)
Combine multiple node and or thread tau tracefiles into a merged tracefile
tau / tau_ompcheck(1)
Completes uncompleted do/for/parallel omp directives
tau / tau_poe(1)
Instruments a mpi application while it is being executed with poe.
tau / tau_portal.py(1)
This tool is design to interact with the tau web portal (http://tau.nic.uoregon.edu). there are command for upload or download packed profile files form the tau portal.
tau / tau_reduce(1)
Generates selective instrumentation rules based on profile data
tau / tau_setup(1)
Launches gui interface to configure tau.
tau / tau_throttle.sh(1)
This tool generates a selective instrumentation file (called throttle.tau) from a program output that has "disabling" messages.
tau / tau_timecorrect(1)
Corrects and reorders the records of tau trace files.
tau / tau_treemerge.pl(1)
Combine multiple node and or thread tau tracefiles into a merged tracefile
tau / tau_validate(1)
Validates a tau installation by performing various tests on each tau stub makefile
tau / tau_wrap(1)
Instruments an external library with tau without needing to recompile
tau / tauex(1)
Allows you to choose a tau/papi configuration at runtime.
python-taurus / taurusconfigbrowser(1)
Manual page for taurusconfigeditor 3.3.1
python-taurus / tauruscurve(1)
Manual page for taurus curve dialog 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusdemo(1)
Manual page for taurusdemo 1.0
python-taurus / taurusdesigner(1)
Manual page for taurusdesigner 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusdevicepanel(1)
Manual page for taurusdevicepanel 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusdoc(1)
Manual page for taurusdoc 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusform(1)
Manual page for taurusform 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusgui(1)
Manual page for taurusgui 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusimage(1)
Manual page for taurus image dialog 3.3.1
python-taurus / tauruspanel(1)
Manual page for tauruspanel 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusplot(1)
Manual page for taurusplot 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusremotelogmonitor(1)
Manual page for taurus remote logger 1.0
python-taurus / taurustrend(1)
Manual page for taurustrend 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurustrend1d(1)
Manual page for taurus trend 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurustrend2d(1)
Manual page for taurus trend 2d 3.3.1
python-taurus / taurusui(1)
Manual page for taurusui 1.0
python-taurus / taurusuic4(1)
Manual page for taurusuic4 *******************************************************************************
blast2 / taxblast(1)
Taxonomy-enabled blast
dbench / tbench(1)
Measure disk throughput for simulated netbench run
dbench / tbench_srv(1)
Measure disk throughput for simulated netbench run
dctrl-tools / tbl-dctrl(1)
Generate tabular representations of data in dctrl format
ncbi-tools-bin / tbl2asn(1)
Prepare a genbank submission using an ascii feature table
llvm-3.4 / tblgen-3.4(1)
Target description to c++ code generator
llvm-3.5 / tblgen-3.5(1)
Target description to c++ code generator
tokyocabinet-bin / tcamgr(1)
The command line utility of the abstract database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcamttest(1)
Test cases of the abstract database api
libgsm-tools / tcat(1)
Toast gsm06.10 lossy sound compression
tokyocabinet-bin / tcatest(1)
Test cases of the abstract database api
tcm / tcbd(1)
Tool for uml collaboration diagrams
tokyocabinet-bin / tcbmgr(1)
The command line utility of the b+ tree database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcbmttest(1)
Test cases of the b+ tree database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcbtest(1)
Test cases of the b+ tree database api
transcode / tccat(1)
Concatenate multimedia streams from medium and print on the standard output
transcode / tcdecode(1)
Read multimedia streams from medium, decode to raw format and print to standard output
transcode / tcdemux(1)
Demultiplex a program stream
transcode / tcexport(1)
Simple frontend to transcode's encoding subsystem
transcode / tcextract(1)
Read multimedia file from medium, extract or demultiplex requested stream and print to standard output
tokyocabinet-bin / tcfmgr(1)
The command line utility of the fixed-length database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcfmttest(1)
Test cases of the fixed-length database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcftest(1)
Test cases of the fixed-length database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tchmgr(1)
The command line utility of the hash database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tchmttest(1)
Test cases of the hash database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tchtest(1)
Test cases of the hash database api
tclcl / tcl2c++(1)
Converts tcl scripts into a c++ static character array
sloccount / tcl_count(1)
Count physical lines of code, given a comment marker
tcl-dev / tcltk-depends(1)
Calculates tcl/tk dependencies
tcm / tcm(1)
Toolkit for conceptual modeling
tcm / tcmd(1)
Toolkit for conceptual modeling daemon
tcm / tcmdv(1)
Toolkit for conceptual modeling daemon
transcode / tcmodchain(1)
Query compatibily of transcode modules chains.
transcode / tcmodinfo(1)
Get and set information in transcode modules
tcm / tcmt(1)
Toolkit for conceptual modeling daemon
qmail / tcp-env(1)
Set up tcp-related environment variables
ipv6toolkit / tcp6(1)
A security assessment tool for tcp/ipv6 implementations
knews / tcp_relay(1)
A tcp relay
tcpreplay / tcpbridge(1)
Bridge network traffic across two interfaces
tcputils / tcpbug(1)
Tcp/ip connection bugging device
ucspi-tcp / tcpcat(1)
Prints data from a remote host.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / tcpcat(1)
Prints data from a remote host.
ucspi-tcp / tcpclient(1)
Creates an outgoing tcp connection.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / tcpclient(1)
Create an outgoing tcp connection
tcputils / tcpconnect(1)
General tcp/ip client
tcpcopy / tcpcopy(1)
Online request replication tool, sending client
tcm / tcpd(1)
Tool for uml component diagrams
tcpflow / tcpflow(1)
Tcp flow recorder
tcpflow-nox / tcpflow(1)
Tcp flow recorder
tcputils / tcplisten(1)
General tcp/ip server
tcpreplay / tcpprep(1)
Create a tcpreplay cache cache file from a pcap file.
tcpreen / tcpreen(1)
Tcp stream monitoring tool
tcpreplay / tcpreplay(1)
Replay network traffic stored in pcap files
tcpreplay / tcpreplay-edit(1)
Replay network traffic stored in pcap files
tcpreplay / tcprewrite(1)
Rewrite the packets in a pcap file.
transcode / tcprobe(1)
Probe multimedia streams from medium and print information on the standard output
ucspi-tcp / tcprules(1)
Compiles rules for tcpserver(1).
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / tcprules(1)
Compile rules for tcpserver
ucspi-tcp / tcprulescheck(1)
Checks tcprules
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / tcprulescheck(1)
Try out rules for tcpserver
tcpser / tcpser(1)
Emulate a hayes compatible modem
ucspi-tcp / tcpserver(1)
Accepts incoming tcp connections.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / tcpserver(1)
Accept incoming tcp connections
tcpslice / tcpslice(1)
Extract pieces of and/or merge together tcpdump files
netdiag / tcpspray(1)
Print average throughput for a tcp connection
ndisc6 / tcpspray.ndisc6(1)
Tcp/ip bandwidth measurement tool (discard and echo client)
ndisc6 / tcpspray6(1)
Tcp/ip bandwidth measurement tool (discard and echo client)
tcptrace / tcptrace(1)
A tcp connection analysis tool
tcptraceroute / tcptraceroute.mt(1)
A traceroute implementation using tcp packets
tcptrack / tcptrack(1)
Monitor tcp connections on the network
transcode / tcpvmexportd(1)
Transcode pvm3 export interface
tcpwatch-httpproxy / tcpwatch-httpproxy(1)
Program to record your http request
tcpxtract / tcpxtract(1)
Extract files from captured network packets
tcm / tcrd(1)
Tool for class-relationship diagrams
tokyotyrant-utils / tcrmgr(1)
The command line utility of the remote database api
tokyotyrant-utils / tcrmttest(1)
Test cases of the remote database api
tokyotyrant-utils / tcrtest(1)
Test cases of the remote database api
transcode / tcscan(1)
Scan multimedia streams from medium and print information on the standard output
tcsh / tcsh(1)
C shell with file name completion and command line editing
tokyocabinet-bin / tctmgr(1)
The command line utility of the table database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tctmttest(1)
Test cases of the table database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcttest(1)
Test cases of the table database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcucodec(1)
Popular encoders and decoders
tokyocabinet-bin / tcumttest(1)
Test cases of the on-memory database api
tokyocabinet-bin / tcutest(1)
Test cases of the utility api
transcode / tcxmlcheck(1)
Check information in smil input file
textdraw / td(1)
Program for drawing geometric figures with ascii art
td2planet / td2planet(1)
Planet implementation of ruby.
tdc / tdc(1)
Stand alone clock that is designed to run as a dock application but is not required to
tcm / tdfd(1)
Tool for data flow diagrams
tcm / tdpd(1)
Tool for uml deployment diagrams
tea / tea(1)
Text editor with syntax highlighting & utf support
jove / teachjove(1)
Learn how to use the jove editor
coreutils / tee(1)
Read from standard input and write to standard output and files
teem-apps / teem(1)
Simple command-line tools which provide fast and easy access to the functionality in the various libraries
teem-apps / teem-gprobe(1)
Shows off the functionality of the gage library
teem-apps / teem-ilk(1)
(i)mage (l)inear trans(x--k)forms.
teem-apps / teem-miter(1)
A simple but effective little volume renderer
teem-apps / teem-mrender(1)
A demonstration of hoover, gage, and nrrd measures.
teem-apps / teem-nrrdSanity(1)
Nearly raw raster data sanity check
teem-apps / teem-overrgb(1)
Composites an rgba nrrd over a background color.
teem-apps / teem-puller(1)
Command-line interface to the "pull" library.
teem-apps / teem-tend(1)
Diffusion image processing and analysis
teem-apps / teem-unu(1)
Utah nrrd utilities command-line interface
teem-apps / teem-vprobe(1)
Shows off the functionality of the gage library.
tcm / tefd(1)
Tool for data and event flow diagrams
python-tegakitools / tegaki-build(1)
Build model for tegaki
python-tegakitools / tegaki-convert(1)
Convert model for tegaki
python-tegakitools / tegaki-eval(1)
Run model for tegaki
tegaki-recognize / tegaki-recognize(1)
Handwriting recognition application
tegaki-train / tegaki-train(1)
Train tegaki with your own handwriting
plotutils / tek2plot(1)
Translate tektronix files to other graphics formats
tekka / tekka(1)
Graphical irc client
telegnome / telegnome(1)
Display teletext pages over the internet
altos / telegps(1)
Rocket flight monitor
libtelnet-utils / telnet-chatd(1)
Simplistic telnet chat server
libtelnet-utils / telnet-client(1)
Simplistic telnet client
pcp / telnet-probe(1)
Lightweight telnet-like port probe
libtelnet-utils / telnet-proxy(1)
Create a telnet debugging proxy
tempest-for-eliza / tempest_for_eliza(1)
Play songs with your computer monitor and am radio
tempest-for-eliza / tempest_for_mp3(1)
Play songs with your computer monitor and am radio
debianutils / tempfile(1)
Create a temporary file in a safe manner
libtemplates-parser11.8.2015-dev / templates2ada(1)
Generate ada sources from a templates file
libtemplates-parser11.8.2015-dev / templatespp(1)
Preprocessor based on templates parser
pandorafms-agent / tentacle_client(1)
A client file transfer protocol
aqsis / teqser(1)
Texture pre-processor from aqsis renderer, a 3d rendering solution adhering to the renderman(r) standard
tercpp / tercpp(1)
Calcurate translation error rate (ter)
tcm / terd(1)
Tool for entity-relationship diagrams
miredo / teredo-mire(1)
Stateless teredo ipv6 responder
terminator / terminator(1)
Multiple gnome terminals in one window
terminatorx / terminatorX(1)
Realtime audio synthesizer
terminology-data / terminology(1)
Terminal emulator written with efl (enlightenment foundation libraries).
termit / termit(1)
Termit \(hy lightweight terminal emulator
termsaver / termsaver(1)
A simple text-based terminal screensaver
dcmtk / termscu(1)
Dicom termination scu
terraintool / terraintool(1)
Tunnelx generating surface meshes for cave survey software
flightgear / terrasync(1)
Flightgear flight simulator terrain synchronization
tcm / tesd(1)
Tool for entity relationship diagrams
teseq / teseq(1)
Format text with terminal escapes and control sequences for human consumption.
libsimgrid-dev / tesh(1)
Testing shell
tesseract-ocr / tesseract(1)
Command-line ocr engine
slang-tess / tessrun(1)
Convenience script for running tess scripts en masse
coreutils / test(1)
Check file types and compare values
logcentral-tools / testComponent(1)
Example of a component that connects to the logcentral and publish some messages. it is used as an example for the diet program.
libchm-bin / test_chmLib(1)
Extracts a file out of a chm file.
libphysfs-dev / test_physfs(1)
Filesystem abstraction library for game programmers
asciidoc / testasciidoc(1)
Run asciidoc conformance tests specified in configuration file.
xastir / testdbfawk(1)
Scan dbfawk files for matching dbf file for map rendering in xastir
suck / testhost(1)
Test the status of an nntp news server
libraw1394-tools / testlibraw(1)
Run basic functionality tests on libraw1394
courier-base / testmxlookup(1)
Look up mail relays for a domain
samba-common-bin / testparm(1)
Check an smb.conf configuration file for internal correctness
ruby2.1 / testrb2.1(1)
Automatic runnter for test::unit of ruby
tetgen / tetgen(1)
Tetgen a quality tetrahedral mesh generator
tetraproc / tetrafile(1)
Tetrahedral microphone processor
tetraproc / tetraproc(1)
Tetrahedral microphone processor
texlive-binaries / tex(1)
Text formatting and typesetting
lyx / tex2lyx(1)
Translate well-behaved latex into lyx
pari-gp / tex2mail(1)
Tex to ascii math prettyprinter
tex4ht / tex4ht(1)
A system for authoring hypertext with tex and friends
texlive-base / texconfig(1)
Configures tetex or tex live texconfig-sys - configures tetex or tex live system-wide
texlive-binaries / texconfig-dialog(1)
Helper program for texconfig and texconfig-sys
texlive-base / texconfig-sys(1)
Configures tetex or tex live texconfig-sys - configures tetex or tex live system-wide
texlive-extra-utils / texdiff(1)
Compares two (la)tex documents to create a merged version showing changes, similar to that of 'change tracking' in some word processors.
texlive-extra-utils / texdirflatten(1)
Collects all components of a (la)tex file in a single output directory \*(-- i.e., flattens its hierarchy.
texlive-base / texdoc(1)
Find & view documentation in tex live
texlive-base / texdoctk(1)
Gui for easier access of tex package and program documentations
context / texexec(1)
context / texfind(1)
Graphical tool to search for text in tex input files
dvi2ps / texfix(1)
Fix (or escape) a bug of rom in some printer.
context / texfont(1)
Font installation tool for context
texlive-binaries / texhash(1)
Create ls-r databases
texinfo / texi2dvi(1)
Convert texinfo documents to dvi or pdf
a2ps / texi2dvi4a2ps(1)
Compile texinfo and latex files to dvi or pdf
texinfo / texindex(1)
Sort texinfo index files
tcode / texjava(1)
Create a java file from an associated latex file
texlive-binaries / texlua(1)
An extended version of pdftex using lua as an embedded scripting language
texlive-binaries / texluac(1)
An extended version of pdftex using lua as an embedded scripting language
texmaker / texmaker(1)
A cross-platform latex editor
context / texmfstart(1)
texstudio / texstudio(1)
A latex ide
giflib-tools / text2gif(1)
A program to generate gif images out of regular text. text can be one line or multi-line, and is converted using 8 by 8 fixed font.
presage / text2ngram(1)
Generate statistical n-gram data from text
tcm / text2ps(1)
Convert text files to postscript
direwolf-docs / text2tt(1)
Convert text to aprstt
festival / text2wave(1)
Convert text to .wav files
liballegro4-dev / textconv(1)
Collection of useful tools for allegro 4 developers
textdraw / textdraw(1)
Program for drawing geometric figures with ascii art
xview-clients / textedit(1)
Xview window- and mouse-based text editor
hylafax-client / textfmt(1)
Convert text to \*(ps\(rg for facsimile transmission
qdacco / textqdacco(1)
Text frontend for dacco dictionary
texworks / texworks(1)
A simple tex front-end program
tf / tf4(1)
Tinyfugue, a mud client
tf5 / tf5(1)
Tinyfugue, a mud client
tfdocgen / tfdocgen(1)
Tilp framework doc generator
tcm / tfet(1)
Tool for function entity-type tables
groff / tfmtodit(1)
Create font files for use with groff -tdvi
tcm / tfrt(1)
Tool for function refinement trees
texlive-binaries / tftopl(1)
Convert tex font metric (tfm) files to property lists
tftp-hpa / tftp(1)
Ipv4 trivial file transfer protocol client
netpbm / tgatoppm(1)
Convert truevision targa file into a portable pixmap
tcm / tgd(1)
Tool for generic diagrams
tgn / tgn(1)
A network traffic generator
tcm / tgt(1)
Tool for generic tables
tcm / tgtt(1)
Tool for generic textual trees
mtools / tgz(1)
Makes a gzip'd tar archive
triggerhappy / th-cmd(1)
Triggerhappy commander
triggerhappy / thd(1)
Triggerhappy global hotkey daemon
the / the(1)
The hessling editor.
themole / themole(1)
Automatic sql injection exploitation tool
themonospot / themonospot(1)
Scan avi files
therion / therion(1)
Therion program to draw cave surveys
therion-viewer / therion-viewer(1)
Loch therion model viewer
theseus / theseus(1)
Maximum likelihood, multiple simultaneous superpositions with statistical analysis
theseus / theseus_align(1)
Quick-and-dirty way to superimpose proteins
dsdp / theta(1)
Semidefinite program solver
tortoisehg / thg(1)
Tortoisehgs gui tools for mercurial scm (hg)
thin / thin(1)
Fast and very simple ruby web server
netpbm / thinkjettopbm(1)
Convert hp thinkjet printer commands file to pbm
ruby-thor / thor(1)
Scripting framework for command line utilities
threadscope / threadscope(1)
A graphical thread profiler for haskell ghc programs
thrift-compiler / thrift(1)
Code generator/compiler for thrift idl
thuban / thuban(1)
Interactive geographic data viewer
libtiff-tools / thumbnail(1)
Create a tiff file with thumbnail images
thunar-volman / thunar-volman(1)
Controls configuration of thunar's removable media
thunar-volman / thunar-volman-settings(1)
Controls configuration of thunar's removable media
ticgit / ti(1)
Ti issue tracking system built on git
ncurses-bin / tic(1)
The terminfo entry-description compiler
ticgitweb / ticgitweb(1)
Ticgitweb a web interface for ticgit
ticker / ticker(1)
Scroll messages across the screen
tickr / tickr(1)
Gtk-based highly graphically-customizable feed ticker.
tictactoe-ng / tictactoe-ng(1)
Fun, simple, tic tac toe game for gnome
xtide / tide(1)
Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (command line client)
tidy / tidy(1)
Validate, correct, and pretty-print html files (version: 25 march 2009)
tidy-proxy / tidy-proxy(1)
Small http proxy which tidies html
texlive-binaries / tie(1)
Merge or apply web change files
tiemu / tiemu(1)
A ti's hand-helds emulator (m68k-based)
libtiff-tools / tiff2bw(1)
Convert a color tiff image to greyscale
libtiff-tools / tiff2pdf(1)
Convert a tiff image to a pdf document
libtiff-tools / tiff2ps(1)
Convert a tiff image to \*(ps\*(tm
libtiff-tools / tiff2rgba(1)
Convert a tiff image to rgba color space
libtiff-tools / tiffcmp(1)
Compare two tiff files
libtiff-tools / tiffcp(1)
Copy (and possibly convert) a tiff file
libtiff-tools / tiffcrop(1)
Select, copy, crop, convert, extract, and/or process one or more tiff files.
libtiff-tools / tiffdither(1)
Convert a greyscale image to bilevel using dithering
libtiff-tools / tiffdump(1)
Print verbatim information about tiff files
python-tifffile / tifffile(1)
Read image and meta-data from tiff, stk, lsm, ome-tiff, and fluoview files.
argyll / tiffgamut(1)
Create vrml image of the gamut surface of a tiff.
libtiff-opengl / tiffgt(1)
Display an image stored in a tiff file (silicon graphics version)
libtiff-tools / tiffinfo(1)
Print information about tiff files
libtiff-tools / tiffmedian(1)
Apply the median cut algorithm to data in a tiff file
libtiff-tools / tiffset(1)
Set a field in a tiff header
libtiff-tools / tiffsplit(1)
Split a multi-image tiff into single-image tiff files
libtiff-tools / tiffsv(1)
Save an image from the framebuffer in a tiff file (silicon graphics version)
netpbm / tifftopnm(1)
Convert a tiff file into a portable anymap
liblcms2-utils / tificc(1)
Little cms icc profile applier for tiff.
tig / tig(1)
Text-mode interface for git
rhash / tiger-hash(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
md5deep / tigerdeep(1)
Compute and compare md5 message digests sha1deep - compute and compare sha-1 message digests sha256deep - compute and compare sha-256 message digests tigerdeep - compute and compare tiger message digests whirlpooldeep - compute and compare whirlpool message digests
lightspark / tightspark(1)
A free flash player
tightvncserver / tightvncconnect(1)
Connect a vnc server to a vnc viewer
tightvncserver / tightvncpasswd(1)
Set passwords for vnc server
tightvncserver / tightvncserver(1)
A wrapper to launch an x server for vnc.
tigr-glimmer / tigr-anomaly(1)
Tigr-glimmer the program lacks a description
tigr-glimmer / tigr-build-icm(1)
Tigr-glimmer ceates and outputs an interpolated markov model(imm)
tigr-glimmer / tigr-extract(1)
Tigr-glimmer fine start/stop positions of genes in genome sequence
tigr-glimmer / tigr-glimmer(1)
Runs various programs of the tigr glimmer suite
tigr-glimmer / tigr-glimmer3(1)
Tigr-glimmer find/score potential genes in genome-file using the probability model in icm-file
tigr-glimmer / tigr-long-orfs(1)
Long-orfs find/score potential genes in genome-file using the probability model in icm-file
tigr-glimmer / tigr-run-glimmer3(1)
Tigr-glimmer apply the suite of programs within glimmer3 to a a prokaryotic or archean genome.
translate-toolkit / tiki2po(1)
Convert tikiwiki's language.php files to gettext po files.
tilda / tilda(1)
First person shooter console likeness terminal
mapserver-bin / tile4ms(1)
Create a tile index shape data set for use with mapserver's tileindex feature
tiled / tiled(1)
Tile map editor
node-tilelive / tilelive-copy(1)
Copy between tile stores
tilem / tilem2(1)
A gtk+ ti z80 calculator emulator
tilestache / tilestache-render(1)
Render tiles from tilestache
tilestache / tilestache-seed(1)
Seed a single layer in your tilestache configuration
tilestache / tilestache-server(1)
Seed a single layer in your tilestache configuration
tilp2 / tilp(1)
A communication program for ti calculators ('tilp is a linking program')
ruby-tilt / tilt(1)
Generic interface to multiple ruby template engines
speech-tools / tilt_analysis(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / tilt_synthesis(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
argyll / timage(1)
Create test images, default hex rgb surface and wedge.
