Stemming algorithm for portuguese
use Lingua::Stem::Pt; my $stems = Lingua::Stem::Pt::stem({ -words => $word_list_reference, -locale => 'pt', -exceptions => $exceptions_hash, });
This routine applies a stemming slgorithm to a passed anon array of Portuguese words, returning the stemmed words as an anon array.
It is a 'convienence' wrapper for 'Lingua::Stemmer::PT' that provides a standardized interface and caching.
1.01 2003.09.28 - Documenation fix
1.00 2003.04.05 - Initial release
Stems a list of passed words using the rules of Portuguese. Returns an anonymous array reference to the stemmed words. Example: my $stemmed_words = Lingua::Stem::Pt::stem({ -words => \@words, -locale => 'pt', -exceptions => \%exceptions, });
Sets the level of stem caching. '0' means 'no caching'. This is the default level. '1' means 'cache per run'. This caches stemming results during a single
call to 'stem'.
'2' means 'cache indefinitely'. This caches stemming results until
either the process exits or the 'clear_stem_cache' method is called.
Clears the cache of stemmed words
This code is a wrapper around Lingua::Stem::Snowball::Pt written by Ask Solem Hoel, <[email protected]>
Lingua::Stem Lingua::PT::Stemmer;
Integration in Lingua::Stem by Benjamin Franz, FreeRun Technologies, [email protected] or
Benjamin Franz, FreeRun Technologies
This code is freely available under the same terms as Perl.