Static colors. Twenty colors found in the [Windows] system palette that cannot be set by an application. Sixteen of these colors are common across all color displays. <>


        black       black       #000000

        blue        blue        #0000ff

        cyan        cyan        #00ffff

        darkblue    darkblue    #000080

        darkcyan    darkcyan    #008080

        darkgray    darkgray    #808080

        darkgreen   darkgreen   #008000

        darkmagenta darkmagenta #800080

        darkred     darkred     #800000

        darkyellow  darkyellow  #808000

        green       green       #00ff00

        lightgray   lightgray   #c0c0c0

        magenta     magenta     #ff00ff

        red         red         #ff0000

        white       white       #ffffff

        yellow      yellow      #ffff00