Qwtthermo -
#include <qwt_thermo.h>
Inherits QwtAbstractScale.
enum ScalePos { NoScale, LeftScale, RightScale, TopScale, BottomScale }
void setValue (double val)
QwtThermo (QWidget *parent=NULL)
virtual ~QwtThermo ()
const QBrush & alarmBrush () const
const QColor & alarmColor () const
bool alarmEnabled () const
double alarmLevel () const
int borderWidth () const
const QBrush & fillBrush () const
const QColor & fillColor () const
double maxValue () const
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint () const
double minValue () const
int pipeWidth () const
const QwtScaleDraw * scaleDraw () const
ScalePos scalePosition () const
void setAlarmBrush (const QBrush &b)
void setAlarmColor (const QColor &c)
void setAlarmEnabled (bool tf)
void setAlarmLevel (double v)
void setBorderWidth (int w)
void setFillBrush (const QBrush &b)
void setFillColor (const QColor &c)
void setMargin (int m)
void setMaxValue (double v)
void setMinValue (double v)
void setOrientation (Qt::Orientation o, ScalePos s)
void setPipeWidth (int w)
void setRange (double vmin, double vmax, bool lg=false)
void setScaleDraw (QwtScaleDraw *)
void setScalePosition (ScalePos s)
virtual QSize sizeHint () const
double value () const
void draw (QPainter *p, const QRect &update_rect)
void drawThermo (QPainter *p)
virtual void fontChange (const QFont &oldFont)
void layoutThermo (bool update=true)
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *e)
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *e)
virtual void scaleChange ()
QwtScaleDraw * scaleDraw ()
The Thermometer Widget.
QwtThermo is a widget which displays a value in an interval. It supports:
a horizontal or vertical layout;
a range;
a scale;
an alarm level.
By default, the scale and range run over the same interval of values. QwtAbstractScale::setScale() changes the interval of the scale and allows easy conversion between physical units.
The example shows how to make the scale indicate in degrees Fahrenheit and to set the value in degrees Kelvin:
#include <qapplication.h> #include <qwt_thermo.h> double Kelvin2Fahrenheit(double kelvin) { // see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelvin return 1.8*kelvin - 459.67; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const double minKelvin = 0.0; const double maxKelvin = 500.0; QApplication a(argc, argv); QwtThermo t; t.setRange(minKelvin, maxKelvin); t.setScale(Kelvin2Fahrenheit(minKelvin), Kelvin2Fahrenheit(maxKelvin)); // set the value in Kelvin but the scale displays in Fahrenheit // 273.15 Kelvin = 0 Celsius = 32 Fahrenheit t.setValue(273.15); a.setMainWidget(&t); t.show(); return a.exec(); }
parent Parent widget
Return the liquid brush above the alarm threshold.
See also:
Return the alarm threshold.
See also:
Return the border width of the thermometer pipe.
See also:
Draw the whole QwtThermo.
painter Painter
rect Update rectangle
Redraw the liquid in thermometer pipe.
painter Painter
Return the liquid brush.
See also:
Return the liquid color.
See also:
Recalculate the QwtThermo geometry and layout based on the QwtThermo::rect() and the fonts.
update_geometry notify the layout system and call update to redraw the scale
Return a minimum size hint. Warning:
The return value depends on the font and the scale.
See also:
Qt paint event. event Paint event
Return the width of the pipe.
See also:
the scale draw of the thermo
See also:
the scale draw of the thermo
See also:
Return the scale position.
See also:
Specify the liquid brush above the alarm threshold. Parameters:
brush New brush. The default is solid white.
See also:
Specify the liquid color above the alarm threshold. Parameters:
c New color. The default is white.
Enable or disable the alarm threshold. Parameters:
tf true (disabled) or false (enabled)
Specify the alarm threshold.
level Alarm threshold
See also:
Set the border width of the pipe.
width Border width
See also:
Change the brush of the liquid. Parameters:
brush New brush. The default brush is solid black.
See also:
Change the color of the liquid. Parameters:
c New color. The default color is black.
See also:
Specify the distance between the pipe's endpoints and the widget's border. The margin is used to leave some space for the scale labels. If a large font is used, it is advisable to adjust the margins.
m New Margin. The default values are 10 for horizontal orientation and 20 for vertical orientation.
The margin has no effect if the scale is disabled.
This function is a NOOP because margins are determined automatically.
Set the maximum value.
max Maximum value
See also:
maxValue(), setMinValue()
Set the minimum value.
min Minimum value
See also:
minValue(), setMaxValue()
Set the thermometer orientation and the scale position. The scale position NoScale disables the scale.
o orientation. Possible values are Qt::Horizontal and Qt::Vertical. The default value is Qt::Vertical.
s Position of the scale. The default value is NoScale.
A valid combination of scale position and orientation is enforced:
a horizontal thermometer can have the scale positions TopScale, BottomScale or NoScale;
a vertical thermometer can have the scale positions LeftScale, RightScale or NoScale;
an invalid scale position will default to NoScale.
See also:
Change the width of the pipe.
width Width of the pipe
See also:
Set the range. Parameters:
vmin value corresponding lower or left end of the thermometer
vmax value corresponding to the upper or right end of the thermometer
logarithmic logarithmic mapping, true or false
Set a scale draw. For changing the labels of the scales, it is necessary to derive from QwtScaleDraw and overload QwtScaleDraw::label().
scaleDraw ScaleDraw object, that has to be created with new and will be deleted in ~QwtThermo or the next call of setScaleDraw().
Change the scale position (and thermometer orientation). Parameters:
scalePos Position of the scale.
A valid combination of scale position and orientation is enforced:
if the new scale position is LeftScale or RightScale, the scale orientation will become Qt::Vertical;
if the new scale position is BottomScale or TopScale, the scale orientation will become Qt::Horizontal;
if the new scale position is NoScale, the scale orientation will not change.
See also:
setOrientation(), scalePosition()
Set the current value.
value New Value
See also:
the minimum size hint
See also:
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