- all_tests.cpp.3
- All_tests.cpp -
- appendzip.cpp.3
- Appendzip.cpp -
- backbuffer.h.3
- The header file for backbuffer.
- basicentry.cpp.3
- Implementation of basicentry.
- basicentry.h.3
- Header file that defines basicentry.
- collcoll.cpp.3
- Implementation of collectioncollection.
- collcoll.h.3
- Header file that defines collectioncollection.
- deflateoutputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Implementation of deflateoutputstreambuf.
- deflateoutputstreambuf.h.3
- Header file that defines deflateoutputstreambuf.
- dircoll.cpp.3
- Implementation of directorycollection.
- dircoll.h.3
- Header file that defines directorycollection.
- example_zip.cpp.3
- Example_zip.cpp -
- fcoll.cpp.3
- Implementation of filecollection.
- fcoll.h.3
- Header file that defines filecollection.
- fcollexceptions.cpp.3
- Implementation of a number of exceptions used by filecollection and its subclasses.
- fcollexceptions.h.3
- Header file that defines a number of exceptions used by filecollection and its subclasses.
- fileentry.cpp.3
- Implementation of fileentry.
- fileentry.h.3
- Header file that defines fileentry.
- filepath.cpp.3
- Implementation of filepath.
- filepath.h.3
- Header file that defines filepath.
- filterinputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Implementation of filterinputstreambuf.
- filterinputstreambuf.h.3
- Header file that defines filterinputstreambuf.
- filteroutputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Implementation of filteroutputstreambuf.
- filteroutputstreambuf.h.3
- Header file that defines filteroutputstreambuf.
- gzipoutputstream.cpp.3
- Implementation of gzipoutputstream.
- gzipoutputstream.h.3
- Header file that defines gzipoutputstream.
- gzipoutputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Implementation of gzipoutputstreambuf.
- gzipoutputstreambuf.h.3
- Header file that defines zipoutputstreambuf.
- inflateinputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Implementation of inflateinputstreambuf.
- inflateinputstreambuf.h.3
- Header file that defines inflateinputstreambuf.
- outputstringstream.h.3
- Header file that defines outputstringstream.
- simplesmartptr.h.3
- Header file that defines simplesmartpointer and referencecount.
- test_appzip.cpp.3
- Test_appzip.cpp -
- test_collcoll.cpp.3
- Test_collcoll.cpp -
- test_dircoll.cpp.3
- Test_dircoll.cpp -
- test_gzipoutputstream.cpp.3
- Source for a test program for testing gzipoutputstream.
- test_simplesmartptr.cpp.3
- Test_simplesmartptr.cpp -
- test_zip.cpp.3
- Test_zip.cpp -
- test_zipinputstream.cpp.3
- Source for a test program for testing zipinputstream.
- test_zipinputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Source for a test program for testing zipinputstreambuf.
- test_zipoutputstream.cpp.3
- Source for a test program for testing zipoutputstream.
- test_zipoutputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Source for a test program for testing zipoutputstreambuf.
- virtualseeker.h.3
- Header file that defines virtualseeker.
- zipfile.cpp.3
- The implementation of zipfile.
- zipfile.h.3
- Header file that defines zipfile.
- zipfiletest.cpp.3
- Zipfiletest.cpp -
- ziphead.cpp.3
- Implementation of routines for reading the central directory and local headers of a zip archive.
- ziphead.h.3
- Header file containing classes and functions for reading the central directory and local header fields in a zip archive.
- zipheadio.cpp.3
- Implementation of i/o functions for the header structures defined in ziphead.h.
- zipheadio.h.3
- Header file that defines i/o functions for the header structures defined in ziphead.h.
- zipinputstream.cpp.3
- Implementation of zipinputstream.
- zipinputstream.h.3
- Header file that defines zipinputstream.
- zipinputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Implementation of zipinputstreambuf.
- zipinputstreambuf.h.3
- Header file that defines zipinputstreambuf.
- zipios_BackBuffer.3
- A backbuffer instance is useful for reading the last part of a file in an efficient manner, when it is not known exactly how far back (towards the front!) to go, to find the start of the desired data block.
- zipios_BasicEntry.3
- Basicentry is a fileentry that is suitable as a base class for basic entries, that e.g.
