Man Pages
System administration commands
- set6x86 / 6x86_reg(8)
- Register dump utility for cyrix 6x86
- crack-common / Crack(8)
- Programs to break password files
- crack-common / Crack-Reporter(8)
- Programs to break password files
- lcdproc / LCDd(8)
- Lcdproc server daemon
- makedev / MAKEDEV(8)
- Create devices
- fdutils / MAKEFLOPPIES(8)
- None
- modemmanager / ModemManager(8)
- Modem management daemon
- mysecureshell / MySecureShell(8)
- Command
- network-manager / NetworkManager(8)
- Network management daemon
- pgapack / PGAChange(8)
- Repeatedly apply mutation to a string (with an increasing mutation rate) until one or more mutations have occurred.
- pgapack / PGACheckStoppingConditions(8)
- Returns boolean to indicate if the pgapack termination conditions -- pga_stop_maxiter, pga_stop_toosimilar, pga_stop_nochange -- have been met.
- pgapack / PGACopyIndividual(8)
- Copies string p1 in population pop1 to position p2 in population pop2
- pgapack / PGACreate(8)
- Creates an uninitialized context variable. the fortran version of this function call contains only the last three arguments
- pgapack / PGADestroy(8)
- Deallocate memory for this instance of pgapack, if this context initialized mpi, finalize mpi as well.
- pgapack / PGADone(8)
- Returns pga_true if the stopping conditions have been met, otherwise returns false.
- pgapack / PGADuplicate(8)
- Determines if a specified string is a duplicate of one already in an existing population
- pgapack / PGAGetDataType(8)
- Returns the data type used by the given context.
- pgapack / PGAGetGAIterValue(8)
- Returns the number of the current genetic algorithm generation
- pgapack / PGAGetMaxGAIterValue(8)
- Returns the maximum number of iterations to run
- pgapack / PGAGetMutationAndCrossoverFlag(8)
- Returns true if mutation occurs only when crossover does.
- pgapack / PGAGetMutationOrCrossoverFlag(8)
- Returns true if mutation only occurs when crossover does not.
- pgapack / PGAGetNoDuplicatesFlag(8)
- Returns pga_true if duplicates are not allowed, else returns pga_false.
- pgapack / PGAGetNumReplaceValue(8)
- Returns the maximum number of strings to replace each generation.
- pgapack / PGAGetOptDirFlag(8)
- Returns a symbolic constant that represents the direction of optimization
- pgapack / PGAGetPopReplaceType(8)
- Returns the symbolic constant used to determine which strings to copy from the old population to the new population.
- pgapack / PGAGetPopSize(8)
- Returns the population size
- pgapack / PGAGetSortedPopIndex(8)
- Returns a population string index from the array created by pgasortpop().
- pgapack / PGAGetStoppingRuleType(8)
- Returns a symbolic constant that defines the termination criteria.
- pgapack / PGAGetStringLength(8)
- Returns the string length
- pgapack / PGARun(8)
- Highest level routine to execute the genetic algorithm. it is called after pgacreate and pgasetup have been called.
- pgapack / PGARunGM(8)
- High-level routine to execute the genetic algorithm using the global model.
- pgapack / PGARunMutationAndCrossover(8)
- Performs crossover and mutation from one population to create the next.
- pgapack / PGARunMutationOrCrossover(8)
- Performs crossover or mutation (but not both) from one populationto create the next.
- pgapack / PGASetMaxGAIterValue(8)
- Specify the maximum number of iterations for the stopping rule pga_stop_maxiter (which, by itself, is the default stopping rule and is always in effect).
- pgapack / PGASetMaxNoChangeValue(8)
- Specifiy maximum number of iterations of no change in the evaluation function value of the best string before stopping.
- pgapack / PGASetMaxSimilarityValue(8)
- Specifiy the maximum percent of homogeneity of the population before stopping.
- pgapack / PGASetMutationAndCrossoverFlag(8)
- A boolean flag to indicate if recombination uses both crossover and mutation on selected strings
- pgapack / PGASetMutationOrCrossoverFlag(8)
- A boolean flag to indicate if recombination uses exactly one of crossover or mutation on selected strings.
- pgapack / PGASetNoDuplicatesFlag(8)
- A boolean flag to indicate if duplicate strings are allowed in the population.
- pgapack / PGASetNumReplaceValue(8)
- Specifies the number of new strings to create each generation.
- pgapack / PGASetPopReplaceType(8)
- Choose method of sorting strings to copy from old population to new population.
- pgapack / PGASetPopSize(8)
- Specifies the size of the genetic algorithm population.
- pgapack / PGASetStoppingRuleType(8)
- Specify a stopping criterion.
- pgapack / PGASetUp(8)
- Set all uninitialized variables to default values and initialize some internal arrays.
- pgapack / PGASetUserFunction(8)
- Specifies the name of a user-written function call to provide a specific ga capability (e.g., crossover, mutation, etc.).
- pgapack / PGASortPop(8)
- Creates an (internal) array of indices according to one of three criteria.
- pgapack / PGAUpdateGeneration(8)
- Updates internal data structures for the next genetic algorithm iteration, and checks if the termination conditions, both user and pgapack, have been met.
- sn / SNHELLO(8)
- Perform initial conversation with a newsserver (used by sn news system)
- sn / SNPOST(8)
- Handle a part of posting messages (used by sn news system)
- libvpb0 / VpbConfigurator(8)
- Generate configuration files for libvpb
- strongswan-starter / _updown(8)
- Route and firewall manipulation script
- strongswan-starter / _updown_espmark(8)
- Manages routes and firewall rules
- apache2 / a2disconf(8)
- Enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
- apache2 / a2dismod(8)
- Enable or disable an apache2 module
- apache2 / a2dissite(8)
- Enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
- apache2 / a2enconf(8)
- Enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
- apache2 / a2enmod(8)
- Enable or disable an apache2 module
- apache2 / a2ensite(8)
- Enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host
- apparmor-utils / aa-update-browser(8)
- Update browser profiles with browser abstractions
- cups-client / accept(8)
- Accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
- man-db / accessdb(8)
- Dumps the content of a man-db database in a human readable format
- chiark-utils-bin / acctdump(8)
- Accounting data dump utility
- acct / accton(8)
- Turns process accounting on or off
- apt-cacher-ng / acngfs(8)
- Virtual file system for use with apt-cacher-ng
- acpid / acpi_listen(8)
- Acpi event listener
- acpid / acpid(8)
- Advanced configuration and power interface event daemon
- inn / actsync(8)
- Synchronize newsgroups
- adcli / adcli(8)
- Tool for performing actions on an active directory domain
- debianutils / add-shell(8)
- Add shells to the list of valid login shells
- mailman / add_members(8)
- Add members to a mailman mailing list from the command line.
- gnupg2 / addgnupghome(8)
- Create .gnupg home directories
- adduser / addgroup(8)
- Add a user or group to the system
- util-linux / addpart(8)
- A simple wrapper around the "add partition" ioctl
- remote-tty / addrconsole(8)
- Setup a new remote console user
- adduser / adduser(8)
- Add a user or group to the system
- adjtimex / adjtimex(8)
- Display or set the kernel time variables
- adjtimex / adjtimexconfig(8)
- Find kernel clock variables and save for reboots
- asterisk / aelparse(8)
- Utility to check extensions.ael for errors
- util-linux / agetty(8)
- Alternative linux getty
- ahcpd / ahcpd(8)
- Ad-hoc configuration daemon
- aide-common / aide.wrapper(8)
- Call aide binary for debian mechanisms
- aide-common / aideinit(8)
- Create a new aide database
- aircrack-ng / airbase-ng(8)
- Multi-purpose tool aimed at attacking clients as opposed to the access point (ap) itself
- aircrack-ng / aireplay-ng(8)
- Inject packets into a wireless network to generate traffic
- aircrack-ng / airmon-ng(8)
- Bash script designed to turn wireless cards into monitor mode.
- aircrack-ng / airmon-zc(8)
- Bash script designed to turn wireless cards into monitor mode, zero_chaos version
- aircrack-ng / airodump-ng(8)
- A wireless packet capture tool for aircrack-ng
- aircrack-ng / airserv-ng(8)
- A wireless card server
- aircrack-ng / airtun-ng(8)
- A virtual tunnel interface creator for aircrack-ng
- python-albatross-common / al-httpd(8)
- Al-httpd minimal http daemon for albatross web applications
- python-albatross-common / al-session-daemon(8)
- Al-session-daemon session daemon for albatross web applications
- nut-server / al175(8)
- Driver for eltek ups models with al175 alarm module
- courier-mta / aliaslookup(8)
- Look up mail aliases
- nictools-pci / alta-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the chip sundance st201 "alta".
- amanda-common / amaddclient(8)
- Program to add client to an existing amanda configuration
- amanda-server / amadmin(8)
- Administrative interface to control amanda backups
- amanda-common / amaespipe(8)
- Wrapper program for aespipe
- amanda-server / amanda(8)
- The open source backup platform
- amanda-common / amarchiver(8)
- Create, extract or list amanda archive
- amavisd-new / amavisd-new(8)
- Interface between mta and virus scanner/content filters
- amavisd-new / amavisd-new-cronjob(8)
- Cronjobs for the debian amavisd-new package
- amanda-common / ambsdtar(8)
- Amanda application to interface with bsd tar
- amanda-server / amcheck(8)
- Run amanda self-checks
- amanda-server / amcheckdb(8)
- Check amanda database for tape consistency
- amanda-server / amcheckdump(8)
- Check the results of an amanda dump
- amanda-server / amcleanup(8)
- Run the amanda cleanup process after a failure
- amanda-common / amcleanupdisk(8)
- Cleanup holding disk directory
- amanda-common / amcrypt(8)
- Reference crypt program for amanda symmetric data encryption
- amanda-common / amcrypt-ossl(8)
- Crypt program for amanda symmetric data encryption using openssl
- amanda-common / amcrypt-ossl-asym(8)
- Crypt program for amanda asymmetric data encryption using openssl
- amanda-common / amcryptsimple(8)
- Reference simple crypt program for amanda symmetric data encryption
- am-utils / amd(8)
- Automatically mount file systems
- am-utils / amd-fsinfo(8)
- Coordinate site-wide filesystem information
- amanda-common / amdevcheck(8)
- Validate an amanda device and volume.
- amanda-server / amdump(8)
- Back up all disks in an amanda configuration
- amanda-common / amdump_client(8)
- Back up all disks in an amanda configuration
- amanda-client / amfetchdump(8)
- Extract backup images from multiple amanda tapes.
- amanda-server / amflush(8)
- Flush amanda backup files from holding disk to tape
- amanda-server / amgetconf(8)
- Look up configuration parameters and manipulate debug logs
- amanda-common / amgpgcrypt(8)
- Reference crypt program for amanda public-key data encryption
- amanda-common / amgtar(8)
- Amanda application to interface with gnu tar
- amiga-fdisk-cross / amiga-fdisk(8)
- Amiga disk partitioning program
- amanda-server / amlabel(8)
- Label an amanda tape
- amanda-client / amoldrecover(8)
- Amrecover variant compantible with old amanda protocols
- amora-cli / amorad(8)
- Amora (a remote mobile assistant) daemon
- amanda-server / amoverview(8)
- Display file systems processed by amanda over time
- amanda-common / ampgsql(8)
- Amanda application to interface with postgresql
- amanda-server / amplot(8)
- Visualize the behavior of amanda
- am-utils / amq(8)
- Automounter query tool
- am-utils / amq-check-wrap(8)
- Check loopback rpc connection to amd
- amanda-common / amraw(8)
- Amanda application open and read data
- amanda-client / amrecover(8)
- Amanda index database browser
- amanda-server / amreport(8)
- Generate a formatted output of statistics for an amanda run
- amanda-client / amrestore(8)
- Low-level data-extraction from amanda volumes
- amanda-server / amrmtape(8)
- Remove a tape from the amanda database
- amanda-common / amsamba(8)
- Amanda application to interface with smbclient
- amanda-common / amserverconfig(8)
- Program to setup initial amanda configuration
- amanda-common / amservice(8)
- Run an amanda service on a client
- amanda-common / amstar(8)
- Amanda application to interface with star
- amanda-server / amstatus(8)
- Display the state of an amanda run
- amanda-common / amsuntar(8)
- Amanda application to interface with native tar utility available on solaris platforms
- amanda-server / amtape(8)
- Control amanda changers
- amanda-server / amtapetype(8)
- Generate a tapetype definition by testing the device directly
- amanda-server / amtoc(8)
- Generate toc (table of contents) for an amanda run
- amanda-common / amvault(8)
- Copy amanda dumps from one volume to another
- amanda-common / amzfs-sendrecv(8)
- Amanda script to create zfs sendrecv
- amanda-common / amzfs-snapshot(8)
- Amanda script to create zfs snapshot
- anacron / anacron(8)
- Runs commands periodically
- and / and(8)
- Auto nice daemon
- anytun / anytun(8)
- Anycast tunneling daemon
- anytun / anytun-config(8)
- Anycast tunneling configuration utility
- anytun / anytun-controld(8)
- Anycast tunneling control daemon
- anytun / anytun-showtables(8)
- Anycast tunneling routing table visualization utility
- aoetools / aoe-flush(8)
- Flush the down devices out of the aoe driver
- aoetools / aoe-revalidate(8)
- Revalidate the disk size of an aoe device
- aoetools / aoe-sancheck(8)
- Verify storage network capabilities
- aoetools / aoecfg(8)
- Manipulate aoe configuration strings
- ap-utils / ap-auth(8)
- Ap authorized mac change utility
- ap-utils / ap-config(8)
- Configure and monitor atmel and nwn based aps
- ap-utils / ap-gl(8)
- Configure and monitor atmel_prism based aps
- ap-utils / ap-mrtg(8)
- Ap statistics translators
- ap-utils / ap-rrd(8)
- Ap statistics translators
- ap-utils / ap-tftp(8)
- Tftp client for upgrading atmel at76c510 wisoc-based aps
- ap-utils / ap-trapd(8)
- A snmp trap processing daemon
- apache2-bin / apache2(8)
- Apache hypertext transfer protocol server
- apache2 / apache2ctl(8)
- Apache http server control interface
- apache2 / apachectl(8)
- Apache http server control interface
- nut-server / apcsmart(8)
- Driver for american power conversion smart protocol ups equipment
- nut-server / apcsmart-old(8)
- Driver for american power conversion smart protocol ups equipment
- apcupsd / apcupsd(8)
- Daemon for most apcc's ups support under linux and unix
- apmd / apmd(8)
- Advanced power management (apm) daemon
- heartbeat / apphbd(8)
- Application heartbeat monitor for high-availability linux
- deltarpm / applydeltaiso(8)
- Reconstruct an iso from the old iso and the deltaiso
- deltarpm / applydeltarpm(8)
- Reconstruct an rpm from a deltarpm
- leafnode / applyfilter(8)
- Apply filter settings to news spool
- gnupg2 / applygnupgdefaults(8)
- Run gpgconf --apply-defaults for all users.
- approx / approx(8)
- Proxy server for debian archive files
- approx / approx-gc(8)
- Garbage-collect the cache of debian archive files
- approx / approx-import(8)
- Copy local .deb files into the approx cache
- aprsdigi / aprsdigi(8)
- Aprs(\*(tm) digipeater
- aprsdigi / aprsmon(8)
- Monitor aprs ax.25 traffic for javaprs
- apt / apt(8)
- Command-line interface
- apt / apt-cache(8)
- Query the apt cache
- apt-cacher-ng / apt-cacher-ng(8)
- Caching proxy for software package downloads
- apt / apt-cdrom(8)
- Apt cd-rom management utility
- apt-clone / apt-clone(8)
- Manual page for apt-clone 0.2
- apt / apt-config(8)
- Apt configuration query program
- apt-dater / apt-dater(8)
- Terminal-based remote package update manager
- apt-forktracer / apt-forktracer(8)
- A utility for managing package versions
- apt / apt-get(8)
- Apt package handling utility -- command-line interface
- apt / apt-key(8)
- Apt key management utility
- apt / apt-mark(8)
- Mark/unmark a package as being automatically-installed
- apt-move / apt-move(8)
- Move cache of debian packages into a mirror hierarchy.
- apt-offline / apt-offline(8)
- Offline apt package manager
- apt-p2p / apt-p2p(8)
- Apt-p2p apt helper for peer-to-peer downloads of debian packages
- apt / apt-secure(8)
- Archive authentication support for apt
- aptitude / aptitude-curses(8)
- High-level interface to the package manager
- nordugrid-arc-arex / arc-blahp-logger(8)
- Arc authplugin to store blah accouting logs about finished jobs
- nordugrid-arc-egiis / arc-infoindex-relay(8)
- Arc information index relay helper
- nordugrid-arc-egiis / arc-infoindex-server(8)
- Arc information index server
- nordugrid-arc-arex / arc-vomsac-check(8)
- Arc voms ac-based queue policy enforcing plugin
- nordugrid-arc-hed / arched(8)
- Arc hosting environment daemon
- inn / archive(8)
- Usenet article archiver
- atm-tools / aread(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- argus-server / argus(8)
- Audit record generation and utilization system
- argus-server / argus_linux(8)
- Audit record generation and utilization system
- arno-iptables-firewall / arno-iptables-firewall(8)
- Single- & multi-homed firewall script with dsl/adsl support.
- net-tools / arp(8)
- Manipulate the system arp cache
- arpwatch / arp2ethers(8)
- Convert arpwatch address database to ethers file format
- arpalert / arpalert(8)
- Arp traffic monitoring
- iproute2 / arpd(8)
- Userspace arp daemon.
- arpwatch / arpfetch(8)
- Obtain ethernet/ip address pairings via snmp
- iputils-arping / arping(8)
- Send arp request to a neighbour host
- vzctl / arpsend(8)
- Send arp requests
- arpwatch / arpsnmp(8)
- Keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings
- arptables / arptables(8)
- Arp table administration
- arptables / arptables-restore(8)
- Restore arp tables
- arptables / arptables-save(8)
- Save arp tables
- arpwatch / arpwatch(8)
- Keep track of ethernet/ip address pairings
- mtink / askPrinter(8)
- Program to detect the name of your epson printer
- asql / asql(8)
- Provide an sql interface to apache logfiles.
- asterisk / astdb2bdb(8)
- Convert astdb back to berkeley db 1.86
- asterisk / astdb2sqlite3(8)
- Convert astdb to sqlite 3
- asterisk / asterisk(8)
- All-purpose telephony server.
- asterisk / astgenkey(8)
- Generates keys for for asterisk iax2 rsa authentication
- netsniff-ng / astraceroute(8)
- Autonomous system trace route utility
- dahdi / astribank_allow(8)
- License xorcom astribank (xpp) capabilities.
- dahdi / astribank_hexload(8)
- Xorcom astribank (xpp) firmware loader
- dahdi / astribank_is_starting(8)
- Mark / check is a xorcom astribank (xpp) is starting
- dahdi / astribank_tool(8)
- Xorcom astribank (xpp) control tool
- at / atd(8)
- Run jobs queued for later execution
- atftpd / atftpd(8)
- Trivial file transfer protocol server.
- athcool / athcool(8)
- Control power-saving mode on amd athlon/duron cpus
- atheme-services / atheme-services(8)
- A modular irc services daemon
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-address6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-alive6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-covert_send6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-covert_send6d(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-denial6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-detect-new-ip6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-detect_sniffer6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-dnsdict6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-dnsrevenum6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-dnssecwalk(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-dos-new-ip6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-dos_mld(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-dump_dhcp6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-dump_router6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-exploit6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-extract_hosts6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-extract_networks6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_advertise6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_dhcps6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_dns6d(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_dnsupdate6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_mipv6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_mld26(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_mld6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_mldrouter6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_pim6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_router26(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_router6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fake_solicitate6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-firewall6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_advertise6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_dhcpc6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_mld26(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_mld6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_mldrouter6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_redir6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_router26(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_router6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_rs6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-flood_solicitate6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-four2six(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fragmentation6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fuzz_dhcps6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-fuzz_ip6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-implementation6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-implementation6d(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-inject_alive6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-inverse_lookup6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-kill_router6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-ndpexhaust26(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-ndpexhaust6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-node_query6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-parasite6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-passive_discovery6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-randicmp6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-redir6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-redirsniff6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-rsmurf6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-sendpees6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-sendpeesmp6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-smurf6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-thcping6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-thcsyn6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-toobig6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thc-ipv6 / atk6-trace6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- atm-tools / atm-tools(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- atm-tools / atmaddr(8)
- List and maintain local atm addresses
- atm-tools / atmarp(8)
- Administer classical ip over atm connections
- atm-tools / atmarpd(8)
- Atmarp demon
- atm-tools / atmdiag(8)
- Show atm device driver diagnostics
- atm-tools / atmdump(8)
- Capture or generate atm cells
- atm-tools / atmloop(8)
- Get/set loopback mode of atm interfaces
- atm-tools / atmsigd(8)
- Atm signaling demon
- atm-tools / atmtcp(8)
- Set up atm over tcp connections
- atsar / atsa1(8)
- Atsadc, atsa1, atsaftp, atsahttp counter-collection
- atsar / atsadc(8)
- Atsadc, atsa1, atsaftp, atsahttp counter-collection
- audispd-plugins / audisp-prelude(8)
- Plugin for idmef alerts
- audispd-plugins / audisp-remote(8)
- Plugin for remote logging
- auditd / audispd(8)
- An event multiplexor
- audispd-plugins / audispd-zos-remote(8)
- Z/os remote-services audit dispatcher plugin
- auditd / auditctl(8)
- A utility to assist controlling the kernel's audit system
- auditd / auditd(8)
- The linux audit daemon
- auditd / augenrules(8)
- A script that merges component audit rule files
- auditd / aulast(8)
- A program similar to last
- auditd / aulastlog(8)
- A program similar to lastlog
- auditd / aureport(8)
- A tool that produces summary reports of audit daemon logs
- auditd / ausearch(8)
- A tool to query audit daemon logs
- auditd / ausyscall(8)
- A program that allows mapping syscall names and numbers
- auth2db / auth2db(8)
- Log parser utility for auth2db suite
- auth2db / auth2db-alert(8)
- Alert manager for auth2db suite
- auth2db / auth2db-daemon(8)
- Daemonize tool for auth2db suite
- authbind / authbind-helper(8)
- Helper program to bind sockets to privileged ports without root
- autodir / autodir(8)
- Manage home directories
- autofs / autofs(8)
- Control script for automounter
- autolog / autolog(8)
- Log out idle users
- dacs / autologin(8)
- Convert an apache identity to a dacs identity
- autofs / automount(8)
- Manage autofs mount points
- automysqlbackup / automysqlbackup(8)
- Backup all of your database daily, weekly, and monthly
- asterisk / autosupport(8)
- Autosupport interactive script to provide digium[tm]'s support with information
- auditd / autrace(8)
- A program similar to strace
- auditd / auvirt(8)
- A program that shows data related to virtual machines
- avahi-autoipd / avahi-autoipd(8)
- Ipv4ll network address configuration daemon
- avahi-autoipd / avahi-autoipd.action(8)
- Avahi-autoipd action script
- avahi-daemon / avahi-daemon(8)
- The avahi mdns/dns-sd daemon
- avahi-dnsconfd / avahi-dnsconfd(8)
- Unicast dns server from mdns/dns-sd configuration daemon
- avahi-dnsconfd / avahi-dnsconfd.action(8)
- Avahi-dnsconfd action script
- selinux-utils / avcstat(8)
- Display selinux avc statistics
- avis / avisd(8)
- Run the avis router
- capiutils / avmcapictrl(8)
- Add, reset or remove active avm cards and load firmware
- avr-evtd / avr-evtd(8)
- Linkstation avr event daemon
- atm-tools / awrite(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- ax25-node / ax25-node(8)
- Node front end for ax.25, net/rom, rose and tcp
- ax25-tools / ax25_call(8)
- Make an ax.25, net/rom, rose or tcp connection
- ax25-tools / ax25d(8)
- General purpose ax.25, net/rom and rose daemon
- ax25-apps / ax25ipd(8)
- Ax.25 into ip encapsulator
- ax25-apps / ax25mond(8)
- Dump the ax.25 network traffic and and provide sockets where the received data will be retransmitted
- ax25-apps / ax25rtctl(8)
- Ax.25 routing control program
- ax25-apps / ax25rtd(8)
- Ax.25 routing daemon
- ax25-tools / axctl(8)
- Configure/kill running ax.25 connections.
- ax25-tools / axparms(8)
- Configure ax.25 interfaces.
- ax25-tools / axspawn(8)
- Allow automatic login to a linux system.
- babeld / babeld(8)
- Ad-hoc network routing daemon
- backup-manager / backup-manager(8)
- An easy to use backup tool for your linux box.
- backup-manager / backup-manager-purge(8)
- Backup-manager's wrapper for outdating files
- backup-manager / backup-manager-upload(8)
- Multiprotocol uploader for backup-manager.
- backup2l / backup2l(8)
- Low-maintenance backup/restore tool
- bacula-common / bacula(8)
- The network backup solution
- bacula-console / bacula-console(8)
- Bacula's management console
- bacula-director-mysql / bacula-dir(8)
- Bacula director
- bacula-director-pgsql / bacula-dir(8)
- Bacula director
- bacula-director-sqlite3 / bacula-dir(8)
- Bacula director
- bacula-fd / bacula-fd(8)
- Bacula's file daemon
- bacula-sd / bacula-sd(8)
- Bacula's storage daemon
- e2fsprogs / badblocks(8)
- Search a device for bad blocks
- 389-ds-base / bak2db(8)
- Directory server script for restoring a backup
- 389-ds-base / bak2db-online(8)
- Directory server perl script for restoring a backup
- bandwidthd / bandwidthd(8)
- Tracks usage of tcp/ip and builds html files with graphs.
- bandwidthd-pgsql / bandwidthd(8)
- Tracks usage of tcp/ip and builds html files with graphs.
- ircd-ratbox / bantool-ratbox(8)
- Tool used to manage the ban database of the ratbox ircd server.
- bareos-director / bareos(8)
- Backup archiving recovery open sourced
- bareos-database-tools / bareos-dbcheck(8)
- Bareos's catalog database check/clean program
- bareos-director / bareos-dir(8)
- Bareos director
- bareos-filedaemon / bareos-fd(8)
- Bareos's file daemon
- bareos-storage / bareos-sd(8)
- Bareos's storage daemon
- inn / batcher(8)
- Article batching backend for internetnews
- batctl / batctl(8)
- B.a.t.m.a.n. advanced control and management tool
- batmand / batmand(8)
- Better approach to mobile ad\(hyhoc networking
- baycomepp / baycomepp(8)
- Baycom epp modem driver
- baycomusb / baycomusb(8)
- Baycom usb modem diagnostics utility
- boxbackup-client / bbackupctl(8)
- Control the box backup client daemon
- boxbackup-client / bbackupd(8)
- Box backup client daemon
- boxbackup-client / bbackupd-config(8)
- Box backup client daemon configuration file generator
- boxbackup-client / bbackupquery(8)
- Box backup store query and file retrieval
- boxbackup-server / bbstoreaccounts(8)
- Box backup store accounts manager
- boxbackup-server / bbstored(8)
- Box backup store daemon
- boxbackup-server / bbstored-certs(8)
- Manage certificates for the box backup system
- boxbackup-server / bbstored-config(8)
- Box backup store daemon configuration file generator
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-admin(8)
- Perform repository administration tasks
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-build-reports(8)
- Generate state reports for bcfg2 clients
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-crypt(8)
- Bcfg2 encryption and decryption utility
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-info(8)
- Creates a local version of the bcfg2 server core for state observation
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-lint(8)
- Check bcfg2 specification for validity, common mistakes, and style
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-report-collector(8)
- Reports collection daemon
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-reports(8)
- Query reporting system for client status
- bcfg2-server / bcfg2-server(8)
- Server for client configuration specifications
- nut-server / bcmxcp(8)
- Driver for upses supporting the serial bcm/xcp protocol
- nut-server / bcmxcp_usb(8)
- Experimental driver for upses supporting the bcm/xcp protocol over usb
- bacula-console / bconsole(8)
- Bacula's management console
- bacula-sd-mysql / bcopy(8)
- Bacula's 'copy from tape'
- bacula-sd-pgsql / bcopy(8)
- Bacula's 'copy from tape'
- bacula-sd-sqlite3 / bcopy(8)
- Bacula's 'copy from tape'
- bareos-tools / bcopy(8)
- Bareos's 'copy from tape'
- bcrelay / bcrelay(8)
- A broadcast relay daemon
- bcron / bcron-exec(8)
- Execute jobs on behalf of bcron-sched
- bcron / bcron-sched(8)
- Bcron system scheduler
- bcron / bcron-spool(8)
- Manage user crontab submissions
- bcron / bcron-start(8)
- Start the bcron scheduling system
- bcron / bcron-update(8)
- Update system crontabs.
- bandwidthd / bd_pgsql_purge(8)
- Summarizer script for bandwidthd (postgresql mode)
- bandwidthd-pgsql / bd_pgsql_purge(8)
- Summarizer script for bandwidthd (postgresql mode)
- ax25-tools / beacon(8)
- Transmit periodic messages on an ax.25 port.
- kannel / bearerbox(8)
- Parts of kannel, the wap and sms gateway
- burp / bedup(8)
- Program for deduplication program with additional knowledge of burp
- nut-server / belkin(8)
- Driver for belkin serial ups equipment
- nut-server / belkinunv(8)
- Driver for belkin "universal ups" and compatible
- aircrack-ng / besside-ng(8)
- Crack a wep or wpa key without user intervention and collaborate with wpa cracking statistics
- nut-server / bestfcom(8)
- Driver for best power fortress/ferrups
- nut-server / bestfortress(8)
- Driver for old best fortress ups equipment
- nut-server / bestuferrups(8)
- Driver for best power micro-ferrups
- nut-server / bestups(8)
- Driver for best power / sola (phoenixtec protocol) ups equipment
- bacula-sd / bextract(8)
- Bacula's 'extract from tape'
- bareos-tools / bextract(8)
- Bareos's 'extract from tape'
- quagga / bgpd(8)
- A bgpv4, bgpv4\+, bgpv4- routing engine for use with quagga routing software
- postal / bhm(8)
- Program to send smtp mail to /dev/null
- bidentd / bidentd(8)
- Bisqwit's tcp/ip identification protocol daemon
- arpwatch / bihourly(8)
- Track ethernet/ip address pairs
- binkd / binkd(8)
- Transfer files between two fidonet systems over tcp/ip
- binkd / binkdlogstat(8)
- Binkd log analyser and statistic generator
- dmidecode / biosdecode(8)
- \s-1bios\s0 information decoder
- nvram-wakeup / biosinfo(8)
- Shows type, revision and vendor of the mainboard as well as vendor version and release date of the bios.
- bird / bird(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- bird-bgp / bird(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- bird / bird6(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- bird-bgp / bird6(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- bird / birdc(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- bird-bgp / birdc(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- bird / birdc6(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- bird-bgp / birdc6(8)
- Bird internet routing daemon birdc - bird internet routing daemon remote control bird6 - bird internet routing daemon, ipv6 version birdc6 - bird internet routing daemon remote control, ipv6 version
- perf-tools-unstable / bitesize(8)
- Show disk i/o size as a histogram. uses linux perf_events.
- bitlbee-common / bitlbee(8)
- Irc gateway to im chat networks
- nut-server / blazer_ser(8)
- Driver for megatec/q1 protocol serial based ups equipment
- nut-server / blazer_usb(8)
- Driver for megatec/q1 protocol usb based ups equipment
- bld / bld(8)
- A black list daemon
- bld-tools / bld-mrtg(8)
- Return mrtg-friendly statistics about local bld status
- bld-postfix / bld-pf_log(8)
- Feed bld with postifx log files
- bld-postfix / bld-pf_policy(8)
- Bld policy server for postfix
- bld-tools / blddecr(8)
- Decrement the counter of an ip address on a bld host
- bld-tools / bldinsert(8)
- Submit an ip address to a bld host
- bld-tools / bldquery(8)
- Query a bld host
- bld / bldread(8)
- Read bld dumps
- bld-tools / bldsubmit(8)
- Submit an ip address to a bld host
- blends-common / blend-role(8)
- Add/remove roles in registered debian pure blend
- blends-common / blend-update-menus(8)
- Add menu of meta package to all debian pure blend users
- blends-common / blend-update-usermenus(8)
- Update user menus of all debian pure blend users
- blends-common / blend-user(8)
- Add/remove user to role of a registered debian pure blend
- util-linux / blkdiscard(8)
- Discard sectors on a device
- util-linux / blkid(8)
- Locate/print block device attributes
- blktrace / blkiomon(8)
- Monitor block device i/o based o blktrace data
- nfs-common / blkmapd(8)
- Pnfs block layout mapping daemon
- blktool / blktool(8)
- Display or change block device settings
- blktrace / blktrace(8)
- Generate traces of the i/o traffic on block devices
- util-linux / blockdev(8)
- Call block device ioctls from the command line
- bacula-sd / bls(8)
- Bacula's 'tape ls'
- bareos-tools / bls(8)
- Bareos's 'tape ls'
- bluez / bluetoothd(8)
- Bluetooth daemon
- freeipmi-tools / bmc-config(8)
- Configure ipmi values
- freeipmi-tools / bmc-device(8)
- Perform advanced bmc commands
- freeipmi-tools / bmc-info(8)
- Display bmc information
- freeipmi-bmc-watchdog / bmc-watchdog(8)
- Bmc watchdog timer daemon and control utility
- bmon / bmon(8)
- Bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
- bonnie++ / bonnie++(8)
- Program to test hard drive performance.
- selinux-utils / booleans(8)
- Policy booleans enable runtime customization of selinux policy
- boot-info-script / bootinfoscript(8)
- Tool for debugging bootloader problems
- bootlogd / bootlogd(8)
- Record boot messages
- bootpc / bootpc(8)
- Bootp client
- bootp / bootpd(8)
- Internet boot protocol server/gateway
- bootp / bootpef(8)
- Bootp extension file compiler
- bootp / bootpgw(8)
- Internet boot protocol server/gateway
- bootp / bootptest(8)
- Send bootp queries and print responses
- netsniff-ng / bpfc(8)
- A berkeley packet filter assembler and compiler
- bareos-tools / bpluginfo(8)
- Bareos plugin information utility
- ax25-tools / bpqparms(8)
- Configure bpq ethernet devices.
- br2684ctl / br2684ctl(8)
- Rfc1483/2684 bridge daemon
- bridge-utils / brctl(8)
- Ethernet bridge administration
- bacula-director-common / bregex(8)
- Bacula's 'regex' engine
- iproute2 / bridge(8)
- Show / manipulate bridge addresses and devices
- bacula-sd-mysql / bscan(8)
- Bacula's 'scan tape'
- bacula-sd-pgsql / bscan(8)
- Bacula's 'scan tape'
- bacula-sd-sqlite3 / bscan(8)
- Bacula's 'scan tape'
- bareos-database-tools / bscan(8)
- Bareos's 'scan tape'
- bareos-storage / bscrypto(8)
- Bareos's 'scsi crypto'
- bacula-sd / btape(8)
- Bacula's tape interface test program
- bareos-storage-tape / btape(8)
- Bareos's tape interface test program
- dvd+rw-tools / btcflash(8)
- Firmware flash utility for btc drw1008 dvd+/-rw recorder.
- blktrace / btrace(8)
- Perform live tracing for block devices
- bareos-common / btraceback(8)
- Wrapper script around gdb and bsmtp
- blktrace / btrecord(8)
- Recreate io loads recorded by blktrace
- blktrace / btreplay(8)
- Recreate io loads recorded by blktrace
- btrfs-tools / btrfs(8)
- Control a btrfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-balance(8)
- Balance btrfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-check(8)
- Check or repair a btrfs filesystem offline
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-convert(8)
- Convert from ext2/3/4 filesystem to btrfs or rollback
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-debug-tree(8)
- Dump btrfs filesystem metadata into stdout
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-device(8)
- Control btrfs devices
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-filesystem(8)
- Control btrfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-find-root(8)
- Filter to find btrfs root
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-image(8)
- Create/restore an image of the filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-inspect-internal(8)
- Resolve different btrfs items for debug purpose
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-map-logical(8)
- Map btrfs logical extent to physical extent
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-property(8)
- Get/set/list properties for given btrfs object.
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-qgroup(8)
- Control the quota group of a btrfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-quota(8)
- Control the quota of a btrfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-receive(8)
- Receive subvolumes from stdin/file.
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-replace(8)
- Replace devices managed by btrfs with other device.
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-rescue(8)
- Recover a damaged btrfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-restore(8)
- Try to restore files from a damaged btrfs filesystem(unmounted)
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-scrub(8)
- Scrub btrfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-send(8)
- Send data of subvolume(s) to stdout/file.
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-show-super(8)
- Show btrfs superblock information stored in devices
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-subvolume(8)
- Control btrfs subvolume(s)
- btrfs-tools / btrfs-zero-log(8)
- Clear out log tree
- btrfs-tools / btrfsck(8)
- Check or repair a btrfs filesystem offline
- btrfs-tools / btrfstune(8)
- Tune various btrfs filesystem parameters
- inn / buffchan(8)
- Buffered file-writing backend for internetnews
- radiusd-livingston / builddbm(8)
- Build radius user database
- bum / bum(8)
- Graphical runlevel configuration tool
- burp / burp(8)
- Backup and restore program
- burp / burp_ca(8)
- Program for generating certificates for use with burp
- atm-tools / bus(8)
- Atm lan emulation service demons
- bwbar / bwbar(8)
- Generates text and graphical readout of current bandwidth use.
- bwctl-server / bwctld(8)
- Bandwidth control server.
- bacula-director-common / bwild(8)
- Bacula's 'wildcard' engine
- c-icap / c-icap(8)
- Icap filtering server
- c-icap / c-icap-client(8)
- Simple icap client
- libicapapi-dev / c-icap-config(8)
- Script to get information about c-icap server
- libicapapi-dev / c-icap-libicapapi-config(8)
- Script to get information about c-icap library
- c-icap / c-icap-mkbdb(8)
- Simple icap clientutility to create berkeley db lookup tables
- libc-icap-mod-urlcheck / c-icap-mods-sguardDB(8)
- Simple utility to create berkeley db lookup tables
- c-icap / c-icap-stretch(8)
- A simple utility for stretching icap servers
- thin-provisioning-tools / cache_check(8)
- Repair cache metadata on device or file
- thin-provisioning-tools / cache_dump(8)
- Dump cache metadata from device or file to standard output
- thin-provisioning-tools / cache_repair(8)
- Repair cache binary metadata from device/file to device/file
- thin-provisioning-tools / cache_restore(8)
- Restore cache metadata file to device or file
- cachefilesd / cachefilesd(8)
- Cachefiles userspace management daemon
- printer-driver-pnm2ppa / calibrate_ppa(8)
- Pnm2ppa calibration tool
- capiutils / capiinfo(8)
- Show supported features of all installed capi2.0 controllers
- capiutils / capiinit(8)
- Start or stop capi-capable isdn cards
- pppdcapiplugin / capiplugin(8)
- Plugin for pppd (point-to-point protocol daemon)
- libcap-ng-utils / captest(8)
- A program to demonstrate capabilities
- nvram-wakeup / cat_nvram(8)
- Dumps the contents of nvram to stdout.
- man-db / catman(8)
- Create or update the pre-formatted manual pages
- cman / ccs_config_dump(8)
- Tool to generate xml output of running configuration.
- cman / ccs_config_validate(8)
- Ccs_config_validate
- cman / ccs_tool(8)
- The tool used to make online queries to the cluster configuration.
- cman / ccs_update_schema(8)
- Tool to generate cluster relaxng schema for cluster config validation.
