- cdttrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix a using elimination without partial pivoting
- cdttrsv.3
- Solve one of the systems of equations l * x = b, l**t * x = b, or l**h * x = b,
- cpttrsv.3
- Solve one of the triangular systems l * x = b, or l**h * x = b,
- ddttrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix a using elimination without partial pivoting
- ddttrsv.3
- Solve one of the systems of equations l * x = b, l**t * x = b, or l**h * x = b,
- dlamsh.3
- Send multiple shifts through a small (single node) matrix to see how consecutive small subdiagonal elements are modified by subsequent shifts in an effort to maximize the number of bulges that can be sent through
- dlaref.3
- Applie one or several householder reflectors of size 3 to one or two matrices (if column is specified) on either their rows or columns
- dlasorte.3
- Sort eigenpairs so that real eigenpairs are together and complex are together
- dlasrt2.3
- The numbers in d in increasing order (if id = 'i') or in decreasing order (if id = 'd' )
- dpttrsv.3
- Solve one of the triangular systems l**t* x = b, or l * x = b,
- dstein2.3
- Compute the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix t corresponding to specified eigenvalues, using inverse iteration
- dsteqr2.3
- I a modified version of lapack routine dsteqr
- pcdbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcdbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n complex banded diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- pcdbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcdbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcdtsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcdttrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n complex tridiagonal diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- pcdttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcdttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcgbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcgbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n complex banded distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- pcgbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcgebd2.3
- Reduce a complex general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an unitary transformation
- pcgebrd.3
- Reduce a complex general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an unitary transformation
- pcgecon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general distributed complex matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm, using the lu factorization computed by pcgetrf
- pcgeequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number
- pcgehd2.3
- Reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an unitary similarity transformation
- pcgehrd.3
- Reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an unitary similarity transformation
- pcgelq2.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- pcgelqf.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- pcgels.3
- Solve overdetermined or underdetermined complex linear systems involving an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1),
- pcgeql2.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- pcgeqlf.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- pcgeqpf.3
- Compute a qr factorization with column pivoting of a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pcgeqr2.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- pcgeqrf.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- pcgerfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- pcgerq2.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- pcgerqf.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- pcgesv.3
- Compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- pcgetf2.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- pcgetrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = (ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- pcgetri.3
- Compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the lu factorization computed by pcgetrf
- pcgetrs.3
- Solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( a ) ) * x = sub( b ) with a general n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) using the lu factorization computed by pcgetrf
- pcggqrf.3
- Compute a generalized qr factorization of an n-by-m matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+m-1) and an n-by-p matrix sub( b ) = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+p-1)
- pcggrqf.3
- Compute a generalized rq factorization of an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pchegs2.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pchegst.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pchetd2.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian matrix sub( a ) to hermitian tridiagonal form t by an unitary similarity transformation
- pchetrd.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian matrix sub( a ) to hermitian tridiagonal form t by an unitary similarity transformation
- pclabrd.3
- Reduce the first nb rows and columns of a complex general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form by an unitary transformation q' * a * p, and returns the matrices x and y which are needed to apply the transfor- mation to the unreduced part of sub( a )
- pclacgv.3
- Conjugate a complex vector of length n, sub( x ), where sub( x ) denotes x(ix,jx:jx+n-1) if incx = descx( m_ ) and x(ix:ix+n-1,jx) if incx = 1, and notes ===== each global data object is described by an associated description vector
- pclacon.3
- Estimate the 1-norm of a square, complex distributed matrix a
- pclacp2.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pclacpy.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pclaevswp.3
- Move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where they are computed, to a scalapack standard block cyclic array, sorted so that the corresponding eigenvalues are sorted
- pclahrd.3
- Reduce the first nb columns of a complex general n-by-(n-k+1) distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-k) so that elements below the k-th subdiagonal are zero
- pclange.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pclanhe.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pclanhs.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pclansy.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pclantr.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pclapiv.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pclapv2.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pclaqge.3
- Equilibrate a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the row and scaling factors in the vectors r and c
- pclaqsy.3
- Equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the scaling factors in the vectors sr and sc
- pclarf.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pclarfb.3
