Bidimensional anisotropic mesh generator
bamg options -g input[.bamgcad] -o ouput[.bamg]
bamg -g toto.bamgcad -o toto.bamg
This software can
a mesh from a geometry
a mesh from a background mesh using a metric or solution file
do smoothing
to make quadrilaterals and to split internal edge with 2 boundary vertices in an existing mesh (in this case the metric is use to change the definition of the element's quality).
just a metric file, if you have an other mesher
do the P1 interpolation
of the solution on another mesh:
file with -g filename (file type DB mesh).
file arguments -oxxxx filename where xxxx is the type of output file (see below for more details).
smoothing, quad, utility and other parameters.
In addition, metric specication may be prescribed with the help of -M filename argument (file type Metric). All the options are described below.
files -b filename where the suffixe of the file define the type of the file `.amdba', `.am_fmt', `.am', `.ftq', `.nopo' and otherwise the file is a BD mesh file.
`-M filename' (file type Metric) or -MBB filename or -Mbb filename (solution file type BB or bb).
control parameters, -err val, -errg val,....
file arguments reqired
interpolation, smoothing, quad,
utility parameter, and other parameter do smoothing, to make quadrilaterals: and to split internal edge with 2 boundary vertices in an existing mesh (in this case the metric is use to change the definition of the element's quality).
files -r filename(file type DB mesh).
-M filename
(file type Metric).
file -o filename (file type DB mesh).
-thetaquad val:
to create quad with 2 triangles
to create the submesh with mesh size h = h/2
to split all triangles in 3 quad. and to split all quad. in 4 quad.
-NbSmooth ival:
to change the number of smoothing iteration (3 by default if the metric eld is set with arguments : -M or -Mbb, 0 otherwise.
e.g. if you have an other mesher:
files -r filename (file type DB mesh).
--Mbb filename
or -MBB filename
+ all the arguments
of the metric construction
file -oM filename (file type Metric). do the P1 interpolation of the solution on another mesh:
files -r filename (file type DB mesh).
--rBB filename
or -rbb filename
file -wBB filename or -wbb filename
These options are relevant when computing a metric from a scalar field provided in a .bb file. Notice that, when providing a tensor metric in the .bb file, the metric computation is not performed and these options are not relevent.
compute the metric with a relative error. This is the default.
-CutOff float
the cut-off value used for the relative error criteria. Default value is 1e-5.
compute the metric with a relative error