- cdpr / cdpr(8)
- Cisco discovery protocol reporter
- ceilometer-agent-central / ceilometer-agent-central(8)
- Please fill
- ceilometer-agent-compute / ceilometer-agent-compute(8)
- Please fill
- ceilometer-api / ceilometer-api(8)
- Please fill
- ceilometer-collector / ceilometer-collector(8)
- Please fill
- ceph-common / ceph(8)
- Ceph file system control utility
- ceph-common / ceph-authtool(8)
- Ceph keyring manipulation tool
- ceph / ceph-clsinfo(8)
- Show class object information
- ceph-common / ceph-conf(8)
- Ceph conf file tool
- ceph / ceph-debugpack(8)
- Ceph debug packer utility
- ceph-common / ceph-dencoder(8)
- Ceph encoder/decoder utility
- ceph-mds / ceph-mds(8)
- Ceph metadata server daemon
- ceph / ceph-mon(8)
- Ceph monitor daemon
- ceph / ceph-osd(8)
- Ceph object storage daemon
- ceph-common / ceph-post-file(8)
- Post files for ceph developers
- librbd1 / ceph-rbdnamer(8)
- Udev helper to name rbd devices
- ceph-common / ceph-rest-api(8)
- Ceph restlike administration server
- ceph / ceph-run(8)
- Restart daemon on core dump
- ceph-common / ceph-syn(8)
- Ceph synthetic workload generator
- ceph-fs-common / cephfs(8)
- Ceph file system options utility
- cereal / cereal-admin(8)
- Administer cereal sessions
- certmonger / certmonger(8)
- Certmonger
- certmonger / certmonger-certmaster-submit(8)
- Certmaster-submit
- certmonger / certmonger-dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submit(8)
- Dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submit
- certmonger / certmonger-ipa-submit(8)
- Ipa-submit
- certmonger / certmonger-local-submit(8)
- Local-submit
- cfengine3 / cf-agent(8)
- Evaluate cfengine policy code and actuate change to the system.
- cfengine3 / cf-execd(8)
- Scheduling daemon for cf-agent
- cfengine3 / cf-key(8)
- Make private/public key-pairs for cfengine authentication
- cfengine3 / cf-monitord(8)
- Monitoring daemon for cfengine
- cfengine3 / cf-promises(8)
- Validate and analyze cfengine policy code
- cfengine3 / cf-runagent(8)
- Activate cf-agent on a remote host
- cfengine3 / cf-serverd(8)
- Cfengine file server daemon
- cfengine2 / cfagent(8)
- System configuration agent
- util-linux / cfdisk(8)
- Display or manipulate a disk partition table
- cfengine2 / cfdoc(8)
- Simple utility to document a cfengine configuration file
- cfengine2 / cfengine(8)
- Network configuration engine
- cfengine2 / cfenvd(8)
- Network configuration engine
- cfengine2 / cfenvgraph(8)
- Network configuration engine
- cfengine2 / cfetool(8)
- Standalone ui for long term state registry
- cfengine2 / cfetoolcheck(8)
- Check a new value against the averages currently in the database
- cfengine2 / cfetoolcreate(8)
- Set up a new database
- cfengine2 / cfetooldump(8)
- Dump the contents of a database in xml format
- cfengine2 / cfetoolgraph(8)
- Create graphs from a cfetool database
- cfengine2 / cfetoolimport(8)
- Import the contents of a database from xml format
- cfengine2 / cfetoolinfo(8)
- Get information about a database
- cfengine2 / cfetoolupdate(8)
- Update the database with a new value
- cfengine2 / cfexecd(8)
- Network configuration engine
- cfingerd / cfingerd(8)
- Configurable finger daemon.
- cfengine2 / cfkey(8)
- Network configuration engine
- cfengine2 / cfrun(8)
- Execute remote cfagents
- cfengine2 / cfservd(8)
- Cfengine server daemon
- cfengine2 / cfshow(8)
- Dump cfengine databases
- cgroup-tools / cgconfigparser(8)
- Setup control group file system
- gdisk / cgdisk(8)
- Curses-based guid partition table (gpt) manipulator
- dacs / cgiparse(8)
- Cgi argument parsing utility
- cgmanager / cgmanager(8)
- A daemon to manage cgroups
- cgmanager / cgproxy(8)
- A proxy for cgmanager
- cgroup-tools / cgrulesengd(8)
- Control group rules daemon
- charon-cmd / charon-cmd(8)
- Simple ike client (ipsec vpn client)
- charybdis / charybdis-ircd(8)
- The internet relay chat program server
- ppp / chat(8)
- Automated conversational script with a modem
- util-vserver / chbind(8)
- The chbind utility is used to lock a process and its children into using a specific ip number/interface.
- policycoreutils / chcat(8)
- Change file selinux security category
- util-vserver / chcontext(8)
- Chcontext allocates a new security context and executes a command in that context.
- nilfs-tools / chcp(8)
- Change mode of nilfs2 checkpoints
- util-linux / chcpu(8)
- Configure cpus
- checksecurity / check-diskfree(8)
- Check for mounted filesystems nearing capacity
- checksecurity / check-passwd(8)
- Check for empty or duplicate system accounts.
- selinux-basics / check-selinux-installation(8)
- Check-selinux-installation perform configuration checks in selinux installation
- checksecurity / check-setuid(8)
- Check for changes to setuid programs
- nagios-plugins-contrib / check_backuppc(8)
- A nagios plugin to monitor backuppc
- mailman / check_db(8)
- Check the integrity of a mailman mailing list's database file
- apache2-utils / check_forensic(8)
- Tool to extract mod_log_forensic output from apache log files
- mod-gearman-tools / check_gearman(8)
- Nagios service check to monitor the gearman job server
- nagios-plugins-contrib / check_hp_bladechassis(8)
- Nagios plugin for checking the status of hp blade enclosures via snmp
- infiniband-diags / check_lft_balance(8)
- Check_lft_balance -
- nagios-plugin-check-multi / check_multi(8)
- Nagios plugin to combine multiple service checks in one run
- mailman / check_perms(8)
- Check permissions of mailman's files
- checkpw / checkapoppw(8)
- Checks apop password against the file ~/maildir/.password
- apache2-utils / checkgid(8)
- Checks the gid
- leafnode / checkgroups(8)
- Update group descriptions
- checkinstall / checkinstall(8)
- Checkinstall track installation of local software, and produce a binary manageable with your package management software.
- checkpolicy / checkmodule(8)
- Selinux policy module compiler
- fgetty / checkpassword(8)
- Check a password
- lprng / checkpc(8)
- Check out the printcap database
- checkpolicy / checkpolicy(8)
- Selinux policy compiler
- checkpw / checkpw(8)
- Checks password against the file ~/maildir/.password
- cman / checkquorum(8)
- Check quorum watchdog script
- rsh-server / checkrhosts(8)
- Program to check the users .rhosts files for security problems
- checksecurity / checksecurity(8)
- Run a collection of simple system checks
- chef / chef-client(8)
- The man page for the chef-client command line tool. a chef-client is an agent that runs locally on every node that is registered with the server. when a chef-client is run, it will perform all of the steps that are required to bring the node into the expected state, including: registering and authenticating the node with the server building the node object synchronizing cookbooks compiling the resource collection by loading each of the required cookbooks, including recipes, attributes, and all other dependencies taking the appropriate and required actions to configure the node looking for exceptions and notifications, handling each as required the chef-client executable can be run as a command-line tool. a client.rb file is used to specify the configuration details for the chef-client. this file is the default configuration file and is loaded every time the chef-client executable is run. the chef-client executable can be run as a daemon. on unix- and linux-based machines, the configuration file is located at: /etc/chef/client.rb. on microsoft windows machines, the configuration file is located at c:chefclient.rb.
- chef / chef-solo(8)
- The man page for the chef-solo command line tool. chef-solo is an open source version of the chef-client that allows using cookbooks with nodes without requiring access to a server. chef-solo runs locally and requires that a cookbook (and any of its dependencies) be on the same physical disk as the node. chef-solo is a limited-functionality version of the chef-client and does not support the following: node data storage search indexes centralized distribution of cookbooks a centralized api that interacts with and integrates infrastructure components authentication or authorization persistent attributes the chef-solo executable can be run as a command-line tool.
- passwd / chgpasswd(8)
- Update group passwords in batch mode
- chiark-scripts / chiark-named-conf(8)
- Check and generate nameserver configuration
- sepol-utils / chkcon(8)
- Determine if a security context is valid for a given binary policy
- ircd-irc2 / chkconf(8)
- Check ircd config-file
- chkconfig / chkconfig(8)
- Enable or disable system services
- chntpw / chntpw(8)
- Utility to overwrite passwords of windows systems
- hylafax-server / choptest(8)
- \*(fx page chopping test program
- passwd / chpasswd(8)
- Update passwords in batch mode
- runit / chpst(8)
- Runs a program with a changed process state
- chrony / chronyd(8)
- Chrony background daemon
- coreutils / chroot(8)
- Run command or interactive shell with special root directory
- util-vserver / chxid(8)
- Assigns a context to a file
- cifs-utils / cifs.idmap(8)
- Userspace helper for mapping ids for common internet file system (cifs)
- cifs-utils / cifs.upcall(8)
- Userspace upcall helper for common internet file system (cifs)
- python-cinderclient / cinder(8)
- Please fill
- cinder-api / cinder-api(8)
- Frontend api server for cinder
- cinder-common / cinder-manage(8)
- Manages the cinder daemons
- cinder-common / cinder-rootwrap(8)
- Authorizes and executes sudo commands on cinder's behalf
- cinder-scheduler / cinder-scheduler(8)
- Frontend api server for cinder
- cinder-volume / cinder-volume(8)
- Frontend api server for cinder
- citadel-server / citserver(8)
- Core of the citadel suite.
- clamav-milter / clamav-milter(8)
- Milter compatible mail scanner
- clamav-unofficial-sigs / clamav-unofficial-sigs(8)
- Download, test, and install third-party clamav signature databases.
- clamav-daemon / clamd(8)
- An anti-virus daemon
- fetch-crl / clean-crl(8)
- Remove orphaned crl like files from a certificate directory
- 389-ds-base / cleanallruv.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for issuing a cleanallruv task
- iputils-clockdiff / clockdiff(8)
- Measure clock difference between hosts
- nut-server / clone(8)
- Ups driver clone
- mailman / clone_member(8)
- Clone a mailman mailing list subscriber address
- cloudprint-service / cloudprintd(8)
- Share cups printers with google cloud print
- rgmanager / clubufflush(8)
- Flush buffers on a service's file system.
- rgmanager / clufindhostname(8)
- Find a hostname or ip address given the other.
- rgmanager / clulog(8)
- Log a message to the cluster and/or system logs
- rgmanager / clurgmgrd(8)
- Resource group (cluster service) manager daemon
- rgmanager / clustat(8)
- Cluster status utility
- rgmanager / clusvcadm(8)
- Cluster user service administration utility
- clvm / clvmd(8)
- Clvmd cluster lvm daemon
- cman / cman_notify(8)
- Cman notification daemon run-part alike script
- cman / cman_tool(8)
- Cluster management tool
- cman / cmannotifyd(8)
- Cman notification daemon
- cmospwd / cmospwd(8)
- A cmos/bios password recovery tool
- kexec-tools / coldreboot(8)
- Force a cold reboot bypassing kexec-tools default
- deltarpm / combinedeltarpm(8)
- Combine multiple deltarpms to a single one
- libcomedi0 / comedi_calibrate(8)
- Comedi calibration utility
- libcomedi0 / comedi_config(8)
- Comedi configuration utility
- mailutils-comsatd / comsatd(8)
- The comsat daemon
- cman / confdb2ldif(8)
- Create an ldif file from a cluster configuration
- corosync / confdb_keys(8)
- Overview of keys stored in the configuration database
- corosync / confdb_overview(8)
- Confdb library overview
- mailman / config_list(8)
- Configure a mailman mailing list from a text file description
- ndpmon / config_ndpmon.xml(8)
- Configuration file for ndpmon
- configure-debian / configure-debian(8)
- Central configuration program for packages using debconf
- connman / connman(8)
- Network management daemon
- connman / connmand(8)
- Connection manager
- conntrack / conntrack(8)
- Command line interface for netfilter connection tracking
- conntrackd / conntrackd(8)
- Netfilter connection tracking user-space daemon
- usermode / consolehelper(8)
- A wrapper that helps console users run system programs
- usermode / consolehelper-gtk(8)
- A helper program for consolehelper
- quota / convertquota(8)
- Convert quota from old file format to new one
- coquelicot / coquelicot(8)
- "one-click" file sharing web application
- aoetools / coraid-update(8)
- Upload an update file to a coraid appliance
- corosync / coroipc_overview(8)
- Overview of coroipc libraries
- corosync / corosync(8)
- The corosync cluster engine.
- corosync / corosync-blackbox(8)
- Dump live "flight data" from the corosync "blackbox".
- corosync / corosync-cfgtool(8)
- An administrative tool for corosync.
- corosync / corosync-cpgtool(8)
- A tool for displaying cpg groups and members.
- corosync / corosync-fplay(8)
- Display "flight data" from the corosync "blackbox".
- corosync / corosync-keygen(8)
- Generate an authentication key for corosync.
- corosync / corosync-notifyd(8)
- Listen for important corosync events and send dbus and/or snmp traps.
- corosync / corosync-objctl(8)
- Configure objects in the object database
- corosync / corosync-pload(8)
- Start payload test.
- corosync / corosync-quorumtool(8)
- Set and display quorum settings.
- corosync / corosync_overview(8)
- Corosync overview
- courier-mta / courier(8)
- The courier mail server
- courier-mta / courier-mtaconfig(8)
- Show configuration parameters for the courier mta
- courier-mta / courieresmtpd(8)
- Courier mail server esmtp daemon
- courier-faxmail / courierfax(8)
- Send faxes via e-mail
- courier-mta / courierfilter(8)
- Courier mail filters
- couriergrey / couriergrey(8)
- Greylisting filter for courier mta
- courier-ldap / courierldapaliasd(8)
- Ldap-based mail aliasing
- courierpassd / courierpassd(8)
- Change passwords from across the network using the courier authentication library
- courier-mta / courierperlfilter(8)
- Sample perl-based mail filter
- courier-pop / courierpop3d(8)
- The courier pop3 server
- courier-pop / courierpop3login(8)
- The courier pop3 server
- courier-mta / courieruucp(8)
- Sample courier mail filter
- cowbuilder / cowbuilder(8)
- A pbuilder wrapper for cowdancer.
- corosync / cpg_overview(8)
- Cpg library overview
- passwd / cppw(8)
- Copy with locking the given file to the password or group file
- cpufreqd / cpufreqd(8)
- Intelligently monitor and manipulate cpu frequency
- cputool / cputool(8)
- Cputool cputool is a utility which manages cpu usage and system load
- hylafax-server / cqtest(8)
- \*(fx copy quality checking test program
- cracklib-runtime / cracklib-check(8)
- Check passwords using libcrack2
- cracklib-runtime / cracklib-format(8)
- Cracklib dictionary utilities
- cracklib-runtime / cracklib-packer(8)
- Cracklib dictionary utilities
- cracklib-runtime / cracklib-unpacker(8)
- Cracklib dictionary utilities
- cramfsprogs / cramfsck(8)
- Check a compressed rom file system
- crash / crash(8)
- Analyze linux crash dump data or a live system
- crda / crda(8)
- Send to the kernel a wireless regulatory domain for a given iso / iec 3166 alpha2
- cracklib-runtime / create-cracklib-dict(8)
- Check passwords using libcrack2
- munge / create-munge-key(8)
- Create munge key
- createrepo / createrepo(8)
- Create repomd (xml-rpm-metadata) repository
- cron / cron(8)
- Daemon to execute scheduled commands (vixie cron)
- cron-apt / cron-apt(8)
- Cron-apt program to update the system using apt-get
- inn / crosspost(8)
- Create the links for cross posted articles
- cruft / cruft(8)
- Check the filesystem for cruft (missing and unexplained files)
- ceph / crushtool(8)
- Crush map manipulation tool
- cryptsetup / cryptdisks_start(8)
- Wrapper around cryptsetup that parses /etc/crypttab.
- cryptsetup / cryptdisks_stop(8)
- Wrapper around cryptsetup that parses /etc/crypttab.
- cryptmount / cryptmount(8)
- Mount/unmount/configure an encrypted filesystem
- cryptmount / cryptmount-setup(8)
- Setup a new encrypted filesystem
- cryptsetup-bin / cryptsetup(8)
- Manage plain dm-crypt and luks encrypted volumes
- cryptsetup-bin / cryptsetup-reencrypt(8)
- Tool for offline luks device re-encryption
- gnutls-bin / crywrap(8)
- Simple tcp/ip service encryption using tls/ssl
- freewnn-cserver / cserver(8)
- To start the chinese server.
- dnet-progs / ctermd(8)
- Cterm services for linux
- inn / ctlinnd(8)
- Control the internetnews daemon
- util-linux / ctrlaltdel(8)
- Set the function of the ctrl-alt-del combination
- iproute2 / ctstat(8)
- Unified linux network statistics
- cups-browsed / cups-browsed(8)
- A daemon for browsing the bonjour broadcasts of shared, remote cups printers
- printer-driver-gutenprint / cups-calibrate(8)
- Esp cups printer calibration tool
- cups / cups-deviced(8)
- Cups device daemon
- cups / cups-driverd(8)
- Cups driver daemon
- printer-driver-gutenprint / cups-genppdupdate(8)
- Update cups+gutenprint ppd files
- cups / cups-lpd(8)
- Receive print jobs and report printer status to lpd clients
- cups-client / cupsaccept(8)
- Accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
- cups-client / cupsaddsmb(8)
- Export printers to samba for windows clients
- cups-client / cupsctl(8)
- Configure cupsd.conf options
- cups-daemon / cupsd(8)
- Cups scheduler
- cups-client / cupsdisable(8)
- Stop/start printers and classes
- cups-client / cupsenable(8)
- Stop/start printers and classes
- cups / cupsfilter(8)
- Convert a file to another format using cups filters
- cups-client / cupsreject(8)
- Accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
- netsniff-ng / curvetun(8)
- A lightweight curve25519 ip4/6 tunnel
- cutter / cutter(8)
- Cut tcp/ip connections
- cvm / cvm-benchclient(8)
- Testing the performance of a cv module
- cvm / cvm-checkpassword(8)
- Checkpassword interface for cvm modules
- cvm-mysql / cvm-mysql(8)
- Mysql module
- cvm-pgsql / cvm-pgsql(8)
- Pgsql module
- cvm / cvm-pwfile(8)
- Posix-style passwd file module
- cvm / cvm-qmail(8)
- Qmail configuration lookup module
- cvm / cvm-testclient(8)
- Testing cv modules from the command line
- cvm / cvm-unix(8)
- Unix/posix-standard module
- cvm / cvm-vmailmgr(8)
- Vmailmgr virtual user validation module
- cvsd / cvsd(8)
- Chroot wrapper to run \(oqcvs pserver\(cq more securely.
- cvsd / cvsd-buginfo(8)
- Print out cvsd configuration information for bug reports
- cvsd / cvsd-buildroot(8)
- Create a chrooted directory structure for use in cvsd.
- cvsd / cvsd-passwd(8)
- Generate password entries for repositories
- inn / cvtbatch(8)
- Convert usenet batch file to inn format
- cwdaemon / cwdaemon(8)
- Morse daemon for the serial or parallel port
- freewnn-cserver / cwnnkill(8)
- To terminate the cserver.
- libifd-cyberjack6 / cyberjack(8)
- Configuration and testing utility
- cyclades-serial-client / cyclades-ser-cli(8)
- Cyclades-ser-cli serial port interface for cyclades terminal servers
- cyclades-serial-client / cyclades-serial-client(8)
- Cyclades-serial-client serial port interface for cyclades terminal servers
- rt-tests / cyclictest(8)
- High resolution test program
- cyrus-common / cyrdeliver(8)
- Deliver mail to an imap mailbox
- cyrus-common / cyrmaster(8)
- Master cyrus process
- cyrus-common / cyrus-arbitron(8)
- Arbitron mailboxes
- cyrus-common / cyrus-arbitronsort(8)
- Sorts arbitron(8) output
- cyrus-common / cyrus-chk_cyrus(8)
- Perform a consistency check of the cyrus mailstore
- cyrus-common / cyrus-ctl_cyrusdb(8)
- Perform operations common to all cyrus databases
- cyrus-common / cyrus-ctl_deliver(8)
- Perform operations on the duplicate delivery database
- cyrus-common / cyrus-ctl_mboxlist(8)
- Perform operations on the mailbox list database
- cyrus-common / cyrus-cvt_cyrusdb(8)
- Convert a database file between cyrus database formats
- cyrus-common / cyrus-cyr_dbtool(8)
- Manage cyrus databases
- cyrus-common / cyrus-cyr_df(8)
- Report cyrus spool partition disk space usage
- cyrus-common / cyrus-cyr_expire(8)
- Expire messages and duplicate delivery database entries
- cyrus-replication / cyrus-cyr_synclog(8)
- Add entries to the replication log
- cyrus-common / cyrus-dump(8)
- Dump mailboxes to stdout
- cyrus-imspd / cyrus-imspd(8)
- Server for storing application preferences and address book data in a shared location
- cyrus-common / cyrus-ipurge(8)
- Delete mail from imap mailbox or partition based on age or size
- cyrus-common / cyrus-makedirs(8)
- Sets up the cyrus imapd system directories (spools)
- cyrus-common / cyrus-mbpath(8)
- Translate mailbox names to filesystem paths
- cyrus-common / cyrus-quota(8)
- Report and optionally fix quota usage
- cyrus-common / cyrus-reconstruct(8)
- Reconstruct mailboxes
- cyrus-imapd / cyrus-squatter(8)
- Create squat indexes for mailboxes
- cyrus-replication / cyrus-sync_client(8)
- Client side of the synchronization (replication) engine
- cyrus-replication / cyrus-sync_reset(8)
- Account reset utility. danger.
- cyrus-common / cyrus-tls_prune(8)
- Prune expired sessions from the tls sessions database
- cyrus-common / cyrus-unexpunge(8)
- Restore expunged (but yet unremoved) messages
- dacs / dacs.services(8)
- Dacs web services
- dacs / dacs_acs(8)
- Dacs access control service
- dacs / dacs_admin(8)
- Dacs administration service
- dacs / dacs_auth_agent(8)
- Dacs delegated authentication service
- dacs / dacs_auth_transfer(8)
- Transfer credentials between federations
- dacs / dacs_authenticate(8)
- Dacs authentication service
- dacs / dacs_autologin_ssl(8)
- Use an ssl client certificate to automatically obtain dacs credentials
- dacs / dacs_conf(8)
- Display dacs configuration directives
- dacs / dacs_current_credentials(8)
- Display dacs credentials
- dacs / dacs_error(8)
- Simple error handling utility for dacs
- dacs / dacs_group(8)
- Dacs group administration
- dacs / dacs_infocard(8)
- Information card administration
- dacs / dacs_list_jurisdictions(8)
- Display information about dacs jurisdictions
- dacs / dacs_managed_infocard(8)
- Create a managed information card
- dacs / dacs_mex(8)
- Ws-metadataexchange responder for information cards
- dacs / dacs_notices(8)
- Dacs notice presentation and acknowledgement handler
- dacs / dacs_passwd(8)
- Manage private dacs passwords
- dacs / dacs_prenv(8)
- Cgi program that displays its environment
- dacs / dacs_select_credentials(8)
- Temporarily disable dacs credentials
- dacs / dacs_signout(8)
- Dacs signout service
- dacs / dacs_sts(8)
- Secure token service for managed information cards
- dacs / dacs_token(8)
- Manage dacs one-time password token accounts
- dacs / dacs_transform(8)
- Rule-based document transformation
- dacs / dacs_uproxy(8)
- Minimal http proxying
- dacs / dacs_version(8)
- Display dacs version information
- dacs / dacs_vfs(8)
- Access objects through the dacs virtual filestore
- dahdi / dahdi_cfg(8)
- Configures dahdi kernel modules from /etc/dahdi/system.conf
- dahdi / dahdi_maint(8)
- Sets dahdi spans into maintenance mode, e.g.: loopback
- dahdi / dahdi_monitor(8)
- Checks the rx/tx levels of a dahdi channels
- dahdi / dahdi_scan(8)
- Dahdi_scan print configuration of dahdi spans
- dahdi / dahdi_span_assignments(8)
- Handle dahdi spans assignments
- dahdi / dahdi_span_types(8)
- Set line modes of dahdi spans before assignment
- dahdi / dahdi_test(8)
- Dahdi_test test if the dahdi timer provides timely response
- dahdi / dahdi_tool(8)
- Shows status of dahdi interfaces
- dahdi / dahdi_waitfor_span_assignments(8)
- Wait for dahdi spans to get (un)assigned
- dansguardian / dansguardian(8)
- Web content filter
- daptup / daptup(8)
- Plugin for apt[itude] and cupt to list repository changes
- darkstat / darkstat(8)
- Network statistics gatherer
- 389-ds-base / db2bak(8)
- Directory server script for making a backup of the database
- 389-ds-base / db2bak-online(8)
- Directory server perl script for creating a backup
- 389-ds-base / db2index(8)
- Directory server script for indexing attributes
- 389-ds-base / db2index-online(8)
- Directory server perl script for indexing a database
- 389-ds-base / db2ldif(8)
- Directory server script for exporting the database
- 389-ds-base / db2ldif-online(8)
- Directory server perl script for exporting a database to a ldif file
- awit-dbackup / dbackup(8)
- Dbackup awit-dbackup is a powerful per-directory backup utility.
- bacula-director-mysql / dbcheck(8)
- Bacula's catalog database check/clean program
- bacula-director-pgsql / dbcheck(8)
- Bacula's catalog database check/clean program
- bacula-director-sqlite3 / dbcheck(8)
- Bacula's catalog database check/clean program
- lyskom-server / dbck(8)
- Lyskom database maintenance program
- 389-ds-base / dbmon.sh(8)
- Directory server script for monitoring database and entry cache usage
- dbskkd-cdb / dbskkd-cdb(8)
- A dictionary server for the skk
- 389-ds-base / dbverify(8)
- Directory server script for indexing attributes
- ddclient / ddclient(8)
- Update ip addresses at dynamic dns services
- bind9 / ddns-confgen(8)
- Ddns key generation tool
- ddpt / ddpt(8)
- Copies data between files and storage devices. support for devices that understand the scsi command set.
- ddpt / ddptctl(8)
- Helper/auxiliary utility for ddpt
- debbugs / debbugs-dbhash(8)
- Migrate a debbugs database to hashed format
- debbugs / debbugsconfig(8)
- Copy basic debbugs configuration files from templates
- debian-edu-config / debian-edu-restart-services(8)
- Restart the services that are running on this server.
- debian-edu-config / debian-edu-test-install(8)
- Launch debian-edu test suite to check a debian-edu installation.
- debian-installer-launcher / debian-installer-launcher(8)
- Debian installer desktop launcher
- debootstrap / debootstrap(8)
- Bootstrap a basic debian system
- debsecan / debsecan-create-cron(8)
- Create cron entry for the debian security analyzer
- debsums / debsums_init(8)
- Initialize md5sums files for packages lacking them
- debugedit / debugedit(8)
- Debuginfo editing helper
- e2fsprogs / debugfs(8)
- Ext2/ext3/ext4 file system debugger
- ocfs2-tools / debugfs.ocfs2(8)
- Ocfs2 file system debugger.
- reiser4progs / debugfs.reiser4(8)
- The program for debugging reiser4 filesystem.
- reiserfsprogs / debugreiserfs(8)
- The debugging tool for the reiserfs filesystem.
- vmfs-tools / debugvmfs(8)
- Vmfs file system debugger
- dnet-common / decnetconf(8)
- Simple configuration script for decnet
- gnats-user / delete-pr(8)
- Deletes closed prs
- adduser / delgroup(8)
- Remove a user or group from the system
- courier-base / deliverquota.courier(8)
- Deliver to a maildir with a quota
- maildrop / deliverquota.maildrop(8)
- Deliver to a maildir with a quota
- util-linux / delpart(8)
- Simple wrapper around the "del partition" ioctl
- remote-tty / delrconsole(8)
- Delete a remote console user
- adduser / deluser(8)
- Remove a user or group from the system
- kmod / depmod(8)
- Generate modules.dep and map files.
- dh-make / dh_make(8)
- Prepare debian packaging for an original source archive
- isc-dhcp-client / dhclient(8)
- Dynamic host configuration protocol client
- isc-dhcp-client / dhclient-script(8)
- Dhcp client network configuration script
- dhcp-helper / dhcp-helper(8)
- A dhcp/bootp relay agent.
- dhcp-probe / dhcp_probe(8)
- Locate dchp and bootp servers on a directly-attached network
- isc-dhcp-server / dhcpd(8)
- Dynamic host configuration protocol server
- dhcpdump / dhcpdump(8)
- \s-1dhcp\s0 packet dumper
- dhcpy6d / dhcpy6d(8)
- Mac address aware dhcpv6 server
- isc-dhcp-relay / dhcrelay(8)
- Dynamic host configuration protocol relay agent
- dhelp / dhelp_parse(8)
- Debian online help parser
- netdiag / diagperm(8)
- Enable access to network diagnostic tools for a user group
- hylafax-server / dialtest(8)
- \*(fx dial string processing rules test program
- dibbler-client / dibbler-client(8)
- A portable dhcpv6 client
- dibbler-relay / dibbler-relay(8)
- A portable dhcpv6 relay
- dibbler-server / dibbler-server(8)
- A portable dhcpv6 server
- dicod / dicod(8)
- A dict daemon
- dicod / dicodconfig(8)
- Write dicod database configuration section
- dictd / dictd(8)
- A dictionary database server
- dicod / dictdconfig(8)
- Write dicod database configuration section
- dictd / dictdconfig(8)
- Write dictd database configuration section
- diod / diod(8)
- Distributed i/o daemon
- diod / diodcat(8)
- Cat files by attaching directly to diod server
- diod / dioddate(8)
- Get server system time
- diod / diodload(8)
- Create artificial diod load
- diod / diodls(8)
- List files by attaching directly to diod server
- diod / diodmount(8)
- Mount diod file systems
- diod / diodshowmount(8)
- List diod server connections
- dirvish / dirvish(8)
- Disk based virtual image network backup system
- dirvish / dirvish-expire(8)
- Delete expired dirvish images
- dirvish / dirvish-runall(8)
- Run a set of dirvish backup jobs.
- discover / discover-modprobe(8)
- Discover-modprobe kernel module loading using discover(1)
- discover / discover-pkginstall(8)
- Discover-pkginstall intsall packages for available hardware using discover(1)
- disk-manager / disk-manager(8)
- Filesystem configuration management
- isdnutils-base / divertctrl(8)
- Set/query isdn diversion services for (e)dss1 protocol
- dkimproxy / dkimproxy.in(8)
- Smtp proxy for verifying dkim signatures
- dkimproxy / dkimproxy.out(8)
- Smtp proxy for adding dkim signatures to email
- ld10k1 / dl10k1(8)
- Emu10k1(emu10k2) dump loader
- cman / dlm_controld(8)
- Daemon that configures dlm according to cluster events
- cman / dlm_tool(8)
- A utility for the dlm and dlm_controld daemon
- dmraid / dmevent_tool(8)
- A utility used to load a dso into dmeventd and (un)register devices with it for monitoring
- dmeventd / dmeventd(8)
- Dmeventd device-mapper event daemon
- dmidecode / dmidecode(8)
- \s-1dmi\s0 table decoder
- dmraid / dmraid(8)
- Discover, configure and activate software (ata)raid
- dmsetup / dmsetup(8)
- Dmsetup low level logical volume management
- 389-ds-base / dn2rdn(8)
- Directory server script to check for outdated index versions
- dnet-progs / dncopynodes(8)
- Copy a list of nodes from a remote dec system
- dnet-progs / dneigh(8)
- Decnet routing information dneigh - decnet neighborhood information
- dnet-progs / dnetd(8)
- Decnet super-server
- dnet-progs / dnetinfo(8)
- Decnet routing information dneigh - decnet neighborhood information
- dnet-progs / dnetnml(8)
- Decnet network management listener
- dnet-progs / dnroute(8)
- Decnet routing daemon
- dns-flood-detector / dns-flood-detector(8)
- Dns flood detection and alert tool
- dnsmasq-base / dnsmasq(8)
- A lightweight dhcp and caching dns server.
- pdns-server / dnsreplay(8)
- A powerdns nameserver debugging tool
- pdns-server / dnsscope(8)
- A powerdns nameserver debugging tool
- bind9utils / dnssec-checkds(8)
- A dnssec delegation consistency checking tool.
- bind9 / dnssec-coverage(8)
- Checks future dnskey coverage for a zone
- bind9utils / dnssec-dsfromkey(8)
- Dnssec ds rr generation tool
- bind9utils / dnssec-keyfromlabel(8)
- Dnssec key generation tool
- bind9utils / dnssec-keygen(8)
- Dnssec key generation tool
- bind9utils / dnssec-revoke(8)
- Set the revoked bit on a dnssec key
- bind9utils / dnssec-settime(8)
- Set the key timing metadata for a dnssec key
- bind9utils / dnssec-signzone(8)
- Dnssec zone signing tool
- dnssec-trigger / dnssec-trigger(8)
- Check dns servers for dnssec support and adjust to compensate.
- dnssec-trigger / dnssec-trigger-control(8)
- Check dns servers for dnssec support and adjust to compensate.
- dnssec-trigger / dnssec-trigger-control-setup(8)
- Check dns servers for dnssec support and adjust to compensate.
- dnssec-trigger / dnssec-trigger-panel(8)
- Check dns servers for dnssec support and adjust to compensate.
- dnssec-trigger / dnssec-trigger.conf(8)
- Check dns servers for dnssec support and adjust to compensate.
- dnssec-trigger / dnssec-triggerd(8)
- Check dns servers for dnssec support and adjust to compensate.
- bind9utils / dnssec-verify(8)
- Dnssec zone verification tool
- dnstracer / dnstracer(8)
- Trace a chain of dns servers to the source
- pdns-server / dnswasher(8)
- A powerdns nameserver debugging tool
- tacacs+ / do_auth(8)
- Program allowing more granular control than tac_plus.
- sheepdog / dog(8)
- Command line utility for the sheep daemon
- nis / domainname(8)
- Set or display name of current domain nisdomainname - set or display name of current nis(yp) domain ypdomainname - set or display name of current nis(yp) domain
- dosfstools / dosfsck(8)
- Check and repair ms-dos filesystems
- dosfstools / dosfslabel(8)
- Set or get ms-dos filesystem label
- downtimed / downtimed(8)
- System downtime monitoring and reporting daemon
- dphys-swapfile / dphys-swapfile(8)
- Set up, mount/unmount, and delete an swap file
- dpkg / dpkg-divert(8)
- Override a package's version of a file
- dlocate / dpkg-hold(8)
- Mark packages as `hold' to prevent installation
- dlocate / dpkg-purge(8)
- Mark packages for purge
- dlocate / dpkg-remove(8)
- Mark packages for removal
- dpkg / dpkg-statoverride(8)
- Override ownership and mode of files
- dlocate / dpkg-unhold(8)
- Mark held packages for installation
- dpkg-www / dpkg-www(8)
- Www debian package browser
- dpkg-www / dpkg-www-installer(8)
- Www debian package browser
- dpm-rfio-server / dpm-rfiod(8)
- Dpm-rfiod- remote file access daemon
- dracut / dracut(8)
- Low-level tool for generating an initramfs image
- dracut / dracut-catimages(8)
- Creates initial ramdisk image by concatenating images
- drbd-utils / drbd(8)
- The start and stop script for drbd
- drbd-utils / drbd-8.3(8)
- The start and stop script for drbd
- drbd-utils / drbd-8.4(8)
- The start and stop script for drbd
- drbd-utils / drbd-9.0(8)
- The start and stop script for drbd
- drbd-utils / drbd-overview(8)
- Overview of all configured drbd resources
- drbd-utils / drbd-overview-9.0(8)
- Overview of all configured drbd resources
- drbd-utils / drbdadm(8)
- Administration tool for drbd .
- drbd-utils / drbdadm-8.3(8)
- Administration tool for drbd .
- drbd-utils / drbdadm-8.4(8)
- Administration tool for drbd .
- drbd-utils / drbdadm-9.0(8)
- Utility for drbd administration.
- drbd-utils / drbddisk(8)
- Script to mark devices as primary and mount file systems
- drbd-utils / drbddisk-8.3(8)
- Script to mark devices as primary and mount file systems
- drbd-utils / drbddisk-8.4(8)
- Script to mark devices as primary and mount file systems
- drbdlinks / drbdlinks(8)
- Manages links into a shared drbd partition
- drbd-utils / drbdmeta(8)
- Drbds meta data management tool .
- drbd-utils / drbdmeta-8.3(8)
- Drbds meta data management tool .
- drbd-utils / drbdmeta-8.4(8)
- Drbds meta data management tool .
- drbd-utils / drbdmeta-9.0(8)
- Manipulate the drbd on-disk metadata.
- drbd-utils / drbdsetup(8)
- Setup tool for drbd .
- drbd-utils / drbdsetup-8.3(8)
- Setup tool for drbd .
- drbd-utils / drbdsetup-8.4(8)
- Setup tool for drbd .
- drbd-utils / drbdsetup-9.0(8)
- Configure the drbd kernel module.
- drbl / drblsrv(8)
- Program to make a drbl server
- drobo-utils / drobom(8)
- Cli for managing drobo units
- drobo-utils / droboview(8)
- Gui for managing drobo units
- dropbear / dropbear(8)
- Lightweight ssh server
- deltarpm / drpmsync(8)
- Sync a file tree with deltarpms
- 389-admin / ds_removal(8)
- Remove a directory server instance and un-register it from the console
- 389-admin / ds_unregister(8)
- Un-register a directory server instance from the console
- dsyslog / dsyslog(8)
- System logging daemon
- dtc-xen / dtc-soap-server(8)
- This is a soap server running over https with auth to remotly start/stop/reinstall/fsck a vps under xen
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen-client(8)
- Tests the dtc-xen soap daemon
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen-volgroup(8)
- This script is a part of the soap server of dtc-xen running over https with auth.
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen_domU_gen_xen_conf(8)
- Configure the xen startup file of a vps
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen_domUconf_network_debian(8)
- Configure a debian vps for using network
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen_domUconf_network_redhat(8)
- Configure a redhat vps for using network
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen_domUconf_standard(8)
- Configure a debian vps for using network
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen_finish_install(8)
- Configure your server after the package dtc-xen is installed
- dtc-xen / dtc-xen_migrate(8)
- Migrate a vps to another xen server
- dtc-xen / dtc_change_bsd_kernel(8)
- Rewrites the xen startup script with selected kernel
- dtc-xen / dtc_install_centos(8)
- Bootstrap a centos install to use in a chroot or vm
- dtc-xen / dtc_kill_vps_disk(8)
- Destroy lvm disks for freeing space
- dtc-xen / dtc_reinstall_os(8)
- Reinstall an operating system in a vm
- dtc-xen / dtc_setup_vps_disk(8)
- Setup lvm disks for using it as a vm
- dtc-xen / dtc_write_xenhvm_conf(8)
- Rewrites the xen startup script with selected params
- diod / dtop(8)
- Display diod performance
- nut-server / dummy-ups(8)
- Driver for multi-purpose ups emulation
- ipkungfu / dummy_server(8)
- A simple server that binds to a user-specified port and does nothing
- dump / dump(8)
- Ext2/3/4 filesystem backup
- acct / dump-acct(8)
- Print an acct file in human-readable format.
- acct / dump-utmp(8)
- Print an utmp file in human-readable format.
- infiniband-diags / dump_fts(8)
- Dump infiniband forwarding tables
- e2fsprogs / dumpe2fs(8)
- Dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information
- exfat-utils / dumpexfat(8)
- Dump exfat file system
- nilfs-tools / dumpseg(8)
- Print segment information of nilfs2
- courier-mta / dupfilter(8)
- Sample courier mail filter
- dvhtool / dvhtool(8)
- Disk volume header manipulation tool
- dwww / dwww-build(8)
- Build dwww index lists
- dwww / dwww-build-menu(8)
- Builds dwww debian documentation menu
- dwww / dwww-cache(8)
- Manage the dwww cache of converted documents
- dwww / dwww-convert(8)
- Convert files to html for dwww
- dwww / dwww-find(8)
- Find documentation related to a search argument
- dwww / dwww-format-man(8)
- Batch format manual pages for dwww
- dwww / dwww-index++(8)
- Build index of registered debian documentation.
- dwww / dwww-quickfind(8)
- Find quickly which package a program belongs to.
- dwww / dwww-refresh-cache(8)
- Rebuilds dwww cache directory
- dwww / dwww-txt2html(8)
- Simple txt to html converter for dwww
- e2fsprogs / e2freefrag(8)
- Report free space fragmentation information
- e2fsprogs / e2fsck(8)
- Check a linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
- e2fsck-static / e2fsck.static(8)
- Check a linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
- e2fsprogs / e2image(8)
- Save critical ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem metadata to a file
- e2fsprogs / e2label(8)
- Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- e2fsprogs / e2undo(8)
- Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- e2fsprogs / e4defrag(8)
- Online defragmenter for ext4 filesystem
- aircrack-ng / easside-ng(8)
- An auto-magic tool which allows you to communicate via an wep-encrypted ap without knowing the key
- ebtables / ebtables(8)
- Ethernet bridge frame table administration
- ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-manager(8)
- Ecryptfs key manager.
- ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfs-migrate-home(8)
- Migrate a user's home to directory to an encrypted home setup
- ecryptfs-utils / ecryptfsd(8)
- User-space ecryptfs daemon.
- edac-utils / edac-ctl(8)
- Edac admin utility
- n2n / edge(8)
- N2n edge node daemon
- deborphan / editkeep(8)
- Frontend for deborphan
- sendmail-bin / editmap(8)
- Query and edit single records in database maps for sendmail
- quota / edquota(8)
- Edit user quotas
- nictools-pci / eepro100-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for intel etherexpress pro100b, and eepro pci 10+ ethernet cards.
- efibootmgr / efibootmgr(8)
- Manipulate the efi boot manager
- efingerd / efingerd(8)
- Another finger daemon for linux
- prosody / ejabberd2prosody(8)
- Ejabbed db dump importer for prosody
- ejabberd / ejabberdctl(8)
- Ejabberdctl a control interface of ejabberd jabber/xmpp server
- ekeyd / ekey-rekey(8)
- Entropy key long term session key tool
- ekeyd / ekey-setkey(8)
- Entropy key long term key programmer
- ekeyd / ekeyd(8)
- Entropy key daemon
- ekeyd-egd-linux / ekeyd-egd-linux(8)
- Egd entropy daemon
- ekeyd / ekeydctl(8)
- Entropy key daemon control tool
- elilo / elilo(8)
- Install efi boot loader
- elilo / eliloalt(8)
- Manipulate elilo alternate
- elog / elogd(8)
- Web server program for electronic logbook elog
- emacspeak / emacspeakconfig(8)
- Configure emacspeak
- xymon / enadis.cgi(8)
- Cgi program to enable/disable xymon tests
- atm-tools / enitune(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- daemontools / envdir(8)
- Runs another program with environment modified according to files in a specified directory.
- daemontools / envuidgid(8)
- Runs another program with environment variables indicating a specified account's uid and gid.
- nictools-pci / epic-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for smc etherpowerii ethernet cards and others.
- epoptes-client / epoptes-client(8)
- Client side daemon for epoptes
- baycomepp / eppfpga(8)
- Baycom epp modem with fpga configuration/diagnostics tool
- epylog / epylog(8)
- Syslog new log notifier and parser.
- eql / eql_enslave(8)
- Enslave a network interface with a master interface
- atm-tools / esi(8)
- Get or set the end system identifier (esi)
- courier-mta / esmtpd(8)
- The courier mail server mail server esmtp daemon
- courier-mta / esmtpd-msa(8)
- The courier mail server mail server esmtp daemon
- espeakup / espeakup(8)
- Espeakup connect speakup to the espeak tts engine
- ifscheme / essidscan(8)
- Scan for essid corresponding to available wlan access points
- nut-server / etapro(8)
- Driver for eta ups equipment
- etckeeper / etckeeper(8)
- Store /etc in git, mercurial, bazaar, or darcs
- etherwake / etherwake(8)
- A tool to send a wake-on-lan "magic packet"
- ettercap-common / ettercap(8)
- Multipurpose sniffer/content filter for man in the middle attacks
- ettercap-graphical / ettercap-pkexec(8)
- Graphical pkexec-based launcher for ettercap this launcher depends on policykit-1 and the menu packages, and basically wraps the ettercap binary command with a pkexec action script usually defined on /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.pkexec.ettercap.policy, allowing users to directly call ettercap from the desktop or menu launcher with root privileges. the commands available are exactly the same as the ettercap man page. please refer to man ettercap for the list of available parameters. (don't forget to change "ettercap" to "ettercap-pkexec" as caller program). example: ettercap-pkexec -g will start ettercap with root privileges and the gtk2 interface.
- ettercap-common / ettercap_curses(8)
- Man page for the ncurses gui.
- ettercap-common / ettercap_plugins(8)
- A collection of plugins for ettercap
- ettercap-common / etterfilter(8)
- Filter compiler for ettercap content filtering engine
- ettercap-common / etterlog(8)
- Log analyzer for ettercap log files
- samba / eventlogadm(8)
- Push records into the samba event log store
- eventstat / eventstat(8)
- A tool to measure system events.
- nut-server / everups(8)
- Driver for ever ups models
- corosync / evs_overview(8)
- Evs library overview
- util-vserver / exec-cd(8)
- Executes commands within a safely changed cwd
- perf-tools-unstable / execsnoop(8)
- Trace process exec() with arguments. uses linux ftrace.
- execstack / execstack(8)
- Tool to set, clear, or query executable stack flag of elf binaries and shared libraries
- exfat-utils / exfatfsck(8)
- Check an exfat file system
- exfat-utils / exfatlabel(8)
- Get or set an exfat file system label
- exim4-base / exicyclog(8)
- Cycle exim's logfiles
- exim4-base / exigrep(8)
- Search exim's main log
- exim4-base / exim(8)
- A mail transfer agent
- exim4-base / exim_checkaccess(8)
- Check address acceptance from given ip
- exim4-base / exim_convert4r4(8)
- Convert exim configuration from v3 to v4 format
- exim4-base / exim_db(8)
- Exim's hint databases maintenance (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb, exim_tidydb)
- exim4-base / exim_dbmbuild(8)
- Build a dbm file.
- exim4-base / exim_dumpdb(8)
- Exim's hint databases maintenance (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb, exim_tidydb)
- exim4-base / exim_fixdb(8)
- Exim's hint databases maintenance (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb, exim_tidydb)
- exim4-base / exim_lock(8)
- Mailbox maintenance
- exim4-base / exim_tidydb(8)
- Exim's hint databases maintenance (exim_dumpdb, exim_fixdb, exim_tidydb)
- eximon4 / eximon(8)
- Monitor exim
- exim4-base / exinext(8)
- Finding individual retry times
- exim4-base / exiqgrep(8)
- Search in the exim queue
- exim4-base / exiqsumm(8)
- Summarising the queue
- exim4-base / exiwhat(8)
- Finding out what exim processes are doing
- inn / expire(8)
- Usenet article and history expiration program
- inn / expireover(8)
- Expire entries from the news overview database
- inn / expirerm(8)
- Remove articles that have been expired.
- nfs-kernel-server / exportfs(8)
- Maintain table of exported nfs file systems
- ext3grep / ext3grep(8)
- Ext3 file recovery tool
- ext4magic / ext4magic(8)
- Recover deleted files on ext3/4 filesystems
- ez-ipupdate / ez-ipupdate(8)
- Dynamic dns client
- facter / facter(8)
- Gather system information
- fai-client / fai(8)
- Fully automatic installation
- fai-server / fai-cd(8)
- Make a bootable cd-rom or usb stick that performs an fai
- fai-server / fai-chboot(8)
- Manage the network boot configuration files
- fai-server / fai-make-nfsroot(8)
- Create the fai nfsroot directory
- fai-server / fai-monitor(8)
- Fai monitor daemon
- fai-server / fai-nfsroot2image(8)
- Make a compressed image from the nfsroot
- fai-server / fai-setup(8)
- Setup script for fully automatic installation (fai)
- fai-client / fai-statoverride(8)
- Dpkg-statoverride for multiple files
- faifa / faifa(8)
- Configure homeplug 1.0/av devices
- login / faillog(8)
- Display faillog records or set login failure limits
- fai-server / faimond(8)
- Fai monitor daemon
- fake / fake(8)
- Ip address takeover tool
- fake-hwclock / fake-hwclock(8)
- Control fake hardware clock
- fakepop / fakepop(8)
- A fake pop3 daemon
- dnet-progs / fal(8)
- File access listener for decnet
- fam / famd(8)
- The file alteration monitor (fam) daemon
- fancontrol / fancontrol(8)
- Automated software based fan speed regulation
- inn / fastrm(8)
- Quickly remove a set of files
- dosfstools / fatlabel(8)
- Set or get ms-dos filesystem label
- hylafax-server / faxabort(8)
- Tell a \*(fx server to abort a receive
- hylafax-server / faxaddmodem(8)
- Configure a modem for use with \*(fx
- hylafax-server / faxadduser(8)
- Add a fax user to the permissions file
- hylafax-server / faxanswer(8)
- Tell a \*(fx server to answer the telephone
- hylafax-server / faxconfig(8)
- Dynamically change \*(fx configuration parameters
- hylafax-server / faxcron(8)
- \*(fx routine maintenance script
- hylafax-server / faxdeluser(8)
- Delete a fax user from the permissions file
- hylafax-server / faxgetty(8)
- \*(fx front-door process
- hylafax-server / faxinfo(8)
- Print information about a received facsimile
- hylafax-server / faxlock(8)
- Tell a \*(fx server to switch to lockwait state
- hylafax-server / faxmodem(8)
- Dynamically add a modem to a \*(fx server system
- hylafax-server / faxmsg(8)
- Back end to faxabort, faxanswer and faxquit
- hylafax-server / faxq(8)
- \*(fx queue manager process
- mgetty-fax / faxq-helper(8)
- Privileged helper process to access the fax queue
- hylafax-server / faxqclean(8)
- \*(fx queue cleaner process
- hylafax-server / faxquit(8)
- Tell a \*(fx server to terminate
- hylafax-server / faxrcvd(8)
- \*(fx notification script for received facsimile
- mgetty-fax / faxrunqd(8)
- Daemon to send fax jobs queued by faxspool(1)
- hylafax-server / faxsend(8)
- \*(fx facsimile transmit program
- hylafax-server / faxsetup(8)
- Setup a machine for use with \*(fx
- hylafax-server / faxstate(8)
- Control ``modem state'' of a device used by \*(fx
- hylafax-server / faxwatch(8)
- Monitor low-level \*(fx server actions
- fbb / fbb(8)
- Script to start the fbb daemon
- apache2-utils / fcgistarter(8)
- Start a fastcgi program
- fcgiwrap / fcgiwrap(8)
- Serve cgi applications over fastcgi
- fdflush / fdflush(8)
- Force floppy disk drive to detect disk change
- util-linux / fdformat(8)
- Low-level format a floppy disk
- util-linux / fdisk(8)
- Manipulate disk partition table
- fdutils / fdutilsconfig(8)
- Configure the suid bit of fdmount
- fence-agents / fence_ack_manual(8)
- A program to override fenced fencing operations
- fence-agents / fence_alom(8)
- Fence agent for sun alom
- fence-agents / fence_apc(8)
- Fence agent for apc over telnet/ssh
- fence-agents / fence_apc_snmp(8)
- Fence agent for apc over snmp
- fence-agents / fence_baytech(8)
- I/o fencing agent for baytech rpc switches in combination with a cyclades terminal server
- fence-agents / fence_bladecenter(8)
- Fence agent for ibm bladecenter
- fence-agents / fence_brocade(8)
- I/o fencing agent for brocade fc switches
- fence-agents / fence_bullpap(8)
- I/o fencing agent for bull fame architecture controlled by a pap management console.
- fence-agents / fence_cisco_mds(8)
- Fence agent for cisco mds
- fence-agents / fence_cisco_ucs(8)
- Fence agent for cisco ucs
- fence-agents / fence_cpint(8)
- I/o fencing agent for gfs on s390 and zseries vm clusters
- fence-agents / fence_drac(8)
- Fencing agent for dell remote access card
- fence-agents / fence_drac5(8)
- Fence agent for dell drac cmc/5
- fence-agents / fence_eaton_snmp(8)
- Fence agent for eaton over snmp
- fence-agents / fence_egenera(8)
- I/o fencing agent for the egenera bladeframe
- fence-agents / fence_eps(8)
- Fence agent for epowerswitch
- fence-agents / fence_ibmblade(8)
- Fence agent for ibm bladecenter over snmp
- fence-agents / fence_ifmib(8)
- Fence agent for if mib
- fence-agents / fence_ilo(8)
- Fence agent for hp ilo
- fence-agents / fence_ilo_mp(8)
- Fence agent for hp ilo mp
- fence-agents / fence_intelmodular(8)
- Fence agent for intel modular
- fence-agents / fence_ipmilan(8)
- Fence agent for ipmi over lan
- fence-agents / fence_ldom(8)
- Fence agent for sun ldom
- fence-agents / fence_lpar(8)
- Fence agent for ibm lpar
- fence-agents / fence_mcdata(8)
- I/o fencing agent for mcdata fc switches
- fence-agents / fence_na(8)
- Fence_na this is the fence agent for the node assassin fence device.
- cman / fence_node(8)
- A utility to run fence agents
- fence-agents / fence_rackswitch(8)
- I/o fencing agent for racksaver rackswitch
- fence-agents / fence_rhevm(8)
- Fence agent for rhev-m rest api
- fence-agents / fence_rsa(8)
- Fence agent for ibm rsa
- fence-agents / fence_rsb(8)
- I/o fencing agent for fujitsu-siemens rsb
- fence-agents / fence_sanbox2(8)
- Fence agent for qlogic sanbox2 fc switches
- fence-agents / fence_scsi(8)
- I/o fencing agent for scsi persistent reservations
- cman / fence_tool(8)
- A utility for the fenced daemon
- fence-agents / fence_virsh(8)
- Fence agent for virsh
- fence-agents / fence_vixel(8)
- I/o fencing agent for vixel fc switches
- fence-agents / fence_vmware(8)
- Fence agent for vmware
- fence-agents / fence_vmware_soap(8)
- Fence agent for vmware over soap api
- fence-agents / fence_wti(8)
- Fence agent for wti
- fence-agents / fence_xcat(8)
- I/o fencing agent for xcat environments
- fence-agents / fence_xenapi(8)
- Xenapi based fencing for the citrix xenserver virtual machines.
- fence-agents / fence_zvm(8)
- I/o fencing agent for gfs on s390 and zseries vm clusters
- cman / fenced(8)
- The i/o fencing daemon
- fetch-crl / fetch-crl(8)
- Retrieve certificate revocation lists
- cyrus-nntpd / fetchnews(8)
- Retrieve new articles from peer and feed to cyrus
- leafnode / fetchnews(8)
- Fetch news via nntp
- filtergen / fgadm(8)
- Filtergen command program
- fgetty / fgetty(8)
- A small getty for linux
- daemontools / fghack(8)
- Is an anti-backgrounding tool.
- flashybrid / fh-sync(8)
- Synchronize all changes to the permanent storage
- fiaif / fiaif(8)
- Fiaif is an intelligent firewall.
- fiaif / fiaif-getdev(8)
- Retrieve interface data and print information to standard out.
- fiaif / fiaif-scan(8)
- Print syslog entries in human readable form
- fiaif / fiaif-update(8)
- Tests for new version and updated reserved_networks file.
- testdisk / fidentify(8)
- Recover lost files from harddisk, digital camera and cdrom
- aprsdigi / fiforead(8)
- Test program for aprsdigi.
- aprsdigi / fifowrite(8)
- Test program for aprsdigi.
- gnats-user / file-pr(8)
- Files incoming problem reports in gnats database
- libcap-ng-utils / filecap(8)
- A program to see capabilities
- inn / filechan(8)
- File-writing backend for internetnews
- inn2 / filechan(8)
- File-writing backend for internetnews
- e2fsprogs / filefrag(8)
- Report on file fragmentation
- filetea / filetea(8)
- Web based file sharing service daemon
- filetraq / filetraq(8)
- Keep track of changes in config files.
- courier-mta / filterctl(8)
- Courier mail filters
- filtergen / filtergen(8)
- Packet filter compiler
- mailman / find_member(8)
- Find all mailman mailing lists that a member's address is on
- irda-utils / findchip(8)
- Checks the fir chipset.
- util-linux / findfs(8)
- Find a filesystem by label or uuid
- mount / findmnt(8)
- Find a filesystem
- policycoreutils / fixfiles(8)
- Fix file selinux security contexts.
- am-utils / fixmount(8)
- Fix remote mount entries
- gdisk / fixparts(8)
- Mbr partition table repair utility
- 389-ds-base / fixup-linkedattrs.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for creating a "fixup" task for linked attributes.
- 389-ds-base / fixup-memberof.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for memberof attributes.
- flashcache-utils / flashcache_create(8)
- Create a new flashcache volume
- flashcache-utils / flashcache_destroy(8)
- Destroy an existing flashcache volume
- flashcache-utils / flashcache_load(8)
- Load an existing writeback cache volume
- flashcache-utils / flashcache_setioctl(8)
- Set i/o behavior for special process in flashcache
- flashrom / flashrom(8)
- Detect, read, write, verify and erase flash chips
- flashcache-utils / flashstat(8)
- Display flashcache statistic information
- netsniff-ng / flowtop(8)
- Top-like netfilter tcp/udp/sctp/dccp/icmp(v6) flow tracking
- fnfxd / fnfxd(8)
- The daemon reacts on fn-x combinations and hot-keys which are defined in `/etc/fnfxd/fnfxd.conf'.
- predict / fodtrack(8)
- Driver for the fodtrack rotor interface
- ree / fontdump(8)
- Extract fonts from files
- foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-addpjloptions(8)
- Format pjl option information the for foomatic database
- foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-getpjloptions(8)
- Put a short description here
- foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-kitload(8)
- Installs a data kit into the foomatic database.
- foomatic-db-engine / foomatic-preferred-driver(8)
- Put a short description here
- foremost / foremost(8)
- Recover files using their headers, footers, and data structures
- forked-daapd / forked-daapd(8)
- Rsp & itunes-compatible daap server
- forkstat / forkstat(8)
- A tool to show process fork/exec/exit activity.
- fping / fping(8)
- Send icmp echo_request packets to network hosts
- fping / fping6(8)
- Send icmp echo_request packets to network hosts
- fprobe / fprobe(8)
- A netflow probe
- fprobe-ulog / fprobe-ulog(8)
- A netflow probe
- deltarpm / fragiso(8)
- Split rpm packages from an iso and reassemble the iso later on
- freeradius-common / freeradius(8)
- Authentication, authorization and accounting server
- loadlin / freeramdisk(8)
- Frees the memory used by the loadlin ramdisk
- lvm2 / fsadm(8)
- Fsadm utility to resize or check filesystem on a device
- fsarchiver / fsarchiver(8)
- Filesystem archiver
- util-linux / fsck(8)
- Check and repair a linux filesystem
- btrfs-tools / fsck.btrfs(8)
- Do nothing, successfully
- util-linux / fsck.cramfs(8)
- Fsck compressed rom file system
- exfat-utils / fsck.exfat(8)
- Check an exfat file system
- e2fsprogs / fsck.ext2(8)
- Check a linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
- e2fsprogs / fsck.ext3(8)
- Check a linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
- e2fsprogs / fsck.ext4(8)
- Check a linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
- e2fsprogs / fsck.ext4dev(8)
- Check a linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
- dosfstools / fsck.fat(8)
- Check and repair ms-dos filesystems
- gfs2-utils / fsck.gfs2(8)
- Offline gfs and gfs2 file system checker
- jfsutils / fsck.jfs(8)
- Initiate replay of the jfs transaction log, and check and repair a jfs formatted device
- util-linux / fsck.minix(8)
- Check consistency of minix filesystem
- dosfstools / fsck.msdos(8)
- Check and repair ms-dos filesystems
- initscripts / fsck.nfs(8)
- Dummy fsck.nfs script that always returns success.
- ocfs2-tools / fsck.ocfs2(8)
- Check an ocfs2 file system.
- ocfs2-tools / fsck.ocfs2.checks(8)
- Consistency checks that fsck.ocfs2(8) performs and its means for fixing inconsistencies.
- reiser4progs / fsck.reiser4(8)
- The program for checking and repairing reiser4 filesystem.
- reiserfsprogs / fsck.reiserfs(8)
- The checking tool for the reiserfs filesystem.
- dosfstools / fsck.vfat(8)
- Check and repair ms-dos filesystems
- vmfs-tools / fsck.vmfs(8)
- Vmfs file system check utility
- xfsprogs / fsck.xfs(8)
- Do nothing, successfully
- util-linux / fsfreeze(8)
- Suspend access to a filesystem (ext3/4, reiserfs, jfs, xfs)
- sysvinit-utils / fstab-decode(8)
- Run a command with fstab-encoded arguments
- util-linux / fstrim(8)
- Discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem
- fai-client / ftar(8)
- Extract tar files using classes
- ftp-proxy / ftp-proxy(8)
- Application level proxy for the ftp protocol
- proftpd-basic / ftpasswd(8)
- Manipulates proftpd authentication files
- ftp-cloudfs / ftpcloudfs(8)
- Ftp interface to rackspace cloud files and openstack object storage
- proftpd-basic / ftpdctl(8)
- Proftpd control program
- proftpd-basic / ftpscrub(8)
- Scrub the proftpd scoreboard file of stale entries
- proftpd-basic / ftpshut(8)
- Shut down all proftpd servers at a given time
- proftpd-basic / ftpstats(8)
- Ftp log summarizer
- ftpwatch / ftpwatch(8)
- Notifies you of changes on remote ftp servers
- cyrus-common / fud(8)
- Provide information about user mailboxes
- perf-tools-unstable / funccount(8)
- Count kernel function calls matching specified wildcards. uses linux ftrace.
- perf-tools-unstable / functrace(8)
- Trace kernel function calls matching specified wildcards. uses linux ftrace.
- glusterfs-client / fusermount-glusterfs(8)
- Script to mount native glusterfs volume
- u-boot-tools / fw_printenv(8)
- Tool for printing environment for the bootloader u-boot
- u-boot-tools / fw_setenv(8)
- Tool for modifying the environment for the bootloader u-boot
- psad / fwcheck_psad(8)
- Look for iptables rules that log and block unwanted packets.
- fwknop-client / fwknop(8)
- Firewall knock operator
- fwknop-server / fwknopd(8)
- Firewall knock operator daemon
- fwlogwatch / fwlogwatch(8)
- A firewall log analyzer and realtime response agent
- fwlogwatch / fwlw_notify(8)
- A firewall log analyzer and realtime response agent
- fwlogwatch / fwlw_respond(8)
- A firewall log analyzer and realtime response agent
- fwsnort / fwsnort(8)
- Firewall snort
- fxload / fxload(8)
- Firmware download to ez-usb devices
- dahdi / fxotune(8)
- Automatically tune dahdi fxo channels
- gadmin-bind / gadmin-bind(8)
- Gtk+ configuration tool for bind9
- gadmin-openvpn-client / gadmin-openvpn-client(8)
- Gtk+ configuration tool for openvpn (client)
- gadmin-openvpn-server / gadmin-openvpn-server(8)
- Gtk+ configuration tool for openvpn (server)
- gadmin-proftpd / gadmin-proftpd(8)
- Gtk+ configuration tool for proftpd
- gadmin-rsync / gadmin-rsync(8)
- Gtk+ configuration tool for rsync
- gadmin-samba / gadmin-samba(8)
- Gtk+ configuration tool for samba
- gui-apt-key / gak(8)
- Gui apt key manager
- nut-server / gamatronic(8)
- Driver for gamatronic ups equipment
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-cleaner(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-confd(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-kvmd(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-listrunner(8)
- Run commands in parallel over multiple machines
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-luxid(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-mond(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-noded(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-rapi(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / ganeti-watcher(8)
- None
- ganglia-nagios-bridge / ganglia-nagios-bridge(8)
- Transfer ganglia metrics to nagios
- gap-scscp / gapd(8)
- Gap daemon
- gconf2 / gconf-schemas(8)
- Register gconf schemas with the gconf database
- gdisk / gdisk(8)
- Interactive guid partition table (gpt) manipulator
- kdm-gdmcompat / gdm-emulatord(8)
- Provides a gdm socket as front-end for kdmctl
- gnustep-base-runtime / gdomap(8)
- Gnustep distributed objects name server
- mod-gearman-tools / gearman_top(8)
- Monitor the gearman job server
- gearman-job-server / gearmand(8)
- Gearmand documentation, http://gearman.info/
- gnats / gen-index(8)
- Generate new gnats database index
- icu-devtools / genccode(8)
- Generate c or platform specific assembly code from an icu data file.
- libapache2-mod-nss / gencert(8)
- Generate a test nss database for mod_nss
- icu-devtools / gencmn(8)
- Generate an icu memory-mappable data file
- nut-server / genericups(8)
- Driver for contact-closure ups equipment
- genext2fs / genext2fs(8)
- Ext2 filesystem generator for embedded systems
- policycoreutils / genhomedircon(8)
- Generate selinux file context configuration entries for user home directories
- libnl-utils / genl-ctrl-list(8)
- List available kernel-side generic netlink families
- icu-devtools / gennorm2(8)
- Builds binary data file with unicode normalization data.
- sepol-utils / genpolbools(8)
- Rewrite a binary policy with different boolean settings
- sepol-utils / genpolusers(8)
- Generate new binary policy with updated user configuration
- bind9 / genrandom(8)
- Generate a file containing random data
- genromfs / genromfs(8)
- Create a romfs image
- icu-devtools / gensprep(8)
- Compile stringprep data from files filtered by filterrfc3454.pl
- gesftpserver / gesftpserver(8)
- Green end sftp server
- suck / get-news(8)
- Debian suck front end
- set6x86 / get6x86(8)
- Access cyrix control registers
- flashcache-utils / get_agsize(8)
- Get the best agsize for xfs
- bonnie++ / getc_putc(8)
- Program to test hard drive performance.
- libcap2-bin / getcap(8)
- Examine file capabilities
- gnats-user / getclose(8)
- Find prs fixed in a particular release
- selinux-utils / getenforce(8)
- Get the current mode of selinux
- kbd / getkeycodes(8)
- Print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table
- selinux-utils / getsebool(8)
- Get selinux boolean value(s)
- getstream / getstream(8)
- Lightweight dvb streaming tool
- util-linux / getty(8)
- Alternative linux getty
- geximon / geximon(8)
- A gtk2 exim mta monitor
- gfs2-utils / gfs2_convert(8)
- Convert a gfs1 filesystem to gfs2
- gfs2-utils / gfs2_edit(8)
- Display, print or edit gfs2 or gfs internal structures.
- gfs2-utils / gfs2_grow(8)
- Expand a gfs2 filesystem
- gfs2-utils / gfs2_jadd(8)
- Add journals to a gfs2 filesystem
- gfs2-utils / gfs2_quota(8)
- Manipulate gfs2 disk quotas
- gfs2-utils / gfs2_tool(8)
- Interface to gfs2 ioctl/sysfs calls
- gfs2-cluster / gfs_controld(8)
- Daemon that manages mounting, unmounting, recovery and posix locks
- postfix-gld / gld(8)
- Greylisting daemon for postfix
- globus-gram-job-manager-fork / globus-fork-starter(8)
- Start and monitor a fork job
- globus-gatekeeper / globus-gatekeeper(8)
- Authorize and execute a grid service on behalf of a user
- globus-gram-job-manager-scripts / globus-gatekeeper-admin(8)
- Manage globus-gatekeeper services
- globus-gram-audit / globus-gram-audit(8)
- Load gram4 and gram5 audit records into a database
- globus-gridftp-server-progs / globus-gridftp-password(8)
- Creates an encrypted password to be used for an user of the globus gridftp server
- globus-gridftp-server-progs / globus-gridftp-server(8)
- The globus gridftp server daemon
- globus-gridftp-server-progs / globus-gridftp-server-setup-chroot(8)
- Creates the specific contents of a directory that can specified as a root of the file system tree exposed by the globus gridftp server
- globus-gram-job-manager / globus-job-manager(8)
- Execute and monitor jobs
- globus-gatekeeper / globus-k5(8)
- Acquire kerberos credentials for use with grid services
- globus-gram-job-manager / globus-rvf-check(8)
- Edit a gram5 rsl validation file
- globus-gram-job-manager / globus-rvf-edit(8)
- Edit a gram5 rsl validation file
- globus-scheduler-event-generator-progs / globus-scheduler-event-generator(8)
- Process job state change events
- globus-scheduler-event-generator-progs / globus-scheduler-event-generator-admin(8)
- Enable globus-scheduler-event-generator services
- globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs / globus-update-certificate-dir(8)
- Update symlinks in the trusted ca directory
- glusterfs-server / gluster(8)
- Gluster console manager (command line utility)
- glusterfs-server / glusterd(8)
- Gluster elastic volume management daemon
- glusterfs-client / glusterfs(8)
- Clustered file system
- glusterfs-common / glusterfsd(8)
- Clustered filesystem.
- gnumed-server / gm-adjust_db_settings(8)
- Gnumed server adjust database settings
- gnumed-server / gm-backup_data(8)
- Backup of gnumed data
- gnumed-server / gm-backup_database(8)
- Complete backup of gnumed database
- gnumed-server / gm-bootstrap_server(8)
- Bootstrap the latest released version of the sql database for gnumed
- gnumed-server / gm-dump_schema(8)
- Gnumed server dump schema and roles
- gnumed-server / gm-fingerprint_db(8)
- Gnumed server fingerprint database
- gnumed-server / gm-fixup_server(8)
- Apply fixup scripts to an sql database for gnumed
- gnumed-client-de / gm-install_arriba(8)
- Installiert den arriba-rechner für schlaganfall/herzinfarkt-risiko
- nordugrid-arc-arex / gm-jobs(8)
- Displays information and manages current jobs handled by arc middleware
- gnumed-server / gm-move_backups_offsite(8)
- Move gnumed backups to elsewhere
- gnumed-server / gm-restore_data(8)
- Restoring data into an empty gnumed database
- gnumed-server / gm-restore_database(8)
- Restoring a gnumed database
- gnumed-server / gm-set_gm-dbo_password(8)
- Gnumed server set gm-dbo password
- gnumed-server / gm-upgrade_server(8)
- Upgrade an existing sql database for gnumed to the next version
- gnumed-server / gm-zip+sign_backups(8)
- Pack and sign backups of gnumed databases
- gnats / gnatsd(8)
- Gnats network server
- gnokii-cli / gnokiid(8)
- Create a virtual modem for old nokia mobile phones
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-backup(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-cluster(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-debug(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-group(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-instance(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-job(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-network(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-node(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-os(8)
- None
- ganeti-2.12 / gnt-storage(8)
- None
- gnome-online-accounts / goa-daemon(8)
- Gnome online accounts daemon
- gom / gomconfig(8)
- Configuration tool for gom, a generic audio mixer
- gpart / gpart(8)
- Guess pc-type hard disk partitions
- gparted / gparted(8)
- Gnome partition editor for manipulating disk partitions.
- gpm / gpm(8)
- A cut and paste utility and mouse server for virtual consoles
- gpm / gpm-mouse-test(8)
- A tool for determining mouse type and device it's attached to.
- gadmin-proftpd / gprostats(8)
- Statistics generator tool for proftpd
- gpsd / gpsdctl(8)
- Tool for sending commands to gpsd over its control socket
- gpsd / gpsinit(8)
- Initialize can kernel modules for gpsd
- chiark-scripts / grab-account(8)
- Add new account synchronised to remote system
- gradm2 / gradm2(8)
- Administration program for the grsecurity rbac system
- greylistd / greylistd(8)
- Simple greylisting system for mail transport agents
- greylistd / greylistd-setup-exim4(8)
- Add/remove support for greylistd in exim 4
- globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs / grid-default-ca(8)
- Select default ca for certificate requests
- globus-gss-assist-progs / grid-mapfile-add-entry(8)
- Add an entry to a gridmap file
- globus-gss-assist-progs / grid-mapfile-check-consistency(8)
- Add an entry to a grid map file
- globus-gss-assist-progs / grid-mapfile-delete-entry(8)
- Remove entries from a gridmap file
- nordugrid-arc-gridftpd / gridftpd(8)
- Arc gridftp server
- gridsite / gridsite-delegation(8)
- Cgi implementation of gridsite/glite gsi delegation web service
- gradm2 / grlearn(8)
- Automatic learning daemon for grsecurity rbac system
- grml-debootstrap / grml-debootstrap(8)
- Wrapper around debootstrap for installing plain debian
- grml2usb / grml2iso(8)
- Create a multiboot grml iso using grml2usb
- grml2usb / grml2usb(8)
- Install grml iso(s) on usb device for booting
- gross / grossd(8)
- Greylisting of suspicious sources - the server
- cman / group_tool(8)
- Run common fence_tool, dlm_tool, gfs_control commands
- passwd / groupadd(8)
- Create a new group
- cman / groupd(8)
- Compatibility daemon for fenced, dlm_controld and gfs_controld
- passwd / groupdel(8)
- Delete a group
- passwd / groupmod(8)
- Modify a group definition on the system
- passwd / grpck(8)
- Verify integrity of group files
- grub-legacy / grub(8)
- The grub shell
- grub-pc / grub-bios-setup(8)
- Set up a device to boot using grub
- grub-choose-default / grub-choose-default(8)
- Grub-choose-default control grub default through a gui
- grub-legacy / grub-install(8)
- Install grub on your drive
- grub2-common / grub-install(8)
- Install grub to a device
- grub-common / grub-macbless(8)
- Bless a mac file/directory
- grub-legacy / grub-md5-crypt(8)
- Encrypt a password in md5 format
- grub-common / grub-mkconfig(8)
- Generate a grub configuration file
- grub-common / grub-mkdevicemap(8)
- Make a device map file automatically
- grub-common / grub-probe(8)
- Probe device information for grub
- grub-legacy / grub-reboot(8)
- Manual page for grub-reboot 0.01
- grub2-common / grub-reboot(8)
- Set the default boot entry for grub, for the next boot only
- grub2-common / grub-set-default(8)
- Set the saved default boot entry for grub
- grub-legacy / grub-terminfo(8)
- Generate a terminfo command from a terminfo name
- gsm0710muxd / gsm0710muxd(8)
- A gsm 07.10 muxer
- gsm-utils / gsmsmsstore(8)
- Sms store manipulation program
- nfs-common / gssd(8)
- Rpcsec_gss daemon
- lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface / gt4-interface-install(8)
- Install the lcas/lcmaps mapper gsi call-out
- gtkorphan / gtkorphan(8)
- A graphical tool to find and remove orphaned libraries
- guacd / guacd(8)
- Guacamole proxy daemon
- nvram-wakeup / guess(8)
- Tries to guess the configuration by comparing four dumps of the nvram.
- nvram-wakeup / guess-helper(8)
- Tries to guess the configuration by comparing four dumps of the nvram.
- guessnet / guessnet(8)
- Guess which lan a network interface is connected to
- guessnet / guessnet-ifupdown(8)
- Guess which lan a network interface is connected to
- guessnet / guessnet-scan(8)
- Guess network configuration data by looking at network traffic
- gufw / gufw(8)
- Graphic user interface for managing ufw
- gui-apt-key / gui-apt-key(8)
- Gui apt key manager
- gummiboot / gummiboot(8)
- Setup and manage gummiboot boot manager
- gvpe / gvpe(8)
- \s-1gnu\s0 virtual private ethernet daemon
- gvpe / gvpectrl(8)
- \s-1gnu\s0 virtual private ethernet control program
- cluster-glue / ha_logd(8)
- Logging daemon for high-availability linux
- rt-tests / hackbench(8)
- Scheduler benchmark/stress test
- systemd-sysv / halt(8)
- Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
- sysvinit-core / halt(8)
- Stop the system.
- upstart / halt(8)
- Reboot or stop the system
- hapm / hapm(8)
- Local tcp port monitor used with heartbeat (ha)
- minit / hard-reboot(8)
- Reboot your system immedeately
- haveged / haveged(8)
- Generate random numbers and feed linux random device.
- cluster-glue / hb_report(8)
- Create report for crm based clusters (pacemaker)
- hdapsd / hdapsd(8)
- Park the drive in case of an emergency
- hddtemp / hddtemp(8)
- Utility to monitor hard drive temperature
- hdparm / hdparm(8)
- Get/set sata/ide device parameters
- health-check / health-check(8)
- A tool to measure system events.
- heartbeat / heartbeat(8)
- Heartbeat subsystem for high-availability linux
- hylafax-server / hfaxd(8)
- \*(fx client-server protocol server
- mercurial-common / hg-ssh(8)
- Restricted ssh login shell for mercurial
- hibernate / hibernate(8)
- Save your computer's state to disk, and then switch it off
- hibernate / hibernate-disk(8)
- Save your computer's state to disk, and then switch it off
- hibernate / hibernate-ram(8)
- Save your computer's state to disk, and then switch it off
- isdnutils-base / hisaxctrl(8)
- Configure hisax-module
- am-utils / hlfsd(8)
- Home-link file system daemon
- horst / horst(8)
- Highly optimized radio scanning tool
- hostapd / hostapd(8)
- Ieee 802.11 ap, ieee 802.1x/wpa/wpa2/eap/radius authenticator
- hping3 / hping3(8)
- Send (almost) arbitrary tcp/ip packets to network hosts
- apache2-utils / htcacheclean(8)
- Clean up the disk cache
- htdig / htdigconfig(8)
- Script to create fuzzy databases for ht://dig
- htpdate / htpdate(8)
- Time synchronization (daemon)
- powerman / httppower(8)
- Communicate with http based power distribution units
- util-linux / hwclock(8)
- Query or set the hardware clock (rtc)
- hwinfo / hwinfo(8)
- Probe for hardware
- rt-tests / hwlatdetect(8)
- Program to control the kernel hardware latency detection module
- i2c-tools / i2c-stub-from-dump(8)
- Feed i2c-stub with dump files
- i2c-tools / i2cdetect(8)
- Detect i2c chips
- i2c-tools / i2cdump(8)
- Examine i2c registers
- i2c-tools / i2cget(8)
- Read from i2c/smbus chip registers
- i2c-tools / i2cset(8)
- Set i2c registers
- util-linux / i386(8)
- Change reported architecture in new program environment and set personality flags
- ircd-irc2 / iauth(8)
- The internet relay chat authentication program
- infiniband-diags / ibaddr(8)
- Query infiniband address(es)
- infiniband-diags / ibcacheedit(8)
- Ibcacheedit -
- infiniband-diags / ibccconfig(8)
- Configure congestion control settings
- infiniband-diags / ibccquery(8)
- Query congestion control settings/info
- infiniband-diags / ibfindnodesusing(8)
- Ibfindnodesusing -
- infiniband-diags / ibhosts(8)
- Show infiniband host nodes in topology
- infiniband-diags / ibidsverify(8)
- Ibidsverify -
- infiniband-diags / iblinkinfo(8)
- Report link info for all links in the fabric
- infiniband-diags / ibnetdiscover(8)
- Discover infiniband topology
- infiniband-diags / ibnodes(8)
- Show infiniband nodes in topology
- infiniband-diags / ibping(8)
- Ping an infiniband address
- infiniband-diags / ibportstate(8)
- Handle port (physical) state and link speed of an infiniband port
- infiniband-diags / ibqueryerrors(8)
- Query and report ib port counters
- infiniband-diags / ibroute(8)
- Ibroute -
- infiniband-diags / ibrouters(8)
- Show infiniband router nodes in topology
- infiniband-diags / ibstat(8)
- Ibstat -
- infiniband-diags / ibstatus(8)
- Ibstatus -
- infiniband-diags / ibswitches(8)
- Show infiniband switch nodes in topology
- infiniband-diags / ibsysstat(8)
- Ibsysstat -
- infiniband-diags / ibtracert(8)
- Ibtracert -
- icinga-core / icinga(8)
- Network/systems status monitoring daemon
- icinga2-bin / icinga2(8)
- The icinga 2 networking monitoring daemon.
- icinga2-common / icinga2-build-ca(8)
- Build icinga 2 certificate authority
- icinga2-common / icinga2-build-key(8)
- Build icinga 2 certificate key
- icinga2-common / icinga2-disable-feature(8)
- Enable icinga 2 features.
- icinga2-common / icinga2-enable-feature(8)
- Enable icinga 2 features.
- icinga2-common / icinga2-sign-key(8)
- Sign icinga 2 certificate key
- icinga-core / icingastats(8)
- Report statistics information from the icinga system
- icmpinfo / icmpinfo(8)
- Interpret icmp messages
- manpages / iconvconfig(8)
- Create iconv module configuration cache
- icu-devtools / icupkg(8)
- Extract or modify an icu .dat archive
- idecrypt / idecrypt(8)
- Encrypted ident response decryption utility
- ident2 / ident2(8)
- An advanced ident daemon
- pidentd / identd(8)
- Tcp/ip ident protocol server
- idle3-tools / idle3ctl(8)
- Disable, get or set the idle3 timer on western digital hdd
- cyrus-imapd / idled(8)
- Provide near real-time updates for imap idle
- winbind / idmap_ad(8)
- Sambas idmap_ad backend for winbind
- winbind / idmap_autorid(8)
- Sambas idmap_autorid backend for winbind
- winbind / idmap_hash(8)
- Sambas idmap_hash backend for winbind
- winbind / idmap_ldap(8)
- Sambas idmap_ldap backend for winbind
- winbind / idmap_nss(8)
- Sambas idmap_nss backend for winbind
- samba-libs / idmap_rfc2307(8)
- Sambas idmap_rfc2307 backend for winbind
- winbind / idmap_rid(8)
- Sambas idmap_rid backend for winbind
- winbind / idmap_tdb(8)
- Sambas idmap_tdb backend for winbind
- winbind / idmap_tdb2(8)
- Sambas idmap_tdb2 backend for winbind
- cifs-utils / idmapwb(8)
- Winbind id mapping plugin for cifs-utils
- icinga-idoutils / ido2db(8)
- Store icinga events and configs in database
- iscsitarget / ietadm(8)
- Iscsi enterprise target administration utility.