- Applie a complex block reflector q or its conjugate transpose q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) denoting c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from the left or the right
- pclarfc.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1),
- pclarfg.3
- Generate a complex elementary reflector h of order n, such that h * sub( x ) = h * ( x(iax,jax) ) = ( alpha ), h' * h = i
- pclarft.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a complex block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors
- pclarz.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pclarzb.3
- Applie a complex block reflector q or its conjugate transpose q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) denoting c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from the left or the right
- pclarzc.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1),
- pclarzt.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a complex block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors as returned by pctzrzf
- pclascl.3
- Multiplie the m-by-n complex distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) by the real scalar cto/cfrom
- pclase2.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pclaset.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pclassq.3
- Return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq = x( 1 )**2 +...+ x( n )**2 + ( scale**2 )*sumsq,
- pclaswp.3
- Perform a series of row or column interchanges on the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pclatra.3
- Compute the trace of an n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a( ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1 )
- pclatrd.3
- Reduce nb rows and columns of a complex hermitian distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) to complex tridiagonal form by an unitary similarity transformation q' * sub( a ) * q, and returns the matrices v and w which are needed to apply the transformation to the unreduced part of sub( a )
- pclatrs.3
- Solve a triangular system
- pclatrz.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = [a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+m-1) a(ia:ia+m-1,ja+n-l:ja+n-1)]
- pclauu2.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pclauum.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pcpbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcpbtrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n complex banded symmetric positive definite distributed matrix with bandwidth bw
- pcpbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcpbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcpocon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the 1-norm) of a complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix using the cholesky factorization a = u**h*u or a = l*l**h computed by pcpotrf
- pcpoequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a distributed hermitian positive definite matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number (with respect to the two-norm)
- pcporfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations when the coefficient matrix is hermitian positive definite and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- pcposv.3
- Compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- pcpotf2.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of a complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix sub( a )=a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pcpotrf.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of an n-by-n complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1)
- pcpotri.3
- Compute the inverse of a complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the cholesky factorization sub( a ) = u**h*u or l*l**h computed by pcpotrf
- pcpotrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)*x = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+nrhs-1)
- pcptsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcpttrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n complex tridiagonal symmetric positive definite distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- pcpttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcpttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pcsrscl.3
- Multiplie an n-element complex distributed vector sub( x ) by the real scalar 1/a
- pcstein.3
- Compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel, using inverse iteration
- pctrcon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a triangular distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm
- pctrrfs.3
- Provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the solution to a system of linear equations with a triangular coefficient matrix
- pctrti2.3
- Compute the inverse of a complex upper or lower triangular block matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pctrtri.3
- Compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pctrtrs.3
- Solve a triangular system of the form sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) or sub( a )**t * x = sub( b ) or sub( a )**h * x = sub( b ),
- pctzrzf.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper triangular form by means of unitary transformations
- pcung2l.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- pcung2r.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- pcungl2.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)'
- pcunglq.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)'
- pcungql.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- pcungqr.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- pcungr2.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1)' h(2)'
- pcungrq.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1)' h(2)'
- pcunm2l.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunm2r.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmbr.3
- Vect = 'q', pcunmbr overwrites the general complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmhr.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunml2.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmlq.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmql.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmqr.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmr2.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmr3.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmrq.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmrz.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pcunmtr.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pddbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pddbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n real banded diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- pddbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pddbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pddtsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pddttrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n real tridiagonal diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- pddttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pddttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdgbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdgbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n real banded distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- pdgbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdgebd2.3
