Deprecated user role-based authorization action class
sub foo :Local :ActionClass(Role::ACL) :RequiresRole(admin) :ACLDetachTo(denied) { my ($self, $c) = @_; ... } sub denied :Private { my ($self, $c) = @_; $c->res->status('403'); $c->res->body('Denied!'); }
Provides a Catalyst reusable action for user role-based authorization. ACLs are applied via the assignment of attributes to application action subroutines.
You are better using Catalyst::ActionRole::ACL to do this, as it plays nicely with other extensions. This package is maintained to allow compatibility with people using this in existing code, but will warn once when used.
David P.C. Wollmann <[email protected]>
This is new code. Find the bugs and report them, please.
Copyright 2009 by David P.C. Wollmann
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.