- Control expression contraction; fast fma()
- abs.3clc
- Absolute value functions.
- accessQualifiers.3clc
- Access qualifiers for image memory objects.
- acos.3clc
- Arc cosine functions.
- add_sat.3clc
- Add two values and saturate the result.
- any.3clc
- Test for sign bit.
- as_typen.3clc
- Reinterpreting_types_using_as_type()_and_as_typen()
- asin.3clc
- Sine functions.
- asyncCopyFunctions.3clc
- Asynchronous copies between global and local memory and a prefetch from global memory.
- async_work_group_copy.3clc
- Perform an async copy.
- async_work_group_strided_copy.3clc
- Performs an async gather of num_elements gentype elements from source to destination.
- atan.3clc
- Tangent functions.
- atom_add.3clc
- 64-bit atom_add functions.
- atom_and.3clc
- 64-bit atom_and functions.
- atom_cmpxchg.3clc
- 64-bit atom_cmpxchg functions.
- atom_dec.3clc
- 64-bit atom_dec functions.
- atom_inc.3clc
- 64-bit atom_inc functions.
- atom_max.3clc
- 64-bit atom_max functions.
- atom_min.3clc
- 64-bit atom_min functions.
- atom_or.3clc
- 64-bit atom_or functions.
- atom_sub.3clc
- 64-bit atom_sub functions.
- atom_xchg.3clc
- 64-bit atom_xchg functions.
- atom_xor.3clc
- 64-bit atom_xor functions.
- atomicFunctions.3clc
- The atomic functions are shown below. click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- atomic_add.3clc
- Atomic_add functions.
- atomic_and.3clc
- Atomic_and functions.
- atomic_cmpxchg.3clc
- Atomic_cmpxchg functions.
- atomic_dec.3clc
- Atomic_dec functions.
- atomic_inc.3clc
- Atomic_inc functions.
- atomic_max.3clc
- Atomic_max functions.
- atomic_min.3clc
- Atomic_min functions.
- atomic_or.3clc
- Atomic_or functions.
- atomic_sub.3clc
- Atomic_sub functions.
- atomic_xchg.3clc
- Atomic_xchg functions.
- atomic_xor.3clc
- Atomic_xor functions.
- attribute.3clc
- __attribute__
- attributes-blocksAndControlFlow.3clc
- Attributes of blocks and control-flow statements.
- attributes-types.3clc
- Attributes of types.
- attributes-variables.3clc
- Attributes of variables.
- barrier.3clc
- All work-items in a work-group executing the kernel on a processor must execute this function before any are allowed to continue execution beyond the barrier.
- bitselect.3clc
- Each bit of result is corresponding bit of a if corresponding bit of c is 0.
- cbrt.3clc
- Computes cube-root.
- ceil.3clc
- Round to integer toward + infinity.
- clBuildProgram.3clc
- Builds (compiles and links) a program executable from the program source or binary.
- clCompileProgram.3clc
- Compiles a program\(cqs source for all the devices or a specific device(s) in the opencl context associated with program.
- clCreateEventFromGLsyncKHR.3clc
- Creates an event object linked to an opengl sync object.
- clCreateFromD3D10BufferKHR.3clc
- Creates an opencl buffer object from a direct3d 10 buffer.
- clCreateFromD3D10Texture2DKHR.3clc
- Creates an opencl 2d image object from a subresource of a direct3d 10 2d texture.
- clCreateFromD3D11BufferKHR.3clc
- Creates an opencl buffer object from a direct3d 11 buffer.
- clCreateFromD3D11Texture2DKHR.3clc
- Creates an opencl 2d image object from a subresource of a direct3d 11 2d texture.
- clCreateFromGLBuffer.3clc
- Creates an opencl buffer object from an opengl buffer object.
- clCreateFromGLTexture.3clc
- Creates an opencl image object, image array object, or image buffer object from an opengl texture object, texture array object, texture buffer object, or a single face of an opengl cubemap texture object.
- clCreateKernel.3clc
- Creates a kernel object.
- clCreateKernelsInProgram.3clc
- Creates kernel objects for all kernel functions in a program object.
- clCreateProgramWithBinary.3clc
- Creates a program object for a context, and loads the binary bits specified by binary into the program object.
- clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels.3clc
- Creates a program object for a context, and loads the information related to the built-in kernels into a program object.
- clCreateProgramWithSource.3clc
- Creates a program object for a context, and loads the source code specified by the text strings in the strings array into the program object.
- clCreateSampler.3clc
- Creates a sampler object.
- clCreateUserEvent.3clc
- Creates a user event object.