- Reduce a real general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an orthogonal transformation
- pdgebrd.3
- Reduce a real general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an orthogonal transformation
- pdgecon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general distributed real matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm, using the lu factorization computed by pdgetrf
- pdgeequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number
- pdgehd2.3
- Reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an orthogonal similarity transforma- tion
- pdgehrd.3
- Reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an orthogonal similarity transforma- tion
- pdgelq2.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- pdgelqf.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- pdgels.3
- Solve overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems involving an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1),
- pdgeql2.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- pdgeqlf.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- pdgeqpf.3
- Compute a qr factorization with column pivoting of a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdgeqr2.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- pdgeqrf.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- pdgerfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- pdgerq2.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- pdgerqf.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- pdgesv.3
- Compute the solution to a real system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- pdgesvd.3
- Compute the singular value decomposition (svd) of an m-by-n matrix a, optionally computing the left and/or right singular vectors
- pdgetf2.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- pdgetrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = (ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- pdgetri.3
- Compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the lu factorization computed by pdgetrf
- pdgetrs.3
- Solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( a ) ) * x = sub( b ) with a general n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) using the lu factorization computed by pdgetrf
- pdggqrf.3
- Compute a generalized qr factorization of an n-by-m matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+m-1) and an n-by-p matrix sub( b ) = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+p-1)
- pdggrqf.3
- Compute a generalized rq factorization of an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdlabad.3
- Take as input the values computed by pdlamch for underflow and overflow, and returns the square root of each of these values if the log of large is sufficiently large
- pdlabrd.3
- Reduce the first nb rows and columns of a real general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form by an orthogonal transformation q' * a * p,
- pdlacon.3
- Estimate the 1-norm of a square, real distributed matrix a
- pdlaconsb.3
- Look for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements by seeing the effect of starting a double shift qr iteration given by h44, h33, & h43h34 and see if this would make a subdiagonal negligible
- pdlacp2.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pdlacp3.3
- I an auxiliary routine that copies from a global parallel array into a local replicated array or vise versa
- pdlacpy.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pdlaevswp.3
- Move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where they are computed, to a scalapack standard block cyclic array, sorted so that the corresponding eigenvalues are sorted
- pdlahqr.3
- I an auxiliary routine used to find the schur decomposition and or eigenvalues of a matrix already in hessenberg form from cols ilo to ihi
- pdlahrd.3
- Reduce the first nb columns of a real general n-by-(n-k+1) distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-k) so that elements below the k-th subdiagonal are zero
- pdlamch.3
- Determine double precision machine parameters
- pdlange.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pdlanhs.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pdlansy.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pdlantr.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pdlapiv.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pdlapv2.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pdlaqge.3
- Equilibrate a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the row and scaling factors in the vectors r and c
- pdlaqsy.3
- Equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the scaling factors in the vectors sr and sc
- pdlared1d.3
- Redistribute a 1d array it assumes that the input array, bycol, is distributed across rows and that all process column contain the same copy of bycol
- pdlared2d.3
- Redistribute a 1d array it assumes that the input array, byrow, is distributed across columns and that all process rows contain the same copy of byrow
- pdlarf.3
- Applie a real elementary reflector q (or q**t) to a real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pdlarfb.3
- Applie a real block reflector q or its transpose q**t to a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1)
- pdlarfg.3
- Generate a real elementary reflector h of order n, such that h * sub( x ) = h * ( x(iax,jax) ) = ( alpha ), h' * h = i
- pdlarft.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a real block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors
- pdlarz.3
- Applie a real elementary reflector q (or q**t) to a real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pdlarzb.3
- Applie a real block reflector q or its transpose q**t to a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1)
- pdlarzt.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a real block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors as returned by pdtzrzf
- pdlascl.3
- Multiplie the m-by-n real distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) by the real scalar cto/cfrom
- pdlase2.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pdlaset.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pdlasmsub.3
- Look for a small subdiagonal element from the bottom of the matrix that it can safely set to zero
