package Authenticate::Simple::Larry;

    use strict;
    use base 'Authen::Simple::Adapter';

        secret => {
            type     => Params::Validate::SCALAR,
            default  => 'wall',
            optional => 1

    sub check {
        my ( $self, $username, $password ) = @_;

        if ( $username eq 'larry' && $password eq $self->secret ) {

            $self->log->debug( qq/Successfully authenticated user '$username'./ )
              if $self->log;

            return 1;

        $self->log->debug( qq/Failed to authenticate user '$username'. Reason: 'Invalid credentials'/ )
          if $self->log;

        return 0;



Adapter class for implementations.


  • new ( %parameters ) If overloaded, this method should take a hash of parameters. The following options should be valid:

    • cache ( $ ) Any object that supports \*(C`get\*(C', \*(C`set\*(C'. Only successful authentications are cached. cache => Cache::FastMmap->new

    • callback ( \& ) A subref that gets called with two scalar references, username and password. callback = sub { my ( $username, $password ) = @_;

      if ( length($$password) < 6 ) { return 0; # abort, invalid credintials }

      if ( $$password eq 'secret' ) { return 1; # abort, successful authentication }

      return; # proceed; }

    • log ( $ ) Any object that supports \*(C`debug\*(C', \*(C`info\*(C', \*(C`error\*(C' and \*(C`warn\*(C'. log => Log::Log4perl->get_logger('Authen::Simple') log => $r->log log => $r->server->log

  • init ( \%parameters ) This method is called after construction. It should assign parameters and return the instance. sub init { my ( $self, $parameters ) = @_;

    # mock with parameters

    return $self->SUPER::init($parameters); }

  • authenticate ( $username, $password ) End user method. Applies callback, checks cache and calls \*(C`check\*(C' unless aborted by callback or a cache hit.

  • check ( $username, $password ) Must be implemented in sublcass, should return true on success and false on failure.

  • check_password( $password, $encrypted )

  • options ( \%options ) Must be set in subclass, should be a valid Params::Validate specification. Accessors for options will be created unless defined in sublcass. _\|_PACKAGE_\|_->options({ host => { type => Params::Validate::SCALAR, optional => 0 }, port => { type => Params::Validate::SCALAR, default => 80, optional => 1 } });

RELATED TO Authen::Simple::Adapter…





Christian Hansen \*(C`[email protected]\*(C'


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.