This is the top supervisor for the agent part of the SNMP application. There is always one supervisor at each node with an SNMP agent (master agent or sub-agent).


start_sub_sup(Opts) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} | {error, Reason}


Opts = [opt()]

opt() = {db_dir, string()} | ...

Starts a supervisor for the SNMP agent system without a master agent. The supervisor starts all involved SNMP processes, but no agent processes. Sub-agents should be started by calling start_sub_agent/3.

db_dir is mandatory.

See configuration parameters for a description of the options.

start_master_sup(Opts) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, {already_started, pid()}} | {error, Reason}


Opts = [opt()]

opt() = {db_dir, string()} | {config, ConfOpts()} | ...

ConfOpts = [conf_opts()]

conf_opts() = {dir, string()} | ...

Reason = term()

Starts a supervisor for the SNMP agent system. The supervisor starts all involved SNMP processes, including the master agent. Sub-agents should be started by calling start_subagent/3.

db_dir is mandatory.

dir in config is mandatory.

See snmp config for a description of the options.

start_sub_agent(ParentAgent,Subtree,Mibs) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}


ParentAgent = pid()

SubTree = oid()

Mibs = [MibName]

MibName = [string()]

Starts a sub-agent on the node where the function is called. The snmpa_supervisor must be running.

If the supervisor is not running, the function fails with the reason badarg.

stop_sub_agent(SubAgent) -> ok | no_such_child


SubAgent = pid()

Stops the sub-agent on the node where the function is called. The snmpa_supervisor must be running.

If the supervisor is not running, the function fails with the reason badarg.