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Module Eliom_mkforms.MakeForms
Module MakeForms : functor (Pages : FORMS_PARAM) -> sig end
type uri = Pages.uri
=== Forms creation ===
=== Links and forms ===
val make_uri : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> service:('get, unit, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, unit, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], 'return) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> 'get -> Pages.uri
The function make_uri service get_params returns the URL of the service service applied to the GET parameters get_params . By default the returned URL is relative to the current request URL but it is absolute when one of the following conditions is met:
-the optional parameter ~absolute_path is true .
-the optional parameter ~absolute is true .
-the optional parameter ~https is true (resp. false ) and the current request protocol is http (resp. https ).
-the optional parameter ~https is true and the function is used outside of a service handler
-the service has been created with ~https:true and the current request protocol is http .
-the service has been created with ~https:true and the function is used outside of a service handler.
When only the first condition is met ( ~absolute_path is true ) the returned URL is just the absolute path, but when any other condition is satisfied the returned URL is prefixed with protocol://hostname[:port] , where:
- protocol is:
- https if the service has been created with ~https:true or the optional parameter ~https is true ;
- http if the optional parameter ~https is false ;
-the current request protocol if available;
- http in any other case.
- hostname is:
-the optional parameter ~hostname if given;
-the attribute defaulthostname of <host> tag in configuration file or the machine hostname if the option <usedefaulthostname/> is set;
-the Host http header of the current request if available;
-the attribute defaulthostname of <host> tag in configuration file or the machine hostname in any other case.
- port is:
-the optional parameter ~port if given;
-the attribute defaulthttpsport (resp. defaulthttpport ) of <host> tag in configuration file or 443 (resp. 80) if protocol is https (resp. http ) and the current request protocol is http (resp. https );
-the attribute defaulthttpsport (resp. defaulthttpsport ) of <host> tag in configuration file or 443 (resp. 80) if the option <usedefaulthostname/> is set and protocol is https (resp. http );
-the port associated to the Host http header of the current request if available;
-the incoming port of the current request if available;
-the attribute defaulthttpport (resp. defaulthttpsport ) of <host> tag in configuration file or 80 (resp. 443 ) in any other case.
If given the optional parameter ~fragment is prefixed by # and appended to the URL.
The optional parameter keep_nl_params allows one to override the keep_nl_params parameter used when creating the service , see Eliom_service.Http.service for a detailled description.
The optional parameter nl_params allows one to add non localized GET parameter to the URL. See the eliom manual for more information about .
val make_string_uri : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> service:('get, unit, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, unit, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], 'return) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> 'get -> string
The function make_string_uri service get_params returns the URL of the of the service service applied to the GET parameters get_params . See make_uri for a detailled description of optional parameters.
The function make_string_uri is an alias of Eliom_uri.make_string_uri .
Warning: The function make_string_uri should not be called outside of a service handler, unless one of the following condition is met:
-the optional parameter ~absolute_path is true .
-the optional parameter ~absolute is true .
-the optional parameter ~https is true .
-the service has been created with ~https:true .
-the service is an external service.
val uri_of_string : (unit -> string) -> Pages.uri
The function uri_of_string f returns a URI whose content is equivalent to f () .
For XML tree build with TyXML, like Html5 or Svg.F , the function f is applied each time the XML tree is sent to the client (either as page content or as a marshalled OCaml value). Hence, the function is always evaluated in the context of a service handler.
For other module, the function f is immediatly applied.
val make_uri_components : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> service:('get, unit, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, unit, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], 'return) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> 'get -> string * (string * Eliommod_parameters.param) list * string option
The function make_uri_components service get_params returns the a triplet (path, get_params, fragment) that is a decomposition of the URL for the service service applied to the GET parameters get_params . By default the returned path is relative to the current request URL but it could be absolute URL in some situation, see make_uri for more information and a description of optional parameters.
The function make_uri_components is an alias for Eliom_uri.make_uri_components .
