Detect if english number is ordinal or cardinal
use Lingua::EN::Number::IsOrdinal 'is_ordinal'; ok is_ordinal('first'); ok !is_ordinal('one'); ok is_ordinal('2nd'); ok !is_ordinal('2');
This module will tell you if a number, either in words or as digits, is a cardinal or ordinal number <>.
This is useful if you e.g. want to distinguish these types of numbers found with Lingua::EN::FindNumber and take different actions.
Takes a number as English words or digits (with or without ordinal suffix) and returns 1 for ordinal numbers and \*(C`undef\*(C' for cardinal numbers.
Checks that the whole parameter is a number using Lingua::EN::FindNumber or a regex in the case of digits, and if it isn't will throw a \*(C`not a number\*(C' exception.
This function can be optionally imported.
Method version of \*(L"is_ordinal\*(R", this is where the function is actually implemented. Can be overloaded in a subclass.
Returns 1 if the passed in string is a word-number as detected by Lingua::EN::FindNumber or is a cardinal or ordinal number made of digits and (for ordinal numbers) a suffix. Otherwise returns \*(C`undef\*(C'. Can be overloaded in a subclass.
Rafael Kitover <[email protected]>