timbl / timbl(1)
Tilburg memory based learner
timblserver / timblclient(1)
A simple client to access the tilburg memory based learner server
timblserver / timblserver(1)
Tilburg memory based learner server
time / time(1)
Run programs and summarize system resource usage
gnome-system-tools / time-admin(1)
Time administration tool
systemd / timedatectl(1)
Control the system time and date
netpipes / timelimit.netpipes(1)
Limit execution time of foreground tasks netpipes 4.2
timemachine / timemachine(1)
Manual page for timemachine
coreutils / timeout(1)
Run a command with a time limit
timidity / timidity(1)
Midi-to-wave converter and player
tin / tin(1)
A usenet newsreader
tina / tina(1)
Personal information manager
tint2 / tint2(1)
Lightweight panel/taskbar
tint2 / tint2conf(1)
Tint configuration manager
tintii / tintii(1)
Turns colour photos into b/w and highlights regions in colour
tinyca / tinyca2(1)
Very simple certification authority
tinyirc / tinyirc(1)
A tiny irc client
tinymux / tinymux-install(1)
Installer for the tinymux flavor mush server
tinyscheme / tinyscheme(1)
Tinyscheme a tiny scheme implementation
tinywm / tinywm(1)
Tiny window manager
ruby-tioga / tioga(1)
Toolbox for irb-like tioga scripts
tiptop / tiptop(1)
Display hardware performance counters for linux tasks
tircd / tircd(1)
An ircd proxy to the twitter api
tix / tixindex(1)
Build tclindex file for the tix widgets
libjpeg-turbo-progs / tjbench(1)
Benchmark the performance of libjpeg-turbo
tk2 / tk2(1)
Tk gui for the icom ic-r2 receiver
tk5 / tk5(1)
Tk gui for the icom ic-r5 receiver
tk707 / tk707(1)
A drum machine
tkabber / tkabber(1)
A gui client for xmpp (jabber) instant messaging protocol
tkabber / tkabber-remote(1)
Remotely control a running instance of tkabber
python-twisted-conch / tkconch(1)
Connect to ssh servers graphically
tkdesk / tkdesk(1)
A graphical file and desktop manager for the x window system
tkgate / tkgate(1)
Tcl/tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
lam-runtime / tkill(1)
Terminate lam on one node.
tkinfo / tkinfo(1)
Program to view gnu info files
melting-gui / tkmelting(1)
Tk interface to melting
tkmib / tkmib(1)
An interactive graphical mib browser for snmp
mpqc-support / tkmolrender(1)
Graphical frontend to the molrender utility
expect / tknewsbiff(1)
Pop up a window when news appears
tkrat / tkrat(1)
A graphical mail user agent
tkremind / tkremind(1)
Graphical front-end to remind calendar program
tla / tla(1)
Arch command line client tool
tla / tla-gpg-check(1)
Gnu arch revision signature checker
procps / tload(1)
Graphic representation of system load average
hash-slinger / tlsa(1)
Create and verify rfc-6698 tlsa dns records
tlsdate / tlsdate(1)
Secure parasitic rdate replacement
tlsdate / tlsdate-helper(1)
Secure parasitic rdate replacement
gatling / tlsgatling(1)
High performance file server
uw-mailutils / tmail(1)
Mail delivery module
tmake / tmake(1)
Create and maintain makefiles for software projects
tmexpand / tmexpand(1)
Jed text-macro processor
tmfs / tmfs(1)
Time machine file system
tmispell-voikko / tmispell(1)
Ispell wrapper which uses voikko for spell-checking
translate-toolkit / tmserver(1)
A translation memory server,
tiled / tmxrasterizer(1)
Renders a tile map to an image
tiled / tmxviewer(1)
A simple tile map viewer
tnat64 / tnat64(1)
Shell wrapper to simplify the use of the tnat64(8) library to transparently allow an application to connect to ipv4 hosts via nat64 on ipv6-only systems when the application doesn't support ipv6 itself.
libtntnet-dev / tntnet-config(1)
Output compiler flags for tntnet(8) usage
erlang-base / to_erl(1)
Attach to a running erlang runtime system, started with run_erl
erlang-base-hipe / to_erl(1)
Attach to a running erlang runtime system, started with run_erl
libgsm-tools / toast(1)
Toast gsm06.10 lossy sound compression
fondu / tobin(1)
Convert a series of files into a series of macbinary files
cdrdao / toc2cddb(1)
Translates a toc file of cdrdao(1) into a cddb file and prints it to stdout
cdrdao / toc2cue(1)
Converts a toc files of cdrdao(1) into a .cue file
mhc-utils / today(1)
Show your today's schedules.
tofrodos / todos(1)
Converts text files between dos and unix formats.
ncurses-bin / toe(1)
Table of (terminfo) entries
toilet / toilet(1)
Display large colourful characters
flip / toix(1)
Do newline conversions between **ix and ms-dos
fcode-utils / toke(1)
Openbios tokenizer
libtolua-dev / tolua(1)
Lua language binding development helper program
libtolua++5.1-dev / tolua++5.1(1)
Lua language binding development helper program
macutils / tomac(1)
Transmit files to the mac
python-tomahawk / tomahawk(1)
Enables to execute a command to many hosts
python-tomahawk / tomahawk-rsync(1)
Enables to copy files to many hosts
python3-tomahawk / tomahawk-rsync3(1)
Enables to copy files to many hosts
python3-tomahawk / tomahawk3(1)
Enables to execute a command to many hosts
tomboy / tomboy(1)
A simple note-taking application for gnome
flip / toms(1)
Do newline conversions between **ix and ms-dos
vpb-utils / tonedebug(1)
Test parameters for the libvpb programmable tone detector
vpb-utils / tonegen(1)
Test the voicetronix programmable tone generator
siggen / tones(1)
A sequential tone generator program
libccaudio2-dev / tonetool(1)
Create and manipulate telephony tones.
vpb-utils / tonetrain(1)
Analyse telephony signal tones for the libvpb programmable detector
why / tool-stat(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
topal / topal(1)
Gpg/gnupg and alpine/pine integration
node-topcube / topcube(1)
Open webkit window
topp / topp(1)
Library for lc/ms data management and analysis - tools
tor / tor(1)
The second-generation onion router
tor / tor-gencert(1)
Generate certs and keys for tor directory authorities
tor / tor-resolve(1)
Resolve a hostname to an ip address via tor
tor / torify(1)
Wrapper for torsocks and tor
torsocks / torsocks(1)
Torsocks shell wrapper to simplify the use of the torsocks(8) library to transparently torify an application.
tinyos-tools / tos-bsl(1)
Program a telos or telos b mote
tinyos-tools / tos-build-deluge-image(1)
Internal tool for deluge t2
tinyos-tools / tos-channelgen(1)
Calculate valid cc1000 radio channels
tinyos-tools / tos-check-env(1)
Check that your environment is properly configured for tinyos development
tinyos-tools / tos-decode-flid(1)
Turn a base-4 safe tinyos error code into a human-readable error message
tinyos-tools / tos-deluge(1)
Management tool for deluge t2
tinyos-tools / tos-ident-flags(1)
Generate compile-time flags identifying a program build
tinyos-tools / tos-install-jni(1)
Install tinyos jni libraries
tinyos-tools / tos-locate-jre(1)
Locate a java installation
tinyos-tools / tos-mote-key(1)
Manage tinysec keys
tinyos-tools / tos-mviz(1)
Launch mviz, the tinyos network visualizer
tinyos-tools / tos-ramsize(1)
Compute ram usage of a tinyos application including the stack
tinyos-tools / tos-serial-configure(1)
Reset serial port settings for raw data
tinyos-tools / tos-serial-debug(1)
Print the raw bytes read from a serial port
tinyos-tools / tos-set-symbols(1)
Set initialized variable values in a binary
tinyos-tools / tos-storage-at45db(1)
Generate storage volume description code
tinyos-tools / tos-storage-pxa27xp30(1)
Generate storage volume description code
tinyos-tools / tos-storage-stm25p(1)
Generate storage volume description code
tinyos-tools / tos-write-image(1)
Generate executable description for deluge
toshset / toshsat1800-irdasetup(1)
Irda setup utility for toshiba satellite 1800
toshset / toshset(1)
Manipulate bios and hardware settings of toshiba laptops
tinyos-tools / tosthreads-dynamic-app(1)
Generate a tosthreads dynamically loadable binary from an elf object file
totalopenstation / totalopenstation-cli-connector(1)
Command-line connector to total station
totalopenstation / totalopenstation-cli-parser(1)
Command-line parser for total station data
totalopenstation / totalopenstation-gui(1)
Total open station 0.3.0
totem-common / totem(1)
Gnome desktop movie player based on gstreamer
totem-common / totem-video-thumbnailer(1)
Video thumbnailer for the gnome desktop
coreutils / touch(1)
Change file timestamps
leafnode / touch_newsgroup(1)
Force leafnode to continue reading low-traffic newsgroups
libevdev-tools / touchpad-edge-detector(1)
Touchpad edge detector
view3dscene / tovrmlx3d(1)
Convert 3d models to x3d, format vrml / x3d to have nice indentation.
python-tox / tox(1)
A generic virtualenv management and test tool.
tuxpaint-dev / tp-magic-config(1)
Helps creating 'magic' tool plugins for tux paint(1)
simh / tp512cvt(1)
Magtape conversion utility
tpb / tpb(1)
Program to use the ibm thinkpad (tm) special keys
gromacs-data / tpbconv(1)
Make a modifed run-input file
gromacs-data / tpbconv_d(1)
Make a modifed run-input file
texlive-binaries / tpic2pdftex(1)
Convert tpic specials for use by pdftex
lam-runtime / tping(1)
Send echo messages to lam nodes.
tpm-tools / tpm_sealdata(1)
Seal input data to the system's tpm
tpm-tools / tpm_version(1)
Report tpm version and manufacturer information
tpm-tools / tpmtoken_import(1)
Import an x.509 certficate and/or an rsa key pair into the user's tpm pkcs#11 data store
tpm-tools / tpmtoken_init(1)
Initialize the user's tpm pkcs#11 data store
tpm-tools / tpmtoken_objects(1)
Display the objects in the user's tpm pkcs#11 data store
tpm-tools / tpmtoken_protect(1)
Encrypt or decrypt data using a symmetric key stored in the user's tpm pkcs#11 data store
tpm-tools / tpmtoken_setpasswd(1)
Change the password(s) associated with the user's tpm pkcs#11 data store
gnutls-bin / tpmtool(1)
Gnutls tpm tool
tpp / tpp(1)
Text presentation program
tcm / tpsd(1)
Tool for process structure diagrams
spass / tptp2dfg(1)
Transforms dfg files into tptp files
ladr4-apps / tptp_to_ladr(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
ncurses-bin / tput(1)
Initialize a terminal or query terminfo database
ssake / tqs(1)
Trim quality solexa-illumina sequences
trustedqsl / tqsl(1)
Digitally sign amateur radio contact logs
coreutils / tr(1)
Translate or delete characters
trac / trac-admin(1)
Trac administration tool
trac / tracd(1)
Stand alone trac http server
trace-cmd / trace-cmd(1)
Interacts with ftrace linux kernel internal tracer
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-check-events(1)
Parse the event formats on local system
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-extract(1)
Extract out the data from the ftrace linux tracer.
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-hist(1)
Show histogram of events in trace.dat file
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-list(1)
List available plugins, events or options for ftrace.
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-listen(1)
Listen for incoming connection to record tracing.
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-mem(1)
Show memory usage of certain kmem events
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-options(1)
List available options from trace-cmd plugins
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-record(1)
Record a trace from the ftrace linux internal tracer
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-report(1)
Show in ascii a trace created by trace-cmd record
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-reset(1)
Turn off all ftrace tracing to bring back full performance
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-restore(1)
Restore a failed trace record
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-show(1)
Show the contents of the ftrace linux kernel tracing buffer.
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-snapshot(1)
Take, reset, free, or show a ftrace kernel snapshot
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-split(1)
Split a trace.dat file into smaller files
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-stack(1)
Read, enable or disable ftrace linux kernel stack tracing.
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-start(1)
Start the ftrace linux kernel tracer without recording
trace-cmd / trace-cmd-stop(1)
Stop the ftrace linux kernel tracer from writing to the ring buffer.
libtrace-tools / traceanon(1)
Anonymise ip addresses of traces
libtrace-tools / traceconvert(1)
Convert a trace from one format to another
libtrace-tools / tracediff(1)
Find and print differences between two traces
libtrace-tools / traceends(1)
Summarise traffic done by every endpoint observed in a trace
libtrace-tools / tracefilter(1)
Apply a bpf filter to a trace
libtrace-tools / tracemerge(1)
Merge one (or more) traces together
libtrace-tools / tracepktdump(1)
Output packets in human readable format
mcrl2 / tracepp(1)
Convert and pretty print traces
traceroute / traceproto.db(1)
Print the route packets trace to network host
libtrace-tools / tracereplay(1)
Replay a trace in trace time from one uri to another
libtrace-tools / tracereport(1)
Produce various reports on a trace (or traceset)
traceroute / traceroute-nanog(1)
Print the route packets trace to network host
traceroute / traceroute.db(1)
Print the route packets trace to network host
traceroute / traceroute6.db(1)
Print the route packets trace to network host
libtrace-tools / tracertstats(1)
Perform simple filter based analysis on a trace
libtrace-tools / tracesplit(1)
Split traces
libtrace-tools / tracesplit_dir(1)
Split traces into two directions
libtrace-tools / tracestats(1)
Perform simple analysis on a trace
libtrace-tools / tracesummary(1)
Output basic summary stats about a trace
libtrace-tools / tracetop(1)
Show top flows
libtrace-tools / tracetopends(1)
Reports the endpoints that are responsible for the most traffic in a trace
tracker / tracker-control(1)
Manage tracker processes and data
tracker-extract / tracker-extract(1)
Extract metadata from a file.
tracker-utils / tracker-import(1)
Imports turtle file data into the database
tracker-utils / tracker-info(1)
Retrieve all information available for a certain file.
tracker-miner-fs / tracker-miner-fs(1)
Used to crawl the file system to mine data.
tracker-gui / tracker-needle(1)
Gnome user interface similar to tracker-search
tracker-gui / tracker-preferences(1)
Preferences editor for tracker-miner-fs
tracker-utils / tracker-search(1)
Search all content for keywords
tracker-utils / tracker-sparql(1)
Use sparql to query the tracker databases.
tracker / tracker-store(1)
Database indexer and query daemon
tracker-utils / tracker-tag(1)
Add, remove and list tags.
tracker / tracker-writeback(1)
Used to write metadata set in tracker back to physical files.
gcin / trad2sim(1)
Clipboard data conversion for traditional chinese and simplified chinese
netdiag / trafshow(1)
Full screen show network traffic
geda-utils / tragesym(1)
Create geda symbols from structured textfiles
kytea / train-kytea(1)
Kytea a word segmentation/pronunciation estimation tool
tralics / tralics(1)
A latex to xml converter
trang / trang(1)
Convert between different schema languages for xml
transcode / transcode(1)
Linux video stream processing tool
transcode / transcode_export(1)
Export modules collection
transcode / transcode_filter(1)
Filter modules collection
transcode / transcode_import(1)
Transcode import modules collection
transcriber / transcriber(1)
Tool to transcribe speech using text (transcriber)
transfermii / transfermii_cli(1)
Transfer your miis from and to your wiimotes
transfermii-gui / transfermii_gui(1)
Transfer your miis from and to your wiimotes
transfig / transfig(1)
Creates a makefile for portable latex figures
libgts-bin / transform(1)
Apply geometric transformations to the input.
ice35-services / transformdb(1)
Freezescript database transformation tool
elastix / transformix(1)
Apply geometric transform to an image
minc-tools / transformtags(1)
Apply mni transform to a tag file
transgui / transgui(1)
Gui program to remotely control the transmission daemon
liblcms2-utils / transicc(1)
Little cms colorspace conversion calculator.
weboob / translaboob(1)
Translate text from one language to another
translate / translate(1)
Looks up for words in a dictionary
translate-docformat / translate-docformat(1)
Translate documentation format.
drslib / translate_cmip3(1)
Translate a stream of filepaths from cmip3 to cmip5 syntax
transmageddon / transmageddon(1)
Multimedia transcoder for portable devices
transmission-remote-cli / transmission-remote-cli(1)
A console client for the transmission bittorrent client
x11-apps / transset(1)
Set transparency on a window
transtermhp / transterm(1)
snmp / traptoemail(1)
Snmptrapd handler script to convert snmp traps into emails
trash-cli / trash(1)
Command line trash utility.
trash-cli / trash-empty(1)
Empty for command line trash utility.
trash-cli / trash-list(1)
List trashed files.
trash-cli / trash-put(1)
Command line trash utility.
trash-cli / trash-rm(1)
Removes files matching a pattern from the trash can
weboob / traveloob(1)
Search for train stations and departures
traverso / traverso(1)
A multitrack audio recorder and editor
travis / travis(1)
Trajectory analyzer and visualizer
trayer / trayer(1)
A lightweight gtk2-based systray for unix desktop
trscripts / trbdf(1)
Convert bdf-font from one encoding to other
trscripts / trcs(1)
Convert text files from one codeset to other
tre-agrep / tre-agrep(1)
Print lines approximately matching a pattern
graphviz / tred(1)
Transitive reduction filter for directed graphs
tree-ppuzzle / tree-ppuzzle(1)
Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood (parallelized version)
tree-puzzle / tree-puzzle(1)
Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood
prime-phylo / tree2leafnames(1)
List the leaves of a tree
seqan-apps / tree_recon(1)
Tree reconstruction synopsis tree_recon [options] -m in.dist description reconstruct phylogenetic tree from phylip matrix in.dist. -h, --help displays this help message. --version display version information input / output: -m, --matrix file name phylip distance matrix file. must contain at least three species. valid filetype is: dist. -o, --out-file file path to write output to. valid filetypes are: dot and newick. default: tree.dot. algorithm options: -b, --build method tree building method. nj: neighbour-joining, min: upgma single linkage, max: upgma complete linkage, avg: upgma average linkage, wavg: upgma weighted average linkage. neighbour-joining creates an unrooted tree. we root that tree at the least joined pair. one of nj, min, max, avg, and wavg. default: nj. contact and references for questions or comments, contact: tobias rausch [email protected] seqan homepage: http://www.seqan.de version tree_recon version: 1.02 last update july 17, 2012
treeline / treeline(1)
An information storage program
prime-phylo / treesize(1)
Count the leaves of trees.
treil / treil(1)
Tile image generator
staden / trev(1)
Opening trace files (part of staden package)
python-twisted-core / trial(1)
Run unit tests
regina-normal / tricensus(1)
Form a census of 3-manifold triangulations
regina-normal-mpi / tricensus-mpi(1)
Distribute a triangulation census amongst several machines using mpi
regina-normal-mpi / tricensus-mpi-status(1)
Summarise the log file of an mpi census of triangulations
libdatrie1-bin / trietool-0.2(1)
Trie manipulation tool
mate-gnome-main-menu-applet / trigger-panel-run-dialog(1)
Helper tool of the gnome main menu applet for mate
regina-normal / trisetcmp(1)
Compare triangulations between two regina data files
tritium / tritium(1)
A tabbed/tiling window manager for the x window system
gromacs-data / trjcat(1)
Concatenate trajectory files
gromacs-data / trjcat_d(1)
Concatenate trajectory files
gromacs-data / trjconv(1)
Convert and manipulates trajectory files
gromacs-data / trjconv_d(1)
Convert and manipulates trajectory files
gromacs-data / trjorder(1)
Order molecules according to their distance to a group
gromacs-data / trjorder_d(1)
Order molecules according to their distance to a group
python-trml2pdf / trml2pdf(1)
Convert rml (report markup language) to pdf
ncbi-tools-bin / trna2sap(1)
Convert trnascan-se output to an asn.1 seq-annot object
ncbi-tools-bin / trna2tbl(1)
Convert trnascan-se output to a sequin feature table
trovacap / trovacap(1)
Tool to find italian zip codes (cap - codice avviamento postale)
tcm / trpg(1)
Tool for recursive process graphs
konwert / trs(1)
Filter replacing strings
coreutils / true(1)
Do nothing, successfully
trueprint / trueprint(1)
Print program listings on postscript printer.
coreutils / truncate(1)
Shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
socklog / tryto(1)
Tries to run a command limited by a timeout or number of tries, can be used to run as svlogd(8) processor.
tryton-client / tryton(1)
Tryton application platform (client)
tryton-client / tryton-client(1)
Tryton application platform (client)
tryton-neso / tryton-neso(1)
Tryton application platform (standalone client/server)
tryton-server / tryton-server(1)
Tryton application platform (server)
tryton-server / trytond(1)
Tryton application platform (server)
gcin / ts-contribute(1)
Tsin vocabulary uploader for gcin
gcin / ts-contribute-en(1)
Tsin vocabulary uploader for gcin
gcin / ts-edit(1)
Tsin vocabulary database editor for gcin
gcin / ts-edit-en(1)
Tsin vocabulary database editor for gcin
tstools / ts2es(1)
Extract a single (elementary) stream from a ts (or ps)
liblas-bin / ts2las(1)
Convert terrasolid .bin files into las files
opencaster / ts2m2ts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / ts2pes(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
translate-toolkit / ts2po(1)
Convert qt linguist (.ts) files to gettext po localization files.
opencaster / ts2sec(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
dvbstream / ts_filter(1)
Extract a single stream from a multiplexed ts
tstools / ts_packet_insert(1)
Insert packets into a transport stream
gcin / tsa2d32(1)
Gcin's tsin tools
opencaster / tscbrmuxer(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsccc(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
tcm / tscd(1)
Tool for uml statechart diagrams
opencaster / tscrypt(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
gcin / tsd2a(1)
Gcin's tsin tools
gcin / tsd2a32(1)
Gcin's tsin tools
tsdecrypt / tsdecrypt(1)
Decrypt mpeg transport stream.
tsdecrypt / tsdecrypt_dvbcsa(1)
Decrypt mpeg transport stream.
tsdecrypt / tsdecrypt_ffdecsa(1)
Decrypt mpeg transport stream.
opencaster / tsdiscont(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsdoubleoutput(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
tse3play / tse3play(1)
Play/convert music files (midi or tse3mdl) using the tse3 sequencer engine library
ncurses-bin / tset(1)
Terminal initialization
opencaster / tsfilter(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsfixcc(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
gcin / tsin2gtab-phrase(1)
Gcin's tsin tools
tstools / tsinfo(1)
Report on the streams in a transport stream
opencaster / tsinputswitch(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
sleuthkit / tsk_comparedir(1)
Compare the contents of a directory with the contents of an image or local device.
sleuthkit / tsk_gettimes(1)
Collect mac times from a disk image into a body file.
sleuthkit / tsk_loaddb(1)
Populate a sqlite database with metadata from a disk image
sleuthkit / tsk_recover(1)
Export files from an image into a local directory
gcin / tslearn(1)
Learns user's personal phrase data
opencaster / tsloop(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
smarty-gettext / tsmarty2c(1)
Rip translation strings from smarty template files and convert them to gettext calls in c.
opencaster / tsmask(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsmodder(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
tcm / tsnd(1)
Tool for system network diagrams
opencaster / tsnullfiller(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsnullshaper(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
tsocks / tsocks(1)
Shell wrapper to simplify the use of the tsocks(8) library to transparently allow an application to use a socks proxy
opencaster / tsororts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
coreutils / tsort(1)
Perform topological sort
opencaster / tsorts(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsoutputswitch(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
task-spooler / tsp(1)
Task spooler. a simple unix batch system
opencaster / tspcrmeasure(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tspcrrestamp(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tspcrstamp(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tspidmapper(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
splash / tsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
tstools / tsplay(1)
Play the given ts or ps file 'at' the nominated host, or to an output file
tsung / tsplot(1)
Plot several tsung logs on the same charts, for comparison purpose.