- clEnqueueAcquireD3D10ObjectsKHR.3clc
- Acquire opencl memory objects that have been created from direct3d 10 resources
- clEnqueueAcquireD3D11ObjectsKHR.3clc
- Acquire opencl memory objects that have been created from direct3d 11 resources
- clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects.3clc
- Acquire opencl memory objects that have been created from opengl objects.
- clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList.3clc
- A synchronization point that enqueues a barrier operation.
- clEnqueueCopyBuffer.3clc
- Enqueues a command to copy from one buffer object to another.
- clEnqueueCopyBufferRect.3clc
- Enqueues a command to copy a rectangular region from a buffer object to another buffer object.
- clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage.3clc
- Enqueues a command to copy a buffer object to an image object.
- clEnqueueCopyImage.3clc
- Enqueues a command to copy image objects.
- clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer.3clc
- Enqueues a command to copy an image object to a buffer object.
- clEnqueueFillBuffer.3clc
- Enqueues a command to fill a buffer object with a pattern of a given pattern size.
- clEnqueueFillImage.3clc
- Enqueues a command to fill an image object with a specified color.
- clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList.3clc
- Enqueues a marker command which waits for either a list of events to complete, or all previously enqueued commands to complete.
- clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.3clc
- Enqueues a command to execute a kernel on a device.
- clEnqueueNativeKernel.3clc
- Enqueues a command to execute a native c/c++ function not compiled using the opencl compiler.
- clEnqueueReadBuffer.3clc
- Enqueue commands to read from a buffer object to host memory.
- clEnqueueReadBufferRect.3clc
- Enqueue commands to read from a rectangular region from a buffer object to host memory.
- clEnqueueReadImage.3clc
- Enqueue commands to read from an image or image array object to host memory.
- clEnqueueReleaseD3D10ObjectsKHR.3clc
- Release opencl memory objects that have been created from direct3d 10 resources.
- clEnqueueReleaseD3D11ObjectsKHR.3clc
- Release opencl memory objects that have been created from direct3d 11 resources.
- clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects.3clc
- Release opencl memory objects that have been created from opengl objects.
- clEnqueueTask.3clc
- Enqueues a command to execute a kernel on a device.
- clEnqueueUnmapMemObject.3clc
- Enqueues a command to unmap a previously mapped region of a memory object.
- clEnqueueWriteBuffer.3clc
- Enqueue commands to write to a buffer object from host memory.
- clEnqueueWriteBufferRect.3clc
- Enqueue commands to write a 2d or 3d rectangular region to a buffer object from host memory.
- clEnqueueWriteImage.3clc
- Enqueues a command to write to an image or image array object from host memory.
- clFinish.3clc
- Blocks until all previously queued opencl commands in a command-queue are issued to the associated device and have completed.
- clFlush.3clc
- Issues all previously queued opencl commands in a command-queue to the device associated with the command-queue.
- clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform.3clc
- Returns the address of the extension function named by funcname for a given platform.
- clGetGLObjectInfo.3clc
- Query an opengl memory object used to create an opencl memory object.
- clGetPlatformIDs.3clc
- Obtain the list of platforms available.
- clIcdGetPlatformIDsKHR.3clc
- Obtain the list of platforms accessible through the khronos icd loader.
- clLinkProgram.3clc
- Links a set of compiled program objects and libraries for all the devices or a specific device(s) in the opencl context and creates an executable.
- clReleaseCommandQueue.3clc
- Decrements the command_queue reference count.
- clReleaseContext.3clc
- Decrement the context reference count.
- clReleaseDevice.3clc
- Decrements the device reference count.
- clReleaseEvent.3clc
- Decrements the event reference count.
- clReleaseKernel.3clc
- Decrements the kernel reference count.
- clReleaseMemObject.3clc
- Decrements the memory object reference count.
- clReleaseProgram.3clc
- Decrements the program reference count.
- clReleaseSampler.3clc
- Decrements the sampler reference count.
- clRetainCommandQueue.3clc
- Increments the command_queue reference count.
- clRetainContext.3clc
- Increment the context reference count.
- clRetainDevice.3clc
- Increments the devices reference count.
- clRetainEvent.3clc
- Increments the event reference count.
- clRetainKernel.3clc
- Increments the kernel object reference count.
- clRetainMemObject.3clc
- Increments the memory object reference count.
- clRetainProgram.3clc
- Increments the program reference count.
- clRetainSampler.3clc
- Increments the sampler reference count.
- clSetEventCallback.3clc
- Registers a user callback function for a specific command execution status.
- clSetKernelArg.3clc
- Used to set the argument value for a specific argument of a kernel.
- clSetMemObjectDestructorCallback.3clc
- Registers a user callback function with a memory object.
- clSetUserEventStatus.3clc
- Sets the execution status of a user event object.
