Device and library agnostic color spaces.
version 0.29
my $color = Graphics::Color::RGB->new( red => .5, green => .5, blue => .5, alpha => .5 ); say $color->as_string;
Graphics color is a device and library agnostic system for creating and manipulating colors in various color spaces.
I'm not an art student or a wizard of arcane color knowledge. I'm a normal programmer with a penchant for things graphical. Hence this module is likely incomplete in some places. Patches are encouraged. I've intentions of adding more color spaces as well as conversion routines (where applicable).
The following color types are supported.
Clone this color but allow one of more of it's attributes to change by passing in a hashref of options:
my $new = $color->derive({ attr => $newvalue });
The returned color will be identical to the cloned one, save the attributes specified.
Compares this color to the provided one. Returns 1 if true, else 0;
The opposite of equal_to.
Cory G Watson <[email protected]>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Cold Hard Code, \s-1LLC\s0.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.