To actually write stuff to the worksheet






  • \s-1TEXT\s0 This is the text to write to the cell. This can either be text or a parameter with a dollar-sign in front of the parameter name.

  • \s-1COL\s0 Optionally, you can specify which column you want this cell to be in. It can be either a number (zero-based) or an offset. See Excel::Template for more info on offset-based numbering.

  • \s-1REF\s0 Adds the current cell to the a list of cells that can be backreferenced. This is useful when the current cell needs to be referenced by a formula. See \s-1BACKREF\s0 and \s-1RANGE\s0.

  • \s-1WIDTH\s0 Sets the width of the column the cell is in. The last setting for a given column will win out.

  • \s-1TYPE\s0 This allows you to specify what write_*() method will be used. The default is to call write() and let Spreadsheet::WriteExcel make the right call. However, you may wish to override it. Excel::Template will not do any form of validation on what you provide. You are assumed to know what you're doing. The legal types (taken from Spreadsheet::WriteExcel) are:

  • \s-1COMMENT\s0 Add a comment to the cell

    • blank

    • formula

    • number

    • string

    • url

    • date_time

    other write_* methods as defined defined Spreadsheet::WriteExcel would be integrated by request




This will consume one column in the current row.




  <cell text="Some Text Here"/>
  <cell>Some other text here</cell>

  <cell text="$Param2"/>
  <cell>Some <var name="Param"> text here</cell>

In the above example, four cells are written out. The first two have text hard-coded. The second two have variables. The third and fourth items have another thing that should be noted. If you have text where you want a variable in the middle, you have to use the latter form. Variables within parameters are the entire parameter's value.

Please see Spreadsheet::WriteExcel for what constitutes a legal formula.


Rob Kinyon ([email protected])

RELATED TO Excel::Template::Element::Cell…

\s-1ROW\s0, \s-1VAR\s0, \s-1FORMULA\s0