Qwtpanner -
#include <qwt_panner.h>
Inherited by QwtPlotPanner.
void moved (int dx, int dy)
void panned (int dx, int dy)
QwtPanner (QWidget *parent)
virtual ~QwtPanner ()
const QCursor cursor () const
virtual bool eventFilter (QObject *, QEvent *)
void getAbortKey (int &key, int &state) const
void getMouseButton (int &button, int &buttonState) const
bool isEnabled () const
bool isOrientationEnabled (Qt::Orientation) const
Qt::Orientations orientations () const
void setAbortKey (int key, int state=Qt::NoButton)
void setCursor (const QCursor &)
void setEnabled (bool)
void setMouseButton (int button, int buttonState=Qt::NoButton)
void setOrientations (Qt::Orientations)
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)
virtual void widgetKeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void widgetKeyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void widgetMouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetMousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *)
QwtPanner provides panning of a widget.
QwtPanner grabs the contents of a widget, that can be dragged in all directions. The offset between the start and the end position is emitted by the panned signal.
QwtPanner grabs the content of the widget into a pixmap and moves the pixmap around, without initiating any repaint events for the widget. Areas, that are not part of content are not painted while panning in in process. This makes panning fast enough for widgets, where repaints are too slow for mouse movements.
For widgets, where repaints are very fast it might be better to implement panning manually by mapping mouse events into paint events.
Creates an panner that is enabled for the left mouse button.
parent Parent widget to be panned
Cursor that is active while panning
See also:
Event filter. When isEnabled() the mouse events of the observed widget are filtered.
See also:
widgetMousePressEvent(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent(), widgetMouseMoveEvent()
true when enabled, false otherwise
See also:
setEnabled, eventFilter()
Return true if a orientatio is enabled
See also:
orientations(), setOrientations()
Signal emitted, while the widget moved, but panning is not finished.
dx Offset in horizontal direction
dy Offset in vertical direction
Paint event. Repaint the grabbed pixmap on its current position and fill the empty spaces by the background of the parent widget.
pe Paint event
Signal emitted, when panning is done
dx Offset in horizontal direction
dy Offset in vertical direction
Change the abort key The defaults are Qt::Key_Escape and Qt::NoButton
key Key ( See Qt::Keycode )
state State
Change the cursor, that is active while panning The default is the cursor of the parent widget.
cursor New cursor
See also:
En/disable the panner. When enabled is true an event filter is installed for the observed widget, otherwise the event filter is removed.
on true or false
See also:
isEnabled(), eventFilter()
Change the mouse button The defaults are Qt::LeftButton and Qt::NoButton
Set the orientations, where panning is enabled The default value is in both directions: Qt::Horizontal | Qt::Vertical
/param o Orientation
Handle a key press event for the observed widget.
ke Key event
See also:
eventFilter(), widgetKeyReleaseEvent()
Handle a key release event for the observed widget.
See also:
eventFilter(), widgetKeyReleaseEvent()
Handle a mouse move event for the observed widget.
me Mouse event
See also:
eventFilter(), widgetMousePressEvent(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent()
Handle a mouse press event for the observed widget.
me Mouse event
See also:
eventFilter(), widgetMouseReleaseEvent(), widgetMouseMoveEvent(),
Handle a mouse release event for the observed widget.
me Mouse event
See also:
eventFilter(), widgetMousePressEvent(), widgetMouseMoveEvent(),
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