opencaster / tsprinter(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
freetds-bin / tsql(1)
Utility to test freetds connections and queries
tstools / tsreport(1)
Report on a transport stream
tcm / tssd(1)
Tool for uml static-structure diagrams
tstools / tsserve(1)
Act as a server which plays the given transport or program stream
opencaster / tsstamp(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tstcpreceive(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tstcpsend(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
tcm / tstd(1)
Tool for state transition diagrams
opencaster / tstdt(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tstimedwrite(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tstimeout(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsudpreceive(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
opencaster / tsudpsend(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
tsung / tsung(1)
A distributed multi-protocol load testing tool.
tsung / tsung-recorder(1)
Proxy recorder for the tsung load testing tool.
opencaster / tsvbr2cbr(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
ssvnc / tsvnc(1)
A gui wrapper for ssl and ssh vnc connections.
treetop / tt(1)
Compile a treetop grammar file to ruby source code
direwolf-docs / tt2text(1)
Convert aprstt to text
ttb / ttb(1)
Teletekst browser for linux/unix
ctn / ttdelete(1)
Generic ctn manual page
tcm / ttdt(1)
Tool for transaction decomposition tables
libbatik-java / ttf2svg(1)
Font converter for svg
ttfautohint / ttfautohint(1)
Add new, auto-generated hints to a truetype font
ttfautohint / ttfautohintGUI(1)
Add new, auto-generated hints to a truetype font
texlive-binaries / ttfdump(1)
Dumping the contents of a truetype font file
lcdf-typetools / ttftotype42(1)
Create postscript type 42 wrapper of truetype font
tth / tth(1)
Tex and latex to html translator and its auxiliary program
rhash / tth-hash(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
tth-common / tthprep(1)
Tth gold html file splitting utilities
tth-common / tthrfcat(1)
Tth gold html file splitting utilities
tth-common / tthsplit(1)
Tth gold html file splitting utilities
tthsum / tthsum(1)
Tthsum \(hy generates or checks tth message digests
mtink / ttink(1)
Program to control your epson printer
ctn / ttinsert(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ttlayout(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ttm / ttm(1)
Tex and latex to mathml translator and its auxiliary programs
tth-common / ttmsplit(1)
Tth gold html file splitting utilities
ctn / ttselect(1)
Generic ctn manual page
tokyotyrant / ttserver(1)
The server of tokyo tyrant
tokyotyrant-utils / ttulmgr(1)
The command line utility of the update log api
tokyotyrant-utils / ttultest(1)
Test cases of the update log api
ctn / ttunique(1)
Generic ctn manual page
ctn / ttupdate(1)
Generic ctn manual page
tcm / ttut(1)
Tool for transaction-use tables
ttv / ttv(1)
Display tv/video on a tty
xgridfit / ttx2xgf(1)
Extracts instructions from a ttx file and creates an xgridfit program.
coreutils / tty(1)
Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
tty-clock / tty-clock(1)
A terminal digital clock
ttyload / ttyload(1)
Console based color-coded graphs of cpu load average
ttyrec / ttyplay(1)
Player of the tty session recorded by ttyrec
ttyrec / ttyrec(1)
A tty recorder
kbtin / ttyrec2ansi(1)
Ttyrec to ansi converter
ttyrec / ttytime(1)
Print the time of the recorded session data by ttyrec(1)
tcm / tucd(1)
Tool for uml use-case diagrams
tucnak2 / tucnak(1)
Vhf/uhf/shf contest log
tucnak2 / tucnak2(1)
Vhf/uhf/shf contest log
tudu / tudu(1)
A command-line tool to manage todo lists hierarchically.
tulip / tulip(1)
Tulip program to visualize very large graphs
tunapie / tunapie(1)
Browse, record and launch shoutcast and icecast video and radio streams
gnupod-tools / tunes2pod(1)
Convert an itunesdb into gnutunesdb's xml
tunesviewer / tunesviewer(1)
Program to access media and podcasts from itunes u
tunnelx / tunnelx(1)
Tunnelx software for drawing cave surveys
tupi-data / tupi(1)
Magia 2d. animation tool
coturn / turnadmin(1)
rfc5766-turn-server / turnadmin(1)
turnin-ng / turnin(1)
Submit assignments to be graded
turnin-ng / turnincfg(1)
Manage assignments submitted with turnin
turnserver / turnserver(1)
Turn server implementation
turpial / turpial(1)
Light, fast and fully functional twitter client written in python
turtleart / turtleart(1)
A logo-like tool for teaching programming
python-tuskarclient / tuskar(1)
Openstack tuskar command line client
tuxcmd / tuxcmd(1)
Tux commander, a gtk2 based file manager
tuxguitar / tuxguitar(1)
Tuxguitar program to do edit and playback guitar tablature
tuxpaint / tuxpaint-import(1)
Import image files into tux paint(1)
tuxtype / tuxtype(1)
Tuxtyping typing tutor
treeviewx / tv(1)
Displays and prints phylogenetic trees
tvoe / tvoe(1)
Tv over ethernet streaming
tvtime / tvtime(1)
A high quality television application
tvtime / tvtime-command(1)
Control a running tvtime process
tvtime / tvtime-configure(1)
Change settings in the tvtime configuration file
tvtime / tvtime-scanner(1)
An all-band scanner for tvtime to help users of european cable providers that do not use standard frequencies
mayavi2 / tvtk_doc(1)
A gui based tvtk documentation search browser.
twatch / twatch(1)
Watch torrent trackers and automatically download new torrents
twclock / twclock(1)
A world clock and automatic id for amateur radio operators
tweak / tweak(1)
Efficient hex editor
tweak / tweak-wrapper(1)
Efficient hex editor
tweeper / tweeper(1)
Web scraper to convert a twitter timeline to an rss feed
python-twitter / tweet(1)
Text-based client for twitter.
twidge / twidge(1)
Microblogging client for twitter, identica
vtgrab / twiglet(1)
Observe or control an rvc-enabled machine's console
python-twill / twill-fork(1)
python-twill / twill-sh(1)
twine / twine(1)
Twine documentation contents:
gtkwave / twinwave(1)
Wraps multiple gtkwave sessions in one window or two synchronized windows
python-twisted-core / twistd(1)
Run twisted applications (tacs, taps)
python-twitter / twitter-to-xhtml(1)
Fetches a users latest updates and stores in an xhtml file
twm / twm(1)
Tab window manager for the x window system
twms / twms(1)
Wms (web map service) / tms (tiled map service) server
twoftpd / twoftpd-auth(1)
Twoftpd authentication front-end
twoftpd / twoftpd-switch(1)
Twoftpd back-end switcher.
twoftpd / twoftpd-xfer(1)
Twoftpd file transfer back-end.
twolame / twolame(1)
An optimised mpeg audio layer 2 (mp2) encoder
graphviz / twopi(1)
Filter for drawing directed graphs neato - filter for drawing undirected graphs twopi - filter for radial layouts of graphs circo - filter for circular layout of graphs fdp - filter for drawing undirected graphs sfdp - filter for drawing large undirected graphs patchwork - filter for tree maps
twpsk / twpsk(1)
A psk program
transifex-client / tx(1)
A command line interface for transifex
python-txaws / txaws(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-create-bucket(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-delete-bucket(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-delete-object(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-discover(1)
Txaws aws api discovery tool
python-txaws / txaws-get-bucket(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-get-object(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-head-object(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-list-buckets(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
python-txaws / txaws-put-object(1)
Txaws s3 helper commands
xiterm+thai / txiterm(1)
X terminal emulator for thai (tis-620) environments
gcin / txt2gtab-phrase(1)
Gcin's phrase builder for table-based input methods
eep24c / txt2ihex(1)
Converts intelhex format to a simple text format txt2ihex - converts simple text format to intelhex
liblas-bin / txt2las(1)
Converts lidar data from ascii format into las representation
mcrl2 / txt2lps(1)
Translates an mcrl2 specification of a linear process into an lps
txt2man / txt2man(1)
Convert flat ascii text to man page format
fcitx-tools / txt2mb(1)
Fcitx table related tools
libpwiz-tools / txt2mzml(1)
Txt2mzml read text spectrum data and write mzml.
mcrl2 / txt2pbes(1)
Parse a textual description of a pbes
txt2pdbdoc / txt2pdbdoc(1)
Text to doc file converter for palm pilots
opencaster / txt2pes(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
translate-toolkit / txt2po(1)
Convert plain text (.txt) files to gettext po localization files.
txt2regex / txt2regex(1)
A regular expression wizard, written with bash2 builtins
txt2tags / txt2tags(1)
Text formatting and conversion tool
argyll / txt2ti3(1)
Convert gretag/logo or x-rite colorpport raw rgb or cmyk device profile data to argyll cgats data.
txtreader / txtreader(1)
Text viewer, mainly used for reading text novels
gtypist / typefortune(1)
Generate a .typ file and call gtypist to run this file
orbit2 / typelib-dump(1)
Show orbit2 type library modules
erlang-typer / typer(1)
The typer, a type annotator of erlang code
orage / tz_convert(1)
Timezone converter from operating system tz format into libical format used by orage and several other calander tools.
dvb-apps / tzap(1)
A program to process channels.conf files.
tzc / tzc(1)
Trivial zephyr client
glibc-source / tzselect(1)
View timezones
libc-bin / tzselect(1)
View timezones
tzwatch / tzwatch(1)
Display the time in a number of time zones, specified by the user
fuse-emulator-utils / tzxlist(1)
Tzxlist sinclair zx spectrum real tape file lister
u3-tool / u3-tool(1)
Tool for controlling the special features of an u3 usb flash disk.
uapevent / uapevent(1)
Interpret events from marvell uap wireless driver
uaputl / uaputl(1)
Configure marvell uap wireless driver
ubuntu-dev-tools / ubuntu-build(1)
Command-line interface to launchpad build operations
distro-info / ubuntu-distro-info(1)
Provides information about ubuntu's distributions
ubuntu-dev-tools / ubuntu-iso(1)
Tool to examine ubuntu cd (iso) installation media
ubuntu-dev-tools / ubuntu-upload-permission(1)
Query upload rights and (optionally) list the people and teams with upload rights for a package
uc-echo / uc-echo(1)
Short-read error correction
unp / ucat(1)
A shell frontend for uncompressing/unpacking tools
ucblogo / ucblogo(1)
A dialect of lisp using turtle graphics famous for teaching kids.
ucf / ucf(1)
Update configuration file: preserve user changes in configuration files
ucf / ucfq(1)
Query the ucf database
ucf / ucfr(1)
Update configuration file registry: associate packages with configuration files
uchardet / uchardet(1)
Universalchardet (universal charset detector)
mothur / uchime(1)
Reads a fasta file and reference file and outputs potentially chimeric sequences
ucimf / ucimf(1)
Unicode console input method framework
ucimf / ucimf_keyboard(1)
Ucimf jfbterm keyboard shortcut mapping tool
ucimf / ucimf_start(1)
Libucimf unicode console input method framework starter
svn-buildpackage / uclean(1)
Remove redundant files from upstream source packages
rdmacm-utils / ucmatose(1)
Rdma cm connection and simple ping-pong test.
libucommon-dev / ucommon-config(1)
Script to get information about ucommon library
icu-devtools / uconv(1)
Convert data from one encoding to another
ucpp / ucpp(1)
C preprocessor
xfonts-utils / ucs2any(1)
Generate bdf fonts containing subsets of iso 10646-1 codepoints
cc1111 / ucsim(1)
8051, avr and z80 microcontrollers simulator for sdcc.
sdcc-ucsim / ucsim(1)
8051, avr and z80 microcontrollers simulator for sdcc.
ucspi-proxy / ucspi-proxy(1)
Copy data between a ucspi client and server
ucspi-proxy / ucspi-proxy-http-xlate(1)
Translating http proxy
ucto / ucto(1)
Unicode tokenizer
rdmacm-utils / udaddy(1)
Rdma cm datagram setup and simple ping-pong test.
udav / udav(1)
Program for data visualization based on mathgl library
udevil / udevil(1)
Alternative storage media interface
udisks / udisks(1)
Udisks command line tool
udisks-glue / udisks-glue(1)
A tool to associate udisks events to user-defined actions
udisks / udisks-tcp-bridge(1)
Udisks tcp/ip bridge
udisks2 / udisksctl(1)
The udisks command line tool
udpcast / udp-receiver(1)
Receive files broadcast by udp-sender
udpcast / udp-sender(1)
Broadcast file on a lan
udptunnel / udptunnel(1)
Tunnel udp packets over a tcp connection
ncbi-tools-x11 / udv(1)
Oned-viewer for biological sequences
cloud-utils / uec-publish-image(1)
Publish a cloud image
cloud-utils / uec-publish-tarball(1)
Publish a cloud archive
cloud-utils / uec-resize-image(1)
Resize a partition image
cloud-utils / uec-run-instances(1)
Wrapper for euca-run-instances that supports an option for injecting public ssh keys retrievable from launchpad.net
python-ufl / ufl-analyse(1)
Analyse a .ufl file to find errors.
python-ufl / ufl-convert(1)
Convert a .ufl file to some other format.
python-ufl / ufl-version(1)
Display the ufl version number
python-ufl / ufl2py(1)
Convert .ufl file to a .py file.
fondu / ufond(1)
Convert unix font files into macintosh format
uget / uget-gtk(1)
A download manager that uses gtk+2, and libcurl
node-uglify / uglifyjs(1)
Manual page for uglify-js 2.4.15
uhd-host / uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance(1)
Generate rx iq balance calibration table for a uhd device
uhd-host / uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset(1)
Generate tx dc offset calibration table for a uhd device
uhd-host / uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance(1)
Generate tx iq balance calibration table for a uhd device
gnuradio / uhd_fft(1)
Display spectrum from uhd receiver
uhd-host / uhd_images_downloader(1)
Usrp hardware driver firmware/fpga downloader
gnuradio / uhd_rx_cfile(1)
Save uhd received data
gnuradio / uhd_rx_nogui(1)
Gnu radio receiver
gnuradio / uhd_siggen(1)
Signal generator using uhd hardware
gnuradio / uhd_siggen_gui(1)
Gnu radio signal generator using uhd hardware
microhope / uhope(1)
Interactive program to learn microcontroller programming.
uhub / uhub(1)
A high performance adc peer-to-peer hub
uhub / uhub-passwd(1)
Small utility for manipulating passwords which are used by uhub daemon
ui-auto / ui-auto-env(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-release(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-release-multi(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-shell(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-sp2ui(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-ubs(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-update(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-uvc(1)
A tool from the ui-auto tool box.
ui-auto / ui-auto-version(1)
Print parsable version information for development package ui-auto.
libui-gxmlcpp-dev / ui-gxmlcpp-version(1)
Print parsable version information for development package ui-gxmlcpp.
libui-utilcpp-dev / ui-utilcpp-version(1)
Print parsable version information for development package ui-utilcpp.
uicilibris / uicilibris(1)
A harvester for mediawiki contents, with latex export
libuid-wrapper / uid_wrapper(1)
A wrapper to fake privilege separation
uil / uil(1)
Uil the user interface language compiler "user interface language" "user interface language" "compiler" "uil" "uil" "compiler"
uim-xim / uim-xim(1)
Xim interface to uim
uisp / uisp(1)
Micro in-system programmer for atmel's avr mcus
ukopp / ukopp(1)
ulatency / ulatency(1)
Client for the ulatencyd daemon
ulatency / ulatency-gui(1)
Client for the ulatencyd daemon
fuse / ulockmgr_server(1)
Lock manager server for fuse filesystems
ultracopier / ultracopier(1)
Advanced graphical file copy system
umview / um_add_service(1)
Add a service module to umview
umview / um_del_service(1)
Remove a service module of umview
umview / um_fsalias(1)
Define a file system type alias
umview / um_ls_service(1)
List the service modules currently loaded by umview/kmview
umbrello / umbrello(1)
A uml modelling tool and code generator
umegaya / umegaya-ddc-ping(1)
Umegaya\[aq]s debian-devel-changes pinger
umegaya / umegaya-fields-stats(1)
Ranked list of fields from collected copyright files
umegaya / umegaya-guess-url(1)
Guesses a package name from a vcs url.
umegaya / umegaya-license-stats(1)
Ranked list of licenses from collected copyright files
umegaya / umegaya-query(1)
Query a remote umegaya instance
uml-utilities / uml_mconsole(1)
Uml_mconsole attach to the management console of a user-mode linux kernel
uml-utilities / uml_mkcow(1)
Uml_mkcow create a new cow file
uml-utilities / uml_moo(1)
Uml_moo merge a cow file with its backing file
uml-utilities / uml_mount(1)
Uml_mount allows to mount umlfs file system using the fuse libraries
uml-utilities / uml_switch(1)
Uml_switch switch daemon for user-mode linux
umlet / umlet(1)
Simple, text driven uml drawing tool
ecryptfs-utils / umount.ecryptfs_private(1)
Ecryptfs private unmount helper.
s3ql / umount.s3ql(1)
Unmount an s3ql file system
mountpy / umountpy(1)
Program for quick automatic mounting and umounting of external filesystems, especially suited for usb removable devices.
umview / umshutdown(1)
Shutdown a umview/kmview machine
umview / umview(1)
User mode implementation of view-os
unace / unace(1)
Extract, test and view ace archives
unadf / unadf(1)
Extract files from an amiga disk file dump
unalz / unalz(1)
Decompresses alzip formatted files with names ending in ".alz"
coreutils / uname(1)
Print system information
unar / unar(1)
Extract archive file contents
asn1c / unber(1)
Asn.1 ber decoder
unbound-host / unbound-host(1)
Unbound dns lookup utility
expect / unbuffer(1)
Unbuffer output
unburden-home-dir / unburden-home-dir(1)
Unburdens home directories from caches and trashes
socklog / uncat(1)
Continuously reads stdin, splits up the data either by timeout or number of bytes read to process it
unclutter / unclutter(1)
Remove idle cursor image from screen
compface / uncompface(1)
Compress and expand 48x48x1 face image files
gzip / uncompress(1)
Compress or expand files
ncompress / uncompress.real(1)
Compress and expand data
xa65 / uncpk(1)
Manage c64 cpk archives
undbx / undbx(1)
A tool to extract e-mails from outlook express .dbx files.
libxbase64-bin / undelall(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
undertaker / undertaker(1)
Find defects in conditinal c code
undertaker / undertaker-kconfigdump(1)
Get a configuration dump from a linux kernel tree
undertaker / undertaker-kconfigpp(1)
Manual page for undertaker-kconfigpp 1.4
undertaker / undertaker-linux-tree(1)
Run undertaker on linux tree
coreutils / unexpand(1)
Convert spaces to tabs
ladr4-apps / unfast(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
graphviz / unflatten(1)
Adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio
unhtml / unhtml(1)
Strip the html formatting from a document or the standard input stream and display it to the standard output
uni2ascii / uni2ascii(1)
Convert utf-8 unicode to various 7-bit ascii representations
unifont-bin / unibdf2hex(1)
Convert bdf font glyphs into unifont .hex glyphs
unifont-bin / unibmp2hex(1)
Bitmap graphics file to gnu unifont .hex file converter
tesseract-ocr / unicharset_extractor(1)
Extract unicharset from tesseract boxfiles
unicode / unicode(1)
Command line unicode database query tool
kbd / unicode_start(1)
Put keyboard and console in unicode mode
kbd / unicode_stop(1)
Revert keyboard and console from unicode mode
yudit / uniconv(1)
Convert text to native formats through unicode
unicorn / unicorn(1)
A rackup-like command to launch the unicorn http server
unicorn / unicorn_rails(1)
A script/server-like command to launch the unicorn http server
unifont-bin / unicoverage(1)
Print coverage of each unicode bmp script
uniutils / unidesc(1)
Describe the contents of a unicode text file
unifont-bin / unidup(1)
Scan through a sorted .hex file and report duplicate code points
unifont-bin / unifont-viewer(1)
View a .hex font file with a graphical user interface
unifont-bin / unifontchojung(1)
Extract hangul syllables that have no final consonant
unifont-bin / unifontksx(1)
Extract hangul syllables that comprise ks x 1001:1992
unifont-bin / unifontpic(1)
Convert gnu unifont .hex input to a bitmap image of the whole font
uniutils / unifuzz(1)
Emit strings designed to test unicode handling
unifont-bin / unigencircles(1)
Add dashed combining circles to a unifont.hex file
unifont-bin / unigenwidth(1)
Generate c code for posix wcwidth and wcswidth functions
unifont-bin / unihex2bmp(1)
Gnu unifont .hex file to bitmap graphics file converter
unifont-bin / unihex2png(1)
Gnu unifont .hex file to portable network graphics converter
unifont-bin / unihexfill(1)
Generate range of unifont 4- or 6-digit hexadecimal glyphs
unifont-bin / unihexgen(1)
Generate unifont 4- or 6-digit hexadecimal glyphs
uniutils / unihist(1)
Generate a histogram of the characters in a unicode file
unifont-bin / unipagecount(1)
Count the assigned code points in a gnu unifont .hex file
unifont-bin / unipng2hex(1)
Portable network graphics to gnu unifont .hex file converter
yudit / uniprint(1)
Produce postscript output from unicode text for printing
coreutils / uniq(1)
Report or omit repeated lines
uniutils / unireverse(1)
Reverse each line of utf-8 input character-by-character
unison2.32.52 / unison-2.32(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison2.32.52-gtk / unison-2.32-gtk(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison2.32.52 / unison-2.32.52(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison2.32.52-gtk / unison-2.32.52-gtk(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison / unison-2.40(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison-gtk / unison-2.40-gtk(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison / unison-2.40.102(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison-gtk / unison-2.40.102-gtk(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison / unison-latest-stable(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
unison-gtk / unison-latest-stable-gtk(1)
A file-synchronization tool for unix and windows
xcrysden / unitconv(1)
Simple energy and length units converter
fp-utils-2.6.4 / unitdiff-2.6.4(1)
Describe differences in the interface of a fpc unit.
units-filter / units-filter(1)
Is a parser for physical and chemical quantities
libdivecomputer0 / universal(1)
Download dive information from a dive computer
universalindentgui / universalindentgui(1)
Gui frontend for several code beautifiers
ucspi-unix / unixcat(1)
Prints data from a unix domain socket.
ucspi-unix / unixclient(1)
Unix domain socket client
vde2 / unixcmd(1)
Simple remote command for unix sockets
ucspi-unix / unixserver(1)
Unix domain socket server
vde2 / unixterm(1)
(simple) remote terminal for unix sockets
fastlink / unknown(1)
Identify possible genotypes for unknowns
unlambda / unlambda(1)
An unlambda programming language interpreter
coreutils / unlink(1)
Call the unlink function to remove the specified file
unmass / unmass(1)
Extract game archive files
unmo3 / unmo3(1)
Uncompress and extract samples from mo3 modules
munge / unmunge(1)
Munge credential decoder
unoconv / unoconv(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
libreoffice-common / unopkg(1)
unp / unp(1)
A shell frontend for uncompressing/unpacking tools
unpaper / unpaper(1)
Post-processing tool for scanned sheets of paper.
