- backtracker.1gmt
- Reconstruct points, flowlines and hotspot tracks
- binlegs.1gmt
- Maintain the gmt index files for mgg supplement
- dat2gmt.1gmt
- Convert an ascii file to a binary gmt file
- dimfilter.1gmt
- Directional filtering of 2-d gridded files in the space (or time) domain
- gmt2bin.1gmt
- Create bin-index files from gmt files
- gmt2dat.1gmt
- Convert a binary gmt file to an ascii file
- gmt2kml.1gmt
- Convert gmt data tables to kml files for google earth
- gmt2rgb.1gmt
- Converting a grid file, a raw, or a sun raster file to r/g/b grids
- gmt_shell_functions.1gmt
- Practical functions to be used in gmt bourne shell scripts
- gmtdigitize.1gmt
- Digitizing and inverse map transformation of map x/y coordinates
- gmtdp.1gmt
- Line reduction using the douglas-peucker algorithm
- gmtget.1gmt
- To list a single gmt parameter
- gmtinfo.1gmt
- Get information about individual cruises
- gmtlegs.1gmt
- Find cruises in a given region
- gmtlist.1gmt
- A data-extractor for legid.gmt files
- gmtlogo.1gmt
- Adding a gmt graphics logo overlay to an illustration
- gmtpath.1gmt
- Get full pathname for gmt files
- gmtstitch.1gmt
- Join line segments whose end points match within tolerance
- gmttrack.1gmt
- A shiptrack plotting program
- grdblend.1gmt
- Blend several partially over-lapping grids into one large grid
- grdraster.1gmt
- Extract subregion from a binary raster and write a grid file
- grdrotater.1gmt
- Rotate a grid using a finite rotation
- grdspotter.1gmt
- Create cva image directly from gravity or bathymetry grids
- greenspline.1gmt
- Interpolate 1-d, 2-d, 3-d cartesian or spherical surface data using green's function splines.
- gshhg.1gmt
- Extract ascii listings from binary gshhg data files
- gshhg_dp.1gmt
- Line reduction using the douglas-peucker algorithm
- gshhgtograss.1gmt
- Extracting gshhs and wdbii data in grass-compatible ascii format
- hotspotter.1gmt
- Create cva image from seamount flowlines
- img2google.1gmt
- Create google earth kml overlay tiles from bathymetry mercator img grid
- img2grd.1gmt
- Extract region of img in mercator or geographic form
- img2mercgrd.1gmt
- Extract region of img, preserving mercator, save as grd
- isogmt.1gmt
- Run gmt command or script in isolation mode
- kml2gmt.1gmt
- Extract gmt table data from google earth kml files
- makepattern.1gmt
- Make gmt color pattern from b/w pattern or icon
- mgd77convert.1gmt
- Translate between different formats of mgd77 files
- mgd77header.1gmt
- Generate mgd77 header from data records
- mgd77info.1gmt
- Get information about mgd77[+] files
- mgd77list.1gmt
- A data-extractor for mgd77[+] files
- mgd77magref.1gmt
- Evaluate the igrf or cm4 magnetic field models
- mgd77manage.1gmt
- Manage extra columns in mgd77+ files
- mgd77path.1gmt
- Get full pathname for mgd77 files
- mgd77sniffer.1gmt
- Scan for errors in mgd77 data
- mgd77togmt.1gmt
- Convert an mgd-77 ascii file to a binary gmt file
- mgd77track.1gmt
- A shiptrack plotting program
- nc2xy.1gmt
- Converting netcdf column file(s) to ascii xy data
- originator.1gmt
- Associate seamounts with hotspot point sources
- ps2raster.1gmt
- Converts one or several postscript file(s) to other formats using ghostscript
- psbbox.1gmt
- Replace boundingbox line in postscript files by "real" boundingbox
- pscoupe.1gmt
- Plot cross-sections of focal mechanisms.
- pslegend.1gmt
- To plot a map legend
- psmeca.1gmt
- Plot focal mechanisms on maps
- psmegaplot.1gmt
- To create poster-size postscript plots from page-size plot
- pspolar.1gmt
- Pspolar- plot polarities on the inferior focal half-sphere on maps
- pssegy.1gmt
- Create imagemasked postscript from segy file
- pssegyz.1gmt
- Create imagemasked postscript from segy file
- psvelo.1gmt
- Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on maps
- rotconverter.1gmt
- Manipulate finite and stage rotations
- segy2grd.1gmt
- Converting segy file to grid file format
- sphdistance.1gmt
- Calculate nearest distances from voronoi construction of spherical data
- sphinterpolate.1gmt
- Gridding in tension of spherical data
- sphtriangulate.1gmt
- Perform optimal delaunay triangulation or voronoi construction of spherical data
- x2sys_binlist.1gmt
- Create bin-index files from track data files
- x2sys_cross.1gmt
- Find and compute crossover errors
- x2sys_datalist.1gmt
- A generic data-extractor for ascii or binary files
- x2sys_get.1gmt
- Get track listing from the x2sys track index databases
- x2sys_init.1gmt
- Initialize x2sys data base for track data files
- x2sys_list.1gmt
- Output a subset of crossovers from data base
- x2sys_merge.1gmt
- Merge an updated coes tables
- x2sys_put.1gmt
- Update x2sys track data bases
- x2sys_report.1gmt
- Report statistics from crossover data base
- x2sys_solve.1gmt
- Determine systematic corrections from crossovers
- x_edit.1gmt
- Convert between binary and ascii crossover correction tables.