Warning: depending on the optional parameters, the function make_uri_components may not be used outside of a service handler. See make_string_uri for a detailled description.
val make_post_uri_components : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> service:('get, 'post, [< Eliom_service.post_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, 'pn, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], 'return) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?keep_get_na_params:bool -> 'get -> 'post -> string * (string * Eliommod_parameters.param) list * string option * (string * Eliommod_parameters.param) list
Same a make_uri_components , but also returns a list of post parameters.
val a : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:Pages.a_attrib_t -> service:('get, unit, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'd, unit, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], [< Eliom_service.non_ocaml_service ]) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> 'a Pages.a_content_elt_list -> 'get -> 'a Pages.a_elt
The function a service a_content get_params creates a <a> node that link to service applied to GET parameters get_params and whose content is a_content . By default, the href attribute is a relative URL recomputed at each request with make_uri .
By default, the link is realized such that the client-side Eliom application keeps running irrespectable of the usage of the link (cf. ).
By contrast, if the optional parameter ~xhr:false is given, the link is realized as a standard HTML link and clicking it discontinues the Eliom application. The ~xhr parameter has no effect outside an Eliom application.
NB that the default value of ~xhr is configurable through <<a_api project="eliom" subproject="server" | val Eliom_config.set_default_links_xhr >>
The optional parameter ~a allows one to add extra HTML attributes to the generated node.
See make_uri for description of other optional parameters.
val css_link : ?a:Pages.link_attrib_t -> uri:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.link_elt
The function css_link ~uri () creates a <link> node that reference a Cascading StyleSheet (CSS).
If the CSS is generated by an Eliom service, use make_uri to calculate the service URI. If the CSS is a static file, you may also use Eliom_service.static_dir or Eliom_service.Http.external_service to abstract the file with a service.
The optional parameter ~a allows one to add extra HTML attributes to the generated node.
val js_script : ?a:Pages.script_attrib_t -> uri:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.script_elt
The function js_script ~uri () creates a <script> node that reference a javascript file.
If the script content is generated by an Eliom service, use make_uri to calculate the service URI. If it is a static file, you may also use Eliom_service.static_dir or Eliom_service.Http.external_service to abstract the file with a service.
The optional parameter ~a allows one to add extra HTML attributes to the generated node.
val get_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:Pages.form_attrib_t -> service:('get, unit, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, 'pn, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], [< Eliom_service.non_ocaml_service ]) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('gn -> Pages.form_content_elt_list) -> Pages.form_elt
The function post_form service formgen creates a GET <form> to service . The content of the <form> is generated by the function formgen , that takes the names of the service parameters as parameters. By default, the action attribute is a relative URL recomputed at each request with make_uri .
By default, the form is realized such that the client-side Eliom application keeps running irrespectable of the usage of the form (cf. ).
By contrast, if the optional parameter ~xhr:false is given, the form is realized as a standard HTML form and submitting it discontinues the Eliom application. The ~xhr parameter has no effect outside an Eliom application.
NB that the default value of ~xhr is configurable through <<a_api project="eliom" subproject="server" | val Eliom_config.set_default_links_xhr >>
The optional parameter ~a allows one to add extra HTML attributes to the generated node.
See make_uri for description of other optional parameters.
val lwt_get_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:Pages.form_attrib_t -> service:('get, unit, [< Eliom_service.get_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, 'pn, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], [< Eliom_service.non_ocaml_service ]) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('gn -> Pages.form_content_elt_list Lwt.t) -> Pages.form_elt Lwt.t
Same as get_form but taking a cooperative function for <form> content generation.
val post_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:Pages.form_attrib_t -> service:('get, 'post, [< Eliom_service.post_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, 'pn, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], [< Eliom_service.non_ocaml_service ]) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?keep_get_na_params:bool -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('pn -> Pages.form_content_elt_list) -> 'get -> Pages.form_elt
The function post_form service formgen get_params creates a POST <form> to service preapplied to the GET parameters get_params . The content of the <form> is generated by the function formgen , that takes the names of the service parameters as parameters. By default, the action attribute is a relative URL recomputed at each request with make_uri .
The optional parameter ~a allows one to add HTML attributes to the generated node.
