The index searcher
# isa Plucene::Search::Searcher my $searcher = Plucene::Search::IndexSearcher ->new(Plucene::Index::Reader $reader); my Plucene::Index::Reader $reader = $searcher->reader; my Plucene::Document $doc = $reader->doc($id); $searcher->close;
Search over an IndexReader
my $searcher = Plucene::Search::IndexSearcher ->new(Plucene::Index::Reader $reader);
This will create a new Searcher object with the passed Plucene::Index::Reader or subclass thereof.
my Plucene::Index::Reader $reader = $searcher->reader;
This will return the reader this searcher was made with.
The top search results.
my Plucene::Document $doc = $reader->doc($id);
This will return the Plucene::Document $id.
get / set these
This will close the reader(s) associated with the searcher.