Void copyResized( Image dest, Image src, Int dstx, Int dsty, Int srcx, Int srcy, Int destw, Int desth, Int srcw, Int srch )


dest Destination image

src Source image

dstx Destination left edge

dsty Destination top edge

srcx Source left edge

srcy Source top edge

destw Width of area to copy in to

desth Height of area to copy in to

srcw Width of area to copy out of

srch Height of area to copy out of


Copy a portion of an image from one image to another, resizing the copied area to fit within a particular destination rectangle.


Kaya standard library by Edwin Brady, Chris Morris and others ([email protected]). For further information see


The Kaya standard library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (version 2.1 or any later version) as published by the Free Software Foundation.


Image.copy (3kaya)