- __set_liberror.3pub
- Modify error handling for publib
- ba_and_ba.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_clear.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_clear_all.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_copy.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_create.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_destroy.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_not.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_or_ba.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_or_not_ba.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_query.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_resize.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_set.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- ba_xor_ba.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- bitarr.3pub
- Bit array manipulation
- cmp.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_char.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_chararr.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_charptr.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_double.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_float.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_int.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_long.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_long_double.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_schar.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_set_offset.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_short.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_struct.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_uchar.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_uint.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_ulong.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- cmp_ushort.3pub
- Comparison functions for qsort, bsearch, and others
- dynarr.3pub
- Simple dynamic arrays
- dynarr_free.3pub
- Simple dynamic arrays
- dynarr_init.3pub
- Simple dynamic arrays
- dynarr_resize.3pub
- Simple dynamic arrays
- errormsg.3pub
- Printing error messages
- fassert.3pub
- File manipulation utilities
- files.3pub
- File manipulation utilities
- fname.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fnbase.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fndelbeg.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fndelend.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fndelsuf.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fndir.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fnhome.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fnjoin.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fnlastsuf.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- fnpathfind.3pub
- Find a file in a list of directories
- fnqualify.3pub
- Qualify a filename
- fnsetsuf.3pub
- Filename manipulation
- get_progname.3pub
- Printing error messages
- getaline.3pub
- File manipulation utilities
- hash.3pub
- Generic hash tables
- hash_create.3pub
- Generic hash tables
- hash_destroy.3pub
- Generic hash tables
- hash_install.3pub
- Generic hash tables
- hash_iter.3pub
- Generic hash tables
- hash_lookup.3pub
- Generic hash tables
- hash_uninstall.3pub
- Generic hash tables
- iset.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_add.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_add_range.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_clear.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_contains.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_copy.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_create.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_destroy.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_diff.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_is_empty.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_isect.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_nth_range.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_range.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_remove.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_remove_range.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- iset_union.3pub
- Manipulate sets of integers
- log.3pub
- Simple log file output
- memarrfill.3pub
- Fill an array with the value of its first element
- memdel.3pub
- Remove bytes from beginning of memory block
- memdup.3pub
- Memory allocation functions for publib
- memfill.3pub
- Fill memory area with pattern
- memins.3pub
- Insert bytes at beginning of memory block
- memisort.3pub
- Insert new element into sorted array
- memmem.3pub
- Search for memory block inside another memory block
- memoverlap.3pub
- Check whether two memory blocks overlap
- memrchr.3pub
- Find last occurence of a character within another memory block
- memrev.3pub
- Reverse an array in place
- memrmem.3pub
- Find last occurence of memory block within another memory block
- memshuffle.3pub
- Make an array be in random order
- memswap.3pub
- Swap the contents of two memory blocks
- publib.3pub
- Introduction to publib
- set_progname.3pub
- Printing error messages
- stack.3pub
- Manipulate stacks
- stack_copy.3pub
- Manipulate stacks
- stack_create.3pub
- Manipulate stacks
- stack_destroy.3pub
- Manipulate stacks
- stack_is_empty.3pub
- Manipulate stacks
- stack_pop.3pub
- Manipulate stacks
- stack_push.3pub
- Manipulate stacks
- stracat.3pub
- Concatenate many strings into an allocated memory block
- stranaxfrm.3pub
- Make a string into canonical form for anagram comparison
- strchange.3pub
- Replace beginning of string with beginning of another string
- strcins.3pub
- Insert a character at the beginning of a string
- strcstr.3pub
- Convert memory block to printable c string notation
- strdel.3pub
- Delete characters from beginning of string
- strdiff.3pub
- Locate first difference between two strings
- strend.3pub
- Return pointer to the terminating '0' of a string
- strendzap.3pub
- Remove pattern from end of str, if it is there
- strgsub.3pub
- Substitute all occurences of pattern with another string
- strhash.3pub
- Hash function for strings
- strinit.3pub
- Initialize a string with a given character to a given length
- strins.3pub
- Insert a string at the beginning of another string
- strltrim.3pub
- Remove leading whitespace from string
- strmaxcpy.3pub
- Copy at most a given number of characters of string
- strmove.3pub
- Make a copy of a string, handling overlapping strings
- strmtrim.3pub
- Replace multiple white spaces with single blanks within string
- strndup.3pub
- Duplicate part of a string
- strnins.3pub
- Insert prefix of a string at the beginning of another string
- stroverlap.3pub
- Check whether two strings overlap
- strrev.3pub
- Reverse a string in place
- strright.3pub
- Return a pointer to the beginning of the rightmost n chars in a string
- strrot13.3pub
- Encrypt or decrypt string using rot13
- strrstr.3pub
- Locate last occurence of substring
- strrtrim.3pub
- Remove trailing whitespace
- strset.3pub
- Set all characters in a string to a given character
- strshuffle.3pub
- Make the characters in a string be in random order
- strsplit.3pub
- Split string into words
- strsub.3pub
- Substitute first occurence of pattern with another string
- strtabify.3pub
- Convert runs of spaces and tabs to tabs
- strtrexpand.3pub
- Expand tr-like notation in string
- strtrim.3pub
- Remove leading and trailing whitespace
- struncstr.3pub
- Convert printable c string notation to a memory block
- struntabify.3pub
- Convert tabs to spaces
- strvars.3pub
- Expand variables in string
- strzap.3pub
- Remove pattern from beginning of string, if it is there
- tbuf.3pub
- Manipulate text editor buffer
- tbuf_cat.3pub
- Manipulate text editor buffer
- tbuf_chars.3pub
- Manipulate text editor buffer
- tbuf_copy.3pub
- Manipulate text editor buffer
- tbuf_create.3pub
- Manipulate text editor buffer
- tbuf_destroy.3pub
- Manipulate text editor buffer
- tbuf_length.3pub
- Manipulate text editor buffer
- xfclose.3pub
- File manipulation utilities
- xfopen.3pub
- File manipulation utilities
- xfree.3pub
- Memory allocation functions for publib
- xfseek.3pub
- File manipulation utilities
- xgetaline.3pub
- File manipulation utilities
- xmalloc.3pub
- Memory allocation functions for publib
- xmemdup.3pub
- Memory allocation functions for publib
- xrealloc.3pub
- Memory allocation functions for publib
- xstrdup.3pub
- Memory allocation functions for publib