- iscsitarget / ietd(8)
- Iscsi enterprise target daemon
- ifcico / ifcico(8)
- Establish connections with other ftn nodes.
- net-tools / ifconfig(8)
- Configure a network interface
- ifupdown / ifdown(8)
- Bring a network interface up ifdown - take a network interface down ifquery - parse interface configuration
- netscript-2.4 / ifdown(8)
- Netscript network configuration command
- ifhp / ifhp(8)
- Almost universal lprng print filter
- ifcico / ifindex(8)
- Create nodelist index
- ifcico / ifinfo(8)
- Query node information
- cobalt-panel-utils / iflink(8)
- Returns whether or not the system has a network link
- cobalt-panel-utils / iflinkstatus(8)
- Returns the status of hardware network links
- ifgate / ifmail(8)
- Convert rfc-822 and rfc-1036 mail/news to ftn fidonet packets. ifnews - convert rfc-1036 usenet news to ftn fidonet packets.
- ifmetric / ifmetric(8)
- An ipv4 route metrics manipulation tool
- ifgate / ifnews(8)
- Convert rfc-822 and rfc-1036 mail/news to ftn fidonet packets. ifnews - convert rfc-1036 usenet news to ftn fidonet packets.
- ifplugd / ifplugd(8)
- A link detection daemon for ethernet devices
- ifplugd / ifplugstatus(8)
- A link beat detection tool
- netsniff-ng / ifpps(8)
- Top-like networking and system statistics
- ifupdown / ifquery(8)
- Bring a network interface up ifdown - take a network interface down ifquery - parse interface configuration
- ifrename / ifrename(8)
- Rename network interfaces based on various static criteria
- ifscheme / ifscheme(8)
- Scheme control for network interfaces
- ifscheme / ifscheme-mapping(8)
- Scheme control for network interfaces
- ifplugd / ifstatus(8)
- A link beat detection tool
- iftop / iftop(8)
- Display bandwidth usage on an interface by host
- ifgate / iftoss(8)
- Convert fidonet ftn packets to rfc-822 and rfc-1036 mail/news.
- ifupdown / ifup(8)
- Bring a network interface up ifdown - take a network interface down ifquery - parse interface configuration
- netscript-2.4 / ifup(8)
- Netscript network configuration command
- iipimage-server / iipsrv(8)
- Iipimage internet imaging server
- pidentd / ikeygen(8)
- Generate a random des key
- ikiwiki / ikiwiki-mass-rebuild(8)
- Rebuild all ikiwiki wikis on a system
- ckermit / iksd(8)
- C\(hykermit 9.0: transport\(hy and platform\(hyindependent interactive and scriptable communications software. this document is intended to give the beginner sufficient information to make basic (if not advanced) use of c\(hykermit 9.0. although it might be rather long for a unix manual page, it's still far shorter than the c\(hykermit manual, which should be consulted for advanced topics such as customization, character\(hysets, scripting, etc. we also attempt to provide a clear structural overview of c\(hykermit's many capabilities, functional areas, states, and modes and their interrelation, that should be helpful to beginners and veterans alike, as well as to those upgrading to version 9.0 from earlier releases. this document is also available as a web page at: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckututor.html
- atm-tools / ilmid(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- im-config / im-config(8)
- Set up input method configuration for x window system
- mailutils-imap4d / imap4d(8)
- The imap4d daemon.
- courier-imap / imapd(8)
- The courier imap server
- cyrus-imapd / imapd(8)
- Imap server process
- mailfront / imapfront-auth(8)
- Imap front end
- imapproxy / imapproxyd(8)
- Imap proxy daemon
- imspector / imspector(8)
- Instant messaging proxy
- asp / in.aspd(8)
- Address search protocol daemon
- fakepop / in.fakepop(8)
- A fake pop3 daemon
- libident / in.identtestd(8)
- A small daemon that can be used to test ident servers
- inn / in.nnrpd(8)
- Nntp server for on-campus hosts
- atftpd / in.tftpd(8)
- Trivial file transfer protocol server.
- tftpd-hpa / in.tftpd(8)
- Trivial file transfer protocol server
- uucp / in.uucpd(8)
- Run uucico from inetd
- incron / incrond(8)
- Inotify cron (incron) daemon
- rlinetd / inetd2rlinetd(8)
- Configuration file converter
- infiniband-diags / infiniband-diags(8)
- Infiniband-diags -
- infon-server / infond(8)
- Program bugs to compete for food and survival
- sysvinit-core / init(8)
- Process control initialization
- upstart / init(8)
- Upstart process management daemon
- upstart / init-checkconf(8)
- Manual page for init-checkconf
- upstart / initctl(8)
- Init daemon control tool
- upstart / initctl2dot(8)
- Manual page for initctl2dot
- initramfs-tools / initramfs-tools(8)
- An introduction to writing scripts for mkinitramfs
- inn / inncheck(8)
- Check inn configuration and database files.
- inn / innd(8)
- Internetnews daemon
- inn / inndstart(8)
- Internetnews daemon
- inn / innlog.pl(8)
- Summarize innd and nnrpd log files.
- inn2 / innreport(8)
- Summarize inn log files.
- inn / innstat(8)
- Print snapshot of inn system
- inn2 / innstat(8)
- Print snapshot of inn system
- inn / innwatch(8)
- Monitor innd.
- inn2 / innwatch(8)
- Monitor innd.
- inn / innxbatch(8)
- Send xbatched usenet articles to a remote nntp server
- inn2 / innxbatch(8)
- Send xbatched usenet articles to a remote nntp server
- inn / innxmit(8)
- Send usenet articles to a remote nntp server
- input-utils / input-events(8)
- Print input events
- input-utils / input-kbd(8)
- Print or modify keyboard maps for input devices
- kmod / insmod(8)
- Simple program to insert a module into the linux kernel
- insserv / insserv(8)
- Boot sequence organizer using lsb init.d script dependency information
- console-common / install-keymap(8)
- Install-keymap expand a given keymap and install it as boot-time keymap
- mbr / install-mbr(8)
- Install a master boot record manager
- sgml-base / install-sgmlcatalog(8)
- Maintain transitional sgml catalog
- fai-client / install_packages(8)
- Install fai configured packages
- debianutils / installkernel(8)
- Install a new kernel image
- inteltool / inteltool(8)
- A tool for dumping intel(r) cpu / chipset configuration parameters
- intltool / intltool-extract(8)
- Generate header files which can be read by gettext
- intltool / intltool-merge(8)
- Merge translated strings into various types of file
- intltool / intltool-prepare(8)
- Prepare software to make use of intltool
- intltool / intltool-update(8)
- Updates po template file and merge translations with it
- intltool / intltoolize(8)
- Copy intltool related files to software package
- manpages / intro(8)
- Introduction to administration and privileged commands
- file-rc / invoke-rc.d(8)
- Executes system-v style init script actions
- sysv-rc / invoke-rc.d(8)
- Executes system-v style init script actions
- iodine / iodine(8)
- Tunnel ipv4 over dns
- iodine / iodine-client-start(8)
- Start an iodine ipv4-over-dns tunnel
- iodine / iodined(8)
- Tunnel ipv4 over dns
- perf-tools-unstable / iolatency(8)
- Summarize block device i/o latency as a histogram. uses linux ftrace.
- perf-tools-unstable / iosnoop(8)
- Trace block i/o events as they occur. uses linux ftrace.
- iotop / iotop(8)
- Simple top-like i/o monitor
- iproute2 / ip(8)
- Show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels
- iproute2 / ip-address(8)
- Protocol address management
- iproute2 / ip-addrlabel(8)
- Protocol address label management
- iproute2 / ip-l2tp(8)
- L2tpv3 static unmanaged tunnel configuration
- iproute2 / ip-link(8)
- Network device configuration
- iproute2 / ip-maddress(8)
- Multicast addresses management
- iproute2 / ip-monitor(8)
- State monitoring
- iproute2 / ip-mroute(8)
- Multicast routing cache management
- iproute2 / ip-neighbour(8)
- Neighbour/arp tables management.
- iproute2 / ip-netconf(8)
- Network configuration monitoring
- iproute2 / ip-netns(8)
- Process network namespace management
- iproute2 / ip-ntable(8)
- Neighbour table configuration
- iproute2 / ip-route(8)
- Routing table management
- iproute2 / ip-rule(8)
- Routing policy database management
- iproute2 / ip-tcp_metrics(8)
- Management for tcp metrics
- iproute2 / ip-token(8)
- Tokenized interface identifier support
- iproute2 / ip-tunnel(8)
- Tunnel configuration
- iproute2 / ip-xfrm(8)
- Transform configuration
- iptables / ip6tables(8)
- Iptables/ip6tables administration tool for ipv4/ipv6 packet filtering and nat
- iptables / ip6tables-apply(8)
- A safer way to update iptables remotely
- iptables-converter / ip6tables-converter(8)
- Program to convert ip6tables commands from file to ip6tables-restore format
- iptables / ip6tables-restore(8)
- Iptables-restore restore ip tables ip6tables-restore restore ipv6 tables
- iptables / ip6tables-save(8)
- Iptables-save dump iptables rules to stdout ip6tables-save dump iptables rules to stdout
- ipband / ipband(8)
- Ip bandwidth watchdog
- ipcheck / ipcheck(8)
- Dyndns.org client
- ipcheck / ipcheck.py(8)
- Dyndns.org client
- ipfm / ipfm(8)
- Ip flow meter
- ipgrab / ipgrab(8)
- A verbose packet sniffer
- ipkungfu / ipkungfu(8)
- An iptables-based firewall for linux
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-chassis(8)
- Ipmi chassis management utility
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-chassis-config(8)
- Configure ipmi values
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-config(8)
- Configure ipmi values
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-console(8)
- Ipmi console utility
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-dcmi(8)
- Ipmi dcmi utility
- freeipmi-ipmidetect / ipmi-detect(8)
- List detected and/or undetected ipmi interfaces in a cluster
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-fru(8)
- Display fru information
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-locate(8)
- Ipmi probing utility
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-oem(8)
- Ipmi oem utility
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-pef-config(8)
- Configure ipmi values
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-pet(8)
- Ipmi platform event trap interpreter
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-ping(8)
- Send ipmi get authentication capabilitiy request to network hosts
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-power(8)
- Ipmi power control utility
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-raw(8)
- Execute ipmi commands by hex values
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-sel(8)
- Display sel entries
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-sensors(8)
- Display ipmi sensor information
- freeipmi-tools / ipmi-sensors-config(8)
- Configure ipmi values
- freeipmi-tools / ipmiconsole(8)
- Ipmi console utility
- freeipmi-ipmidetect / ipmidetect(8)
- List detected and/or undetected ipmi interfaces in a cluster
- freeipmi-ipmidetect / ipmidetectd(8)
- Ipmi node detection monitoring daemon
- ipmitool / ipmievd(8)
- Ipmi event daemon for sending events to syslog
- openipmi / ipmilan(8)
- Ipmi lan to system interface converter
- freeipmi-tools / ipmimonitoring(8)
- Display ipmi sensor information
- freeipmi-tools / ipmiping(8)
- Send ipmi get authentication capabilitiy request to network hosts
- freeipmi-tools / ipmipower(8)
- Ipmi power control utility
- freeipmi-ipmiseld / ipmiseld(8)
- Ipmi sel logging daemon
- ippl / ippl(8)
- Ip protocols logger
- ipppd / ipppd(8)
- (isdn) point to point protocol daemon
- ipppd / ipppstats(8)
- Print ppp statistics
- isdnutils-base / iprofd(8)
- Modem-register daemon
- ipset / ipset(8)
- Ipset administration tool for ip sets
- ipsvd / ipsvd-cdb(8)
- Create constant database from ipsvd instructions directory
- iptables / iptables(8)
- Iptables/ip6tables administration tool for ipv4/ipv6 packet filtering and nat
- iptables / iptables-apply(8)
- A safer way to update iptables remotely
- iptables-converter / iptables-converter(8)
- Program to convert iptables commands from file to iptables-restore format
- iptables / iptables-extensions(8)
- Iptables-extensions list of extensions in the standard iptables distribution
- iptables / iptables-restore(8)
- Iptables-restore restore ip tables ip6tables-restore restore ipv6 tables
- iptables / iptables-save(8)
- Iptables-save dump iptables rules to stdout ip6tables-save dump iptables rules to stdout
- xtables-addons-common / iptaccount(8)
- None
- iptotal / iptotal(8)
- Ip traffic-based monitor, not requiring snmp
- iptotal / iptotald(8)
- Iptotal daemon
- iptraf / iptraf(8)
- Interactive colorful ip lan monitor
- iptraf-ng / iptraf-ng(8)
- Interactive colorful ip lan monitor
- iptstate / iptstate(8)
- A top-like display of ip tables state table entries
- ipv6calc / ipv6calc(8)
- Ipv6calc
- ipv6calc / ipv6loganon(8)
- Http server log file anonymizer
- ipv6calc / ipv6logconv(8)
- Http server log file converter for statistics
- ipvsadm / ipvsadm(8)
- Linux virtual server administration
- ipvsadm / ipvsadm-restore(8)
- Restore the ipvs table from stdin
- ipvsadm / ipvsadm-save(8)
- Save the ipvs table to stdout
- ipwatchd / ipwatchd(8)
- Ip conflict detection tool for linux
- irda-utils / irattach(8)
- Binds the linux-irda stack to a irda port
- ircd-irc2 / ircd(8)
- The internet relay chat program server
- ircd-hybrid / ircd-hybrid(8)
- The ircd-hybrid internet relay chat server
- ircd-ircu / ircd-ircu(8)
- The undernet internet relay chat daemon
- ircd-irc2 / ircd-mkpasswd(8)
- Generate password hashes for ircd
- ircd-ratbox / ircd-ratbox(8)
- Advanced, stable and fast ircd
- ircd-irc2 / ircdwatch(8)
- Check ircds current state
- irda-utils / irdadump(8)
- Monitors the irda traffic on one or more links.
- irda-utils / irdaping(8)
- Sends irda test frames
- irker / irk(8)
- Relay for shipping notifications to irc servers
- irker / irkerd(8)
- Relay for shipping notifications to irc servers
- irda-utils / irpsion5(8)
- Irda connectivity to a psion v pda
- lm-sensors / isadump(8)
- Examine isa registers
- lm-sensors / isaset(8)
- Set isa registers
- isatapd / isatapd(8)
- Isatap client for linux
- nut-server / isbmex(8)
- Driver for isbmex ups equipment
- bind9 / isc-hmac-fixup(8)
- Fixes hmac keys generated by older versions of bind
- open-iscsi / iscsi-iname(8)
- Iscsi initiator name generation tool
- open-iscsi / iscsi_discovery(8)
- Discover iscsi targets
- open-iscsi / iscsiadm(8)
- Open-iscsi administration utility
- open-iscsi / iscsid(8)
- Open-iscsi daemon
- open-iscsi / iscsistart(8)
- Iscsi boot tool
- isdnutils-base / isdnconfig(8)
- Configure the debian isdnutils package
- isdnlog / isdnlog(8)
- Isdn log system (and more)
- quagga / isisd(8)
- An is-is routing engine for use with quagga routing software.
- util-linux / isosize(8)
- Output the length of an iso9660 filesystem
- italc-client / italc_auth_helper(8)
- Italc pam authentication helper
- xinetd / itox(8)
- Converts inetd.conf style configuration files to xinetd.conf
- nut-server / ivtscd(8)
- Driver for the ivt solar controller device
- iw / iw(8)
- Show / manipulate wireless devices and their configuration
- wireless-tools / iwconfig(8)
- Configure a wireless network interface
- wireless-tools / iwevent(8)
- Display wireless events generated by drivers and setting changes
- wireless-tools / iwgetid(8)
- Report essid, nwid or ap/cell address of wireless network
- wireless-tools / iwlist(8)
- Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless interface
- wireless-tools / iwpriv(8)
- Configure optionals (private) parameters of a wireless network interface
- wireless-tools / iwspy(8)
- Get wireless statistics from specific nodes
- lowpan-tools / iz(8)
- Configure an ieee 802.15.4 interface
- lowpan-tools / izattach(8)
- Attach a serial device to ieee 802.15.4 stack
- lowpan-tools / izcoordinator(8)
- Simple coordinator for ieee 802.15.4 network
- jailer / jailer(8)
- Jailer is a script for creating jails from debian packages
- jazip / jazipconfig(8)
- Jazip(1) configuration tool.
- ltsp-client-core / jetpipe(8)
- Bind a printer device to a tcp port
- jfsutils / jfs_debugfs(8)
- Shell-type jfs file system editor
- jfsutils / jfs_fsck(8)
- Initiate replay of the jfs transaction log, and check and repair a jfs formatted device
- jfsutils / jfs_fscklog(8)
- Extract a jfs fsck service log into a file and/or format and display the extracted file
- jfsutils / jfs_logdump(8)
- Dump a jfs formatted device's journal log
- jfsutils / jfs_tune(8)
- Adjust tunable file system parameters on jfs
- jnettop / jnettop(8)
- View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic
- hylafax-server / jobcontrol(8)
- Per-job controls for \*(fx servers
- lcmaps-plugins-jobrep-admin / jobrep-admin(8)
- Manage jobrepository database structure
- john / john(8)
- A tool to find weak passwords of your users
- kacpimon / kacpimon(8)
- Kernel acpi event monitor
- krb5-admin-server / kadmind(8)
- Kadm5 administration server
- kamailio / kamailio(8)
- Very fast and configurable sip proxy
- kamailio / kamcmd(8)
- Kamailio command line tool
- kamailio / kamctl(8)
- Kamailio control tool
- kamailio / kamdbctl(8)
- Kamailio database control tool
- kannel / kannel(8)
- Parts of kannel, the wap and sms gateway
- kbd / kbdrate(8)
- Reset the keyboard repeat rate and delay time
- kboot-utils / kboot-mkconfig(8)
- Generate a kboot configuration file
- kdelibs-bin / kbuildsycoca4(8)
- Rebuilds the system configuration cache.
- kdelibs-bin / kcookiejar4(8)
- Kde http cookie daemon
- krb5-kdc-ldap / kdb5_ldap_util(8)
- Kerberos configuration utility
- krb5-kdc / kdb5_util(8)
- Kerberos database maintenance utility
- kdelibs-bin / kded4(8)
- Kde daemon - triggers sycoca database updates when needed.
- kdelibs-bin / kdeinit4(8)
- Kde process launcher.
- kexec-tools / kdump(8)
- This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
- kdump-tools / kdump-config(8)
- Configure kdump, check status, or save a vmcore file
- keepalived / keepalived(8)
- Load-balancing and high-availability service
- kernel-package / kernel-packageconfig(8)
- Internal handler of /etc/kernel-pkg.conf
- kexec-tools / kexec(8)
- Directly boot into a new kernel
- keyutils / key.dns_resolver(8)
- Upcall for request-key to handle dns_resolver keys
- onak / keyd(8)
- Backend key serving daemon for the onak pgp keyserver
- onak / keydctl(8)
- Control an onak keyd instance
- lilo / keytab-lilo(8)
- Compile keytables files for use with lilo
- keytouch-editor / keytouch-editor(8)
- An editor for keytouch keyboard definition files
- sysvinit-utils / killall5(8)
- Send a signal to all processes.
- ax25-tools / kissattach(8)
- Attach a kiss or 6pack interface
- z8530-utils2 / kissbridge(8)
- Connect scc port to a pty device
- ax25-tools / kissnetd(8)
- Create a virtual network.
- ax25-tools / kissparms(8)
- Configure kiss tncs.
- klone / kloned(8)
- Klone daemon
- kmod / kmod(8)
- Program to manage linux kernel modules
- psad / kmsgsd(8)
- Separates iptables messages from all other kernel messages.
- knot / knotc(8)
- Knot dns control utility
- knot / knotd(8)
- Knot dns server daemon
- lyskom-server / komrunning(8)
- Program to control if the lyskom server is running
- kpartx / kpartx(8)
- Create device maps from partition tables
- perf-tools-unstable / kprobe(8)
- Trace a given kprobe definition. kernel dynamic tracing. uses linux ftrace.
- krb5-admin-server / kprop(8)
- Propagate a kerberos v5 principal database to a slave server
- krb5-kdc / kpropd(8)
- Kerberos v5 slave kdc update server
- krb5-kdc / kproplog(8)
- Display the contents of the kerberos principal update log
- krb5-admin-server / krb5_newrealm(8)
- Krb5_newrealm create a new kerberos realm
- krb5-kdc / krb5kdc(8)
- Kerberos v5 kdc
- kuser / kuser(8)
- Kuser configures users on the system.
- l2tpns / l2tpns(8)
- Layer 2 tunneling protocol network server (lns)
- ladvd / ladvd(8)
- Send link layer advertisements
- ladvd / ladvdc(8)
- Display link layer advertisements
- laptop-detect / laptop-detect(8)
- Attempt to detect a laptop
- laptop-mode-tools / laptop-mode.conf(8)
- Configuration file for laptop-mode-tools.
- laptop-mode-tools / laptop_mode(8)
- Apply laptop mode settings
- login / lastlog(8)
- Reports the most recent login of all users or of a given user
- latd / latcp(8)
- Lat control program
- latd / latd(8)
- Lat daemon
- latencytop / latencytop(8)
- A tool for developers to visualize system latencies
- lava-coordinator / lava-coordinator(8)
- Coordinator daemon for group messaging in multinode lava
- lavapdu-daemon / lavapdu-listen(8)
- Daemon to queue pdu requests from pduclient.
- lavapdu-daemon / lavapdu-runner(8)
- Daemon to control a pdu and implement instructions from the lavapdu-listen daemon.
- lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface / lcas_lcmaps_gt4_interface(8)
- A globus gsi-authz plug-in to run lcas and lcmaps
- lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface / lcas_lcmaps_gt_interface(8)
- A globus gsi-authz plug-in to run lcas and lcmaps
- cobalt-panel-utils / lcd-flash(8)
- Momentarily inverts the lcd to indicate an error
- cobalt-panel-utils / lcd-getip(8)
- Prompts the user to enter an ip address on the lcd
- cobalt-panel-utils / lcd-setcursor(8)
- Sets the position of the cursor on the lcd
- cobalt-panel-utils / lcd-swrite(8)
- Writes the specified lines to the lcd device and blinks
- cobalt-panel-utils / lcd-write(8)
- Writes the specified lines to the lcd device and blinks
- cobalt-panel-utils / lcd-yesno(8)
- Prompts the user to make a choice between two options
- lcd4linux / lcd4linux(8)
- Daemon for ''lcd'' display devices
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-bandn / lcmaps_ban_dn.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to ban a user based on the subject dn
- lcmaps-plugins-voms / lcmaps_ban_fqan.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to ban a user based on any of its fqans
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-dummy / lcmaps_dummy_bad.mod(8)
- Dummy lcmaps plugin that always returns failure
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-dummy / lcmaps_dummy_good.mod(8)
- Dummy lcmaps plugin that always returns success
- lcmaps-plugins-jobrep / lcmaps_jobrep.mod(8)
- Jobrepository lcmaps plug-in
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-ldap / lcmaps_ldap_enf.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to update ldap according to credentials
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-localaccount / lcmaps_localaccount.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to switch user identity
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-poolaccount / lcmaps_poolaccount.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to switch user identity by pool accounts
- lcmaps-plugins-basic-posixenf / lcmaps_posix_enf.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to switch user identity
- lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy / lcmaps_verify_proxy.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to verify a certificate chain including proxies
- lcmaps-plugins-voms / lcmaps_voms.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin extract voms attributes from the certificate chain - deprecated
- lcmaps-plugins-voms / lcmaps_voms_localaccount.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to switch user identity based on voms credentials by local accounts
- lcmaps-plugins-voms / lcmaps_voms_localgroup.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to switch user identity based on voms credentials by local groups
- lcmaps-plugins-voms / lcmaps_voms_poolaccount.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to switch user identity based on voms credentials by pool accounts
- lcmaps-plugins-voms / lcmaps_voms_poolgroup.mod(8)
- Lcmaps plugin to switch user identity based on voms credentials by pool groups
- manpages / ld-linux(8)
- Dynamic linker/loader
- manpages / ld-linux.so(8)
- Dynamic linker/loader
- musl / ld-musl-config(8)
- Configures musl dynamic linker path's
- glibc-source / ld.so(8)
- Dynamic linker/loader
- manpages / ld.so(8)
- Dynamic linker/loader
- ld10k1 / ld10k1(8)
- Emu10k1(emu10k2) patch loader daemon
- util-linux / ldattach(8)
- Attach a line discipline to a serial line
- glibc-source / ldconfig(8)
- Configure dynamic linker run-time bindings
- manpages / ldconfig(8)
- Configure dynamic linker run-time bindings
- 389-ds-base / ldif2db(8)
- Directory server script for importing a ldif file
- 389-ds-base / ldif2db-online(8)
- Directory server perl script for importing a ldif file
- 389-ds-base / ldif2ldap(8)
- Directory server script for adding entries
- ldm-server / ldminfod(8)
- Ldminfod output login sessions and available locales
- leafnode / leafnode(8)
- Nntp server for small (dialup) sites
- atm-tools / lecs(8)
- Atm lan emulation service demons
- atm-tools / les(8)
- Atm lan emulation service demons
- lfc-dli / lfc-dli(8)
- Start the lfc data location interface server
- librados-dev / librados-config(8)
- Display information about librados
- nut-server / liebert(8)
- Driver for liebert contact-closure ups equipment
- nut-server / liebert-esp2(8)
- Driver for liebert ups, using the esp-ii serial protocol
- lighttpd / lighttpd(8)
- A fast, secure and flexible web server
- lilo / lilo(8)
- Install boot loader of lilo
- lilo / lilo-uuid-diskid(8)
- Convert boot / root options to diskid and uuid in lilo.conf.
- lilo / liloconfig(8)
- Create new lilo.conf file (with diskid and uuid)
- linux-user-chroot / linux-user-chroot(8)
- Safely allow normal users to chroot
- lirc / lircd(8)
- Lirc daemon decodes infrared signals and provides them on a unix domain socket.
- lirc / lircmd(8)
- Lirc mouse daemon translates infrared signals into mouse events
- mailman / list_admins(8)
- List all the owners of a mailman mailing list.
- mailman / list_lists(8)
- List all mailman mailing lists on this host
- mailman / list_members(8)
- List all the members of a mailman mailing list
- live-tools / live-update-initramfs(8)
- Writes out updated kernel and initrd images to the live media.
- laptop-mode-tools / lm-profiler(8)
- Laptop mode profiler
- laptop-mode-tools / lm-profiler.conf(8)
- Configuration file for lm-profiler, a profiler for laptop-mode-tools.
- laptop-mode-tools / lm-syslog-setup(8)
- Configure laptop mode tools to switch syslog.conf based on power state
- cyrus-common / lmtpd(8)
- Lmtp server process
- lnpd / lnpd(8)
- A linux interface to the brickos networking protocol
- iproute2 / lnstat(8)
- Unified linux network statistics
- policycoreutils / load_policy(8)
- Load a new selinux policy into the kernel
- ndiswrapper-common / loadndisdriver(8)
- Load ndis driver (wrapper)
- ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 / loadndisdriver-1.9(8)
- Userspace ndis driver loader for the ndiswrapper linux kernel module
- kbd / loadunimap(8)
- Load the kernel unicode-to-font mapping table
- glibc-source / locale-gen(8)
- Locale-gen generates localisation files from templates
- locales / locale-gen(8)
- Locale-gen generates localisation files from templates
- localepurge / localepurge(8)
- Reclaim disk space removing unneeded localizations
- blktap-utils / lock-util(8)
- Short desc goes here
- bilibop-lockfs / lockfs_mount_helper(8)
- Helper script for the mount command
- hylafax-server / lockname(8)
- Generate a uucp lock filename
- logcheck / logcheck(8)
- Logcheck program to scan system logs for interesting lines
- logrotate / logrotate(8)
- Logrotate \(hy rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
- e2fsprogs / logsave(8)
- Save the output of a command in a logfile
- logtail / logtail(8)
- Print log file lines that have not been read
- logtail / logtail2(8)
- Print log file lines that have not been read
- logwatch / logwatch(8)
- System log analyzer and reporter
- lookup / lookupconfig(8)
- Program to create index files for lookup program.
- mount / losetup(8)
- Set up and control loop devices
- ntfs-3g / lowntfs-3g(8)
- Third generation read/write ntfs driver
- cups-client / lpadmin(8)
- Configure cups printers and classes
- cups-bsd / lpc(8)
- Line printer control program
- lprng / lpc(8)
- Line printer control program
- foomatic-filters / lpdomatic(8)
- Universal print filter/rip wrapper
- lpr / lpf(8)
- Lpd filter for nroff output
- lphdisk / lphdisk(8)
- Prepare a hibernation partition for notebios suspend-to-disk
- cups-client / lpinfo(8)
- Show available devices or drivers
- cups-client / lpmove(8)
- Move a job or all jobs to a new destination
- cluster-glue / lrmadmin(8)
- Part of the linux-ha project
- lsb-core / lsb(8)
- Linux standard base support for debian
- bilibop-rules / lsbilibop(8)
- List bilibop tagged devices, display or update some of their udev properties
- util-linux / lsblk(8)
- List block devices
- procinfo / lsdev(8)
- Display information about installed hardware
- lsh-server / lsh-execuv(8)
- Program to securely execute a program as another user
- lsh-server / lsh-krb-checkpw(8)
- Program to check a kerberos username/password combination
- lsh-server / lsh-pam-checkpw(8)
- Program to check a pam username/password combination
- lsh-server / lshd(8)
- Secsh (ssh2) server
- initramfs-tools / lsinitramfs(8)
- List content of an initramfs image
- input-utils / lsinput(8)
- List input devices
- util-linux / lslocks(8)
- List local system locks
- kmod / lsmod(8)
- Show the status of modules in the linux kernel
- lsof / lsof(8)
- List open files
- pciutils / lspci(8)
- List all pci devices
- pcmciautils / lspcmcia(8)
- Pcmcia card control utility lspcmcia - display extended pcmcia debugging information
- lsscsi / lsscsi(8)
- List scsi devices (or hosts) and their attributes
- usbutils / lsusb(8)
- List usb devices
- util-vserver / lsxid(8)
- Shows the context which is associated to a file
- ltsp-server / ltsp-build-client(8)
- Build an ltsp client system for use with the ltsp server
- ltsp-server / ltsp-chroot(8)
- Chroot into a specific ltsp thin client chroot
- ltsp-server / ltsp-config(8)
- Configure certain parts of an ltsp server
- ltsp-server / ltsp-update-image(8)
- Generate an nbd image from an ltsp chroot
- ltsp-server / ltsp-update-kernels(8)
- Copy ltsp chroot kernels to tftp directories
- ltsp-server / ltsp-update-sshkeys(8)
- Update ltsp chroots to trust the server ssh keys
- lttng-tools / lttng-relayd(8)
- Lttng-relayd lttng remote trace collection daemon
- lttng-tools / lttng-sessiond(8)
- Lttng-sessiond lttng 2.x central tracing registry session daemon.
- luckybackup / luckybackup(8)
- A powerful, fast and reliable backup & sync tool
- lvm2 / lvchange(8)
- Lvchange change attributes of a logical volume
- lvm2 / lvconvert(8)
- Lvconvert convert a logical volume from linear to mirror or snapshot
- lvm2 / lvcreate(8)
- Create a logical volume in an existing volume group
- lvm2 / lvdisplay(8)
- Lvdisplay display attributes of a logical volume
- lvm2 / lvextend(8)
- Lvextend extend the size of a logical volume
- lvm2 / lvm(8)
- Lvm lvm2 tools
- lvm2 / lvm-dumpconfig(8)
- Lvm-dumpconfig dump lvm configuration
- blktap-utils / lvm-util(8)
- Short desc goes here
- lvm2 / lvmchange(8)
- Lvmchange change attributes of the logical volume manager
- lvm2 / lvmconf(8)
- Lvmconf lvm configuration modifier
- lvm2 / lvmdiskscan(8)
- Lvmdiskscan scan for all devices visible to lvm2
- lvm2 / lvmdump(8)
- Lvmdump create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes
- lvm2 / lvmetad(8)
- Lvmetad lvm metadata cache daemon
- lvm2 / lvmsadc(8)
- Lvmsadc lvm system activity data collector
- lvm2 / lvmsar(8)
- Lvmsar lvm system activity reporter
- lvm2 / lvreduce(8)
- Lvreduce reduce the size of a logical volume
- lvm2 / lvremove(8)
- Lvremove remove a logical volume
- lvm2 / lvrename(8)
- Lvrename rename a logical volume
- lvm2 / lvresize(8)
- Lvresize resize a logical volume
- lvm2 / lvs(8)
- Lvs report information about logical volumes
- lvm2 / lvscan(8)
- Lvscan scan (all disks) for logical volumes
- lwresd / lwresd(8)
- Lightweight resolver daemon
- lxctl / lxctl(8)
- Utility to manage linux containers (lxc)
- lynis / lynis(8)
- Run an system and security audit on the system
- lyskom-server / lyskomd(8)
- Lyskom server
- module-assistant / m-a(8)
- Manage kernel modules packages
- ax25-tools / m6pack(8)
- Attach multiples 6pack interfaces
- madwimax / madwimax(8)
- Driver for mobile wimax equipment based on samsung cmc-730
- magicfilter / magicfilter(8)
- Automatic configurable printer filter
- magicfilter / magicfilterconfig(8)
- Writes interactively a printcap file.
- mailutils / maidag(8)
- The mail delivery agent.
- sendmail-bin / mail.local(8)
- Store mail in a mailbox
- john / mailer(8)
- Script to warn users about their weak passwords
- mailgraph / mailgraph(8)
- Daemon which produces graphs of smtp traffic
- masqmail / mailq(8)
- An offline mail transfer agent
- ssmtp / mailq(8)
- Show contents of the mail queue
- masqmail / mailrm(8)
- An offline mail transfer agent
- sendmail-bin / mailstats(8)
- Display mail statistics
- fai-server / make-fai-nfsroot(8)
- Create the fai nfsroot directory
- ssl-cert / make-ssl-cert(8)
- Debconf wrapper for openssl
- courier-mta / makeacceptmailfor(8)
- Create /etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor.dat
- inn / makeactive(8)
- Tool to recover usenet active file.
- courier-mta / makealiases(8)
- Create an alias database
- nis / makedbm(8)
- Create or dump a ypserv database file
- deltarpm / makedeltaiso(8)
- Create a deltaiso from two isos
- deltarpm / makedeltarpm(8)
- Create a deltarpm from two rpms
- makedumpfile / makedumpfile(8)
- Make a small dumpfile of kdump
- inn / makehistory(8)
- Tools to recover usenet history database.
- courier-mta / makehosteddomains(8)
- Build a database of hosted domains
- makejail / makejail(8)
- Makejail helps creating and maintaining a chroot jail
- sendmail-bin / makemap(8)
- Create database maps for sendmail
- courier-mta / makepercentrelay(8)
- Build a list of %-relayed domains
- courier-mta / makesmtpaccess(8)
- Build esmtp server access file
- courier-mta / makesmtpaccess-msa(8)
- Build esmtp server access file
- courier-authlib-userdb / makeuserdb(8)
- Create /etc/courier/userdb
- courier-mta / makeuucpneighbors(8)
- Sample courier mail filter
- man-db / mandb(8)
- Create or update the manual page index caches
- mandos / mandos-ctl(8)
- Control the operation of the mandos server
- mandos-client / mandos-keygen(8)
- Generate key and password for mandos client and server.
- kbd / mapscrn(8)
- Load screen output mapping table
- masqmail / masqmail(8)
- An offline mail transfer agent
- arpwatch / massagevendor(8)
- Convert the ethernet vendor codes master list to arpwatch format
- masscan / masscan(8)
- Fast scan of the internet
- nut-server / masterguard(8)
- Driver for masterguard ups equipment
- selinux-utils / matchpathcon(8)
- Get the default selinux security context for the specified path from the file contexts configuration
- netsniff-ng / mausezahn(8)
- A fast versatile packet generator with cisco-cli
- cyrus-common / mbexamine(8)
- Examine a cyrus-format mailbox
- mcelog / mcelog(8)
- Decode kernel machine check log on x86 machines
- policycoreutils / mcs(8)
- Multi-category system
- smcroute / mcsender(8)
- Multicast test tool to send multicast test packets
- policycoreutils / mcstransd(8)
- Mcs (multiple category system) daemon. translates selinux mcs/mls labels to human readable form.
- mimedefang / md-mx-ctrl(8)
- Control mimedefang-multiplexor
- mdadm / mdadm(8)
- Manage md devices aka linux software raid
- mdadm / mdmon(8)
- Monitor md external metadata arrays
- reiser4progs / measurefs.reiser4(8)
- The program for measuring reiser4 filesystem parameters (fragmentation, node packing, etc.).
- cluster-glue / meatclient(8)
- Manually confirm that a node has been removed from the cluster
- kdoctools / meinproc4(8)
- Kde translator for xml
- memlockd / memlockd(8)
- Daemon to lock files in memory with mlock
- memtester / memtester(8)
- Stress test to find memory subsystem faults.
- nut-server / metasys(8)
- Driver for meta system ups equipment
- metche / metche(8)
- Reducing root bus factor
- nut-server / mge-shut(8)
- Driver for shut protocol ups equipment
- nut-server / mge-utalk(8)
- Driver for mge ups systems utalk protocol equipment
- gnokii-cli / mgnokiidev(8)
- Links /dev/gnokii to a virtual modem
- ax25-tools / mheardd(8)
- Collect information about packet activity
- micro-httpd / micro-httpd(8)
- Really small http server
- micro-proxy / micro_proxy(8)
- Really small http/https proxy
- nut-server / microdowell(8)
- Driver for microdowell enterprise ups series
- 389-ds-base / migrate-ds(8)
- Directory server migration script
- 389-admin / migrate-ds-admin(8)
- Admin server and directory server migration script
- numactl / migratepages(8)
- Migrate the physical location a processes pages
- net-tools / mii-tool(8)
- View, manipulate media-independent interface status
- milter-greylist / milter-greylist(8)
- Grey listing filter for sendmail
- opendkim-tools / miltertest(8)
- Milter unit test utility
- mimedefang / mimedefang(8)
- Sendmail mime mail filter
- mimedefang / mimedefang-multiplexor(8)
- Process pool controller for mail filters.
- mimedefang / mimedefang.pl(8)
- Perl script to scan mime messages.
- minbif-common / minbif(8)
- The irc instant messaging gateway
- mingetty / mingetty(8)
- Minimal getty for consoles
- mini-buildd / mini-buildd(8)
- Easy debian build daemon and repository.
- icinga-dbg / mini_epn_icinga(8)
- Too to nagios/icingaplugins inside of an embedded perl interpreter
- nagios3-dbg / mini_epn_nagios3(8)
- Too to nagiosplugins inside of an embedded perl interpreter
- minit / minit(8)
- A unix process no 1
- minit / minit-list(8)
- List running services
- minit / minit-shutdown(8)
- Shutdown the minit init system.
