Nonlinear damped Newton algorithm for the resolution of the following problem:

       F(u) = 0

A simple call to the algorithm writes:

    my_problem P;
    field uh (Vh);
    damped_newton (P, uh, tol, max_iter);

In addition to the members required for the Newton algorithm (see newton(4)), the space_norm and duality_product are required for the damped Newton line search algorithm:

    class my_problem {
      Float space_norm      (const field& uh) const;
      Float duality_product (const field& mrh, const field& msh) const;


template <class Problem, class Field, class Real, class Size>
int damped_newton (Problem P, Field& u, Real& tol, Size& max_iter, odiststream* p_derr=0) {
  return damped_newton(P, newton_identity_preconditioner(), u, tol, max_iter, p_derr);

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