- clUnloadPlatformCompiler.3clc
- Allows the implementation to release the resources allocated by the opencl compiler for platform.
- clWaitForEvents.3clc
- Waits on the host thread for commands identified by event objects to complete.
- cl_khr_3d_image_writes.3clc
- Extension to enable writes to 3d image memory objects.
- cl_khr_d3d10_sharing.3clc
- Provide interoperability between opencl and direct3d 10.
- cl_khr_d3d11_sharing.3clc
- Provide interoperability between opencl and direct3d 11.
- cl_khr_dx9_media_sharing.3clc
- Provide interoperability between opencl and selecgted adapter apis (only dx9 at this time).
- cl_khr_fp64.3clc
- Provided for backward compatibility if double floating-point precision is supported.
- cl_khr_gl_event.3clc
- Create an opencl event object from a gl sync object.
- cl_khr_icd.3clc
- Provide interoperability between opencl and direct3d 10.
- clamp.3clc
- Clamp x to range given by min, max
- classDiagram.3clc
- Opencl uml class diagram
- clz.3clc
- Returns the number of leading 0-bits in x.
- commonFunctions.3clc
- Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- commonMax.3clc
- Returns the greater of two values.
- commonMin.3clc
- Returns the lesser of two values.
- constant.3clc
- Address space qualifier.
- copysign.3clc
- X with sign changed to sign of y.
- cos.3clc
- Cosine functions.
- cross.3clc
- Cross product.
- degrees.3clc
- Converts radians to degrees.
- deprecated.3clc
- Deprecated_opencl_functions
- distance.3clc
- Vector distance.
- divide.3clc
- Division functions.
- dot.3clc
- Dot product.
- erf.3clc
- Error functions.
- exp.3clc
- Exponent functions.
- explicitMemoryFenceFunctions.3clc
- Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- fabs.3clc
- Compute absolute value of a floating-point number.
- fast_distance.3clc
- Vector distance.
- fast_length.3clc
- Vector length.
- fast_normalize.3clc
- Normal vector length 1.
- fdim.3clc
- Positive difference between x and y.
- floor.3clc
- Round to integer toward negative infinity.
- fma.3clc
- Multiply and add, then round.
- fmax.3clc
- Returns the greater of either x or y.
- fmin.3clc
- Returns the lessor of either x or y.
- fmod.3clc
- Modulus. returns x - y * trunc (x/y).
- fract.3clc
- Fractional value in x.
- frexp.3clc
- Extract mantissa and exponent.
- functionQualifiers.3clc
- Qualifiers for kernel functions.
- geometricFunctions.3clc
- Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- get_global_id.3clc
- Returns the unique global work-item id value for dimension identified by dimindx.
- get_global_offset.3clc
- Returns the offset values specified in global_work_offset argument to clenqueuendrangekernel.
- get_global_size.3clc
- Returns the number of global work-items specified for dimension identified by dimindx.
- get_group_id.3clc
- Returns the work-group id.
- get_image_array_size.3clc
- Return the number of images in an image array.
- get_image_depth.3clc
- Return the 3d image depth in pixels.
- get_image_dim.3clc
- Return the image dimensions.
- get_image_height.3clc
- Return the image height in pixels.
- get_image_width.3clc
- Return the image width in pixels.
- get_local_id.3clc
- Returns the unique local work-item id.
- get_local_size.3clc
- Returns the number of local work-items.
- get_num_groups.3clc
- Returns the number of work-groups that will execute a kernel.
- get_work_dim.3clc
- Returns the number of dimensions in use.
- global.3clc
- Address space qualifier.
- hadd.3clc
- Returns (x + y) 1, or (x + y + 1) 1
- hypot.3clc
- Square root of x2 + y2.
- ilogb.3clc
- Exponent as an integer value.
- imageDescriptor.3clc
- The image descriptor structure describes the type and dimensions of the image or image array and is defined as:
- imageFunctions.3clc
- Built-in functions to read, write, and query image memory objects. click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- integerClamp.3clc
- Clamp x to range given by minval, maxval.
- integerFunctions.3clc
- Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- integerMax.3clc
- Returns the greater or lesser of x or y.
- isequal.3clc
- Compare of x == y.
- isfinite.3clc
- Test for finite value.
- isgreater.3clc
- Compare of x y.
- isgreaterequal.3clc
- Compare of x = y.
- isinf.3clc
- Test for infinity value.
- isless.3clc
- Compare of x y.
- islessequal.3clc
- Compare of x = y.
- islessgreater.3clc
- Compare of (x y) || (x y).
- isnan.3clc
- Test for a nan.
- isnormal.3clc
- Test for a normal value.
- isnotequal.3clc
- Compare of x != y.