- minit / minit-update(8)
- Replace running minit with a new version
- miniupnpd / miniupnpd(8)
- Upnp internet gateway device daemon
- miredo / miredo(8)
- Teredo ipv6 tunneling for unix
- miredo / miredo-checkconf(8)
- Miredo configuration file syntax checking tool
- miredo-server / miredo-server(8)
- Teredo server for unix
- telepathy-mission-control-5 / mission-control-5(8)
- Telepathy account manager/chanel dispatcher
- am-utils / mk-amd-map(8)
- Create database maps for amd
- kbd / mk_modmap(8)
- Translate a linux keytable file into an xmodmap file
- gnats / mkcat(8)
- Create a new gnats category
- ceph / mkcephfs(8)
- Create a ceph file system
- hylafax-server / mkcover(8)
- \*(fx continuation cover page generation command
- nilfs-tools / mkcp(8)
- Make a nilfs2 checkpoint
- cramfsprogs / mkcramfs(8)
- Make a compressed rom file system
- gnats / mkdb(8)
- Create a new gnats database
- courier-ssl / mkdhparams(8)
- Create dh parameter file
- dosfstools / mkdosfs(8)
- Create an ms-dos filesystem under linux
- e2fsprogs / mke2fs(8)
- Create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- mkelfimage / mkelfImage(8)
- Make an elf network bootable image for linux
- rainbow / mkenvdir(8)
- Populate a directory with the contents of the current environment variables
- courier-mta / mkesmtpdcert(8)
- Create a secure smtp test certificate
- exfat-utils / mkexfatfs(8)
- Create an exfat file system
- util-linux / mkfs(8)
- Build a linux filesystem
- util-linux / mkfs.bfs(8)
- Make an sco bfs filesystem
- btrfs-tools / mkfs.btrfs(8)
- Create a btrfs filesystem
- util-linux / mkfs.cramfs(8)
- Make compressed rom file system
- exfat-utils / mkfs.exfat(8)
- Create an exfat file system
- e2fsprogs / mkfs.ext2(8)
- Create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- e2fsprogs / mkfs.ext3(8)
- Create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- e2fsprogs / mkfs.ext4(8)
- Create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- e2fsprogs / mkfs.ext4dev(8)
- Create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
- f2fs-tools / mkfs.f2fs(8)
- Create an f2fs file system
- dosfstools / mkfs.fat(8)
- Create an ms-dos filesystem under linux
- gfs2-utils / mkfs.gfs2(8)
- Make a gfs2 filesystem
- logfs-tools / mkfs.logfs(8)
- Create a logfs filesystem.
- util-linux / mkfs.minix(8)
- Make a minix filesystem
- dosfstools / mkfs.msdos(8)
- Create an ms-dos filesystem under linux
- nilfs-tools / mkfs.nilfs2(8)
- Create a nilfs2 filesystem
- ntfs-3g / mkfs.ntfs(8)
- Create an ntfs file system
- ocfs2-tools / mkfs.ocfs2(8)
- Creates an ocfs2 file system.
- reiser4progs / mkfs.reiser4(8)
- The program for creating reiser4 filesystem.
- reiserfsprogs / mkfs.reiserfs(8)
- The create tool for the linux reiserfs filesystem.
- dosfstools / mkfs.vfat(8)
- Create an ms-dos filesystem under linux
- xfsprogs / mkfs.xfs(8)
- Construct an xfs filesystem
- libpam-modules-bin / mkhomedir_helper(8)
- Helper binary that creates home directories
- courier-imap-ssl / mkimapdcert(8)
- Create a test ssl certificate for imap over ssl
- initramfs-tools / mkinitramfs(8)
- Low-level tool for generating an initramfs image
- dracut / mkinitrd(8)
- Is a compat wrapper, which calls dracut to generate an initramfs
- ax25-tools / mkiss(8)
- Attach a multi kiss interface
- jigit / mkjigsnap(8)
- Create a snapshot tree on a jigdo server
- logfs-tools / mklogfs(8)
- Create a logfs filesystem.
- e2fsprogs / mklost+found(8)
- Create a lost+found directory on a mounted linux second extended file system
- nis / mknetid(8)
- Generate data for netid map
- ntfs-3g / mkntfs(8)
- Create an ntfs file system
- ircd-ratbox / mkpasswd-ratbox(8)
- Hash password to use with ratbox.
- courier-pop-ssl / mkpop3dcert(8)
- Create a test ssl certificate for pop3 over ssl
- cman / mkqdisk(8)
- Cluster quorum disk utility
- reiser4progs / mkreiser4(8)
- The program for creating reiser4 filesystem.
- reiserfsprogs / mkreiserfs(8)
- The create tool for the linux reiserfs filesystem.
- lilo / mkrescue(8)
- Make rescue floppy or cd
- samba / mksmbpasswd(8)
- Formats a /etc/passwd entry for a smbpasswd file
- util-linux / mkswap(8)
- Set up a linux swap area
- isdnlog / mkzonedb(8)
- Utility create a zone file for isdnlog
- mailman / mmarch(8)
- Rebuild a mailman mailing list's archive.
- mailman / mmsitepass(8)
- Set the mailman site password, prompting from the terminal.
- mod-gearman-tools / mod_gearman_mini_epn(8)
- Verify that a plugin can be run from the embedded perl interpreter (epn)
- mod-gearman-worker / mod_gearman_worker(8)
- Agent that runs active checks from a gearman queue
- gridsite / mod_gridsite(8)
- Grid extensions to apache httpd
- modem-cmd / modem-cmd(8)
- Send arbitrary at commands to your modem
- kmod / modinfo(8)
- Show information about a linux kernel module
- kmod / modprobe(8)
- Add and remove modules from the linux kernel
- module-assistant / module-assistant(8)
- Manage kernel modules packages
- python-moinmoin / moin-mass-migrate(8)
- Migrate all moin wikis on a system
- molly-guard / molly-guard(8)
- Guard against accidental shutdowns/reboots
- mon / mon(8)
- Monitor services for availability, sending alarms upon failures.
- 389-ds-base / monitor(8)
- Directory server script for monitoring database performance
- monkeysphere / monkeysphere-authentication(8)
- Monkeysphere authentication admin tool.
- monkeysphere / monkeysphere-host(8)
- Monkeysphere host key administration tool.
- ceph / monmaptool(8)
- Ceph monitor cluster map manipulation tool
- wwwstat / monthly(8)
- Httpd log rotation for wwwstat
- mopidy / mopidyctl(8)
- Manage the mopidy music server system service
- latd / moprc(8)
- Mop remote console requestor
- mosquitto / mosquitto(8)
- An mqtt broker
- mount / mount(8)
- Mount a filesystem
- ceph-fs-common / mount.ceph(8)
- Mount a ceph file system
- cifs-utils / mount.cifs(8)
- Mount using the common internet file system (cifs)
- libpam-mount / mount.crypt(8)
- None
- libpam-mount / mount.crypt_LUKS(8)
- None
- libpam-mount / mount.crypto_LUKS(8)
- None
- dnet-progs / mount.dapfs(8)
- Mount dap filesystem over decnet
- davfs2 / mount.davfs(8)
- Mount a webdav resource in a directory
- diod / mount.diod(8)
- Mount diod file systems
- ecryptfs-utils / mount.ecryptfs(8)
- Ecryptfs mount helper.
- exfat-fuse / mount.exfat(8)
- Mount an exfat file system
- exfat-fuse / mount.exfat-fuse(8)
- Mount an exfat file system
- fuse / mount.fuse(8)
- Format and options for the fuse file systems
- fuseext2 / mount.fuse-ext2(8)
- Fuse module for second extended file system
- fuseext2 / mount.fuseext2(8)
- Fuse module for second extended file system
- gfs2-utils / mount.gfs2(8)
- Gfs2 mount options
- glusterfs-client / mount.glusterfs(8)
- Script to mount native glusterfs volume
- bilibop-lockfs / mount.lockfs(8)
- Helper script for the mount command
- ntfs-3g / mount.lowntfs-3g(8)
- Third generation read/write ntfs driver
- nfs-common / mount.nfs(8)
- Mount a network file system
- nilfs-tools / mount.nilfs2(8)
- Mount a nilfs2 file system
- ntfs-3g / mount.ntfs(8)
- Third generation read/write ntfs driver
- ntfs-3g / mount.ntfs-3g(8)
- Third generation read/write ntfs driver
- ocfs2-tools / mount.ocfs2(8)
- Mount an ocfs2 filesystem
- open-vm-tools / mount.vmhgfs(8)
- Program for mounting hgfs shares
- mountall / mountall(8)
- Mount filesystems during boot
- nfs-kernel-server / mountd(8)
- Nfs mount daemon
- ocfs2-tools / mounted.ocfs2(8)
- Detects all ocfs2 volumes on a system.
- flashybrid / mountro(8)
- Remount the root file systems as read only
- flashybrid / mountrw(8)
- Remount the root file systems as read/write
- nfs-common / mountstats(8)
- Displays nfs client per-mount statistics
- mouseemu / mouseemu(8)
- Emulate mouse buttons and mouse wheel
- multipath-tools / mpathpersist(8)
- Mpathpersist
- atm-tools / mpcd(8)
- Atm mpoa (multi-protocol over atm) client daemon
- mpt-status / mpt-status(8)
- Retrieve configuration and health status from lsi hardware raid controllers
- mrb / mrb(8)
- Manage incremental snapshots with rsync/make.
- mrd6 / mrd6(8)
- An ipv6 multicast routing daemon and framework
- xymon-client / msgcache(8)
- Cache client messages for later pickup by xymonfetch
- minit / msvc(8)
- Control minit
- mtink / mtinkd(8)
- Daemon to control your epson printer
- mtr / mtr(8)
- A network diagnostic tool
- mtr-tiny / mtr(8)
- A network diagnostic tool
- daemontools / multilog(8)
- Reads a sequence of lines from stdin and appends selected lines to any number of logs.
- dnet-progs / multinet(8)
- Connect to a multinet* decnet over ip server
- multipath-tools / multipath(8)
- Device mapper target autoconfig
- multipath-tools / multipathd(8)
- Multipath daemon
- mumudvb / mumudvb(8)
- Multicast a dvb transponder over multiples ip addresses
- munge / munged(8)
- Munge daemon
- mediawiki-extensions-base / mwdisext(8)
- Enable or disable an extension for mediawiki
- mediawiki-extensions-base / mwenext(8)
- Enable or disable an extension for mediawiki
- myproxy-admin / myproxy-admin-addservice(8)
- Add a user or service credential
- myproxy-admin / myproxy-admin-adduser(8)
- Add a user or service credential
- myproxy-admin / myproxy-admin-change-pass(8)
- Change credential passphrase
- myproxy-admin / myproxy-admin-load-credential(8)
- Directly load repository
- myproxy-admin / myproxy-admin-query(8)
- Query myproxy repository contents
- myproxy-admin / myproxy-replicate(8)
- Stores data from the myproxy master repository to all the slave servers.
- myproxy-server / myproxy-server(8)
- Store credentials in an online repository
- myrescue / myrescue(8)
- Harddisc rescue
- nictools-pci / myson-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the myson mtd803 chip.
- mariadb-server-core-10.0 / mysqld(8)
- The mariadb server
- mysql-server-core-5.5 / mysqld(8)
- The mysql server
- mysqmail-courier-logger / mysqmail-courier-logger(8)
- Logs courier-imap traffic to a mysql database
- mysqmail-dovecot-logger / mysqmail-dovecot-logger(8)
- Logs dovecot-imapd and dovecot-pop3d traffic to a mysql database
- mysqmail-postfix-logger / mysqmail-postfix-logger(8)
- Logs smtp traffic to a mysql database
- mysqmail-pure-ftpd-logger / mysqmail-pure-ftpd-logger(8)
- Logs pureftpd traffic to a mysql database
- net-acct / nacctd(8)
- Network accounting daemon
- util-vserver / naddress(8)
- Bind to an ip and execute a program
- nagios3-core / nagios3(8)
- Network/systems status monitoring daemon
- nagios3-core / nagios3stats(8)
- Report statistics information from the nagios system
- bind9 / named(8)
- Internet domain name server
- bind9utils / named-checkconf(8)
- Named configuration file syntax checking tool
- bind9utils / named-checkzone(8)
- Zone file validity checking or converting tool
- bind9utils / named-compilezone(8)
- Zone file validity checking or converting tool
- bind9 / named-journalprint(8)
- Print zone journal in human-readable form
- net-tools / nameif(8)
- Name network interfaces based on mac addresses
- nast / nast(8)
- Network analyzer sniffer tool
- nictools-pci / natsemi-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the national semiconductor dp83810 / 83815 chips.
- util-vserver / nattribute(8)
- Sets/gets attributes of network contexts
- nbd-client / nbd-client(8)
- Connect to a server running nbd-server(1), to use its exported block device
- ltsp-server / nbdrootd(8)
- Nbdrootd serve out ltsp images created with ltsp-update-image(8)
- ltsp-server / nbdswapd(8)
- Nbdswapd dynamically create swap files on request export with an nbd-server(1) instance
- util-vserver / ncontext(8)
- Manages the creation of network contexts
- plptools / ncpd(8)
- Daemon which handles the serial link to a psion
- ndisc6 / ndisc6(8)
- Icmpv6 neighbor discovery tool
- ndisgtk / ndisgtk(8)
- Load windows wireless drivers with ndiswrapper
- ndiswrapper-common / ndiswrapper(8)
- Install/modify/remove ndis driver (wrapper)
- ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 / ndiswrapper-1.9(8)
- Linux kernel module and user space tool to load and run windows xp drivers for wireless cards
- ndpmon / ndpmon(8)
- Neighbor discovery protocol monitor
- libndp-tools / ndptool(8)
- Ndptool neighbor discovery protocol tool
- vzctl / ndsend(8)
- Send a neighbor advertisement ndp packet
- nictools-pci / ne2k-pci-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for pci ne2000 ethernet cards.
- neard / neard(8)
- Near field communication daemon
- samba-common-bin / net(8)
- Tool for administration of samba and remote cifs servers.
- ax25-tools / net2kiss(8)
- Convert a network ax.25 driver to a kiss stream on a pseudo-tty
- libcap-ng-utils / netcap(8)
- A program to see capabilities
- netdiscover / netdiscover(8)
- An active/passive arp reconnaissance tool.
- netenv / netenv(8)
- Configure your system for different network environments
- netfilter-persistent / netfilter-persistent(8)
- Load, flush and save netfilter rule sets
- nethogs / nethogs(8)
- Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process
- netplan / netplan(8)
- Ip server for plan(1) appointment lists
- ax25-tools / netromd(8)
- Send and receive net/rom routing messages
- netscript-2.4 / netscript(8)
- Netscript network configuration command
- netscript-ipfilter / netscript(8)
- Netscript network configuration command
- netscript-ipfilter / netscript-ipfilter(8)
- Netscript network configuration command
- netsniff-ng / netsniff-ng(8)
- The packet sniffing beast
- net-tools / netstat(8)
- Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships
- network-config / network-config(8)
- Simple network configuration tool
- nut-xml / netxml-ups(8)
- Driver for eaton / mge network management card / proxy (xml/http protocol) equipment
- neutron-plugin-linuxbridge-agent / neutron-linuxbridge-agent(8)
- Openstack virtual network service - linuxbridge agent
- neutron-plugin-nec-agent / neutron-nec-agent(8)
- Openstack virtual network service - nec agent
- neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent / neutron-openvswitch-agent(8)
- Openstack virtual network service - openvswitch agent
- neutron-server / neutron-rootwrap(8)
- Openstack virtual network service - sudo helper
- neutron-server / neutron-server(8)
- Openstack virtual network service - server
- masqmail / newaliases(8)
- Update /etc/aliases database
- ssmtp / newaliases(8)
- Update /etc/aliases database
- sendmail-bin / newaliases.sendmail(8)
- Rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file
- mailman / newlist(8)
- Create a new, unpopulated mailman mailing list.
- inn / news-recovery(8)
- Tools to recover usenet databases
- inn / news.daily(8)
- Do regular usenet system administration
- inn / newslog(8)
- Programs to manipulate or summarize inn log files.
- inn / newsrequeue(8)
- Tool to rewrite batchfiles.
- passwd / newusers(8)
- Update and create new users in batch
- nfacct / nfacct(8)
- Command line tool to create/retrieve/delete accounting objects
- nfct / nfct(8)
- Command line tool to interact with the connection tracking system
- iptables / nfnl_osf(8)
- Load and unload os fingerprint database
- nfs-kernel-server / nfsd(8)
- Nfs server process
- nfs-kernel-server / nfsdcltrack(8)
- Nfsv4 client tracking callout program
- nfs-common / nfsiostat(8)
- Emulate iostat for nfs mount points using /proc/self/mountstats
- nfswatch / nfslogsum(8)
- Summarize nfswatch log file
- nfs-common / nfsstat(8)
- List nfs statistics
- nfswatch / nfswatch(8)
- Monitor an \*(@n server
- ngetty / ngetty(8)
- Daemon for virtual console terminals
- ngetty / ngetty-argv(8)
- Daemon for virtual console terminals
- ngetty / ngetty-helper(8)
- Daemon for virtual console terminals
- ngircd / ngircd(8)
- The "next generation" irc daemon
- ngrep / ngrep(8)
- Network grep
- nield / nield(8)
- Network interface events logging daemon
- nilfs-tools / nilfs(8)
- The new implementation of a log-structured file system
- nilfs-tools / nilfs-clean(8)
- Run garbage collector on nilfs file system
- nilfs-tools / nilfs-resize(8)
- Resize nilfs file system volume size
- nilfs-tools / nilfs-tune(8)
- Adjust tunable file system parameters on nilfs file system
- nilfs-tools / nilfs_cleanerd(8)
- Nilfs2 garbage collector
- ninja / ninja(8)
- Privilege escalation detection system for gnu/linux
- libnl-utils / nl-classid-lookup(8)
- Lookup classid definitions
- libnl-utils / nl-pktloc-lookup(8)
- Lookup packet location definitions
- libnl-utils / nl-qdisc-add(8)
- Manage queueing disciplines
- libnl-utils / nl-qdisc-delete(8)
- Manage queueing disciplines
- libnl-utils / nl-qdisc-list(8)
- Manage queueing disciplines
- ifcico / nlpatch(8)
- Patches a nodelist
- samba / nmbd(8)
- Netbios name server to provide netbios over ip naming services to clients
- nn / nnmaster(8)
- Nn database manager
- nn / nnspew(8)
- Subject database manager (nn)
- cyrus-nntpd / nntpd(8)
- Nntp server process
- inn / nntpsend(8)
- Send usenet articles to remote site
- ax25-tools / nodesave(8)
- Saves net/rom routing information
- nodm / nodm(8)
- X display manager for automatic logins
- login / nologin(8)
- Politely refuse a login
- nordugrid-arc-gridmap-utils / nordugridmap(8)
- Arc grid-mapfile generator
- hylafax-server / notify(8)
- \*(fx user notification script
- cyrus-common / notifyd(8)
- Cyrus notification server
- novena-eeprom / novena-eeprom(8)
- Novena eeprom editor
- ax25-tools / nrattach(8)
- Start a net/rom interface
- ax25-tools / nrparms(8)
- Configure the net/rom interface.
- nagios-nrpe-server / nrpe(8)
- Nagios remote plugin executor - server
- ax25-tools / nrsdrv(8)
- Kiss to net/rom serial converter
- 389-ds-base / ns-accountstatus.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for checking the status of entries.
- 389-ds-base / ns-activate.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for activating entries.
- 389-ds-base / ns-inactivate.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for inactivating entries.
- 389-ds-base / ns-newpwpolicy.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for preparing new password policies.
- 389-ds-base / ns-slapd(8)
- The main directory server daemon
- nictools-pci / ns820-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the national semiconductor dp83820 chip series.
- nsca-ng-server / nsca-ng(8)
- Monitoring command acceptor
- l2tpns / nsctl(8)
- Manage running l2tpns instance
- nsd / nsd(8)
- Name server daemon (nsd) version 4.1.0.
- nsd / nsd-checkconf(8)
- Nsd configuration file checker.
- nsd / nsd-checkzone(8)
- Nsd zone file syntax checker.
- nsd / nsd-control(8)
- Nsd remote server control utility.
- nsd / nsd-control-setup(8)
- Nsd remote server control utility.
- bind9 / nsec3hash(8)
- Generate nsec3 hash
- nslcd / nslcd(8)
- Local ldap name service daemon
- nslint / nslint(8)
- Perform consistency checks on dns files
- libapache2-mod-nss / nss_pcache(8)
- Helper program used to store token password pins
- iproute2 / nstat(8)
- Network statistics tools.
- ntdb-tools / ntdbbackup(8)
- Tool for backing up and for validating the integrity of samba .ntdb files
- ntdb-tools / ntdbdump(8)
- Tool for printing the contents of an ntdb file
- ntdb-tools / ntdbrestore(8)
- Tool for creating a ntdb file out of a ntdbdump output
- ntdb-tools / ntdbtool(8)
- Manipulate the contents ntdb files
- ntfs-3g / ntfs-3g(8)
- Third generation read/write ntfs driver
- ntfs-3g / ntfs-3g.probe(8)
- Probe an ntfs volume mountability
- ntfs-3g / ntfs-3g.secaudit(8)
- Ntfs security data auditing
- ntfs-3g / ntfs-3g.usermap(8)
- Ntfs building a user mapping file
- ntfs-config / ntfs-config(8)
- Enable/disable write support for ntfs with a simple click.
- ntfs-config / ntfs-config-root(8)
- Ntfs-config su helper
- ntfs-3g / ntfscat(8)
- Print ntfs files and streams on the standard output
- ntfs-3g / ntfsclone(8)
- Efficiently clone, image, restore or rescue an ntfs
- ntfs-3g / ntfscluster(8)
- Identify files in a specified region of an ntfs volume.
- ntfs-3g / ntfscmp(8)
- Compare two ntfs filesystems and tell the differences
- ntfs-3g / ntfscp(8)
- Copy file to an ntfs volume.
- ntfs-3g / ntfsdecrypt(8)
- Decrypt or update ntfs files encrypted according to efs
- ntfs-3g / ntfsfallocate(8)
- Preallocate space to a file on an ntfs volume
- ntfs-3g / ntfsfix(8)
- Fix common errors and force windows to check ntfs
- ntfs-3g / ntfsinfo(8)
- Dump a file's attributes
- ntfs-3g / ntfslabel(8)
- Display/change the label on an ntfs file system
- ntfs-3g / ntfsls(8)
- List directory contents on an ntfs filesystem
- ntfs-3g / ntfsprogs(8)
- Tools for doing neat things with ntfs
- ntfs-3g / ntfsresize(8)
- Resize an ntfs filesystem without data loss
- ntfs-3g / ntfstruncate(8)
- Truncate a file on an ntfs volume
- ntfs-3g / ntfsundelete(8)
- Recover a deleted file from an ntfs volume.
- ntfs-3g / ntfswipe(8)
- Overwrite unused space on an ntfs volume
- ntop / ntop(8)
- Display top network users
- ntopng / ntopng(8)
- Display top network users
- ntp / ntp-keygen(8)
- Generate public and private keys
- ntp / ntp-wait(8)
- Wait for ntp server to synchronize
- ntp / ntpd(8)
- Network time protocol (ntp) daemon
- openntpd / ntpd(8)
- "network time protocol daemon"
- ntpdate / ntpdate(8)
- Set the date and time via ntp
- ntpdate / ntpdate-debian(8)
- Set the date and time via ntp
- ntp / ntptime(8)
- Read kernel time variables
- nuauth-utils / nuaclgen(8)
- Nufw acl generator
- nuauth / nuauth(8)
- Nufw authentication server
- nufw / nufw(8)
- Nufw user filtering gateway server
- nullidentd / nullidentd(8)
- A bare minimum identd server
- nullmailer / nullmailer-qmqp(8)
- Qmqp mail sender for nullmailer
- nullmailer / nullmailer-queue(8)
- Insert mail messages into the queue
- nullmailer / nullmailer-send(8)
- Send queued messages
- nullmailer / nullmailer-smtp(8)
- Smtp mail sender for nullmailer
- nullmailer / nullmailer-smtpd(8)
- Sendmail emulator interface for nullmailer
- numactl / numactl(8)
- Control numa policy for processes or shared memory
- numactl / numastat(8)
- None
- nut-ipmi / nut-ipmipsu(8)
- Driver for ipmi power supply units (psu)
- nutcracker / nutcracker(8)
- Fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis
- nut-server / nutdrv_atcl_usb(8)
- Driver for atcl for ups equipment
- nuauth-utils / nutop(8)
- Display top nufw users
- nuttcp / nuttcp(8)
- Network performance measurement tool
- nut-server / nutupsdrv(8)
- Generic manual for unified nut drivers
- nvtv / nvdump(8)
- Nvdump program to dump nvidia tv-out encoder registers
- nvram-wakeup / nvram-wakeup(8)
- A (small) program that can read and write the wakeup time in the bios.
- nvtv / nvtvd(8)
- Nvtvd backend server to control tv output hardware
- linux-wlan-ng / nwepgen(8)
- Generates neesus datacom compatible wep keys
- ocfs2-tools / o2cb_ctl(8)
- Control program for the o2cb cluster service.
- ocfs2-tools / o2image(8)
- Copy or restore ocfs2 file system meta-data
- owncloud / occ(8)
- Owncloud server command line interface
- resource-agents / ocf-tester(8)
- Part of the linux-ha project
- ocfs2-tools / ocfs2_hb_ctl(8)
- Starts and stops the ocfs2 heartbeat on a given device.
- ocfs2console / ocfs2console(8)
- Gui console for ocfs2.
- opendnssec-common / ods-control(8)
- Opendnssec control utility
- opendnssec-enforcer-mysql / ods-enforcerd(8)
- Opendnssec policy enforcer daemon
- opendnssec-enforcer-sqlite3 / ods-enforcerd(8)
- Opendnssec policy enforcer daemon
- opendnssec-signer / ods-getconf(8)
- Opendnssec get configuration values
- opendnssec-signer / ods-signer(8)
- Opendnssec signer engine client
- opendnssec-signer / ods-signerd(8)
- Opendnssec signer engine daemon
- ofono / ofonod(8)
- Ofono mobile telephony daemon
- oidentd / oidentd(8)
- Tcp/ip ident protocol server
- wwwstat / oldlog2new(8)
- Convert an ncsa httpd 1.1 access_log file to clf access_log
- olsrd / olsr_switch(8)
- Olsrd network simulator
- olsrd / olsrd(8)
- Optimized link state routing protocol daemon
- omnievents / omniEvents(8)
- Corba event service daemon
- omniorb / omniMapper(8)
- Simple proxy for corba naming service from omniorb
- omniorb-nameserver / omniNames(8)
- Omniorb interoperable naming service
- onak / onak-mail.pl(8)
- Process openpgp keyserver emails.
- hylafax-server / ondelay(8)
- Open device without waiting for carrier
- nut-server / oneac(8)
- Driver for oneac ups equipment
- policycoreutils / open_init_pty(8)
- Run an program under a pseudo terminal
- openais / openais_overview(8)
- None
- opendkim / opendkim(8)
- Dkim signing and verifying filter for mtas
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-atpszone(8)
- Dkim atps zone file generation tool
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-convert-keylist(8)
- Convert an opendkim keylist
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-genkey(8)
- Dkim filter key generation tool
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-genzone(8)
- Dkim public key zone file generation tool
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-stats(8)
- Output opendkim statistics
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-testadsp(8)
- Dkim filter adsp evaluation tool
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-testkey(8)
- Dkim filter installation test
- opendkim-tools / opendkim-testmsg(8)
- Dkim message tst
- opendmarc / opendmarc(8)
- Dmarc email policy filter for mtas
- opendmarc / opendmarc-check(8)
- Dmarc record check tool
- opendmarc / opendmarc-expire(8)
- Opendmarc history data expiration tool
- opendmarc / opendmarc-import(8)
- Opendmarc aggregate report data import tool
- opendmarc / opendmarc-importstats(8)
- Import opendmarc statistics/history data
- opendmarc / opendmarc-params(8)
- Opendmarc reporting parameters setup tool
- opendmarc / opendmarc-reports(8)
- Opendmarc aggregate report generation tool
- openntpd / openntpd(8)
- "network time protocol daemon"
- opensm / opensm(8)
- Infiniband subnet manager and administration (sm/sa)
- perf-tools-unstable / opensnoop(8)
- Trace open() syscalls with file details. uses linux ftrace.
- openvpn / openvpn(8)
- Secure ip tunnel daemon.
- nut-server / optiups(8)
- Driver for opti-ups (viewsonic) ups and zinto d (online-usv) equipment
- deborphan / orphaner(8)
- Frontend for deborphan
- libopenscap8 / oscap(8)
- Openscap command line tool
- ceph / osdmaptool(8)
- Ceph osd cluster map manipulation tool
- opensm / osmtest(8)
- Infiniband subnet manager and administration (sm/sa) test program
- quagga / ospf6d(8)
- An ospfv3 routing engine for use with quagga routing software.
- quagga / ospfclient(8)
- An example ospf-api client
- quagga / ospfd(8)
- An ospfv2 routing engine for use with quagga routing software.
- oss4-base / ossdetect(8)
- Open sound system audio device detection program.
- oss4-base / ossdevlinks(8)
- Open sound system legacy device management utility.
- osspd / osspd(8)
- Oss proxy daemon
- inn / overchan(8)
- Update the news overview database
- openvswitch-common / ovs-appctl(8)
- Utility for configuring running open vswitch daemons
- openvswitch-common / ovs-bugtool(8)
- Open vswitch bug reporting utility
- openvswitch-switch / ovs-ctl(8)
- Ovs startup helper script
- openvswitch-switch / ovs-dpctl(8)
- Administer open vswitch datapaths
- openvswitch-switch / ovs-dpctl-top(8)
- Top like behavior for ovs-dpctl dump-flows
- openvswitch-common / ovs-ofctl(8)
- Administer openflow switches
- openvswitch-common / ovs-parse-backtrace(8)
- Parses ovs-appctl backtrace output
- openvswitch-common / ovs-pki(8)
- Openflow public key infrastructure management utility
- openvswitch-switch / ovs-vsctl(8)
- Utility for querying and configuring ovs-vswitchd
- openvswitch-switch / ovs-vswitchd(8)
- Open vswitch daemon
- dmidecode / ownership(8)
- Compaq ownership tag retriever
- p3scan / p3scan(8)
- Fully transparent proxy scanning server for pop3 and smtp
- p3scan / p3scan_readme(8)
- Readme for the p3scan tool
- p910nd / p910nd(8)
- Port 9100+n printer daemon
- packit / packit(8)
- Packet analysis and injection tool
- paco / paco(8)
- A source code package organizer
- paco / pacoball(8)
- Binary package support for paco(8).
- pads / pads(8)
- Passive asset detection system
- pads / pads-report(8)
- Pads text reporting module
- pads / pads.conf(8)
- Pads configuration file
- hylafax-server / pagesend(8)
- \*(fx ixo/tap and ucp transmit program
- palo / palo(8)
- Hppa/palinux linux boot media management (think lilo)
- libpam-runtime / pam-auth-update(8)
- Manage pam configuration using packaged profiles
- libpam-tmpdir / pam-tmpdir-helper(8)
- Create safe temporary directory
- libpam-modules / pam_access(8)
- Pam module for logdaemon style login access control
- libcap2-bin / pam_cap(8)
- Pam module to set inheritable capabilities
- libpam-ck-connector / pam_ck_connector(8)
- Register session with consolekit
- libpam-cracklib / pam_cracklib(8)
- Pam module to check the password against dictionary words
- libpam-modules / pam_debug(8)
- Pam module to debug the pam stack
- libpam-modules / pam_deny(8)
- The locking-out pam module
- libpam-modules / pam_echo(8)
- Pam module for printing text messages
- ecryptfs-utils / pam_ecryptfs(8)
- Pam module for ecryptfs
- libpam-modules / pam_env(8)
- Pam module to set/unset environment variables
- libpam-modules / pam_exec(8)
- Pam module which calls an external command
- libpam-modules / pam_faildelay(8)
- Change the delay on failure per-application
- libpam-modules / pam_filter(8)
- Pam filter module
- libpam-modules / pam_ftp(8)
- Pam module for anonymous access module
- libpam-geoip / pam_geoip(8)
- Geoip account management module for (linux-)pam
- libpam-google-authenticator / pam_google_authenticator(8)
- Pam module for two-step verification
- libpam-modules / pam_group(8)
- Pam module for group access
- libpam-modules / pam_issue(8)
- Pam module to add issue file to user prompt
- libpam-modules / pam_keyinit(8)
- Kernel session keyring initialiser module
- libpam-modules / pam_lastlog(8)
- Pam module to display date of last login and perform inactive account lock out
- libpam-ldapd / pam_ldap(8)
- Pam module for ldap-based authentication
- libpam-modules / pam_limits(8)
- Pam module to limit resources
- libpam-modules / pam_listfile(8)
- Deny or allow services based on an arbitrary file
- libpam-modules / pam_localuser(8)
- Require users to be listed in /etc/passwd
- libpam-modules / pam_loginuid(8)
- Record users login uid to the process attribute
- libpam-modules / pam_mail(8)
- Inform about available mail
- libpam-modules / pam_mkhomedir(8)
- Pam module to create users home directory
- libpam-modules / pam_motd(8)
- Display the motd file
- libpam-mount / pam_mount(8)
- None
- libpam-modules / pam_namespace(8)
- Pam module for configuring namespace for a session
- libpam-modules / pam_nologin(8)
- Prevent non-root users from login
- libpam-otpw / pam_otpw(8)
- Verify one-time passwords
- libpam-modules / pam_permit(8)
- The promiscuous module
- libpam-pkcs11 / pam_pkcs11(8)
- Pam authentication module for pkcs#11 token libraries
- libpam-modules / pam_pwhistory(8)
- Pam module to remember last passwords
- libpam-pwquality / pam_pwquality(8)
- Pam module to perform password quality checking
- libpam-modules / pam_rhosts(8)
- The rhosts pam module
- libpam-modules / pam_rootok(8)
- Gain only root access
- libpam-modules / pam_securetty(8)
- Limit root login to special devices
- libpam-modules / pam_selinux(8)
- Pam module to set the default security context
- libpam-modules / pam_sepermit(8)
- Pam module to allow/deny login depending on selinux enforcement state
- libpam-modules / pam_shells(8)
- Pam module to check for valid login shell
- snapper / pam_snapper(8)
- Pam module which creates filesystem snapshots via "snapper"
- libpam-sshauth / pam_sshauth(8)
- Pam module which authenticates against an ssh server
- libpam-sss / pam_sss(8)
- Pam module for sssd
- libpam-modules / pam_succeed_if(8)
- Test account characteristics
- libpam-systemd / pam_systemd(8)
- Register user sessions in the systemd login manager
- libpam-modules / pam_tally(8)
- The login counter (tallying) module
- libpam-modules / pam_tally2(8)
- The login counter (tallying) module
- libpam-modules / pam_time(8)
- Pam module for time control access
- libpam-modules / pam_timestamp(8)
- Authenticate using cached successful authentication attempts
- libpam-modules-bin / pam_timestamp_check(8)
- Check to see if the default timestamp is valid
- libpam-modules / pam_tty_audit(8)
- Enable or disable tty auditing for specified users
- libpam-modules / pam_umask(8)
- Pam module to set the file mode creation mask
- libpam-modules / pam_unix(8)
- Module for traditional password authentication
- libpam-modules / pam_userdb(8)
- Pam module to authenticate against a db database
- libpam-modules / pam_warn(8)
- Pam module which logs all pam items if called
- libpam-modules / pam_wheel(8)
- Only permit root access to members of group wheel
- libpam-winbind / pam_winbind(8)
- Pam module for winbind
- libpam-modules / pam_xauth(8)
- Pam module to forward xauth keys between users
- libpam-yubico / pam_yubico(8)
- Module for yubikey authentication
- dacs / pamd(8)
- Pam transaction server
- libpaper-utils / paperconfig(8)
- Configure the system default paper size
- paris-traceroute / paris-traceroute(8)
- Print the ip-level routes between two internet hosts.
- parprouted / parprouted(8)
- Proxy arp ip bridging daemon
- blktap-utils / part-util(8)
- Short desc goes here
- partclone / partclone(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.VMFS_volume_member(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.btrfs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.chkimg(8)
- The utility to check image made by partclone
- partclone / partclone.dd(8)
- Unsupported file system backup utility.(like `dd` )
- partclone / partclone.exfat(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.ext2(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.ext3(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.ext4(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.ext4dev(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.extfs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.f2fs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.fat(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.fat12(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.fat16(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.fat32(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.fstype(8)
- The utility to show vmfs type
- partclone / partclone.hfs+(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.hfsp(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.hfsplus(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.imager(8)
- Unsupported file system backup utility.(like `dd` )
- partclone / partclone.info(8)
- The utility to show image head information.
- partclone / partclone.jfs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.minix(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.ntfs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.ntfsfixboot(8)
- Deals with braindeadness with moving ntfs filesystems.
- partclone / partclone.ntfsreloc(8)
- Deals with braindeadness with moving ntfs filesystems.
- partclone / partclone.reiser4(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.reiserfs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.restore(8)
- Restore partclone image to device.
- partclone / partclone.ufs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.vfat(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.vmfs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.vmfs3(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.vmfs5(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- partclone / partclone.xfs(8)
- The utility for clone and restore a partition.
- parted / parted(8)
- A partition manipulation program
- partimage-server / partimaged(8)
- Backup/restore partitions server
- partimage-server / partimaged-passwd(8)
- Manage partimaged user accounts
- parted / partprobe(8)
- Inform the os of partition table changes
- util-linux / partx(8)
- Tell the linux kernel about the presence and numbering of on-disk partitions
- ruby-passenger / passenger-memory-stats(8)
- Reports a snapshot of the apache and phusion passenger memory statistcs
- ruby-passenger / passenger-status(8)
- Inspect phusion passenger's internal status
- pawserv / pawserv(8)
- Cernlib program for serving paw histograms remotely
- pbuilder / pbuilder(8)
- Personal package builder
- pcmciautils / pccardctl(8)
- Pcmcia card control utility lspcmcia - display extended pcmcia debugging information
- pchar / pchar(8)
- Perform network measurements along an internet path
- nictools-pci / pci-config(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the amd pcnet/pci series chips.
- pciutils / pcimodules(8)
- List kernel driver modules available for all currently plugged in pci devices
- nictools-pci / pcnet-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the amd pcnet/pci series chips.
- pcscd / pcscd(8)
- Pc/sc smart card daemon
- samba / pdbedit(8)
- Manage the sam database (database of samba users)
- hylafax-server / pdf2fax(8)
- Image portable document format file for facsimile transmission by \*(fx
- pdns-server / pdns_control(8)
- Control the powerdns nameserver
- pdns-server / pdns_server(8)
- The powerdns nameserver
- pdnsd / pdnsd(8)
- Dns proxy daemon
- pdnsd / pdnsd-ctl(8)
- Controls pdnsd
- pdns-server / pdnssec(8)
- Powerdnssec command and control
- freeipmi-tools / pef-config(8)
- Configure ipmi values
- perdition / perdition(8)
- Pop3 and imap4 proxy server
- perdition / perdition.imap4(8)
- Pop3 and imap4 proxy server
- perdition / perdition.imap4s(8)
- Pop3 and imap4 proxy server
- perdition / perdition.imaps(8)
- Pop3 and imap4 proxy server
- perdition / perdition.managesieve(8)
- Pop3 and imap4 proxy server
- perdition / perdition.pop3(8)
- Pop3 and imap4 proxy server
- perdition / perdition.pop3s(8)
- Pop3 and imap4 proxy server
- perdition-ldap / perditiondb_ldap_makedb(8)
- Create perdition popmap in ldap
- perdition-mysql / perditiondb_mysql_makedb(8)
- Create perdition database in a mysql rdms
- perdition-odbc / perditiondb_odbc_makedb(8)
- Create perdition database using odbc rdms
- perdition-postgresql / perditiondb_postgresql_makedb(8)
- Create perdition database in a postgresql rdms
- perf-tools-unstable / perf-stat-hist(8)
- Histogram summary of tracepoint values. uses linux perf_events.
- infiniband-diags / perfquery(8)
- Perfquery -
- inn2 / perl-nocem(8)
- A nocem-on-spool implementation for inn2.x
- python-ethtool / pethtool(8)
- Display or change ethernet card settings
- pfqueue / pfqueue(8)
- A queue realtime scanner for mta
- inn / pgpverify(8)
- Cryptographically verify usenet control messages
- daemontools / pgrphack(8)
- Runs a program in a separate process group.
- dnet-progs / phoned(8)
- Decnet phone server daemon
- testdisk / photorec(8)
- Recover lost files from harddisk, digital camera and cdrom
- php5-fpm / php5-fpm(8)
- rt-tests / pi_stress(8)
- A stress test for posix priority inheritance mutexes
- minit / pidfilehack(8)
- Work around daemons that always fork
- sysvinit-utils / pidof(8)
- Find the process id of a running program.