- pdlassq.3
- Return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq = x( 1 )**2 +...+ x( n )**2 + ( scale**2 )*sumsq,
- pdlaswp.3
- Perform a series of row or column interchanges on the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdlatra.3
- Compute the trace of an n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a( ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1 )
- pdlatrd.3
- Reduce nb rows and columns of a real symmetric distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) to symmetric tridiagonal form by an orthogonal similarity transformation q' * sub( a ) * q,
- pdlatrs.3
- Solve a triangular system
- pdlatrz.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = [ a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+m-1) a(ia:ia+m-1,ja+n-l:ja+n-1) ] to upper triangular form by means of orthogonal transformations
- pdlauu2.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdlauum.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdlawil.3
- Get the transform given by h44,h33, & h43h34 into v starting at row m
- pdorg2l.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- pdorg2r.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- pdorgl2.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)
- pdorglq.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)
- pdorgql.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- pdorgqr.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- pdorgr2.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1) h(2)
- pdorgrq.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1) h(2)
- pdorm2l.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdorm2r.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormbr.3
- Vect = 'q', pdormbr overwrites the general real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormhr.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdorml2.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormlq.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormql.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormqr.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormr2.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormr3.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormrq.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormrz.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdormtr.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pdpbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdpbtrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n real banded symmetric positive definite distributed matrix with bandwidth bw
- pdpbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdpbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdpocon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the 1-norm) of a real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix using the cholesky factorization a = u**t*u or a = l*l**t computed by pdpotrf
- pdpoequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a distributed symmetric positive definite matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number (with respect to the two-norm)
- pdporfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations when the coefficient matrix is symmetric positive definite and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- pdposv.3
- Compute the solution to a real system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- pdpotf2.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix sub( a )=a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdpotrf.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of an n-by-n real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1)
- pdpotri.3
- Compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the cholesky factorization sub( a ) = u**t*u or l*l**t computed by pdpotrf
- pdpotrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)*x = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+nrhs-1)
- pdptsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdpttrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n real tridiagonal symmetric positive definite distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- pdpttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdpttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pdrscl.3
- Multiplie an n-element real distributed vector sub( x ) by the real scalar 1/a
- pdstebz.3
- Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel
- pdstein.3
- Compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel, using inverse iteration
- pdsygs2.3
- Reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pdsygst.3
- Reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pdsytd2.3
- Reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( a ) to symmetric tridiagonal form t by an orthogonal similarity transformation
- pdsytrd.3
- Reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( a ) to symmetric tridiagonal form t by an orthogonal similarity transformation
- pdtrcon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a triangular distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm
- pdtrrfs.3
- Provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the solution to a system of linear equations with a triangular coefficient matrix
- pdtrti2.3
- Compute the inverse of a real upper or lower triangular block matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdtrtri.3
- Compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pdtrtrs.3
- Solve a triangular system of the form sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) or sub( a )**t * x = sub( b ),
- pdtzrzf.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper triangular form by means of orthogonal transformations
- pdzsum1.3
- Return the sum of absolute values of a complex distributed vector sub( x ) in asum,
- pscsum1.3
- Return the sum of absolute values of a complex distributed vector sub( x ) in asum,
- psdbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psdbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n real banded diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- psdbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psdbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psdtsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psdttrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n real tridiagonal diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- psdttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psdttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psgbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psgbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n real banded distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- psgbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psgebd2.3
- Reduce a real general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an orthogonal transformation
