Baseclass for requests to amazon's web service
my $req = Net::Amazon::Request::XXX->new( [ type => 'Large', ] [ page => $start_page, ] [ mode => $mode, ] [ offer => 'All', ] [ sort => $sort_type, ] );
Don't use this class directly, use derived classes (like \*(C`Net::Amazon::Request::ASIN\*(C', etc.) instead to specify the type of request and its parameters.
However, there's a bunch of parameters to the constructor that all request types have in common, here they are:
Defaults to \*(C`Large\*(C', but can also be set to \*(C`Medium\*(C', or \*(C`Small\*(C'.
The \*(C`Large\*(C' type provides everything in \*(C`Medium\*(C' as well as music track information, customer reviews, similar products, offers, and accessory data, i.e. the kitchen sink.
The \*(C`Medium\*(C' type provides everything in \*(C`Small\*(C' as well as sales rank, editorial reviews, and image URLs.
The \*(C`Small\*(C' type provies \s-1ASIN\s0, product title, creator (author, artist, etc.), product group, \s-1URL\s0, and manufacturer.
Defaults to \*(C`books\*(C', but can be set to other catalog values.
Defaults to 1, but can be set to a different number to start with a different result page. Used in conjunction with the \*(C`max_pages\*(C' parameter of the \*(C`Net::Amazon\*(C' object. \*(C`page\*(C' is the offset, \*(C`max_pages\*(C' is the maximum number of pages pulled in starting at \*(C`page\*(C'.
Defaults to \*(C`salesrank\*(C', but search results can be sorted in various ways, depending on the type of product returned by the search. Search results may be sorted by the following criteria:
Featured Items
Alphabetical (A-Z and Z-A)
Price (High to Low and Low to High)
Publication or Release Date
Average Customer Review
Artist Name
Consult Net::Amazon::Request::Sort for details.
To receive values for the fields \*(C`CollectibleCount\*(C', \*(C`NumberOfOfferings\*(C', \*(C`UsedCount\*(C', specify \*(C`offer => "All"\*(C'.
Mike Schilli, <[email protected]>
Copyright 2003 by Mike Schilli <[email protected]>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.