- x_init.1gmt
- Initialization of cross-over data bases.
- x_list.1gmt
- Extract cross-over information from the data base.
- x_over.1gmt
- Find and compute cross-over errors
- x_remove.1gmt
- Remove coes for selected cruises from the data base
- x_report.1gmt
- Report cross-over error statistics for cruises
- x_setup.1gmt
- Determine pairs of legs that need cross-over checking
- x_solve_dc_drift.1gmt
- Find best-fitting d.c.-shift and drift estimates
- x_system.1gmt
- A cross-over error analysis tool
- x_update.1gmt
- Archiving of cross-over information
- GMT.1gmt
- The generic mapping tools data processing and display software package
- blockmean.1gmt
- Filter to block average (x,y,z) data by l2 norm
- blockmedian.1gmt
- Filter to block average (x,y,z) data by l1 norm.
- blockmode.1gmt
- Filter to block average (x,y,z) data by mode estimation.
- filter1d.1gmt
- Time domain filtering of 1-d time series
- fitcircle.1gmt
- Find mean position and pole of best-fit great [or small] circle to points on a sphere.
- gmtconvert.1gmt
- Converts, pastes, and/or extracts columns from ascii and binary 1-d tables
- gmtmath.1gmt
- Reverse polish notation calculator for data tables
- gmtselect.1gmt
- Select data subsets based on multiple spatial criteria
- gmtset.1gmt
- To change individual gmt default parameters
- grd2cpt.1gmt
- Make a color palette table from grid files
- grd2xyz.1gmt
- Converting grid file(s) to ascii or binary data
- grdclip.1gmt
- Clipping of range in grid files.
- grdcontour.1gmt
- Contouring of 2-d gridded data sets
- grdcut.1gmt
- Extract a subregion out of a grid file
- grdedit.1gmt
- Modifying the header or content of a 2-d grid file
- grdfft.1gmt
- Perform mathematical operations on grid files in the wavenumber (or frequency) domain
- grdfilter.1gmt
- Filter a 2-d grid file in the space (or time) domain
- grdgradient.1gmt
- Compute directional derivative or gradient from 2-d grid file representing z(x,y)
- grdhisteq.1gmt
- Histogram equalization for grid files
- grdimage.1gmt
- Create grayshaded or colored image from a 2-d netcdf grid file
- grdinfo.1gmt
- Get information about the contents of a 2-d grid file
- grdlandmask.1gmt
- Create "wet-dry" mask grid file from shoreline data base.
- grdmask.1gmt
- Create mask grid files from xy paths.
- grdmath.1gmt
- Reverse polish notation calculator for grid files
- grdpaste.1gmt
- Paste together two .grd files along a common edge.
- grdproject.1gmt
- Forward and inverse map transformation of 2-d grid files
- grdreformat.1gmt
- Converting between different grid file formats.
- grdsample.1gmt
- Resample a grid file onto a new grid
- grdtrack.1gmt
- Sampling of a 2-d grid file along 1-d trackline (a sequence of x,y points)
- grdtrend.1gmt
- Fit and/or remove a polynomial trend in a grid file
- grdvector.1gmt
- Plot vector fields from grid files
- grdview.1gmt
- Create 3-d perspective grayshaded/colored image or mesh from a 2-d grid file
- grdvolume.1gmt
- Calculating volume under a surface within a contour
- makecpt.1gmt
- Make gmt color palette tables
- mapproject.1gmt
- Forward and inverse map transformation of 2-d coordinates
- minmax.1gmt
- Find extreme values in data tables
- nearneighbor.1gmt
- A "nearest neighbor" gridding algorithm
- project.1gmt
- Project data along a line or great circle, generate a profile track, or translate coordinates.
- psbasemap.1gmt
- To plot postscript basemaps
- psclip.1gmt
- To set up polygonal clip paths
- pscoast.1gmt
- To plot land-masses, water-masses, coastlines, borders, and rivers
- pscontour.1gmt
- Contour xyz-data by direct triangulation [method]
- pshistogram.1gmt
- Bin data and plot histograms
- psimage.1gmt
- To plot images (eps files or sun raster files) on maps
- psmask.1gmt
- To clip or mask areas of no data on a map
- psrose.1gmt
- Plot (length, azimuth) as windrose diagram or polar histogram (sector or rose diagram).
- psscale.1gmt
- Plot gray scale or color scale on maps
- pstext.1gmt
- To plot text strings on maps
- pswiggle.1gmt
- Plot anomaly along track on a map
- psxy.1gmt
- Plot lines, polygons, and symbols on maps
- psxyz.1gmt
- Plot lines, polygons, and symbols in 3-d
- sample1d.1gmt
- Resampling of 1-d data sets
- spectrum1d.1gmt
- Compute auto- [and cross- ] spectra from one [or two] timeseries.
- splitxyz.1gmt
- Filter to divide (x,y,z[,distance,heading]) data into (x,y,z) track segments.
- surface.1gmt
- Adjustable tension continuous curvature surface gridding algorithm
- trend1d.1gmt
- Fit a [weighted] [robust] polynomial [or fourier] model for y = f(x) to xy[w] data.
- trend2d.1gmt
- Fit a [weighted] [robust] polynomial model for z = f(x,y) to xyz[w] data.
- triangulate.1gmt
- Perform optimal delaunay triangulation and gridding of cartesian data [method]
- xyz2grd.1gmt
- Converting an ascii or binary table to grid file format
- pslib.3gmt
- A postscript based plotting library
- gmtcolors.5gmt
- Explanation of color codes in gmt