- 411toppm.1
- Convert sony mavica .411 image to ppm
- anytopnm.1
- Attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a portable anymap
- asciitopgm.1
- Convert ascii graphics into a portable graymap
- atktopbm.1
- Convert andrew toolkit raster object to portable bitmap
- bioradtopgm.1
- Convert a biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
- bmptopnm.1
- Convert a bmp file into a portable anymap
- bmptoppm.1
- Convert a bmp file into a portable anymap
- brushtopbm.1
- Convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
- cmuwmtopbm.1
- Convert a cmu window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
- eyuvtoppm.1
- Convert a berkeley yuv file to a portable pixmap file
- fiascotopnm.1
- Convert compressed fiasco image to pgm, or ppm
- fitstopnm.1
- Convert a fits file into a portable anymap
- fstopgm.1
- Convert a usenix facesaver(tm) file into a portable graymap
- g3topbm.1
- Convert a group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
- gemtopbm.1
- Convert a gem .img file into a portable anymap
- gemtopnm.1
- Convert a gem .img file into a portable anymap
- giftopnm.1
- Convert a gif file into a portable anymap
- gouldtoppm.1
- Convert gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
- hipstopgm.1
- Convert a hips file into a portable graymap
- icontopbm.1
- Convert a sun icon into a portable bitmap
- ilbmtoppm.1
- Convert an ilbm file into a portable pixmap
- imagetops.1
- Generic image to ps filter
- imgtoppm.1
- Convert an img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
- jpegtopnm.1
- Convert jpeg/jfif file to portable pixmap or graymap
- leaftoppm.1
- Convert interleaf image format to a portable anymap
- lispmtopgm.1
- Convert a lisp machine bitmap file into pgm format
- macptopbm.1
- Convert a macpaint file into a portable bitmap
- mdatopbm.1
- Convert a microdesign .mda or .mdp file into a portable bitmap
- mgrtopbm.1
- Convert a mgr bitmap into a portable bitmap
- mtvtoppm.1
- Convert output from the mtv or prt ray tracers into a portable pixmap
- neotoppm.1
- Convert an atari neochrome .neo into a portable pixmap
- netpbm.1
- Package of graphics manipulation programs and libraries
- palmtopnm.1
- Convert a palm pixmap into a portable anymap
- pamcut.1
- Cut a rectangle out of a pam, pbm, pgm, or ppm image
- pamdeinterlace.1
- Remove ever other row from a pam/pnm image
- pamdice.1
- Slice a netpbm image into many horizontally and/or vertically
- pamfile.1
- Describe a netpbm (pam or pnm) file
- pamoil.1
- Turn a pam image into an oil painting
- pamstack.1
- Stack planes of multiple pam images into one pam image
- pamstretch.1
- Scale up a pnm or pam image by interpolating between pixels
- pamstretch-gen.1
- Use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer values
- pbmclean.1
- Flip isolated pixels in portable bitmap
- pbmfilters.1
- List of all programs in the netpbm package
- pbmlife.1
- Apply conway's rules of life to a portable bitmap
- pbmmake.1
- Create a blank bitmap of a specified size
- pbmmask.1
- Create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
- pbmpage.1
- Create a one page test pattern for printing
- pbmpscale.1
- Enlarge a portable bitmap with edge smoothing
- pbmreduce.1
- Read a portable bitmap and reduce it n times
- pbmtext.1
- Render text into a bitmap
- pbmtextps.1
- Render text into a bitmap via postscript
- pbmto10x.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into gemini 10x printer graphics
- pbmtoascii.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into ascii graphics
- pbmtoatk.1
- Convert portable bitmap to andrew toolkit raster object
- pbmtobbnbg.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into bitgraph graphics
- pbmtocmuwm.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a cmu window manager bitmap
- pbmtoepsi.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated postscript style preview bitmap
- pbmtoepson.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into epson printer graphics
- pbmtog3.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a group 3 fax file
- pbmtogem.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a gem .img file
- pbmtogo.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into compressed graphon graphics
- pbmtoicon.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a sun icon
- pbmtolj.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into hp laserjet format
- pbmtomacp.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a macpaint file
- pbmtomda.1
- Convert a portable bitmap to a microdesign .mda
- pbmtomgr.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a mgr bitmap
- pbmtonokia.1
- Convert a portable bitmap to nokia smart messaging formats
- pbmtopgm.1
- Convert portable bitmap to portable graymap by averaging areas
- pbmtopi3.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into an atari degas .pi3 file
- pbmtoplot.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a unix plot(5) file
- pbmtoppa.1
- Convert pbm image to hp printer performance architecture (ppa)
- pbmtopsg3.1
- Convert pbm images to postscript with g3 fax compression
- pbmtoptx.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into printronix printer graphics
- pbmtowbmp.1
- Convert a portable bitmap to a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file
- pbmtox10bm.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into an x10 bitmap
- pbmtoxbm.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into an x11 bitmap
- pbmtoybm.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a bennet yee "face" file
- pbmtozinc.1
- Convert a portable bitmap into a zinc bitmap
- pbmupc.1
- Create a universal product code bitmap
- pcxtoppm.1
- Convert a pcx file into a portable pixmap
- pgmbentley.1
- Bentleyize a portable graymap
- pgmedge.1
- Edge-detect a portable graymap
- pgmenhance.1
- Edge-enhance a portable graymap
- pgmhist.1
- Print a histogram of the values in a portable graymap
- pgmkernel.1
- Generate a convolution kernel
- pgmnoise.1
- Create a graymap made up of white noise
- pgmnorm.1
- Normalize the contrast in a netbpm image
- pgmoil.1
- Turn a pam image into an oil painting
- pgmramp.1
- Generate a grayscale ramp
- pgmslice.1
- Extract one line of pixel values out of a portable graymap
- pgmtexture.1
- Calculate textural features on a portable graymap
- pgmtofs.1
- Convert portable graymap to usenix facesaver(tm) format
- pgmtolispm.1
- Convert a portable graymap into lisp machine format
- pgmtopbm.1
- Convert a portable graymap into a portable bitmap
- pgmtoppm.1
- Colorize a portable graymap into a portable pixmap
- pi1toppm.1
- Convert an atari degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
- pi3topbm.1
- Convert an atari degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
- pjtoppm.1
- Convert an hp paintjet file to a portable pixmap
- pngtopnm.1
- Convert a portable network graphics file into portable anymap
- pnmalias.1
- Antialias a portable anyumap.
