
Module Atom_feed


Module Atom_feed : sig end

Everything we need to make an atom feed.

type uri = Xml.uri

type lang = string

type base = uri

type ncname = string

type dateConstruct = string

type emailAddress = string

type mediaType = string

type length = int

type href = Xml.uri

type hrefLang = string

type rel = string

type ltitle = string

type scheme = string

type label = string

type term = string

type metaAttr = [ `Base of base | `Lang of lang ]

Common optional attributes

type personConstruct = [ `Email of emailAddress | `Uri of uri ]

Children tags allowed for the author and contributor tags

type author

type contributor

type generator

type id

type icon

type category

type link

type logo

type published

type updated

type source

type entry

type feed

type content

type textConstruct

type linkOAttr = [ `Base of base | `Hrefl of hrefLang | `Lang of lang | `Length of length | `Medtype of mediaType | `Rel of rel | `Title of ltitle | `Type of string ]

Children tags allowed for the link tag

type sourceOAttr = [ `Authors of author list | `Base of base | `Cats of category list | `Contribs of contributor list | `Gen of generator | `Icon of icon | `Lang of lang | `Links of link list | `Logo of logo | `Rights of textConstruct | `Sub of textConstruct ]

Children tags allowed for the source tag

type entryOAttr = [ `Authors of author list | `Base of base | `Cats of category list | `Content of content | `Contribs of contributor list | `Lang of lang | `Links of link list | `Pub of published | `Rights of textConstruct | `Source of source | `Sum of textConstruct ]

Children tags allowed for the entry tag

type feedOAttr = [ `Authors of author list | `Base of base | `Cats of category list | `Contribs of contributor list | `Gen of generator | `Icon of icon | `Lang of lang | `Links of link list | `Logo of logo | `Rights of textConstruct | `Sub of textConstruct ]

Children tags allowed for the feed tag

val xml_of_feed : feed -> Xml.elt

val inlineC : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> ?html:bool -> string list -> [> `Content of content ]

An inline text or html content

val xhtmlC : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> [ `A | `Abbr | `Acronym | `Address | `B | `Bdo | `Big | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Cite | `Code | `Del | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Fieldset | `Form | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Input | `Ins | `Kbd | `Label | `Map | `Noscript | `Object | `Ol | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Q | `Ruby_complex | `Ruby_simple1 | `Ruby_simple2 | `Samp | `Script | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Sub | `Sup | `Table | `Textarea | `Tt | `Ul | `Var ] Xhtml.M.elt list -> [> `Content of content ]

An xhtml content, embedded in a div

val html5C : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> [ `A of Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `Audio_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of Html5_types.flow5 | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of Html5_types.flow5 | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `Form | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of Html5_types.flow5 | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Map of Html5_types.flow5 | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of Html5_types.flow5_without_noscript | `Object of Html5_types.flow5 | `Object_interactive of Html5_types.flow5 | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `Video_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `Wbr ] Eliom_content.Html5.elt list -> [> `Content of content ]

An html5 content, embedded in a div

val inlineOtherC : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> string * Xml.elt list -> [> `Content of content ]

Inline content from another kind

val outOfLineC : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> string * uri -> [> `Content of content ]

Every other content

val plain : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> ?html:bool -> string -> textConstruct

Plain text construct

val xhtml : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> [ `A | `Abbr | `Acronym | `Address | `B | `Bdo | `Big | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Cite | `Code | `Del | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Fieldset | `Form | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Input | `Ins | `Kbd | `Label | `Map | `Noscript | `Object | `Ol | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Q | `Ruby_complex | `Ruby_simple1 | `Ruby_simple2 | `Samp | `Script | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Sub | `Sup | `Table | `Textarea | `Tt | `Ul | `Var ] Xhtml.M.elt list -> textConstruct

XHTML text construct

val html5 : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> [ `A of Html5_types.flow5_without_interactive | `Abbr | `Address | `Article | `Aside | `Audio of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `Audio_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `B | `Bdo | `Blockquote | `Br | `Button | `Canvas of Html5_types.flow5 | `Cite | `Code | `Command | `Datalist | `Del of Html5_types.flow5 | `Details | `Dfn | `Div | `Dl | `Em | `Embed | `Fieldset | `Figure | `Footer | `Form | `H1 | `H2 | `H3 | `H4 | `H5 | `H6 | `Header | `Hgroup | `Hr | `I | `Iframe | `Img | `Img_interactive | `Input | `Ins of Html5_types.flow5 | `Kbd | `Keygen | `Label | `Map of Html5_types.flow5 | `Mark | `Menu | `Meter | `Nav | `Noscript of Html5_types.flow5_without_noscript | `Object of Html5_types.flow5 | `Object_interactive of Html5_types.flow5 | `Ol | `Output | `P | `PCDATA | `Pre | `Progress | `Q | `Ruby | `Samp | `Script | `Section | `Select | `Small | `Span | `Strong | `Style | `Sub | `Sup | `Svg | `Table | `Textarea | `Time | `U | `Ul | `Var | `Video of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `Video_interactive of Html5_types.flow5_without_media | `Wbr ] Eliom_content.Html5.elt list -> textConstruct

HTML5 text construct

val rights : textConstruct -> [> `Rights of textConstruct ]

Rights tag

val subtitle : textConstruct -> [> `Sub of textConstruct ]

Subtitle tag

val summary : textConstruct -> [> `Sum of textConstruct ]

Summary tag

val feed : updated:CalendarLib.Calendar.t -> id:uri -> title:textConstruct -> ?fields:[> feedOAttr ] list -> entry list -> feed

Feed tag

val entry : updated:CalendarLib.Calendar.t -> id:uri -> title:textConstruct -> [> entryOAttr ] list -> entry

Entry tag

val source : updated:CalendarLib.Calendar.t -> id:uri -> title:textConstruct -> [> sourceOAttr ] list -> [> `Source of source ]

Source tag

val link : ?elt:[> linkOAttr ] list -> href -> link

Link tag

val links : link list -> [> `Links of link list ]

We need a list of links, this is only a converter from link list to `Links

val email : string -> [> `Email of string ]

email tag

val uri : uri -> [> `Uri of uri ]

uri tag, basically, simply a converter

val author : ?elt:[> personConstruct ] list -> string -> author

author tag

val authors : author list -> [> `Authors of author list ]

We need a list of authors, this is only a converter from author list to `Authors

val contributor : ?elt:[> personConstruct ] list -> string -> contributor

contributor tag

val contributors : contributor list -> [> `Contribs of contributor list ]

We need a list of contributors, this is only a converter from contributor list to `Contributors

val icon : uri -> [> `Icon of icon ]

icon tag, basically, simply a converter

val logo : uri -> [> `Logo of logo ]

logo tag, basically, simply a converter

val category : ?meta:[> metaAttr ] list -> ?scheme:scheme -> ?label:label -> term -> Xml.elt list -> category

category tag

val categories : category list -> [> `Cats of category list ]

We need a list of categories, this is only a converter from category list to `Categories

val published : CalendarLib.Calendar.t -> [> `Pub of published ]

val insert_hub_links : uri list -> feed -> feed

Technically not used elsewhere than in, since the links tags related to each hub are added when registering the feed.