- python-ethtool / pifconfig(8)
- Display information about a network interface
- imapproxy / pimpstat(8)
- Up-imapproxy statistics
- iputils-ping / ping(8)
- Send icmp echo_request to network hosts
- iputils-ping / ping6(8)
- Send icmp echo_request to network hosts
- rt-tests / pip_stress(8)
- Test priority inheritance between processes
- piuparts-slave / piuparts_slave_join(8)
- Join a running piuparts-slave screen session
- piuparts-slave / piuparts_slave_run(8)
- Start up piuparts-slave instance(s) in screen
- util-linux / pivot_root(8)
- Change the root filesystem
- opencryptoki / pkcsslotd(8)
- Shared memory manager for opencryptoki
- pkgsync / pkgsync(8)
- Automated package synchronization tool
- policykit-1 / pklocalauthority(8)
- Policykit local authority
- net-tools / plipconfig(8)
- Fine tune plip device parameters
- powerman / plmpower(8)
- Control insteon/x10 devices via smartlabs plm 2412s
- plptools / plpfuse(8)
- Daemon to mount an epoc device as a file system
- plptools / plpprintd(8)
- Daemon for printing via pc from a psion.
- plymouth / plymouth(8)
- A graphical boot system and logger
- plymouth / plymouth-log-viewer(8)
- A graphical boot system and logger
- plymouth / plymouth-set-default-theme(8)
- A graphical boot system and logger
- plymouth / plymouthd(8)
- The plymouth daemon
- pm-utils / pm-action(8)
- Suspend or hibernate your computer
- pm-utils / pm-hibernate(8)
- Suspend or hibernate your computer
- pm-utils / pm-powersave(8)
- Put your computer into low power mode
- pm-utils / pm-suspend(8)
- Suspend or hibernate your computer
- pm-utils / pm-suspend-hybrid(8)
- Suspend or hibernate your computer
- phpmyadmin / pma-configure(8)
- Enables configuration of phpmyadmin installation
- phpmyadmin / pma-secure(8)
- Secures phpmyadmin installation
- rt-tests / pmqtest(8)
- Start pairs of threads and measure the latency of interprocess communication with posix messages queues
- libpam-mount / pmt-ehd(8)
- None
- libpam-mount / pmvarrun(8)
- None
- python-poker-engine / pokerconfigupgrade(8)
- Upgrade poker xml configuration files to match the software version
- policyd-weight / policyd-weight(8)
- Weighted smtp policy daemon
- policykit-1 / polkit(8)
- Authorization framework
- policykit-1 / polkitd(8)
- Policykit daemon
- hylafax-server / pollrcvd(8)
- \*(fx script for delivering facsimile received by polling
- courier-pop / pop3d(8)
- Start or stop the courier pop3 server
- cyrus-pop3d / pop3d(8)
- Pop3 server process
- mailutils-pop3d / pop3d(8)
- The pop3 daemon.
- mailfront / pop3front(8)
- Pop3 front end
- mailfront / pop3front-auth(8)
- Pop3 front end
- mailfront / pop3front-maildir(8)
- Pop3 front end
- popa3d / popa3d(8)
- Post office protocol (pop3) server
- popularity-contest / popcon-largest-unused(8)
- List size of unused packages
- poppassd / poppassd(8)
- Password change server for eudora and nupop mail clients
- popularity-contest / popularity-contest(8)
- List the most popular debian packages
- portsentry / portsentry(8)
- Detect portscan activity
- postal / postal(8)
- Program to test smtp mail server throughput.
- selinux-basics / postfix-nochroot(8)
- Change /etc/postfix/master.cf to not use chroot
- postr / postr(8)
- Launch postr application.
- pound / pound(8)
- Http/https reverse-proxy and load-balancer
- pound / poundctl(8)
- Control the pound(8) daemon
- nut-server / powercom(8)
- Ups driver for serial powercom/trust/advice ups equipment
- powerdebug / powerdebug(8)
- A tool to display regulator and sensor information
- nut-powerman-pdu / powerman-pdu(8)
- Driver for powerman pdu
- powerman / powermand(8)
- Power control and monitoring daemon
- systemd-sysv / poweroff(8)
- Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
- sysvinit-core / poweroff(8)
- Stop the system.
- upstart / poweroff(8)
- Reboot or stop the system
- nut-server / powerpanel(8)
- Driver for powerpanel plus compatible ups equipment
- powerstat / powerstat(8)
- A tool to measure laptop power consumption.
- powertop / powertop(8)
- A power consumption and power management diagnosis tool.
- powstatd / powstatd(8)
- A configurable ups monitor.
- ppp-gatekeeper / ppp-gatekeeper(8)
- Ppp-gatekeeper ppp gatekeeper is a daemon that manages pppoe connections.
- pppconfig / pppconfig(8)
- Configure pppd to connect to the internet
- ppp / pppd(8)
- Point-to-point protocol daemon
- ppp / pppd-radattr(8)
- Radius utility plugin for pppd(8)
- ppp / pppd-radius(8)
- Radius authentication plugin for pppd(8)
- ppp / pppdump(8)
- Convert ppp record file to readable format
- pppoe / pppoe(8)
- User-space pppoe client.
- pppoe / pppoe-connect(8)
- Shell script to manage a pppoe link
- ppp / pppoe-discovery(8)
- Perform pppoe discovery
- pppoe / pppoe-relay(8)
- User-space pppoe relay agent.
- pppoe / pppoe-server(8)
- User-space pppoe server
- pppoe / pppoe-setup(8)
- Shell script to configure roaring penguin pppoe client
- pppoe / pppoe-sniff(8)
- Examine network for non-standard pppoe frames
- pppoe / pppoe-start(8)
- Shell script to bring up a pppoe link
- pppoe / pppoe-status(8)
- Shell script to report on status of pppoe link
- pppoe / pppoe-stop(8)
- Shell script to shut down a pppoe link
- pppoeconf / pppoeconf(8)
- Pppoeconf configures a pppoe (adsl) connection
- ppp / pppstats(8)
- Print ppp statistics
- pps-tools / pps-tools(8)
- Linuxpps support tools and headers
- pps-tools / ppsctl(8)
- Linuxpps support tools and headers
- pps-tools / ppsfind(8)
- Linuxpps support tools and headers
- pps-tools / ppsldisc(8)
- Linuxpps support tools and headers
- pps-tools / ppstest(8)
- Linuxpps support tools and headers
- pps-tools / ppswatch(8)
- Linuxpps support tools and headers
- pptp-linux / pptp(8)
- Pptp driver
- pptpd / pptpctrl(8)
- Pptp control connection manager
- pptpd / pptpd(8)
- Pptp vpn daemon
- pptp-linux / pptpsetup(8)
- Point-to-point tunneling protocol setup
- gnats-user / pr-edit(8)
- Creates, edits or deletes prs
- sendmail-bin / praliases(8)
- Display system mail aliases
- prelink / prelink(8)
- Prelink elf shared libraries and binaries to speed up startup time
- prelink / prelink.bin(8)
- Prelink elf shared libraries and binaries to speed up startup time
- preload / preload(8)
- Adaptive readahead daemon
- privoxy / privoxy(8)
- Privacy enhancing proxy
- hylafax-server / probemodem(8)
- Check modem and report the result of certain commands
- procinfo / procinfo(8)
- Display system statistics gathered from /proc
- proftpd-basic / proftpd(8)
- Professional configurable, secure file transfer protocol server
- prosody / prosody(8)
- Prosody xmpp server
- prosody / prosody-migrator(8)
- Migrate data between prosody data stores
- inn / prunehistory(8)
- Remove file names from usenet history file
- hylafax-server / ps2fax(8)
- Image \*(ps\(rg for facsimile transmission by \*(fx
- psad / psad(8)
- The port scan attack detector
- psad / psadwatchd(8)
- Checks to make sure kmsgsd and psad are running.
- libcap-ng-utils / pscap(8)
- A program to see capabilities
- rt-tests / ptsematest(8)
- Start two threads and measure the latency of interprocess communication with posix mutex.
- ptunnel / ptunnel(8)
- Tunnel tcp connections over icmp echo request/reply packets.
- puppet-common / puppet(8)
- Puppet see \'puppet help\' for help on available puppet subcommands
- puppet-common / puppet-agent(8)
- The puppet agent daemon
- puppet-common / puppet-apply(8)
- Apply puppet manifests locally
- puppet-common / puppet-catalog(8)
- Compile, save, view, and convert catalogs.
- puppet-common / puppet-cert(8)
- Manage certificates and requests
- puppet-common / puppet-certificate(8)
- Provide access to the ca for certificate management.
- puppet-common / puppet-certificate_request(8)
- Manage certificate requests.
- puppet-common / puppet-certificate_revocation_list(8)
- Manage the list of revoked certificates.
- puppet-common / puppet-config(8)
- Interact with puppet\'s configuration options.
- puppet-common / puppet-describe(8)
- Display help about resource types
- puppet-common / puppet-device(8)
- Manage remote network devices
- puppet-common / puppet-doc(8)
- Generate puppet documentation and references
- puppet-common / puppet-facts(8)
- Retrieve and store facts.
- puppet-common / puppet-file(8)
- Retrieve and store files in a filebucket
- puppet-common / puppet-filebucket(8)
- Store and retrieve files in a filebucket
- puppet-common / puppet-help(8)
- Display puppet help.
- puppet-common / puppet-inspect(8)
- Send an inspection report
- puppet-common / puppet-key(8)
- Create, save, and remove certificate keys.
- puppet-common / puppet-kick(8)
- Remotely control puppet agent
- puppet-common / puppet-man(8)
- Display puppet manual pages.
- puppet-common / puppet-master(8)
- The puppet master daemon
- puppet-common / puppet-node(8)
- View and manage node definitions.
- puppet-common / puppet-parser(8)
- Interact directly with the parser.
- puppet-common / puppet-plugin(8)
- Interact with the puppet plugin system.
- puppet-common / puppet-queue(8)
- Queuing daemon for asynchronous storeconfigs
- puppet-common / puppet-report(8)
- Create, display, and submit reports.
- puppet-common / puppet-resource(8)
- The resource abstraction layer shell
- puppet-common / puppet-resource_type(8)
- View classes, defined resource types, and nodes from all manifests.
- puppet-common / puppet-secret_agent(8)
- Mimics puppet agent.
- puppet-common / puppet-status(8)
- View puppet server status.
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-authd(8)
- External authentication agent for pure-ftpd.
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-ftpd(8)
- Simple file transfer protocol server
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-ftpwho(8)
- Report current ftp sessions
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-mrtginfo(8)
- Provide an mrtg-graphable user count for ftpd
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-pw(8)
- Manage virtual users files for pure-ftpd
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-pwconvert(8)
- Generate a virtual users file from system accounts
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-quotacheck(8)
- Update virtual quota files for pure-ftpd
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-statsdecode(8)
- Show human-readable dates from a "stats" logfile
- pure-ftpd-common / pure-uploadscript(8)
- Automatically run an external program after a successful upload
- lvm2 / pvchange(8)
- Pvchange change attributes of a physical volume
- lvm2 / pvck(8)
- Pvck check physical volume metadata
- lvm2 / pvcreate(8)
- Pvcreate initialize a disk or partition for use by lvm
- lvm2 / pvdisplay(8)
- Display attributes of a physical volume
- lvm2 / pvmove(8)
- Pvmove move physical extents
- lvm2 / pvremove(8)
- Pvremove remove a physical volume
- lvm2 / pvresize(8)
- Pvresize resize a disk or partition in use by lvm2
- lvm2 / pvs(8)
- Pvs report information about physical volumes
- lvm2 / pvscan(8)
- Pvscan scan all disks for physical volumes
- pwauth / pwauth(8)
- Authenticator for mod_authnz_external and the apache http daemon
- passwd / pwck(8)
- Verify integrity of password files
- passwd / pwconv(8)
- Convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
- fancontrol / pwmconfig(8)
- Tests the pwm outputs of sensors and configures fancontrol
- pwrkap / pwrkap_aggregate(8)
- Present a large number of pwrkap servers as if they were one
- pwrkap / pwrkap_main(8)
- Main pwrkap system daemon
- nis / pwupdate(8)
- Updates passwd and shadow nis map
- pxe-kexec / pxe-kexec(8)
- Read pxe configuration file and kexec entries
- pxfw / pxfw(8)
- Firmware flashing tool for plextor cd/dvd devices
- python-pydhcplib / pydhcp(8)
- A dhcp command line tool
- pyftpd / pyftpd(8)
- Ftp server in python
- pygopherd / pygopherd(8)
- Multiprotocol information server
- pynslcd / pynslcd(8)
- Local ldap name service daemon
- pyroman / pyroman(8)
- A firewall configuration utility
- pysieved / pysieved(8)
- Managesieve server
- cman / qdiskd(8)
- Cluster quorum disk daemon
- qemu-utils / qemu-make-debian-root(8)
- Create a debian root image for qemu
- qingy / qingy(8)
- Framebuffer-enabled replacement for getty
- qla-tools / ql-dynamic-tgt-lun-disc(8)
- Scans for newly added luns.
- qla-tools / ql-hba-snapshot(8)
- Display specific information of the qlogic hba.
- qla-tools / ql-lun-state-online(8)
- Scans for all offline luns and enables them.
- qla-tools / ql-set-cmd-timeout(8)
- Set the timeout on the devices connected to the qlogic fc hba.
- qmail / qmail-clean(8)
- Clean up the queue directory
- qmail / qmail-command(8)
- User-specified mail delivery program
- qmail / qmail-getpw(8)
- Give addresses to users
- qmail / qmail-inject(8)
- Preprocess and send a mail message
- qmail / qmail-local(8)
- Deliver or forward a mail message
- qmail / qmail-lspawn(8)
- Schedule local deliveries
- qmail / qmail-newmrh(8)
- Prepare morercpthosts for qmail-smtpd
- qmail / qmail-newu(8)
- Prepare address assignments for qmail-lspawn
- qmail / qmail-pop3d(8)
- Distribute mail via pop
- qmail / qmail-popup(8)
- Read a pop username and password
- qmail / qmail-pw2u(8)
- Build address assignments from a passwd file
- qmail / qmail-qmqpc(8)
- Queue a mail message via qmqp
- qmail / qmail-qmqpd(8)
- Receive mail via qmqp
- qmail / qmail-qmtpd(8)
- Receive mail via qmtp
- qmail / qmail-qread(8)
- List outgoing messages and recipients
- qmail / qmail-qstat(8)
- Summarize status of mail queue
- qmail / qmail-queue(8)
- Queue a mail message for delivery
- qmail / qmail-remote(8)
- Send mail via smtp
- qmail / qmail-rspawn(8)
- Schedule remote deliveries
- qmail / qmail-send(8)
- Deliver mail messages from the queue
- qmail / qmail-showctl(8)
- Analyze the qmail configuration files
- qmail / qmail-smtpd(8)
- Receive mail via smtp
- qmail / qmail-start(8)
- Turn on mail delivery
- qmail / qmail-tcpok(8)
- Clear tcp timeout table
- qmail / qmail-tcpto(8)
- Print tcp timeout table
- qmail / qmail-verify(8)
- Address verification daemon
- qpsmtpd / qpsmtpd-forkserver(8)
- Fork-on-demand server for qpsmtpd
- qpsmtpd / qpsmtpd-prefork(8)
- Preforkin server for qpsmtpd
- sendmail-base / qtool(8)
- Manipulate sendmail queues
- quagga / quagga-babeld(8)
- A babel ad-hoc network routing engine for use with quagga routing software.
- gnats / queue-pr(8)
- Incoming mail control for gnats
- qmail-tools / queue-repair(8)
- Deal with the qmail queue directory structure
- quota / quot(8)
- Summarize filesystem ownership
- quota / quota_nld(8)
- Quota netlink message daemon
- quota / quotacheck(8)
- Scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check and repair quota files
- quota / quotaoff(8)
- Turn filesystem quotas on and off
- quota / quotaon(8)
- Turn filesystem quotas on and off
- quota / quotastats(8)
- Program to query quota statistics
- quotatool / quotatool(8)
- Manipulate filesystem quotas
- libopenr2-bin / r2test(8)
- Mfc/r2 call setup test program
- postal / rabid(8)
- Program to test pop server throughput.
- racoon / racoon-tool(8)
- Program to manage the racoon(8) ipsec ike daemon.
- freeradius-common / radconf2xml(8)
- Converts radiusd.conf to xml
- freeradius-common / radcrypt(8)
- Generate password hash for use with radius, or validates a password hash
- freeradius-common / raddebug(8)
- Display debugging output from a running server.
- radeontool / radeontool(8)
- Radeontool utility to get/set registers and to control backlight on radeon based laptops
- radiusd-livingston / radiusd(8)
- Radius authentication/accounting server
- freeradius-common / radmin(8)
- Freeradius administration tool
- ceph-common / rados(8)
- Rados object storage utility
- radosgw / radosgw(8)
- Rados rest gateway
- radosgw / radosgw-admin(8)
- Rados rest gateway user administration utility
- freeradius-common / radrelay(8)
- Deprecated command.
- freeradius-common / radsniff(8)
- Dump radius protocol
- freeradius-common / radsqlrelay(8)
- Relay sql queries to a central database server
- radvd / radvd(8)
- Router advertisement daemon for ipv6
- radvd / radvdump(8)
- Dump router advertisements
- freeradius-common / radwatch(8)
- Wrapper for radiusd
- boxbackup-server / raidfile-config(8)
- Configure box backup's raid files
- rainbow / rainbow-gc(8)
- Helper script which attempts to garbage-collect stale uid reservations
- rainbow / rainbow-run(8)
- Create and use rainbow-isolated instances
- rainbow / rainbow-sugarize(8)
- Helper script for using sugar with rainbow
- rainbow / rainbow-xify(8)
- Enable the use of the x display in rainbow-secured shells
- ramond / ramond(8)
- Ipv6 router advertisement monitor daemon
- randomsound / randomsound(8)
- Alsa sound card related entropy gathering daemon.
- net-tools / rarp(8)
- Manipulate the system rarp table
- rarpd / rarpd(8)
- Reverse address resolution protocol (rarp) daemon
- asterisk / rasterisk(8)
- All-purpose telephony server.
- courier-mta / ratefilter(8)
- Rate-limiting mail filter
- util-linux / raw(8)
- Bind a linux raw character device
- ceph-common / rbd(8)
- Manage rados block device (rbd) images
- rbd-fuse / rbd-fuse(8)
- Expose rbd images as files
- rbldnsd / rbldnsd(8)
- Dns daemon suitable for running dns-based blocklists
- capiutils / rcapid(8)
- Remote capi server
- rcconf / rcconf(8)
- Debian runlevel configuration tool
- ndisc6 / rdisc6(8)
- Icmpv6 router discovery tool
- rdnssd / rdnssd(8)
- Ipv6 recursive dns server discovery daemon
- dump / rdump(8)
- Ext2/3/4 filesystem backup
- reconserver / reConServer(8)
- Reconserver sip conferencing server
- resiprocate-turn-server / reTurnServer(8)
- Return turn server for nat traversal
- readahead-fedora / readahead(8)
- File preloader for boot process optimization
- readahead-fedora / readahead-collector(8)
- Collect list of files used during the boot process
- cobalt-panel-utils / readbutton(8)
- Returns the status front panel buttons
- daemontools / readproctitle(8)
- Maintains an automatically rotated log in memory for inspection by ps(1). readproctitle is available in daemontools 0.75 and above.
- util-linux / readprofile(8)
- Read kernel profiling information
- binfmtc / realksh.c(8)
- A shell for running kernel-mode c code
- chiark-really / really(8)
- Gain privilege or run commands a different user
- realmd / realm(8)
- Manage enrollment in realms
- systemd-sysv / reboot(8)
- Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
- sysvinit-core / reboot(8)
- Stop the system.
- upstart / reboot(8)
- Reboot or stop the system
- reconf-inetd / reconf-inetd(8)
- Utility to update /etc/inetd.conf and restart inetd
- hylafax-server / recvstats(8)
- Summarize \*(fx receive accounting information
- redsocks / redsocks(8)
- Redirect any tcp connection to a socks or http proxy
- util-vserver / reducecap(8)
- The reducecap utility is used to lower the capability ceiling of a process and child process.
- ree / ree(8)
- Extract rom extensions
- refdb-clients / refdb(8)
- Refdbd startup script
- refdb-server / refdb-init(8)
- Refdb setup script
- refdb-clients / refdb.sh(8)
- Refdbd startup script
- crda / regdbdump(8)
- Parse and print out regulatory rules file
- chntpw / reged(8)
- Utility to export/import and edit a windows registry hives
- regionset / regionset(8)
- Display and set the zone setting of a dvd drive
- 389-admin / register-ds-admin(8)
- Registers directory server instances with an admin server
- stardata-common / register-stardata(8)
- Install or remove star data catalogues and astronomy programs
- reiserfsprogs / reiserfsck(8)
- The checking tool for the reiserfs filesystem.
- reiserfsprogs / reiserfstune(8)
- The tunning tool for the reiserfs filesystem.
- cups-client / reject(8)
- Accept/reject jobs sent to a destination
- upstart / reload(8)
- Init daemon control tool
- 389-ds-base / remove-ds(8)
- Remove an instance of directory server
- 389-admin / remove-ds-admin(8)
- Remove all directory servers and admin server
- debianutils / remove-shell(8)
- Remove shells from the list of valid login shells
- mailman / remove_members(8)
- Remove members from a mailman mailing list.
- repmgr / repmgrd(8)
- Replicator manager daemon for postgresql.
- quota / repquota(8)
- Summarize quotas for a filesystem
- repro / repro(8)
- Repro sip proxy server
- repro / reprocmd(8)
- Control the repro sip proxy server
- keyutils / request-key(8)
- Handle key instantiation callback requests from the kernel
- scsitools / rescan-scsi-bus(8)
- Rescan the scsi bus.
- sg3-utils / rescan-scsi-bus.sh(8)
- Script for adding and removing scsi devices without rebooting
- perf-tools-unstable / reset-ftrace(8)
- Reset state of ftrace, disabling all tracing. written for linux ftrace.
- e2fsprogs / resize2fs(8)
- Ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer
- reiserfsprogs / resize_reiserfs(8)
- Resizer tool for the reiserfs filesystem
- kbd / resizecons(8)
- Change kernel idea of the console size
- util-linux / resizepart(8)
- Simple wrapper around the "resize partition" ioctl
- resolvconf / resolvconf(8)
- Manage nameserver information
- upstart / restart(8)
- Init daemon control tool
- 389-ds-base / restart-dirsrv(8)
- Restart script for directory server
- 389-admin / restart-ds-admin(8)
- Restart script for admin server
- restartd / restartd(8)
- Process checker and/or reloader
- dump / restore(8)
- Restore files or file systems from backups made with dump
- policycoreutils / restorecon(8)
- Restore file(s) default selinux security contexts.
- policycoreutils / restorecond(8)
- Daemon that watches for file creation and then sets the default selinux file context
- 389-ds-base / restoreconfig(8)
- Directory server script for restoring the admin server configuration
- uswsusp / resume(8)
- Program to suspend to disk (hibernate)
- nis / revnetgroup(8)
- Generate reverse netgroup data
- rfkill / rfkill(8)
- Tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
- rgmanager / rgmanager(8)
- Resource group (cluster service) manager daemon
- nut-server / rhino(8)
- Driver for brazilian microsol rhino ups equipment
- rhn-client-tools / rhn-channel(8)
- Subscribe to or unsubscribe system from channel.
- rhn-client-tools / rhn-profile-sync(8)
- Update system information on red hat network.
- rhn-client-tools / rhn_check(8)
- Check for and execute queued actions on rhn.
- rhn-client-tools / rhn_register(8)
- Connect to rhn satellite or red hat network classic.
- rhn-client-tools / rhnreg_ks(8)
- A program for non interactively registering systems to rhn satellite or red hat network classic.
- rhnsd / rhnsd(8)
- A program for querying the red hat network for updates and information.
- nut-server / richcomm_usb(8)
- Driver ups equipment using richcomm dry-contact to usb solution
- nut-server / riello_ser(8)
- Driver for riello ups protocol ups equipment
- nut-server / riello_usb(8)
- Driver for riello ups protocol ups equipment via usb
- libhamlib-utils / rigctld(8)
- Hamlib tcp rig control daemon
- ax25-tools / rip98d(8)
- Send and receive rip98 routing messages
- quagga / ripd(8)
- A rip routing engine for use with quagga routing software.
- quagga / ripngd(8)
- A ripng routing engine for use with quagga routing software.
- rkhunter / rkhunter(8)
- Rootkit hunter
- rlinetd / rlinetd(8)
- An(other) internet super-server
- freeradius-common / rlm_dbm_cat(8)
- List contents of radius database
- freeradius-common / rlm_dbm_parser(8)
- Transforms simple syntax into rlm_dbm format
- freeradius-common / rlm_ippool_tool(8)
- Dump the contents of the freeradius ippool database files
- rlpr / rlprd(8)
- Remote printing proxy daemon
- ndisc6 / rltraceroute6(8)
- Ipv6 traceroute tool tcptraceroute6 - tcp/ipv6 traceroute tool
- masqmail / rmail(8)
- Handle remote mail received via uucp
- postfix / rmail(8)
- Handle remote mail received via uucp
- rmail / rmail(8)
- Handle remote mail received via uucp
- gnats / rmcat(8)
- Remove gnats categories
- nilfs-tools / rmcp(8)
- Remove nilfs2 checkpoints
- freeipmi-tools / rmcp-ping(8)
- Send rmcp ping to network hosts
- freeipmi-tools / rmcpping(8)
- Send rmcp ping to network hosts
- mailman / rmlist(8)
- Remove the components of a mailman mailing list with impunity - beware!
- kmod / rmmod(8)
- Simple program to remove a module from the linux kernel
- cyrus-nntpd / rmnews(8)
- Expunge and remove news articles
- dump / rmt-dump(8)
- Remote magtape protocol module
- dnet-progs / rmtermd(8)
- Old style decnet terminal services for linux
- bind9utils / rndc(8)
- Name server control utility
- bind9utils / rndc-confgen(8)
- Rndc key generation tool
- rng-tools / rngd(8)
- Check and feed random data from an entropy source (e.g. hardware rng device) to an entropy sink (e.g. kernel entropy pool)
- apache2-utils / rotatelogs(8)
- Piped logging program to rotate apache logs
- libhamlib-utils / rotctld(8)
- Hamlib tcp rotator control daemon
- net-tools / route(8)
- Show / manipulate the ip routing table
- iproute2 / routef(8)
- List routes with pretty output format routef - flush routes
- iproute2 / routel(8)
- List routes with pretty output format routef - flush routes
- rovclock / rovclock(8)
- Utility to control frequency rates of your radeon card
- drac / rpc.dracd(8)
- Dynamic relay authorization control server
- nfs-common / rpc.gssd(8)
- Rpcsec_gss daemon
- nfs-kernel-server / rpc.mountd(8)
- Nfs mount daemon
- nfs-kernel-server / rpc.nfsd(8)
- Nfs server process
- libhamlib-utils / rpc.rigd(8)
- Hamlib rig service daemon
- libhamlib-utils / rpc.rotd(8)
- Hamlib rotator service daemon
- quota / rpc.rquotad(8)
- Remote quota server
- nfs-common / rpc.sm-notify(8)
- Send reboot notifications to nfs peers
- nfs-common / rpc.statd(8)
- Nsm service daemon
- nfs-common / rpc.svcgssd(8)
- Server-side rpcsec_gss daemon
- nis / rpc.yppasswdd(8)
- Nis password update daemon
- nis / rpc.ypxfrd(8)
- Nis map transfer server
- nfs-common / rpcdebug(8)
- Set and clear nfs and rpc kernel debug flags
- dvd+rw-tools / rpl8(8)
- Firmware loader for dvd drives
- rplay-server / rplayd(8)
- Rplay sound server
- rpm / rpm(8)
- Rpm package manager
- rpm2cpio / rpm2cpio(8)
- Extract cpio archive from rpm package manager (rpm) package.
- paco / rpm2paco(8)
- Create paco logs from a local rpm database
- rpm / rpmbuild(8)
- Build rpm package(s)
- rpm / rpmdb(8)
- Rpm database tool
- rpm / rpmdeps(8)
- Generate rpm package dependencies
- rpm / rpmgraph(8)
- Display rpm package dependency graph
- rpm / rpmkeys(8)
- Rpm keyring
- rpm / rpmquery(8)
- Rpm package manager
- rpm / rpmsign(8)
- Rpm package signing
- rpm / rpmspec(8)
- Rpm spec tool
- rpm / rpmverify(8)
- Rpm package manager
- quota / rquotad(8)
- Remote quota server
- rrdcollect / rrdcollect(8)
- Round-robin database collecting daemon.
- dump / rrestore(8)
- Restore files or file systems from backups made with dump
- ax25-tools / rsattach(8)
- Start a rose interface
- ax25-tools / rsdwnlnk(8)
- User exit from the rose network.
- rspamd / rspamd(8)
- Main daemon for rapid spam filtering system
- ax25-tools / rsparms(8)
- Configure the rose interface.
- ax25-tools / rsuplnk(8)
- User entry into the rose network.
- rsyslog / rsyslogd(8)
- Reliable and extended syslogd
- iproute2 / rtacct(8)
- Network statistics tools.
- nvram-wakeup / rtc(8)
- Prints the rtc alarm values using ioctls on /dev/rtc.
- util-linux / rtcwake(8)
- Enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time
- rtkit / rtkitctl(8)
- Realtime policy and watchdog daemon control
- nictools-pci / rtl8139-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the realtek 8129 and 8139 chips.
- iproute2 / rtmon(8)
- Listens to and monitors rtnetlink
- rtmpdump / rtmpgw(8)
- Rtmp streaming media gateway
- rtpproxy / rtpproxy(8)
- Rtp (real-time transport protocol) proxy server
- iproute2 / rtstat(8)
- Unified linux network statistics
- debianutils / run-parts(8)
- Run scripts or programs in a directory
- policycoreutils / run_init(8)
- Run an init script in the proper selinux context
- kannel / run_kannel_box(8)
- Run a kannel box
- rungetty / rungetty(8)
- A minimal console getty that can run any process
- runit / runit(8)
- A unix process no 1
- runit / runit-init(8)
- A unix process no 1
- systemd-sysv / runlevel(8)
- Print previous and current sysv runlevel
- sysvinit-core / runlevel(8)
- Find the previous and current system runlevel.
- upstart / runlevel(8)
- Output previous and current runlevel
- sendmail-base / runq.sendmail(8)
- Run the sendmail queue
- runit / runsv(8)
- Starts and monitors a service and optionally an appendant log service
- runit / runsvchdir(8)
- Change services directory of runsvdir(8)
- runit / runsvdir(8)
- Starts and monitors a collection of runsv(8) processes
- runit / runsvdir-start(8)
- Monitor and start runsv(8) processes in /etc/service
- vdr / runvdr(8)
- Starts vdr and reloads the dvb modules in case of errors
- rush / rush(8)
- A restricted user shell
- iptraf / rvnamed(8)
- Reverse name resolution daemon for iptraf(8)
- iptraf-ng / rvnamed-ng(8)
- Reverse name resolution daemon for iptraf(8)
- ax25-tools / rxecho(8)
- Route ax.25 packets between ports transparently.
- ryu-bin / ryu(8)
- Management for ryu application
- ryu-bin / ryu-manager(8)
- Management for ryu application
- uswsusp / s2both(8)
- Program to suspend to disk (hibernate)
- uswsusp / s2disk(8)
- Program to suspend to disk (hibernate)
- uswsusp / s2ram(8)
- Program to suspend to ram (suspend)
- s3switch / s3switch(8)
- Manage the output devices on an s3 savage chip
- acct / sa(8)
- Summarizes accounting information
- sa-learn-cyrus / sa-learn-cyrus(8)
- Train spamassassin with spam/ham from user's imap mailboxes
- sysstat / sa1(8)
- Collect and store binary data in the system activity daily data file.
- sysstat / sa2(8)
- Create a report from the current standard system activity daily data file.
- atm-tools / saaldump(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- sysstat / sadc(8)
- System activity data collector.
- asterisk / safe_asterisk(8)
- Safe_asterisk a wrapper to run the asterisk executable in a loop
- tcpd / safe_finger(8)
- Finger client wrapper that protects against nasty stuff from finger servers
- nut-server / safenet(8)
- Driver for safenet compatible ups equipment
- corosync / sam_overview(8)
- Overview of the simple availability manager
- samba / samba(8)
- Server to provide ad and smb/cifs services to clients
- samba-common-bin / samba-regedit(8)
- Ncurses based tool to manage the samba registry
- samba-common-bin / samba-tool(8)
- Main samba administration tool.
- samhain / samhain(8)
- Check file integrity
- chntpw / sampasswd(8)
- Reset passwords of users in the sam user database
- chntpw / samusrgrp(8)
- Add or remove users from groups in sam database files
- sane-utils / saned(8)
- Sane network daemon
- infiniband-diags / saquery(8)
- Saquery -
- sdparm / sas_disk_blink(8)
- Blink the led on a sas disk
- sasl2-bin / sasl-sample-client(8)
- Sasl-sample-client sample client program for demonstrating and testing sasl authentication.
- sasl2-bin / sasl-sample-server(8)
- Sasl-sample-server sample server program for demonstrating and testing sasl authentication.
- sasl2-bin / sasldblistusers2(8)
- List users in sasldb
- sasl2-bin / saslpasswd2(8)
- Set a user's sasl password
- sasl2-bin / saslpluginviewer(8)
- List loadable sasl plugins and their properties
- 389-ds-base / saveconfig(8)
- Directory server script for saving the admin server configuration
- lyskom-server / savecore-lyskom(8)
- Save core files from lyskomd
- debianutils / savelog(8)
- Save a log file
- tsocks / saveme(8)
- Unlink ld.so.preload
- oss4-base / savemixer(8)
- Open sound system program for saving and restoring mixer settings.
- sbuild / sbuild-adduser(8)
- Add an sbuild user
- sbuild / sbuild-createchroot(8)
- Create sbuild chroot
- scanbd / scanbd(8)
- Scanbd- scanner button monitoring daemon
- scanbd / scanbm(8)
- Scanbm- user scanning support daemon for scanbd / scanbd manager
- scanlogd / scanlogd(8)
- Detects and logs tcp port scans
- inn / scanlogs(8)
- Summarize inn log files.
- z8530-utils2 / sccinit(8)
- Initialize scc card
- z8530-utils2 / sccparam(8)
- Change or list parameters of a scc port
- strongswan-starter / scepclient(8)
- Client for the scep protocol
- schedtool / schedtool(8)
- Query and set cpu scheduling parameters
- 389-ds-base / schema-reload.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for updating the schema.
- amanda-common / script-email(8)
- Amanda script to send email notifications
- scsitools / scsi-config(8)
- Query information from a scsi device with a nice user interface
- scsitools / scsi-spin(8)
- Spin up and down a scsi device
- sdparm / scsi_ch_swp(8)
- Change scsi software write protect and block device settings
- sg3-utils / scsi_logging_level(8)
- Access linux scsi logging level information
- sg3-utils / scsi_mandat(8)
- Check scsi device support for mandatory commands
- sg3-utils / scsi_readcap(8)
- Do scsi read capacity command on disks
- sg3-utils / scsi_ready(8)
- Do scsi test unit ready on devices
- sg3-utils / scsi_satl(8)
- Check scsi to ata translation (sat) device support
- sg3-utils / scsi_start(8)
- Start one or more scsi disks
- sg3-utils / scsi_stop(8)
- Stop (spin down) one or more scsi disks
- sg3-utils / scsi_temperature(8)
- Fetch the temperature of a scsi device
- scsitools / scsidev(8)
- Populate /dev/scsi with device names that are persistent against scsi configuration changes.
- scsitools / scsiformat(8)
- Low level format an scsi disk device
- scsitools / scsiinfo(8)
- Query information from a scsi device
- sdparm / sdparm(8)
- Access scsi modes pages; read vpd pages; send simple scsi commands.
- policycoreutils / se_apt-get(8)
- Run a debian package system programs in the proper security context
- policycoreutils / se_aptitude(8)
- Run a debian package system programs in the proper security context
- policycoreutils / se_dpkg(8)
- Run a debian package system programs in the proper security context
- policycoreutils / se_dpkg-reconfigure(8)
- Run a debian package system programs in the proper security context
- policycoreutils / se_dselect(8)
- Run a debian package system programs in the proper security context
- policycoreutils / se_synaptic(8)
- Run a debian package system programs in the proper security context
- setools-gui / seaudit(8)
- Selinux graphical audit log analysis tool
- setools-gui / seaudit-report(8)
- Selinux audit log reporting tool
- selinux-utils / sefcontext_compile(8)
- Compile file context regular expression files
- selinux-utils / selinux(8)
- Nsa security-enhanced linux (selinux)
- selinux-basics / selinux-config-enforcing(8)
- Change /etc/selinux/config to set enforcing or permissive modes
- selinux-basics / selinux-policy-upgrade(8)
- Upgrade the modules in the se linux policy database from a policy package
- selinux-utils / selinuxenabled(8)
- Tool to be used within shell scripts to determine if selinux is enabled
- selinux-utils / selinuxexeccon(8)
- Report selinux context used for this executable
- policycoreutils / semanage(8)
- Selinux policy management tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-boolean(8)
- Selinux policy management boolean tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-dontaudit(8)
- Selinux policy management dontaudit tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-export(8)
- Selinux policy management import tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-fcontext(8)
- Selinux policy management file context tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-import(8)
- Selinux policy management import tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-interface(8)
- Selinux policy management network interface tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-login(8)
- Selinux policy management linux user to selinux user mapping tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-module(8)
- Selinux policy management module mapping tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-node(8)
- Selinux policy management node mapping tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-permissive(8)
- Selinux policy management permissive mapping tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-port(8)
- Selinux policy management port mapping tool
- policycoreutils / semanage-user(8)
- Selinux policy management selinux user mapping tool
- policycoreutils / semodule(8)
- Manage selinux policy modules.
- policycoreutils / semodule_deps(8)
- Show the dependencies between selinux policy packages.
- policycoreutils / semodule_expand(8)
- Expand a selinux policy module package.
- policycoreutils / semodule_link(8)
- Link selinux policy module packages together
- policycoreutils / semodule_package(8)
- Create a selinux policy module package.
- policycoreutils / semodule_unpackage(8)
- Extract policy module and file context file from an selinux policy module unpackage.
- fake / send_arp(8)
- Send out one arp packet with source/target ip and ethernet hardware addresses suuplied by the user.
- mod-gearman-tools / send_gearman(8)
- Submit active and passive check results to a gearman job server
- mod-gearman-tools / send_multi(8)
- Submit check results from check_multi to a gearman job server
- nsca-ng-client / send_nsca(8)
- Send monitoring commands to nsca-ng server
- citadel-server / sendcommand(8)
- Command sending utility for citadel
- masqmail / sendmail(8)
- An offline mail transfer agent
- ssmtp / sendmail(8)
- Send a message using smtp
- sendmail-bin / sendmail.sendmail(8)
- An electronic mail transport agent
- sendmail-base / sendmailconfig(8)
- Configure sendmail for debian systems
- rt-tests / sendme(8)
- Send a signal from driver to user and measure time intervals
- dnet-progs / sendvmsmail(8)
- Mail forwarder for decnet
- sensible-mda / sensible-mda(8)
- A generic local mda router for debian systems
- sensord / sensord(8)
- Sensor information logging daemon.
- lm-sensors / sensors-conf-convert(8)
- Sensors configuration conversion
- lm-sensors / sensors-detect(8)
- Detect hardware monitoring chips
- ser2net / ser2net(8)
- Serial to network proxy
- minit / serdo(8)
- Run commands serially
- sysvinit-utils / service(8)
- Run a system v init script
- policycoreutils / sestatus(8)
- Selinux status tool
- set6x86 / set6x86(8)
- Access cyrix control registers
- util-linux / setarch(8)
- Change reported architecture in new program environment and set personality flags
- util-vserver / setattr(8)
- Sets vserver specific file attributes
- libcap2-bin / setcap(8)
- Set file capabilities
- selinux-utils / setenforce(8)
- Modify the mode selinux is running in
- dnet-common / setether(8)
- Set the ethernet address for use with decnet
- policycoreutils / setfiles(8)
- Set selinux file security contexts.
- kbd / setfont(8)
- Load ega/vga console screen font
- ax25-tools / sethdlc(8)
- Get/set linux hdlc packet radio modem driver port information
- kbd / setkeycodes(8)
- Load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries
- daemontools / setlock(8)
- Runs another program with a file locked.
- kbd / setlogcons(8)
- Send kernel messages to console n
- pciutils / setpci(8)
- Configure pci devices
- quota / setquota(8)
- Set disk quotas
- policycoreutils / setrans.conf(8)
- Translation configuration file for mcs/mls selinux systems
- policycoreutils / setsebool(8)
- Set selinux boolean value
- setserial / setserial(8)
- Get/set linux serial port information
- daemontools / setuidgid(8)
- Runs another program under a specified account's uid and gid.
