The Node \s-1API\s0 aims to emulate \s-1DOM\s0 to some extent, however the \s-1API\s0 isn't quite compatible with \s-1DOM\s0. This is to ease transition from \s-1XML::DOM\s0 programming to XML::XPath. Compatibility with \s-1DOM\s0 may arise once \s-1XML::DOM\s0 gets namespace support.


Creates a new node. See the sub-classes for parameters to pass to new().


Returns one of \s-1ELEMENT_NODE\s0, \s-1TEXT_NODE\s0, \s-1COMMENT_NODE\s0, \s-1ATTRIBUTE_NODE\s0, \s-1PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE\s0 or \s-1NAMESPACE_NODE\s0. \s-1UNKNOWN_NODE\s0 is returned if the sub-class doesn't implement getNodeType - but that means something is broken! The constants are exported by default from XML::XPath::Node. The constants have the same numeric value as the \s-1XML::DOM\s0 versions.


Returns the parent of this node, or undef if this is the root node. Note that the root node is the root node in terms of XPath - not the root element node. Generates sax calls to the handler or handlers. See the PerlSAX docs for details (not yet implemented correctly).


See the sub-classes for the meaning of the rest of the \s-1API:\s0

  • XML::XPath::Node::Element

  • XML::XPath::Node::Attribute

  • XML::XPath::Node::Namespace

  • XML::XPath::Node::Text

  • XML::XPath::Node::Comment

  • XML::XPath::Node::PI