my $mp3inf = MP3::Tag::Inf->new($filename);   # Name of MP3 or .INF file
                                                # or an MP3::Tag::File object

  ($title, $artist, $album, $year, $comment, $track) = $mp3inf->parse();

see MP3::Tag


MP3::Tag::Inf is designed to be called from the MP3::Tag module.

It parses the content of .inf file (created, e.g., by cdda2wav).


($title, $artist, $album, $year, $comment, $track) = $mp3inf->parse($what); parse_filename() extracts information about artist, title, track number, album and year from the .inf file. $what is optional; it maybe title, track, artist, album, year or comment. If $what is defined parse() will return only this element. As a side effect of this call, $mp3inf->{info} is set to the hash reference with the content of particular elements of the .inf file. Typically present are the following fields: CDINDEX_DISCID CDDB_DISCID MCN ISRC Albumperformer Performer Albumtitle Tracktitle Tracknumber Trackstart Tracklength Pre-emphasis Channels Copy_permitted Endianess Index The following fields are also recognized: Year Trackcomment