
Module Eliom_s2s


Module Eliom_s2s : sig end

Server-to-Server communication module. Provides general function to communicate to other servers using post or get request.

val format_url : string -> (string * string) list -> string

Format a url with a base and GET parameters

val do_get_request : ?params:(string * string) list -> string -> Ocsigen_http_frame.t Lwt.t

Do a get request towards a given url

val push_ns : ?sep:string -> ?namespace_param:string * 'a -> string -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list

Given a list of (param, value) to be sent to the remote server, push a namespace at the beginning of the parameters

val find_in_ns : ?namespace_param:string -> ?default_namespace:string -> 'a -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list

Finds some parameters in a namespace, identified by its url. You can specify a default namespace, so find_in_ns do not fail when the url is not found.

val strip_ns : string -> (string * string) list -> (string * string) list

Retrieves parameters beginning with the specified namespace and strips it.

val parse_key_pairs : string -> (string * string) list

Parse an answer in the Key-Value form : foo:bar foobar:value

val direct_request : (string * string) list -> string -> (string * string) list Lwt.t

Perform a direct (POST) request towards a server, and parse the result as key-value data