See Eliom_service.Http.post_coservice' for a description of the ~keep_get_na_params optional parameter ; see get_form for ~xhr and see make_uri for other optional parameters.
val lwt_post_form : ?absolute:bool -> ?absolute_path:bool -> ?https:bool -> ?a:Pages.form_attrib_t -> service:('get, 'post, [< Eliom_service.post_service_kind ], [< Eliom_service.suff ], 'gn, 'pn, [< Eliom_service.registrable ], [< Eliom_service.non_ocaml_service ]) Eliom_service.service -> ?hostname:string -> ?port:int -> ?fragment:string -> ?keep_nl_params:[ `All | `None | `Persistent ] -> ?keep_get_na_params:bool -> ?nl_params:Eliom_parameter.nl_params_set -> ?xhr:bool -> ('pn -> Pages.form_content_elt_list Lwt.t) -> 'get -> Pages.form_elt Lwt.t
Same as post_form but taking a cooperative function for <form> content generation.
=== Form widgets ===
val int_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> input_type:Pages.input_type_t -> ?name:[< int Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:int -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input> tag for an integer
val int32_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> input_type:Pages.input_type_t -> ?name:[< int32 Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:int32 -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input> tag for an integer
val int64_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> input_type:Pages.input_type_t -> ?name:[< int64 Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:int64 -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input> tag for an integer
val float_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> input_type:Pages.input_type_t -> ?name:[< float Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:float -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input> tag for a float
val string_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> input_type:Pages.input_type_t -> ?name:[< string Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:string -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input> tag for a string
val user_type_input : ('a -> string) -> ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> input_type:Pages.input_type_t -> ?name:[< 'a Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:'a -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input> tag for a user type
val raw_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> input_type:Pages.input_type_t -> ?name:string -> ?value:string -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an untyped <input> tag. You may use the name you want (for example to use with Eliom_parameter.any ).
val file_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< Eliom_lib.file_info Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input> tag for sending a file
val image_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< Eliom_parameter.coordinates Eliom_parameter.oneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on
val int_image_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< (int * Eliom_parameter.coordinates) Eliom_parameter.oneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..." value="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on and a value of type int
val int32_image_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< (int32 * Eliom_parameter.coordinates) Eliom_parameter.oneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int32 -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..." value="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on and a value of type int32
val int64_image_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< (int64 * Eliom_parameter.coordinates) Eliom_parameter.oneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int64 -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..." value="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on and a value of type int64
val float_image_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< (float * Eliom_parameter.coordinates) Eliom_parameter.oneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:float -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..." value="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on and a value of type float
val string_image_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< (string * Eliom_parameter.coordinates) Eliom_parameter.oneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:string -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..." value="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on and a value of type string
val user_type_image_input : ('a -> string) -> ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:[< ('a * Eliom_parameter.coordinates) Eliom_parameter.oneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:'a -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..." value="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on and a value of user defined type
val raw_image_input : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> name:string -> value:string -> ?src:Pages.uri -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates an <input type="image" name="..." value="..."> tag that sends the coordinates the user clicked on and an untyped value
val bool_checkbox : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `One of bool ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag that will have a boolean value. The service must declare a bool parameter.
val int_checkbox : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Set of int ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag that will have an int value. Thus you can do several checkboxes with the same name (and different values). The service must declare a parameter of type set .
val int32_checkbox : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Set of int32 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int32 -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag that will have an int32 value. Thus you can do several checkboxes with the same name (and different values). The service must declare a parameter of type set .
val int64_checkbox : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Set of int64 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int64 -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag that will have an int64 value. Thus you can do several checkboxes with the same name (and different values). The service must declare a parameter of type set .
val float_checkbox : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Set of float ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:float -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag that will have a float value. Thus you can do several checkboxes with the same name (and different values). The service must declare a parameter of type set .
val string_checkbox : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Set of string ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:string -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag that will have a string value. Thus you can do several checkboxes with the same name (and different values). The service must declare a parameter of type set .
val user_type_checkbox : ('a -> string) -> ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Set of 'a ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:'a -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag that will have a "user type" value. Thus you can do several checkboxes with the same name (and different values). The service must declare a parameter of type set .
