- htdig.1
- Retrieve html documents for ht://dig search engine
- htdig-pdfparser.1
- Parse a pdf document (wrapper script for htdig)
- htdump.1
- Write out an ascii-text version of the document database
- htfuzzy.1
- Fuzzy command-line search utility for the ht://dig search engine
- htload.1
- Reads in an ascii-text version of the document database
- htmerge.1
- Create document index and word database for the ht://dig search engine
- htnotify.1
- Sends email notifications about out-dated web pages discovered by htmerge
- htpurge.1
- Remove unused documents from the database (general maintenance script)
- htsearch.1
- Create document index and word database for the ht://dig search engine
- htstat.1
- Returns statistics on the document and word databases, much like the -s option to htdig or htmerge.
- rundig.1
- Sample script to create a search database for ht://dig
- htdigconfig.8
- Script to create fuzzy databases for ht://dig