- psgebrd.3
- Reduce a real general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an orthogonal transformation
- psgecon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general distributed real matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm, using the lu factorization computed by psgetrf
- psgeequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number
- psgehd2.3
- Reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an orthogonal similarity transforma- tion
- psgehrd.3
- Reduce a real general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an orthogonal similarity transforma- tion
- psgelq2.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- psgelqf.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- psgels.3
- Solve overdetermined or underdetermined real linear systems involving an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1),
- psgeql2.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- psgeqlf.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- psgeqpf.3
- Compute a qr factorization with column pivoting of a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- psgeqr2.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- psgeqrf.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- psgerfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- psgerq2.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- psgerqf.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- psgesv.3
- Compute the solution to a real system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- psgesvd.3
- Compute the singular value decomposition (svd) of an m-by-n matrix a, optionally computing the left and/or right singular vectors
- psgetf2.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- psgetrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = (ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- psgetri.3
- Compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the lu factorization computed by psgetrf
- psgetrs.3
- Solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( a ) ) * x = sub( b ) with a general n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) using the lu factorization computed by psgetrf
- psggqrf.3
- Compute a generalized qr factorization of an n-by-m matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+m-1) and an n-by-p matrix sub( b ) = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+p-1)
- psggrqf.3
- Compute a generalized rq factorization of an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pslabad.3
- Take as input the values computed by pslamch for underflow and overflow, and returns the square root of each of these values if the log of large is sufficiently large
- pslabrd.3
- Reduce the first nb rows and columns of a real general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form by an orthogonal transformation q' * a * p,
- pslacon.3
- Estimate the 1-norm of a square, real distributed matrix a
- pslaconsb.3
- Look for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements by seeing the effect of starting a double shift qr iteration given by h44, h33, & h43h34 and see if this would make a subdiagonal negligible
- pslacp2.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pslacp3.3
- I an auxiliary routine that copies from a global parallel array into a local replicated array or vise versa
- pslacpy.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pslaevswp.3
- Move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where they are computed, to a scalapack standard block cyclic array, sorted so that the corresponding eigenvalues are sorted
- pslahqr.3
- I an auxiliary routine used to find the schur decomposition and or eigenvalues of a matrix already in hessenberg form from cols ilo to ihi
- pslahrd.3
- Reduce the first nb columns of a real general n-by-(n-k+1) distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-k) so that elements below the k-th subdiagonal are zero
- pslamch.3
- Determine single precision machine parameters
- pslange.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pslanhs.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pslansy.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pslantr.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pslapiv.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pslapv2.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pslaqge.3
- Equilibrate a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the row and scaling factors in the vectors r and c
- pslaqsy.3
- Equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the scaling factors in the vectors sr and sc
- pslared1d.3
- Redistribute a 1d array it assumes that the input array, bycol, is distributed across rows and that all process column contain the same copy of bycol
- pslared2d.3
- Redistribute a 1d array it assumes that the input array, byrow, is distributed across columns and that all process rows contain the same copy of byrow
- pslarf.3
- Applie a real elementary reflector q (or q**t) to a real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pslarfb.3
- Applie a real block reflector q or its transpose q**t to a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1)
- pslarfg.3
- Generate a real elementary reflector h of order n, such that h * sub( x ) = h * ( x(iax,jax) ) = ( alpha ), h' * h = i
- pslarft.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a real block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors
- pslarz.3
- Applie a real elementary reflector q (or q**t) to a real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pslarzb.3
- Applie a real block reflector q or its transpose q**t to a real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1)
- pslarzt.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a real block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors as returned by pstzrzf
- pslascl.3
- Multiplie the m-by-n real distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) by the real scalar cto/cfrom
- pslase2.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pslaset.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pslasmsub.3
- Look for a small subdiagonal element from the bottom of the matrix that it can safely set to zero
- pslassq.3
- Return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq = x( 1 )**2 +...+ x( n )**2 + ( scale**2 )*sumsq,
- pslaswp.3
- Perform a series of row or column interchanges on the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pslatra.3
- Compute the trace of an n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a( ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1 )
- pslatrd.3
- Reduce nb rows and columns of a real symmetric distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) to symmetric tridiagonal form by an orthogonal similarity transformation q' * sub( a ) * q,
