An xml entity in xml::dom
XML::DOM::Entity extends XML::DOM::Node.
This node represents an Entity declaration, e.g.
<!ENTITY % draft 'INCLUDE'>
<!ENTITY hatch-pic SYSTEM "../grafix/OpenHatch.gif" NDATA gif>
The first one is called a parameter entity and is referenced like this: %draft; The 2nd is a (regular) entity and is referenced like this: &hatch-pic;
Returns the name of the notation for the entity. Not Implemented The \s-1DOM\s0 Spec says: For unparsed entities, the name of the notation for the entity. For parsed entities, this is null. (This implementation does not support unparsed entities.)
Returns the system id, or undef.
Returns the public id, or undef.
Whether it is a parameter entity (%ent;) or not (&ent;)
Returns the entity value.
Returns the \s-1NDATA\s0 declaration (for general unparsed entities), or undef.