pigz / unpigz(1)
Compress or expand files
unrar-free / unrar-free(1)
Unrar-free extract files from rar archives
njplot / unrooted(1)
A phylogenetic tree drawing program for biologists
obs-build / unrpm(1)
Unpack the contents of one or more rpm files
unrtf / unrtf(1)
Converts document in rtf format to other formats
sharutils / unshar(1)
Unpack a shar archive
util-linux / unshare(1)
Run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
unshield / unshield(1)
Extract cab files from an installshield installer archive
ispell / unsq(1)
Squeeze or unsqueeze a sorted word list
squashfs-tools / unsquashfs(1)
Tool to uncompress squashfs filesystems
fortune-mod / unstr(1)
Create a random access file for storing strings unstr - dump strings in pointer order
untex / untex(1)
Strip latex comands from input
libgsm-tools / untoast(1)
Toast gsm06.10 lossy sound compression
liwc / untrigraph(1)
Remove trigraphs from c source code
patchutils / unwrapdiff(1)
Demangle word-wrapped patches
arandr / unxrandr(1)
Inverse tool of xrandr
xz-utils / unxz(1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unyaffs / unyaffs(1)
Extract files from a yaffs2 file system image
unzip / unzip(1)
List, test and extract compressed files in a zip archive
unzip / unzipsfx(1)
Self-extracting stub for prepending to zip archives
boinc-client / update-boinc-applinks(1)
Create/remove symbolic links for anonymous boinc applications
cmigemo-common / update-cmigemo-dict(1)
C/migemo library 1.3 driver
desktop-file-utils / update-desktop-database(1)
Build cache database of mime types handled by desktop files
ebnetd-common / update-ebnetd.conf(1)
Reads /etc/ebnetd/book.d/* and generates /etc/ebnetd.conf
gap-core / update-gap-workspace(1)
Manage a gap workspace.
gosa / update-gosa(1)
Class cache updater and plugin manager for gosa
ifupdown-scripts-zg2 / update-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks(1)
Preliminary manpage dump-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks kill-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks check-ifupdown-scripts-zg2.d-symlinks
samizdat / update-indymedia-cities(1)
Create cities.inc from http://www.indymedia.org/cities.xml
jailtool / update-jail(1)
Jailtool tool to build chroot-jails for daemons.
libfile-scan-perl / update-libfile-scan-perl(1)
Download new version of libfile-scan-perl's virus definitions
gosa-dev / update-locale(1)
Update localization files
ubuntu-dev-tools / update-maintainer(1)
Change the maintainer field in a debian source package
menu / update-menus(1)
Generate debian menu system
metainit / update-metainit(1)
Generates init scripts
shared-mime-info / update-mime-database(1)
A program to build the shared mime-info database cache
mknfonts.tool / update-nfonts(1)
Create nfonts from the systemfonts using symlinks
gosa-dev / update-online-help(1)
Update the online help
syslog-ng-core / update-patterndb(1)
Merge patterndb files into a single database.
gosa-dev / update-pdf-help(1)
Create pdf documentation from online documentation
desktop-profiles / update-profile-cache(1)
(re)generate profile assignment cache
yaskkserv / update-skkdic-yaskkserv(1)
Create yaskkserv dictionaries on debian
squidguard / update-squidguard(1)
Update script for squidguard.
yorick-doc / update-yorickdoc(1)
Build html documentation for yorick
pubtal / updateSite(1)
Pubtal generate a web site from content and templates, and upload it to its destination
ax25mail-utils / update_routes(1)
Update the database of bbs and callsigns
sqlgrey / update_sqlgrey_config(1)
The simple white-list updater
locate / updatedb.findutils(1)
Update a file name database
lcl-utils-1.2.4 / updatepofiles-1.2.4(1)
The lazarus resource builder.
texlive-base / updmap(1)
Manage tex font maps, per-user updmap-sys - manage tex font maps, system-wide
texlive-base / updmap-sys(1)
Manage tex font maps, per-user updmap-sys - manage tex font maps, system-wide
minc-tools / upet2mnc(1)
Convert a concorde micropet format file to a minc format file.
mapnik-utils / upgrade-map-xml(1)
Program to convert stylesheets from mapnik 0.* to the mapnik 2.0 format
pubtal / uploadSite(1)
Pubtal generate a web site from content and templates, and upload it to its destination
upnp-inspector / upnp-inspector(1)
Is a upnp device and service analyzer.
upnp-router-control / upnp-router-control(1)
Manage upnp igd compliant routers
miniupnpc / upnpc(1)
Miniupnpc library test client.
upower / upower(1)
Upower command line tool
ladr4-apps / upper-covers(1)
Undocumented ladr4 applications
uptimed / uprecords(1)
Provides uptime records
upse123 / upse123(1)
Commandline player for psf files
procps / uptime(1)
Tell how long the system has been running.
uqwk / uqwk.nntp(1)
Collect news & mail messages for offline reading
uqwk-spool / uqwk.spool(1)
Collect news & mail messages for offline reading
liburdfdom-tools / urdf_to_graphiz(1)
Parse urdf model and export it as a graphiz graph
urg-utils / urg-config(1)
Compiler, linker flags for liburg
gridsite-clients / urlencode(1)
Convert strings to or from url-encoded form
python-urlgrabber / urlgrabber(1)
A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber.
urlscan / urlscan(1)
Browse the urls in an email message from a terminal
urlwatch / urlwatch(1)
Watch web pages and arbitrary urls for changes
rxvt-unicode / urxvtcd(1)
Start a urxvtc and/or urxvtd
rxvt-unicode-256color / urxvtcd(1)
Start a urxvtc and/or urxvtd
rxvt-unicode-lite / urxvtcd(1)
Start a urxvtc and/or urxvtd
usbutils / usb-devices(1)
Print usb device details
usb-modeswitch / usb_modeswitch(1)
Control the mode of 'multi-state' usb devices
usb-modeswitch / usb_modeswitch_dispatcher(1)
Wrapper for usb_modeswitch, not intended for direct invocation.
usbmuxd / usbmuxd(1)
Iphone/ipod touch usb multiplex server daemon
usbprog / usbprog(1)
Programmer for the usbprog hardware
usbprog-gui / usbprog-gui(1)
Gui programmer for the usbprog hardware
usbredirserver / usbredirserver(1)
Exporting an usb device for use from another (virtual) machine
usbrelay / usbrelay(1)
Get information about and control usb hid relay devices
devscripts / uscan(1)
Scan/watch upstream sources for new releases of software
usepackage / use(1)
Frontend to the usepackage environment manager
usepackage / usepackage(1)
Usepackage environment manager
usermode / userinfo(1)
A graphical equivilient to chfn.
usermode / usermount(1)
A graphical tool to mount, unmount and format filesystems.
usermode / userpasswd(1)
A graphical tool to allow users to change their passwords.
coreutils / users(1)
Print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
gnome-system-tools / users-admin(1)
Users administration tool
gnuradio / usrp_flex(1)
Demodulate flex protocol signals with gnu radio
gnuradio / usrp_flex_all(1)
Flex protocol demodulator
gnuradio / usrp_flex_band(1)
Flex protocol demodulator
gnuradio / usrp_rx_hrpt(1)
Noaa high rate picture transmission receiver
gnuradio / usrp_rx_hrpt_nogui(1)
Noaa high rate picture transmission receiver
ussp-push / ussp-push(1)
Send file via bluetooth with the object push protocol
libustr-dev / ustr-import(1)
Ustr string library import tool
utalk / utalk(1)
A udp-based full screen talk program
sendfile / utf7decode(1)
Filter to encode utf-7
sendfile / utf7encode(1)
Filter to encode utf-7
fonty-rg / utf8(1)
Quickly change console font and console mode into utf-8 encoding
uniutils / utf8lookup(1)
Look up unicode characters from the command line
utf8-migration-tool / utf8migrationtool(1)
Utf-8 locale migration tool
docbook2x / utf8trans(1)
Transliterate utf-8 characters according to a table
utfout / utfout(1)
Utility for producing utf-8 output to standard streams and terminal.
atfs / utime(1)
Set file times
util-linux / utmpdump(1)
Dump utmp and wtmp files in raw format
utopia-documents / utopia-documents(1)
View scientific pdf articles and augment them with additional online data
uuagc / uuagc(1)
Attribute grammar compiler
sharutils / uudecode(1)
Decode an encoded file
uudeview / uudeview(1)
A powerful decoder for binary files
sharutils / uuencode(1)
Encode a file into email friendly text
uudeview / uuenview(1)
A powerful encoder for binary files
uuidcdef / uuidcdef(1)
A universally unique identifier (uuid) generator for xplc
uuid-runtime / uuidgen(1)
Create a new uuid value
libuuidm-ocaml-dev / uuidtrip(1)
Generate universally unique identifiers (rfc 4122)
uucp / uulog(1)
Display the uucp log file.
uucp / uuname(1)
List the names of the known remote uucp sites.
devscripts / uupdate(1)
Upgrade a source code package from an upstream revision
uucp / uupick(1)
Get files stored in the public directory by uucp -t.
uucp / uupoll(1)
Poll a system manually
uucp / uuto(1)
Send files to a user on another system.
xdeview / uuwish(1)
A minimal wish extended by the uu commands
uvccapture / uvccapture(1)
Usb uvc video class snapshot software
uvcdynctrl / uvcdynctrl(1)
Libwebcam command line tool
uvcdynctrl / uvcdynctrl-0.2.4(1)
Libwebcam command line tool
imagevis3d / uvfconvert(1)
Convert files to uvf.
uwsgi-core / uwsgi-core(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-alarm-curl / uwsgi_alarm_curl(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-alarm-xmpp / uwsgi_alarm_xmpp(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-curl-cron / uwsgi_curl_cron(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-emperor-pg / uwsgi_emperor_pg(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-geoip / uwsgi_geoip(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-graylog2 / uwsgi_graylog2(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-jvm-openjdk-7 / uwsgi_jvm_openjdk7(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-ldap / uwsgi_ldap(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-lua5.1 / uwsgi_lua51(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-lua5.2 / uwsgi_lua52(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-luajit / uwsgi_luajit(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-php / uwsgi_php(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-psgi / uwsgi_psgi(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-python / uwsgi_python27(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-python3 / uwsgi_python34(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-rack-ruby2.1 / uwsgi_rack_ruby21(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-rados / uwsgi_rados(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-router-access / uwsgi_router_access(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-sqlite3 / uwsgi_sqlite3(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-v8 / uwsgi_v8(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
uwsgi-plugin-xslt / uwsgi_xslt(1)
Fast (pure c), self-healing, developer-friendly wsgi server
xterm / uxterm(1)
X terminal emulator for unicode (utf-8) environments
mtools / uz(1)
Gunzips and extracts a gzip'd tar'd archive
uzbl / uzbl(1)
A keyboard controlled browser based on webkit
uzbl / uzbl-browser(1)
A keyboard controlled browser based on webkit
uzbl / uzbl-core(1)
A keyboard controlled browser based on webkit
uzbl / uzbl-tabbed(1)
A keyboard controlled browser based on webkit
v4l-conf / v4l-info(1)
Dump video4linux(2) device info to stdout
v4l2ucp / v4l2ctrl(1)
Manage settings for video for linux two devices.
v4l2loopback-utils / v4l2loopback-ctl(1)
Control v4l2 loopback devices
v4l2ucp / v4l2ucp(1)
An universal control panel for all video for linux two devices.
xawtv / v4lctl(1)
Control video4linux devices
sendmail-bin / vacation.sendmail(1)
E-mail auto-responder
postgresql-client-9.4 / vacuumdb(1)
Garbage-collect and analyze a postgresql database
postgresql-contrib-9.4 / vacuumlo(1)
Remove orphaned large objects from a postgresql database
atfs / vadm(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
vagalume / vagalume(1)
Gtk+-based client for the last.fm online radio service
vagalume / vagalumectl(1)
Remotely control vagalume via its d-bus interface
vagrant / vagrant(1)
Tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
vainfo / vainfo(1)
Display information from va api driver
valac-0.26 / vala-0.26(1)
Compiler that translates vala source code into c source and header files
vala-dbus-binding-tool / vala-dbus-binding-tool(1)
Creates gobject interfaces out of dbus xml specifications
valac-0.26 / vala-gen-introspect-0.26(1)
Generate a gi file for gobject and glib based packages
vala-terminal / vala-terminal(1)
Terminal emulator for mobile devices
valac-0.26 / valac-0.26(1)
Compiler that translates vala source code into c source and header files
valadoc / valadoc(1)
Vala documentation tool
valgrind / valgrind(1)
A suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
valgrind / valgrind-listener(1)
Listens on a socket for valgrind commentary
valgrind / valgrind.bin(1)
A suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
wdg-html-validator / validate(1)
Offline htmlhelp.com validator
graphite-carbon / validate-storage-schemas(1)
Validates the storage schemas
uima-utils / validateDescriptor(1)
Simple component descriptor validator
validns / validns(1)
Dns and dsnsec zone file validator
valknut / valknut(1)
Valknut multi-platform direct connect client
valkyrie / valkyrie(1)
Graphical front-end to the valgrind suite of tools for debugging and profiling linux executables
vim-addon-manager / vam(1)
Command line manager of vim add-ons
vamp-examples / vamp-rdf-template-generator(1)
Vamp-rdf-template-generator create a skeleton rdf description file describing a vamp plugin library using the vamp ontology
vamp-examples / vamp-simple-host(1)
Vamp-simple-host a simple vamp plugin host
vamps / vamps(1)
Tool to recompress and modify the structure of a dvd
libvanessa-logger-sample / vanessa_logger_sample(1)
Demonstrate some of the functionality of libvanessa
libvanessa-socket-pipe / vanessa_socket_pipe(1)
Trivial tcp/ip pipe based on libvanessa_socket
valac-0.26 / vapigen-0.26(1)
Generate a vala api
varnish / varnishd(1)
Http accelerator daemon
varnish / varnishhist(1)
Varnish request histogram
varnish / varnishlog(1)
Display varnish logs
varnish / varnishncsa(1)
Display varnish logs in apache / ncsa combined log format
varnish / varnishtop(1)
Varnish log entry ranking
atfs / vattr(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
simh / vax(1)
Simulate a microvax 3900 computer
simh / vax780(1)
Simulate a vax 780 computer
setbfree / vb3kb(1)
Virtual organ - setbfree control gui
visualboyadvance / vba(1)
voxbo / vbbatch(1)
Run a command line multiple times with variable substitution
vbetool / vbetool(1)
Run real-mode video bios code to alter hardware state
voxbo / vbfilter(1)
Do frequency filtering on 1d and 4d files
voxbo / vbi(1)
Print summary information about 1d, 2d, 3d, and 4d files
voxbo / vbim(1)
Manipulate 3d and 4d volumes
atfs / vbind(1)
Bind name to version
vbindiff / vbindiff(1)
Hexadecimal file display and comparison
voxbo / vbmaskinfo(1)
Summarize a series of 3d image masks
mono-vbnc / vbnc(1)
Mono visual basic compiler.
voxbo / vborient(1)
Re-orient 3d or 4d image data
voxbo / vboverlap(1)
Overlap stats for 3d masks and atlases
isdnvboxclient / vbox(1)
Interact with recorded messages
isdnvboxclient / vboxbeep(1)
Isdn voice box (beeper)
isdnvboxclient / vboxcnvt(1)
Isdn voice box (converter backend)
isdnvboxclient / vboxconvert(1)
Isdn voice box (converter backend)
isdnvboxclient / vboxctrl(1)
Control vbox functions
isdnvboxclient / vboxmode(1)
Detect format of isdn voice file
isdnvboxclient / vboxplay(1)
Play vbox sound files
isdnvboxclient / vboxtoau(1)
Isdn voice box (sound converter)
voxbo / vbrename(1)
Rename/sort dicom files heuristically
vbrfix / vbrfix(1)
Fix erroneous vbr mp3 files
voxbo / vbsim(1)
Create random data for neuroimaging
voxbo / vbtmap(1)
Create a t-statistic map for vlsm
vboot-kernel-utils / vbutil_kernel(1)
Verified boot kernel utility
opencaster / vbv(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
voxbo / vbview2(1)
Image viewer for 3d and 4d volumes
voxbo / vbvolregress(1)
Carry out linear regression in 1d and 4d data
pal / vcard2pal(1)
Convert vcard contacts into a pal calendar file
atfs / vcat(1)
Retrieve a revision of a file
vcdimager / vcd-info(1)
Manual page for vcd-info 0.7.24
gtkwave / vcd2fst(1)
Converts vcd files to fst files
gtkwave / vcd2lxt(1)
Converts vcd files to interlaced or linear lxt files
gtkwave / vcd2lxt2(1)
Converts vcd files to lxt2 files
gtkwave / vcd2vzt(1)
Converts vcd files to vzt files
vcdimager / vcdimager(1)
Manual page for vcdimager 0.7.24
vcdimager / vcdxbuild(1)
Manual page for vcdxbuild 0.7.24
vcdimager / vcdxgen(1)
Manual page for vcdxgen 0.7.24
vcdimager / vcdxminfo(1)
Manual page for vcdxminfo 0.7.24
vcdimager / vcdxrip(1)
Manual page for vcdxrip 0.7.24
vcftools / vcf-annotate(1)
Annotate vcf file, add filters or custom annotations
vcftools / vcf-compare(1)
Compare bgzipped and tabix indexed vcf files
vcftools / vcf-concat(1)
Concatenate vcf files
vcftools / vcf-consensus(1)
vcftools / vcf-contrast(1)
Finds differences amongst samples
vcftools / vcf-convert(1)
Convert between vcf versions
vcftools / vcf-fix-ploidy(1)
vcftools / vcf-indel-stats(1)
vcftools / vcf-isec(1)
Create intersections, unions, complements on bgzipped and tabix indexed vcf or tab-delimited files
vcftools / vcf-merge(1)
Merge the bgzipped and tabix indexed vcf files
vcftools / vcf-phased-join(1)
Take multiple overlapping pre-phased chunks and concatenates them into one vcf
vcftools / vcf-query(1)
Query vcf files
vcftools / vcf-shuffle-cols(1)
Reorder columns
vcftools / vcf-sort(1)
Sort vcf file
vcftools / vcf-stats(1)
Statistic of vcf file
vcftools / vcf-subset(1)
Create subset of vcf file
vcftools / vcf-to-tab(1)
Convert to tabix
vcftools / vcf-tstv(1)
vcftools / vcf-validator(1)
Validate vcf file
birthday / vcf2birthday(1)
Convert vcard files to birthday database
vcftools / vcftools(1)
Analyse vcf files
vcsh / vcsh(1)
Version control system for $home - multiple git repositories in $home
vorbis-tools / vcut(1)
Cuts ogg vorbis files
vpb-utils / vdaaerl(1)
Measure the echo-return loss on voicetronix fxo telephony modules
libopenvdb-tools / vdb_print(1)
Prints information about openvdb grids
libopenvdb-tools / vdb_render(1)
Ray-traces openvdb volumes
libopenvdb-tools / vdb_view(1)
Displays openvdb grids
vde2 / vde_autolink(1)
Automatically create and maintain vde connections
vde2-cryptcab / vde_cryptcab(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet encrypted cable manager
vde2 / vde_l3(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet 'layer 3' switch.
vde2 / vde_over_ns(1)
Steganographic cable over ns protocol for virtual distributed ethernet
vde2 / vde_pcapplug(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet libpcap cable
vde2 / vde_plug(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet plug (two plugs creates a vde cable)
vde2 / vde_plug2tap(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet plug-to-tap
vde2 / vde_switch(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet switch
vde2 / vdeq(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet wrapper for qemu/kvm virtual machines
vdesk / vdesk(1)
Virtual desktops for any window manager
vde2 / vdetaplib(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet tap emulation library
vdetelweb / vdetelweb(1)
Virtual distributed ethernet telnet and/or web management module
vde2 / vdeterm(1)
(simple) remote terminal for vde management sockets
atfs / vdiff(1)
Display line-by-line differences between versions of files
coreutils / vdir(1)
List directory contents
xdmx-tools / vdltodmx(1)
Dmx configuration file parser and printer
vdmfec / vdm_decode(1)
Block ecc for files
vdmfec / vdm_encode(1)
Block ecc for files
vdmfec / vdmfec(1)
Block ecc for files
vdr / vdr(1)
The video disk recorder
xineliboutput-fbfe / vdr-fbfe(1)
Remote framebuffer frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
vdr-dev / vdr-newplugin(1)
Create a new vdr plugin source tree
xineliboutput-sxfe / vdr-sxfe(1)
Remote x-server frontend for vdr-plugin-xineliboutput
ncbi-tools-bin / vecscreen(1)
Find nucleic acid segments of possible vector origin
voxbo / vecview(1)
Graphical viewer for 1d (vector) or 2d (matrix) data
efte / vefte(1)
Text editor
atfs / vegrep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
velvet / velvetg(1)
De bruijn graph construction, error removal and repeat resolution
velvet-long / velvetg_63(1)
De bruijn graph construction, error removal and repeat resolution (maxkmerlength = 63)
velvet-long / velvetg_63_long(1)
De bruijn graph construction, error removal and repeat resolution (maxkmerlength = 63, longsequences)
velvet / velvetg_de(1)
De bruijn graph construction, error removal and repeat resolution (colorspace version)
velvet-long / velvetg_long(1)
De bruijn graph construction, error removal and repeat resolution (longsequences)
velvet / velveth(1)
Simple hashing program
velvet-long / velveth_63(1)
Simple hashing program (maxkmerlength = 63)
velvet-long / velveth_63_long(1)
Simple hashing program (maxkmerlength = 63, longsequences)
velvet / velveth_de(1)
Simple hashing program (colorspace version)
velvet-long / velveth_long(1)
Simple hashing program (longsequences)
velvetoptimiser / velvetoptimiser(1)
Automatically optimise velvet do novo assembly parameters
vera++ / vera++(1)
Programmable verification and analysis tool for c++
tkgate / verga(1)
Verrilog simulator for tkgate
blktrace / verify_blkparse(1)
Verifies an output file produced by blkparse
verilator / verilator_profcfunc(1)
Read gprof report created with --profile-cfuncs
gtkwave / vermin(1)
Parses and processes verilog hdl files
veromix / veromix(1)
Mixer for the pulseaudio sound server
verse / verse(1)
Displays a daily devotional verse from scripture
verse / verse-dialog(1)
Displays a daily devotional verse from scripture
xfce4-verve-plugin / verve-focus(1)
Focus the xfce4-verve-plugin input area
dmg2img / vfdecrypt(1)
Decrypt encrypted filevault disk images
minc-tools / vff2mnc(1)
Convert set of vff file(s) to one 3d minc2.0 format file.
atfs / vfgrep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
atfs / vfind(1)
Find attributed software objects (asos)
texlive-binaries / vftovp(1)
Convert virtual font (vf) files to virtual property lists (vpl)
vfu / vfu(1)
\s-1vfu\s0 is console (text-mode) file manager for unix/linux
cgvg / vg(1)
Edit an entry found by the cg script
valgrind / vgdb(1)
Intermediary between valgrind and gdb or a shell
vgrabbj / vgrabbj(1)
Grab images from a v4l-compatible webcam
atfs / vgrep(1)
Print lines matching a pattern
sloccount / vhdl_count(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
ncbi-data / vibrate(1)
Run a program with the vibrant library preloaded
spark / victor(1)
Attempts to discharge verification conditions using smt solvers
w3cam / vidcat(1)
Capture a frame from a video4linux device
videocut / videocut(1)
Application for creating compositions of screenshots from videos.
videogen / videogen(1)
Generate modelines for xfree86 servers
weboob / videoob(1)
Search and play videos
videotrans / videotrans(1)
A package to convert movies to dvd format and to build dvds with
videotrans / videotrans-undocumented(1)
Internal videotrans commands
slic3r / view-mesh(1)
Stl mesh viewer
view3dscene / view3dscene(1)
Vrml / x3d browser and viewer for other 3d models.
music-bin / viewevents(1)
Utility applications which can be used together with other music-aware applications in multi-simulations
mgetty-viewfax / viewfax(1)
Display fax files in an x11 window
argyll / viewgam(1)
View gamuts.