- pslatrs.3
- Solve a triangular system
- pslatrz.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = [ a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+m-1) a(ia:ia+m-1,ja+n-l:ja+n-1) ] to upper triangular form by means of orthogonal transformations
- pslauu2.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pslauum.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pslawil.3
- Get the transform given by h44,h33, & h43h34 into v starting at row m
- psorg2l.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- psorg2r.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- psorgl2.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)
- psorglq.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)
- psorgql.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- psorgqr.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- psorgr2.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1) h(2)
- psorgrq.3
- Generate an m-by-n real distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1) h(2)
- psorm2l.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psorm2r.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormbr.3
- Vect = 'q', psormbr overwrites the general real distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormhr.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psorml2.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormlq.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormql.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormqr.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormr2.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormr3.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormrq.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormrz.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- psormtr.3
- Overwrite the general real m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pspbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pspbtrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n real banded symmetric positive definite distributed matrix with bandwidth bw
- pspbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pspbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pspocon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the 1-norm) of a real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix using the cholesky factorization a = u**t*u or a = l*l**t computed by pspotrf
- pspoequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a distributed symmetric positive definite matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number (with respect to the two-norm)
- psporfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations when the coefficient matrix is symmetric positive definite and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- psposv.3
- Compute the solution to a real system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- pspotf2.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix sub( a )=a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pspotrf.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of an n-by-n real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1)
- pspotri.3
- Compute the inverse of a real symmetric positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the cholesky factorization sub( a ) = u**t*u or l*l**t computed by pspotrf
- pspotrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)*x = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+nrhs-1)
- psptsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pspttrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n real tridiagonal symmetric positive definite distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- pspttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pspttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- psrscl.3
- Multiplie an n-element real distributed vector sub( x ) by the real scalar 1/a
- psstebz.3
- Compute the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel
- psstein.3
- Compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel, using inverse iteration
- pssygs2.3
- Reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pssygst.3
- Reduce a real symmetric-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pssytd2.3
- Reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( a ) to symmetric tridiagonal form t by an orthogonal similarity transformation
- pssytrd.3
- Reduce a real symmetric matrix sub( a ) to symmetric tridiagonal form t by an orthogonal similarity transformation
- pstrcon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a triangular distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm
- pstrrfs.3
- Provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the solution to a system of linear equations with a triangular coefficient matrix
- pstrti2.3
- Compute the inverse of a real upper or lower triangular block matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pstrtri.3
- Compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pstrtrs.3
- Solve a triangular system of the form sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) or sub( a )**t * x = sub( b ),
- pstzrzf.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) real upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper triangular form by means of orthogonal transformations
- pzdbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzdbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n complex banded diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- pzdbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzdbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzdrscl.3
- Multiplie an n-element complex distributed vector sub( x ) by the real scalar 1/a
- pzdtsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzdttrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n complex tridiagonal diagonally dominant-like distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- pzdttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzdttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzgbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzgbtrf.3
- Compute a lu factorization of an n-by-n complex banded distributed matrix with bandwidth bwl, bwu
- pzgbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzgebd2.3
- Reduce a complex general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an unitary transformation
- pzgebrd.3
- Reduce a complex general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form b by an unitary transformation
- pzgecon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a general distributed complex matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm, using the lu factorization computed by pzgetrf
- pzgeequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number
- pzgehd2.3
- Reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an unitary similarity transformation
