- hattrib.1
- Change hfs file or directory attributes
- hcd.1
- Change working hfs directory
- hcopy.1
- Copy files from or to an hfs volume
- hdel.1
- Delete both forks of an hfs file
- hdir.1
- Display an hfs directory in long format
- hformat.1
- Create a new hfs filesystem and make it current
- hfsutils.1
- Tools for reading and writing macintosh hfs volumes
- hls.1
- List files in an hfs directory
- hmkdir.1
- Create a new hfs directory
- hmount.1
- Introduce a new hfs volume and make it current
- hpwd.1
- Print the full path to the current hfs working directory
- hrename.1
- Rename or move an hfs file or directory
- hrmdir.1
- Remove an empty hfs directory
- humount.1
- Remove an hfs volume from the list of known volumes
- hvol.1
- Display or change the current hfs volume