ginac-tools / viewgar(1)
Ginac archive file viewer
viewmol / viewmol(1)
A graphical front end for computational chemistry programs
umview / viewmount(1)
Mount command for view-os (umview, kmview)
umview / viewname(1)
Set set viewname
viewnior / viewnior(1)
Simple, fast and elegant image viewer
libsyntax-highlight-perl-improved-perl / viewperl(1)
Quickly view syntax highlighted perl code
x11-utils / viewres(1)
Graphical class browser for xt
umview / viewsu(1)
Change (virtual) user id or become (virtual) superuser
umview / viewsudo(1)
Execute a command as another (virtual) user
umview / viewumount(1)
Mount command for view-os (umview, kmview)
viewvc / viewvc-standalone(1)
Run a simple stand-alone http server for viewvc
vifm / vifm-pause(1)
A helper script for vifm
vifm / vifmrc-converter(1)
A helper script for vifm
pmccabe / vifn(1)
Edit by function name rather than file name, uses vi
vigor / vigor(1)
Nvi with the evil paperclip
libvigraimpex-dev / vigra-config(1)
Get information about the installed version of vigra
viking / viking(1)
Program to manage gps data
vile-common / vile(1)
Vi like emacs
vilistextum / vilistextum(1)
Html to ascii converter
vim-common / vim(1)
Vi improved, a programmers text editor
vim-addon-manager / vim-addon-manager(1)
Command line manager of vim add-ons
vim-addon-manager / vim-addons(1)
Command line manager of vim add-ons
vim-common / vimdiff(1)
Edit two, three or four versions of a file with vim and show differences
graphviz / vimdot(1)
Combined text editor and dot viewer
vim-scripts / vimplate(1)
The vim template system.
vim-runtime / vimtutor(1)
The vim tutor
autodock-vina / vina(1)
Docking small molecules against proteins
autodock-vina / vina_split(1)
Manual page for autodock vina pdbqt split 1.1.1 (apr 20, 2010)
vinagre / vinagre(1)
A remote desktop viewer for the gnome desktop
vinetto / vinetto(1)
Extract images from microsoft thumb.db files
python-viper / viper(1)
The simple fenics run-time plotter
mpdtoys / vipl(1)
Edit mpd playlist
libvips-tools / vips(1)
Run vips operations from the command line
libvips-tools / vips_missing(1)
Vips utility program
libvips-tools / vipsedit(1)
Edit header of a vips image file
libvips-tools / vipsheader(1)
Prints information about an image file
libvips-tools / vipsprofile(1)
Analyze vips profiles
libvips-tools / vipsthumbnail(1)
Make thumbnails of image files
virt-top / virt-top(1)
'top'-like utility for virtualization stats
virtaal / virtaal(1)
Graphical translation editor
virtualbricks / virtualbricks(1)
An all in one virtualisation solution
virtualenv / virtualenv(1)
Create virtual python instances
virtualenv-clone / virtualenv-clone(1)
virtualjaguar / virtualjaguar(1)
An atari jaguar emulator
viruskiller / viruskiller(1)
Game about viruses invading your computer
xautomation / visgrep(1)
Visual grep, greps for images in another image
vish / vish(1)
Visa commandline shell
visitors / visitors(1)
A fast web server log analyzer
visolate / visolate(1)
Tool for engraving pcbs using cncs
libvisp-dev / visp-config(1)
Get information about installed visp library.
visual-regexp / visual-regexp(1)
Visual-regexp program to visualise and debug regular expressions
visualvm / visualvm(1)
All-in-one java troubleshooting tool
vit / vit(1)
Full-screen terminal interface for taskwarrior
vitables / vitables(1)
Graphical tool to browse and edit pytables and hdf5 files
vite / vite(1)
A visual trace explorer
speech-tools / viterbi(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
wsl / viwsl(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
valkyrie / vk_logmerge(1)
A valgrind xml log file merger
vkeybd / vkeybd(1)
Virtual keyboard on x
atfs / vl(1)
List version information
jbofihe / vlatai(1)
Lojban word analyzer
vlc-nox / vlc(1)
The vlc media player
freeplayer / vlc-fbx(1)
Invoke vlc with correct options for the freebox
vlc-nox / vlc-wrapper(1)
A wrapper to drop privileges with vlc
libvcs-lite-perl / vldiff(1)
Display diffs using vcs::lite
libvcs-lite-perl / vlmerge(1)
Merge changes with vcs::lite
qdbm-util / vlmgr(1)
Administration utility for qdbm villa
texlive-binaries / vlna(1)
Adds tilde after each non-syllabic preposition
vlock / vlock(1)
Virtual console lock program
atfs / vlog(1)
List version information
vlogger / vlogger(1)
Flexible log rotation and usage tracking in perl
libvcs-lite-perl / vlpatch(1)
Apply a patch with vcs::lite
qdbm-util / vltest(1)
Test cases for qdbm villa
qdbm-util / vltsv(1)
Mutual converter between tsv and villa database
hdf4-tools / vmake(1)
Display vdata information about objects in an hdf file
gforth / vmgen(1)
A tool for writing fast and efficient interpreters
gforth / vmgen-0.7.2(1)
A tool for writing fast and efficient interpreters
vmm / vmm(1)
Command line tool to manage email domains/accounts/aliases
xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse / vmmouse_detect(1)
Vmware mouse device autodetection tool
vmpk / vmpk(1)
Virtual midi piano keyboard
open-vm-tools / vmware-checkvm(1)
Check if running in a vm or not
open-vm-tools / vmware-hgfsclient(1)
Hgfs client access
open-vm-tools / vmware-toolbox-cmd(1)
Gui toolbox (commandline version)
open-vm-tools-desktop / vmware-user-suid-wrapper(1)
Wrapper programm for vmware-user(1)
open-vm-tools / vmware-xferlogs(1)
Dump vm-support output to vmx logfile
virt-goodies / vmware2libvirt(1)
Vmware vmx to libvirt xml converter
pyvnc2swf / vnc2swf(1)
Cross-platform screen recording tool
pyvnc2swf / vnc2swf-edit(1)
Edit movies generated by vnc2swf
vnc4server / vnc4config(1)
Configure and control a vnc server
vnc4server / vnc4passwd(1)
Change a vnc password
vnc4server / vnc4server(1)
Start or stop a vnc server
vncsnapshot / vncsnapshot(1)
Grab snapshots from vnc servers
vnstat / vnstat(1)
A console-based network traffic monitor
vnstat / vnstatd(1)
Daemon based database updating for vnstat
vnstati / vnstati(1)
Png image output support for vnstat
vim-vimoutliner / vo_maketags(1)
Build tags for vim outliner
vobcopy / vobcopy(1)
Copy (rip) files from a dvd to the harddisk
mgetty-pvftools / voctopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
libvoikko-dev / voikkogc(1)
Test program for voikko grammar checker
libvoikko-dev / voikkohyphenate(1)
Test program for voikko hyphenator
libvoikko-dev / voikkospell(1)
Test program for voikko spell checker
vokoscreen / vokoscreen(1)
Simple screencast creator
volatility / volatility(1)
Advanced memory forensics framework
libvolk-bin / volk-config-info(1)
Pkgconfig-like tool for vector optimized library of kernels 0.1
libvolk-bin / volk_modtool(1)
Tailor volk modules
libvolk-bin / volk_profile(1)
Quality assurance application for libvolk functions
eject / volname(1)
Return volume name
volti / volti(1)
Tray audio volume control
volti / volti-mixer(1)
Volume mixer
volti / volti-remote(1)
Control volti from command line
volumeicon-alsa / volumeicon(1)
Lightweight alsa volume icon for the systray
voms-clients / voms-proxy-destroy(1)
Destroys a voms proxy
voms-clients / voms-proxy-fake(1)
Create a proxy with voms extensions
voms-clients / voms-proxy-info(1)
Prints informations about a proxy with voms extensions
voms-clients / voms-proxy-init(1)
Create a proxy with voms extensions
voms-clients / voms-proxy-list(1)
Shows a list of all availabel attributes from a specified server
vorbis-tools / vorbiscomment(1)
List or edit comments in ogg vorbis files
vorbisgain / vorbisgain(1)
Calculate the replay gain for ogg vorbis files
vorbis-tools / vorbistagedit(1)
Allows batch editing of vorbis comments with an editor
minc-tools / voxeltoworld(1)
Convert voxel coordinates to world coordinates worldtovoxel - convert world coordinates to voxel coordinates
atfs / vp(1)
Page a revision of a file
libvpb0 / vpbconf(1)
Describe installed voicetronix hardware
vpb-utils / vpbecho(1)
Perform an echo test on voicetronix telephony hardware
libvpb0 / vpbscan(1)
Scan the pci bus for voicetronix hardware
vpcs / vpcs(1)
Virtual pc simulator
vprerex / vprerex(1)
Graphical front-end and viewer for the prerex(1) prerequisite-chart editor
texlive-binaries / vptovf(1)
Convert virtual property lists to virtual font metrics
vramsteg / vramsteg(1)
Cli progress bar
atfs / vrm(1)
Manipulate and administer version object base
vrms / vrms(1)
Report of installed non-free software
atfs / vsave(1)
Save revision of a file
vsdump / vsdump(1)
Vsd/vss file format reverse engineering
hdf4-tools / vshow(1)
Dumps hdf vsets info from hdf file
splash / vsplash(1)
A visualisation tool for sph data (c)2004-2014 daniel price
brltty / vstp(1)
Visiobraille file transferring
vstream-client / vstream-client(1)
Stream media from a tivo
vtable-dumper / vtable-dumper(1)
A tool to dump abi of an elf object containing dwarf debug info
libvpb0 / vtdeviceinfo(1)
Report on installed voicetronix hardware
libvpb0 / vtdriverinfo(1)
Report on installed voicetronix drivers
tau / vtf2profile(1)
Generate a tau profile set from a vampir trace file
tau / vtfconverter(1)
Vtfconverter -
tcl-vtk / vtk(1)
Visualization tool kit
libvtk5-dev / vtkEncodeString(1)
Command line tool for vtkencodestring
libvtk-java / vtkParseJava(1)
Command line tool for vtkparsejava
paraview-dev / vtkWrapClientServer(1)
libvtk5-dev / vtkWrapHierarchy(1)
Command line tool for vtkwraphierarchy
libvtk-java / vtkWrapJava(1)
Command line tool for vtkwrapjava
python-vtk / vtkWrapPython(1)
Command line tool for vtkwrappython
python-vtk / vtkWrapPythonInit(1)
Command line tool for vtkwrappythoninit
tcl-vtk / vtkWrapTcl(1)
Command line tool for vtkwraptcl
tcl-vtk / vtkWrapTclInit(1)
Command line tool for vtkwraptclinit
python-vtk / vtkpython(1)
Visualization tool kit
vtprint / vtprint(1)
Print files from unix host to printer attached to local terminal
vtprint / vtprtoff(1)
Turn off or on printer attached to local terminal
vtprint / vtprton(1)
Turn off or on printer attached to local terminal
vttest / vttest(1)
Test vt100-type terminal
quagga / vtysh(1)
A integrated shell for quagga routing software
umview / vuname(1)
Print view information
iverilog / vvp(1)
Icarus verilog vvp runtime engine
vowpal-wabbit / vw(1)
Vowpal wabbit -- fast online learning tool
webp / vwebp(1)
Decompress a webp file and display it in a window
vym / vym(1)
View your mind
vzdump / vzdump(1)
Backup utility for virtual machine
vzdump / vzrestore(1)
Restore openvz vzdump backups
gtkwave / vzt2vcd(1)
Converts vzt files to vcd
gtkwave / vztminer(1)
Data mining of vzt files
procps / w.procps(1)
Show who is logged on and what they are doing.
w3af-console / w3af(1)
Web application attack and audit framework
w3af-console / w3af_console(1)
Web application attack and audit framework with console interface
w3af / w3af_gui(1)
Web application attack and audit framework with graphical user interface
w3cam / w3camd(1)
A simple web camera daemon
w3m / w3m(1)
A text based web browser and pager
w3m / w3mman(1)
An interface to the on-line reference manuals by w3m(1)
w-scan / w_scan(1)
A universal atsc and dvb blind scanner
wader-core / wader-core-ctl(1)
Control the wader-core daemon
gwaei / waei(1)
Japanese-english dictionary
speech-tools / wagon(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / wagon_test(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
libpam-sshauth / waitfor(1)
Wait for a file action, with timeout.
wajig / wajig(1)
Simplified command line administrator for debian
wakeonlan / wakeonlan(1)
Perl script to wake up computers
bsdutils / wall(1)
Write a message to all users
skytools3-walmgr / walmgr3(1)
Tool for managing wal-based replication for postgresql.
gprolog / wam2ma(1)
Prolog compiler, includes clp(fd).
wammu / wammu(1)
Program for managing entries in your mobile phone
wammu / wammu-configure(1)
Program to configure gammu engine (used by wammu)
wapiti / wapiti(1)
A web application vulnerability scanner in python.
wapiti / wapiti-cookie(1)
A wapiti utility to fetch cookies from a webpage and store them in the wapiti json format.
wapiti / wapiti-getcookie(1)
A wapiti utility to fetch cookies from a webpage and store them in the wapiti json format.
procps / watch(1)
Execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
gnupg2 / watchgnupg(1)
Read and print logs from a socket
gwaterfall / waterfall(1)
View all characters of font in all sizes
wav2cdr / wav2cdr(1)
Converts input in (or similar to) wav format to cdr format suitable for writing onto audio cds.
swftools / wav2swf(1)
Convert a wav file to an swf animation.
wavbreaker / wavbreaker(1)
A tool to split wave files into multiple chunks
wavemon / wavemon(1)
A wireless network monitor
wavesurfer / wavesurfer(1)
Soundfile editor
wavbreaker / wavinfo(1)
Display format information for wave files
wavbreaker / wavmerge(1)
Merge multiple wave files into a single file
wavpack / wavpack(1)
Encode wav files to wavpack
wavtool-pl / wavtool-pl(1)
Program to concatenate and mix wav files
mgetty-pvftools / wavtopvf(1)
Utilities to convert various sound formats
wayv / wayv(1)
Capture drawn shapes (gestures), recognize them and carry out associated actions
connectome-workbench / wb_command(1)
Command-line program for performing a variety of algorithmic tasks using volume, surface, and grayordinate data
connectome-workbench / wb_view(1)
Visualization and discovery tool used to map neuroimaging data
wbar / wbar(1)
A light and fast launch bar
wbar-config / wbar-config(1)
Gui to customize wbar
sblim-wbemcli / wbemcli(1)
Independent command line cim client
python-pywbem / wbemcli.py(1)
Utility to wrap up a pywbem session in a python interactive console
winbind / wbinfo(1)
Query information from winbind daemon
netpbm / wbmptopbm(1)
Convert a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file to a portable bitmap (pbm)
wbox / wbox(1)
Http testing tool and configuration-less http server
coreutils / wc(1)
Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wcalc / wcalc(1)
A natural-expression command-line calculator
sac / wcat(1)
Printout wtmp entries
webalizer / wcmgr(1)
Webalizer (dns) cache file manager
wcstools / wcshead(1)
wcstools / wcsremap(1)
wcstools / wcstools(1)
wcslib-tools / wcsware(1)
Extract wcs keywords for an image
winswitch / wcw(1)
Window switch command wrapper
wput / wdel(1)
A wget-like program for deleting files on ftp servers
wit / wdf(1)
Manipulate wii and gamecube iso images and wbfs containers
wit / wdf-cat(1)
Manipulate wii and gamecube iso images and wbfs containers
wit / wdf-dump(1)
Manipulate wii and gamecube iso images and wbfs containers
wdiff / wdiff(1)
Display word differences between text files
wmaker / wdread(1)
Read value from defaults database
weather-util / weather(1)
Command-line tool to obtain weather conditions and forecasts
weather-util / weather-util(1)
Command-line tool to obtain weather conditions and forecasts
texlive-binaries / weave(1)
Translate web to tex
gif2png / web2png(1)
Convert a web tree from using gifs to using pngs
python-web2py / web2py(1)
Web2py web framework server launcher
translate-toolkit / web2py2po(1)
Convert web2py translation dictionaries (.py) to gnu/gettext po files.
webalizer / webalizer(1)
A web server log file analysis tool.
python3-webassets / webassets(1)
Asset management application for python web development
webalizer / webazolver(1)
A web server log file analysis tool.
webcam / webcam(1)
Capture images and upload them to a webserver using ftp
webcamd / webcamd(1)
Take a image from your webcam
webcamd / webcamd-setup(1)
Install webcamd templates and configurations files
webcheck / webcheck(1)
Website link checker
weboob / webcontentedit(1)
Manage websites content
webdis / webdis(1)
Fast http interface for redis-server(1)
webdruid / webdruid(1)
A web site log file analysis tool.
webdruid / webdruid-resolve(1)
A web site log file analysis tool.
webfs / webfsd(1)
A lightweight http server
webhttrack / webhttrack(1)
Offline browser : copy websites to a local directory
webissues / webissues(1)
Desktop client for the webissues team collaboration system
webkit-image-gtk / webkit-image-gtk(1)
Generate images from webpages - gtk+ version
webkit-image-qt / webkit-image-qt(1)
Generate images from webpages - qt version
weblint-perl / weblint(1)
Pick fluff off web pages (html)
webmagick / webmagick(1)
Create gallery thumbnails for websites
courier-mlm / webmlmd(1)
Webmlm interface to couriermlm
python-weboob / weboob-cli(1)
Call a method on backends
python-weboob / weboob-config(1)
Manage backends or register new accounts
weboob-qt / weboob-config-qt(1)
Manage backends or register new accounts
python-weboob / weboob-debug(1)
Debug backends
python-weboob / weboob-repos(1)
Manage a weboob repository
weboob / weboorrents(1)
Search and download torrents
weborf / weborf(1)
Minimal webserver
webp / webpmux(1)
Command line tool to create webp mux/container file.
libgd-tools / webpng(1)
Programs to convert between gd and other graphics formats
websockify / websockify(1)
Websockets to tcp socket bridge
libhtml-tidy-perl / webtidy(1)
Show errors in an (x)html document
libaws-bin / webxref(1)
Output references to ids and classes in an ajax web application
weechat-curses / weechat(1)
The extensible chat client
weechat-curses / weechat-curses(1)
The extensible chat client
weex / weex(1)
Fast web exchanger non-interactive ftp client
biosquid / weight(1)
Calculates sequence weights for an alignment
weka / weka(1)
Machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks
weplab / weplab(1)
Wireless wep encryption security analyzer
opensc / westcos-tool(1)
Utility for manipulating data structures on westcos smart cards
weston / weston(1)
The reference wayland server
weboob / wetboobs(1)
Display weather and forecasts
waffle-utils / wflinfo(1)
A utility for printing opengl or opengl es driver information
speech-tools / wfst_build(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
speech-tools / wfst_run(1)
Programs for audio and speech manipulation
ghostscript / wftopfa(1)
Convert a wadalab base font to postscript .pfa (or .pfb) format using ghostscript
wit / wfuse(1)
Manipulate wii and gamecube iso images and wbfs containers
wily / wgoto(1)
Search for and move to an address
devscripts / what-patch(1)
Detect which patch system a debian package uses
man-db / whatis(1)
Display one-line manual page descriptions
whatweb / whatweb(1)
Web scanner to identify what websites are running.
python-wheel-common / wheel(1)
Install and operate on pep 427 format binary wheels.
gnome-applets / whereami_applet(1)
Where am i? applet for the gnome panel.
util-linux / whereis(1)
Locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
debianutils / which(1)
Locate a command
debian-goodies / which-pkg-broke(1)
Find which package might have broken another
whichman / whichman(1)
Show the location of a man page using a fault tolerant approximate matching algorithm
whiptail / whiptail(1)
Display dialog boxes from shell scripts
rhash / whirlpool-hash(1)
Calculate/check crc32, md5, sha1, gost, tth, btih or other hash sums.
md5deep / whirlpooldeep(1)
Compute and compare md5 message digests sha1deep - compute and compare sha-1 message digests sha256deep - compute and compare sha-256 message digests tigerdeep - compute and compare tiger message digests whirlpooldeep - compute and compare whirlpool message digests
python-whisper / whisper-create(1)
Create a whisper database
python-whisper / whisper-dump(1)
Dump whisper database files
python-whisper / whisper-fetch(1)
Extract records from a whisper database
python-whisper / whisper-info(1)
Show information about a whisper database
python-whisper / whisper-merge(1)
Merge two whisper database files
python-whisper / whisper-resize(1)
Resize a whisper database
python-whisper / whisper-set-aggregation-method(1)
Set aggregationtype field
python-whisper / whisper-update(1)
Update a whisper database
whitedune / whitedune(1)
Graphical vrml97 editor and animation tool
coreutils / who(1)
Show who is logged on
devscripts / who-uploads(1)
Identify the uploaders of debian source packages
ucspi-tcp / who@(1)
Prints the list of active users on a remote host.
ucspi-tcp-ipv6 / who@(1)
Print list of active users on a host
coreutils / whoami(1)
Print effective userid
citadel-client / whobbs(1)
Who is online listing utility
devscripts / whodepends(1)
Check which maintainers' packages depend on a package
whohas / whohas(1)
Find packages in various distributions' repositories
whois / whois(1)
Client for the whois directory service
whowatch / whowatch(1)
Console, interactive, process and users monitoring tool.
why / why(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why / why-config(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why / why-cpulimit(1)
Limits the cpu usage of a process
why / why-dp(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why / why-obfuscator(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why / why-stat(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
why / why2html(1)
A multi-language multi-prover verification tool
libwibble-dev / wibble-test-genrunner(1)
Code generator for wibble testsuites.
wicd-gtk / wicd-client(1)
Frontend to the wicd daemon
wicd-gtk / wicd-gtk(1)
Frontend to the wicd daemon
widemargin / widemargin(1)
Quick and easy bible study application
qtoctave / widgetserver(1)
A tool for adding custom widgets to qtoctave
byobu / wifi-status(1)
Monitor the wireless interface
wifite / wifite(1)
Python script to automate wireless auditing using aircrack-ng tools
wigeon / wigeon(1)
Reimplementation of the pintail 16s dna anomaly detection utility
wiggle / wiggle(1)
Apply rejected patches and perform word-wise diffs
wmii / wihack(1)
The wmii window hack
wiipdf / wiipdf(1)
Present using xpdf and your wiimote
wiki2beamer / wiki2beamer(1)
Convert wiki-formatted text to latex-beamer code
wikipedia2text / wikipedia2text(1)
Wikipedia2text displays wikipedia entries on the command line
wildmidi / wildmidi(1)
Example player for libwildmidi
wmii / wimenu(1)
The wmii menu program
wily / win(1)
Terminal emulator
resample / windowfilter(1)
Design an fir digital filter by the window method
wine / wine(1)
Run windows programs on unix
wine-development / wine-development(1)
Run windows programs on unix
wine / wine-wrapper(1)
A launcher for wine
wine32 / wine32(1)
Run windows programs on unix
wine / wineboot(1)
Perform wine initialization, startup, and shutdown tasks
wine-development / wineboot-development(1)
Perform wine initialization, startup, and shutdown tasks
wine / winecfg(1)
Wine configuration editor
wine-development / winecfg-development(1)
Wine configuration editor
wine / winedbg(1)
Wine debugger
wine-development / winedbg-development(1)
Wine debugger
wine / winefile(1)
Wine file manager
wine-development / winefile-development(1)
Wine file manager
wine32-development-tools / winegcc32-development(1)
Wine c and c++ mingw compatible compiler
wine / winepath(1)
Tool to convert unix paths to/from win32 paths
wine-development / winepath-development(1)
Tool to convert unix paths to/from win32 paths
winff / winff(1)
Video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg or avconv
wings3d / wings3d(1)
Polygon mesh modeler
netpbm / winicontoppm(1)
Convert a windows .ico file into 1 or more portable pixmap files
wininfo / wininfo(1)
A window information utility for x
python-wheel-common / wininst2wheel(1)
Convert windows installers to pep 427 format binary wheels.
