'a wrapper is the type of values to include into a value of type 'a for it to be wraped specificaly
Module Eliom_wrap
Module Eliom_wrap : sig end
'a wrapper is the type of values to include into a value of type 'a for it to be wraped specificaly
type 'a wrapped_value
type +'a wrapper
'a wrapper is the type of values to include into a value of type 'a for it to be wraped specificaly
val create_wrapper : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a wrapper
create f create a new tag that can be included into a value. if wrap is called on a father of a value v containing a tag, the value v will be replaced by f v before marshaling.
val wrap : 'a -> 'a wrapped_value
marshal a value, taking into account the tags.
val empty_wrapper : 'a wrapper
a wrapper that do not change the value
type unwrap_id
unwrap *
type unwrapper
val create_unwrapper : unwrap_id -> unwrapper
val empty_unwrapper : unwrapper
val id_of_int : int -> unwrap_id