- pzgehrd.3
- Reduce a complex general distributed matrix sub( a ) to upper hessenberg form h by an unitary similarity transformation
- pzgelq2.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- pzgelqf.3
- Compute a lq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = l * q
- pzgels.3
- Solve overdetermined or underdetermined complex linear systems involving an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1),
- pzgeql2.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- pzgeqlf.3
- Compute a ql factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * l
- pzgeqpf.3
- Compute a qr factorization with column pivoting of a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pzgeqr2.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- pzgeqrf.3
- Compute a qr factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = q * r
- pzgerfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- pzgerq2.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- pzgerqf.3
- Compute a rq factorization of a complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) = r * q
- pzgesv.3
- Compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- pzgetf2.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- pzgetrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = (ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using partial pivoting with row interchanges
- pzgetri.3
- Compute the inverse of a distributed matrix using the lu factorization computed by pzgetrf
- pzgetrs.3
- Solve a system of distributed linear equations op( sub( a ) ) * x = sub( b ) with a general n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) using the lu factorization computed by pzgetrf
- pzggqrf.3
- Compute a generalized qr factorization of an n-by-m matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+m-1) and an n-by-p matrix sub( b ) = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+p-1)
- pzggrqf.3
- Compute a generalized rq factorization of an m-by-n matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pzhegs2.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pzhegst.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian-definite generalized eigenproblem to standard form
- pzhetd2.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian matrix sub( a ) to hermitian tridiagonal form t by an unitary similarity transformation
- pzhetrd.3
- Reduce a complex hermitian matrix sub( a ) to hermitian tridiagonal form t by an unitary similarity transformation
- pzlabrd.3
- Reduce the first nb rows and columns of a complex general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper or lower bidiagonal form by an unitary transformation q' * a * p, and returns the matrices x and y which are needed to apply the transfor- mation to the unreduced part of sub( a )
- pzlacgv.3
- Conjugate a complex vector of length n, sub( x ), where sub( x ) denotes x(ix,jx:jx+n-1) if incx = descx( m_ ) and x(ix:ix+n-1,jx) if incx = 1, and notes ===== each global data object is described by an associated description vector
- pzlacon.3
- Estimate the 1-norm of a square, complex distributed matrix a
- pzlacp2.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pzlacpy.3
- Copie all or part of a distributed matrix a to another distributed matrix b
- pzlaevswp.3
- Move the eigenvectors (potentially unsorted) from where they are computed, to a scalapack standard block cyclic array, sorted so that the corresponding eigenvalues are sorted
- pzlahrd.3
- Reduce the first nb columns of a complex general n-by-(n-k+1) distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-k) so that elements below the k-th subdiagonal are zero
- pzlange.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pzlanhe.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pzlanhs.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pzlansy.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pzlantr.3
- Return the value of the one norm, or the frobenius norm,
- pzlapiv.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pzlapv2.3
- Applie either p (permutation matrix indicated by ipiv) or inv( p ) to a m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1), resulting in row or column pivoting
- pzlaqge.3
- Equilibrate a general m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the row and scaling factors in the vectors r and c
- pzlaqsy.3
- Equilibrate a symmetric distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the scaling factors in the vectors sr and sc
- pzlarf.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pzlarfb.3
- Applie a complex block reflector q or its conjugate transpose q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) denoting c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from the left or the right
- pzlarfc.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1),
- pzlarfg.3
- Generate a complex elementary reflector h of order n, such that h * sub( x ) = h * ( x(iax,jax) ) = ( alpha ), h' * h = i
- pzlarft.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a complex block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors
- pzlarz.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from either the left or the right
- pzlarzb.3
- Applie a complex block reflector q or its conjugate transpose q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) denoting c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1), from the left or the right
- pzlarzc.3
- Applie a complex elementary reflector q**h to a complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1),
- pzlarzt.3
- Form the triangular factor t of a complex block reflector h of order n, which is defined as a product of k elementary reflectors as returned by pztzrzf
- pzlascl.3
- Multiplie the m-by-n complex distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) by the real scalar cto/cfrom
- pzlase2.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pzlaset.3
- Initialize an m-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to beta on the diagonal and alpha on the offdiagonals
- pzlassq.3
- Return the values scl and smsq such that ( scl**2 )*smsq = x( 1 )**2 +...+ x( n )**2 + ( scale**2 )*sumsq,
- pzlaswp.3
- Perform a series of row or column interchanges on the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pzlatra.3
- Compute the trace of an n-by-n distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a( ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1 )
- pzlatrd.3
- Reduce nb rows and columns of a complex hermitian distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) to complex tridiagonal form by an unitary similarity transformation q' * sub( a ) * q, and returns the matrices v and w which are needed to apply the transformation to the unreduced part of sub( a )
- pzlatrs.3
- Solve a triangular system
