Draw labels on selected sides of a projected box. this routine calls tdpara and will therefore change the definition of the reference parallelogram; it also changes the value of the internal parameter 'cs2'.
#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdlbls(float umin, float vmin, float wmin, float umax, float vmax, float wmax, char* unlb, char* vnlb, char* wnlb, char* uilb, char* vilb, char* wilb, int ipck)
The arguments of TDLBLS are as follows:
(input expressions of type REAL) - coordinate values defining the box in 3-space. The names of these should make it clear what they are.
(input, of type CHARACTER) - these strings contain numeric labels to be placed on a U axis, a V axis, and a W axis, respectively. The labels need not be in any particular order, but they have to be separated by blanks and each has to be readable using a FORTRAN format of the form "En.0", where "n" is the length of the label.
(input, of type CHARACTER) - these strings contain informational labels for a U axis, a V axis, and a W axis, respectively.
(an input expression of type INTEGER) - determines which edges of the box are labelled. If IPCK is zero, all six outer edges are labelled, but if IPCK is non-zero, only three edges are labelled, one set of three if IPCK is negative, a different set if IPCK is positive.
The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions.
To use TDLBLS or c_tdlbls, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.
Online: tdclrs, tdctri, tddtri, tdgeti, tdgetr, tdgrds, tdgrid, tdgtrs, tdinit, tditri, tdlbla, tdline, tdlnpa, tdmtri, tdotri, tdpack, tdpack_params, tdpara, tdplch, tdprpa, tdprpi, tdprpt, tdseti, tdsetr, tdsort, tdstri, tdstrs
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University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.