use warnings; use strict;

use RefDB::SRUserver;

# change into the directory that contains the sru stylesheets

chdir '<refdblib>/sru' or die \*(L"Can't cd to stylesheet directory: $!\n\*(R";

# create and start the web server

my $server = RefDB::SRUserver->new();



This is a simple standalone \s-1SRU\s0 server for RefDB. By default, it doesn't thread, fork, scale well, run fast, or do anything else you'd need to serve out datasets to the world. It is intended to set up a no-frills \s-1SRU\s0 server without having to configure a web server like Apache. If you need performance, or want to allow remote access to your RefDB data, by all means use the RefDB \s-1SRU\s0 \s-1CGI\s0 module with a decent web server instead. The \s-1CGI\s0 module is available in the same package as this standalone server.

To add some level of security, an application using this module must run from or change to the subdirectory which contains the stylesheets. All path info is stripped, and the stylesheets are then served from the current working directory. This should keep most users from sharing their /etc/passwd with everyone else.


Send bug reports, questions, and comments to the refdb-users mailing list at:

[email protected]

For list information and archives, please visit:


Markus Hoenicka, [email protected]


This module is part of the RefDB package, a reference manager and bibliography tool for markup languages. Please visit for further information.


This routine prints a banner before the server request-handling loop starts.

handle_request \s-1CGI\s0

This routine is called whenever your server gets a request it can handle.

It's called with a \s-1CGI\s0 object that's been pre-initialized.