- 389-ds-base / setup-ds(8)
- Set up an instance of directory server
- 389-admin / setup-ds-admin(8)
- Set up an instance of directory server and admin server
- kbd / setvesablank(8)
- Turn vesa screen blanking on or off
- kbd / setvtrgb(8)
- Set the virtual terminal rgb colors
- util-linux / sfdisk(8)
- Partition table manipulator for linux
- resource-agents / sfex_init(8)
- Part of the linux-ha project
- mysecureshell / sftp-admin(8)
- Mysecureshell command
- mysecureshell / sftp-kill(8)
- Mysecureshell command
- mysecureshell / sftp-state(8)
- Mysecureshell command
- mysecureshell / sftp-user(8)
- Mysecureshell command
- mysecureshell / sftp-verif(8)
- Mysecureshell command
- mysecureshell / sftp-who(8)
- Mysecureshell command
- sftpcloudfs / sftpcloudfs(8)
- Sftp interface to rackspace cloud files and openstack object storage
- sg3-utils / sg3_utils(8)
- A package of utilities for sending scsi commands
- sg3-utils / sg_compare_and_write(8)
- Send the scsi compare and write command
- sg3-utils / sg_copy_results(8)
- Send scsi receive copy results command (xcopy related)
- sg3-utils / sg_dd(8)
- Copy data to and from files and devices, especially scsi devices
- sg3-utils / sg_decode_sense(8)
- Decode scsi sense data
- sg3-utils / sg_emc_trespass(8)
- Change ownership of scsi lun from another service-processor to this one
- sg3-utils / sg_get_config(8)
- Send scsi get configuration command (mmc-4 +)
- sg3-utils / sg_get_lba_status(8)
- Send scsi get lba status command
- sg3-utils / sg_ident(8)
- Send scsi report/set identifying information command
- sg3-utils / sg_inq(8)
- Issue scsi inquiry command and/or decode its response
- sg3-utils / sg_logs(8)
- Access log pages with scsi log sense command
- sg3-utils / sg_luns(8)
- Send scsi report luns command or decode given lun
- sg3-utils / sg_map(8)
- Displays mapping between linux sg and other scsi devices
- sg3-utils / sg_map26(8)
- Map scsi generic (sg) device to corresponding device names
- sg3-utils / sg_modes(8)
- Reads mode pages with scsi mode sense command
- sg3-utils / sg_opcodes(8)
- Report supported scsi commands or task management functions
- sg3-utils / sg_persist(8)
- Use scsi persistent reserve command to access registrations and reservations
- sg3-utils / sg_prevent(8)
- Send scsi prevent allow medium removal command
- sg3-utils / sg_raw(8)
- Send arbitrary scsi command to a device
- sg3-utils / sg_rbuf(8)
- Reads data using scsi read buffer command
- sg3-utils / sg_rdac(8)
- Display or modify scsi rdac redundant controller mode page
- sg3-utils / sg_read(8)
- Read multiple blocks of data, optionally with scsi read commands
- sg3-utils / sg_read_block_limits(8)
- Send scsi read block limits command
- sg3-utils / sg_read_buffer(8)
- Send scsi read buffer command
- sg3-utils / sg_read_long(8)
- Send a scsi read long command
- sg3-utils / sg_readcap(8)
- Send scsi read capacity command
- sg3-utils / sg_reassign(8)
- Send scsi reassign blocks command
- sg3-utils / sg_referrals(8)
- Send scsi report referrals command
- sg3-utils / sg_rep_zones(8)
- Send scsi report zones command
- sg3-utils / sg_requests(8)
- Send one or more scsi request sense commands
- sg3-utils / sg_reset(8)
- Sends scsi device, target, bus or host reset; or checks reset state
- sg3-utils / sg_reset_wp(8)
- Send scsi reset write pointer command
- sg3-utils / sg_rmsn(8)
- Send scsi read media serial number command
- sg3-utils / sg_rtpg(8)
- Send scsi report target port groups command
- sg3-utils / sg_safte(8)
- Access scsi accessed fault-tolerant enclosure (saf-te) device
- sg3-utils / sg_sanitize(8)
- Remove all user data from disk with scsi sanitize command
- sg3-utils / sg_sat_identify(8)
- Send ata identify device command via scsi to ata translation (sat) layer
- sg3-utils / sg_sat_phy_event(8)
- Use ata read log ext via a sat pass-through to fetch sata phy event counters
- sg3-utils / sg_sat_set_features(8)
- Use ata set features command via a scsi to ata translation (sat) layer
- sg3-utils / sg_scan(8)
- Scans sg devices (or scsi/atapi/ata devices) and prints results
- sg3-utils / sg_senddiag(8)
- Performs a scsi send diagnostic command
- sg3-utils / sg_ses(8)
- Access a scsi enclosure services (ses) device
- sg3-utils / sg_start(8)
- Send scsi start stop unit command: start, stop, load or eject medium
- sg3-utils / sg_stpg(8)
- Send scsi set target port groups command
- sg3-utils / sg_sync(8)
- Send scsi synchronize cache command
- sg3-utils / sg_test_rwbuf(8)
- Test a scsi host adapter by issuing dummy writes and reads
- sg3-utils / sg_turs(8)
- Send one or more scsi test unit ready commands
- sg3-utils / sg_unmap(8)
- Send scsi unmap command (known as 'trim' in ata specs)
- sg3-utils / sg_verify(8)
- Invoke scsi verify command(s) on a block device
- sg3-utils / sg_vpd(8)
- Fetch scsi vpd page and/or decode its response
- sg3-utils / sg_wr_mode(8)
- Write (modify) scsi mode page
- sg3-utils / sg_write_buffer(8)
- Send scsi write buffer commands
- sg3-utils / sg_write_long(8)
- Send scsi write long command
- sg3-utils / sg_write_same(8)
- Send scsi write same command
- sg3-utils / sg_xcopy(8)
- Copy data to and from files and devices using scsi extended copy (xcopy)
- gdisk / sgdisk(8)
- Command-line guid partition table (gpt) manipulator for linux and unix
- sg3-utils / sginfo(8)
- Access mode page information for a scsi (or atapi) device
- sg3-utils / sgm_dd(8)
- Copy data to and from files and devices, especially scsi devices
- sg3-utils / sgp_dd(8)
- Copy data to and from files and devices, especially scsi devices
- passwd / shadowconfig(8)
- Toggle shadow passwords on and off
- sheepdog / sheep(8)
- Distributed block storage system for qemu
- sheepdog / sheepfs(8)
- A pseudo file system exports both sheepdog's internal state as well as sheepdog's storage
- libpam-shield / shield-purge(8)
- Manage hosts rules for the pam_shield package.
- libpam-shield / shield-trigger(8)
- Program used with pam_shield pam module to manage ip blocking
- libpam-shield / shield-trigger-iptables(8)
- Program used with pam_shield pam module to manage ip blocking
- libpam-shield / shield-trigger-ufw(8)
- Program used with pam_shield pam module to manage ip blocking
- shinken-common / shinken(8)
- Shinken packs and modules manager
- shinken-common / shinken-arbiter(8)
- Shinken arbiter daemon
- shinken-common / shinken-broker(8)
- Shinken broker daemon
- shinken-common / shinken-discovery(8)
- Shinken discovery daemon
- shinken-common / shinken-poller(8)
- Shinken poller daemon
- shinken-common / shinken-reactionner(8)
- Shinken reactionner daemon
- shinken-common / shinken-receiver(8)
- Shinken receiver daemon
- shinken-common / shinken-scheduler(8)
- Shinken scheduler daemon
- shorewall / shorewall-init(8)
- Companion package
- shorewall-lite / shorewall-lite(8)
- Administration tool for shoreline firewall lite (shorewall lite)
- util-vserver / showattr(8)
- Shows vserver specific file attributes
- kbd / showconsolefont(8)
- Show the current ega/vga console screen font
- nfs-common / showmount(8)
- Show mount information for an nfs server
- systemd-sysv / shutdown(8)
- Halt, power-off or reboot the machine
- sysvinit-core / shutdown(8)
- Bring the system down
- upstart / shutdown(8)
- Bring the system down
- tripwire / siggen(8)
- Signature gathering routine for tripwire
- rt-tests / sigwaittest(8)
- Start two threads or fork two processes and measure the latency between sending and receiving a signal
- simplesnap / simplesnap(8)
- Simple and powerful way to send zfs snapshots across a network
- sinfo / sinfod(8)
- A monitoring tool for networked computers
- sipwitch / sipw(8)
- Sipwitch service daemon
- sipwitch-cgi / sipwitch-cgi(8)
- Web services for sipwitch
- skksearch / skksearch(8)
- Yet another skk dictionary server
- slack / slack(8)
- Sysadmin's lazy autoconfiguration kit
- slapd / slapacl(8)
- Check access to a list of attributes.
- slapd / slapadd(8)
- Add entries to a slapd database
- slapd / slapauth(8)
- Check a list of string-represented ids for ldap authc/authz
- slapd / slapcat(8)
- Slapd database to ldif utility
- slapd / slapd(8)
- Stand-alone ldap daemon
- slapd / slapdn(8)
- Check a list of string-represented ldap dns based on schema syntax
- slapd / slapindex(8)
- Reindex entries in a slapd database
- slapd / slappasswd(8)
- Openldap password utility
- slapd / slapschema(8)
- Slapd in-database schema checking utility
- slapd / slaptest(8)
- Check the suitability of the openldap slapd configuration
- net-tools / slattach(8)
- Attach a network interface to a serial line
- sleepd / sleepd(8)
- Puts a laptop to sleep during inactivity or on low battery
- manpages / sln(8)
- Create symbolic links
- slpd / slpd(8)
- Slpv2 service agent (sa)/directory agent (da)
- slrn / slrn_getdescs(8)
- Weekly update of newsgroups descriptions file
- slt / slt(8)
- Multiplex a port for multiple tls applications with sni
- slurmctld / slurmctld(8)
- The central management daemon of slurm.
- slurmd / slurmd(8)
- The compute node daemon for slurm.
- slurmdbd / slurmdbd(8)
- Slurm database daemon.
- slurmd / slurmstepd(8)
- The job step manager for slurm.
- nfs-common / sm-notify(8)
- Send reboot notifications to nfs peers
- smartpm-core / smart(8)
- The smart package manager
- smartmontools / smartctl(8)
- Control and monitor utility for smart disks
- smartmontools / smartd(8)
- Smart disk monitoring daemon
- samba / smbd(8)
- Server to provide smb/cifs services to clients
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-groupadd(8)
- Create a new group
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-groupdel(8)
- Delete a group
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-grouplist(8)
- List groups
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-groupmod(8)
- Modify a group
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-groupshow(8)
- Display group informations
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-passwd(8)
- Change user password
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-populate(8)
- Populate your ldap database
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-useradd(8)
- Create a new user
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-userdel(8)
- Delete a user account and related files
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-userinfo(8)
- Change user real name, information and shell
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-userlist(8)
- List users or machines with some info
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-usermod(8)
- Modify a user account
- smbldap-tools / smbldap-usershow(8)
- Show a user account informations
- samba-common-bin / smbpasswd(8)
- Change a users smb password
- smbclient / smbspool(8)
- Send a print file to an smb printer
- samba / smbta-util(8)
- Control encryption in vfs smb_traffic_analyzer
- irda-utils / smcinit(8)
- Initialize the smsc irda controler on various laptops
- ax25-xtools / smdiag(8)
- Linux soundcard packet radio modem driver diagnostics utility
- smem / smem(8)
- Report memory usage with shared memory divided proportionally.
- smemcap / smemcap(8)
- Capture memory usage data for later processing by smem.
- smemstat / smemstat(8)
- Report memory usage with shared memory divided proportionally.
- infiniband-diags / sminfo(8)
- Sminfo -
- cyrus-common / smmapd(8)
- Sendmail socket map daemon
- ax25-tools / smmixer(8)
- Get/set linux soundcard packet radio modem driver mixer
- smp-utils / smp_conf_general(8)
- Invoke configure general smp function
- smp-utils / smp_conf_phy_event(8)
- Invoke configure phy event function
- smp-utils / smp_conf_route_info(8)
- Invoke configure route information smp function
- smp-utils / smp_conf_zone_man_pass(8)
- Invoke configure zone manager password function
- smp-utils / smp_conf_zone_perm_tbl(8)
- Invoke configure zone permission table function
- smp-utils / smp_conf_zone_phy_info(8)
- Invoke configure zone phy information function
- smp-utils / smp_discover(8)
- Invoke discover smp function
- smp-utils / smp_discover_list(8)
- Invoke discover list smp function
- smp-utils / smp_ena_dis_zoning(8)
- Invoke enable disable zoning smp function
- smp-utils / smp_phy_control(8)
- Invoke phy control smp function
- smp-utils / smp_phy_test(8)
- Invoke phy test funtion smp function
- smp-utils / smp_read_gpio(8)
- Invoke read gpio register (enhanced) smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_broadcast(8)
- Invoke report broadcast smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_exp_route_tbl(8)
- Invoke report expander route table list smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_general(8)
- Invoke report general smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_manufacturer(8)
- Invoke report manufacturer information smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_phy_err_log(8)
- Invoke report phy error log smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_phy_event(8)
- Invoke report phy event smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_phy_event_list(8)
- Invoke report phy event list smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_phy_sata(8)
- Invoke report phy sata smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_route_info(8)
- Invoke report route information smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_self_conf_stat(8)
- Invoke report self-configuration status smp function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_zone_man_pass(8)
- Invoke report zone manager password function
- smp-utils / smp_rep_zone_perm_tbl(8)
- Invoke report zone permission table function
- smp-utils / smp_utils(8)
- Invoke a sas serial management protocol (smp) function
- smp-utils / smp_write_gpio(8)
- Invoke write gpio register (enhanced) smp function
- smp-utils / smp_zone_activate(8)
- Invoke zone activate smp function
- smp-utils / smp_zone_lock(8)
- Invoke zone lock smp function
- smp-utils / smp_zone_unlock(8)
- Invoke zone unlock smp function
- smp-utils / smp_zoned_broadcast(8)
- Invoke zoned broadcast smp function
- infiniband-diags / smpdump(8)
- Smpdump -
- infiniband-diags / smpquery(8)
- Smpquery -
- sendmail-bin / smrsh(8)
- Restricted shell for sendmail
- kannel / smsbox(8)
- Parts of kannel, the wap and sms gateway
- gnokii-smsd / smsd(8)
- Daemon for handling incoming and outgoing smses using libgnokii
- smstools / smsd(8)
- Spools incoming and outgoing sms.
- asterisk / smsq(8)
- Helper to send sms messages
- mailfront / smtpfront(8)
- Smtp front ends
- mailfront / smtpfront-echo(8)
- Smtp front ends
- mailfront / smtpfront-qmail(8)
- Smtp front ends
- mailfront / smtpfront-reject(8)
- Smtp front ends
- sn / sn(8)
- The sn news system.
- snapper / snapper(8)
- Command-line program for filesystem snapshot management
- snapper / snapperd(8)
- Dbus daemon for snapper
- sn / sncancel(8)
- Display information on articles in the spool sncat - display articles in the spool sncancel - cancel articles in the spool
- sn / sncat(8)
- Display information on articles in the spool sncat - display articles in the spool sncancel - cancel articles in the spool
- sn / sndelgroup(8)
- Delete an existing sn newsgroup
- sn / sndumpdb(8)
- Dump contents of sn database.
- snetz / snetz(8)
- Simple bandwidth monitoring tool
- sn / snexpire(8)
- Expire news under the sn system.
- sn / snfetch(8)
- Fetch articles.
- sn / snget(8)
- Fetch news from upstream sites and store them locally.
- sn / sngetd(8)
- Fetch news from upstream sites and store them locally.
- sn / snlockf(8)
- Lock files from within shell-scripts (used by sn news system)
- sn / snmail(8)
- Mail-to-news filter
- nut-snmp / snmp-ups(8)
- Multi-mib driver for snmp ups equipment
- snmpd / snmpd(8)
- Daemon to respond to snmp request packets.
- snmptrapd / snmptrapd(8)
- Receive and log snmp trap messages.
- snmptrapfmt / snmptrapfmt(8)
- Receive and log snmp trap messages from a trap handler.
- snmptrapfmt / snmptrapfmthdlr(8)
- Trap handler for receiving snmp traps
- sn / snnewgroup(8)
- Create a new sn newsgroup
- sn / snnewsq(8)
- Show a list of outgoing news articles
- sn / snntpd(8)
- Small news server
- sn / snntpd.bin(8)
- Small news server
- sn / snprimedb(8)
- Feed the sn database.
- sn / snscan(8)
- Display information on articles in the spool sncat - display articles in the spool sncancel - cancel articles in the spool
- sn / snsend(8)
- Distribute articles snstore - store articles locally
- sn / snsplit(8)
- Split an article stream into individual articles
- sn / snstore(8)
- Distribute articles snstore - store articles locally
- procinfo / socklist(8)
- Display list of open sockets
- socklog / socklog(8)
- Small and secure syslogd replacement for use with runit
- socklog / socklog-check(8)
- Checks for the availability of a socklog(8) service.
- socklog / socklog-conf(8)
- Sets up a socklog(8) service.
- daemontools / softlimit(8)
- Runs another program with new resource limits.
- solid-pop3d / solid-pop3d(8)
- The solid pop3 server
- nut-server / solis(8)
- Driver for brazilian microsol solis ups equipment
- atm-tools / sonetdiag(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- soundmodem / soundmodem(8)
- Soundcard modem driver
- soundmodem / soundmodemconfig(8)
- Soundcard modem configuration utility
- spacenavd / spacenavd(8)
- Daemon for 3d-input-devices
- rhn-client-tools / spacewalk-channel(8)
- Subscribe to or unsubscribe system from channel.
- slurm-client / spank(8)
- Slurm plug-in architecture for node and job (k)control
- pfqueue / spfqueue(8)
- A queue realtime scanner for mta
- apache2-utils / split-logfile(8)
- Split combined virtual hosts access log into one file per virtual host
- lyskom-server / splitkomdb(8)
- Split the database for efficient backups
- qmail / splogger(8)
- Make entries in syslog
- spacenavd / spnavd_ctl(8)
- Daemon for 3d-input-devices
- squid-purge / squid-purge(8)
- Magnifying glass into your squid cache
- squidtaild / squidtaild(8)
- Squidtaild squid log monitoring program
- squirrelmail / squirrelmail-configure(8)
- Interactively configure squirrelmail
- scsitools / sraw(8)
- Benchmark raw scsi i/o performance under linux
- sredird / sredird(8)
- Rfc 2217 serial port server
- iproute2 / ss(8)
- Another utility to investigate sockets
- sshuttle / sshuttle(8)
- A transparent proxy-based vpn using ssh
- system-storage-manager / ssm(8)
- System storage manager: a single tool to manage your storage
- ssmtp / ssmtp(8)
- Send a message using smtp
- sssd-tools / sss_cache(8)
- Perform cache cleanup
- sssd-tools / sss_debuglevel(8)
- Change debug level while sssd is running
- sssd-tools / sss_groupadd(8)
- Create a new group
- sssd-tools / sss_groupdel(8)
- Delete a group
- sssd-tools / sss_groupmod(8)
- Modify a group
- sssd-tools / sss_groupshow(8)
- Print properties of a group
- sssd-tools / sss_obfuscate(8)
- Obfuscate a clear text password
- sssd-tools / sss_seed(8)
- Seed the sssd cache with a user
- sssd-tools / sss_useradd(8)
- Create a new user
- sssd-tools / sss_userdel(8)
- Delete a user account
- sssd-tools / sss_usermod(8)
- Modify a user account
- sssd-common / sssd(8)
- System security services daemon
- sssd-common / sssd_krb5_locator_plugin(8)
- The configuration file for sssd
- systemtap-server / stap-server(8)
- Systemtap compile server management
- systemtap-runtime / staprun(8)
- Systemtap runtime
- nictools-pci / starfire-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the adaptec 6915 "starfire" chip.
- upstart / start(8)
- Init daemon control tool
- 389-ds-base / start-dirsrv(8)
- Start script for directory server
- 389-admin / start-ds-admin(8)
- Start script for admin server
- dpkg / start-stop-daemon(8)
- Start and stop system daemon programs
- xpilot-ng-server / start-xpilot-ng-server(8)
- Start the xpilot ng server
- startpar / startpar-upstart-inject(8)
- Notify startpar of started/stopped upstart jobs
- remote-tty / startsrv(8)
- Invoke ttysrv for a particular host.
- nfs-common / statd(8)
- Nsm service daemon
- upstart / status(8)
- Init daemon control tool
- mt-st / stinit(8)
- Initialize scsi magnetic tape drives
- cluster-glue / stonith(8)
- Extensible interface for remotely powering down a node in the cluster
- upstart / stop(8)
- Init daemon control tool
- 389-ds-base / stop-dirsrv(8)
- Stop script for directory server
- 389-admin / stop-ds-admin(8)
- Stop script for admin server
- stow / stow(8)
- Software package installation manager
- stun / stund(8)
- Stun protocol (simple traversal of udp through nats) server
- stunnel4 / stunnel3(8)
- Universal ssl tunnel
- courier-mta / submit(8)
- Submit a new message to the courier mail server
- apache2-suexec-custom / suexec-custom(8)
- Switch user for exec
- apache2-suexec-pristine / suexec-pristine(8)
- Switch user before executing external programs
- 389-ds-base / suffix2instance(8)
- Directory server script for finding a backend name
- sysvinit-utils / sulogin(8)
- Single-user login
- am-utils / sun2amd(8)
- Converts sun automount maps to amd maps
- superiotool / superiotool(8)
- Super i/o detection tool
- paco / superpaco(8)
- Debian, rpm or slackware package installation support for paco(8).
- daemontools / supervise(8)
- Starts and monitors a service.
- sup / supfilesrv(8)
- Sup server processes
- sup / supscan(8)
- Sup server processes
- suricata / suricata(8)
- Next generation intrusion detection and prevention tool
- uswsusp / suspend-keygen(8)
- Program to generate a rsa key to be used by s2disk
- runit / sv(8)
- Control and manage services monitored by runsv(8)
- daemontools / svc(8)
- Controls services monitored by supervise(8).
- nfs-common / svcgssd(8)
- Server-side rpcsec_gss daemon
- runit / svlogd(8)
- Runit's service logging daemon
- subversion / svnserve(8)
- Server for the 'svn' repository access method
- daemontools / svok(8)
- Checks whether supervise(8) is running.
- daemontools / svscan(8)
- Starts and monitors a collection of services
- daemontools / svscanboot(8)
- Starts svscan(8) in the /service directory, with output and error messages logged through readproctitle(8). svscanboot is available in daemontools 0.75 and above.
- rt-tests / svsematest(8)
- Start two threads or fork two processes and measure the latency of sysv semaphores
- daemontools / svstat(8)
- Prints the status of services monitored by supervise(8).
- uswsusp / swap-offset(8)
- Program to calculate the offset of a swap file in a partition
- util-linux / swaplabel(8)
- Print or change the label or uuid of a swap area
- mount / swapoff(8)
- Enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
- mount / swapon(8)
- Enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
- swapspace / swapspace(8)
- Dynamically manage swap space
- swift / swauth-add-account(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swauth-add-user(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swauth-cleanup-tokens(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swauth-delete-account(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swauth-delete-user(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swauth-list(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swauth-prep(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swauth-set-account-service(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swift(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swift-account-audit(8)
- Please fill
- swift-account / swift-account-stats-logger(8)
- Please fill
- python-swift / swift-drive-audit(8)
- Please fill
- swift / swift-log-stats-collector(8)
- Please fill
- python-swift / swift-log-uploader(8)
- Please fill
- swift-object / swift-object-replicator(8)
- Swift object replicator daemon
- util-linux / switch_root(8)
- Switch to another filesystem as the root of the mount tree
- switchconf / switchconf(8)
- Change system configuration to one of many predefined
- synaptic / synaptic(8)
- Graphical management of software packages
- chiark-scripts / sync-accounts(8)
- Synchronise accounts and passwords
- chiark-scripts / sync-accounts-createuser(8)
- Helper/hook program for sync-accounts
- dctrl-tools / sync-available(8)
- Sync dpkg's available database with apt's database
- mailman / sync_members(8)
- Synchronize a mailman mailing list's membership with a flat file.
- cyrus-replication / sync_server(8)
- Server side of the synchronization (replication) engine
- synce-serial / synce-serial-abort(8)
- Force a synce serial connection to abort.
- synce-serial / synce-serial-abort-device(8)
- Force a synce serial connection to abort.
- synce-serial / synce-serial-chat(8)
- Starts a serial connection
- synce-serial / synce-serial-config(8)
- Configure a serial device for use with synce.
- synce-serial / synce-serial-start(8)
- Start a serial connection for use with synce.
- synce-serial / synce-serial-start-device(8)
- Start a serial connection for use with synce.
- cyrus-nntpd / syncnews(8)
- Synchronize imap news mailboxes with active file
- 389-ds-base / syntax-validate.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for validating attribute syntax.
- procps / sysctl(8)
- Configure kernel parameters at runtime
- sysdig / sysdig(8)
- The definitive system and process troubleshooting tool
- syslog-ng-core / syslog-ng(8)
- Syslog-ng system logger application
- syslogout / syslogout(8)
- Modular centralized shell logout mechanism
- sysprofile / sysprofile(8)
- Modular centralized shell configuration
- systemd / systemd-activate(8)
- Test socket activation of daemons
- systemd / systemd-ask-password-console.path(8)
- Query the user for system passwords on the console and via wall
- systemd / systemd-ask-password-console.service(8)
- Query the user for system passwords on the console and via wall
- systemd / systemd-ask-password-wall.path(8)
- Query the user for system passwords on the console and via wall
- systemd / systemd-ask-password-wall.service(8)
- Query the user for system passwords on the console and via wall
- systemd / systemd-backlight(8)
- Load and save the display backlight brightness at boot and shutdown
- systemd / [email protected](8)
- Load and save the display backlight brightness at boot and shutdown
- systemd / systemd-binfmt(8)
- Configure additional binary formats for executables at boot
- systemd / systemd-binfmt.service(8)
- Configure additional binary formats for executables at boot
- systemd-cron / systemd-crontab-generator(8)
- Translate cron schedules in systemd units
- systemd / systemd-cryptsetup(8)
- Full disk decryption logic
- systemd / systemd-cryptsetup-generator(8)
- Unit generator for /etc/crypttab
- systemd / [email protected](8)
- Full disk decryption logic
- systemd / systemd-debug-generator(8)
- Generator for enabling a runtime debug shell and masking specific units at boot
- systemd / systemd-efi-boot-generator(8)
- Generator for automatically mounting the efi system partition used by the current boot to /boot
- systemd / systemd-fsck(8)
- File system checker logic
- systemd / systemd-fsck-root.service(8)
- File system checker logic
- systemd / [email protected](8)
- File system checker logic
- systemd / systemd-fstab-generator(8)
- Unit generator for /etc/fstab
- systemd / systemd-getty-generator(8)
- Generator for enabling getty instances on the console
- systemd / systemd-halt.service(8)
- System shutdown logic
- systemd / systemd-hibernate.service(8)
- System sleep state logic
- systemd / systemd-hostnamed(8)
- Host name bus mechanism
- systemd / systemd-hostnamed.service(8)
- Host name bus mechanism
- systemd / systemd-hybrid-sleep.service(8)
- System sleep state logic
- systemd / systemd-initctl(8)
- /dev/initctl compatibility
- systemd / systemd-initctl.service(8)
- /dev/initctl compatibility
- systemd / systemd-initctl.socket(8)
- /dev/initctl compatibility
- systemd / systemd-journald(8)
- Journal service
- systemd / systemd-journald-dev-log.socket(8)
- Journal service
- systemd / systemd-journald.service(8)
- Journal service
- systemd / systemd-journald.socket(8)
- Journal service
- systemd / systemd-kexec.service(8)
- System shutdown logic
- systemd / systemd-localed(8)
- Locale bus mechanism
- systemd / systemd-localed.service(8)
- Locale bus mechanism
- systemd / systemd-logind(8)
- Login manager
- systemd / systemd-logind.service(8)
- Login manager
- systemd / systemd-machined(8)
- Virtual machine and container registration manager
- systemd / systemd-machined.service(8)
- Virtual machine and container registration manager
- systemd / systemd-modules-load(8)
- Configure kernel modules to load at boot
- systemd / systemd-modules-load.service(8)
- Configure kernel modules to load at boot
- systemd / systemd-networkd(8)
- Network manager
- systemd / systemd-networkd-wait-online(8)
- Wait for network to come online
- systemd / systemd-networkd-wait-online.service(8)
- Wait for network to come online
- systemd / systemd-networkd.service(8)
- Network manager
- systemd / systemd-poweroff.service(8)
- System shutdown logic
- systemd / systemd-quotacheck(8)
- File system quota checker logic
- systemd / systemd-quotacheck.service(8)
- File system quota checker logic
- systemd / systemd-random-seed(8)
- Load and save the system random seed at boot and shutdown
- systemd / systemd-random-seed.service(8)
- Load and save the system random seed at boot and shutdown
- systemd / systemd-readahead(8)
- Disk read ahead logic
- systemd / systemd-readahead-collect.service(8)
- Disk read ahead logic
- systemd / systemd-readahead-done.service(8)
- Disk read ahead logic
- systemd / systemd-readahead-done.timer(8)
- Disk read ahead logic
- systemd / systemd-readahead-replay.service(8)
- Disk read ahead logic
- systemd / systemd-reboot.service(8)
- System shutdown logic
- systemd / systemd-remount-fs(8)
- Remount root and kernel file systems
- systemd / systemd-remount-fs.service(8)
- Remount root and kernel file systems
- systemd / systemd-resolved(8)
- Network name resolution manager
- systemd / systemd-resolved.service(8)
- Network name resolution manager
- systemd / systemd-rfkill(8)
- Load and save the rf kill switch state at boot and shutdown
- systemd / [email protected](8)
- Load and save the rf kill switch state at boot and shutdown
- systemd / systemd-shutdown(8)
- System shutdown logic
- systemd / systemd-shutdownd(8)
- Scheduled shutdown service
- systemd / systemd-shutdownd.service(8)
- Scheduled shutdown service
- systemd / systemd-shutdownd.socket(8)
- Scheduled shutdown service
- systemd / systemd-sleep(8)
- System sleep state logic
- systemd / systemd-socket-proxyd(8)
- Bidirectionally proxy local sockets to another (possibly remote) socket.
- systemd / systemd-suspend.service(8)
- System sleep state logic
- systemd / systemd-sysctl(8)
- Configure kernel parameters at boot
- systemd / systemd-sysctl.service(8)
- Configure kernel parameters at boot
- systemd / systemd-system-update-generator(8)
- Generator for redirecting boot to offline update mode
- systemd / systemd-sysusers(8)
- Allocate system users and groups
- systemd / systemd-sysusers.service(8)
- Allocate system users and groups
- systemd / systemd-timedated(8)
- Time and date bus mechanism
- systemd / systemd-timedated.service(8)
- Time and date bus mechanism
- systemd / systemd-timesyncd(8)
- Network time synchronization
- systemd / systemd-timesyncd.service(8)
- Network time synchronization
- systemd / systemd-tmpfiles(8)
- Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary files and directories
- systemd / systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service(8)
- Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary files and directories
- systemd / systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer(8)
- Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary files and directories
- systemd / systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service(8)
- Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary files and directories
- systemd / systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service(8)
- Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary files and directories
- udev / systemd-udevd(8)
- Device event managing daemon
- udev / systemd-udevd-control.socket(8)
- Device event managing daemon
- udev / systemd-udevd-kernel.socket(8)
- Device event managing daemon
- udev / systemd-udevd.service(8)
- Device event managing daemon
- systemd / systemd-update-utmp(8)
- Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, runlevel changes and shutdown
- systemd / systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service(8)
- Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, runlevel changes and shutdown
- systemd / systemd-update-utmp.service(8)
- Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, runlevel changes and shutdown
- systemd / systemd-user-sessions(8)
- Permit user logins after boot, prohibit user logins at shutdown
- systemd / systemd-user-sessions.service(8)
- Permit user logins after boot, prohibit user logins at shutdown
- systraq / systraq(8)
- Monitors your system and warns you when files change
- systune / systune(8)
- Kernel tuning through the /proc filesystem.
- systune / systunedump(8)
- Dumps /proc files for kernel tuning.
- sysv-rc-conf / sysv-rc-conf(8)
- Run-level configuration for sysv like init script links
- hylafax-server / tagtest(8)
- \*(fx tag line testing program
- daemontools / tai64n(8)
- Puts a precise timestamp on each line.
- daemontools / tai64nlocal(8)
- Converts precise tai64n timestamps to a human-readable format.
- inn / tally.control(8)
- Keep track of newgroup creation and deletions.
- inn / tally.unwanted(8)
- Keep track of unwanted newsgroups.
- blktap-utils / tap-ctl(8)
- Short desc goes here
- blktap-utils / tapdisk(8)
- Short desc goes here
- blktap-utils / tapdisk-stream(8)
- Short desc goes here
- blktap-utils / tapdisk2(8)
- Short desc goes here
- tayga / tayga(8)
- Stateless nat64 daemon
- iproute2 / tc(8)
- Show / manipulate traffic control settings
- iproute2 / tc-bfifo(8)
- Packet limited first in, first out queue bfifo - byte limited first in, first out queue
- iproute2 / tc-cbq(8)
- Class based queueing
- iproute2 / tc-cbq-details(8)
- Class based queueing
- iproute2 / tc-choke(8)
- Choose and keep scheduler
- iproute2 / tc-codel(8)
- Controlled-delay active queue management algorithm
- iproute2 / tc-drr(8)
- Deficit round robin scheduler
- iproute2 / tc-ematch(8)
- Extended matches for use with "basic" or "flow" filters
- iproute2 / tc-fq_codel(8)
- Fair queuing (fq) with controlled delay (codel)
- iproute2 / tc-hfsc(8)
- Hierarchical fair service curve's control under linux
- iproute2 / tc-htb(8)
- Hierarchy token bucket
- iproute2 / tc-mqprio(8)
- Multiqueue priority qdisc (offloaded hardware qos)
- iproute2 / tc-netem(8)
- Network emulator
- iproute2 / tc-pfifo(8)
- Packet limited first in, first out queue bfifo - byte limited first in, first out queue
- iproute2 / tc-pfifo_fast(8)
- Three-band first in, first out queue
- iproute2 / tc-pie(8)
- Proportional integral controller-enhanced aqm algorithm
- iproute2 / tc-prio(8)
- Priority qdisc
- iproute2 / tc-red(8)
- Random early detection
- iproute2 / tc-sfb(8)
- Stochastic fair blue
- iproute2 / tc-sfq(8)
- Stochastic fairness queueing
- iproute2 / tc-stab(8)
- Generic size table manipulations
- iproute2 / tc-tbf(8)
- Token bucket filter
- tcpcryptd / tcnetstat(8)
- Print information about network connections protected by tcpcrypt
- tcpcryptd / tcpcryptd(8)
- Implement the tcpcrypt protocol by transparently modifying network i/o
- tcpd / tcpd(8)
- Access control facility for internet services
- tcpd / tcpdchk(8)
- Tcp wrapper configuration checker
- tcpd / tcpdmatch(8)
- Tcp wrapper oracle
- tcpdump / tcpdump(8)
- Dump traffic on a network
- tcpick / tcpick(8)
- Tcp stream sniffer and connection tracker
- tcpspy / tcpspy(8)
- Tcp/ip connection monitor
- ipsvd / tcpsvd(8)
- Tcp/ip service daemon
- traceroute / tcptraceroute.db(8)
- Print the route packets trace to network host
- ndisc6 / tcptraceroute6(8)
- Ipv6 traceroute tool tcptraceroute6 - tcp/ipv6 traceroute tool
- trousers / tcsd(8)
- Daemon that manages trusted computing resources
- blktap-utils / td-rated(8)
- Short desc goes here
- blktap-utils / td-util(8)
- Short desc goes here
- tdb-tools / tdbbackup.tdbtools(8)
- Tool for backing up and for validating the integrity of samba .tdb files
- tdb-tools / tdbdump(8)
- Tool for printing the contents of a tdb file
- tdb-tools / tdbrestore(8)
- Tool for creating a tdb file out of a tdbdump output
- tdb-tools / tdbtool(8)
- Manipulate the contents tdb files
- libteam-utils / teamd(8)
- Teamd team network device control daemon
- libteam-utils / teamdctl(8)
- Teamdctl team daemon control tool
- libteam-utils / teamnl(8)
- Teamnl team network device netlink interface tool
- telepathy-gabble / telepathy-gabble(8)
- Telepathy connection manager for xmpp (jabber)
- telepathy-haze / telepathy-haze(8)
- Telepathy connection manager using libpurple
- telepathy-idle / telepathy-idle(8)
- Telepathy connection manager for irc
- telepathy-rakia / telepathy-rakia(8)
- Telepathy connection manager for sip
- telepathy-salut / telepathy-salut(8)
- Telepathy connection manager for link-local xmpp
- systemd-sysv / telinit(8)
- Change sysv runlevel
- sysvinit-core / telinit(8)
- Process control initialization
- upstart / telinit(8)
- Change system runlevel
- testdisk / testdisk(8)
- Scan and repair disk partitions
- sasl2-bin / testsaslauthd(8)
- Test utility for the sasl authentication server
- leafnode / texpire(8)
- Delete old news articles and repair leafnode news spool
- ifhp / textps(8)
- Text to postscript filter nscript - text to postscript converter
- tftpd-hpa / tftpd(8)
- Trivial file transfer protocol server
- tgt / tgt-admin(8)
- Linux scsi target configuration tool
- tgt / tgt-setup-lun(8)
- Helper script that creates a target, adds a device to the target, and defines initiators that can connect to the target
- tgt / tgtadm(8)
- Linux scsi target administration utility
- tgt / tgtd(8)
- The scsi target daemon
- tgt / tgtimg(8)
- Linux scsi target framework image file utility
- thc-ipv6 / thc-ipv6(8)
- The hacker choice's ipv6 attack toolkit (aka thc-ipv6)
- thermald / thermald(8)
- Start linux thermal daemon
- thin-provisioning-tools / thin_check(8)
- Repair thin provisioning metadata on device or file
- thin-provisioning-tools / thin_dump(8)
- Dump thin provisioning metadata from device or file to standard output
- thin-provisioning-tools / thin_metadata_size(8)
- Thin provisioning metadata device/file size calculator.
- thin-provisioning-tools / thin_repair(8)
- Repair thin provisioning binary metadata from device/file to device/file
- thin-provisioning-tools / thin_restore(8)
- Restore thin provisioning metadata file to device or file
- thin-provisioning-tools / thin_rmap(8)
- Output reverse map of a thin provisioned region of blocks from metadata device or file
- tinyhoneypot / thpot(8)
- Tiny honeypot to setup simple (and fake) services
- hylafax-server / tiff2fax(8)
- Convert \*(tf for facsimile transmission by \*(fx
- hylafax-server / tiffcheck(8)
- Check \*(tf for \*(fx conversion requirements
- tiger / tiger(8)
- Unix security checker
- tiger / tigercron(8)
- Cron utility for tiger unix security checker
- tiger / tigexp(8)
- Unix security checker explanation generator
- tilecache / tilecache(8)
- Cache and serve map tiles
- tilecache / tilecache_clean(8)
- Cache and serve map tiles
- tilecache / tilecache_http_server(8)
- Cache and serve map tiles
- tilecache / tilecache_seed(8)
- Cache and serve map tiles
- cyrus-common / timsieved(8)
- Cmu hack for getting sieve scripts onto the server
- tinydyndns / tinydyndns-conf(8)
- Sets up a pop-before-dyndns service
- tinydyndns / tinydyndns-data(8)
- Add or remove type a record to or from data.cdb
- tinydyndns / tinydyndns-update(8)
- Update type a record in data.cdb
- tinyproxy / tinyproxy(8)
- A light-weight http proxy daemon
- scsitools / tk_scsiformat(8)
- Low level format an scsi disk device with a nice user interface
- aircrack-ng / tkiptun-ng(8)
- Inject a few frames into a wpa tkip network with qos
- tlsdate / tlsdated(8)
- Secure parasitic rdate replacement daemon
- tmpreaper / tmpreaper(8)
- Removes files which haven't been accessed for a period of time
- tnat64 / tnat64(8)
- Library for intercepting outgoing network connections and redirecting them through the nat64.
