The file, /etc/bandwidthd/bandwidthd.conf, is read by bandwidthd when started. It contains a small set of tunable options for bandwidthd features that can be adjusted.


subnet <network> <netmask>

Subnet to log traffic for.

dev <device>

Device to listen on.

skip_intervals <n>

Number on intervals (2.5 minute) to skip between graphing. Default 0.

graph_cutoff <kilobytes-minimum>

Number of kilobytes required before drawing a graph for a host. Default 1024.

promiscuous <bool>

Put device in promisc ("eavesdropping") mode. Default true.

output_cdf <bool>

Write logfiles for analyzed traffic. Default false.

recover_cdf <bool>

Recover from logfiles after restart. Default false.

Warning: This can take very long time if the logfiles are big.

Enabling this and having bandwidthd start on system start might be a bad idea. It will delay your possibilities to log in locally since it's not done in the background.

filter <pcap-filter-rule>

Pcap filter rule to use. Always include "ip" to avoid weird problems. Default "ip".

graph <bool>

Write graphs and html for analyzed traffic. Default true.

meta_refresh <seconds>

Number of seconds before html-page reloads. 0 to disable. Default 150.


/etc/bandwidthd/bandwidthd.conf	- configuration file.
/etc/init.d/bandwidthd			- startscript.

RELATED TO bandwidthd.conf…


Furter information available at the website:


This manual page was written by Andreas Henriksson <[email protected]>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system.