- zipios_CollectionCollection.3
- Zipios::collectioncollection -
- zipios_DataDescriptor.3
- A struct containing fields for the entries in a zip file data descriptor, that trails the compressed data in files that were created by streaming, ie where the zip compressor cannot seek back to the local header and store the data.
- zipios_DeflateOutputStreambuf.3
- Deflateoutputstreambuf is an output stream filter, that deflates the data that is written to it before it passes it on to the output stream it is attached to.
- zipios_DirectoryCollection.3
- Zipios::directorycollection -
- zipios_EndOfCentralDirectory.3
- The end of the central directory structure.
- zipios_Exception.3
- Basic exception.
- zipios_FCollException.3
- An fcollexception is used to signal a problem with a filecollection.
- zipios_FileCollection.3
- Zipios::filecollection -
- zipios_FileEntry.3
- A fileentry represents an entry in a filecollection.
- zipios_FileEntry_MatchFileName.3
- Function object to be used with the stl find_if algorithm to find a fileentry in a container, which name (as obtained with fileentry::getfilename()) is identical to the name specified in the matchname constructor.
- zipios_FileEntry_MatchName.3
- Function object to be used with the stl find_if algorithm to find a fileentry in a container, which name (as obtained with fileentry::getname()) is identical to the name specified in the matchname constructor.
- zipios_FilePath.3
- Filepath represents a path to a file or directory name.
- zipios_FilterInputStreambuf.3
- An input streambuf filter is a streambuf that filters the input it gets from the streambuf it is attached to.
- zipios_FilterOutputStreambuf.3
- A filteroutputstreambuf is a streambuf that filters the data that is written to it before it passes it on to the output streambuf it is connected to.
- zipios_GZIPOutputStream.3
- Zipios::gzipoutputstream -
- zipios_GZIPOutputStreambuf.3
- Gzipoutputstreambuf is a zip output streambuf filter.
- zipios_IOException.3
- An ioexception is used to signal an i/o error.
- zipios_InflateInputStreambuf.3
- Inflateinputstreambuf is an input stream filter, that inflates the input from the attached input stream.
- zipios_InvalidStateException.3
- An object member function may throw this exception, if the operation it normally performs is inappropriate or impossible to perform because of the current state of the object.
- zipios_ReferenceCount.3
- Referencecount is useful to ensure proper handling of the reference count for (objects of) classes handled through a simplesmartpointer.
- zipios_SimpleSmartPointer.3
- Simplesmartpointer is a simple reference counting smart pointer template.
- zipios_TestFiles.3
- Zipios::testfiles -
- zipios_VirtualSeeker.3
- Virtualseeker is a simple class that keeps track of a set of specified 'virtual' file endings that mark a subset of a real file.
- zipios_ZipCDirEntry.3
- Specialization of ziplocalentry, that add fields for storing the extra information, that is only present in the entries in the zip central directory and not in the local entry headers.
- zipios_ZipFile.3
- Zipios::zipfile -
- zipios_ZipFileTest.3
- Zipios::zipfiletest -
- zipios_ZipInputStream.3
- Zipios::zipinputstream -
- zipios_ZipInputStreamTest.3
- Zipios::zipinputstreamtest -
- zipios_ZipInputStreambuf.3
- Zipinputstreambuf is a zip input streambuf filter.
- zipios_ZipLocalEntry.3
- A concrete implementation of the abstract fileentry base class for zipfile entries, specifically for representing the information present in the local headers of file entries in a zip file.
- zipios_ZipOutputStream.3
- Zipios::zipoutputstream -
- zipios_ZipOutputStreamTest.3
- Zipios::zipoutputstreamtest -
- zipios_ZipOutputStreambuf.3
- Zipoutputstreambuf is a zip output streambuf filter.
- zipios_common.h.3
- Header file containing miscellaneous small functions.
- zipios_defs.h.3
- Header file that defines some simple data types.
- zipoutputstream.cpp.3
- Implementation of zipoutputstream.
- zipoutputstream.h.3
- Header file that defines zipoutputstream.
- zipoutputstreambuf.cpp.3
- Implementation of zipoutputstreambuf.
- zipoutputstreambuf.h.3
- Header file that defines zipoutputstreambuf.
- zipoutputstreamtest.cpp.3
- Zipoutputstreamtest.cpp -