- delaunay.1
- Constructs the constrained delaunay triangulation of the input
- gts-config.1
- Defines values for programs using gts.
- gts2dxf.1
- Converts a gts file to dxf format.
- gts2oogl.1
- Converts a gts file to oogl file format (geomview).
- gts2stl.1
- Converts a gts file to stl format
- gts2xyz.1
- Samples a gts file on a regular grid at intervals dx.
- gtscheck.1
- Checks that a surface defines a closed, orientable non self-intersecting manifold.
- gtscompare.1
- Compare two gts files.
- gtstemplate.1
- Generates of a template used to create new object classes.
- happrox.1
- Returns a simplified triangulation of a set of points using algorithm iii of garland and heckbert (1995).
- stl2gts.1
- Convert an stl file to gts format.
- transform.1
- Apply geometric transformations to the input.