- pnmarith.1
- Perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
- pnmcat.1
- Concatenate portable anymaps
- pnmcolormap.1
- Create quantization color map for a portable anymap
- pnmcomp.1
- Composite (overlay) two portable anymap files together
- pnmconvol.1
- General mxn convolution on a portable anymap
- pnmcrop.1
- Crop a portable anymap
- pnmcut.1
- Cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
- pnmdepth.1
- Change the maxval in a portable anymap
- pnmenlarge.1
- Read a portable anymap and enlarge it n times
- pnmfile.1
- Describe a portable anymap
- pnmflip.1
- Perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
- pnmgamma.1
- Perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
- pnmhistmap.1
- Draw a histogram for a pgm or ppm file
- pnmindex.1
- Build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
- pnminterp.1
- Scale up a pnm or pam image by interpolating between pixels
- pnminterp-gen.1
- Use pamstretch and pnmscale to scale by non-integer values
- pnminvert.1
- Invert a portable anymap
- pnmmargin.1
- Add a border to a portable anymap
- pnmmontage.1
- Create a montage of portable anymaps
- pnmnlfilt.1
- Non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal estimation smoothing, edge enhancement.
- pnmnoraw.1
- Convert portable any map to plain (ascii) anymap format
- pnmnorm.1
- Normalize the contrast in a netbpm image
- pnmpad.1
- Add borders to portable anymap
- pnmpsnr.1
- Compute the difference between two portable anymaps
- pnmquant.1
- Quantize the colors in a netpbm image to a smaller set
- pnmremap.1
- Replace colors in a ppm image with colors from another set
- pnmrotate.1
- Rotate a portable anymap by some angle
- pnmscale.1
- Scale a portable anymap
- pnmscalefixed.1
- Scale a portable anymap quickly, but less accurate
- pnmshear.1
- Shear a portable anymap by some angle
- pnmsmooth.1
- Smooth out an image
- pnmsplit.1
- Split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple single-image files
- pnmtile.1
- Replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
- pnmtoddif.1
- None
- pnmtofiasco.1
- Convert a portable anymap to fiasco compressed file
- pnmtofits.1
- Convert a portable anymap into fits format
- pnmtojpeg.1
- Convert pnm image to a jfif ("jpeg") image
- pnmtopalm.1
- Convert a portable anymap into a palm pixmap
- pnmtoplainpnm.1
- Convert portable any map to plain (ascii) anymap format
- pnmtopng.1
- Convert a portable anymap into a portable network graphics file
- pnmtops.1
- Convert portable anymap to postscript
- pnmtorast.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a sun rasterfile
- pnmtorle.1
- Convert a netpbm image file into an rle image file.
- pnmtosgi.1
- Convert a portable anymap to a sgi image file
- pnmtosir.1
- Convert a portable anymap into a solitaire format
- pnmtotiff.1
- Convert a portable anymap into a tiff file
- pnmtotiffcmyk.1
- Convert a portable anymap into a cmyk encoded tiff file
- pnmtoxwd.1
- Convert a portable anymap into an x11 window dump
- ppm3d.1
- Convert two portable pixmap into a red/blue 3d glasses pixmap
- ppmbrighten.1
- Change an images saturation and value from an hsv map
- ppmchange.1
- Change all pixels of one color to another in a portable pixmap
- ppmcie.1
- Draw a cie color chart as a ppm image
- ppmcolormask.1
- Produce mask of areas of a certain color in a ppm file
- ppmcolors.1
- Generate a color map of all colors of a certain maxval
- ppmdim.1
- Dim a portable pixmap down to total blackness
- ppmdist.1
- Simplistic grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
- ppmdither.1
- Ordered dither for color images
- ppmfade.1
- Generate a transition between two image files using special effects.
