Retrieves the window and viewport associated with a given normalization transformation. users of ncar graphics are encouraged to use the spps routines set and getset to handle normalization transformations instead of the gks entries gswn, gsvp, gselnt, and gqnt.
#include <ncarg/gks.h>
void ginq_norm_tran(Gint num, Gint *err_ind, Gtran *norm_tran);
(Integer, Input) - Gives the number of the normalization transformation.
(Integer, Output) - If the inquired value cannot be returned correctly, a non-zero error indicator is returned in ERRIND, otherwise a zero is returned. Consult "User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics" for a description of the meaning of the error indicators.
(Real Array, Output) - The world coordinate window limits in the order WXMIN, WXMAX, WYMIN, WYMAX.
(Real Array, Output) - The normalized device coordinate viewport limits in the order VXMIN, VXMAX, VYMIN, VYMAX.
To use GKS routines, load the NCAR GKS-0A library ncarg-gks.
Online: gswn, gsvp, gselnt, gqcntn, gqmntn, getset, gsclip, gqclip, ginq_norm_tran
Hardcopy: "User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics"
Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.