Datetime locale package for "kw"
use DateTime; my $dt = DateTime->now( locale => 'kw' ); print $dt->month_name();
This is the DateTime locale package for Cornish.
This locale inherits from the DateTime::Locale::root locale.
It contains the following data.
Wide (format)
De Lun De Merth De Merher De Yow De Gwener De Sadorn De Sul
Abbreviated (format)
Lun Mth Mhr Yow Gwe Sad Sul
Narrow (format)
2 3 4 5 6 7 1
Wide (stand-alone)
De Lun De Merth De Merher De Yow De Gwener De Sadorn De Sul
Abbreviated (stand-alone)
Lun Mth Mhr Yow Gwe Sad Sul
Narrow (stand-alone)
2 3 4 5 6 7 1
Wide (format)
Mys Genver Mys Whevrel Mys Merth Mys Ebrel Mys Me Mys Efan Mys Gortheren Mye Est Mys Gwyngala Mys Hedra Mys Du Mys Kevardhu
Abbreviated (format)
Gen Whe Mer Ebr Me Efn Gor Est Gwn Hed Du Kev
Narrow (format)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Wide (stand-alone)
Mys Genver Mys Whevrel Mys Merth Mys Ebrel Mys Me Mys Efan Mys Gortheren Mye Est Mys Gwyngala Mys Hedra Mys Du Mys Kevardhu
Abbreviated (stand-alone)
Gen Whe Mer Ebr Me Efn Gor Est Gwn Hed Du Kev
Narrow (stand-alone)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Wide (format)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Abbreviated (format)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Narrow (format)
1 2 3 4
Wide (stand-alone)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Abbreviated (stand-alone)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Narrow (stand-alone)
1 2 3 4
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = De Merth 5 Mys Whevrel 2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = De Gwener 22 Mys Kevardhu 1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = De Sadorn 15 Mys Gwyngala -10
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Mys Whevrel 2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Mys Kevardhu 1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Mys Gwyngala -10
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Whe 2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Kev 1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Gwn -10
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 05/02/2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22/12/1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15/09/-010
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Whe 2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Kev 1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Gwn -10
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30:30 UTC 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 09:05:02 UTC -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 04:44:23 UTC
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30:30 UTC 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 09:05:02 UTC -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 04:44:23 UTC
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 09:05:02 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 04:44:23
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 09:05 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 04:44
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 09:05:02 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 04:44:23
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = De Merth 5 Mys Whevrel 2008 18:30:30 UTC 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = De Gwener 22 Mys Kevardhu 1995 09:05:02 UTC -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = De Sadorn 15 Mys Gwyngala -10 04:44:23 UTC
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Mys Whevrel 2008 18:30:30 UTC 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Mys Kevardhu 1995 09:05:02 UTC -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Mys Gwyngala -10 04:44:23 UTC
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Whe 2008 18:30:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Kev 1995 09:05:02 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Gwn -10 04:44:23
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 05/02/2008 18:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22/12/1995 09:05 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15/09/-010 04:44
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Whe 2008 18:30:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Kev 1995 09:05:02 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Gwn -10 04:44:23
d (d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15
EEEd (d \s-1EEE\s0)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Mth 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Gwe -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Sad
HHmm (HH:mm)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 09:05 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 04:44
Hm (H:mm)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 9:05 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 4:44
hm (h:mm a)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 6:30 p.m. 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 9:05 a.m. -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 4:44 a.m.
Hms (H:mm:ss)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 18:30:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 9:05:02 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 4:44:23
hms (h:mm:ss a)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 6:30:30 p.m. 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 9:05:02 a.m. -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 4:44:23 a.m.
M (L)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 12 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 9
Md (M-d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2-5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 12-22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 9-15
MEd (E, M-d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Mth, 2-5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Gwe, 12-22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Sad, 9-15
MMdd (dd/MM)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 05/02 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22/12 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15/09
\s-1MMM\s0 (\s-1LLL\s0)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Whe 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Kev -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Gwn
MMMd (\s-1MMM\s0 d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Whe 5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Kev 22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Gwn 15
MMMEd (E \s-1MMM\s0 d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Mth Whe 5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Gwe Kev 22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Sad Gwn 15
MMMMd (d \s-1MMMM\s0)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 5 Mys Whevrel 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 22 Mys Kevardhu -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 15 Mys Gwyngala
MMMMEd (E \s-1MMMM\s0 d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Mth Mys Whevrel 5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Gwe Mys Kevardhu 22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Sad Mys Gwyngala 15
mmss (mm:ss)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 30:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 05:02 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 44:23
ms (mm:ss)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 30:30 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 05:02 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 44:23
y (y)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = -10
yM (y-M)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2008-2 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 1995-12 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = -10-9
yMEd (\s-1EEE\s0, y-M-d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Mth, 2008-2-5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Gwe, 1995-12-22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Sad, -10-9-15
yMMM (y \s-1MMM\s0)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2008 Whe 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 1995 Kev -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = -10 Gwn
yMMMEd (\s-1EEE\s0, y \s-1MMM\s0 d)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Mth, 2008 Whe 5 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Gwe, 1995 Kev 22 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Sad, -10 Gwn 15
yMMMM (y \s-1MMMM\s0)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2008 Mys Whevrel 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 1995 Mys Kevardhu -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = -10 Mys Gwyngala
yQ (y Q)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2008 1 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 1995 4 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = -10 3
yQQQ (y \s-1QQQ\s0)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 2008 Q1 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 1995 Q4 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = -10 Q3
yyQ (Q yy)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 1 08 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 4 95 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 3 -10
yyyyMM (MM/yyyy)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = 02/2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = 12/1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = 09/-010
yyyyMMMM (\s-1MMMM\s0 y)
2008-02-05T18:30:30 = Mys Whevrel 2008 1995-12-22T09:05:02 = Mys Kevardhu 1995 -0010-09-15T04:44:23 = Mys Gwyngala -10
Prefers 24 hour time?
Local first day of the week
De Lun
See DateTime::Locale.
Dave Rolsky <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2008 David Rolsky. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This module was generated from data provided by the \s-1CLDR\s0 project, see the \s-1LICENSE\s0.cldr in this distribution for details on the \s-1CLDR\s0 data's license.