- ppmflash.1
- Brighten a picture up to complete white-out
- ppmforge.1
- Fractal forgeries of clouds, planets, and starry skies
- ppmhist.1
- Print a histogram of a portable pixmap
- ppmlabel.1
- Add text to a portable pixmap
- ppmmake.1
- Create a pixmap of a specified size and color
- ppmmix.1
- Blend together two portable pixmaps
- ppmnorm.1
- Normalize the contrast in a netbpm image
- ppmntsc.1
- Make a portable pixmap look like taken from an american tv
- ppmpat.1
- Make a pretty pixmap
- ppmquant.1
- Quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down to a specified number
- ppmquantall.1
- Run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
- ppmqvga.1
- 8 plane quantization
- ppmrainbow.1
- Generate a rainbow
- ppmrelief.1
- Run a laplacian relief filter on a portable pixmap
- ppmshadow.1
- Add simulated shadows to a portable pixmap image
- ppmshift.1
- Shift lines of a portable pixmap left or right by a random amount
- ppmspread.1
- Displace a portable pixmap's pixels by a random amount
- ppmtoacad.1
- Convert portable pixmap to autocad database or slide
- ppmtobmp.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a bmp file
- ppmtoeyuv.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a berkeley yuv file
- ppmtogif.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a gif file
- ppmtoicr.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into ncsa icr format
- ppmtoilbm.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into an ilbm file
- ppmtojpeg.1
- Convert pnm image to a jfif ("jpeg") image
- ppmtoleaf.1
- Convert portable pixmap to interleaf image format
- ppmtolj.1
- Convert a portable pixmap to an hp laserjet pcl 5 color file
- ppmtomap.1
- Extract all colors from a portable pixmap
- ppmtomitsu.1
- Convert a portable pixmap to a mitsubishi s340-10 file
- ppmtompeg.1
- Encodes mpeg-1 bitstreams
- ppmtoneo.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into an atari neochrome .neo file
- ppmtopcx.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a pcx file
- ppmtopgm.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
- ppmtopi1.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into an atari degas .pi1 file
- ppmtopict.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a macintosh pict file
- ppmtopj.1
- Convert a portable pixmap to an hp paintjet file
- ppmtopuzz.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into an x11 "puzzle" file
- ppmtorgb3.1
- Separate a portable pixmap into three portable graymaps
- ppmtosixel.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into dec sixel format
- ppmtotga.1
- Convert portable pixmap into a truevision targa file
- ppmtouil.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into a motif uil icon file
- ppmtowinicon.1
- Convert 1 or more portable pixmaps into a windows .ico file
- ppmtoxpm.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into an x11 pixmap
- ppmtoyuv.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into an abekas yuv file
- ppmtoyuvsplit.1
- Convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw yuv files
- ppmtv.1
- Make a portable pixmap look like taken from an american tv
- psidtopgm.1
- Convert postscript "image" data into a portable graymap
- pstopnm.1
- Convert a postscript file into a portable anymap
- qrttoppm.1
- Convert output from the qrt ray tracer into a portable pixmap
- rasttopnm.1
- Convert a sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
- rawtopgm.1
- Convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
- rawtoppm.1
- Convert raw rgb bytes into a portable pixmap
- rgb3toppm.1
- Combine three portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
- rletopnm.1
- Convert a utah raster tools rle image file into a pnm image file.
- sbigtopgm.1
- Convert an sbig ccdops file into a portable graymap
- sgitopnm.1
- Convert a sgi image file to a portable anymap
- sirtopnm.1
- Convert a solitaire file into a portable anymap
- sldtoppm.1
- Convert an autocad slide file into a portable pixmap
- spctoppm.1
- Convert an atari compressed spectrum file into a portable pixmap
- sputoppm.1
- Convert an atari uncompressed spectrum file into a portable pixmap
- st4topgm.1
- Convert an sbig st4 format file into a portable graymap
- tgatoppm.1
- Convert truevision targa file into a portable pixmap
- thinkjettopbm.1
- Convert hp thinkjet printer commands file to pbm
- tifftopnm.1
- Convert a tiff file into a portable anymap
- wbmptopbm.1
- Convert a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file to a portable bitmap (pbm)
- winicontoppm.1
- Convert a windows .ico file into 1 or more portable pixmap files
- xbmtopbm.1
- Convert an x11 or x10 bitmap into a portable bitmap
- ximtoppm.1
- Convert an xim file into a portable pixmap
- xpmtoppm.1
- Convert an x11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
- xvminitoppm.1
- Convert a xv "thumbnail" picture to ppm
- xwdtopnm.1
- Convert a x11 or x10 window dump file into a portable anymap
- ybmtopbm.1
- Convert a bennet yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
- yuvsplittoppm.1
- Convert a y- and a u- and a v-file into a portable pixmap
- yuvtoppm.1
- Convert abekas yuv bytes into a portable pixmap
- zeisstopnm.1
- Convert a zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap
- pam.5
- Portable arbitrary map file format
- pbm.5
- Portable bitmap file format
- pgm.5
- Portable graymap file format
- pnm.5
- Portable anymap file format
- ppm.5
- Portable pixmap file format