- RkBgnBun.3
- Convert the reading of a specified length to kanji
- RkCloseRoma.3
- Close the dictionary used for romaji-kana conversion
- RkCvtEuc.3
- Convert shift jis code to euc code
- RkCvtHan.3
- Convert double-width symbols, alphanumeric characters, hiragana, and katakana to single-width characters
- RkCvtHira.3
- Convert double-width katakana to double-width hiragana
- RkCvtKana.3
- Convert double-width hiragana to double-width katakana
- RkCvtRoma.3
- Convert an entire character string from romaji to kana by iteratively using rkmaproma
- RkCvtZen.3
- Convert ascii characters and single-width katakana to double-width characters
- RkDefineDic.3
- Define specified candidates in the dictionary
- RkDeleteDic.3
- Delete specified candidates from a dictionary
- RkEndBun.3
- Terminate kana-kanji conversion
- RkEnlarge.3
- Enlarge the reading of the current clause
- RkFinalize.3
- Terminate the kana-kanji conversion functions
- RkGetDicList.3
- Get the name of a dictionary that can be added to the dictionary list
- RkGetKanji.3
- Get the current candidate for the current clause
- RkGetLex.3
- Get morphemic information on each word that makes up the current candidate
- RkGetStat.3
- Get analysis information about the current candidate
- RkGetYomi.3
- Get the reading of the current clause
- RkGoto.3
- Change the current clause
- RkInitialize.3
- Initialize the kana-kanji conversion functions
- RkIntro.3
- Dictionary access library introduction
- RkLeft.3
- Move the current clause to the clause to its left
- RkMapPhonogram.3
- Perform romaji-kana conversion by using a specified romaji-kana conversion table
- RkMapRoma.3
- Perform romaji-kana conversion by using a specified romaji-kana conversion table
- RkMountDic.3
- Mount a dictionary in the dictionary list
- RkNext.3
- Set the next candidate as the current candidate
- RkNfer.3
- Set a reading itself as the current candidate
- RkOpenRoma.3
- Open the dictionary to use for romaji-kana conversion
- RkPrev.3
- Set the previous candidate as the current candidate
- RkRemountDic.3
- Modify the priority order of a dictionary already in the dictionary list
- RkResize.3
- Change the reading length of the current clause to len bytes
- RkRight.3
- Move the current clause to the clause to its right
- RkShorten.3
- Shorten the reading of the current clause
- RkStoreYomi.3
- Change the reading of the current clause, reconverting the subsequent clauses
- RkUnmountDic.3
- Unmount a dictionary from the dictionary list
- RkXfer.3
- Change the current candidate
- cannalib.3
- Cannalib_intro kana-to-kanji conversion library intro