- isordered.3clc
- Test if arguments are ordered.
- isunordered.3clc
- Test if arguments are unordered.
- ldexp.3clc
- Multiply x by 2 to the power k.
- length.3clc
- Vector length.
- lgamma.3clc
- Log gamma functions.
- local.3clc
- Address space qualifier.
- log.3clc
- Logarithm functions.
- macroLimits.3clc
- Macros for math limits.
- mad.3clc
- Approximates a * b + c.
- mad24.3clc
- Fast integer function to multiply 24-bit integers and add a 32-bit value.
- mad_hi.3clc
- Returns mul_hi(a, b) + c.
- mad_sat.3clc
- Returns a*b+c and saturates the result.
- mag.3clc
- Returns the argument with the greatest (or least) magnitude.
- mathFunctions.3clc
- The table below describes the list of built-in math functions. these functions can take scalar or vector arguments. click an item in the table for details about that function.
- mem_fence.3clc
- Orders loads and stores of a work-item executing a kernel.
- miscVectorFunctions.3clc
- The table below describes the list of built-in miscelaneous vector functions.
- mix.3clc
- Linear blend of x and y.
- modf.3clc
- Decompose a floating-point number.
- mul24.3clc
- Fast integer function to multiply 24-bit integer values.
- mul_hi.3clc
- Returns the high half of the product of x and y.
- nan.3clc
- Quiet nan
- nextafter.3clc
- Next representable floating-point value following x in the direction of y.
- normalize.3clc
- Normal vector length 1.
- operators.3clc
- Operators used in opencl.
- popcount.3clc
- Returns the number of non-zero bits in x.
- pow.3clc
- Compute x to the power of y.
- prefetch.3clc
- Prefetch bytes into the global cache.
- preprocessorDirectives.3clc
- Preprocessor directives and macros.
- printfFunction.3clc
- The opencl c programming language implements the printf function.
- private.3clc
- Address space qualifier.
- qualifiers.3clc
- Opencl qualifiers.
- radians.3clc
- Converts degrees to radians.
- read_mem_fence.3clc
- Read memory barrier that orders only loads.
- recip.3clc
- Floating point reciprocal.
- relationalFunctions.3clc
- Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- remainder.3clc
- Floating point remainder function.
- remquo.3clc
- Floating point remainder and quotient function.
- restrictions.3clc
- Restrictions
- rint.3clc
- Round to nearest even integer.
- rootn.3clc
- Compute x to the power 1/y.
- rotate.3clc
- Rotate bits left.
- round.3clc
- Rounding function.
- select.3clc
- For each component of a vector type, result[i] = if msb of c[i] is set ? b[i] : a[i]. for scalar type, result = c ? b : a.
- shuffle.3clc
- Constructs a permutation of elements from one (or two) input vectors.
- sign.3clc
- Sign of a value.
- signbit.3clc
- Test for sign bit.
- sin.3clc
- Sine functions.
- smoothstep.3clc
- Step and interpolate.
- sqrt.3clc
- Square root functions.
- step.3clc
- Returns 0.0 if x edge, else 1.0.
- storageQualifiers.3clc
- The typedef, extern and static storage-class specifiers.
- sub_sat.3clc
- Returns x - y and saturates the result.
- tan.3clc
- Tangent functions.
- tgamma.3clc
- Gamma function.
- trunc.3clc
- Round to integer toward zero.
- upsample.3clc
- Result[i] = ((gentype)hi[i] 8|16|32) | lo[i]
- vec_step.3clc
- Takes a built-in scalar or vector data type argument and returns an integer value representing the number of elements in the scalar or vector.
- vectorDataLoadandStoreFunctions.3clc
- Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- vload_half.3clc
- Read a half float from a pointer to memory.
- vload_halfn.3clc
- Read a half float vector from a pointer to memory.
- vloada_halfn.3clc
- Read half float vector from a pointer to memory.
- vloadn.3clc
- Read vectors from a pointer to memory.
- vstore_half.3clc
- Convert float to half and write to a pointer to memory.
- vstore_halfn.3clc
- Convert float vector to half vector and write to a pointer to memory.
- vstorea_halfn.3clc
- Convert float vector to half vector and write to a pointer to memory.
- vstoren.3clc
- Write sizeof bytes (gentypen) to memory.
- wait_group_events.3clc
- Wait for events that identify the async_work_group_copy operations to complete.
- workItemFunctions.3clc
- Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
- write_image1d.3clc
- Write color value to location in a 1d image object.
- write_image2d.3clc
- Write color value to location in a 2d image object.
- write_image3d.3clc
- Write color value to location in a 3d image object.
- write_mem_fence.3clc
- Write memory barrier that orders only stores.