Defines geometrical elements and sides as a set of vertice and edge indexes. This element is obtained after a Piola transformation from a reference element (see reference_element(2)). Indexes are related to arrays of edges and vertices. These arrays are included in the description of the mesh. Thus, this class is related of a given mesh instance (see geo(2)).


This is the test of geo_element:

    geo_element_auto<> K;
    K.set_name('t') ;
    cout << "n_vertices: " << K.size()      << endl
         << "n_edges   : " << K.n_edges()   << endl
         << "dimension : " << K.dimension() << endl << endl;
    for(geo_element::size_type i = 0; i < K.size(); i++)
        K[i] = i*10 ;
    for(geo_element::size_type i = 0; i < K.n_edges(); i++)
        K.set_edge(i, i*10+5) ;
    cout << "vertices: local -> global" << endl;
    for (geo_element::size_type vloc = 0; vloc < K.size(); vloc++)
        cout << vloc << "-> " << K[vloc] << endl;
    cout << endl
         << "edges: local -> global" << endl;
    for (geo_element::size_type eloc = 0; eloc < K.n_edges(); eloc++) {
        geo_element::size_type vloc1 = subgeo_local_vertex(1, eloc, 0);
        geo_element::size_type vloc2 = subgeo_local_vertex(1, eloc, 1);
        cout << eloc << "-> " << K.edge(eloc) << endl
             << "local_vertex_from_edge(" << eloc
             << ") -> (" << vloc1 << ", " << vloc2 << ")" << endl;

RELATED TO geo_element…

reference_element(2), geo(2)