- pzlatrz.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = [a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+m-1) a(ia:ia+m-1,ja+n-l:ja+n-1)]
- pzlauu2.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pzlauum.3
- Compute the product u * u' or l' * l, where the triangular factor u or l is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pzpbsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzpbtrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n complex banded symmetric positive definite distributed matrix with bandwidth bw
- pzpbtrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzpbtrsv.3
- Solve a banded triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzpocon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number (in the 1-norm) of a complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix using the cholesky factorization a = u**h*u or a = l*l**h computed by pzpotrf
- pzpoequ.3
- Compute row and column scalings intended to equilibrate a distributed hermitian positive definite matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) and reduce its condition number (with respect to the two-norm)
- pzporfs.3
- Improve the computed solution to a system of linear equations when the coefficient matrix is hermitian positive definite and provides error bounds and backward error estimates for the solutions
- pzposv.3
- Compute the solution to a complex system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ),
- pzpotf2.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of a complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix sub( a )=a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pzpotrf.3
- Compute the cholesky factorization of an n-by-n complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) denoting a(ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1)
- pzpotri.3
- Compute the inverse of a complex hermitian positive definite distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1) using the cholesky factorization sub( a ) = u**h*u or l*l**h computed by pzpotrf
- pzpotrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)*x = b(ib:ib+n-1,jb:jb+nrhs-1)
- pzptsv.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzpttrf.3
- Compute a cholesky factorization of an n-by-n complex tridiagonal symmetric positive definite distributed matrix a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)
- pzpttrs.3
- Solve a system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzpttrsv.3
- Solve a tridiagonal triangular system of linear equations a(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) * x = b(ib:ib+n-1, 1:nrhs)
- pzstein.3
- Compute the eigenvectors of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix in parallel, using inverse iteration
- pztrcon.3
- Estimate the reciprocal of the condition number of a triangular distributed matrix a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1), in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm
- pztrrfs.3
- Provide error bounds and backward error estimates for the solution to a system of linear equations with a triangular coefficient matrix
- pztrti2.3
- Compute the inverse of a complex upper or lower triangular block matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pztrtri.3
- Compute the inverse of a upper or lower triangular distributed matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+n-1,ja:ja+n-1)
- pztrtrs.3
- Solve a triangular system of the form sub( a ) * x = sub( b ) or sub( a )**t * x = sub( b ) or sub( a )**h * x = sub( b ),
- pztzrzf.3
- Reduce the m-by-n ( m=n ) complex upper trapezoidal matrix sub( a ) = a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) to upper triangular form by means of unitary transformations
- pzung2l.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- pzung2r.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- pzungl2.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)'
- pzunglq.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the first m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(k)'
- pzungql.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the last n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(k)
- pzungqr.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal columns, which is defined as the first n columns of a product of k elementary reflectors of order m q = h(1) h(2)
- pzungr2.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1)' h(2)'
- pzungrq.3
- Generate an m-by-n complex distributed matrix q denoting a(ia:ia+m-1,ja:ja+n-1) with orthonormal rows, which is defined as the last m rows of a product of k elementary reflectors of order n q = h(1)' h(2)'
- pzunm2l.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunm2r.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmbr.3
- Vect = 'q', pzunmbr overwrites the general complex distributed m-by-n matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmhr.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunml2.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmlq.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmql.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmqr.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmr2.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmr3.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmrq.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmrz.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- pzunmtr.3
- Overwrite the general complex m-by-n distributed matrix sub( c ) = c(ic:ic+m-1,jc:jc+n-1) with side = 'l' side = 'r' trans = 'n'
- sdttrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix a using elimination without partial pivoting
- sdttrsv.3
- Solve one of the systems of equations l * x = b, l**t * x = b, or l**h * x = b,
- slamsh.3
- Send multiple shifts through a small (single node) matrix to see how consecutive small subdiagonal elements are modified by subsequent shifts in an effort to maximize the number of bulges that can be sent through
- slaref.3
- Applie one or several householder reflectors of size 3 to one or two matrices (if column is specified) on either their rows or columns
- slasorte.3
- Sort eigenpairs so that real eigenpairs are together and complex are together
- slasrt2.3
- The numbers in d in increasing order (if id = 'i') or in decreasing order (if id = 'd' )
- spttrsv.3
- Solve one of the triangular systems l**t* x = b, or l * x = b,
- sstein2.3
- Compute the eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix t corresponding to specified eigenvalues, using inverse iteration
- ssteqr2.3
- I a modified version of lapack routine ssteqr
- zdttrf.3
- Compute an lu factorization of a complex tridiagonal matrix a using elimination without partial pivoting
- zdttrsv.3
- Solve one of the systems of equations l * x = b, l**t * x = b, or l**h * x = b,
- zpttrsv.3
- Solve one of the triangular systems l * x = b, or l**h * x = b,