Inserts the instructions saved on disk with a previous gflas1 identifier ib into the output stream. gflas3 can be called only after a previous gflas1 and gflas2 sequence or after a call to gflas4. gflas3 uses fortran logical unit ic as specified in the gopwk call for wiss.
#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_gflas3 (int ib)
(INTEGER, input) The same identifying integer used for an (IB) argument in GFLAS1.
The C-binding argument description is the same as the FORTRAN argument description.
Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant examples: ccpmovi, tgflas, fgke02.
To use GFLAS3 or c_gflas3, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.
Online: gflash, gflas1, gflas2, gflas4, ncarg_cbind.
Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Contouring and Mapping Tutorial; NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version
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University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.