val raw_checkbox : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:string -> value:string -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a checkbox <input> tag with untyped content. Thus you can do several checkboxes with the same name (and different values). The service must declare a parameter of type any .
val string_radio : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Radio of string ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:string -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a radio <input> tag with string content
val string_radio_required : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `One of string ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:string -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
val int_radio : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Radio of int ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a radio <input> tag with int content
val int32_radio : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Radio of int32 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int32 -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a radio <input> tag with int32 content
val int64_radio : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Radio of int64 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int64 -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a radio <input> tag with int64 content
val float_radio : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Radio of float ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:float -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a radio <input> tag with float content
val user_type_radio : ('a -> string) -> ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:[ `Radio of 'a ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:'a -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a radio <input> tag with user_type content
val raw_radio : ?a:Pages.input_attrib_t -> ?checked:bool -> name:string -> value:string -> unit -> Pages.input_elt
Creates a radio <input> tag with untyped string content (low level)
val string_button : ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> name:[< string Eliom_parameter.setone ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:string -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with string content
val int_button : ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> name:[< int Eliom_parameter.setone ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with int content
val int32_button : ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> name:[< int32 Eliom_parameter.setone ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int32 -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with int32 content
val int64_button : ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> name:[< int64 Eliom_parameter.setone ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:int64 -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with int64 content
val float_button : ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> name:[< float Eliom_parameter.setone ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:float -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with float content
val user_type_button : ('a -> string) -> ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> name:[< 'a Eliom_parameter.setone ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> value:'a -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with user_type content
val raw_button : ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> button_type:Pages.button_type_t -> name:string -> value:string -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with untyped string content
val button : ?a:Pages.button_attrib_t -> button_type:Pages.button_type_t -> Pages.button_content_elt_list -> Pages.button_elt
Creates a <button> tag with no value. No value is sent.
val textarea : ?a:Pages.textarea_attrib_t -> name:[< string Eliom_parameter.setoneradio ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> ?value:string -> unit -> Pages.textarea_elt
Creates a <textarea> tag
val raw_textarea : ?a:Pages.textarea_attrib_t -> name:string -> ?value:string -> unit -> Pages.textarea_elt
Creates a <textarea> tag for untyped form
type 'a soption = Pages.option_attrib_t * 'a * Pages.pcdata_elt option * bool
type 'a select_opt = | Optgroup of Pages.optgroup_attrib_t * string * 'a soption * 'a soption list | Option of 'a soption
The type for <select> options and groups of options.
-The field of type 'a in soption is the value that will be sent by the form.
-If the pcdata_elt option is not present it is also the value displayed.
-The string in select_opt is the label
val int_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `One of int ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> int select_opt -> int select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for int values.
val int32_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `One of int32 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> int32 select_opt -> int32 select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for int32 values.
val int64_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `One of int64 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> int64 select_opt -> int64 select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for int64 values.
val float_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `One of float ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> float select_opt -> float select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for float values.
val string_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `One of string ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> string select_opt -> string select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for string values.
val user_type_select : ('a -> string) -> ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `One of 'a ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> 'a select_opt -> 'a select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for user type values.
val raw_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:string -> string select_opt -> string select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for any (untyped) value.
val int_multiple_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `Set of int ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> int select_opt -> int select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for int values.
val int32_multiple_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `Set of int32 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> int32 select_opt -> int32 select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for int32 values.
val int64_multiple_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `Set of int64 ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> int64 select_opt -> int64 select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for int64 values.
val float_multiple_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `Set of float ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> float select_opt -> float select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for float values.
val string_multiple_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `Set of string ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> string select_opt -> string select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for string values.
val user_type_multiple_select : ('a -> string) -> ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:[< `Set of 'a ] Eliom_parameter.param_name -> 'a select_opt -> 'a select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for user type values.
val raw_multiple_select : ?a:Pages.select_attrib_t -> ?required:Pages.pcdata_elt -> name:string -> string select_opt -> string select_opt list -> Pages.select_elt
Creates a <select> tag for any (untyped) value.
val a_for : 'a Eliom_parameter.param_name -> Pages.for_attrib