winpdb / winpdb(1)
Winpdb, rpdb2 platform independent python debugger
winswitch / winswitch_applet(1)
Window switch applet
winswitch / winswitch_away(1)
Window switch user-is-away message
winswitch / winswitch_back(1)
Window switch user-is-back message
winswitch / winswitch_client(1)
Window switch applet
winswitch / winswitch_command_wrapper(1)
Window switch command wrapper
winswitch / winswitch_launcher(1)
Window switch session launcher
winswitch / winswitch_open_remotely(1)
Window switch helper to open files on a remote server
winswitch / winswitch_server(1)
Window switch server
winswitch / winswitch_ssh_Xnest(1)
Window switch ssh xnest session helper
winswitch / winswitch_ssh_session(1)
Window switch ssh session helper
winswitch / winswitch_stdio_socket(1)
Window switch unix domain socket helper
winswitch / winswitch_stdio_tcp(1)
Window switch tcp socket helper
winwrangler / winwrangler(1)
Small desktop daemon to perform advanced window
wipe / wipe(1)
Securely erase files from magnetic media
wipe / wipe.tr-asc(1)
vde2 / wirefilter(1)
Wire packet filter for virtual distributed ethernet
wmii / wistrut(1)
The wmii ewmh strut manager
wit / wit(1)
Manipulate wii and gamecube iso images and wbfs containers
chiark-utils-bin / with-lock-ex(1)
File locker
lksctp-tools / withsctp(1)
Run tcp binaries over sctp
wmii / witray(1)
The wmii system tray
sat-xmpp-wix / wix(1)
Salut à toi's graphical interface
wkhtmltopdf / wkhtmltoimage(1)
wkhtmltopdf / wkhtmltopdf(1)
dcmtk / wlmscpfs(1)
Dicom basic worklist management scp (based on data files)
sendfile / wlock(1)
Tests or sets a file with posix-fcntl() write-locks
wm-icons / wm-icons-config(1)
Show and set configuration for wm-icons
wm2 / wm2(1)
Small, non-configurable window manager for x
wmmatrix / wmMatrix(1)
Dockable matrix display
wmacpi / wmacpi(1)
Query battery status for systems supporting acpi
wmacpi / wmacpi-cli(1)
Query battery status for systems supporting acpi
wmaker / wmagnify(1)
Magnify parts of the screen
wmail / wmail(1)
Watches your inbox
wmauda / wmauda(1)
A dockable audacious control applet.
wmbiff / wmbiff(1)
A dockable mailbox monitor
wmbubble / wmbubble(1)
System load monitor
wmbutton / wmbutton(1)
Dockable launcher application
wmcalclock / wmcalclock(1)
Dockable calendar clock
wmclockmon / wmclockmon(1)
A dockapp to monitor hour, date and alarms
wmclockmon / wmclockmon-cal(1)
A calendar to use with wmclockmon
wmclockmon / wmclockmon-config(1)
A program to configure wmclockmon
wmcpuload / wmcpuload(1)
A dockapp to display cpu usage
wmctrl / wmctrl(1)
Interact with a ewmh/netwm compatible x window manager.
wmdiskmon / wmdiskmon(1)
A dockapp to monitor disks usage.
docker / wmdocker(1)
System tray for kde3/gnome2 docklet applications
wmdrawer / wmdrawer(1)
Wmdrawer a dockapp providing a drawer to launch applications
wmforecast / wmforecast(1)
A weather dockapp for window maker using the yahoo weather api
wmforkplop / wmforkplop(1)
Monitors forking activity and displays top cpu consuming processes.
wmaker / wmgenmenu(1)
Writes a menu structure usable as ~/gnustep/defaults/wmrootmenu to stdout
wmgui / wmgui(1)
Gtk gui to the wiimote
wmhdplop / wmhdplop(1)
Hard drive monitor dockapp
wmifinfo / wmifinfo(1)
Dockapp for showing basic network info for all available interfaces
wmifs / wmifs(1)
A dockable network traffic monitor
wmii / wmii(1)
Window manager improved²
wmii / wmii9menu(1)
The wmii menu program
wmii / wmiir(1)
The wmii 9p filesystem client
wminput / wminput(1)
An event driver for the wiimote
wmix / wmix(1)
Dockapp mixer for oss
wmlongrun / wmlongrun(1)
A dockapp to monitor the longrun(tm) status on crusoe(tm) processors.
kannel / wmlsc(1)
Wmlscript compiler
kannel / wmlsdasm(1)
Wmlscript disassembler
wmmemload / wmmemload(1)
A dockapp to monitor memory/swap usages
wmaker / wmmenugen(1)
Window maker proplist menu generator
wmmixer / wmmixer(1)
A mixer application designed for windowmaker
wmmon / wmmon(1)
Window maker dockapp for monitoring system information
wmmoonclock / wmmoonclock(1)
Dockable moon phase clock
suckless-tools / wmname(1)
Prints/sets window manager name
wmnd / wmnd(1)
Windowmaker network device monitor
wmnd-snmp / wmnd(1)
Windowmaker network device monitor
wmnut / wmnut(1)
Dockable ups monitor
wmpinboard / wmpinboard(1)
A window maker dock app resembling a miniature pinboard
wmpomme / wmpomme(1)
Windowmaker dockapp for use with pommed
wmppp.app / wmppp(1)
Graphically monitor the average ppp load
wmrack / wmrack(1)
Cd player and mixer dock applet
wmsystemtray / wmsystemtray(1)
A freedesktop.org system tray as a window maker dock app
wmtime / wmtime(1)
Window maker dockapp that displays the time and date
wmtv / wmtv(1)
Dockable video4linux tv player for windowmaker.
wmwave / wmwave(1)
wmweather / wmweather(1)
Dockable weather monitor
wmwork / wmwork(1)
Keep track of time worked on projects
wmxmms2 / wmxmms2(1)
A dockable xmms2 client.
wmxres / wmxres(1)
Dockable application to change x modes
devscripts / wnpp-alert(1)
Check for installed packages up for adoption or orphaned
devscripts / wnpp-check(1)
Check if a package is being packaged or if this has been requested
wodim / wodim(1)
Write data to optical disk media
woff-tools / woff2sfnt(1)
Covert woff file to otf file
woof / woof(1)
A small, simple, stupid webserver to share files
aspell / word-list-compress(1)
Word list compressor/decompressor for gnu aspell
bibutils / wordbib2xml(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
wordgrinder / wordgrinder(1)
Console-based word processor
tesseract-ocr / wordlist2dawg(1)
Convert a wordlist to a dawg for tesseract
wordplay / wordplay(1)
Anagram finder
blogofile-converters / wordpress2blogofile(1)
Migrating existing wordpress blog to blogofile
catdoc / wordview(1)
Displays text contained in ms-word file in x window
worker / worker(1)
File manager for the x window system
worklog / worklog(1)
A program for keeping track of time spent on different projects
workrave / workrave(1)
Rsi prevention tool
minc-tools / worldtovoxel(1)
Convert voxel coordinates to world coordinates worldtovoxel - convert world coordinates to voxel coordinates
wotsap / wotsap(1)
Web of trust statistics and pathfinder
owx / wouxun(1)
Wrapper around the owx utility to operate csv files directly
wikipedia2text / wp2t(1)
Wikipedia2text displays wikipedia entries on the command line
wp2x / wp2x(1)
A wordperfect 5.0 to whatever converter
aircrack-ng / wpaclean(1)
Clean wpa capture files
retext / wpgen(1)
Webpages generation tool that comes with retext
wpp / wpp(1)
The web preprocessor
wput / wput(1)
A wget-like ftp-uploader
devscripts / wrap-and-sort(1)
Wrap long lines and sort items in debian packaging files
wraplinux / wraplinux(1)
Create an elf or nbi file from a linux kernel with optional initrds.
service-wrapper / wrapper(1)
Jar daemon wrapper
wrapsrv / wrapsrv(1)
Dns srv record command line wrapper
wily / wreplace(1)
Replace an address with the contents of stdin.
icoutils / wrestool(1)
Extract resources from microsoft windows(r) binaries
cloud-utils / write-mime-multipart(1)
Utilty for creating mime-multipart files, likely for use via user data and cloud-init.
chiark-rwbuffer / writebuffer(1)
Write output to devices which don't like constant stopping and starting
gatling / writelog(1)
Logfile writing daemon for gatling
writetype / writetype(1)
Application designed to help students write more easily
libjpeg-turbo-progs / wrjpgcom(1)
Insert text comments into a jpeg file
msr-tools / wrmsr(1)
Tool for writing cpu machine specific registers (msr)
lua-wsapi / wsapi.cgi(1)
Cgi wrapper for wsapi based dynamic pages
lua-wsapi-fcgi / wsapi.fcgi(1)
Fast cgi wrapper for wsapi based dynamic pages
node-ws / wscat(1)
Communicate over websocket
mono-devel / wsdl(1)
Mono's web service proxy generator
mono-devel / wsdl2(1)
Mono's web service proxy generator
libaws-bin / wsdl2aws(1)
Generate stubs and skeletons for web services
python-zsi / wsdl2dispatch(1)
Generate python code skeleton for soap server from wsdl
gsoap / wsdl2h(1)
The gsoap wsdl parser for c and c++
nordugrid-arc-dev / wsdl2hed(1)
Arc skeleton generator
python-zsi / wsdl2py(1)
Generate client python interface code from wsdl
wsjt / wsjt(1)
wsjtx / wsjtx(1)
wsl / wsl(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wsl / wslcred(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wsl / wslecn(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wsl / wslenum(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wsl / wslget(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wsl / wslid(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wsl / wslinvoke(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wsl / wslput(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
aweather / wsr88ddec(1)
Wsr88d/nexrad decompression program
canna / wtoc(1)
Convert a wnn text-form dictionary (or dictionaries) into canna text-form dictionaries
wuzzah / wuzzah(1)
Keep an eye out for friends on a local system
libwv2-dev / wv2-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of wv2
wv / wvAbw(1)
Convert msword documents to abiword's format
wv / wvCleanLatex(1)
Convert msword documents to latex
wv / wvDVI(1)
Convert msword documents to dvi
wv / wvHtml(1)
Convert msword documents to html4.0
wv / wvLatex(1)
Convert msword documents to latex
wv / wvMime(1)
View msword documents
wv / wvPDF(1)
Convert msword documents to pdf
wv / wvPS(1)
Convert msword documents to ps
wv / wvRTF(1)
Convert msword documents to rtf
wv / wvSummary(1)
View word document's summary info
wv / wvText(1)
Convert msword documents to text
wv / wvVersion(1)
View word document's version #
wv / wvWare(1)
Convert msword documents
wv / wvWml(1)
Convert msword documents to wml
wvdial / wvdial(1)
Ppp dialer with built-in intelligence.
wvdial / wvdialconf(1)
Build a configuration file for wvdial(1)
wavpack / wvgain(1)
Adds replaygain information to wavpack files
wavpack / wvunpack(1)
Decodes wavpack encoded files
wit / wwt(1)
Manipulate wii and gamecube iso images and wbfs containers
ifetch-tools / wwwifetch(1)
Web presentation tool of ifetch-tools
wwwstat / wwwstat(1)
Summarize www server (httpd) access statistics
wx-common / wx-config(1)
Wxwidgets configuration search and query tool
wxastrocapture / wxAstroCapture(1)
Program to stack and interpret astronomic images
stx-btree-demo / wxBTreeDemo(1)
B+ tree demonstration program
python-wxglade / wxglade(1)
Python program to build user interfaces based on the wxwidgets toolset.
wxmaxima / wxmaxima(1)
Wxmaxima wxwidgets interface for maxima
wsl / wxmlgetvalue(1)
A shell based command line client for wsman servers
wx-common / wxrc(1)
Command line compiler for wx xml resources.
wx-common / wxrc-tools(1)
Command line compiler for wx xml resources.
wzip / wzip(1)
Lossy data compression and denoising
x-tile / x-tile(1)
An application that allows you to select a number of windows and tile them in different ways
vnc4server / x0vnc4server(1)
Vnc server which continuously polls an x display
x11-touchscreen-calibrator / x11-touchscreen-calibrator(1)
X window system's touchscreen calibrator
x11-apps / x11perf(1)
X11 server performance test program
x11-apps / x11perfcomp(1)
X11 server performance comparison program
x11vnc / x11vnc(1)
Allow vnc connections to real x11 displays
x2 / x2(1)
An elegant and simple gtk text editor
x264 / x264(1)
Fast h264 encoder
x2goclient / x2goclient(1)
Client application to launch server-side x2go sessions.
x2vnc / x2vnc(1)
A dual-screen hack
x2x / x2x(1)
X to x connection
x42-plugins / x42-scope(1)
Jack/lv2 oscilloscope
binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64 / x86_64-w64-mingw32-dllwrap(1)
Ancient tool for generating pe style dll's.
mingw-w64-tools / x86_64-w64-mingw32-widl(1)
Wine interface definition language (idl) compiler
x86dis / x86dis(1)
Disassemble a bytestream of intel x86 instructions
xa65 / xa(1)
6502/r65c02/65816 cross-assembler
xalan / xalan(1)
Process xml documents with xslt stylesheets
xapers / xapers(1)
Personal journal article indexing system
xapers / xapers-adder(1)
"gui" to import individual documents into xapers database
xapian-tools / xapian-check(1)
Check the consistency of a database or table
xapian-tools / xapian-chert-update(1)
Update a chert database to the new format keys
xapian-tools / xapian-compact(1)
Compact a database, or merge and compact several
libxapian-dev / xapian-config(1)
Report information about the installed version of xapian
xapian-tools / xapian-inspect(1)
Inspect the contents of a flint table for development or debugging
xapian-tools / xapian-metadata(1)
Read and write user metadata
xapian-tools / xapian-progsrv(1)
Piped server for use with xapian's remote backend
xapian-tools / xapian-replicate(1)
Replicate a database from a master server to a local copy
xapian-tools / xapian-replicate-server(1)
Service database replication requests from clients
xapian-tools / xapian-tcpsrv(1)
Tcp daemon for use with xapian's remote backend
xapm / xapm(1)
Display advanced power management (apm) bios information
xara-gtk / xara(1)
Gtk2 interface for the above
xarchiver / xarchiver(1)
Gtk+ frontend for most used compression formats
xarclock / xarclock(1)
Extended xclock(1)
findutils / xargs(1)
Build and execute command lines from standard input
xastir / xastir(1)
Graphical application that interfaces ham radio and aprs(tm) internet access to real-time mapping software.
xastir / xastir_udp_client(1)
Send simple messages to xastir for aprs(tm) network.
gatos / xatitv(1)
Gui "tv in a window" application from the gatos package.
python-xattr / xattr(1)
Sets or lists extended attributes on a file or directory
xauth / xauth(1)
X authority file utility
xautolock / xautolock(1)
Fire up programs in case of user inactivity under x
xawtv / xawtv(1)
A x11 program for watching tv
xawtv / xawtv-remote(1)
Control video4linux devices
xbacklight / xbacklight(1)
Adjust backlight brightness using randr extension
x11-apps / xbiff(1)
Mailbox flag for x
xbindkeys / xbindkeys(1)
A grabbing keys program for x
xbindkeys-config / xbindkeys-config(1)
Gtk+ configuration tool for xbindkeys
xbindkeys / xbindkeys_show(1)
A program to show the grabbing keys used in xbindkeys
xbmc / xbmc(1)
Xbmc main executable
xbmc-eventclients-j2me / xbmc-j2meremote(1)
Java bluetooth phone remote control client for xbmc
xbmc-eventclients-ps3 / xbmc-ps3remote(1)
Ps3 blu-ray remote control client for xbmc
xbmc-eventclients-xbmc-send / xbmc-send(1)
Program to send some action to xbmc
xbmc / xbmc-standalone(1)
Xbmc standalone mode
xbmc-eventclients-wiiremote / xbmc-wiiremote(1)
Wiimote remote control client for xbmc
xbmc / xbmc.bin(1)
Xbmc main executable
netpbm / xbmtopbm(1)
Convert an x11 or x10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
xboxdrv / xboxdrvctl(1)
Remote control application for the xboxdrv daemon
xbrlapi / xbrlapi(1)
X11 brlapi helper for linux/unix
xbs / xbs(1)
Ball and stick molecule modeling
bsh / xbsh(1)
Beanshell: a java scripting environment (windowed version).
xbuffy / xbuffy(1)
Yet another biff for the x window system
mono-xbuild / xbuild(1)
Mono's tool to build msbuild project files
xca / xca(1)
X certificate and key management a gui for handling x509 certificates, rsa/dsa/ec keys, pkcs#10 requests and crls in software and on smartcards.
cadabra / xcadabra(1)
Gtk front-end for cadabra
xcal / xcal(1)
Calendar with alarms and a notebook for x11
xcal / xcal_cal(1)
Interface to calendar(1) for xcal
xcal / xcalev(1)
Load xcal calendar files with regular dates
xcalib / xcalib(1)
Tiny monitor calibration loader for xorg.
xcal / xcalpr(1)
Print xcal calendar entries
sane / xcam(1)
A graphical camera frontend for sane
xcape / xcape(1)
Use a modifier key as another key
xcb / xcb(1)
X cut buffers - pigeon holes for your cut and paste selections.
libblas-test / xcblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xcblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xcblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xccblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xccblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xccblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
xcftools / xcf2png(1)
Convert from gimp xcf files to png format
xcftools / xcf2pnm(1)
Convert from gimp xcf files to ppm/pgm/pbm format
xcfa / xcfa(1)
Gtk+ implementation of the gnu shell command.
xcftools / xcfinfo(1)
Display information about gimp xcf files
xcftools / xcfview(1)
Display gimp xcf files
xchat / xchat(1)
Manual page for xchat 2.8.8
xchm / xchm(1)
Compiled html help (chm) file viewer for x.
xclip / xclip(1)
Command line interface to x selections (clipboard)
xclip / xclip-copyfile(1)
Copy and move files via the x clipboard
xclip / xclip-cutfile(1)
Copy and move files via the x clipboard
xclip / xclip-pastefile(1)
Copy and move files via the x clipboard
x11-apps / xclipboard(1)
X clipboard client
x11-apps / xclock(1)
Analog / digital clock for x
x11-xserver-utils / xcmsdb(1)
Device color characterization utility for x color management system
xcolmix / xcolmix(1)
An rgb colour mixer
xcolors / xcolors(1)
Display all x11 color names and colors
xcolorsel / xcolorsel(1)
Display contents of rgb.txt files together with color probes.
xcompmgr / xcompmgr(1)
Sample x compositing manager
x11-apps / xconsole(1)
Monitor system console messages with x
debian-xcontrol / xcontrol(1)
Preprocessor for debian/control files
x11-apps / xcursorgen(1)
Create an x cursor file from a collection of png images
x11-apps / xcutsel(1)
Interchange between cut buffer and selection
xcwcp / xcwcp(1)
X window-based morse tutor program
xdaliclock / xdaliclock(1)
Melting digital clock
libblas-test / xdblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xdblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xdblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xdcblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xdcblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xdcblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
xdelta / xdelta(1)
Invoke xdelta
xdelta3 / xdelta3(1)
Vcdiff (rfc 3284) binary diff tool
xdemorse / xdemorse(1)
Gtk+ morse code decoding software
xdesktopwaves / xdesktopwaves(1)
Simulation of water waves on the x windows desktop
xdeview / xdeview(1)
A powerful decoder for binary files
fdutils / xdfcopy(1)
fdutils / xdfformat(1)
obsession / xdg-autostart(1)
Auto start programs as specified by freedesktop.org
xdg-utils / xdg-desktop-icon(1)
Command line tool for (un)installing icons to the desktop
xdg-utils / xdg-desktop-menu(1)
Command line tool for (un)installing desktop menu items
xdg-utils / xdg-email(1)
Command line tool for sending mail using the users preferred e-mail composer
xdg-utils / xdg-icon-resource(1)
Command line tool for (un)installing icon resources
xdg-utils / xdg-mime(1)
Command line tool for querying information about file type handling and adding descriptions for new file types
xdg-utils / xdg-open(1)
Opens a file or url in the users preferred application
xdg-utils / xdg-screensaver(1)
Command line tool for controlling the screensaver
xdg-utils / xdg-settings(1)
Get various settings from the desktop environment
xdg-user-dirs / xdg-user-dir(1)
Find an xdg user dir
xdg-user-dirs / xdg-user-dirs-update(1)
Update xdg user dir configuration
display-dhammapada / xdhamma(1)
Graphical displayed verse from the dhammapada.
xdiskusage / xdiskusage(1)
Graphical display of disk usage
x11-apps / xditview(1)
Display ditroff output
xdms / xdms(1)
Decompressing amiga dms files
xdmx-tools / xdmxconfig(1)
A graphical configuration tool for xdmx configuration files
xdot / xdot(1)
Interactive viewer for graphviz dot files
debian-xcontrol / xdpkg-checkbuilddeps(1)
Check whether a package's build dependencies are fulfilled
x11-utils / xdpyinfo(1)
Display information utility for x
xdrawchem / xdrawchem(1)
Open-source chemical structures editor similar to chemdraw
x11-utils / xdriinfo(1)
Query configuration information of dri drivers
xfce4-dev-tools / xdt-autogen(1)
Run autotools on a xfce source tarball
xfce4-dev-tools / xdt-csource(1)
C code generation utility for arbitrary data
xdu / xdu(1)
Display the output of "du" in an x window
chiark-utils-bin / xduplic-copier(1)
Type into multiple x windows at once
texlive-binaries / xdvi(1)
Dvi previewer for the x window system
texlive-binaries / xdvipdfmx(1)
Produce pdf files directly from dvi files
xdx / xdx(1)
Tcp/ip dx-cluster client for amateur radio
xemacs21-bin / xemacs.xemacs21(1)
Emacs: the next generation
xenomai-runtime / xeno(1)
Wrapper for xenomai executables
libxenomai-dev / xeno-config(1)
Display xenomai libraries configuration
xenomai-runtime / xeno-test(1)
Run latency test under load
xen-utils-common / xentop(1)
Displays real-time information about a xen system and domains
xen-utils-common / xentrace_format(1)
Pretty-print xen trace data
libxerces-c-samples / xerces-c-sample(1)
Xerces-c sample program
x11-utils / xev(1)
Print contents of x events
x11-apps / xeyes(1)
A follow the mouse x demo
xfburn / xfburn(1)
Simple cd/dvd burning tool
libxfce4ui-utils / xfce4-about(1)
About and credits dialog for xfce
xfce4-settings / xfce4-accessibility-settings(1)
Accessibility settings for xfce
xfce4-settings / xfce4-appearance-settings(1)
Appearance settings for xfce
xfce4-appfinder / xfce4-appfinder(1)
Xfce 4 appfinder
xfce4-dict / xfce4-dict(1)
Xfce4-dict a client program to query different dictionaries
xfce4-settings / xfce4-display-settings(1)
Display settings for xfce
xfce4-settings / xfce4-keyboard-settings(1)
Keyboard settings for xfce
xfce4-settings / xfce4-mime-settings(1)
Mime settings for xfce
xfce4-mixer / xfce4-mixer(1)
A volume control application for xfce
xfce4-settings / xfce4-mouse-settings(1)
Mouse settings for xfce
xfce4-notifyd / xfce4-notifyd-config(1)
Configuration gui for xfce4-notifyd
xfce4-panel / xfce4-panel(1)
Xfce 4 panel
xfdesktop4 / xfce4-popup-menu(1)
Shows the xfce menu
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin / xfce4-popup-whiskermenu(1)
Shows whisker menu
xfce4-panel / xfce4-popup-windowlist(1)
Shows the xfce window list applet popup
xfce4-power-manager / xfce4-power-information(1)
Find information about your computer's power usage
xfce4-power-manager-data / xfce4-power-manager(1)
The xfce 4 power manager
xfce4-power-manager-data / xfce4-power-manager-settings(1)
Settings dialog for the xfce 4 power manager
xfce4-screenshooter / xfce4-screenshooter(1)
Application to take screenshots
xfce4-sensors-plugin / xfce4-sensors(1)
Sensors application for xfce4
xfce4-session / xfce4-session(1)
Starts up the xfce desktop environment
xfce4-session / xfce4-session-logout(1)
Logs out from xfce
xfce4-session / xfce4-session-settings(1)
Session settings for xfce
xfce4-settings / xfce4-settings-editor(1)
Settings editor for xfce
xfce4-settings / xfce4-settings-manager(1)
Settings manager for xfce
xfce4-taskmanager / xfce4-taskmanager(1)
A task (system process) manager for xfce.
