- gif2epsn.1
- A program to dump images saved as gif files on epson type printers.
- gif2ps.1
- Gif-to-postscript conversion.
- gif2rgb.1
- A program to convert images saved as gif to 24-bit rgb image(s).
- gifasm.1
- A program to assemble multiple gif files into one, or disassemble a single gif file with multiple images into single image files.
- gifbg.1
- A program to generate a single-color test pattern gif with gradually changing intensity in any of the basic 8 directions.
- gifburst.1
- The gifburst program takes a named gif file and breaks it into equal-sized tiles. this is useful if a gif is too large for your viewer, so you have to look at it in sections.
- gifclip.1
- A program to clip images in gif files. only one image in a gif file can be modified at a time. neither the image position on screen nor the screen size is modified (use a href="gifpos.html"gifpos
- gifclrmp.1
- A program to modify gif image colormaps. any local colormap in a gif file can be modified at a time, or the global screen one.
- gifcolor.1
- A program to generate color test patterns. feed it a color map file (as generated, say, by the -s otion of gifclrmp) and it will generate a gif containing lines of the form color %-3d: [%-3d, %-3d, %-3d]: where the first number is the zero-based color index, and the triple is the index's [red, green, blue] value. there will be one such line for each color. each line will be set in a simple 8x8 font in the color it describes; thus, any lines corresponding to the gif's background color will be blank.
- gifcomb.1
- A program to combine 2 gif images of exactly the same size into one. the color maps are merged, but the result may not exceed 256 colors. a boolean mask gif file can be used to set which pixel from two images to use at each location. otherwise any background color from first image is converted to second image color at that point. only the first image of each file is combined; again, all files' first images must be of exactly the same size.
- gifcompose.1
- The gifcompose program uses the giflib utility tools to support a minilanguage for describing gif pasteup sequences.
- giffiltr.1
- This is an expensive way to copy a gif. the source is included as a skeleton for more sophisticated filters. see the source in the util directory for details. i suppose this does have some utility as a test of the sequential gif record i/o routines. the output should be bytewise identical to the input.
- giffix.1
- A program that attempts to fix broken gif images. currently will "fix" images terminated prematurely by filling the rest of the image with the darkest color found in image.
- gifflip.1
- A program to flip (mirror) gif file along x or y axes, or rotate the gif file 90 degrees to the left or to the right.
- gifhisto.1
- A program to create histogram of number of pixels using each color. the output can be formatted into a gif histogram file, or as text file - both go to stdout.
- gifinfo.1
- Program to display information (size and comments) in gif file
- gifinter.1
- A program to convert between interlaced and non-interlaced gif images.
- gifinto.1
- A program to save stdin into a file with given name, iff the result file has size bigger than specified (see below). this can be used to save result in same files name we started a chain of pipes.
- gifovly.1
- This program takes a multi-image gif file and generates a single gif consisting of all the images overlayed. each image's screen position is used. thus, you can use this together with a href="gifpos.html"gifpos to paste together images.
- gifpos.1
- A program to change gif screen size and/or reposition images. no test is made to make sure changes will generate valid gif files (i.e. images are still confined to screen etc.)
- gifrotat.1
- A program to rotate a gif image by a specified angle.
- gifrsize.1
- A program to resize image size by an integer factor, deleting bits when scaling down and duplicating bits when scaling up.
- gifspnge.1
- This is an expensive way to copy a gif. the source is included as a skeleton for more sophisticated filters using dgifslurp() and egifspew(). see the source in the util directory for details. i suppose this does have some utility as a test of dgifslurp() and egifspew(). the output should be bytewise identical to the input.
- giftext.1
- A program to dump (text only) general information about gif file.
- gifwedge.1
- A program to create a test gif image with intensity levels of the rgb colors ycm colors and white.
- icon2gif.1
- A program to convert a series of editable text gif icon specifications and named gif files into a multi-image gif, usable as a graphic resource file. it can also dump existing gifs in this format.
- raw2gif.1
- A program to convert raw image data into gif files. only one image can be handled. the raw image file is assumed to hold one pixel color in one byte, and therefore the file size must be width times height as specified by the -s option below.
- rgb2gif.1
- A program to convert 24 bit images to a gif image using color quantization.
- text2gif.1
- A program to generate gif images out of regular text. text can be one line or multi-line, and is converted using 8 by 8 fixed font.