#include <ncarg/gks.h>

void gset_fill_colr_ind(Gint fill_colr_ind);



(Input) - A color index.


All filled areas drawn with calls to the gfill_area output primitive will be drawn with the color associated with index fill_colr_ind until gset_fill_colr_ind is called again and a new index is assigned.

For all GKS output primitives, color is assigned using a color index. The color indices run from 0 to 255, where 0 is the background color index and 1 is the foreground color index. Color values are associated with indices by calls to the GKS routine gset_colr_rep. If a color index is used that has no user-assigned color value set in a gset_colr_rep call, then a device-dependent color value will be assigned to that index.


To use the GKS C-binding routines, load the ncarg_gks and ncarg_c libraries.

RELATED TO gset_fill_colr_ind…

Online: gfill_area(3NCARG), gset_fill_int_style(3NCARG), gset_fill_style_ind(3NCARG), gset_colr_rep(3NCARG), ginq_fill_int_style(3NCARG), ginq_fill_style_ind(3NCARG), areas(3NCARG), gks(3NCARG), ncarg_gks_cbind(3NCARG)

Hardcopy: User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics; NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version


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University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.