- gpiv_aint.1
- Calculates mean image intensity at each interrogation area.
- gpiv_clip.1
- Image clipping program for piv images.
- gpiv_combing.1
- Combines two single-exposed images into one image file for cross-correlation.
- gpiv_errvec.1
- Searches erroneous vectors in a piv data file and substitutes with new values.
- gpiv_fasty.1
- Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
- gpiv_fft.1
- Fast fourier transformation of image .
- gpiv_fi-keyline.1
- Filters each line that starts with a keyword.
- gpiv_flipx.1
- Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
- gpiv_flipy.1
- Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
- gpiv_getbit.1
- Image processing program for piv images.
- gpiv_hdf2piv.1
- Converts hdf5 piv-data to ascii data.
- gpiv_highpass.1
- Image low-pass filtering program.
- gpiv_hilo.1
- High-low filtering for piv images.
- gpiv_img2gpiv.1
- Converts images into raw data (extension .r) format with the belonging ascii header file (extension .h) or into the hdf format (extension .hdf).
- gpiv_imgproc.1
- Image processing program for (piv) images.
- gpiv_manipiv.1
- Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
- gpiv_mktestimg.1
- Generates a simplified image for image processing.
- gpiv_nstrain.1
- Calculates normal strain from piv data.
- gpiv_peaklck.1
- Tests piv data on the so-called peak-locking effect by printing/displaying an histogram of the particle displacements at sub-pixel level.
- gpiv_piv2gnuplt.1
- Converts piv data gnuplot data.
- gpiv_piv2grid.1
- Converts piv data to grid data for generating contour plots with plotmtv.
- gpiv_piv2hdf.1
- Converts piv-data hdf5 format.
- gpiv_piv2vec.1
- Converting of piv data.
- gpiv_process-chain.1
- Processes a pipe of gpiv-tool command's.
- gpiv_recimg.1
- Captures images from a iidc-compliant camera with iee1394 connection.
- gpiv_revert.1
- Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
- gpiv_rot180.1
- Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
- gpiv_rot90.1
- Simple data manipulation tool for piv data.
- gpiv_rr.1
- Interrogates an image (pair) in order to obtain displacements of particles for (digital) particle image velocimetry (piv)
- gpiv_s-avg.1
- Spatial statistics of piv data.
- gpiv_sca2gri.1
- Converts scalar data from gpiv to grid data for contour plotting with plotmtv.
- gpiv_scale.1
- Scaling of piv data.
- gpiv_series.1
- Script for (parallel) processing a series of numbered files.
- gpiv_smooth.1
- Image smoothing program for piv images.
- gpiv_sstrain.1
- Calculates the shear strain from piv data.
- gpiv_suta.1
- Subtracts time-avaraged velocities (local mean) from the piv estimators.
- gpiv_t-avg.1
- Calculates time-averaged mean and variances of piv data.
- gpiv_t-avg-img.1
- Calculates time-averaged intensities from a series of images at each pixel.
- gpiv_t-corr.1
- Calculates the eulerian correlation from a series of piv data sets
- gpiv_trig.1
- Triggers a (double nd_yagg) laser with a ccd camera.
- gpiv_uhisto.1
- Tests piv data by printing/displaying an histogram of the horizontal particle displacements.
- gpiv_vhisto.1
- Tests piv data by printing/displaying an histogram of the vertical particle displacements.
- gpiv_vorstra.1
- Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear strain and normal strain from piv data.
- gpiv_vorty.1
- Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear strain and normal strain from piv data.
- gpivtools.1
- The piv tool suite.