version 1.005


In your app:

  package MyApp;
  use App::Cmd::Setup -app => {
    plugins => [ qw(Prompt) ],

In your command:

package MyApp::Command::dostuff; use MyApp -command;

sub run { my ($self, $opt, $args) = @_;

return unless prompt_yn('really do stuff?', { default => 1 });

... }



my $input = prompt_str($prompt, \%opt)

This prompts a user for string input. It can be directed to persist until input is 'acceptable'.

Valid options are:

  • input: optional coderef, which, when invoked, returns the user's response; default is to read from \s-1STDIN\s0.

  • output: optional coderef, which, when invoked (with two arguments: the prompt and the choices/default), should prompt the user; default is to write to \s-1STDOUT\s0.

  • valid: an optional coderef which any input is passed into and which must return true in order for the program to continue

  • default: may be any string; must pass the 'valid' coderef (if given)

  • choices: what to display after the prompt; default is either the 'default' parameter or nothing

  • no_valid_default: do not test the 'default' parameter against the 'valid' coderef

  • invalid_default_error: error message to throw when the 'default' parameter is not valid (does not pass the 'valid' coderef)


my $bool = prompt_yn($prompt, \%opt);

This prompts the user for a yes or no response and won't give up until it gets one. It returns true for yes and false for no.

Valid options are:

default: may be yes or no, indicating how to interpret an empty response; if empty, require an explicit answer; defaults to empty


my $input = prompt_any_key($prompt);

This routine prompts the user to \*(L"press any key to continue.\*(R" ($prompt, if supplied, is the text to prompt with.

RELATED TO App::Cmd::Plugin::Prompt…



Ricardo Signes <[email protected]>


This software is copyright (c) 2004 by Ricardo Signes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.