xfce4-terminal / xfce4-terminal(1)
A terminal emulator for x
xfconf / xfconf-query(1)
Command line utility for xfconf system
x11-utils / xfd(1)
Display all the characters in an x font
xfdesktop4 / xfdesktop(1)
The xfce 4 desktop environment's desktop manager
xfdesktop4 / xfdesktop-settings(1)
Desktop settings for xfce
xfe / xfe(1)
A lightweight file manager for x window
xfig-doc / xfig-pdf-viewer(1)
View a pdf document using a pdf browser under x11
xfe / xfimage(1)
A simple image viewer for x window
xflr5 / xflr5(1)
Xflr5 analysis tool for airfoils
minc-tools / xfm2def(1)
Convert a mni transform file to a deformation volume
minc-tools / xfmconcat(1)
Concatenate mni transform files
minc-tools / xfmflip(1)
Flip an mni transform file
minc-tools / xfminvert(1)
Invert an mni transform file
x11-utils / xfontsel(1)
Point and click selection of x11 font names
xfe / xfpack(1)
A simple package manager for x window
xfce4-power-manager / xfpm-power-backlight-helper(1)
Control the brightness from the command line
xfpt / xfpt(1)
Make xml from plain text
freerdp-x11 / xfreerdp(1)
Freerdp x11 client
xfce4-appfinder / xfrun4(1)
Xfce 4 appfinder
xfce4-settings / xfsettingsd(1)
Xsettings daemon for xfce
x11-xfs-utils / xfsinfo(1)
X font server information utility
xfe / xfview(1)
A simple text viewer for x window
xfwm4 / xfwm4(1)
Window manager for xfce
xfwm4 / xfwm4-settings(1)
General settings for xfce window manager
xfwm4 / xfwm4-tweaks-settings(1)
Advanced settings for xfce window manager
xfwm4 / xfwm4-workspace-settings(1)
Workspace settings for xfce window manager
xfe / xfwrite(1)
A simple text editor for x window
x11-xserver-utils / xgamma(1)
Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the x server
x11-apps / xgc(1)
X graphics demo
gettext / xgettext(1)
Extract gettext strings from source
xgridfit / xgfconfig(1)
Configuration program for xgridfit
xgridfit / xgfmerge(1)
Merges two xgridfit program files
xgridfit / xgfupdate(1)
Updates an xgridfit program file to the latest version.
gpsd-clients / xgps(1)
Test clients for gpsd
gpsd-clients / xgpsspeed(1)
Test clients for gpsd
xgridfit / xgridfit(1)
A program for gridfitting, or "hinting," truetype fonts
geda-xgsch2pcb / xgsch2pcb(1)
Geda/gaf gschem - pcb workflow gui
hfsutils-tcltk / xhfs(1)
Graphical interface for manipulating hfs volumes
x11-xserver-utils / xhost(1)
Server access control program for x
hotswap-gui / xhotswap(1)
Motif utility for registering and unregistering hotswappable ide hardware
hydra-gtk / xhydra(1)
Gtk+2 frontend for thc-hydra
argyll / xicclu(1)
Translate colors through an xicc.
netpbm / ximtoppm(1)
Convert an xim file into a portable pixmap
xine-ui / xine(1)
A free video player
libxine2-dev / xine-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libxine
libxine2-bin / xine-list-1.2(1)
Get supported filetype information from xine-lib
xine-ui / xine-remote(1)
A small tool to connect xine remote control server.
vdr-plugin-xine / xineplayer(1)
Plays videos via vdr-plugin-xine
xinit / xinit(1)
X window system initializer
xinput / xinput(1)
Utility to configure and test x input devices
xinput-calibrator / xinput_calibrator(1)
A generic touchscreen calibration program for x.org
vclt-tools / xiph2vclt(1)
Generate vclt playlist from xiph/icecast stream directory
xiphos / xiphos(1)
Bible study tool
xiterm+thai / xiterm+thai(1)
Xiterm+thai vt102 emulator for the x window system with thai support
xjadeo / xjadeo(1)
X jack video monitor
xjdic / xjdic(1)
An electronic japanese-english dictionary program (v2.4) nb: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.
xjdic / xjdic_cl(1)
An electronic japanese-english dictionary program (v2.4) nb: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.
xjdic / xjdic_sa(1)
An electronic japanese-english dictionary program (v2.4) nb: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.
xjdic / xjdserver(1)
An electronic japanese-english dictionary program (v2.4) nb: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.
xjdic / xjdxgen(1)
An electronic japanese-english dictionary program (v2.4) nb: this man page contains a summary of the information in the xjdic24.inf file.
xjed / xjed(1)
Programmers editor
xjadeo / xjremote(1)
X jack video monitor remote control
x11-xkb-utils / xkbbell(1)
Xkb extension user utility
x11-xkb-utils / xkbcomp(1)
Compile xkb keyboard description
x11-xkb-utils / xkbevd(1)
Xkb event daemon
xkbind / xkbind(1)
X keyboard extension indicator for the x window system
x11-xkb-utils / xkbprint(1)
Print an xkb keyboard description
x11-xkb-utils / xkbvleds(1)
Xkb extension user utility
x11-xkb-utils / xkbwatch(1)
Xkb extension user utility
xkeycaps / xkeycaps(1)
Graphically display and edit the x keyboard mapping
expect / xkibitz(1)
Allow multiple people to interact in an xterm
x11-utils / xkill(1)
Kill a client by its x resource
xli / xli(1)
Load images into an x11 window or onto the root window
translate-toolkit / xliff2odf(1)
Convert xliff translation files to opendocument (odf) files.
translate-toolkit / xliff2oo(1)
Convert xliff localization files to an openoffice.org (sdf) localization file.
translate-toolkit / xliff2po(1)
Convert xliff localization files to gettext po localization files.
links2 / xlinks2(1)
Lynx-like alternative character mode www browser
xli / xlito(1)
Append/delete/show a trailing option string in a file. (xloadimagetrailingoptions)
x11-apps / xload(1)
System load average display for x
xlog / xlog(1)
Gtk+ logging program for amateur radio operators
catdoc / xls2csv(1)
Reads ms-excel file and puts its content as comma-separated data on standard output
unoconv / xls2ods(1)
Convert any document from and to any libreoffice supported format
x11-utils / xlsatoms(1)
List interned atoms defined on server
x11-utils / xlsclients(1)
List client applications running on a display
x11-utils / xlsfonts(1)
Server font list displayer for x
catdoc / xlsview(1)
Graphical front-end for xls2csv(1)
xlsx2csv / xlsx2csv(1)
Convert xslx xml files to csv format
x11-apps / xmag(1)
Magnify parts of the screen
xmakemol / xmake_anim(1)
A script to make gif animations from xmakemol output.
xmakemol-gl / xmake_anim(1)
A script to make gif animations from xmakemol output.
xmakemol / xmakemol(1)
A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems.
xmakemol-gl / xmakemol(1)
A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems.
x11-apps / xman(1)
Manual page display program for the x window system
xmaxima / xmaxima(1)
Graphical frontend to maxima computer algebra system
mwm / xmbind(1)
Xmbind configures virtual key bindings "xmbind"
xmds / xmds(1)
The extensible multi-dimensional simulator
xmds2 / xmds2(1)
The extensible multi-dimensional simulator v2
xmedcon / xmedcon(1)
Medcon with gui for the x window system
libmdc2-dev / xmedcon-config(1)
Script to get info about the installed version of (x)medcon
x11-utils / xmessage(1)
Display a message or query in a window (x-based /bin/echo)
grace / xmgrace(1)
Command line interface xmgrace - full-featured gui mode gracebat - batch mode - print and exit
minicom / xminicom(1)
Friendly serial communication program
xmix / xmix(1)
X windows (xaw) interface to linux sound driver mixer
xutils-dev / xmkmf(1)
Create a makefile from an imakefile
xmlrpc-api-utils / xml-rpc-api2cpp(1)
Make a c++ wrapper class for an xml-rpc api
xmlrpc-api-utils / xml-rpc-api2txt(1)
Print out a description of an xml-rpc api as text
xml2 / xml2(1)
Convert xml documents in a flat format 2xml - convert flat format into xml html2 - convert html documents in a flat format 2html - convert flat format into html csv2 - convert csv files in a flat format 2csv - convert flat format into csv
libxml2-dev / xml2-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of gnome-xml
bibutils / xml2ads(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
autogen / xml2ag(1)
Xml to autogen definiton converter
html-xml-utils / xml2asc(1)
Convert utf-8 to &#
bibutils / xml2bib(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
liblouisxml-bin / xml2brl(1)
Translate an xml or a text file into an embosser-ready braille file.
dcmtk / xml2dcm(1)
Convert xml document to dicom file or data set
dcmtk / xml2dsr(1)
Convert dicom sr file and data set to xml
bibutils / xml2end(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
ruby-graphviz / xml2gv(1)
Show your xml files graphically
bibutils / xml2isi(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
python-odf / xml2odf(1)
Create odf package from opendocument in xml form
gnome-doc-utils / xml2po(1)
Program to create a po-template file from a docbook xml file and merge it back into a (translated) xml file
poxml / xml2pot(1)
Creates a po template file from a docbook xml file.
passepartout / xml2ps(1)
The typesetting engine of passepartout
python-ctypeslib / xml2py(1)
Convert header files to xml intermediates xml2py - convert xml intermediates to python ctypes interface
bibutils / xml2ris(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
dvbtune / xml2vdr(1)
Xml2vdr convert xml dvb-si files to a vdr channel list
bibutils / xml2wordbib(1)
Bibliography conversion utilities
sloccount / xml_count(1)
Count source lines of code (sloc)
libxmlada5-dev / xmlada-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of xmlada
libxml2-utils / xmlcatalog(1)
Command line tool to parse and manipulate xml or sgml catalog files.
xmlcopyeditor / xmlcopyeditor(1)
Fast, free, validating xml editor
xmldiff / xmldiff(1)
Tree 2 tree correction between xml documents
xmlformat-perl / xmlformat(1)
Xml document formatter
xmlformat-ruby / xmlformat(1)
Xml document formatter
xmlto / xmlif(1)
Conditional processing instructions for xml
xmlindent / xmlindent(1)
Xml stream reformatter
libxml2-utils / xmllint(1)
Command line xml tool
xmltoman / xmlmantohtml(1)
Xml to html converter
gwenhywfar-tools / xmlmerge(1)
Command line tool for merging xml snippets from multiple files
gnustep-base-runtime / xmlparse(1)
Error-check and validate xml documents
xmldiff-xmlrev / xmlrev(1)
Tree 2 tree correction between xml documents
xmlroff / xmlroff(1)
Xsl formatter
xmlsec1 / xmlsec1(1)
Sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt xml documents
libxmlsec1-dev / xmlsec1-config(1)
Detail installed version of xmlsec library
xmlstarlet / xmlstarlet(1)
Command line xml/xslt toolkit
xmltex / xmltex(1)
Xml non-validating parser in tex
xmlto / xmlto(1)
Apply an xsl stylesheet to an xml document
xmltoman / xmltoman(1)
Xml to man converter
libxmlm-ocaml-dev / xmltrip(1)
Xml round trip: parses xml files and prints them
expat / xmlwf(1)
Xmlwf determines if an xml document is well-formed
qtoctave / xmlwidget(1)
Implement qtoctave interfaces in xml
xmms2-client-cli / xmms2(1)
The official xmms2 command line interface
xmms2-client-avahi / xmms2-find-avahi(1)
Finding running xmms2 instances via avahi
xmms2-core / xmms2-launcher(1)
Xmms2 daemon launcher
xmms2-client-avahi / xmms2-mdns-avahi(1)
Announces xmms2 via mdns
xmms2-client-medialib-updater / xmms2-mlib-updater(1)
Monitors directories and updates the media library
xmms2-scrobbler / xmms2-scrobbler(1)
Audioscrobbler/last.fm client for xmms2
xmms2-core / xmms2d(1)
Xmms2 daemon which handles the playback of music and storage of music metadata
xmms2tray / xmms2tray(1)
A tray icon for xmms2
xmobar / xmobar(1)
A configurable and extensible status bar for x11 desktops
lirc-x / xmode2(1)
Shows the pulse/space length of infrared signals
x11-xserver-utils / xmodmap(1)
Utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in x
xmonad / xmonad(1)
xmonad / xmonad-session(1)
Starts the xmonad window manager as a session
x11-apps / xmore(1)
Plain text display program for the x window system
xmorph / xmorph(1)
Image warping and dissolving (morphing) for x window system morph - command line interface image morphing program
xmount / xmount(1)
Tool to crossmount between multiple input and output harddisk image files
xmountains / xmountains(1)
A fractal landscape generator.
xautomation / xmousepos(1)
Gets and prints the current mouse position
xmpi / xmpi(1)
X window mpi user interface
xnbd-server / xnbd-bgctl(1)
Control a server running xnbd-server(8) through its control socket
xnbd-client / xnbd-client(1)
Connect to a server running xnbd-server(8), to use its exported block device
xnbd-client / xnbd-watchdog(1)
Watch a nbd device as started by xnbd-client(1)
xnec2c / xnec2c(1)
A gtk+ graphical interactive version of nec2c
xnecview / xnecview(1)
A program for visualizing nec2 input and output files
xnee-doc / xnee(1)
Records, replays or distributes x11 data
xneur / xneur(1)
In-place conversion of text typed in with a wrong keyboard layout
heimdal-clients-x / xnlock(1)
Amusing lock screen program with message for passers-by
opencubicplayer / xocp(1)
Music player
xorp / xorpsh(1)
Xorpsh xorp command shell
xorriso / xorrecord(1)
Emulation of cd/dvd/bd program cdrecord by program xorriso
xorriso / xorriso(1)
Creates, loads, manipulates and writes iso 9660 filesystem images with rock ridge extensions.
xorriso / xorrisofs(1)
Emulation of iso 9660 program mkisofs by program xorriso
xoscope / xoscope(1)
Digital oscilloscope
libxosd-dev / xosd-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libxosd
xosview / xosview(1)
X based system monitor
xournal / xournal(1)
Gtk+ application for note taking
xpa-tools / xpaaccess(1)
See if template matches registered \s-1xpa\s0 access points
xpad / xpad(1)
A sticky notes application for gtk+ 2.0
xpa-tools / xpaget(1)
Retrieve data from one or more \s-1xpa\s0 servers
xpa-tools / xpainfo(1)
Send short message to one or more \s-1xpa\s0 servers
xpaint / xpaint(1)
Simple paint program
xpa-tools / xpamb(1)
The \s-1xpa\s0 message bus
xpa-tools / xpans(1)
The \s-1xpa\s0 name server
xpa-tools / xpaset(1)
Send data to one or more \s-1xpa\s0 servers
swi-prolog-x / xpce(1)
Prolog with graphical user interface (gui)
swi-prolog-x / xpce-client(1)
Contact an xpce server socket
xpdf / xpdf(1)
Portable document format (pdf) file viewer for x (version 3.03)
xpdf / xpdf.real(1)
Portable document format (pdf) file viewer for x (version 3.03)
xpenguins / xpenguins(1)
Cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your windows
xpenguins / xpenguins-stop(1)
Cute little penguins that walk along the tops of your windows
mozilla-devscripts / xpi-pack(1)
Pack a directory to a xpi file
mozilla-devscripts / xpi-repack(1)
Repack a xpi file into a tarball
mozilla-devscripts / xpi-unpack(1)
Unpack a xpi file to a directory
tcptrace / xpl2gpl(1)
Convert tcptrace-style xplot input to gnuplot input.
xplanet / xplanet(1)
Render an image of a planet into an x window or file
gromacs-data / xplor2gmx(1)
Convert xplor distance restraints to gromacs format
xplot / xplot(1)
Simple x-y column data plotter for x
gromacs-data / xpm2ps(1)
Convert xpm (xpixelmap) matrices to postscript or xpm
gromacs-data / xpm2ps_d(1)
Convert xpm (xpixelmap) matrices to postscript or xpm
fvwm / xpmroot(1)
Sets the root window of the current x display to image
netpbm / xpmtoppm(1)
Convert an x11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xpn / xpn(1)
Graphical newsreader written in python with the gtk+ toolkit
xpp / xpp(1)
X printing panel
xppaut / xppaut(1)
X phase plane plus auto. solves many kinds of equations.
xpra / xpra(1)
Viewer for remote, persistent x applications
xpra / xpra_launcher(1)
User interface to connect to a xpra session
xprintidle / xprintidle(1)
Utility printing user's idle time in x
xprobe / xprobe2(1)
A remote active operating system fingerprinting tool.
x11-utils / xprop(1)
Property displayer for x
libgxps-utils / xpstojpeg(1)
Xps to jpeg converter
libgxps-utils / xpstopdf(1)
Xps to pdf converter
libgxps-utils / xpstopng(1)
Xps to png converter
libgxps-utils / xpstops(1)
Xps to postscript converter
libgxps-utils / xpstosvg(1)
Xps to svg converter
xqilla / xqilla(1)
Run xquery and xpath 2 expressions
crossroads / xr(1)
Crossroads load balancer & fail over utility
xracer-tools / xracer-mkmeshnotex(1)
Xracer-mkmeshnotex xracer texture coordinates maker
xracer-tools / xracer-mktrack(1)
Xracer-mktrack xracer track generator
xracer-tools / xracer-mktrackscenery(1)
Xracer-mktrackscenery xracer track scenery generator
xracer-tools / xracer-mktube(1)
Xracer-mktube xracer tubular outline generator
x11-xserver-utils / xrandr(1)
Primitive command line interface to randr extension
crossroads / xrctl(1)
Crossroads control-script
x11-xserver-utils / xrdb(1)
X server resource database utility
x11-xserver-utils / xrefresh(1)
Refresh all or part of an x screen
xrestop / xrestop(1)
Monitor server resources used by x11 clients
xrsh / xrlogin(1)
Start an xterm that uses ssh (or optionally rlogin or telnet) to connect to a remote host
xrsh / xrsh(1)
Start an x program on a remote machine
xsane / xsane(1)
Scanner frontend for sane
libblas-test / xsblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xsblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xsblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
sane / xscanimage(1)
Scan an image
libblas-test / xscblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xscblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xscblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
xscreensaver / xscreensaver(1)
Extensible screen saver and screen locking framework
xscreensaver / xscreensaver-demo(1)
Interactively control the background xscreensaver daemon
xscreensaver-data / xscreensaver-getimage(1)
Put some randomly-selected image on the root window
xscreensaver-data / xscreensaver-getimage-file(1)
Put a randomly-selected image on the root window
xscreensaver-data / xscreensaver-getimage-video(1)
Put a video frame on the root window
xscreensaver-gl / xscreensaver-gl-helper(1)
Figure out which x visual to use for gl programs
xscreensaver-data / xscreensaver-text(1)
Prints some text to stdout, for use by screen savers.
mono-devel / xsd(1)
Mono's utility for generating schema or class files
xsdcxx / xsdcxx(1)
W3c xml schema to c++ compiler
xsddiagram / xsddiagram(1)
Xml schema definition (xsd) diagram viewer
xsensors / xsensors(1)
Display hardware sensor information as a graphical read-out.
x11-xserver-utils / xset(1)
User preference utility for x
x11-xserver-utils / xsetmode(1)
Set the mode for an x input device
x11-xserver-utils / xsetpointer(1)
Set an x input device as the main pointer
x11-xserver-utils / xsetroot(1)
Root window parameter setting utility for x
xsettingsd / xsettingsd(1)
Provides settings to x11 applications
xserver-xorg-input-wacom / xsetwacom(1)
Commandline utility to query and modify wacom driver settings.
xmds / xsil2graphics(1)
Generate scripts to load xsil output data files
xmds2 / xsil2graphics2(1)
Generate scripts to load xsil output data files
libxslt1-dev / xslt-config(1)
Script to get information about the installed version of libxslt
xsltproc / xsltproc(1)
Command line xslt processor
x11-session-utils / xsm(1)
X session manager
mono-xsp2 / xsp2(1)
Mono asp.net web server (xsp2 and xsp22)
mono-xsp4 / xsp4(1)
Mono asp.net web server (xsp4 and xsp42)
spim / xspim(1)
A mips32 simulator
xss-lock / xss-lock(1)
Use external locker as x screen saver
suckless-tools / xssstate(1)
Display x screensaver state
xstarfish / xstarfish(1)
Tiled root window wallpaper generator
x11-xserver-utils / xstdcmap(1)
X standard colormap utility
xsunpinyin / xsunpinyin(1)
A xim server with sunpinyin input method
xsunpinyin / xsunpinyin-preferences(1)
Xsunpinyin configuration tool
xtables-addons-common / xt_geoip_build(1)
xtables-addons-common / xt_geoip_dl(1)
xtail / xtail(1)
Watch the growth of files.
xtalk / xtalk(1)
X window system bsd compatible talk client, written in python.
xautomation / xte(1)
Generates fake input using the xtest extension
xtel / xtel(1)
xtell / xtell(1)
Sends a message to another computer running xtelld
xterm / xterm(1)
Terminal emulator for x
xtermcontrol / xtermcontrol(1)
Dynamic control of xfree86 xterm properties.
xtermset / xtermset(1)
Change settings of an xterm
therion / xtherion(1)
Xtherion graphical drawing editor for therion
xtide / xtide(1)
Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (interactive client)
xtightvncviewer / xtightvncviewer(1)
An x viewer client for vnc
xtitle / xtitle(1)
Set window title and icon name for an x11 terminal window
id-utils / xtokid(1)
Print all tokens found in a source file
groff / xtotroff(1)
Convert x font metrics into gnu troff font metrics
xtrace / xtrace(1)
Trace communication between x11 client and server
leptonica-progs / xtractprotos(1)
Image processing library
xtrkcad / xtrkcad(1)
Model railroad track cad program
postbooks / xtuple(1)
Qt-based gui for postbooks accounting / crm suite
xtv / xtv(1)
Grabs the screen of a remote x display
xvfb / xvfb-run(1)
Run specified x client or command in a virtual x server environment
x11-xserver-utils / xvidtune(1)
Video mode tuner for xorg
xviewg-dev / xview_msgfmt(1)
Create a message object from a message file
xviewg-dev / xview_xgettext(1)
Conditionally extract strings from c programs
x11-utils / xvinfo(1)
Print out x-video extension adaptor information
xvkbd / xvkbd(1)
Virtual keyboard for x window system
netpbm / xvminitoppm(1)
Convert a xv "thumbnail" picture to ppm
xvnc4viewer / xvnc4viewer(1)
Vnc viewer for x
xwax / xwax(1)
Digital vinyl on linux
x11-apps / xwd(1)
Dump an image of an x window
netpbm / xwdtopnm(1)
Convert a x11 or x10 window dump file into a portable anymap
xwiimote / xwiishow(1)
Test connected wii remote devices
x11-utils / xwininfo(1)
Window information utility for x
xwit / xwit(1)
Window interface tool: pop or iconify this xterm window or named windows
xword / xword(1)
Do crossword puzzles in the across lite format
xwpe / xwpe(1)
X-window programming environment
xwrits / xwrits(1)
Reminds you to take wrist breaks
x11-apps / xwud(1)
Image displayer for x
xxdiff-scripts / xx-cond-replace(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-cvs-diff(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-cvs-revcmp(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-diff-proxy(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-encrypted(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-filter(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-find-grep-sed(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-hg-merge(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-match(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-pyline(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-rename(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-sql-schemas(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-svn-diff(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-svn-resolve(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxdiff-scripts / xx-svn-review(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
vim-common / xxd(1)
Make a hexdump or do the reverse.