- tntnet / tntnet(8)
- Web application server for c++
- selinux-utils / togglesebool(8)
- Flip the current value of a selinux boolean
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-auditd(8)
- Access request log recording daemon for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-checkpolicy(8)
- Policy validator utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-diffpolicy(8)
- Domain policy comparison utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-domainmatch(8)
- Domain policy scanning utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-editpolicy(8)
- Policy editor for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-editpolicy-agent(8)
- Agent for remotely editing tomoyo linux policy
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-findtemp(8)
- Detect temporary pathnames in tomoyo linux policy
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-init(8)
- Load tomoyo linux policy automatically
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-loadpolicy(8)
- Load tomoyo linux manually
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-notifyd(8)
- Policy violation notification daemon for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-patternize(8)
- Utility to convert pathnames in policy into patterns
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-pstree(8)
- Process tree viewer utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-queryd(8)
- Real-time access request management utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-savepolicy(8)
- Save tomoyo linux policy
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-selectpolicy(8)
- Policy selection utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-setlevel(8)
- Profile management utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-setprofile(8)
- Profile assignment utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo-sortpolicy(8)
- Domain policy sorting utility for tomoyo linux
- tomoyo-tools / tomoyo_init_policy(8)
- Initialize tomoyo linux policy
- torchat / torchat(8)
- Torchat dummy launcher
- torsocks / torsocks(8)
- Torsocks library for intercepting outgoing network connections and redirecting them through the tor socks proxy.
- opensm / torus-2QoS(8)
- Routing engine for opensm subnet manager
- tpm-tools / tpm_changeownerauth(8)
- Change the authorization data associated with the owner or srk
- tpm-tools / tpm_clear(8)
- Return the tpm to the default state (unowned, disabled, inactive)
- tpm-tools / tpm_createek(8)
- Create an endorsement key pair on the tpm
- tpm-tools / tpm_getpubek(8)
- Display the public portion of the tpm's endorsement key
- tpm-tools / tpm_nvdefine(8)
- Tpm_nvdefine
- tpm-tools / tpm_nvinfo(8)
- Tpm_nvinfo
- tpm-tools / tpm_nvread(8)
- Tpm_nvread
- tpm-tools / tpm_nvrelease(8)
- Tpm_nvrelease
- tpm-tools / tpm_nvwrite(8)
- Tpm_nvwrite
- tpm-tools / tpm_resetdalock(8)
- Reset the dictionary attack lock for the user (require owner authentication)
- tpm-tools / tpm_restrictpubek(8)
- Restrict the ability to display the public portion of the endorsement key to the owner
- tpm-tools / tpm_revokeek(8)
- Revokes the endorsement key pair of the tpm
- tpm-tools / tpm_selftest(8)
- Request tpm perform selftest and report
- tpm-tools / tpm_setactive(8)
- Change tpm active states
- tpm-tools / tpm_setclearable(8)
- Disable tpm clear operations
- tpm-tools / tpm_setenable(8)
- Change tpm enable states
- tpm-tools / tpm_setoperatorauth(8)
- Sets the operator authorization value in the tpm
- tpm-tools / tpm_setownable(8)
- Change whether the tpm allows tpm_takeownership operations
- tpm-tools / tpm_setpresence(8)
- Tpm_setpresence- change tpm physical presence states or settings
- tpm-tools / tpm_takeownership(8)
- Setup an owner on the tpm
- iputils-tracepath / tracepath(8)
- Traces path to a network host discovering mtu along this path
- iputils-tracepath / tracepath6(8)
- Traces path to a network host discovering mtu along this path
- iputils-tracepath / traceroute6.iputils(8)
- Traces path to a network host
- ndisc6 / tracert6(8)
- Ipv6 traceroute tool tcptraceroute6 - tcp/ipv6 traceroute tool
- netsniff-ng / trafgen(8)
- A fast, multithreaded network packet generator
- trickle / tricklectl(8)
- Control utility for trickled
- xymon / trimhistory(8)
- Remove old xymon history-log entries
- nut-server / tripplite(8)
- Driver for tripp-lite smartpro ups equipment
- nut-server / tripplite_usb(8)
- Driver for older tripp lite usb upses (not pdc hid)
- nut-server / tripplitesu(8)
- Driver for tripp-lite smartonline (su) ups equipment
- tripwire / tripwire(8)
- A file integrity checker for \s-1unix\s0 systems
- tcpd / try-from(8)
- Test program for the tcp_wrapper
- hylafax-server / tsitest(8)
- \*(fx tsi access control list checking program
- tsocks / tsocks(8)
- Library for intercepting outgoing network connections and redirecting them through a socks server.
- atm-tools / ttcp_atm(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- ax25-tools / ttylinkd(8)
- Ttylink daemon for ax.25, net/rom, rose and ip.
- ttylog / ttylog(8)
- Serial device logger
- remote-tty / ttysrv(8)
- Connect to a serial port and log output
- nictools-pci / tulip-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the digital dc21x4* chip.
- tumgreyspf / tumgreyspf(8)
- An external policy checker for the postfix mail server
- uml-utilities / tunctl(8)
- Tunctl create and manage persistent tun/tap interfaces
- e2fsprogs / tune2fs(8)
- Adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems
- ocfs2-tools / tunefs.ocfs2(8)
- Change ocfs2 file system parameters.
- gfs2-utils / tunegfs2(8)
- View and manipulate gfs2 superblocks
- util-linux / tunelp(8)
- Set various parameters for the lp device
- tripwire / twadmin(8)
- Tripwire administrative and utility tool
- tripwire / twintro(8)
- Introduction to tripwire software
- tripwire / twprint(8)
- Tripwire database and report printer
- hylafax-server / typetest(8)
- Test out typerules
- manpages / tzselect(8)
- Select a timezone
- uanytun / uanytun(8)
- Micro anycast tunneling daemon
- ucarp / ucarp(8)
- Ucarp automatic ip failover
- udev / udevadm(8)
- Udev management tool
- udev / udevd(8)
- Device event managing daemon
- udisks2 / udisks(8)
- Disk manager
- udisks / udisks-daemon(8)
- Udisks daemon
- udisks2 / udisksd(8)
- The udisks system daemon
- ipsvd / udpsvd(8)
- Udp/ip service daemon
- ufiformat / ufiformat(8)
- ufw / ufw(8)
- Program for managing a netfilter firewall
- ufw / ufw-framework(8)
- Using the ufw framework
- ulatencyd / ulatencyd(8)
- Latency optimizing daemon
- ax25mail-utils / ulistd(8)
- Collect fbb bbs messages list sent via unproto frames
- ulogd2 / ulogd(8)
- Netfilter/iptables logging daemon
- mount / umount(8)
- Unmount file systems
- libpam-mount / umount.crypt(8)
- None
- libpam-mount / umount.crypt_LUKS(8)
- None
- libpam-mount / umount.crypto_LUKS(8)
- None
- davfs2 / umount.davfs(8)
- Umount-helper to unmount a davfs2 file system
- ecryptfs-utils / umount.ecryptfs(8)
- Ecryptfs umount helper.
- nfs-common / umount.nfs(8)
- Unmount a network file system
- nilfs-tools / umount.nilfs2(8)
- Unmount nilfs2 file systems
- john / unafs(8)
- Script to warn users about their weak passwords
- unattended-upgrades / unattended-upgrade(8)
- Automatic installation of security (and other) upgrades
- unbound / unbound(8)
- Unbound dns validating resolver 1.4.22.
- unbound-anchor / unbound-anchor(8)
- Unbound anchor utility.
- unbound / unbound-checkconf(8)
- Check unbound configuration file for errors.
- unbound / unbound-control(8)
- Unbound remote server control utility.
- unhide / unhide(8)
- Unhide forensic tool to find hidden processes
- unhide / unhide-linux(8)
- Unhide forensic tool to find hidden processes
- unhide / unhide-posix(8)
- Unhide forensic tool to find hidden processes
- unhide / unhide-tcp(8)
- Unhide-tcp forensic tool to find hidden tcp/udp ports
- uniconf-tools / uni(8)
- A program to interface with the uniconf configuration system
- uniconfd / uniconfd(8)
- A daemon program for the uniconf configuration system
- unionfs-fuse / unionfs-fuse(8)
- A userspace unionfs implementation
- john / unique(8)
- Removes duplicates from a wordlist
- libpam-modules-bin / unix_chkpwd(8)
- Helper binary that verifies the password of the current user
- libpam-modules-bin / unix_update(8)
- Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
- john / unshadow(8)
- Combines passwd and shadow files
- aide-common / update-aide.conf(8)
- Build run-time aide configuration
- dpkg / update-alternatives(8)
- Maintain symbolic links determining default commands
- apt-xapian-index / update-apt-xapian-index(8)
- Rebuild the apt xapian index
- ca-certificates / update-ca-certificates(8)
- Update /etc/ssl/certs and certificates.crt
- canna / update-canna-dics_dir(8)
- Compile dics.dir file
- sgml-base / update-catalog(8)
- Create or update entry in sgml catalog file
- ccache / update-ccache-symlinks(8)
- Update symlinks in /usr/lib/ccache
- command-not-found / update-command-not-found(8)
- Update the command-not-found cache
- cracklib-runtime / update-cracklib(8)
- Regenerate cracklib dictionary
- debian-edu-artwork-joy / update-debian-edu-artwork-joy(8)
- Enable/disable debian edu joy themes system-wide
- debian-edu-artwork-lines / update-debian-edu-artwork-lines(8)
- Enable/disable debian edu lines themes system-wide
- debian-edu-artwork-spacefun / update-debian-edu-artwork-spacefun(8)
- Enable/disable debian edu spacefun themes system-wide
- distcc / update-distcc-symlinks(8)
- Update symlinks in /usr/lib/distcc
- dlocate / update-dlocatedb(8)
- Generate text database of installed files for dlocate
- exim4-config / update-exim4.conf(8)
- Generate exim4 configuration files.
- exim4-config / update-exim4.conf.template(8)
- Regenerate exim4 configuration file template.
- exim4-config / update-exim4defaults(8)
- Manage exim4 daemon default file.
- tex-common / update-fmtlang(8)
- Update various tex-related configuration files
- tex-common / update-fmtutil(8)
- Update various tex-related configuration files
- xfonts-utils / update-fonts-alias(8)
- Compile fonts.alias files
- xfonts-utils / update-fonts-dir(8)
- Compile fonts.dir files
- xfonts-utils / update-fonts-scale(8)
- Generate fonts.scale files
- gconf2 / update-gconf-defaults(8)
- Generate gconf defaults shipped in debian packages
- grace / update-grace-fonts(8)
- Regenerate font database for xmgrace
- grub-legacy / update-grub(8)
- Program to generate grub's menu.lst file
- grub2-common / update-grub(8)
- Stub for grub-mkconfig
- grub2-common / update-grub2(8)
- Stub for grub-mkconfig
- gummiboot / update-gummiboot(8)
- Install / remove kernel
- hoogle / update-hoogle(8)
- Update hoogle database
- libgtk-3-bin / update-icon-caches(8)
- Update wrapper script for the icon caches
- libgtk2.0-bin / update-icon-caches(8)
- Update wrapper script for the icon caches
- rlinetd / update-inetd(8)
- Manage rlinetd (and inetd) configuration entries
- update-inetd / update-inetd(8)
- Create, remove, enable or disable entry in /etc/inetd.conf
- install-info / update-info-dir(8)
- Update or create index file from all installed info files in directory
- initramfs-tools / update-initramfs(8)
- Generate an initramfs image
- live-tools / update-initramfs(8)
- Writes out updated kernel and initrd images to the live media.
- java-common / update-java-alternatives(8)
- Update alternatives for jre/sdk installations
- kboot-utils / update-kboot(8)
- Stub for kboot-mkconfig
- tex-common / update-language(8)
- Update various tex-related configuration files
- tex-common / update-language-dat(8)
- Update various tex-related configuration files
- tex-common / update-language-def(8)
- Update various tex-related configuration files
- tex-common / update-language-lua(8)
- Update various tex-related configuration files
- lilo / update-lilo(8)
- Execute lilo in special debconf mode
- glibc-source / update-locale(8)
- Modify global locale settings
- locales / update-locale(8)
- Modify global locale settings
- pv-grub-menu / update-menu-lst(8)
- Program to generate pv-grub's menu.lst file
- mime-support / update-mime(8)
- Create or update mime information
- mozplugger / update-mozpluggerrc(8)
- Create or update mozplugger's configuration
- openrocket / update-openrocket(8)
- Program to get the newest openrocket
- openssh-known-hosts / update-openssh-known-hosts(8)
- Download, filter and merge known_hosts for openssh
- otags / update-otags(8)
- Update system-wide tags tables
- ieee-data / update-oui(8)
- Download new version of the oui and iab lists
- base-passwd / update-passwd(8)
- Safely update /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow and /etc/group
- pciutils / update-pciids(8)
- Download new version of the pci id list
- libxml-sax-perl / update-perl-sax-parsers(8)
- (de)register perl sax parser modules
- python-support / update-python-modules(8)
- Byte-compile python modules
- file-rc / update-rc.d(8)
- Modify runlevel.conf to manage system-v init scripts
- sysv-rc / update-rc.d(8)
- Install and remove system-v style init script links
- rcconf / update-rcconf-guide(8)
- Create default guide file for rcconf
- request-tracker4 / update-rt-siteconfig-4(8)
- Update the request tracker configuration file
- daemontools-run / update-service(8)
- Add/remove a service to/from system-wide service supervision
- runit / update-service(8)
- Add/remove a service to/from system-wide service supervision
- skktools / update-skkdic(8)
- Make a local skk dictionariy
- smartmontools / update-smart-drivedb(8)
- Update smartmontools drive database
- tex-common / update-texmf(8)
- Shell script to generate /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf
- tex-common / update-texmf-config(8)
- Script used in maintainer scripts to trigger tex-common actions
- usbutils / update-usbids(8)
- Download new version of the usb id list
- xfonts-traditional / update-xfonts-traditional(8)
- Generate traditional ascii fixed-with fonts
- xml-core / update-xmlcatalog(8)
- Maintain xml catalog files
- lyskom-server / updateLysKOM(8)
- Check that lyskomd is running
- wdm / update_wdm_wmlist(8)
- Updates the window manager list for wdm
- mlocate / updatedb(8)
- Update a database for mlocate
- jailer / updatejail(8)
- Is a script for rebuilding a chrooted environment made with jailer
- upgrade-system / upgrade-system(8)
- Command for upgrading and sanitizing a debian system
- wmaker-common / upgrade-windowmaker-defaults(8)
- Convert old wmaker configuration files
- 389-ds-base / upgradedb(8)
- Directory server script for upgrading the database
- 389-ds-base / upgradednformat(8)
- Directory server script for upgrading the dn format
- uphpmvault / uphpmvault(8)
- Upload recovery images to hp mediavault2 via ethernet
- linux-igd / upnpd(8)
- Linux upnp internet gateway device daemon.
- upower / upowerd(8)
- Upower daemon
- nut-client / upsc(8)
- Example lightweight ups client
- nut-client / upscmd(8)
- Ups administration program for instant commands
- nut-server / upscode2(8)
- Driver for upscode ii compatible ups equipment
- nut-server / upsd(8)
- Ups information server
- nut-server / upsdrvctl(8)
- Ups driver controller
- nut-cgi / upsimage.cgi(8)
- Image-generating helper for upsstats.cgi
- nut-client / upslog(8)
- Ups status logger
- upslug2 / upslug2(8)
- Utility to upgrade the firmware of a nslu2 via the network
- nut-client / upsmon(8)
- Ups monitor and shutdown controller
- nut-client / upsrw(8)
- Ups variable administration tool
- nut-client / upssched(8)
- Timer helper for scheduling events from upsmon
- nut-cgi / upsset.cgi(8)
- Web-based ups administration program
- nut-cgi / upsstats.cgi(8)
- Web-based ups status viewer
- upstart / upstart-dbus-bridge(8)
- Bridge between upstart and d-bus
- upstart-dconf-bridge / upstart-dconf-bridge(8)
- Bridge between upstart and dconf/gsettings
- upstart / upstart-event-bridge(8)
- Bridge between system upstart and session upstart
- upstart / upstart-file-bridge(8)
- Bridge between upstart and inotify
- upstart / upstart-local-bridge(8)
- Bridge between upstart and a local client socket connection.
- upstart-monitor / upstart-monitor(8)
- Display system and session upstart events
- upstart / upstart-socket-bridge(8)
- Bridge between upstart and sockets
- upstart / upstart-udev-bridge(8)
- Bridge between upstart and udev
- uptimed / uptimed(8)
- Daemon to record uptime records
- urfkill / urfkilld(8)
- Urfkill daemon
- nut-server / usbhid-ups(8)
- Driver for usb/hid ups equipment
- usbip / usbip(8)
- Manage usb/ip devices
- usbip / usbipd(8)
- Usb/ip server daemon
- usbview / usbview(8)
- Display information on usb devices
- passwd / useradd(8)
- Create a new user or update default new user information
- courier-authlib-userdb / userdb(8)
- Manipulate /etc/courier/userdb
- courier-authlib-userdb / userdbpw(8)
- Create an encrypted password
- passwd / userdel(8)
- Delete a user account and related files
- usermode / userhelper(8)
- A helper interface to pam.
- cfingerd / userlist(8)
- Userlisting of who's on your system.
- passwd / usermod(8)
- Modify a user account
- 389-ds-base / usn-tombstone-cleanup.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for cleaning up tombstone entries.
- runit / utmpset(8)
- Logout a line from utmp and wtmp file
- uucp / uucpd(8)
- Run uucico from inetd
- uucpsend / uucpsend(8)
- Alternative frontend for uucp batching
- uuid-runtime / uuidd(8)
- Uuid generation daemon
- uucp / uusched(8)
- Call all systems which have work in a random order.
- v4l-conf / v4l-conf(8)
- Configure a video4linux driver
- v86d / v86d(8)
- Daemon to run x86 code in an emulated environment
- glibc-source / validlocale(8)
- Test if a given locale is available
- locales / validlocale(8)
- Test if a given locale is available
- glibc-source / validlocale.de(8)
- Prüfen, ob eine übergebene locale verfügbar ist
- glibc-source / validlocale.es(8)
- None
- glibc-source / validlocale.fr(8)
- None
- glibc-source / validlocale.pl(8)
- None
- util-vserver / vapt-get(8)
- Apt-get for vservers
- varmon / varmon(8)
- A va raid monitor
- util-vserver / vattribute(8)
- Sets/gets attributes of vservers
- vbackup / vbackup(8)
- A modular backup program
- vbackup / vbackup-wizard(8)
- A wizard for basic vbackup configuration
- vblade-persist / vblade-persist(8)
- Manage persistent exported ata-over-ethernet devices
- isdnvboxserver / vboxd(8)
- Isdn voice box daemon
- isdnvboxserver / vboxgetty(8)
- Isdn voice box (getty)
- isdnvboxserver / vboxmail(8)
- Script to send notification of new voice message
- isdnvboxserver / vboxputty(8)
- A self-dialing/-calling vboxgetty
- vlan / vconfig(8)
- Vlan (802.1q) configuration program.
- util-vserver / vcontext(8)
- Manages the creation of security contexts
- kbd / vcstime(8)
- Show time in upper right hand corner of the console screen
- vde2 / vde_tunctl(8)
- Vde_tunctl create and manage persistent tun/tap interfaces
- util-vserver / vdevmap(8)
- Manages device mappings
- util-vserver / vdispatch-conf(8)
- Dispatch-conf for vservers
- util-vserver / vdlimit(8)
- Manages disk limits
- vdradmin-am / vdradmind(8)
- Web-based administration tool for vdr
- util-vserver / vdu(8)
- Calculates the size of a directory
- util-vserver / vemerge(8)
- Emerge for vservers
- infiniband-diags / vendstat(8)
- Vendstat -
- 389-ds-base / verify-db.pl(8)
- Directory server perl script for verifying the database.
- cryptsetup-bin / veritysetup(8)
- Manage dm-verity (block level verification) volumes
- util-vserver / vesync(8)
- Portage cache sync for vservers
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_acl_tdb(8)
- Save ntfs-acls in a tdb file
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_acl_xattr(8)
- Save ntfs-acls in extended attributes (eas)
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_aio_fork(8)
- Implement async i/o in samba vfs
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_aio_linux(8)
- Implement async i/o in samba vfs using linux kernel aio calls
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_aio_pthread(8)
- Implement async i/o in samba vfs using a pthread pool
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_audit(8)
- Record selected samba vfs operations in the system log
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_btrfs(8)
- Utilize features provided by the btrfs filesystem
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_cacheprime(8)
- Prime the kernel file data cache
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_cap(8)
- Cap encode filenames
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_catia(8)
- Translate illegal characters in catia filenames
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_commit(8)
- Flush dirty data at specified intervals
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_crossrename(8)
- Server side rename files across filesystem boundaries
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_default_quota(8)
- Store default quota records for windows clients
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_dirsort(8)
- Sort directory contents
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_extd_audit(8)
- Record selected samba vfs operations
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_fake_perms(8)
- Enable read only roaming profiles
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_fileid(8)
- Generates file_id structs with unique device id values for cluster setups
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_full_audit(8)
- Record samba vfs operations in the system log
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_gpfs(8)
- Gpfs specific samba extensions like acls and prealloc
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_linux_xfs_sgid(8)
- Vfs_linux_xfs_sgid
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_media_harmony(8)
- Allow multiple avid clients to share a network drive.
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_netatalk(8)
- Hide .appledouble files from cifs clients
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_notify_fam(8)
- Fam support for file change notifications
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_prealloc(8)
- Preallocate matching files to a predetermined size
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_preopen(8)
- Hide read latencies for applications reading numbered files
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_readahead(8)
- Pre-load the kernel buffer cache
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_readonly(8)
- Make a samba share read only for a specified time period
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_recycle(8)
- Samba vfs recycle bin
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_scannedonly(8)
- Ensures that only files that have been scanned for viruses are visible and accessible to the end user.
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_shadow_copy(8)
- Make a samba share read only for a specified time period
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_shadow_copy2(8)
- Expose snapshots to windows clients as shadow copies.
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_smb_traffic_analyzer(8)
- Log samba vfs read and write operations through a socket to a helper application
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_streams_depot(8)
- Experimental module to store alternate data streams in a central directory.
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_streams_xattr(8)
- Store alternate data streams in posix xattrs
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_syncops(8)
- Ensure meta data operations are performed synchronously.
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_time_audit(8)
- Samba vfs module to log slow vfs operations
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_tsmsm(8)
- Vfs module for handling offline files with tivoli storage manager space management
- samba-vfs-modules / vfs_xattr_tdb(8)
- Save extended attributes (eas) in a tdb file
- lvm2 / vgcfgbackup(8)
- Vgcfgbackup backup volume group descriptor area
- lvm2 / vgcfgrestore(8)
- Vgcfgrestore restore volume group descriptor area
- lvm2 / vgchange(8)
- Vgchange change attributes of a volume group
- lvm2 / vgck(8)
- Vgck check volume group metadata
- lvm2 / vgconvert(8)
- Convert volume group metadata format
- lvm2 / vgcreate(8)
- Vgcreate create a volume group
- lvm2 / vgdisplay(8)
- Vgdisplay display attributes of volume groups
- mgetty-voice / vgetty(8)
- Voice extension to the mgetty+sendfax program
- lvm2 / vgexport(8)
- Make volume groups unknown to the system
- lvm2 / vgextend(8)
- Vgextend add physical volumes to a volume group
- lvm2 / vgimport(8)
- Vgimport make exported volume groups known to the system
- lvm2 / vgimportclone(8)
- Vgimportclone import and rename duplicated volume group (e.g. a hardware snapshot)
- lvm2 / vgmerge(8)
- Vgmerge merge two volume groups
- lvm2 / vgmknodes(8)
- Vgmknodes recreate volume group directory and logical volume special files
- lvm2 / vgreduce(8)
- Vgreduce reduce a volume group
- lvm2 / vgremove(8)
- Vgremove remove a volume group
- lvm2 / vgrename(8)
- Vgrename rename a volume group
- lvm2 / vgs(8)
- Vgs report information about volume groups
- lvm2 / vgscan(8)
- Vgscan scan all disks for volume groups and rebuild caches
- lvm2 / vgsplit(8)
- Vgsplit split a volume group into two
- blktap-utils / vhd-index(8)
- Short desc goes here
- blktap-utils / vhd-update(8)
- Short desc goes here
- blktap-utils / vhd-util(8)
- Short desc goes here
- blktap-utils / vhdpartx(8)
- Short desc goes here
- util-vserver / vhtop(8)
- The vhtop utility is simply a wrapper for the htop program.
- nictools-pci / via-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for the via rhine vt86c100 and vt3043 ethernet controller chips.
- nut-server / victronups(8)
- Driver for imv/victron ups unit match, match lite, netups
- util-vserver / viotop(8)
- The viotop utility is simply a wrapper for the iotop program.
- passwd / vipw(8)
- Edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file
- util-vserver / vkill(8)
- Sends signals to processes within other contexts
- util-vserver / vlimit(8)
- Limits context-resources
- vlock / vlock-main(8)
- Lock current virtual console
- 389-ds-base / vlvindex(8)
- Directory server script for vlv indexing
- kexec-tools / vmcore-dmesg(8)
- This is just a placeholder until real man page has been written
- vmdebootstrap / vmdebootstrap(8)
- Install basic debian system into virtual disk image
- util-vserver / vmemctrl(8)
- Control the oom bias for vservers
- vmfs-tools / vmfs-fuse(8)
- Mount vmfs file system
- vmfs-tools / vmfs-lvm(8)
- Vmfs logical volume manager tool
- oss4-base / vmixctl(8)
- Open sound system utility to control the vmix subsystem.
- util-vserver / vmount(8)
- Mount for guests
- dnet-progs / vmsmaild(8)
- Mail daemon for decnet
- procps / vmstat(8)
- Report virtual memory statistics
- open-vm-tools / vmware-hgfsmounter(8)
- Program for mounting hgfs shares
- util-vserver / vnamespace(8)
- Manages spaces
- voms-server / voms(8)
- Voms server
- nictools-pci / vortex-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for the 3com vortex series.
- corosync / votequorum_overview(8)
- Votequorum library overview
- powerman / vpcd(8)
- Virtual power control daemon
- dmidecode / vpddecode(8)
- \s-1vpd\s0 structure decoder
- vpnc / vpnc(8)
- Client for cisco vpn3000 concentrator, ios and pix
- vpnc / vpnc-connect(8)
- Client for cisco vpn3000 concentrator, ios and pix
- vpnc / vpnc-disconnect(8)
- Client for cisco vpn3000 concentrator, ios and pix
- util-vserver / vps(8)
- The vps utility is simply a wrapper for the ps program.
- util-vserver / vpstree(8)
- The vpstree utility is simply a wrapper for the pstree program.
- util-vserver / vrpm(8)
- Is simply a wrapper for the rpm utility.
- vrrpd / vrrpd(8)
- Virtual router redundancy protocol deamon
- util-vserver / vrsetup(8)
- Set up and control vroot devices
- util-vserver / vsched(8)
- Modifies scheduling parameters
- util-vserver / vserver(8)
- The vserver utility enables you to manage the state of vservers, including building, starting, stopping, etc.
- util-vserver / vserver-build(8)
- Initializes a vserver
- util-vserver / vserver-info(8)
- Returns information about vservers
- util-vserver / vserver-stat(8)
- Shows information about active contexts
- util-vserver / vshelper(8)
- Userspace reboot helper
- util-vserver / vsomething(8)
- Execute something for a set of vservers
- util-vserver / vspace(8)
- Manages spaces
- burp / vss_strip(8)
- Program for extracting file data from a file containing vss headers
- util-vserver / vtag(8)
- Sets the process's filesystem tag
- openvswitch-vtep / vtep-ctl(8)
- Utility for querying and configuring a vtep database
- util-vserver / vtop(8)
- The vtop utility is simply a wrapper for the top program.
- vtun / vtun(8)
- Vtun(virtual tunnel) daemon.
- vtun / vtund(8)
- Vtun(virtual tunnel) daemon.
- util-vserver / vuname(8)
- Modifies and shows uname entries of vserver contexts
- util-vserver / vupdateworld(8)
- Emerge world for vservers
- util-vserver / vurpm(8)
- Urpmi/urpme for vservers
- util-vserver / vwait(8)
- Waits for a context to finish
- util-vserver / vyum(8)
- Yum for vservers
- vzctl / vzcalc(8)
- Calculate resource usage of a container
- vzctl / vzcfgvalidate(8)
- Validate a container configuration file
- vzctl / vzcptcheck(8)
- Show/test cpt properties
- vzctl / vzcpucheck(8)
- Show information about the cpu power and utilization.
- vzctl / vzctl(8)
- Perform various operations on an openvz container
- vzquota / vzdqcheck(8)
- Count disk usage
- vzquota / vzdqdump(8)
- Dump, load user/group quotas
- vzquota / vzdqload(8)
- Dump, load user/group quotas
- vzctl / vzeventd(8)
- The openvz events daemon.
- vzctl / vzfsync(8)
- Perform fsync/fdatasync/fadvise on files
- vzctl / vzifup-post(8)
- Add containers' arp records to an interface
- vzctl / vzlist(8)
- Show various information about containers
- vzctl / vzmemcheck(8)
- Show information about host memory parameters
- vzctl / vzmigrate(8)
- Migrate a container between two openvz servers
- vzctl / vznnc(8)
- Run a program connected to a socket
- vzctl / vzpid(8)
- Display the ct id given the process id
- vzquota / vzquota(8)
- Manipulate containers disk quotas
- vzctl / vzsplit(8)
- Generate a sample container configuration file
- vzstats / vzstats(8)
- Report openvz usage statistics
- vzctl / vztmpl-dl(8)
- Download/list/update openvz templates
- vzctl / vzubc(8)
- Show user beancounters in a human-readable format
- kannel / wapbox(8)
- Parts of kannel, the wap and sms gateway
- quota / warnquota(8)
- Send mail to users over quota
- mimedefang / watch-mimedefang(8)
- Keep an eye on mimedefang-multiplexor
- mimedefang / watch-multiple-mimedefangs(8)
- Keep an eye on a cluster of mimedefang machines
- watchcatd / watchcatd(8)
- Process monitoring daemon
- watchdog / watchdog(8)
- A software watchdog daemon
- quagga / watchquagga(8)
- A program to monitor the status of quagga daemons
- watchdog / wd_identify(8)
- A simplified software watchdog daemon
- watchdog / wd_keepalive(8)
- A simplified software watchdog daemon
- util-linux / wdctl(8)
- Show hardware watchdog status
- sanlock / wdmd(8)
- Watchdog multiplexing daemon
- citadel-webcit / webcit(8)
- Citadel servlet engine.
- hylafax-server / wedged(8)
- \*(fx modem wedged script
- aircrack-ng / wesside-ng(8)
- Crack a wep key of an open network without user intervention
- whereami / whereami(8)
- Whereami non-interatively ascertain the location of the computer and reconfigure the system appropriately.
- wicd-daemon / wicd(8)
- Wired and wireless network connection manager
- wicd-cli / wicd-cli(8)
- Command-line interface to wicd
- wicd-curses / wicd-curses(8)
- Curses-based wicd(8) controller
- winbind / winbindd(8)
- Name service switch daemon for resolving names from nt servers
- nictools-pci / winbond-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for winbond w89c840 based ethernet cards.
- util-linux / wipefs(8)
- Wipe a signature from a device
- am-utils / wire-test(8)
- Test your network interfaces and local ip address
- mailman / withlist(8)
- General framework for interacting with a mailman mailing list object.
- linux-wlan-ng / wlancfg(8)
- Manupulate linux-wlan-ng mib values
- linux-wlan-ng / wlanctl-ng(8)
- Control utility for linux-wlan-ng 802.11 devices
- linux-wlan-ng / wland(8)
- Linux-wlan-ng daemon
- wmaloader / wmaloader(8)
- Server to download firmware to the linksys wma11b media adapter
- wondershaper / wondershaper(8)
- Simple traffic shaping script
- wpasupplicant / wpa_action(8)
- Wpa_cli action script
- wpasupplicant / wpa_background(8)
- Background information on wi-fi protected access and ieee 802.11i
- wpasupplicant / wpa_cli(8)
- Wpa command line client
- wpagui / wpa_gui(8)
- Wpa graphical user interface
- wpasupplicant / wpa_passphrase(8)
- Generate a wpa psk from an ascii passphrase for a ssid
- wpasupplicant / wpa_supplicant(8)
- Wi-fi protected access client and ieee 802.1x supplicant
- inn / writelog(8)
- Add a entry to an inn log file.
- inn2 / writelog(8)
- Add a entry to an inn log file.
- wwwstat / wwwerrs(8)
- Httpd log rotation for wwwstat
- xinetd / xconv.pl(8)
- Inetd.conf to xinetd.conf converter
- xen-utils-common / xentrace(8)
- Capture xen trace buffer data
- fbb / xfbbC(8)
- Console for the fbb mailbox
- fbb / xfbbd(8)
- Daemon for the fbb mailbox
- libxfce4util-bin / xfce4-kiosk-query(8)
- Queries xfce4 kiosk capabilities
- hylafax-server / xferfaxstats(8)
- Summarize \*(fx transmission accounting
- xfsprogs / xfs_admin(8)
- Change parameters of an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_bmap(8)
- Print block mapping for an xfs file
- xfsprogs / xfs_copy(8)
- Copy the contents of an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_db(8)
- Debug an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_estimate(8)
- Estimate the space that an xfs filesystem will take
- xfsprogs / xfs_freeze(8)
- Suspend access to an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_fsr(8)
- Filesystem reorganizer for xfs
- xfsprogs / xfs_growfs(8)
- Expand an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_info(8)
- Expand an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_io(8)
- Debug the i/o path of an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_logprint(8)
- Print the log of an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_mdrestore(8)
- Restores an xfs metadump image to a filesystem image
- xfsprogs / xfs_metadump(8)
- Copy xfs filesystem metadata to a file
- xfsprogs / xfs_mkfile(8)
- Create an xfs file
- xfsprogs / xfs_ncheck(8)
- Generate pathnames from i-numbers for xfs
- xfsprogs / xfs_quota(8)
- Manage use of quota on xfs filesystems
- xfsprogs / xfs_repair(8)
- Repair an xfs filesystem
- xfsprogs / xfs_rtcp(8)
- Xfs realtime copy command
- xfsdump / xfsdump(8)
- Xfs filesystem incremental dump utility
- xfsdump / xfsinvutil(8)
- Xfsdump inventory database checking and pruning utility
- xfsdump / xfsrestore(8)
- Xfs filesystem incremental restore utility
- xinetd / xinetd(8)
- The extended internet services daemon
- xjdic / xjdicconfig(8)
- Program to create index files for xjdic program.
- xl2tpd / xl2tpd(8)
- Layer 2 tunnelling protocol daemon
- dtc-xen / xm_info_free_memory(8)
- This script is a part of the soap server of dtc-xen running over https with auth.
- xnbd-common / xnbd-register(8)
- Restore xnbd sessions upon boot
- xnbd-server / xnbd-server(8)
- Serve a file as a block device to other computers via the nbd protocol
- xnbd-server / xnbd-wrapper(8)
- Manage multiple files to be exported as a block device to other computers running the gnu/linux(tm) operating system
- xnbd-server / xnbd-wrapper-ctl(8)
- Manage an xnbd-wrapper(8) super-server.
- xorp / xorp_rtrmgr(8)
- Xorp_rtrmgr xorp router manager
- quota / xqmstats(8)
- Display xfs quota manager statistics from /proc
- xrdp / xrdp(8)
- A remote desktop protocol (rdp) server
- xrdp / xrdp-keygen(8)
- Xrdp rsa keys generation utility
- xrdp / xrdp-sesman(8)
- Xrdp(8) session manager
- xrdp / xrdp-sesrun(8)
- Sesman(8) session launcher
- xringd / xringd(8)
- The linux extended modem ring server
- iptables / xtables-multi(8)
- Xtables multi-link binary for netfilter's iptables and ip6tables
- xtel / xteld(8)
- None
- xtell / xtelld(8)
- Daemon receiving messages from xtell(1) clients
- xtide / xttpd(8)
- Harmonic tide clock and tide predictor (web server)
- xymon / xymon-mailack(8)
- Permit acknowledging alerts via e-mail
- xymon / xymoncgimsg.cgi(8)
- Cgi utility used for proxying xymon data over http
- xymon / xymond_alert(8)
- Xymond worker module for sending out alerts
- xymon / xymond_capture(8)
- Catch selected messages from a xymond channel
- xymon / xymond_channel(8)
- Feed a xymond channel to a worker module
- xymon / xymond_client(8)
- Xymond worker module for client data
- xymon / xymond_distribute(8)
- Xymond worker module for distributing commands
- xymon / xymond_filestore(8)
- Xymond worker module for storing xymon data
- xymon / xymond_history(8)
- Xymond worker module for logging status changes
- xymon / xymond_hostdata(8)
- Xymond worker module for storing historical client data
- xymon / xymond_rrd(8)
- Xymond worker module for updating xymon rrd files
- xymon / xymond_sample(8)
- Example of a xymond worker module
- xymon / xymonfetch(8)
- Fetch client data from passive clients
- xymon-client / xymonlaunch(8)
- Master program to launch other xymon programs
- xymon / xymonproxy(8)
- Xymon message proxy
- yasat / yasat(8)
- Simple stupid audit tool
- yaz / yaz-ztest(8)
- Z39.50/sru test server
- nictools-pci / yellowfin-diag(8)
- Eeprom setup and diagnostic program for ethernet cards based on the "yellowfin" g-nic-i chip.
- yersinia / yersinia(8)
- None
- nis / ypbind(8)
- Nis binding process
- nis / yphelper(8)
- Helper application for internal use
- nis / ypinit(8)
- Nis database install and build program
- nis / yppoll(8)
- Return version and master server of a nis map
- nis / yppush(8)
- Force propagation of changed nis databases
- nis / ypserv(8)
- Nis server
- nis / ypset(8)
- Bind ypbind to a particular nis server
- nis / yptest(8)
- Test nis configuration
- nis / ypxfr(8)
- Transfer nis database from remote server to local host
- yrmcds / yrmcdsd(8)
- Memcached compatible kvs with master/slave replication
- yum / yum(8)
- Yellowdog updater modified
- yum-utils / yum-complete-transaction(8)
- Attempt to complete failed or aborted yum transactions
- yum / yum-shell(8)
- Yellowdog updater modified shell
- yum-utils / yumdb(8)
- Query and alter the yum database
- zabbix-agent / zabbix_agentd(8)
- Zabbix agent daemon.
- zabbix-proxy-mysql / zabbix_proxy(8)
- Zabbix proxy daemon.
- zabbix-proxy-pgsql / zabbix_proxy(8)
- Zabbix proxy daemon.
- zabbix-proxy-sqlite3 / zabbix_proxy(8)
- Zabbix proxy daemon.
- zabbix-server-mysql / zabbix_server(8)
- Zabbix server daemon.
- zabbix-server-pgsql / zabbix_server(8)
- Zabbix server daemon.
- bonnie++ / zcav(8)
- Program to test raw hard drive throughput.
- manpages / zdump(8)
- Timezone dumper
- quagga / zebra(8)
- A routing manager for use with associated quagga components.
- idzebra-2.0-utils / zebrasrv-2.0(8)
- Zebra server
- zephyr-server / zephyrd(8)
- Zephyr server daemon
- zephyr-server-krb5 / zephyrd(8)
- Zephyr server daemon
- atm-tools / zeppelin(8)
- Atm lan emulation client demon (led) zeppelin
- zerofree / zerofree(8)
- Zerofree zero free blocks from ext2, ext3 and ext4 file-systems
- zendframework-bin / zf(8)
- Command line tool for zendframework
- zfs-fuse / zfs-fuse(8)
- Zfs filesystem daemon
- policyrcd-script-zg2 / zg-policy-rc.d(8)
- Allows flexible handling of policy-rc.d
- zephyr-clients / zhm(8)
- Zephyr hostmanager
- glibc-source / zic(8)
- Time zone compiler
- manpages / zic(8)
- Timezone compiler
- atm-tools / zntune(8)
- Preliminary manpage aread awrite enitune ilmid saaldump sonetdiag ttcp_atm zntune
- pdns-backend-ldap / zone2ldap(8)
- Convert zonefiles to ldif
- pdns-server / zone2sql(8)
- Convert isc bind zones to sql
- zorp / zorp(8)
- Zorp firewall suite
- zorp / zorpctl(8)
- Start and stop zorp instances.
- pawserv / zserv(8)
- Cernlib server program for transferring zebra formatted files
- zephyr-clients / zshutdown_notify(8)
- Notify users of impending shutdown via zephyr
- zephyr-clients / zstat(8)
- Display zephyr statistics
- zypper / zypper(8)
- Command-line interface to zypp system management library (libzypp)
- zypper / zypper-log(8)
- Zypper logfile reader