xxdiff / xxdiff(1)
A graphical file comparator and merge tool
xxdiff-scripts / xxdiff-scripts(1)
Tools that allow automation of tasks with xxdiff
xxgdb / xxgdb(1)
X window system interface to the gdb debugger.
xxkb / xxkb(1)
Switches and indicates a current keyboard layout.
wcstools / xy2sky(1)
libxy-bin / xyconv(1)
A converter of files in formats supported by xylib
xymon-client / xymon(1)
Xymon client communication program
xymon-client / xymoncfg(1)
Output the full hosts.cfg file
xymon-client / xymoncmd(1)
Run a xymon command with environment set
xymon-client / xymondigest(1)
Calculate message digests
xymon / xymongen(1)
Xymon webpage generator
xymon-client / xymongrep(1)
Pick out lines in hosts.cfg
xymon / xymonnet(1)
Xymon network test tool
xymon / xymonnet-again.sh(1)
Xymon network re-test tool
xymon / xymonpage.cgi(1)
Utility to show a webpage using header and footer
xymon / xymonping(1)
Xymon ping tool
xyscan / xyscan(1)
Data thief for scientist
gerris / xyz2rsurface(1)
Converts the x, y and z coordinates on standard input to an r*-tree-indexed database suitable for use with the gfsrefineterrain object of gerris.
gerris-mpi / xyz2rsurface(1)
Converts the x, y and z coordinates on standard input to an r*-tree-indexed database suitable for use with the gfsrefineterrain object of gerris.
xz-utils / xz(1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
libblas-test / xzblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xzblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xzblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
xz-utils / xzcat(1)
Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
libblas-test / xzcblat1(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xzcblat2(1)
Testing programs for blas
libblas-test / xzcblat3(1)
Testing programs for blas
xz-utils / xzcmp(1)
Compare compressed files
xzdec / xzdec(1)
Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
xz-utils / xzdiff(1)
Compare compressed files
xz-utils / xzegrep(1)
Search compressed files for a regular expression
xz-utils / xzfgrep(1)
Search compressed files for a regular expression
xz-utils / xzgrep(1)
Search compressed files for a regular expression
xz-utils / xzless(1)
View xz or lzma compressed (text) files
xz-utils / xzmore(1)
View xz or lzma compressed (text) files
racc / y2racc(1)
Yacc grammar to racc grammar
mjpegtools / y4mdenoise(1)
Motion-compensating yuv4mpeg-frame denoiser
mjpegtools / y4munsharp(1)
Unsharp filter for yuv4mpeg2 streams
yabause-gtk / yabause-gtk(1)
Yet another buggy and uncomplete saturn emulator
yabause-qt / yabause-qt(1)
Yet another buggy and uncomplete saturn emulator
yacas / yacas(1)
Yacas, yacas_client small and flexible general-purpose computer algebra system
yacas / yacas_client(1)
Yacas, yacas_client small and flexible general-purpose computer algebra system
yacpi / yacpi(1)
Yet another configuration and power interface
yade / yade(1)
Manual page for yade version: 1.12.0
yade / yade-batch(1)
Manual page for yade version: 1.12.0, features: odeint vtk openmp gts gui cgal pfvflow linsolv gl2ps lbmflow
yafc / yafc(1)
Yet another ftp client
yagf / yagf(1)
Graphical interface for cuneiform and tesseract
yaggo / yaggo(1)
Generate command line parser using getopt_long
yagiuda / yagi(1)
Yagi-uda project antenna current calculator
yagtd / yagtd(1)
Utility to help organize your to-do lists
yagv / yagv(1)
Visualize 3d-printing g-code files
yahoo2mbox / yahoo2mbox(1)
Retrieve and store yahoo! groups messages
yahtzeesharp / yahtzeesharp(1)
Sort of poker with dice and less money
yakuake / yakuake(1)
A quake-style terminal emulator based on kde konsole technology.
yamdi / yamdi(1)
Yet another metadata injector (flv)
yample / yample(1)
Yet another mail processing language.
yorick-yao / yao(1)
Adaptive optics simulation tool in yorick
yap / yap(1)
Prolog interpreter and compiler
yapet / yapet(1)
Text based password manager
yapps2 / yapps(1)
Create a python module from a grammar file
yapra / yapra(1)
Pluggable rss/atom feed aggregator
abcmidi / yaps(1)
Converts an abc file to a postscript file
yara / yara(1)
Find files matching patterns and rules written in a special-purpose language.
yara / yarac(1)
Compile rules to yara
yaret / yaret(1)
Yet another ripper encoder tagger
cmdtest / yarn(1)
Scenario testing of unix command line tools
yarssr / yarssr(1)
Get rss feeds in your gnome notification area
yaskkserv / yaskkserv_hairy(1)
Yet another skk server (feature-rich version)
yaskkserv / yaskkserv_make_dictionary(1)
Dictionary converter for yaskkserv
yaskkserv / yaskkserv_normal(1)
Yet another skk server (generic version)
yaskkserv / yaskkserv_simple(1)
Yet another skk server (simple version)
yasm / yasm(1)
The yasm modular assembler
yasr / yasr(1)
Is an attempt at a lightweight, portable screen reader.
yatm / yatm(1)
Yet another time machine
yauap / yauap(1)
A simple command line audio player based on the gstreamer multimedia framework.
yaws / yaws(1)
Yet another webserver
libyaz4-dev / yaz-asncomp(1)
Yaz asn.1 compiler
yaz / yaz-client(1)
Z39.50/sru client for implementors
libyaz4-dev / yaz-config(1)
Script to get information about yaz.
yaz / yaz-iconv(1)
Yaz character set conversion utility
yaz-icu / yaz-icu(1)
Yaz icu utility
yaz-illclient / yaz-illclient(1)
Ill client
yaz / yaz-json-parse(1)
Yaz json parser
yaz / yaz-marcdump(1)
Marc record dump utility
yaz / yaz-url(1)
Yaz url fetch utility
netpbm / ybmtopbm(1)
Convert a bennet yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
libyojson-ocaml-dev / ydump(1)
Json pretty printer
yeahconsole / yeahconsole(1)
Drop-down x terminal emulator wrapper
yelp / yelp(1)
Yelp browse system documentation
coreutils / yes(1)
Output a string repeatedly until killed
nypatchy / yexpand(1)
Tool to expand environment variables in nypatchy cradles
yforth / yforth(1)
A small, free forth implementation
yhsm-daemon / yhsm-daemon(1)
Yhsm-daemon \(hy allow multiple users of a yubihsm.
yhsm-yubikey-ksm / yhsm-db-export(1)
Yhsm-db-export \(hy export aeads from a database to a filesystem structure
yhsm-yubikey-ksm / yhsm-db-import(1)
Yhsm-db-import \(hy import aeads from filesystem to database
yhsm-tools / yhsm-decrypt-aead(1)
Yhsm-decrypt-aead \(hy decrypt aeads (with secrets for yubikeys)
yhsm-tools / yhsm-generate-keys(1)
Yhsm-generate-keys \(hy generate aeads with secrets for yubikeys using a yubihsm
yhsm-yubikey-ksm / yhsm-import-keys(1)
Yhsm-import-keys \(hy import yubikey secrets to yubihsm
yhsm-validation-server / yhsm-init-oath-token(1)
Yhsm-init-oath-token \(hy tool to add an oath token to the yhsm-validation-server\|(1) database.
yhsm-tools / yhsm-keystore-unlock(1)
Yhsm-keystore-unlock \(hy unlock the keystore in a yubihsm
yhsm-tools / yhsm-linux-add-entropy(1)
Yhsm-linux-add-entropy \(hy seed the linux entropy pool with data from yubihsm trng
yhsm-validation-server / yhsm-validate-otp(1)
Yhsm-validate-otp \(hy validate an otp using a yubihsm.
yhsm-validation-server / yhsm-validation-server(1)
Yhsm-validation-server \(hy credential validation server utilizing yubihsm
yhsm-yubikey-ksm / yhsm-yubikey-ksm(1)
Yhsm-yubikey-ksm \(hy decrypt yubikey otps using an attached yubihsm
yi / yi(1)
Text editor extensible in haskell
yubikey-personalization / ykchalresp(1)
Perform challenge-response operation with yubikey
libykclient-dev / ykclient(1)
Yubicloud one-time-password validation client
libyubikey-dev / ykgenerate(1)
Construct and encrypt an otp from given data
yubikey-personalization / ykinfo(1)
Get basic information from a yubikey
yubikey-ksm / ykksm-checksum(1)
Print checksum of important database fields. useful for quickly determining whether several ksms are in sync.
yubikey-ksm / ykksm-export(1)
Tool to export keys to the ykksm-keyprov format.
yubikey-ksm / ykksm-gen-keys(1)
Tool to generate keys on the ykksm-keyprov format.
yubikey-ksm / ykksm-import(1)
Tool to import key data on the ykksm-keyprov format.
ykneomgr / ykneomgr(1)
Yubikey neo management tool
libpam-yubico / ykpamcfg(1)
Manage user settings for the yubico pam module
libyubikey-dev / ykparse(1)
Decrypt and show information inside a yubikey otp
yubikey-personalization / ykpersonalize(1)
Personalize yubikey otp tokens
yubikey-val / ykval-checksum-clients(1)
Calculate a checksum of all client info data.
yubikey-val / ykval-checksum-deactivated(1)
Calculate a checksum of deactivated yubikeys
yubikey-val / ykval-export(1)
Exports yubikey info data from the yubikey-val server.
yubikey-val / ykval-export-clients(1)
Exports client info data from the yubikey-val server.
yubikey-val / ykval-gen-clients(1)
Generate yubikey api clients.
yubikey-val / ykval-import(1)
Imports yubikey info data into the yubikey-val server.
yubikey-val / ykval-import-clients(1)
Imports yubikey client data into the yubikey-val server.
yubikey-val / ykval-queue(1)
Sync servers in a yubikey-val sync pool.
yubikey-val / ykval-synchronize(1)
Request synchronization from servers in a yubikey-val sync pool.
stymulator / ym2wav(1)
A commandline ym to wav audio converter.
stymulator / ymplayer(1)
A curses based player for the ym chiptune format.
yokadi / yokadi(1)
Commandline todo system
yokadi / yokadid(1)
Commandline todo system
yorick / yorick(1)
Interpreted language for numerical analysis and postprocessing
yoshimi / yoshimi(1)
A software synthesizer based on zynaddsubfx
youtube-dl / youtube-dl(1)
Download videos from youtube.com or other video platforms
nypatchy / ypatchy(1)
Tool to work with specialized-format patches
nis / ypcat(1)
Print values of all keys in a nis database
hostname / ypdomainname(1)
Show or set the system's host name domainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system's nis/yp domain name dnsdomainname - show the system's dns domain name
nis / ypmatch(1)
Print the values of one or more keys from a nis map
nis / yppasswd(1)
Change your password in the nis database
nis / ypwhich(1)
Return name of nis server or map master
yasm / ytasm(1)
Tasm frontend for the yasm modular assembler
python-pafy / ytdl(1)
Pafy- python api for youtube
ytree / ytree(1)
yubikey-personalization-gui / yubikey-personalization-gui(1)
Personalize yubikey otp tokens
python-yubico-tools / yubikey-totp(1)
Produce an oath totp code using a yubikey
yubiserver / yubiserver(1)
Yubiserver simple and lightweight yubikey otp and hotp/oath validation server.
yubiserver / yubiserver-admin(1)
Yubiserver-admin administration tool for the yubiserver yubikey otp and hotp/oath validation server.
yudit / yudit(1)
Unicode editor for the x window system
yui-compressor / yui-compressor(1)
Javascript/css minifier
yum-utils / yum-builddep(1)
Install missing dependencies for building an rpm package
yum-utils / yum-config-manager(1)
Manage yum configuration options and yum repositories
yum-utils / yum-groups-manager(1)
Create and edit yum's group metadata
yum-utils / yum-utils(1)
Tools for manipulating repositories and extended package management
yum-utils / yumdownloader(1)
Download rpm packages from yum repositories
mjpegtools / yuv2lav(1)
Encodes lavtool's raw yuv frame streams into mjpeg files
mjpegtools / yuvdenoise(1)
mjpegtools / yuvfps(1)
Converts to a different frame rate
mjpegtools / yuvinactive(1)
Set a part of the video to a defined state
mjpegtools / yuvkineco(1)
Revert 2-3 pulldown movie
mjpegtools / yuvmedianfilter(1)
A filter for yuv images produced by the mjpeg tools
mjpegtools / yuvplay(1)
Display yuv4mpeg2 streams (using sdl)
mjpegtools / yuvscaler(1)
Upscales or downscales a yuv4mpeg2 stream to a specified format
netpbm / yuvsplittoppm(1)
Convert a y- and a u- and a v-file into a portable pixmap
gatos / yuvsum(1)
Yuv conversion program from the gatos package.
netpbm / yuvtoppm(1)
Convert abekas yuv bytes into a portable pixmap
mjpegtools / yuvycsnoise(1)
Noise filter specialized for ntsc y/c separation noise
yiyantang / yyt(1)
A psuedo tty program which automatically converts among chinese encodings.
z80asm / z80asm(1)
Assembler for the z80 microprocessor
z80dasm / z80dasm(1)
Z80 assembly generating disassembler
zabbix-java-gateway / zabbix-java-gateway.jar(1)
Zabbix java/jmx monitoring agent.
zabbix-agent / zabbix_agent(1)
Remote agent that collects system information
zabbix-proxy-mysql / zabbix_get(1)
Zabbix get utility.
zabbix-proxy-pgsql / zabbix_get(1)
Zabbix get utility.
zabbix-proxy-sqlite3 / zabbix_get(1)
Zabbix get utility.
zabbix-server-mysql / zabbix_get(1)
Zabbix get utility.
zabbix-server-pgsql / zabbix_get(1)
Zabbix get utility.
zabbix-agent / zabbix_sender(1)
Zabbix sender utility.
zalign / zalign(1)
Parallel local alignment of biological sequences
dvb-apps / zap(1)
A program to process channels.conf files.
libxbase64-bin / zap(1)
A collection of tools for xbase database files
zapping / zapping(1)
A gnome tv and teletext viewer
zapping / zapping_remote(1)
Sends commands to a running instance of zapping
zapping / zapping_setup_fb(1)
Prepares v4l/v4l2 driver for overlay
gmic-zart / zart(1)
G'mic image processing language demonstration.
zathura / zathura(1)
A document viewer
zephyr-clients / zaway(1)
Tell other people via zephyr that you aren't around
zbackup / zbackup(1)
Versatile deduplicating backup tool
zbar-tools / zbarcam(1)
Scan and decode bar codes from a video device
zbar-tools / zbarimg(1)
Scan and decode bar codes from image file(s)
gzip / zcat(1)
Compress or expand files
zutils / zcat(1)
Decompress and concatenate files to standard output
gzip / zcmp(1)
Compare compressed files
zutils / zcmp(1)
Decompress and compare two files byte by byte
zephyr-clients / zctl(1)
Zephyr control program
gzip / zdiff(1)
Compare compressed files
zutils / zdiff(1)
Decompress and compare two files line by line
glibc-source / zdump(1)
Time zone dumper
idzebra-2.0-utils / zebraidx-2.0(1)
Zebra administrative tool
zegrapher / zegrapher(1)
Program for plotting mathematical functions.
gzip / zegrep(1)
Search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
netpbm / zeisstopnm(1)
Convert a zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap
zeitgeist-core / zeitgeist-daemon(1)
D-bus interface providing a log of activities
zeitgeist-datahub / zeitgeist-datahub(1)
Passive loggers for zeitgeist
zenity / zenity(1)
Display gtk+ dialogs
zenmap / zenmap(1)
Graphical nmap frontend and results viewer
zephyr-clients / zephyr(1)
Zephyr notification service
ucommon-utils / zerofill(1)
Clear unused disk space and blank devices.
zeya / zeya(1)
A web music server
zeya / zeyaclient(1)
Command-line client for zeya
snap / zff2gff3.pl(1)
Snap module zff2gff3.pl
gzip / zfgrep(1)
Search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
gzip / zforce(1)
Force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zftp / zftp(1)
Cernlib program to transfer zebra formatted files over a network
gzip / zgrep(1)
Search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zutils / zgrep(1)
Search compressed files for a regular expression
zhcon / zhcon(1)
Fast cjk console environment for gnu/linux and bsd
python-zhpy / zhpy(1)
The python language in chinese
zile / zile(1)
Zile is lossy emacs
zim / zim(1)
A desktop wiki editor
zimpl / zimpl(1)
Zuse institute mathematical programming language
zip / zip(1)
Package and compress (archive) files
hatari / zip2st(1)
A program for converting .zip archives to atari .st disk images
zipalign / zipalign(1)
A zip/apk alignment tool for android application files
zip / zipcloak(1)
Encrypt entries in a zipfile
zipcmp / zipcmp(1)
Compare contents of zip archives
unzip / zipgrep(1)
Search files in a zip archive for lines matching a pattern
unzip / zipinfo(1)
List detailed information about a zip archive
zipmerge / zipmerge(1)
Merge zip archives
zip / zipnote(1)
Write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments and rename files in zipfile
ziproxy / ziproxy(1)
A compressing http proxy server
ziproxy / ziproxylogtool(1)
Is a low-level log analyser
zip / zipsplit(1)
Split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles
ziptorrent / ziptorrent(1)
Torrentzip zip archives
zita-ajbridge / zita-a2j(1)
Use alsa playback device as a jack client, with resampling.
zita-at1 / zita-at1(1)
Jack autotuner
zita-bls1 / zita-bls1(1)
Jack binaural stereo signals converter
zita-ajbridge / zita-j2a(1)
Use alsa capture device as a jack client, with resampling.
zita-njbridge / zita-j2n(1)
Jack clients to transport multichannel audio over a local network.
zita-lrx / zita-lrx(1)
Zita-lrx is a command line application providing crossover filters for jack audio connection kit
zita-mu1 / zita-mu1(1)
A simple app used to organise stereo monitoring for jack audio connection kit
zita-njbridge / zita-n2j(1)
Jack clients to transport multichannel audio over a local network.
zita-njbridge / zita-njbridge(1)
Jack clients to transport multichannel audio over a local network.
zita-resampler / zita-resampler(1)
A simple resampler
zita-resampler / zita-retune(1)
Resample an audio file in order to change its pitch
zita-rev1 / zita-rev1(1)
Pro-audio reverb effect
zookeeper-bin / zktreeutil(1)
Manual page for zktreeutil 0.0
zephyr-clients / zleave(1)
Notify you via zephyr when you have to leave
gzip / zless(1)
File perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
qpdf / zlib-flate(1)
Raw zlib compression program
zephyr-clients / zlocate(1)
Find a user using zephyr
zmakebas / zmakebas(1)
Convert text file into spectrum basic program
zmap / zmap(1)
The fast internet scanner
mergelog / zmergelog(1)
A fast tool to merge gzipped http log files by date
gzip / zmore(1)
File perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
znc / znc(1)
An advanced irc bouncer
znc-dev / znc-buildmod(1)
Compile znc modules
gzip / znew(1)
Recompress .z files to .gz files
zephyr-clients / znol(1)
Notify via zephyr upon login or logout of interesting people
snap / zoe-loop(1)
Snap module zoe-loop
spark / zombiescope(1)
Simplifies spark dead path conjectures
zomg / zomg(1)
Libre.fm submission and radio client
zomg / zomghelper(1)
Ogg vorbis/opus metadata reader
kdesdk-scripts / zonetab2pot.py(1)
Converts a timezone list to a po file template.
zoomer / zoomer(1)
Zoomer generate a video from a picture by zooming from one point to another
yaz / zoomsh(1)
Zoom shell
zp / zp(1)
Zpaq open standard maximum compressor with prebuilt compression levels
zpaq / zpaq(1)
Paq open standard maximum compressor
pcregrep / zpcregrep(1)
A grep with perl-compatible regular expressions.
opencaster / zpipe(1)
Tool from opencaster suite
mgetty-voice / zplay(1)
Modem utility to record and play voice files
zsh-common / zsh(1)
The z shell
zsh-common / zsh5(1)
The z shell
zsh-common / zshbuiltins(1)
Zsh built-in commands
zsh-common / zshcalsys(1)
Zsh calendar system
zsh-common / zshcompctl(1)
Zsh programmable completion
zsh-common / zshcompsys(1)
Zsh completion system
zsh-common / zshcompwid(1)
Zsh completion widgets
zsh-common / zshcontrib(1)
User contributions to zsh
zsh-common / zshexpn(1)
Zsh expansion and substitution
zsh-common / zshmisc(1)
Everything and then some
zsh-common / zshmodules(1)
Zsh loadable modules
zsh-common / zshoptions(1)
Zsh options
zsh-common / zshparam(1)
Zsh parameters
zsh-common / zshroadmap(1)
Informal introduction to the zsh manual the zsh manual, like the shell itself, is large and often complicated. this section of the manual provides some pointers to areas of the shell that are likely to be of particular interest to new users, and indicates where in the rest of the manual the documentation is to be found.
zsh-common / zshtcpsys(1)
Zsh tcp system
zsh-common / zshzftpsys(1)
Zftp function front-end
zsh-common / zshzle(1)
Zsh command line editor
zsnes / zsnes(1)
Super nintendo console emulator
man-db / zsoelim(1)
Satisfy .so requests in roff input
zssh / zssh(1)
Interactive file transfer wrapper for ssh
zsync / zsync(1)
Partial/differential file download client over http
zsync / zsyncmake(1)
Build control file for zsync(1)
zssh / ztelnet(1)
Interactive file transfer wrapper for ssh
zutils / ztest(1)
Verify integrity of compressed files
perforate / zum(1)
Free disk space by making holes in files
zutils / zupdate(1)
Recompress bzip2, gzip, xz files to lzip files
zurl / zurl(1)
Http client worker with zeromq interface
zvbi / zvbi-atsc-cc(1)
Atsc closed caption decoder
zvbi / zvbi-chains(1)
Vbi proxy wrapper
zvbi / zvbi-ntsc-cc(1)
Closed caption decoder
zvbi / zvbid(1)
Vbi proxy daemon
zephyr-clients / zwgc(1)
Zephyr windowgram client program
zephyr-clients / zwrite(1)
Write to another user via zephyr
xpdf / zxpdf(1)
Portable document format (pdf) file viewer for x (version 3.03)
zynaddsubfx / zynaddsubfx(1)
Multitimbral software synthesizer for windows and linux
zzuf / zzat(1)
Concatenate files using different instruction sequences
zziplib-bin / zzcat(1)
Small tools using zziplib
zziplib-bin / zzdir(1)
Small tools using zziplib
zziplib-bin / zziplib-bin(1)
Small tools using zziplib
zzuf / zzuf(1)
Multiple purpose fuzzer
zziplib-bin / zzxorcat(1)
Small tools using zziplib
zziplib-bin / zzxorcopy(1)
Small tools using zziplib
zziplib-bin / zzxordir(1)
Small tools using zziplib